Charge a thing for good luck with the moon. Practical charging things with energy

An amulet or talisman begins to perform its functions only after charging. That is, the forces inherent in magic items must be activated, Then they begin their action to protect the owner.

Self-charging of an amulet or talisman is recommended to be carried out immediately after the manufacture of the item. This should be done by the person who will use it. Thus, a connection is created between a magical item and its owner. If such an item was presented to you (or it is purchased), then before activation it will be just a beautiful decoration (or a toy). It still needs to be launched. But how to do it?

Charging the amulet with your energy

The amulet is designed to protect the owner from negativity. He just needs to pass this function. Use the energy of fire and your own prana (energy) for this. When the item that will become your amulet fell into your hands, it should be cleaned. That is, free from the energy that is in it. You don’t know what he is already loaded with, what he managed to pick up.

To clean the item should be held over the flame of a candle. At the same time, you need to say the phrase to yourself: “Burn the dirt, leave the evil!” Draw a picture in your mind like negative energy(black) burns in a flame.

Sit comfortably, take the rechargeable amulet in your hands and fill it with your intention. You must imagine how a stream of energy comes from your palms and is absorbed into the thing.

You can say "Protect me!" If you want, you can list from what. But this is not recommended, since in this way you limit the power of the amulet. Just imagine how your energy is absorbed into the amulet, filling it. It's like blowing up a balloon.

"Charging" technique

The talisman not only protects, but also directs a person to well-being and happiness. Its function: to attract the most necessary situations and circumstances for the soul of the owner. The activation and charging of the talisman requires the participation of the forces of nature and the universe. It must have a connection with all things in order to perform its functions well.

For the talisman to work, it must be endowed with the powers of all the elements. You have to collect these forces and inhale into an object that will become your talisman. It is believed that a magical object must be introduced to the powers gradually. That is, the energies of Fire, Water, Earth, Air must be absorbed by the object in a certain order.

Beginning with the forces of the earth

To fill them with an object, you need to bury it and hold it in the ground for some time. It is best to do this in nature, where the energy is not polluted by the negative of anger, violence, and so on. When burying (wrap it in natural fabric), express your desire for the talisman to gain the powers of the earth.

Now charge it with fire

To do this, you just need to hold it over the flame. For filling with the element of Water - under the stream of water. In order for the Air to breathe its strength into the talisman, it must be hung where it will be blown from all sides. Doing everything described, remember that the main impetus to the work of the elements should be your intention. You must clearly articulate the command - desire:

“Powers, fill my talisman!”

Then - give them some time to work.

Why do we need a talisman? To attract positive circumstances into our lives, to improve our existence. In order for the talisman to begin to act, it must be charged with the right energy. Consider the question: how to charge the talisman?

The main types of talisman charging:

  • own energy;
  • by the power of the earth;
  • by the Power of Water;
  • by the Power of Fire;
  • Air energy;
  • The energies of the sun and moon.

When we are looking for our talisman, it is important to understand that any object can become one. You just need to feel that this is your thing that can radically change your whole life. Just take the object in your hands, feel its energy, warmth - imagine what will happen to you when you use it. If you feel a thing, its radiation, a positive or other positive response, then this is your talisman. The item is suitable for use.

Heat radiation will be a particularly good signal - then you will receive a powerful amulet. If the response of the object occurs after a certain time, then this will be a weak talisman. No answer - it's not your choice.

It is necessary to establish individual contact with the selected object. Just talk to him, gently, affectionately - explain to him the mission that you entrust to him. The amulet will understand what it is for, and in the future it will act according to the plan you have trodden. Your energy message to the subject is important. This is the call of your heart to the Forces of the Universe, which will manifest itself through the talisman.

Here, also keep in mind that the specifics in the messages to the subject are important. Accuracy is the key to success. If your dreams are smeared like a crying girl's makeup, then the answer of the amulet will be the same. It is also advisable to constantly take the talisman in your hands in order to charge it with energy and receive a reciprocal return. You are his, and he will lead you with his strength to the intended goals.

We charge the talisman with our own energy

So, we have found an item that will become our amulet. We can charge it with our own energy, which will not weaken its power in the least. Only to begin with, the chosen thing needs to be cleared of all the energy that it possesses. God knows what is hidden in this thing, what she managed to grab for many "lived" years under the moon.

