Social and psychological adaptation of children with disabilities. Adaptation of children with disabilities in a general education school.

Animal therapy (from English.animal- animal)- a method of providing psychological assistance through interaction with animals and their symbols (images, drawings, toys).

According to psychologists, when communicating with an animal, a child transfers his fears, complexes, and problems to his attitude towards him. Animals contribute to the expansion of ideas about good and evil, help to understand real life situations. Through communication with animals, children reduce the level of psycho-emotional stress and anxiety. Observations of the behavior of an animal expand the repertoire of emotions: joy, goodwill, sadness, resentment, anger become understandable and recognizable. Even a simple visual contemplation of living beings is useful, as it relaxes, pacifies and gives a lot of aesthetic experiences. Also, observing animals and interacting with them has a positive effect on the development of the intellectual abilities of children.

The Individual School and Community Integration Project is a dossier that includes data on children, an initial assessment of the situation, an intervention plan, and reports reflecting the evolution of the situation during the implementation of the plan. Social integration cannot be separated from school integration, it is not only after school, but is gradually brought up when the child becomes educated, since the adult school of "social being" is itself a part of social life, since such progress in order to acquire autonomy social "competencies" ' should be the same as intellectual development, educational purpose.

Most children with handicapped there are difficulties in communicating with peers, adults, manifested in isolation, aggressiveness, inability to express emotions in relation to the world around. Children of this category most often have an impoverished vocabulary, speech disorders, underdeveloped fine motor skills, which prevents them from building relationships in society.

Principles of integrated education. The principle of preventing shortcomings and violations. The principle of equal access to all forms and degrees of education. The principle of adapting special education to the individual requirements of each minor child.

The principle of early intervention. The principle of broad participation of the local community in solving the problems of special education. The principle of alternative structures. Integration is a process that is structured according to the values ​​of human consciousness.

In this process, it is not the fact that a person can perform work on the basis of ability that is important, but, on the contrary, the axiological structure and the axiological structure of human consciousness are important, since the achievement of social integration in social terms is a decision Simultaneity of society and the individual, decisions cannot be made, but based on hierarchical value systems.

The solution of these problems by the program-target method will contribute to the solution of the main task animal therapy - revealing additional opportunities in the behavior and personality of adults and children with disabilities, enriching the socially adapted behavioral repertoire through observation, education and training of such mechanisms that allow animals to adapt to living conditions as much as possible, be in a balanced interaction with others and social adaptation in society generally.

In order to have an integrative solution, the human mind must have these values ​​inherently. The motivational mechanism of the integration strategy at both poles is based on the existence of an axiological configuration. We can distinguish, within the framework of integration strategies based on this principle, three main categories of strategies.

Individual strategies. This category is more about the possibilities that a person, taken as an entity, uses for integration. Any educational system should strive to provide the individual with a range of individual strategies that he can use in different circumstances of his life. For us, based on individual strategies, it is created by motivational mechanisms. All skills, from intellectual abilities to behavioral social skills, are part of separate strategies.

The program of social adaptation of children with disabilities by means of animal therapy "My friend" is aimed at solving these problems.

The games and exercises included in this program and based on working with images of animals using body-oriented techniques will allow you to release stagnant emotions, relax, relieve tension; they will help you enter the states of different animals and learn from them the ability to calmly listen and silently feel the space around, instinctively feeling whether it is dangerous or benevolent, located towards you or closed; develop strong-willed qualities - patience, endurance, perseverance, flexibility; will contribute to the development of sensations and awareness of one's own "I".

But it should not be neglected that individual strategies are the result of strategies of collective integration to which a person is constantly subjected. The important thing is that these individual strategies are not circumvention mechanisms, but a form of freedom and creativity with which man is armed.

collective strategies. This strategy starts with the family microgroup, street microgroup, socio-psychological strategies, both school and cultural. Each of these sub-categories knows many indicators to determine them, and, without a doubt, integrative psychology must first establish these individual and collective indicators that will allow training, development, education in the personality of a person.

