Low platelets in the blood cause. How to lower platelets in the blood: effective ways

Thrombocytosis is a disease in which the level of platelets in the human body is significantly increased. This phenomenon is quite dangerous for health, as the risk of blood clots increases. This disease can be caused by various chronic diseases, congenital pathologies or changes in the body during the aging process. In fact, there are a number of recipes that will help reduce platelet levels in the human body.

You will need

Medications with acetylsalicylic acid;
- cranberry juice;
- green tea, ginger root, cinnamon;
- Orange juice.

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Refuse to drink any drinks containing alcohol, as alcohol contributes to the formation of a blood clot. Take aspirin or other drugs that contain acetylsalicylic acid. It is this substance that thins the blood, reduces the level of platelets, and, accordingly, prevents the formation of blood clots. Before you start taking the drug, be sure to consult your doctor. Drink as much ordinary cranberry juice as possible. The fact is that platelets do not "tolerate" the high acidity of the environment, and therefore are destroyed. Morse should be drunk 5-6 times a day. Anticoagulants can also be used to lower platelet levels, but remember that you should consult with your healthcare professional before taking such drugs. There are also a number of products that must be consumed with an increased level of platelets. Eat more bittersweet dark chocolate, as well as lemons and beets. Prepare a special tea according to the following recipe. Pour a teaspoon of green tea without additives into the pan, add finely chopped ginger root and a pinch of cinnamon. Pour the mixture with 500 ml of boiling water and let it stand for an hour. Then strain the broth and add lemon and honey to taste. Drink all liquid during the day. Vitamin C is a good blood thinner. Drink a glass of fresh orange juice every day. But keep in mind that this juice is categorically contraindicated in gastritis or stomach ulcers. Very often substances are used - interferons. These drugs significantly reduce the number of blood cells and reduce the level of blood clotting. In a difficult condition of the body, the doctor may prescribe thrombocytophoresis. In this process, excess cells are removed from human blood using a special apparatus. How simple

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Blood is amazing in its importance and the only tissue of the body that can quickly change its cellular composition.

Blood has a unique quality - this important tissue in the human body can significantly change its cellular composition in a short time. It is for this reason that general and biochemical blood tests are widely used in the diagnosis of diseases. The most common abnormality in a blood test is thrombocytosis - an elevated level of platelets.

It is important to understand that an increase in the number of platelets that are responsible for blood clotting does not always indicate the presence of any disease. This picture of a blood test can be observed in the elderly and anyone who drinks alcohol. And yet, thrombocytosis can lead to the formation of fixed or wandering clots. And this is already quite life-threatening and it is necessary to take emergency measures in order to correct the situation.

First, you need to immediately make adjustments to the diet and adhere to a certain diet for thrombocytosis. In order to reduce the level of platelets in the blood, it is important to give up bad habits, such as addiction to alcohol and smoking - remember that alcohol and nicotine adversely affect all organs and tissues, including those responsible for synthesis and differentiation blood cells. Also, do not get too carried away with carbohydrate foods, during the metabolism of which uric acid is formed in the body. It directly affects the level of platelets.

It is recommended to include in the daily diet foods rich in iodine - walnuts, feijoa, seaweed and seafood. And platelets are negatively affected by organic acids - ascorbic, citric, malic. Because of this, instead of tea and coffee, you should start drinking diluted lemon and orange juice, cranberry and lingonberry juice. Eat more vegetables and fruits rich in antioxidants - grapes, apples, blueberries and others. But buckwheat, bananas, smoked meats, carbonated drinks are not desirable to see on your menu.

To lower the level of platelets in the blood, healers advise using herbs, fruits and vegetables, biologically active compounds that can purify and thin the blood.
Tincture of garlic is prepared as follows: take 2 heads of garlic, peel them, lightly crush the cloves and pour 200 g of vodka. The resulting mixture is stored in a dark place for about a month, then filtered and taken half a teaspoon twice a day.

Platelets are post-cellular structural components of the blood, their life cycle is 2-8 days. After this time, they are utilized by special cells of the liver and kidneys.

