A simple love spell. Ancient conspiracies for the love of a man from a hereditary white witch

With the help of white magic, it will not be possible to separate a strong couple or subjugate a person to one's will. Such love spells are not done out of revenge, self-interest, or with the aim of stealing someone else's man. All light conspiracies are aimed at changing the feelings of the object of influence without harming him and other people.

How to read love spells correctly

There are a number of rules that are advised to adhere to esotericism when reading love plots:

  1. White love spells are not carried out after sunset, on fasting, Sunday and church holidays.
  2. For reading love plots, the period of the growth of the moon or the full moon is more suitable.
  3. It is not recommended to carry out more than one ritual during the day.
  4. For the ceremony, retire so that no one bothers you.
  5. Before you read the plot, say any prayer (for example, "Our Father"). This will help to cleanse yourself of negativity and tune in to a love spell.
  6. Before the ceremony, untie the belt, remove all jewelry, loosen your hair and put on light-colored clothes.
  7. The plot is pronounced in an undertone or in a whisper, without straying or interrupting.
  8. It is advisable to learn the entire text by heart.
  9. The effectiveness of the conspiracy will enhance the wax candle (natural color or red). At the end of the rite, it should burn out completely, if the conditions of the love spell do not require other actions.
  10. After the ceremony, thank the higher powers.

Conspiracies of white magic for the love of a man

Magical actions with the invocation of light forces do not break the will of a person and do not cloud his consciousness. The conspiracy enhances the already existing emotional and sexual attraction. The performed ceremony will eliminate doubts and fears, remove the psychological barrier between you. In this case, the object of love spell will perceive what is happening as a natural process.

Don't expect the spell to work quickly. On average, it will take 3-4 weeks for the first results to appear. If there is no effect, try another method. If you do everything right, your man will soon reciprocate.

Conspiracy for strong love of a man

The plot is pronounced at a deserted crossroads of two roads. Hold a photo of a man in your hands. Cross yourself three times and bow to all four sides, observing the order: west, east, south, north. After that, read the plot three times and immediately leave the intersection.

I will become (name) blessed,
Bowing to the four sides.
On the east side the church will sing,
And in it is the throne.
The Mother of God stands on the Throne,
She folded her arms and looked at me.
You yearn, Mother Mary, for your Son Christ,
Crucified on a high cross.
So the servant of God (name) yearned for me and grieved,
I did not know peace and joy on earth without me,
I did not sit at the oak table,
Did not lie down on a wide bed.
I would give him bread, water, salt,
Fish and meat food.
How people do not live long without food and water,
How do they go to get food and water,
So the servant of God (name) would come to me:
At night under the moon, in the morning at dawn,
In the daytime with the sun clear,
I would be the best for him.
My word is sculpted and strong, tenacious to the servant of God.
Key, lock, tongue. Amen. (thrice)

Strong love spell

Light the wax candle and say the text seven times. While reading the plot, keep in front of you the image of the man you want to bewitch.

Repeat the ritual for three days, take a new candle each time.

God's house. God's threshold. God's throne.
The power of love is powerful, the tear of jealousy is burning.
Go, melancholy, to every hair, to the servant of God (name),
On his crown, on his temple, on his liver and on his heart,
On the blood and on the living room,
On all his joints,
To all his thoughts, thoughts,
On his white chest, rosy cheeks,
For lust and sighs.
He shouldn't fall asleep,
There would be no need for him to eat.
Ten winds, the tenth is a whirlwind.
Spin his brains
So that he does not eat, does not sit, does not lie,
And to me from everywhere was torn and fled.
Locks won't hold him
The bolts won't stop.
Lovers doves will not cajole,
Aunts will not persuade, uncles will not understand.
He would keep me, the slave (name), in his head,
I didn't let go of my mind.
Let him hear my voice everywhere,
Without me, the air does not breathe clean.
Like a fish on the bank without water dies
Grass without earth-mother dries,
There is no sky without clouds
So let the slave (name) of me never
And with no one forgets.
And who will treat him will get tired from the first day.

Conspiracy to return love

If a man has cooled off towards you, use this simple love spell. He will revive feelings and let love longing on your chosen one.

The plot is read three times at dawn, facing the rising sun. Suitable days of the week: Wednesday, Friday, Saturday.

