Prayer when things are not returned. What prayers and conspiracies will help find a lost or stolen item? Conspiracy to lose money

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Prayer to John the Warrior about offenders, about a lost thing, about stolen and from enemies

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Strong prayers to John the Warrior have been known to people since ancient times, despite the double tales regarding his life and deeds. Some believe that John was against Christianity and Christians, although if you look at his life chronicle, it is clear from them that all his actions are aimed at helping Orthodox believers.

He served as a soldier under Julian the Apostate and, together with others, persecuted and killed Christians. But it was only a shell that others saw, in fact, he provided invaluable help to believers who were persecuted:

  • freed the captured;
  • helped in the escape;
  • warned people in advance about impending persecutions;
  • a brave warrior visited the sick, helped the mourners.

When Emperor Julian found out about the deeds of St. John, he ordered him to be imprisoned, and soon after Julian was killed in the Persian war, John was released and devoted his later life to preaching faith in the Lord God.

A martyr in extreme old age was attached. In the Orthodox Church, the day of veneration of the Great Martyr is July 30 (according to the old style - August 12), on this day, as a rule, divine services are held in Orthodox churches.

Prayer to the martyr John the Warrior

With pleas for help and intercession, the Holy Martyr is addressed in a wide variety of situations:

  • to return stolen items;
  • to find thieves;
  • he helps to find the lost thing;
  • to protect yourself from any offenders;
  • to restore justice, etc.

You can forget about the return of the stolen by the thief - many people believe. And some turn in prayer to the Holy Great Martyr and receive the stolen item or money back. After all, he always helped and still helps the offended.

It is worth thinking about the return of the lost only in a positive aspect. It is not necessary to curse or get angry at the offender before prayer, it is important to be merciful and kind-hearted even to the person who offended you.

Before any appeal to the Saint, for example, before asking for a refund, it is important to read the prayer words “Our Father”. They do this in order to first turn to the Almighty, ask for forgiveness for their sins, intentional or accidental, and only then can a personal petition be read to John the Warrior.

At the same time, a prayer request is best perceived in an Orthodox church, in front of holy images.

Prayer to John the Warrior from the offender

“Oh, the great martyr of Christ John, the faithful champion, the banisher of enemies and the offended intercessor. Hear us, in troubles and sorrows, praying to you, as if you were given grace from God to console the sad, help the weak, deliver the innocent from vain death, and pray for all the evil suffering.

Be ill and our champion is strong against all our visible and invisible enemies, as if by your help and struggle against us all those who show evil to us will be put to shame. Beseech our Lord, that we may vouchsafe our sinful and unworthy servants to receive from Him the unspeakable good, which is prepared for those who love Him, in the Trinity of the Holy Ones of the glorious God, always, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

With the exact same text of the petition, the prayer to St. John the Warrior is read to search for the stolen. It is necessary to think about the stolen item, imagine its return, read "Our Father" and turn to the Holy Warrior, according to legend, after a short period of time the stolen item will return to its rightful owner.

Prayer to John the Warrior for a lost thing

“From Julian, the godless king, he was sent to kill Christians, St. John the Stratelat, you helped some of your estate, while others, persuading them to flee from torment by the infidels, freed them, and for this they suffered many torments and imprisonment in prison from the tormentor.

After the death of the impious king, being released from prison, you spent the rest of your life in great virtues until your death, decorating yourself with purity, prayer and fasting, giving abundant alms to the poor, visiting the weak and comforting the mourners.

Therefore, in all the sorrows of our helper and in all the troubles that happen to us: we have you as a comforter, John the warrior: resorting to you, we implore you, be the healer of our passions and the suffering of our spiritual deliverer, because you received from God useful power for the salvation of all give, ever-memorable John, feeder of wanderers, liberator of captives, infirm doctor: helper for orphans!

Look at us, honoring your sacred joyful memory, intercede for us before the Lord, so that we may be heirs of His kingdom.

Hear and do not reject us, and hasten to intercede for us, John, the stratilate, denouncing thieves and kidnappers, and stealing, committed by them in secret, faithfully praying to you, revealing to you, and bringing people back to joy with the return of property.

