Human aura: how to learn to see it? Effective method! Beginning to see the aura: the best technologies How to learn to see the human aura and subtle.

The military trains some of their special troops to see the aura, because then when they look at someone, they know exactly what they are thinking and feeling - obviously, this is very beneficial for the military. There is a special teaching technique that I am going to give you.

Take colored thick paper and a large piece of white paper, about 60 cm by 1 meter in size. You will see a phenomenon of vision that has nothing to do with the aura, but thanks to this technique, you can learn to see the human aura.

Place white paper on the floor under a dimmer lamp. Place a sheet of red thick paper in the middle. Now fix your eyes on the middle of the colored paper and don't blink. Wait 30 seconds. While continuing to look at the red sheet, quickly remove it and look at the same place on the white sheet. For a fraction of a second, you will see a complementary color to the color you were looking at before. If you had red, then you will see green. "After-image" is always different from the original color, but their shape is the same.

The resulting "afterimage", luminous, transparent, will look as if floating. If you do this experiment on four or five sheets of paper in a row, it will only take a few minutes. By the time the experience is over, you will have a certain sensitivity to seeing these kinds of color images - luminous, transparent and floating in space. These colors are very similar to the aura field, except that they are more perfect, since only a few people have pure and clear aura colors.

For the next stage of training, you will need a partner; it is desirable that both of you be in white clothes. This is the most easy way see colors. Of course, clothing will not drown out the aura, but its colors can make it difficult or easier to see the aura. Stand your partner against a white wall, take a dimmer lamp, turn it on full blast and light your partner. Now take a sheet of colored paper and have your partner hold it 2.5cm from their face under their nose.

Step back and look at the color as you did before; fix your eyes on this sheet, count to 30 and ask your partner to remove it. You will see an additional color hovering in space in front of your partner. By alternating sheets of colored paper, you will get used to the colors of the "afterimages" around your partner, and your mind will adjust to the idea.

Then you can place colored paper behind the head or behind the shoulders, at a distance of 30-60 cm from the partner. Do this four or five times until you get used to seeing colors floating around his body. Now remove the colored paper and continue looking at your partner while dimming the lamp very, very slowly. You will come to that magical moment when the human body becomes completely dark - then, bang! all colors will suddenly flash and you will see an aura. The whole thing. You will know that these are the real colors of the aura, and not additional ones that you have seen before, because many changing colors will appear in front of you. Everything that a person thinks and feels will be projected into his aura. As a rule, the colors around the head and shoulders reflect thoughts. The colors around the chest and body, covering the back, are predominantly related to the feelings and emotions of a person, although sometimes there is some overlay of colors.

In addition to the fact that the aura shows the thoughts and feelings of a person, there is a third possibility. Sometimes a physical problem of the body is found in the aura. If something hurts you, it very often manifests itself as a color spot in your aura. The colors emitted by your thoughts will glow and change as you think, and the colors that represent emotions usually tend to float or move around. Disease-related colors will be fixed and tend to have angles or shape, and the shape will not change. While moving the body, the color spots will be fixed in certain place. Sometimes the disease cannot be seen, because the glow associated with it is completely inside the body and does not appear outside. But this is extremely rare.

There is a doctor at the Institute of Human Measurements who conducts a course in diagnosing human diseases by reading his aura. He discovered a long time ago that by learning to read the aura, you can simply look at a person and see all the forms fixed in his aura. You will immediately understand what is wrong with this person. You won't need an MRI image or other test results. Just look at the aura and you will make an accurate diagnosis. Most people can do it, and the doctor in question teaches it.
All people have the ability to see the aura, unless they have some serious physical or emotional problem.

Here's how you can tell if these fields are real or not. Invite a group of people to think about, for example, their car. (Almost everyone has some sort of mixed feelings about cars.) And you will immediately see the colors of the aura around the head change as they think. Then you can say: "Think of someone you don't like". You may see a dirty red color, the color of anger, because we usually get angry when we don't love someone. Such a glow will appear around the head and shoulders, perhaps even around the body to the very bottom. Then say: "Think of someone you really love. Enter this state. Choose a loved one and think about him.". In this case, pink tones are usually seen coming from the chest area, and a golden or white glow from the top of the head. If you ask a person to think about spiritual things and about God, you will see a lot of gold and purple. The colors will change the moment a person starts thinking about something else. This is how you can be sure that the aura really exists.

