Numerology will children be online. How to find out how many children there will be by the date of birth of a man and a woman

The ancient science that studies numbers and their impact on people's lives is called numerology. A person is influenced by various planets, each of which corresponds to a certain number. For each letter of the name there is numerical value. Simple mathematical calculations help to find out information about the future of anyone, which is embedded in his name and date of birth. Using numerology, predict how many children a couple will have, as well as find out the gender of the child and when he will be born.

Numerology predicts the fate of a person

Features of using the Pythagorean system in numerology

In numerology, calculations are performed using the Pythagorean system and a special table consisting of 9 numbers and all letters of the alphabet. It is important to remember that when calculating, you need to find a single digit, that is, a number that is written by any number of digits.

Using the addition method, regardless of the number of proposed digits, any combination must be reduced to a single digit. Add up the components and repeat the addition until you get the final amount.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
And Y To L M H O P R
Kommersant S b E YU I

Finding out how many children will be easy. You need to know the date of your birth and how many children are in the family (children born in another marriage are also taken into account). For example, the date of birth is November 5, 1991, there is a sister (or brother) - 5 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 1 + 2 = 29 = 2 + 9 = 11 = 1 + 1 = 2. It turns out the number "2". Characteristics of numbers:

  • "1" - High probability of becoming a mother of many children, but miscarriages and abortions are possible. If you manage to save all the pregnancies, you will feel like yourself happy woman in the world.
  • "2" - There will be only one baby. There are chances to conceive a second child, but not the first time. The eldest is closer to his mother, and the second is attached to his father and will leave his father's house early.
  • "3" - How many babies to be born, it's up to you. Because it is not easy for you to find the father of the unborn baby. Problems with pregnancy can arise due to the presence of any resentment against you or even money debts.

    How many babies to be born, it's up to you

  • "4" - It means not only how many children are given in your family, but also indicates the possible appearance of two children of different sexes. The first baby will be born at an early age, and the second will appear at a later age. Children develop good and friendly relations with each other.
  • "5" - Most likely you will have twins or twins, especially if there are any in your family. It is possible that they will different men.
  • "6" - High chances that you will marry more than once. And from each of them, there will be a child. you will become mother of many children. All children will be great to get along and help.
  • "7" - you will give up motherhood or give birth to one baby, who will be given more attention by a grandmother or nanny.
  • "8" - It may turn out that you will not have your own baby. But you will become a foster mother for the crumbs, whom you will love, care for and raise as your own.
  • "9" - it is given to you from above to become a mother of two children, but the decision is up to you. There may be one child or more than two. It is possible that you will marry more than once, and the kids may have different nationalities.

With the help of numerology, it is possible to find out when a baby will appear in the family

Numerology makes it possible to find out when a baby will appear in the family

Numerology gives a chance to find out when a couple will have their first child or at what period it is better to plan a pregnancy. For this, the personal number of the year is calculated. For the calculation you will need:

  • date, month, year of birth;
  • figures for the current year.

The total sum of all values ​​​​will become a personal number. Numerological characteristic:

  • 1st - pregnancy can become a hindrance to career growth.
  • The 2nd is a great time for motherhood, but only if the working period does not last until the very birth.
  • 3rd - the year is neutral for conception.
  • 4th - social problems.
  • The 5th is a favorable year for the conception of twins.
  • 6th - excellent social conditions and health.
  • 7th - pessimistic and depressive period.
  • 8th - an unplanned pregnancy is possible.
  • 9th - there is a chance to end up in the hospital for a long time.

Anyone can determine the gender of a child by date of birth

To determine the gender of the unborn child is available to anyone

Everyone has the opportunity to find out the gender of their unborn child, you need to know a little data. It is necessary to know the dates of birth of the partners, as well as when the conception occurred (month). The result is obtained by adding all the numbers, namely the dates of birth. When you get a numerical value, divide it by the serial number of the month of conception. If the result is a number with a remainder, then it should be rounded without taking into account the remainder.

The remainder is a probability percentage indicating the gender of the unborn baby. Upon completion of numerological calculations even number will indicate a girl, and an odd number will indicate a boy.

The following data helps determine the sex of the baby:

  • Date, month, year of birth of the expectant mother.
  • Day, month, year of the future dad.
  • Month when conception occurred.

