Calculate the leading planet in the natal chart. Planets in astrology: principles, roles and functions of the planets

Astron - means celestial bodies. These two words differ in the second part: logos - science, nomos - law. The science of heavenly bodies is astrology, the laws of heavenly bodies are astronomy. Planets and their meaning in the horoscope are considered by astrology.

Planets and their meaning. Introduction to astrology

Astronomy deals with calculation (cold science of planetary motion, applied) and is a part of astrology. There were no astronomers before, astrology in ancient times included astronomy. Astrology helps to live, astronomy is applicable only in astronautics. Now the renaissance of astrology in our country. It is necessary to start the study of astrology with astronomy.

Introduction to astrology

The microworld is man. Macrocosm - Universe. Turning to the cosmos, we look at it as a big person, a living organism. But for a person as for the Universe, and not for a set of proteins and other elements. Every part of the universe is connected to our destiny. It can be calculated.

The universe was born by means of a big bang - this is a theory. Its essence is that initially the entire universe was concentrated in a tiny particle. This particle exploded for some reason and the energy of the explosion is such that fragments of this particle began to fly apart. The entire life of the Universe is an ongoing expansion from the moment of the explosion until now. This is a balloon model. Two scenarios and both involve the death of the universe. It is not eternal, if there is birth, there will be death.

1. Will expand to infinity, eventually the star will go out. Hot death.

2. At a certain moment, the expansion will stop and contraction will begin, the stars will become hot and everything will stick together into one insanely hot lump.

Which scenario awaits the Universe depends on the density of matter in the Universe. The calculated value of the density in this case is 10-26 g/cm3 - the average density of matter in the Universe. In reality, it is 10-28 g / cm3. Today is the first option. Human life can be likened to the life of the universe. And although a person is so small, and the Universe is so huge, nevertheless, an equal sign can be drawn between them.

Our universe is the solar system. Distant stars, not related to the solar system, we also study, but in the second place. The strongest influence on our life, destiny, character is exerted by the Sun and the Moon. The sun is our star, it feeds us, warms us. The moon is the closest celestial body to us.

Introduction to astrology. Earth

The earth is the wrong ball. Being on a spherical Earth, we see the whole sky as round. Circles in astrology and astronomy have great importance. The whole universe has no form, but as we sit here we see a circle because we live on a round earth. The ball is the most harmonious body. On a cubic planet, life would be much worse for us.

The equator runs at the center of the planet. Above is the North Pole, below is the South Pole. In heaven we will find the same. There are two geographic coordinates on Earth: latitude and longitude. The place of birth has a very big influence on a person's horoscope. Latitude is the distance from the equator. If to the north pole from the equator - north latitude, to the south - south. Longitude - is measured from the conventional Greenwich meridian in London (Royal Laboratory).

England throughout history has been the mistress of the world, and this position has been greatly damaged by the American Revolution. We can localize any point using latitude and longitude. Equator - zero latitude (zero degrees). The latitude of the North Pole is 90 degrees, the same to the south, in total 180 degrees.

Moscow 56 degrees north latitude. Petersburg - 59 degrees. Meridians from zero to the west 180, to the east -180, in total 360 degrees. The longitude of Moscow is 38 degrees east longitude.

Celestial globe - celestial sphere. The universe is limitless. But we live on Earth, the sky seems round to us. In the center of the sky, which we cannot see, is the Earth. Above the north pole of the earth is the north celestial pole, below the south pole of the earth is the south pole of the world. And in the center is the Celestial Equator. In the center of this sphere is a small Earth.

Constellations are located on the Celestial Sphere, there are 88 in total. A constellation is a star family, a group of 5-7-9 stars. All constellations have an ancient origin, more than 2000 years. Most of them reflect the figures of animals. You need to have a rich imagination to see animal figures in the outlines of these constellations.

The red line is the path of the Sun around the Earth. There is no such planet as the Earth in astrology, because we live on it, and it is placed in the center. The World has no center at all, how many people burned at the stake in the debate about it. If they knew that they were dying for a dummy, then it is not known whether they would want to burn.

Astrologers stubbornly place the Earth at the center of the universe, because we live on it. We put ourselves at the center of the world. It seems to us that the Sun goes around the Earth, the path of the Sun around the Earth is a key cycle in astrology. The sun plays the role of the earth in astrology.

If you follow the path of the Sun among these constellations, you can see that the red line, the trajectory of the Sun, runs through only 12 out of 88, they are called Zodiacal. Constellations are astronomical concepts, they are different, but 2000 years ago they agreed that they were the same. Constellations are a real piece of the sky, and the sign of the Zodiac is the same piece, but on the Celestial Sphere.

Introduction to astrology. Zodiac signs

The signs of the zodiac are 12 parts of the solar path, a full circle of 360 degrees is 12 times 30 degrees, which corresponds to about 30 days. The person was born under the sign of Scorpio. This means that the Sun at that time was passing through the sign of Scorpio.

Aries (Aries - Aries) single and male, March 21-April 20, the first on the 1st, which begins on March 21, the day of the vernal equinox, the new astronomical year begins with it.