Resentment and injustice are hard for every person, everyone is sad about the loss of the stolen, or missing. Listen to those who mourn, Saint John: and help find the stolen property, so that, having found it, they glorify the Lord for His generosity forever. Amen".

Also, they resort to the help of the Great Martyr:

  • When they want to protect themselves from enemies, or from enemy influence.
  • Prayer to John the Warrior from enemies is a powerful defense against enemy forces, visible and invisible.
  • People prayed to John during the war, so that the enemy would leave a foreign land, and then they began to turn because of human enmity: between relatives, acquaintances, or simply envious people.

Icon - the image of the Holy Warrior, with which many Orthodox churches and temples, there are not only in the temples of Russia, but also in other countries of the world.

Strong prayer before the icon of the Great Martyrs more than once rescued Orthodox believers. Whether it's a terrible disease, or just a life trouble - prayer always helps!

A wonderful gift for a dear man named Ivan will be the icon of the Great Martyr, and according to legend, if a man keeps this icon and always carries it with him, unexpected happiness will fall upon him in the near future.

For God to hear you, it is important to be clean before him. Approach prayer with crystal clear thoughts and set yourself up for a positive result.

The Lord hears you!

See also the video story about the intercessor of all the offended - John the Warrior:

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One thought on “Prayer to John the Warrior about offenders, about a lost thing, about stolen and from enemies”

John the Warrior, Holy Great Martyr, intercede for your servant Natalia from thieves and return to me what they stole. Thank you that you heard me. Amen.

Prayer to John the Warrior

Prayers to John the Warrior have been widely used by the Orthodox people since ancient times. Although information about his life path quite contradictory. John served with Julian the Apostate and, together with other soldiers, was engaged in the persecution of adherents Christian faith. But as the chronicles testify, this man sought to help people who were persecuted by the authorities. Thanks to his efforts, many prisoners were released. John organized escapes and warned the Christians in advance about the upcoming raids. John was also engaged in charitable activities, he constantly visited hospitals, where he provided all possible assistance and support to sick people.

After the pious deeds of John the Warrior became known to the supreme ruler, he was imprisoned. But after Julian the Apostate was killed in the Persian War, John was released and began to preach Christianity. The martyr passed away at a ripe old age, having done many pious deeds.

Strong prayer to John the Warrior from the offender or enemies

A strong prayer to John the Warrior is directed against offenders and enemies. To enhance its effectiveness, you should initially read the well-known prayer “Our Father”. This allows you to beg forgiveness from the Lord for known and unknown sins. It is believed that the prayer to John the Warrior will be stronger if it is read in the temple in front of the icon of the Saint.

Prayer text

Text strong prayer from the offender and enemies, directed to John the Warrior, sounds like this:

Listen to the prayer to St. John the Warrior:

Prayer to Saint John the Warrior for the return

Prayer for the return of a missing or lost item

The prayer to St. John the Warrior for the return of a lost thing is very powerful. It is very important to pray correctly in this case. About the lost thing should be thought only in a positive aspect. Before reading a prayer, one should not allow negativity towards a person who has committed evil.

The text of the prayer is as follows:

Prayer for the return of what was stolen by a thief

If you are sure that you have suffered from theft, then you can turn to St. John the Warrior with a strong personal prayer request. It is very important that the prayer text contains as much specificity as possible. It is believed that such a prayer will be stronger if it is said in the temple in front of the icon.

It may sound like this:

Prayer for the return of a debt

A prayer directed to St. John the Warrior can also be read in cases where it is necessary to repay a debt. It is very important that in the soul of a person who asks for help there is no evil against those people who are not going to repay a debt for a long time.

The prayer text reads as follows:

What is the power of prayer to St. Martyr John the Warrior

The power of prayer to St. John the Warrior lies in the fact that this man did good deeds during his lifetime and was a true champion of the Christian faith. Help from St. John is asked by those people who are experiencing severe mental suffering from undeserved insults. It is very important to pray correctly. It must be remembered that in prayer texts there should not be a request to punish their offenders. In prayer, you need to ask for protection from enemies and enemies.

It is believed that the prayer to St. John is suitable for daily reading. It has strong protective properties. If you read a prayer every day, then you can protect yourself from a variety of everyday troubles at home, at work and on the street. Such prayer appeal avoid unpleasant and controversial situations, as well as gain peace of mind.

