Socialization and social adaptation of children with disabilities. Social adaptation of children with disabilities.

The social adaptation of a child is a specially organized continuous educational procedure for getting used to coexistence with the outside world through the assimilation of the basic rules and norms of behavior in society.

If we are talking about a child who has received psychological trauma, as well as about or, then appropriate rehabilitation is additionally required, aimed at developing normal behavior in society and at putting into practice various ideas (working or creative).

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Definition of concepts

In the social sense, disabled children are the most problematic category, because their ability to get used to and adapt is very limited.

The following can be distinguished reasons for difficult adaptation:

Statistics show that the number of disabled children is 3% of the total number of babies in the world and this value is steadily increasing, i.e. it is necessary to develop effective measures for the social adaptation of this group of the population.

The quality of life of a child with a disability can be improved by giving him or her a chance to participate in social life in an age appropriate manner.

Thanks to successful social adaptation, children quickly adapt to the conditions of life, restore their social significance, etc.

Legislative aspect of the issue

Federal Law No. 181-FZ, dated 1995, says that the family is the most important institution for the socialization of children with handicapped.

It is at home that he finds the environment that allows a disabled child to learn human forms behavior, develop spiritual qualities and take care of intellectual abilities.

List of state programs

The modern world is showing great interest in sandography, the use of numerous techniques and the development of special programs are observed.

Sand therapy allows you to adjust the emotional-volitional and social spheres of preschool children.

Program "Adaptation in the life and society of children with disabilities" based on the harmonious development of children. Attention is paid to: psychomotor, artistic and intellectual abilities depending on age and state of health.

The most accessible form of artistic creativity is molding from various available materials. Classes instill interest in aesthetic education, form artistic perception, teach to see and understand the beauty of the world around.

A variety of materials can be used for work, but dirt and salt dough are considered the most environmentally friendly and harmless.

Lessons lead to:

  • improving sensory sensitivity;
  • development of imagination and spatial thinking;
  • synchronization of the work of hands in pairs;
  • improving psychological health;
  • the ability to plan, achieve goals, etc.


The problem of including a person, limited in a psychological or physiological sense, in the real world is one of the first places in terms of relevance. The education and upbringing of children with intellectual disabilities is necessary for optimal development potentially pledged talents, as well as for preparation and inclusion in society as a full-fledged participant in it.

Social adaptation of children with mental retardation is becoming more and more difficult every year, although the goals and objectives are taken into account when drawing up a correctional program.

Children with a diagnosis such as a disability are especially feel a decrease state aid, which can lead to irreversible processes of a negative nature and require immediate action.

A child who wants to be alone or take a break from society can leave his home without asking, become a frequent visitor to attics or basements, and also run away from an educational institution. Staying in a secluded place without adult supervision can lead to a reckless or unforeseen act.

Correctional and rehabilitation programs aimed at fostering sympathy for the surrounding children and adults, as well as the formation of habits that allow them to take care of themselves and loved ones in the future. It will take a lot of patience and calmness from an adult. The kid must be sure that he has serious support and understanding in the form of a native adult.

See the following video about the work of one of the rehabilitation institutions in the Republic of Bashkortostan:

Animal therapy (from English.animal- animal)- a method of providing psychological assistance through interaction with animals and their symbols (images, drawings, toys).

According to psychologists, when communicating with an animal, a child transfers his fears, complexes, and problems to his attitude towards him. Animals contribute to the expansion of ideas about good and evil, help to understand real life situations. Through communication with animals, children reduce the level of psycho-emotional stress and anxiety. Observations of the behavior of an animal expand the repertoire of emotions: joy, goodwill, sadness, resentment, anger become understandable and recognizable. Even a simple visual contemplation of living beings is useful, as it relaxes, pacifies and gives a lot of aesthetic experiences. Also, observing animals and interacting with them has a positive effect on the development of the intellectual abilities of children.

Most children with disabilities have difficulties in communicating with peers, adults, manifested in isolation, aggressiveness, inability to express emotions in relation to the world around them. Children of this category most often have an impoverished vocabulary, speech disorders, underdeveloped fine motor skills, which prevents them from building relationships in society.

The solution of these problems by the program-target method will contribute to the solution of the main task animal therapy - revealing additional opportunities in the behavior and personality of adults and children with disabilities, enriching the socially adapted behavioral repertoire through observation, education and training of such mechanisms that allow animals to adapt to living conditions as much as possible, be in a balanced interaction with others and social adaptation in society generally.

The program of social adaptation of children with disabilities by means of animal therapy "My friend" is aimed at solving these problems.

The games and exercises included in this program and based on working with images of animals using body-oriented techniques will allow you to release stagnant emotions, relax, relieve tension; they will help you enter the states of different animals and learn from them the ability to calmly listen and silently feel the space around, instinctively feeling whether it is dangerous or benevolent, located towards you or closed; develop strong-willed qualities - patience, endurance, perseverance, flexibility; will contribute to the development of sensations and awareness of one's own "I".

Target: Social adaptation of children with disabilities through animal therapy.


1. Correction of negative emotional manifestations through work with images of animals.

2. Development of the communicative function of communication.

3. Development of fine and general motor skills.

4. Disclosure of additional opportunities in the behavior and personality of children with disabilities

5. Development of skills for environmentally competent and safe behavior in nature and at home through observation, education and training of such mechanisms that allow animals to adapt to the conditions of life as much as possible, to be in a balanced interaction with the environment.

6.Formation of a holistic view of nature and the place of man in it.

The contingent of participants: children with disabilities aged 4 to 18 years.

Implementation area: additional education, practical psychological activity, social sphere.




Formation of positive emotions and feelings, decrease in the level of manifestation of negative emotional states.

Working with images of animals to understand feelings, sensations, control emotions, develop attention, imagination, relieve emotional and muscle tension.


Improvement of small motorboats,

speech development,

Expanding horizons.

Formation of ideas about the animal world ( appearance, habits, etc.), exercises for the development of fine motor skills, speech development, fantasy exercises.


Enrichment of the socially adapted behavioral repertoire.

Formation of communication skills.

work with images of animals (habits, character) for disclosure

Additional opportunities in the behavior and personality of children with disabilities.

The program is implemented throughout the year in cycles of three months: March-May; September-November. The program does not run during the summer.

Stage 1-preparatory (January-February):

Development (adjustment) and approval of the program;

Selection and distribution of functional responsibilities between specialists implementing the program activities;

Development of plans, summaries of activities in the designated direction;

Preparation of material and technical base.

Preparation and distribution of information and promotional products.

Stage 2 - organizational and diagnostic (1st week of implementation):

Group formation;

diagnostic activities.

Stage 3 - main (March-May; September-November):

- implementation of the program activities.

Stage 4 - final (last week of implementation):

Summing up the results of the program implementation;

Determining the level of satisfaction of participants;

Stage 5 - information and analytical (June, December):

Analysis of the results of the program implementation, evaluation of its effectiveness.

Coverage of the results of the program in the media;

Generalization and dissemination of experience in the implementation of the program.

