Birthmark on the left palm of a woman. A mole on a woman's left hand.

Moles can form anywhere on the body. A person cannot influence their localization in any way.

Therefore, sometimes nevi appear in the most unexpected and not very convenient from the point of view of Everyday life places.

A mole in the palm of your hand is one of the rarest marks. Therefore, it is precisely such a nevus that is of particular importance.

  • All information on the site is for informational purposes and is NOT a guide to action!
  • We kindly ask you DO NOT self-medicate, but book an appointment with a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones!

But people who have this sign of fate in their palms are also concerned about other questions: are such nevi dangerous and should they be removed?

After all, the palms are open to various external influences, like no other part of the body. These questions are really important.

Reasons for the appearance

Palmistry believes that nevi in ​​the palm of your hand appear for a reason.

They carry some information from above, so they should be carefully studied in order to understand their purpose.

But medicine does not consider moles in the sense of their influence on the fate of a person, but numerous studies have confirmed the completely earthly, physiological nature of the occurrence of nevi.

The main reason why they appear on the skin is the excessive accumulation of melanin pigment in any of its cells.

This is due to a violation of its distribution, which can be caused by the influence of the following factors:

  • hormonal disruptions - an excess of hormones especially affects the formation of nevi. Puberty, even taking hormonal drugs can cause the appearance of new nevi on the body;
  • emotional overload, stressful situations - can cause various disturbances in the functioning of the body, including uneven distribution of melanin in cells;
  • excessive insolation - an increased amount of ultraviolet radiation received by the skin as a result of sunbathing or procedures in. Not only moles may appear, but the existing ones may also darken or increase in size;
  • injuries of the skin - especially if a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin is regularly injured or rubbed, subsequently a pigmented nevus may appear on it.

Not all situations under the influence of which nevi appear on the skin can be predicted in advance.

Therefore, existing moles should be monitored to avoid health problems.

What are

A sufficiently large species diversity of nevi is known. They classify them according to different criteria.

So, based on the structure, the following nevi are distinguished:

  • pigmented - formed by the accumulation of melanin in skin cells, the color of such formations varies from beige to dark brown and black;
  • vascular - formed from blood vessels penetrating different skin layers, have the appropriate color, from pink to burgundy.

According to the degree of isolation among the surrounding surface of the skin, moles are:

  • flat - are on the same level with the surrounding surface;
  • - rise above the surface of the skin in the form of a hemisphere or tubercle;
  • - such moles, as a rule, have a “leg” connecting the nevus to the skin;
  • age spots - as if spread over the surface of the skin, may have an irregular shape.

By origin, they distinguish:

  • congenital moles - their number and even location is determined by genes, appear on the skin, for the most part, in the first 10 years of life;
  • acquired - appear during life under the influence of various factors.

A specialist can easily identify a mole by its appearance.

Acquired moles are considered more than congenital, convex and hanging moles have a higher risk of injury.

But each nevus requires the same attention of the owner.

What is the danger

The palms are exposed to external influences more than other parts of the body:

  1. These are, firstly, mechanical influences. Such a nevus is very easy, doing daily activities. This will be especially noticeable if the formation protrudes above the surface of the skin. But flat nevi are injured no less often;
  2. secondly, the impact of various chemical compounds, ranging from soap and caring cosmetics to household chemicals.

All these factors can be called unfavorable for moles.

After all, due to their influence in the nevus, various processes can begin to develop: allergic, inflammatory and even malignant.

That is, education in the palm of your hand is an increased risk of developing cancer - or skin cancer.

Of all the malignant processes, melanoma is one of the fastest growing.

Therefore, to prevent such a risk, experts recommend removing moles on the palms and hands.

Video: "The whole truth about moles!"

Symptoms of degeneration into melanoma

It is possible to suspect some problems with an existing nevus by some signs.

Danger signs may include the following:

  1. A is asymmetry. A healthy mole is symmetrical if you draw an imaginary straight line through its center;
  2. K is the edge. the nevus has even clear outlines. If this border begins to creep out, to protrude beyond the general circle - consultation is needed;
  3. Oh, coloring. A bad sign is a change in the color of the mole. First of all, you should alert and. But even if the mole begins to brighten and disappear, its health needs to be checked;
  4. R is the size. Dangerous signs can be both a noticeable mole, and a decrease, drying out of the nevus;
  5. D - dynamics. Any changes in the appearance of the nevus require a doctor's consultation. , the disappearance of hairs from the surface, the appearance of tubercles or cracks may indicate the beginning of rebirth.