Target: Social adaptation of children with disabilities through animal therapy.


1. Correction of negative emotional manifestations through work with images of animals.

2. Development of the communicative function of communication.

3. Development of fine and general motor skills.

4. Disclosure of additional opportunities in the behavior and personality of children with disabilities

Total Strategies. Society as such knows a wide range of strategies that contribute to the integration of the individual into society and values ​​into the human mind. Sociocultural thinking, personality model, dissemination of values, social institutions, etc. there are so many strategies that serve the integration process.

Special education is a fundamental concept used in the educational process of children with disabilities and which is increasingly separated from the content of special education. The concept of special education has taken on new valences since the World Conference on Special Needs Education in Salamanca and the International Congress on special education. In these forums, the need to create a new conceptual framework and actions was identified to achieve an objective "education for all" materialized in an educationally inclusive school.

5. Development of skills for environmentally competent and safe behavior in nature and at home through observation, education and training of such mechanisms that allow animals to adapt to the conditions of life as much as possible, to be in a balanced interaction with the environment.

6.Formation of a holistic view of nature and the place of man in it.

This implies the need to reform the public school, the national education system and involves the general preparation of the school and society to ensure the admission and education of all minor children in the regular school and social environment. Within the framework of the legal framework applied for various categories of disabilities, to provide home schooling and create support structures in public education, we can be part of the tasks of inclusive schools. Here are some of the next courses of action.

Functioning of complex expert commissions to achieve differentiated diagnostics. Normalization and Bypass Formation teaching staff. Development of a framework plan for integrated students in an individual or group school.

The contingent of participants: children with disabilities aged 4 to 18 years.

Implementation area: additional education, practical psychological activity, social sphere.


The practice of joint work during integration is coordinated by the psychological and pedagogical department. A public school becoming inclusive will have. Technical and material equipment: specialized premises, devices for various types of deficiencies, adapted teaching aids.

Ensuring adequate human resources. Functional adaptations at the building level. Integration activity, an activity performed by a traveling teacher, is effective if, during schooling, an integrated Primary School can adapt to the school table, attend regularly, participate in the activities of the class to which he belongs, and become independent of educational support services.



Formation of positive emotions and feelings, decrease in the level of manifestation of negative emotional states.

School education in the field of integrated education has shown that solving the problems that children face in the educational process leads to a multi-level analysis of learning issues, depending on the orientation and perspective of solving these issues. Thus, we can define the following perspectives.

Individual perspective - emphasis on identifying and highlighting specific learning problems for each category of children with special educational needs. Group perspective - refers to the student's relationship with other classmates and the ways in which group learning is addressed.

Working with images of animals to understand feelings, sensations, control emotions, develop attention, imagination, relieve emotional and muscle tension.


Improvement of small motorboats,

Learning Perspective - Adapting teaching tools, ensuring learning effectiveness from the individual characteristics of individual students, solving learning difficulties using learning methods specific to integrated learning, interactive learning strategies.

Leverage learners' daily experiences by creating scenarios. Education of the previous knowledge of students in the development of new lessons; The use of game situations in teaching. Using a survey on didactic sequences and practical application of the results.

speech development,

Expanding horizons.

Formation of ideas about the animal world ( appearance, habits, etc.), exercises for the development of fine motor skills, speech development, fantasy exercises.


Collaboration with the family and use of community resources as learning, teaching and assessment methods. Involving students in collaborative action to solve problems and where they can learn to listen, discuss and accept the opinion of another, regardless of their status or role in the group.

The basic terminology used in the context of integrated education is very important. School integration - is the process of inclusion in formal and informal educational conditions children who are considered to have special educational needs in mainstream schools or regular classrooms. Understanding the school as the main socialization of the child, school integration is a particular aspect of the process of social integration of this category of children, which is of fundamental importance for promoting further integration into the life of the community through the formation of behavior and attitudes, the ability to this process.

