White and black magic lessons with a magician. Magic for beginners

In this article:

The spells of white and black magic are witchcraft, the control of various energies of the universe, which are carried out with the help of any rituals, manipulations and conspiracies that affect otherworldly forces in order to fulfill the plan. There are a large number of conspiracies related to white magic and they are available to anyone who wants to use them, and even to a novice magician.

They will help strengthen your financial position, achieve career growth, find your soul mate, cure an illness, etc.

In order for the conspiracies of white magic to start working, it is not enough to know words alone; experience, practical skills and mental strength are also required. Every day, performing any rituals, a novice magician gains experience, thanks to which in the future he will be able to find a way out of various life situations.

Modern sorcerers believe that if you need to get what you have planned, you must definitely believe in it, since thoughts can become reality. Spells of white as well as black magic acquire the most powerful force thanks to the words from which they are built, as well as tone and intonation without the slightest objection. In addition, the right thoughts are important, into which these words subsequently turn. Sorcerers claim that any word can become a conspiracy if it is said in an imperative and demanding tone.

If the person conducting the ritual doubts or thinks incorrectly, for example, when casting spells, thinking that he never succeeds, that he is always abandoned and deceived, then rejection will occur, that is, the opposite effect.

When conducting witchcraft rites, it is not enough to read the conspiracy words correctly, they will become effective only if the main factors are fulfilled: a clearly formulated plan, unshakable faith in one's own strengths, full concentration on what is desired.

Belief in the said spell of white magic should not disappear at the end of the rite.

After reading the spell, you should repeat it mentally a few more times, since the thought has great power and even more than the spoken word. To do this, the performer needs to concentrate on the forehead chakra. After that, try to direct your thoughts directly to this chakra, and from there to the matter itself. For example, if money is spoken, then the thought from the chakra must be directed to money, etc.

How to create a conspiracy of white magic yourself

The power of each person, donated by nature, can partly be called magical: a combination of emotions, intentions, imagination and desires, combined with the power of a conspiracy word. Witchcraft rites in all cases are designed to arouse emotions, increase the emotions and feelings of the sorcerer, and also provide the necessary concentration of emotional boundaries.

To create real spells of black or white magic at a distance means to turn your desires into reality, and the more energy the sorcerer gives up when reading certain conspiracy words, the stronger the effect on the world around him.

To create your own spell, it is enough to clearly know and be able to visualize your own desire. You need to be sure that everything planned will definitely come true or has already come true in the future, and now it remains only to wait for this day. For example, a person wants to meet true love. After he says these words, he needs to behave as if love has already come to him. He must behave like a lover, imagine that his beloved or beloved is waiting for him at home, etc. However, this requires strong faith, and if it is not enough, then this may indicate that this person is not yet ready to fulfill his plan with the help of magic.

The word is a great power, carefully select the components of your conspiracy

Rite for beginners

This magical ritual will help to awaken in the novice magician the consciousness for white magic. It must be performed every day for several months in a secluded place. Before the ceremony, it is necessary to put on loose clothes of not bright colors, remove jewelry, flowers, shoes and everything that can interfere with the freedom of blood circulation.

Next, you need to put a white candle on a low table so that it is at the level of the belt, and light it. Then you need to stand in front of the candle facing south, spread your arms wide, raise your head and look into the distance, focusing your attention on an imaginary star. After this, you should say a cleansing prayer, referring to the highest deity:

“God have mercy on me. Forgive my mistakes. Wash away all bad deeds from me. Cleanse me completely from sins. After purification, I will become white-white, like the first snow. Give me a pure heart. Revive the righteous spirit in me. You were able to create the Crown."
Further, touching the forehead with the index finger, say: “And the kingdom”, then to the groin - “And strength”, to the left shoulder - “And glory”, to the right shoulder, “And the eternal law”, to the heart, “Amen”.

