Chronicles of mental travel. Astral travel chronicles Astral travel chronicles digital angel articles

All worlds and universes exist at one point. A time vector applied to a real point gives an illusory line. The points on the line we call the one-dimensional world. Two vectors of time, applied by our mind to one point, form an illusion of a plane, a two-dimensional world. Three time vectors form an unreal three-dimensional world. The physical world is just a fantasy of your Higher Self.

This implies:

  1. Man is not born in the world, but worlds are born in man.
  2. Every being has its own time and its own space.
  3. We are all mothers, fathers, sons and daughters of each other at the same time.
  4. By changing yourself, you change the whole world.

All people have the same Higher Self. This is God. The Creator separated Himself from Himself so that He could love and know Himself. A person needs to see God in himself and communicate with Him without intermediaries. Any intermediary, be it a church or a teacher, bears a distortion of information. One can realize God in oneself not through blind faith, but through knowledge. Faith is laziness. It's easy to do nothing and just believe. And to go check the information, find out "how it works, why it works like that" and then do it yourself - it's very difficult. This requires great power will. Will is when all desires, subordinated to one, have merged into one big desire. Only one's own experience makes information knowledge, and a person - the Creator.

A. - Continuing to separate yourself from the world, you will not go far, but only in your efforts will you move into another cocoon of the game. Train for simple things, you know the complex. If you eat a sandwich, become a sandwich), become the process of eating as much as you can afford to be. Just let me. Realize that there are no controllers of this process, more than you yourself are. You are accustomed to looking outside of yourself and running from the process of seeing and being within yourself, this is also a mistake - it is a matter of the great balance of TRINITY. You are at war with other cards as with players, not understanding or not fully aware that there is a Player on this field, and you are at war with your reflections as with other cards. You come to the field of play of more conscious players, like a piece, a pawn or a card, and you see your reflections nearby, and you think that you are fighting for the possession of greater powers and knowledge. But this is not the case either.

It is enough to see this, to see yourself as a card - this is the first step, to see your reflection as another card on the field - this is the second step, to see yourself as a process - this is the third step, to see the entire playing field and everything that is being done as a moment of attracting your consciousness . Everything is available for observation, look, sitting on a chair or windowsill, smoking a cigarette and eating sandwiches. Everything is fractal, everything is similar. What is the war here, tell me?

You are at war with the cigarette, you are at war with the smoke, you are at war with the war! And go around in circles, why say so? Is it so difficult… If you are already accustomed to compare and see, and can see your reflections in what is happening, is it really so difficult to become THIS and gain victory, first of all over yourself, over yourself old and weak – over the old form of your thinking and consciousness.

Play like children. Be the process of play, it's very ticklish (why is tickling - tickling is JOY? It's LAUGHTER), it's nice. Involvement in being by the process itself, this is a very exciting game, much higher levels of players, understand this. When you go higher and there are no obstacles for you, the speeds of awareness are now such that all the portals are open, so just wish it, it is so easy and simple that you will be stunned when you feel it for the first time, and repeating over and over again, you will expand and expand more. But know that all processes must occur symmetrically, thus expanding your awareness - do not forget to sometimes go inside the processes, balancing.

Just as you expand your consciousness, being aware of your mirrors in the world around you and realizing the very process of interaction as part of your consciousness and directing the vector of action, also do not forget to go inside yourself, to the inner worlds, because everything is fractal and similar. And this will provide you with additional balance so that you do not fall while cycling or skating, so that you do not lose your balance - go to the inner worlds, do not be afraid of yourself and remove the masks and prohibitions imposed by other, more conscious players, to embody certain conditions of the game and experience in which we agreed to participate by coming into this incarnation. If you want to hear, listen. If you want to see, watch. But look "quietly" because the very process of seeing and hearing is like leaving the body and taking a different position at the point of one's assemblage.

Know how to get out of your consciousness, merging with the consciousness of that being who has fallen into the field of your interaction. From one of the points of view imposed by the programs of the matrix, it looks like an invasion and an attack, perhaps it is the same, but understand that as you expand, you will comprehend that everything is one and we are all one, absolutely we are all one. They are united not only in the static position of rest and knowledge of I am, but also in the moment of movement of the direction of the force application vector.

This is a great teaching to be the Creator and the Creation at the same time. Create yourself and your body from the inside and out and your mind - just like you go to gyms and work out. If you are not able to achieve the desired result quickly and effectively, ask for teachers and coaches, and be prepared that you will be offered coaches and gyms and teachers of different levels of vibrations of the game, and do not take it as an attack, but take it with gratitude as any experience creation that prepares you for the exit - the exit you so desire from the cocoon of illusions and dreams.

