Retrograde pluto in a year. On the territory of the resort town. What not to do with Neptune retrograde.

Since June 16, 2017, the mysterious, mystical Neptune is turning into a retrograde position. It will remain in this state until November 22, 2017. It should be noted that the planet will stay in its abode - the sign of Pisces. Neptune loves to let in fog, so you should prepare for confusion in both material and spiritual matters. Many will reconsider and change the value system.

What should be feared during retro Neptune?

Neptune patronizes the spiritual more than the material world. But this does not mean that during the period of its retrograde people will not be disturbed by practical problems. Much attention should be paid to finances. Unforeseen expenses, disruption of transactions, loss of profits are possible. After June 16, it is advisable to calculate your every step in order to protect funds from losses.

You should not trust someone's promises during the retrograde period of Neptune in Pisces. Even proven people can fail, forget about their obligations. It is recommended to double-check all incoming information, to study several sources. retro planet can escalate the situation, provoke chaos. It is important to cope with the confusion, not to succumb to panic. Neptune in Pisces activates fears that are usually hidden deep in the subconscious.

From June 16 to November 22, 2017 scammers are activated, drawing people into sects. In a depressed state, a person tends to trust beautiful promises, follow charismatic leaders. You should be attentive to your surroundings, double-check information even about people who are trustworthy. You should not rush to extremes, get involved with individuals who have problems with the law, get involved in alcohol. It is also worth being more attentive to taking medications, overdoses are possible.

How to direct the energy of retro Neptune to your advantage?

The planets go on their own, not plotting insidious plans against humanity. Everything depends on the person himself, on how he will use the energies of the Cosmos. After June 16, 2017, many will feel the need to either reassess the value system or expand their spiritual horizons. This is an excellent time for people who are on a spiritual quest.

Feelings of confusion can be replaced by unexpected insights. Retro Neptune enhances intuition, sends prophetic dreams. If earlier some questions related to religion were of interest, then after the 16th they can be resolved by themselves. At this time, it is important to keep your eyes and ears open, the Universe can give various clues, indicate the further path with signs.

But don't think that retro neptune only useful for spiritual search. Pragmatists will not be left out either. The planet blurs the line between reality and illusion, which means that it will be much easier to achieve your goals. You can at least every day indulge in dreams, and even better, write down all your wishes in a notebook. Neptune will help make them a reality in the near future, provided that dreams do not harm others.

Well, as they say, let's continue. Let's talk about retrograde planets. About whether there is life in time and we have already talked, it was the turn of Neptune. Now he is moving in the "style" of retro: 06/13/2016 - 11/20/2016. Its next retro phase will begin in 2017 around the same time: from June 16 to November 22.

Neptune, in my opinion, the planet is very difficult to understand. Its essence seems blurred, because the concepts that reflect this essence are in themselves devoid of specifics: mystery, illusion, intuition, mysticism, deceit. Add to this the fact that Neptune belongs to the category of “distant planets”, and not “personal”, therefore its action is not expressed openly, and if a person is not attuned to “subtle matters”, then the influence of Neptune on him will not be particularly noticeable . And it is precisely Neptune that gives this very “tuning”. Vicious circle… . It would seem that. However, if you look at it, it turns out that this is what happens: those people who have it somehow manifested in their birth chart will feel more or less clearly the influence of retro-Neptune. It may be his strong connections with personal planets. The stronger, more active the connection (aspect), the more planets, the brighter the manifestation of Neptune. Even more significant is the retrograde of the planet directly in the horoscope. And if you take into account the fact that Neptune is retrograde every year for a little over five months, it turns out that almost half of humanity has a retro Neptune in their birth chart.

The individuality of a person with retro Neptune is not always easy to understand. Often his motives, how to put it mildly, do not have common sense. He has "his own music" and "his own game." It can be spiritual, and at the same time it is not connected with religiosity and its formal side. It may be of extraordinary artistic or musical ability, but it does not belong to any particular artificial structure in the creative environment. He feels and knows much more than he can express by means of the material world.

Retro - Neptune in the birth chart is a kind of given, which can hardly be called such a gift of fate. Retrograde Neptune can often contribute to a departure from reality, and as a result - unrealizable dreams, unrealistic plans, inability to objectively assess what is happening. And as a result, there is a high probability of slipping into depression, or, even worse, alcoholism and so on, which, by the way, is also under the jurisdiction of Neptune.