Determine the gender of the baby by the numerology of the name

To determine the sex of the unborn baby, you will need a complete f. and. about. mothers. For calculations, you need: all the letters of the name, the number of vowels and consonants that are included in it. The result is three numbers. The first value is added to the second, then the third is subtracted from this. Seven should be subtracted from the amount received. An even number indicates the birth of a girl, an odd number indicates the birth of a boy. The gender of the peanut is calculated using:

  • the number of letters in the name;
  • the number of vowels;
  • the number of consonants.

Do not forget that changing the maiden name to the name of the husband, the forecast regarding the sex of the unborn baby may change. Thus, the gender of the crumbs and how many children will be found out in any way you like.

How to choose the right name for the baby according to numerology

How to choose a name for a child by referring to numerology

Future parents even before the birth of the baby think about choosing a name. I want it to be harmonious with the last name and patronymic, to have a good effect on the baby, to become for him a kind of talisman that brings happiness and good luck. To select the best combination, you can use the numerological method.

The letters of the name correspond to a certain number that directly affects a person - his abilities, character and talents. Having calculated the sum of all the numbers in a series of names, you can find out about the natural data of the child, about his ability to a certain field of activity. Calculating the number of a name is easy and using the square of Pythagoras.

The calculation takes full name. Each name code has its own meaning. Thanks to the numerological method of choosing a name, future parents have a unique chance to learn about the likely qualities of a child. In the future, it helps moms and dads choose best practices upbringing for your crumbs, to properly develop the child's individuality, his abilities and inclinations.

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Using numerological calculations, everyone has the opportunity to find out not only how many kids will appear, but also calculate their birth, and also choose the perfect name for the baby.

Fortune telling by the date of birth of parents for pregnancy is a technique that will accurately determine who will be born in the future. And this information is important for many dads and moms, because it allows you to plan what color clothes to choose for a newborn, how to decorate a nursery and makes it possible to solve other equally important issues.

The described divination is carried out on the principle of blood renewal. It must be said that it is carried out both in men and women (once 4 and once every 3 years, respectively). Whose blood at the time of conception will be younger, a child of this gender will be born.

Get a free consultation on divination for pregnancy by date of birth

Divination for pregnancy by date of birth

For this reason, fortune-telling for pregnancy by the date of birth of two spouses is also carried out taking into account the date of conception. Women in various forums write that such a technique is quite accurate, since it does not yet provide objective information regarding gender. born child. And even when ultrasound is powerless (as a rule, it does not reveal the sex of the baby in the early stages), such fortune-telling will accurately tell who will be born in the family: a boy or a girl.

However, you should not blindly believe fortune-telling, since many of them still have errors in their own calculations. Errors, however, can also occur in ultrasound examinations, and no one is immune from this.

Divination online for pregnancy by date of birth

Divination online for pregnancy by date of birth is available for you at any time. Using it, you can quickly determine the gender of your unborn baby. This technique, taking into account errors, allows us to assume. Located in this case only nature.

Gender prediction is sometimes made using a combination of several methods at the same time. And this is good, because you can get more reliable results. Also, if you wish, try other online fortune-telling, for example, on cards. If all the methods used showed a "boy", then you can be 95% sure that a son will be born.

Since ancient times, the moment of conception has been given a mystical, special meaning. This moment was a sacrament for many cultures and religions, which called on parents, especially mothers, to cleanse themselves morally and spiritually the day before.

For a long time, for a woman, the inability to conceive was the disfavor of the gods for the sins that she or her family committed. And today, women who have problems conceiving travel to sacred places in the hope of help.

In all cultures and at all times, astrology and pregnancy are linked. Astrology has always tried to give advice to women who are having difficulty conceiving. Astrologers give many of the most effective recommendations by analyzing a woman's individual birth horoscope, so astrological consultation is necessary. But even those who do not have such an opportunity can use the simplest astrological recommendations, which are based on the position of the Moon and the Sun in female horoscope birth.

The moment when the female body is at the peak of its ability to conceive, or fertility, corresponds to the moment when the Sun and Moon in their own movement across the sky are at the same distance from each other as in the personal female horoscope.

And although, if you do not know your horoscope and time of birth, it is impossible to accurately determine this degree distance, you can still really find out the signs of the Zodiac in which the Moon and the Sun are located in the birth horoscope. Astrology will help predict the birth of a child. What is the position of the Sun at the time of birth is usually known to everyone who was interested in what sign he was born under. And if there is an astrological calendar, you can easily find out on what days the Moon, while moving through the heavens, begins to pass through a certain sign of the Zodiac.

