What do birth numbers mean? Numerology by date of birth

Numerology is the ancient science of numbers. At all times, people attached special importance to the symbolism of numbers. Each number has its own characteristics, it can be used to find out the strengths and weaknesses of the individual, to understand what position a person occupies in society. The magic of numerical designations is associated with the occult sciences. Numerology is based on mathematical calculation and single digits from 1 to 9.

How to find out my number in numerology

To determine your number in numerology, no extra effort is required. You can discover new qualities of character in yourself. Take a piece of paper and a pen. Write your full name, surname and patronymic on it. See what letters are repeated in the name. For example: Ivanova Natalya Alexandrovna.

Then get rid of the paired letters. To do this, cross out two letters in each column. If there is one unpaired letter left, we write one, if all the letters are crossed out - zero. Next, you need to add all the numbers: 1+1+1+0+0+1+0+1+1+1+1+1+1+1=11=1+1=2

Your number is 2. Now you can see its value in numerology.

Even and odd numbers in numerology

Not only the date of birth of a person, but his name can be reduced by adding to a certain number. Even numbers in numerology differ from odd ones in their regularity and calmness. People who get odd numbers may show creative thinking abilities at different times in their lives.

In everyday life, a person necessarily encounters numbers. Postal code, bank cards, phone number - we often do not notice all this, however, numerical expressions carry a large semantic load. There are unsuccessful number combinations, getting rid of which, a person can make positive changes in his life.

Meanings of numbers in numerology

1 - symbolizes the achievement of the goal at any cost. The number indicates leadership skills person. This is the beginning of vigorous activity that will lead to stability.

2 - expresses the opposite. Responsible for balance, this person is used to avoiding conflict situations, does not like to enter into an open clash with people.

3 - embodies instability. The symbol is a triangle. Talent and the ability to adapt to circumstances stand out among the strengths.

4 represents stability. The symbol is a square, denoting the zodiac elements "earth", "water", "air" and "fire". A person is characterized by conservatism, attachment to traditions.

5 - embodies luck on the one hand, and risk on the other. Such people usually occupy leadership positions and are able to manage the situation in their own interests.

6 - stands for stability and stability. Such a person is quite dreamy and calmly reacts to events. Humans have a strong sense of justice.

7 is an important number. There are seven days in a week and seven ruling planets. Personality gravitates more towards the spiritual sphere than the material one. It is characterized by isolation and loneliness.

8 - material stability. The number is divisible by two, the appearance of a four indicates high reliability. A person with this number has wisdom and foresight, is able to foresee scenarios.

9 - symbolizes the achievement of the goal. Despite the instability of the three, a person with this main number is naturally noble, has great talent and knowledge in some area.

Each number carries with it a special energy. The analysis of numerical expressions allows a person to understand himself, find answers to difficult questions and achieve material and spiritual balance. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

Numbers, as you know, arose in the process of human development to solve issues related to the need for a quantitative description of various situations and activities. The simplest components of numbers are numbers - 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. Numerology, the founder of which was the ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras, studies the properties of both individual numbers and numbers by reducing them to single digits.
The secret of numbers lies in the fact that each number corresponds to a certain set of characteristics, specific properties and images. Having carried out the numerological transformation of the date of birth or name to a number or group of numbers, we can determine the natural talents, character traits, strengths and weaknesses of a person.
Modern numerology prefers the Pythagorean method of reducing large numbers to elementary ones. Due to its simplicity, this system is popular and is most often used in numerological calculations.
To reduce a complex number to a simple one, it is necessary to simply add all the digits of a multi-digit value. If the result is 10 or more, then the addition process is continued until the final number is from 1 to 9. In some variants of numerological calculations, the so-called "Master numbers" - 11, 22 and 33, are not reduced to single digits.
An example of adding the date of birth on 12/12/2013 is as follows: 1+2+1+2+2+0+1+3=12, since 12 is not a base number, we add further, 1+2=3. Thus, the number 3 becomes a vibrating symbol of the number of the date of birth. Any number can be subjected to such a calculation: date of birth, passport number, telephone number, car number, apartment number, etc.
Since ancient times, certain properties and characteristics have been assigned to simple numbers and some "Master Numbers", let's take a closer look at each of them.

Number 0 in numerology

The number 0 is the most interesting number of all existing numbers. Since in itself, being seemingly nothing, zero takes an active part in human life. Remember at least how much a person's material capabilities depend on the number of zeros in his salary!

Number 0
In numerology, counting starts from zero, unlike mathematics. In everyday life, we are used to counting as if the number 0 does not exist: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, etc. And in numerology - the numerology of life, the numerology of dates, the numerology of fate - they start counting from scratch: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, etc.
The number 0 in spiritual numerology symbolizes the feminine principle of the universe. One is the masculine principle of the Universe. Since any person is a small Universe, the masculine principle in a person is expressed by the number 1, and the feminine principle in a person is expressed by the number 0.

The meaning of zero in numerology
In the language of numbers, 0 is an ordinary woman, 1 is an ordinary man. But this is the case only if we are talking about a superficial, visible level of Being. However, a person exists at eleven levels of Existence and Consciousness at the same time!
There are levels "rough", material (where everything can be seen and touched). There are "subtle", spiritual levels (abode of spiritual states). The highest of the spiritual levels far exceed the thinking abilities of the Mind.

The numbers 0 and 1 in the numerology of fate
If you seriously deal with the numerology of a person’s fate, then you can’t do without elementary esoteric knowledge. For example, not only in the numerology of fate, but also in all types of numerology, it must be taken into account that in any person (it doesn’t matter if it’s a woman or a man), there are always masculine and feminine principles. That is, the number 0 and the number 1.
Spiritual numerology considers the fate of a person as the result of the interaction in his mind of the number 0 and number 1. The cooperation of zero and one in the language of numbers is denoted by the number 10. Therefore, any person in spiritual numerology is symbolized by a ten. True, not always.
Sometimes, instead of the number 10, a person is represented by the number 2. What's the difference? The number 10 is if all aspects of an individual's life are taken. And if we are talking mainly about the material side of life, then a person is indicated by the number 2.
The number 2 is better to use if we consider a person solely as a person. If we are talking about a person as a spiritual entity, then the number 10 is much more appropriate here. But in any case, we must understand: each of us is both a person (everything connected with the body) and a spiritual essence (everything connected with soul).

The Esoteric Meaning of Zero
What is the number 0 in its esoteric essence? Zero is nothing, you say. Right. But here it is important to give correct value the concept of "nothing", otherwise the true meaning of the number 0 will remain sealed for us.
Nothing (that is, zero) is not the absence of everything, as is commonly thought. Nothing is EVERYTHING at the moment of maturation and accumulation of energy. At zero, millions of numbers seem to "rest before the fight."
Zero in spiritual numerology personifies the fading Space and Time, which stop any movement. They stop in order to accumulate the necessary internal energy and spin the next round of human history with renewed vigor. At this point of "numerical being" numerology and esotericism are combined. Therefore, the number 0 I call the meeting point of numerology with esotericism.
Zero is far from an ambiguous number. Sometimes this number promises rest. And sometimes freezes, lying in wait and tracking you down as a victim.
It is clear that the number 0 does not "hunt and lie in wait" by itself. Behind any number in spiritual numerology are certain processes and phenomena of human nature. Processes and phenomena characteristic of certain levels of Existence and Consciousness.
To better understand the deep essence of zero, imagine the world a second before its explosion. Silence, trembling with tension. An emptiness filled to the brim with future events that have not yet happened, but will certainly happen in a moment...

The Feminine Essence of Zero
And zero can be compared with a pregnant woman. The child has not yet been born and is not visible to others, but he is (!), And he is inside. They guess about it, feel it, wait - with anxiety and cautious joy.
This is the number 0 in its original nature. What will be “born” from zero: what action, what circumstance? What gains and losses will hatch from this "universal egg"? Will the birth be successful at all? You can guess, guess, but no one knows for sure ...

Number 1 in numerology

The number 1 in numerology has the Sun as its ruler. The symbolic meaning of the Sun is the basis of the universe, the central object around which our world revolves. People who are under the influence of the number one and the symbolic projection of the Sun give their person a special significance. They perceive themselves as the Foundation of Foundations, the central, most important, key element among all others in the surrounding space.
Characteristics of people born under the influence of the number 1.
The meaning of the number 1 in numerology. Virtues of number 1
The number 1 endowed his proteges with a large supply of vitality and internal energy. By nature, such people are assertive, purposeful, able to easily endure many hardships while maintaining good mood. They have a fiery, choleric temperament. They are very direct in their actions and are often guided by sudden outbursts of heartfelt feelings rather than reason. Determination, fearlessness, willpower, cheerfulness - these are the main virtues of people whose date of birth is reduced to one. They are an example of bright individualists. These people are ambitious, independent, do not like advice and tend to make unilateral decisions. Absolutely in everything they want to stand out, to be the best. By nature, they are charismatics and leaders with huge force beliefs capable of leading the masses. "" Units "" have a good chance of success and fame.
People born under the auspices of the number 1 prefer to work alone, on their own, without outside help. If they work in a team, they usually occupy prominent positions in it. Such people are not afraid to take the initiative, on the contrary, enthusiasm is in full swing from them. They are very inquisitive, love everything new, unknown and are in constant search of new sensations and opportunities. "Units" are no strangers to innovation, adventurism and entrepreneurial streak, manifested in everything they do.
Since the "Units" do not accept other people's rules, do not like to act according to the rules, they often choose free professions. These are creative figures, innovators, inventors, pioneers in various fields.

The meaning of the number 1 in numerology. Disadvantages of Number 1
Excessive egocentrism, stubbornness, pride and arrogance inherent in the "Units" can cause a lot of trouble and become a stumbling block in relations with others, and therefore be the main obstacle for them on the path to success. Subconsciously, "" Units "" choose for communication people who are driven by their essence, ready to listen to them and dance to their tune. The overestimated self-esteem of "Units" makes them indifferent to the expectations and feelings of other people. The egocentric qualities of people under the dominance of the number 1 make them follow mainly their own motives, be too categorical in their judgments. Many ""Units"" have a tendency to put pressure on people, to manipulate them. This can be useful professionally for those in a leadership position, but in private life, such a trait causes a reaction of rejection or opposition in others. Communicating with people "" Units "" do not always express their thoughts correctly, as a result of which they cause misunderstanding of others and often find themselves in a delicate situation. They are also subject to the manifestation of malicious indignation and aggression. To achieve harmony in communication with other people, it is vital for number 1 wards to learn self-control and a clear presentation of their thoughts.

Number 2 in numerology

The number 2 in numerology symbolically means interpersonal relationships and connections between the sexes. Number 2 is ruled by the Moon. The main properties of people influenced by the Moon and the vibration of the deuce are softness, peacefulness and the desire to settle everything, sensitivity and increased emotional susceptibility. Two - "The abode of the inner Light." She understands the true connection of man with God and is able to clearly distinguish between the concepts of good and evil.
Characteristics of people born under the influence of the number 2.
The meaning of the number 2 in numerology. Virtues of number 2
Wards of the deuce are by nature sensitive, kind and peaceful people. They have a developed sense of empathy, tact and excellent intuition. An integral property of the nature of "Twos" is their openness in emotional and spiritual terms. They know how to empathize with others, as well as willingly share their own feelings and emotions. They are always sociable and ready to listen to others, voluntarily provide all possible assistance to those in need. Thanks to the above qualities, "Twos" in life are dominated by trusting and friendly relations.
Deuce's protégés are born peacekeepers and diplomats. They are good at considering any situation from different angles and are always able to put themselves in the place of others, to get into "other people's shoes" so to speak. The pacifying effect of the "Twos" on others and a heightened sense of justice allows them to successfully resolve the most serious conflicts in which they mainly perform a peacekeeping function, or are involved as an outside judge.
When performing actions or making significant decisions, number 2 people tend to pre-analyze and weigh everything, while they always take into account their intuitive feelings. If the inner voice contradicts the arguments of the mind, the "Twos" may abandon their plan. Thanks to this principle, they minimize the likelihood of errors.
Two in numerology in terms of professional orientation is considered a symbol of partnership. Therefore, people born under the auspices of the deuce are very suitable for collective, intermediary activities, where the ability to interact well with others is valued. However, the operational work of a quick response is less acceptable for them, since it is unusual for people of the number two to do anything without passing everything through the filter of reason and feelings. "Twos" can perfectly show themselves in the humanitarian fields, wherever you need to do good, give people warmth and affection, take care of others, as this corresponds to their essence.
Everything related to personal relationships occupies a significant place in the life of "Twos". The number 2 is the sum of two units, therefore, “two people” feel like a whole person only when they find their soul mate, to whom they will be faithful for the rest of their lives. In most cases, their married life proceeds in love and harmony, and family troubles are quite rare, because, "Twos" easily compromise even to the detriment of their own interests.