As for the period of the retro-phase of Neptune, it is characterized by the fact that most people fall into the power of illusions. Imagination begins to bloom violently, events seem to be placed under a magnifying glass: a sudden call from a colleague suddenly begins to seem like a manifestation of sympathy, just a thoughtless random phrase is transformed into a request for a break in relations. It is during this time that the greatest number of rash spending, quarrels, sudden job changes and other “surprises” occur.

It is better at this time to delve into dreams and fantasies. Now they will be brighter, larger. It would be nice to detail, develop, feel and formalize them in the real world by writing, for example, in a diary, because, as you know, a thought is material, and the more clearly it is manifested, the more likely it is not to be lost in the Universe, but to take it and come true.

Neptune is doubt and, oddly enough, faith. Where Neptune reigns, it is easier to get confused than to figure it out. Intuition rules there: for some reason we believe that it is necessary to do this and not otherwise, although doubts do not leave us.

There are 2 extremes in his aura: supernatural, divine, clairvoyance, genius and madness, chaos, dope. What will prevail? Our choice. No matter how the stars and planets influence our lives, no one can cancel the mind and will. The time of Neptune's retro movement is the very moment to comprehend and decide where and how to proceed. And retro-Neptune to help us.

That's all for today!

FROMyou wereInna Izvekova.

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To those who wants to learn astrology

To those who wants to get advice

Located on the territory of the resort town "Adler", which occupies a vast part of the coast on the outskirts of the city of Adler (from the side of Sochi). The "Adler Resort" includes: two 15-storey comfortable buildings: "Dolphin", "Coral" (with elevator), 5-storey building "Neptune" and 4-storey building "Change".


5-storey building for 310 people.

  • Double, triple with private facilities per block (2+3) Category 1: In rooms: TV, refrigerator, air conditioning, electric kettle, balcony. Shower, toilet, per block 2+3. The rooms are located on the 1st and 2nd floors.
  • 2-x, 3-bed with private facilities per block (2+3) 2 categories In the rooms: TV, air conditioning, balcony. Shower, toilet, per block 2+3.
  • Double 2-room Suite: shower, bathroom, TV, refrigerator, air conditioner, balcony.

Extra bed - placed only in 3-bed rooms - blocks (Euro folding bed) and 2-room suites (sofa or euro folding bed).
In 2-bed rooms - blocks an extra bed is not installed.

Work period:



to choose from "buffet": breakfast, breakfast + dinner, 3 meals a day in the dining room of the "Coral" building.
Children from 3 to 7 years old without a seat, but with mandatory

Treatment profile:

diseases of the cardiovascular system, peripheral nervous system, respiratory organs, musculoskeletal system, skin, gynecological diseases.

Medical base:

computer diagnostics for blood group, ultrasound, monitor bowel cleansing, reflexology (acupuncture), endoecological rehabilitation and lymphotropic therapy (cleaning the internal environment of the body), ultratonotherapy (quick relief of pain syndromes), magnetotherapy, transcranial electrical stimulation (activation of the protective structures of the brain, treatment of alcohol and drug addiction), microwave resonance therapy (restores the natural amplitude of the patient's electromagnetic radiation), treatment with laser devices (biolaser), detensor therapy (intensive therapy of the spinal column), massage room (including vacuum massage, massage chair and couch), consultation psychologist, underwater massage and pearl baths, figure correction room, modern methods of treatment with mineral waters in Sochi, inhalation, salt cave, dry carbonic baths, computer diagnostic complex "Valenta" (9 types of examinations).

The world-famous Russian-American Center for Reproduction and Genetics, one of the best in Russia, operates on the territory of the Adler Resort.
Treatment supplement: 450 rub. (doctor's consultation, diagnostics, treatment procedures according to indications).


On the territory of the resort town:

  • outdoor swimming pool with sea water, children's center "Dolphin" and slides,
  • playground,
  • Cafe,
  • bars,
  • restaurants,
  • tennis court,
  • volleyball,
  • badminton courts,
  • mini football,
  • billiards,
  • bowling Club,
  • solarium,
  • Internet cafe.

In the body:


outdoor swimming pool with sea water, tennis court, volleyball, badminton courts, mini football, gym.


accepted from any age; children's playroom, children's center "Dolphin", children's playground. Children from 3 to 7 years old without a seat, but with mandatory payment for meals on the spot: 3 meals a day - 850 rubles per day, 2 meals a day (breakfast + dinner) - 490 rubles per day, breakfast - 225 rubles per day.

own (through an underground passage under the railway), 100 m from the building, pebbly, equipped.

