Bishop John of Magadan. The head of the Magadan diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church of MP, Archbishop John, after a concert in Magadan, poured boiling water on the face of the head of the diocesan press service

Bishop John of Magadan and Sinegorsk, opening his first press conference in the diocesan administration and his first in episcopal rank, said heartfelt words: “I cordially greet you all. Through your mediation, I will have the opportunity to some extent continue my acquaintance with the inhabitants of Magadan, the entire Kolyma Territory. And people, probably, may have some questions about the plans of the diocese, my personal views on the development of the church Orthodox life here in the North."

The first question (and the press conference was built on the principle of questions and answers) was dedicated to a small unusual anniversary in the life of Bishop John, who at the time of the press conference served God and Orthodox Church on our land for 10 days.

What did you see here, what did you feel?

You know, my colleagues, residents of Magadan, and you journalists ask me questions about my first feelings. That's why I'm afraid to repeat myself. But I will answer frankly, and how else, Magadan people simply delighted me. They struck me with their openness, purity, struck me with their decency. In addition to contacts within the church, there were conversations and dialogues with parishioners, as they say in the kitchen. People were surprised that the bishop agreed to visit their homes and families. And that feeling that arises when people treat you sincerely, that attitude towards our Church, love for my native, albeit a harsh land, sincerely struck me.

Here I would like to add, so that the answer to the question sounds more complete. I was born in Moscow and from childhood I was surrounded by close, kind, good people. Those around me and those who attended the church were an example of love, an ardent attitude to church affairs, an example of treating themselves with good humor, and loving each other.

But in each region the people are a little different. I felt this difference when I served for eight years in the Ipatiev Monastery in Kostroma. There, each person has many positive qualities, but also has so-called regional characteristics. The people of Kostroma, for example, tend to be closed, people seem to be more indifferent to the Church than, say, in Moscow. Therefore, after eight years of rather high service as the abbot of the Ipatiev Monastery in Kostroma, I was pleased to see human liveliness and sincerity, which, probably, are explained by the fact that Kolyma was created to some extent artificially and in difficult conditions for the human race. Many people came here from exile, having experienced the hardest life path. And if, since the 1930s, people had not shown love, openness, and a desire to help each other, then the region probably could not exist, a person could not exist here. And it is very pleasant and gratifying to see that even to this day this spirit of community, the spirit of community and mutual assistance is still alive. And I hope that each of us, and above all the Orthodox Church, will try to do everything so that this becomes the norm of life for us, and for all of Russia as a whole.

So, my impressions are extremely positive. And I ask for the prayers of the people of Magadan land for my unworthiness. Many problems have accumulated, and without the support of the people of Kolyma, without the support of prayer, without the support of the warmth of the heart, it is very difficult to carry out one's activities. And I ask for this support.


The press conference moved, as they say, into the plane of practical issues. Until now, I did not even imagine that my Magadan colleagues in the pen, microphone and television camera show such concern for the Russian Orthodox Church, so they care about eradicating problems. Of course, here the figurative, heartfelt monologue of Vladyka John played a role. In the auditorium of the diocese, I suddenly felt as if I were in a family circle, where a good father gives good instructions.

We, in Kolyma, lack priests. How will this issue be resolved?

Thank you for this question. There are 24 parishes in the Magadan and Sinegorsk diocese. This is a territory of 460 thousand square kilometers, even if the population is small, very, very small. Even in a small town with only a few thousand inhabitants, only one priest and deacon is very small for the implementation of parish, missionary activities. They must have helpers.

We have parishes that do not have priests at all. It so happened that at the time of my arrival, eight priests were serving in Magadan land, now there are ten of them. In the near future there will be twelve. For this, the necessary work on testing spiritual qualities has been carried out. I think that soon they will become worthy and knowledgeable clergymen. And, of course, there is great hope that at first some kind of missionary detachments will be created, which will be able to cover with their activities the districts of the region, in which, I repeat, there are a lot of problems. This question seems to be very complicated and at the same time very simple. You need to work, and I relate this primarily to myself and my associates. We say: there are few priests. But at the same time, communicating with some of them, I understand that they are an amazing example of self-sacrifice, spiritual qualities that you rarely find anywhere. And if we talk about the clergy staff of ten people, then probably, in comparison with other regions, these people perform functions that only 50 or 100 people can do in other places. And to them - my deepest gratitude...

Further, Vladyka told reporters that, of course, he was already taking some measures to replenish the staff of the diocese with professional clergy. But they are afraid ... first of all of frosts and he has to convince them that the Hydrometeorological Center is somewhat disingenuous, summing up Magadan with that, say, Susuman and gives something in between for the whole of Russia. Although is it really frosts, in Magadan something, mere trifles!

