If the partner is new, then I would recommend, if possible, to wait for the end of Mercury retro action. But it is very favorable to renew old connections at this time, the person will contact you

Selected astronomical events of the month (Moscow time):

August 1- long-period variable star R Ophiuchus near the maximum brightness (6.5m),
August 2- Mercury at aphelion of its orbit,
August 2- Moon at apogee at a distance from the center of the Earth 405026 km,
August 3rd— Moon (Ф=0.83+) near Saturn,
August 3rd- Uranus in standing with the transition to backward movement,
August 4— Moon (Ф=0.91+) in maximum declination to the south,
August 4- coverage for 2 seconds by the asteroid (1728) Goethe Link of the star HIP 109362 (8.5m) from the constellation Aquarius,
August 6- coverage for 1 second by the asteroid (5247) Krylov of the star HIP 104172 (6.1m) from the constellation Vulpecula,
August 7- full moon
August 7— partial lunar eclipse (visibility in Russia and the CIS),
8 August- Moon (Ф = 0.99-) in the descending node of the orbit,
August 9- coverage by the Moon (Ф = 0.95-) of the planet Neptune in visibility in Antarctica and Australia,
12th of August- Mercury in standing with the transition to backward movement,
12th of August- maximum action of the Perseid meteor shower (hourly number of meteors - 120),
August 13- The moon near Uranus at a phase of about 0.7-,
August 14— occultation by the Moon (Ф= 0.62-) of the star xi2 Kita (4.3m) when visible in the European part of Russia,
August 15 Moon in last quarter phase
August 16- coverage by the Moon (Ф = 0.39-) of the star Gamma Taurus (3.7m) with visibility in the European part of Russia,
August 16- Moon coverage (Ф = 0.36-) of the Aldebaran star during daytime visibility in Russia and the CIS,
August 18- maximum action of the kappa-cygnids meteor shower (hourly number of meteors - 5),
August 18- Moon (Ф = 0.16-) at maximum declination to the north,
August 18- the Moon (Ф = 0.14-) at the perigee of its orbit at a distance from the center of the Earth 366129 km,
August 19- The moon near Venus at a phase of about 0.1-,
August 19- long-period variable star S of the Northern Crown near the maximum brightness (6.5m),
August 21- Moon (Ф = 0.01-) near Mars,
August 21- Moon (Ф= 0.0) in the ascending node of its orbit,
August 21- new moon
August 21- total solar eclipse (visibility in the USA),
August 21- coverage by the Moon (Ф = 0.0) of the star Regulus (not visible),
August 22- Moon (Ф = 0.05) near Mercury,
24 August is a long-period variable star R Trianguli near its maximum brightness (5m),
25-th of August- Saturn in standing with the transition to direct movement,
25-th of August— Moon (Ф= 0.16+) near Jupiter,
August, 26th Mercury in inferior conjunction with the Sun
August 28— coverage by the Moon (Ф= 0.41+) of the star Gamma Libra (3.9m) at visibility in the Far East,
August 29 Moon in first quarter phase
August 30— Moon (Ф= 0.60+) at apogee at a distance of 404307 km from the center of the Earth,
August 30— Moon (Ф= 0.62+) near Saturn,
August 31 Mercury passes at 3.5 gr. south of Regula,
August 31 is a long-period variable star RR Scorpii near its maximum brightness (5m).

Sun moves through the constellation of Cancer until August 10, and then passes into the constellation of Leo and remains in it until the end of the month. The declination of the daylight, in comparison with the first two summer months, decreases every day faster and faster. As a result, the length of the day also rapidly decreases: from 15 hours 59 minutes at the beginning of the month to 13 hours 52 minutes by the end of the described period (more than two hours). These data are valid for the latitude of Moscow, where the midday height of the Sun will decrease from 52 to 42 degrees in a month. For observations of the Sun, August is one of the most favorable months in the northern hemisphere of the Earth. Observations of spots and other formations on the surface of the daylight can be carried out with a telescope or binoculars, and even with the naked eye (if the spots are large enough). But it must be remembered that a visual study of the Sun through a telescope or other optical instruments must be carried out without fail (!!) using a solar filter (recommendations for observing the Sun are available in the journal Nebosvod http://astronet.ru/db/msg/1222232) .

