Violets lunar calendar for december year. All about uzambar violets

Violets are houseplants loved by many. Saintpaulias, that is how this flower is called differently, are so popular in the country's houses due to their unpretentiousness.

Violets do not need a special one - they are not demanding on bright light, do not need soil enriched with minerals and organic substances, and adapt to the temperature established in the room.

Why do you need to change your place of residence?

In order for the flower to grow lush and strong, to bloom annually, it is recommended to replant it. There is no fundamental difference between violets and any other plant in this sense, although there are nuances that are characteristic only of saintpaulias.

How to understand when it's time to transplant indoor violets? A whitish coating appears on the ground - which means that the earth is no longer enough to pass oxygen to the roots of the flower. It also indicates an excess amount of mineral fertilizers in the substrate.

When the pot becomes small for the plant, the roots tightly braid the entire lump in the container, and it is already quite difficult for the flower to fully grow and develop. To make sure you need to transplant, simply remove the earth, fastened with roots, from the pot.

This violet clearly needs a transplant - the roots have gone astray and are excessively intertwined

Time for transplant

In principle, this can be done almost at any time, although in winter the flower may experience a lack of sunlight, which is undesirable during adaptation. The plant takes root most quickly when transplanted in early spring.

If it is possible to create good lighting for violets, they can be transplanted even in autumn or winter. But in the heat it is undesirable to create such stress for Saintpaulia. The flower will take root very long and hard.

In any case, it is not necessary to disturb the flower during the period of flowering and budding. The procedure will delay flowering for several months due to the fact that the flower will spend all its strength on strengthening the root system in the new soil.

Moreover, timely flowering indicates that the plant is fully satisfied with all conditions. It is better to transplant Saintpaulias immediately after flowering.

It is best to use the transshipment method, it injures the plant less than others. If there are flowers or buds, then they should be torn off. So the violet will have more strength to adapt and root.

Preparatory stage

Moving to a new pot shouldn't be stressful for the violet. Therefore, the flower is pre-prepared for transplantation.

The earth ball must remain moist so that the plant does not dry out on the first day when watering is prohibited. Leaves, on the contrary, it is desirable to leave dry: so dirt does not stick to them.

For transplanting, a pot is taken a little larger than the previous one. Its correct diameter is 1/3 more than the size of the plant.

It is better if the container is plastic, because in ceramics or clay the earth dries out faster, and the bottom sheets fade from contact with these surfaces.

The soil should be loose, with peat and sand, capable of passing a lot of oxygen and water.

Saintpaulia transplant methods

After buying a suitable pot, fresh soil, you can begin the process of transplanting a flower directly. This can be done in three ways.

Complete soil replacement

This option is suitable for adult violets, the stem of which is already bare, as well as for acidification of the earth, a sharp withering of the plant.

The roots should be completely cleaned of soil, rotten and obsolete hairs should be eliminated.

To do this, the bush is carefully removed from the dishes, the whole earth is shaken off, yellow leaves are cut off, the remaining sections are processed with charcoal. If you decide to remove a large amount of spine, then the new pot may be slightly smaller than it should be.

Down you need to pour drainage (expanded clay, sphagnum), a little updated substrate and then evenly place the roots of the plant on the ground. Next, the soil is filled up so that the lower leaves lightly touch it.

In order for the earth to settle more densely in the container, you just need to lightly knock on the container. Only after a day the soil should be moistened and a little more earth should be added to the previous level.

How to transplant a violet at home with a complete replacement of the substrate - a complete step-by-step video guide:

Partial soil replacement

As a rule, it is this method that is used when transplanting still young flowers, especially miniature varieties.

A partial change helps to transplant Saintpaulia into a larger pot without serious damage to the root system. The principle of operation is similar, but when the violet is removed from the container, a significant part of the coma remains on the roots.

New pot with new prepared soil

Transshipment Method

This option is ideal for emergency transplants, overgrown bushes and plant babies. com in this case is completely preserved.

Preserving the integrity of the root system and the surrounding soil is necessary for the least damage to the flower.

The new container is filled 1/3 with expanded clay or other drainage, a small amount of earth.

The violet is placed in such a way that the surfaces of the fresh and original soil are approximately at the same level. That is, a little fresh nutrient substrate will appear around the already established earthen coma.

Transshipment of violets on the wick:

Transplant according to the lunar calendar for 2015-2016

Flower growers know for sure: it is best to work with flowers in spring and early autumn, but you should not transplant violets in winter.

But this or that culture dictates its climatic and other conditions, which can be dangerous to neglect.

Especially to identify the most favorable periods for transplanting, fertilizing, watering flowers, astrologers develop special lunar calendars. These recommendations are suitable for the CIS countries.

Zodiac sign

All signs of the zodiac are divided into fertile and not. And although Pisces are the most conducive to agriculture, a transplant during this period can lead to decay from the slightest dampness.

In turn, Taurus enables plants to take root as quickly as possible, despite the slight fertility of this sign.

In addition to those indicated, the transplant is more easily tolerated by violets under the signs of Cancer, Virgo, Libra.