For cleaning, we need an ordinary candle. Just pick up and hold the object over the fire flame. In doing so, say:

"Burn the dirt, go away the evil!"

When cleaning or charging an amulet, you must work with the energies

Imagine how negative energy, for example, black in color, slowly and surely burns out in a candle flame.

Then sit down, taking the amulet in your hands and filling it with your energy. Your task is to clearly imagine how a stream of energy comes out of your palms and is absorbed into the amulet. If you want him to protect you, then say words of help about protection. If you have certain fears, then name the subject them, ask for protection from phobias, as well as very real threats. Although experts do not recommend doing this, because in this way you set up the item to protect against exactly the problems that they said. Thus, you kill its versatility, but add specific protection from certain evils. It's all about choice, sometimes it's better to have protection from certain evils - especially if you know where the roots of troubles grow from.

Charging with the power of the earth

Paint the prepared object blue or gold with washable paint. After painting, the thing should be buried in the ground. This element will give strength to the talisman, after which he will be able to resist any negative energy.

For the ritual, choose any natural environment: field, forest, lawn or clearing. If not possible, then put on the ground in an ordinary flower pot. Just keep in mind that this will give the amulet a small charge of strength. We also need a full charge of the talisman.

Here we are already in place, dig a small hole, and imagine how your object will absorb the power of the earth.

Elemental charging is a very powerful process.

Put the thing in the hole, fill it in, and then step through the treasure three times. Crossing over, ask the earth to accept your item. You should return for your artifact in three days.

Charging the amulet with the power of Water

Water is the meaning of the life of everything earthly, therefore it is a sin not to use its energy. Water cleanses, removes negative manifestations, can charge objects.

Use only pure natural water, suitable from a stream, spring or well.

Turn to the water, apologize for having to disturb it. Ask to charge your object. Then lower our object into a container of water. Next, you need to remove the container in a dark place - for three days.

After three days, remove the artifact from the water. Just be very careful. Let the excess water drain, and put your amulet in the box. Water should be poured at the intersection of three roads.

By the Power of Fire

To charge a thing we need a wax candle. Light the candle and pass your thing over the flame three times. Just like with water, ask the fire for forgiveness and permission. Charging an artifact with fire will help with luck, but this will require a lot of energy. The power of fire will be able to give the object such energy.

Purification by fire - the strongest ritual

After charging the amulet, blow on the fire three times. The first two times weakly, and then stronger to put out the flames. Let the Salamanders imbue your talisman with the tenacious power of fire.

By the Power of Air

Air is a strong element that is used in various rituals. There are two options here: charging the talisman with your own breath or with smoke that comes from an aromatic candle.

If you decide to use your own air power, then take the object in your hand, and then you need to open your palm and blow on your thing. Strong but gentle. When you blow, imagine all your dreams in the brightest colors.

Using scented candles, you should carry the object over the smoke three times. At the same time, asking to fill our amulet with the power of air.

We can fix the charging of our object by the forces of the sun and moon. Just leave the thing so that the rays of these luminaries fall on it. It is enough to hold our object for only a couple of hours to nourish it with the power of heavenly bodies. In the case of the sun, you can leave the thing for the whole day.

From time to time, approach the artifact to stroke it and imagine how the luminary fills it with its energy. Our ancestors knew this since ancient times and constantly used the talisman in charging.

To become more successful and happier, many people resort to the help of a magical heavenly circle. Many a century ago, all kinds of amulets, talismans and amulets were very popular among the admirers of magic. With the help of such items, it was possible to protect oneself from the unclean eye, attract cash flow and achieve success in personal life.

But in order for such magical attributes to serve with full dedication, they must be regularly recharged. How to charge the amulet and whether it is possible to implement it at home, you will learn from this publication.

About the need to recharge the amulet

The power of magical talismans in their energetic sense. Without the necessary energy, such paraphernalia is a mere souvenir that has neither material nor semantic value.

What is charging an amulet? Many will think that such a Slavic ritual is carried out exclusively by specialists who are just engaged in such activities. However, as practice shows, it is among such people that a lot of charlatans divorced, who, taking advantage of their position, take a lot of money to charge a talisman or amulet of love, good luck and prosperity.