The meaning of the number 2 in numerology. Disadvantages of Number 2
The number 2 has an impact mainly on the emotional and spiritual component of a person, and therefore, the main drawback of people subjected to the vibration of the deuce is a dissonant reaction to the environment. For example, hurtful statements or unacceptable actions of others, unpleasant memories, any failures, all this can lead to mental disorder. These people are very strongly influenced by the emotional atmosphere in which they are. Therefore, a sharp change in mood from one state to the opposite, depression, despondency, lack of confidence in one's rightness and strength, uncertainty, subconscious phobias, all these are characteristic features of the "Twos". It is possible that there is a tendency to dwell on unimportant details, trifles, because of which something that is more important is overlooked. In order to minimize the manifestation of their own shortcomings in life, “It is very important for Twos to eradicate all fears and complexes in themselves, take control of their emotional urges, and try not to take trouble that happens from time to time to heart.

Number 3 in numerology

The number 3 in numerology tells about the connection and complementarity of opposites. The astrological ruler of the number 3 in numerology is the planet Mars. The influence of Mars is a stimulus to action at all levels, expressed in a person's desire to manifest his individuality. According to the type of personality "man-three", an extrovert is mentally and physically oriented primarily to the outside world.
Characteristics of people born under the influence of the number 3.
The meaning of the number 3 in numerology. Virtues of number 3
In numerology, the number 3 is called the fastest of all numbers. The troika endowed people under its influence with great activity, a thirst for activity and communication, a rapid reaction to everything that happens. They never sit idly by, working with them, for example, they like to make something. These are tireless workers, but the monotonous activity bothers them and they rush in search of another occupation. In a situation of forced idleness, people of the number 3 begin to rush from corner to corner, grab onto everything that turns up under their arms, which they literally itch from the desire to do something.
People born under the auspices of the number three are more open to the world than others, and he reciprocates them. They are always sociable and easily get acquainted, make contact with others, find interlocutors, so they can have many friends and acquaintances. Plus, they are incorrigible merry fellows and cheerful optimists. They look at the world in pink glasses", love fun and are happy to take part in public events, various competitions, parties, holidays." Troikas are generally cheerful natures and easily relate to everything that happens. These traits help them to be resistant to any adversity, to keep difficult situations equanimity of mind and self-control. No matter what, they boldly and persistently move forward towards their cherished goal, and even falling to their "knees", they rise and again into the "fight". Their behavior is somewhat reminiscent of rams that will knock on the gate until they break through, or until the horns break.
"Threes" have a mobile and sharp mind, a vivid imagination, good intuition and excellent analytical skills, thanks to which they easily assimilate any information and have every chance of getting a decent education. From birth, these people are often endowed with talents and have great creative potential. At the same time, they are usually charismatic, eloquent, have the gift of persuasion and energy impact on others. In terms of career and professional growth, number 3 proteges have all the prerequisites for success. Especially, they are able to achieve brilliant results in areas that require the manifestation of masculine principles - activity, courage, determination, speed, perseverance, physical strength, etc.

The meaning of the number 3 in numerology. Disadvantages of Number 3
"Threes" have the peculiarity of taking on several things at once, but they cannot always bring to mind, due to the fact that they often begin to rush, unproductively dissipate their forces, which of course reduces efficiency and often causes errors. Their impulsiveness, low ability to concentrate, inability to prioritize, forms a public opinion about them as frivolous, windy people. When the wards of the trio accumulate a bunch of unresolved cases and problems, they begin to make empty promises, which they will not fulfill at all, or will not be able to.
Due to their natural openness and superficial perception of things, Troikas are prone to deceit, bad influences, illusions and self-deception.
Too violent temperament and low level of self-control, poor intelligibility in relationships, all this can adversely affect the sphere of sexual and family relations.
Sometimes their relentless talkativeness turns into empty chatter. Having exhausted all their vocabulary, they begin to pour an incoherent stream of words, invent fables, or abruptly change the topic of conversation to attract attention. Number 3 people tend to gossip and intrigue, and therefore, it is better for others not to give them any secret information.
"Threes" are recommended to learn to direct the vector of their actions in one direction, not to rush and do all their business in stages. It is important for them to curb their fiery energy and then success will not be long in coming.

Number 4 in numerology

The number 4 in numerology is ruled by the planet Mercury. The number 4 is the foundation, the foundation that ensures the stability of everything that exists in our world. Four is the number of rationalization of ideas and principles. It embodies the idea into reality, gives the idea a form, makes it concrete. The defining qualities of people born under the control of the four and Mercury are methodicalness, analyticity, pragmatism, creativity.
Characteristics of people born under the influence of the number 4.
The meaning of the number 4 in numerology. Virtues of number 4
Number 4 people are realists and pragmatists in life, living by the principle - "Look at the root." The Four endows their protégés with an exceptionally clear analytical mind. In most cases, they have an excellent ability to transmit, perceive, process and synthesize any information. At the same time, the Fours evaluate any knowledge from a practical point of view, looking for a rational grain in it and an opportunity to benefit. This is due to the fact that financial security and stability in general are of great importance to them. The loneliness of "Fours" is burdensome and they simply need the opportunity to contact other people. Therefore, they usually have a few friends and acquaintances, but this is only a proven social circle. Number 4 people are very reliable, true to their principles and appreciate the same in others.
Almost all "Fours" have good organizational skills, which they successfully apply in all areas of life. The level of intelligence of these people is usually very high. They always have order both in their heads and in everyday life, everything is sorted out and has its own classification. Having set a goal for themselves, they will persistently go towards it, working hard and hard to achieve it.
In professional terms, "Fours" are more suitable for the type of activity related to scientific research. They are great organizers. Real estate, various communications, and finance are also acceptable. "Four" - a born mechanic and designer. When choosing a job, the highest priority for them are issues related to income and stability. Having found their path, they are able to work for a very long time in one direction.
With regard to personal life, the number 4 inclines its wards to choose a partner with whom relationships will be long-term, reliable and stable. Innate commercialism makes them pay special attention to the issue of the material security of their half. It is unlikely that a person of number 4 sees as his life partner a person who is impractical, low-income, unpromising in terms of earnings. The Fours themselves are sometimes not averse to flirting with others, but they need this only in order to feel their originality, and not for the purpose of obtaining sexual pleasure. They will be faithful to their beloved person, since friendship and trust are of paramount importance for them.

The meaning of the number 4 in numerology. Disadvantages of Number 4
Ward fours are subject to periodic bouts of depression and melancholy. Worrying about their "bright" future does not allow them to relax. This is due to the increased sense of responsibility that they experience every minute. They can simply live and rejoice, without problems, only when they have confidence in the well-being of tomorrow.
The inherent organization and responsibility of the "Fours" can come out "sideways" to them, for example, others will consider them mercantile, creepy pedants and bores, which is not the best way to affect their relations with others. The tendency of "Fours" to plan and do everything carefully, properly, leads to the fact that they fixate on the little things. Among other things, their desire to do everything conscientiously and independently leads to the fact that they take on too much burden of responsibilities. It is useful for the "Four" to learn to maintain a balance of power, to give others the opportunity to participate in common affairs.
Openness and innocence, as well as excessive talkativeness of the Fours, can be used by others for selfish purposes.

Number 5 in numerology

According to Pythagorean philosophy, the number 5 symbolizes a man who has a will and a self-aware, perfect being. Five in numerology has the planet Jupiter as its ruler. In astrology, Jupiter is considered the most positive and patronizing planet, it even received a characteristic name - the planet of "great happiness". Those born under the influence of the five and Jupiter are distinguished by an expansive spirit, an irresistible need for spiritual growth and comprehension of knowledge.
Characteristics of people born under the influence of the number 5.
The meaning of the number 5 in numerology. Virtues of number 5
Number 5 people have character traits, which are inherent in authoritative persons, royal persons. "Fives" from birth are endowed with some kind of inner spiritual strength, nobility, marked with the sign of the Teacher. It does not matter on what scale, but their influence on others is always significant. People around them treat them with respect and reverence. Their opinion is weighty, it is saturated with knowledge, therefore, people listen to them and often consult with them. At the same time, the "Fives" rarely use other people's advice, but adhere to their own moral principles and philosophy, formed on the basis of their own life experience. In this regard, the five's protégés rarely have complexes, they have their own independent view of everything. These people are very independent and from an early age they try to do as they please.
Fives have a passion for travel and exploration. different countries, cultures, laws. Philosophy and religion, science fall into the sphere of vital interests, they are concerned about any social and humanitarian issues. In general, the improvement and expansion of their consciousness, through the experience gained and its further comprehension, is of priority for them. These people are usually educated, smart and want to experience a lot in their lives in order to achieve the wisdom of knowledge.
"Fives" are essentially moralists and legalists, they are happy to teach others. Their creative energy is overflowing. Therefore, in a professional sense, characteristic activities are suitable for them. These are teachers, lawyers, politicians, missionaries, priests, artists, humanitarians, ideologists, publishers. A man of number 5 wants to influence the masses in this, he sees his destiny.
"Fives" prefer to connect their lives with a partner who is sociable and open, who has diverse interests and is quite erudite. In general, a person of the five wants to have such a partner with whom you can easily have a discussion on any topic. "Fives" in addition to traveling are very fond of various adventures, parties, all kinds of public events, in general, they are people of the crowd. Because of this, their chosen one must have similar interests. The sexual nature of Fives is wild and unpredictable. In love, they are very skillful, diverse, and sex occupies an important place in their lives.

The meaning of the number 5 in numerology. Disadvantages of Number 5
Wards of number 5 are characterized as restless, contradictory, rather unpredictable people, which often creates problems in their lives. The restlessness of their character is mainly expressed in their irrepressible thirst for new experiences and knowledge. In other words, they want to know everything, to be everywhere and experience the maximum possible. On the one hand, it’s not bad at all when a person strives for knowledge, but on the other hand, this leads the Fives to constantly switch their gaze from one to another and does not allow them to complete the work they started earlier. Sometimes it is difficult for them to make a specific choice and focus on one thing. "Fives" more often follow their impulsive impulses than are guided by common sense. These traits make them unreliable partners in the eyes of others.
"Fives" are oppressed by a measured lifestyle, they get bored and they can begin to behave outside the box, committing unpredictable, spontaneous actions. At times they become quick-tempered and intolerable bores. Due to the fact that the Fives are moralists, they like to teach morality and argue on ideological grounds. Arrogance, arrogance and hypocrisy are also some of the possible shortcomings of the protege of the five. Such behavior on their part is not always liked by others and causes a negative reaction. "Fives" should learn to control their emotions, not impose their views on others, and always remember the saying: "Do not poke your nose into someone else's monastery with your charter."

Number 6 in numerology

The number 6 symbolizes the "pantry" containing all the blessings and food given by God to mankind. This is the number of talents, wealth, strength and balance acquired through expansion and the search for self-expression. Six in numerology is ruled by the planet Venus. The number 6 and Venus endows its wards with a sense of beauty, generally high sensuality and love of love. Their life is ruled by love, harmony, emotions, pleasures and everything beautiful.
Characteristics of people born under the influence of the number 6.
The meaning of the number 6 in numerology. Virtues of number 6
The number 6 endowed its proteges with grace, charm, beauty in every sense. These people have a natural attraction to others. They always enjoy success with the opposite sex, regardless of their appearance. This is due to the fact that the Sixes are very harmonious people. They are aesthetic, gentle and literally radiate love with their whole appearance. At the same time, they know a lot about beauty in all its manifestations, have excellent taste in things, clothes and know how to present themselves in the best possible way. Usually in their lives, love and feelings penetrate into all areas of activity. A very prominent role in the fate of the "Sixes" is played by personal relationships, partners and fans.
The wards of the six have an urgent need for collective relationships. They want to be an important and integral part of something whole - the state, parties, teams, families, and they are good at it. For the above reasons, loneliness for "Sixes" is unacceptable. Despite their turbulent youth, with age, the Sixes settle down, have children, a family. You can always rely on these people and completely trust in every sense. They can take responsibility for all their actions and are not afraid of life's difficulties. At the same time, the "Sixes" will never consciously commit actions that will result in their loved ones being hit or peace in the family, in personal relationships. Home and family values ​​are of paramount importance to them.
"Sixes" like to live in prosperity and harmony with the world, surrounded by everything beautiful and always strive for comfortable conditions. But at the same time, these people are ready to work hard in order to reach the desired level, although they also do not deny themselves rest.
They have a very developed sense of empathy for others, therefore, regardless of personal wealth, they are happy to help those in need to the best of their ability.
In terms of professional choice and career, the Sixers are suitable for the social and cultural direction of activity, as well as all areas related to art and beauty, whether it be a stylist, fashion designer or poet, musician, painting expert, and so on. Many "Sixes" are charismatic, charming and impress others, thanks to which they easily achieve success both in personal relationships and in their careers.

