Online fortune-telling whether I will have children. How to know when I'm pregnant by date of birth

Such a serious question - when will I get pregnant, worries mature women, for whom family and conception come first.

It is very relevant for those who do not immediately get a child. Fortune telling, of course, is not the surest way to find out the time of conception, but it is a psychologically correct move to calm down and move on to the active actions necessary for the onset of pregnancy.

"Grandmother's" recipes and signs

Our grandmothers were wise, they did not have any fortune-telling on the Internet, offering to get an answer to any question online. They used methods proven by the people for free to bring the moment of pregnancy closer.

In order not to guess, but to know for sure, young women who are tormented by the question “when will I get pregnant” knowledgeable people advise:

  • In advance, before the onset of conception, buy all sorts of baby things: a rattle, a cap.
  • Visit places of pilgrimage. The patroness of motherhood has always been considered mother of God, and among the saints - Joachim and Anna, Fevronia and Peter.
  • Get a ficus in the house, take care of it carefully - you will quickly become pregnant.
  • Willow is also a fertile plant for conception, it is worth keeping in the house.
  • Seek help from herbs. In Altai, for example, a red brush grows, which will help you get pregnant.

  • If suddenly someone gives you a product with pearls, you don’t need to guess, it’s a great sign, there will be a child soon.
  • Care and care for other people's children. You can even adopt a child. And there usually your own is not far off.
  • You will be warned that conception is coming soon. Usually, houseplants grow rapidly or bloom those that have not pleased with flowers for a long time.
  • If you have adopted a homeless kitten, you do not need to ask when the pregnancy will come. Soon. It is especially good if he himself came.
  • You need to eat such foods that have become symbols of pregnancy and conception: all grains, nuts, eggs and caviar, drink milk.

It is more often to be in the company of pregnant women, it is better if they are relatives. If you try on the things of those who are already pregnant, stroke them on the stomach, drink from their cup, sit on an armchair or chair of a pregnant woman. These are all good harbingers of pregnancy for you, but this should not happen intentionally, but spontaneously.

Spell to Christmas

The easiest Christmas divination pregnancy - go to bed with the question in my head - when will I get pregnant. Then evaluate the sleep response.

In Christmas time, they tell fortunes for everything, and even for children. For example, there is such fortune-telling on water. You can take a simple glass with a flat bottom, pour holy water into it, put a ring in it (married - engagement, unmarried - any that you always wear).

Leave the glass overnight in the cold, and in the morning look at the ice in the glass.

  • If it is completely smooth, you will not get pregnant this year.
  • If there are depressions in the ice, this is for the daughter.
  • On the contrary, tubercles, protrusions - to the birth of a son.

If you don’t have time to give birth before the next Christmas time, then conception will happen for sure.

Fortune telling with a wedding ring (those who are married) and with a needle (those who are girls) is also suitable for everyone. On holy night, hang a ring or needle on a woolen thread and hold it over your left palm. You certainly cannot do such fortune-telling online.

  • Will not move - do not expect an addition this year.
  • He walks in circles - to his daughter.
  • From side to side - to the son.

On the night before Christmas, tell fortunes like this: write the names of the months on the leaves and put them under the pillow. When you wake up in the morning, draw one at random. What month is indicated - in that conception is possible.

You can do divination by pulling objects. Usually they wrap it in cloth, paper, and then put a coin (for money), a ring (for marriage), a small onion (for tears), a nut (for prosperity), bread (for abundance) in an opaque bag.

And you add something there that would symbolize pregnancy, a small children's toy or little thing. Pull out - be a child.

Other fortune-telling for pregnancy

1. You can guess from dreams, they will point to early pregnancy. The most common dream for conception is fish. Other images favorable to conception are jewelry, eggs, newborns, milk, a cradle.

2. Remember which of your relatives had many children in the family. If such a relative is alive, visit her with gifts and gifts. If she is no longer in this world - prepare a wake, call the family. Mentally ask her and all kinds of blessings.

3. If a pregnant woman suddenly comes to your wedding - an exact indication that soon you will be pregnant. It is also good if a pregnant woman came into your house by accident, for example, she made a mistake with an apartment - a very good sign.

4. We noticed an apple tree that will give a lot of fruit this year - appease it, tie a beautiful ribbon or some kind of decoration, take care of it.

However, first of all, you should take care of your husband. And rather than spend time on online classes, spend it better romantic evening with your loved one. Author: Maria Serova

Even before the advent of ultrasound and gynecological rooms, women had their own means to find out how many children there would be, and even what gender they would be. Just a way, true and proven by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, mothers - a variety of ways of guessing "How many children will be." You can not believe in them, just indulge, or make sure of the veracity or delusion of women who find out the number of future children by fortune-telling.