It is believed that it is the person who will wear such magical paraphernalia who must breathe energy into the little thing. And, if you carry out the ritual in accordance with all the rules and recommendations, you can create a powerful protective amulet or talisman for good luck with your own hands. Whereas an incorrectly performed Slavic rite for charging an amulet can harm the karmic power of its owner.

You also need to charge those amulets that you bought in a souvenir shop or a specialized store (this can be any new magical paraphernalia). Of course, that each owner of such an institution will assure that they have been implemented since magic power. However, the amulet is not charged on its new owner. That is, it must be done, as they say, for yourself. The thing is that as long as such an item is on the counter, it is in contact with many potential customers, who now and then pick it up and examine it. Ultimately, such actions attract all kinds of energy to the talisman, which will certainly benefit, but not you.

It is also necessary to clean and charge the amulet and amulet for the reason that it is necessary to enter into complete intercourse with a personal thing. Giving your strength, energy, you tune it to your wave.

There is also a warning: in no case should you give an outsider an object charged on you for personal use. Such actions will only contribute to its rapid discharge. And, again, a “foreign” magic item will not only not help attract love and good luck to the person who wears it, but can also harm him.

Charging of amulets and talismans is carried out not only in relation to purchased items, but also to items made by oneself. Many people claim that to charge amulets that are made by hand, it is enough that energy was invested in it during the process of its creation. However, after some time, such paraphernalia is discharged and needs to be recharged again.

Carrying out the purification of a magical thing from bad energy it will take a little time, and the object itself after such manipulations will serve faithfully for a very long time. And if you are interested in how to charge the amulet at home, then you should not think that such manipulations are quite difficult to implement. Believe me, it will take a minimum of time, effort and auxiliary items to charge the talisman.

Methods for recharging magical paraphernalia

Charging amulets, as well as talismans, is carried out in several ways:

  1. To charge magical attribute force, there is no need to go to a "qualified" specialist. You can implement a similar process on your own. In this case, the person himself receives a certain charge from higher forces. Thanks to this method, it is possible to establish the strongest connection between the owner of the amulet and, in fact, the object itself. However, not everyone can use such charging of the amulet. It is not worth charging for those people who have weak energy. This feature is due to the fact that during the coition with cosmic energy there is a moment of the strongest decline in one's own energy. And here weak person can lose a lot of energy, which he practically does not have anyway. Often during such a ritual, people lose consciousness.
  2. Charging amulets from natural elements. That is, there is a request for help from water, fire, air and earth. In this case, you can use both all 4 elements, and resort to the help of one of them. This charging option is recognized as the most versatile. Almost every person on a subconscious level is associated with a particular element, so it is recommended to resort to the natural force to which you feel a special attraction.
  3. You can also charge a stone with power (or any other protective object: a ring, a key, etc.) based on religious beliefs. Depending on your religion, you can turn to your deity for help and ask for his blessings, strength to charge your amulet. At the same time, one should read prayer speeches that correspond to a particular religious direction. This method is suitable for those people who sincerely believe in their religion and in its power. Only a believer will be able to realize the process of recharging amulets or talismans.
  4. It is also possible to charge a protective object with powerful power through a ready-made conspiracy speech. There are a huge number of ready-made texts. You need to give preference to the one that is closest to your soul and causes a feeling of peace and humility.

So, we have already figured out how to charge the talisman with our energy. Now let's move from theory to practice and consider in more detail each option for recharging a magical attribute.

Recharging your personal energy

How to charge an amulet, an amulet with your energy, having previously received it from space? First of all, you need to choose the right lunar day. Usually a similar Slavic rite is performed on the growing moon. This is due to the fact that with the growth of the moon there is also a surge of energy.

Now you need to make sure that no one interferes during the ritual. It is better if there is no one in the house at all. But, in the absence of such an opportunity, it will be enough just to close in a separate room.

To charge a magical thing with its energy, you need a candle (desirable green). In the evening, after sunset, you need to light it and pick up your talisman. In the first few minutes it is important to concentrate on the flame of the candle. Thanks to this, it will be possible to unload the subconscious, to get rid of worldly fuss and pressing problems.

