21st lunar day. twenty first lunar day

21 lunar days, neutral, Waning moon

The twenty-first lunar day should be devoted to vigorous activity. The person feels energized. If you team up with like-minded people, you can achieve amazing results. Confidence that internal forces are sufficient to realize plans and accomplishments will help overcome the feeling of danger and even make some sacrifices. And there is nothing that can stop a person from moving forward. Internal energy provides an opportunity for a significant improvement in the order of things.

These two days are energetically merged together. On the twentieth lunar day, the process of internal transformation begins, and on the 21st it reaches its peak. The twenty-first lunar day does not accept lies. Therefore, a person should be sincere, morally pure and not be shy of spiritual impulses. Collective activity, friendly participation, the search for what can unite people will be crowned with success. We receive the energy of a great movement - we become active, active and unusually brave. These are the only days in the lunar month when it is very easy for us to decide on what we used to be afraid of. This is the time of records and feats. Everything you do will be a success! However, there is an important condition here: do not admire yourself too much, today you cannot be angry, show pride, arrogance and contempt - this slows down the transformation.

All energy connections are suitable for this two days. Energy and information received in the past two-thirds lunar month learned and can bear fruit. On this day, you can take an oath of allegiance, you must strive not to lie, to be absolutely pure and fair. This is the time of indomitable movement forward, up; day of courage, fearlessness, voluntary sacrifice, renunciation of property. Day of revolutionary restructuring, perseverance in achieving the goal, the ability to achieve triumph. An active, creative day, a day of sports competitions (best for running). Day of astral warriors, chivalry, quixoticism. The day when a person melts down his physical nature, associated with deliverance from infirmities. Healing Day.

The symbol of these lunar days is a herd of horses. On this day, it is advisable not to be alone, it is better to gather in company with like-minded people, ideally in nature, closer to water bodies. The organs of this day are the liver and the circulatory system. Based on this, procedures aimed at cleansing the blood are recommended, it is recommended to drink tea with milk, eat foods that promote hematopoiesis (pomegranates, apples, carrots, beets, mountain ash, viburnum). The day contributes to the development of complex yoga asanas, this stimulates the flow of energy. In a social sense, this day is good for moving to another job. It is also a day of developing constancy, fidelity, paying off debts, showing courage and fearlessness, fighting with oneself, giving up something for the sake of something.

Moon phase: Third quarter, waning moon

Description of the day: The time has come for activity, indomitable movement forward, up. Today is a day of manifestation of courage, fearlessness, voluntary sacrifice, as well as the renunciation of property. This is the day of revolutionary restructuring, perseverance in achieving the goal, the ability to achieve triumph.

Impact on personality: Feelings of nobility and justice are awakened, as well as a sense of order. People have the determination to change something or radically solve the accumulated issues. Day of brotherhood, sometimes even turning into familiarity.

In the work and implementation of plans, you can count on the support of like-minded people. Business and money: The day is very favorable for getting a new job - an unstoppable movement forward in a new field and rapid career growth are provided. In the work and implementation of plans, you can count on the support of like-minded people. Collective work, joint resolution of issues, and drawing up plans will be very productive.

Today is a special day for people of creativity and art, it is suitable for creative evenings, concerts, exhibitions. It's time to move forward, decisions money matters. The crimes of this day are easily revealed.

Health: Diseases are not dangerous, but the patient requires serious and attentive care. On this day, for the sake of health, it is easy to quit bad habits. The load on the liver is contraindicated - the danger of the action of poisons and toxins is great. It is necessary to carry out blood-purifying procedures - drink decoctions of herbs, eat carrots, cranberries, beets, mountain ash, pomegranates. Also recommended are baths, showers, douches, hardening, herbal medicine, hygiene - in a word, any physical and spiritual cleansing. This is a day of recovery through the use of strict systems of treatment: bathing in an ice hole, baths with a nettle broom, barefoot marathon running with a bare torso, etc. This is a day of indomitable movement and even self-torture for the purpose of healing and hardening, increasing physical and mental stability. On this auspicious day for the wedding, white and gold are worn. You can't be alone. This is a time of collective self-healing, group classes of qigong, taijiquan, cosmic yoga, football, running, etc. You need to be more in the fresh air, being cleansed by the wind. It is good to start the journey on this day. Food can be supplemented with red berries: cranberries, cloudberries, cranberries, viburnum, etc. You can not treat the liver and blood.

Haircut: Regardless of the condition of the hairstyle, it is better to postpone the haircut until a more suitable time.

Physical exercise: Useful physical activity.

Relations: A time of friendship and uniting people, which is very conducive to travel or communication with old friends. Don't forget your relatives who live far away.

Marriage: It is believed that the day is good for marriage.