If you combine the initial letters of these signs, you get the word AKORD.

It's easy to remember.

Even if you cannot determine the sign exactly, but it seems to you that the mole has become different, not the same as usual, be vigilant.

Better let the anxiety be unjustified, but health will be preserved.


Medicine has various ways to remove nevi.

Each of them has its own indications, is preferred for specific cases:

  1. laser removal. The method is most common due to its safety, painlessness and the absence of traces on the skin in the future. The procedure is short in time and allows you to remove the mole completely in one session;
  2. cryodestruction - removal. Under the influence of a very low temperature of liquid nitrogen, the cells of the mole are frozen and destroyed. But if the nevus is formed in very deep layers of the dermis, then there is a possibility of its incomplete extraction and, therefore, relapse (that is, a mole may again form in this place in the future);
  3. – removal under the influence of high-frequency current. It is possible to remove a mole completely without bleeding, as the high temperature seals the damaged vessels. But the surrounding tissues are injured, so redness and longer healing cannot be avoided, as well as a scar at the site of the procedure;
  4. radioknife - removal with a special apparatus that emits radio waves. A more gentle method compared to the previous one, which makes it possible to remove the nevus completely and reduce the recovery period after the procedure;
  5. removal - cutting with a scalpel. Applies only to nevi with suspicion of them. The mole is removed along with adjacent tissues. Healing is quite long and a scar remains at the site of the operation. But on the other hand, the absence of relapse is guaranteed and you can make sure whether the formation was malignant by sending it to a special one.

And do not risk your health by removing a mole without consulting a specialist in a beauty salon, or, moreover, on your own.

Video: "What moles are dangerous to health"


Moles in the palm of your hand are not only rare marks.

They have one more interesting feature- can appear and disappear several times.

A nevus in the palm of your hand endows its owner with unusually powerful energy and willpower.

Such people strive for spiritual self-improvement and have a strong influence on their own destiny. They are able to change the destined and direct life in a completely different direction.

A lot of the meaning of moles in the palm of your hand depends on their color and location.

So what do these signs of fate say?

Depending on the color

The lighter the mole in the palm of your hand, the more good it carries.

  • It is believed that light moles attract energy to the area for which this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe palm is responsible. They enhance the positive meaning of such a sign or soften the negative.
  • Black or very dark moles, on the contrary, take away energy, weakening the health, character or abilities of a person.
  • A bright mole that suddenly appears is a good sign, which means the approach of a joyful event in a person’s life (family replenishment, promotion or material wealth).

Usually, having fulfilled its omen, the mole just as suddenly disappears.

  • If a mole appears on the palm yellow color, this may be a sign of an unhealthy hematopoietic system. Unlike a light mole - a harbinger of goodness - such a nevus lingers for a long time.
  • The appearance of a red mole is a bad omen. This may indicate the approach of some kind of illness or disaster. Most accurately, its meaning is deciphered depending on the location.

From the location

Nevi in ​​the palm of the hand become important, depending on the localization on certain tubercles or lines.

Palmistry identifies five bumps under each finger:

  1. Venus - under the thumb. A mole on it denotes some problems in love. This may be success with the opposite sex, but an unsuccessful marriage, or strong family relationships based on calculation;
  2. Jupiter - under the index. The mark on it carries an unfavorable meaning, which means problems in personal life, poverty or difficulties in communicating with others;
  3. Saturn - under the middle finger. The nevus located here is responsible for fate. What it will be is largely determined by its color and the general meaning of all the signs (lines, tubercles) in the palm of your hand;
  4. The sun is under the nameless one. A mole here cannot be called happy, because it portends a stormy dramatic life. But still, the influence of the Sun is great, so that an extremely unfavorable development of events (poverty, serious illness, unsuccessful marriage) should not be expected;
  5. Mercury - under the little finger. A bright mole will portend success in financial affairs, it can mean cunning, resourcefulness. The meaning should be considered in the totality of the meaning of the lines in the palm of your hand.

What means the location of the nevus on the lines of the palm?

Usually it enhances the meaning of this line.