It is important to remember that prayer will be effective only for sincere and kind people. Strive to help the weak and offended, learn to support those people who have difficulties in life. Do not provoke trouble and find compromises. With this approach, prayers to St. John the Warrior will be heard.

Prayers to Saint John the Warrior.

Oh, the great martyr of Christ John, the faithful champion, the banisher of enemies and the offended intercessor! Hear us in the troubles and sorrows of those who pray to you, as if grace was given to you from God to console the sad, help the weak, deliver the innocent from vain death and pray for all the evil suffering. Be ill and our champion is strong against all our visible and invisible enemies, as if by your help and struggle against us all those who show evil to us will be put to shame. Beseech our Lord, that we may vouchsafe our sinful and unworthy servants to receive from Him the unspeakable good, which is prepared for those who love Him, in the Trinity of the Holy Ones of the glorious God, always, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Oh, martyr of Christ, John the Warrior! Brave, thou art a banisher in battle, and an offended intercessor, to all Orthodox Christian ambulance. Oh, the great intercessor and saint of Christ John the Warlike! Have mercy on us, sinners and unworthy, and intercede in troubles and in sorrows, and in sorrows, and in every evil misfortune, and from every evil and offending person: for you have been given such grace from God, if you pray for us sinners, in troubles and misfortune the evil of the afflicted; deliver us from those who offend and hate, wake us a strong champion against all our visible and invisible enemies.

Grant victory to the enemies of the Orthodox Christians and the army in battle, as if with your help and strong struggle, everyone who creates evil as his slave will be put to shame. Oh, great champion John the Warrior! Do not forget us, always praying to you, asking for help and your inexhaustible mercy, and make us, sinners and unworthy, receive from God the inexpressible good, which is prepared for those who love Him. As befits Him all glory, honor and worship, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Oh, all-praised, holy Great Martyr and Wonderworker John the Warrior! Pray with us and for us the Lover of God, may He not condemn us according to our iniquities, but may He do with us according to His great mercy. Ask us from Christ our God a quiet and God-pleasing life, health and good haste in everything, fertility of the land, abundance in everything and everything needed for salvation and temporary living.

Oh holy passion-bearer John! Now, before your honest icon, we bow down and bow to you, we pray to you: show a powerful intercession to all that exist in misfortunes, sorrows and illnesses, and deliver us from all evil and from an offending person, pray to the All-Generous Trinitarian God, may he give Orthodox Christians overcoming to adversaries, and may it strengthen and bless with unchanging peace and prosperity, as if with your help and strong struggle all those who show evil to us will be put to shame, protect us with your holy prayers all the days of our life, implore the Gracious Master of all, may he grant us the Christian end of our life painless, shameless, peaceful I will partake of the Divine Mysteries; after our departure from this life, may the holy angel protect us with an army, in order to get rid of the wiles of the devil and his heavy air ordeals, and to stand uncondemned to the Throne of the Lord of glory, and glorify Him with all the saints in His Heavenly Kingdom forever and ever. Amen.

Oh, glorious servant of Christ, John the Warlike, brave in the army, chasing away the enemy and offended intercessor, great intercessor and servant of Christ to all Orthodox Christians!

Remember us, sinful and unworthy slaves, in troubles, sorrows and sorrows, and in every evil misfortune, and protect us from every evil and offending person: grace has been given to you from God to pray for us, sinners, suffering evil.

Deliver us from those who offend us, be our champion strong against all our visible and invisible enemies, and with your help and strong intercession and struggle, all those who show us evil will be put to shame! Oh, great champion John the Warlike! Do not forget us, sinners, praying to you and asking for your help and inexhaustible mercy, and vouchsafe us, sinful and unworthy slaves, to receive from God the unspeakable good, even prepared for those who love Him, as all glory, honor and worship befits Him, the Father and the Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Troparion to Saint John the Warrior

The blessed servant and warrior of the all-good God and the Tsar appeared to you, John the Wonderworker, suffering for the sake of faith masculinely, blissfully ending the course, see the All-Creator of the Lord in the heavens brighter, from Worthless acceptance of the gift of miracles, help a suffering person in all misfortunes: strengthen the soldiers in the army, from the enemies of captivity, wounds and sudden deaths, and from the misfortunes of the fierce seize. The same pray to the Master of Christ, ever-memorable, that in every circumstance he will do us mercy and not lead us into temptations, but save our souls, like a Lover of mankind.