Zarya-lightning, red maiden,
Take away from me, servants of God (name),
Anguish yearning, dry dryness
And put it on the servant of God (name),
On his white face, soft lips, bone teeth.
So that he is about me, about God's servant (name),
Violently yearned, vehemently grieved,
Yearned - grieved
Yearned - grieved
Yearned - grieved
Didn't know the light of God
Didn't sleep for days or nights
I did not go to my mother to my father,
I didn’t wander through the forests, through the fields,
With girlfriends and friends did not know,
I did not hug my lovers,
Rushed from corner to corner,
Snake on the ground wriggled.
I looked at the sky - there I am,
I looked at the water - there I am,
Looked at the ground - there I, v God's slave (name).
How they suffer for the dead
How bitter tears shed over him,
So my husband would suffer for me,
Shed his bitter tears
For me, for God's servant,
By his married wife (name).

Now and forever and forever and ever.

Strong love spell

The next plot is read in a strong wind. Lunar day and the day of the week doesn't matter. Take a photo of a man and go outside.

Turn in the direction from which the wind is blowing, and read the plot aloud one or three times. After that, turn over your right shoulder and go home.

How do you, the wind, pull the smoke from the furnace,
You fan the fire with your strength,
Inflate, ignite three furnaces with a bright flame.
One oven is sadness, the other oven is longing,
Third furnace to the heart
Kindle the servant of God (name).
At the baptized servant of God (name)
Take a soul, bring a soul
And bring his soul to my soul
Body with body, and flesh with flesh.
Send a fierce dry spell on him,
Merciless, incurable,
So that he dries for me, God's servant (name),
Dry dry grass in the field.
Take away his will
No locks, no doors
For him to stand beside me
Missed me and suffered
He did not know peace day or night.
My stucco words do not speak, do not interrupt,
Do not soak in water, do not steam in the bath.
Be, my words, strong, sculpting.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

With someone else you don't know. It is believed that the plot is valid for the first forty days after it is read. His words are:

“Across the sea beyond Khvalynsk, in the city of copper, in an iron chamber, a good fellow sits, imprisoned, chained in seventy-seven chains, behind seventy doors, and the doors are locked with seventy locks, seventy hooks. Throw about, anguish, rush, anguish, into a violent head, to the rear, to the face, to clear eyes, to the heart, sharpen, give happiness, from window to window, from door to door, from gate to gate, on all paths and roads , and crossroads. This word is affirmation and strengthening, it is also affirmed and strengthened, and closed. If anyone from a person, except me, attempts to unlock this fear, then wake up, like a worm in nut lead. And nothing, neither air, nor air, nor storm, nor water, can open this matter. Amen. Amen. Amen".

So that the beloved is always there

Add a few grains of brown oats to any soup or porridge you make. You can be sure: a few of these manipulations will be enough for your loved one to always stay with you.

There is another tool that allows you to make sure that the chosen one is nearby and does not walk to the side. Over the new soap, read the following plot nine times in a row:

“How soon the soap is washed off the face, so the servant of God (name) would love the servant of God (name), could not look at her enough, admire her.”

After that, sew a small button under the left pocket of the shirt or jacket of your beloved man. As long as it holds without coming off, your loved one will not go anywhere and will always be with you.

Conspiracy for the love and attention of men

To in the company male attention was chained only to you, entering the room where the guests gathered, say a conspiracy to yourself:

“All women are fools.
They have bad manners
On all the dresses are curly,
I entered, peacock,
red maiden,
Led a look -
Gathered all the men.
Wherever I go, they follow me.
And my beloved (name) is the most beautiful!

Entering the room, linger in the doorway and look around the whole room in a circle from the left jamb to the right. Anyone who at this moment looks at you or in your direction will be bewitched.

Conspiracy to make peace with a guy

To make peace, you need to say for tea, for water and give the guy (husband) a drink:

"Mother Holy Mother of God, Nicholas the Wonderworker and Jesus Christ himself, I do not take water, but return life. To have such a clean life, like a slave (male name) with a slave (female name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Conspiracy to love a guy (quick acting)

You need to look into his eyes without blinking and repeat to yourself three times:

“Adam and Eve sinned, they gave birth to children, because they loved each other. So you will love me too. Amen".

Conspiracy for quick marriage

Buy a new broom on Wednesday or Friday. When paying with the seller, do not take change. Bring the broom home. On the way, think about what your new folding broom is, okay, how great it will be for you to sweep the house with it, putting things in order.

When the new moon comes, with this broom you need to sweep all the rubbish in the yard (or at the entrance), while all the dust must be collected in a yellow scoop. It can be plastic or wood painted yellow.
While you are taking revenge, say:

I drive the good fellows to my house. Not lazy, not misers, not thieves. Come to me, grooms. From their own and other people's yards. Stone. Scissors. Paper. Amen. Amen. Amen.

