Retrograde Mars and Mercury. Astropsychologist: Retrograde Mercury and other misfortunes of September

Elena Zimovets

The general forecast for a month is a description of the current transit situation without reference to a specific horoscope, so this forecast is of a general nature. You can learn about the impact this period has on you personally at a consultation on an individual horoscope. But regardless of personal horoscope, these recommendations will help you use the planetary energies of the month more efficiently.

Retrograde planets in July 2016 - (R)

Background aspects of the month:

Trine Jupiter-Pluto all month

Periods of ineffectiveness of the Moon

During periods when the Moon has already made its last major aspect, but has not yet moved into the next sign, you should avoid launching new projects and any other business that is designed for the future and development. These are the so-called or periods of inefficiency of the Moon. The best strategy at this time is to do nothing, leave everything as it is until the Moon enters the next sign. You can learn more about how you can use this time for your own good. See the "Moon Without a Course" schedule for 2016. And below is a table for a month - the dates and times of the periods of the "Moon without a course":

01.07.2016 00:20 - 01.07.2016 11:45

03.07.2016 03:44 - 03.07.2016 13:21

05.07.2016 06:31 - 05.07.2016 16:29

07.07.2016 12:08 - 07.07.2016 22:42

10.07.2016 03:29 - 10.07.2016 08:33

12.07.2016 15:02 - 12.07.2016 20:53

14.07.2016 22:23 - 15.07.2016 09:15

17.07.2016 08:58 - 17.07.2016 19:34

19.07.2016 22:58 - 20.07.2016 03:11

22.07.2016 01:57 - 22.07.2016 08:36

24.07.2016 07:07 - 24.07.2016 12:34

26.07.2016 06:20 - 26.07.2016 15:39

28.07.2016 15:14 - 28.07.2016 18:18

30.07.2016 11:48 - 30.07.2016 21:10

Greenwich Mean Time - GMT, for Kiev +3, for Moscow +3.

Main astro events of the month:

Greenwich Mean Time - GMT, for Kiev +3, for Moscow +3..

Background aspects and specifics of the month

The first half of the year with its eclipses smoothly turning into and crosses behind. Square and Neptune are still in force (until mid-November), Mars is still in a degree, but already direct, the main topics and problems manifested themselves in the first days of July - it's time to gather our thoughts and determine the next steps. Issues that have been stalled in recent months will see movement and opportunities for resolution. New Moon July 04 in cardinal Cancer gives rise to new projects in many areas. Trine of the Sun and Mars July 04-21 promotes decisive action, enterprise, favors those who can take the initiative and have leadership qualities. Bisextile will also contribute to new starts: Sun-Mars-Jupiter July 04-19. Business cooperation is activated, social activity, contacts will be established, new useful connections may be established. These aspects make it possible to solve complex problems using diplomacy and the ability to agree on irreconcilable positions. Decisions made at this time have a chance to be successful and lead to the desired result. This period is conducive to important undertakings in business, purchases, seeking support, solving legal and financial difficulties. This is a good time for a change of job, place of residence, foreign contacts and trips, for new businesses and other important changes. In general, it's time to get actively involved in business life.

In personal matters, this month also provides favorable opportunities. From July 04 to July 26, Venus will either be in trine with Mars (July 04-11), or in conjunction with Mercury (July 12-27). These aspects create romantic opportunities, promote closer rapprochement in relationships, and strengthen family ties. During such a period, those who were in love relationships may decide to start a life together. The time of action of these aspects favors romantic acquaintances and the beginning of new novels. Those who are single should take this into account and lead a reclusive lifestyle.

More about the periods and aspects of July

July 01-04

July 01- Venus is in exact opposition to Pluto, but still conjunct the Sun and sextile Jupiter, and the Sun is in trine c - exact aspect on July 03. The first half of July focuses on household chores, communication with parents and relatives, family trips, real estate issues. Ideas for solving housing or household problems may come up. The first days of July complete the lunar cycle and the difficult stage of the first half of the year. These days provide an opportunity to see the perspective, the overall picture that has developed on this stage to understand how and where to move on. It's time to take stock, decide what to leave behind and what to take into the next stage of life; outline plans to start their implementation after 04 July. But for a correct assessment of cases and circumstances, one must not succumb to excessive emotions, to which there will be a tendency.