The prohibition of the star is placed on the phase of Aquarius, since at this time the violets can rot.

Influence the rooting of flowers and the phase of the moon. So, its growth tells flower growers that the plants will take root and take root as quickly as possible. And it is the combination of the growing moon and a favorable sign - best time for transplanting violets and other flowers.

When can violets be transplanted in 2015-2016:

  • in December 2015, transplantation can be carried out on the 17th, 21st-22nd;
  • for January next year the following dates are highlighted: 13-14, 18;
  • in February, flowers are transplanted on 10, 14 and 29;
  • in spring, transplantation is best done on March 12, 13, 21; April 9, 17-18 and May 15;
  • transplanting is undesirable in summer, although astrologers allocate quite a lot of dates for this: June 11, 16-17, July 8-9, 13-14, July 18, 28; August 5, 9, 14-15;
  • in autumn, September 6, 7 and 11 are favorable for transplantation; 3-4, October 13; November 4-5, 9 and 10;
  • in December 2016, it is allowed to carry out this procedure on the 2nd, 6th and 11th.

Process Features

During the recovery period of a flower after such stress, it is necessary to provide it with the most stable optimal microclimate.

So, the plant needs long illumination (up to 12 hours), lack of drafts, heat and high humidity.

Temperature fluctuations in the room should not go beyond that which is necessary for the development of Saintpaulia. Strong fluctuations that are dangerous for the flower, lack of lighting sometimes lead to the fact that the violet dies without taking root.

The weather outside is also important. Rain on the street, as a result, the lack of sunlight, negatively affects the likelihood of a quick rooting of the bush.

In conclusion, violet transplantation is a simple procedure that anyone can perform. After changing the pot, the flower quickly adapts to the new soil, rooting in it, even if the roots have been removed or damaged.

It is only important to observe the optimal temperature and light conditions for the plant.

Moon calendar for violets and other plants as of December 2016 December 1 (until 11:53) Growing Moon in Sagittarius Watering, planting and transplanting is undesirable. Can be processed from pests. 1 (from 11:53), 2, 3 (until 22:45) December Growing Moon in Capricorn Rejuvenation, fertilization. A favorable period for transplanting plants with a weakened root system ... December 3 (from 22:45), 4, 5, 6 (until 07:32) December Growing Moon in Aquarius Planting is unsuccessful, so it is better to do breeding (there is a chance to get plants of an interesting shape or coloring) 6 (from 07:32), 7, 8 (until 13:17) December Growing Moon in Pisces Watering and organic top dressing are recommended, but in limited quantities, because. during this period, it is easy to provoke the development of rot and fungal diseases. You can root leaves, plant children from a leaf, transplant and rejuvenate adult violets. The main thing is not to flood the plants. 8 (from 13:17), 9, 10 (until 15:42) December Growing Moon in Aries Pruning, watering, transplanting and planting violets are not recommended. You can treat plants from pests. 10 (from 15:42), 11.12 (until 15:42) December Growing Moon in Taurus Favorably rooting leaf cuttings, planting violet babies, transplanting adult violets, feeding, planting, rejuvenation and watering. You can process violets from pests. December 12 (from 15:42), 13, 14 (until 15:10) December Growing Moon in Gemini All work with ampelous and variegated violets is favorable: - planting, rooting cuttings. Treatment of pests of all plants. Watering is not recommended. December 14 (03:07) - FULL MOON IN GEMINI. ± 6 hours, planting and transplanting plants are unfavorable. 6 hours before and after the full moon, no work is done with plants. 14 (from 15:10), 15.16 (until 16:16) December Waning Moon in Cancer Rooting cuttings, planting violets, watering, fertilizing, sowing seeds, rejuvenation of violets, planting and transplanting (only non-ampel violets) You can process violets from pests. December 18 (from 20: 53), 19, 20, 21 (until 05:41) December Waning Moon in Virgo Transplantation of adult violets, rejuvenation of violets, watering, top dressing, pest control. We plant the children from the leaves. Planting seeds and leaves is not recommended. December 21 (from 05:41), 22, 23 (until 17:34) Waning Moon in Libra Rejuvenation, planting and transplanting. Rooting leaf cuttings. Planting violets babies from a leaf. Compilation of land and landless mixtures for violets. Formation of beautiful rosettes of violets. Watering not recommended December 27, 28 (until 18:13) Waning Moon in Sagittarius We process violets from pests. Planting and transplanting violets are not recommended. December 29 (09:54) - NEW MOON IN CAPRICOGEN It costs nothing to sow and plant. An unfavorable period for 1-2 days before and after the new moon. December 30, 31 (until 04:30) Growing Moon in Capricorn violets are not recommended. December 31 (from 04:30) Growing Moon in Aquarius Landings are unsuccessful, so it is better to do breeding (there is a chance to get plants of an interesting shape or color)

The violet transplant lunar calendar will help you choose a good day to manipulate these indoor flowers.

Scientists, astrologers and ordinary people know about the influence of the Moon on all life on Earth. If you know the cycles of the White Planet, then you can make a special calendar to help determine good days, for example, for plant transplants.