Moon will start moving across the August sky at a phase of 0.63+ near the star Gamma Libra, which will be covered on August 1. On the first day of the month, the bright Moon will visit the constellation Scorpio, and on August 2 it will pass into the constellation Ophiuchus, where it will spend time until August 3, passing north of Antares and Saturn. In this constellation, the Moon will pass the apogee of the orbit on August 2, being observed low above the horizon almost all night. The night luminary (Ф = 0.84+) will enter the constellation Sagittarius on August 3, making a journey along it, which will last until August 6. Moving into the constellation of Capricorn, the Moon will enter the full moon phase on August 7th. This full moon will see a partial lunar eclipse visible in Russia and the CIS. The bright lunar disk will stay here until August 8, when it enters the constellation Aquarius at a phase of 0.99-. Here, on August 9, the Moon will cover Neptune at a phase of 0.95 - with visibility in Antarctica and Australia. The night luminary will cross the border of the constellation Pisces on August 11 at a phase of 0.89-, and on August 11 and 13 it will visit the constellation Cetus. Reducing the phase, the lunar oval on August 12 will again visit the constellation Pisces, passing south of Uranus at a phase of about 0.7-13 August. After briefly entering the constellation of Aries on August 14, the Moon will move into the constellation of Taurus, taking the phase of the last quarter on August 15. Here, on August 16, the next occultation by the Moon (Ф = 0.36-) of the stars of the Hyades and Aldebaran clusters will occur during visibility in the European part of Russia (in the morning and daytime). On August 17, the lunar crescent will visit the constellation of Orion (near Venus) at a phase of about 0.2 and, moving the next day to the constellation of Gemini, will stay here until August 19, being near the maximum declination and perigee of its orbit. On the same day, the Moon will move into the constellation of Cancer with a phase of about 0.1- and will stay here until August 21, when it enters into the possession of the constellation Leo (near Mars) with a minimum phase of 0.01-. Here the Moon will enter the new moon phase, moving into the evening sky. But in the middle latitudes, the young month will appear only on the third evening after the new moon due to its low position above the western horizon. This new moon will see a total solar eclipse visible across the United States. An article about this remarkable phenomenon is available on the Astronet http://www.astronet.gi/. On August 21, the Moon will cover Regulus, but the phenomenon will not be visible due to its proximity to the Sun. On August 23, a thin crescent with a phase of less than 0.1+ will move into the constellation Virgo. On August 25, the Moon (F = 0.16+) will pass north of Jupiter, and then north of Spica. On August 26, at a phase of 0.27+, the lunar crescent will pass into the constellation of Libra and will cover here on August 28 the star of Gamma Libra in visibility in the Far East. On the same day, the Moon will visit the constellation Scorpio and will take the phase of the first quarter here on August 29th. On the same day, the lunar half-disk will pass into the constellation Ophiuchus and stay here until August 30, passing again to the north of Antares and Saturn and increasing the phase to 0.66 (near the apogee of its orbit). Having passed into the constellation Sagittarius on August 31, the lunar oval will end here along summer sky at a phase of 0.74+.

Major planets solar system.

Mercury moves in the same direction as the Sun in the constellation Leo, and on August 12 changes it to backward in the constellation Sextans (where it will move on August 4). Moving backwards, Mercury will re-enter the constellation Leo on August 27. The planet is observed in the south
the western horizon against the background of the evening dawn, but the further south the observation point is, the better the conditions for observing Mercury will be. At the beginning of the month, the fast planet is near the east elongation of 27 degrees, and then Mercury reduces the angular distance from the Sun and on August 26 passes the inferior conjunction with the Sun, ending the evening visibility. The apparent diameter of the fast planet increases during the month from 8.5 to 11 arcseconds with decreasing brightness from +0.4m to +5m. The phase decreases from 0.4 to 0, i.e. Mercury (when viewed through a telescope) is a sickle, thinning, but increasing in diameter. After the conjunction, the planet will enter the morning sky and at the end of the month it can be found in the rays of the rising Sun. In May 2016, Mercury passed through the disk of the Sun, and the next passage will take place on November 11, 2019.

Venus moves in the same direction with the Sun through the constellation of Gemini, and on August 24 it passes into the constellation of Cancer, where it will spend the rest of the described period. Morning Star gradually reduces the angular distance to the west of the Sun, and by the end of the month, the elongation of Venus will reach 32 degrees. The planet is visible in the morning sky near the southeastern horizon. In a telescope, the planet is observed as a small white oval. The apparent diameter of Venus decreases from 15" to 12", and the phase changes from 0.74 to 0.83 at a brightness of about -4m.

Mars moves in the same direction as the Sun through the constellation Cancer, on August 17 passing into the constellation Leo. The planet begins morning visibility at the end of the month, appearing in the rays of the rising Sun. The brilliance of the planet has a value of +1.7m, and the apparent diameter is 3.5". Mars is gradually approaching the Earth, and the next opportunity to see the planet near opposition will appear in the summer next year. Details on the surface of the planet (large) can be visually observed in an instrument with a lens diameter of 60 mm or more, and, moreover, photographically with subsequent processing on a computer.

Jupiter moves in the same direction as the Sun in the constellation Virgo, gradually approaching the bright star Spica of this constellation. The gas giant is observed in the evening over the southwestern horizon. The angular diameter of the largest planet in the solar system decreases from 34.4" to 32.3" at a brightness of about -1.7m. The disk of the planet is distinguishable even through binoculars, and in small telescope stripes and other details are visible on the surface. Four large satellites are already visible through binoculars, and with a telescope in good visibility conditions, shadows from the satellites on the planet's disk can be observed. Information about satellite configurations is in this CN.

Saturn moves backwards along the constellation Ophiuchus (near the star theta with a magnitude of 3.2m), on August 25 changing to a direct motion. The ringed planet can be observed in the evening and at night over the southern and southwestern horizons. The brightness of the planet decreases from +0.2m to +0.4m with an apparent diameter of about 17.5". With a small telescope, you can observe the ring and moon Titan, as well as some of the other brightest moons. The visible dimensions of the planet's ring are on average 40×16" at an inclination of 26 degrees to the observer.

Uranus(5.9m, 3.4”) moves in the same direction with the Sun along the constellation Pisces, on August 3, changing the motion to backward (near the star omicron Psc with a magnitude of 4.2m). The planet is visible in the night and morning sky with a visibility duration of about 8 hours. Uranus, rotating "on its side", is easily detected with binoculars and search maps, and a telescope from 80 mm in diameter with a magnification of more than 80 times and a transparent sky will help to make out the disk of Uranus. With the naked eye, the planet can be seen during the periods of new moons in a dark clear sky, and such an opportunity will present itself in the second half of the month (near the new moon). The satellites of Uranus have a brightness less than 13m.