Having loved the blessedness of the Gospel, O God-wise John, you honored purity of heart with virginity. At the same time, he neglected the vanity of this world, rushed to see God, Who glorified thee miracles in healing various suffering. For this sake, we pray to you: ask Christ the Lord for all sorrows of deliverance and the receipt of the Kingdom of Heaven.

The pious warrior of Christ, who defeated the enemies of the soul and body with God's wisdom, John the Martyr, we should praise with songs, miraculously, gives abundant healing to suffering people, and prays to the Lord God to save the faithful from all troubles.

Grant miracles to enrich you Christ the Lord, in various sorrows calling you an assistant, you will soon find yourself.

Akathist to the Holy Wonderworker John the Warrior Icon of the Holy Martyr John the Warrior

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Prayer 1

Oh, the great martyr of Christ John, the faithful champion, the banisher of enemies and the offended intercessor! Hear us in the troubles and sorrows of those who pray to you, as if grace was given to you from God to console the sad, help the weak, deliver the innocent from vain death and pray for all the evil suffering. Be ill and our champion is strong against all our visible and invisible enemies, as if by your help and struggle against us all those who show evil to us will be put to shame. Beseech our Lord, that we may vouchsafe our sinful and unworthy servants to receive from Him the unspeakable good, which is prepared for those who love Him, in the Trinity of the Holy Ones of the glorious God, always, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer 2

Oh, martyr of Christ, John the Warrior! You are a brave enemy in battle, a chaser and an offended intercessor, an early helper to all Orthodox Christians. Oh, the great intercessor and saint of Christ John the Warlike! Have mercy on us, sinners and unworthy, and intercede in troubles and in sorrows, and in sorrows, and in every evil misfortune, and from every evil and offending person: for you have been given such grace from God, if you pray for us sinners, in troubles and misfortune the evil of the afflicted; deliver us from those who offend and hate, wake us a strong champion against all our visible and invisible enemies.
Grant victory to the enemies of the Orthodox Christians and the army in battle, as if with your help and strong struggle, everyone who creates evil as his slave will be put to shame. Oh, great champion John the Warrior! Do not forget us, always praying to you, asking for help and your inexhaustible mercy, and make us, sinners and unworthy, receive from God the inexpressible good, which is prepared for those who love Him. As befits Him all glory, honor and worship, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer 3

Oh, all-praised, holy Great Martyr and Wonderworker John the Warrior! Pray with us and for us the Lover of God, may He not condemn us according to our iniquities, but may He do with us according to His great mercy. Ask us from Christ our God a quiet and God-pleasing life, health and good haste in everything, fertility of the land, abundance in everything and everything needed for salvation and temporary living.
Oh holy passion-bearer John! Now, before your honest icon, we bow down and bow to you, we pray to you: show a powerful intercession to all that exist in misfortunes, sorrows and illnesses, and deliver us from all evil and from an offending person, pray to the All-Generous Trinitarian God, may he give Orthodox Christians overcoming to adversaries, and may it strengthen and bless with unchanging peace and prosperity, as if with your help and strong struggle all those who show evil to us will be put to shame, protect us with your holy prayers all the days of our life, implore the Gracious Master of all, may he grant us the Christian end of our life painless, shameless, peaceful I will partake of the Divine Mysteries; after our departure from this life, may the holy angel protect us with an army, in order to get rid of the wiles of the devil and his heavy air ordeals, and to stand uncondemned to the Throne of the Lord of glory, and glorify Him with all the saints in His Heavenly Kingdom forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer 4