Visualization is the basis of all practices

During cleansing prayer you need to imagine a beautiful cascade of flowing water, which refreshes and cleanses the body, head and takes away all worries. After that, you need to turn clockwise, while mentally drawing with your index finger a bright white circle burning in the astral in the place where the ceremony is performed. We must try to clearly imagine this radiant circle at the level of our heart, visualize the energy that fills it. Drawing a circle, you need to say the conspiracy words:

“From my heart I give birth to a fiery circle. Neither chaos nor evil can penetrate it."

After that, you should again face south, bring your legs together, spread your arms to the sides and imagine a pillar of red flame, which slowly rises from the ground just outside the circle and goes to infinity. Concentrating your attention on the pillar, you need to say the words:

Before me is Michael, lord of the Flame. Behind me is Raphael, Lord of the Air. On the right stands Gabriel, the lord of Water, and on the left, Uriel, the lord of the Earth. 4 elements now surround me (raise your hands up), below is water (connect your hands into a lock at heart level). I am the heart of the 4 elements, I have become the center of the universe.”

After this magic spell for beginners, you need to clearly imagine a bright cross, the center of which is in the region of the heart. The column of the red cross passing through the center of the body gradually disappears into infinity. Next, the performer of the ritual of white magic should take a few deep breaths and exhalations, raise his hands up and say:

“I thank the Deity for the successful rite, which is designed to awaken in me the perception of Spiritual light.”

Items that promote concentration

Various magical spells for both white and black magic for beginners involve the use of helping items, such as candles, minerals, plants, runes, etc. Any object chosen by a novice magician will have energy, which will also contribute to the implementation of the plan. Therefore, a beginner in magic is advised to draw energy from an object suitable for him and use it for visualization. Burning candles, crystals, photographs that have absorbed a lot of energy work great.

However, any other thing can become a good conductor of energy, provided that the sorcerer knows how to concentrate. It must be remembered that all actions carried out with helping things and objects can affect the result. For example, a candle that burns quickly will provide a quick effect, and if it burns for a long time, then the spell will last for a long time. If you bury a magical item that was used during the performance of the rite, then in this case the magic will begin to act gradually.

In addition to helping magic items, a novice magician should pay attention to his physical condition and health. Any illness, even if not serious, is a good reason to refuse to perform the ceremony, since energy and strength will be spent on recovery, and not on achieving the desired result.

Where to begin?

Magic, like any other serious science, is almost impossible to learn from books. It is possible to master a couple of three techniques, master a non-cunning mantic instrument at the initial level and learn how to remove simple damage and evil eye, but this is not enough to be called a Magician. Serious knowledge does not fit in books, but this does not negate the fact that you need to read, at least for inspiration.

Still, what is needed in order to start an independent magical practice? First, you should take a lot of time to study the information about the magical path and magic in general. Already at this stage, you will have an understanding of what you want to master. This understanding will not necessarily manifest as a thought, rather it comes as a feeling. However, I warn you to obey this desire in everything. Serious steps in Magic can be made, guided by the Heart in union with Reason. If at the beginning it’s good to study what you want, then literally after taking the first steps, you need to change this attitude, to the desire to study what you need. Secondly, while accumulating information about magic, try to systematize it. An important component of your training will be the development of a conceptual base. To the greatest regret, the entire magical community of modern times suffers from the lack of a unified conceptual and terminological base. And the thing is that a huge number of authors seeking to profit from the publication of books are not passionate about the search for perfect knowledge and certainly not the desire to share it, but the banal dilution of porridge with water.

In parallel with collecting and accumulating information about magic, you should engage in various kinds of practices that will allow you to master the power of the mind. Among these practices are energy ones, which are aimed at developing the skill of managing one's own energy, and mental ones, which allow one to change the state of one's consciousness.

An important step in learning magic is finding a School or Teacher. And you, too, should be puzzled by this. But, I will warn you right away, things are even worse with good teachers and mentors than with good books. Good craftsmen who have already proven themselves without unnecessary gestures have a sufficient flow of customers and a good profit from this. And there are those who do not practice openly at all. And on the contrary, people who only impersonate Mages are distinguished by posturing. Who are the various participants in famous shows who introduce themselves hereditary Witches or Magami in the 35th generation, decide for yourself.