The energy of this day awakens an active principle in a person.

General recommendations: A good day for fun and entertainment, for household chores, food preparation for future use, trade and business associated with risk. The search for missing people, things, animals will also be crowned with success. The energy of this day awakens an active principle in a person. The day gives us extraordinary courage. You can decide on any act that you were afraid to think about before. This is the time of records and feats in the literal and lofty senses!

Warnings: An important condition: you must be honest and fair, even in small things.

Dreams: Dreams don't really matter today.

Stones of the 21st Lunar Days

The stone of 21 lunar days is pyrite. This stone symbolizes fire and its color and name (“piri” - fire, Greek), has the ability to strike sparks when struck. It helps to strengthen the will and temporarily improve health. But people with undeveloped Mars in the horoscope, that is, prone to aggression, are not recommended to wear, because it can provoke outbreaks of aggression.

Zircon. On this day, it protects from evil spirits, or as they are also called larva. Aventurine. Real adventurers are rare. They symbolize the sun and give a sunny and joyful mood to their owner. It works directly with the subconscious, that is, it pushes its owner to do things that he might not have thought about on a conscious level (as the name implies). Gives clarity of mind, provokes mystical revelations (which is most likely also associated with direct work with the subconscious), improves skin color, heals nervous breakdown.

Obsidian black. This stone is considered a stone teacher, and possessing powerful force. It is directly connected with the Muladhara Chakra, that is, the physical body, the unconscious. The work with the stone is aimed at bringing the consciousness into physical body to move on to the next steps of development, in other words, to bring unconscious physical instincts to the level of consciousness. The stone destroys illusions and presents the world in its true light.

Today, the 21st day of the lunar cycle, has a particularly powerful energy that positively affects people, awakening in them courage and a sense of justice.

  • Energy of the day: active day;
  • lucky number 21 lunar day: 3;
  • element of the day: Wood;
  • lucky color of the 21st lunar day: purple, lilac, lilac and white;
  • stones: zircon, aventurine;
  • meditation: parts of the body, especially the legs;
  • body part: liver, blood;
  • lucky day of the week 21 lunar days: Sunday;
  • lucky direction of 21 lunar days: East;
  • the predominant form of 21 lunar days: a vertically elongated rectangle;
  • symbol of the 21st lunar day: Horse; Herd of Horses; Chariot; Pegasus; Sun, Temple;
  • Key words: activity, creativity, creative thinking, collective work, effective movement forward, quantum leap, revolutionary transformations.

21 lunar day main characteristics

Try today to suppress selfishness, pettiness and cast aside all doubts. You may have to sacrifice something, including your interests or even your property, but be prepared for this. If you do not put your selfishness above all else, you can achieve a lot.

In order to get the most out of the 21 lunar days, be prepared to fight. Stand up for your opinion and stay on the side of good, no matter what. Do not lie or let others deceive you and those close to you. Feel free to solve all the problems and questions that you may have during this period of time. Believe me, even if it suddenly seems to you that you do not have enough strength or you are simply not able to do something, then these are just empty worries - today you will succeed in everything and even more.

No wonder the symbols of today's 21 lunar days are the Horse and the Chariot. The horse symbolizes nobility and constant striving forward, and the Chariot says that your path has already been determined - you do not move randomly in space, you have a certain route that is subject to a special, main goal.

Business and work

Today, on the 21st lunar day, you will be as collected, logical and rational as ever, and therefore this is an ideal period of time for doing business. You will be able to easily make any, even the most difficult, decisions, and not make mistakes, as well as take responsibility without fear and doubt. Not a single person and not a single circumstance will be able to violate your confidence in yourself and your own abilities.

In order to get the most out of today's lunar day, it is recommended to start any new business or launch complex projects. Although, on the 21st day of the lunar month, it makes no difference what exactly you do, because success and good luck will help you in everything.

The day is no less good for financial matters: start investing or invest in some promising project, tangible asset. If you have a business meeting or workshop scheduled for today's lunar day, you should not cancel it, because such an event will be more than good. It is also acceptable to go on a business trip. Whatever you do, the results will satisfy you.

Marriage and marriage

Today's lunar day is perfect for marriage for all people, but this period of time is especially favorable for creative couples. For example, if you, your soul mate, and even better - both of you, are a writer, musician, artist, actor or designer, then you can go to the registry office without the slightest doubt, because you can know the true happiness of family life, love and be loved.

It is worth noting that your wedding ceremony should not be boring and banal. Connect your imagination and arrange an unforgettable holiday for yourself and your guests, let everyone remember this day for a long time, ideally for a lifetime.