Those days of the month when the Sun is in your zodiac sign, and the Moon is at the same time in the same zodiac sign as in the birth horoscope, will become one of the days when a woman’s body is most ready for conception.

And now she will no longer ask, “How do I know when I get pregnant?” She will already know this. The most important thing for women who want to get pregnant is not to miss this moment.

But numerology can also answer this burning question. First you need to calculate the number of birth, which is the sum of the numbers in the date of birth. It is believed that if an even number is obtained, then a woman should become pregnant when she is an even number of years.

You can take the date of birth of the future father and future mother, bring them to a single digit, find the difference between these numbers, and if it is an even number, then the child should be born an even number of years or months after the first attempt to get pregnant, with an odd number - the same situation.

However, all of the above, unfortunately, does not apply to those women who have problems with reproductive health and who need serious treatment.

Want to find out how many children you will have by date of birth. You can do this completely free of charge, it is enough to know the dates of birth of both partners and make simple calculations with them.

It is believed that the number of children that can be born to a woman or a man is included in the date of birth. To find out, you need to calculate the birth code that affects the fate of a person. They do it like this:

  1. The date of birth is written in a line. For example, a person was born on 03/02/1990.
  2. The numbers add up: 2+3+1+9+9. Get the number - 24.
  3. The resulting number is converted into a simple number: 2+4=6.

The resulting figure affects the ability of a person to conceive and give birth to a child in the future.

1 number

Ones usually have 3 children. Often, pregnancy does not proceed smoothly - miscarriages and complications are possible. For people with this birth number, all children are born from one life partner and strengthen the marriage. After the appearance of babies, the worldview of a person with a unit in the birth code can change radically.

number 2

Heralds the appearance of one child. Pregnancy and childbirth proceed easily, but further attempts to conceive a second child often end in failure.

It is important for moms and dads with such numbers in the birth code to monitor the upbringing of the child. Due to excessive parental love and a poor approach to education, the baby can grow up spoiled and naughty.

number 3

3s have trouble choosing a life partner. Often a 3-k partner is infertile. Therefore, they manage to give birth or adopt only one baby. Although with certain efforts on their part and compromises (when deciding on IVF or adoption), they manage to have more children.

4 number

Numerology portends the birth of two babies of different sexes. Children can appear with a big difference in age - from 5 years, but they will be friendly and friendly to each other. 4-cams should not try to speed up the process of having a second child - they will have it when they prepare for it morally, financially.

number 5

These people have big families. A woman with this birth code can easily bear 5 children, give birth to twins and triplets. 5s are amorous, they often have several marriages in their lives, children appear from different fathers. But they maintain warm relations and often live with their parents for a long time.

number 6

These people are more likely to have 3 children. The first two are early - before the age of 30. The third can be born after 35. Often these children are from different marriages. But it is easy for them to maintain warm friendships.

number 7

The result of fortune-telling shows that you can completely abandon the happiness of fatherhood or motherhood. This will come from excessive self-love and unwillingness to compromise for the sake of the child. Children born to such parents are mainly sent to be raised by grandparents and other relatives. Men and women with a birth code of 7 can start a family with babies in adulthood, when they get tired of fulfilling only their own whims. Even with minimal care for children, they receive a lot of love and attention from them.

number 8

8-to more often 2 children are born. The birth of a third is likely, but it is being cut off due to a poor material base and other external factors. If a person with such a birth code wants to become a father or mother of many children, he can easily realize himself in this role. 8s manage to easily get pregnant and bear children. With the upbringing of offspring, 8-k does not have problems.

number 9

It is difficult for people with this birth number to become pregnant and give birth. They can resort to artificial insemination, but not get a result. They better take the kids for adoption. If the 9s can give love to adopted children, they family life turn out happily.

How many children will there be by the man's date of birth?

The method presented above, how to find out how many children there will be by date of birth, can be used to calculate the number of offspring in men. But in this case, the calculations must be carried out adjusted for the number of brothers and sisters in his family. It is necessary to add up all the numbers of his birth, as shown above, and add to the result the number of children in his family. The prognosis for men is as follows:

  • 1 - can have many children in marriage and out of marriage.
  • 2 - able to conceive no more than 2 children. Will pay little attention to kids, concentrating on career development.
  • 3 - up to 3 children.
  • 4 - there will be one child. You will no longer be able to conceive due to health problems or a precarious financial situation.
  • 5 - two children.
  • 6 - father of many children. May also have children outside the family.
  • 7 - will be able to conceive one baby. This can be difficult. You will probably need treatment.
  • 8 - depending on the state of health and desire, she will be able to have many children or remain childless at all.
  • 9 - 1 or 2 children.

