When the eclipse is in August. The impact of the eclipse on women. Astrological features of the lunar eclipse

Why do lunar eclipses occur? The reason for this mysterious phenomenon is actually simple and lies in the continuous movement of the planets. At certain moments, one planet is eclipsed by the shadow of another.

In the case under consideration, the Earth covers the Moon with its shadow, that is, the satellite completely enters the shadow of our planet. What is interesting: the lunar eclipse cannot be observed by all the inhabitants of the Earth at once, but only by half of them, where the Moon rises above the horizon during the eclipse.

Half lunar eclipse Monday highlights your career. Illuminates the journey you've been on. The effort you have made. Opportunities you have captured. This eclipse wants you to consider what ideas you have about your career that might need to be released.

So that he can grow in himself. So he can show you what he's capable of. So it can become its own being. Let your career teach you how to keep it. Since Mercury's stations are retrograde, he asks you to review how you are using your creative energy. Asks you to analyze the dynamics of your romantic relationship. Invites you to become familiar with how you work with the opportunities you attract in your life. Take a moment to evaluate what you can attract to yourself and then see if you can improve your magnetism to bring in more concrete and resonant experiences.

Why do we see the moon? Its surface reflects sunlight, and therefore the inhabitants of our planet can admire its yellow "companion". However, during an eclipse, the Moon does not just disappear (as, for example, happens during a solar eclipse), it acquires a bright brown color. People who do not know this may not even realize that they are observing an interesting and rather rare phenomenon.

Big plans attract us to big learning opportunities. Big shoes to learn how to fill. We can't play it safe and play our hand in the game of life. We can't turn down an opportunity to expand our horizons and then complain that life won't roll the dice. Risking our reputation, risking our place in line, risking a confident choice for the opportunity to bet on ourselves, takes a certain amount of self-belief. It takes courage to be calculated. The righteousness to feel that we have the right to go out on our own path.

This color (red) is explained as follows: even being in the shadow of the Earth, the Moon still continues to be illuminated by the sun's rays passing tangentially relative to the surface of our planet. These rays are scattered in our atmosphere, and due to this they reach the surface of the moon. At the same time, the red color of our usually yellow companion is due to the fact that the earth's atmosphere transmits the red part of the spectrum much better.

Monday's half moon eclipse wants you to estimate the lengths you want to get to your desired location. He asks you to take a look at the routes you plan to take. Pit stops you will need to do. Journey as you can see it from this vantage point. Does it need to be redone? Do you need to edit part of a trip? Don't be afraid to let in a few heads if they no longer pull you towards them. As you grow, heal and change, you too are on a journey.

Looking back, your roots can be useful. Mercury begins its retrograde through your 4th house of funds. It is impossible to be in a good place without a thorough study of where we came from. This week you want to pay attention to both. Your beginnings and your becoming.

What are lunar eclipses?

Lunar eclipses are penumbral (also called partial) and total.

At full, the satellite enters the entire shadow of the Earth and turns red. This is the most beautiful and massive lunar eclipse. The impact on a person in its strength is maximum.

When the Moon enters the shadow of our mother planet not completely, but partially, then a partial or penumbral eclipse occurs.

Thinking about who you're collaborating with will help you think more deeply. By being intentional about your collaboration, they will make them more effective. Realizing how your insecurities and your need to please can get in the way of protecting your energy, this is a game changer.

You cannot accept all partnerships on your offer. You cannot pour your energy into every vessel that has room for you. You cannot live up to your promises when you over-expand yourself. Monday's half moon eclipse highlights the importance of these lessons. It will clearly showcase collaborations that are the most profitable, energetically and monetized, as well as those that are not. Protect your time, energy and creativity. This eclipse is asking you to focus.

During a partial eclipse, the moon does not completely change its color. Sometimes such a phenomenon is not even visible to the naked eye, and it is possible to fix it only with the help of special devices.

Interesting fact: Lunar eclipses are very rarely the same in terms of the motion of the planets in their orbits. It turns out that a complete repetition of the same mutual arrangement of the Earth, the Moon and the Sun can occur only after 18 years! This period is called Saros. Its beginning and end are considered extremely important for esotericists and astrologers. But more on that a little later.

If this is not your strong suit, get help to get it together. This eclipse also tends to stir up your anxieties. The root of the problems you are working with. Help yourself by sticking to routines that support you. This will help you contextualize the emotions that tend to knock you off center.