Enrichment of the socially adapted behavioral repertoire.

Formation of communication skills.

work with images of animals (habits, character) for disclosure

Additional opportunities in the behavior and personality of children with disabilities.

In addition, the school integration of children with special needs allows, under the careful guidance of teachers, the normal students to correctly perceive and understand the problems and the opportunity to connect and participate in the social life of their peers, who, for reasons beyond their control, they need a differentiated approach to the educational process and schooling and some facilities for their access to and participation in community services.

All this puts the student in a difficult position in relation to others, a state that does not allow him to exist or exploit under normal conditions the intellectual and capable potential that he possesses. Starting from this reality, the literature also talks about inclusive classrooms in which a limited number of children with special educational needs can be integrated.

The program is implemented throughout the year in cycles of three months: March-May; September-November. The program does not run during the summer.

Stage 1-preparatory (January-February):

Development (adjustment) and approval of the program;

Selection and distribution of functional responsibilities between specialists implementing the program activities;

Differentiated curriculum - refers to the ways in which content is selected and organized, teaching methods, methods and methods of assessment, performance standards, psychological learning environment, in order to distinguish the learning experience and adapt the educational process to the skills and abilities of understanding, the level of educational interests and requirements , rhythm and learning style of the student.

Adapted curriculum - closely related to the concept of differentiated curriculum, in the sense that differentiation implies the adaptation of the content, methods, means and skills in educational activities. From a certain point of view, the two terms are almost synonymous, which means that without adaptation there can be no differentiation, since there can be no adjustment without differentiation. The concept of an adapted curriculum is better suited to the context of integrated education, where the adaptation of content to a specific category of students with special educational needs takes into account both the amount of knowledge and the mental processes and functional characteristics of the nervous system in students with special needs, in which the compensatory function causes a number of changes in neural networks for data transmission and processing.

Development of plans, summaries of activities in the designated direction;

Preparation of material and technical base.

Preparation and distribution of information and promotional products.

Stage 2 - organizational and diagnostic (1st week of implementation):

Group formation;

diagnostic activities.

Stage 3 - main (March-May; September-November):

His status is a specialized teacher who can be a special school worker, a recovery center or even a boarding school worker. As a support teacher. In addition to specific out-of-school activities with those children deemed to have special needs, they also participate in the teaching activities of this class with the school table teacher, where they take special care of children who have difficulty receiving and understanding the message. lesson In the performance of tasks defined for certain disciplines.

- implementation of the program activities.

Stage 4 - final (last week of implementation):

Summing up the results of the program implementation;

Determining the level of satisfaction of participants;

Stage 5 - information and analytical (June, December):

Analysis of the results of the program implementation, evaluation of its effectiveness.

Coverage of the results of the program in the media;

Generalization and dissemination of experience in the implementation of the program.

The program consists of 12 events (thematic days), which are held once a week. Each event is dedicated to a specific topic (animal), consists of several activities implemented during the day. The duration of each session depends on the age and condition of the participants, but cannot exceed 30 minutes. Additionally during the day: reading stories, riddles, poetry, watching films about animals, etc.

Classes are held in small subgroups, the whole group or individually, depending on the state of health, the level of disability, age characteristics of children. The optimal number of participants in the class is 5-8 people.

Various forms of group and individual work with families and children are used. Forms vary and are selected depending on the purpose and direction of the event, the characteristics of the condition and development of the participants, the venue of the event.

During the implementation of the program, an exhibition of children's works is formed, which is constantly operating and replenished throughout the entire period of the program. A children's "Book of Fairy Tales" is being drawn up, consisting of the best fairy tales composed by children based on the results of thematic days. Each child is given his "book of fairy tales", consisting of stories composed by this child.