From time immemorial it has been believed that, as yours is today family life begins, and so it will be until the very end. For example, if you and your partner dream of a quiet home comfort, then you can refuse a magnificent marriage ceremony and arrange small gatherings, inviting only the dearest and closest people. If you yourself are active and sociable people, and peace seems boring to you, then organize something large-scale, large and memorable.

Health and Wellness

Today's day of the lunar month is very good for playing sports, but it is worth considering that the load should be selective. For example, it is very important to remember that on the 21st lunar day, the hip joints are especially vulnerable, and therefore it is recommended not to do any exercises that can somehow damage them.

If, nevertheless, you managed to get sick on the 21st day of the lunar cycle, then the rule “it is better to lie down - you will recover faster” will not work here. During this period of time, the disease comes out with sweat, and therefore the more you move, the better. If for some reason you do not have the opportunity to exercise, then at least take a walk - it will be especially useful before bedtime.

Favorable on the 21st lunar day are teas with raspberries, herbal decoctions, red berries and vegetables. Also note that alcohol should be abandoned altogether, and the use of heavy and fatty foods should be limited.

intimate relationship

On the 21st day of the lunar cycle, sex is not only permissible, but even recommended. You can receive and deliver a lot of pleasure to your partner without thinking that the Universe will turn its back on you. However, try to intimate relationship during this period of time were the most diverse, interesting and active. For example, you can try different places or poses, role-play (and it is recommended to choose roles that are atypical for yourself), or even experiment with toys. In other words, on the 21st lunar day, any "acrobatic stunts" in bed will bring not only pleasure and satisfaction, but also benefit. Do not limit your imagination and do not suppress your desires, try new things and you will see how much closer you have become with your partner.

But it is strictly forbidden to enter into intimate relationships with random or unfamiliar people. Only have sex with people you are 100% sure of and trust.

conception of a child

If you and your significant other have been dreaming of a child for a long time, then 21 lunar days is a great time to conceive. Children who were conceived in this period of time have a great chance to grow up to be real leaders that people want to follow. They will be distinguished from others by innate charisma, oratory and many other abilities. Luck and success will go hand in hand with them throughout their lives, achieve a lot in almost any field? Easily! But their career will be especially good either in politics or in creativity, but only in one where it is necessary to constantly be in public and communicate with a huge number of people all the time. But prolonged periods of loneliness can affect them very badly.

People who were conceived on the 21st lunar day have some qualities that are valued at the present time, for example, they are open and sociable, they can help and do not demand anything in return, and they also have a developed sense of empathy - they easily adopt the mood of people around . It is for this reason that they often work as social workers, doctors, psychologists - they strive to help others, and this is their true calling.


On the 21st day of the lunar cycle, when working with plants, you must consider that the most sensitive part of them is their bottom. Therefore, in order not to accidentally destroy the culture, it is recommended to handle it with the utmost care.

Today is considered favorable in order to start harvesting, cutting trees and shrubs, but diving is clearly not worth it.

Haircut and hair coloring

Sometimes the soul desperately asks for changes, and the first thing that usually comes to mind is to change the image. And what is easier and more affordable than a haircut or hair coloring? Today, all this can be useful. The 21st lunar day is favorable for shortening your hair a little, cutting the ends. Thus, you will significantly improve your health and financial situation. As for coloring, you can make the curls lighter by a couple of tones - this way you will attract the best environment, kind, positive people to you - but it is not recommended to change radically.

It is also worth using more different accessories - do not spare hairpins, elastic bands, hairpins or headbands.

Dreams and dreams

Dreams on 21 lunar days, as a rule, are not prophetic. They do not carry absolutely any important and necessary information for you, so you should not pay attention to them. Dreams during this period of time are just a projection of your experiences in real life. And do not pay attention to the fact that they can be so symbolic that in the morning you will have a sediment in your soul. Do not try to read dream books and try to interpret the dream, no matter how pleasant, light or, conversely, frightening and scary, it was not.

However, as you know, there are exceptions to any rule. So it is here: just one character can have a certain meaning. And this symbol on the 21st day of the lunar month is horses. Thus, if horses appeared in the plot of your dream today, then pay attention to the details of the dream. They are believed to symbolize upcoming changes or trials that you have yet to face.


It will be very good if on the 21st day of the lunar month you manage to get on the road. The universe during this period of time favorably affects all travelers and protects them from everything - from possible dangers, from accidents, from troubles and troubles, from bad people, scammers, thieves. It is recommended to go on a journey, gathering around you a large company, consisting of those people for whom you have only the most good, kind feelings. This is especially important if you have a long business trip or trip, you should not go alone. Believe me, the presence of relatives and friends may not really affect the trip itself, but it will have a positive effect on yourself - it will improve your mood, inner well-being, and they can also provide you with support - moral and physical - if necessary.