During such magical deeds, you should sit on a chair and feel the floor surface under you. Contact with the earth will allow you to feel a connection with it. We align the back and imagine that a beam of light emanates from your crown, which connects you with the energy of the entire Universe. Now try to imagine how this ray stream expands and you yourself become light energy.

If you are doing everything right, you should feel how the light energy fills your body with warmth. Every cell, every hair, every part of your body is filled with higher energy. Imagine that you have merged energy with him and during this, say the following words:

“Give me me when I am not able, when I am powerless. From now on, you and I are one!

After the spoken words, you need to gradually return to the real world and close the channel with space. A similar ritual will endow your amulet huge force. Sometimes, even one visual contact with him is enough to replenish his strength with new energy.

Such charging is used for amulets and talismans, which are created to protect against the tricks of an unclean and evil eye.

Asking for help from the water element

How to charge your amulet or talisman from the water element? Water is an excellent conductor of energy, so with it you can both cleanse your magical attribute and recharge it.

In this case, you can perform a Slavic ritual on the full moon. To carry out such a magical deed, running water is required (a shower, a jet from a cold tap, etc.). If it is possible to perform a ceremony with spring water, then this is the best option, because there is a lot of natural energy in such water.

After dark, you need to take your talisman (it doesn’t matter if it’s new or already used), go to the bathroom (or to the spring) and turn on the cold water tap. First of all, you need to thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water, while saying the following phrases:

"Voditsa-voditsa, wash my face, get rid of the pendulum and give relief."

The plot is repeated three times.

After that, pick up the object and put it under the tap. Close your eyes and imagine how the thing is saturated with energy. Having tuned in to a wave of water, you need to say the following words:

“The water is pure, the water is transparent. No power can stop your flow. You, Voditsa, cleanse my amulet from unclean power, from an evil look. Feed him with your powerful strength. Thank you, Voditsa, for your help."

After the spoken words, the magical attribute is still held under running water for 5 minutes, after which it hides in a secret place. You can pick up such a thing charged with water only after one day.

Recharge from other natural elements

An amulet to attract love, good luck and other earthly blessings can be charged with one of the natural elements (fire, earth, air):

  1. To feed a magical attribute (corresponding to a mundane good rune), attracting financial well-being, love or good luck from the power of the earth, you need to bury it at night in the ground among the stones. During this procedure, it is necessary to read such a conspiracy: "Give to the land, accept the amulet."
  2. For charging from fire element need a candle yellow color. Having carried the thing over the flame three times, we pronounce the following words: “In the flame of anger and hatred, burn, and increase goodness. I ask for strong strength from the majestic fire.
  3. If your soul is more drawn to air element, then you should recharge the protective attribute from it. After waiting for windy weather, you need to go outside, substitute an object on a windy stream and say the following words: “Wind-breeze, I ask you for protection from an unclean eye, from a swear word. Take away all my troubles and strengthen my strength and my spirit.

Conspiracy speeches for recharging

Such conspiracy speeches are used both when creating magical paraphernalia, and when they are fed with energy. With the help of them, you can charge amulets that attract financial well-being, love and good luck.

As an example, consider a conspiracy with which you can attract good luck in love affairs. To do this, a new thing is taken (purchased in a store or made on its own) and with the onset of night it is spoken with the following words:

“As I am pure love, I want to meet her as soon as possible, so you, my charmed friend, will help me in this. Attract passionate, mutual and pure feelings. Open my heart to the beautiful young man. I speak to the purest love and wait for the fulfillment of my will.

When the amulet has just been bought or made, it needs to be charged. This is the activation of the magical qualities inherent in it. Without this procedure, it will be just a beautiful thing. If it is made by someone else's hands, it is required to remove extraneous energy from it. We offer a description of the rituals for cleaning amulets and charging them with the help of various elements.

What is an amulet

This is the word for Arabic means "to wear". It is an item endowed with magical powers. According to the plan, it should bring benefit to its owner and protect him from all sorts of troubles.

Amulets are often used as jewelry for wear. Often they are found in cockpits, in cars and other vehicles.