Thematic plan of events

No. p / p

Theme of the day

implementation period



Thematic days

Day of the hare (rabbit)

3. Making crafts "hare"

5. Writing a fairy tale

Additionally during the day: reading stories, riddles, poems, watching movies, listening to songs about hares

Week 1

social educator


labor instructor

Wolf Day (dogs)

1. Lesson "An animal in its natural environment"

2. Work with the image of the animal (therapeutic games and exercises)

4. Exercise "Magic transformations"

5. Writing a fairy tale

Additionally during the day: reading stories, riddles, poems, watching movies, listening to songs about the wolf

2 weeks

fox day

1. Lesson "An animal in its natural environment"

2. Work with the image of the animal (therapeutic games and exercises)

3. Exercise "Extraordinary singing"

4. Exercise "Magic transformations"

5. Writing a fairy tale

Additionally during the day: reading stories, riddles, poems, watching movies, listening to songs about the fox

3 week

monkey day

1. Lesson "An animal in its natural environment"

2. Work with the image of the animal (therapeutic games and exercises)

3. Modeling "Treat for the monkey"

4. Exercise "Magic transformations"

5. Writing a fairy tale

Additionally during the day: reading stories, riddles, poems, watching movies, listening to songs about the monkey

4 week

cat day

1. Lesson "An animal in its natural environment"

2. Work with the image of the animal (therapeutic games and exercises)

3. Exercise "Extraordinary singing"

4. Exercise "Magic transformations"

5. Writing a fairy tale

6. collective work "Cat Show"

Additionally during the day: reading stories, riddles, poems, watching movies, listening to songs about a cat

5 week

hedgehog day

1. Lesson "An animal in its natural environment"

2. Work with the image of the animal (therapeutic games and exercises)

3. Application "hedgehog"

4. Exercise "Magic transformations"

5. Writing a fairy tale

Additionally during the day: reading stories, riddles, poems, watching movies, listening to songs about a hedgehog

6 week

snake day

1. Lesson "An animal in its natural environment"

2. Work with the image of the animal (therapeutic games and exercises)

3. Exercise "Extraordinary singing"

4. Exercise "Magic transformations"

5. Writing a fairy tale

6. IZO "Illustration for a fairy tale"

Additionally during the day: reading stories, riddles, poems, watching movies, listening to songs about a snake

7 week

tiger day

1. Lesson "An animal in its natural environment"

2. Work with the image of the animal (therapeutic games and exercises)

3. From "Extraordinary Tiger"

4. Exercise "Magic transformations"

5. Writing a fairy tale

Additionally during the day: reading stories, riddles, poems, watching movies, listening to songs about the tiger

8 week

Marine Animals Day

1. Lesson "An animal in its natural environment"

2. Work with the image of the animal (therapeutic games and exercises)

3. Exercise "Extraordinary singing"

4. Exercise "Magic transformations"

5. Writing a fairy tale

6. Application "Sea Tale"

Additionally during the day: reading stories, riddles, poems about the fox, watching movies, listening to songs about sea animals.

9 week


bear day

1. Lesson "An animal in its natural environment"

2. Work with the image of the animal (therapeutic games and exercises)

3. Exercise "Extraordinary singing"

4. Exercise "Magic transformations"

5. Writing a fairy tale

6. Application "Brown country"

Additionally during the day: reading stories, riddles, poems, watching movies, listening to songs about the bear

10 week


horse day

1. Lesson "An animal in its natural environment"

2. Work with the image of the animal (therapeutic games and exercises)

3. Exercise "Magic transformations"

4. Writing a fairy tale

Additionally during the day: reading stories, riddles, poems, watching movies, listening to songs about the horse

11 week


Day of the non-existent animal

1. Drawing "Non-existent animal"

2. Paper Beast

3. Imitation game "Unbelievable Monster"

4. Game-meditation "korkochidil on a leash"

4. Exercise "little animal"

5. Writing a fairy tale about an unseen and unheard beast

Additionally during the day: reading the fairy tale "The Incredible Creature" Sladkov N.I.

12 week

excursion to the aquarium

Watching fish and marine animals

1 time per period

social educator

social work specialist

excursion to the open-air museum "Siberian ridges"

Watching animals in nature.