21 lunar days are equally good for long trips, and for short one-day trips, and for planned vacations, and for spontaneous trips. As for business trips, then be sure that they will bear fruit and you will be satisfied with the results.

Recreation and entertainment

Today's lunar day is a great time to finally take a short break and, despite the possible workload, relax your body and soul. Moreover, it is not necessary to free the whole day for this, canceling important and urgent matters. Just a couple of hours is enough for you to recuperate and rush into battle already rested and full of energy.

Rest on the 21st day of the lunar month can be either active or passive.

Your choice should depend on what your normal daily routine, your work activity is connected with. For example, if you sit at the computer all day, occasionally getting up to the cooler for water or jogging to the refrigerator, then rest on the 21st day of the lunar cycle should be as active as possible, without options. For example, you can play active games or even just go to a workout.

And, if you constantly work with your hands and are on the move all day long, and sometimes you don’t have a single free minute to just sit down, then allow yourself to relax a little and do nothing, lie down on the couch or sit comfortably in your favorite chair.

Family and friends

Today, 21 lunar days are a great day for any kind of communication. In order to get the maximum pleasure from communication, it is recommended to spend this period of time with your family or true friends, friendship with which has been tested over the years, grief and joy. You will see, the more time you spend on communication, the more energy and strength you will increase - and you will feel it with every cell of your own body. As a result, you will feel that you have become more cheerful, happy, and your well-being and mood have improved significantly.


Since on the 21st lunar day selfishness can be destructive primarily for yourself, donations to those in need will bring double benefits.

Esoteric and spiritual aspect

Some mystical schools believe that all the good deeds and charitable deeds that you can do on the 21st lunar day improve your karma several times over and help get rid of the negativity that you have accumulated over the previous days.

Magic Rituals

All possible rituals that are performed with the help of water or on water on 21 lunar days will bring great benefits and help those who perform them. Believe me, practices, conspiracies and spells on water can create a real miracle.


There are no special signs for 21 lunar days. The only thing is that it is very important that you are in a good mood before going to bed. Only in this way you can have a good night's rest and wake up rested the next morning.

Dangers of the lunar day

  1. Don't make love to strangers. Go to bed only with the person you know and trust more than one hundred percent.
  2. Don't be alone. Today should never be spent alone with yourself. Gather a group of old friends, visit your parents or devote a day to your children. Do not separate from the team.


  1. I am a goal oriented person.
  2. I live with love and enjoy life.
  3. My life is great.
  4. I am relaxed and calm.
  5. I let life take care of my needs and I become a strong and peaceful person.
  6. I have excellent eyesight.
  7. I see everything clearly and distinctly.
  8. I look with love at my past, present and future.
  9. My mind determines my outlook on life.
  10. I see the good in every person.
  11. I lovingly create the life I love to look at
  12. I am a calm, balanced, cheerful person.
  13. I choose thoughts that create harmony around me.
  14. I like to listen to everything good and pleasant.
  15. I love and appreciate myself.
  16. I look at myself with eyes full of love.
  17. I am safe in this world.
  18. In the words of every person, I hear the call to love hidden in them.
  19. I seek to understand others and treat them with compassion.
  20. I am pleased with my ability to hear life.
  21. I deserve all the good things I get.
  22. I choose thoughts that help me enjoy everything I have.

  1. It is strongly recommended to dress warmer, and also to be careful during water procedures and hardening, because on the 21st lunar day there is a huge risk of catching a cold.
  2. Try to be as careful as possible when dealing with sharp objects. For example, when you cut your hair and hold scissors in your hands.
  3. Experiment. This advice applies to almost everything - try new things in sex with your loved one, make new interesting hairstyles.

Characteristics of people born on the 21st lunar day

Depending on the upbringing, people who were born on the 21st lunar day can become both fearless knights, ready to help at any moment, and arrogant and arrogant proud people who will not lift a finger without personal gain. However, both of these options will be distinguished by one thing - a clear mind and, as a result, good knowledge.

So, in order to extract the maximum amount of benefit from today's 21 lunar days and survive them with minimal losses, you need not be afraid to defend your point of view and, without a doubt, decide on any, even the most daring experiments, both in sex and in work. affairs.

Symbol: horse, herd of horses, Pegasus
The element of the day is wood.
Lucky number is 3.
Lucky colors are purple, mauve, lilac and white.
Stones: zircon, aventurine
Motto of the day "Movement is life"
Key words: activity, creativity, creative thinking, collective work, effective movement forward, quantum leap, revolutionary transformations.