Next Mercury retrograde requires you to do so. It will guide you through an overview of your daily schedule. To ask you to answer for how you spend the hours of your days. Ask you to count the moments. Ask you to make a list of all the things that are hindering your ability to finish what you started. And then figure out a way to make them smaller. Practice daily harm reduction daily and see how effective it is in your productivity.

Lunar eclipse - influence on a person. Who is at risk?

It would be foolish to deny any impact of lunar eclipses on people. This is the same as not recognizing the influence of solar flares or magnetic storms on us. We are part of all life on Earth, and fully belong to nature, like everything else.

We need many ways to testify to ourselves. Perspectives for viewing the events of our lives. All kinds of relationships are needed. We need honest commitments to each other in order to process and use the sick and deep. Ways to overcome everything that arises in our perfect partnerships. Reflections that sometimes have difficulty. Devotion to the partnership process can bring us the most joyful journeys. Most insightful experience. The most healing we could hope for.

We need containers strong enough to withstand the impact of these transformations. The lunar eclipse on Monday sheds light on the quality of your unions. It helps you become more intimate with your intimacy issues. He wants you to be honest about what resonates and what you don't care about. Because this week is an excellent opportunity for you to consolidate your skills and sensibility in harmony with life, the relationship lessons that come do so at a time when you are ready to deal with them.

Our “yellow companion”, having a colossal influence on the Earth (it is enough to remember only the ebb and flow, which it controls), has a powerful effect on people.

Most of all, during lunar eclipses, you need to be on your guard:

  • Hypertensive patients and people with diseases of the cardiovascular system.
    They need to exclude any physical activity, it is advisable not to go out.
  • People who have mental illness and prone to such ailments.
    Lunar eclipses are called "eclipses of the soul" by esotericists and astrologers. They are sure that at this time the subconscious area triumphs over the conscious. That is why people experience all the events of their lives to a much greater extent, they become aggressive and emotional.
  • People who have been hypnotized before. During the period of lunar eclipses, the likelihood of the impact of any negative memories, emotions becomes much higher.

Proven scientific fact: during eclipses, the number of suicides increases. With such statistics, there is something to think about. This is such an insidious, it turns out, and difficult this lunar eclipse. The influence of this natural phenomenon on humans has not yet been fully studied, but, as they say, forewarned is forearmed.

How do you work with the magic of money. How do you handle the resources you were born with. What to do to clean up and bring more success on the material plane. He asks you to reconsider what you think you have the right to do. Be aware of your influence, how you affect the world, but also remember how you can use these very issues to cut yourself off from expanding your world in the way you desperately need. The lunar eclipse on Monday wants to help you reorganize your work life.

He wants to help you figure out your toolbox. Replace damaged parts. Consider how allowing this area of ​​your life can help you have more free time. More time to spend building with others. Think about how much of your work could be delegated, denied, or done differently. The half moon eclipse on Monday signals a reprioritization of your projects. How you do or don't get the help you need. How do you feel about complaining about what didn't happen or about what you think "should" by now.

The impact of the eclipse on women

Even ancient people claimed that the Sun is a male planet, and the Moon is female. And in our time, mystics and esotericists say the same thing. So what effect does a lunar eclipse have on women?

First, they should cut down on physical activity. This is especially true for pregnant women. The dangers for them are miscarriages, dangerous or unsuccessful births, which entail various complications. Maximum peace is the main rule.

Use the eclipse on Monday to clear emotional debris accumulated in this area of ​​your life. This will help your health as you will retain less. When Mercury retrogrades in Virgo, you will be asked to rethink your communication style. How do you receive the message. How well you express yourself and how it affects you and your relationship. Mercury retrograde through Virgo will help you reshape yourself with a clearer understanding of who you are becoming, how you envision the process, and what parts of it you need to keep for yourself.

Secondly, do not be surprised if a woman's menstrual cycle can be disturbed. This is due to the fact that from a physiological point of view, the full moon (and the eclipse happens only on the full moon) is the phase of egg maturation. Do you know that all marine inhabitants (from fish to shellfish) fertilize and lay eggs only on the full moon? It's unbelievable, but true. So the woman's body is to some extent dependent on the phase of the moon. And in such a period as a lunar eclipse, this effect is amplified several times. Hence the hormonal imbalance.

This week you will be able to find inspirational conversations, connections and ideas that influence your career. Look for opportunities that may arise in your in social networks, friends and colleagues. Look for opportunities to build connections with those in your professional and energetic fields. These little pockets of promise will help you make the most of the rest of the more intense aspects of the week.