The program consists of 12 events (thematic days), which are held once a week. Each event is dedicated to a specific topic (animal), consists of several activities implemented during the day. The duration of each session depends on the age and condition of the participants, but cannot exceed 30 minutes. Additionally during the day: reading stories, riddles, poetry, watching films about animals, etc.

Classes are held in small subgroups, the whole group or individually, depending on the state of health, the level of disability, age characteristics of children. The optimal number of participants in the class is 5-8 people.

Various forms of group and individual work with families and children are used. Forms vary and are selected depending on the purpose and direction of the event, the characteristics of the condition and development of the participants, the venue of the event.

During the implementation of the program, an exhibition of children's works is formed, which is constantly operating and replenished throughout the entire period of the program. A children's "Book of Fairy Tales" is being drawn up, consisting of the best fairy tales composed by children based on the results of thematic days. Each child is given his "book of fairy tales", consisting of stories composed by this child.

Thematic plan of events

No. p / p

Theme of the day

implementation period



Thematic days

Day of the hare (rabbit)

3. Making crafts "hare"

5. Writing a fairy tale

Additionally during the day: reading stories, riddles, poems, watching movies, listening to songs about hares

Week 1

social educator


labor instructor

Wolf Day (dogs)

1. Lesson "An animal in its natural environment"

2. Work with the image of the animal (therapeutic games and exercises)

4. Exercise "Magic transformations"

5. Writing a fairy tale

Additionally during the day: reading stories, riddles, poems, watching movies, listening to songs about the wolf

2 weeks

fox day

1. Lesson "An animal in its natural environment"

2. Work with the image of the animal (therapeutic games and exercises)

3. Exercise "Extraordinary singing"

4. Exercise "Magic transformations"

5. Writing a fairy tale

Additionally during the day: reading stories, riddles, poems, watching movies, listening to songs about the fox

3 week

monkey day

1. Lesson "An animal in its natural environment"

2. Work with the image of the animal (therapeutic games and exercises)

3. Modeling "Treat for the monkey"

4. Exercise "Magic transformations"

5. Writing a fairy tale

Additionally during the day: reading stories, riddles, poems, watching movies, listening to songs about the monkey

4 week

cat day

1. Lesson "An animal in its natural environment"

2. Work with the image of the animal (therapeutic games and exercises)

3. Exercise "Extraordinary singing"

4. Exercise "Magic transformations"

5. Writing a fairy tale

6. collective work "Cat Show"

Additionally during the day: reading stories, riddles, poems, watching movies, listening to songs about a cat

5 week

hedgehog day

1. Lesson "An animal in its natural environment"

2. Work with the image of the animal (therapeutic games and exercises)

3. Application "hedgehog"

4. Exercise "Magic transformations"

5. Writing a fairy tale

Additionally during the day: reading stories, riddles, poems, watching movies, listening to songs about a hedgehog

6 week

snake day

1. Lesson "An animal in its natural environment"

2. Work with the image of the animal (therapeutic games and exercises)

3. Exercise "Extraordinary singing"

4. Exercise "Magic transformations"

5. Writing a fairy tale

6. IZO "Illustration for a fairy tale"

Additionally during the day: reading stories, riddles, poems, watching movies, listening to songs about a snake

7 week

tiger day

1. Lesson "An animal in its natural environment"

2. Work with the image of the animal (therapeutic games and exercises)

3. From "Extraordinary Tiger"

4. Exercise "Magic transformations"

5. Writing a fairy tale

Additionally during the day: reading stories, riddles, poems, watching movies, listening to songs about the tiger

8 week

Marine Animals Day

1. Lesson "An animal in its natural environment"

2. Work with the image of the animal (therapeutic games and exercises)

3. Exercise "Extraordinary singing"

4. Exercise "Magic transformations"

5. Writing a fairy tale

6. Application "Sea Tale"

Additionally during the day: reading stories, riddles, poems about the fox, watching movies, listening to songs about sea animals.

9 week


bear day

1. Lesson "An animal in its natural environment"

2. Work with the image of the animal (therapeutic games and exercises)

3. Exercise "Extraordinary singing"

4. Exercise "Magic transformations"

5. Writing a fairy tale

6. Application "Brown country"

Additionally during the day: reading stories, riddles, poems, watching movies, listening to songs about the bear

10 week


horse day

1. Lesson "An animal in its natural environment"

2. Work with the image of the animal (therapeutic games and exercises)

3. Exercise "Magic transformations"

4. Writing a fairy tale

Additionally during the day: reading stories, riddles, poems, watching movies, listening to songs about the horse

11 week


Day of the non-existent animal

1. Drawing "Non-existent animal"

2. Paper Beast

3. Imitation game "Unbelievable Monster"

4. Game-meditation "korkochidil on a leash"

4. Exercise "little animal"

5. Writing a fairy tale about an unseen and unheard beast

Additionally during the day: reading the fairy tale "The Incredible Creature" Sladkov N.I.

12 week

excursion to the aquarium

Watching fish and marine animals

1 time per period

social educator

social work specialist

excursion to the open-air museum "Siberian ridges"

Watching animals in nature.

Communication with animals (hand feeding, touching animals)

1 time per period

excursion to the farm

observation of pets in natural conditions

communication with animals (feeding, touching animals)

1 time per period

horseback riding

carriage ride

1 time per period

Working with parents

Parent meeting

acquaintance with the program, content of classes, determination of the degree of participation of parents in the activities of the program; acquaintance with the results of the work

at the beginning and end of the period

social educator

social work specialist


master class "working with images of animals"

teaching parents methods and ways of working with animal images at home

1 time per period

Involving parents in the preparation and conduct of events

Assistance in the production and selection of materials and attributes for classes, design, participation in the preparation of exhibitions

as needed

participation of parents in excursions

Accompanying children

as the

the presence of parents in the classroom

helping the child to exercise

As needed

The implementation of the program is ensured by the staff of the day care department for children and adolescents of the Raduga RCSC.

social teacher



labor instructor

Thematic days

Lesson "Animal in the natural environment"

composing a fairy tale

Work with the image of an animal (therapeutic games and exercises)

reading stories, riddles, poetry, watching movies, etc.

Making crafts: hare, monkey treat, cat show, hedgehog, sea fairy tale, brown country, paper animal

FINE: illustration for a fairy tale

Communication with animals in the natural environment

organization of observation of animals, communication with animals,

organization of excursions (group formation, escort)

Working with parents

holding a parent meeting, counseling, involving parents in the preparation and conduct of classes

master class "Working with images of animals", consulting

determination of the degree of participation of parents in excursions

involvement of parents in participation in the exhibition of creativity


level of social competence

the level of development of the emotional-volitional sphere, interpersonal relations

level of development of fine motor skills

The functioning of the program is determined clearlybuilt-in program management system, in accordance with which control over the implementation of program activities is carried out:

Control is carried out at all stages of the program implementation:

Preliminary control - carried out at the preparatory stage, immediately before the start of practical activities in order to check the readiness for the implementation of program activities.

Current control is carried out on a monthly basis throughout the entire period of the program implementation in order to analyze the implementation of the plan of program activities.