Once you have the ability to see an aura, you can turn it on and off at will. I have it turned off all the time, but when someone asks, I immediately put it into action. It's like a stereo image: if you want, you can look at the paper in a normal way, or you can gently focus and ascend to another level. Based on the book by Drunvalo Melchizedek " ancient secret flower of life."

There are such techniques:

  1. Focus your attention (inner gaze) on the 3rd eye (between the ordinary eyes above the bridge of the nose). When you feel the right point, your attention will automatically be riveted and held. Energy from ordinary eyes will flow into the 3rd.
  2. With closed eyes. Imagine that your eyes have become like pebbles, that is, petrified and completely stop their movement. To make it easier to do, it is desirable to imagine pitch impenetrable darkness around you. The energy that used to move through the normal eyes will be directed to the 3rd.
  3. Stare into the flame of a candle without blinking for 40 minutes. But it is necessary to peer not only with the eyes. It is necessary that the whole mind, all the attention be in this look. If tears come up, don't blink anyway. In principle, you can peer into any object. The main thing is to keep a close eye and not blink!
  4. All day long look at the world like you're seeing it for the first time. Don't bring your mind into it. This will allow you to be more alert and some of the energy will also flow back into the 3rd eye. Then this whole world will be constantly new for you. And you will always have a feeling of freshness.
  5. Look at the light of a blue lamp for 10 minutes. Look with relaxed eyes. You can blink. Then within 10 min. close your eyes and tilt your head slowly to the right, left, right, left, etc. In this case, the energy from ordinary eyes will be redirected to the 3rd. Repeat 3 times. Whole exercise 60 min. It is desirable that this exercise is accompanied by appropriate music. OSHO has such a meditation called Shiva Netra. And there is music for it too.
  6. Touch your eyeballs (with your eyes closed) with your palms like a feather. Do not press under any circumstances. Barely touch. Like a feather. Almost completely untouched. "Like a feather" Energy will return from the eyes, through the 3rd, and go to the heart. Preferably done within 40 minutes. But less is possible. Even just a few minutes will help. During the first week there will be a feeling as if something is dripping from the eyes into the heart. Over the next few months, there will be a feeling that it is no longer a drop, but a small stream. Then the stream will turn into a stream. Tried several times. Indeed, something began to drip into the heart. It helps a lot if the mood is killed or the blues. Appears immediately good mood. Or after a long reading or sitting at the computer, the eyes instantly rest.
  7. There are also techniques to raise your sex energy along the spine and direct it to the 3rd eye. Some more with the rotation of the eyes clockwise and the collection of energy in 3m. But I don't know.

What is an aura?

The human aura is energy field and a reflection of the subtle vital energies of the body. These energies make us who we are and, in turn, depend on our environment and our lifestyle. The aura reflects our health, character, mental activity and emotional state. It can also indicate illness, often long before the first symptoms appear. Closest to the skin is the etheric aura. It is a pale, narrow band that follows the contours of the body and is not more than half an inch wide. It resembles milky smoke, creeping over the body.

Main aura surrounds human body in layers: imagine a person wearing thick, colored hoops of light, evenly spaced from top to bottom. These colored hoops are the emanations of the psychic centers (chakras). Earth energy rises and enters the chakras, similar to the water that feeds the plant. It can be compared to a tree: Energy/nutrients are absorbed through the legs/roots and flow through the body/trunk to the chakras/leaves. Each chakra is a transformer that produces different types and colors of energy. The strength, activity and color tone of each chakra depends on the character of the person, personality, emotional state and lifestyle. Together they produce the dominant tone of the aura.

The photo aura is sensitive and expands to its normal size for a long time in sunlight. The aura also absorbs energy from other sources of energy around us, such as plants and other people, sunlight, and ozone. Many authors suggest that people can be classified by the color of their aura. For example, dominant Blue colour means a highly spiritual person, a believer, etc. Orange color means the emotional type of a person, etc. I think this is a big misconception. An aura cannot be judged by just one basic hue.