These days, the demand for constructive relationship, so old obsolete connections can end, making room for new perspectives. Possible violation of agreements, termination of partnerships under the influence of circumstances that have manifested themselves in previous months. This is a critical period for unstable relationships. Possible disagreement in financial matters, family affairs, emotional skirmishes. Work responsibilities may conflict with household tasks. Situations in the family and domestic affairs will also require renewal and the need to make some sacrifices in order to restore harmony. At the same time, these days, an important property, financial, family or personal issue that created anxiety can be successfully resolved. recent times or end some topic in which the need to put an end is ripe. But if the “point” in the relationship is not included in your plans, be attentive to your loved ones and to the partners with whom you are counting on cooperation. If circumstances force a showdown, do not say harsh words in the heat of the moment and do not take sudden steps. These days carry a sufficient share of constructive energies that can transform disagreements in relationships into fruitful cooperation and partnership. Use them, especially if there is a quarrel or conflict.

The energies of these aspects enhance the brightness of love experiences. There will be a tendency to intense emotions and a need to break out of the ordinary. But the desire to overstep boundaries and taboos in a relationship can push you to take a rash step with unpleasant consequences. In a relationship, you may have to deal with possessiveness, jealousy, or emotional manipulation. Arguments can be motivated by issues of power and control. If you start a new relationship these days, you should be careful, as the “fatal attraction” can end quickly, bringing emotional discord and dissatisfaction. With the start of a new relationship, it is better to wait until the new one. lunar month. Now you can only start what needs to be completed quickly. This is a fruitful time for those who solve creative problems to participate in charitable activities or volunteer work. But this time is not suitable for new beginnings, designed for the future and development.

July 04- at 12°54" Cancer at 14:02 (GMT+3). The new moon will be in conjunction with Mercury and Venus and in trine to Neptune, and on July 06, Venus will have an exact trine with Mars. This lunar month is favorable for new business beginnings, important purchases, issues of starting education and travel, reaching agreements and signing contracts, communicating and resolving issues with superiors.Family relationships, communication with parents can occupy an important place in solving current affairs.Favorable purchases for home, solving professional and creative problems.This a good period for undertakings related to housing issues, home repairs or refurbishment, for renting or buying real estate, for solving property issues.

On days near the new moon, mood will unnecessarily affect intellectual and logical abilities, this can lead to both positive and negative consequences, depending on personal psychological characteristics and specific tasks to be focused on. For solving creative problems - this is a plus, for a realistic assessment of new business ideas and circumstances - a hindrance. For this reason, the day of the new moon is not best time for decision making. It is better to simply collect information on the basis of which you will later draw conclusions. This lunar month is a good period for an important conversation with loved ones, especially if at other times it was difficult for you to talk about your feelings. From July 05, a good period begins for undertakings in many areas. Use this time for important steps and undertakings.

July 04-27- trine of the Sun and Mars, the aspect will become exact on July 17. It focuses goals, the period July 05-18 is a good time to implement plans and start projects. Favorable manifestation of personal initiative. The success of new ventures will depend on leadership qualities the one who will head such an enterprise, from his ability to make independent decisions and take sole responsibility. This is also a time of physical activity, it is favorable for starting sports, for activities that require physical strength. If you want to get into running, fitness, physical exercise to keep fit, but have been putting it off, it's time to get together and start.

July 04-11- trine Venus and Mars - the exact aspect of July 06. The aspect will be in a favorable and dynamic bisextile configuration with Jupiter. it auspicious time for romantic acquaintances and the beginning of business cooperation, for the beginning of romantic and sexual relationships, romantic trips. Romantic relationships can get a new impetus, for example, if people only looked at each other and did not dare to get closer, now it will be easier to take a decisive step, the relationship may go into an intimate phase, or business relationship can turn into love. A good time to start creative projects, speeches, presentations, for activities in the field of art, financial matters, important purchases and other financial decisions. But, given the impulsiveness of Mars, unplanned expenses are also possible, for example, on gifts to loved ones or on pleasures, so you should observe the measure in financial matters. And in important financial steps that require significant investments, it is important to consider how this transit background is consistent with your natal chart.