Oh, glorious servant of Christ, John the Warlike, brave in the army, chasing away the enemy and offended intercessor, great intercessor and servant of Christ to all Orthodox Christians!
Remember us, sinful and unworthy slaves, in troubles, sorrows and sorrows, and in every evil misfortune, and protect us from every evil and offending person: grace has been given to you from God to pray for us, sinners, suffering evil.
Deliver us from those who offend us, be our champion strong against all our visible and invisible enemies, and with your help and strong intercession and struggle, all those who show us evil will be put to shame! Oh, great champion John the Warlike! Do not forget us, sinners, praying to you and asking for your help and inexhaustible mercy, and vouchsafe us, sinful and unworthy slaves, to receive from God the unspeakable good, even prepared for those who love Him, as all glory, honor and worship befits Him, the Father and the Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Troparion to Saint John the Warrior


The blessed servant and warrior of the all-good God and the Tsar appeared to you, John the Wonderworker, suffering for the sake of faith masculinely, blissfully ending the course, see the All-Creator of the Lord in the heavens brighter, from Worthless acceptance of the gift of miracles, help a suffering person in all misfortunes: strengthen the soldiers in the army, from the enemies of captivity, wounds and sudden deaths, and from the misfortunes of the fierce seize. The same pray to the Master of Christ, ever-memorable, that in every circumstance he will do us mercy and not lead us into temptations, but save our souls, like a Lover of mankind.


Having loved the blessedness of the Gospel, O God-wise John, you honored purity of heart with virginity. At the same time, he neglected the vanity of this world, rushed to see God, Who glorified thee miracles in healing various suffering. For this sake, we pray to you: ask Christ the Lord for all sorrows of deliverance and the receipt of the Kingdom of Heaven.


The pious warrior of Christ, who defeated the enemies of the soul and body with God's wisdom, John the Martyr, we should praise with songs, miraculously, gives abundant healing to suffering people, and prays to the Lord God to save the faithful from all troubles.


Grant miracles to enrich you Christ the Lord, in various sorrows calling you an assistant, you will soon find yourself.

A prayer to find a lost thing is read if any important item is missing in the house or on the street, but all searches remain fruitless. Simple rituals and conspiracies will help to detect the loss with the help of magic, but only if it was not stolen.

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Features of search rituals

All rituals for finding the loss have common features:

  • while reading the conspiracy to return, you do not need to think about the bad, this can attract negativity;
  • for the right mood before the ritual, you should pray;
  • no one should be nearby during the search;
  • all sources of noise must be eliminated.

Where to begin?

Before turning to magic and Higher powers, it is worth:

  1. Sit down, calm down and concentrate strongly.
  2. Try to remember where you last noticed lost thing.
  3. Once again check the places where the object may be hiding.

Finding things within the house

Most often, an item can be lost at home, in this case it is used simple prayer to find your lost item.

It is necessary to stand near the place where the loss was last time and say:

Lord, help me find (item name)! Remove the veil from your eyes, inspired by the devil! Word to the point, jokes away. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Amen!

Ritual with matches

You will need:

  • match;
  • milk.


  1. Light a match.
  2. Wait until it burns down to half.
  3. With the resulting charcoal, draw a cross on the right palm.
  4. Sit in silence for half an hour.
  5. Quickly wash off the cross with milk and pray:

Everything that I have lost, close to me, the Lord sees everything. Don't let anything get away from me. Even (the name of the thing). Everything will be found soon and I will be happy again!

Conspiracy with water and matches

You will need:

  • a container with water;
  • matches.

Light one match at a time, throw it into the water, and speak:

The demon jokes (damn), brings darkness, merrymakers (jokes) he is a great master. Stop (stop), roll over, return the loss (return). Let it be so!

Prayer for finding the lost thing to the Virgin

They read before the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos:

Virgin Mother of God, rejoice, Gracious Mary, the Lord is with you: blessed are you in women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb, as if you gave birth to our souls as the Savior.

Conspiracy to lose money

If money began to disappear in the house and the owner is sure that no one could steal it, they read the plot:

Thief, stop joking, Let me (list what's missing) find Case in case, word for word Come true everything that I said; May God help me find what I have lost. Amen.

Procedure after that:

  1. Go to the road where people are constantly walking.
  2. Get on the road.
  3. Count 21 steps.
  4. Say a pre-learned plot 21 times:

I go, and the money meets me. They are waiting for me, they joyfully come to me. How many people walk here in a day, so much money will come to me. Amen.

After some time, finances will be found, or there will be a case when an amount appears from an unexpected source. For a while, a person will not lose anything.