They are placed in houses. They can surround the barnyard. The materials of the amulets are different. This is wood, and steel, and silver.

It is very important to clean and charge them in the right way. There are natural types of amulets. They do not require additional feeding. By default, they already have a powerful natural force. These species include many animal elements, for example:

  • He gives his master remarkable strength, like a bear.
  • A stone with a hole in the center. He takes care of the livestock.
  • Clover with four leaves.

Cleansing procedure

It is based on prayer. A frying pan is used. Salt is poured into it. It bakes for 10 minutes. The fire mode is slow. During these minutes, you need to stir the salt and say prayers, for example: "Our Father." Salt is removed from the flame when it turns a little yellow.

After cooling, it is poured into a cup. An amulet is placed in this dish. Salt should cover it completely. In this state, he remains all night. You can charge it in the morning.

There are different methods for this. They are outlined below.

Operation using a church candle

How to charge the amulet in this way? Placed on the table church candle. It is necessary to say prayers, while moving the object over the fire. The displacement vector doesn't matter. Then the amulet should receive a charge of your energy.

He is taken into left hand. You need to look at him and beg for help. You need to explain to him his purpose, what you expect from him. After that, the amulet is covered with a palm right hand. You should feel how the energy flow is directed from it. It fills the amulet. The transformed energy follows you through your left hand. So this object becomes one with you.

Using the Elements

As you know, there are four elements: water, air, fire and earth. How to charge the amulet of one of them or all of them in the complex?

The rite requires components related to them:

  • A handful of earth.
  • A glass of water.
  • Fire.

Work with the earth

The earth is poured into a clay cup. The amulet itself is buried. At the same time, a prayer should be read.

Here it is important to observe the following criteria:

  • The earth must be dry.
  • The duration of the stay of the amulet in the ground is the whole night. Under these conditions, he will receive the necessary charge.
  • When you get the amulet, dig up the place where it was.

Application of water energy

How to charge the amulet from water? First, it is taken from a spring or other natural source. Secondly, it must be poured into a glass of crystal. Place the amulet in this dish. Read conspiracies over it that correspond to your goals (for protection, for good luck, and so on). You need to be very focused on your desires.

You can go to a natural spring. Put your amulet on the bottom there. Ask the water spirits to fill it with power.

If the material of your amulet is afraid of water, you can simply sprinkle it lightly on it.

It is not necessary to use waves for this rite, running ashore and retreating back. It is believed that they bring a lot of negativity.

Working with air

How to charge the amulet with this method? Wind is usually used to solve this problem. If it is on the street, this is the right moment for the planned procedure.

It is required to stand where it blows more powerfully. Pick up the amulet and pick it up. He must be well ventilated. At this point, you can ask for help from Higher powers and wind.

You can also charge with smoke. Most often they burn juniper or wormwood. You can use them together.

Juniper has long been considered a Veles plant. They cast out evil spirits. Position the amulet so that it is enveloped in smoke. Then set fire to a branch of this plant. When smoke appears, ask the deities and nature to fill the amulet with power.

Ritual with fire

In order for the amulet to receive the energy of fire, a fire is often used for this. It can be bred on any important day for you. For example, on the day of Perun or Mokosh. It's Thursday and Friday.

The impact of the fire will increase if it is laid out from specific types of wood. It should be free of rubbish and debris.

Light a fire. Place the amulet in your palms. Carry it over the flame. Ask for help from fire, gods, ancestors. In many cases this is enough.

If the amulet is fire resistant, you can briefly put it directly into the fire, but in such a way that you can get it without problems. The noble fiery power will eliminate all negativity and fill the amulet with its energy.

For the ceremony, you can use a new candle. Use only a match to light it. The amulet flies over her flames. In this case, you can ask for help and fire, and the gods. Task - the amulet must receive protective abilities.

After the procedure, the candle should burn out completely.

The color of the candle also matters. If it is green, the amulet will be sent to heal. If - white, for the reign of goodness and understanding in your home. If red - for love.

If your amulet is not resistant to flame, then hold it in your palms. It will charge even after a short contact of your hands with fire.

It is equated to the energy of fire and solar energy. On a clear day, place the amulet in an open place so that the sun's rays fall on it.