Learning with a teacher or mentor is not the same as learning from books. To be a disciple means to belong to a lineage. A good teacher is one who himself was once a student. Knowing about the difficulties that lie in wait for the student on his way, the teacher will not get rid of them, but will help to overcome them without losing heart and without suffering any damage. When choosing your teacher, do it wisely!

And now let's talk about everything in more detail:


  • A textbook on witchcraft by Scott Kenningham. This book is interesting due to its unusual approach - it teaches to live magically, spiritually, in harmony with Nature. The book is devoted to the theory and practice of witchcraft. In it you will definitely find something for yourself.
  • The Art of Magic and Witchcraft by Paul Hasson. The book simply and consistently outlines the secrets of witchcraft and witchcraft techniques developed by the centuries-old practice of masters of magic.
  • Northern Magic by Edred Thorsson. The book is devoted to 2 topics at once. On the one hand, the book talks about the use of magic in the modern world, and on the other, it reveals age-old wisdom runes. The interesting language of the author will help you find inspiration.
  • Voodoo in Jason Black's metropolis. A wonderful book about how a modern magician combines life in a big city with thousands of years of wisdom. Rituals, ceremonies, calls of the Spirits and all this in a city apartment.


  • Tarot Tutorial by Hayo Banzhlofa. Quite an interesting tutorial for those interested in Tarot. If you are just starting to learn tarot, then this book is for you. However, if you already know something, I still recommend reading it.
  • Tarot Mysteries of Alla Khrzanowska. The book is one of the most popular and respected authors in tarot reading circles. It definitely has a lot to offer. An interesting look and reasoning about cards, algorithms for reading layouts, this and much more is in this book.


  • Rune Magic by Kenneth Meadows. The book tells about the most mysterious and powerful means of influencing fate - the runes. They can be treated in different ways: as a means of achieving wealth and power, or predicting fate. However, this is not the true meaning of the runes - a blessed gift to humanity.
  • Runes and mysteries of the northern peoples of Freya Asvin. The book presents treasures of esoteric, mythological and religious traditions Northern Europe - british isles, Scandinavia, Germany and Holland. After reading this book, you will discover the mysteries of the North, reflected in runic symbols.
  • Runes of Donald Tyson. A book about the use of runes in the practice of ceremonial magic, the creation of amulets, and divination of the future. The author tells how to work with runes in accordance with ancient tradition to achieve the best result.

Astral travel:

  • Astral travel for beginners by Richard Webster. The book tells about how a person can leave the physical shell and rush into unknown distances, defying space and time. Using the practices in the book, you can begin to explore other worlds, meet outstanding personalities of the past, or visit your friends in the present. And all this without leaving home.
  • Astral Dynamics by Robert the Bruce. In this book, Robert Bruce brings together personal stories, guidance, and a forward-looking theory of the non-physical structure that underlies the strange and multi-dimensional lives we all lead...
  • Astral projection by Edward Peach. The book talks about how to get to the astral plane and return from there with knowledge and experience. The book contains good examples and descriptions of techniques.

Books are available for download in our group VK - "Wizard" .

What practices to do?

There are several fundamental practices, without mastering which the study of magic will be ineffective.

The practice of contemplation is a practice that allows you to clear your mind of the noise of thoughts, become whole and tune in to something specific. Regularly performing this practice allows you to keep yourself in good psychological shape.

Contemplation is an exercise in which all the senses and the mind are tuned to the perception of some action or object. It can be something material (a picture, a landscape, a person), it can be some idea (Love, Faith, Light, Reason), it can also be contemplated into nowhere (objectless contemplation). Only by being able to tune in to the goal of your magical work, being extremely collected and at the same time immersed in the process, you will achieve good results. Read more about how to perform this practice in the article "The ability to contemplate". In addition, this practice opens the way to another equally important practice - the ability to enter a trance.

