Complete apathy for life. Clouding of consciousness and complete apathy for life - what to do

Apathy is a state in which everything around becomes indifferent, there is no desire to talk to anyone or do anything. There are many causes of apathy, from psychological and physical fatigue and exhaustion of the body to endocrine disorders and chronic diseases.

An apathetic state is familiar to everyone, but for one it quickly passes, while for others it develops into a serious depression.

Apathy occurs during a period of mental discomfort, which is caused by many reasons. These are diseases of a chronic type, and excessive consumption of coffee, diet abuse, lack of oxygen or sleep.

Apathy lies in the fact that there comes indifference to those things that used to please. This is communication with friends, trips to nature, favorite work, etc. Apathy does not allow you to do everyday things, take care of yourself and, in general, carry out planned tasks.

Why does apathy occur?

The causes of apathy are varied, but by and large - these are regular and repeated encounters with problems that cannot be resolved at this level of development. Apathy is caused by physical, psychological and emotional fatigue, frequent stress, anxiety, neurosis. Let's look at the main causes of apathy:

  • Prolonged stress.
  • Lack of rest and unloading.
  • Sudden changes in life (death of loved ones, divorce, pregnancy, retirement, dismissal, birth of a child, betrayal, and others).
  • Premenstrual syndrome in women.
  • Perfectionism and constant reminders from others about something.
  • Feelings of shame arising from the manifestation of their needs and desires.
  • A long wait for an important or dangerous event.
  • Misunderstanding of others and addiction (games, alcohol, drugs, etc.).
  • The presence of chronic diseases.
  • Pressure from superiors or people you depend on.
  • Taking hormonal drugs.

The above causes of apathy are only part of what can really provoke a psychological disorder.

How to deal with aptia

With such a state, clearly, it is necessary to fight. To begin with, you can allow yourself to cry and feel sorry for yourself, but you need to do this in private so that no one interferes. I'm sure you'll get tired of it, and there will be a desire to do something.

First step: you need to relax. It is important to make yourself happy, buy something on the way home from work, eat as many goodies as your heart desires. Before going to bed, you can take a fragrant bath and listen to your favorite music. But you should avoid slow, melancholic compositions.

It's time for work. The second step involves writing a to-do list of things to do. During the time of complete apathy, a lot of them have accumulated. Carrying out all the planned things, you will have no time to think about the hardships of fate.

Move more, turn on energetic music that will make the body stretch. In the process of cleaning, you will have to bend over, squat and jump, this will wake up your body. Each organism has its own “buttons”, each has its own recipes for getting out of apathy.

Apathy for work usually requires a vacation, as it is a sign of fatigue. If this is not possible, you need to find positive moments and complete a pile of accumulated cases. When there are fewer of them, the mood will rise, and the apathy for work and everything will pass.

Secret methods of dealing with apathy from V. Dovgan:

4 ways to overcome apathy:

Why do you lose interest in work?

A positive attitude is one of the ways to drive away apathy and laziness:

His Majesty has not been worried about anything for a week now: neither golf, nor the once-beloved morning ceremony of choosing an outfit from his extensive wardrobe, nor (oh, horror!) The dinner act itself! His Highness the court physician made a terrible diagnosis: apathy.

This dangerous beast of indifference to everything that happens, like a worm, sharpened the soul of the beautiful King. And no one knew the cure for his apathy. His Majesty's face showed no emotion but boredom. And he could not force himself to sit on the throne - he lay in bed, forgetting about his happy royal life.

The nobles and courtiers were seriously afraid for the health of his Excellency: they knew cases when signs of apathy ended in violent insanity and even suicide ...

I'm apathetic - what should I do?

Noble nobles were not worried in vain, and that depression, schizophrenia and suicidal thoughts could come after complete apathy, they were right. True, they did not know that the dependence of these states is somewhat different: the presence of apathy is not a reason for the development of depression and schizophrenia, but a sign that a person is at risk for these conditions. However, there is not always cause for concern.

The state of apathy is more or less familiar to all adults, because from time to time a feeling of indifference and unwillingness to do something visits each of us. Unfortunately, only a few succeed in enjoying life every minute and feeling the desire to act, and the psyche of most people from time to time needs a break from constant mental and stress.

Despite the apparent perniciousness of apathy, it is this condition that gives the psyche of a healthy person the opportunity to “reboot” and recover. However, if a few hours of blues and idleness, as a rule, will not affect the quality of life modern man, then constant apathy can cause many difficulties in all areas of life, from the loss of important social ties to problems at work. Therefore, those people who have lost interest in life need to find a way to get rid of apathy and return active life position and the desire to act.

Apathy: causes and features of the course

In order to understand how to get rid of apathy, you first need to determine the reasons that caused this condition. The emotional sphere is an integral part of human mental activity, so every day we experience hundreds of emotions - for example, the pleasure of delicious food, the joy of meeting good friends, satisfaction after the successful completion of any work, irritation due to bad weather, etc. Normally, the psyche must cope with all external signals and felt emotions, however, situations are not uncommon when, either due to an abundance of information and stimuli, or due to a strong shock, the nervous system is “overloaded” and ceases to cope with signals coming from outside. And according to psychologists, The most common causes that cause a state of apathy are:

To protect against "burnout" and the detrimental consequences that follow (diseases of the nervous system, psychosomatic diseases and mental disorders), the human psyche begins to work in the "energy conservation mode", that is, it does not respond to most incoming signals. While a person is in a state of apathy, not only his nervous system is restored, but the whole organism, since the energy that was spent on emotions and intellectual activity is spent on self-healing. And precisely because the body needs as much as possible energy resources recovery, apathy and laziness are often inseparable.

