How to find what you lost at home quickly. How to find a lost thing at home: tips

The keys have disappeared, the mobile phone has disappeared somewhere and does not respond, and the glasses that were lying in the most visible place have evaporated again. IN Everyday life we constantly lose and find dozens of items. But what if the necessary thing seems to have fallen into the ground, and you can’t find it literally in a half-empty room? Do not rush to call a private detective, we will try more non-standard methods.

What plot will help find the lost thing at home?

Magic rituals are powerful weapons that help you find the right thing in a short time. Before embarking on powerful conspiracies that allow you to determine if what you are looking for is stolen, you should try out simpler ones. We present the most effective of them.

On a scarf

For the ritual, you need a new copy that has not been in a sock. Choose a large scarf with smooth edges. The presence and nature of the picture does not play a role. Sit on the couch, squeeze the handkerchief in your left hand, present the desired object. Say its name aloud and at the same time tie any of the corners of the fabric into a knot. If soon the loss is found, the knot must be untied.

For matches and milk

In addition to a full matchbox, you will need a glass of milk with a high percentage of fat content. Stand in the center of the room, strike a match on the box, and, looking at the flame, focus on the memory of the missing item. After the fire has burned down, draw a cross on the left palm with the charred end.

After completing the first part of the ritual, sit on the floor and be silent for a couple of minutes.. At this time, say to yourself the names of places where the search object may be. Then wash off the cross from your hand with milk, repeating to yourself: “My loss, find yourself and return to my hands, amen!” Repeat the spell 3-4 times. Wipe your palms with a clean cloth.

On a thread

To tie the missing thing in order to draw it to you again - this is the purpose of this conspiracy. Take a spool of red thread and cut a length equal to your height. Fold the thread three times, in the process representing the loss. After that, try to fold the thread 7 more times, make 2-3 knots on it. The resulting ball is placed under the pillow at night. It is believed that in a dream you will be told where to look. If not, take the skein out in the morning and free it from the knots.

None of the above help? Ask for help from the true owner of the home. You can enlist the assistance of a brownie using a conspiracy on a woolen thread. A piece of red thread is tied to a table leg. At this time, whisper the following: “Grandfather Brownie, don’t play with me. Return the missing thing (its name), and take a treat for yourself! Read the plot four times in all corners of the room. Do not forget to spread out the offering to the brownie in the corners - sweets, cookies, a glass of milk.

Often what we are looking for is lost through no fault of ours. Perhaps the item was stolen. Then conspiracies of a different kind, more powerful, are used.

With chair

Obtain a worn out wooden chair that is no longer used as a piece of furniture. Wipe off the dust and break off one of the legs. Take the chair outside, and grind the broken part into chips. Make a fire out of them. Standing facing the fire, read the plot: “Let the one who asks be heard. My thing is stolen, taken away by an evil thief. If he (the name of the object) does not return it in speed, the demon will take him to himself!

Repeat the spell three times, take the ashes and the chair to the nearest road intersection at midnight. The conspiracy is not "dark", but the attacker will lose peace until he returns the stolen.

From candles

Suitable for the procedure church candle from wax. It is lit in the evening, after sunset. Take a candle and go around the room. Speak words: “The one who took away, let him lose a hundred times more! May he not find peace until my thing is returned. May hunger and poverty overtake him, and luck and my returned thing overtake me. Amen!"

Place the candle in an inconspicuous corner, it should burn out there. The melted wax is placed in a bag of natural cloth and hidden in a secret place in the house.

Preparing for a conspiracy

You need to prepare for the conspiracy, first of all, emotionally:

  • Reach out to your subconscious. Remember where you last saw the right thing or used it. Limit your circle search to places where it is usually located;
  • If necessary, take a sitting position, lean back in your chair. Take a deep breath and try to turn off the negative psycho-emotional background. Annoyance and general agitation are often reasons why it is difficult to engage rational thinking.

There are often cases when you can do without magic. Often, lack of concentration and general irritation interfere with the search process. Draw a conditional plan of an apartment or room. Divide it into zones, mark each with a number and start searching, gradually exploring each area. Delete the checked square from the list and move on to the next one.