July 05-15- the conjunction of the Sun and Mercury will be in sextile with Jupiter, the exact aspects are on July 08 and 10, and their bisextile with Mars gives this period additional opportunities and dynamics. This is the most successful time for starting a business, solving legal issues, social events, for activities in the field of finance, real estate, law, obtaining advice, for providing or receiving financial assistance, for negotiations, signing contracts, to start cooperation and active interaction. You can get help and support from superiors, colleagues, or just a lucky coincidence will help solve important issues. This is a time of new acquaintances and new opportunities, connections with influential or useful people can be made. But during this period there will be several “buts”, days that you need to pay attention to.

The first "but" July 07-08 the opposition of the Sun and Mercury with Pluto will become exact, and Venus will enter the exact square with Uranus. These days, shortcomings and omissions of the beginning of the month or old problems will appear, there will be a need to make certain changes to the plans. Conflicts with loved ones or strained relationships at work are likely. Be careful in trying to convince someone of something, this is unlikely to be constructive, but it can lead to conflict. It is better to postpone negotiations, trips, visits to official authorities. A confrontation with people in power is likely. These days, you can face a situation of pressure, injustice, an attempt to solve the problem by force. It will be difficult to reach an agreement, and a quarrel and termination of relations are very likely, since the intensity of emotions and unwillingness to reckon with other opinions will interfere with agreement. Do not give in to emotions, this will help you see things in the true light and adequately meet challenges. If you keep a rational look, now you can understand the true essence of the problem in the relationship. On these days and near these dates, the likelihood of terrorist attacks and disasters increases, aggressive personalities become more active, contact with criminal elements becomes more likely, so you should not visit dubious establishments and potentially dangerous places. You need to be careful while driving and on the road.

One more "but" - July 11-12 These are the days when you need to carefully monitor the information. On July 11, Mercury is trine Mars and square Uranus, and on July 12 at 20 ° 07 "Libra. In cases and projects begun at the beginning of the lunar month, problems can now be encountered, unaccounted circumstances or opportunities that require research will appear, and the initial direction will need to be corrected to keep the project going New information, an unexpected visit or a call can create nervousness Unfortunate surprises are likely The plans for the day may be derailed Additional efforts will need to be made to coordinate actions with other people Communications are likely to break down electronics, office equipment.You should be careful when using electrical appliances and vehicles.But for the IT-sphere, for those who are engaged in intellectual activity and are capable of insights, this is a time of important insights, interesting discoveries and productive work.These energies contribute to the concentration of the mind and isolating chief of the chaotic flow of information.

July 16- Sun square Uranus. In the days around this date, you need to be prepared for all sorts of surprises. The energies of this aspect increase the desire to break out of the routine, act without obeying the rules, create situations where someone can outrage with their behavior, an unexpected attack. Or something will force you to deviate from the usual routine. Surprises can manifest themselves in the form of a sudden breakdown of a car, a spontaneous dispute, an unforeseen conflict. What is planned may not develop as expected, and changes will need to be made due to circumstances or scenarios that were not taken into account. Complications with superiors are likely, in women - with men. People can be driven by the need for novelty of sensations, unusual meetings, secular entertainment. Unexpected misunderstandings are likely in personal life, in love or family relationships or quarrels with friends, as people tend not to care about the stability of relationships, or think about the consequences. But such contradictory behavior leads to conflict in family life, to separation from loved ones or business partners. It is better not to ask your superiors on this day and observe subordination and discipline. Be careful, especially if you are nervous, as accidental injury is likely.