A person has a certain norm of platelets in the blood. If it is violated, it can be argued about the existing pathology.

Elevated levels of platelets in the blood in patients are very often diagnosed with various diseases inflammatory nature:

  • rheumatoid
  • hemorrhagic vasculitis
  • spondyloarthritis
  • sarcoidosis
  • liver diseases

In acute iron deficiency, the development of this pathological process can also be observed.

Injuries are also a common cause of an increase in the level of platelets in the patient's blood.

After removal of the spleen, patients suffer from an increased number of platelets in the blood, this is due to the fact that this organ carried out the elimination of old cells.

The control over the amount of certain elements of the blood is carried out by the nervous system. That is why, as a result of stressful situations, depression, the number of platelets in the blood increases.

In adult patients, this pathology can be observed with excessive use.

With prolonged exposure to toxic substances, there is also

An increase in the number of blood cells can be determined using a blood test.

development of pathology.

Frequent high salt intake is a clear cause of an increase in platelet count.

Surgical intervention very often negatively affects the patient's body, namely, an increase in the number of platelets in the blood. This is due to the fact that during the operation the patient loses a certain amount of blood.

There can be more than enough reasons for the occurrence of pathology. At the initial stages, it practically does not manifest itself in any way.

The success of treatment will be ensured with the timely diagnosis of the disease. That is why the patient needs to regularly undergo a medical examination, which includes delivery.

For the most accurate determination of the occurrence of pathology, it is imperative to consult a hematologist.

Normal platelet counts

You can find out about the number of platelets in the blood very simply with the help of an ordinary analysis. This will also allow you to set individual indicators.

An adult should normally have 250 to 10 to the ninth degree of platelets. Very often, patients experience their fluctuation in the range of 180-320. These indicators are not pathological, so do not worry.

During the test, you need to know about the predominance of a certain form in the blood. This will determine the presence of diseases in the patient.

The human body should have 90 percent of adult platelets. Old cells should not exceed 5.6 percent, and young ones - 0.8.

Ways to Lower Platelet Levels

Many people wonder how to lower platelets in the blood?

Traditional medicine is most commonly used to lower platelet levels.

Doctors also prescribe for patients with thrombocytopenia. This drug is an organic acid that can destroy these blood cells and reduce the level of blood viscosity.

If the number of platelets in the blood is very increased, it is forbidden to exceed the dosage of the drug, as the patient may experience side effects:

  • Hemorrhagic diathesis
  • Edema
  • hemorrhages

A decrease in the level of platelets in the blood is also carried out with the help of drugs that belong to the group of coagulants. Very often, patients are prescribed Argatoban, Bivalirudin, Livarudin.

Medications are characterized by a directed effect on red blood cells, after which they are excreted through the kidneys.

If a patient is diagnosed with a critical condition, then this requires the use of thrombocytophoresis. With this procedure, the platelet part is removed with a special blood separator.

Conventional medicine is highly effective in reducing blood platelet levels. But taking medications without consulting a doctor is strictly prohibited.

You can also lower the level of platelets in the blood with the help of means traditional medicine.

For this purpose, patients take fruits, herbs, vegetables, biologically active compounds, with the help of which blood thinning is carried out. That is why the patient needs to take pectins, organic acids and flavonoids.

To reduce the number of platelets most often used from

Garlic tincture - effective remedy treatment of the disease

garlic. To prepare it, it is necessary to peel the teeth from the skin of two heads and pour 200 milliliters of vodka. The tincture should be stored in a dark place for a month. Garlic consists of flavonoids, phytoncides, essential oils, which are able to regulate the state of the hematopoietic system.

You can also reduce the number of platelets with the help of cocoa. It must be prepared without sugar in water. This product consists of flavonoids, which have a positive effect on the composition.

Ginger is a highly effective remedy in the fight against an increased number of red blood cells. For treatment, you can take unfermented ginger powder, which contains a large amount of biologically active substances.

To prepare the medicine, you need to take one spoonful of powder and the same amount of cane sugar and pour 200 milliliters of boiling water. The drug should be taken in the morning. The spice consists of organic acids, flavonoids and antioxidants, which are used to thin the blood.