An effective conspiracy to find things

Appeal to higher powers to return the lost is often more effective than any other means.

To search for the missing item, read the appeal to the martyr John the Warrior:

“Oh, the great martyr of Christ John, the champion of the Orthodox, the persecutor of enemies, the intercessor of the offended! Hear us praying to you, for you are endowed with God's grace to comfort the saddened, help the weak, deliver the innocent from empty death and pray for those who suffer in evil. Be a strong protector for us from visible and invisible enemies, who, with your help, will be ashamed of us. Pray our Lord, that he will help the sinful and unworthy servant (his name) to receive from Him the unspeakable blessing, those who love Him, in the Holy Trinity of the glorious God, always, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen!"

I just held a needle, a cup, a book, keys in my hands, turned around, got distracted - there was no thing. Not in hand, not within view. Has it happened? Or someone decided to hide a valuable thing away, guided by the well-known principle "The farther you put it, the closer you take it." I personally once “put it away” - more, in general, I never saw a valuable ring. Let's see what can be done in such a situation:

1. The most common way. Tie a handkerchief to the leg of a chair. Considered quite successful. At the same time, you can also say something like “Brownie, brownie, play and give it back!”
2. A tried and tested sign is to simply turn the glass over and the thing will be found.
3. If you think that the thing is in the house, start talking to it (better to be alone, otherwise the family will decide that it's time to call an ambulance), and at the same time clap your hands. I don’t know why it works, but the glasses were found instantly.
4. It happens that quick rites and signs do not work, then we will begin to use more complex ones, we will move on to “heavy artillery”. If you don’t have a dog in your house, at sunset, open the window on Thursday and, turning to face the west, read the plot, while rhythmically clapping your hands “Damn brothers, come here, look for help. Argamas, Arbamas, Avramas. In the name of this, in the name of this and the other. Take away brains, get thoughts from thieves. Take away the will and share until that hour, until that minute, until they return what they took. Amen".
5. Before going to bed, take a thread as long as you are, fold it three times, then fold it seven more times and tie two knots, put it under the pillow. Or you will see in a dream the place where the thing lies, or, upon waking up, begin to untie the knots, then remember.
6. You can put dried herbs of motherwort, lavender and wormwood into a copper cup (if you suddenly happen to have one in your house), add a drop of alcohol and set it on fire. Fumigate the entire apartment with smoke, and there will be a loss.
7. Set a purple candle in the center, imagine the missing thing. In the direction where the molten wax will flow, and you have to look.
8. Imagine the missing thing, surrounded by a shiny, silver thread, one end of which is in your hands. Mentally pull on it, imagining that the object is approaching. That is, we will attract to ourselves, and the loss will be revealed.
9. If you are not afraid of spiders (although why be afraid of them - domestic ones), find a spider, lightly blow on it and ask to find the lost one. In general, according to Vietnamese beliefs, a spider in the house is the keeper of the hearth.
10. Make a simple pendulum and go around the whole apartment with it. Where the pendulum begins to rotate, take a closer look.

Well, if nothing helps at all, then the old, proven way remains - to do a general cleaning, that is, to wash and rearrange absolutely everything - from screws in the closet to flower pots on the windowsill. I personally found almost everything that I had lost over the past two years. This is probably the most effective way of all, you don’t even need to call on the brownie for help.


I tie a headscarf behind the leg of the table and say: "Damn, damn it, play it and give it back" - 3 times and the thing is quickly found. Oddly enough, at the place where the search has already been carried out. never (from my own experience). My friends also use this method with success.

If something is missing, you can do this: Take a knife with your left hand, circle the place where the missing thing lay with this knife, and say forty times: Knife in the heart of a thief, loss in place. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen. The loss is then quickly found.

And in our house they do another ritual to find the lost. They say Grandfather-housekeeper, played and give it back (this and that), and I'll give you candy or a liver), put what you promised and the thing is quickly found). ..and the gift lies there for a couple of three days, then the children find it and, as a rule, after asking us if it can be done, they eat it. This method was still suggested by my grandmother, in early childhood

To find such a lost password "Find", I first turn to the subconscious and say that I want to find lost thing and then I repeat the password and imagine the thing. You can "Get" repeated with the password "Together". This “Get” password can still be used when a girl wants a man to give gifts or not be stingy, they say: “I want to find a key that opens this person’s wallet (we name it and introduce it), and then we repeat “Get”. What if someone - something useful.

