Everyone lies calendars. Lunar calendar The most accurate calendar

This day is called the day of karmic trials. Ninth Lunar day carry a rather heavy energy, and therefore today it will be very appropriate to carry your own, amulet, etc., a thing that would smooth out the negative consequences. Believers on such a day may not feel any negative influences on yourself, but here's the impact dark energy they will definitely see and feel the general environment.

It won't hurt to spend on such a day energy cleansing their homes, because it happens that they come to us different people and some carry negative black energy, which tends to accumulate in the corners and closets of our house. It happens that we ourselves contribute to this not good energy, with our bad mood, household quarrels.

But despite the fact that the day seems terrible and scary, you should look at life optimistically and not expect any troubles, and then they will definitely pass by, and the day will pass merrily and happily.

Love and relationships

This is not the best day for romantic relationships and dates, today there is a high probability of various conflicts with your chosen one or chosen one. Therefore, it is better to reschedule the date for another day. Also, this day is completely unsuitable for marriages.


The 9th lunar day is well suited for working in the garden or garden, caring for animals and plants, but so that this does not require heavy physical exertion. It is better to refuse heavy household work around the house.


On the 9th lunar day, the load on the vessels and the heart is very dangerous, so any hard work must be excluded. This day is great for visiting a steam room or bath, but the main thing is not to overdo it, remember about the heart, it is also useful to carry out various cleansing procedures.

business and money

Today you need to be on the alert, even loyal partners can easily surprise you unpleasantly, everyone financial questions it is better to reschedule for another day, there is a very high probability of becoming a victim of fraud. It is not recommended to listen to different advisers on such a day. Today is very well suited for people of creative professions, they can easily find inspiration in their work.

Second phase (quarter) of the Moon

Element: Water. Approximately on the eighth or ninth lunar day from the beginning, the first quarter of the moon comes or is still called. During this period, the level of fluid in the human body is concentrated in the middle of the chest. In this regard, diseases of the organs that are located here may occur, if there are hidden pathologies. It is necessary to pay attention to the changes taking place with the body, especially when they are not aimed at better side. If the body has problems that you yourself do not yet know about the second phase of the moon, it's time to identify them. A person at this time becomes sensitive, the energy continues to increase, but not as actively and rapidly as in.


During the days of Cancer, most people become easily hurt, touchy and sensitive. They plunge into the inner world, move away from problems and the external environment. The significance of their experiences, emotions and impressions becomes more important than real life. Their mood becomes very unstable and changeable, their behavior is extremely unstable. During this period, people are able to follow their subconscious impulses, which are difficult to explain, and often perform inappropriate actions and deeds. They can, without a drop of doubt, take risks, sacrifice something important.

The most reasonable thing to do these days is to give up rash actions and impulsive decisions, carefully consider your behavior and thoughts. It is useful to create a comfortable, cozy and protected environment for yourself: for example, put things in order in the house, make minor repairs. It is not necessary to leave your inner world - it will simply become brighter and richer.

There are about 40 variants of calendars on our planet - from "civil" to religious ones. One and a half thousand years, one of the most convenient and accurate was considered the calendar created by the astronomer Sosigen, introduced in 45 BC. It used a system of leap days added every 4 years. However, he, like all other calendars, was not absolutely accurate. When rounding up the four-year "add-on weights" and adding them to an extra day, unaccounted minutes and seconds still remained, which every 128 years shifted the calendar relative to the vernal equinox point by one day ahead. Because of this under Pope Gregory XIII in the West decided n carry out calendar reform

The author of the new chronology, according to which they now live in most countries of the world, was the Italian physician, astronomer and mathematician Luigi Lillio. The calendar was named after the Catholic head and was introduced in 1582. The accumulated extra 10 days were “thrown out” in it, and so that the calendar would not move in the future, it was decided to complicate the system for inserting leap days. In each period of 400 years - 100, 200 and 300 years were excluded from the number of leap years, and their number decreased by 3 days. Thanks to this, it turned out that the Gregorian year is only 26 seconds longer than the tropical one, which means that the extra day accumulates over 3280 years, which is quite acceptable.