The meaning of the number 6 in numerology. Disadvantages of Number 6
The negative impact of the six on their wards is manifested in the fact that these people are too self-centered and selfish. In this case, the "Sixes" forget about the interests and feelings of others and begin to "drag the blanket" only in their own direction. Pushing themselves and their desires to the fore, they can thereby cause resentment, irritation or anger among others. Sometimes the "Sixes" are overwhelmed by vanity, which is why serious problems arise in their lives. For example, they can only listen to the opinions of others, ignore their requests, and only in those cases when it comes to their own benefit, they attach importance to other people's words. This attitude of the "Sixes" to others often turns against them in a similar way. Sometimes the opposite picture arises - the "Sixes" completely forget about their desires, sacrificing them for the sake of collective interests. In general, a certain obsession and extremes in feelings are an indispensable sign of people born under the control of the number 6. For example, an altruistic attitude can abruptly change into a selfish one, and love into hatred. Sometimes the "Sixes" become extremely sensitive to unflattering reviews, insults, criticism and take revenge on their offenders, responding with a blow to their blow.
One of the shortcomings of the "Sixes" is their importunity and the manifestation of excessive curiosity in other people's affairs. They begin to annoy others with advice and criticism. Trying to convey their truth and prove their own innocence, they thereby receive a negative response from others. "Sixes" are recommended to deal primarily with their own problems and self-development, and not climb into someone else's life with their charter.

Number 7 in numerology

From time immemorial in different cultures and religions, the seven was considered a divine number. The number 7 symbolizes a person who yearns for spirituality and comprehension of the Laws of the Divine Universe. This number reports the wisdom of the ages, the inner depth and spiritual strength that a person aspires to. Seven in numerology has the planet Saturn as its astrological ruler. The ward of Saturn and the number 7 are distinguished by a philosophical mindset, originality in their views, a certain strangeness and isolation.
Characteristics of people born under the influence of the number 7.
The meaning of the number 7 in numerology. Virtues of number 7
People born under the influence of the seven stand out among others for their independence and originality. Such people, by and large, care little about the approval of others. Almost always they have their own opinion on everything, formed by no means from scratch, but on the basis of existing knowledge, personal observations, and therefore, it has an objective basis. Sometimes, the point of view of the "Seven" is not entirely clear to others or does not coincide with the generally accepted one. This is due to the fact that the "man-seven" is an innovator by nature and his ideas are usually ahead of their time.
The number 7 laid in its wards a constant desire for spiritual growth and self-improvement. These people are born philosophers, eager to know themselves and the world. "Sevens" always try to get to the bottom of the truth in everything, to understand sacred meaning. They like to be alone with nature or with themselves and indulge in reflection, contemplation of the world. Everything that happens in their lives and the surrounding reality they perceive philosophically. For them, everything has a certain meaning, and even from the ongoing troubles, the "Seven" are able to derive some benefit, at least in the form of a lesson. The fact that they have a great ability to learn from any mistakes is beyond praise, which is undoubtedly a life advantage.
The proteges of the number 7 are endowed with a very good susceptibility to inner sensations and at the same time, they have well-developed intuition, imagination and analytical thinking. Among people of this type, you can most often find real professionals and geniuses in their field. The moral side and spirituality for the "Sevens" is of decisive importance. Therefore, regardless of the type of their activity, these people zealously honor traditions and customs. When solving problems, the experience and knowledge accumulated by the ancestors often serves as their support.
"Sevens" are very scrupulous natures, always and in everything they love quality, accuracy, accuracy. Their credo - measure seven times, cut once. Given the remarkable internal resources, determination, willpower and the above advantages, they have excellent chances for success, which they often achieve. They can find their calling in any direction where a scrupulous approach to business, good organizational and analytical skills are required. Activities related to creativity, religion, philosophy, esotericism can become the main one in their life.
In the sphere of personal relationships, "Sevens" are attracted to people with whom they have a spiritual intimacy. In amorous affairs for people of the number 7, the aspect of spirituality and reciprocity of feelings is of great importance. They prefer loneliness or the format of an open relationship if there is no spiritual connection, coupled with a physical one. That is, "Sevens" appreciate the usefulness, truth in love, however, as in everything else.

The meaning of the number 7 in numerology. Disadvantages of number 7
The "people-sevens" have one feature - they are closed in on themselves, they tend to restrain their emotional impulses, not only negative, but also positive. This leads to anxiety and spontaneous actions, sharp releases of accumulated internal energy. They are like a volcano, which is outwardly calm, although in fact, violent processes are going on inside and sooner or later the moment of explosion, eruption comes. Sometimes, as a result of restraining emotions, nervous breakdowns occur, leading to violent and aggressive acts.
At times, "Sevens" are naive and too gullible to what others tell them. The "Sevens" have a tendency to live in a world of illusions, indulge in empty dreams, closing their eyes to a reality that they do not like. In this way, they try to get away from disturbing thoughts, but often this approach ends in an unexpected blow and disappointment.
Self-digging, focusing on the analysis of various factors leads the "Sevens" to an inefficient waste of energy, and when they need to act decisively, they continue to think. It is important for these people to learn to look at the world around them more simply and not complicate everything that happens around them.
Wards of the seven are more turned inward than to others. Egocentrism and concentration on their feelings sometimes makes these people deaf to the feelings of others. As a result, they are not particularly sociable, therefore, they usually have quite a few friends. To correct this situation, the "Sevens" are advised to smile more often, arrange entertainment for themselves or get other pleasant experiences, and not engage in endless analysis of their "I" and search for reasons for concern. Extraversion and a state of mind with a plus sign is the key to success in the life of the "Sevens", because it is precisely openness to the outside world and positive in their lives that is always not enough.

Number 8 in numerology

The number 8 is a symbol of the divine consciousness and material strength necessary for a person to ensure progressive development and order in the world, to stabilize the results of the Lord's creation. The ruler of the eight in numerology is the planet Uranus. Eight is a dual number that has a male and female side. Two closed circles of the figure eight mean the inseparable connection of two opposite principles. The number 8 person has a dual and complex nature.
Characteristics of people born under the influence of the number 8.
The meaning of the number 8 in numerology. Virtues of number 8
The Eight endowed their wards with a sharp and agile mind. They are able to easily and quickly grasp any information. The birth of a thought in their head often occurs as an insight, a flash. "Eureka" - this popular expression probably belonged to the person of the number eight. The protégés of the G8 are people of the future who live tomorrow, reformers in their essence. They are far-sighted and insightful, and their intuitive sense helps them find the right solution in any situation. Among people born under the control of the number 8, there are many who have psychic abilities. The ideas of the "Eights" are often non-standard or ahead of their time, therefore, they are not always adequately perceived by society.
In most cases, the wards of the eight boldly go through life, and luck and money, as you know, love the brave. These people are the favorites of fortune, which helps to increase their well-being and move up the career ladder. Plus, the number 8 endowed these people with an enviable desire for success in all endeavors, but material wealth and power take priority in their thoughts. These people are very ambitious, they have a spirit of struggle and healthy competition. "Eights" by nature have a solid energy charge, they literally radiate inner strength, prosperity and power. These are charismatic individuals, and their natural magnetism attracts people from different social strata. "Eights" inspire others and are able to lead the people. There are all the makings of a leader; the probability that a person of the number 8 will be given power, or they will attract public attention to their person, is quite large.
The number 8 contributes to the achievement of success in innovative or unconventional activities, in any business as a manager, in the political arena. These people show up well where it is necessary to have creative thinking, a non-standard approach and organizational skills. Among those born under the influence of this number, there are many people who are at the head of large business structures or have their own business.
In personal life, due to the unpredictable and changeable nature, it is sometimes quite difficult to find mutual understanding with the "Eights". An equally ambitious partner, with the same strong character and spirit, suits the G8. In G8 relations, he often advocates equality and equal rights. Such people prefer partners with diverse interests, a high level of intelligence, relaxed not only sexually, but also in life in general.

The meaning of the number 8 in numerology. Number 8 Disadvantages
The Eight determines the excessive dominance and commercialism of the interests of their protégés. Such people are sometimes obsessed with material values ​​and gaining power. The desire for growth in their careers and financially becomes the meaning of their lives. In the worst case, in order to achieve their goals, the G8 can use all available means: blackmail, bribes, dishonest fraud, lies, this is just a small list of the methods used, which these people do not disdain at all. "Eights" prefer to manage everything, keep everything and everyone under control. Among such people there are many cynics and various manipulators. In those cases when the "Eights" themselves cannot get what they want, they resort to using others, they like, as they say, "to rake in the heat" with the wrong hands.
Unpredictability in behavior can create a lot of problems for the wards of the number 8. In some situations, this trait attracts others, but by and large, it does more harm than good.
Sometimes "Eights" are quick-tempered and any minor factor can throw them off balance.
In order to achieve harmony in relations with others, the "Eights" should be respectable and learn to suppress "dirty" impulses in themselves.

Number 9 in numerology

Nine closes the numerological scale and speaks of spiritual maturity. This number symbolizes the Supreme Divine Principle of Love. Nine in numerology is under the influence of the planet Neptune. As a ruler, Neptune plays a significant role in shaping the abstract and spiritual ideas of its wards. These are supersensible people with strong mental abilities, a rich inner world and a developed imagination.
Characteristics of people born under the influence of the number 9.
The meaning of the number 9 in numerology. Virtues of number 9
The number 9 endowed its proteges with a craving for spiritual development and self-education. "Nines" are constantly striving to expand their horizons. These people are maximalists in their essence and in everything they always want to achieve the highest result. The vibration of the number 9 makes their wards make high moral demands both on themselves and on those around them. "Nines" are inherently idealists "to the marrow of their bones." Usually, they are principled moralists and legalists. They have a highly developed sense of justice, but despite their moral and ethical views and worldview, the Nines are tolerant and unbiased.
Under the control of the nine, sublime natures are often born, highly spiritual and religious people. In any case, they are internally disposed to lead a righteous lifestyle and are determined to do good. They are always ready to help anyone in need. Natural insight, strong intuition, which the "Nines" are endowed with from birth, helps them to feel deeply those around them. It is difficult to deceive such people, as they say, they "smell" any deceit. They have a stronger capacity for empathy than others. In communication, they subconsciously tune in to the psychological wave of the interlocutor and sensitively feel any change in his mood.
People born under the influence of the number 9 are very romantic and amorous natures. They are always open in the manifestation of their feelings, and the inner potential of their passions sometimes rolls over. Therefore, for the "Nines" it is important to choose a partner who will be able to adequately respond to their passion. The choice of the second half is often determined not only by the feelings experienced by the "Nine", but also by spiritual, ideological or religious criteria. Simply put, for such people it is important to love with soul, mind and body, that is, their desire for the ideal is expressed at all levels.
A person of number 9 has the makings of a leader from birth. He is effortlessly able to achieve a high position in society and career. "Nines" are teachers and missionaries in spirit. For the most part, these are elevated people who are a source of wisdom and sacred knowledge inherent in them by nature. They usually have a high intellectual level and are well educated. "Nines" are endowed with excellent artistic and musical abilities, at least they must have a good taste in art. They can achieve excellent results in the fields of education, justice, religion, activities related to foreign or travel.

The meaning of the number 9 in numerology. Number 9 Disadvantages
At times, Nines become intolerant of beliefs other than their own. This is probably due to their strict adherence to their own moral principles and beliefs. For example, they may be too aloof and extremely dismissive, treat people of a different worldview or religion. Their impatience can be expressed even when someone is not educated enough, has other Political Views, style, lifestyle. That is, with the dissonant development of the Nine, one can only dream of its tolerance. Among the "Nines" you can often meet boring moralists, fanatics and obsessed people. They should learn tolerance and remember that two-way communication with others, exchange of opinions, experiences, will benefit everyone.
The overdeveloped fantasy of the "Nines" can be a hindrance in certain situations, for example, in those cases when it is necessary to act, and not build "castles in the air." In general, there is a possibility of being captured by your illusions. They can get too carried away with dreams and lose control, lose touch with objective reality. Accordingly, rational grain and pragmatism are the weak link of these people.
The "Nines" are also characterized by such shortcomings as an excessive manifestation of pride, snobbery. The constant thirst for superiority leads them to the desire to assert themselves at the expense of the shortcomings and weaknesses of other people.

Number 10 in numerology

The number 10 is the most amazing and beautiful number in spiritual numerology. Ten is the number of higher love and higher wisdom. And the number 10 is amazing in that it directly or indirectly combines the meaning of all the main numbers of numerology.

Number 10
Ten in the language of numbers means perfection and completeness. Perfection is relative to the spirit of a person, and completeness is relative to his body, thoughts and actions. The number 10 is any completed business. Any of our abilities, developed to the maximum standards, is also a ten.
The number 10 is the final touch on the artist's canvas. The end result of a commercial transaction, both profit and loss, is the number ten. The finishing ribbon on the treadmill is also a ten.
The end of any action, any dream, book, film, any crime and punishment - this is the meaning of the number 10 in spiritual numerology.
The end of something means the beginning of something else. Therefore, the number 10 is the beginning and the end, alpha and omega. Every second everything in nature dies and is born at the same time. This is the wisdom of the Creator.
A person's life ends at the top ten and begins there.
Therefore, the number 10 is the number of old age and the number of a child. The scriptures say "be like children," which, translated into the language of numbers, means: strive for ten. Ten is another number spiritual enlightenment.