That is, if the value of the line is positive, then the mole further confirms this, and vice versa:

  • a mole located on the life line can indicate a health problem or some kind of danger that lies in wait on the path of life;
  • a sign on the head line - increases the likelihood of head injury and diseases associated with it;
  • nevus on the line of the heart - cardiovascular disease or separation from a loved one, can also be a sign of uncontrollable jealousy;
  • a mark on the line of fate - a strong experience or material instability that occurs suddenly;
  • education on the line of the Sun means failure in life or business;
  • a mole on the line of knowledge can mean an unexpected change in profession or occupation, as well as deep disappointment in something;
  • if a mole appeared on one of the so-called "bracelet" lines, then this may mean an improvement or deterioration in well-being, depending on the value of this line.

Mole on inside the palm in the center can be called very favorable, especially if it is beautifully rounded and light.

  • If such a mole is located on the palm of the right hand, this will further enhance its positive meaning. Excellent relations with relatives, material well-being and stability in life - the nevus, as it were, protects all these benefits with its presence.
  • Nevus on the back of the hand is also very a good sign. Let it not promise untold wealth, but be a talisman for success and a happy life.
  • It is preferable if the formation appeared on the right palm. In the palm of the left hand, this sign may portend a hereditary disease. This is true if the person is right handed. For left-handers, it is better if a mole is formed on the palm of the left hand.
  • A mole in the palm of the left hand in women will be a favorable sign. But in a man, nevi have the most positive meaning if they are located on the right palm.
  • A lot of moles in the palm of a woman prophesy her wealth, happy life, including family. In men, a scattering of nevi on the palms and hands is a sign of extraordinary abilities that will certainly lead to success.
Actually, the meaning of moles on the palms is very ambiguous. They cannot be considered in isolation.

Only in conjunction with the general meaning of all lines and tubercles will their secret meaning become clearest.

A mole in the palm of a person can be found infrequently.

The most important purpose that it must fulfill is to prevent problems with the health of its owner.

And therefore, no matter how happy sign she was, sometimes it is better to remove it so as not to tempt fate.

Video: "Moles on the hands and palms"

A mole in the palm of your hand meets quite rare. Throughout a person's life, moles can appear on the palms and disappear. All moles differ in size and - they carry a different semantic meaning. Speaking in in general terms, the larger the mole in size, the more significant the impact it has on the fate of a person, and the color enhances both positive and negative qualities.

Why do moles appear on the palm?

If a mole appears on the palm of your hand, this may mean a sign from above. It is worth looking at it to read the meaning. Also moles can occur when hormonal disruptions in the body, and - during pregnancy. are acquired during life, but there are also congenital nevi. Also, moles can occur due to the negative effects of direct sunlight.

Take a close look at your palms. What can be read by moles on them? We will talk about this in our article.

The meaning of a mole in the palm of your hand

In palmistry, they often use the names of the planets in the name of certain parts of the hand. Name only seven planets. Venus(meaning love) is the area thumb. Jupiter(power) - index finger. Saturn(fate) - the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe middle finger. Sun, which affects our life success - the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ring finger. Mercury(practical implementation of all plans) - little finger. Moon and Mars- hills in the palm of your hand. Under each finger there is a mound, a kind of bulge, which bears the name of its ruling planet (finger).

So what does a mole in the palm of your hand mean?

A person who has a mole in the palm of his hand, by an effort of will or by his aspirations, can change his own life and direct their abilities to self-improvement and overcoming circumstances. People who have moles on their palms, very often they lead precisely a hermitic way of life, fundamentally denying the generally accepted foundations, and referring themselves to the elect, not like others.

Also a mole on the palm- this is evidence of great perseverance and boundless diligence. This is especially true for large moles. A favorable sign is very often a mole of a clear, regular shape.

There is an easy way to evaluate moles on the palm of your hand: if you clench your hand into a fist, then all the "bad" moles will remain outside it.

What does a mole in the palm of your hand say, depending on the color?

Light mole on the palm

It is only temporary is a very good sign warning of a joyful event (birth of a child, wedding, promotion, cash receipts.

Red mole on palm

Is a disturbing omen serious disaster.

yellow mole

Talks about problems with blood (anemia, leukemia, etc.), as well as with the spleen and liver.

Black or brown mole on the palm

Has a positive impact on your fate, but a lot depends on its location. Better if it is closer to the center. If there is a very dark mole in the palm of your hand, then this indicates the material success of its owner, but money does not stay with such a person because of the tendency to spend a lot.

Moles, nevi, or birthmarks can appear on a baby immediately after birth. In the future, areas with increased pigmentation are formed throughout life. Popular beliefs each mole is given special meaning. They guess by birthmarks - they predict the future and look into the past.