Like a lunar eclipse on Monday in Aquarius. The Eclipse on Monday wants you to be mindful of the impact your creative energy has on the rest of your life. Creativity gives you a voice. It gives your anxiety something to use on its own. This can become a channel for your doubts, fears and future dreams. As earthly beings, we need to turn our energy into something tangible, efficient, and generative.

What about toddlers?

It turns out that they are exposed to the Earth's satellite even before birth. Being in the womb, the embryo feels vibrations from space, transmitted by nerve impulses. During the eclipse, the fetus can actively kick and behave excitedly.

This eclipse season helps you become more familiar with your creative process. This prompts you to interrupt any excuses you make, which discourages you. What we do with our energy during an eclipse has a lasting effect on our lives. Use this week to reset your relationships to create your life the way you want it.

Because Mercury's stations are retrograde, it addresses some of the attitudes and beliefs that tend to get in the way. This Mercury retrograde will be helpful as you find ways to appreciate these discoveries. The eclipse on Monday affects the most sensitive part of your chart. Reaching to the roots of your life, this eclipse aims to remove some of the emotional patterns you have inherited along the way. This may help you clarify the need you have for your life situation.

Children are much more acute than adults are experiencing a lunar eclipse. They may refuse to eat, become more moody and whiny. They are difficult to put to sleep and calm down. Do not leave children with strangers at such a moment, they should be surrounded only by relatives.

It is believed that during the period of lunar eclipses the risk of poisoning and intoxication is several times higher than during normal times. Therefore, insect venom can harm much more. In this regard, protect children from mosquito bites, bees.

This can help you clear an aspect of your relationship with a parent or family member. It can help you let go of wanting to have a home or family situation for you, but what is it. A lunar eclipse hike on Monday will help you heal. Whatever problems need it. What dynamics need to be dealt with. When you find you need help letting something from your past go, ask for guidance. Ask what you need to move forward in peace.

Mercury retrograde will ask you to re-evaluate your social roles, commitments, and communications. This can increase the chance of missing messages between you and friends, community members, and colleagues. This is the right time to polish your interpersonal skills. Learn how to deal with people who are not on the same page as you. Browse the groups that keep you energized, supported and felt and recognize the ones that don't.

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The fateful eclipse on August 7, 2017! How to spend this day so that luck is on your side!

Indeed, eclipses are special dates on the calendar. Each eclipse carries a meaning and can help each individual to make life better. It is only necessary to correctly use the powerful energy of the eclipse for your own good, and not to your detriment.

It may be time to separate some energy from the latter. We cannot control how others perceive our message. We cannot control what others make from our notes. We cannot control the impact of our movements in the world.

Monday's half moon eclipse gives you some important feedback on how to get your message across. You may need to rearrange your ideas. Some people will be receptive to negotiation and clarification, and some will not be able to accept what you are doing. Do your best to keep an eye out when people are trying to negate your efforts for clarity.

The lunar eclipse that will take place on August 7, 2017 is of great importance not only to astronomers, but also to astrologers. After all, it is this astronomical event that will allow you to take a different look at all aspects of life.

It will help to detect and eliminate sources of disharmony in relationships with others, to establish business and solve many other problems.

Location, date and exact time of the eclipse on August 7, 2017

The second lunar eclipse in 2017 is expected on August 7 at 21:20 Moscow time and at 18:20 GMT. This will be a partial lunar eclipse on Saros 119, which will last 1 hour and 55 minutes. You can observe this amazing phenomenon in all cities of the Russian Federation, except for the Far Eastern Territory. Residents will also admire the eclipse:

  • Australia;
  • Africa;
  • Asia;
  • Antarctica;
  • Europe.

In what sign will the lunar eclipse take place on August 7, 2017?

As in February, in August the lunar eclipse will occur on the Aquarius-Leo axis. When the Sun is in Aquarius, the Moon will be in Leo. Thus, the lunar eclipse will occur at 11 degrees in the fiery zodiac sign Leo.

Astrologers traced the balance of the elements - air and fire. The Sun in Aquarius and the Moon in Leo form a harmonious relationship with Saturn in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Libra. As experts explain, this relationship allows us to hope for a favorable outcome of the problems that may arise during the eclipse.

The August lunar eclipse can help people enter a new phase of life. Many will forget past failures and be able to boldly look to the future. The ingenuity of Aquarius and the creativity of Leo, along with the pragmatism of Saturn and the optimism of Jupiter, is a favorable combination. This means that, having realized your creative potential, you can feel boundless inner freedom and unity with your true self.