In a state of apathy, a person has no interest in life, he often neglects household duties, refuses to communicate and previously loved things, and practically does not experience any emotions. The symptoms of apathy are in many ways similar to, however, unlike a depressive state, apathy disorder is not accompanied by a decrease in self-esteem. Normally, apathy for life does not last too long: depending on the cause that caused this condition, the body and psyche need from several days to 3-4 weeks to recover. However, if the state when interest in life is lost, there are no emotions and you don’t want to do anything lasts for months, a person needs to think about how to get rid of apathy and return the “taste” of life.

7 steps to get rid of apathy

Apathy, not accompanied by more serious mental illness(drug addiction, schizophrenia, etc.), are rarely treated with medication, as psychotherapists are sure that a healthy person has enough moral strength to get out of this state on their own. Therefore, psychologists recommend that all people who have lost interest in life take the following steps to get rid of apathy:

Before we talk about how to deal with apathy, let's figure out what this ailment is. As the saying goes: "you need to know the enemy by sight." The concept of apathy takes its roots from philosophy and denotes a state of indifference to everything that happens around and even hatred of life itself.

Oddly enough, this condition is quite often observed in people who have full-fledged and prosperous families, with a good income, who have achieved success in life. The cause of their condition is ordinary boredom, which develops into apathy, and then into depression. But still, more often mental detachment is inherent in people undergoing constant failures, stress at work and at home.

Modern people are faced with this problem more and more often, but to the question: what to do if there is apathy for everything, not everyone knows the answer. It is worth noting that a person in an apathetic state often cannot figure out the reasons for his depression himself.

How to recognize apathy

The first symptoms of apathy are:

  • lethargy and drowsiness;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • lack of desire to take the initiative;
  • a tendency to loneliness;
  • indifferent behavior;
  • a state of unreasonable isolation and sadness.

Apathy for everything: reasons

There are two types of reasons that entail a depressed state:

  • physiological;
  • psychological.

The former include: endocrinological diseases, taking certain medications, traumatic brain injury, bad habits and addictions, heredity, change hormonal background during pregnancy and lack of vitamins in the body.

The second - stressful situations, moral exhaustion, an overabundance of emotional stress, the impossibility of self-expression, a strong sense of guilt.

Indifference to everything, what to do?

As soon as you notice the first symptoms of blues in yourself, try to distract yourself from thoughts that oppress you. It is very important not to follow the desire to be alone, but to meet people you like, chat and unwind.

It would be nice, if possible, to take the weekend and spend it away from the causes of irritation. Good help to distract from the problems of playing sports or learning languages, classical music. A surge of positive emotions will help you get out of a depressed state. It can be a visit to an amusement park, an extreme sport, dancing to energetic music, etc.

It's time to see a doctor

When you can’t get out of a state of apathy on your own, it’s time to resort to the help of specialists. The matter takes a serious turn in the transition from a state of melancholy to deep apathy. Then, the patient begins to be tormented by nightmares, unfounded fears, hallucinations. There is a risk of deep apathy turning into depression and even schizophrenia. Therefore, the treatment of such forms of the disease should be started as soon as possible.

Who hasn't had a day when they didn't want anything? Neither getting up in the morning for work, nor meeting friends, nor watching your favorite movie or even your favorite dish evokes emotions ... what to do if apathy for everything? Fight overcoming laziness before it turns into depression!

Apathy: what to do if you do not want anything?

Getting out of the situation requires effort, but what comes easily? When it is impossible to force yourself to act, you should obey your body and really stop. To pause in the frantic pace of life and think sometimes is also very useful.

Step one

step two

Define your life goals. Think about what you really need, not about what others are waiting for. Are you doing what you love? Do you have an interesting hobby? If not, you don't need to worry even more. On the contrary, it is a reason to find something you like and realize yourself! It happens that a person gets so used to being the way others want to see him that he loses himself. For example, you work as an accountant, while all your life you dreamed of a career as a dentist. As a result, a feeling of apathy will inevitably arise. The same can be said about personal life.

Step Three

Start taking action. If you cannot sort out your problems on your own, you should seek the help of specialists. good psychologist help find a way out of their current situation. Under no circumstances should you delay! After all, the moral state of a person is closely related to the physical. Therefore, a person who has been overcome by apathy, and he does not know what to do if he does not want anything, may begin to worry about headaches or chronic sores “crawl out”. Do you need it?

Step Four

Change of scenery. If there are no global reasons for an apathetic state, and laziness overcomes more and more, there is a sure way to deal with it. This is a trip. To relatives or friends, to another city or even country. New experiences associated with the journey will not leave room for gloomy thoughts. Can't leave for any reason? Change something around you! Move the furniture in the room, hang new curtains in the kitchen, change your hairstyle or update your wardrobe. And the apathy will pass by itself!

Step five

Start a new life. Introduce something unusual into your routine, something that you have never done before. For example, attending a yoga class or driving course, jogging in the morning, or doing selfless acts of kindness. Meet new people, go to an exhibition or a movie.

  • Nothing. Allow yourself a day of laziness and relaxation of the soul and body - no phones, mail, social networks and other things. Only good films, delicious tea, favorite dishes and a warm blanket. But, only one day of such a relaxing regimen. Then - back to business, but without sad thoughts.
  • Get a pet. A cat or a hamster, or maybe an exotic chameleon? Small (or not so), but funny pets have an amazing ability to give positive and get rid of bad thoughts.
  • Do something crazy. Dreamed of skydiving? Today is the best day to make a wish come true! The release of adrenaline is a reboot for the whole body.
  • Relax in nature. Gathering all your strength, force yourself to go out of town to the forest or just go to the park. It doesn't matter the time of year - feel the healing beauty of the surrounding world - flowers, birds, butterflies, trees, snowflakes. It really works!

Be happy!

Psychology of self-development