Water supply:

Cold and hot water constantly.

Checkout time:

The documents:

  • for adults - passport, voucher, health insurance compulsory medical insurance policy, health resort card (mandatory for vouchers with treatment);
  • for children - a birth certificate, a certificate of epidemiological environment and vaccinations, a medical insurance policy for compulsory medical insurance, a sanatorium card (required for vouchers with treatment);
  • for minors traveling without parents, accompanying persons must have a notarized power of attorney from their parents.


from the airport or railway station in Adler (5-7 km) from the railway station in Sochi (10 km) by bus or fixed-route taxi to the stop "Sanatorium Izvestia".


Krasnodar Territory, Sochi, Adler, st. Lenina, 219

Every planet in our solar system has periods of so-called retrograde. The time has come for Jupiter to change the direction of its movement, and hence our mood with you.

The planets are the patrons of the days of the week, however, they affect our lives not at a strictly defined time, but constantly. During the period of normal movement, their energy is one, and during the period of retrograde - another. At the beginning of February 2017, Jupiter will turn retrograde, which will bring us not only something favorable, but also certain problems.

What is retrograde

Any planet solar system has a retrograde property. Here the usual principle of the observer works, which moves at different speeds in relation to the object of observation. Earth and Jupiter move at different speeds in orbit, so for us sometimes it seems that the planet is moving forward and backward. One might think that this is not such an important nuance, but astrologers have long found out that the retrograde of a particular planet can promise us problems in various areas of life.

retrograde, that is reverse movement Jupiter in 2017 began on February 5, and will end only on June 9. During these almost 5 months, it will be necessary to complete a lot of important tasks, because Jupiter is very demanding when moving backward. Increase your energy so that Jupiter retrograde does not break you mentally. Everyday affirmations, meditations and just positive thinking can help you with this.

Astrologers' warnings

Starting from February 5, it is worth paying attention to your spiritual life, because Jupiter rules it. This giant planet will remind us of who we really are. During this period, especially at the very beginning, strange thoughts may appear about where you are going in this life, what drives you, whether you are doing everything right. These are normal questions that require answers, so don't get depressed, shed tears, or withdraw into yourself. Help each other find ourselves. Perhaps during the period of Jupiter retrograde in 2017, you will be able to understand the meaning of life or get very close to understanding it.

Loners can have a very hard time during this period of time, as Jupiter moving backwards can cause you to close within yourself. Communication skills will be greatly weakened, so you should not succumb to animal instincts when it comes to love. Your love affairs will reflect badly on your career and business. Try to perceive new acquaintances with caution, because many people will be selfish towards you. The same applies to yourself - do not be greedy and be big egoists. Show the people around you that you know how to share success.

Beware of making quick decisions based on an intuitive assessment of the situation. You may have serious problems with intuition, because Jupiter moving in the opposite direction until the very beginning of June will confuse your cards. It will be possible to trust the sixth sense only in May and in the second half of March. It is these short periods of time that will help you restore balance in all areas of life.

Brief astrological forecast for 2017 with periods of retrograde planets can help plan important events. At this time, the planets slow down their speed, so when observed, it seems to us that they are moving backwards. This has a certain effect on our everyday life. When not to start new business? When should you not get married? When will there be a creative crisis? When will there be difficult emotional periods? The answers to these questions will be given by the general horoscope.

Mercury Retrograde

Mercury in astrology is responsible forcommunication, communication, mediation, information transfer, commerce, transactions, thinking and perception. During its retrograde movement, all information is distorted, you see events in the wrong light. often stop business relationship, stupid mistakes occur, the signing of contracts is disrupted. Each of these periods lasts approximately 20 days.

Periods of retrograde Mercury in 2017:

  • January 1 - January 8
  • April 10 - May 3
  • August 13 - September 5
  • December 3 - December 23

What can you do when Mercury retrograde:

  • restore old connections and contacts
  • complete difficult and long-term tasks
  • organize documents
  • end an unrewarding relationship
  • adjust your plans for the future
  • repair vehicles
  • quit your job

What not to do when Mercury retrograde:

  • make new friends
  • start projects and training
  • enter into new relationships
  • sign new contracts
  • start a new job
  • buy real estate and vehicles
  • rush to make decisions

Retrograde Venus

Venus in astrology is responsible for feelings, love, beauty,harmony, marriage, partnership, relationships, art and values.During her retrograde movement, problems arise in the love sphere and relationships, control over emotions. There is a return to past affairs, you are immersed in memories and a reassessment of values ​​​​occurs. This period lasts approximately 40 days.