You yourself have reached such a level that you can already and you know it - to create cocoons of illusions and programs for other less conscious players and more influenced from outside. This is your right, this is your strength and no one can be condemned by this, there is no concept of sin and guilt in the sense in which you are accustomed to impose it in books and other sources - for everything is one, one single consciousness descending the steps of creation and playing various forms of games, and creating other levels of the game for the knowledge of oneself.

There is a saying: " time to collect and time to scatter". From my own experience, I am constantly convinced that you need to destroy everything to the ground before you start creating something fundamentally new.

Destroy your usual perception of the world - that's what I'm talking about. loosen, move assemblage point» (in terms of the teachings of the Toltecs). But here, apparently, there is not and cannot be any universal recipe. - There are millions of people in the world who have gone crazy, but have not started to create something.
And here the conclusion suggests itself. - having destroyed, it is necessary to build a bridge to start building anew, collecting pieces into a whole. The main thing here is the design of this bridge.

And it also helps a lot, in any business, to sit down and realize yourself as a complete Nothing. Zero. reset. Suffer (a little, not for long, because time is precious) over this thought, grit your teeth and take action.
But this is just one of a million ways to let go of your inflated ego. There are plenty to choose from! Buddhism, Hinduism and many other teachings rooted in antiquity offer many recipes for awareness and happiness, and the path to yourself always begins with this - let your ego go.

A very long time ago I discovered such a concept as saturation, intensity of life. Throughout my life, I have been learning to “pump” as much as possible in several directions at the same time, learning to see and take the chances that life constantly offers, “here, reach out and just don’t be afraid to take it, and try to hold on and increase!”

People often ask me what / who inspires my creativity, and they always try to judge by myself. People in general, in principle, always judge by themselves. Tk is a subjective and objective picture of the world. Whoever has such a narrow picture, in my paintings they see only beetles, owls and mechanical elements that are not connected with each other in any way. Who " reality tunnel» wider - they build their own relationships and patterns. That's how it works.

Life experience + developed imagination is always the main source of inspiration. In my case, at a certain stage of this experience of various kinds, it became so much in my head that I had to take a canvas and share it. At first, a kind of chaos turned out, gradually it was structured into more harmonious forms filled with internal geometry. - as I streamlined my life, in all its areas, harmonized my ways of living and my thinking. However, the fact is that there will always be a billion times more questions than answers. And this is the lot of human life, which you just need to take for granted. After all, the very desire to ask these questions, to look for answers to them, in any way, is already Something, it shows the interest in the world, in human life. And this is a priceless gift. After all life always reciprocates love and interest in it.

You can also look for answers in books, this is one of the alternative worlds. The dominance of the Internet and YouTube videos deprives a person of the main thing - after all, this is ready-made, most conveniently packaged information that the brain does not need to work to digest. Books force the brain to work. They stimulate the imagination. We correlate our life experience with the worlds from books, and pump our thinking even more.

I'm a book lover, obviously. I can easily prefer an evening with a good, useful book to an equally good party in the company of people I like. It has always been so. For several years now I have been forming my own library, carefully looking for, selecting, sometimes hunting for certain books that reflect and emphasize any facets of myself. And this is a real quest, no less interesting than in the quest room.

Therefore, create, build your life, using all available tools for this. No need to be afraid of change, stress - these are all bridges to new turns, new pleasant surprises. Good thing these surprises are unpredictable!

A tiny part of my library. One minus in the presence of so many books at home - you need a place for them (and here I personally had to sacrifice - leave only the most important). In addition, if you often change the location of your residence, books are the thing that suffers the most during transportation. Therefore, it is probably better to create a library when you are already leading a more or less "sedentary" lifestyle.

I usually read several books at the same time. Depends on the mood. - on the same principle as more than 20 playlists with different styles of music, for different mental states..

Operator: "Transition" itself, what do the Guardians think of it in a global sense?

Me: It's a cleansing...

I was shown "pictures", but I could not clearly explain what I see. I just realized that these are different types of energies. These were very high, Divine energies, they descend to the Earth in a stream.

Operator: and it (purification) is already underway ...

Me: (very confident): It's in full swing.

Operator: and when will EVERYONE feel it?

Me: (I “listened” for a long time): in my opinion, closer to spring, something ...