A mole in the palm of your hand appears quite rarely. The dermis on the inside of the hand is quite rough, the stratum corneum peels off as it becomes rough, and nevi "survive" only when they originate in the deep layers of the skin. But such formations do occur, and palmists associate their appearance with serious life changes.

In palmistry, each relief in the palm of your hand is a sign of fate. Birthmarks, located on the "map of life", can completely change the meaning of a particular prediction.

Palm - "star" card

First of all, attention should be paid to which hand the birthmark is on. Moles on the palm of the left hand in men and women indicate problems with karma in right-handers.

These problems may spread:

  • on negative traits in character that create difficulties in communication;
  • on the state of health - for yourself and loved ones;
  • on financial condition.

The same importance is attached to the appearance of a birthmark on the right palm for left-handers.

Of great importance is the location of the mole in the palm of your hand.

The line of life departs from the very edge of the palm, goes around the hillock of Venus, passes by the hillock of Jupiter and ends almost at the bend of the arm. Each segment of this line means a certain age period in a person's life. In the palm of the left hand, a mole on the line of life, which appeared suddenly, indicates that fate is preparing a serious test at this time. It is impossible to avoid danger if the birthmark is located at the intersection of the lines of life, heart and mind, you can only prepare for it.

Mount Jupiter is located under index finger. The nevus on it indicates an imperious character, hypertrophied pride and vanity. Such a person walks over "corpses". However, he needs to constantly monitor his actions and words. One mistake and everything he did in life will collapse.

The mount of Saturn is under the middle finger. What does a mole in the palm of your hand mean on this elevation? She points to constant life troubles, unhappy family life, failures in relationships with the opposite sex. Problems can be reduced if you try not to fall into aggression over a trifle. When a birthmark is between the points of Saturn and Jupiter, it will not be possible to mitigate scandals with all diligence - they even extend to working moments.

The pronounced elevation under the ring finger is called the ring of Apollo. Swelling in this place indicates a desire for fame and fame.

The appearance of a dark spot on the sign of Apollo puts an end to such dreams. You can "stick" to someone else's glory, but you should not dream of recognizing your own talent. If you try to stand out, others will harshly condemn you.

Under the little finger is the elevation of Mercury.

If it is significantly expressed, there is no doubt that cheating is in the blood of a person. He will constantly lie, for no apparent reason, it is impossible to stop him, even if "catch on hot". Has a birthmark appeared in this place? So, there is a chance to stop the unbridled fantasy and succeed. To do this, you need to decide on a hobby and do only what you like. Success will be achieved.

People who are unsure of themselves are likely to have a mole on the belt of Venus - a place below the tubercles, located opposite the middle and ring fingers. The sign - a dark spot indicates - it's time to discard the complexes and pull yourself together. You need to love yourself, and those around you will also approach, the laughter behind your back will stop. Fate gave a sign - you can still fix it.

At the thumb, along the bulge, is the line of Mars. If a mole appears on it, then patience is running out, ordinary composure can fail, which is fraught with injury. People who have this sign walk as if on a knife edge - they should learn to control themselves. It is interesting that a mole on the right palm, located on the line of Mars, indicates a changeable character, nervousness, but at the same time its owner has good health, and all his troubles can be explained by his mood.

The tubercle of the sun is located almost in the very center of the palm. A birthmark on it is a sign of misfortune. In life you will have to face injustice, love relationship may well end in drama, a high risk of entering into an unsuccessful marriage, losing a job and falling into poverty.

In the very center of the palm, to the right of the solar mound, is the ring of the moon. A person with such a nevus should avoid contact with the water element, and with people with increased imagination. These meetings can end negatively for him. Traveling by sea or river can lead to disaster, and the desire and help to realize someone's dreams can lead to physical suffering and spiritual disappointment.

The line of the mind is located just above the line of life.

A mole on it can turn out to be a symbol of talent and a prediction that it is impossible to succeed in the chosen field. A bright birthmark rising above the skin shows that a person is simply stupid.

From the middle finger diagonally to the wrist runs a line of happiness. If fate interrupts the solid line with a black dot, it is useless to wait for success and recognition. Everything will have to be achieved with hard work, but there is no hope that the efforts will be rewarded according to merit.

The main characteristics of neoplasms

The larger the nevus, the brighter it is, the higher it is raised above the skin surface, the more influence it has on fate. Palmists believe that small moles are from God, and large ones are from the devil. In the same way, they characterize the color of the neoplasm. The lighter it is, the greater the likelihood that the appearance is for good.