Venus Retrograde 2017:

  • March 4 - April 15

What to do with Venus retrograde:

  • realize creative potential
  • pay more attention to loved ones
  • decorate the house and do needlework
  • do a wardrobe audit
  • attend cultural events
  • rekindle old relationships
  • revise life values

What not to do when Venus retrograde:

  • cosmetic procedures and plastic surgery
  • announce engagement and marriage
  • buy new clothes and accessories
  • organize competitions, exhibitions
  • lending and borrowing money
  • contact lawyers
  • open a company

Retrograde Jupiter

Jupiter in astrology is responsible for the social sphere, self-esteem, wisdom, morality and morality. During his retrograde movement, difficulties arise with the fulfillment of his obligations, obsession with his social status and authority. This period lasts about 4 months.

Jupiter retrograde period 2017:

  • February 6 - June 9

What can you do when Jupiter retrograde:

  • grow with your own resources
  • resume language learning
  • go on a delayed trip
  • prepare for hard work
  • look for inspiration
  • grow spiritually
  • continue what you started

What not to do when Jupiter retrograde:

  • innovate
  • withhold any information
  • incur obligations, loans
  • be overconfident
  • hope for a quick result of the work begun
  • hurry up in making decisions
  • expand business

Retrograde Saturn

Saturn in astrology is responsible for power, discipline, concentration, structure, achievement, construction, real estate. During his retrograde movement, work is done on mistakes, everything that has become obsolete leaves, there is a desire to hide from problems. This period lasts approximately 4 months.

Saturn Retrograde 2017:

  • April 6 - August 25

What to do when Saturn is retrograde:

  • cleanse the body
  • carry out disease prevention
  • hone professional skills
  • keep discipline
  • analyze thoughts and actions
  • move slowly and steadily towards the goal
  • cultivate endurance

What not to do when Saturn retrograde:

  • engage in risky sports
  • contact officials
  • start construction
  • buy and sell real estate
  • get a new job
  • rush to achieve goals
  • overclaim

Retrograde Uranus

Uranus in astrology is responsible for independence, change, inner voice, individuality, innovation, foresight, upheavals. During his retrograde movement, there is a desire to change and redo everything except himself, to vigorously take the initiative, which is why conflicts with others are possible.

Uranus retrograde in 2017:

  • August 3 - December 31

What to do with Uranus retrograde:

  • switch to healthy lifestyle life
  • achieve results in sports
  • beware of excesses
  • reconsider
  • break free from stereotypes
  • experiment in any field
  • meet in an unusual way

What not to do when Uranus is retrograde:

  • inactivity in personal and business life
  • be afraid of the unknown
  • stick to the traditional
  • to be categorical and maximalist
  • take unnecessary risks
  • rely entirely on others
  • make strategic plans

Retrograde Neptune

Neptune in astrology is responsible for mysticism, esotericism, intuition, the subtle world, imagination, sleep, the collective unconscious. During its retrograde movement, a decrease in working capacity is manifested, the number of emergency situations increases, and craving for alcohol intensifies.

Neptune Retrograde 2017:

  • June 16 - November 22

What to do with Neptune retrograde:

  • fantasize and dream
  • to keep a diary
  • raise one's spiritual level
  • be creative
  • work out Karma
  • visit a psychologist
  • To help people

What not to do with Neptune retrograde:

  • abuse alcohol
  • be suspicious
  • be in penance
  • make promiscuous connections
  • hide from reality
  • feel guilty
  • be moody

Retrograde Pluto

Pluto in astrology is responsible for rebirth, transformation, the subconscious, abrupt changes, deep mental processes, mass control, evolution. During its retrograde movement, restructuring occurs political system, the desire for tough cardinal changes increases, the behavior becomes more aggressive.

Pluto retrograde in 2017:

  • April 20 - September 28

What to do when Pluto retrograde:

  • analyze your life
  • travel
  • read books
  • forgive and let go
  • engage in self-development
  • let go of the past
  • cultivate self-restraint

What not to do when Pluto retrograde:

  • suggestible
  • jump on the rampage
  • stay in one place
  • lose faith
  • show aggression
  • lower self-esteem
  • be cruel

Undoubtedly, those who have natal chart these planets are strengthened, during their retrograde motion the strongest influence will be exerted. But in general, everyone will be able to feel the vibrations that the planets carry during their slow motion.
