Love horoscope for December Gemini man. Astrological forecast for December for Gemini

In the last month of 2016, Gemini is lucky in love. Jupiter, the great benefactor of the zodiac, is placed in your house of love, promising passion and love pleasures. The Sun transits through the house of the Gemini partner - a symbol of energy and life force. And if you take into account the fact that on December 7, 2016, the love planet Venus enters the Gemini house of freedom and travel, then the picture becomes painted in much brighter and more seductive colors.

In these planetary configurations, your heart yearns for strong emotions and your body is ready for sensual pleasures. If you are single for now, love can come at any moment. Those who have already met their soul mate have the opportunity to make a significant difference in their intimate life. This is a great time to improve your relationship with your partner or reconcile if you've been in a fight.

In December 2016, representatives of your sign are mobile and sociable, so new acquaintances and pleasant meetings are expected. Some of them will be completely unexpected. Joint visits to cultural events, walks, trips will help to raise mutual understanding with a lover or spouse to a new level. Maybe you will go on a romantic trip together.

All these trends will manifest themselves in the first and second decades of the month, but the subsequent period is not so favorable. December 19, 2016 Mercury, the ruler of the sign of Gemini, begins a cycle of retrograde (reverse) movement, so that the love atmosphere is changing. You will feel that there is not enough romance in the relationship, but you yourself will not have the desire to openly show feelings. Mercury Retrograde invites Gemini to moderate activity in their personal lives and reconsider their expectations from love.

Gemini career and finance horoscope for December 2016

For career and professional development Gemini will be especially successful in the first and second decades of the month. During this period, you are able to fully show your talents, demonstrate your abilities in the best light. You have a lot of energy, you will confidently move in the whirlpool of events, notice successful circumstances in time and benefit from them. It will be easy for you to convince other people and win them over to your side, which is very useful in negotiations, in relationships with superiors, colleagues and business partners.

The last decade of the month, when Mercury goes into retrograde motion, will be a less active period. You will feel a slowdown in the working rhythm, but there is no need to try to speed up the course of things, everything is empty as usual. It is recommended to be more careful, because unintentional errors when working with documents, in calculations, etc. are not ruled out. The time is not right for starting new projects, but it is favorable to return to work in progress, correct imperfections, and analyze the state of affairs. It is possible to renew ties with partners with whom you have collaborated in the past.

Finance is one of the priorities of December, you will make a lot of efforts in this direction. You are driven by the desire to earn more money, but don't rely on luck. Avoid adventures and speculation, they can cost you dearly. Hard work will bring you a worthy material reward, but you should not count on easy money.


This is a good period for medical consultations, trips for treatment and recovery. In the last decade of December 2016, you may feel a lack of energy, so it's good to set aside more time for relaxation. Relaxation practices will bring many health benefits. Be careful on transport, especially in the second half of the month.

Do not mix business and money with friendship and love!

In December 2016 Gemini needs to wash more often!!!

Gemini horoscope for December 2016.

In December 2016 Gemini needs to wash more often!!! Why? Instead of explaining, we will tell you a short fairy tale about a puppy. There lived a puppy. He was nobody. He lived in a box on the street. Everyone passed by. And no one needed him. Then it started to rain. And the puppy became clean and beautiful and people took him home! What is the conclusion from this? Yes. WASH MORE MORE! And then you will definitely like someone! And as the horoscope for December shows, next month you will really, really need to please others! Because in December 2016 you will very rarely like yourself. And this is not a question of self-esteem. It's just that in December 2016 you will have no one to blame for what is happening or not happening in your life. And when there is no one to blame, the Gemini feel extremely uncomfortable! So, Gemini, in December 2016, try to make sure that there is someone next to you all the time, and someone who likes you. This will correct the swings in your mood and self-esteem in the last month of the outgoing year.

In general, the horoscope for December 2016 for Gemini is quite favorable and positive. So you can even relax a little and make plans for New Year and for the whole next year. In addition, there is a high probability that this month you will meet interesting new people or make new allies. The life of Gemini often depends on whether there are kind and influential patrons in their lives. So try to leave a good impression on influential people in December. Be careful in communication. You know, just as in December and on ice, a bag with a laptop in hand gives +50 to dexterity, so Gemini in December will need + 50 in dexterity, but first of all in communication dexterity. This is especially true for already adult Gemini born after 1992. And for those who already really know what it is before the birth of a child, many people think that the worst thing that can be dropped is a laptop!