Neptune(7.9m, 2.3”) is moving backwards in the constellation Aquarius near the star lambda Aqr (3.7m). The planet is visible almost all night with a visibility duration of about 8 hours. To search for the planet, you will need binoculars and star maps of the Astronomical calendar for 2017, and the disk is distinguishable through a telescope from 100 mm in diameter with a magnification of more than 100 times (with a transparent sky). Photographically, Neptune can be captured with the simplest camera with a shutter speed of 10 seconds or more. The moons of Neptune have a brightness less than 13 m.

From comets, visible in August from the territory of our country, the estimated brightness of about 12m and brighter will have at least two comets: Johnson (С/2015 V2) and P/Clark (7IP). Comet Johnson (C/2015 V2) is moving south through the constellations of Centaurus and the Wolf. The brightness of the comet is about 9m. The celestial pilgrim P/C1ark (71P) is moving south along the constellation Scorpio with a magnitude of about 12m. Details of the month's other comets (with charts and brightness predictions) are available at http://aerith.net/comet/weekly/current.html and observations are available at http://cometbase.net/.

Among the asteroids the brightest in August will be Vesta (8.0t), Irida (8.5t), and Ceres (8.9t). Vesta moves in the constellation Leo, and Iris moves in the constellation Aries, and Ceres moves in the constellation Gemini. In total, eight asteroids will exceed the brightness of Ut in August. Maps of the paths of these and other asteroids (comets) are given in the appendix to the KN (file mapkn082017.pdf). Information on occultations of stars by asteroids at http://asteroidoccultation.com/Index.Ail.htm.

From relatively bright long-period variable stars(observed from the territory of Russia and the CIS) maximum brightness this month according to AAVSO data is reached by: U Snakes 8.5m1 August, R Ophiuchi 7.6m— 1 August, R Perseus 8.7t - 6 August, T Centauri 5.5t6 August, RR Libra 8.6t - 7 August, T Aries 8.3t - 8 August, W Eridani 8.6t - 8 August, S Libra 8.4t8 August, RY Ophiuchi 8.2t - 9 August, Z Eagle 9.0t - 9 August, S Bootes 8.4t - 11 August, S China 8.2t12 August, RS Ursa Major 9.0t - 12 August, R Hair of Veronica 8.5t14 August, RZ Scorpio 8.8t15 August, S North Crown 7.3t19 August, T Hercules 8.0t19 August, Z Stern 8.1t22 August, S Microscope 9.0t22 August, ST .Andromedae 8.2t - 22 August, R Triangle 6.2t - 24 August, W Cancer 8.2t25 August, RU Libra 8.1t - 25 August, T Eridani 8.0t - 26 August, R Pisces 8.2t27 August, RR Scorpio 5.9t31 August. More information at http://www,aavso, org/.

Clear skies and successful observations!

Retrograde planets are part of the normal course of life. These periods are not always positive, so you should know about them in advance. In August, the reverse movement will begin Mercury.

You can plan things not only in accordance with the lunar calendar and horoscopes, but also in accordance with information about the movement of the planets. Analytics about the movement of a particular planet allows you to look into the future for a fairly long period of time.

Mercury is the planet of action. This is the planet that governs desires, fortitude, physical form. All this is interconnected, so work on yourself during the retrograde period should be comprehensive.

Mercury will start moving backwards on August 13 and end on September 5, so this state will last until the end of summer. In total, there are three or four periods of Mercury retrograde in a year. AT this case this will be the third period. You should be careful about him, but his negative will be less noticeable than in other periods.

Benefits of Mercury retrograde

retrograde has positive aspects because absolutely everything is turned inside out. Good becomes bad and bad becomes good. This suggests that on August 13, Mercury will positively perceive laziness, lack of desire, a little apathy. This will be a great period to just take a break from the problems associated with work, business, money. Try to just immerse yourself in your activities or hobbies.

When Mercury enters the state reverse movement He kind of calms down. This can be good for people who are quick-tempered or constantly under stress.

What can a person do if he does not fulfill his duties and solve some important matters? That's right, plan for the future. Try to analyze your past shortcomings and work on the mistakes. From August 13, you should not only find flaws in yourself, but also find motivation in order to eradicate them. Moreover, for this you will have all the conditions.

Take care of your home. Mercury will help you with routine work. Rearranging furniture, starting repairs, or simply bringing the home into proper shape will give you good luck.

Negative aspects of Mercury retrograde

The backward movement of the first planet has a very negative effect on any surgical interventions. Be careful in everything, because wound healing will be worse than usual. This is especially true for athletes and extreme sports enthusiasts. Most accidents happen during these periods. This does not mean that training should be postponed, no. The fact is that you will need more attention to security.

A cautious approach in love will be needed for lonely people, since in the standard state Mercury helps to increase the charisma of courageous people. In the retrograde state of this planet, you will have less chance of making a new acquaintance.

At work, mistakes are possible in the most important matters. The harder you try to focus on work, the harder it will be for you to do it. Try not to act selfishly, because Mercury moving in the opposite direction wants to see in people a desire to help others.