This conspiracy must be spoken odd number once. The cleaner you sweep the yard (entrance), the more suitors you will have. When you have collected all the rubbish, take it to your home, carefully pour it into a small canvas bag, put it in a far corner and keep it there until the new moon.

Be sure to read over it nine times "Our Father". Wait for the suitors soon, they will appear, and you will choose from them. And as soon as possible, take the rubbish away from the house and bury it in a hole so that no one can see.

A conspiracy to find out if this man is narrowed to you or not

Wash the hair in the basin. Leave the water outside overnight. In the morning, bend over this basin of water and say:

On the sea-okiyane, on the island of Buyan
There is a big oak
On it hangs a chest, zloty.
A book is hidden in the chest,
In it, my fate is both written and read.
Book, open
My heart, calm down.
Tell me, servant of God (your name),
Is it written for me to live forever
with the servant of God (name).

Quickly pour water out of the basin. At home, ask the first person you meet something neutral. It doesn’t matter what your question is about, the main thing is that the person you meet can answer this question either “yes” or “no”. If he answers in the affirmative, this is your person by fate, if he answers in the negative, it is better to forget about him.

Conspiracy to love a guy

“I conjure that (the name of the man) is connected to (the name of the woman) in the same way that Fire, Air and Water are connected to the Earth, and that the thoughts (name of the man) are directed to (the name of the woman), as the rays of the sun direct the Light of the world and its virtues ; and so that he (the name of the man) creates it in his imagination and look in the same way that the sky is created with stars and a tree with its fruits. And let the high spirit (the name of the woman) hovers over the spirit (the name of the man), like water above the earth. And do so that the mentioned (name of the man) would not have the desire to eat, drink and rejoice without (name of the woman)."

Chamomile happiness

Everyone knows the flower of chamomile - garden and wild. This plant has a great effect on the most important thing in human relationships - love. I offer you a great way to restore relationships, find mutual love or arouse sympathy in a person. This is not a love spell: it works if a person has or has ever experienced any feelings for you. The lost will return - this, by the way, is the main goal of the ceremony.

Pick an odd number of flowers (five is optimal), tear off all the petals from them and put them in a bag made of natural fabric - linen or cotton. Then shake it and read this plot nine times:

“Chamomile, chamomile, give me back my love (name). While the petals wither, (name) will dry for me, think about me, yearn, not sleep at night. Be, my words, strong and firm. As I said (s) (name), so be it. Amen. Amen. Amen".

In the case when you need to attract love into your life, which is not yet there, then instead of the word “return”, say “help to find”. If you don’t know the name of the person you would like to see next to you, then in those places of the conspiracy where you should name the name, just don’t name anyone.

After that, put the bag under your pillow for ten days, take it out on the eleventh day and keep it at home somewhere in a secluded place for a year. can be held three times within a month, but not more often, and only from June to August - this is summer!

How to attract love

If you are unrequitedly in love or want to love, find reciprocity, return your dear person, then this rite is just for you.

With a red pen, write the name of your loved one on a small piece of paper, only backwards (for example, instead of "ALEKSEY" "YESKELA"). Now look at the inscription and say the words of a special spell nineteen times in a row, while slowly drawing a circle around the name. They sound like this:
After that, tie a piece of paper with a name with a red woolen thread and always carry it with you. Within a maximum of a month, love will be reborn even in the most difficult case.

Rite of love

This rite helps to find your soul mate, reconcile with disagreements and betrayals.

It is necessary on the seventeenth day of any month at five o'clock in the evening to take white thread three of your cubits long (the length is measured from the tips of your fingers to the elbow bend) and, slowly winding it around forefinger, seventeen times in a row to read the following conspiracy:

“Varozhe vey God, put ki moshi in your right hand. Svarozhe near the head, I lead the Svarozhe. If you are our progenitor, your chamber is the abode of truth, you are the bright sun, father, stretch the rule for days and nights. Criets in the truth of God will be tri-glorious, goy.

The thread must be burned in three doses in three days. The result of the ceremony will appear within nine days.

About the conspiracies below, we can say that they act very quickly. Of course, only an experienced master can achieve instant action with their help, but even with independent use, the result will not be long in coming.

The main condition is not to stumble, not to make mistakes and not to interchange words while reading the plot. Also important are your thoughts and intentions that prompted you to read the plot. I will deliberately not talk here about rituals aimed at hard binding - emotional or sexual, because they do not cause love, but simply do not allow people to go their own way through life. And if you want to evoke a bright and pure feeling in the heart of your beloved, this is not your method.