Communication with animals (hand feeding, touching animals)

1 time per period

excursion to the farm

observation of pets in natural conditions

communication with animals (feeding, touching animals)

1 time per period

horseback riding

carriage ride

1 time per period

Working with parents

Parent meeting

acquaintance with the program, content of classes, determination of the degree of participation of parents in the activities of the program; acquaintance with the results of the work

at the beginning and end of the period

social educator

social work specialist


master class "working with images of animals"

teaching parents methods and ways of working with animal images at home

1 time per period

Involving parents in the preparation and conduct of events

Assistance in the production and selection of materials and attributes for classes, design, participation in the preparation of exhibitions

as needed

participation of parents in excursions

Accompanying children

as the

the presence of parents in the classroom

helping the child to exercise

As needed

The implementation of the program is ensured by the staff of the day care department for children and adolescents of the Raduga RCSC.

social teacher



labor instructor

Thematic days

Lesson "Animal in the natural environment"

composing a fairy tale

Work with the image of an animal (therapeutic games and exercises)

reading stories, riddles, poetry, watching movies, etc.

Making crafts: hare, monkey treat, cat show, hedgehog, sea fairy tale, brown country, paper animal

FINE: illustration for a fairy tale

Communication with animals in the natural environment

organization of observation of animals, communication with animals,

organization of excursions (group formation, escort)

Working with parents

holding a parent meeting, counseling, involving parents in the preparation and conduct of classes

master class "Working with images of animals", consulting

determination of the degree of participation of parents in excursions

involvement of parents in participation in the exhibition of creativity


level of social competence

the level of development of the emotional-volitional sphere, interpersonal relations

level of development of fine motor skills

The functioning of the program is determined clearlybuilt-in program management system, in accordance with which control over the implementation of program activities is carried out:

Control is carried out at all stages of the program implementation:

Preliminary control - carried out at the preparatory stage, immediately before the start of practical activities in order to check the readiness for the implementation of program activities.

Current control is carried out on a monthly basis throughout the entire period of the program implementation in order to analyze the implementation of the plan of program activities.

Final control - is carried out at the final stage after the completion of the implementation of program activities in order to assess the quality of the program implementation and its effectiveness.

Implementation results:

disabled children: there is an improvement in the general psycho-emotional state in 85% of the participants, a decrease in the level of manifestation of negative emotional reactions - 41%; the level of development of fine motor skills of the hand increased in 23%; there is an increase in the level of social adaptation of the behavioral repertoire - 25% (according to the results of diagnostics); a high degree of satisfaction of participants was noted - 96% (according to the results of the survey);

specialists: acquisition of new work experience in the education of environmental culture, improvement of professional skills, mastery of new health-saving technology, development of methodological materials on the content of the program

parents: mastering the methods and methods of working with images of animals at home - 70%, expanding horizons - 100%, increasing the level of emotional closeness with a child - 25%.

Engagement of third parties: an agreement on cooperation was concluded with the private enterprise "Peasant-farm economy Gavrilyuk V.V."

The program is low-cost, has positive feedback from participants and parents, does not require special conditions, and is accessible to most children with disabilities.


Data from surveys of childrenover the past ten years, there has been a trend towards an increase in the number of preschool and early children with various developmental disabilities. Social adaptation of children with disabilities today is one of the most important and difficult tasks of preschool educational institutions. An increase in the number of disabled people, on the one hand, an increase in attention to each of them, regardless of their physical, mental and intellectual abilities, on the other hand, all this predetermines the importance of the social adaptation of children with disabilities. Among the numerous problems that parents of a child with disabilities face, two of the most significant come to the fore. The first and main is the attitude of others to the child and to the family in particular. The second is getting an affordable and decent education for the child.

In our country, inclusive (inclusive) education of children with disabilities is becoming relevant. Inclusive education assumes that children with disabilities and healthy children will attend the same kindergartens and schools. It can be assumed that healthy children will be more tolerant, treat children with disabilities and help them whenever possible.