Here I will explain once again that everything related to the timing is given very carefully and dosed, in order to avoid “brain bursts”. Since thought is also energy, and in our world it is not always positive, then, fixing on a date, we thereby upset the balance. The changes that are taking place now are very subtle adjustments that are very easy to get lost until they are finally fixed. This moment is well used by the “dark” for their own purposes, misinforming people with various dates. It turns out a big emotional outburst: curiosity, expectation, impatience and, possibly, fears. Then, when nothing happens, people experience even greater negative emotions: disappointment, irritation, anger, resentment... Thus, the "dark" ones engage in ordinary sabotage. But still, the forces are not on their side.

Operator: And now, in the next couple of months, a month and a half?

Me: now, I want to detach a little from what I heard or read ... so as not to overlap ... They say that now ... like a global wave ... Yes, it will ... come into its own power when everyone is waiting - in December.

Here it is necessary to understand that it is precisely the wave of energies that is meant. At that moment, while I was talking, they began to show me a “picture”: I saw the entire globe, as if from space, and one big, global wave was rolling along it. A definition appeared in my head - a wave of liberation, purification ...

Me: it's like... launching. That is, it (energy) gradually gained strength and will come to its culmination (launch) in December. Then, further, the cleansing will begin.

Operator: that is, in December there will be no such thing that everyone will say: there was nothing like that?

Me: I feel like a lull, as if everything is frozen ... People have such a joyful state inside ... with a sinking heart. As if something has awakened... I look at this globally, all of humanity (general emotional background).

Operator: So people will feel, anyway?

Me: (joyfully): yes, they will.

Operator: such a question: we more or less know about December. There is such information that something should happen in the next two weeks. Can the Guardian comment on this?

Me: some settings... Some energy installations... space ones should be launched. (The word “settings” was not quite correct here. It may be associated with something technical, some kind of mechanism, but it is not. It was clear that it was about something very important, about a fundamental “spiritual breakthrough” for our planet).


Me: it feels like ... some kind of lethargy ...

Operator: events or people?

Me: No, people. They have an internal state ... some kind of lethargy. There will be no loss of strength, but simply... an understanding that everything is not important... no need now... to strain... That there is something more important... It's like a premonition.

(Unfortunately, I did not see any "pictures". I could only rely on the feeling of a general emotional background emitted by humans.)

Operator: and it will be for everyone, or only for those who have a rough idea of ​​what is happening?

Me: It won't be for everyone. People who are… sensitive… who have certain channels open… they will feel everything very well… People who… they have very… low vibrations... they ... it is not clear ... That is, they have no progress, they do not progress.

(I understand that they will not change internally. This is not their path at the moment. They do not need these changes yet. This is the choice of their soul. Something else will be given to them. I can’t say anything more specifically, that’s all I felt).

Operator: how can we help those people who really want to understand something, but they still can't?

Me (inspired): this is very good, this is the opening of channels! We pass certain energies through ourselves ...:

Operator: that is, it means that the information itself already affects them?

Me: yes yes! The information itself already contains codes (activation).

Operator: what exactly could the Guardian advise? In addition to the transfer of information?

Me: Everything has to be done the way it is. Everything is given in the hands, on time ...

Information on connections, Chrono:

Operator: I am giving multi-level information. Do I have permission to post it all, whatever I want, or, after all, not to give information about any connections, etc.

While the Operator was asking this question, I watched as a statuesque figure appeared out of nowhere. She slowly approached and stopped next to the Guardian. I took a good look at the image in front of me. He was a tall, powerful man, with long white hair and a long thin white mustache in the style of Polish princes. He was dressed in a dark-colored robe made of heavy velvet and skillfully embroidered around the edges with gold ornaments.

The man did not look old, rather, one can say about him "in the prime of his life." From the way he focused my attention on himself, I realized that the clarification of the issue would come from him.

I (addressing the operator): here another one appeared. It seems to be your...

Operator: ask him, is this Chrono?

Me: yes, nodding. Such an important ... Big uncle ...

(Let me explain, when I said the word “important”, I didn’t mean arrogance or something like that. There are no such egoistic manifestations in that world. I just realized its power and might, while not feeling awe or humiliation, as it is common to perceive in our world.)

Operator: Hi Chrono, how are you today?

Me: smiling... (At the same time, I felt a powerful stream of positive vibrations emanating from Chrono.

The operator repeated the previous question.

Me: about the "dark ones"... he says that some people are scared and can somehow get hooked. (It meant that the person himself, being frightened, being suspicious, at this moment shows his weakness (not believing in his highest protection) and becomes vulnerable. The “dark ones” use this at this moment. Therefore, giving people this kind of information, You have to be very careful not to hurt anyone.)

