The educational program of the dow consists of two parts. The educational program of the preschool educational institution consists of two parts

Safety. Due to the features mental development(violation of visual representation, narrowing of memory, features of the emotional-volitional sphere, narrowness of mental operations, etc.) children with visual impairments master life safety skills much more slowly than their normally seeing peers. Difficulties and dangers are caused by such seemingly trifles as mastering the cutlery, finding your things in the room, moving along the street, crossing the road, etc.

All these knowledge and skills should be formed already at preschool age, since in later life they become simply necessary for the implementation of any activity.

Perception. Vision remains the leading analyzer. The visually impaired use sight as the main means of perception. Touch and hearing do not replace the child's visual functions.

Attention. The development of attention in childhood consists in the gradual mastery of voluntary attention, as well as in increasing the amount of attention and its stability, in improving its distribution and in its faster switching. Since a child with visual anomalies has low cognitive activity, the development of attention, both involuntary and subsequently voluntary, slows down. In the compensatory development of visually impaired children, an important role belongs to the improvement of attention in all its diversity of qualities.

Memory. In children with amblyopia and strabismus, it is difficult to develop a system of sensory standards. This secondary deviation, in turn, affects the quality of visual material memorization and has further Negative influence on the formation of thought processes.

Speech. Features of the formation of the communicative function of speech lies in the difficulties of perceiving patterns of articulation. This complicates the formation of the phonetic side of oral speech. It is also difficult to master the vocabulary, because preschoolers with visual impairments have a narrowed volume of perceived space and a limited field of activity. This, in turn, leads to a deviation in the formation and semantic side of the communicative function of speech. The generalizing side of speech is an operational tool for the child's thinking. The non-differentiation of visual images, the poverty of visual representations, the unformed system of sensory standards in children with strabismus and amblyopia makes it difficult to develop this speech function qualitatively. Features of the regulatory function of speech are associated with the characterological characteristics of each child.

thought processes. The formation of the process of abstraction is influenced by the practical experience of the child, which is also possible only in the activity

Features of the physical development of children with visual impairment.

Hand movements in a child with amblyopia and strabismus are inaccurate, constrained. Violation of visual acuity, tracing functions of the eye and localization of the gaze leads to the fact that children do not have a clear vision of how they perform object-practical actions and how good they are. Violations in the formation of fine motor skills are also secondary deviations in the pathology of the organ of vision. The work of fine motor skills is accompanied by increased, excessive stress, which in turn leads to rapid fatigue and unwillingness to perform tasks related to small precise hand movements: cutting along the contour, drawing, shading, etc.

In children with visual impairment due to insufficient visual control and analysis of movement, a decrease in motor activity is observed, which leads to difficulties in the formation of the main parameters in walking and, above all, in maintaining the straightness of movement. Children are characterized by undulations in walking. The quality of walking is characterized by great instability, uncertainty.

Even greater difficulties are experienced by children when walking in a limited space, this is due to the fact. That the violation of stereoscopic vision in monocular vision complicates spatial orientation, creates a planar perception of space.

In all types of walking in children with visual impairment, there is an incorrect setting of the feet.

Features of motor fitness of children with visual impairment are manifested in different tasks with running. In running, children experience excessive tension in the legs and arms, wide stance of the feet, violation of coordination in movements, low tilt of the head, lack of uniformity, pace.

Jumping is also difficult for children. In dyne jumping from a place, children also have originality. They have low technical training. As a rule, they are allowed in all phases (jerk, flight, landing) of the execution of the movement. In the process of jumping, the child has to navigate in distance and space longer, therefore, analysis and control over their movements is reduced.

Difficulties are also noted in high jumps from a place on two legs due to insufficient visual control, impaired coordination of movements.

The specificity of movements in children is manifested in the mastery of climbing, where the main indicators are: maintaining balance during movement, coordination of movements of arms and legs, as well as the level of visual control over movement.

Climbing the gymnastic ladder is characterized by insufficient coordination of visual control and movements of the arms and legs. Hands are rearranged randomly, with the passage of rails. When climbing to the middle, children experience anxiety. At the same time, they have a great tension in the legs, and the legs are significantly bent at the knees and pressed to the stomach, the feet clasp the crossbar.