Bring upand it is necessary to educate a child with disabilities from the very early years. Parentschildren with disabilities often limit the child in communicating with other children, thinking that he will not be properly cared for in kindergarten. But it is in childhood that social communication skills are laid in a person that will help him in adulthood. These skills are especially important for a child with disabilities, because, as a rule, it will be much more difficult for him than for an ordinary child to communicate and establish contacts with the outside world. After all, he sometimes learns much more slowly, with great difficulty adapts to the changed situation, but he very keenly feels the hostility and alertness of those around him, and reacts painfully to this.

The inclusion of children with special needs in the life of the children's community, a flexible combination of different types and forms of classes, a clear alignment of individual development trajectories for each child leads to faster and easier adaptation and normalization of children in kindergarten, the formation of their social skills. Having the opportunity to communicate with children of different ages, to master the norms of behavior and interaction, to copy and practice patterns of conflict resolution, solving emerging problems, children with developmental disabilities acquire invaluable social experience, which will become the basis for their successful adaptation to society.

In preschool educational institutions, teachers make upindividual development programsbased on the results of observations of a child with disabilities in all regime moments. In this case, the pedagogical search is to find those types of communication or creativity that will be interesting and accessible to each of the group members. The teacher only creates conditions in which the child can develop independently in interaction with other children. Special classes alternate with general, usual for any kindergarten classes.But the work of teachers is distinguished by special flexibility, the ability to offer children a task that is feasible and interesting for everyone, to include the child in common activities.

By the level of inclusion of the child in the educational process in preschoolconditionally designate the types of inclusion: point, partial, full:

"Point inclusion" is called when a child is included in a group of peers only on holidays, for a short time in games or for a walk.

"Partial inclusion" involves the inclusion of a child in a half-day or part-week mode, for example, when the child is in a peer group, mastering the educational material directly in the course of individual work, but participates in visual activity classes, physical culture, music, etc. together with other children.

The option of “full inclusion” is a visit by a child with disabilities to an age group in full-time mode on their own or with an accompaniment.

An inclusive educational space involves the active involvement of children, parents and specialists in the development of the kindergarten, holding common events, planning seminars and holidays to create an inclusive community as a model of a real society.

The learning process should be done in three stages:

1. First, the child is explained what he must do.

2. Then, if necessary, provide this or that assistance.

3. Create a situation of success and reward for the completed task.

To help the child show himself better side, should: offer the child short tasks, trying to make them more diverse, alternate various activities; start and end each series of tasks with a success situation; combine new, more difficult tasks with already known, easier tasks; include in the curriculum the development of several skills that would contribute to the further development of any one of the relatively intact functions.

During the stay of a child with disabilities in a preschool educational institution, the educator should always remember that his actions aimed at creating psychological comfortmust be thoughtful and tactful.Excessive guardianship and excessive care can once again emphasize the non-standard nature of the child and develop selfish attitudes in him, and in the surrounding children - a condescending attitude.

To create and strengthen their social status in a new team for a child with disabilitiesyou need to help by giving the opportunity to be a leader, for example, a captain in sports competitions responsible for cleaning the territory, etc. This will serve both his self-affirmation and recognition from the children.

It is proposed to observe the following mandatory areas of corrective work in the field of development of life competence for all categories of children with disabilities:

1. Development of adequate ideas about one's own capabilities and limitations, about essential life support, the ability to communicate with an adult to ask for help.

2. Mastering the social skills used in everyday life.

3. Mastering communication skills.

4. Differentiation and comprehension of the picture of the world and its temporal-spatial organization.

5. Understanding your social environment and mastering age-appropriate value systems and social roles.



1. Baryaeva L.B. etc. "Rodnik" - Program for the socio-cultural development of children(for children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system). - St. Petersburg, 1997.

2. Bitova A.L. “Special child research and assistance experience. Problemsintegration and socialization. Moscow, 2000

Psychocorrection of deviations in children