You can charge the amulet on a full moon. The second acceptable option is during the rising month. It is better to operate on a clear night. So the moonlight will completely touch the amulet.

Territories of power

Special energy is concentrated in the cult zones. It can be transferred to objects if the material from which they are made is energy-intensive. Then the amulet will gain tremendous power. Precious metals have such qualities.

How to charge the amulet if it is made of silver or gold? First, the desired location is selected. There is power where rituals have been performed since ancient times, sanctuaries have worked, and pagan celebrations have been held.

For this purpose, ancient settlements will fit. Even if today only ruins remain of them, the magical power is still preserved here.

Examples of such places:

  1. Xin Stone
  2. Horse-Stone.
  3. Jester stone.
  4. Arkaim.

You need to listen to the chosen place. Its energy should correspond to your intentions. You must feel it. Charging the amulet is as follows:

It is located on an earthen or stone surface. You ask the spirits of the area to grant him strength. Leave it here for 10-20 minutes. If conditions allow, you can leave for a day. But 10 minutes is enough for a full charge. The transfer of energy is instantaneous.

After the procedure, be sure to thank the spirits of the place for their support.

Elements in the complex

How to properly charge the amulet with all the elements at the same time? To do this, all the necessary components are taken from nature. This is a handful of earth, a little spring water, smoke from lit twigs, the sun or the flame of a fire. You can also use a candle.

How to charge the amulet at home with such a kit? The following algorithm is implemented:

  1. The amulet is sprinkled with a handful of earth.
  2. Sprayed with water or placed in a container with it.
  3. Smoked with smoke.
  4. It is carried out over a lit candle.

You can perform the ritual in nature. The same actions are performed. A place for the ceremony can be a clearing in the forest, some area in a meadow, on the banks of a river, in a garden.

Power from trees

Trees can also endow the amulet with positive energy. If you have your own supreme patron, then charging the amulet comes from his tree. Then the amulet will acquire the potential that you personally need.

The Slavs dedicated a certain tree to each deity:

  • Oak - Perun.
  • Spruce and juniper - Veles.
  • Maple - Rod.
  • Birch - Lada.
  • Aspen - Makosha.
  • Walnut - Chernobog.
  • Ash - Yarile.

How to charge the amulet with the energy of a tree? For the ceremony, you need to find the right places on the tree itself. It could be:

  • Hollow.
  • Peeling bark.
  • Branching.

Place an amulet in any of these places. Turn to the deity of this tree and the spirits of the forest with a request to help realize your plans.

Charging through yourself

This implies a connection with the cosmos, the passage of its energy through oneself. And then she already penetrates the amulet. It feeds on the person himself. The ritual is contraindicated for people with very weak energy. They may faint and be seriously weakened.

How to charge the amulet at home in this way? Retire. Light the green candle. Hold the amulet in your hands. Look at the burning candle for a couple of minutes. This will make it easier for you to fall into a trance.

Sit on a chair. Feet should touch the floor surface. This is a connection to the earth. Maintain a straight posture. Imagine this picture: a beam of light comes out of your crown. With it, you are in contact with the cosmos. It expands, you receive large amounts of positive energy. The whole body is gradually filled with light. You become warm.

When the cosmic light, with the help of your imagination, is in your hands, imagine that it penetrates into the amulet. At this moment, you merge with the amulet. You can say these words:

"Give me me when I am weak, because you are me."

Then return to the real world. End this relationship. Such a procedure and one visual contact with the amulet is enough to feel a surge of fresh energy.

Rite of the house with water and conspiracies

How to charge an amulet at home using water and conspiracies? Follow the amulet to the bathroom. For the ceremony, use only cold water. Wash your hands with soap. Wash your face. Say three times:

"Vodichka, wash my personal, remove the light, grant lightness."

Hold the amulet with your hands. Place it under a stream of running water. Indulge in the sensations of this water flow. This makes it easier to dive into trance. Tell: " The purest water washes away all obstacles on the road. Nothing and no one can cope with its powerful flow. Take away, little water, all the dirt from my amulet, lighten it with your noise. So that all the dirty tricks left him, all the sensations left him. May he be reborn and brighten anew. Thank you, water."