Trance practice is a practice that allows you to change your consciousness, see the future and perceive Spirits. This is a rather difficult practice both to understand and to put into practice. ASC or altered states of consciousness - in this case these are various trances, and lucid dreams (OS), and astral travel, and out-of-body experience (OBE), and vivid or prophetic dreams, and visiting the subtle worlds from a vigorous state of consciousness, and clairvoyance. More about this practice in 3 articles: "How to achieve ASC?" , "In the depths of myself", "Concentration" .

The practice of energy interaction is a whole set of practices that will allow you to learn how to feel and manage energy. To do this, you need to do a special exercise. The exercise consists of several stages. Sit down, take a comfortable position, put your hands on your elbows, raise your forearms up, palms should be approximately at face level or slightly lower, put your palms together. Slowly start spreading your palms a short distance - 15-20 centimeters. Then, on each exhalation, gradually bring them together, advancing 2-3 cm. On inhalation, the hands do not move. On each new exhalation, they move forward. Focus all your attention on the sensations between the palms. If you are attentive, then at some distance between the palms you will feel a slight resistance, as if there is something elastic there. As the distance decreases, the "elasticity" will increase. Moreover, sensations will arise in both palms at the same time. From time to time, bring your palms together and hold them like that for a while, then spread them apart again and try again.

With the help of the described exercise, you can develop the basic skill of sensing energy, which in turn will allow you to develop further in the directions of both perception and energy management. When you are sure you can feel the elasticity between the palms, try to create an energy ball.

Remember, there are a lot of exercises, but you should not try to do everything that is written on the Internet or books. It is enough to master a few exercises well.

Where to study?

This is a very difficult question. And, as a rule, I leave the right to answer it to Life itself. If you have a strong intention and you feel that you are ready, then you will certainly find a teacher. Well, if you want to learn from me, then This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view. . But I warn you right away, I do not take all!

Spells for beginners are getting more and more attention. The main task for people who want to learn how to use magic is to understand what power they can have and how to use it correctly. And also, it is worth understanding what is the difference between black and white magic.

Educational program for beginners. Spell - what is it?

A spell is a special combination of words that a magician uses during a ritual to accumulate energy in order to achieve his goal. With the correct use of the spell, the energy will be focused on performing a certain action, to achieve material wealth or to heal from an illness. However, it is worth remembering that the power of magic lies not only in words and gestures, but also in the power of the person performing the ritual.

What is needed to cast a successful spell?

  1. Relaxation, during which various thoughts leave the head, tension decreases and control over your body increases. In order to relax as much as possible, do the following: Close your eyes and imagine a bright light that wraps your body in warmth and collects all the negativity from your body and slowly moves away into darkness. Over time, you need to learn to relax without additional techniques.
  2. Concentration. You need to be able to focus only on the object of your ritual. Some magicians, while training their concentration, used an exercise with a clock. To do this, for some time, watch the second hand on the clock and at this time do not think about anything, your head should be completely empty.
  3. Visualization. With the help of willpower and accurate visualization, incredible results can be achieved. Develop your imagination and diligence.

What items are used for spells?

All objects are endowed with energy that helps to fulfill their plans. Each magician chooses for himself the necessary item, it can be a stone, an amulet, a candle or some kind of plant. When reciting a spell, the sorcerer needs to draw strength from the object that is used for visualization.

The correct use of the necessary attributes affects the effectiveness of the ritual. For example: if during the ceremony the candle burns out quickly, then the spell will work soon. Also, a beginner in the field of magic should monitor his health. At the slightest illness or physical weakness, it is necessary to refuse to perform rituals, since all rituals require a huge amount of energy expended.

Unlike sorcerers, white magicians do not have a specific selfish goal, their duty is to treat, help and provide protection to any person. The activity of white magic is no less extensive than in black, the only difference is that most of its spells are from diseases and on.