The retrograde of this planet has a bad effect on attention, on quick wit, therefore, training is difficult and the first days at a new job are more difficult. If you are going on vacation from August 13 to September 5, then it is better to approach acclimatization issues as carefully as possible. It can be very difficult.

As for physical activity, it is better to observe the golden mean and not overwork your body. Water procedures and walks should replace your gym for a while. It is better to observe the daily routine and do not eat too fatty foods or fast food. Alcohol will also be superfluous.

One way or another, but Mercury at the end of this summer will not be as negative as it could be expected earlier. Astrologers are sure that the right approach will help you not only live through the end of August without problems, but also get rid of negative programs and thoughts that block energy. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

26.07.2017 03:22

Starfall is one of the most impressive gifts of Nature. In November 2017, you will not only be able to watch a stream of bright meteors, ...

August 3, 2017 at 08:31 AM Uranus in Aries turns back. The planet will move backward until January 2, 2018. What does this mean for humanity, what events to expect? Usually, the retrograde position of the planets indicates the opportunity to take a breather, stop and take a look at all your achievements, correct some shortcomings. But this has nothing to do with retro Uranus. On the contrary, it encourages people to act, makes them come out of hibernation and actively declare themselves to the world.

Positive Effects of Uranus Retrograde

From August 3, 2017, many can take a different look at their beliefs, ideas, work projects. What once seemed brilliant may lose its appeal. And what was previously ignored will turn out to be effective and useful. At one point, everything can turn upside down, but you should not be afraid of this. Retro Uranus thus cleanses the life of every person from rubbish, showing the true path.

With a backward movement, the planet will in every possible way encourage the practical application of previously acquired skills and knowledge. It is important not to be afraid and take advantage of the opportunities provided in time. Uranus does not like routine, therefore, even those who do not want to change, puts in conditions when you need to leave doubts and move forward.

This is a great period for creative individuals. The planet loves innovators, so it actively helps people who create something new, never seen before. Uranus oversees astrology, design, computer technology, psychology. After August 3, you can begin to put your plans into practice. It will be better to work alone than in groups. retro planet does not like communication at all, so the second half of 2017 is not very suitable for networking.

The Negative Effects of Uranus Retrograde

With the backward movement of the planet, any person, even a quiet and reasonable one, can become a real rebel. Dramatic changes after August 3 can happen to those who are in natal chart has important points or personal planets located in the 24-28 ° signs of Aries, Capricorn, Libra, Cancer. Everyone will have their own rebellion. Someone will want to change the way of life in the family, someone will oppose the will of the boss and leave work, someone will be outraged by himself and want to change radically. Here it is important to stick to the golden mean and not go to extremes.

Period retro uranus- this is the time when everything around boils and seethes. You should not hide your head in the sand, on the contrary, the influence of the planet will help you quickly get rid of unnecessary contacts, change the environment, the type of activity. If there were any sketches concerning work, study, then you need to immediately implement them. This is not the time to weigh everything, Uranus loves active, active people and supports them in every possible way.

The period from August 3, 2017 to January 2, 2018 will be prosperous for some, not so much for others, but it will definitely not let you get bored. The results of the influence of retro Uranus will be different for everyone, and in many respects they will depend on the actions of the person himself.

There will be plenty of bright changes and controversial events in 2017. In the first half of the year, disputes and conflicts are expected, but from May to early autumn everything returns to normal.

The location of the lunar nodes in 2017

Ascending Node in Virgo and Descending Node in Pisces until May 9, 2017, after Leo - Aquarius.

A successful period for the implementation of scientific projects and ideas, technical inventions and experiments in various fields. Especially appreciated in 2017 will be employees who are punctual, disciplined and professionally suited to their duties.

Under the influence of the planet, creative tasks and everything that helps to develop externally and spiritually will be paramount. If the Ascending Node is in Leo, then you need to communicate more with children, participate in holidays and corporate parties. If a person has a creative "vein", then at this time he must show it. The state task in 2017 is to increase the birth rate of the population, educate the younger generation, and organize cultural and sports events.

Location of the planet Saturn in 2017

The planet Saturn will be in the sign of Sagittarius throughout 2017. This will entail the imposition of a ban on travel abroad, migration and labor sanctions, as well as strict control over any transfers. The state under the influence of the planet Saturn will make its own adjustments to the program. Numerous checks of the educational system are expected, thorough preparation for exams and theses. Saturn will move into Capricorn on December 20th, which will affect the political aspects and personalities in leadership positions. AT public sphere there will be experienced strategists who will competently manage the state and come out and become world leaders.

Location of the planet Jupiter in 2017

Until October 10, the planet Jupiter will "guest" in Libra. Thanks to this, peace and harmony will be restored in society and in individual families. Diplomats and lawyers will do especially well during the planetary movement in 2017. All innovations and legislation will lead to favorable consequences. Creative personalities, as well as actors, musicians and designers, will become famous and receive public recognition.
Jupiter will move into Scorpio on October 10, 2017. Many traditions change dramatically, which will affect the worldview and a person's view of familiar things. In December, a reassessment of values ​​\u200b\u200band prioritization is possible.