This is the day of INDOMINABLE STRIVE FORWARD, bold and risky deeds. Today we can make a revolution in our lives. Be persistent in achieving the goal and the ability to achieve triumph. It is necessary to show maximum activity, but at the same time be absolutely clean: do not lie, be fair and honest.

The symbol of this day is a herd of horses, so the work will be more effective if all like-minded people start to stray into “herds” and collectively solve the tasks. All types of group activities will be useful. This is the day of friendship and uniting people.

The twenty-first lunar day is good for both intense mental work and physical exercises that require a lot of energy. A very good day for sports, especially in running. Today, all the forces spent on the previous days of the lunar month are fully returned to us.

If you are dissatisfied with some aspects of your life, then 21 lunar days are quite suitable for changing something in your life and around you. This is the day of "farewell to the past", when you can free yourself from obsolete feelings and relationships.

In no case do not sit at home, especially alone. Go to the theater, to a concert, to a museum, to a folk festival - in a word, to a place where there are a lot of people and where something happens (and this something has a festive focus). Feel free to go towards your destiny, leaving fears and doubts far behind, and the power of the Moon will give you the necessary creative energy to move forward. It is worth noting that oaths and promises made on this day have a special power. Therefore, think several times before promising something. You will definitely have to answer for your words.

In general, this is a very auspicious day. Emotions are predominantly joyful, we are simply charged with energy and optimism. That is why the day is the best suited for holidays and fun, especially for sports holidays with elements of competition.

"Movement is life" - this is the motto of the twenty-first lunar day. The power of the moon is now great and can help to do any business. If you correctly use the energy given to you by the moon, then your plans will begin to be realized, like a racing horse. The energy of the Moon on 21 lunar days is very powerful, so any business will go much faster than on other days.

Today is a very active and creative day. If you are a representative of the creative profession, then this period is very favorable for organizing exhibitions, concerts, parties. But, even those people who, it would seem, have nothing to do with creativity, may have flashes of inspiration. It is important not to miss this moment and put the energy in the right direction. Many esotericists consider the twenty-first lunar day to be the day of intuition. In magic, this day is considered the day of achieving goals. You must carefully listen to your heart and strictly follow its instructions. If you suddenly feel that today you want to buy a lottery ticket, be sure to buy it. If you heard the voice of intuition, and not the greedy mind, then you have a high probability of winning.
Dreams don't matter.


21 lunar days are very good for magnificent wedding celebrations, and for a modest registration, and for a first date, and for warm friendly meetings. The only rule that should be observed on this day is not to be alone in any case. If you do not have the opportunity to arrange a romantic date with your partner, then go to visit your girlfriends, friends, colleagues, or go somewhere where you certainly will not be alone, such as the theater.
Dates today are going very well and bring a lot of impressions. If you have a first date on the twenty-first lunar day, consider yourself very lucky. These relationships often develop into serious ones. The twenty-first lunar day is active, people feel an energy upsurge, they are decisive and assertive. Keep in mind that on this day you are capable of much.
On the twenty-first lunar day, an awareness of a sense of duty comes to us and this is a very suitable day for registering a marriage for couples who have lived for a long time in an unregistered (civil) marriage.

Household affairs

If you have accumulated a lot of housework that requires significant physical activity, then 21 lunar days is just right to redo it all. The power of the Moon today endows us with incredible physical strength, and any business is resolved quite easily. Housewives should take note that this is the best day for preparing food for the future: pickles, jams, marinades and compotes rolled up on the twenty-first lunar day will stand for a whole year and will not lose their excellent taste.


The twenty-first lunar day is very good for great physical activity, for physical education and sports. True, the load should be selective, since on the twenty-first lunar day the hip joints and abdominal organs are vulnerable. If you get sick on the twenty-first lunar day, in no case go to bed. The disease comes out with sweat, so the more you move, the better. Tea with raspberries or a decoction of linden flowers is harmless. If there is no way to run, do physical exercises, then at least take a walk.
This day has long been considered the day of skilled healers. Today, health issues can be addressed. Critical background for health, old diseases can become aggravated. Avoid anything that can harm the circulatory system and liver.
Good day for cleansing the blood. You should move as much as possible, be sure to visit the fresh air. The right time for treatment, hardening. Avoid overeating, limit your intake of heavy and fatty foods. Avoid alcoholic drinks. Eat red berries, carrots, beets, pomegranates, drink juices and decoctions. The disease that began on this day must be treated immediately. Favorable will be baths, showers, dousing, hardening. For lower back pain, you can wrap yourself in a woolen scarf, preferably red. The main thing is to quickly respond to the slightest ailment, treat it with means traditional medicine, and for a long time to forget about sores.