It should be remembered that the date of birth of a man does not indicate those children whom he can adopt. This is important for couples with health problems.

How many children will there be by the woman's date of birth?

How to determine how many children will be by date of birth for women? Use the first method of calculating by date of birth. Remember that the resulting number of children may include both those babies who will be carried and born by a woman, as well as adopted children.

What year is considered auspicious?

You can determine a favorable year for free for any couple. It is enough to add up the numbers of the date of birth of the partners, the numbers of the year for which the birth of the child is planned. For example, partners have personal numbers 2 and 3, they plan to give birth in 2020 (year number 3). We add the numbers: 2 + 3 + 3, we get 8.

We are looking for a forecast for the year in the general list:

  • 1 is a difficult year. It will be possible to give birth to a child or build a career. It is better to choose the second one in order to create a good base for a future pregnancy.
  • 2 - a favorable period. If you responsibly treat the health of the expectant mother, everything will go well.
  • 3 - the year is suitable for family planning.
  • 4 - family relationships are unstable. Conception should be postponed.
  • 5 - healthy and strong children are born. You can conceive twins.
  • 6 - the year is good both financially and in terms of marital relations. Favors the appearance of healthy children.
  • 7 - unstable emotional background mother can have a bad effect on the baby.
  • 8 - the probability of an unplanned pregnancy.
  • 9 - threatens with severe pregnancy and childbirth. The mother can spend the entire pregnancy on conservation. Probably the emergence of financial difficulties.

If the choice fell on an unfavorable year, be sure to enlist the support of relatives and doctors. This will help you deal with difficulties.

leap year

Not a leap year

A good year for the birth of children, if the family horoscope indicates auspicious time. Choose year 2, 5 or 6 according to family numerology, but weigh various external factors when planning to conceive.

Modern science is not able to predict in advance how many babies a woman will have. From time immemorial, people have turned to numerology, palmistry and other mystical fields that can answer questions of interest. With the help of fortune-telling, a girl can prepare for certain events in her life, find out if she can get pregnant and how many children she will have. Rituals must be performed correctly. Otherwise, their result will be inaccurate.

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    What and how can you find out?

    With the help of fortune-telling, a girl can find out the number of future babies, their gender and health, and how the alleged father will react to pregnancy.

    There are divination methods on the hand, fingers, cards, coffee grounds, rings and other objects. Some began to appear relatively recently, however, it is better to use old ways determining your destiny.

    Do not take the result as the only possible development of events. The rite only gives a hint to the person. He is able to change his life based on the data received.

    Thread and needle

    For this method, you will need the help of a friend. To find out how many children a girl will have, you need:

    1. 1. Thread a red or white silk thread 12 cm long into a needle.
    2. 2. Ask a friend to raise a needle on a thread above the palm of a girl who is being divined. The product must remain stationary.
    3. 3. Wait until the needle begins to swing on its own. Both girls should not move during the ceremony.
    4. 4. Calculate the number of movements of the product and clarify their frequency.

    How many hesitations there were, how many children the girl will have.

    During the process, the needle should not touch the skin of the hand. If this happens, then the result of fortune-telling cannot be considered reliable.

    If the fortuneteller is interested in the gender of the unborn child, then you need to pay attention to the movements of the needle. If she sways to the sides, then this indicates that a boy will be born. A needle describing circles indicates an upcoming pregnancy with a girl.

    Divination by date of birth

    Numerology can help predict the number of heirs. There are two ways to guess by date of birth.

    First way

    In the first case, you need to add up the numbers of your birth and add the number of the girl's siblings to the total.

    Example. The fortuneteller was born on December 12, 1993, has a sister and a brother. It turns out 1+2+1+2+1+9+9+3=2+7=9+2=1+1=2.