Aura sensitive to colors. She reacts to the colors of clothes, walls and everything that surrounds us. This explains why people have strong color preferences. For example: if you like pink or red, it means that you have an active heart center (anahata-chakra), which emits green emanations. Red and pink highlight different types of green that are in harmony with such an aura.
Color exposure is widely used in hospitals and institutes to calm agitated and agitated people and bring them back to normal. Pink is the most suitable for this, it is the emotional color of love and happiness. Observe the mother's aura when she first sees the eyes of her newborn child and you will see a beautiful, loving aura.

There is a whole science dedicated to the use of colors. It's called color therapy.

It is impossible to get a clear vision of the aura through clothing. Auric clothing colors react with the person's aura, causing interference that blocks and alters the aura. For example: a blue shirt will flood the natural aura yellow. Even neutral colored clothing will make the aura dull and difficult to observe. Illness: manifests itself in the aura in many different ways, sometimes days or weeks before any physical signs. An ear infection, for example, will show up as a shadow over the ear. This shadow will gradually take on a shade of khaki. If the infection develops, red and orange areas will appear, physically manifesting as a lumbago. Khaki with red and orange spots usually appears with any infection.
Death: When a person dies, the changes in the aura are dramatic. I observed the auras of people with terminal cancer for several weeks before they died. First, the aura withers and weakens, and then, about a week before death, it begins to expand, changing into a beautiful pale sky blue aura, with silver sparks shooting through.

Why are so many people unable to see the aura?

The reason why people usually can't see the aura is simply the wrong way to achieve vision. The human aura is a poor subject for beginners to learn. A common situation is that your friend sits and waits for a long time while you strain to detect his aura. You try to relax and concentrate and apply different tricks of visual technique, all at the same time. You subconsciously worry about what others think of you. Are they tired, or are they waiting for the result? Do they think you're stupid, unlucky, or both? The tension caused by this pressure destroys the subtle energy and calm mental state necessary for seeing the aura. Trying to get results under this kind of pressure will be fruitless for a beginner.

How to see the aura?

To see the aura you must be able to relax and at the same time concentrate.

There is a special eye focusing technique that activates the ajna chakra (or third eye):