  • Violets are houseplants that require special care. One wrong move and the plant may die.
  • But, if you follow the advice of the lunar calendar and transplant a flower on a favorable day according to the moon, then it will take root perfectly and will delight with its rapid flowering.
  • Under the influence of the Moon are the juices of green crops and any liquid on our planet. Even the seas and oceans are at the mercy of the eternal satellite of the Earth. We constantly observe the ebb and flow of the tides, which occur depending on the phases of the moon.

Every person who loves to grow houseplants knows that they need to be repotted frequently. Good results can be achieved if you follow the astrological instructions for a specific year and month.

  • The phases of the moon affect the inflorescences in different ways.
  • You can't touch the violets in the days new moon, full moons especially during the days lunar and solar eclipses.
  • On the growing moon flowers will grow well and it is recommended to sow seeds, plant them, because all the juices of the plant are active at the top, in leaves and flowers.
  • On the waning moon growth slows down as juices are directed down to the roots. At this time, it is better to take rooting violets.

At the same time, it is important that the Moon is in the signs of the Zodiac, which have a positive effect on home flowers.

  • Astrologers have already calculated everything and determined which signs of the Zodiac are good, fertile for planting, transplanting ordinary violets ( Cancer, Pisces, Taurus, Scorpio), and which ones are for ampelous and variegated ( Gemini, Sagittarius).
  • It is better to work with adult plants under the sign Virgo, Libra(landing, transplantation, rejuvenation, jigging of children).
  • Violets planted under the sign Capricorn, will become resistant to temperature extremes, wintering on cold window sills.
  • Water and feed previously planted flowers are better in good, fertile signs. You can not water and feed when the moon is under dry signs Aquarius, Leo, Aries, as well as Gemini and Sagittarius.
  • loosen the ground violets are better on the growing moon and cannot be loosened under the sign Taurus(vulnerable roots).
  • Below is a table with good transplant days indoor plants by months.
Lunar calendar of violets - auspicious days

Lunar calendar of violets for 2019 - auspicious days: table

Below will be the lunar calendar of violets for 2019 year with useful information.

Table with favorable days for planting, transplanting violets in 2019.

Beneficial effect
moons for sowing seeds and planting, transplanting conventional
Beneficial effect
Moons to sow
seeds and planting, transplanting ampelous and variegated

The favorable effect of the moon on rooting
ampelous and variegated violets
bad impact
Moons on the growth of violets -
don't spend
with them
January 10, 11, 15, 16, 19, 20 17, 18 1, 2, 24, 28, 29 3, 30, 31 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22
February 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 16, 17 14, 15 1, 21, 25, 28 26, 27 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 18, 19, 20
March 7, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 19, 20 14 23, 28, 29 25, 26, 27 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 13, 17, 18, 21, 22, 30, 31
April 7, 8, 11, 16, 17, 18 9, 10 2, 3, 20, 24, 25, 26, 29, 30 22, 23 1, 4, 5, 6, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19, 21, 27, 28
May 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 6, 7 1, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28, 31 2, 3, 4, 5, 11, 12, 19, 20, 24, 25, 29, 30
June 5, 6, 9, 10, 12 4, 16 18, 24 30 2, 3, 7, 8, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27
July 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 15 13, 14 21, 25, 26, 30 27, 28, 29 2, 4, 5, 10, 16, 17, 18, 19, 23, 24
August 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 31 9, 10 16, 18, 21, 22, 27 24, 25 1, 2, 14, 15, 17, 19, 20, 28, 29, 30
September 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 13, 29, 30 5, 6 18, 19, 22, 23, 24 20, 21 7, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 25, 26, 28
October 1, 2, 5, 10, 11, 29 3, 4, 30, 31 15, 16, 21 17, 18, 19 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 27, 28
November 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 11, 29, 30 27, 28 16, 17, 20 13, 14, 15 4, 5, 9, 10, 12, 18, 19, 25, 26
December 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 27, 31 11 13, 17, 19, 23 1, 2, 6, 7, 12, 15, 16, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30

For ease of use, the lunar calendar has been divided into months. You need to select the required period and see which dates the favorable period falls on.

Even if you transplant a flower on an auspicious day, be careful not to damage the root or stem. Despite the fact that the Moon on this day has a positive effect on growth, miracles will not happen - a damaged plant may die.

Lunar calendar for landing, transplantation indoor violets January 2019

  • Days not indicated in the table have no effect of the Moon on violets.

Zodiac signs in January 2019 for violets.

Zodiac signs in January 2019 for violets

It is in the growing phase that plants accumulate energy for life and growth. Juices rise up the stem and reach the buds.

Lunar calendar for planting, transplanting indoor violets for February 2019

  • Days not indicated in the table have no effect of the Moon on violets.

Zodiac signs in February 2019 for violets.

Zodiac signs in February 2019 for violets

If you transplanted a plant, but during flowering it was noticed that the violet leaves turned yellow, and the number of inflorescences decreased, then you need to transplant it as soon as possible. auspicious time.

Lunar calendar for planting, transplanting indoor violets for March 2019

  • Days not indicated in the table have no effect of the Moon on violets.