A decrease in the level of platelets in the blood can also be done with the help of gingo biloba, oranges, mulberries, artichokes, lemons, chestnuts, cinquefoil, pomegranates.

Quite effective in the treatment of pathological processes is hirudotherapy.

Treatment of an increased level of platelets in the blood with the help of folk remedies should be carried out as prescribed by the doctor. Otherwise, it can have dire consequences.

An increased level of platelets in the blood threatens with complications, which is why it must be regulated in a timely manner. AT this case self-medication is strictly prohibited. Before taking any medications or traditional medicine, you should consult a doctor.

A specialist in the video will tell about platelets:

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It is necessary to know how to lower platelets in the blood, since this condition poses a serious danger to human health. A low level of these cells is easier to correct than a situation if their level is above normal. significantly damages the cardiovascular system. There are certain, when the normal level of cells is exceeded, the situation needs to be corrected. indicates the presence of a pathological process in the body.

Why is it necessary to lower the level of platelets in the blood?

How to reduce platelets in the blood, only a specialist knows for sure. Correcting the situation on your own can be unsafe for health. These cells are responsible for blood clotting, which is very important in case of damage or surgery. This allows you to stop the blood in time and carry out tissue regeneration. An increased number of platelets is evidence of pathological processes in the body.

This phenomenon is observed if a person:

  • have diseases of the liver, joints or abdominal cavity;
  • at inflammatory processes, as well as in the presence of diseases of an infectious or viral nature;
  • if the spleen has been removed. This is because the organ is responsible for the disposal of old cells, if it is removed, they accumulate in the body, which leads to an increase in normal parameters;
  • with severe stress and depression, since the nervous system controls the amount of certain blood elements;
  • in malignant processes in the body.

Therefore, it is very important, if there is such a sign as elevated platelets, to start treatment and eliminate the problem.

Another important reason that urges not to ignore the high level of these cells is the increased risk of blood clots. This is the most common cause of death.

A thrombus is a blood clot that clogs a vessel, thereby stopping blood circulation. Therefore, it is necessary to normalize the state of the blood as soon as possible so that blood clots do not appear.

Medications to reduce platelet mass

How to reduce platelets in the blood, only a doctor should decide. There are several options for fixing the problem.

The most common of them:

  • drug treatment;
  • special diet;
  • folk remedies.

Modern medicine presents to the attention of people a large selection of tools that can normalize the level of platelets.

The cheapest and most effective drug is Aspirin. This is a drug that reduces blood viscosity due to the property of destroying red cells.

To normalize the composition of the blood, coagulants are also prescribed, such as:

  • Argatroban;
  • Bivalirudin;
  • Livarudin.

These medicines act directly on the red blood cells and excrete them through the kidneys.

If the platelet level has reached critical levels, then the patient's life can only be saved with the help of plateletpheresis.

This procedure allows you to quickly remove the platelet part of the blood and ensure a low or normal level of platelets.

Conventional medicine methods are the most effective for normalizing red blood cell levels. Without the advice of a specialist, treatment is strictly prohibited.

Diet for high platelets

Certain foods may have a platelet-lowering effect. Therefore, in addition to traditional therapy, it is necessary to normalize your diet.

The diet for this problem consists of the following rules:

  • Increase fluid intake. Pure water promotes blood thinning, in addition, freshly squeezed juices and green tea are recommended.
  • Avoid alcohol and cigarettes.
  • Increase the amount of plant foods in your diet.
  • Reduce the amount of protein and fatty foods, and refuse spicy and fried foods.
  • There are more foods that have platelet-lowering properties. For example, celery, ginger, cherries.

Platelets are very important elements of our blood. It is thanks to them that the process of coagulation is carried out. But if there are too many platelets, the body sends a signal that something is not right with it, the blood is thick, which means that there is a high probability of blood clots. To prevent this from happening, you need to know how to reduce platelets in the blood and what methods exist.

Causes of increased platelet levels

An increase in platelet levels can be observed for the following reasons:

Injuries with blood loss also lead to an increase in the number of platelets. Any surgical interventions, alcohol abuse, high salt intake, iron deficiency - all this leads to the need to lower platelets in the blood.