Final control - is carried out at the final stage after the completion of the implementation of program activities in order to assess the quality of the program implementation and its effectiveness.

Implementation results:

disabled children: there is an improvement in the general psycho-emotional state in 85% of the participants, a decrease in the level of manifestation of negative emotional reactions - 41%; the level of development of fine motor skills of the hand increased in 23%; there is an increase in the level of social adaptation of the behavioral repertoire - 25% (according to the results of diagnostics); a high degree of satisfaction of participants was noted - 96% (according to the results of the survey);

specialists: acquisition of new work experience in the education of environmental culture, improvement of professional skills, mastery of new health-saving technology, development of methodological materials on the content of the program

parents: mastering the methods and methods of working with images of animals at home - 70%, expanding horizons - 100%, increasing the level of emotional closeness with a child - 25%.

Engagement of third parties: an agreement on cooperation was concluded with the private enterprise "Peasant-farm economy Gavrilyuk V.V."

The program is low-cost, has positive feedback from participants and parents, does not require special conditions, and is accessible to most children with disabilities.

The problem of social adaptation of children with developmental disabilities in the educational sphere*

V. A. Sitarov (Moscow University for the Humanities)

The article deals with the problem of organizing the education of children with developmental disabilities, shows the need for their all-round social adaptation through the practice of educational integration, reveals the psychological and pedagogical conditions for building this practice.

Key words: children with developmental disabilities, social adaptation, integrated education, barrier-free environment, developmental pedagogy.

The problems of the full development and socialization of children with disabilities as capable members of society are of particular importance today. There is a growing understanding in society of the need to change attitudes towards a disabled child, which is associated with the assertion of the value of his human dignity and the potential opportunity to become a full and competent member of society. Meanwhile, the existing practice of socialization of this category of children has developed within the framework of

a medical model in which disability is seen as an ailment, disease, pathology and which, in fact, is discriminatory. This model weakens the child's social position, exacerbates his unequal social status, involves treatment, occupational therapy, and the creation of services that help the child not so much live an active life as survive. In practice, this approach comes down to isolating children with developmental disabilities (DVR) from society in a special educational institution.

* The publication of the article is carried out with the support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (project No. 13-06-00318).

research, leads to the development of an inferiority complex and passive-dependent life orientations.

However, the phenomenon of disability cannot be resolved in a purely medical way, it belongs to a broader humanitarian context of life and is directly related to the social problem of unequal opportunities.

What makes a person disabled? It is obvious that to a greater extent it is the attitude of others and the world that is not adapted for the independent functioning of a person with disabilities. People are disabled due to physical barriers in the environment, due to the impossibility of access to information and full communication, due to the lack of opportunities to study in ordinary schools and universities, due to the lack of equal rights in obtaining a job, affordable housing, using transport, and finally , due to inadequate and negative attitudes of others and discrimination from society. Thus, disability is a problem that mainly concerns the humanitarian standards of society, social status and human rights.

In contrast to the defectological paradigm, all greater value today acquires a social developmental model of education and upbringing, which considers disability in terms of obstacles or restrictions on the activity of a person with various physical, mental, sensory and mental disabilities caused by the conditions existing in society under which people with these disabilities are excluded from active life (Sitarov , Shu-tenko, 2011: Electrical resource).

Education is an inalienable constitutional human right. However, not all children with disabilities can exercise this right and study in mainstream schools on an equal basis with others. Until recently, almost all secondary schools in the country were completely inaccessible to children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system, they are simply not equipped with the necessary

movement by ramps or elevators. Mainstream schools, for the most part, are not adapted to teaching children with hearing, vision, speech impairments, etc. Moreover, children with OCD often face discriminatory attitudes towards themselves, they are viewed as handicapped children who need special continuous attention. , guardianship and, most importantly, as unable to study at school (Morova, 1998).

The formation of the practice and system of teaching children with disabilities (unlike ordinary children) was decisively influenced by the dominant attitude towards them in society, set by state institutions, religion, culture in various eras. People with disabilities and disabilities, as a rule, found themselves in the shadow of an active social life.

Today, for society and the education system as a whole, it is especially important to build an active practice of socialization of children with developmental disabilities (DVR) through their full integration into the socio-cultural environment (Integrative tendencies..., 2003). Pedagogical integration means joint upbringing and education of both healthy children and children with ODD.

In historical terms, integration processes in pedagogy intensified with the development of civilized standards of life and the humanization of the social sphere. In the organization of integrated learning, a certain barrier-free environment is needed. And the main obstacle here, as a rule, is a psychological barrier in the existing culture and education. It is due to the traditional stereotype of the norm in relation to the development of the child and is, in fact, discriminatory. First of all, it must be recognized that children with disabilities are the same children. And, like all children, they need full communication with their peers for development. These children, like all others, have their own interests, hobbies, dreams of becoming someone, achieving something, finding a profession and getting a decent job. The practice of pedagogical integration, which implements the idea of ​​inclusive education (including

chennogo), is increasingly recognized among progressive educators, scientists and public figures. Joint education of healthy children and children with developmental disabilities equally meets the educational interests of both groups of children. The main principle of inclusion is the availability of education for all categories of children and the cultivation of equal opportunities in education that meet the various needs of all children.

Inclusive education is based on the idea that excludes any discrimination of children and assumes the indispensability of an accessible, barrier-free environment and equal treatment of all children by creating acceptable conditions for the education of all children, including those with special educational needs. The current practice of homeschooling (as the most humane today) has shown that it cannot provide a quality education and ensure the optimal inclusion of a child with a disability in society. The child does not acquire social soil, is excluded from the society of peers, in which the main process of his socialization takes place.

Integrated (or included) education is a term used to describe the learning process for children with special needs in mainstream schools. Inclusive education is a broader term that refers to the process of integration in terms of making education accessible to all and development general education in terms of adapting to the different needs of all children. Both terms are generally used to describe the process of providing access to education for children with special needs. In international practice (UNESCO), the term "integrated education", which described this process, was replaced by the term "inclusive education".

There is no doubt that the problem of integrated education requires a significant logistical re-equipment of existing schools and educational institutions. This side is an important starting factor

material and physical organization of the learning space that meets the characteristics of children with disabilities. However, no less important, and in fact, the main thing is the pedagogical support for the education of children in this category, which requires a certain transformation of the existing pedagogical system and approaches.

In the theory and practice of teaching children with disabilities, there is an acute problem of finding such models and standards of education that meet the urgent tasks of the development of this category of children, ensure their barrier-free integration into the general educational process of the school and, at the same time, do not lead to a general decrease in the level and quality of training for children. in public school. In our opinion, the main psychological and pedagogical developments in the field of integrated education and social adaptation of children with ODD should be devoted to the study of this problem.