January 1 is a social ritual.
On March 21, the real year begins in nature.
Our birthday is the beginning of our own year.
Taurus (Taurus - taurus), single, female, April 21 - May 21.
Gemini (Nonmini - Gemeni) double, male May 22 - June 21.
Cancer (Cancer - cancer) single, female June 22 - July 23
Leo (Leo - leo), July 24 - August 23, single, male
Virgo (Virga - virga) August 24 - September 23, single, female
Libra (Libra - libra, hence liberalism) September 24 - October 23, double, male
Scorpio (Scorpio - scorpio) October 24 - November 22, single, female.
Sagittarius (Sagittarius - sagitarius) - double (half-man, half-horse), male sign. November 23 - December 21.
Capricorn (Carricornus - capricornus) - single, female, December 22 - January 20
Aquarius (Aquarius - aquarius) is a sign of Russia, single, male. January 21 - February 19.
Pisces (Pisces - pisces) - double, male, February 20 - March 20 (double signs are polygamists if they are in the place of marriage).

Introduction to astrology. How the macrocosm works

The microcosm is man. Macrocosm - space. We cling to the sky to return to Earth with more knowledge than anyone else. This knowledge has more than 4 thousand years. Mankind is not so stupid as to keep all sorts of rubbish, unnecessary for so many years. There are many professional astrologers in the West, but there are no schools of astrology at all.

The Earth is in the center, there are 88 constellations around it, of which 12 are special, which are called Zodiacal, through them the Sun goes around the Earth. In astrology, the role of the Earth is played by the Sun. We call the Sun a planet, that's how we see it. As it is seen, so it is perceived. Although now we know that the Sun is not a planet. Four special day in nature: 2 days of equinox and 2 days of solstice.

March 21 - the day of the vernal equinox (the length of the day is equal to the length of the night) spring begins. The sun enters Aries.

June 22 is the summer solstice. The sun is at its maximum height above the horizon, hangs there. This is the beginning of astronomical summer. This corresponds to the beginning of Cancer.

September 23 is the autumnal equinox. Day equals night. Astronomical beginning of autumn. The entry of the Sun into the sign of Libra.

The 4 seasons are purely astrological in origin. Each of them begins on a special (2 equinoxes and 2 solstices) day. The beginning of spring is the beginning of Aries, the beginning of summer is the beginning of Cancer, the beginning of autumn is the beginning of Libra, the beginning of winter is the beginning of Capricorn.

Introduction to astrology. Antique space model

This is a collective work of many minds, but Claudius Ptolemy summarized the knowledge of astrology. Lived in Alexandria in the 2nd century AD. He is the father of astronomy, astrology, geography (introduced the concepts of longitude and latitude), optics. The main book on astrology by Ptolemy is the Tetrabiblos (astrological bible), where all the rules that we all use are recorded.

Planets and their meaning in astrology

We place the Earth and ourselves (man) in the center of the world. How many people - so many worlds. There are 7 planets around the Earth:

1. The moon (formally not a planet, but a satellite of the Earth), the first because it is the closest celestial body to us.
2. Mercury
3. Venus
4. Sun (planet in astrology)
5. Mars
6. Jupiter
7. Saturn

This is the seven that we see with the naked eye. Until there were telescopes, people knew only these planets. Uranus was discovered only at the end of the 18th century.

System 1 +7, Earth and seven planets. Then other planets were discovered, but it was already specific people who were lucky enough to discover these other planets.

Seven planets form a seven-pointed star (star of magicians). The seven planets are the authors of the main social cycle - the seven-day week. There were many illiterates in Russia, but they kept the weekly cycle very accurately. This week came to us from the astrologers of Babylon, it is about 3 thousand years old. Each day was dedicated to a specific planet. This cycle became so close to man that it became impossible to live without him. Attempts to change the week were made by the Jacobins after the revolution in our country, but nothing happened. The week has a purely astrological origin.

Planets and their meaning. Days of the week

This is confirmed by the names of the days of the week, but not the Russian version, but the European one.

Monday is the day of the moon, Moon - Monday (eng.), Dies Lunee (lat.) Lundi (fr.)
Tuesday - the day of Mars - Tuesday (that was the name of the Scandinavian Mars) Maroli (fr)
Wednesday - the day of Mercury - Wednesday Mercedi ((fr.)
Thursday - the day of Jupiter - Thursday Jeudi (fr.)
Friday - Venus day - Friday
Saturday - the day of Saturn - Saturday
Sunday - Sun Day - Sunday

In Russian, only Saturday carries a planetary meaning, comes from Shabbat.

The days of the week go along the inner circle of the star: the Sun in astrology is the main carrier of energy, and the day of the week is a day off, people are on the rise on a day off. The guide inside the star is a guide to the days of the week. The very fact on which day you were born will have some influence on fate.

Planets and their meaning. Years management

The structure of the outer circle, the structure of the planets that govern the years. Each year has its own ruling planet. The astronomical year begins on March 21st.