A round birthmark with smooth edges - to favorable life changes. This observation proves that palmists have long noticed a connection between pathologically altered neoplasms and deterioration in health.

If the mole changes shape, becomes asymmetrical, itches, becomes inflamed - this means that cell degeneration has begun and, most likely, an oncological process has been launched in the body.

  • A long pigmented spot is noticed - to an imminent danger;
  • in the form of a crescent - you should not get involved in an adventure;
  • in the form of a triangle - to the rise of libido.

You should not enter into a close relationship with a person whose mole in the palm of his hand, crossing the line of life, has the shape of a square with right angles. This is a clear sign of insanity with a tendency to sexual aggression.

Moles that appear in women during pregnancy, before childbirth and the end of breastfeeding, should not be considered as signs of fate. This is a natural phenomenon - the body works with increased load, there is a hormonal surge.

Doctors even have their own superstition about nevi and pregnancy - if a woman has increased pigmentation, then everything is fine in the body. The body produces enough hormones so that no pathological conditions arise during pregnancy.

It is worth contacting a palmist only if, after childbirth and the end of lactation, the nevi in ​​the palm of your hand have not disappeared.

At whatever time and wherever a mole appears, if it causes discomfort, hurts, itches, has blurry edges, you should consult a doctor.

Only a doctor can determine the nature of the neoplasm. If removal is required, it is unreasonable to refuse. One of the most severe types of oncological processes - melanoma - occurs when a mole is reborn.

Moles are considered marks of karma that allow you to learn a lot of interesting information about a person’s character. In palmistry, such natural marks play an important role. A mole in the palm of the right hand most often carries negative information and indicates. Thanks to observation and certain experiments, it was possible to find out what such signs on the body mean.

The value of moles in the palm of your hand

Palmists offer their explanations for natural marks on the hands:

  1. If the mole is on the line of Life, then the person will have to face numerous problems.
  2. The owner of the mark on the line of the Heart does not know how to control his own aggression. In addition, he often shows jealousy and exactingness.
  3. A mole on the right palm on the line of Mars indicates the instability of the nervous system, but at the same time good health. The owners of such a mark are often spoiled by fate.
  4. If the natural mark is on the line of Fate, this is a symbol of serious bad luck, and this happens most often unexpectedly.
  5. A mole appeared on right hand on the line of Health, then we should expect health problems.
  6. To see a mole in the middle on the Marriage line means that in life it will be difficult to find a soul mate. If it is located elsewhere on this line, then in family relationships there will be many quarrels and .
  7. A mole in the palm of your hand on the line of Intuition means that a person will have to experience great disappointment in life and this can lead to depression.
  8. If the mark is located on the line of Voluptuousness, this is a bad sign. Life will be filled with various tragedies and problems in relationships with the opposite sex.
  9. Owners of a mole on the line of the Sun will often encounter problems in business and work.
  10. The natural mark on the hill of Jupiter is a symbol of self-doubt and indifference.

Moles on the palms rarely occur, often the appearance of such nevi portends some changes in fate. These spots can be located in different places of the brush, differ in shape and color. What do palmists and doctors say about such unusual moles?

Moles on the palm form as suddenly as on the body. People often associate them with some important, mystical event in life. Birthmarks on the hands indicate the acquisition of a new character trait, warn a person about imminent changes in life, not always positive. Sometimes the spots disappear as suddenly as they appeared - this means an important loss, getting rid of something. The appearance of moles on the hands is the first sign of pregnancy. They mean changes in a woman's life. Such spots show what will be the character of the baby, his talents and future.

Palmistry great importance gives nevi on the hands. Experts in this field believe that people with such spots can overcome any difficulties, are constantly engaged in self-improvement, they have strength and will and craving for victories. But at the same time, men and women with spots on their palms are not very sociable, they prefer to be alone more - they have high self-esteem, it is difficult to build relationships with them. Often, moles on the hands mean religiosity, the desire to study the unknown.

The appearance of moles, from the point of view of medicine:

  • prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • frequent visits to the solarium;
  • poor ecology, living in regions with high levels of radiation;
  • hereditary predisposition to cancer;
  • nevi are formed after surgery, chemotherapy, against the background of weakened immunity;
  • in pregnant women, the cause of the appearance of nevi is hormonal imbalance.