The meaning of the number 10
Seems like too many values ​​for one number, right? However, all these values ​​of the number 10 are true, despite the fact that the Meaning for any number is always the same. It's just bulky. Spiritual numerology teaches us to see the meaning of numbers, things and events "in volume".
It is easier to imagine the volume of meaning than it seems. Let's say you're looking at a TV screen. The screen is a plane. It would seem that what can be shown on a plane several tens of centimeters in size?
Nevertheless, the most real, voluminous, active and multi-plot Life takes place on this plane! A life that evokes emotions, makes you laugh, cry, feel hatred and compassion. And this is in a small, flat TV box!
So, numbers are something like TV screens. They themselves are flat, primitive, small. But what you can see in them is beyond imagination!
Well, imagine a thousand, no, a million TVs, which simultaneously show different films, news, educational and entertainment programs. As soon as you imagine it, consider your first acquaintance with spiritual numerology has taken place.

Number 10 - beginning and end
The number 10 is the number of beginning and end of desires. And it is not at all surprising that the ten is both the beginning and the end of desires. Since always where one desire ended, another will certainly arise. Such is the nature of desires - they fill all the "free cells" in us.
I repeat (this is very important!): everything that is the meaning of ten, to one degree or another, can be considered the meaning of any other numbers in numerology. Any others, because the number 10 is the marriage union of one and zero. And the number 0 (woman) and number 1 (man) are the progenitors of all numbers in spiritual numerology.
The number 10 is the start and finish when it comes to sports. Ten is the entrance to our everyday subjective reality and the exit from it. Ten - the beginning and the end. The absolute completion of something is the moment when the energy directed at a specific act exhausts itself to the end. And it is correct to consider the beginning of something as the moment of occurrence of energy intended for a certain action.
The desire to do something in a person appears no earlier than the energy necessary for this appears. Desires are the result of the emergence of energy, and nothing more. No energy - no desire. There is energy - there is desire.
It is desires that are the link between numbers and a person. The situation is as follows: as long as a person is alive, there is always some kind of energy in him. As long as there is energy, there are desires. There are desires - there are numbers. Without a clear understanding of this semantic chain, numerology turns into idle and empty chatter about numbers.

Number 11 in numerology

The number 11 is considered a special, Master or Perfect number. Those born under its influence are at the highest stage of soul evolution. Number 11 is ruled by the fictitious planet Proserpina. Its influence is expressed in a person's ability to transform, to transform reality. Proserpine is an inner force that breaks the frame and encourages a person to radical updates. It changes the consciousness, the essence of a person under the influence of upheavals.

The mystical number 11 is considered complex, because it has an enhanced energy potential of two units and the quality of a two resulting from numerological reduction. However, the vibrational influence of this two is much stronger than that of the two obtained by reducing the number 20. The combination of the energies of two units and two gives people born under the control of the number 11 the individuality, determination and willpower inherent in units. The usual "Two" by nature just lacks the leadership qualities that the "One" possesses. A person of number 11 from birth has strong psycho-energetic abilities. He is distinguished by an outstanding resource of inner motives and abilities to influence the surrounding reality, he feels himself to be a whole person, an individual born for great accomplishments. The earthly mission and vocation of these people is a systemic transformation of reality, a deep transformation. At the same time, the number two gives these people an excellent ability to sensitively perceive the feelings, emotions and motives of others. Politicians who have the number 11 as their ruler very skillfully use the mood of the masses, thanks to which they easily rise to the top of Olympus and win the sympathy of the electorate.
This number is often found in the names of people with magical and psychic abilities, among political and religious figures.
"Two Units" have the ability to analyze, are distinguished by logic, clarity and some meticulousness in everything. Their thinking is systemic, with a bias towards detailing any phenomenon. These people can easily break up some already formed structure into many details, and then from them, as if from a mosaic, assemble something new.

The negative development of those born under the influence of the vibration of the number 11 turns their wards into "manic" pedants. Sometimes they get so bogged down in details, getting hung up on trifles, that they cease to perceive the overall picture of reality in a holistic way.
The strong psychic energy that comes from these people can not only have a hypnotic effect, but also suppress, frighten others, create a “heavy” background, thereby causing discomfort.
Another feature of these people is the internal conflict of high ambitions, which are characteristic of two units, and uncertainty, some complexes or shyness, inherent in the deuce obtained by reducing the number 11.
The gift of leadership can be abused, when ambitious thoughts take precedence over everything else, which can lead to very negative consequences. A striking example of a person whose name has this number is Adolf Hitler.
For representatives of this vibration, the line between greatness and self-destruction is very thin. The number 11 can give rise to persistent phobias of the mystical powers with which it endowed its protégés, but if the existing potential is realized for the good, it can also help to rise to the heights of enlightenment that are inaccessible to most people.

Number 12 in numerology

To understand the essence of the number 12, you must first consider the numbers of which it consists. The number 12 consists of one and two. The number 2 in the language of numbers means rational, practical thinking, with its characteristic categoricalness - either “yes” or “no”. The number 1 is translated from the language of numbers as "energy" - any energy: from its coarsest (animal) varieties to the most subtle - spiritual, acting on the boundlessly high levels of being and consciousness.

Number 12
Twelve has several semantic aspects. One of them is spiritual leadership. Here the number 12 is very similar to the number 21. Only if 12 is translated from the language of numbers as "spiritual leadership", then 21 is material leadership. That is, leadership, relating to material processes in the fate of a person.
So, the number 12 contains the number 1 - the number of strength. The unit from the language of numbers is translated not only as energy, but also as will. The will of a person or the will of God depends on the level of being and consciousness, relative to which we consider the meaning of the number 1 (every person lives simultaneously on eleven levels of being and consciousness!).
Unlike the number 2, the unit never argues, it orders and does not tolerate objections. The number 2 in spiritual numerology is considered the source of uncompromising disputes and bloody wars (the essence of war is in the number 5, but the source is in the number 2).
People senselessly and cruelly exterminate each other, being precisely under the influence of the number 2. When a person argues with himself, driving himself into a frenzy, this is also the work of the deuce. And psychic phenomena such as split personality indicate the complete triumph of the number 2.
In the number 12, the one tells the two to choose: either “yes” or “no”. The deuce chooses and then the unit turns into its sword, sweeping away both serious obstacles and minor obstacles. By itself, the number 1 does not know how to choose. One is a power, a blind force, which, in the number 12, agrees to act for the good of order.
Two in twelve is the end and the means. The unit is the energy to achieve the goal and maintain the means. The number 2 in terms of internal energy is the weakest of all the numbers in spiritual numerology. Therefore, like no other figure, it needs the strength of one.

The meaning of the number 12
The number 12 is not at all one plus two, as many of those involved in numerology take to interpret the meaning of the number 12. It's very fashionable: add 1 + 2, get 3. And then pass off the meaning of the three as the meaning of the number 12...
But twelve is not three! Generally, arithmetic operations, used everywhere, do not reveal the essence of numbers. And they do not disclose because they are applied incorrectly. Add, subtract, divide and multiply not numbers, but their meanings! Unfortunately, modern numerology ceases to be a LANGUAGE OF NUMBERS, becoming an incomprehensible and foggy science...
And in this verbal-arithmetic fog, we are trying to discern some dates of birth, anniversaries of weddings and other symbolic numbers. Our Consciousness, like a ship lost in the fog, constantly stumbles upon reefs and sinks in the sea of ​​its own prejudices. And we don't even notice it! Of course, sooner or later (usually on the verge of death) we have to notice, to look, so to speak, the truth, but this is already unnecessary.
By the way, here is another meaning of the number 12 - to look the truth in the eye, no matter how impartial and offensive it may be. The number 12 in spiritual numerology is the number of the threshold between life and death, more precisely, between the transition of Consciousness from one level of Existence to another.

12 is the number of truth
The number 12 tears off all the covers, returns us to the roots and makes us pay attention to the main thing. Twelve ruthlessly removes the veil from our eyes and tells us: look what you really are! The number 12 for the sake of establishing the truth can be very cruel ...
In the language of numbers, the number 12 also means Truth itself. And the truth is not cruel, it simply does not care about our vain ambitions, our excessively inflated ego. After all, we do not live, but, as if in a bazaar, we sell ourselves to the World, charging too high a price. Truth rips off the price tag and takes us for free.
Twelve is also translated from the language of numbers as "the union of God with man." But that is already at the highest levels of being and consciousness. It makes no sense to study these levels, because they are not something that can be learned...

Number 13 in numerology

The science of numerology considers the number 13 as "the human spirit striving for love." AT Christian tradition the number 13 is the ten and the Trinity, which together symbolize the universe. Among the Jews, the number thirteen also has a positive meaning and is a symbol of God.
To the number 13, folk rumor ascribes all sorts of terrible, inevitable things. This is not entirely correct, although the mass subconscious (the source of popular rumor) is rarely wrong. It's just that a person is so arranged that while the information goes from the subconscious to consciousness, it is strongly, sometimes beyond recognition, distorted.

Number 13
With the number 13, this is exactly what happened - a fatal, irreversible distortion of meaning. Thirteen has become almost the curse of all numerology and a symbol of the most hopeless bad luck. Together with the "friend in misfortune" number 6, the number 13 formed a diabolical combination of all the worst that can only happen in the sick imagination of mankind.
It turned out the number 613, ranked in the magic of numbers special place. The number 613 is considered to be the natural embodiment of hell in the world of numbers. In fact, 613 means the active (to the limit of boundaries and possibilities) participation of the material principle of Man in the celebration of Divine Love.
The number 13 is associated with all sorts of tales of evil spirits crawling out of their sinister holes without fail on the 13th, preferably on Friday. Although who prevents the "bloodthirsty evil spirits" from getting out on the 7th, and the 10th, and whatever else? Who doesn't give it to her? The hole is always open, and the number 13 has absolutely nothing to do with it!
However, our brain is so arranged that it is looking for a "scapegoat" even at the level of numbers! If something does not work out, then someone is to blame. It doesn't matter who: circumstances, nature, neighbor in the stairwell. What, no one lives in the stairwell except you? Well then, let's make the number 13 guilty, it doesn't care, it doesn't understand...
By the way, he understands! Numbers have consciousness - this is one of the most important postulates of spiritual numerology. The consciousness of numbers is very different from human consciousness, but it is also consciousness. What is the difference between human consciousness and the consciousness of numbers?
The difference is that human consciousness is constantly changing, is in the constant movement of self-knowledge. And the consciousness of numbers is unchanged! It is the unique, the only kind of consciousness in the universe that does not change.

The meaning of the number 13
Thirteen is translated from the language of numbers as "the human Spirit striving for love" or "energy striving for love." Another number 13 can be translated as "the will striving for love" or "the desire to love." All of these options are absolutely equal. And the choice of option depends on the levels of being and consciousness, in relation to which the number 13 is considered.
Taking into account the fact that each person lives simultaneously on eleven levels of being and consciousness, the number 13 has as many as eleven meanings! However, do not be afraid of such a large number of values, since none of them contradicts the other. And no matter how we, for example, interpret the number 13, in any case, it symbolizes a strong craving for Love (in all its manifestations).
The meaning of the number 13, like the meaning of any other number, is always the same. But from different "floors" of the universe, he is seen differently. A person looking at a house from the side does not see the same thing as a person looking at a house from above. However, it is in any case the same house!
If we talk about the numerology of dates, then thirteen inside some important date in a person's life is not only a powerful figure, but also absolutely uncompromising. However, the uncompromising nature of the number 13 is easy to understand. After all, 13 is the highest boiling point of Love!
Remember yourself in love or in love. And then multiply your passion by a million so that it goes beyond all degrees of insanity. What kind of compromises are there!

Creepy number 13
Thirteen is a really creepy number. True, the number 13 is dangerous with its enormous power, and not with the "intrigues of the devil" - according to miserable medieval beliefs. The funny thing is that the number 13 is more dangerous than any "devilish evil", since the latter can be negotiated. And it is impossible to agree with the number 13! Why is it impossible?
Yes, because you have nothing to offer the number 13 as an "object of trade or exchange." Imagine a storm (and craving for Love is exactly like a storm). What will you offer her in exchange for the pleasure of demolishing your house? I don’t know about the house, but for some people, the number 13, at least, “blows the roof”, if fatally creeps into any important date or event.
The number 13 in spiritual numerology is the number of sacrificial, crazy love. And at the same time, thirteen is the number of ordinary lunatics. In fact, the number 13, of course, is not crazy. But for limited human mind its manifestations are extremely illogical.
Illogicality is automatically perceived by us as a sign of madness, isn't it? Once "illogical" men and women were burned at the stake in the name of "holy faith." These were people of the number 13. Not all of them were engaged in magic or healing. But they were all children of the beyond and the unknown.