Saturn 1993, 2000, etc.
Jupiter 1994, 2001
Mars - 1995, 2002
Sun - 1996, 2003
Venus-1997, 2004
Mercury - 1998, 2005
Luna-1999, 2006

This applies to political and economic astrology. Soon the year of Mars begins, the planet is hot, associated with fire, it will pass with elevated temperatures. Seven planets gives us a seven year cycle in history. Relationship of planets with metals. Astrologers are put on a par with alchemists. The alchemists were versed in astrology.

Alchemists are the only chemists (there were no pure chemists), their goal was to learn how to mine gold, along the way they discovered all chemical methods, created the entire laboratory base of modern chemistry. Each of the seven planets received its own metal.

Planets and their meaning

Saturn lead
Jupiter - tin
Mars - iron
The sun is gold
Venus - copper
Mercury - mercury
Moon - silver

A metal symbol was painted on the mercury flask. This is reflected in medicine. Syphilis (traces are found in primitive people) refers to venereal diseases, diseases from love, the disease of Venus is treated with the metal of the opposite planet - Mercury mercury. Bruises are formed from the destruction (Mars) are treated with the metal of the opposite planet Venus - copper. From silver to lead, the electrical conductivity of the metal decreases. The process of purification from mercury is called demercurization.

Planets and 7 commandments

Of the Seven Wonders of the World, only the pyramids of Cheops have come down to us. Europeans discovered Egypt recently, and now they are actively smashing it brick by brick. The wonders of the world were gigantic structures. The seven wise men correspond to the seven wonders of the world. They gathered for a scientific council, the statements were short, it happened in the place of Laconia, where it was considered criminal to talk a lot. The sages did not speak for a long time, each said one phrase, they correspond to the 7 commandments:

1. Be prudent
2. Don't do anything violent
3. Seize the opportunity
4. I carry everything with me (in myself). There is nothing easier and more expensive than knowledge
5. Think it over
6. Surety causes grief. When we vouch for someone, it will bring us grief more often. Answer only for yourself.
7. Know thyself.
Seven in Russian folklore. Measure 7 times - cut 1 time .. Everywhere here the formula is 7 + 1, one is a man and seven planets around him.
In physics: 7 colors of the rainbow. Rainbow - main symbol Old Testament. Symbol
New Testament - Cross. If you see a rainbow, make a wish.
In humans, the iris of the eye tells a lot about the state of health.
There are 7 notes in the scale.

In psychology: 7 signs - this is what we can perceive at the same time
Most people spontaneously choose seven from numbers.
Religion has 7 sacraments of the church
Model of a medieval university. The training consisted of 3 stages, only the third was profiled: medicine, jurisprudence, theology.

The first two stages were studied together, where everyone had to master the 7 liberal arts. Therefore, regardless of who you become later, everyone owned the free arts (grammar - to write, logic - to think, rhetoric - to express). The second stage (mathematical) - arithmetic, geometry, music, astrology.

Planets and their meaning: character traits

The seven deadly sins, which cannot be atoned for in life, entailed atonement after death.

Pride is the Sun. If the Sun affects a person negatively, he has pride. Despondency - Moon. Sadness is not easy Bad mood Despondency - when a person does not see the meaning in this life, lives joylessly. The spleen is worse than cholera, cholera eats away the body, and the spleen eats the soul. There is no reason to be discouraged, because you do not know your fate to the end. As long as a person is alive, everything can be changed.

Avarice is Mercury. Avarice should not be confused with thrift. Stinginess - when a person did not give money in the name of saving himself or someone
Adultery - Venus. Sex without love.
Anger is Mars.
Conjunction - Jupiter.
Envy - Saturn. The desire to take away, to possess someone else's.

Planets and their importance for health

Each of the seven planets carried one major meaning. The astrologer found all the planets in man. The top of the body is the head, and its top is the face. The face is imprinted in the horoscope. There are seven windows in the human head. each of which is subject to one of the planets.

2 eyes - Sun and Moon. They bring us light. Vision is possible thanks to light. Two eyes are very different from each other Sometimes even the irises different color but this is rare.

2 ears - Jupiter and Saturn. The planets are large and connect us with society, we listen to the verdict with our ears

2 nostrils - Venus and Mars - sex planets. The respiratory organ, in ancestors - the organ of sexual orientation by smell.

Mouth - Mercury. This is the planet of speech, and we reproduce it with our mouths.

Planets and their meaning in fate

The sun and moon are the main ones in this seven. The sun is the father. The moon is the mother. Mercury - everything that concerns our intellect, mind.

Venus - small happiness, on modern language- love and money.

Mars is a minor misfortune.

Saturn is a great misfortune.

Seven in geography. 7 hills. great city Ancient Rome stands on seven hills, the Tiber River flows through its center. These are the attributes eternal city. Formula 7+1. Rome is the first capital of Christianity. The emperors of Rome legalized Christianity. The Vatican, a state within a state, has the most powerful radio station in the world.