Zodiac signs in March 2019 for violets.

Zodiac signs in March 2019 for violets

The advice of the calendar must be followed: replanting - on good days, care, watering and feeding can be done on other days.

Lunar calendar for planting, transplanting indoor violets for April 2019

  • Days not indicated in the table have no effect of the Moon on violets.

Zodiac signs in April 2019 for violets.

Zodiac signs in April 2019 for violets

Lunar calendar for planting, transplanting indoor violets for May 2019

Good results when transplanting violets can be achieved if the White Planet is on the rise. If it is located in the fertile sign of the Zodiac, and the phase is decreasing, then the plant may not take root or get sick in a new place.

Lunar calendar for planting, transplanting indoor violets for May 2019:

  • Days not indicated in the table have no effect of the Moon on violets.

Zodiac signs in May 2019 for violets.

Zodiac signs in May 2019 for violets

Lunar calendar for planting, transplanting indoor violets for June 2019

On days of a bad effect of the moon, violets can only be cared for and watered. It is undesirable during this period to change the habitat of the flower. Nutrient components are at the level of the root system, and if the plant is disturbed on a bad day, it may not take root in the new soil.

Lunar calendar for planting, transplanting indoor violets for June 2019:

Lunar calendar for planting, transplanting indoor violets for February 2019

  • Days not indicated in the table have no effect of the Moon on violets.

Zodiac signs in June 2019 for violets.

Zodiac signs in June 2019 for violets

Lunar calendar for planting, transplanting indoor violets for July 2019

If you love your flowers, then you must remember that the moon table is the best assistant for any manipulations, especially with violets.

Lunar calendar for planting, transplanting indoor violets for July 2019:

  • Days not indicated in the table have no effect of the Moon on violets.

Zodiac signs in July 2019 for violets.

Zodiac signs in July 2019 for violets

Lunar calendar for planting, transplanting indoor violets for August 2019

In August, the air temperature is usually still high, and flower growers try not to disturb their indoor plants. However, on good Moon days, violets can be transplanted if necessary.

Lunar calendar for planting, transplanting indoor violets for August 2019:

  • Days not indicated in the table have no effect of the Moon on violets.

Zodiac signs in August 2019 for violets.

Zodiac signs in August 2019 for violets

With the onset of autumn and during the decline of the heat, it is recommended to change the soil for violets. This will help prepare the plant for future cold weather. Choose a day and successfully transplant your indoor flowers.

Lunar calendar for planting, transplanting indoor violets for September 2019

  • Days not indicated in the table have no effect of the Moon on violets.

September 2019 zodiac signs for violets.

Zodiac signs in September 2019 for violets

In October, nature begins to fall asleep. Winter is coming, but the house is warm and cozy. Therefore, if you need to change the soil for your green pet, do it on a suitable lunar day.

Lunar calendar for planting, transplanting indoor violets for October 2019

  • Days not indicated in the table have no effect of the Moon on violets.

Zodiac signs in October 2019 for violets.

Zodiac signs in October 2019 for violets

November is changeable in terms of weather conditions and in terms of the combination of lunar cycles. But that shouldn't stop you from repotting the plant if you know when the good moon days are. Excellent transplant results can be achieved both at the beginning of the month and in the second half of it.

Lunar calendar for planting, transplanting indoor violets for November 2019

  • Days not indicated in the table have no effect of the Moon on violets.

Zodiac signs in November 2019 for violets.

Zodiac signs in November 2019 for violets

Plants do not survive the change of soil with the onset of winter. Irreparable consequences may occur as a result of the appearance of microcracks during transplantation. But, if you act correctly and choose the right days for landing on the moon, then everything will go well.

Lunar calendar for planting, transplanting indoor violets for December 2019

  • Days not indicated in the table have no effect of the Moon on violets.

Zodiac signs in December 2019 for violets.

Zodiac signs in December 2019 for violets

Violet is one of the favorite indoor flowers of women. Each of us tried to grow this plant at home, but not everyone succeeds. Perhaps the reason is ignoring the advice of the lunar calendar. Choose the right days for planting and transplanting violets and enjoy its lush flowering.

Video: How to determine a GOOD DAY for planting indoor plants?

If you want to be guided by the Lunar calendar in your work, growing flowers at home, then you should consider the following points:

New moon. Lasts about 3 days. During this period, all the forces of plants are concentrated in the roots and rhizomes. Therefore, planting of plants and crops, their transplantation and grafting are not recommended. But this time is favorable for the fight against weeds, pests and diseases. But these works can be carried out only on the first and third days of the new moon, and it is better not to touch the plants on the new moon itself.

Waxing Crescent. With the beginning of the growth of the moon, the juices of plants rush from the bottom up. All leaves, branches and shoots of plants are saturated with energy. This is a favorable time for planting, vaccinations. It is especially good to plant greens and vegetables that bear fruit.

Full moon. Last about 3 days. At this time, all the power of plants is concentrated in the ground part, and the viability of the root system is reduced. It is better not to plant and transplant 12 hours before the moment of the full moon and within 12 hours after it. Grafting, pinning and pruning are not recommended. You can weed, thin out, mulch, collect seeds, destroy pests.