The established foreign and domestic experience in the socialization of children with OCD shows that the creation of accessible schools and joint education contribute to the social adaptation of disabled people, the development of their independence and independence, and most importantly, they change public opinion, form an attitude towards them as full-fledged people, help "ordinary" children become more tolerant and responsible. As practice shows, ordinary schools with an inclusive orientation are the most effective tool fight against discriminatory attitudes, contribute to the creation of a favorable atmosphere in the children's community, provide education for all (Ratner, Yusupova, 2006). In general, the transition to integrated education of children with developmental disabilities in the logic of inclusive education consists in substantiating and developing the conditions for building a barrier-free, adaptive school within the framework of the educational space. educational environment for the comprehensive and full inclusion of the child in a holistic pedagogical process. The successful progress of a school towards such a model is determined by

the following series of psychological and pedagogical conditions:

Taking into account the specific educational needs and potential of children with disabilities;

Identification of various forms of psychological and pedagogical support for this category of children in the learning process;

The use of flexible modern learning technologies, including variable information technologies aimed at individualization and personalization of children's learning;

Determination of didactic features of joint education of children of various categories of health in general education school;

The use of developing forms and methods of teaching children with disabilities.

In the successful social adaptation of children with developmental disabilities, it is important to be guided by the values ​​and principles of equal development and realization of the capabilities of all participants in the educational process, regardless of their natural and individual characteristics. In our opinion, the construction of a productive practice of adaptation of atypical children is possible if the following principles of the functioning of the educational environment are observed and taken into account.

The principle of accessibility means not only the feasibility of education for children with ODD, but also the need to find certain ways, methods and means of education that best meet the strengths and capabilities of children, the current phase of their mental, moral, social and physical development. In addition, this principle expresses the imperative of equal opportunities in terms of the organization of education, i.e., it requires the availability of the space itself and the education system for children with ODD.

The principle of environmental friendliness and health-saving believes that in building the education of children with ODD, it is necessary to take into account the natural features of their development and formation in the natural environment, and the training itself must correspond to natural mechanisms.

mothers of the development of these children, the laws and logic of their natural development to contribute to the cause of strengthening the health, physical and psychological well-being of children. In addition, it is necessary to provide a connection with nature in the content of education, rely on the patterns and processes of the surrounding natural world in the assimilation of knowledge, form environmental knowledge and worldview.

The principle of connection with life, with practice requires a constant relationship between the process of assimilation of knowledge and its application in life. It involves the correlation of the content of education and forms of educational work with changes in the economy, politics, culture and the entire public life of the country and beyond in order to ensure not only the effectiveness of knowledge, but successful socialization.

The principle of subject-practical activity in teaching children with ODD suggests the use of visualization, stimulation of sensory-manipulative activity. In the development of children with ODD, the lack of object-practical actions cannot be filled and compensated for by anything. Therefore, it is necessary to include elements of practical activity, manual labor in training, the use of labor practice in education with the achievement of a socially useful result. In mastering knowledge, it is important to rely on various forms of experimentation of children with educational and cognitive material as the basis for the formation of educational activities.

The principle of optimism relies on positive feelings in teaching children, strengthening their faith in the obligatory success of education, the teacher's support on the real level of knowledge of students, the formation of their confidence in their own strengths, abilities, and capabilities.

The principle of independence provides for overcoming the dependence of children with intellectual disabilities on teachers and other adults, when all manifestations of the natural inclination of children to independent activity are taken into account, as well as the conscious creation of optimal conditions for the development of independence in the activity and thinking of students.

The principle of combining an individual approach and collective activity in learning presupposes the connection of the interests of the child's personality with the interests of the group, the disclosure of individuality in the jointly distributed activities of students, the use of various forms and elements of children's cooperation in the educational process.

Compliance with psychological principles

building an adaptive educational environment creates the necessary socio-psychological atmosphere for the favorable existence and development of children with disabilities in the educational process.

The principle of acceptance presupposes an unconditional, non-judgmental positive attitude towards children with ODD as equal participants in the educational process along with other children, recognizing them as they are, without emphasizing their features that impede full-fledged education.

The principle of tolerance provides for tolerance for the differences of children with ODD from other children, understanding, respect for their behavior and interaction, their positions and opinions, the complete exclusion of any form of violence and intolerance in the classroom. This principle is aimed at establishing a safe atmosphere in the educational process and the formation of a sense of security in children with ODD.

The principle of facilitation means the priority of measures and methods of pedagogical assistance, assistance, support and participation in the educational process. This principle means cultivating the value of mutual assistance and participation among children in the educational process, eliminating indifference and alienation in interpersonal relationships, the establishment of humane norms and standards of life in the classroom.

The principle of amplification (expansion) of child development means: the student, as far as possible, should be given a wide choice of various activities, then he has a chance to find those that are closest to his abilities and interests.

The principle of syntonicity suggests the establishment of a communicatively developed environment

educational interaction, characterized by the dominance of consent, responsiveness, friendly relationships among children based on mutual sympathy and disposition towards each other.

The principle of self-realization means relying on the strengths of the personality of a child with ODD in the educational process, the maximum possible disclosure of his inner potentials and abilities, following a personal approach to learning, an appeal to the self-consciousness and dignity of a child with ODD as a full-fledged personality.

In general, the construction of an adaptive educational environment for teaching children with developmental disabilities requires taking into account certain patterns that, in line with educational integration, acquire the status of initial requirements or imperatives for conducting educational activities. These are the following:

The educational environment is proportionate to the personality developing in it;

The teacher and the student act in it as subjects;

The organization in it has a social-personal character;

The educational environment is a set of external and internal conditions for ensuring the full development and socialization of the individual;

The educational environment is culturally compatible, since it is in it that it is possible to rethink the old and create new cultural norms in the process of education;

The educational environment is variable (the teacher and the student have the opportunity to build their educational trajectory based on their own needs and in accordance with their direction of development);

The educational environment involves the choice of teaching methods aimed at various ways of activity of the teacher and the student;

Any activity of its subjects is creative and research;

The educational environment is aimed at the formation in students of all types of reflection

this, a holistic positive picture of the world and a basic life-affirming attitude.

The organization of an adaptive educational environment in a general education institution involves the provision of assistance to children with developmental disabilities and their families in the following areas:

Reorganization of the educational process;

Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of problems in the development of the child;

Prolonged and targeted counseling;

Implementation of coordinated interaction with various services and organizations to provide specialized support and assistance, provide treatment, leisure, etc.


Integrative trends of modern special education(2003) / ed. N. N. Malofeeva. Moscow: Polygraph service.

Morova, N. S. (1998) Fundamentals of social and pedagogical rehabilitation of children with disabilities: dis. ... Dr. ped. Sciences. M.

Ratner, F. L., Yusupova, A. Yu. (200b) Integrated education of children with disabilities in a society of healthy children. M. : VLADOS.

Sitarov, V. A., Shutenko, A. I. (2011) Development of educational competencies of children with disabilities in the context of integrated learning [Electr. resource] // Humanitarian information portal “Knowledge. Understanding. Skill". No. 6 (November - December). URL: http:/ / zpu-j e-zpu/ 2011/ 6/ Sitarov-

Shutenko_Integrated-Learning/ (accessed:

Date of receipt: 15.05.2013


The article considers the problem of the organization of the teaching process for children with disabilities, shows the need for their full social adaptation through the practice of educational integration, and reveals the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of this practice.

Keywords: children with disabilities, social adaptation, inclusive education, barrier-free environment, developmental pedagogy.