Fortune telling "how many children there will be" by hand

You can tell fortunes for children along the lines on your hand. There are different schools of palmistry in the world, and each of them has its own interpretation of lines and dashes in the palm of your hand. It is sometimes very difficult to understand them, so it is better for beginners to use the most accessible options for such fortune-telling.

The first way to determine by the hand how many children there will be is to find a horizontal line of marriage under the little finger and love relationships. It is located between the little finger and the line of the heart, which runs through the entire palm from the index finger. Above the horizontal line of relations (or lines, since there may be several of them), you can consider vertical lines - these are the lines of children. You need to count them and you will find out how many children you can have. Moreover, long lines indicate boys, short lines determine the possibility of the birth of girls, and a line in the form of a checkmark means the birth of twins.

Another way to determine how many children you will have is to look for "baby" dashes on the hill of Venus. To do this, you need to find the vertical lines located just below the base thumb. Usually these dashes are quite clearly visible and not so difficult to find.

Also pay attention to the line of the heart. It originates between the index and middle fingers and runs horizontally across the entire palm. This line ends with a characteristic "Christmas tree". In order to find out how many children you will have, you need to count the “branches” of this “Christmas tree”.

If you carefully consider your right and left palm, then the number of lines of children on them can be different. Palmists say that potential is reflected on the left hand, and fate is reflected on the right. That is, you can have four children, and give birth to only two. Some women are also upset that the number of "childish" lines on the palms of their chosen one is different than their own. Hand divination experts say that this may indicate that a man already has children or will have children from other women, or that a man’s potential is greater than his wife’s desire or ability in terms of childbearing.

Fortune telling "how many children will there be" on coffee grounds

For fortune-telling about children on coffee grounds, you need to have a sufficiently developed imagination. Divination begins with a clear formulation of the question to which you want the answer. For example: "I want to know how many children I am destined to give birth." Then coffee should be brewed. For divination, you will need medium or finely ground coffee, a Turk and a cup and saucer. Moreover, a cup is needed with smooth white walls and a round bottom. Whether or not to add sugar when making coffee is up to you.

Freshly brewed coffee is poured into a cup and drunk in small sips. While drinking coffee, you need to think about what you want to know "how many children I will have." For fortune-telling, you should not finish drinking two or three sips of a fragrant drink. Now you can proceed to the divination procedure itself. We say a question, the answer to which we want to get is “how many children will I have”, and shake the contents of the cup several times clockwise. Then we turn the cup upside down on a saucer and wait 2-3 minutes until the thick flows down the walls and dries a little. We turn the cup over and carefully study the stains of coffee on its walls and bottom.

In order to get an answer to the question: “How many children will I have?”, you need to see egg-shaped spots in the cup, or circles interspersed in the middle. How many eggs or circles you can see - so many children you have to give birth. If you see the circle correct form- a boy will be born, wrong - a girl. Also, a sign similar to a fish speaks of pregnancy. If the fish swims up, the child will be born. If down - abortion. And of course, the clear outline of the baby also promises the imminent birth of a child. Moreover, the closer the drawing is to the handle of the cup, the faster the event will happen. But the drawings located on the bottom predict a distant future, the probability of which is lower than the predictions that you can see on the walls.

How many children will I have: by date of birth

To find out how many children she will have, a girl can turn to numerology. The method of determining the number of future children is simple - you just need to add up all the numbers that make up the date of your birth, and add to it the number of children that your parents have. The resulting two-digit number must be added together. As a result of the calculations, a number should be obtained from 1 to 9. For example: your date of birth is August 2, 1991, you have a sister, and your father has a son from his first marriage. Thus, your parents have only three children with you. We consider the sum of numbers: 2+8+1+9+9+1+3=33; 3+3=6. Your magic number is six.

Interpretation magic numbers:

1 - You have every chance to become a mother of many children. Moreover, if you prefer family and children to a career, you will definitely become happy and feel like a fully self-fulfilled woman.

2 - You can easily conceive and give birth to your first child, but you can never bear a second baby if you are not extremely attentive to your health. You will have to make a lot of efforts so that your second child is still born.

3 - It will take you a very long time to choose the man with whom you decide to start a family and have a baby. The chance of not meeting the ideal chosen one is very high. Three indicates late delivery and one child. Another option is also possible - your chosen one will be barren and you will have a difficult choice: to be with him and remain childless, or to look for another life partner.