Perhaps not all people know, but in many ways astrology is based on ancient cultural traditions and Vedic knowledge. According to this knowledge, experts have created a certain set of rules of a recommendatory nature, which relate to prohibitions during periods of lunar eclipses. So, on August 7, it is undesirable to do the following:

  • take part in mass events, for example, be in the squares where big number of people;
  • resolve serious issues related to capital investments and other financial transactions;
  • make global acquisitions (real estate, vehicles, special equipment, etc.);
  • sign important documents (sign contracts);

The influence of the eclipse of August 7, 2017 on the zodiac signs


All day wards of this zodiac sign will feel the rush mental strength. The energy rise will reach its peak in the evening. The closer to the eclipse, the more chances for the implementation of even the most daring ideas. Astrologers recommend Aries not to be shy, but to continuously move towards their goal. August 7 is one of the most favorable days for Aries.


People of this sign should beware of any conflicts. The fact is that the eclipse will move them to sort things out. Taurus will want to achieve truth and justice at any cost. Old grievances lurk in their souls, and Taurus are people who are not used to showing their emotions. But during the eclipse, they do not have the strength to hide them, and all the pain that lives in their subconscious threatens to tear out like an avalanche from a volcano crater. Tip: keep your emotions to yourself, it's not best time to dot the “and”, if it is difficult to restrain, try to be alone.


The polarity of the signs through which the main celestial objects will pass will be expressed in the inconsistency of the actions of the Twins. They will not be able to fully understand what they really want. But you definitely need to decide! It is very important for you to focus on one thing. And it doesn’t matter what you specifically do: cleaning the house or establishing business contacts. The main thing is that on August 7 you direct all your energy to the chosen activity.


During the eclipse, all Cancers will sharpen their already overdeveloped intuition. People of this sign will be given signs Higher Forces. It is very important not to miss these signs and to interpret them correctly. Providence will allow you not to do stupid things, as there is a high probability of conflict situations at work and at home.

a lion

A surge of tenderness and a feeling of happiness - these emotions will take over the mind and soul of the people of the indicated sign. On the 7th of August, their leonine nature will come into full play. Spend the day with your family. Great if you go for a walk with the whole family, visit a cafe or a cinema. This will have a beneficial effect on intra-family relationships and will help to establish contact with relatives with whom you have previously been reluctant to communicate.


Nervousness, irritability, self-criticism - these are the emotions that will overwhelm Dev before the start of the eclipse. But close to midnight, when the eclipse passes, emotional background will gradually return to normal. Due to the instability of the moral state, misunderstandings with loved ones may arise. It is better for you not to enter into disputes, leaving the resolution of conflict situations for the next day.


Powerful flows of energy will have a gentle effect on the wards of this sign. They will only feel a slight elation. But throughout the day they will be in a romantic mood. Free from family ties, Libra has a good chance of a pleasant acquaintance with a candidate for the role of life partner. And for those who are married, a complete idyll awaits in relations with the second half. The day of the eclipse can radically change the idea of family life: spouses will begin to understand each other more, appreciate what they have.


The energy of the eclipse will greatly affect Scorpions. They will be thrown from one extreme to another. There will be so many ideas and desires that they will not be able to understand what is more important for them. Intuition will come to the rescue. You just need to listen to your inner voice and act according to its command. Remember, any business that you do on this day against your will will not lead to anything good.


Always energetic Sagittarius during the eclipse may feel unwell. Most likely, this will manifest itself as chronic fatigue. But the mind, on the contrary, will be pure and sober, as never before! It is better to spend the whole day relaxing and planning for the future. It is important to set the right life guidelines so that later, following them, it is easy to achieve your goals. For you, the eclipse period will become a kind of "springboard" that will help you find answers to many questions and achieve success.


All Capricorns will have confidence that they will be able to solve all their problems, and in one fell swoop. It must be admitted that the majority will be able to prove this in practice. They will sharpen their professional flair, their minds will be clear, and the concentration of attention is extremely high. Your well-being won't let you down either. Many Capricorns after August 7 will be able to start counting a new stage in their careers.


Wards of this sign throughout the day will have a need to realize their creative abilities. In this case, those who correctly tune in to the process will succeed. Domestic problems that have arisen so inopportunely can become a hindrance. To avoid this, you should postpone the decision of all issues until later.


To resolve even minor issues, Pisces will have to strain, as the eclipse will have a relaxing effect on them. Of course, this is not bad, but it is unlikely that it will be possible to achieve positive results. If Pisces wants to turn their ideas into reality, they need to drive away mother laziness and be active.