Number 13 people
By the way, holy fools in Russia are also people of the number 13. The most interesting thing is that they, being hostages of the number 13, did not necessarily have this figure in their dates of birth and other significant dates in their lives. In general, the date of birth indicates only the uppermost layer of human destiny. The inner layer of the meaning of human life cannot be seen with the eyes and cannot be counted with the help of numbers.
Therefore, I say that real numerology is not mathematics, but an esoteric, spiritual and philosophical discipline. Numerology cannot "calculate" human destinies! Those who claim the opposite are deceiving either themselves or others, and more often both themselves and others ...
Numerology can help regulate, "simplify" human destiny, but it cannot predict destiny itself. After all, it is enough, for example, for the “crazy” number 13, the “uncontrollable” number 1, the “eccentric” number 5, or the “unpredictable” number 7 to interfere in the calculations - as the future of a person is instantly covered with a thick veil of fog. This does not speak of the impotence of numerology as such, but only defines its boundaries.
You need to have a good idea of ​​what numerology can and cannot do. Spiritual numerology, for example, is able to determine how a person should behave better at one time or another, in a particular situation. And spiritual numerology is also able to determine the appropriate dates for key events in your life (which, however, does not relieve you of the need to make efforts to achieve success).
And if we are already talking about the number 13, then as a date, the number 13 does not necessarily bring bad luck (according to common prejudices). Some even get married on the 13th!
So, we already know that number 13 people are strong and sometimes, from a behavioral point of view, they seem to others, to put it mildly, a little crazy. The life goals of such individuals are not always clear, especially from the angle of generally accepted morality and logic. Sudden, often inexplicable, outbursts of anger, which are sometimes attributed to the intervention of "dark forces".
By the way, actually dark forces"They never interfere in our lives. We ourselves either attract or repel them. Like attracts like - one of the main principles of the spiritual world.
Why am I talking about spiritual world? Because exactly "there" lie all the REASONS for what is happening to us "here", on the manifested physical level of Existence.
Yes, the number 13 is characterized by sudden outbursts of anger. In general, anger always arises where human passions have been suppressed or limited for some time. For the physical level of Existence and Consciousness, the limitation of passions is a normal and even necessary phenomenon.
But people of the number 13 are not created for such "normality". And thank God! We don't have to be the same, like a blueprint.
Anger has a deep esoteric explanation. And human actions dictated by anger must be properly understood if you really want to comprehend the meaning of numbers. Sometimes it is anger that saves the Soul, and kindness destroys ...
Number 13 people are hostages of the great power of the human spirit, thirsting for Love. Real love- beyond words, no matter how beautiful and promising they may seem.
Words express only the dependence of man on love. Love itself cannot be expressed in words. And it's good that it's impossible! Otherwise, Love would depend on words, and then the world would turn into an ordinary call center...

Properties of the number 13
The number 13 twists all the numbers adjacent to it into its giant funnel, leaving no chance for anyone. Actually, being under the influence of the number 13, a person should behave in the same way as it is recommended for a swimmer who has fallen into the center of the funnel. You just need to take full lungs of air, dive deeper into the water (that is, into the current life circumstances) and try to swim away.
In life (as in deep water) you need to be flexible and able to quickly adapt to sudden changes. Do not be afraid, water (life) will not dissolve your individuality, but you will be saved. You understand that I am now speaking in both a physical and a spiritual sense. This is the volumetric thinking that is used in spiritual numerology.
You can adapt to the number 13, but fighting the number 13 is useless and can cost you a life (just like in the case of a funnel). However, don't be scared. If you are a cheerful person, sincerely striving for love, the number 13 will sweep away all obstacles for you, turning you into the happiest creature on the planet!
But for people who are embittered, and even complete egoists, the number 13 is sometimes even fatal. Therefore, turn to Kindness and Love. This is taught not only by religion, but also by spiritual numerology. Spiritual numerology is also a religion, only in the language of numbers.

Number 14 in numerology

In numerology, the number 14 is a combination consisting of two numbers: 1 and 4. Their sum is the number 5. From the language of numbers, 1 is translated as the Energy of the Beginning, and 4 is stability, diligence, vision of details, perseverance and conservatism. On the material levels of being and consciousness, "fourteen" means that physical energy is aimed at maintaining balance. At higher levels, the number 14 is a psychic energy that helps to "control oneself" when emotionally irritated. It is very important to maintain a balance between body and spirit.

In the number 14 there is a one, which is ruled by the Sun, and a four by Mercury. However, the ruler of the number 5 is the planet Jupiter. This is the internal conflict and contradiction of people born on the 14th of any month. Changes often occur in their lives, and the four do not like this. In addition, "1 + 4" have creative thinking. The simultaneous coexistence of the desire for diversity and constancy gives rise to internal conflict.
People born under the auspices of the number 14 often suffer from their shortsightedness.
The "Five", to which the number 14 is reduced, endows a person with the gift of owning a word, therefore his life is often associated with means of communication. People who are born under the auspices of the number 14 are able to communicate, are able to easily explain their point of view. They are very persuasive, so it is easy for them to achieve mutual understanding. Numerology associates the number 14 with people who are always ready to help a friend. They are responsive, so they are able to sincerely take care of loved ones.
The number 14 warns of the danger that may arise from natural forces such as water, air and fire. A person should be prudent and prudent. positive trait the nature of people who are born under the auspices of the number 14 is restraint and commitment. They are practical and independent, so they never try to shift responsibility onto other people's shoulders. Many of them feel their inseparable connection with the outside world.
Number 14 people also have disadvantages. Someone who has a strong influence of Mercury does not have self-criticism, he likes the way he lives. Many are characterized by excessive straightforwardness, even harshness in judgments. Sometimes the number fourteen gives people impulsiveness and unpredictability, as well as inconstancy.

Number 15 in numerology

The number 15 is a combination of the energies of two planets - the Sun, the ruler of the unit, symbolizing the personality, spirit, energy, high position, and Jupiter, the lord of the five, considered the most favorable planet in astrology. At the same time, the sum of the numbers 1 and 5 is equal to the number 6, which in numerology is ruled by Venus - the planet of beauty, love, harmony and material prosperity.
In numerology, the number 15 is lucky number. It attracts wealth and good luck. This is the number of strong personalities with special magnetism. If we consider the number 15 from the point of view of composite numerology, then a person born on this day is a free person, full of energy. He is ready to act right now and without hesitation. His passion is travel, he is very mobile. Such people value personal experience, they are distrustful of the advice of others. The number 15 in numerology affects a person not only by the date of his birth, but also as the number of a house or apartment.

How does numerology 15 affect life in the house?
Numbers affect all spheres of human life. Even on which apartment number you got, it may depend on whether luck is in the house or it is better to move. What makes up numerology 15? The sum of 15 is equal to 6 - not only the owners were lucky, but also the dwelling. Thanks to skillful hands, the house is always cozy and tidy, it smells of fresh pastries and flowers. The atmosphere of comfort reigns in the rooms, guests are always welcome here. Animals run along the corridors, and pots with plants are located on the windowsills. Life is full of harmony and peace, the colors are dominated by soft warm shades.
The number 15 in the numerology of the house is considered not only as the sum of the numbers included in it, but also as separate components. The influence of the unit is manifested in the fact that all the undertakings of the owner associated with their own business lead to success in business. This is due to the fact that the vibration of the unit inspires confidence, a person begins to follow according to his intuition, and stops listening to strangers, not always helpful tips. Any risk associated with the business sphere becomes justified.
The number five turns life into a cycle of events. There is always something going on in this house. One happy event follows another. If you are an adherent of a calm and measured life without shocks, even pleasant ones, then the house with number 15 is not for you.

Business and number 15 - numerology for successful people
The envious glances of competitors and a crowd of satisfied customers ceased to be a dream as soon as numerology came into the life of a businessman. It is necessary to pay attention to all numerical factors from money amounts to phone numbers. And the number of people in the company's team is crucial to its profits. If there are 15 employees - numerology, as a science tied to modernity, recommends dividing them into 3 departments. It is 5 people who work for profit and attract it like a magnet, they competently use the organization's finances, make new profitable acquaintances and bring the best clients.
If the company's birthday falls on the 15th, then the sum of the numbers, which is 6, is decisive for the future. The income from the enterprise may not bring many millions, but the income will be stable. Useful contacts will help in business development. And in order to acquire them, it is worth paying attention to social activities, organizing presentations and helping those in need.
For a businessman, everything that will make his company profitable is important, even if you have to turn to such a science as numerology. The number 15, if it accompanies the company along the entire path of its development, will help to increase the existing income. It can be the date of the conclusion of new contracts, the number of the contract or the safe in the bank.

Number 16 in numerology

Numerology characterizes the number 16 as follows: it is an enhanced number 6. This is because it consists of two numbers: one and six, and a unit always enhances the numbers next to it.
As numerology indicates, the number 16 consists of two opposites - the Sun and Venus. Thus, they belong to the warring camps. In the transformed form (1 + 6), the number 7 is obtained, which is controlled by Saturn. Such a combination can create problems in the life of someone who was born on the 16th.

"Sixteen" makes people live with passions - the desire for money, sex and other pleasures. The number 16 is like an energy hurricane that blows out the spiritual essence of a person from the Universe. Under its influence, the true personality seems to dissolve in a mixture of self-interest, ambition and debauchery. If it is possible to awaken thoughts and feelings that are dormant under the weight of passions, a new stage in life begins.
Number 16 people are very attached to their relatives and friends. They often find themselves in the spotlight, although they do not strive for this. "Sixteen" gives intelligence and curiosity, but requires inspiration. If one succeeds in obtaining the necessary knowledge, then the ability to penetrate into the essence of things appears. It is very good that in the course of a life path a tendency to analysis and self-criticism arises, but for many this is fraught with the development of depression.
People who are born under the auspices of the number 16 have a highly developed sense of justice. They have an analytical mindset, capable of criticism. Not counting on the gifts of fate, such people rely only on themselves, trying to keep their experiences in themselves. Number 16 people are able to appreciate the merits of other people, so it is not difficult for them to work in a team and adapt to specific life situations. They can successfully cooperate and fulfill their obligations.
The shortcomings of people "sixteen" include their exorbitantly inflated Ego. For some of them, the world around them seems to be an insignificant and pathetic idea. People born on the 16th are often unable to distinguish good from evil. Sometimes they live in their own fantasy world.

Number 19 in numerology

The value of the number 19 is determined based on the interaction of its two constituent digits: one and nine. The unit in numerology is the number of strength, the number of energy. And the number 9 from the language of numbers is translated as "victory of the spirit over the body." Hence the meaning of nineteen - energy aimed at strengthening human spirit. Simply put, 19 is an enhanced number 9.

The number 19 has a special role in numerology. It is she who is called upon to curb and calm human passions: gluttony (passion for food), self-interest (passion for money), anger and others. The number 16 is opposed to nineteen.
By the way, this fact is convenient to use to determine the compatibility of people by date of birth. It is very difficult for a person born on the 19th to find a common language with a person born on the 16th. Although sometimes (very rarely) these people harmoniously complement each other.

Confrontation of numbers 19 and 16
In general, the numbers 19 and 16 in the numerology of life, in the numerology of fate, in the numerology of dates, desperately oppose each other. The number 16 is translated from the language of numbers as "strong passion" or "blind passion".
The number 16 belongs to the "lower", material layers of the Universe. Because it is precisely these layers that correspond to human passions. But the number 19, on the contrary, refers to the spiritual layers of the universe.

The value of the number 19 in numerology can also be interpreted as an energy aimed at spiritual enlightenment. Therefore, for religious people and those who are seriously engaged in esotericism, the number 19 belongs to the category good numbers. And for people who are mired in fuss and the accumulation of material wealth, nineteen is certainly a bad number.
People born on the 19th sometimes seem to be people "not of this world." Here, however, much still depends on the year of birth. But in any case, a person who was born on the 19th will never be a small street vendor. And even if he turns out to be such due to circumstances, he will never become a street vendor in his essence.
In a person born on the 19th, "flights of the soul", "flights of fantasy" are the main guidelines in life. Moreover, the person himself sometimes does not realize this. For people of the number 19, internal farsightedness is characteristic.
That is, they can be surprisingly insightful about what is happening to society as a whole. And with all this, people of the number 19 are not able to understand what exactly is happening to them (!) at the moment. Figuratively speaking, a person born on the 19th sees a small hole at a distance of ten kilometers and does not notice the abyss that has opened up at his feet ...

Number 22 in numerology

The vibration of Master number 22 is one of the strongest. The number 22 personifies the Creator and Creator, the Higher Mind. It is ruled by the hypothetical minor planet Vulcan, whose orbit is closest to the Sun. Vulcan in astrology is the highest hypostasis of Jupiter. It symbolizes the highest cosmic law. Born under the control of Vulcan and the number 22, he has cosmic consciousness, he feels like a citizen of the Universe and knows how to compare the laws of the Earth and Space.