Operator: but, in principle, you can ...

Me: yes, you can, you can spread ... what it is as a given, but without much detail, without deep immersion in the "darkness".

Operator: Yes, that's what I wanted, but in some posts...

Me: yes, people cling to it and pull further, further information. ... But it may not affect the rest very well. They are like… polluting their energy, which develops and grows in them.

(The amount of information coming from Chrono was much more than I could voice in the session mode. Therefore, I will decipher it here: when a resource is created, similar to the digitall_angell resource, “light channels” are built on it, through which flows of high vibrations must pass. These “channels” help people seeking the way to the Truth to open their consciousness.Accordingly, the purer such channels, the more they attract the interest of the "dark", who, of course, are interested in clogging the light streams.Some people who have various kinds of "plugs" act subconsciously, working in favor of these entities, encouraging their questions to immerse their consciousness in this topic, entering into polemics, they thereby expand this part of the presence.)

Operator: ok, I want to publish a post in the near future, which gives a transcript of the session, where we remove the “plugins” and gives information on how to deal with them ourselves. Does it need to be "thrown out"?

Me: yes, that's fine...

(I’ll clarify once again: special emphasis should be placed on the very method of removing “subkeys”, without delving into the description of these entities)

Fragment from part 2
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Operator: You had an interesting dream about the civilization of dolphins….

(we are talking about an old dream where I was a humanoid who arrived on a "plate" to this planet)

Me: yes, he (the Guardian) knows.

Operator: Can I get to know them, find out how everything works for them?

Me: their planet is all… water.

I saw a planet completely covered with water. There are no storms and bad weather. Under the clear sky, blue waves splashed and rolled peacefully, in which dolphins, beautiful creatures, frolicked.

(I have always been not indifferent to dolphins, they fascinated and enchanted me. Once, in a dolphinarium, I managed to touch one of them and look deep into their eyes. I felt an incredible influx of positive energy, I literally took my breath away with delight!)

A small silvery “plate” hung very close above the water, in which I was and, according to my feelings, two or three more people. This "dish" was a "shuttle", and the main module was somewhere in orbit. I saw myself as a long-haired girl, of a humanoid race, with regular features, a very slender body, thin arms and legs. The hands were somehow different from human ones - narrow, with very long, graceful fingers. Growth was, according to sensations, higher than human.

My "companions" were male and looked just as slender and tall, very harmoniously developed. We were dressed in seamless silver overalls made of a very thin but durable material. We were a team of researchers from a highly developed (spiritually) civilization. Interestingly, our "dish" looked like a smooth silver disc-shaped apparatus, without windows or any protrusions, but being inside, we could freely see everything that was happening outside, as if there were no walls. Communication with dolphins occurred telepathically. Emotions at our meeting were mutually enthusiastic, as if we had not seen each other for a long time. Joyful animation reigned among the dolphins, many gathered at the "plate".

Me: they (dolphins)… do not… physically reproduce anything. They completely generate (control, adjust) energy.

Operator: just playing like normal dolphins...

Me: no, they ... they have some important tasks. They build energies, moreover, these energies affect the entire Universe.

Operator: These dolphins, it turns out, are a little more "advanced" than ours?

Me: they are… yes, they are not animals at all. This is a high level civilization.

Operator: Is this the physical world?

Me: physical, but of a higher order than ours.

(The realization came that even though their bodies looked solid, they still had less density than the dolphins in our world and consisted more of high energies).

Operator: can I chat with someone who knows you, would you like to convey something to you?

Me: yes, someone leaned out…. Just saying hello...

Operator: then the question is: how do you feel about them in terms of gender and why was this dream shown to you?

Me: mission reminder (as a support package that was supposed to open at the right time and it seems to have already arrived).

Operator: what exactly is the mission?

Me: as I understand it, .. it's like a parallel ... life. We have joint research work, tasks. We came to them to exchange information. We have cooperation.

Operator: So you're not part of the dolphin civilization?

Me: No, no, I'm a humanoid.

Operator: OK, but do you have anything to do with the Earth?

Me: yes, receiving information.

Operator: that is, you will receive information?

Me (thoughtfully): ugh...

Operator: More details, can I ask?

Me: they quietly make some “connections” (like tuning antennas) for me to receive information.

Operator: And when will they be activated? December, or am I wrong?

I (listened for a long time): they do not name the dates, they say when you are ready ....