4 You will have two children: a boy and a girl. Most likely, there will be a difference of more than 5 years between children.

5 - You are destined to have twins or twins, even triplets are not excluded, so get ready to become a mother of many children.

6 - You will have three children. The first two times you will become a mother before the age of 30, but you will most likely give birth to a third baby after 40. A third child can also be born from a second marriage.

7 - You are not eager to become a mother, as a result of which you can consciously choose the fate of childfree (free from children). Or give birth to one child, but his grandparents will be engaged in his upbringing.

8 You are destined to be the mother of two children. You will think about a third baby, but you won’t decide for financial reasons, or because of fears for your health.

9 - If you manage to give birth to a child, then most likely through artificial insemination. However, this disappointing forecast does not at all exclude the possibility of adopting a baby.

Fortune telling with the help of a thread and a needle "how many children will there be"

This method is suitable for young girls, it was in this way that in the old days they found out how many children were prepared for them. Need a simple needle and be sure white thread. The material from which the thread is made is not defined, you can use natural thread or artificial thread. You just need to thread the eye of the needle, place it at a distance from the palm of your hand, holding on to the tip of the thread (a few fingers apart). The needle should not touch the palm, otherwise fortune-telling will not work.

So, the girl who is guessing should hold her hand evenly, and the "fortune teller" should hold a needle on a thread above her hand. In this case, the needle itself will gradually begin to swing, so you can find out how many children and what gender they will be. The number of swings is the number of children. If the needle "walks" in a circle - a girl, if forward and backward - a boy.

Fortune telling "how many children there will be" on stones

Such a method as divination by stones can be tried both on the holy week (from Christmas to Epiphany), and simply by arranging gatherings with friends. You need small, round and flat stones, a water tank, a marker and ink. These ingredients are useful for two types of fortune-telling "how many children will be." You need to take a few stones, write numbers on them with a marker. From one to five, it all depends on how many children you are planning in general. The more you want a family, the larger the number, let it be the maximum. On each stone, write one number, dip into the water. You can wait until the marker is washed off in the water, what number remains, this is the number of children you will have.

The second method is fortune-telling to find out how many and what gender the children will be. Take about 10 stones, write names on them in ink, you can equally - five girls and boys. Now put in a tank of water, a vase, a basin or a bucket that is of a suitable size so that the stones do not lie one on top of one. Wait until the ink begins to dissolve in the water. The names and the number of stones will tell you how many children there will be and what gender.

Fortune telling "how many children will there be" on my mother's wedding ring - or fortune telling on a ring without a stone

Take a suitable ring, it's better to use mom's wedding ring, which does not contain stones. Take the same thread, a glass, fill it with water, a little more than half. You can also take a jar, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is to keep the ring on a thread above the water without dipping it. Ask, mentally, a question to the ring. Count how many times the ring, swinging, hits the sides of the container. This will be the number of children.

Fortune telling "how many children will there be" on the cards

This fortune-telling method is the most common, so they find out how many children there will be, how many marriages, about fate, and so on.

We need a deck, of course, new ones, not playing cards. You need to shuffle them carefully, this should be done by a girl who wants to know the number of her future children. Now slide the deck with your left hand, cards towards you, then shuffle again and select nine cards from the deck, face down, so you can't see them first.

What does it mean? Among the cards, 7 diamonds came across - you will give birth to as many children as you want, they will have good health and well-being. If four 7s fall out, then you should be afraid for your health, monitor it and take care of it in order to give birth to healthy and happy summers. A peak 6 falls out - you need to be careful, this is a bad omen. But don't take this kind of news seriously. Divination is not an exact thing, and not scientific. If the news is good - an additional incentive, if it's bad - never mind, just be careful about yourself and your loved ones.

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From time immemorial, the birth of a child and pregnancy have been given special importance. This is a wonderful event in the life of every woman. Everyone is looking forward to this moment and want to know when it will happen. In various cultures, pregnancy has always been associated with astrology. There is a special fortune-telling, which is called: "When I get pregnant by date of birth." It is based on the knowledge of astrologers related to the lunar calendar.

Pregnancy and divination

The lunar calendar of conception has been used since Babylonian times. From it you can find out when the most auspicious time for pregnancy. The veracity of the method was confirmed by the studies of the doctor Eugene Jonas. The calculation method is based on the cyclicity with which the moon rises or falls. When the heavenly body is in the same phase as the woman's natal moon, this will be a favorable moment for conception. The method can give a successful result in 98% of cases, although it seems completely unscientific. For example, if a woman was born on the days of the waning moon, then pregnancy will occur on the same days with the highest probability. With this calendar, you can accurately plan conception.