An increased number of platelets is not always a deviation. Sometimes this is a consequence of improper preparation for analysis.

Platelet norms

To find out how many platelets a person has, it is necessary to take a general blood test. A detailed test also reflects other indicators by which you can determine the state of the body. The norm for adults is the number of platelets from 180 to 320 * 10 9 / l. In children, the number of platelets is different, depending on age. There is also a quantitative difference between men and women. It is easy to raise a lowered level if necessary, but if the level of platelets in the blood is elevated (thrombocytosis), it becomes necessary to lower it, because. this condition is dangerous for the occurrence of blood clots, often leads to heart attacks and strokes. A low platelet index can be observed in oncology, and more precisely after radiation and chemotherapy.

Lowering methods

There are several ways to lower your platelet count:

  • special diet;
  • Medical treatment;
  • Ethnoscience.

A diet with an increased number of platelets consists in refusing to drink alcoholic and carbonated drinks, including foods that can lower platelet count in the diet. These include fresh fruits, vegetables, berries, herbs. Excellent helpers in the fight against thrombocytosis are ginger, chocolate with a large dose of cocoa, fish (preferably sea). Lemon and cranberries, due to the acid they contain, actively reduce blood viscosity. The exceptions are bananas, mangoes, mountain ash, lentils. It is necessary to maintain a water balance - drink about 2 liters of water during the day (for overweight people, about 3 liters), give up tobacco products, fatty, fried and spicy foods.

With caution and only in agreement with the attending physician, hormonal, diuretic drugs should be used, as they increase the density of the blood.

Doctors most often prescribe the drug Aspirin to thin the blood. This simple, cheap remedy reduces the concentration of platelets, but care should be taken when using it, since side effects in case of an overdose can be edema, hemorrhage and hemorrhagic diathesis. There are also contraindications for taking pills for people with gastrointestinal problems (ulcers, erosions, colitis, etc.)

The decrease in blood viscosity is also carried out with the help of medications belonging to the group of coagulants. Means such as Thromboass, Livarudin act directly on platelets, and then are excreted unchanged by the kidneys. The drug Warfarin reduces the activity of anticoagulants, due to which there is an active synthesis of platelets. There are contraindications for patients who have undergone surgery, as well as for violations of the functions of the musculoskeletal system and blood pathologies. Clopidogrel reduces the adhesion of platelets, has almost no side effects. So that the blood is not only cleansed of excessive saturation with platelets, but also passes through the blood vessels better, Trental is prescribed. It is not used in the treatment of patients after recent strokes and heart attacks.

All drugs of traditional medicine should be used only on prescription and strictly following the dosage.

In critical conditions of thrombocytosis, thrombocytopheresis is performed - the blood is cleared of excess platelets by separation. The method is used when surgery is due, or if the platelet count remains high enough despite taking medication.

It would be useful to know how to reduce platelets in the blood using traditional medicine.

  • Ginger is an effective means of combating thrombocytosis. Natural ginger is ground into powder, mixed with cane sugar in equal proportions. Two tablespoons of the mixture is poured with a glass of boiling water, taken before dinner in small sips.
  • Ginko Biloba leaves, brewed for 5-10 minutes with hot water, are taken twice a day.
  • Cocoa brewed without milk and sugar should be drunk before meals in the morning.
  • Tincture of garlic in the form of two crushed heads, filled with 200 grams of vodka. Leave to infuse for a month, drink half a teaspoon twice a day.
  • Brew Galega officinalis, add to water or tea.
  • Hirudotherapy. The use of leeches is very effective in thrombocytosis.
  • A gruel consisting of garlic, onion, honey and lemon is consumed in a teaspoon three times a day.

lower platelets folk remedies most effective in combination with diet and traditional medicine.

Independent actions to thin the blood must be carried out very carefully, strictly observing the dosage of the drugs. Best Solution on the issue of how to lower the level of platelets, the hematologist will tell you. He carefully examines all blood counts, general state patient, complaints, and only after that prescribe the appropriate treatment.

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