The second Rome was Constantinople, the capital of Byzantium and the capital of Orthodoxy. It was officially called the second Rome, but it fell, it was captured by the Turks, because. he did not stand on 7 hills. Then the center of Orthodoxy moved to Moscow - and it was called the Third Rome. But she will avoid the fate of Constantinople, because. she has 7 hills and a river, she will never disappear.

The planets in the horoscope (natal birth chart) represent an individual source of information about each person, they are the most important indicators that reflect inclinations, temperament and personality traits. There are several levels of manifestation of the influence of celestial bodies: intellectual, physical and emotional. The principles inherent in this or that planet are to some extent inherent in each of us. The essence of one of the main activities of an astrologer is to determine the nature of their impact on specific people.

Each planet carries information about a certain facet of the Personality:
The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Chiron form personal manifestations of character.
Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and Proserpine determine the common (collective) character traits of entire generations.
Lunar Nodes: Ascending (Rahu) and Descending (Ketu), Selena and Lilith - karmic points, establish a causal relationship between the past and the future.

Planet Sign Function
Sun Q Self-awareness, position in life, spirit
Moon W Perception, emotions and inner world, soul
Mars T Action, will, deeds
Mercury E Analysis, intelligence, interactions and contacts
Jupiter Y Development, public interest, social aspirations
Venus R Desires, feelings, love
Saturn U Control, endurance, restrictions, law
Uranus I unpredictability, reformism, originality, intuition
Neptune O deep subconscious processes, belief, fantasies
Pluto P power, elemental forces, collective will, transformation
Chiron M duality
Lilith ` measure of evil remaining from past life, interaction with him in the present and future
Selena C a measure of goodness left over from a past life, interaction with it in the present and future
Proserpina : quantitative changes that bring irreversible qualitative transformations
Ascending Node (Rahu) { indicates that a person must develop in himself, the spiritual path
Descending Node (Ketu) } what is given initially, what you can rely on, innate qualities

The sign of the Zodiac in which this or that planet is located gives it the appropriate color and changes the quality and.

Aries- carries activity, ardor, impulsiveness;
Taurus- durability and practicality;
Twins- lightness and mobility;
Crayfish- sincerity and vulnerability;
a lion- brightness, self-significance;
Virgo- corrosiveness and rationalism;
Scales- detachment, peacefulness;
Scorpion- psychologism and gloominess;
Sagittarius— sociality, expansion;
Capricorn- asceticism, narrowing, crystallization;
Aquarius- surprise, originality, eccentricity;
Fish- depth and mystery.

Both planets and signs of the zodiac form planetary character traits that simultaneously include both the best and the worst manifestations.

Houses indicate certain areas of experience in which the energies of the planets and signs operate.

They show how different dimensions of experience are integrated in a person.

These factors are combined in the following way: a particular dimension of experience (indicated by a certain planet) will be invariably colored by the quality of the sign in which that planet is in the person's chart. This combination translates into a certain urge for self-expression and a certain need for fulfillment. The individual will directly encounter this dimension of life in the realm of experience indicated by the position of the planet in the house. And although this urge to express and fulfill this dimension of experience will be present in every person having a certain planet-sign combination, aspects to this planet will show how easily and harmoniously a person can express this urge or fulfill this need.

Each planetary principle can be expressed positively and creatively or negatively and self-destructively. You should analyze aspects to each specific planet in order to understand the degree of harmony or dissonance in a given person.


Sun- manager. It symbolizes high activity, vitality, personal individuality and a creative principle. In astrology, this luminary is traditionally associated with health, leadership qualities, self-determination, the desire for knowledge and human dignity.

Intellectual level: spiritual orientation, genuine enthusiasm, independent decision-making, a bright mind, a tendency to active self-expression, a creative component, a bright personality.

Physical layer: recuperation, vitality, good health, General characteristics energy, cardiovascular system. For male representatives, it symbolizes right side body, and for women - the left.

Emotional level: pronounced inclinations of a leader, a thirst for recognition and glory, true self-respect, a desire for an honorable position in society, a sense of superiority, selfish inclinations.

Lions are the rulers of the Sun, they can attract the energy of the main luminary for creative deeds. To do this, the Lions need to focus around themselves the right people and always be the center of attention.


The moon patronizes. The sphere of control of this luminary includes innate instincts, an intuitive beginning, features of remembering information and various emotional experiences. It symbolizes a person's desires, attitude towards offspring, the need for vivid sensations, reflex reactions and the cyclical nature of the functioning of internal organs.

Intellectual level: unconscious mental processes, spiritual component, properties of memory, stable features of behavior.

Physical layer: hormone production, gastrointestinal tract, lymphatic system, organs of vision, digestion and assimilation of food, behavioral reactions. In women, it denotes the right side of the body, and in men, the left.

Emotional level: rich imagination, inner instinct, high susceptibility, changeable mood, capriciousness, lack of determination, developed intuition, vulnerability, tendency to despondency, emotional-sensual sphere of personality.