Doctors believe that people with a large accumulation of moles should be attentive to their health, regularly undergo examinations for the presence of tumor markers. Is it necessary to remove nevi on the palms? If their occurrence is not accompanied by itching and redness, the shape and color do not change, then the spots should not be removed. But often such neoplasms are prone to injury, cling to something, begin to bleed - in this case, they must be disposed of in order to avoid the development of skin cancer.

What do moles located on the palms mean?

Palmists pay special attention to the nevi on the hands, it is important for them whether the man or woman has spots, on which palm they are located. Interpretations of moles on the palms of representatives of different schools may differ.

For the simplest diagnosis, you need to mentally divide the surface of the palm to the base of the fingers into 4 squares, depending on which part the nevus is in, you can make any predictions.

Moles on the right palm indicate light and happy life's road. It will be easy for a person to achieve his goals, there will be no special obstacles in the way. Such nevi mean that among the ancestors there were no criminal and dishonorable personalities, the karma is pure.

The appearance of moles on the left palm speaks of a kind of ancestral curse, some genetic diseases. Such spots can mean a penchant for magic, the occult. People with nevi on the left palm are often unhappy in love, a successful marriage is possible in adulthood.

The meaning of moles on the back of the hand - such nevi mean happy fate, luck. Such people tend to achieve their goals, although success can come at an advanced age. Spots on the wrist portend success in life, such people love to learn, quickly grasp all new information, have good health, are lucky in their personal lives. Nevi on the wrist mean perseverance and hard work. But often pickpockets and magicians have such marks.

If the nevi are located close to the edge of the palm, then this means that the person is sociable, does not experience any particular financial difficulties. But he has poor health, it is necessary to give up addictions, eat right and balanced, and exercise regularly. Spots that are located closer to the end of the palm are good analysts, but at the same time, such people have a very changeable character.

Palmistry about nevi on the palms of representatives of different sexes

Palmists always claim that all marks on the palms of people can have absolutely different meaning depending on gender. The same moles for a man can be harbingers of happiness, and warn women of danger.

Locations of the mole In men Among women
Right wrist Decisiveness, iron will, purposefulness, stubbornness selfishness, perseverance
Left wrist Poor health, frequent colds Good health, luck, financial stability
Right hand Luck, propensity for business Life will be successful only in adulthood
Left hand Life does not indulge them, but they stubbornly go to their goal. Financial stability, significant position in society
Left hand palm They do not have their own opinion, often find themselves in ridiculous situations Excessive caution, never risk
Right hand palm Creativity, out-of-the-box thinking The gift of clairvoyance, good creativity, by an effort of will, successful events can attract

If a large mole is located directly in the central part of a man’s right palm, this means that luck and well-being will be his companions from birth. In women, such a stain indicates well-being, financial stability only after marriage, marriage will be concluded with a beloved and wealthy man.

It also matters, near which finger the nevus is located:

  • near the thumb - a controversial character, a vibrant life;
  • index - people with a calm character. They know how to carefully weigh everything, there will be many successes and defeats in life;
  • medium - creative individuals, with a rich worldview;
  • nameless - an active person who cannot stay in one place for a long time;
  • little finger - intuition, extrasensory abilities.

Shape and color of nevi

All moles differ in shape and color, the more noticeable the spot, the greater value it affects fate. Not only palmistry, but also astrology carefully studies the nevi on the hands.

Very dark nevi often happen to lucky people who know how to make money, but also easily part with them. Bright pink spots mean authoritarianism, determination, sometimes they warn of possible serious problems in life. Light, inconspicuous spots appear in happy and in love people. And yellow moles mean that there is a high probability of developing diseases of the liver, blood, and spleen.

The value of moles depending on the location:

  • line of Mercury - a creative person, a successful businessman;
  • line of Venus - possible problems of a gynecological nature, infertility;
  • line of fate - you need to be careful about finances;
  • heart line - moles mean imminent love disappointment or a serious illness of the cardiovascular system, often very jealous people;
  • line of intuition - nevi appear in lucky people;
  • head line - you need to be careful, there is a high probability of injuries, accidents.

The value of moles in the palm of your hand also depends on what shape they have, whether they are located in groups or individually. Oval nevi warn of serious trials, and round ones - of an imminent joyful event. If the spots form a star or a triangle, then this is one of the signs of a successful and carefree life.

Moles on the hands of women and men are always of interest to astrologers and palmists. When new nevi appear with a sharp increase in their number, doctors recommend undergoing a complete examination to prevent the development of melanoma.

Encyclopedia of diseases