Another horoscope for December 2016 for Gemini warns that next month you should try to avoid and are afraid of your own fantastic ideas and desires. And even more advice from the "experts" on the Internet on how to implement them. Otherwise, you may end up in a situation: “Is it possible to buy snowdrops somewhere now? - December 31 ... look for fires in the nearest forest with 12 men - they will help, 100% infa.

How to celebrate the New Year 2017 Gemini?

Extravaganza, chic, brilliance, brightness, and a slight touch of negligence - these are the key ingredients from which the Gemini will need to make their own unique image on New Year's Eve. This will definitely please the Red Fire Rooster.

Gemini women, want to shine in a chic evening dress? Please, Rooster - this will be very pleased. Do you have an idea for a bolder and more outrageous option? Wonderful! The main thing is bright fiery colors and your Gemini playful mood. But, if you are determined to lose weight for the New Year, try not to relax for at least a month. Otherwise, it will be like a situation: “What are you doing? - Decided to lose weight. Yesterday I bought CDs with fitness. - So how is it? “I’m sitting, drinking tea with a cookie – I’m watching.” And to finish the theme with the New Year's outfit for Gemini women, we note that you definitely will not miss if you decide to celebrate the New Year 2017 in the rich color of the wild jungle - lush greenery, bright birds, blue skies, outlandish animals, unique flowers and intricate patterns but don't overdo it. Being like a New Year's torch is too much even for Gemini.

Any masculine image will suit Gemini men. From 007 to Indiana Jones. The main thing is that brutal male sexuality should sound like a cock in you. And even if you drink too many James Bond cocktails. Recall the recipe: 75 ml of vodka, 15 ml of dry vermouth, 1 green olive and 1 lemon wedge. "Mix, but do not shake." Shaken not stirred. This is how your New Year's costume should be - "Mix, but do not shake."

Where to celebrate New Year 2017 Gemini?

Rooster is a domestic bird. Therefore, in principle, the horoscope recommends celebrating the New Year at home. But, firstly, not necessarily at home. Secondly, many Gemini feel at home in any hotel. So look at the question like this - where to celebrate New Year 2017 Gemini? Yes, everywhere! Everywhere - where you will feel at home. And try to choose a company to celebrate the New Year, in which you will not need to think and "bother" much about your image.

Because there is a high probability that on New Year's Eve, you can sit at the festive table and not think about anything like that AND SUDDENLY YOUR HAND ITSELF GRABS 2 BUTERS WITH Caviar AND A BOTTLE OF WHISKEY SIMULTANEOUSLY!

Horoscope for December 2016 Gemini auspicious days- 2, 4, 6, 11, 15, 20, 24, 27 and 31.

Horoscope for December 2016 Gemini unfavorable days - like it - don't like it, but every morning Morning comes and it's good that at least this is not discussed!

Horoscope for December 2016 Gemini career, work and business. Twins working in the office, you didn’t have such that you woke up - sat down at the computer. They came to work and sat down at the computer. Returned home - sat down at the computer. And as a result, they felt like an external device that needs to be connected to a computer. In December 2016, you will often have just such a feeling. Moreover, even Gemini who do not work in the office will have the feeling that you external device. Because many of your colleagues, clients, and even perhaps management, will perceive you in this way - as an external device, well, or as a third pedal, or as a fifth wheel. Accordingly, your task in December 2016 is to convince everyone that, although you are the fifth wheel, you won’t go far on our roads without a spare wheel. Therefore, try to present yourself, if not important, a member of the team, then at least necessary. Make a nice face and be like a kitten - there are a lot of joints, but it's a pity to drown). Male twins - the advice about "cute kittens" applies to you.

Let us remind Gemini leaders and Gemini businessmen what we talked about a little higher - the life of Gemini often depends on whether good and influential patrons are present in their lives. So try to leave a good impression on influential people in December, and be careful in communication.

Horoscope for December 2016 Gemini Finance. Many men complain that some girls can absolutely spoil the mood during sex with all sorts of phrases like “who are you?”, “What are you doing here?” or "help." This is approximately the same situation with Gemini with finances. There is a high probability that even your fair questions about money will be answered with “who are you?”, “What are you doing here?” or “help”, so be prepared for the fact that not all of your hopes for financial income will come true.