The video shows a conspiracy to find the missing thing. Filmed by Ivan Kolmakov channel.

Appeal to the brownie

When household things suddenly disappear, they often associate their disappearance with a brownie. Curses against the landlord will not help, but light magic spells will come to the rescue.

Tie a woolen thread to the leg of a chair and say:

Brownie, brownie, stop joking! Give back what you took (name)!

Or tie a scarf instead of a thread with the words:

Brownie-brownie! Play and give!

Clap your hands and ask the brownie to return the lost thing. Then knock over the cup, put it on the table and say:

The devils of the father (the owner, the imps - at your discretion) played (and) and give (those)!

After a while, the lost will definitely be found.

So that the brownie does not steal things and begins to help around the house, you should leave him some water and some kind of treat for the night.

The video shows a conspiracy to return a thing that was lost. Filmed by Svetlana Raevskaya channel.

Knot Conspiracy

The missing item can be found with a thin scarf or rope.


  1. At sunset, tie a lot of knots on a rope / scarf.
  2. Put it in the east corner of the room.
  3. Untie all knots in the morning.
  4. Now you need to put the rope without knots in the east corner of the room.

When tying knots, you need to say:

I'll tie a knot - I'll tell you about the loss

Untying them, say:

I will untie the knot - I find the loss

Ritual with herbs

You will need:

  • dry herbs: wormwood, lavender, motherwort;
  • copper basin;
  • matches;
  • alcohol.


  1. Place the herbs in a bowl.
  2. Spray with alcohol and set on fire.
  3. Pass and fumigate the house with the words:

All that is hidden - show yourself, that is lost - appear, that is forgotten - remember.

After the ceremony, the apartment must be ventilated.

How to find the loss outside the home?

You can find the loss outside the home using:

  • ceremony with candles;
  • prayer and prophetic dream.

Rite with candles

The algorithm of the ritual, which will help to find the thing missing on the street:

  1. Buy 12 candles in the church.
  2. Light them at home and, sitting in front of the fire, read your favorite prayer (you can “Our Father”) 7 times.
  3. Imagine the lost thing in detail and say:

Whoever is found - let him come back to me; a golden ray shines, illuminates the way home.

Leave the candles to burn out to the end.

Similarly, you can try to return the missing documents at work.

Prayer for a prophetic dream

An easy way to return the loss is the ritual of a "prophetic" dream.

To call it, you need:

  1. Before going to bed, pray and imagine in detail the lost.
  2. Whisper into a white handkerchief:

What is forgotten - will be remembered, what is gone - will return.

Put it under your pillow and go to bed. In a dream, an indication will come of where to look for the thing.

For stolen things

To return the stolen, they pray to John the Warrior, who is called to restore justice. Before turning to the saint, it is recommended to read "Our Father".

Then you need to present the stolen item and read a prayer, preferably in front of the icon of John:

From Julian, the godless king, you were sent to kill Christians, St. John the Stratelat, you helped some from your estate, while others, persuading them to flee from torment by the infidels, freed them, and for this they suffered many torments and imprisonment in prison from the tormentor. After the death of the impious king, being released from prison, you spent the rest of your life in great virtues until your death, decorating yourself with purity, prayer and fasting, giving abundant alms to the poor, visiting the weak and comforting the mourners. Therefore, in all the sorrows of our helper and in all the troubles that happen to us: we have you as a comforter, John the warrior: resorting to you, we implore you, be the healer of our passions and the suffering of our spiritual deliverer, because you received from God useful power for the salvation of all give, ever-memorable John, feeder of wanderers, liberator of captives, infirm doctor: helper for orphans! Look at us, honoring your sacred joyful memory, intercede for us before the Lord, so that we may be heirs of His kingdom. Hear and do not reject us, and hasten to intercede for us, John, the stratilate, denouncing thieves and kidnappers, and stealing, committed by them in secret, faithfully praying to you, revealing to you, and bringing people back to joy with the return of property. Resentment and injustice are hard for every person, everyone is sad about the loss of the stolen, or missing. Listen to those who mourn, Saint John: and help find the stolen property, so that, having found it, they glorify the Lord for His generosity forever. Amen.

