Good congratulations to the son from the mother. Son's birthday. The best congratulations to the son from mom

Everything in life is beautiful everything for you
Happy birthday mom wishes son
Happiness joy good luck and great love to you
Be careful what's around always take care
I wish you sweet inspiration every moment
And so that there is a reliable true friend nearby ©

Happy birthday my dear son
And all the best to you sincerely mom wishes
May joy and success always live with you
And every new day brings good news
I wish you good health
Be the happiest on this planet ©

Mom wants to wish her son a lot today
All the best in life is all you have to take
Happy birthday dear, congratulations to you
I wish you hope faith love and happiness

You have a wonderful view of this life
May your path always be magical
Pay close attention to who's walking next to you
And may you always be lucky in this life

Remember what your mother always told you
Know that you always only wished for success
Confidently achieve all your goals in life
Try to keep moral values ​​\u200b\u200b©

My dear son, I congratulate you on the Day of Jam! I want to always see a smile on your face, so that you enjoy life, kind, courageous, independent, so that all your cherished dreams come true. I wish you great love, good health, sunny mood and incredible happiness! ©

Son, happy birthday! I wish you to unwaveringly go and achieve your goal, fulfill your desires, and at the same time everyone - try to keep a fabulous childhood in your soul. Be a kind and sympathetic friend, never lose heart over trifles. May everything in your life work out for the best! ©

Mom wishes you good health
Happy birthday son
I wish you success true and eternal love
May your guardian angel keep you everywhere

May your dreams always come true
Try always in life not to confuse the coast
Set a goal for yourself and go towards it confidently
Many beautiful things are yet to come

Choosing your path, think with your head
May reliable friends always be with you
Overhead let the sun shine and warm
And let luck accompany you everywhere ©

Happy birthday to my son
For you I will donate a heart and a kidney.
I wish a yacht, a house in the Maldives,
You live richly, brightly and beautifully.

May all dreams, wishes always come true,
I wish you happiness, from all understanding.
May luck, son, lie in wait for you,
Every day let him meet you with success.

Congratulations my bully
Let your life be flawless
Be my joy and support,
You will become an adult very soon. ©

I wish my son good luck and health,
So that life is filled with love.
To surround with kindness, care,
And half a word people understood.
I wish you success in everything
The days were filled with joy and laughter. ©

My beloved son dear,
I congratulate you on your birthday.
Grow healthy, vigorous, mischievous,
And don't miss the fun for a moment.
To the delight of mom and the whole family,
Be the engine and act in life! ©

Mom congratulates her son on her birthday, may everything be fine in your life, may all your dreams come true, and new desires will appear, I wish you success in everything that life gives us, we gladly take, go through life with your head held high, everyone respects you and will go everything is behind you, this will bring you closer to your dream intelligently solve all the problems of your family and loved ones, take care of them, let joy and happiness be your companions, they will bring a lot of benefits with them! ©

Happy birthday, son, I congratulate you today, I wish you great happiness, life will be beautiful and always magical and let love be endless in life, everything that fate brings to us, we thank our loved ones, we protect and honor our elders, mom today prepared a beautiful cake, be the son in life the happiest let all dreams yours come true and your heart love enjoys! ©

Happy birthday today I want to congratulate the dearest and most beloved person for me. Own son. Know, son, that for me, you will always remain the best and kindest. The most beautiful and strong. But in life you have to be persistent. You need to know what it takes to be successful. We have to fight for a place in the sun. So take strength from me for the future life purpose. Happy birthday. Your mother. ©

Today, son, I would like to tell you what my soul says. On your birthday, I would like to wish you, probably, the most incredible happiness and success. The happiest and longest life surrounded by people dear to you. So that there are no obstacles in your way, but only good luck. Happy birthday dear. Mother. ©

On your festive day, when you were born, I wish that all your undertakings are crowned with success, that all your wishes come true, and that all the people around you will certainly be kind, honest and understanding! Mom and I wish you many real, true friends who will always support you in difficult times! Happy birthday son! Your dad. ©