The female body, preparing for pregnancy, at some point reaches the peak of readiness for conception. It should be noted that at this very moment, the Sun and Moon will be in motion at exactly the same distance as the planets characteristic of female horoscope. Even without an exact date of birth, you can find out the signs of the zodiac in which the planets are now in the phase of childbearing, and which of them can now become pregnant. With the astrological calendar, you can easily determine which days the moon passes through the desired zodiac sign. Those days in which the Sun is in exactly the right sign will be the peak of the body's readiness to conceive a child and become pregnant.

How to determine?

When will I get pregnant by date of birth? The science of numerology will help answer this question. First, count the number of births. Add the numbers of the month, day and year of birth. If in total it turned out even number, then a woman will be able to become a mother when she is an even number of years old, if not even, then when she is an odd number of years old. Another option is to add up all the numbers of the dates of birth of the spouses and bring them to a single digit. Even or odd, the sums indicate how many years later the attempt to conceive will be successful, and the couple will have a baby.

By the date of birth of the partners, you can also find out the sex of the unborn baby. Divination consists in adding up all the numbers. The resulting denominator must be divided by the ordinal number of the month of conception. If the result is a number with a remainder, then it must be rounded. At the end of all calculations, an even number will mean that you will have a girl, an odd number will mean a boy.

Another way to find out the answer to an exciting question is fortune telling on runes. You need to ask the runes a question: “when will I get pregnant?”, you must definitely say the names: yours and your partner, how old are you, give the dates of birth. The runes will give you the answer when the long-awaited event happens.

A simple fortune-telling to determine the sex of a child can be done independently, using a needle and thread. A needle on a thread is held over the stomach, a question of interest is asked. If she moves back and forth, then you will have a boy, from side to side - a girl.

You can compare the year of conception with the year of birth of a woman: if the numbers are even, most likely a girl will be born, if one number is even and the second is not, then there will be a boy.

An experienced astrologer can help you find out the most accurate prediction for you by compiling personal horoscope. Pythagoras also developed a system by which you can calculate the installation of a life code by date of birth.

Online divination

To date, to find out about the presence of pregnancy, you can go for free online test. These tests are pretty accurate. If, for example, there is no pregnancy test at hand, and you really want to know the answer to the question of whether you are pregnant or not, then such an online service will come in handy.

To find out the answer to your question, you need to click the mouse in the right place, and eight tarot cards will fall out:

  • the first will talk about the strength of the desire to get pregnant;
  • the second card will show whether you can conceive or are already pregnant at the moment;
  • what follows is a prediction of what you need to sacrifice;
  • the fourth lasso will show the changes in life that the baby will bring;
  • the fifth card will show how the birth of a baby will affect your family budget;
  • the sixth lasso will help you understand whether it is worth being next to the man from whom you are going to give birth, whether he will be a reliable partner in life and whether he will become a good dad;
  • the seventh card will tell you if you really need a child right now - perhaps you should wait another year or two;
  • the eighth lasso is able to show when the long-awaited event will come.

Various signs that may indicate an imminent pregnancy

Since ancient times, people began to notice various signs that precede the conception of a child:

  • to see a fish in a dream - for an early pregnancy;
  • if unexpectedly you were presented with pearls, then you should not even guess - soon your wish will come true;
  • you can find out about pregnancy by pets, for example, by a dog or a cat - their behavior will change, they will treat you very carefully, the cat can lie down next to your stomach, this means that a baby has already settled inside you: great news if a homeless animal has strayed to you, you cannot drive it away.

Any fortune-telling is only an indication of the possible course of events, and how the fate of a person will turn out depends only on him. Do not be upset if fortune telling predicts that your desire will not come true. Concentrate on what you want and everything will come true.

Despite its apparent simplicity, divination is ultimately a ritual that predicts fate. Online version any divination
of course, this is a less serious procedure than, say, real divination on Tarot cards, but if you want to get the most
the exact result, we suggest that you follow a number of simple rules before starting the fortune-telling process:

1. Before starting fortune-telling, be sure to focus on your question, think about what exactly you want to know.

2. During fortune-telling, it is important to be in a calm environment, so that no one bothers you.

3. For greater concentration, count to 10 and take 2-3 deep exhalations and inhalations.

4. It is very useful to think in advance the time after which you want fortune-telling to come true.

5. Do not repeat the same fortune-telling more than twice - the cards will lie. Try another divination and change a little
or ask a question!