And remember that you can’t use love-inducing conspiracies out of a desire to take revenge, offend or hurt some person, otherwise you will bring trouble on yourself. However, I believe in your prudence and understanding possible consequences your actions. So, let's move on to conspiracies and rituals.

An effective ritual for a loved one to call immediately

This ritual cannot be called simple, but if you want your loved one to call you in the near future, then this option is one of the most effective. For it you will need:

· large mirror;

· a red dress or suit, if there is none - a piece of red fabric that you could throw over your shoulders like a cape, but then you need to sit naked;

· 2 red candles;

· photograph of a loved one;

· telephone.

Place candles on either side of the mirror and light them. Put on red clothes (underwear should also be red) or throw a cloth over your shoulders. Place your phone next to you so that it is in your line of sight when you look in the mirror. After that, take a photo of your loved one and peer into his face. Try to remember it as clearly as possible, and then transfer its image to the mirror.

For convenience, you can keep the photo flush with the mirror so that you can easily switch between it and the mirror surface. Your task is to achieve the feeling that on the other side of the mirror, next to your reflection, is your loved one. After the desired state is reached, you need to make adjustments to this image - let your foreheads be connected by a cord, wire or thread in the reflection. This is necessary to form a mental connection between you and your loved one.

After that, you should receive a response. As a rule, if you are doing a ritual for the first time, you will need to listen carefully to yourself in order to correctly recognize it. If it doesn't work the first time, try again, and again. Usually on the second or third try you will be able to recognize this sensation. As soon as you feel the "answer" - look at the tube and redirect energy to it. If the answer is not obvious, then after sending the sensation, look at the handset, then firmly and clearly say - "Call".

If you do everything right, your loved one will call within the next 5 minutes, and the nature of the conversation may be related to the situation you simulated. The guy doesn't call? So something is wrong with his visualization or simulated situation. Don't be discouraged, practice is important in this ritual, and each time you will get better and better.

Love plot for an apple

Easy to perform and effective ritual can be done with an apple and a simple conspiracy. To do this, you will need a large and beautiful red apple, a piece of paper, a pen and a thread.

Stand facing east, write the name of your loved one on paper, then cut the apple in half and put a note inside. Connect the halves back, wrapping the apple three times with a thread, tie three knots, while tying each saying:

"As this apple will dry, so will (the name of the beloved) - for me. So be it!"

After that, the apple must be hidden in a secluded place to dry. An important clarification: if the apple rots, the ritual can be considered a failure, it must dry out. However, no one forbids repeating the ritual if desired.

A conspiracy to love from a photo

For this plot, you will need a photo that shows your loved one alone - without people, animals or plants. However, if you have a joint picture, it will also fit.

Pre-rewrite the text of the plot on the back of the photo, and also memorize it. Read in a whisper at dawn, facing east, looking at the photograph:

"As the sun rises in the morning, so the love in the heart (the name of the beloved) flares up. As the sun shines, so let your love for me (your name) shine brighter than it in your heart. As the sun dries the earth, so you dry without me Yes, you yearn. As people are drawn to the red sun, so you reach out to me, and you will not have life without me, just as people do not have life without the sun. My word is firm and strong. Key. Language. Castle. "

The spoken photograph should be wrapped in black cloth and placed under the mattress or under the bed at sunset on the same day. As soon as you see that the plot has worked, hide the photo in a secluded place - no one should find it.

Three knot conspiracy

To read this plot, you will need a thick red woolen thread, a red candle and aromatic oils of jasmine, rose and lavender. If you cannot get the oils, then you can use your favorite perfume, but in this case the ritual will be less effective.

First, light a candle and relax. Take a thread and tie a regular knot on it, while imagining how your desire to find mutual love is concentrated in it. As you tighten the knot, say: "This knot will be filled with the power of my desire". Wet your fingers in rose oil and saturate the knot with it, imagining how the flame of your hopes and desires flares up in its place.

Tie a second knot over the first, saying: "The secret union will be illuminated by the light of my love." Imagine how your feelings, your passion are compressed into this knot. Soak it in lavender oil.

Now the third node - it symbolizes your secret thoughts and dreams. Tie it up with the words: "As these knots are strong, so our love will be strong." Soak the knot with lavender oil.

After that, hide the rope with knots near the house of your lover or bury it where he usually passes. You need to do this on the night of Thursday to Friday, and soon you will notice the result.

Of course, these are not all love rituals and conspiracies, the result of which becomes noticeable within a matter of days. But even the options presented above are usually enough to ignite a spark of a reciprocal feeling and give two people a pure and bright feeling.

Love and be loved!

Psychology of betrayal