Features of the motor sphere in children with visual impairment are manifested in actions with the ball. The peculiarity of the actions is observed in the fact that children feel great uncertainty before completing the task, repeatedly change their position before throwing. The lack of eye tracking of the flight of the ball causes its arbitrariness when it falls, which largely determines the low quantitative indicators when throwing in children with visual impairment.

Throwing with the right and left hand into the distance is characterized by weak throwing power, insufficient swing. The skill of fixing the gaze of the actions performed in children with visual impairment is retarded in development.

Thus, the movements with the ball show that children have difficulty in hand-eye coordination, not only in all basic movements, but also in small coordinated movements of the hand and fingers.

Features of the motor sphere of visually impaired children show that many errors are associated with the absence or incompleteness and inaccuracy of ideas about the space in which they are located. The nature of movement disorders largely depends on the degree of amblyopia, visual acuity of the amblyopic eye.

Self-service. Children with vision pathology have reduced control over the quality of dressing, washing, combing their hair, reduced interest in monitoring and analyzing their actions, evaluating the results of work. Speech is poor in formulations that would represent a qualitative analysis of labor.

Musical development. In the process of auditory perception of music and sound, certain difficulties are also observed. The mental development of preschool children with visual impairment is closely related to sensory knowledge the world around them, which is full of mysteries for them. The process of formation of sound images is the basis of auditory perception, which makes it possible to "voice" what is happening, to enrich ideas about the properties of objects and phenomena of life.

Visually impaired children have a significantly poorer supply of both visual and auditory representations compared to normally seeing peers.

Features of interaction and communication. An adult for a child with visual impairments acts not only as a carrier of vast experience and knowledge of human relationships, but also is the initiator of their transfer. Thus, the development in the child of the need for respect from an adult is ensured by the sufficient involvement of the older partner in "theoretical" cooperation with children, which helps the latter to achieve their goals. Children with a visual defect strive to communicate and actively interact with others, but, without having enough communication tools and skills, communication experience, they cannot realize their need for communication.

The leading form of communication for visually impaired children is extra-situational-cognitive, based on the cognitive motivation of joint activities. This form of communication has in its structure subject-practical and speech actions as the main means of its implementation, expands the compensatory capabilities of children

Visual activity. Children with visual impairment face visual difficulties caused by visual analyzer impairment. The child knows what he wants to portray, but does not know how to do it. This affects not only inability, but also ignorance, lack of a clear idea about the objects of the surrounding world. Defective vision complicates the process of observation (identifying essential features, determining the shape, structure and relationships of individual parts of a natural object, worse correlates parts with whole), depicting proportions by children, transferring perspective.

Children with strabismus and amblyopia, due to the monocular nature of vision and decreased vision, experience significant difficulties in determining the saturation of color, shades and lightness of objects, the size of volumetric objects.

Visually impaired children have difficulties in verbal designation of colors and their shades, since this knowledge is in the passive vocabulary of children.