  1. To begin with, you need soft lighting, not dim, but good soft light. Harsh light or its reflection should not fall into your eyes! Take a book and wrap it in blue or red paper. Stand the book upright on a table, a few feet away from you. Make sure you have a neutral background (soft gray or light brown wall, black board, etc.). Note: Blue and red auras are the brightest and easiest to see. Blue has a yellow aura and red has a green aura. The brightness and tone of the aura depends on the hue of the color used.
  2. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and relax. When you calm down and relax, look at the book. Don't focus on anything, look a little to the side and a foot or two behind the book. Maintain this focus, but do not strain your eyes or your ajna chakra. Concentrate! You need a soft, steady defocus, like daydreaming. You want your eyes to be relaxed and sleepy while you maintain a defocused look. After a while, you will see a pale milky aura emanating from the object. Keep your gaze steady and a bright yellow or green aura will begin to sprout from the object. Do not change the focus and do not look directly at the object, otherwise the aura will disappear. If you're having trouble, take a break and try again. It - a common problem and it arises because your eyes are tired. Once, having done this, and seeing your first aura, you have taken the first step into another larger world. There is a reason for the strange defocusing of the gaze. It is related to the rods and cones in the human eye. The outer, peripheral area of ​​vision is much more sensitive to movement and subtle field energies than the central area. Has it ever happened to you that you noticed some movement with peripheral vision, turned your gaze to this place and did not see anything there? Probably, while doing this, you saw a section of the aura from some colored object, and your eyes detected movement.
  3. After you have successfully completed the first exercise, take some books and wrap them in colored paper, each in one of the primary colors. Observe the aura of each object and write down for each the color of its aura. Then try using two objects at the same time and see how the colors interact with each other. Write down the results.
  4. Take a houseplant and/or a fresh bouquet of flowers and study their auras. The orange hue comes from the green leaves and stem. You will also see a more distinct ethereal aura and a special shimmering glow, the life force of plants.
  5. For the next step, an animal, dog or cat, etc. is used. They should be observed when they are resting.
  6. Observe your own aura. This can be done in full sun, observe it from the inside and from the outside. Stretch out your hand and watch it against the sky. You can also lie down and see the aura of your legs. Please note that the skin should not be covered by clothing and remember that the grass you lie on will give an orange tint to your aura. Record a report of all your experiments! When you feel that you have gained enough experience, you can try it with a person. Just remember to stay calm and not overwork. Observe the human aura in exactly the same way as in the previous exercises and do not forget that the skin should be free from clothing. You can, for example, ask the person to roll up their sleeves and observe their arms outstretched against a neutral background.
  7. The first thing you will see on a person is an ethereal aura that wraps around the skin like pale smoke. You will then see a flickering glow expanding in the air, perhaps several inches, depending on the strength of the person's aura. Keep the focus of the eyes and the color glow, it will grow from the ethereal haze - this is the aura. With practice, you will be able to see it even more clearly and completely. The width of the colored part of the human aura can vary from a few inches to a couple of feet.
  8. The brightness of the human aura is highly dependent on how the person feels. If he feels happy and full of life, his aura is stronger and easier to observe. Give a person a player with headphones and put on his favorite music - this will help energize his aura. Try it again, this time giving him something he can't stand and watch the change in his aura.
  9. Try it outdoors. Make sure the sun is behind you. Use the sky, hill, or building as a backdrop and see your friend's expanded aura. Sometimes you will see auras easily, and sometimes you will really have to concentrate. Maybe sometimes you will not be able to see the aura at all. These sporadic failures will disappear as the ajna chakra stabilizes.

In esoteric and oriental knowledge, the existence of subtle bodies is often mentioned. One of them is the aura - an energy shell that completely covers physical body. And this field can be seen with one's own eyes, even if a person does not have any energy vision abilities.

In this article

Why learn to see the aura?

The main opportunity given by the vision of the aura is to obtain information about the state of a person. All emotions, problems and illnesses are reflected in. At higher skill levels, the ability to interact with him opens up.

When a person lies, the color of his aura changes dramatically. By observing this, one can understand the motives and character in order to determine whether it is worth dealing with him. This skill is indispensable in business, self-development, personal and friendly relationships.

When a person has a physical or psychological problem, holes can be found in his aura through which. From these places, you can read information to find out exactly what situation led to the problem.

In advanced cases, you can see how subtle entities that feed on energy are attached to energy centers. On the physical plane, this is expressed in a constant lack of energy, the appearance of addictions to certain emotions.

Looking through the aura, you can do energy diagnostics of a person. It is enough to see which chakras are damaged, have blocks and an unnatural color.

Influence of chakra on aura color

When energy vision is sufficiently developed, . You don't need a light background or stillness, a casual look will suffice.

Aura behavior in different mental states

When you see that a person is negative, it is better not to contact him, so as not to damage your own shell. As soon as it comes to a balanced state, you will immediately see changes on the subtle plane.

The mental way to work with the aura

There is an even more subtle way of viewing the aura. It is not as obvious as the previous one, but it works instantly and without fail. For him, only one thing is needed - to learn to look not with the eyes, but with attention.

Attention is your main vision. Close your eyes and pay attention to any (channel, energy center or organ). You will see with your inner eye its color. If it is, then there is damage in the aura in this place.

In the same way, you can view other people. You need to look not with your eyes, but with your attention. Penetrating into people with consciousness, you can see.

This method is extremely simple, but some people fail to do it because they simply do not know how to look with their inner eyes. In this case, you can perform a simpler option - try to visualize your aura. It will appear in the mind exactly the color that it has. And even if you try to forcefully imagine a different color, then the original appearance will still come back.