However Orthodox world Catholic innovations accepted with hostility. Indeed, in addition to the calendar reform, Catholics also came up with a new system for calculating Easter days, abandoning the universal Alexandrian Paschalia and violating a number of patristic rules. In Orthodox Russia, even the civil calendar until 1918 was kept in the Julian style, differing from global standards by 13 days.

The Gregorian calendar was also disliked by astronomers, for whom the more accurate is not the tropical, but the sidereal year measured by the stars, to which the old style was closer. For precise mathematical calculations, the Julian chronology turned out to be more convenient. Therefore, astronomers, mathematicians and chronological historians still prefer to make calculations according to Yu.S., and then add the corresponding number of days to the data obtained.

After the introduction of the new style in Russia, the Russian Orthodox Church still continues to live according to the Julian calendar. Because of this, Christmas, previously celebrated before the New Year, is celebrated on the seventh day of the new year. And from the next century, it will have to be moved to January 8, and in the same way, all the rest will move relative to the civil calendar church holidays. What is the correct calendar? And several millennia later, if our Church does not abandon the Julian calendar, then Easter will have to be celebrated not in spring, but in early summer ...

In 1923 the majority Orthodox churches The New Julian calendar was adopted, until 2800 it completely coincided with the Gregorian, but even more accurate. It was developed by the Yugoslav astronomer Prof. Milutin Milanković. An error of 1 day accumulates in it only once every 40 thousand (!) Years. But not all Orthodox agreed to accept it, and this gave rise to schisms. For example, from the one that switched to it Greek church the "Old Calendarists" broke away, who, in turn, split into a number of sects and communities.

Curiously, they also tried to introduce a new style in Russia, and the decree on this was signed by none other than the holy Patriarch Tikhon (Belavin). But since the case smelled of protests and splits, after 24 days everything had to be canceled and returned to normal. Now Julian calendar only Russian, Jerusalem, Georgian and Serbian churches, plus monasteries on Mount Athos, use it. Other local churches live according to the New Julian style.

Your attention is invited new lunar calendar for 2020 indicating the days of the new moon, full moon, what phase of the moon is today, the position of the moon in the signs of the zodiac, and also favorable lunar days. Moon calendar 2020 will help you identify adverse and auspicious days of each month of 2020, will orient you towards planning things with the least loss of time and effort. Find out what lunar day it is today and read what its action and characteristics are.


The table shows the unfavorable and favorable days of the lunar calendar 2020 for daily affairs.

Today tenderness, a feeling of love will appear in you, your appetite will increase. A good time to continue and complete matters, especially those related to property, for commercial activities, stock transactions, investments, making and signing a will. A good time to negotiate, conclude contracts, announce an engagement or marry. Today you need to please your body - get a massage or eat delicious

Season of the Moon: "Spring". The first phase of the moon can be compared with the first years of a person's life - his childhood and adolescence. During this time, all people are at a low level of activity, tend to be in a depressed mood, which worsens for no apparent reason. If the main thing in your life is work, be sure that the first phase is best time to consider new projects. It is too early to start them, but you can already do planning. If the main priority is love and personal life, then know that in the first phase, promises are made, joint plans are made, hopes are born, new acquaintances are made, and the former ones move to a more serious level.

Solar/Lunar eclipse- No


New cases Auspicious day for doing new things
Business good luck in business today
Money Money should be treated more carefully
Real estate Unfavorable lunar day
Trade Favorable lunar day for trading
The science Don't even think
Creation You won't enjoy the results, so save it for another day
Communication Good day to hang out with friends
Trips Postpone your vacation
moving Unfavorable lunar day
Rest Try to work harder today and rest later
Physical exercise Only physical activity today can raise your vitality
marriage Unfavorable lunar day for marriage
intimacy Favorable lunar day for intimacy
Conception Postpone this
Nutrition You can eat whatever your heart desires
Health Illness bypasses you