BIBLIOGRAPHY (TRANSLITERATION) Integrativnye tendentsii sovremennogo spet-sial’nogo obrazovaniia (2003) / pod red. N. N. Malofeeva. M.: Poligraf service.

Morova, N. S. (1998) Osnovy sotsial’no-peda-gogicheskoi reabilitatsii detei s ogranichennymi voz-mozhnostiami: dis. . d-raped. science. M.

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New books

Lukov, Val. A., Lukov, Vl. A. Thesaurus II: A Thesaurus Approach to Understanding Man and His World: scientific. monograph [Text] / Valery Lukov, Vladimir Lukov. - M .: Publishing House of the National. in-ta business, 2013. - 640 p.

direction of activity of the social protection institution

Social adaptation of children with disabilities as a direction social work is a constant, active adaptation of the individual to the conditions of the social environment through the assimilation of the rules and norms of behavior adopted in society, as well as the result of this process. The main manifestations of social adaptation are the interaction of a person with the outside world and his vigorous activity.

According to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On the Social Protection of the Disabled in the Russian Federation” dated November 24, 1995 No. 181 “A disabled person is a person who has a health disorder with a persistent disorder of body functions caused by a disease, a consequence of injuries or defects, leading to a limitation of life and causing the need his social protection. “Restriction of life activity is a complete or partial loss by a person of the ability or ability to carry out self-service, move independently, navigate, communicate, control their behavior, learn and engage in work,” this law explains.

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated July 4, 1991 No. 117 “On the procedure for issuing a medical certificate for disabled children”, this category includes children with “...significant limitations in life, leading to social maladaptation, due to impaired development and growth child, his ability to self-care, movement, orientation, control over his behavior, learning, communication, play and work activities in the future.

This definition follows from the modern concept of the World Health Organization: the reason for the appointment of disability is the consequences of illness, injury, manifested in the form of a violation of one or another psychological, physiological or anatomical structure or function, leading to limitation of life and social maladaptation. Social maladaptation - a violation of the adaptation of an individual to a changed social environment, in relation to disabled children - as a result of social insufficiency or social dysfunction. This is such a violation of life, in which a child can only perform a limited or cannot perform a very normal role for his position in life and in society, depending on age, gender, social and cultural status (in accordance with the nomenclature of social insufficiency, Section IV of the International Guidelines according to the assessment of the consequences of the disease, WHO, Geneva 1989):

Limitation of physical independence (inability to behave independently with another person);

Restriction of mobility (to move in time and space);

Limitation of the ability to carry out normal activities;

Limitation of the ability to receive education, to professional activity;

Limitation of the ability to integrate in society, non-participation in all types of daily activities on an equal basis with peers.

Since 1996, after passing a medical and social examination, children are assigned the status of a disabled child, a medical and social conclusion is given (form No. 080-y-96, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and MPRF No. 95 of March 18, 1996).

Among the main international documents that protect and guarantee the rights of children with disabilities are the following: "Universal Declaration of Human Rights", "Declaration on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities", "Declaration on the Rights of Mentally Retarded Persons", "Convention on the Rights of the Child", " Standard Rules for the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities".

For children with disabilities, according to the "Convention on the Rights of the Child", priority is provided for the special needs of such a child in the field of education, vocational training, medical care, restoration of health, preparation for work, and appropriate assistance is provided to such a child and his family.

International acts that ensure the rights and interests of children include: Declaration of the Rights of Man (1948), Declaration of the Rights of the Child (1959), Declaration on the Rights of Mentally Retarded Persons (1975), Convention and Recommendations on Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment of Persons with Disabilities (1983 ), Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989), World Declaration on the Survival, Protection and Development of Children (1990).

Like all other children, a child with special needs has the right to live and be brought up in a family, which is enshrined in the "Family Code". Parents must assume responsibility for the maintenance of their child until the age of 14 and beyond, if the child needs it. Particular attention is paid to people raising a disabled child (his parents, guardians). The state pays an allowance for the care of such children, independent of the family income. The time of caring for a child with specific needs is credited to one of the parents (who provides care) in the length of service for receiving a labor pension. Mothers raising a disabled child under the age of 14 receive a paid free day every month, and parents of disabled children from childhood are entitled to an earlier retirement.

Children with special needs are entitled to a pension, which depends on his (the child's) degree of disability. It is envisaged for such children to receive medicines free of charge, as well as the provision of sports and health services with their partial payment or free of charge.

One of the goals of social assistance for children with disabilities is to create conditions for raising children with disabilities in the family with their subsequent integration into society. To achieve this goal, the following measures are proposed:

Providing needy families with children with additional financial and in-kind assistance and services;

Development of a network of preschool institutions of various forms of ownership with a flexible mode of operation, of various types and purposes;

Providing opportunities for the education and upbringing of children with special needs of psychophysical development in educational institutions of a general type;

Development of a network of specialized institutions intended for the maintenance of disabled children;

Formation of a systematic approach to solving the problems of this category of children and creating conditions for their rehabilitation and integration into society;

Improving the system of social protection of families raising children with disabilities. The Federal Law "On the Rights of the Child" (1993) defines the legal status of this category of children as independent subjects, and determines the provision of their physical and moral health, the formation of national self-consciousness based on the universal values ​​of world civilization. Special attention and social protection are guaranteed to children with disabilities, with special needs of psychophysical development and who find themselves in other adverse situations.

Federal Law No. 181-FZ of November 24, 1995 "On the Social Protection of the Disabled in the Russian Federation" defines the following measures of social support:

Providing housing for disabled people and families with disabled children who need to improve their living conditions;

Providing disabled people with technical means of rehabilitation, including the manufacture and repair of prosthetic and orthopedic products;

Carrying out rehabilitation measures, obtaining technical means and services provided for by the federal list of rehabilitation measures, technical means of rehabilitation and services;

Ensuring the release of literature for the visually impaired, the acquisition of periodical, scientific, educational, methodological, reference and information books and those published on tape cassettes and in Braille for federal educational institutions and libraries;

For disabled people studying in federal state educational institutions, providing disabled people with exemption from payment or on preferential terms with special teaching aids and literature, the opportunity to use the services of sign language interpreters;

50% discount on rent and utility bills, and in residential buildings without central heating, on the cost of fuel purchased within the limits established for sale to the public;

Raising and educating disabled children at home, as well as compensating parents for these purposes. Education and training of disabled children in preschool and educational institutions;

Acquisition of periodical, scientific, educational and methodical, reference and informational and fiction literature for the disabled.

For children with disabilities, the state of health, which excludes the possibility of their stay in preschool institutions general type, special preschool institutions are created, the child is placed in such an institution at the request of the parents. Young children - up to 4 years old are admitted to specialized orphanages run by health authorities.

In the system of social protection of the population, there are two types of stationary institutions for such children: boarding houses for children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system and for mentally retarded children.