How to develop energy vision

This method will enhance the ability to see the aura and take you to an even higher level of skill. To do this, you need to do the following:

  1. Go outside during the day.
  2. Look up at the sky.
  3. Continue staring without blinking for 5-10 minutes.
  4. Within 5 minutes you will notice the movement of energy in the sky. In yoga it is called prana, and in the Qigong teaching it is called Qi.
  5. If you continue to look further, you will see the movement of dark anti-energy.
  6. A further session will lead to the fact that you will begin to see different images, bodies and beings. This is an even more subtle level of energy vision.

Stages of development of energy vision

Perform this exercise daily, and you will very quickly master not only the vision of the aura, but also.

A quick way to see the aura

The method will allow you to see the aura in 60 seconds. To do this, you need to adjust the focus of your gaze in a special way. After training, the practitioner will learn to see subtle energy constantly.

You will get detailed technique by watching the video below:

Modern way

This technique is performed in the evening. To do this, do the following:

  1. Lie down on the bed.
  2. Stretch your hand up.
  3. Shift your attention to yours. Try to feel your energy.
  4. You can use visualization, imagining the movement of energy between the fingers. It will be even more effective to create a feeling of movement of energy.
  5. In 5-10 minutes you will see thin threads connecting fingers. Play with them to see how the aura behaves.

This exercise will teach not only to see the shell, but also to control the energy flows inside the body.

How to work with your aura?

If you saw a problem area in your own aura, then there is nothing to worry about, since the damage found can be healed. For this, breathing exercises, asanas and meditation. Even - vipassana (observation of the breath) eliminates the detected energy problems.

In the process of meditation, it is beneficial to visualize how a particular injury is being healed. Very soon, when re-scanning the aura, you will find that the holes disappear.

From the very birth, people have energy vision, but in the process of growing up, it disappears due to the appearance of traumas, negative beliefs, blocks and lack of faith. But children up to 3-4 years old can clearly see it. If the child sees negative aura, then he will cry when they want to pick him up.

Or vice versa, when the color is favorable, the child feels sympathy and friendliness. Young children are very sensitive to other people.


Everyone can master the ability of energy vision. We have listed 5 methods and they all work. Most people get the first positive experience after the first lesson, but after a couple of months they will become experienced practitioners.

A little about the author:

Evgeny Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the keys to success in a perfect ritual. I will provide you with the information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But do not worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

Everyone has an aura, but only a few see it! Now you can learn how to do it yourself! Technique for developing ability!

The aura is the energy shell of the body. Ancient esoteric knowledge is confirmed by modern scientists that the human body is not one: in addition to the physical, there are more subtle bodies, and the aura¹ is a reflection of the existence of subtle bodies.

This article describes an exercise with which you will learn to see the human aura.

Exercise for the development of vision of the aura

For this exercise, you will need a sheet of colored paper measuring 10 * 10 cm in blue or dark green.

1. The practitioner takes a comfortable position, closes his eyes and relaxes the muscles of his body.

2. Feeling relaxed, he opens his eyes and defocuses his gaze according to the “look into nowhere” principle, tries to cover with his vision the whole picture that his eyes can see. The image may double - a sign that everything is going right.

3. A person pays attention to colored paper, which is in front of him at a distance of 50 cm from his face.

4. The practitioner peers with a defocused gaze at the colored paper.

It is necessary with the help of imagination to “zoom in” and “remove” the image. After some time of practice, this effect will become noticeable with ordinary vision.

5. Then you need to concentrate your attention on the corners of the paper: the strongest energy accumulates in sharp forms.

6. The practitioner begins to look as if through a piece of paper, as if it had become transparent.

Most importantly: keep your vision unfocused! You do not need to highlight the paper, its color, sharp corners or a dark background in the background, you need to generalize the look, as if what you see are parts of a single image.

7. Continuing to look with a defocused gaze “through” the paper, after a while a person will begin to notice a weak, barely noticeable glow, vibration along the edges of the paper. This is the etheric body⁴, the first sign of the aura.

The effect of this practice occurs only under the condition of regular training. At first, the glow will be white, but as the ability develops, you will begin to see different colors, clear forms and features of the aura!