  • 4.3. Continuity of preschool and primary education
  • 4.4. Prospects for the development of the system of preschool education
  • Chapter 5. Early education of children abroad
  • 5.1. Institutional forms of early education of children in foreign countries
  • 5.2. Author's theories and systems of early education
  • Section 3
  • The pedagogical process in a preschool educational institution
  • Chapter 6
  • 6.1. Fundamentals of a holistic pedagogical process in preschool age groups
  • 6.3. The teacher as a subject of the pedagogical process
  • Chapter 7
  • 7.1. The concept of "education". Features of the upbringing of preschool children
  • 7.2. Tasks and content of the process of educating preschool children
  • 7.3. Principles of education
  • 7.4. Education methods
  • Chapter 8
  • 8.1. The theory of teaching preschool children, its historical features
  • 8.2. The essence and structure of teaching children in a holistic pedagogical process
  • 8.3. Psychological and pedagogical foundations of the organization of training
  • 8.4. Principles of teaching preschool children
  • 8.5. Methods of teaching preschoolers, their originality
  • 8.6. Forms of organizing the education of preschoolers
  • Chapter 9. Forms of organizing a holistic pedagogical process in a preschool educational institution
  • 9.1. The originality of the forms of organization of a holistic pedagogical process in a preschool educational institution
  • 9.2. The project method as an innovative form of organizing a holistic pedagogical process in a preschool educational institution
  • Module 2
  • Fundamentals of methods of education and training of preschool children
  • Section 1
  • Physical development and education of preschool children
  • Chapter 1. Fundamentals of the methodology of physical development and education of preschool children
  • 1.1. Tasks and content of physical development and education of preschool children
  • 1.2. The history of the formation of the methodology of physical development and education of preschool children
  • 1.3. Modern technologies of physical development and education of preschool children
  • Chapter 2
  • 2.1. Tasks and content of education of health culture in preschool children
  • 2.2. Modern technologies for educating a culture of health in preschool children
  • Chapter 3
  • 3.1. Tasks and content of educating safe behavior in preschool age
  • 3.2. Modern technologies for educating safe behavior in preschool age
  • Section 2
  • Social and personal development and education of preschool children
  • Chapter 4
  • 4.1. The tasks and content of educating a culture of communication, behavior and activities in preschool children
  • 4.2. Education of a culture of behavior and communication of preschool children in the history of national pedagogy
  • 4.3. Pedagogical conditions and methods of educating a culture of behavior and communication in preschool children
  • Chapter 6
  • 6.1. Tasks and content of labor education and training of preschool children
  • 6.2. The history of the formation of the methodology of labor education and training of preschool children
  • 6.3. Modern technologies of labor education and training of preschool children
  • Section 3
  • Cognitive and speech development of preschool children
  • Chapter 7
  • 7.1. Tasks and content of the development of speech of preschool children
  • 7.2. The history of the formation of the methodology for the development of speech of preschool children
  • 7.3. Modern technologies for the development of speech of preschool children
  • Chapter 8
  • 8.1. Tasks and content of sensory education of preschool children
  • 8.2. The history of the formation of the method of sensory education of preschool children
  • 8.3. Conditions and methods of sensory education of preschool children
  • Chapter 9
  • 9.1. Tasks and content of the logical and mathematical development of preschool children
  • 9.2. The history of the formation of the methodology for the development of elementary mathematical representations in preschool age
  • 9.3. Modern technologies for the logical and mathematical development of preschool children
  • Chapter 10
  • 10.1. Tasks and content of environmental education of preschool children
  • 10.2. The history of the formation of the methodology of environmental education of preschool children
  • 10.3. Modern technologies of ecological education of preschool children
  • Section 4
  • Artistic and aesthetic development and education of preschool children
  • Chapter 11
  • 11.1. Tasks and content of introducing children to the fine arts and developing creativity in fine arts
  • 11.2. The history of the formation of the methodology for teaching visual activity in preschool age
  • 11.3. Modern technologies for introducing preschoolers to the fine arts and developing creativity in fine arts
  • Chapter 12
  • 12.1. Tasks and content of musical education of preschool children
  • 12.2. The history of the formation of the methodology of musical education of preschool children
  • 12.3. Modern technologies of musical education of children
  • Chapter 13
  • 13.1. Tasks and content of the literary development of preschool children
  • 13.2. The history of the formation of the methodology of literary development of preschool children
  • 13.3. Modern technologies of literary development of preschool children
  • Section 5
  • Designing the pedagogical process of a preschool educational institution
  • Chapter 14
  • 14.1. Pedagogical diagnostics of achievements of preschool children
  • 14.2. Monitoring the educational process in kindergarten
  • Chapter 15. Planning the pedagogical process in a preschool educational institution
  • 15.1. Fundamentals of planning the pedagogical process in a preschool educational institution
  • 15.2. Project complex-thematic planning of the pedagogical process in a preschool educational institution
  • Chapter 16
  • 16.1. Designing a subject-developing environment for a kindergarten group
  • 16.2. Designing the subject-developing environment of a preschool educational institution
  • Chapter 17
  • 17.1. Corporate culture of interaction in a preschool educational institution
  • 17.2. Designing the interaction of a preschool educational institution with the cultural space of the city
  • 17.3. Designing the interaction of a preschool educational institution with a school
  • Chapter 18
  • 18.1. Features of family education of preschool children
  • 18.2. Technologies for designing the interaction of a preschool institution with a family
  • Chapter 19
  • 19.1. Child's readiness for school
  • 19.2. Features of the organization of the process of preparing for school in kindergarten
  • Applications
  • Appendix 1. Problem questions for self-diagnosis and diagnostics
  • Module 1. Preschool Pedagogy
  • Module 2
  • Module 1. Preschool Pedagogy
  • Module 2
  • Module 1. Preschool Pedagogy
  • Module 2
  • Assessed competencies
  • Literature
  • Regulations
  • Strategic Documents
  • Approximate basic general educational programs of preschool education
  • Section 2