"The devil the devil played and give it back! And clap your hands three times." It always helps me. I even find a thing suspected of being stolen.

I just held a needle, a cup, a book, keys in my hands, turned around, got distracted - there was no thing. Not in hand, not within view. Has it happened? Or someone decided to hide a valuable thing away, guided by the well-known principle "The farther you put it, the closer you take it." I personally once “put it away” - more, in general, I never saw a valuable ring. Let's see what can be done in such a situation:


1. The most common way. Tie a handkerchief to the leg of a chair. Considered quite successful. At the same time, you can also say something like “Brownie, brownie, play and give it back!”

2. A tried and tested sign - just turn the glass over, and there is a thing.

3. If you think that the thing is in the house, start talking to it (it’s better to be alone, otherwise the family will decide that it’s time to call an ambulance), and at the same time clap your hands. I don’t know why it works, but the glasses were found instantly.

4. It happens that quick rituals and signs do not work, then we will begin to use more complex ones, we will move on to “heavy artillery”. If you don’t have one in your house, at sunset, open the window and, turning to face west, read the plot, while rhythmically clapping your hands “Damn brothers, come here, look for help. Argamas, Arbamas, Avramas. In the name of this, in the name of this and the other. Take away brains, get thoughts from thieves. Take away the will and share until that hour, until that minute, until they return what they took. Amen".

5. Before going to bed, take a thread as long as your height, fold it three times, then fold it seven more times and tie two knots, put it under the pillow. Or you will see in a dream the place where the thing lies, or, upon waking up, begin to untie the knots, then remember.

6. You can put dried herbs of motherwort, lavender and wormwood in a copper cup (if you suddenly happen to have one in your house), add a drop of alcohol and set it on fire. Fumigate the entire apartment with smoke, and there will be a loss.

7. Set purple in the center, present the missing thing. In the direction where the molten wax will flow, and you have to look.

8. Imagine the missing thing, surrounded by a shiny, silver thread, one end of which you have. Mentally pull on it, imagining that the object is approaching. That is, we will attract to ourselves, and the loss will be revealed.

9. If you are not afraid of spiders (although why be afraid of them - domestic ones), find a spider, lightly blow on it and ask to find the lost one. In general, according to Vietnamese beliefs, a spider in the house is the keeper of the hearth.

10. Make a simple pendulum and go around the whole apartment with it. Where the pendulum begins to rotate, take a closer look.

If nothing helps

Well, if nothing helps at all, then the old, proven way remains - to do a general cleaning, that is, to wash and rearrange absolutely everything - from screws in the closet to flower pots on the windowsill. I personally found almost everything that I had lost over the past two years. This is probably the most effective way of all, you don’t even need to call on the brownie for help.

Almost any person has a situation when he put a thing somewhere and completely forgot where. It seems that the brain at that moment was busy with a very important problem, which forced out all the necessary feelings and brought the action to automatism. Then we walk, search, get angry at ourselves and do not understand how this could happen. When all the favorite places have been explored and it is the turn of the corners that we never look into, anger leaves and despair sets in.

Our brain controls everything

In fact, our brain is always on and remembers everything. There are times when, after a certain gesture or near some place or object, you suddenly remember what you did and said. There are even popular belief, return to the place where you just were. But this only applies to the situation if you cannot find a thing that was lost recently.

Is the item you are looking for at home?

Try to do the following: concentrate and make sure that the item is really lost at home, and not somewhere else. To do this, you need to remember where he could have been for the last time: in the room, in the closet, in the bathroom, on the shelf. Perhaps he was not lost at all, but you mentally wanted to take him for some reason, but you were distracted by a phone call or a shout from your spouse. Perhaps the item was in your pocket and could fall out during the route from the nursery to the kitchen.