July 19- at 27 ° 40 "Capricorn, the exact trine of Mercury from and on July 20, Venus will be in trine with Saturn. On days near the full moon, circumstances may appear that will highlight the situation in a new way. In the work it will become clear: what previous undertakings and projects are bearing fruit, and which will have to be curtailed as not justified.Probably the completion of some project, or it will be necessary to make changes in the conditions so that it can be continued.At this time, business or personal relationships may come to a certain conclusion, unreliable or exhausted connections will end, and those that are truly important may move into a more serious phase: in business it may be a new stage of cooperation, in romantic relationships it may be about marriage.

July 23-30- Mercury trine Uranus, exact aspect July 27th. This is the time of innovative ideas, exciting news, discoveries, unexpected acquaintances, interesting meetings, contacts with original people. In the course of communication, new ideas may appear. This is a time of fresh impressions and discoveries in a familiar environment. Probably getting the right information on time. Establish new useful connections and relationships. Short trips are of interest and benefit. There will be opportunities to try out new ideas and unique ways of solving problems, to implement innovative projects. This is a great time to learn new technical skills, computer programs, introduce new technologies into work, for the IT sector, to start learning. A good aspect for the purchase of electronics, office equipment and communications, for the modernization of the business sphere and the style of relations in the team and with partners. This is the time to make a breakthrough in work because the mind is more receptive to unusual ways of looking at a problem. But for routine work that requires careful, disciplined thinking and a traditional approach, this is a difficult time.

July 28-31- Mercury square Mars, exact aspect July 29th. This is a time of mental and nervous tension. The likelihood of quarrels and disagreements is high. When agreeing on issues, opposition can be encountered and patience is needed to work out an acceptable solution. If you have to defend your beliefs, the energies of this aspect will be useful, but do not provoke quarrels with excessive pressure, so as not to create problems out of the blue. These days people are prone to impulsive steps, hasty conclusions, harsh statements. The topics of taxes, loans, financial decisions can be a source of concern and problems. Difficulties are likely in resolving issues of profit distribution or general finance. In contacts, one may encounter misunderstanding, a desire to impose one's opinion, regardless of the partner's point of view, or even hostility. Postpone important negotiations, a visit to the authorities. Be careful when driving or handling sharp objects. Don't get into arguments with the police.

July 30- Mercury transits Virgo, Venus trines Uranus, and the Sun trines s, exact aspects on 01 August. These days bring clearer, more critical and pragmatic energies, lower the degree of emotions and increase ingenuity in solving problems and problems. The focus will be on commitment and meeting deadlines. These are the days of the end of the lunar month, but now you can successfully close any issue or topic that has caused concern in previous weeks. Successful contacts with superiors, resolving issues and official authorities. It's time to seek advice or help from those who are older and wiser, pull things up and complete some stage in the work. Now it is possible to find solutions to problems that previously seemed dead ends, but for this you need to move away from old patterns and approach issues from a practical side. People of creative professions may have non-standard ideas, the use of new artistic techniques and techniques will give a positive result. This is a good time to step outside of your normal routine. It is favorable and useful to communicate with friends, it is possible to outgrow friendly relations into romantic. Romantic acquaintances can be exciting, but they are unlikely to develop into a long-term relationship. The reason is that the potential of new relationships can quickly be exhausted, and even now it will be difficult to see for sure who you are dealing with. Pay more attention to children, now it will be easier to find a common language on issues that previously caused conflicts and strengthen your parental authority. New sensations and impressions will be beneficial, you can plan a vacation for this time or just have more rest from work and everyday problems. Good luck to you, friends, with any transits!

And the bonus today - according to the season:) - seascapes by Laurent Adams (USA) to the refreshing sounds of the sea, accompanied by the music of Ian Mulder.

In April 2016, according to astrologers, not the most favorable event will come - Mercury retrograde. It will bring a lot of disappointment, but it will be possible to successfully defend against negative emotions and energy.

What is retrograde

From the point of view of an observer who is with us, on Earth, the planet solar system can move in one or the other direction. The direction of movement forward or backward depends on the location of our planet relative to the observed. When a visible planet makes a revolution around the Sun and begins to move in the opposite direction, this is retrograde.

For Mercury in 2016, this period will occur as much as four times, with a duration of approximately 20 days each. In April 2016, Mercury retrograde will begin on the 28th and end on May 22nd.