Waning moon. All plant juices move towards the roots. At this time it is good to sow, plant and divide. Cuttings, fertilization and watering are recommended.

Rising moon(not to be confused with growing) regardless of the phase, it happens in the signs of the Zodiac: Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini. This period is favorable for the development of the aerial parts of plants. It is especially good to collect vegetables, berries and herbs.

Descending Moon(not to be confused with waning) is in the signs: Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius. When the moon descends, the juices of plants rush down and contribute to the development of roots. A good time for planting and harvesting root crops on the waning moon.

Male signs: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius are considered barren. What is sown and planted at this time gives a poor harvest. But you can harvest.

Feminine fertile signs: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces. What is sown and planted at this time grows better, takes root faster and gives a higher yield.

If the phase of the moon prescribes to do one thing, and the sign of the Zodiac - another, preference is given to recommendations for the sign, especially in the first 12 hours. The rest of the time they do as they please.

Use common sense more often. The moon is the moon, but first of all, do those works that meet the requirements of agricultural technology, the condition of plants and the weather. Do not forget that the moon moves like clockwork, and the weather is changeable.


Entry time Recommendations
1, 2 (until 17-27) October 2017 - Growing Moon in Aquarius
2, 3, 4 (until 23-41) October 2017 - Waxing Moon in Pisces
4 (from 23-41), October 4, 2017 - Growing Moon in Aries
October 5 at 21-41 - FULL MOON.
6.7 (until 02-57) September 2017 - Waning Moon in Aries Pruning, watering, transplanting and planting violets is not recommended. Plants can be treated for pests.
7, (from 02-57) 8, 9 (to 04-46) October 2017 - Waning Moon in Taurus
9 (04-46), 10.11 (until 07-39) October 2017 - Waning Moon in Gemini
October 11 (from 07-39), 12, 13 (until 09-42) October 2017 - Waning Moon in Cancer
13 (from 09-42) 14, 15 (until 14-20) October 2017 - Waning Moon in Leo Watering, pruning, rooting, planting and transplanting are unfavorable. You can process violets from pests.
15 (from 14-20) 16, 17 (until 20-36) October 2017 - Waning Moon in Virgo
17 (from 20-36) October 18, 19, 2017 - Waning Moon in Libra
October 19 at 22-12 - NEW MOON. Nothing to sow or plant. The unfavorable period is 1-2 days before and after the new moon.
October 20 (until 04-42) 2017 - Growing Moon in Libra
October 20 (from 04-42), 21, 22 (until 14-58) October 2017 - Growing Moon in Libra Watering, organic fertilizers, planting and transplanting, pest control.
22 (from 14-58), 23, 24, 25 (until 03-13) October 2017 - Growing Moon in Sagittarius
October 25 (from 03-13), 26, 27 (until 16-00) October 2017 - Growing Moon in Capricorn .
27 (from 16-00), 28, 29, 30 (until 02-47) October 2017 - Growing Moon in Aquarius
30 (from 02-47) October 2017 - Waxing Moon in Pisces Watering and organic top dressing are recommended, but in limited quantities, because. during this period, it is easy to provoke the development of rot and fungal diseases. You can root leaves, plant children from a leaf, transplant and rejuvenate adult violets. The main thing is not to flood the plants

Sinyavskaya G.


It is traditionally read that the lunar cycles have a marked effect on plants.
There are the following phases: new moon, moon growth phase, full moon, waning moon phase.

On the new moon all biological processes are inhibited, plants are especially vulnerable,
therefore, it is not recommended to plant, graft, loosen the earth.
On the day of the new moon, as well as the day before and after, it is better not to touch the plants.

On the growing To the moon, all plant juices rush up, metabolism accelerates,
more vigorous plant growth. Therefore, transplanting plants in this phase
the most effective and the plants take root well in a new place.

With decreasing On the moon, the life processes of plants slow down, the juices rush down to the roots.
This is a favorable time for rooting plants.

However, no matter how much we rely on the lunar cycles, it is much more important to follow the agricultural rules.
If the lunar landing calendar gives you extra confidence in your abilities, use it.
And if you don't believe in him, follow the main rule:
planting and caring for plants is necessary only with great desire and in a good mood.


for violets and other plants.

The time of the transition of the moon from one zodiac sign to another Moscow(UT+3h)

UT - International Universal Time.

Entry time

±6 hours, planting and replanting are not favorable. 6 hours before and after the full moon do not carry out any work with plants.

Favorable rooting of leaf cuttings, seating of violet babies, transplantation of adult violets, top dressing, planting, rejuvenation and watering. You can process violets from pests.

All work with ampelous and variegated violets is favorable: planting, rooting cuttings. Treatment of pests of all plants. Watering is not recommended.

Rooting cuttings, planting violets, watering, fertilizing, sowing seeds, rejuvenating violets, planting and transplanting (only non-ampel violets).

Transplantation of adult violets, rejuvenation of violets, watering, top dressing, pest control. We plant the children from the leaves. Planting seeds and leaves is not recommended.