    Preschool education as a system

    Chapter 4. The system of preschool education of the Russian Federation: state and development prospects

    4.1. The system of preschool education in regulatory documents

    What is the education system in Russian Federation?

    According to Art. 8 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" (dated July 10, 1992), the education system is a set of interacting:

    - successive educational programs of various levels

    And orientation, federal state educational standards and federal government requirements;

    - networks of educational institutions and scientific organizations that implement them;

    - bodies exercising management in the field of education, and institutions and organizations subordinate to them;

    - associations of legal entities, public and state public associations operating in the field of education.

    What is the system preschool education In Russian federation?

    Preschool education system:

    - is a multifunctional network of preschool educational institutions (DOE), focused on the needs of society and the family;

    - solves the problems of protecting and strengthening the health of children;

    - implements a range of educational programs (basic and additional) in accordance with the priority area of ​​activity

    preschool education and the needs of the parents of pupils (variable types of preschool educational institutions account for about 35% of the total number of kindergartens);

    - provides a diverse range of educational, health and medical services, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the child's development;

    Creates psychological and pedagogical conditions for the child's stay

    in preschool;

    - interacts with the family on the upbringing, education and development of children preschool age;

    - is integrated into the system of continuous education (despite its optionality);

    - develops in the conditions of social partnership;

    - takes into account regional peculiarities of education development.

    What is the place of preschool education in the education system of the Russian Federation?

    According to Art. 18 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education":

    1) parents are the first teachers. They are obliged to lay the foundations for the physical, moral and intellectual development of the child's personality in early childhood;

    2) for the upbringing of preschool children, the protection and strengthening of their physical and mental health, the development of individual abilities and the necessary correction of developmental disorders of these childrena network of preschool educational institutions operates to help the family;

    3) relations between a preschool educational institution

    And parents (legal representatives)governed by an agreement between them, which cannot limit the rights of the parties established by law.

    What institutions are called educational?

    An educational institution is an institution that carries out the educational process, that is, it implements one or more educational programs and (or) provides the maintenance and education of students.

    A preschool educational institution is a type of educational institution (Law of the Russian Federation "On Education"). Accordingly, the features of the functioning of preschool educational institutions are disclosed in the Model Regulation on a preschool educational institution (approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 27, 2011 No. 2562; hereinafter - the Model Regulation on a preschool educational institution).

    What features of the functioning of preschool educational institutions are disclosed in the Model Regulation on a preschool educational institution?

    The activities of state and municipal preschool educational institutions of all types are regulated by the Model Regulation on a preschool educational institution.

    According to the Model Regulations on preschool educational institutions, a preschool educational institution implements the main general educational programs of preschool education, provides education, training and development, as well as supervision, care and rehabilitation of pupils aged from 2 months to 7 years, creates conditions for the implementation of the right guaranteed to citizens of the Russian Federation to receive public and free preschool education.

    How does the Model Regulation on a preschool educational institution define the main tasks of a preschool educational institution?

    The main tasks of the DOE are as follows:

    - protection of life and strengthening of the physical and mental health of pupils;

    Providing cognitive-speech, social-personal, artistic-aesthetic and physical development of pupils;

    - education, taking into account the age categories of pupils of citizenship, respect for human rights and freedoms, love for the environment, Motherland, family;

    - implementation of the necessary correction of deficiencies in the physical

    And (or) mental development of pupils;

    - interaction with the families of pupils to ensure the full development of children;

    - providing advisory and methodological assistance to parents (legal representatives) on the upbringing, education and development of children.