May your birthday, my dear son, all your wishes come true, may there be peace in your heart, may there be a place for love in your heart, may joy overwhelm your soul with a wave, by all means, may you always be lucky, may prosperity roam behind you all year round ! And your father will live only for you, believe me! Happy Birthday! ©

This day of the year is not just special for me, not just important, but also significant. This is the day I became a father and got a son. Son, I want to wish you a happy birthday today. Wish you a bright, cheerful and carefree life. So that fewer and fewer obstacles stand in your way. And more and more you gain strength and experience. Happy birthday son. ©

Son, I'm so glad today because you're already so grown up, so smart. I enjoy watching you grow, gain experience, mature. I wish you that all your dreams, from the smallest to the largest, come true. So that only the most surrounded you kind people. So that your business is always crowned with success. Happy birthday son. ©

My dear boy, happy birthday to you! Joy in life, love, good health, may all desires come true, success in all your endeavors. May you always have true friends next to you, and may your family surround you with care and warmth. Be happy, my dear son! ©

Happy birthday my dear son
And all the best to you sincerely mom wishes May joy and success always live with you
And every new day brings good news
I wish you good health
Be the happiest on this planet

Mom wants to wish her son a lot today
All the best in life is all you have to take
Happy birthday dear, congratulations to you
I wish you hope faith love and happiness

You have a wonderful view of this life
May your path always be magical
Pay close attention to who's walking next to you
And may you always be lucky in this life

Remember what your mother always told you
Know that you always only wished for success
Confidently achieve all your goals in life
Try to keep moral values ​​intact

Mom wishes you good health
Happy birthday son
I wish you success true and eternal love. May your guardian angel keep you everywhere

May your dreams always come true
Try always in life not to confuse the coast
Set a goal for yourself and go towards it confidently
Many beautiful things are yet to come

When choosing your path, think with your head May reliable friends always be with you
Overhead let the sun shine and warm
And let luck accompany you everywhere
May all dreams, wishes always come true,
I wish you happiness, from all understanding.
May luck, son, lie in wait for you,
Every day let him meet you with success.

I wish my son good luck and health,
So that life is filled with love.
To surround with kindness, care,
And half a word people understood.
I wish you success in everything
The days were filled with joy and laughter.

My beloved son dear,
I congratulate you on your birthday.
Grow healthy, vigorous, mischievous,
And don't miss the fun for a moment.
To the delight of mom and the whole family,
Be the engine and act in life!

Son, congratulations

Be fair, brave, be happy in life,
Of all the roads in the world, find your right path.
Love, let it be in the heart and grace for the future.
From all of us with "Happy Birthday!" - we say, son!

Congratulations, son, happy birthday!
I know that you are the best of all!
There is no doubt about it -
Only success awaits you!
Be practical, healthy and strong,
Protect your family from attacks!
And also cunning, dexterous and tenacious,
I love you very much!

Little son, two arshins waved a kid,
Barely fifteen years old, congratulations, son!
May there never be a release from the girls,
And health many times, we all love you!

Beautiful birthday wishes for your son!

May your path be bright
Well, if the pain is not very strong.
You can cross out all the hardships,
So be smart, wise and beautiful soul!

My dear son, accept on your birthday
Gifts and toasts, heartfelt congratulations!
Love - crazy and very beautiful,
Health to you with heroic strength,

My beloved son, on your happy birthday
I want to say that only we live for you,
What are you for us joy and hope,
That the doors to the house are always open for you.

I wish you fate, son, happy,
May every moment be beautiful in it,
Health, strength to you, son, beautiful love,
Be sure and dare, because you are a man!

May your happiness be endless
Never hang up your nose.
Good luck colorful and unearthly good luck,
Many more years are the essence of life.

Let happiness come to the house freely.
So that you live peacefully and okay,
Victory, good luck always and in everything,
More warm gentle words.