    The interpretation of the results is presented in the table:

    Received number


    The girl will become a mother of many children. She should not be given to building a career, as she will find happiness in work. Such women feel more comfortable at home, raising children and creating family comfort. Expect about 5 babies

    The girl will have only one child. Although the birth will be easy and without complications, it will be very difficult to conceive and bear the next baby. Success can only be achieved by using artificial insemination methods. When carrying a second pregnancy, you will have to go to the hospital for preservation

    Three warns that the girl or her chosen one will be barren. In this situation, you should not adopt a baby, as he will not be able to become loved. An alternative interpretation says that there is a possibility of having one child, but already in adulthood

    Heralds the birth of a girl and a boy. The age difference between them will be about 5 years.

    Predicts having three children. The first two children will be born before the girl's thirtieth birthday. The third baby will be born closer to 40 years

    The girl will become the mother of three or two girls

    The woman will not be able to get pregnant, which will be very upsetting for her family. She can enjoy loneliness or take a baby from a shelter. Regardless of the choice, she will find happiness

    The girl will have two children. Both babies will be born without complications, childbirth will be easy. The idea of ​​having a third should be abandoned

    The girl will not be able to get pregnant naturally. However, artificial insemination will give quick results. Thanks to modern medicine, a woman will be able to endure and give birth to a healthy and strong baby. It will most likely be a boy.

    The second method of divination by date of birth

    In this case magic number calculated from the dates of birth of the future parents.

    Example. If the spouse was born on November 14, 1986, and the fortuneteller was born on December 11, 1991, then it turns out 1 + 4 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 6 = 3 + 1 = 4 and 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 1+9+9+1=2+5=7.

    The interpretation will be as follows:

    1. 1. If the result of the girl is higher than that of her partner, then they are most likely to have a boy as their first child.
    2. 2. When a woman has an indicator below the number of her soulmate, then the first they will have is a girl.
    3. 3. If the results are the same, then it will be difficult for partners to have children.


    For this fortune-telling method, you will need to prepare a basin filled with water, a marker and 10 stones.

    1. 1. On the stones you need to write numbers from 1 to 10.
    2. 2. Dip them in water and place them on the bottom of the container so that they do not lie on top of each other.
    3. 3. Leave a basin of water for a while.

    Gradually, the inscriptions will be erased and only one marked stone will remain. This figure will be a prediction of how many babies the girl will have.


    This method of divination is considered one of the most ancient. You can use both ordinary cards and Tarot. The deck in both cases must be new.


    Ordinary cards will not help in determining the number, but they can answer whether a woman can have children in principle. It is necessary to shuffle with the left hand and draw one card.


    Tarot cards should be used with caution when asking a question. To find out how many babies will be born, you need to say this phrase to yourself or aloud, adding your first and last name.

    It is necessary to concentrate and draw from the deck.

    The appearance of children is predicted by the following bundles of cards:

    By hand

    You can predict the number of children for both a woman and a man by hand

    In the palm of your hand

    Palmistry helps to know your future quite accurately. It is necessary to turn the right hand palm up and look at the lines under the little finger. Their number will show how many children to expect.

    You need to pay attention to the length:

    • short lines predict the birth of a girl;
    • long foreshadow the appearance of a boy.

    The severity and thickness of the marks under the little finger determine the health of the unborn baby.

    It is worth analyzing the line of the heart. It runs along the palm under the fingertips.

    The main meaning of this symbol speaks of love, however, there are conditions under which one can draw a conclusion about future children. If (under the little finger) practically connects with it, then this indicates the appearance of one child.

    We need to take a closer look at the line of joy and influence. This is a small dash that goes from the line of life and rises to the top. She is a symbol of procreation. Accordingly, a clearly defined line indicates that partners are waiting for replenishment in the family. If a V-shaped sign is visible in this area, then twins should be expected.

    Sign of joy and influence

    You need to understand that the marks on the human palm change throughout life. If at the moment a person does not see clearly defined lines, this is not yet a cause for concern.

    Divination by the finger

    In the East, it is customary to determine the number of children by the middle phalanx of the little finger. To do this, you need to count clear vertical lines on it. How many lines will turn out, so many babies a man or woman should expect in his life.

    If there is no clearly defined pattern on the little finger, then the middle finger can be examined.

    Fortune telling on the "islands"

    In this case, it is necessary to straighten the arm that the person uses more often and look at the area under thumb. This zone is called the "family ring".

    On matches

    This is a fairly simple but effective way of divination. You need to prepare a bowl of water and one match and follow these steps:

    1. 1. Light a match and wait until it completely turns black.
    2. 2. Lower into the water.

    If the match floats on the surface, then the girl will have a daughter. The ember, which immediately went to the bottom of the bowl, indicates that a boy will be born.