Search methods

If you do not know how to find a lost item at home, you can use a kind of witchcraft. To do this, take:

  • White paper.
  • Pen (pencil).
  • Piece of amber (small).

On the night when the full moon comes, you need to draw a large circle on paper. Then put it in the area in the apartment or house where, in your opinion, the last time you saw your thing. Put a piece of amber in the center of the drawn circle. Now the problem of how to find a lost thing at home will no longer be. It is worth turning the amber strictly clockwise with slow smooth movements. Turning it, silently pronounce certain words. This is a prayer to find a lost thing in the house:

"Spirit of Amber!

Show me the way!

lost thing

Help return!

If the item you are looking for is in a house or apartment, then when you turn amber in certain place you will feel the stone heating up. Here and look for the loss. But how to find a lost thing at home if the stone indicated several directions? Then do not be lazy and look in different directions that amber will offer.

If the stone did not heat up at all, then your loss is outside the house. Then refer to this search method:

  • Take a similar item.
  • Throw it up.
  • When tossing, say these words: "Look for a brother or sister, and a girlfriend in the region."
  • "Double" should fall in the area where the item was lost.

Enlist the help of an angel

You can ask your guardian angels for help: “Angels! Help find (name of loss)." It is not difficult for people who believe in God and an angel to understand where to find a lost thing. We wish you successful searches!

Women are more scattered than men and lose things more often, this is a prejudice. Each person spends about 2 months out of his entire life looking for things allegedly lost at home - keys, mobile phone, jewelry, documents, TV remote control, etc.

Stop and take it easy

Panic and running around the house will only aggravate your situation.

Sit down and focus, think over a clear plan of action for finding a lost item, taking into account the tips below.

  1. You just had an item in your hands, and a moment later you can't find it? Most likely, the loss is somewhere nearby, where you put it, you are just dispersed and do not see the object.
  2. An object can fall somewhere, roll up, be camouflaged against a background of the same color.
  3. Can't find the item in its usual place? Think: when and where did you last see the item or use it, what did you do afterwards, where did you go, what did you do?

    The human memory contains about a dozen actions over the past half hour.

    To remember where you put the thing, go back in your memories and restore the chronology of events.

  4. Sometimes, carried away by the search, you can forget what you were looking for, so try to pronounce the name of the lost item in your thoughts.
  5. Take advantage of the experience of American scientists who claim that the loss is usually located in the Eureka zone - a radius of 42 cm.

    From the usual place of storage of things, it is worth looking here first of all.

  6. If you have enough time to search, you can start a general cleaning in the house, then you will definitely find the thing you need, items lost earlier.

How to find documents

Documents are lost often and each time it is a serious stress, after all, restoring lost documents sometimes costs significant material costs, and sometimes it is impossible. What to do and how to find a lost item at home quickly?

  • Do not panic. Feel free to look for documents where you usually store them. Slowly flip through all the papers. Maybe you were nervous and just didn't notice them.
  • If relatives live in the house besides you, ask them if anyone has seen the necessary papers? It happens that the documents are simply shifted by someone.
  • Try to remember where you last used papers, maybe you visited authorities, presented your documents there? Or forgot them at work? Check the versions that have arisen.
  • Have you made sure that there are no documents at home? Contact the Lost and Found Office and the police immediately. You can put up announcements about the loss. Write an ad in the newspaper.

    Leave your details, your papers will be found soon.

Where to look if a small item or jewelry is lost

Finding a lost small thing - a ring, an earring, a bolt, a button, etc. It's not so easy. There are several ways to find an item that you have lost at home.

  1. by the most effective method is, a thorough cleaning of the house using a vacuum cleaner.

    Check in advance if the trash can contains the item you are looking for. Then put a stocking on the vacuum cleaner and clean the premises. Lost change will fall into the trap.

  2. Iron small things are good to look for with a magnet.
  3. Jewelery is more likely to be found lying under pillows in bed, snagged on the clothes you wore the night before, in pockets and purses.

    Remember where you last took your jewelry off and search using the Eureka zone method.

What to do if the item was not found and nothing helps

If the loss was not found in the house, think about it, maybe you took it out of the house? Then she stayed there.

Psychocorrection of deviations in children