business and money

Good day: the work goes well. It is a good day for money matters, for solving issues that concern everyone. In the work and implementation of some plans, you can count on the help and support of like-minded people. Collective work, joint resolution of issues, and drawing up plans will be very productive.
You can get interesting offers; Good contacts with superiors.
The best day for those who are looking for work. On this day, you need to send out resumes in batches and run through interviews. It is very good to move to a new job on the twenty-first lunar day, as this is almost a guarantee that you will stay in this workplace for a long time and succeed. Successful will be not only a change of job, but also a change of position, even a change of profession. You can travel and travel.
A good day for innovation, reform and transformation. Creative projects started on this day will be crowned with success. Started on this day requires attention and support, you can not let it go by itself. Business trips and business trips started on the twenty-first lunar day will be successful. A good day for entrepreneurship, the conclusion of contracts and sales transactions, for trade and the preparation of products by canning. For the success of transactions and enterprises, your personal participation and activity in them are necessary. Everything else will follow. Can be invented perpetual motion machine, a time machine and similar technical devices "on the verge of fantasy." Someday they will finally be invented, precisely on the 21st lunar day.
By the way, this is the best day to pay off debts. Successful for the military, athletes, travelers who set off on this particular day.

Today you can reach a new level of your capabilities and, thanks to this, achieve results that were not given to you before. This applies to any field of activity.
A good day to start any new business and serious turns in fate.
The possibility of a breakthrough, a transition to a new quality in career, education, self-development and in general in any business.
Passivity is contraindicated. The active principle is awakening, and it is necessary to give it the opportunity to be realized, but not to fuss in vain, but to direct forces to achieve important goals.
It takes work, effort. Nothing will come by itself - it's a day of intensive work.
A day when never-before-seen courage, determination, as well as self-confidence can manifest itself.
On this day, a complete transformation of the personality is possible - liberation from old problems, a way out of unconsciousness, the acquisition of new qualities and opportunities, awakening in Divine love and light.
Necessary condition Success: Ultimate honesty with yourself and with others. Any lie or self-deception is fraught with subsequent failures.
The day is favorable for new acquaintances and the search for like-minded people.
Successful all collective activities and any business involving a large number of people.


Practice "Cleaning with the wind"
If the day is windy, go outside and expose your face to the wind.
Stand with your back to the wind, and let the flow of wind energy pass through you and blow out dust and dirt, grief and resentment, failures and mistakes, everything that interferes and burdens you, return home light and clean. If there is no wind that day or you cannot go outside, you can do everything mentally.✨ Cleansing breathing technique (c) O. Spivakovskaya
With an inhalation, raise your hands with your palms up to your chest, and with a sharp movement lower them down with an exhalation. Imagine that you are pushing out all the negative energy, negative emotions and illnesses. Repeat 3 times. Imagine that all your negative energy burns in the flame of purification.

Meditation of the day by E. McQueen
Close your eyes and take 20 connected breaths without pauses between inhalation and exhalation. Then take three maximally deep breaths and three soft relaxed exhalations, allowing the body to relax more and more with each exhalation and let go of the tension in the body.
Imagine and feel that you are standing on top of a cliff. Early morning and the sun is just coming out of the horizon. Admire this stillness and peace of the morning rising sun.
You may be dressed in light flowing clothing. Suddenly, a gentle breeze blows over your body, penetrating through the fabric. The sleeves of the dress begin to flutter like wings. Spread your arms and let the wind wash over your body with a light, pleasant air current. Address the wind with the words:
Brother Wind help, remove all obstacles in my path
You carry me through life and show me my way
Bring friends close in spirit (or, bring helpers for the cause)
You can also say it in your own words. Or ask the Wind for the fulfillment of a specific desire. If you want to work towards a specific goal, then you can say
Brother Wind, help me, sweep away all the obstacles on my way to (indicate the goal), bring me helpers.
Suddenly you can see and feel how a soft but strong gust of wind will pick you up and carry you over the fields and forests. Enjoy this power and the power of the wind. Let yourself become the wind. Feel in yourself this experience of freedom and power.
And, at some point, you will see a herd of horses rushing below you.
Gently descend with the wind and allow yourself to change shape and become beautiful, like the Goddess Epona in the form of a horse.
Feel the strength and energy of the herd. Allow yourself to recognize in yourself the amazing and powerful energy of the partnership of like-minded people that you need to achieve your goal.
Rush like the wind forward and pay attention to those who are close to you. Perhaps you will see in the images someone you know who can help you achieve your goal. Just remember who it is. Who can help you when needed.
Fill yourself with the energy of the rushing herd for as long as you need it.
Gradually, the run of the herd slows down and ahead, you can see a small, calm, shallow river. Clean, murmuring water beckons to swim. Approach the water and enter it. Cool water relaxes and soothes and returns us to our former feminine appearance.
On the other side, you can see a small ancient temple. It is decorated with graceful columns and a light golden dome, beautiful bas-reliefs and frescoes. Let your curiosity get the better of you and get closer to the temple.
Coming ashore from the water, you can find a white long shirt and a golden belt on a stone in front of the temple. Put them on and enter under the vaults of this bright and holiday temple. Temple of the Goddess of Victory, Goddess Nike.
After passing through the entrance, you find yourself in a round empty hall, where the chariot of the goddess stands in the center. Kneel before her and bow your head.
While kneeling, turn to the Goddess with a prayer and request. Ask her for help and support in your plans.
A flash of multi-colored light flashes in the temple, and you can see the beautiful golden wreath of the victor on your head. This is the blessing of the goddess.
Straighten up and let yourself feel as if you have already achieved your goal.
Thank the goddess and exit the temple.
Go around the outside of the temple and you can see depicted scenes from myths and legends on its walls. Perhaps in them you will see meaning for yourself, a hint from the goddess how to achieve your goal. Wander among the columns and reflect on what the goddess wanted to show and say to you.
And when you have finished your thoughts, return to the here and now. Take a deep breath and exhale. Gently stretch your whole body and open your eyes.