People are also afraid of those terrible stories of repression that are a thing of the past. Again, I have to go into explanations. So right His Holiness Patriarch Kirill, who told Bishop John, as he was escorting him to this service, that, first of all, the emphasis should be on educating personnel from the local population. Only in this case it is not necessary to take some super-unrealistic standards. Let this personnel problem be gradually solved from year to year. But moving forward must be necessary.

Vladyka also added that with one bishop there were more clergy, with another - less, this is due to their human qualities. In this regard, our new bishop spoke kindly of his predecessors, as he put it, "bishops of phenomenal abilities" to Bishop Feofan, who founded the beautiful Trinity Cathedral, about which Magadan people already speak with love "our cathedral", and to Bishop Rostislav - people talk about him remembered with tears. He was very well liked here. He was young, energetic, and made every effort to create the Magadan diocese. People followed him. But, unfortunately, the opposite happened: when he left Kolyma, his followers followed the remarkable spiritual personality. Therefore, I would like the Magadan land itself to grow people who will be obedient here ...

But the personnel issue for Orthodoxy was not exhausted by this. And now, from meticulous journalists, a new question comes in on this problematic topic even for secular life: “Vladyka, maybe the priests are not afraid of frost or allergies to repression? Maybe they are afraid of social disorder?

This question is probably the easiest one to date. With all its seemingly sharpness. For what you are talking about, a few hours of my stay in Magadan was enough for me. When here, in the diocesan building, I saw the statements according to which many of the clergy receive their salaries, of course, as they say, I clutched my head. The sums were extremely insignificant, and on the very first day an order was given to raise the salaries of those clergymen who receive money through the diocese several times over. This was my first order. And, of course, I will make every effort to improve the clergy...

All people have different abilities. Some have some qualities, others have others. And we, as a supervising body in the diocese, should just look at what a person succeeds and what does not. And, of course, I thought about financial support, I repeat, already in the first hours of my stay here. Steps have already been taken that will allow me, as people say, to sleep peacefully, without thinking that the families of the clergy will be hungry. All this applies to those expensive tickets to the mainland. Problems will be solved. Although we should not forget that the clergyman is a special kind of people. It is not the desire to acquire funds that makes him go to the ministry. People become priests in spite of all the logical arguments for the improvement of life. One must always remember such people and hope that this strength of spirit will show who is ready for the sake of Christ, for the sake of the good of eternal life, to carry out their obedience ...

Questions to Vladyka John continued to pour in as if from a cornucopia. True, the topic was changed, now it concerned the subtle and spiritual aspects, that is, those when a conversation begins about art and culture. Especially in Orthodoxy. After all, here, as you know, everything should be marked with a high quality mark, implying morality and morality, incompatible with vulgarity. So...


The icon painter Karavaev left Magadan. A talented artist, he studied in Optina Desert. Is it necessary to develop icon painting in Magadan?

That is why we are talking only about icon painters. It is necessary to talk about people who have chosen a life path associated with applied art: with the church, with the secular in general. I shall therefore speak generally on this problem. Here was, say, a wonderful icon painter, I do not argue. But I do not know the problems of Karavaev's departure. But I know what the master should do first of all, so it is to raise his students, to create schools. As a result, with the departure of the master, a whole galaxy of his students should have appeared, and perhaps surpassing him in their skill. There are enough talented people, you just need to help them find their niche, their style. Therefore, I am absolutely sure that in the near future we will have to educate our own school of icon painters. Here we are talking about the well-known and famous Rublev, who painted many churches of the Russian land, the most significant and outstanding - not only the Trinity Cathedral in the Trinity Sergius Lavra, but also the Moscow Cathedral Church of the Assumption Holy Mother of God, in Vladimir and many others. Of course, all this was not created with one hand, a person raised an entire school with him. And this must be remembered.


Of course, our Magadan bishop is an interesting storyteller and an erudite person. We were all convinced of this at a press conference that no one wanted to leave. But the fact that he is a frank and enthusiastic person, we still had to find out. It seems to me that one of our readers who read at least one of this chapters from all that has been written in VM will be sincerely surprised and respect him for the lord's golden hands alone. There is something to be surprised.