The proteges of the number 22 are endowed with enormous internal energy. They combine the spiritual potential of two twos and have the qualities of a four, obtained by summing them up. On the one hand, the increased influence of the two gives spirituality, raises the level of consciousness to the higher spheres of the universe, but on the other hand, the number 4 "grounds". The four limits spiritual impulses, overshadows them with pragmatic considerations, forces you to think about material things. This circumstance gives rise to an internal conflict, which is expressed by the inconsistency of the nature of the "Two Twos". With a favorable development, these people can brilliantly combine the difficult to combine. For example, while making career growth, they also do not forget about spiritual development.
They can work tirelessly, earning good money, but at the same time, they are always ready to lend a helping hand to those in need. These people are sensitive and caring, always taking into account the interests of others. People around them usually characterize them as respectable, intelligent, reliable and responsible partners, which they really are. Whatever business the "two deuces" devote themselves to, they are able to achieve outstanding results.
They successfully combine logic, a sober mind, practicality and intuition, and emotionality. The thinking of representatives of this vibration is rational and pragmatic, often non-standard. The ability to think ahead and make global plans is one of their main virtues. In making decisions, they are guided not only by the arguments of reason, but also trust their intuition, which rarely fails them. In general, the influence of the four is dominant, therefore, they still have the characteristic qualities of this number to a greater extent. Intelligence plus a strong spiritual core is the main advantage of a person born under the auspices of the number 22.

Pessimism, uncertainty and sensitivity inherent in the number 2, with a vengeance manifests itself in the four obtained by summing two twos. "Two Deuces" tend to dramatize any trouble. Especially strongly they experience professional mistakes, their own weakness and fiasco on the love front. Psychologically, each failure adversely affects them, provokes depression and, as a result, forms an inferiority complex. This leads to the fact that they often refuse to fight and miss the favorable opportunities provided by fate. These people need to learn to look to the future with optimism, to perceive their mistakes as a useful experience and to believe in themselves no matter what, because on the path to success, few people manage not to fill "bumps".
In some situations, the "two deuces" can do a disservice by their inherent suspiciousness, suspicion, meticulousness. In relationships with others, such traits are not always reflected positively.
The deuce is by nature very feminine, and in this case this feature is more pronounced than usual, which naturally does not color the males who are influenced by the number 22 at all.

The meaning of the number 33 in numerology

The number 33 in numerology refers to the so-called managing or "Master numbers". It symbolizes strength, multiplicity, perfection or final completeness.
As a result of the numerological reduction of the number 33 (3 + 3), the number 6 is obtained - a symbol of harmony and love. The six, which is ruled by Venus, endows the "Two Threes" with a developed sense of beauty and the ability for selfless love, a kind of sacrifice. The highest hypostasis of Venus in astrology is the planet Neptune, which is the supreme ruler of the number 33. Neptune is music, poetry and beauty in its highest manifestations. This is the planet of Universal Love, which is the basis of life.
The meaning of the number 33
The mission of the bearer of the number 33 is spiritual mentoring, teaching, helping the suffering. The path of this man is the path of a true humanist, a Christian. He must accept and carry a vow in the name of the Lord, multiplying His Love and Grace in the world.
Many cultures and spiritual traditions, along with Russian, attribute special properties to the number 33 and consider it sacred. At this age, Jesus Christ was crucified and resurrected. Numerologists argue that a correctly developing individual, upon reaching 33 years old, is fully formed as a person and reaches the stage of final "human" maturation, after which only the acquisition of skills and the evolution of a spiritual essence are possible. That is, by the age of 33, a person reveals all his spiritual, mental and mental potential, then only skills are honed and experience is accumulated.
There is an opinion that the whole path, from the birth of a person to his full flowering and spiritual enlightenment, is divided into 33 stages of initiation, having passed which, human soul will be ready to merge with the Divine. That is why this number is called the ascension number.
A person of number 33 has a wide range of interests, but most often, they are associated with creativity or spiritual activity. "Two triples" are sublime people, with a rich inner content, a developed imagination and an aesthetic perception of reality. They are characterized by the desire for spiritual growth and comprehension of the mysteries of being. They feel the greatness of the Beauty and Harmony of the Spheres deeper than others, feel the sacred meaning in everything and firmly believe in God's Providence. The owner of this numerical Vibration will definitely stop before something sublime and beautiful, with which his soul always yearns to touch.
The meaning of the number 33 in numerology is defined as "Master of the healing power of love." This number reveals the ability to attract spiritual powers and use them for the benefit of others. It helps to operate with the flow of life-giving energy, awakens a feeling of love and empathy for others. The life credo of the "Two Threes" is to live for the benefit of others. People of this number strive to be an important and necessary part of society. They readily respond to calls for help, at any moment they are ready to protect everyone, warm them with their care and love. These are moralists "to the marrow of their bones" adhering to the principle of justice and observance of God's Laws in everything. However, not every carrier of the number 33 has an "angelic essence". Some fail to overcome the animal nature in themselves, they, like many of us, are destroyed by passions. By refusing to follow humanism and higher spiritual principles, choosing the easy path, they go against their own destiny, for which they will undoubtedly have to pay.

Number 40 in numerology

The number 40 is the greatest number in numerology! Except for the number 40, perhaps, there is no other number that would be given such great importance and, at the same time, about which people would know so little...
Let's try to fill this gap!
Moreover, religions give the number 40 a special, "afterlife-mystical" significance. In any case, it is the number 40 that is surrounded by a myriad of questions related to the life and death of a person.

The number 40 consists of two numbers: the number 0 and the number 4.
In spiritual numerology, the number 4 means relative peace (that is, balance) and physical death, and the number 0 - absolute peace and spiritual life. In its original essence, the four is the same zero, only manifested on the material level.
From the language of numbers, forty can be translated literally as "the transition from relative peace to absolute" or "the threshold between one incarnation of the soul and its next incarnation", or "complete devastation before filling", or "the end of everything." Choose any of the values, each will be correct!
If you choose "the end of everything", then it is very important to give a precise meaning to the concept of "everything". "Everything" relative to different levels human Being and Consciousness can have different interpretations. And each of them is true, but true in its own way.
So, regarding the lower, material levels, "everything" is the maximum of what we are able to see, hear, touch and smell. And climbing the ladder of Consciousness a little higher, the concept of "everything" also includes the maximum of what we can fantasize, imagine, imagine.
At the highest levels of Existence and Consciousness, "everything" is "nothing", and "nothing" is "everything". This wording tells us little, doesn't it? After all, we perceive the world solely from the position of ourselves as a Personality!
And the personality (our lower self) considers the concepts of "everything" and "nothing" to be opposites. And this is not just a property of the Personality, but a necessary guarantee of its existence. The moment when "everything" becomes "nothing" for a person
(as a result, for example, of in-depth yoga or esoteric studies), the personality disintegrates as unnecessary.
There are people who see the meaning of life precisely in the destruction of the personality in the name of manifesting themselves as the Higher Self...

The meaning of the number 40
The meanings of the number 40, depending on the different levels of Being and Consciousness, may seem to be many. However, this is an illusion. Every number has the same meaning!
The true meaning of the number 40 is the totality of all its meanings regarding the eleven levels of Being and Consciousness. Any person lives simultaneously on eleven levels, although he is aware, at best, of only a few of them.
Thus, the main and only meaning of the number 40 consists of eleven meanings of this number.
The following lists all the meanings of the number 40 (relative to different levels of being and consciousness), and you combine them together as you see fit, and get a single, "volumetric", maximally objective value...

1. the meaning of the number 40 - as an age - up to 40 years a person moves to the four (to stability and stability, even if he does not realize it), after 40 - to zero (inner peace). On the material levels of Being, zero cannot be perceived otherwise than as inner peace. It is curious that the actual 40 years do not always correspond to the calendar forty years;
2. the meaning of the number 40 is harmony in nature between its visible and hidden manifestations (that is, external natural phenomena exactly correspond to internal, invisible ones);
3. The meaning of the number 40 is the interdependence of emotional and spiritual balance in a person. Here, four personifies emotional, relative balance, and zero - absolute, spiritual;
4. The meaning of the number 40 is the balancing of "man" and "woman" in Man (a man and a woman live in each of us). The true meaning of the term "hermaphrodite". In this case, the four acts as a "man", and zero as a "woman";
5. The meaning of the number 40 is the transition point between "parallel worlds", as well as the threshold between different states of consciousness. Here it must be taken into account that altered states are not a change in mood or a change in the way of thinking, although a change in consciousness leads to both;
6. The meaning of the number 40 is the "erasing" of human destiny during life. This happens rarely, in exceptional cases, when for one reason or another "mission impossible". The causality of this "super-phenomenon" can be compared for clarity with the situation when, in the midst of a written exam, ink suddenly runs out, and there is no one to borrow from;
7. the meaning of the number 40 is a "red line" during the transition of the Soul from one material incarnation to another;
8. The meaning of the number 40 is the "zeroing" of the previous personality, forgetting past connections (attachments). Blessed "sclerosis", without which the human psyche would be doomed to drag the burden of all kinds of losses from past lives... At this level of Being and Consciousness, a new "mission" of the Soul, a new human destiny, is ripening;
9. The meaning of the number 40 is the end of everything ("everything" does not end and does not stop, but simply becomes "nothing", retaining the properties of "everything"). Don't try to understand it intellectually. Traditional logic is powerless where the logic of the Spirit "turns on";
10. The meaning of the number 40 is the absorption of relative peace (where everything is born and dies at the same time, that is, being born, dies and dying, is born) by absolute peace (where nothing is born and dies). At this level of Being and Consciousness (as well as at the next one!) any logical reasoning is irrelevant and meaningless;
11. The meaning of the number 40 is the “coition” of relative peace with absolute peace, as a result of which Divine Peace is eternally and continuously born - one of the main hypostases of the Almighty, eternally reproducing Himself through Peace, in other words, calming Himself ...

Using the number 40 as an example, the author wanted to demonstrate how the meaning of the same number can noticeably change with a change in the level of Being and Consciousness. Why does spiritual numerology consider the meaning of numbers "in volume", that is, relative to all levels?
Because a person lives simultaneously in all layers of the Universe! Without taking this into account, no life problem numerology cannot be properly explained or solved!

The ancient Greeks, based on their research, found that each number has magical meaning. A certain combination of numbers will certainly affect the fate of a person and everyday life. Modern numerology, using numbers from 1 to 9, gives a simplified code for deciphering the meaning of combinations of numbers.

The meaning of the numbers.

Zero - is associated with gullibility and naivety.

One is the number of a leader striving for his goal, helps a person in business, brings good luck in business, attracts prosperity and frequent wins. One is the number of ambitions. Lucky day is Sunday.

Two - the number of compromise, combines "black" and "white", positive and negative. The number of harmony helps to discover the strengths and weaknesses of the personality. Symbolizes the feminine. Lucky day is Monday.

Three is a symbol of masculinity. An unstable sign, like a triangle, where each corner pulls the palm towards itself. Associated with birth, life and death. It is not for nothing that the number “three” is often found in religion - for example, the Holy Trinity. It is three times at the end of the prayer that the word Amen is repeated. A person who has a triple in his date of birth seems to be constantly in search of truth. Lucky day is Thursday.

Four is the number of stability, balance, it is close to "ideal", it combines four elements - Fire, Water, Earth and Air. Lucky day is Sunday.

Five is a number associated with risk, with the ability to rush into a “pool with your head.” People with a five in their date of birth are the most unpredictable, but at the same time, the number five always accompanies a successful marriage, since it is simultaneously a symbol of masculine and feminine principles. Lucky day is Wednesday.

Six - a symbol of reliability, self-confidence. The number six helps solve the problems of even and odd numbers due to the harmonious combination of the qualities of both. Lucky day is Friday.

Seven - the number of secrets, everything unknown. People with the number six have excellent intuition, which is very important in our lives, they easily study and understand the psychology of other people, and are often associated with extrasensory perception. magic number. Lucky day is Monday.

Eight - is associated with the symbol of infinity, is associated with wealth and prosperity, as well as trust and honesty. The number eight closely borders on absolute stability, as it is symbolized by a double square. Lucky day is Saturday.

Nine - strives for success, prosperity and achieves it. These people are capable of warm feelings for their loved ones, they are brave and active. Lucky day for the nine is Tuesday.

Numerology is the science of numbers in human life and their influence on destiny.
Numerology by date of birth will determine the influence of the date of birth on fate - the so-called number of fate, the numerology of the name and surname determines the so-called number of the name - that is, the influence of the name on the fate of a person.
The compatibility of the name and date of birth is also important.

destiny numerology, destiny number

Destiny numerology will help us understand ourselves, our destiny and our natural abilities. How to develop your abilities, how to build relationships with other people, love partners, spouses, children, colleagues? The value of the date of birth from the point of view of numerology is the number of fate or the number life path. Numerology considers the number of fate - the most important number in human life. Compatibility of numbers of fate will show the potential of relationships between people - spouses, colleagues, friends.

Numerology is the number of destiny. The easiest way to determine the number of fate is to add all the digits of the date of birth into a prime number from 1 to 9. It is believed that prime numbers from 1 to 9 have energy, they emit vibrations that determine the fate of a person.

What does the number of life, the code of fate, the number of fate mean?