The number of specialized children's institutions in the public education system includes mainly institutions of a restorative and medical nature. These are boarding schools with a special regime for blind and visually impaired children, deaf and hearing impaired children, for children with severe speech disorders, with the consequences of poliomyelitis and cerebral palsy. When a child is admitted to a specialized institution, the state assumes all the costs of his maintenance, upbringing, treatment, and care for him, but if the child is in a family, he is assigned a social pension.

Thus, due to the characteristics of children with disabilities, their needs and needs, they need professional help from specialists, where the main goal in social work with this category is to help improve the quality of life of the child, protect and represent his interests in various circles, create conditions for successful social adaptation and their integration into society.

      Features of social work with disabled children preschool age

Social adaptation of children with disabilities today is one of the most important and difficult tasks of preschool educational institutions. Among the numerous problems that parents of a child with disabilities face, two of the most significant come to the fore. The first and main is the attitude of others to the child and to the family in particular, the second is getting an affordable and decent education for the child.

Depending on the severity of the disease, children with disabilities of preschool age can be brought up and trained in various educational institutions:

 Kindergartens of a compensatory type;

 Kindergartens of combined type;

​ preschool groups, departments in special correctional general education schools, boarding schools;

​ educational institutions for children of preschool and primary schools Support for children with disabilities is carried out:

 in specialized educational institutions for those in need of psychological, pedagogical and medical and social assistance in conditions of different ages, in centers for diagnostics and counseling, psychological, medical and social support, psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation and correction, etc.;

​ in health-improving educational institutions of sanatorium type for children in need of long-term treatment;

​ in institutions of additional education: centers of additional education for children, children's health centers of various profiles, etc.;

​ in specialized social rehabilitation groups, territorial centers for families and children;

 in crisis centers.

It is necessary to educate and educate a child with disabilities from an early age. Parents of disabled children often limit their child's communication with other children, thinking that he will not be properly cared for in kindergarten. But it is in childhood that social communication skills are laid in a person that will help him in adulthood. These skills are very important for a child with disabilities, because, as a rule, it will be much more difficult for him than for an ordinary child to communicate and establish contacts with the outside world.

The inclusion of children with special needs in the life of the children's community, a flexible combination of different types and forms of classes, a clear alignment of individual development trajectories for each child leads to faster and easier adaptation and normalization of children in kindergarten, the formation of their social skills. Having the opportunity to communicate with children of different ages, to master the norms of behavior and interaction, to copy and practice patterns of conflict resolution, solving emerging problems, children with developmental disabilities acquire invaluable social experience, which will become the basis for their successful adaptation to society.

In preschool educational institutions, teachers draw up individual development programs based on the results of observations of a child with disabilities in all regime moments. In this case, the pedagogical search is to find those types of communication or creativity that will be interesting and accessible to each of the group members. The teacher only creates conditions in which the child can develop independently in interaction with other children. Special classes alternate with general, usual for any kindergarten classes. But the work of teachers is distinguished by special flexibility, the ability to offer children a task that is feasible and interesting for everyone, to include the child in common activities.

According to the level of inclusion of the child in the educational process in the preschool educational institution, the types of inclusion are conventionally designated:

- “point inclusion” is called when a child is included in a group of peers only on holidays, for a short time in games or for a walk;

- "partial inclusion" involves the inclusion of a child in the mode of half a day or an incomplete week, for example, when the child is in a peer group, mastering the educational material directly in the course of individual work, but participates in classes in fine arts, physical culture, music, etc. together with other children;

- "full inclusion" - a visit by a child with disabilities to an age group in full-time mode on their own or with an accompaniment.

The process of teaching a preschool child with disabilities should be done in three stages:

1. First, the child is explained what he must do.

2. Then, if necessary, provide this or that assistance.

3. Create a situation of success and reward for the completed task.

In order to help the child show his best side, you should: offer the child short tasks, trying to make them more diverse, alternate various activities; start and end each series of tasks with a success situation; combine new, more difficult tasks with already known, easier tasks; include in the curriculum the development of several skills that would contribute to the further development of any one of the relatively intact functions.

During the stay of a child with disabilities in a preschool educational institution, the educator should always remember that his actions aimed at creating psychological comfort must be considered and tactful. Excessive guardianship and excessive care can once again emphasize the non-standard nature of the child and develop selfish attitudes in him, and in the surrounding children - a condescending attitude.

To create and strengthen his social status in a new team, a child with disabilities should be helped by providing the opportunity to be a leader, for example, a captain in sports competitions, responsible for cleaning the territory, etc., this will serve both his self-affirmation and recognition from children.

In the tasks of the integrated development of such children in educational institutions:

 social development;

 cognitive development;

 development of communication and experience of communicative interaction;

​ physical development and education, the formation of self-service skills;

 objective activity and game;

 formation of productive activities;

​ aesthetic development (musical education, familiarization with fiction, aesthetic education by means of fine arts).

Thus, a disabled child can be trained both in specialized (compensatory or correctional type) and in integrated, inclusive (together with normatively developing children) upbringing and education.

1.3 Work experience in social protection institutions for the rehabilitation of children with disabilities

Prolonging the active life of children and adolescents with disabilities is an essential solution, which is to preserve not only health, but also the quality of their life. Medical problems, the quality of life of disabled people are actively studied by scientists, but the possibility of psychosocial factors affecting it has not yet been studied enough. There is a problem of adaptation of people with disabilities and their rehabilitation.

The State Specialized Institution of the Republic of Komi “Rehabilitation Center for Children and Adolescents with Disabilities named after A.I. I.P. Morozov" uses a system of modern methods and directions of complex rehabilitation of disabled children with pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.

Medical rehabilitation in the institution includes several areas: kinesiotherapy, physiotherapy, paraffin therapy and drug treatment. Kinesiotherapy (movement therapy) - performing physical exercises in therapeutic load suits such as "Adeli", "Gravistat", procedures using the Gross therapeutic and training simulator, lessons in the gym, classes with the Remiokor apparatus (BOS) and treatment with position. To correct posture disorders in children, the specialists of the institution use posture correctors - reclinators of the thoracic spine. This method is convenient in that it does not require long-term special training, it can be used in everyday life, in physiotherapy exercises, in lessons with a psychologist and a speech therapist.

When treating with the position, the child is placed in a certain position, and held in this position for some time, thus, through the receptor mechanism, the patient's muscle tone is influenced. In kinesiotherapy classes, a variety of methods of influence are used depending on the age of children: with kids from 4-6 years old, children's poems are used, 8-12 years old - elements of rhythmic gymnastics.

The institution uses various types of therapeutic massage, magnetic and laser therapy, electro- and heat therapy, and others. The Center also trains children in the general education program of primary education and in the educational program, which uses both group and individual approaches that help to restore gaps in the knowledge and skills of students, contribute to the development of their cognitive activity. Classes are held in specially equipped rooms for children with movement disorders (special furniture, student appliances, orthopedic shoes, fixators, reclinators, etc.).

The specialists of the institution, using new technologies in the complex rehabilitation of children, seek to improve their health, increase their intellectual abilities so that they can successfully study at a regular school, play, play sports and be creative with their peers.