The twenty-first lunar day is energetic and creative. It is favorable for talented people. Today they will be inspired. In order not to miss it, you need to immediately get down to business. If you start creating today, you can create a real masterpiece. Perhaps he will put the author on the whole world.

One of the symbols of this day is Pegasus. From this it follows that this time is ideal for creativity. A person can visit fantastic ideas today, and he will find a way to bring them to life. Inspiration is in the air, which pushes you to be active.

The guardian angel of this day is Asfer. He is a destroyer. An angel endows a person with physical strength and awakens a competitive spirit in him. At the same time, Asfer relieves him of negative energy, bad addictions and ailments. This Guardian Angel is formidable, but he is a danger only to evil people whose thoughts are always negative.

General characteristics of 21 lunar days:

  • Energy of the day: active.
  • Symbol of the day: horse, chariot, herd, pegasus, temple, Sun.
  • Element of the day: wood.
  • Stone of the day: aventurine, zircon.
  • Color of the day: white, purple and its tones.

One of the symbols of this day is a horse, as well as a herd. This means that a person will have to work hard and collective work will become especially fruitful. Any task, if it is undertaken by all together, will be realized. The day is equally suitable for mental work and physical work.

Since the Guardian Angel awakens a competitive spirit in a person, this time is perfect for holding competitions. On lunar day 21, any competition can be scheduled, but running competitions will be the most successful.

Today a person will have the opportunity to change something in his life. If some aspects of her do not suit, then it's time to correct them. For example, if a relationship has long moved from the category of love to the category of boring and unnecessary, then today it can end and the break will be painless.

The day cannot be spent alone. You need to find a good company and pleasant interlocutors. If today all your friends are busy, then you can go to some event where there will be a large crowd of people - to the theater, museum, restaurant, and so on.

On the 21st lunar day, there is no need to make imprudent oaths and unrealistic promises. They will have to be held accountable higher powers. One way or another, they will have to be fulfilled.

Description of the twenty-first lunar day - auspicious time. In most cases, the mood will be good. Pessimism and sadness are not emotions of 21 lunar days. Noisy holidays are allowed today and it’s good if any competitions are held on them.

The energy of the 21st lunar day of this day will push a person to action. If you direct it in the right direction, then today you can do almost anything. On such days they say: "You can move mountains." With the right approach, any business will proceed at a faster pace than at other times.

21 lunar days - the time of creativity. Talented people today can arrange exhibitions, presentations and concerts.

Esotericists actively use this day to improve their abilities. They believe that the gift of clairvoyance is increasing today. Esotericists also say that ordinary people sharpens intuition. Today, when making important decisions, you need to listen to her. Intuition on this day will not deceive and will not let you down.


The energy of these days allows you to arrange dates. Even the first meeting will go well. If you arrange it on this day, then the relationship has every chance to continue and even end in a wedding. All dates will be friendly and fun. They will give a lot positive emotions and will be remembered for a long time.

Today you should definitely spend time with your loved one. You can't be alone. If at this moment there is no loved one, you definitely need to go somewhere where there is a large crowd of people. Who knows, perhaps just there a person will find that same feeling.

This day should be used by those people who want to register their relationship after a long stay in a civil marriage. Today, the sense of duty and responsibility is escalating, so it's time to take applications to the registry office.

On these days, you can schedule a wedding for those newlyweds who want to legitimize their relationship from the very beginning. The celebration will go well if it is arranged both on a grand scale and modestly. Today it is not necessary to arrange a wedding. You can simply formalize your relationship and celebrate this holiday with your loved one.