Destiny number 1 - Units are ambitious, striving for glory and power. Always first, leaders. Purposefully gradually move towards their goal. People with a destiny number of 1 can achieve a lot.

The number of fate 2 is both contrast and balance at the same time. Two strives for dualism, harmony and balance. Number 2 people are diplomatic, seek compromises, avoid conflicts. Twos are good negotiators, diplomats.

Destiny number 3 - triples are well adapted, trainable, flexible, intuition is very developed. Threes are cheerful, sociable, love easy ways, seek entertainment. They do a lot of things easily. People with the number 3 can succeed if they do not look for easy ways, do not avoid difficulties and strive for the goal.

Destiny number 4 - Fours are always reliable, stable, durable. Such people are very honest, careful, hardworking, good performers.

Destiny number 5 - Fives - adventurers, freedom-loving natures, independent, love to travel, all the time on the move. They have good adaptability, have the ability for languages, are full of optimism, resourceful.

Destiny number 6 - reliable and honest, sixes are good family men, they appreciate coziness, comfort, stability and reliability in relationships.

The number of fate 7 is a symbol of mystery, knowledge. Developed intuition, rich imagination, good intellectual abilities. Sevens are loners by nature, hermits

Destiny number 8 is a symbol of material well-being. People-eights are enterprising, achieve success in business, work. Reliable, strong-willed people with a strong character.

Destiny number 9 is a symbol of success, high achievements and abilities. People with the number 9 have high potential, often 9 are outstanding personalities, great scientists, musicians, inventors, discoverers.

Numerology of Pythagoras and date of birth

Pythagoras is considered to be the founder of numerology. Numerology of Pythagoras believes that many events and phenomena can be expressed in simple numbers from 1 to 9. Each such number has its own energy, affects the fate and character of a person. One of the most important defining dates is the date of birth according to Pythagoras.

Numerology date of birth of Pythagoras. For numerological analysis, it is necessary to add up all the digits of the date of birth. Date of birth 09/14/1980 Sum of digits 1+4+9+1+8+9=32. 32 is the first number. The second number is a prime number of the sum 32 3+2=5 Now you need to subtract the first digit of the date of birth multiplied by 2 from the first number. 32 – 1*2=30 The fourth number is a prime number from the third number 3+0=3 we have four working numbers 32, 5, 30, 3. Now you need to write together the date of birth and four numbers 14 09 1980 32 5 30 3

In the table, you need to enter numbers from the line of the date of birth and working numbers, except for zeros.

Pythagorean table by date of birth Pythagorean square by date of birth

11 4 - 2 5 8 333 - 99

What does the numerology "Pythagorean square" mean?

1 - a person is very selfish

11 - less selfish

111 - a calm person, makes compromises and concessions.

1111 - a strong-willed person, a powerful person

11111 - tough, very strong-willed and domineering person

111111 - rare, characterizes an outstanding personality

2 characterizes the flow of energy from the surrounding world.

2 - actively takes energy from outside.

22 - a person shares energy with others, such people can be healers

222 - characterize psychic abilities

Outstanding psychics have an amount of 2 more than 3.

3 characterizes decency, accuracy, pedantry.

3 - it all depends on the mood

33 - disciplined, capable of doing science

333 - Accurate, accurate, disciplined, high level of scientific ability

3333 and more people do not develop

4 - characterizes health

4 and 44 - good health

5 characterizes intuition, the more 5, the more it is developed. With 555 or more people with the gift of clairvoyance.

6 characterizes commitment to physical labor.

7 characterizes talent. The more 7, the more talented the person.

8 is responsibility.

9 - intellectual abilities. 9 is missing from stupid people.

9 - average intellectual abilities

99 - intellectual abilities are above the norm.

999 - high level of ability

9999 - very high level of mental development

Numerology of the name and the number of the name

The numerology of the name and date of birth suggests that all numbers and letters can be reduced to prime numbers from 1 to 9. Each prime number has certain crucial characteristics. The numerology of the name and surname reveals the individuality of a person. There are many ways to convert dates, first names, last names into prime numbers from 1 to 9. The simplest and most common is to add numbers to get a prime number from 1 to 9.

Numerology number of the name - each letter of your surname, name must be assigned a number from 1 to 9, according to the table. The number of the name must be calculated for the name that you use, for example, for a child, this is the first and last name, for an elderly person, the first name, last name, patronymic.

So, to determine the number of your name, you need to determine the number for each letter of the name, surname, patronymic, then add them up to get a prime number.

For example, for the name Andreev Andrey.

1 +6+5+9+6+6+3+1+6+5+9+6+2=65 The result is a sum with a value of 65. Next, we convert this sum into a prime number 6+5=11, 1+1= 2 As a result, the number of the name is 2 .

The number of vowels in the name means the number of the heart. The number of consonants of the name means - your external manifestation, how others treat you.

Assumes numerology, the number of the name and date of birth mean and show the natural and acquired abilities, temperament, character of a person. The number of the date of birth is the natural data of a person. Developed abilities characterizes the number of the name.

What is the relationship between birth number and name number? If the number of the date of birth exceeds the number of the name, the person develops only his natural inclinations. If the number of the name is greater than the number of birth, then the person is ambitious, purposeful, he creates abilities and conditions. A rare coincidence of the number of the name and the number of birth characterize the harmonious development.

1 - aggressiveness, ambition, desire for leadership, purposefulness and ambition. People with the number 1 gradually, without deviating from the goal, achieve what they want.

2 - balance, softness, compromise, dualism, balance, striving for harmony. Number 2 people are good family people.

5 - characterizes unpredictability, riskiness, adventurism, resourcefulness, optimism, cheerfulness. People with the number 5 are freedom-loving and independent, very active in achieving their goals.

9 - the most big number from prime numbers, people with the number 9 are strong and successful personalities, have high intellectual potential, achieve a high position and status, material well-being, recognition

Surname Numerology

The numerology of the surname analyzes how a person expresses himself outside, characterizes his developed abilities. For analysis, you must use your first name, last name, patronymic, depending on how you use them. For example, to plan business meetings, you need the numerology of the first name, last name, patronymic, if you introduce yourself in business, at work, and you are called by your first name, patronymic and last name. To plan personal affairs, analyze the compatibility of spouses, friends, we calculate the number for the name and surname that your loved ones call you. Analyze your nicknames, nicknames, pet names, the values ​​​​of the numbers will show how others see you, what traits of your character they notice.

Parents, calling the child by any name, endow him with a certain energy. Surname and patronymic is an inheritance from parents, ancestors, clan. The surname contains the knowledge and energy of your ancestors, father, his family.

How to calculate the number of the last name? Each letter of the last name, first name, patronymic must be assigned a number from 1 to 9, according to the table. The number of first name, last name, patronymic, we calculate for those that you use, for example, for a child it is only a first and last name, for an elderly person, a first name, last name, patronymic.

To determine the numbers of the surname, it is necessary to determine the number for each letter, then add them up until a prime number is obtained.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H I J K M N O Q R S T U V Y Z

For example, for the name Andreev Andrey Andreevich.

1 +6+5+9+6+6+3+1+6+5+9+6+2+1+6+5+9+6+6+3+1+5=107 Next, we convert this amount into a prime number 1 + 7 = 8 As a result, the number of the last name, first name, patronymic is 8.

In numerology, it is believed that the number of the date of birth characterizes the natural data of a person. Developed abilities are characterized by the number of the surname, the number of the name.

If the number of the date of birth exceeds the number of the surname and name, the person develops only his natural inclinations. If the number of the surname and name is greater than the number of birth, then the person is ambitious, purposeful, he creates abilities and conditions. A rare coincidence of the number of the name and the number of birth characterize the harmonious development.

What does the number of the name, surname, patronymic mean?

1 - aggressiveness, ambition, desire for leadership, purposefulness and ambition. People with the number 1 gradually, without deviating from the goal, achieve what they want. Goals should be clear, understandable, achievable in direct ways

2 - balance, softness, compromise, dualism, balance, striving for harmony.

3 - people with such a number are talented, adapt easily, optimists, they have well-developed intuition, 3 - a triangle symbol, also symbolizes imbalance

4 - stability, poise, reliability, strength, risk avoidance, diligence

5 - characterizes unpredictability, riskiness, adventurism, resourcefulness, optimism, cheerfulness. People with the number 5 are freedom-loving and independent, very active in achieving their goals.

6 is a symbol of reliability, people with the number 6 are honest, reliable, stable, fair, friendly.

7 is a mystery, the desire for knowledge. People with the number 7 are very talented, intellectuals. Well suited for profession sevens - researcher, teacher, lecturer.

8 - strong-willed strong people, successful in business, characterized by purposefulness, rigidity, strong willed character, sometimes even merciless, often achieve high material well-being, status and success, a symbol of reliability and stability

9 is the largest number of prime numbers, people with the number 9 are strong and successful personalities, have high intellectual potential, achieve a high position and status, material well-being, and recognition.

Name and date of birth compatibility

Helps to determine numerology. Analyzing the names, dates of birth, you can get data about the temperament and abilities of a person, about his fate. This knowledge will help to better understand another person, avoid conflicts, and achieve mutual understanding. You can determine compatibility by the numbers of the date of birth, compatibility of the name and date of birth.

How to calculate compatibility by date of birth? First you need to determine the number of fate for you and your partner. We add all the digits of the date of birth to the sum and convert it to a prime number from 1 to 9. For example, she is 08/13/1980, he is 07/11/1980. The number of fate for her is 1+3+8+1+9+8=30 3+0=3 The number of fate for him is 1+1+7+1+9+8=27 2+7=9 It is necessary to find out the compatibility of fate numbers 3 and 9.

1 - leaders, leaders, value independence. Birth number compatibility with 2, 8, 9.

2 - non-conflict, soft, reliable, often shy. Compatibility of people by date of birth with 1, 2, 6, 9

3 - romantic and cheerful, love adventure, travel. Compatible with 3, 5, 6, 9

4 - stable and reliable, very practical. Compatible with 2, 4, 8

5 - freedom-loving and independent, always on the move, constant striving for something new. Compatibility of partners by date of birth from 1, 7

6 - very responsible, devoted. Will fit 2, 6, 8, 9

7 - intellectuals. Fit 1, 7, 9, 2

8 - responsible, practical, organized. Good partners 1, 6, 8

9 - active, kind, cheerful. Suitable partners 1, 3, 6, 7, 9.

Thus, numerology allows you to predict the compatibility of partners by date of birth. Knowing the characteristics of character and temperament, we can better understand loved one skillfully build a relationship with him

It is believed that the value of the date of birth will determine the character traits that are given to a person from the moment of birth. They may differ for men and women and change with age. The most popular Western interpretation, which involves the summation of birthday numbers. But a more complete decoding is the square of Pythagoras, which takes into account more components. The qualities described may vary depending on external factors.

Date of birth in numerology

It has long been known that the date of birth has a considerable influence on the character and fate of a person. According to numerologists, each number has a certain vibration that has a strong effect on people.

Calculating your birthday is very easy. In Western numerology, this is the consecutive sum of all the digits of a date. For example, for those born on August 04, 1987: 0+4+0+8+1+9+8+7=19=1. The resulting number is called vibrating. It is invariable for each specific person, determines his main qualities and inclinations, twists of fate.


A symbol of individualists, strong and ambitious personalities. Such people always want to be the best, the first, strive for independence. Persistently achieve their goals, despite the obstacles. They are characterized by selfishness, as well as self-confidence. They are practically not amenable to outside influence and do not like to listen to other people's opinions. For adults with the number 1 in their date of birth, life for many years seems like a game.

A high coefficient of action causes a constant movement forward. New heights are conquered if a person goes straight, purposefully. Numerologists advise avoiding greed and willfulness, taking into account the interests of not only your own, but also other people, otherwise you can get a lot of enemies. A strong number will certainly lead to success, if you do not neglect the advice.

Women with this number are active and temperamental. They often try to subjugate their partner. Men are impulsive and impulsive, they always succeed with the opposite sex. Children are energetic and active early years feel and try to demonstrate their individuality.


A symbol of balance and tact, the magic of the number "2" provides a subtle, sensitive nature, very impressionable and dependent on the people around. For such men and women, the support of loved ones, security, self-confidence and future are extremely important. Throughout life, the owners given number they are looking for support, a strong shoulder, they strive to acquire a reliable rear.

The gentleness of character and innate tact lead to a constant search for compromises in relationships with others, including in the workplace. Internal contradictions often contribute to excessive prudence, reflection, as a result, advice to relatives and friends. These people must learn to think not only about others, but also about themselves, avoid extremes and excessive sensitivity. They make excellent developers, designers, but for a successful career they need implementing partners.

Representatives of the stronger sex with the number "2" are trusting and open, which makes them vulnerable. They always come to the rescue and are not the instigators of a quarrel. Ladies are attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex. They love romantic courtship and gifts, easily change the environment. Children born on the 2nd live with emotions and feelings, need care and understanding, seek recognition.