An important law of white magicians is the call of light forces for help in order to help people in trouble. One of the main milestones of white magic is healing. This is the power, when used, even incurable diseases recede. While healing, the healer surrounds himself with a force field that heals nearby people. And also, healers study medicinal plants and are able to awaken the magic that lives in every blade of grass.

White magicians are endowed with the gift of clairvoyance. It is possible to receive this kind of gift at birth, but those who are very stubborn and sincerely want to help people can discover such abilities in themselves. This requires the systematic development of one's own willpower, the power of thought, the power of emotions, round-the-clock work on oneself, and most importantly, the development of a feeling of love for all of humanity.

Black magic is magical effect, aimed at satisfying the selfishness of the performer, which is aimed at subjugating someone else's will or causing harm to him. This magic originates in ancient times and entails only evil and hatred. People who use this magic are considered the helpers of the devil. Although with its help many human problems are solved. The path of the black magician is very dangerous and insidious, because he cooperates with the powerful forces of darkness.

AT modern society, people who are fond of black magic are called differently: sorcerers, or warlocks. The main goal of such people is to gain power over other people. An important component of most black rites has become a sacrifice, which is carried out before the start of important ceremonies. Animals are more often the victims, but some rituals require bloodletting of the performer himself.

With the help of black magic, love spells and curses are performed. Its most important rule is that every wish must turn into action. Wanting to protect yourself from negative influences and unkind people, remember:

  • In order not to take on other people's illnesses, do not pick up jewelry or valuables on the street, especially at crossroads. Black magicians, removing suffering from people, make a ransom for an expensive thing and throw it into places of accumulation of dark forces.
  • Carefully give alms to the poor, because if this money goes to bad deeds, trouble will begin in your life.
  • Don't take strange things away strangers perhaps in this way they get rid of their own problems.
  • If someone stares at you or whispers at you on the street, do not look into the eyes of such a person and read the Lord's Prayer.
  • Go to church and always wear a cross around your neck.

Spell: Beauty Queen

For this ceremony, you need to prepare sprigs of rosemary, five candles and a few aromatic vanilla sticks. The ritual should be scheduled on the night of the full moon, while reading the spell, you need to contact the goddess of witchcraft. On the day of your choice, place lit candles and vanilla sticks on the floor, put on a white robe, and recite the following spell:

“Oh, the Majestic Goddess practicing witchcraft! Come to me, the three-faced goddess Hekate, the oldest of all magicians. Heed my call and bless my deed. I call on you and ask for the power of my spell.

Then spread the rosemary around the candles and standing over them, continue reading:

"Mighty Hekate, turn back time. I enter your dark path, as the moon begins to decrease in the sky, let my wrinkles disappear from my face, let the gray hair disappear from my head. May my appearance become young and beautiful again. May my dream come true according to your will.

At the end of the ritual, put out the candles and, along with the rest of the attributes of this ceremony, bury them away from your home.

Spell: denyushki in my wallet

This helps to attract financial luck, and money will appear from everywhere. Early in the morning on an empty stomach, take a piece of bread in your hands and stand facing the window, saying the words:

“The Lord Almighty, your son Jesus Christ fed the hungry with three loaves, so feed my family and make my life rich, bring good luck to my house and drive away trouble from me. Let satiety enter my door, and let money flow like a river. I promise to use my funds for the good, and increase prosperity. My words fly to God. Amen".

After reading the words, cross yourself three times and eat bread.

May my dreams come true

Throughout life, each person has different desires. The oldest book of spells has a text that helps turn a dream into reality. Spell Words:

“I conjure, in the name of our great God, the mighty Angels of light, that I seal them with my name (name). I command you on behalf of the great commander of the fourth legion of angels, Salamiah. I ask you, the great powers of heaven, to help me fulfill my dreams, help me to realize all my plans. Amen".