    A pre-school educational institution may carry out the rehabilitation of disabled children if there are appropriate conditions in the institution.

    What types of preschool educational institutions are defined

    V Model regulation on a preschool educational institution?

    Kindergarten (implements the main general educational program of preschool education in general developmental groups);

    - kindergarten for young children(realizes the main general educational program of preschool education in groups

    general developmental orientation for pupils from 2 months to 3 years old, creates conditions for social adaptation and early socialization of pupils);

    - kindergarten for preschool children(senior preschool) age (implements the main general educational program of preschool education in groups of a general developmental orientation,

    A also, if necessary, in groups of compensatory and combined orientation for pupils aged 5 to 7 years with the priority implementation of activities to ensure equal starting opportunities for teaching children in general education institutions);

    - kindergarten supervision and rehabilitation(implements the main general educational program of preschool education in health-improving groups with the priority implementation of activities to conduct sanitary and hygienic, medical and wellness remedial and preventive measures and procedures);

    - compensatory kindergarden(implements the main general educational program of preschool education in compensatory groups with the priority implementation of activities for the qualified correction of deficiencies in the physical and (or) mental development of one or more categories of children with handicapped health);

    - combined type kindergarten(implements the main general educational program of preschool education in groups of general developmental, compensatory, health-improving and combined orientations in various combinations);

    - kindergarten of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities in one of the areasdevelopment of pupils (implements the main general educational program of preschool education in groups of a general developmental orientation with the priority implementation of the development of pupils in one of such areas as cognitive speech, social and personal, badly feminine and aesthetic or physical)

    - child development center- a kindergarten (implements the main general educational program of preschool education in groups of a general developmental orientation and, if necessary, in groups of health-improving, compensatory and combined orientations with the priority implementation of activities to develop pupils in several areas, such as cognitive-speech, social-personal, artistic aesthetic or physical.In the groups of health-improving, compensatory and combined

    oriented direction, the priority implementation of the development of pupils is carried out in those areas that most contribute to strengthening their health, correcting deficiencies in their physical and (or) mental development).

    IN as the main structural unit of the preschool educational institution is allocatedgroup of preschool children. Groups can have a different focus - general developmental, compensatory, combined

    And health; can work in full (12 hours), shortened (10 hours), extended (14 hours) day, round-the-clock or short-term(3-5 hours) stay.

    In groups general developmental orientation, training and education are carried out in accordance with the educational program of the institution, developed by it independently on the basis of an exemplary basic general educational program for preschool education, Federal state requirements for the structure of the main general educational program for preschool education and Federal state requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the main general educational program for preschool education.

    Compensatory groups provide qualified correction of deficiencies in physical and (or) mental development and preschool education for children with disabilities.

    Groups wellness directions are created for children with tuberculosis intoxication, frequently ill children and other categories of pupils who need a set of special health-improving measures. Such groups are focused on pre-school education of children, as well as conducting sanitary-hygienic, preventive and health-improving procedures.

    In groups combined direction, joint education of healthy children and children with disabilities is implemented.

    It is possible to organize groups of a combined orientation, in which healthy children and children with disabilities, including children with disabilities, will receive preschool education. Thus, normative legal

    foundations of inclusive, or joint, preschool education . The model provision also provides that groups for children

    of preschool age can be created in educational institutions of other types (in addition to preschool educational institutions). Thus, new variable models of preschool education are normatively fixed.

    Who is involved in the educational process in a preschool educational institution?

    Participants in the educational process of a preschool educational institution are pupils, their parents (legal representatives), and teachers.

    How does the Model Regulation on a preschool educational institution define the features of the content of the educational process in a preschool educational institution?

    According to the Model Regulations on a preschool educational institution, the content of the educational process in a preschool educational institution is determined by the main general educational program of preschool education, developed and approved by it independently on the basis of Federal state requirements for the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education, as well as an exemplary basic educational program of preschool education. A preschool educational institution may implement additional educational programs and provide additional educational services outside the educational programs that determine its status, taking into account the needs of the family.

    When and how did educational programs for kindergartens appear?