Salt ritual

When stealing, a simple but effective and strong rite using salt.

Sprinkle the place where the missing thing lay with salt and read the plot:

I pour salt on the thief's eyes, on his sinful bodies, on his evil heart. Stand, heart, like dough, return, my thing, to its place. Key, lock, tongue. Amen! Amen! Amen!

Conspiracy with candles

Another powerful ritual with candles to search for stolen items. This powerful ritual is carried out immediately after the theft is discovered.

You will need:

  • paper;
  • pen;
  • 2 church candles;
  • icon.


  1. A silhouette of a person is drawn on a sheet of paper, the word - thief is written above it.
  2. An icon and 2 church lit candles are placed in front of the performer of the ritual.
  3. Hold your right hand over a sheet of paper and read:

Across the sea-ocean, on the island of Buyan, there is an iron chest, in that chest there are damask knives. Let those damask knives go to the thief, let them cut his flesh, let them prick his heart, let them cut him. So that the thief returns everything stolen from the servant of God (name), so that he does not hide anything, but gives out everything he has taken. Cursed be that thief strong conspiracy mine, he will be cursed by the land of the reverend, by the charms of Ararat, disgraced brick, swamp mud, combustible ash, a mill dam, a bottomless house, and a bath jar. Curve you, thief, go lame, go crazy, goofy, emaciate. You won’t get along with new people, you won’t get used to it, you won’t die your own death, you will be nailed to the board with rusty nails, dried out stronger than grass, frozen stronger than ice. As you return the stolen from the servant of God (name) only then you will live. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen.

When finished, the sheet should be put away where no one will find it.

My story is as follows: I lost my passport two days before departure to the sea. Rummaged through the whole house, looked through every folder, every shelf. It was a pity to tears that the vacation would be lost just like that. When she finally despaired, she decided to read a prayer to John the Warrior (I heard that this particular saint helps to find losses). After the prayer, my condition improved, I calmed down and even internally agreed with the situation. Everything that happens is for God! And miraculously found a passport!

In the evening, when I was about to go to bed, I suddenly remembered that I went to a neighbor to scan documents. It was already late, but I could not bear it, knocked on the next door. In the end, my guess turned out to be correct! For joy, I almost kissed my neighbor: the passport really lay under the scanner cover! They did not use the device, so they did not notice that there was something extra.

Such a miracle was created for me by the holy Warrior. I thanked the saint for a long time, and during the holidays I found Orthodox church and put a candle in front of the image of John the Warrior. Through sincere prayer, a believer is given real help in any matter, including in case of loss of things.

miraculous prayer

Praying for a lost thing helps, so don't be afraid to ask the Higher Powers for help if you have lost something valuable to yourself. Ask God, through the prayer of a saint (most often John the Warrior or Spiridon Trimifuntsky) to open your eyes and direct you to where the search will be successful.

If you feel like you're asking for change, don't worry. Ask God for forgiveness for distracting him because of the loss, but explain that the missing person is very dear to you (tell me why, and also describe how you feel about losing this item).

After that, you can read the canonical prayer dedicated to John the Warrior or St. Spyridon. It is also believed that the search for the loss will be successful if you pray to the great Nicholas the Wonderworker. This saint can help in almost any business, including when searching.

My friends found the missing car keys, rings, jewelry, phones, books. There were even parcels lost in the mail, as well as credit cards and wallets forgotten in a cafe. At the same time, some people lost valuables in busy places - in shops, on the beach, in the park.

It would seem that there was no chance that the lost item would be found. But everything turned out well! appeared good people who found the loss and returned it to its owner without any remuneration. Other people found their loss in those places where they had already searched many times.

Many people say that a lost thing appears in an apartment as if from nowhere. Others, like me, suddenly had new ideas after prayer where they could look for more. And these ideas turned out to be true!

But, as a rule, sincere prayer is rewarded: your desire is fulfilled quickly and accurately. Therefore, be sure to pray, and you will be heard, for a true believer there are no barriers.

Is it worth reading conspiracies?

The people believe that the loss of any thing is the tricks of brownies, goblin or other demons. They have fun, tease us, steal different items. In this regard, there is a popular idea that in order to return the loss, one must turn to the evil spirit, which stole this or that object.