I want peace to come to the house,
Never live in anticipation
Many happy days for you
Mighty health to you and long years.

I want a deep sky.
Troubles will never take you
Let it bring a lot of happiness
We wish you good health and wellness.

Let there be no smoke in the sky
So that the children respect you
More love, warmth and inspiration
Good health in addition.

I wish you health and strength!
So that love warms your soul.
More very bright and happy days
Good luck endless.

I wish you the most beautiful life
So that you laugh carelessly
Lots of warm good phrases
Mighty good health to you.

I wish you happiness and health!
To make life sweet.
Health, happiness, many years,
More numerical wins.

May your dreams come true
Never leave luck.
We wish you good health and strength,
I wish you much good health and success.

Happy Birthday to You
Congratulations, son, loving,
And I wish, of course,
Live like a hare carelessly

Never lose heart
Jump very high
Songs to sing about miracles
Fun to fly in dreams

Love dear mom
Plant joy in the heart
So that the rain was nothing to us,
Hold the key to happiness! ©

Son! You are already an adult
You have your family...
Husbands like you
You will not find. As they say, you reap and you sow!

Holiday today -
Your birthday.
And I don't remember a day like this
To be better for me, my boy!

I congratulate you
I love you with all my heart!
I send my happiness
I want to give it! ©

I want to wish you, son
So that you can do a lot in an instant,
To be able to learn easily
So that you do not dare to be lazy,

So that you can dream of a miracle
Without succumbing to gossip,
So that you could not turn off the path,
For God to protect you

To lead you by the hand
For clues to be a dream
To keep warm in the soul,
To believe, rejoice, love! ©

My son is happy today
He has a parade
One hundred soldiers - everything is as it is -
They give honor to the son,

He is a brave general
On a horse he rode
The saber shines with gold
He has a great look...

Birthday in the ranks
I'm standing next to him
Nothing that the son is five,
He is a general - you need to know !!! ©

You are my dear son
You could be my protector
On your birthday
Accept your mother's congratulations

Let there be good people on the way
And luck will always be with you
You are our pride, our joy

Assistant to us with my father, you are old
Let the trouble bypass you
Happy birthday my dear boy! ©

My dearest son
I want you on this day
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart,
And these wishes

Forever in your soul to leave:
You always remain glorious
Brave, strong, protection to others.
I want you to be a real man

And only to find goodness and happiness in life.
May you meet on the way
Worthy spouse
And life will give you
Dear friend! ©

Happy birthday to you son
I wish you not earthly happiness
In this life, remember every lesson
Be our fortress I adore you

Great success is ahead of you
Your future is in your hands
Never look back to the past
With a smile through life go on your lips

Your reward will come with great happiness
Respect and appreciate honor in people
You are the master of your life so don't live in vain
Everything you need you have

Today is your holiday
Your birthday, dear!
Inviting friends to visit
Don't forget about us, dear!

We love you and wish you
More health and happy days.
Happy birthday, our son, congratulations!
Be a little better in life.

Love, comfort, inspiration,
Patience, understanding, warmth,
Great, fun atmosphere.
May your life be bright. ©

Happy birthday, I heartily congratulate you,
My son, kind, caring and sweet!
I sincerely wish you great success,
The most affectionate and beloved in the world!

Good health to you for many years,
Good luck in life, true love.
Do not know fatigue in the soul never, never.
May only good things await ahead.

Many happy and bright events for you,
Your cherished dreams and hopes of fulfillment.
Peace, harmony and harmony in your soul,
All ideas and plans for your speedy implementation. ©

May today be a bright holiday -
Your birthday, our son, dear!
You are the most important member
Good health, good luck to you, our dear!

We wish you joy, bright smiles,
More gentle and kind words.
May your life be without mistakes
And firmly believe in sincere Love.

May there be many bright events,
Friends reliable, loyal, sweet.
All is well, let it all work out.
Glorious and happy days. ©

Psychologist's advice