We process violets from pests. Planting and transplanting violets are not recommended

Plantings are unsuccessful, so it is better to do selection (there is a chance to get plants of an interesting shape or color)


for violets and other plants

Plantings are unsuccessful, so it is better to do selection (there is a chance to get plants of an interesting shape or color)

Watering and organic top dressing are recommended, but in limited quantities, because. during this period, it is easy to provoke the development of rot and fungal diseases. You can root leaves, plant children from a leaf, transplant and rejuvenate adult violets. The main thing is not to flood the plants.

±6 hours, planting and replanting are not favorable. 6 hours before and after the full moon do not carry out any work with plants.

Favorable rooting of leaf cuttings, seating of violet babies, transplantation of adult violets, top dressing, planting, rejuvenation and watering. You can process violets from pests.

All work with ampelous and variegated violets is favorable: planting, rooting cuttings. Treatment of pests of all plants. Watering is not recommended.

Rooting cuttings, planting violets, watering, fertilizing, sowing seeds, rejuvenating violets, planting and transplanting (only non-ampel violets).

Watering, pruning, rooting, planting and transplanting are unfavorable. You can process violets from pests.

Transplantation of adult violets, rejuvenation of violets, watering, top dressing, pest control. We plant the children from the leaves. Planting seeds and leaves is not recommended.

Rejuvenation, planting and transplanting. Rooting leaf cuttings. Planting violets babies from a leaf. Compilation of land and landless mixtures for violets. Formation of beautiful rosettes of violets. Watering is not recommended.

Nothing to sow or plant. The unfavorable period is 1-2 days before and after the new moon.

Rejuvenation, planting and transplanting. Rooting leaf cuttings. Planting violets babies from a leaf. Compilation of land and landless mixtures for violets. Formation of beautiful rosettes of violets. Watering is not recommended.

Watering, organic fertilizers, planting and transplanting, pest control.

We process violets from pests. Planting and transplanting violets is not recommended.

We process violets from pests. Planting and transplanting violets are not recommended

Plantings are unsuccessful, so it is better to do selection (there is a chance to get plants of an interesting shape or color)

Watering and organic top dressing are recommended, but in limited quantities, because. during this period, it is easy to provoke the development of rot and fungal diseases. You can root leaves, plant children from a leaf, transplant and rejuvenate adult violets. The main thing is not to flood the plants.

I remind you that the time of the entry of the Moon into the signs of the zodiac is calculated for Moscow
and different from the time for other regions, please adjust accordingly.

This calendar is compiled taking into account the characteristics of plants of the Gesneriaceae family -
saintpaulia or uzambar violets, achimenes, streptocarpus, gloxinia.

Uzambara (Uzumbarskaya) violet- a plant of the Gesneriev family, grows in the natural environment of tropical and subtropical regions of Asia, Africa, Eastern Australia, South America and the Indian Ocean islands.

Saintpaulia- a plant named after the father and son of Saint-Paul, who brought a plant unknown to Europeans from the Uzambara district (modern Tanzania) in the 19th century, presented for the first time on international exhibition flowers in Ghent in 1893.

Violet room- one of the most popular plants in indoor floriculture since 1927. By 1949, more than 100 varieties were bred, and today their number exceeds several thousand.

rooting- possibly in water, in the substrate, moss.

Priming- purchased soil or a mixture of leafy, coniferous, soddy and peat soil in a ratio of 3:1:2:1 with the addition of baking powder (perlite, vermiculite, river sand, crushed sphagnum moss.

Lighting- it is best to put flower pots on the western or eastern windows. In order for the plant to be evenly lit from all sides, the pots are periodically rotated. In winter, when daylight hours decrease, you can use artificial lighting - fluorescent lamps.

Care- real art and serious painstaking work at the same time, including watering, fertilizing, creating a favorable humid climate. Water Saintpaulia as the soil dries. The soil should be regularly moistened, but excess moisture should not stagnate in the roots. When watering, it is necessary to ensure that water does not fall on the leaves. Do not water the Uzambara violet with cold water. Top dressing is carried out with complex mineral fertilizer once every two weeks. Saintpaulia reacts negatively to a lack of nitrogen in the soil. Optimum air humidity is approximately 50%, temperature - 20-22 ° C, without sharp fluctuations and drafts. The leaves of the plant should not touch the window pane. Removal of faded flowers and damaged leaves is carried out regularly.

reproduction- planting a leaf cutting, part of a leaf, a daughter outlet. The most popular method is rooting a leaf cutting. The formation of roots and the development of children lasts 4-8 weeks.

Pests- this is one of the problems of the grower. There are many different types of pests, it is very difficult to classify them. Among the pests of saintpaulia, several groups can be distinguished: mites (spider, flat, transparent, etc.), insects (aphids, thrips, springtails, podura, mealybugs, whiteflies, scale insects, etc.), worms (nematode).