In order for the result to come faster, and you can see the aura and continue to develop this skill, here are some useful tips:

  • During practice, it is recommended to think about the pleasant. Positive emotions increase hypersensitivity.
  • No need to overdo it by repeating thoughts: “Now I will see her!”, Or something like that. It is enough just to relax the mind and concentrate on the exercise.
  • To overcome doubt, the question of faith and disbelief, it is recommended to look at this exercise as a body workout: if you play sports, your muscles become stronger and your body more perfect. In this practice, everything is exactly the same: keep practicing, and the effect will appear!
  • It is necessary to show perseverance. The case must always be brought to the end, even if emotions say that everything is meaningless.
  • It is very useful to pay attention to all the changes. Celebrate progress in all areas of practice: that the concentration of attention has become stronger; the fact that unnecessary thoughts have ceased to interfere, etc. This will increase the intention to achieve a result!
  • Before class, say the installation: “I am in harmony with the world, I component! This synchronizes the consciousness of a person with his spirit, helps in the development of extrasensory abilities.

Ways to enhance the superpower to see the aura

There are some conditions under which the aura is seen better.

Semi-dark rooms are well suited: the eyes pay less attention to details and defocus more easily in the dark; this allows you to see the image of the aura more clearly.

1. When evening comes, the practitioner goes out onto the balcony and chooses an object whose aura he will examine. For example, your hand.

2. It is necessary that there is a bright light from the room behind, which can give good illumination.

3. A person looks at his hand with a defocused look against a dark sky.

When the skill of seeing the aura has already been developed, he will soon see the glow along the contours of the hand and will be able to examine it in detail.

Also effective method training is looking at the outlines of trees against a dark sky.

In the evening and at night the trees are always darker than the sky; if you peer with a defocused eye in the manner described above into the crown of a tree, you can see a glow along its contour.

auras of other people. How to watch?

It is best to start observing the energy shells of other people from the head. There is the strongest glow; seeing it, you can easily see the whole aura of a person.

It is useful to consider the auras of people in places where they are congested, where they do not move. For example, on subway escalators or open-air concerts. People do not move, and this allows you to calmly see the glow.

In order to strengthen your abilities, you need to examine the aura daily in different places.

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Aura is a shell invisible to the human eye that surrounds the human body, or any other living object, that is, an animal, plant, mineral, etc. (Wikipedia).

² Learn the energy shell cleansing technique

Many people, when trying to see an aura for the first time, make a similar mistake: staring intently at an object. In fact, the energy shell opens only when a person is relaxed.

  1. First step. You should start learning on inanimate objects of primary colors (red or green, for example). You should relax and focus on one point located behind the object whose aura you are trying to see. You should not change focus or blink, as it will be much more difficult to consider the energy shell.
  2. Having coped with the first step, you should move on to the main colors. For example, if you trained on your phone, you can use a colored case for it. Then move on to plants. The exercise will be the same. You will see a pink-orange aura, but in a living plant, unlike a cut one, it will be more clear and shimmering.
  3. The next move is to learn to see the energy shell of the animal (you can practice on pets). The difficulty of this exercise is that the pet cannot sit still. But there is a way out - practice while he sleeps.
  4. “What kind of aura do I have?” you ask. This can be found in the fourth stage of training. You can focus on the arm or leg, and try to see your biofield.
  5. The last step will teach you how to see the other person's aura. This is the most difficult task, because each person experiences complex feelings and emotions.

How to see the aura of another person at home? You will need to find an assistant, but you should not ask for this service the first person you meet, whose name you learned half an hour ago. It should be a friend or a good acquaintance whom you trust.

  1. Have a helper stand in front of a white wall, as any other colors will distract you and you won't be able to see the aura.
  2. Just above the head of a person, you should mentally put a dot, and look at it with a defocused look. If done correctly, you should be able to see a soft glow around your helper's head.
  3. To make it easier for yourself, ask your friend to imagine a bright beam of light coming out of his head. This will help you determine the color and content of the human energy shell.

These exercises will help you see the ethereal aura of a person, but there is a more complex and brighter shell - the astral one. She can only be seen after long training sessions on several assistants, while changing the lighting in the room.