It simultaneously controls two signs - and. Many planets in have some influence on the intellectual characteristics of the individual, but the leading role belongs to Mercury. This celestial body is directly related to all types of communication, flexible thinking, techniques, short distance travel, mediation, speech functions and evidence.

Intellectual level: quick learner, all-round talent, enviable insight, inventiveness of the mind, thought processes, oratorical talent, making judgments, the ability to correctly understand the essence of things, good quick wits.

Physical layer: active gestures, muscle flexibility, respiratory organs, intestines, nervous system, agility, speech apparatus, amazing dexterity, articulate pronunciation.

Emotional level: high lability, curiosity, nervousness, tendency to adapt, ability to resort to deception, cunning.


Venus governs such signs of the zodiac circle as and. This planet is closely connected with the emotional component of the personality. It has the greatest influence on behavior in friendships, partnerships, romantic and family relationships. In addition, Venus traditionally represents the arts, all kinds of pleasures, moral values, social status, bodily sensations and hobbies.

If Libra and Taurus want to attract the energy of Venus to their side, they need to develop such qualities as a love of art, beauty, spiritual development.

Intellectual level: strong Venus endows people with an inseparable connection between mental activity and the emotional-sensual sphere.

Physical layer: gracefulness, money, circulatory system, wealth, muscle tone, rest and relaxation, lumbar spine, sophistication, physical beauty, jewelry.

Emotional level: love of aesthetics, softness, tenderness, enjoyment of life, fine taste, a tendency to laziness, calm joy, contentment and peace of mind.


Currently, Mars is known as the patron, but before the discovery of Pluto, he was also considered the ruler. This planet symbolizes an aggressive, active and dynamic beginning. Her sphere of influence includes relationships between males, wrestling, power, construction of buildings and structures, competition, self-affirmation and sexual energy.

In order to use the favorable influence of the patron planet, Aries needs to train their fortitude, determination and confidence.

Intellectual level: quick decision-making, high activity, activity, propensity to take initiative, fast thinking.

Physical layer: inflammatory processes, innovative actions, exhaustion of the body, unexpected diseases, dangerous situations, support for undertakings, male genitals, injury, thermal burns, physical strength, surgical operations.

Emotional level: powerful energy, masculinity, assertiveness, indignation, increased aggressiveness, irritability, courage, frequent outbursts of anger.


Jupiter has long been a recognized ruler, but earlier astrologers were inclined to consider him a patron. This planet symbolizes confident development in the spiritual, cultural and social spheres. Jupiter, known for its liberality, bestows wealth, long-distance travel, a worthy position in society, many joys, prosperity, rapid career growth and generosity.

Intellectual level: luck, thirst for honors, true faith, undying hope, an optimistic outlook on life, strong convictions, vanity, success in various matters.

Physical layer: hips and pelvis, metabolism, body fat accumulation, olfactory organs, liver, enlargement, tendency to overweight, increase in volume, excessive food intake, extensive development.

Emotional level: generosity, benevolence, sincerity and frankness, self-confidence and capabilities.


This planet is a traditional patron and former ruler. Saturn represents all sorts of limitations, responsibilities, obstacles, and the flow of time. The celestial body, which is a model of consistency, symbolizes endurance, longevity, conservative views, professionalism, stability and hard work.

Intellectual level: unconditional discipline, specificity and clarity, brevity and conciseness, linearity, consistency, mathematical mindset, wisdom, responsible attitude to business, consistent thinking, rigor.

Physical layer: the occurrence of difficulties, deficiency, prohibitions and restrictions, drought, crystallization, hearing organs, bone fractures, low temperature, joint problems, the aging process.

Emotional level: vigilance, endurance and patience, maximum caution, inflexibility, adherence to principles, manifestations of rigor, a tendency to an ascetic lifestyle.


This planet is also ruled by Capricorn. It has long symbolized independent thinking, freedom of speech, extreme situations and eccentricity. Uranus, prone to unpredictability and originality, governs sudden changes, inventions, magic, psychology, reformative activity and electricity.

Intellectual level: abnormal phenomena, irrationality, scientific discoveries, non-standard thinking, new theories, originality of judgments, detachment from the surrounding reality, lack of consistency.

Physical layer: ankle joint, unexpected disorders, involuntary muscle contractions, abrupt changes, stress loads, chronic diseases nervous system.

Emotional level: the presence of some oddities, increased irritability, independent decision-making, a tendency to display an arrogant attitude, eccentric behavior.


This planet is also Sagittarius. She personifies such concepts as mystery, mercy, mysticism, loneliness, disappointment, sympathy and mystery. Neptune, the most nebulous and indefinite object present in the natal chart, governs illusions, manic tendencies, obsessions, addictions, fantasies, phobias and fears. In addition, large and small bodies of water, cinema, medical institutions, magical rites, religious movements, the theater industry and prisons are subject to its influence.

Intellectual level: abstractionism, arts, spiritual development, idealism, daydreaming, unquenchable inspiration, creative talents, sophistication, espionage.

Physical layer: intoxication, disguise, lethargic sleep, careless movements, unclear symptomatic picture, feeling of weakness, food poisoning, degradation process, mental disorders, somnambulism.