On the 21st lunar day, you can do any household chores. If a lot of work has accumulated that requires the use of physical force, then now you can take it on.

The energy of the Moon today gives a person incredible physical strength, so he will do all his homework easily and quickly.

If the hostess makes preparations for the winter, then today is a good day for this. All marinades, pickles, compotes, jams, and so on will turn out delicious and will stand for a long time.


These days need to pay special attention to gardeners and gardeners.

The time is right for sowing and planting plants that bloom beautifully.


Today, any sports will benefit the body, except for those that create a large load on the abdominal organs and hip joints, because they are vulnerable on this day.

If an illness occurs on the 21st lunar day, then it cannot be carried in a supine position. Under no circumstances should you go to bed. Any illness of this day will come out with sweat. Therefore, it is best to run or do any other physical exercise. It will also benefit the use of any diaphoretics, for example, tea with raspberry jam.

Today, chronic diseases can make themselves felt. So that they do not worsen, you need to take care of their prevention in advance. On these days, you need to avoid everything that can harm the blood and liver.

These days you need to refrain from overeating. From the menu it is necessary to exclude fatty and heavy foods, as well as alcoholic beverages. It will be useful to eat berries, fruits and vegetables of red color.

work, money, business

Good time for any job. Today you can do whatever you want to do. The day is suitable for global affairs and solutions financial problems. Good results can be achieved if we work together. Solitary activity today will not be as successful.

On the 21st lunar day, you can make an appointment with the authorities, establish contacts and conclude a cooperation agreement with business partners.

This auspicious day should be used by those people who are looking for work. Today you can get a good job with a minimum of effort. On these days, you can also change jobs or positions.

Business trips and business trips that start today will give a good result.

On this day, you can make a grand opening.

A haircut

If the 21 lunar day has come, the haircut will be favorable. It will have a positive effect on the structure of the hair, but their growth will slow down. But they will become stronger and will not fall out.

A haircut, which is made on the 21st lunar day, will have a beneficial effect on human health. The work of all organs will improve. For cutting hair, 21 lunar days are also financially favorable. This manipulation of the strands will contribute to profit.

Haircut on this day should be creative or at least new.

Characteristics of people born on the 21st lunar day

21 lunar birthday bestows a person with nobility. Today, real knights and fighters for justice are born. They usually listen to the heart, not noticing the voice of reason.

People born on the 21st lunar day have talents and a rich imagination. They can choose creative professions. People born on this day often become musicians, sculptors, artists, and so on.


Dreams on 21 lunar days let a person understand how he realizes his talents. Maybe he's using it incorrectly. The dream will definitely tell about it.

If he was anxious or had a nightmare, this means that creativity is not being used or is being used incorrectly. Then you need to change your occupation or find a hobby that will help you realize yourself creatively.

If the dream was beautiful and kind, then the person is doing everything right, but you need to use dream books to interpret them. Perhaps a sign was sent to a person in dreams, how to achieve a better result.

Sleep today can not mean anything. It definitely has some meaning. The meaning of dreams must be found out in order to find out whether a person is moving in the right direction or not. Dreams cannot be trusted, because they are sent from above.

21 lunar days is a creative and active period. This is not the time to sit and be sad all alone. Make the most of these days.

Life is movement, such a motto sounds on the twenty-first day of the moon. The energy is great and it charges everyone for movement, which is very favorable for the implementation of any business. Today, you can easily do double the amount of work and still not feel tired at all. It is also a day of collective work, people who join their efforts will achieve very high results.

In esotericism, the twenty-first lunar day is considered the day of intuition. It is necessary to take seriously your call of the soul and listen carefully to it. If you feel the need to purchase a lottery ticket, then you definitely need to buy it, there is a high probability that it may turn out to be winning.

Love and relationships

A very positive day for romantic dates and meetings. People are set for active recreation and a friendly atmosphere. A wonderful day for marriages, the wedding on this day will be filled with cheerful events and will be remembered for a lifetime.


This day is very well suited for the implementation of any household chores that require a lot of physical activity. Today is also the perfect time to prepare food for the winter. On such a day, you can do what you put off in a long box, were afraid to start, as they say: “The eyes are afraid, the hands are doing”, and so today the hands will do any hard work.


A great day for physical activity, sports and physical education. If you can’t do this, then at least take a walk - this will have a very positive effect on your health. Vulnerable today: abdomen and hip joints.

business and money

This is a very good day for business and career, today all kinds of money affairs will go well. Collective work will show unprecedented results. This is the best day for people who are looking for a job. The one who pays off all his debts today will attract monetary luck.

C - to dream