Love horoscope for December 2016 Gemini. Horoscope for December 2016 Gemini Love. There is such a stable expression - "Men are like birds: they can sing for a long time and beautifully, and then take a shit and fly away!". So this expression is very suitable for Gemini. And to everyone, and to the Gemini men, and to the Gemini women. Only with some correction - “The twins are like birds: they can sing for a long time and beautifully, cheer up, fall in love with themselves, and then at one moment crap everything (both their image and those around them)!”. Therefore, Gemini, try not to step on your favorite rake in December 2016, and not spoil anything, neither your image, nor your reputation, nor your relationship. Just do not quote Antoine de Saint-Exupery, and say that "You are not responsible for those who are ABOVE." Better remember other words of Antoine de Saint-Exupery: “Although the Little Prince fell in love with a beautiful flower and was glad to serve him, doubts soon arose in his soul. He took empty words to heart and began to feel very unhappy. Therefore, flirt as much as you like, and enjoy the attention, but try not to play two or three violins at the same time in December, and not to chase three birds with one stone. Especially if you are in a rabbit hole where everyone knows each other.

Therefore, the horoscope for December advises family Gemini and Gemini in a serious relationship to spend a calm and boring month, giving no reason not only for jealousy, but even for suspicion.

For single Gemini, December 2016 will be similar to the situation when in one yard there were no young and beautifully dressed girls and bright guys, so grandmothers on a bench near the house were called a janitor a drug addict and a prostitute. That is, there will be opportunities to talk about someone, and even flirt. But even for casual sex, not to mention new serious relationships, there will be little chance. No wonder they say that in women's hell all the men are gay. In men, by the way, too. So look through your old contacts to choose a company for the New Year, and don't count on a miracle. But, nevertheless, the Decay can change your personal life. Since, as we said above, there is a high probability that this month you will meet interesting new people or make new allies. The life of Gemini often depends on whether there are kind and influential patrons in their lives. So try to leave a good impression on influential people in December. Be careful in communication. You know, just as in December and on ice, a bag with a laptop in hand gives +50 to dexterity, so Gemini in December will need + 50 in dexterity, but first of all in communication dexterity. Perhaps new contacts will change your personal life in the future.

There is such an interesting statistic: If you are 1-11 years old, then the New Year for you in the first place is gifts and tangerines !!! If you are 12-17 years old, it’s to swell, but so that no one burns tangerines ... If you are 18-24, then go somewhere to swell, sex and tangerines ... If you are 25-40, then you are only interested in how fun it is to swell ... And only after 40, gifts and tangerines return to your life again ....

So Gemini, in any case, if you want to have fun and joyfully celebrate the New Year - do not forget about tangerines!

Gemini, if you liked our horoscope for December 2016, click "like" because only "likes" need to celebrate the New Year!

love horoscope

From December 1 to 10. The interaction of the Sun and Saturn will make you especially charming and desirable. From December 3 to 9, you may become interested in non-traditional healing practices, meet unusual people and consultants in this regard. They will tell you how to change your life for the better. The period is not very suitable for planning a wedding, but pleasant acquaintances with the opposite sex are quite likely. In a marital relationship, a contradiction in views may arise. Try not to get caught up in the moment.

From December 11 to 20. From December 13 to 15, find time to work on yourself, for spiritual practices. This will have a positive effect on marital relations. After December 17, you will be lucky in making new friends, in reaching mutual understanding with loved ones. A friendly party can become a place for a romantic meeting. On December 17-18, a sociable and energetic man will conquer your heart.

From December 21 to December 31. There is a high probability of a valuable gift from your soulmate, which is not surprising in a period of heightened passion. After December 25, due to the conjunction of Mercury with the Sun, your mental activity will be activated, the speed of reaction and enterprise will increase. From December 25, in matters of the heart, moderate your ambitions for the sake of spiritual support for your loved one, take care of him.

Family horoscope

Favorable changes in living conditions are expected from December 3 to 6. Until December 15, it will be easier to complete the repair, and after that it will be easier to solve various family problems. From December 13 to 20, be sure to pay attention to parents. After December 23, you will have many guests in your house. The children will develop a taste for domesticity, and they will communicate using innovative means of communication. Your admiration for him is vital for your spouse. Tell him how you love him, do not get tired of repeating that he is the best. You will achieve complete understanding and solidarity, especially after December 24th.

Health Horoscope

Any health-improving measures will be effective throughout December. From December 3 to December 9, you should expect a breakdown and exacerbation of chronic ailments. You cannot avoid contacting a specialist. Take action in advance: reduce the load, do prevention and start taking vitamins. December is favorable for planned hospitalization and surgery.

Horoscope of work and money

In general, the entire zodiac period is favorable for employment and talking with management about bonuses, with the exception of the days from December 3 to 7 and from December 16 to 18, when you will tend to act provocatively. From December 3 to 9, you have a lot of work to do. Schedule the resolution of bureaucratic issues on December 21. Until December 24, the atmosphere in the team will be productive and friendly.