    The need to create a kindergarten program arose in connection with the formation of the preschool education system in Russia. The main instructions on the organization, content and methods of work of preschool institutions were given by the preschool department of the People's Commissariat of Education in 1919 in a special "Instruction for maintaining a hearth and a kindergarten." To improve the quality of preschool education, the creation of a science-based program for the work of a kindergarten has become significant. The first draft of the program was issued by the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR in 1932. This document consisted of sections corresponding to the types of children's activities: social and political education, labor education, musical and motor education, fine arts, mathematics, and literacy. It attempted to define the tasks and scope of work with children in kindergarten. The appearance of the program contributed to the streamlining of the work of preschool institutions, greater focus and enrichment of the content of the activities of educators.

    The first Kindergarten Work Program was published in 1934. It included the following sections: public education, physical

    upbringing, drawing, modeling, labor activities, speech development, classes

    With a book, a picture, basic knowledge about nature, the development of initial mathematical concepts, literacy classes. At the same time, complex cognitive material was included, the age characteristics of children were not taken into account, and the role of the educator in organizing the pedagogical process was underestimated. In 1938, the Guide for Kindergarten Teachers was published, containing methodological instructions for sections of work with children. It was more clearly stated about taking into account the age characteristics of children. Management still determined the content of work with children not by age groups, but by individual sections of education. This created difficulties for the educator in selecting program material for working with children of one age or another.

    IN In 1953, in connection with the introduction in the kindergarten of preparing children for school, the manual was revised. The program clearly identified the educational content that children had to learn in organized classes with the leading role of the educator.

    IN In 1959, a new type of preschool educational institution appeared - nursery-kindergarten, where, at the request of parents, children could be brought up from 2 months to 7 years. This was due to the need to improve the organization of the work of preschool institutions and, in particular, to establish continuity in the education of children of early and preschool age. The creation of the program was entrusted to the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR together with the Academy medical sciences THE USSR.

    IN the basis of the new document was data preschool pedagogy, child psychology and related sciences of child development combined

    With generalization of the best experience of education of children of preschool age. unified program educational work with children from an early age to entering school, prepared by a large team of authors and approved by the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR, was first published in 1962.

    The "Kindergarten Education Program" was aimed at eliminating inter-age disunity in the educational process; to a greater extent, it reflected the issues of teaching preschool children. It provided for the formation of certain knowledge, skills, positive habits of behavior, moral qualities necessary for the comprehensive development of the child's personality. The program included a regimen of classes, rest, entertainment, sleep, nutrition, walks.

    IN In 1969, an improved "Kindergarten Education Program" was released, taking into account the requirements associated with

    school transition to new primary education programs. In subsequent years, this program was repeatedly republished with some additions and corrections. So, in 1978, the eighth, revised edition was published.

    The "kindergarten education program" covered four age stages of the child's physical and mental development during preschool age: early age - from birth to 2 years; junior preschool age - from 2 to 4 years; average preschool age - up to 5 years; senior preschool age - from 5 to 7 years. At the last stage, the period preparatory to school is emphasized in connection with the need to ensure the continuity of the kindergarten and primary school.

    The program revealed the content of the education and upbringing of children, was built taking into account the position on the leading role of activity in upbringing and development, pointed out the need for purposeful guidance by the educator of various types of children's activities: play, work, educational, household, during which knowledge and skills can be actively acquired. certain forms of behavior.

    The program emphasized the special role of the kindergarten in preparing children for school, the teacher's responsibility for their communist upbringing, the organization of the pedagogical process, and the fulfillment of the tasks facing preschool institutions. The program lasted until 1984, when it was replaced by the standard Kindergarten Education and Training Program. For many years the program was published under the editorship of Margarita Alexandrovna Vasilyeva.

    What caused the change in the educational program of the kindergarten and the emergence of variable programs?

    IN connection with the change in the socio-cultural and economic situation in the country at the end In the 1980s, the reform of the education system began. The “Concept of preschool education” (1989) appeared, which revealed the negative features of the existing system of preschool education (authoritarian style of interaction, ideologization of content, priority of education over education, etc.).