Emotional level: alcohol and drug addiction, mental suffering, atonement for sins, sacrifice, split personality, vagueness, a tendency to deceive, a state of uncertainty, creative ecstasy.

Today there are many horoscopes that can tell about the fate and character of a person. The horoscope of the Druids or Chinese - they to some extent determine the destiny of a person. However, the horoscope of the zodiac signs remains the most popular. It does not simply describe static characteristics, but suggests a change in the main features depending on the position of the planets at the time of birth.

Simply put, if for a Druid or Chinese horoscope, you only need to know the date and number of birth in order to read some piece of information about your personality. That value of the zodiac horoscope varies depending on the position of the planets at the time of the birth of a person.

With the naked eye, you can see 6,000 stars, however, there are countless of them in the sky. But only some of them are used by astrologers for observations and forecasts. The constellations that are considered to be the zodiac have not changed for several millennia, but wandering star spheres, whose name is the Planets, often “float” along them. Depending on the location of the planets at the time of birth, the fate and character of a person is determined.

All planets move in a straight line called the ecliptic. However, for astrology this does not have significant significance, it is still based on the foundations of the geocentric representation of the world, and a person is at the center of its study. From an astronomical point of view, solar system represented in it, the plane on which lie the orbits of all the planets. And observing from the earth the movement of these celestial bodies, it can be noted that they all follow the same path, falling alternately into different signs Zodiac. Therefore, in the natal chart, it is important to indicate the location of the planets and their interaction.

To begin with, it is worth noting that in astrology all objects that affect human life are called planets. That is, the Sun and the Moon, also called so, for convenience. Together with them, there are 10 major planets. In addition to them for astrological forecasts often use asteroids, fictitious planets, the Black and White Moon, the Lunar nodes.

Depending on the impact, there are different types planets. For example, the septener planets (the main 7 planets) tell about the most important points human life. The higher planets are responsible for the change of generations, intellectual and emotionally receptive development. Fictitious planets affect karmic experience.

Planet types

According to astrological teachings, the planets in the natal chart are divided into internal and external. As you know - the Sun stands still, and all the planets revolve around it. And the close position of the planet to the sun is directly proportional to the speed of movement.

Take, for example, the Moon, she is in each of the signs of the Zodiac for 2-3 days. Accordingly, the full circle completes in 28 days. Mercury travels in an orbit of 80 days, and Pluto (which is located farthest away) - 248 years. So, inner and outer planets, what are these objects?

It is customary to call internal planets that make their circle faster than the others. These include the Moon, Venus, Mercury, Mars. Accordingly, the outer planets will be the slowest.

In astrology, it is generally accepted that the inner planets reflect the development of the personal "I" of a person and his consciousness. The outer planets are responsible for communication with the outside world, and since they pass their circle very slowly, they influence entire generations.

Also, each planet belongs to one of the three main rows:

  1. First row. These include the planets of action - Mars, Pluto, Jupiter, the Sun. In turn, the Sun is responsible for vital energy, Mars - for individual activity. Jupiter affects social life, and Pluto influences interaction with the masses (either a person obeys their laws or leads them).
  2. Second row. It includes the planets that are responsible for intellectual development: Mercury and Uranus.
  3. Third row. The sphere of emotional experiences, for which the Moon, Saturn, Venus, Neptune are responsible.

Considering the types of planets, one can also determine such a quality as movement. There are planets moving, stationary and retrograde (those that go backwards). This quality also affects the character of a person.

The planet that is in the constellation is considered the main center of development spiritual world person. All the qualities that the Zodiac bestows on its owner will be interpreted through the passing planet.

The planet is the decisive catalyst that determines the final characteristics of the sign. This synthesis is based on two basic rules:

  1. In the case of the similarity of the qualities of the Zodiac and the planet, they are amplified.
  2. When the properties of the sign differ from the properties of the planet, they change, disappear or change each other.

Also, the planets have their own nature, depending on it, the course of human life is determined. There are planets that give energy (Mars, Jupiter, Sun, Pluto, Uranus). They take it away - the Moon, Saturn, Venus, Neptune or act neutrally. Planets can also be good and evil, there are also strong and weak planets. But most importantly, what effect they have on a person.

Influence on character

The planet that patronizes a person is calculated by date of birth. Each of them in its own way affects the fate and character.


Planet under the protectorate, which is the "ego" and self-esteem. Determines life principles, willpower and fortitude. From the influence of the Sun, you can determine how ambitious a person is and wants to occupy a leading position. This planet gives vitality and empowers creativity.

- the personification of the father, husband or important person male. His opinion is considered authoritative, and his decisions are unshakable. Simply put, the Sun can be a symbol of a person who is endowed with power.

To determine how purposeful and gifted a person is, it is necessary to analyze the position of the Sun at the birth of a particular person.