Do not hide the fact that astrologers call such periods extremely negative and unfavorable. But what is the reason for such conclusions?

Impact of Mercury retrograde in April 2016

It is worth noting that this time Mercury retrograde will be held under the auspices of the Zodiac Sign Aries. This means that any manifestation of impulsiveness and selfishness can turn against you. On the other hand, the energy of Aries warns us against excessive kindness - you should not spend a lot of time helping someone, although it is not advisable to refuse. The ideal way out is to give the right advice and provide decent moral support.

In astrology, Mercury is responsible for the intellect. Retrograde inhibits intellectual activity, causing absolutely everyone to suffer from this, so be prepared for:

  • business problems;
  • limit spending and purchases;
  • misunderstanding;
  • learning problems.

You should not go on trips and make important decisions. Try to postpone it until the end of May. If this is not possible, enlist the support of loved ones. One way or another, but the main rule of retrograde Mercury is to think seven times before making a decision. No intuition, no advice from the depths of the heart and subconscious - only logic and the help of other people. Stay close to those you care about.

Least of all, Mercury Retrograde will interfere with people whose work and hobbies are tied to logical thinking and do not involve any training. These are programmers, economists, financial analysts. Careful need to be teachers, lecturers, creative individuals, as well as servants of the law.

Even if you are under the influence of Mercury, this is not a reason to run away from the ship. Try to find the strength in yourself to move only forward. Mercury retrograde passes relatively quickly, so enlist the support of those you trust and think before you do anything more often.

Retrograde Mercury can bring a lot of troubles and problems, but even with its negative energy you can easily cope, because everyone difficult period only tempers those who do not give in to despondency. April 28 to May 22 we can learn fortitude and faith in luck. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

18.04.2016 01:00

Space objects affect our luck and life in general. Each planet has its own character...

Mercury rules the environment. This planet has a number of features that everyone who is interested in...

Not an easy year awaits us!

There will be 7 retrograde planets in 2016. Mercury will be RETROGRADE as many as 4 times.

The sages warn that everything that is done during this period will be done wrong. You can not get divorced, marry, disperse, buy something big (especially transport), sign important documents, travel.

There will be breakdowns in negotiations, cancellation of agreements.

Business activity will recover after Mercury stops its RETROGRADE movement and becomes direct again.

What can be done???

Finish the work you started. Review what has been done before.

Repair your car.

At this time, there is a high probability of meeting with old acquaintances. You may be called by those who have long disappeared from your life.

PERIOD - MERCURY RETROGRADE This is the time to hatch and think about ideas. And you will already embody on direct Mercury))))

Mercury retrograde in 2016 will be:

3. August 30 to September 22. ATTENTION TO PARENTS OF FIRST-GRADERS!!! On the first of September, leave the children at home. Your children will not lose anything if they are not present at the CELEBRATION line. If they come on September 2, then the entire period of schooling will go well.

Retrograde Mars - beware!

The retrograde period of Mars is 2.5 months and happens once every 2 years.

At this time, a person confuses ideas about how and where to apply one's strength, how to use energy. Old conflicts often flare up again, but the side that started the war with Mars retrograde usually loses.

It is also necessary to observe increased personal security: people become very quick-tempered, irritated, nothing goes as smoothly as before. Anger sometimes becomes out of place and leads to new problems.

During a Mars retrograde, many may feel drained of vitality.

During this two-month period, it is better not to start anything. The one who initiates loses.

They say that during the period of retrograde Mars it is impossible to meet your soul mate. Also, former partners may appear: in this case, you should follow the proverb “do not step on the same rake twice.”

Mars is responsible for any wounds, cuts, operations, weapons, accidents and accidents. Retrograde Mars increases the number of accidents. It is not recommended to purchase weapons, protective equipment, cars, any mechanisms. It is extremely unfavorable to do planned operations.

People of "dangerous professions" (Ministry of Emergency Situations, military, police) are advised to go on vacation, not to be heroic at work.