Diseases- distinguish between infectious (gray rot, powdery mildew) and non-infectious diseases (rotting of the stem and root, wilting of the lower leaves, yellowing, leaf spot, incomplete opening and premature drying, falling flowers) of plants. The causative agents of infectious diseases are bacteria, fungi, viruses. To prevent an infectious disease, watering regimes, temperature, humidity, and illumination should be strictly observed. Non-communicable diseases usually occur due to violations of agricultural practices. They may appear on one instance and not spread to others.

Lunar calendar for plants (table of the passage of the signs of the Zodiac by the moon and recommendations for working with plants).

Waxing moon: 1-9, June 24-30, waning: June 10-23.
New moon - June 24, full moon - June 9.

Time of entry of the moon into the sign Recommendations
until June 3, 3:05
June 3, 03:05
June 5, 13:47
Sowing violet seeds. Rooting leaf cuttings. We put the children away from the sheet. We transplant adult violets. Rejuvenate violets. We carry out pollination during selection work. Watering, fertilizing and processing with biostimulants are favorable. You can process violets from pests.
June 8, 2
June 9, 16:11
Full Moon in Sagittarius
6 hours is an unfavorable time for any work.
June 10, 14:37
Sowing violet seeds. Rooting leaf cuttings. We put the children away from the sheet. We transplant adult violets. Watering, fertilizing and processing with biostimulants are favorable. You can process violets from pests.
June 13, 2:46
An unfavorable period for any work, except for airing greenhouses.
June 15, 13:19
We root cuttings of violets. We put the children away from the sheet. We transplant and seat young and adult violets. Rejuvenate violets. We carry out preventive measures against rot and viruses. Watering, fertilizing and processing with biostimulants are favorable.
June 17, 20:56
June 20, 0:54
We root cuttings of violets. We put the children away from the sheet. We transplant adult violets. Rejuvenate violets. We water, process violets with biostimulants.
June 22, 1:45 am
You can prune violets, treat saintpaulias from pests. Watering these days is not recommended.
June 24, 1
We water and process violets with biostimulants. Transplants are not recommended.
June 24, 5:32 am
New Moon in Cancer
An unfavorable day for any work.
June 26, 1:07 am
a lion
We process violets from pests. Planting and transplanting violets is not recommended.
June 28, 3:42 am
We put the children away from the sheet. We transplant and seat young and adult violets. Rejuvenate violets. Watering, fertilizing and processing with biostimulants are favorable. We treat violets and carry out preventive treatments for rot and viruses.
June 30, 10:03
Rooting leaf cuttings. We put the children away from the sheet. We transplant adult violets. Rejuvenate violets. We select pairs for selection work. Watering is not recommended. Fertilizers can be applied dry. We form beautiful rosettes at violets. We make light ground and landless mixtures for violets.

I remind you that the time of the entry of the Moon into the signs of the zodiac is calculated for Moscow and differs from the time for other regions, make the appropriate amendments. This calendar is compiled taking into account the characteristics of plants of the Gesneriaceae family - saintpaulia or uzambar violets, streptocarpus, gloxinia.

Wish you success
Sinyavskaya Galina

Since ancient times, people have noticed the huge influence of the moon on all living organisms on the planet. The lunar cycles have the greatest impact on plants, so if you thoroughly understand this topic, you can create a special calendar that will tell you at the right time what is best for your “pet”: when is it better to plant, at what time of the day or night. Of course, whether or not to trust the phases of the white planet is voluntary, but if you decide to try, then there is a special lunar calendar for violets, where some recommendations are indicated. There are such phases of the moon: new moon, rising, full moon and waning of the moon.

Today, violet is a very common home flower, but it will have an attractive appearance only if clear recommendations are followed. According to the 2017 lunar calendar, you can grow an eye-pleasing plant very easily and quickly.

The growing phase of the moon, by its name, suggests what exactly happens at this time with living organisms. They rush up as much as possible, absorbing a lot of moisture, the metabolism in Saintpaulia accelerates, all the juices in the flower move rapidly from the root to the rest of the plant. That is why on such days you need to water the plant more often, fertilize with minerals, and also replant. According to the 2017 lunar calendar, the most favorable days for violet transplantation are:

  1. May 4 - we transplant a flower, and also plant young shoots. May 6 - we transplant an adult flower. May 9 - we separate the children from the leaf and make a transplant with top dressing. May 14, 19, 31 - we separate the children, and it is recommended to transplant young and adult violets. If the phase of the moon for May 2017 falls growing, then you don’t have to worry about the plant - transplant calmly, it will definitely take root and will not hurt.
  2. June 3, 5, 10, 15, 20 - we drop off the children. In addition, these days are favorable for transplanting adult saintpaulias. On June 5 and 10, it is better to plant violets. June 15, 28 - transplantation of young violets. With bad impact celestial body in June, it is worth refusing to change the habitat of the flower, watering and care is the only thing that the flower will need these days.
  3. July 2, 7 we sow the seeds. 2, 7, 12, 17 - days of transplanting adult violets. July 12 - seating of young saintpaulias. Remember that if there are no high temperature limits for June 2017, then in July the air temperature is very high, so try not to disturb your plants unnecessarily. But if there is such a need, then strictly adhere to the recommendations of the lunar calendar.