The fastest and brightest number. Its influence is noticeable even on a child, manifested in pronounced talents, the ability to quickly absorb information. The intuitive mind allows you to find and choose the easiest ways to achieve your goals. Such people need constant entertainment, communication, a pleasant environment. Accustomed to easily perceive life, the owners of the number "3" in the date of birth rarely plan their future, preferring to enjoy the current moment.

At the same time, the triple is also the number of luck. And to catch her, it’s enough just not to be lazy. A minimum of effort for such people leads to great success. The number three protects against many problems in life. Whatever happens - almost everything goes with the least loss. These are the so-called minions of fate, invariably attracting the views of others.

Men love risk and activity. They are popular with the weaker sex, I can have several partners at the same time. Women are attractive and witty, distinguished by independent behavior, optimism and sensuality. Children are curious and enjoy exploring the world around them. Require a lot of attention, capricious.


A symbol of hardworking and balanced natures. In numerology, the number "4" is also associated with mobility, activity. Such people are fighters in life. Despite resistance and a large number of obstacles, they rush forward, constantly expanding their horizons. The difficulty lies in the fact that each owner of this number, for the final formation and strengthening of his personality, must go through a series of trials sent by fate.

The four is characterized by practicality and perseverance, endowing its owner with the ability to masterfully master even a boring craft. Sometimes, in order not to get bogged down in details, it is recommended to listen to the advice of loved ones. Stubbornness can hinder development. Honesty and steadfastness of such people help to endure any hardships and provide support to others.

Men are reliable and straightforward, honor family traditions and take a leading position in relationships. They look for loyalty and devotion in women. Representatives of the weaker sex are distinguished by dominance, they evaluate the relationship through the prism of possible income. Babies are calm and independent, they love stability and certainty, they are responsible and reliable.


It is typical for enthusiasts, natures, who love adventure, prone to adventurism. Such people love traveling and can feel comfortable anywhere, like at home. Owners of the number "5" easily learn other languages ​​and adapt to traditions and customs. They can get into difficult situations and extricate themselves from them without consequences. Cheerfulness, irrepressible energy and good feeling humor are defining character traits of such personalities.

Numerologists recommend looking around more often so as not to miss the tempting prospects nearby. After all, the five often “leads” the views and thoughts of people into the distance and into the future, not allowing them to appreciate what is nearby and in the present. It is worth avoiding impulsive decisions and frequent changes of life partners, take care of friends.

Men with this number have sexuality, good looks, intelligence and leadership qualities. In love, they give and give unforgettable emotions. However, they love freedom in relationships. Women are selfish, like to flirt and tease, like all men. They are actresses - all the attractiveness and sensuality is on display. They demand admiration and approval from others. Children are cheerful, charming, attract the attention of everyone around. The main thing is life and knowledge of oneself and the world. Creativity is driving force for self-expression.


A symbol of reliability and frankness. An honest nature seeks to show itself to others, to gain respect, while trying to support friends, improve their living conditions. Such people radiate optimism, always calm and cheerful. The owners of the number "6" do not set sky-high goals for themselves, but are content with what they have, fully justifying the trust placed in them and doing their job with maximum efficiency.

The six helps to adapt to different conditions, adapt even to adverse circumstances, finding the positive in them. These people make wonderful peacemakers who bring goodness and love to the world. Experts advise avoiding obsession with others, interfering in the affairs of friends when they are not asked for it, even if others are mistaken in something.

Women are distinguished by aloofness and coldness. But there are sensual, sexual natures. Incorrigible dreamers with a rich imagination. Men are obligatory, diligent, hardworking, reliable. However, the environment is easily changed. Love for them plays an important role in life. Children born under this number are calm, observant, compliant, obedient, show concern. They make a lot of friends, because they really need communication.


Symbol of knowledge and mystery. Refers to the most powerful and influential numbers. Among the characteristic properties of a person, one can distinguish good intuition, a penchant for discovering the unknown, a rich imagination, a lively, uncontrollable imagination. With such a number, bright creative people are born: poets, artists, musicians, as well as hermits and philosophers. Inner inspiration needs solitude, immersion in oneself. But there are two sides: the strong owners of the seven become famous personalities, the weak ones find themselves in the abyss of despondency.

Those born under the number 7 make good teachers, thinkers, endowed with a special gift. They take for granted the veneration and respect shown. But such people should avoid secrecy, alienation from society, coldness towards others.

The representatives of the stronger sex are independent and serious. Self-sufficient attitude to life, highly value love. They prefer to establish relationships with intelligent women.

The fair sex is attractive, at the same time attracting and repelling partners. They are tactful, dreamy, sentimental. They dream of romance, strong love feelings. The child is impressionable, reasonable and dreamy. He has a developed sense of kindness, loves approval from outsiders. Charming, attentive, brings a lot of joy to parents.


This numerical symbol endows people with enterprise, a penchant for doing business, business. The most important features: the ability to plan and successfully carry out what was conceived, including those that are difficult to implement at first glance. Willpower, hard work, determination, lack of self-pity are the defining characteristics of those born with the number "8".

The owners of the eight can be cruel both to themselves and to others. They make good military, political figures, government workers. The ability to manage people and captivate many people is especially pronounced in adulthood. Numerologists advise not to abuse power and their position, to show more sensitivity to subordinates. It is important that the negative nature does not prevail.

Women are powerful, assertive, they hide their nature behind a mask of alienation. Original and practical, prefer intellectual men. Representatives of the stronger sex are distinguished by self-confidence and independence. Strong-willed and persistent persons - can suppress a partner with arrogance or hide their character. Children demonstrate the will to fulfill their goal, putting themselves and others to the test. They can show both affection and strong dislike.


A symbol of potential intelligence, a strong personality, prone to development throughout the life path. From those born with the number nine, wonderful artists, performers, composers, inventors grow up. On the contrary, such people should not become military men, entrepreneurs, merchants. If desire and abilities are manifested in some area, then all efforts should be directed in the chosen direction - success is guaranteed by fate.

Endowed with responsiveness and sensitivity, the owners of the nine are insightful, able to selflessly help those in need, to lend a hand in moments of despair. The fruits of kindness are surely rewarded later on. The number "9" is powerful and amazing. The life of these people is full of events and attention from many.

The man is refined, erudite, highly intelligent and romantic. In love, he is looking for a person who has decided on his self-expression. Women are different from the opposite sex. They are fickle and extraordinary. In the environment they prefer to see intellectuals and highly developed men. Overflowing with various plans that are trying to bring to life. The child is cheerful and inspired. Strives to see everything that is possible. Enters into communication with ease.

Number 11

Despite the fact that "11" is simplified to the number "2", it also has its own characteristic properties that leave an imprint on a person. Initiative, determination, individualism, egocentrism - all these are good qualities, but they need to be curbed, settled.

Those born on the 11th during their lives have to go through a series of karmic trials, the essence of which is to master the ability to understand other people. An internal conflict can arise many times until a person learns to perceive other people's emotions, desires, as his own.

number 22

This combination gives the stable four a touch of mysticism. The inner world of those born with the number "22" often takes precedence over the outer. These people are called "mobile in the mobile". It is very important to direct character traits and inclinations in a positive direction, then life will bear good fruit, delight in the results of achievements in all areas.

Hesitation and endless thinking about the same thing should be avoided. Such people need to move forward so as not to get bogged down in the past and present.

Depending on the number, the degree of compatibility of partners is also determined.

Square of Pythagoras

This square was developed by the ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician and is one of the methods for analyzing a person. The system combined the mathematical systems of the Egyptians, Phoenicians, Arabs and Druids with the sciences of human nature.

The square of Pythagoras is a numerological horoscope. It helps to understand what qualities are inherent in a person at birth.

The algorithm for calculating the date of birth by the square of Pythagoras is as follows: for example, a person was born on 02.10.1989. It is necessary to add:

  • digits of the day and month of birth: 2+1=3
  • years of birth: 1+9+8+9=28
  • two received numbers: 3+28=31

It turned out the second working number. From the first it is necessary to subtract the doubled first digit of the birthday: 31-4 = 27.

This is the third working number. For the next one, you need to add the numbers of the previous one: 2 + 7 = 9.

It turns out the fourth working number. As a result, there are two rows of numbers:

  • 1 row - date of birth: 02. 10. 1989
  • 2 row - working numbers: 31; four; 27; 9

It is necessary to calculate their total number in two rows. In this case, there are 12. This means that a person has come to this world 12 times. According to Pythagoras, in total, a person comes to earth 15 times, and then goes to live in another dimension.

Now you need to draw a 3 by 3 square and divide it into 9 squares. Enter all ones in the first one, twos in the second, and so on. Then compare the result with the data in the table.

Square number


No numbers




A person with so many units is an egoist

An egoist who sometimes thinks about others

Steady positive character

Willful and strong character


The absence of a biofield. Open channel for energy absorption. People often refer to collectors

Hypersensitive, have bioenergy that needs to be developed

Bioenergy Enough to Heal Others


A person who is loved by the opposite sex

Organization and ability to science

Actual, cultured, educated

They do not like mess, but cleaning is carried out depending on the mood.

Have the ability to exact sciences

Very neat, with the ability to science

Neat and pedantic, often working in the scientific field


Health problems

Health is normal

Diseases begin to torment only in old age

A healthy person with excellent immunity, rarely gets sick

Immunity is excellent


An active person, but makes many mistakes. It's very hard to get through life.

Open channel for intuition, make fewer mistakes than others

Intuition is developed, good at the work of lawyers or investigators


Such people properly manage time and space.


They study poorly, so they are forced to do physical labor in life

He thinks about his studies, but physical labor will also be present

Likes physical labor, but it is not his profession

Such people require large amounts of money from partners.

Work hard and hard

Hard luck

Talent is present, but not pronounced

Have an artistic taste and creativity

May face significant challenges in life

These people need to be careful

A responsibility

Often borrowed, but not in a hurry to pay back

Sense of responsibility developed

Ready to help other people

Called to serve the people

Parapsychologists, have a penchant for the exact sciences

Mind needs to be developed

Smart but lazy

smart and lucky

Proud and merciless, but extremely intelligent

Inherited human traits begin to appear at an early age, special power gaining by the age of 30-35. People with the same number in the date of birth are similar to each other, their destinies may intersect. But do not forget that the numerological data of the name also play a certain role in a person’s life, leaving their mark and correcting the characteristics obtained initially.

Numerology- this is esoteric knowledge about numbers and their connection with man and with the universe. Many people do not believe in this knowledge, because it is not recognized by official science. But even without believing in this science, these people are wary of the number 13, subconsciously feeling negative energy this number. Therefore, any number carries energy and affects a person's life, even if a person does not recognize the truth of the science of Numerology.

In our life we ​​are constantly confronted with numbers, starting from our date of birth, time of birth and ending with the number of our apartment. The meaning of these numbers can be learned to interpret with the help of the science of numerology. But in Numerology - Date of Birth- a special number, one of the significant numbers in our life. An experienced astrologer by Date of Birth can find out the character of a person, his abilities and even compatibility with a loved one.

Numerology by date of birth

You can find out by date of birth Life path number person. This number is obtained by adding the digits of the Date of Birth. Numerologists always pay attention to this number when analyzing a person’s fate, because the Life Path Number indicates a person’s abilities that were acquired in past lives. But most importantly, the Life Path Number helps to determine the task and mission of a person in this incarnation.

As already mentioned above, the formula for determining the Number of the Life Path is as follows: the numbers of the birthday + the numbers of the month of birth + the numbers of the year of birth.Birth. For example, a girl was born on May 17, 1992. Calculate the life path number: 1+7+0+5+1+9+9+2=34 . It turned out to be a two-digit number. It is necessary to add the digits of this two-digit number further: 3+4=7. 7 is the number of the life path of this girl.

Numerology: the magic of numbers

Numerology refers to the ancient esoterically sciences, which is often called magic numbers. Each number has its own vibration, so by the date of birth of a person you can find out his character, as well as predict Fate.

According to ancient knowledge, each number carries a certain energy force and its own meaning. The meaning of the numbers was not invented by scientists, the magic of numbers originates in ancient scriptures.

But the ancient teachings were "read" in different ways by different scientists, so two main branches of the followers of Numerology were formed.

Branches of numerology:

  • The first branch - Western Numerology - is based on the teachings of Pythagoras. Pythagoras traveled a lot around the world and collected knowledge on the numerology of various ancient peoples. On this knowledge, his "Numerology" was based.
  • The second branch - Eastern Numerology - is based on the Vedas. There is a great connection with astrology in this Numerology.

Consider how the ancient peoples understood and interpreted the numbers. For centuries, the ancient peoples had different attitude to various numbers - some numbers were considered sacred, while others were considered dangerous and negative.

The sacred numbers were considered 3, 4, 7, 21, 12, 77, 99 and 100. The sacred number 3 was reflected in such examples: the Trinity of the Hindus (Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva), and the Christians: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Also, the Arabs revered the number 99, because according to their faith, God has 99 names.

Numerology: the meaning of numbers among ancient peoples

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