I will protect my child

Every parent wants to put up protection for their child and protect him from trouble. There is a spell that is still used to this day to protect children. To successfully read the protective words, it is necessary on the day of the name of your child to stand at the head of the sleeping baby and say the following words:

“Angels from birth and for life to preserve it, drive away all enemies with wings, save (child’s name) from misfortune, and take trouble away. Amen".

Then cross yourself three times and, raising your hand to the chest of the child, say:

"TO Mother of God I will turn and ask for protection. As I keep a child near me, so you keep him until I am near. May maternal strength follow my baby. Amen".

And summing up the above, I would like to note that magic has been practiced since ancient times, and until science found logical explanations for some phenomena, people attributed everything incomprehensible magical meanings. At the present time, any magic has become a highly profitable business, not only for practicing magicians, but also for simple charlatans. Also, from the abundance of magical literature, many are trying to comprehend the great teachings of sorcerers and witches themselves. The main thing is not to forget that any magic is very dangerous, and improper use of spells can lead to very serious consequences. Be careful what you do and take care of yourself!

Conscious modern man such phenomena as magic and sorcery seem to be something fantastic. Most people believe that learning witchcraft and magic is something beyond. However, in reality, things are somewhat different. And today it is very easy to learn magic, to become a fortune teller or a clairvoyant, to master the basics of witchcraft. The only thing that is desirable for this is to have the right mentor. Anyone and anything can act as a mentor: from a competent literary manual or an innate great talent for magic to a wise, experienced teacher.

The mysterious sphere of witchcraft is in essence the same ordinary practice, profession or specialty as the rest, traditional types. human activity, but the aura of mystery around her is much higher. This is due to the fact that traditional society does not recognize such activity. Many consider it a banal fraud and impose such a view on all modern people.

For individuals who are dedicated or simply interested in all aspects of this sphere, it becomes clear that magic is just a special work with nature (both spiritual and material), carried out at a subtle level. That is why not everyone is able to undergo training in witchcraft and magic, but only those who have at least a minimal set of inclinations to work with these matters.

Of course, some rituals can also be performed purely mechanically, without having talents for working with subtle spheres, but the number of such rituals is very limited, and the quality of the deed is sharply reduced if the individual who conducts it is not involved in the process with his whole essence. What does the future magician need to take place as a professional in the witchcraft field?

Ancestral Gift

As you know, the best sorcerers, clairvoyants, fortune-tellers and magicians are obtained from those to whom a gift of this kind was inherited from their parents. With each generation, the power of the gift becomes greater, especially if the child is correctly and carefully taught all the necessary basics, helping him at every stage of development.

This applies to both white magic and such a sphere as black witchcraft. Innate strength, multiplied by the correct development of abilities and competent training in magic and witchcraft, gives a colossal effect. It turns a person with the beginnings of magical energy into a powerful sorcerer or magician (both white and black).

Of course, one cannot say that the magician should be only hereditary, because since there is no continuity, then there is simply nothing for him to do in magic. There are self-taught wizards who independently go to the development of complex witchcraft technologies. They search the web for a rare ritual video, collect and learn slander and whispers used by various healers from all over the country. They also practice all sorts of techniques for transforming reality, and so on.

If an individual has a keen desire, which becomes a meaning and purpose for him, then he is able to change even an unshakable fate and, without having special talents for magic, become a good wizard.

If you never understood how you can conjure, and magic itself seemed just an invention of science fiction writers, not to mention the fact that magic was treated with contempt in the family, this is not a reason to argue that a minimal magical spark or the beginnings of witchcraft you have no talent.

Perhaps the force is present in a person, but sleeps, since there are no prerequisites for its awakening. How to establish its presence or, on the contrary, its absence? This can also be done at home, since elementary tests are usually used (although they cannot be done on your own, you will need the help of a third party).

Usually, the future magician is invited to find a magnet and feel its attraction, with his eyes closed. You can try to guess the images on special Zener cards (designed specifically for the purpose of establishing magical abilities). There is still an option to distinguish in the photographs of people who are now living and have already departed to better world, consider the information shell of a thing or place.