The address of the next experiment is the Regional State Budgetary Institution "Rehabilitation Center for Children and Adolescents with Disabilities" in the village of Veselaya Lopan, Belgorod District, with a hospital for 100 beds, designed to provide comprehensive multidisciplinary medical and social assistance to disabled children with diseases of the central nervous system, -motor system and violations of static-dynamic function. The activities of the center are aimed at the most complete social adaptation and integration of disabled children and adolescents into society through comprehensive social, medical, psychological, pedagogical and labor rehabilitation.

The first direction is medical rehabilitation, which includes the use of BOS, AkorD series devices, Grossa simulators, Gravistat, Adeli, Phaeton medical suits, a balancing simulator, Levushka tricycles for children with diseases of the central nervous system and the musculoskeletal system. Also carried out: audiovisual stimulation, acupuncture, reflexology, aromatherapy and aerophytotherapy, dental and ophthalmological treatment, hippotherapy.

The second important area of ​​activity of the institution is psychological, pedagogical and social rehabilitation, which is aimed at the socialization of children: socio-psychological support aimed at developing the ability to social adaptation; career guidance and preparation for work, taking into account individual characteristics and opportunities for further work; correction of psychophysical development by means of speech therapy, special pedagogy; social adaptation; information and advisory work for parents and adolescents on issues of medical, psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation and social integration.

In the complex of social events held at the Center, most of the events are related to the mental development of children with disabilities. To solve the problems identified during the psychological examination, psychologists work with children in groups in the following areas: psychological education, development of business communication skills, development of social intelligence, stabilization of the emotional state. The Center conducts a comprehensive speech therapy correction using TSO and information technologies: speech therapy massage, acupressure, breathing exercises, articulation exercises. Also, such innovative methods are used as: plantar massage of hands and feet, the use of the computer program "Speech Kaleidoscope", and for working with stuttering children, the apparatus for consolidating skills and correcting speech "Monologue". Measures for social adaptation are carried out by specialists in social work on game programs aimed at teaching “life with a disability”. The social adaptation room, equipped as a kitchen with a set of social and household items, is of great help in this. For the versatile development and socialization of junior schoolchildren and their early career guidance, the Center runs the Gender Education and Early Career Guidance for Junior Schoolchildren program, which is aimed at optimizing communication and interaction between boys and girls and forming concepts about professions.

KOGKUSO "Muryginsky orphanage for mentally retarded children Rodnik", designed for 345 children and adolescents aged 4 to 18 years and young people with disabilities over 18 years of age. The pupils of the orphanage - boarding school are orphans, children left without parental care, who find themselves in difficult life situations that require special support, care and protection.

The main goal of the orphanage is the implementation of a comprehensive medical, psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation based on innovative methods of training and education, preparing children and adolescents for work for their subsequent integration into modern society

In the orphanage-boarding school, three departments have been created for the accommodation of the provided:

Department of Mercy

Department of Psychological and Pedagogical Assistance,

Department of young people with disabilities.

The educators of the orphanage in each group create conditions close to home, there are zones for games and recreation, information and development corners. The design of the premises is aimed at the aesthetic development of pupils.

The provision of social and medical services is one of the main activities of the orphanage. The main components of medical rehabilitation are measures aimed at restoring lost functions in Down syndrome, various forms of cerebral palsy, speech and hearing impairment, various degrees of mental retardation, and treatment of concomitant somatic pathology.

Direction of work - rehabilitation, treatment and prevention of diseases.

Also in this institution cultural - leisure, cultural and educational, spiritual and moral, sports and recreational work is carried out.

For individual work with pupils there is a cozy psychologist's office, a sensory room. Speech therapy and defectology rooms are equipped with all the methodological and educational materials and games necessary for the development of children, as well as appropriate equipment.

In the office of a teacher of additional education, children have the opportunity to make, create, fantasize, a creative exhibition is constantly working there, an exposition “Russian Hut” is being created, in the interior of which girls make hand-made dolls. The institution also has training and production workshops: two sewing, cardboard, carpentry, crop production, and a creative workshop. The main direction of the work of the workshops is the training of the professional skills of those provided.

In order to protect the personal, property and housing rights of pupils aged 4 to 18 years and young people with disabilities over 18 years of age, their adaptation in society by assisting in solving social, legal and legal issues in the orphanage-boarding school, a social advisory service was created.

Lapshina M.Yu. 2012


Lapshina, M.Yu.,

5th year student of the Faculty of History and Philology of the Department of Cultural Studies,

FSBEI HPE "Ishim State Pedagogical Institute. P.P. Ershov"


Annotation. The article discusses various aspects of the socio-cultural adaptation of children with disabilities in modern conditions: economic, legislative, cultural. Sociocultural adaptation is the basis for the socialization of the personality of a child with disabilities, his adaptation to active creative activity and in general self-development, self-expression and self-realization.

The problems of families with children with disabilities are analyzed.


SUMMARY. The article discusses various aspects of socio-cultural adaptation of children with disabilities in modern terms: economic, legal, cultural. Socio-cultural adaptation is the basis of the socialization of the child with disabilities, adapting it to the creative activity and overall self-development, self-expression and self-realization.

The problems of families with children with disabilities.

Key words: sociocultural adaptation, children with disabilities, social rehabilitation, disabled child.

Keywords: socio-cultural adaptation of the children with disabilities, social rehabilitation, the disabled child.

Sociocultural adaptation of children with disabilities in modern society does not become less relevant, its topicality only increases. According to the UN, every tenth family in the world brings up a child with disabilities, whose development is aggravated by adverse factors that exacerbate the problem of socio-cultural maladjustment.

In the context of the crisis of all aspects of life, contradictions are aggravated in families raising children with disabilities.

This actualizes the need for scientific understanding, as well as theoretical justification and practical development of the conditions and mechanisms for activating sociocultural processes in the social rehabilitation of children with disabilities.

The processes of socialization and adaptation in modern society are objectively determined by the fact that the Russian society is experiencing the impact of two large-scale, but divergent trends. On the one hand, the intention to develop in the direction of democratization, increasing the importance of human rights, and the formation of a civil society was declared. On the other hand, the objective conditions of social development, the primitivization of the economic basis, the chaotic nature of crisis changes that make it impossible for individuals to rationally adapt to them, lead to the fact that adaptation for many people becomes forced, its content is minimal, it aims to survive, not development.

The number of children with disabilities (HIA) only increases from year to year. This is due to many factors that are not fully understood. The most important among them should be recognized as environmental, social and economic troubles, a low level of medicine, etc. In our country, until the beginning of the 21st century, the problems of the disabled remained somewhere on the periphery of public consciousness. The problems of people with disabilities, including children, remained “beyond” the life of a healthy person. Socialization, education and development of disabled children took place in special boarding schools, practically isolated from society.

In modern society, there is a gradual formation and strengthening of democratic egalitarian attitudes, the recognition of the rights of every person, regardless of his physical, mental or intellectual state. Manifestations of these trends are the rooting of ideas about the right of every child to be brought up in a family (Convention on the Rights of the Child, 1989) and the expansion of the infrastructure of social rehabilitation institutions to help a family raising a child with disabilities.