Operator: would they, the dolphins, or the civilization from which you flew in on the "dish" convey something to the people of the Earth as information? Apart from congratulations.

Me: they feel great joy…. How, interestingly, the “picture” went like some kind of dolphin ... I don’t know ... it sends visual signals to me.

(I watched how from the “muzzle” (if he allows me to call it that ... physiognomy) of the dolphin “poured” in my direction ... probably, it can be called vibrations. But, I saw them well, they were blue and diverged in circles, which increased as they approached me. I felt some incredibly pleasant energy spread like a warm wave through my body. I still have not yet realized what it was, but I feel that it was a very necessary gift for me).

Operator: Do they feel joy, for what reasons?

Me: because we are all changing… They are very happy! They have been waiting for this for a long time.

Operator: We've been waiting for a long time, why couldn't we have been helped? Or is it part of the program?

Me: yes, it's an experience. Our experience, we came for it. We ourselves wanted to go through this experience, it does not depend on anyone.

Operator: I mean, the isolation of civilization as such is our…

Me: It's our choice!

Operator: how many of these, in percentage terms, civilizations that are isolated from others? Say, in our universe?

Me: Not much.

Operator: that is, it turns out, quite a serious experience, harsh conditions?

Me: yes, everyone else is higher and they don’t have such… difficult tests (testing the strength of the spirit on the path of striving for the light).

Operator: Will they appear here, here, in the near future, openly?

Me: dolphins or humanoids?

Operator: both.

Me: Dolphins only work with energies. They... they don't have to physically appear. They deliver great energy. And the humanoids… they are very benevolent (at that moment I received a strong flow of positive energy emanating from them). And ... I understand that when humanity is ready. And not too long to wait.

(As far as I understood, they meant our world after the transition. When the Earth fully enters the space of high vibrations and a qualitative change in the consciousness of mankind takes place. Then we will be able to see them and communicate with them without hindrance).

Operator: Do dolphins, in general, travel from their own planet?

Me: they don't need it, if necessary, they can travel out of the body (with their consciousness).

Operator: what do they have to do with dolphins that live on Earth?

Me: it's like… how to put it even, I don't know… a projection…. Only in physical, dense bodies and consciousness they are connected with each other. They also aim at tuning (and holding) energies.

Operator: And the whales?

Me: whales are the same (same goals and objectives)…. All cetaceans carry these attunements through themselves unconsciously. They themselves cannot be aware of what they are doing and for what purpose.

Operator: and what is happening now, especially in Lately, mass ejection of dolphins and whales. Is it due to the magnetic field or something else?

Me: It's because things are changing and they have to leave.

Operator: does this have anything to do with the magnetic field? Or is it a conscious decision made by them?

Me: It's all together. But they were ready for it. They knew that the time would come and they would have to leave. And so too. (this is the choice of the soul. Their mission with which they were present here is coming to an end).

Operator: Does the civilization of dolphins, on the planet, have any material things?

Me: they don't need…..they don't need material things. They have power… (here I felt difficulty with the wording, but I realized that what they may need, they can easily materialize with the power of their consciousness).

Operator: we have, for example, dolphins - predators, and there are also predators?

Me: no, they have energy…. They don't need solid (physical) food. They are arranged differently. (the need to take solid food is a condition of our reality of existence in low vibrations).

Operator: There are people who claim to eat prana, feed on sunlight. Is this possible with us?

Me: this is possible, for this all the chakras must be open and they must be crystal clear.

Operator: Then why were we given a digestive system if, in fact, we don't need it?

Me: We had to go through this experience. That is, the people who came to this (pranaedeniya), it was a long way of rebirth and expansion of self-consciousness. It was their long way, long experience. In principle, the goal of all (embodied souls) was to come to this, but everything ( spiritual development) took a very long time because there were so many interventions. When humanity “came” here, into the lowest, densest vibrations, it had to reach these high vibrations with its own strength, with its divine consciousness, with its spirit. Having passed through all the obstacles that were created for us, we had to open up ... on our own, but ... somehow “stuck in a swamp”, we forgot why we came.

Fragment from 3 parts

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Operator: We have had a rearrangement of some forces in Russia. Serdyukov was removed from the post of Minister of Defense, Shoigu was appointed. What is it all leading to?

Me: some kind of nervousness there… upstairs (I saw the Kremlin from above and felt the emotions coming from it). They are… puzzled about something (some fuss). Something pretty serious is going on...

Operator: what exactly?