Of course, ideally, it is necessary that such testing be carried out by a person with experience. After all, he will be able to stop in time or, on the contrary, increase the complexity of tasks. Only a real Master can easily tell if there were test results mere coincidence or a manifestation of the true gift of clairvoyance.

Magic and witchcraft teacher

The importance of a teacher on the path of becoming a sorcerer is almost impossible to overestimate. It is from person to person that the transfer of secret information and special energy takes place. In the student, his mentor puts a part of himself, part of his own knowledge and experience.

Every magician can attest to the fact that when we are trained in witchcraft and sorcery, we usually rely not only on knowledge from books, but also on the experience that other people have received. In fact, any novice sorcerer needs a good mentor who could dilute book information with his own observations from practice. Only in this way can dry words and figures come to life and turn into a background for the future magical practice of today's student.

Of course, in the context of the theme of teachers of magicians, horror stories are immediately recalled about how a young man becomes an apprentice to an evil warlock and finds himself locked in a trap, forced to give strength and energy to his master. In turn, such a warlock uses witchcraft for all sorts of dirty deeds - committing crimes, enriching himself and other unpleasant things.

At present, such stories are not completely excluded, but given the rarity of the profession of a magician, they, in their total mass, have moved into the section of fairy tales and legends. Therefore, in the real world, there is no reason to be afraid.

Books on magic and witchcraft

You can start learning witchcraft and magic on your own by going to a book market or an esoteric store. There you can find a whole sea of ​​literature on how to learn to conjure, how to master a magical craft, how to become a good magician, etc.

In the era of freethinking, there were a lot of such books, but with them the number of absolutely useless manuals, which seem to be written purely as a distraction, has also increased.

Agree, there is a difference between a book about witchcraft spells written in the 19th century by a hereditary sorceress, published in the form of an old tome, and a manual for beginner magicians, which is written in the 20th century by some scientist who is interested in this field of activity. The difference between the levels of knowledge gained is simply colossal.

Magician's Book

The saddest thing in such a situation is that it will be difficult for a magician without experience and experience to choose the right artifact and source of information for himself. Either teachers and mentors (if any) or their own gift can come to the rescue here. To use the latter, you should concentrate on the problem, set yourself the task of finding "your book" and hit the road. If the stars favor, and the desire is strong enough, finding the right thing will be very simple.

A true book of magic is a thing, most often written with a pen by hand on antique paper, and its pages are sewn together with black thread, it is both a strong information source (providing true knowledge) and a powerful artifact.

But why is there so much talk around the "correct book of the magician"? The secret here is that she is capable of miracles. If you have a real book of witchcraft, this is already a claim to success, since such a thing is not only of literary and historical value, but is also a strong artifact.

Usually, when sorcerers and magicians work with such things, they leave their energetic imprint on them, enhancing the effect of the book, giving weight and color to the words and rituals that are given in it. As a result, the collection of handwritten pages ceases to be just an information carrier, but also becomes a powerful assistant in the process of mastering and implementing any magical actions.

witchcraft practice

One of the prerequisites for acquiring witchcraft skills is witchcraft practice. Proper training in witchcraft and magic with an attentive teacher, long-term work on oneself (in particular, in memorizing incantations, magical texts and features of certain rituals) is only an extremely small part of the most complex and time-consuming process of mastering the basics of witchcraft, since teaching is one side of the coin, but the practice is completely different.

Without scrupulous practice, honing the methodology for the implementation of magical processes to the point of filigree, without constant exercises in magic, it is impossible to achieve even the slightest degree of worthy result.

In witchcraft, as in any other profession, you need to work hard so that something starts to turn out the way it should. And given the specifics of the craft, one cannot be mistaken here, because such negligence can lead to the most unexpected effects, as a result of which not only the client whose problem is being solved, but also the would-be magician himself, who has not coped with his work, may suffer.