During this cycle, it is better not to buy anything mechanical: various equipment breaks down more often, there are more accidents, car breakdowns (brakes) and computers. Purchases must be guaranteed and insured.

Analysis of actions for errors. Think several times before acting.

Take full responsibility for your life, do not blame others for your problems.

Don't be heroic.

Don't start new business.

Avoid operations and any interventions in the body.

Do not overwork, the risk of wasting a lot of effort in vain.

Be careful, fast on Tuesdays, eat hot and spicy food.

In 2016 (from 18.04 to 29.06), Mars retrograde will pass through the sign of Libra. This is the weakest position for the planet Mars - in exile in Libra - so our business activity and our strengths (including physical ones) can be significantly weakened.
Any new projects during the influence of retrograde Mars will not be realized: it freezes everything that should develop and move forward. It is highly undesirable to start a project associated with significant energy costs: there are many chances to make mistakes in the alignment of forces.


Jupiter retrograde is a great time to:

Complete the education that was interrupted earlier, resume the study of a foreign language that was started before.

Go on a trip that you put off in the past, go on a trip for spiritual, educational or cultural purposes.

Restore long-lost friendships or past relationships.

Reconsider or clarify your views on life.

Negative influences can also manifest themselves. At this time, the speed of progress in government structures decreases; may bring back an old question or problem. During this time, some people may notice delays or confusion in matters related to Jupiter's spheres of influence: social projects, education, legal issues, etc.

Jupiter retrograde encourages a person to be guided by their internal laws and principles, and not by the rules established by society. It is not recommended to criticize, condemn others and impose your vision of life on them.


When Uranus goes retrograde, the chances of the changes produced by its lightning-like energy increase. If you yourself want changes that you have been putting off for some reason, you need to overcome fear, rely on the support of Uranus and act. Or just let the planetary energies do their work.

This is the best time for self-expression, a rich source of new ideas and experiments. Retrograde Uranus awakens the need to destroy existing traditions; enhances a person's desire to be different, to be unique and unique.

This period is ideal for the use of creativity, ingenuity and originality. Qualities recommended for success: originality and lack of stereotypes in any business.

Retrograde Uranus:


During this period, the border between reality and illusion becomes barely visible, and any intention can be realized. You can dream and fantasize, not forgetting that for the realization of fantasies, a material and physical basis is still necessary as an impulse for implementation. You can write down dreams and plans in a personal diary. For better implementation, it is recommended to describe dreams as already existing.

However, Neptune, known in astrology as the planet of fantasy and reverie, during reverse movement shows us that not everything is so rosy. This is a good time to combine your fantasies with a realistic outlook on life, reevaluate your ideals and take a closer look at your surroundings.


Pluto retrograde is a period of clearing. Finding the truth within yourself can be relentless.

The retro planet deprives you of support in life and tests your ability to be true to your destiny.

Reactionary Pluto disorientates through loss or emptiness in the soul. The best time for a leisurely analysis of your life, freeing yourself from the unnecessary.

Possibly during the period retrograde Pluto you will feel the urge to display a tougher-than-usual style of behavior.

Retrograde Pluto:


Saturn is retrograde for about 4.5 months.

This is a time of delay and inhibition in the development of events, a time of delay and disruption of plans. External circumstances offer a lot of work. Often there is a need to spend extra time on ordinary activities. The lack of time and the impossibility of completing things on time cause chagrin.

It is recommended during this period to relax and just wait for progress: a persistent desire to solve problems will increase their number. Such an internal state will allow you to remain calm and properly distribute your time.

Self-discipline and systematic thinking will help to successfully solve emerging problems. It is advisable to use the time of Saturn retrograde to consolidate and comprehend the results of long-standing work.

In astrology, Saturn is known as the "planet of karma". He, like a strict overseer, makes us patiently and humbly bear our burden, according to his charter. Direct Saturn imposes rules on us that we must follow. However, during Saturn retrograde, we are forced to look for support within ourselves, to develop our own rules on our own. We can get much more valuable experience at this time. But, unfortunately, often this experience comes as a result of one's own mistakes. Such is the nature of Saturn.