Horoscope for December 2016 for Gemini men

Love.In December, your chosen one will want to be in sight, literally bathe in praise and compliments. Take advantage of the moment, now he is set to dialogue and communication with you. The intimate side of the relationship is more important than ever for him.

Tone. The resources of his body are depleted, there is no time for feats at all. Regular, but moderate physical training should be continued, healthy lifestyle life and at the slightest ailment, consult a doctor. Non-traditional methods of healing, such as yoga, qigong, will prove their effectiveness.

Finance. With desire and some effort, your work will become more profitable, or you will find a better place. Financial risk within reason can bring the jackpot in December, but you still need to be on the lookout. In December, partners can cause unexpected expenses.

Work.In December, your darling will prove himself as a responsible executive and an excellent partner. It is undesirable for him to show a difference in views with his superiors, as this will damage his career. Until mid-December, employees will support him.

Friends.A significant increase in useful and flattering acquaintances is expected.Most productive period for communication, meetings, joint affairs and mutual patronage - from December 3 to 8, when your man will be glad to see friends at home. The rest of the time he will receive invitations himself.

Leisure. He will be attracted to extreme entertainment. In December, he will be happy to mess with his pets. From December 3 to December 14- good time for training, team games with friends.

In December, Gemini should become more focused and attentive. You can relax at the end of the year, but you don’t need to. Although, it should be noted, December will not bring any cardinal changes in the life of Gemini, but one should remain vigilant.

In the first week of the month, there may be misunderstandings at work, most likely it will be related to payroll. You should not switch to aggression, but it is simply necessary to clarify the situation. Gemini, on the other hand, occupying positions of authority, should be attentive to the accrual of bonuses for employees. New projects will not bring surprises, the main working moments will go like clockwork.

In December, any long trips should be postponed, the costs for them will not live up to expectations: holidays can disappoint, and business trips will not bring results. This month, it is best to stay in your city and immediately celebrate the New Year.

The middle of the month is full of unexpected news from people who have not appeared in the life of Gemini for a long time. Surprises can be both pleasant and not very. Best to check daily social networks and e-mail – forewarned is forearmed. This is especially worth paying attention to those who have something to hide from their business partners or soulmates.

Despite such warnings, in general, December will be quite successful in terms of love and relationships. Lonely Gemini will be able to unexpectedly meet the very person that they have been dreaming of for so long. Clubs, restaurants, cafes or parking at the shopping center - the feeling will overtake you unexpectedly. A couple formed in the last month of the year is in danger of becoming a strong family next year.

Family representatives of this sign, quite possibly, will find out the good news regarding them and their spouse, it can be anything: a lottery, a nice gift or news of a long-awaited addition to the family.

The last week of the month can result in problems in well-being. Gemini should take care of the health of their joints. Increased risk of injury and hypothermia. Do not make yourself health problems on the eve of the holidays. Also, you don't need to get involved in home treatment. At the slightest suspicion of the disease - immediately to the specialists.

To complete the month, and with it the year, this sign needs to be surrounded by family and friends. The more people at the festive table, the more generous the coming year will be in relation to the constantly doubting Gemini.

Auspicious days of December for Gemini: 1, 5, 6, 7, 11, 17, 23, 28, 30.

Unfavorable days of December for Gemini: 2, 3, 10, 12, 13, 22, 25.

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Inga Polonskaya.

In the work direction, the basis of Gemini's success will be past achievements, which will also help you move forward. Everything will depend on how fruitfully you worked from August to the end of the year, it was during this period that a certain foundation was laid for further work. The twins, who have been sitting on their hands all this time, are not particularly enviable, since it will be much more difficult to correct the consequences of a period of stagnation than it might seem. The good news is that due to certain properties characteristic of the third zodiacal house, there will be very few "lazy people", inaction is not characteristic of a dual sign at all.

But what is relevant for all Gemini is a big disappointment that lies in wait right at work. The source of this feeling will not be an event, but certain person. And although in material terms this phenomenon does not pose a threat, in your soul you will be very worried. The most worthy way to deal with this situation is not to hide from feelings, to honestly acknowledge them and survive. Just try not to make a tragedy by deliberately reveling in mental anguish. It is better to direct energy in the right direction - focus on work. Set a goal, and go towards it with a firm step, not being distracted by other moments, even if one day you consider them more important.

Meaning of numbers | Numerology