Location of the Black Moon in 2017

Until February 13, 2017, the Black Moon will be in the sign of Scorpio. Perhaps the manifestation of the most negative human qualities, criminal showdowns and increased crime. Actions can be directed to debauchery and sexual perversion. Under the influence of the Black Moon planet, magicians and sorcerers become more active and release negative energy. Although, such work with "vampires" in this period is far from safe.
The Black Moon comes to visit Sagittarius on February 14, 2017. Ideological principles begin to change not in better side. Adventures and machinations are possible, as well as meetings with false teachers and sectarians.

It is recommended at this time to limit oneself in travel, communication with energetically "heavy" personalities and cancel the move for permanent residence abroad. Close relationships and correspondence with foreigners will bring a lot of disappointment.

The Black Moon will enter Capricorn on November 9, 2017. Leaders of major campaigns and statesmen can show themselves too assertive, aggressive and even cruel towards the people. The emergence of a military dictatorship during this period is not ruled out.

Location of the White Moon in 2017

Until June 16, 2017, the White Moon will be in the sign of Taurus. The influence of the planet on individuals and entire states is very positive. Many will become kinder, more generous and will help not only themselves, but also other people to strengthen their financial situation. The economic situation in the world stabilizes from January to July. People will feel more calm, confident and independent of material values.
After June 16, 2017, the planet White Moon will "guest" in Gemini. Favorable time for acquaintances, establishing business contacts and cooperation with the media. You can go to study, improve your skills and collect new information.

Location of the planet Uranus in 2017

The movement of the planet in 2017 Uranus will be in Aries. This is fraught with many changes and problems, both in the political and public spheres. Natural disasters and conflicts at the military level are possible. But during this period, many will feel independence and rush to new relationships. Conflicts, aggression, demonstrations, explosions and natural disasters are not ruled out. Uranus will be in the destructive degree of Aries from February 27 to March 18. At this time, you need to be extremely careful in all areas of life.

Location of the planet Neptune in 2017

During the period when the planet Neptune is in Pisces, it will be crowned with numerous successes and spiritual growth. Possible changes in religious views and the emergence of confidence in the future. Until May 9, 2017, the Descending Node is in the sign of Pisces, you need to put the moral character, morality and inner transformation in the foreground. All this will help to strengthen both the professional base and personal life. The influence of the planet Neptune is felt during the settlement interpersonal relationships and doing your favorite hobby.

The location of the planet Pluto in 2017

Dramatic political changes will occur during the period when the planet Pluto in 2017 will be in Capricorn. Re-election campaigns, conflicts between heads of state and new appointments to leadership positions are possible. Although, some changes will improve the situation in the country. Pluto will be in negative Capricorn from February 2 to March 11. There will be serious catastrophes and the situation in the political sphere will heat up to the limit.

Dance of the Planets September 18, 2017

A lot of unusual events will take place in 2017, and one of them will happen on September 18th. At this time, the Moon will cover 4 planets: Regulus, Venus, Mercury and Mars. In Russia (on the European part) it will be possible to observe the original “dance of the planets” in the sky - a rare and beautiful sight. Of course, in terms of scale, this stellar phenomenon is not akin to the Parade of the Planets, but it also makes an indelible impression.

Starfall January 18, 2017

It is best to observe this phenomenon outside the city - in open areas and under clean starry sky. In this case, the light of comets and meteorites will not hide behind the lighting of city streets. One of the brightest in 2017 will be the light from the asteroid Vesta on January 18th. It can be seen in the sign of Cancer. In December 2017, the light from Ceres, which is in the sign of Leo, will be especially bright and visible. You can also observe the heavenly brilliance of Lips, Metis, Eunomius and Irene.
The Lyrid meteorite can be observed in April, the Orionid in October, the Leonid in November, and the Geminid in December 2017.

A popular sign is to make a wish on a “shooting” star, it is always relevant and in any weather. Therefore, in 2017 - in spring and autumn, do not be afraid to get under the star rain and send your innermost dream into outer space.

The movement of the planets in 2017 in each month

How they move and what the movement of the planets entails in 2017 in each month. Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury - configurations and retrograde periods in year Fire Rooster by zodiac signs by months.

Movement of the planets in 2017: January

Sun: January 2017
The Sun is in the very center of the system, and in January 2017 it will be present in Capricorn. This sign gives diligence in work and coolness in relations with people. From January 20 (midnight) the Sun will move into Aquarius. At 09:44 - January 7, 2017, it will connect with the planet Pluto.

Mercury: January 2017
At the beginning of the month, Mercury stays in Sagittarius for a short time, but the main part of January this planet moves in Capricorn:
- January 12 - 17:03;
- January 29 - 23:21 - Pluto conjunction with Mercury

Venus: January 2017
Venus is considered the planet of Beauty and Love:
- from January 1 to 2 - stays in Aquarius;
- from January 3 - 10:46 the movement of the planet in 2017 is observed in Pisces;
- January 13 - 00:53 - Venus conjunct Neptune

Mars: January 2017
Mars is in the same place as Venus this month and then moves into Aries:
- January 28 - 08:38;
- in New Year and January 1 at 09:52 - Mars conjunct Neptune

Jupiter: January 2017
Throughout the month, Jupiter, the planet of Happiness, will be in Libra. It can be clearly seen in the sky only early in the morning.