Actions on the waning moon

In this phase of the moon, all the juices in saintpaulia change their direction - now they move from top to bottom. All vital processes slow down their rhythm, but at the same time the root system is well strengthened. Try to do everything so as not to harm this violet organ, and natural top dressing will fruitfully affect the flower.

Transplanting and planting violets during the waning moon is not the best time. Try at this moment to devote more time to the care and rest of the plant, because all the useful and nutrients will linger in the root area.

Full moon and new moon

On the full moon, it is also not recommended to transplant, spend more time feeding. Since this period lasts only a day, it is not worth doing any manipulations, your plant will be very vulnerable anyway. Trimming dry leaves and flowers will be more profitable a day before the full moon or a day later. We can say that this period is not at all suitable for any type of work.

The new moon also does not differ in active processes from transplants and effects on violets.

The celestial body blunts all biological development on this stage. The lunar calendar for July 2017 indicates that the full moon is expected on July 9 at 7:08, and the new moon on July 23 at 12:47.

No matter how you count on the lunar cycles, sometimes there are circumstances beyond your control in which your favorite saintpaulia may not meet the schedule. In this case, rely on your intuition. Most importantly, remember that a favorable landing day for Saintpaulia is the one when you are in a great mood and mood. And if you do not believe in all the processes associated with the moon, then just look at the lunar calendar for more information related to Saintpaulias.

Video "Violet leaf propagation"

From this video you will learn how to propagate violet leaves.

Since ancient times, it has been known that the Moon has a serious impact on plants, on the process of their growth, development, as well as susceptibility to external environmental factors. The Earth's biosphere is influenced by the gravitational field of the Moon, so the planet's magnetic field is always changing, which in turn affects both people and plants. Florists in their activities must take into account all these factors.

Waxing Crescent

The fluids on Earth are in direct contact with the Moon. During hot flashes, the level of fluid in the tissues increases in the human body, so the person feels active, the emotional level rises. In plants during this period, ascending sap flow occurs. At low tide, the opposite is true.

There are several main lunar phases, each of which has its own characteristics. In order to grow a beautiful flower, all phases must be taken into account:
Waxing Crescent
waning moon
full moon
new moon
The lunar calendar for violets involves the study of all phases, each of which has its own characteristics. The period from the New Moon to the Full Moon is called the Waxing Moon.

During this period, all activity and fluid inside the plants is directed upwards, from the roots to the stems. This time is characterized by rapid and intensive growth of the part of plants that is above the ground. If you plant a violet at this time, then the development and growth of its aerial part will be rapid and intense.

If some leaves are cut at this time, this will activate new greenery to grow. It is not recommended to carry out the budding process at this time, since during the growing moon the roots practically do not react in any way to the damage they cause. It is worth paying attention to plants that have been transplanted, as root activity is low, and it is important for violets to receive a certain amount of nutrients.

During the waxing moon, it is recommended:
plant new violets
transplant plants from one place to another, but under careful supervision
carry out the process of cultivating and loosening the earth
fertilize the earth with minerals, as violets need constant additional feeding
During this period, all plants need a large amount of water. This period is the best time to remove stepchildren, which are the main reason for the slowdown in the normal growth and development of the flower.

Aging Moon

The next phase is called the phase of the waning or aging moon. During this period, all the activity and fluid that is in the plants is directed from the periphery to the center, from the stems to the roots. The pressure level of the underground part of the violet increases.

By nature, the roots of a plant such as violet are much thinner than the aerial part. Therefore, if any damage is caused to the roots of the plant during this period, this can provoke serious problems, up to the death of the flower. During the period of the waning moon, the development of the above-ground part of the plant slows down, but the underground parts, on the contrary, develop quite actively.

The outer part of the violet at this time passively reacts to any external damage. The violet, which will be planted during the waning moon, is already programmed for the active growth of the root system.

Often these flowers have a small number of leaves and flowers that die quickly. At this time, violets can be transplanted without fear for their further life, as the flower will take root for sure. This period is characterized by less watering of plants, in contrast to the growing moon. But if you carry out the process of organic feeding, then the plant will develop much better in the future, there will be more flowers.

Full moon and new moon

This phase has a duration of three days. This is the best time to fertilize the ground for violets, loosen it. It is not recommended to prune plants during this period.

This phase, like the previous one, lasts three days. It is during these three that it is not recommended to categorically not make any plant transplants, plant new violets, loosen and fertilize the ground around the flower.
You can remove dried and damaged leaves one day before the new moon and the day after. On the day of the New Moon itself, it is not recommended to carry out any manipulations with plants, only watering in moderation. This time is given to plants in order for them to gather vitality and energy.

Any plant lives in these cycles, so it is worth considering all the features in order to grow a healthy and beautiful flower. But besides this, one should not forget that the violet is a rather whimsical plant, therefore its vital activity also depends on the environment in which it grows.

Violet is a plant that needs feeding and moderate watering, but on the days of the growing moon, it is necessary to slightly increase the water level, then all this will only benefit the plant. In order for the violet to bloom profusely, it is necessary to add a small amount of phosphorus to the soil.

Video about the intricacies of growing room violets:

Medical Encyclopedia