    IN The concept outlines four main principles that have become fundamental for changing the content of preschool education in Russia: humanization - education of the humanistic orientation of the personality of a preschooler, the basics of citizenship, diligence, respect for human rights and freedoms, love for the family, motherland, nature; developmental nature of education- orientation to the personality of the child, preservation and strengthening of his health, installation on mastering the ways of thinking and activity, development of speech;

    tion and individualization of education and training - the development of the child in accordance with his inclinations, interests, abilities and capabilities; deideologization of preschool education - a priority universal values, rejection of the ideological orientation of the content of the educational programs of the kindergarten.

    During this period, the development variable programs of preschool education different scientific teams of the country. The following pre-school education programs have been developed and published.

    "Rainbow" (1989) - the program was developed in the laboratory of preschool education of the Research Institute of General Education of the Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Russian Federation under the leadership of T. N. Doronova.

    "Childhood" (1991) - the program was created by the research team of the Department of Preschool Pedagogy of the Russian State Pedagogical University. A. I. Herzen under the direction of V. I. Loginova, T. I. Babaeva, Z. A. Mikhailova, N. A. Notkina.

    "Development" (1994) - the program was created in the laboratory of abilities and creativity of the Institute of Preschool Education and Family Education of the Russian Academy of Education. L. A. Venger and O. M. Dyachenko led the group of authors.

    "Origins" (1995) - Center "Preschool Childhood" named after. A. V. Zaporozhets, leaders - L. A. Paramonova, S. L. Novoselova and others. The program is recommended for use in Moscow and the Moscow region.

    "The program of education and training in kindergarten" (2004) - the program is a modified and updated version of the Russian "Program of education and training in kindergarten" edited by M. A. Vasilyeva (1985). Leaders - M. A. Vasilyeva, V. V. Gerbova, T. S. Komarova and others.

    The listed programs of preschool education were comprehensive and included all the main directions of the child's development. They are focused on the secular nature of education and the principle of personality-oriented interaction. The content of the programs is focused on global and national (Russian) culture and includes the development of the child's speech, familiarity with the basics of natural science knowledge, physical, artistic and aesthetic development. The programs are aimed at developing children's curiosity, child's abilities, creative imagination, and communication skills. The organization of children's life was envisaged in three forms: in the classroom (an organized form of education), in unregulated activities and the child's free time. At the same time, the content of knowledge, skills and abilities of children, children's activities in these programs was of a variable nature.

    Along with integrated programs appeared a large number partial programs , including one or more areas of development of the child.

    What is meant by an exemplary basic general educational program of preschool education at the present stage?

    Educational program - this is a set of requirements that determine the main characteristics (volume, content, planned results), as well as organizational and pedagogical conditions for obtaining education of a certain level and (or) focus.

    The term "main" reflects the focus of the educational program on the implementation of the main, that is, the compulsory content of education. Along with the main program, there may be

    additional educational program aimed at the implementation of the tasks of additional education of children, which expands or deepens the content of compulsory education.

    IN than a feature modern programs preschool education?

    IN in accordance with the federal state requirements for the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education, the program determines the content and organization of the educational process for preschool children and is aimed at the formation of a common culture, the development of physical, intellectual and personal qualities, the formation of prerequisites for educational activities that ensure social success, preservation and strengthening health of preschool children, correction of shortcomings in the physical and (or) mental development of children. The content of the program includes a set of educational areas that ensure the versatile development of children, taking into account their age and individual characteristics in the main areas: physical, social-personal, cognitive-verbal and artistic-aesthetic.

    What basic principles should the general educational program of preschool education comply with?

    The federal state requirements for the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education indicate the following principles: to comply with the principle of developmental education, the purpose of which is the development of the child; combine the principles of scientific validity and practical applicability; meet the criteria of completeness, necessity and sufficiency; ensure the unity of educational, developmental and teaching goals and objectives of the process of education of preschool children,

    in the process of implementation of which such knowledge, skills are formed

    And skills that are directly related to the development of preschool children; be built taking into account the principle of integration of educational areas in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of pupils, the specifics and capabilities of educational areas; based on complex-thematic principle of building the educational process; provide for the solution of program educational tasks in the joint activities of an adult and children and independent activities of children not only within the framework of direct educational activities, But

    And when conducting regime moments in accordance with the specifics of preschool education; to assume the construction of the educational process on age-appropriate forms of work with children. The main form of work with children of preschool age and the leading activity for them is the game.