Saturn: January 2017
According to Sagittarius, the planet moves in 2017 in January

The movement of the planets in 2017: February

Sun: February 2017
This month the Sun will spend most of its time in Aquarius - an original and creative sign:
- February 18 - 2:31 pm - moves to Pisces

In February 2017, eclipses are expected:
- Sunny: February 26 - at 14:53 (Moscow time). It can be seen in South America, Chile, Angola, Argentina and over the Atlantic Ocean. In Russia, the eclipse cannot be seen.
- Lunar: is in Leo. Observed on February 11 - at 03:35 in Moscow and the European part of our country

Mercury: February 2017
Only on February 7 at 12:35 pm Mercury will move into Aquarius, and until that time, the movement of the planet in 2017 takes place in the sign of Capricorn:
- end of February - 02:26 turns into Pisces

Mars: February 2017
The merger of two planets - Mars and Uranus, in February will occur on the 27th at 03:19:
- on the same day - 17:24 - conjunction with Jupiter;
Mars is in Aries most of February

Venus: February 2017
On February 1 and 2, 2017, the beautiful Venus is in Pisces:
- from the 3rd day - 18:50 - entry into the sign of Aries until the end of February, immediately after the Spring Equinox

Saturn and Jupiter: February 2017
Saturn will be in Sagittarius and Jupiter will be in Libra in February 2017

Movement of the planets in 2017: March

Sun: March 2017
In the mysterious sign of Pisces, the main part of March will be the Sun:
- 20th - 13:28 - Spring equinox, which opens the next calendar year. There is a transition of the Sun into Aries;
- March 2 - 05:43 - Sun in the planet Neptune

Mercury: March 2017
At the beginning of the month, the movement of the planet in 2017 occurs in Pisces, and then moves into Aries (March 14 at midnight), immediately after the Spring Equinox. Mercury will be in this sign until March 31:
- March 4 - 14:09 - there is an influence with Neptune;
- March 18 - 15:26 - passes into Venus;
- March 24 - 15:44 - being in Aries, Mercury creates opposition with Jupiter;
- March 26 - 18:05 - conjunction with Uranus

Venus: March 2017
Venus will move into Aries in early March 2017. On March 5, an interesting spectacle will be observed when the planet of Beauty and Love begins its procession between the Sun and the earth. It seems that Venus is moving backwards. In fact, this is the retrograde movement of the planet in 2017 in Aries until the end of March:
- March 25 - 13:16 - there will be a lower merger of Venus with the Sun and the Earth

Mars: March 2017
Mars retrograde will not be observed this month. He feels great in his "native abode" and in the company of Aries:
- March 10 - 03:33 - connection with Taurus

Jupiter: March 2017
Back in February 2017, Jupiter went retrograde and is in Libra in March. It can be seen at night:
- March 3 - 04:15 - opposition of Jupiter with Uranus will take place;
- March 30 - 21:19 - right angle conjunction with Pluto

Saturn: March 2017
All month this planet will move in Sagittarius

The movement of the planets in 2017: April

Sun: April 2017
The sun will be in the sign of Aries for the main part of April:
- April 20 - 00:27 - connection with Taurus;
- April 14 - 08:30 - the movement of the planet in 2017 with Uranus

Mercury: April 2017
Mercury will be in the sign of Taurus - the planet of trade from the beginning of April:
- April 10 - retrograde movement between the Sun and the Earth;
- April 20 - 20:36 - connection with the sign of Aries;
- April 20 - 08:53 - the lower confluence of Mercury with the Sun

Venus: April 2017
Venus will be retrograde in the first days of the month:
- April 3 - 03:25 - connection with Pisces;
- from April 9, Venus will significantly bypass the Earth, and on the 16th it will begin its direct path and stop in Pisces;
- April 28 - 16:13 - Spring equinox and confluence with Aries;
- April 17 - 04:26 - dense conjunction of the planet with Mars

Mars: April 2017
Until the middle of the month, the movement of the planet in 2017 will be in Taurus:
- April 21 - 13:31 - Mars confluence with Gemini

Jupiter: April 2017
This month there is a confrontation between Jupiter and the Sun - the night of April 8 - 00:39. Jupiter can be observed at sunset and at night. He will walk the Scales

Saturn: April 2017
Earth will bypass Saturn in early April 2017:
- April 6 - the planet goes retrograde and moves into Sagittarius

Movement of the planets in 2017: May

Sun: May 2017
The main part of May 2017, the Sun is in practical Taurus:
- May 20 - 23:31 - there will be a conjunction of the Sun with Gemini
Mercury: May 2017
In the first days of May, Mercury calmly but confidently moves the planets in 2017:
- May 4 - becomes retrograde;
- May 16 - 07:06 - the merger of Mercury with Taurus before last day months

Venus: May 2017 Venus will be in Aries at the end of the month. She becomes active and retrograde, but does not change her “partner” for a long time:
- May 19 -17:11 - Venus is in confrontation with Jupiter

Mars: May 2017
Throughout May 2017, Mars "visit" in Gemini:
- May 29 - at 09:54 - opposition with the planet Saturn

Jupiter: May 2017
In the sky, Jupiter can be seen late at night and on a dark night. He slows down in May 2017 in Libra

Saturn: May 2017
Saturn is perfectly visible in May 2017 in the southern part at night. This planet passes through Sagittarius all month.