Determines the inner life of a person. In a word, everything that is connected with emotions, mental state or instincts is under the auspices of the satellite of the earth. In fact, the Moon is a type of energy that determines where a person is most comfortable. Adaptation and protection are the main characteristics that the planet gives to its wards. In addition, the Moon is also a symbol of life experience.

If the Moon falls in a woman's horoscope, then you can find out how good she is a mother, wife, mistress. And when a man appears in the horoscope, it allows you to determine which girls he likes.

The moon shows the depth of ties with parents, love of relaxation and adaptability to everyday life. That is, the Moon is a symbol of everyday life.


The planet that determines the type of thinking, eloquence and style of conversation. In general, it affects the overall level of communication. Manages facts, information flows and analytics. Responsible for the ideological content of consciousness and perception. Protects Virgo and Gemini.

Appearing in the natal chart, Mercury is responsible for thoughts, rational conclusions, understanding, insight, wit, versatility. As for emotions, the planet displays the level of cunning, curiosity and lability. It can also manifest itself on the physical level as dexterity and agility.


The planet of emotions and feelings that arise as a result of interpersonal relationships. Venus has long been considered a symbol of morality, moral values, aesthetics, beauty and pleasure. Patronizes Taurus and Libra.

The planet influences the moral and ethical values ​​of a person. All levels of life are in a state of harmony and balance. A person under the auspices of Venus is endowed with physical beauty and grace.


The most active and aggressive planet. Under its influence, a person is distinguished by activity and stubbornness. Mars endows its bearer with physical strength and power. Patronizes Aries, before the discovery of Pluto, ruled Scorpio.

Mars is the planet of power and activity, creativity, initiative, courage, stubbornness and courage. Mars conjunctions in Aries give birth indeed prominent people who, against all odds, achieve what they set out to do.


Responsible for the evolution of three levels of life, which include: social, cultural and spiritual. It is a symbol of optimism, sincerity and law-abiding. Symbolizes wealth and good luck, patronizes Sagittarius.

It endows its owner with liberality, allows you to think broadly and philosophize. Guarantees long-distance travel and prosperity.


The planet is a symbol of obstacles in the way, responsibility and limitations. Determines the level of maturity, perseverance and stability. Saturn rules Capricorn and is associated with truth.

Saturn endows its bearer with the ability for a career, responsibility, purposefulness, rigor, rational thinking and straightforwardness.


Freedom, originality, independence are the main qualities of this planet, with which it generously rewards its carriers. Uranus guarantees unexpected insights and sudden changes in life. Rules the constellation Aquarius.

The planet patronizes everything new, unexpected and unknown. Uranus endows its carrier with a changeable mood, self-will and eccentricity.


The planet is under the cover of mysticism, secrets and illusions. Neptune is associated with deep experiences that are distinguished by a dual nature: on the one hand, a person strives for higher love, sympathy and mercy, on the other hand, he can be overcome by phobias, manias and obsessions. The patron planet of Pisces.

Neptune is a planet that brings self-sacrifice, suffering, confusion. The advice that can be given to its bearers is to never neglect yourself and act according to moral laws.


How to find out what is hidden underground? It's practically impossible. Pluto is the same - a bunch of unprecedented energy hidden in the bowels of the Earth, which will come out sooner or later. The planet represents power at all three levels of human nature. It is considered a sign of a higher will. Patronizes hidden plans, restoration and recovery. Governs the constellation Scorpio.

Pluto endows its bearers with insight, analytical thinking, emotional endurance, ruthlessness, fanaticism and hidden knowledge.

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Even in ancient times, astrologers noticed that in addition to the twinkling fixed stars in the sky, there are “wandering” celestial bodies that each move at their own speed and in their own direction. I don’t think for a long time, these bodies were called “planets”, which is translated from Greek as “wandering”. With the naked eye, five of them could be counted - Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. And after that, three more “wandering” friends were added to these celestial bodies - Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

Over time, astrologers realized that the planets also strongly influence a person, like the heavenly bodies - the Sun and the Moon. Thus, all the components of the human natal chart appeared.

Any planet has its own specific character and manifests itself in different ways when meeting with others. celestial bodies.

Sun shows in us the main character traits, symbolizes individuality, vital energy, health and reason, logic and consistency. As in nature, so in the astrological chart of man, the sun is our everything! It defines a person, shows our essence, tears off the personality.

Moon responsible for our emotional plan. Our intuition, instincts, memory, desires, habits - all this is under the power of the Moon. The satellite of the Earth reflects our subconscious. Sometimes we hide from ourselves. The moon governs our emotions, which is why it is so important to know not only your daily horoscope, but also pay attention to the recommendations of the lunar calendar.

Mercury - it is intelligence, thinking, communication, receptivity to information. This planet is responsible for our thoughts, understanding, communication and speech. As a rule, the influence of this planet is pronounced among speakers, diplomats, and journalists. She gives the gift of persuasion. Also, this planet symbolizes cunning and opportunism.

Venus for many is associated with love and the feminine. And this is true, because this planet is responsible for romance, love, emotions, feelings and their manifestation. If Venus is strong enough in the astrological horoscope, this usually speaks of the sensuality of the individual, beauty, long youth, talent and good luck.