Retrograde Saturn:

Retrograde, or retrograde. Indicated by the icon "R". The word "retrograde" means something is moving backwards. The planet is not moving backwards, but the fact is that when viewed from the Earth, it seems that the planet is slowing down its movement and is about to back away. It's like two trains moving in parallel. If one goes at a higher speed, then it seems that the second one is going backwards.

Different phases of the planet's movement in astrology are usually denoted by letters: D - for direct (direct) movement, R - for retrograde, SD - when the planet starts direct movement after stopping and SR - when the planet starts backward (retrograde) movement after stopping. All planets are retrograde, except for the Sun and Moon.

If the planet is retrograde, that is, it moves in an unusual way, then its effect will be less obvious, more hidden and introverted. In some cases, this becomes a real blessing, and sometimes it can slow down the process of maturation of the event. The calendar was compiled for the city of Moscow.

General forecast

Periods of Venus retrograde do not cause such obvious troubles as the retrograde periods of Mercury. Love and romance, social relationships and behavior, business relationships and politics may become less successful and acquire their uncharacteristic rudeness and aggressiveness. The positive moments of these periods include situations that require a more prudent approach in order to restore or create an optimal balance. Retrograde periods of Venus are unfavorable for cosmetic surgery and finishing work, although at this time such issues can be studied, reviewed and discussed.

Venus retrograde occurs approximately every 18 months for 40 days.


The Venus retrograde phase lasts about 42 days and occurs for an estimated eight months every year. It is noteworthy that this period has a significant impact on the personal and love spheres of life, namely, it affects love impulses, attractiveness, emotional reactions, personal values ​​and perceptions, as well as relationships with a partner. This phase can also be associated with the psychological attitude to the current financial condition and personal property. At this time, it is not recommended to get married, start divorce proceedings, as well as enter into partnerships related to business and take serious actions regarding a career and new projects. Since Venus is also a money-ruled planet, this may not be the best time to invest your money in large purchases and financial investments. On the other hand, this is a favorable period: to review all existing relationships and connections and to define them true value, before drawing conclusions that affect the final decision and take on all obligations. It is at this time that you can successfully balance all your future financial affairs and expenses.

Retrograde planets in 2016☿ Mercury ♀ Venus ♂ Mars ♃ Jupiter

> > > Mercury

The first planet from the Sun governs intellectual abilities and sociability. Therefore, it is directly related to business and commercial activities. When Mercury goes retrograde, people experience communication problems. There are certain difficulties in oratory and writing letters. But at the same time, people have extraordinary thinking that can overturn traditional foundations. This can be counted as a positive consequence.

When Mercury begins to move back, a person begins to pay great attention to gaining knowledge, this becomes his main goal. Excessive interest in new information contributes to intellectual fatigue and pride in the achievements made in front of other people. However, there is also positive side retrograde, which consists in increasing the speed of decision-making and the manifestation of intuition. This allows you to achieve benefits in everyday life.

Periods of retrograde Mercury in 2016

Effects of Mercury retrograde on personality in 2016

From 5 to 13 January Mercury retrograde starts moving in the sign of Capricorn. In astrological science, it is believed that this sign has an earthly element and gives a person purposefulness. It also promotes a reasonable attitude to time. However, the retrograde of Mercury introduces a certain instability, preventing the full use of the opportunities that open up. It is necessary to be wary of financial matters, as they can turn into failure.

From January 14 to 25, the planet will pass through the sign of Sagittarius. In general, there will be favorable consequences. The personality will no longer be distracted by everyday problems, having begun to be interested in more lofty goals. There may be a desire to receive new information or travel. However, caution is also recommended here, since the wasted energy can go to useless actions. Communication difficulties are also likely.

Mercury enters Aries from April 28 to May 21. A person can accelerate the speed of thinking and decision-making. To top it off, an unhealthy attraction to gambling will appear, which is a danger to the personal budget. It is recommended that you carefully consider your actions in order to prevent irreparable mistakes. Also, do not rush into the realization of desires. To do this, you should constantly analyze your behavior, making adjustments to it.

Psychology of divorce