Movement of the planets in 2017: June

Sun: June 2017
The Sun will stay in sociable and energetic Gemini for almost the entire month of June 2017:
- June 21 - 07:24 - Summer Solstice, conjunction with Cancer

Mercury: June 2017
In early May 2017, Mercury will be in Taurus:
- June 7 - 01:15 - the movement of the planet in 2017 passes through Gemini until the end of the Solstice;
- June 21 - 12:57 - Mercury connects with Cancer;
- June 18 - 22:07 - confrontation with the planet Saturn;
- June 28 - 22:50 - merger with Mars;
- June 30 - 03:35 - Mercury will enter into opposition with Pluto

Venus: June 2017
At the beginning of June, Venus will be in Aries:
- June 6 - 10:26 - conjunction with the planet Taurus;
- June 3 - 10:31 - the merger of Venus with Uranus;
- June 9 -18:40 - harmonious conjunction with powerful Mars

Mars: June 2017
At the beginning of June 2017, Mars will border on the point of the Summer Solstice. At the end of the month "stays" in Gemini:
- June 4 - 19:15 - Mars conjunct Cancer

Jupiter: June 2017
In June, Jupiter is clearly visible in the sky at night. True, if the day is long, then it is difficult to observe this planet. Jupiter is far from the Earth, which has overtaken it by a large distance:
- June 10 - stop and merge with Libra, and the movement of the planet in 2017 through outer space

Saturn: June 2017
During short night In June 2017, Saturn is clearly visible in the sky. It is in the sign of Sagittarius:
- June 15 - 13:17 - opposition of Saturn with the Sun

The movement of the planets in 2017: July

Sun: July 2017
In the mysterious and sensitive Cancer, the Sun will stay for almost the entire July 2017:
- July 22 - 18:14 - the Sun will merge with Leo;
- July 10 - 07:35 - confrontation with Pluto

Mercury: July 2017
In early July 2017, Mercury will visit Cancer. This planet will break ahead of the Sun:
- July 6 - 03:45 - Mercury will connect with Leo and will be visible in the evening in the west;
- July 26 - 02:41 - the planet will merge with Virgo

Venus: July 2017
The movement of the planet in 2017 in early July will be under the constellation Algol and in conjunction with Taurus;
- July 5 - 03:11 - the merger of Venus with Gemini will occur through the star Pleiades;
- July 31 - 17:53 - is in Cancer and affects the Summer Solstice;
- July 24 - 17:53 - merger with the planet Saturn

Mars: July 2017
The first two weeks of July 2017, Mars is in Cancer:
- July 20 - 15:19 - is in Leo;
- July 27 - 03:56 - Mars can be observed from the Sun;
- July 2 - 15:01 - confrontation with Pluto

Jupiter: July 2017
This planet can be seen in the July sky at the beginning of the night. Then the movement of the planet begins in 2017 Jupiter, which gradually connects with Libra.

Saturn: July 2017 Saturn is in Sagittarius and is visible in the sky during the short night.

The movement of the planets in 2017: August

Sun: August 2017
The Sun stays in Leo at the beginning of the month, and then goes to visit Virgo - August 23 at 01:20. The solar eclipse in 2017 is observed in mid-summer - August 21. It can be clearly seen in the West - in America, more precisely, between Seattle and Portland. The eclipse of the Sun in August 2017 passes through Missouri, Idaho, Nebraska, Wyoming, Kentucky, and then, after North Carolina, smoothly leaves for the Atlantic Ocean.

Moon : August 2017
The moon will "guest" in each zodiac sign 2 days each, so he will have time to visit everyone in 27 days of August 2017. Moon eclipse observed on August 7, 2017. It is perfectly visible in Siberia, the Far East and the Urals. In Moscow, the lunar eclipse will coincide with its rising, so it will be poorly visible in the central regions of Russia.

Mercury: August 2017
In early August, the movement of the planet in 2017, Mercury will allow this planet to move east of the Sun. You can observe this planet in the west in the late evening. Mercury stays in Virgo until the end of August:
- August 13 - retrograde "journey" of Mercury;
- August 31 - 18:26 - Mercury will connect with Leo;
- August 26 - 23:42 - lower passage and merger between the Sun and the Earth

Venus: August 2017 In early August 2017, Venus will "visit" Cancer:
- August 26 - 07:29 - will connect with Leo;
- August 15 - 14:16 - opposition of Venus with Plethon

Mars: August 2017
Throughout August 2017, Mars will bathe in the rays of the hot Sun, and then dutifully follow the powerful Leo until the end of the month.

Jupiter: August 2017 Jupiter in August 2017 is poorly visible in the sky, and then go to Libra:
- August 5 - is at right angles to Pluto

Saturn: August 2017 In the evening, Saturn is especially clearly visible in the sky, which resides in Sagittarius.

The movement of the planets in 2017: September

Sun: September 2017
The movement of the planet in 2017 in September is in Virgo. The autumn equinox begins on September 22 - 23:01, when the Sun comes to visit Libra:
- September 5 - 08:28 - opposition to Neptune

Mercury: September 2017
In September 2017, Mercury retrograde begins in Leo. On September 5, the planet takes a short "breath" on the way and moves on. Mercury is clearly visible in the sky early in the morning in the southwest:
- September 10 - 05:51 - connection with Virgo;
- September 30 - 03:42 - the point of the Autumn equinox and the confluence with Libra;
- September 3 - 12:37 - retrograde conjunction of Mars and Mercury;
- September 16 - 22:01 - Mercury catches up with the militant Mars;
- September 20 - 06:49 - confrontation with Neptune

Venus: September 2017
In early September 2017, Venus will be in Leo. It is clearly visible at early dawn in the east, and then in the evening in the southeast:
- September 20 - 03:15 - merging with the sign of Virgo;
- September 30 - 03:11 - confrontation with Neptune