6. Even a negative answer to fortune-telling is perceived as positive. Remember that what is not done is for the best!

7. And remember: You and only you decide what your future will be! You received a forecast, and how to act depends
only from you.

Good luck guessing!

Magical rites reveal various information - about love, about life, about a career. They will help to find out about future babies - their number, gender, health status. Divination for children implies purity of intentions, a sincere desire to give birth to a baby and faith in magic.

General rules of divination

The result of the rites depends on the experience of the magician, his desires and goals. But even beginners can independently conduct rituals and find out all the information about future children. To avoid a rollback or error, the following rules must be observed:

  • strictly follow the instructions;
  • tune in to the ritual;
  • stay alone;
  • turn off electrical appliances;
  • believe in magic, do not do fortune-telling for fun.

As a preparation, it is advised to rest, relax, turn on your favorite music. The expectant mother should be calm, keep the image of the baby in her thoughts and surrender to the hands of fate.

How many children will

For young girls, it is very important to know in advance the expected number of babies. It adds confidence, brings the family closer. The information will help you to correctly allocate time. It is important to note that the number of children is determined by the father and mother, and magic gives recommendations for the harmonious course of life.

At Christmas time

Millet grains will help determine how many children a woman will have

Spend it at home in the spring on the growing moon:

  1. The girl takes a pinch of seeds, rinses them.
  2. Leaves in damp cotton for a day.
  3. A day later, it determines the result by the number of sprouted grains - they will tell you how many children there will be in the future.

It is important to note that the use of fertilizers and additional funds during fortune-telling is prohibited.

Question to a child

Accurate divination is based on the special power of young children, their connection with other worlds. It is necessary to approach the baby, who is better known and ask him for the number of future children, you can ask about their gender or find out when they will appear.

You should ask unexpectedly, without making preparations. The age of the baby is a maximum of six years, but what younger child- the more reliable the information. It is best to ask children who are just one year old. The unconscious response is the most valuable.

Find out the gender of the baby

Boy or girl - this question is asked by both pregnant women and those who are just planning a baby. Important information allows you to correctly prioritize, prepare for education.

By hand

With a wedding ring

An ancient fortune-telling that will help a pregnant woman at home to find out exactly about the gender of the child. Before guessing at children, you need to remove the wedding ring and thread a red thread into it.

Ritual performance:

  1. The girl lies on her back, breathing deeply and evenly.
  2. He brings the ring to his stomach, straightens his arm, allowing the thread to move.
  3. Follows the direction of movement.

If the trajectory resembles a circle, a boy is expected, and if the pendulum is a girl.

Ritual with thread and needle

The truthful results of which have been tested for years. It will help to find out the gender of the child even for a girl who is not yet going to become a mother.

The fortuneteller takes a needle, threads a white thread into the eye:

  1. Straightens the leading hand perpendicular to the floor, moves the thumb to the side.
  2. The other hand holds the thread, lowers the structure three times into the space between thumb and the rest.
  3. Brings a needle to each of the fingers, watches its movement.

The absence of movements predicts the imminent appearance of a baby, circular movements signify a boy, from side to side - a girl.

On the water

Ancient fortune-telling, which not only determines the sex of the baby, but also helps to find out the number of future children. Traditionally, the ceremony is performed on church holidays, but you can try on a normal day.

To carry out the ritual, it is necessary to pour cold water into the dishes and put them in the freezer overnight. It is better to take the liquid from the spring.

The next morning, the container is taken out and the surface is examined:

  • tubercles predict boys;
  • the pits symbolize the imminent conception of girls.

Smooth ice promises the absence of children in the near future.

Layout on the cards

An integral part of divination. They talk about the future, reveal the secret of love relationships, predict possible problems and ways to solve them.

For rituals with cards, you must buy a new deck that cannot be played in the future.

Fortune telling will give a clear answer to any request regarding babies. To tell fortunes on the number of children, their gender and health, a deck of 36 cards is required.

The girl shuffles the deck, simultaneously formulating a disturbing question in her thoughts higher powers. With a sharp movement, he takes out one of the playing cards at random. Her suit determines the answer:

  • red - yes;
  • black - no.

There are several cards that are of particular importance:

  1. If a woman is worried about the gender of the baby, then the king and jack promise a boy, and the lady - a girl.
  2. An ace of hearts is a definite positive answer.
  3. Peaks predict a difficult pregnancy for the mother, problems during childbirth.
  4. A ten of hearts promises the fulfillment of a desire and an affirmative answer.

The correct alignment with such fortune-telling provides a 100% correct answer.

C - to dream