You will need to look at yourself from the outside, which means that you cannot do without a mirror:

  • Stand with your back to a neutral (or white) background, and place a mirror half a meter away from you.
  • Try to relax with deep breaths and then start rocking from side to side.
  • Focus your eyes on the background behind you.
  • Around the head and shoulders you will be able to see your energy shell.
  • An important condition is proper lighting. It is impossible to see the aura in the dark, as well as in too bright light, since it will blur it.
  • The color of your clothes doesn't really matter and doesn't affect your aura in any way.
  • Remember to control your breathing. If you do everything right, you will be able to see that the energy field will be brighter as you exhale.

Technical Assistants

Another way to see the biofield and its colors is to take a photo with a special camera called an auroscope. To see the aura of a person, it is enough to photograph only one finger. Such a test for a person's aura allows a specialist to draw conclusions not only about the state of his biofield, but also about his health.

It is worth paying attention to what colors prevail in the photo of the biofield, and whether it is holistic. Of course, this is not the same as seeing the biofield with your own eyes, but the pictures obtained with the help of this “camera” will allow you to carefully consider what your aura looks like.

How to decipher what you saw

Learning to identify the aura is not enough, because you also need to know what exactly you saw. energy shell a person is usually distinguished by its colors.

Color Meaning
Yellow Indicates good health of a person, his openness, high mental development. It also testifies to the independence of a person, his striving forward, his desire to learn. Such a person will attract others.
Yellow with red tints Indicates a timid person with an inferiority complex, who is unable to complete what he started, and does not have his own beliefs and views.
Yellow with brown undertones Talks about laziness and carelessness. Such people are often influenced by others.
Orange A confident, active, full of strength person has such an aura.
golden orange This is the aura of a resilient person who knows how to control himself. If it is added green color, this indicates a person's propensity for conflict.
Red Indicates an energetic person with leadership qualities, and at the same time capable of selfless love.
Scarlet Indicates selfishness and self-confidence of a person.
Pink It speaks of the sociability of a person, his ability to find common topics with any interlocutor.
purple Indicates an enthusiast and just man who strives to help others.
Red-brown A very unusual color. He speaks of a person's penchant for cunning, and in exceptional cases may even point to the killer. This color can also indicate a diseased organ.
dark red Indicates a quick-tempered and unbalanced person who wants to be above others.
Fuzzy dark red shades It testifies to the aggressiveness, irritability and temper of a person, his unreliability and grumpiness, the desire to earn at the expense of others.
Bright green It testifies to the vitality of a person, his positivity and friendliness. This is a caring kind-hearted person, ready to help others.
emerald green Indicates a versatile, open and honest personality.
Aquamarine This is the aura of a peaceful person who treats others with kindness and mercy.
Blue This is a person with a gentle character, but he may depend on the opinions of others and doubt the correctness of his own decisions.
Intense blue color It testifies to the wisdom of a person, his ability to make reasonable decisions and achieve success.
White or neutral color It testifies to the developed intuition of a person whose spirituality surpasses physical abilities. Such people may have psychic abilities.
Black color This is the aura of a dangerous aggressive person who does not know how to sympathize, and is ready to sacrifice others in order to achieve his goal.

Everyone is well aware of the image of a halo over the heads of saints in Orthodox icons. The halo around the head is the aura - a luminous oval shape. The aura is not an object of the physical world, therefore it is impossible to see it with ordinary vision.

How to learn to see the aura, and what needs to be done for this? Consider a few simple exercises that will help develop supersensory perception and see a part of the human biofield called the aura.

To see the aura, you need to know exactly what it looks like and what it consists of. Around a person or any object there is an invisible shell formed by an energy field.

For the first time, Kirlian was able to fix the biofield of a person and objects on an ultra-sensitive film, and people were able to verify the existence of a mysterious aura. Not only living beings, but also any objects and objects of inanimate nature have their own biofield.

Under certain conditions, anyone can see the aura by following simple rules. Sometimes the aura is confused with the etheric body, which is the easiest to see. However, the etheric body is integral part general biofield and is a translucent haze of white or slightly bluish color a few centimeters from the object of observation.