Mars: September 2017
Mars is “in friendship” with Leo in early September:
- the movement of the planet in 2017 on September 5 at 12:34 is already in the company of Virgo
- September 24 - 22:49 - confrontation with Neptune

Saturn and Jupiter: September 2017 The planet Jupiter will remain in the sign of Libra until the end of September 2017. The planet is clearly visible at the beginning of the night:
- September 28 - 07:24 - the opposition of Jupiter with Uranus, when the planet will "visit" in Sagittarius

The movement of the planets in 2017: October

Sun: October 2017
In early October, the Sun will be in the company of calm and friendly Libra:
- October 23 - 08:26 - connection with the mysterious Scorpio;
- October 19 - 20:34 - opposition of the Sun with Uranus

Mercury: October 2017
On September 30, Mercury will connect with Libra and will rapidly approach the Sun at an early dawn:
- October 9 - Mercury will close the Sun, so the upper merger will occur;
- October 17 - 10:58 - connection with Scorpio until the end of October 2017:
- October 15 - 10:51 - opposition with Uranus;
- October 18 - 11:54 - the movement of the planet in 2017 Mercury, which will be in the company with Scorpio along with Jupiter

Venus: October 2017
Early in the morning, the planet Venus is clearly visible in the southeast and east. Venus is in the zodiac sign Virgo, and Mars is visible to the left of it:
- October 5 - 19:52 - Day of Love, when Mars and Venus connect;
- October 14 - 13:10 - the confluence of Venus with Libra and the highest point of the Autumnal equinox

Mars: October 2017 The movement of the planet in 2017 continues in the company of Virgo. Mars is clearly visible in the sky early in the morning:
- October 22 - 21:29 - Autumn equinox and Mars will go to meet Libra

Saturn and Jupiter: October 2017
In October 2017, an important astronomical event is expected, in which Saturn and Jupiter will take part:
- October 10 - at 16:19 - Jupiter will leave Libra and take a place next to Scorpio;
- October 26 - 21:09 - Jupiter will close the Sun, with which it will merge, and Saturn will continue its procession in the company of Sagittarius

The movement of the planets in 2017: November

Sun: November 2017
Temperamental Scorpio will follow on the heels of the bright Sun:
- November 22 - 06:04 - the conjunction of the Sun with Sagittarius

Mercury: November 2017
The planet is steadily moving forward with Scorpio. The sun remains behind these planets:
- November 5 - 22:18 - the movement of the planet in 2017 will occur along with Sagittarius;
- November 3 - Mercury will turn to face the sun and continue its retrograde motion;
- November 28 - 09:58 - merger with Saturn

Venus: November 2017
The planet of love and beauty is visible in the southeast and east in the early morning. She lives in the sign of Libra:
- November 7 - 14:38 - the merger of Venus with the temperamental Scorpio will take place throughout November;
- from December 1 - Venus will connect with Sagittarius;
- November 4 - 08:02 - confrontation with Uranus;
- November 13 - 11:15 - a happy and rare merger of the two planets Venus and Jupiter

Mars: November 2017
In November 2017, the movement of the planet in 2017 Mars will begin with Libra. This planet is perfectly visible early in the morning in the southeast and east. The opposition of Mars and Libra will be observed throughout November 2017 - a good sign.

Jupiter: November 2017
Back in October, Jupiter "made friends" with Scorpio, so the whole of November 2017 will continue its journey in orbit along with this sign.

Saturn: November 2017
Saturn will be in the company of Sagittarius:
- November 11 - 12:44 - the planet will locate Uranus and form a good angle with this planet

The movement of the planets in 2017: December

Sun: December 2017
Active and cheerful Sagittarius will accompany the Sun in December 2017:
- December 21 - 19:27 - Winter Solstice, after which the planet will connect with Capricorn

Mercury: December 2017 Mercury is in Sagittarius, and on December 3, the retrograde motion of the planet continues in 2017 towards the Sun until the 22nd:
- December 6 - 15:05 - the conjunction of Mercury with Saturn;
- December 13 - passage between the Sun and the Earth;
- December 13 - 04:48 - conjunction (lower) of Mercury, Sun and Earth;
- December 15 - 17:08 - "love" confluence of Mercury with Venus

Venus: December 2017
In early December, Venus will connect with Sagittarius. It is poorly visible, as it is covered by the sun's rays:
- December 25 - 08:25 - Winter Solstice, and then the transition of Venus into the sign of Capricorn;
- December 25 - 20:54 - the merger of the beautiful planet with Saturn

Mars: December 2017
In the early days of December 2017, Mars is in the power of Libra. It is clearly visible early in the morning in the southeast and east:
- December 9 - 11:59 - the conjunction of Mars with Scorpio;
- December 1 - 13:05 - opposition with Uranus

Jupiter: December 2017
The movement of the planet in 2017 can be observed in the company of a passionate Scorpio. Jupiter is clearly visible in the sky in the morning - in the southeast:
- December 3 - 05:19 - successful merger of Jupiter with Neptune;

Saturn: December 2017
Together with the Sun - December 20, 2017, Saturn will reach its highest point Winter Solstice- a rare and important astronomical event:
- December 20 - 07:48 - merger with Capricorn;
- December 22 - 00:08 - the conjunction of Saturn with the Sun