You can apply another conspiracy. There are many ready-made options. Choose any you like.

After that, hold the amulet under water for a while. It is important to capture your and his energy. After the ceremony, sleep one night away from the amulet. For example, place it in another room. So he will finally recover and recharge.

love rites

How to charge an amulet for love? Usually, actions depend on the type of amulet with such a program. They are next.

Special runes

For example: Laguz, Kano and Gebo. A runescript is formed from them. The main requirement for it is harmony. You must feel that the structure created carries power. Signs may be different colors. The color depends on your purpose:

  • Red is for passionate love.
  • Pink is for romance.
  • Green is for calm and deep relationships.

FROM reverse side amulet, write your data (date of birth and full name) and goals. Take it in your hands with the signs up. Imagine that each rune is charged by penetrating light. Then comprehensively charge this entire runic system.

Gris Gris Pouch

Its material is red suede. Dimensions: 5 x 10 cm. Ruby, turquoise, dried verbena, rhodolite, rosebuds and horse chestnut are placed in it. Also add an item related to you to this set, such as a ring, a scarf, etc.

The required number of components is here: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 or 13. Odd order. It must be adhered to. Before being placed in the bag, all items are consecrated on the altar. They can be christened or cast over them conspiracies.

When the bag is complete, a special mixture is added to it. It is created from amber, cardamom, rose and lavender. The bag is smeared with it from the outside. It needs to be pinned with inside clothes. That's how he wears it.

Intuitive Amulet

It is created from those components that, in your opinion, are associated with love. For example: a heart figurine, a red ribbon, or a rosebud.

A red candle is used for charging. The process goes over her flame. At the same time, you cast spells that were invented personally.

If you have difficulties with such an amulet, seek the assistance of experts in this field.

About money amulets

For this purpose, it is optimal to work with several amulets at once. This opens up more ways to replenish the budget.

Amulets are divided into the following categories:

  1. Type of impact.
  2. Appearance.
  3. observance of certain customs.

Amulets of the first presented category can be directed to:

  • Receiving a sudden sum. As a rule, it is insignificant.
  • Growth in income from an existing business or job. Increase cash flow depends on the starting position of the business and the power of the amulet. The effect lasts for a very long time.
  • Creation of new money paths. For example, often people have a hobby that can bring them significant profits, and they do not know about it. Thanks to the amulet, the road to additional income opens.

The appearance of amulets can be elegant, like coins with holes, or simple, like ordinary banknotes or pebbles.

By custom, these objects can be Scandinavian, Chinese, Egyptian and Wiccan.

The most popular money amulets are:

  • Imperial coin.
  • Chinese

How to charge amulets for money? The methods depend on their types. They are outlined below.

First bill

Having received it, mentally say "I open the way to prosperity." During the year with the appearance of income, say that money is drawn to money.

How to charge the amulet for money differently? You can imagine that other banknotes are attracted to this bill. In time it will happen


It must be bought on the first day of the new moon. You should not bargain and take change. Bringing the toad home, say that now it is her possession. Here it should bring financial well-being. Put her in her right place and thank her. Clean it with water once a week.

How to charge money amulet"Toad" in another way? With each arrival of finance, put a part of the funds under it. Sufficient and one coin or banknote.

Imperial coin

If it was done correctly, it will surely attract monetary well-being to its owner.

How to charge the imperial amulet and properly handle it? Charging happens with your own energy. You, as if communicating with the amulet, as with best friend. Ask him for help. This procedure should be repeated 1-2 times in 14 days.

Proper handling of the amulet implies compliance with the following formalities:

  • Hide this item from everyone.
  • Do not give or give it to anyone.
  • Don't tell anyone about it.
  • Keep it clean and tidy.

It is best to always carry it with you. It is effective both at home and at work.

About the Slavic "Source"

How to charge the source amulet? This question is often of interest to those who wish to purchase this item. Slavic amulets are already charged by default. They bestow their owner with solar clean energy.

However, there are opinions that it is impossible to charge such an amulet. This is true in many cases, but only for the average user.

This amulet is charged by the master for a specific person. This is a purely individual item of amulet. He speaks only with the consent of the customer. In doing so, his goals are taken into account.

Psychology of deception