Perhaps, after such conspiracies, the loss can be found. But a believer should think: who helped find her? It is obvious that it is precisely those demons who stole it, to whom the appeal sounds in the conspiracy. Does it make sense to contact them and ask them for something?

An Orthodox person will not communicate with the forces of darkness. This is both dangerous and unreasonable, and goes against the Christian faith. Even if everyone recommends you to read some kind of “miraculous” conspiracy, do not listen to anyone. It is better to pray, and then not demons, but God himself will help you find the loss. Even if the texts of the conspiracies look quite harmless, it is better not to take risks and not communicate with demonic forces.

Appeal to John the Warrior: a prayer to find a lost thing

As already mentioned, one of the best helpers in case of loss is John the Warrior. The great saint lived in ancient times, in the era of persecution of Christians. John, as a professional mercenary, was sent to kill Christians. But the warrior himself accepted the Christian faith and became the protector of all the oppressed. He provided patronage to those from whom something significant was stolen, fought against thieves.

That is why today we turn to John the Warrior for help in case of loss, and the saint hurries to tell us where it is better to look.

The most important thing in prayer is faith. Just trust that you will be helped, that you are heard and trusted, and the words of your prayer will be heard.

If you wish, you can apply directly to God or to Nicholas the Wonderworker, but with a detailed explanation of what exactly you are asking for (what is missing and why this thing is so dear to you). There is also an idea that the lost thing will definitely be found if you read the prayer “I believe” and the 50th psalm (repentant) many times.

Read the text of the prayer or psalm thoughtfully, slowly. Tune in to the fact that you are talking with God (or with his saint). Think about the fact that nothing is impossible for God, and that at the sincere request of believers, he will certainly come to the rescue, and your search will be crowned with success.

Prayer is a reliable helper of a believer in difficult situations. life situations. When all efforts have been made to change the current situation, and no one else can influence it, one can only hope for higher power.

I recently lost wedding ring and, having searched the whole apartment, could not find it. Already desperate, I shared the problem with my mother, and she advised me to read a prayer to John the Warrior. To my surprise, an hour later I found the ring in the box, among other jewelry, although I had reviewed them several times before. In this article, I will tell you about who a Warrior is, what he helps with, and how to pray to him.

There was a double opinion about the saint John the Warrior, because. there are 2 versions of his existence. According to one of them, he was an ardent opponent of Christianity and everything connected with this religion. John served in the imperial troops under Julian the Apostate, and, along with other soldiers, persecuted people of the Christian faith. With a more detailed study of the annals, one can see that the saint sought to help those who were under the yoke of power and suffered persecution. John warned the people about the upcoming raids, and independently organized the escape of Christians so that they could avoid imprisonment.

To enhance efficiency, before reading the sacred text, you should first read the prayer "Our Father". Thus, the one who asks will repent of his sins, and after that, make a direct request to John the Warrior. It is advisable to read the words in front of the icon in the temple, but if this is not possible, then you can perform the ritual at home using the face of a saint.

About finding lost things

Things tend to get lost, but if some are easily found, one has only to remember where they were put, then others are impossible to find. They seem to "fall through the ground." In such cases, a prayer is read to John the Warrior about the lost thing. But it is important that the person who asks should be positive and imagine how he finds the right item.

About the return of stolen goods

After all, losing an important or expensive one is undoubtedly bad, but even worse if it is stolen. In such cases, people no longer hope to return what was dear to them, because the thief will certainly not return what was stolen. Nevertheless, there is hope for John the Warrior. He is addressed with the following words.

About the return of debt

Help close person- a good deed, but what if he is in no hurry to repay the debt? Martyr John the Warrior always fought for justice and defended those who were offended, so you can turn to him even with such an ambiguous problem. While reading the sacred text and making a request, it is important to let go of your anger and mentally forgive the debtor. You should also tune in to the positive.

Prayers calling on John the Warrior are best pronounced in the temple, because there is a special energy that increases the effectiveness of the spoken words. Also, a person should not harbor anger at offenders or debtors, and ask higher powers to punish them, because the saint himself was disinterested and not vindictive, therefore he is more willing to help those in whose heart light and forgiveness reign.

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