    What parts does the general education program of preschool education consist of? What are the requirements for them in the Federal state requirements for the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education?

    The program consists of two parts:

    - obligatory part;

    - part formed by the participants of the educational process. The mandatory part of the program must be implemented in any

    a preschool educational institution that implements the main general educational program of preschool education. It ensures that pupils achieve readiness for school, namely, the necessary and sufficient level of development of the child for the successful mastering of the basic general education programs of primary general education.

    Part of the program, formed by the participants in the educational process, reflects: 1) the species diversity of institutions, the presence of priority areas of activity; 2) the specifics of national-cultural, demographic, climatic conditions in which the educational process is carried out.

    The total amount of the compulsory part of the program is calculated in accordance with the age of the pupils, the main directions of their development, the specifics of preschool education and includes the time allotted for:

    Educational activities carried out in the process of organizing various types of children's activities (playing, communicative, labor, cognitive research, productive, musical and artistic, reading);

    - educational activities carried out during regime moments;

    - independent activity of children;

    - interaction with families of children on the implementation of the main general educational program of preschool education.

    What sections should be included in the mandatory part of the general educational program of preschool education?

    According to the federal state requirements for the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education, the mandatory part of the program must contain the following sections:

    1) explanatory note;

    2) organization of the regime of stay of children in an educational institution;

    3) the content of psychological and pedagogical work on the development by children of the educational areas "Physical culture", "Health", "Safety", "Socialization", "Labor", "Cognition", "Communication", "Reading fiction", "Artistic creativity ", "Music";

    4) the content of correctional work (for children with disabilities);

    5) planned results of mastering the main general educational program of preschool education by children;

    6) a system for monitoring the achievement by children of the planned results of mastering the program.

    IN what are the planned results of children mastering the basic general educational program of preschool education?

    The planned final results of mastering the main general educational program of preschool education by children should describe integrative qualities child that he can acquire

    V as a result of mastering the program:

    - physically developed, mastered the basic cultural and hygienic skills;

    - inquisitive, active;

    - emotionally responsive;

    - mastered the means of communication and ways of interacting with adults and peers;

    - able to manage their behavior and plan their actions on the basis of primary value ideas, observing elementary generally accepted norms and rules of behavior;

    "Educational programs for preschool education of the Federal State Educational Standard" - Volya. Patterns of mental development. A game. Emotions. Theoretical and methodological basis of the Federal State Educational Standard. Imagination. Differentiation and integration of processes. Central technology standard. Ears puffed out. Asmolov. GEF preschool education. The adult pulls the child by the ears.

    "Program of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education" - Implementation of the program. The ratio of relevant teaching staff. Basic concepts. Organization of the educational process. terminological chaos. Developing subject-spatial environment. Financial security. Ensuring the state of equality of opportunity. Requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the main educational program.

    "FGT on gaming activity" - We grow up playing. Functions of the game in the educational process. Features of pedagogical support for children of middle preschool age. Peculiarities of pedagogical support. The specifics of the structure of the role-playing game. Improving gaming activities in the context of the implementation of FGT. Creation of conditions for the involvement of the cultural and gaming environment.

    "Integration of educational areas in preschool educational institutions" - Factors for creating a new model. Subjects of the educational process. The cycle of children's activities. Content of training. Who decides. Models of the organization of the pedagogical process. The goals of the educational process. Information about the child, which is the basis for the action of the educator. Place and time of study. We get used to the chains and regret their absence when they are removed from us.

    "FGOS of preschool education" - Educational policy. The system of preschool education. Educational programs. Requirements for modern preschool education. Work on the development of a professional standard. Problem update. Organization of preschool education. Way of interaction. Job prospects. Value. The purpose of preschool education.

    "Support of the educational process" - The purpose of methodological support. Value Orientation methodological support. Time limitation. Regulatory support. Educator. Psychological and pedagogical support of the teacher preschool. The unity of methodological and psychological support. Developmental and corrective work.

    In total there are 19 presentations in the topic

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