    If the product did not light up or burn out at once, then you should not repeat fortune-telling. This means that the Universe is not yet ready to answer the question of interest.

    Rye and millet

    Fortune telling is carried out in the spring, they choose a sunny week. It is advisable to guess at the growing moon.

    Performing the rite:

    1. 1. Take a small handful of grains of wheat or rye, rinse them under clean water and put in wet cotton wool for a day.
    2. 2. The next day, plant the cereals in a pot of earth and wait until the crop rises.

    Based on how many grains have sprouted, a conclusion is made about the number of children the girl has. It is strictly forbidden to fertilize or in any way influence the growth of seedlings.


    For this divination you need:

    1. 1. Pour into a glass of holy water.
    2. 2. Tie on a ring belonging to the girl and lower it into the water.
    3. 3. Ask yourself a question about how many children will appear.
    4. 4. Gently remove the ring from the water and place it next to the rim of the glass so that it touches it a little.
    5. 5. The product should begin to move slightly and tremble, tapping on the glass.
    6. 6. Clicks should be counted. Their number will correspond to the number of babies.


    This is another simple divination that is done at home. For him, you need to prepare a handful of coins of the same denomination. After that, the girl needs:

    1. 1. Take the coins in the palm of your hand and ask the question “How many children will I have? ".
    2. 2. Throw them in the air.
    3. 3. Count the number of coins that fell tails up. How many of them will be, so many offspring will appear in the girl. Not only native babies are taken into account, but also adopted ones.
    4. 4. It is necessary to collect informative coins and ask a new question “What gender will my children be? ".
    5. 5. Re-toss them in the air.
    6. 6. Coins that fall heads up indicate the number of boys, tails - they talk about girls.

    Coffee grounds

    This divination is one of the classics. For its implementation it is necessary:

    1. 1. Make your own coffee without milk, cream or other additives. While brewing a drink, you need to mentally ask “Will I have children? "," How many will there be? "," What gender will the babies be born? ".
    2. 2. Slowly drink coffee. It is important to concentrate on the topic of interest and not be distracted from the process.
    3. 3. When 1-2 sips remain at the bottom, shake the liquid strictly clockwise, wait 1-3 minutes and turn the cup over on the saucer.
    4. 4. Take a closer look at the traces left by the coffee.
    5. 5. Based on the number of round spots, we can conclude how many boys will be born. Oval symbols indicate girls.

    Divination for Christmas and Christmas time

    Many fortune tell at Christmas, but in Religious holidays such rituals are not recommended. You can find out the most reliable information about the number of children in the Christmas period following the Christmas holidays.

    You need to go to bed and ask a question of interest in your head. The answer will come in a dream.

    In addition to this method, divination on icy water is used. It should be poured into a glass of holy water, put a ring into it (wedding or any other, if the girl is not married).

    The resulting ice surface will tell about the number of children:

    • by the number of holes that appear on the ice, you can determine how many girls will be born in the family;
    • tubercles indicate how many boys to expect;
    • if the surface of the ice is even, then this year the woman will not become pregnant.

    It is better to conduct the ceremony of deciphering symbols during Christmas time in a bathhouse. From ancient times it was believed that it was in this place that spirits and other evil spirits gathered, which could answer the question. If there is no bath, then you can go to the attic or basement. A large concentration of magical energy is found at crossroads.

    During the ceremony, you can not cross your arms or legs. In this case, the result will be confused.

    Divination for an early conception

    If you are more careful in Everyday life, you can find out if a woman is expecting pregnancy.

    The signs of pregnancy this year are:

    1. 1. Houseplants begin to grow very rapidly without any supplements or stimulants.
    2. 2. A homeless kitten came to the house or a girl found him on the street.

    Divination rules

    There are many proven methods of divination. It is important to follow certain rules in order to accurately find out the number of children, their gender, and even when conception will occur.

    1. 1. You can't guess quickly. It is imperative to relax, free yourself from thoughts and concentrate only on issues related to children, remove foreign objects.
    2. 2. Be respectful of cards. In no case should you play divination cards or use cards that have already been used for entertainment for the rite. It is forbidden to give them into the hands of other people.
    3. 3. Before the ceremony, you need to take off your cross, rings and other jewelry. It is required to dissolve the hair and remove any paraphernalia from the body.
    4. 4. Do not try to "adjust" the result to the desired. If a girl does not see clearly defined symbols, you should not draw non-existent pictures in her mind.
    5. 5. You can not guess after drinking alcohol. Girls often use magical rituals for fun, sitting in the company of friends.
    6. 6. It is best to guess in the evening or at night.
    7. 7. Do not guess on the 9th, 15th, 19th and 29th of the month.