I (for a long time intently "peered"): ... for some reason I see tanks .... (I saw Red Square from above, paved with cobblestones. Identical tanks were lined up on it in even rows. They looked absolutely new, clean. No more movement was felt. I realized that the “picture” had an allegorical meaning. It was not about large-scale military operations ).

Operator: Are they preparing for war?

Me: …for defense…not for war…rather for the defense of ourselves. That is, they feel some kind of instability at home (in the Kremlin). Some changes are taking place.

Operator: that is, they have some kind of ... "graters" between them, not with the people.

Me: yes yes! They sort things out among themselves.

A “picture” went before my eyes: now I saw the Kremlin itself and the entire territory of Russia at the same time. Above the Kremlin there was a gray haze, and all of Russia was shrouded in a snow-white, shining haze. There was a feeling that the Kremlin is on its own, and around it Russia is on its own. Moreover, all their (in the Kremlin) showdowns have long ceased to matter, everything has already changed, and they find out everything and find out, as if stuck in a different reality.


Operator: there is such a technical direction, it is called instrumental trans-communication. This is when they use an electronic device, they pick up noise, interference, and from them, somehow, information is pulled out, allegedly transmitted by other civilizations. What can they say about it?

Me: it’s not necessarily other civilizations, it can be something that is very close…

Operator: Is it another mind or...

Me: even... rather... information from parallel "layers" (from a life form other than ours)

Operator: there is some possibility to distinguish information. From whom does it come, from the dark ones or the light ones?

Me: We can only feel this through ourselves. Our main sensor, the barometer, is our heart chakra. We must learn to tune into this heart chakra, through it we will always know (feel) who we are dealing with.

Operator: according to my information, reptiles exist, according to another - they do not. How to treat it?

Me: as I feel, a lot of things are far-fetched about reptiles... These ideas have a basis, from where everything started,... but a lot of them (reptiles) are “hung” (labels and accusations).

Operator: and, if I understand correctly, reptiles are different, friendly and…

Me: yes, yes! There are those who have evolved a long time ago, they are of a very high level of consciousness.


Operator: the question is whether Shakespeare was the real author of texts, plays.

Me: I see, they show two images.

Operator: two people wrote the same thing, or...

Me: two people… now, a minute… trying to understand, they are like two identical ones…

On a dark background, I saw two static images. Two figures of men, they were absolutely identical. They stood side by side in full growth, and were dressed in the fashion of the time: a dark velvet top, voluminous short “harem pants”, light-colored stockings and shoes with buckles on their feet.

Me (after a long pause): well, yes, one is public and the other is not. Public he ... gives out for his own .... But that's how it was meant to be!

Operator: for what purpose?

I: and there, either it was not accepted, or it was impossible for him ... that is ... it was impossible for him to do this openly.

Operator: Does this imply that the source was a woman?:

Me: … it’s hard to understand, at first I saw two male figures….

Operator: Ask Uuliya, was there a woman in this scheme?

Me: strange (I couldn’t believe what I was seeing)… it seems to be showing… yes, a woman….. In a dress…

I watched as the second figure of a man imperceptibly dissolved and in its place the figure of a woman “appeared”, also depicted in full growth, as if it were an image from a ceremonial portrait. The “picture” was very clear, I saw in detail her dress made of dark material, richly embroidered with gold embroidery, bright red wavy hair styled in an unusual way and a pale face…. The word "queen" persistently asked for in consciousness.

Me: she's in such a beautiful dress! She's like... a queen.

Operator: Even so?

Me: in any case, she is of some very high class.

Later, after the session, tormented by curiosity, I began to search the Internet for information about the queen of Shakespeare's time. The first portrait that caught my eye was almost a complete copy of the one that Uulius showed me! I immediately recognized her (Queen of England Elizabeth the First). While I was staring at the portrait in amazement, an “explanatory video” scrolled before my inner eye. I saw and felt her torment, the torment of the author, who is bursting with information that comes to her, but she does not have the right to publicly declare herself and is forced to hide her authorship. She is well aware of her genius, but, in the existing social conditions, shackled by the conventions, prohibitions and rituals of those times, limited by her status position, she cannot afford to appear as the author of works unworthy of her position. I saw her tossing and turning in bed for a long time, unable to sleep, then getting up, lighting a candle and sitting down at the table. She writes, the pen flies over the paper at an incredible speed, she barely has time to write down what descends on her .... Later, she will give a new play through a confidant to Shakespeare, who will be obliged to stage it in his theater ...

Fragment from 4 parts
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You will find all methods of purification, symptoms of connections, and an exit to your keepers.

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