But Mars, it's the other way around, masculine. Strong Mars speaks of strength, firmness, logic, masculinity and courage. Mars pushes people to take action and take the initiative, and is also responsible for the will to fight, defend their interests, sometimes even in an aggressive form.

Jupiter- the planet of happiness, luck and optimism. This is a "noble" planet, it is responsible for friendliness, charity, openness, talents and the development of abilities. A person who is ruled by Jupiter is widely thinking person With philosophical view for life, wise and understanding.

Opposite to Jupiter Saturn. On the contrary, it symbolizes limitedness, narrowness of views, hard work. But at the same time, Saturn is responsible for time. He always reminds people that time moves inexorably forward. And as a result, this planet is associated with maturity, wisdom, and a heightened sense of responsibility. A strong Saturn in the natal chart indicates that a person can definitely cope with all life's difficulties and understand all the lessons that the Universe is preparing for him.

By the standards of the universe and eternity, a glider Uranus was discovered quite recently, and affects a person no less than other celestial bodies. Uranus is the planet of weirdos good sense. She is responsible for originality, freedom of thought and action, unexpected outbursts of emotions, unpredictability of events. If this planet is stronger than others in your horoscope, you may well be an inventor, reformer, revolutionary, pioneer, as you have the courage to break stereotypes and traditional understanding.

Neptune- a rather controversial planet in its characteristics. On the one hand, Neptune is responsible for mysticism, secrets, deep feelings, inspiration, refinement, spirituality, mercy. But on the other hand, a strong Neptune can personify irrationality, illusions, obsessions, self-sacrifice. For this planet, proximity to other celestial bodies is very important, then you can more clearly understand what to expect from Neptune.

Pluto- the planet is not simple enough. She personifies a very powerful energy, but hidden. At what Pluto works at all levels - mental, physical and emotional. This planet represents hidden plans, insight, it is directly related to the concept of karma. If this planet is strong in a person's astrological horoscope, this indicates that he needs to solve all life's difficulties on his own, without resorting to the help of others.

Each planet has its own characteristics, but when adjacent and passing through houses, each of them can greatly change its qualities and show a polar influence on a person’s personality and behavior. Therefore, it is so important to consider not each planet separately, but to look at the whole picture in general.

> Planets in the signs of the zodiac

Astrology and planets- these are components of one component, which, in the end, affects a person, is able to have a direct effect on our actions, character. From how and to what extent we are emotional, or vice versa, melancholy, to a greater extent, depends on which planet we were born under. A planet is often called "Home" in astrology, and indeed it is.

It is conditionally possible to divide all planets into three categories:

  • Higher - This includes Pluto, Neptune and Uranus;
  • Social - Belong to this group Saturn and Jupiter;
  • Personal - This is the most numerous category with moon, sun, Venus, Mercury, mars.

It is the duty of the planet to give your character special, distinctive properties that are characteristic of this or that designation. Of course, like the sign of the Zodiac, the planets form your main features, have a fateful influence. This astral force is able to radically change the course of your life at the most crucial moment, and this will be prescribed even when you are born.

Planets and their strength in the signs of the zodiac

According to astrological rules, the planet manifests itself due to the sign of the zodiac in which it is located. And the properties of the zodiac, in turn, are released through the planets that are in it.

Their characteristics, when they are related, converge as much as possible. And it is logical to say that the ruling planet receives the greatest power that it is capable of. After all, it is much easier to release the potential in your native territory, where everything plays the role of an amplifier. Moreover, the strength of manifestation also depends on what place in the hierarchy it occupies. So the senior ruler has more power than the junior one. For example, Neptune will be best revealed in Pisces, but its strength will increase if the sign is Sagittarius.

There is another position - exaltation. If the planet enters this state, then it is no longer the sign that controls the person, but on the contrary, the person can control him. In terms of the strength of manifestation, it is inferior to the sign of possession, but this influence is also palpable.

We talked about strengths, but we must not lose sight of the weaknesses. It is important to remember the concept of "exile" - this is the zodiac, opposed to the state of possession. Accordingly, when the planet passes under it, it becomes banished. This is the lowest position in the hierarchy of power. If in a normal situation she owns fate, now she is being forced out into enemy territory, where literally everything prevents her from revealing herself.

Another weak position is the opposition to the sign in exaltation. This is the state of "falling", when the planet loses strength because it is not comfortable for it to open up in such an environment.

To make it easier to understand, below is a table indicating weak and strong points:

Strong positions Weak provisions







Gemini, Virgo

Sagittarius, Pisces


Taurus, Libra

Scorpio, Aries


Aries, Scorpio

Libra, Taurus


Sagittarius, Pisces

Gemini, Virgo


Aquarius, Capricorn



Pisces, Sagittarius

Virgo, Gemini


Scorpio, Aries

Taurus, Libra

You can find systems that supplement the above with false objects. But since our work is done with existing planets, it is more convenient to use this scheme, because it does not come into confrontation with ancient astrological principles or science.

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