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    Money has always been my main concern. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a failure, problems at work and in my personal life haunted me. However, I decided that I still needed personal help. Sometimes it seems that the matter is in yourself, all failures are only a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye, or some other evil force.

    But who will help in difficult life situation when it seems that your whole life is going downhill and passing you by. It is difficult to be happy working as a cashier for 26 thousand rubles, when you had to pay 11 for renting an apartment. What was my surprise when my whole life suddenly changed overnight in better side. I could not even imagine that it is possible to earn so much money that some kind of trinket at first glance could have such an impact.

    It all started when I ordered a personal...

Any girl, like a future mother, is curious about how many children she will have. Of course, this depends on many reasons, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to predict the number of your babies with absolute accuracy. However, everyone can try to guess their number based on one of the methods proposed below.

How can you find out how many children a girl will have?

As you understand, all of the above methods are pseudoscientific in nature, since the possibilities of determining the future, in our time, do not yet give reliable answers. But it is not necessary to turn to fortune-tellers who charge a lot of money for their services - try to do it yourself by choosing any method you like:

  1. How to find out how many children will be, in the palm of your hand, fist or wrist?
  2. In the palm of each person there is a so-called marriage line. These are horizontal folds on the arm, located just below the little finger. They have small vertical lines that mean children. Take a closer look at your hand (they usually guess on the right), and you can easily calculate the number of your future heirs.

    Keep in mind that there can be several lines of marriage, then the number of children born from different men will be different: each horizontal strip has its own vertical ones.

    By the bumps on the wrist, you can also determine how many times you will become a mother. Clench your right hand into a fist, and press a point located in the middle of the line encircling the wrist (it is called the belt of Venus). As a result of such an action, bumps will appear in the palm of your hand just above this place, corresponding to the size of your future offspring.

    Similarly, they look at the "children's" lines on the back of the hand clenched into a fist - they are under the little finger.

    However, all these lines and bumps do not always correctly answer the question, since they also show the number of miscarriages and abortions;

  3. As practice shows, you can more accurately find out how many children there will be according to the horoscope of numerology– although this option will not be final. For such a numerological calculation, you need to find out “your” number from 1 to 9: sum up all the numbers of your date of birth and total number children in the family where you grew up. Then add the resulting two numbers together to find out the coveted number, and then read its interpretation:
  • 1 - there is a chance to become a mother of many children or have several miscarriages and abortions - it all depends on the choice of the woman;
  • 2 - there will be only one baby;
  • 3 - a woman most likely will not find her mate, and therefore will be childless or give birth to one;
  • 4 - two children of different sexes;
  • 5 - a chance to become a large family and / or give birth to twins;
  • 6 - many children from different husbands;
  • 7 - there will be no children due to the woman's great narcissism, or there will be only one;
  • 8 - most likely adoption is coming;
  • 9 - there will be two children, if life circumstances (career, financial situation) do not intervene.
  • There is another interesting way how to find out how many children you will have - on a needle. This method is very close to fortune telling, because, in fact, one can only guess about such things. What needs to be done to get this information?
  • So, arm yourself with a thread and an ordinary sewing needle. The thread should be long, white. Pass it through the eye of the needle, grab the tip and lift it over the open palm right hand. Lower the needle on the thread three times between the thumb and forefinger, and then raise it again and observe the "behavior" of the needle. It can sway in different directions, and this will mean that you will have a boy, or make circular movements - this is a sign of the appearance of a girl. After each approach, repeat the procedure, again lowering the needle between your fingers, and start fortune telling again. When the needle shows how many children fate has prepared for you, it will freeze in place;

  • Divination with a ring- a similar way. It should be held either on your birthday or at Christmas time. Take a ring (preferably smooth, without inserts), tie it to a thread and lower it into a glass beaker three-quarters filled with water. The ring should remain 1 cm above the water level. First, it will swing on a thread, hitting the walls of the container. How many times the ring touches the glass - so many times to be your mother.
  • When conducting such fortune-telling, remember that their results may differ. And you can only find out how many children you will actually have in the process of real life.

    Dating Psychology