First sorcery

In order to work out primary magical skills, usually for young magicians, older and more experienced magicians are offered special witchcraft for beginners, which has no risks, but allows you to practice well in this difficult task. There can be many varieties of such a ritual, it all depends on the individual characteristics of the individual to whom it is applied.

For example, you can train using a universal plot. It must be done in dark time days, with the maximum concentration on the object. The sequence of actions should be as follows:

  • Collect rainwater (or snow), bring home.
  • Light two candles, turn off the light.

After that, you need to slander the following words on the water:

“Water-voditsa, help me learn. What I tell you - you will weave into the fabric of the day. Let me tomorrow (say the event that should happen). You are the link between heaven and earth. May it be so. Amen".

If you have already mastered how to cast your hands, you can help yourself in the process of casting the spell by making circular passes over the water. This will enhance the effect of what has been said.

A rigorous approach to learning

Important! Carefully approach the choice of your first witchcraft technique, as it can set the pace for all future magical activity!

For example, you can work out various conspiracies for food and water. It is especially good if they carry a positive energy message, for example, wishing for recovery or well-being. This is not only good from the point of view of developing one's own practical skills, but also from the point of view of starting a witchcraft career.

If you figure it out how to conjure water, then it will be possible in one fell swoop to master many witchcraft techniques at once. After all, water is a powerful energy concentrator. Through this concentrator, any information and energy can be recorded and transmitted to the noosphere.

The simpler, kinder and more positive your first witchcraft, the better. The more spiritual its focus, the stronger and more significant the effect. It is advisable not to do witchcraft with money, jewelry or material objects (unless, of course, there are special abilities for this).

Also, experts advise starting magical exercises with the most authentic rituals for a person: for example,

  • Russian witchcraft and magic or Slavic slander - a Russian (or Slav) must do,
  • German magical rites will be an ideal start for a German,
  • the Irish must practice local magic, the Hindus must perform rituals according to their traditions, and so on.

This state of affairs is necessary in order for the effect of fundamental, primordial knowledge to break through the armor of individual perception and enhance the effect of magical influence.

These actions significantly worsen karma. They can break all the magical developments that the sorcerer has developed by a specific point in time, putting an end to his career.

Despite the rapid development of new technologies, magic has not ceased to exist and is still as popular as it was tens, hundreds, thousands of years ago. If you have only recently let the world of magic into your life, then the recommendations given, information regarding, are just for you.

It is important to note that the beginning of any magic must consist of general concepts and advice on how to learn to manage it.

Lessons of white magic for beginners

This is a very interesting occupation, while everyone can cope with it. But it is impossible to learn everything that is in white magic in a short time. Magic requires constant training, improvements in acquired skills, and unquenchable faith in oneself.

If you don’t succeed at first, don’t change your mind and assume that this is a complete scam. No, magic is all around us. Just take a closer look: it is in your thoughts, in your heart, in every word, action.

But do not cross the line between the study of magic and fanaticism. After all, the latter can only bring chaos, madness into your life, turning you into a witch or an impulsive magician.

Has anyone ever told you that you are a witch? Consider it a good sign. After all, some feel your powerful energy, and it will be much easier for you to plunge into this world. Do not be afraid of danger - white magic is nothing more than protection from evil.

white magic based on four natural elements: Water, Air, Earth and Fire. You must learn to manage them with your will, imagination and, of course, faith. Learn to focus your attention. This contributes to the development of will and clairvoyance. Sit in a quiet place and focus on the candle flame. Having acquired these skills, move on to focusing on moving objects. Learn a practice called "Witch Smile". Learn to smile with your eyes.

White magic spells for beginners

To begin with, learn how to cope with the spell of peace and tranquility.

You need: bath with warm water, rose petals, bowl, 1 tbsp. l. milk. Pour milk into a bowl with warm water. Say: "There are circles on the water ...". Throw the petals: "There is calmness in the air ...". index finger stir the water: "Quiet as the sea...". Pour everything into the bathroom: "The world around."

Magic opens its world to anyone who wishes, but the main thing during the whole training is not to lose faith in yourself.

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