The aura is always colored and is located at a distance of half a meter or more from a person or object. You can see the difference between the aura and the etheric body in the figure.

How to learn to see the aura

Before learning to distinguish the colored part of the aura, one must see the etheric body.

This is very easy to do:

  1. Raise any hand up, like students at school.
  2. Bend your fingers into a fist, leaving your index finger in the same position.
  3. Now bend and unbend forefinger, changing the pace - slowly, quickly.

At some point, you will see a transparent white trail trailing behind your finger - this is the etheric body. It is better to look at the ether trace on a dark background, however, when practicing the skill, you can see the ether contour on any background.

Now you can complicate the task and set a goal - to see the ethereal contour in the mirror. Approach the mirror in good light, make any movements in front of it - raise and lower your hands, tilt your head, etc. Soon you will see how a transparent haze stretches behind your hands - this is the etheric body. And after some time you will notice that you see the ethereal shell of other people.

Now consider the question - how to learn to see a person's aura? To do this, arrange with someone who is ready to participate in the experiment. You need a white screen or a white wall and good lighting - let's say a table lamp.

Place a person against a white wall or screen and direct a stream of diffused light in his direction.

Now you need to do the following:

  1. Imagine a certain point behind the person, which is just above his head.
  2. Focus on this point, concentrate on it and do not blink.
  3. Imagine an imaginary stripe of dark color along the contour of the object's head.
  4. As you continue to look at the strip, you will notice an iridescent thread under it.
  5. Look at the thread without blinking, and try to lift it higher.
  6. If you managed to catch your eye on the thread and lift it, a bright multi-colored radiance will soon open - this is the aura.

What is important in this exercise? It is important not to blink, otherwise you will have to start the practice from the beginning - tuning to a point, concentrating thoughts on it, etc.

At first, this practice will seem difficult, because it requires tuning and concentration. However, after a few sessions, clairvoyance will become easier, and you will no longer need to imagine a dark outline above the person’s head - it will be enough just to concentrate on an imaginary point.

With practice, you will be able to see not a fragment of the aura above your head, but the entire aura of a person - from head to toe. You just need to set a goal to see the aura in 60 seconds or even less!

How to learn to see the aura of objects and living objects

These exercises will allow you to see the aura of indoor plants, animals and inanimate objects. Experiment with books first:

Wrap your books in deep blue and red paper. Put them on a light background and create a bright but diffused lighting. Look not at the book, but behind it - at the background of the wall. After a while, you will be able to see the aura that comes from the colored paper: it will be a different color from it. Usually, blue creates an aura of yellow, and red creates an aura of green.

Place a vase or pot on the table indoor flower, create a light screen and put a lamp to illuminate. Carefully look at the flower in the background, do not blink. After a while, you will be able to notice a flicker around the plant - is it its aura or life force. You will see a white transparent haze and an orange glow. Having trained with indoor plants, you can begin to watch the aura of trees and bushes in nature in sunlight.

Exercises on how to see the aura of animals. The principle of viewing the biofield of pets is the same. You create lighting and a light background, look not at the body of the animal, but through it or over it. It is advisable for the pet to lie quietly or sleep. In healthy animals, the aura will be colored and bright, in sick animals it will be cloudy and gray.

Can you see your own aura

This practice will require a white background and a mirror. You need to position the mirror so that it reflects the white background. It can be a white wall or a white canvas without patterns. Stand against the background of the wall in front of the mirror and look not at yourself, but at the background.

Shake your head from side to side, move your torso, and keep looking at the background in the mirror. After a while, you will be able to notice that a colored shell has appeared: it will move with your body. This is the aura.

Now do this experiment. Inhale deeply and exhale slowly. You will notice that the size of the aura increases as you exhale. Remember the main colors of your aura and your emotional state. When changing emotions, the colors of the aura will change.

What should be considered in this exercise? Lighting should be neither too bright nor too dim. Bright lighting will obscure the colors of the aura, while dim lighting will make it impossible to see it.

Psychology of deception