At present, science, practice, and public consciousness in relation to children with disabilities have "revived". The very concepts of "disabled person" and "disabled child" began to be filled with other content, acquiring not only medical, but also social meaning. I would like to note that there is a process of transition to a more humane and flexible terminology, with regard to children, it is now considered the norm to say not “disabled”, but “a child with disabilities”.

A significant part of children with developmental disabilities, despite the efforts made by society to educate and educate them, when they become adults, turn out to be unprepared for integration into social and cultural life. At the same time, the results of research and practice indicate that any person with a developmental defect can, under appropriate conditions, become a full-fledged personality, develop spiritually, provide for themselves financially and be useful to society.

AT last years in our country, the desire to change the current situation with training and education has become more noticeable

disabled children in better side. Appropriate legislative acts have been adopted at the state level. A system of a new type of specialized institutions is being formed - rehabilitation centers, special correctional educational institutions, which make it possible to comprehensively solve many problems. The training of highly qualified specialists designed to ensure the social rehabilitation of children with disabilities has begun.

Modern Russian legislation, which forms a certain level of tolerance for children with disabilities, meets generally recognized international standards and has a humanistic orientation. A network of rehabilitation institutions, boarding schools, centers for social assistance to families and disabled children, sports-adaptive schools for disabled people, etc. is being created and is functioning in Russia. However, the existing state system for the rehabilitation of children with disabilities does not effectively solve their social problems and requires the development of a new approach. In order to improve the effectiveness of solving the social problems of children with disabilities, it is necessary to revise approaches to the phenomenon of child disability in accordance with the situation prevailing in the regions, taking into account their individual needs and family types, types of disability and other factors. The formation and development of the social potential of children with disabilities, their active participation in society could contribute to the further development of the country's economy and its stable functioning.

The inclusion of children with physical health problems in the sociocultural environment of their country for the purpose of their spiritual and creative development, to feel like full members of society, and not outcasts, is the task of not only parents and medical workers, but also social educators and psychologists, creative workers. , rehabilitation and pedagogical centers and cultural and leisure institutions.

Scientists, practitioners, specialists (physicians, psychologists, teachers, social educators and social workers) are looking for ways and forms of integration of children with disabilities into society, opportunities for their adaptation in large and small societies. The family remains one of the main means of social and cultural adaptation of children with disabilities, capable of stimulating the process of socialization and integration of the child. A child with disabilities, deprived of the possibility of normal communication, experiencing physical and moral suffering, finds support and support in the system of positive family communication. Children and adolescents with disabilities are among the categories of the population that are entitled to the protection and assistance of state bodies and institutions, including in solving leisure issues. Given the structural specifics of disability in modern society, the importance of the sphere of culture, various types of cultural activities, on the one hand, is possible, and on the other hand, as a necessary area of ​​socialization, self-affirmation and self-realization of people with partially limited health is obvious.

"Sociocultural adaptation of the personality" is a process and at the same time a system of including an individual in various social groups and relationships

through the organization of joint activities (primarily gaming, educational, labor and creative).

The main problem in children with disabilities most often appears loneliness, low self-esteem and lack of social self-confidence, depression, feeling rejected due to their shortcomings, psychological and physical dependence, as well as a painful inability to discuss their difficulties. The problems in establishing and developing relationships with peers are very acute. Overestimation and underestimation of one's own strengths, abilities, position in society in children with disabilities are more common than in ordinary children.

The analysis of the problem made it possible to formulate a research hypothesis, which suggests that the socio-cultural and creative environment have great potential in creating effective conditions for the successful adaptation of children with disabilities. physical health, in case if:

• children with physical disabilities are treated as equal members of society;

• there is no prejudice against sick children in the family and society, and they are not in the position of “outcasts of society”;

• training, education and creative development of children with disabilities and healthy children is carried out in school, rehabilitation and pedagogical institutions on the basis of the principle of integration;

• children with physical disabilities have equal opportunities for creative self-realization;

• Correction and development activities of rehabilitation centers are carried out on the basis of the latest technologies, including modern methods, forms and means of working with disabled children.

Sufficiently lengthy scientific research is needed to identify the objective patterns of solving the problems of socio-cultural adaptation.

When it comes to children with disabilities, the processes of their socialization and adaptation become especially complex and require particularly complex research. People who become disabled due to injury or loss of health experience a deformation of some already existing social situation and a change in the already formed personality structure, social role and status. Children born with physical, mental and intellectual disabilities form a special type of personality, adapt in their own way to social reality, designed for the "ordinary", "typical" individual. Many traits of their character, self-awareness, social role are created not under the influence of congenital health limitations, but under the influence of micro- or macro-environment factors.

Such children are a victim among two groups of influencing conditions: firstly, their living environment is not adapted to the living and full social development of children with special needs. Many social barriers prevent such children from moving freely, fully perceiving impressions of reality, and mastering the necessary amount of sociocultural information. In the future, there are

Injuries to receive a full-fledged education, access to a profession, obstacles to self-sufficiency and self-service.

Families of disabled children are also drawn into the system of these barriers, since their choice in favor of children, raising a child at home, and not leaving him in a state stationary institution, becomes an almost insurmountable obstacle to personal development, successful professional and social growth, dooming the family to little - security and hopelessness.

On the other hand, disabled children are victims of subjective judgments and psychological stereotypes of a society that has not yet developed tolerance for its “other”, atypical members. There is a stigmatization of disability, which at the socio-psychological level is expressed in a feeling of pity and indulgent undemanding to children with disabilities. Such a position is also inherent in the families in which these children are brought up; in them, it forms social irresponsibility, demotivates efforts for personal social growth, the desire for self-development, full integration into society.

Specialists working with children with disabilities do not always have sufficient knowledge, skills and abilities in the field of sociocultural rehabilitation. Their awareness of the potential impact of these factors on the personality of a child with "special needs" during the period of socialization is far from complete. In addition, the limited social, economic, technical and cultural resources available to the system of social rehabilitation and social support for children with disabilities often force the heads and specialists of bodies and institutions of social protection to carry out activities aimed only at meeting the vital needs of children with disabilities, thereby neglecting the opportunity for the full development of their personality.

Meanwhile, in a number of cases, the development of programs for the socio-cultural rehabilitation impact on children with disabilities can be carried out without attracting large financial resources, on the existing material and technical base, by specialists from rehabilitation centers. In order to realize this possibility, it is necessary to study the essence, content and mechanisms of socialization in the process of socio-cultural rehabilitation of children with disabilities.

Thus, the more actively a child with disabilities is included in the socio-cultural environment, the less he "goes into illness", the less he hopes for someone else's help, and more and more he gets used to counting on himself and, in order to achieve well-being, relies on setting a goal, on active participation in public life, on one's own abilities, on initiative, resourcefulness, responsiveness, on sensitivity, honesty and adherence to principles.

Socio-cultural adaptation is the basis for the socialization of the personality of a child with disabilities, his adaptation to active creative activity and, in general, self-development, self-expression and self-realization.

Solving the problems of socio-cultural adaptation is a social value, the strengthening of which is the most important task of any civilized society.


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Psychocorrection of deviations in children