He devoted a large part of his life to ecclesiastical arts and crafts. His PhD work after graduating from the Moscow Theological Academy was devoted to the tradition of church sewing in Russia. Such a specific topic, which was taken within the framework of the subject "Ecclesiastical Archaeology", quite rightly corresponded to the department and was not chosen by chance. Because from his youthful years he was engaged (and is engaged to this day) in church sewing. The Magadan parishioners will be able to be convinced of this when they see on the head of the lord of the miter, which were created by his hands. Even in his youth, it was not shameful for the bishops to order a headdress from him. Moreover, it was considered an honor both for the master and for the customer.

Arriving at the Ipatiev Monastery, he first of all organized a gold embroidery workshop. She worked beautifully, and the gold embroiderers wept bitter tears, seeing him off "to the bishops." And until now, messages from the gold-embroidery workshop are coming to him by phone, questions are being asked.

The question is practically on topic: “Vladyka John, please tell me, are there any personal belongings of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich and his mother in the historical and archaeological museum of the Ipatiev Monastery?”

Thank you for the question and I am very pleased that the residents of Magadan are already familiar with my, as they say, pride, in good sense words, because pride is the worst vice. But being proud for the glory of Christ is another matter. In the Ipatiev Monastery, the first church and archaeological museum was created in the country, of which I was the director, to which the state (for the first time!) was able to entrust those items that are part of the unified state museum fund. About three thousand items are stored there. And among them are the most valuable historical artifacts associated with the Godunov and Romanov dynasty, especially when the Romanov dynasty was just getting started. This, for example, is the marching icon of Our Lady of Kazan, which Mikhail Fedorovich brought to the monastery when he was already a king. This, of course, is the icon of the Tikhvin Mother of God, transferred from the Moscow Kremlin to the Trinity Cathedral of the Ipatiev Monastery, it has been there for four centuries. This is a royal place - a carved royal throne with a canopy, embroidered covers of the nun Martha (mother of Mikhail Fedorovich), a hanging shroud of the Feodorovskaya icon Mother of God, embroidered by the hands of the mother of the first tsar from the Romanov dynasty, the staff of Mikhail Fedorovich and much, much more ... I want to add one more important thing. In 1913, when the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty was being prepared, 90 thousand (those still!) Tsarist rubles were allocated from the state treasury, after which the monastery shone with pristine beauty. And I personally prepared the historical monastery for the 400th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty, which will come in 2013. Now it remains to be hoped that my successors will complete the work they have begun.

The press conference again changed the subject with the approval of the bishop and he was ready to answer any questions. And the media of Magadan were not “stingy”, from their employees the head of our diocese received a whole “bouquet” of questions regarding children Orthodox camps, Sunday schools, visits by the bishop of parishes, his further scientific activity.

The bishop replied that visiting parishes is the most important task and duty of the bishop, so all parishes will be visited in the near future. There are parishes that are very difficult to get to, some only in winter, others only in summer. But there will definitely be visits. A visit to the Susuman parish is now planned. In the city he had already visited a number of temples, convent. Of course, the Bishop emphasized, such visitations will be carried out constantly. If in some dioceses the main purpose of visits is to control the activities of the clergy, to enjoy communicating with parishioners, then in our case it is to help parishes.

The bishop said that he also visited an amazing place - a former military facility. It belongs to the diocese, but in the last eight years, unfortunately, there has been no improvement there, although its potential is huge. Vladyka hopes that in the near future a monastery will be established there.

However, it was the site of a children's camp in one of the periods. So, there are children's camps and they will develop. We have Sunday schools in almost all churches and in the diocese. But, as Vladyka remarked, Sunday School is a multifaceted phenomenon. These are not only lectures, it is understood that the Church should give children a serious education, and not only in relation to church history and rituals. Therefore, you should thoroughly work in this direction.

As for his further education, Vladyka emphasized that at the very beginning of his highest church career, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill expressed the wish that priests, especially of high rank, acquire new, high qualities. And at the department of external church connections new theological schools were created, general church postgraduate study. Our bishop was among the first ten who completed serious multifaceted advanced training courses. How much serious additional knowledge is needed to manage a diocese and not a monastery?! But even after completing these courses, a number of difficult questions and problems arise before the bishop. After all, a lot - for the first time in my life!

At the same time, Vladyka is a doctoral student in the same postgraduate and doctoral studies, headed by an outstanding theologian and archpastor, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk. The theme of his doctoral thesis is devoted to the history of the formation of the artistic ensemble of the Ipatiev Monastery. But now he is cut off from his beloved abode, and it is possible that the topic of his doctoral dissertation will be different. Remembering the spiritual cradle is quite difficult psychologically. Yes, and to complete the work, a lot of time spent in the Ipatiev Monastery is required. There is no such opportunity for him; here, in Kolyma, the bishop's day is scheduled by the minute...

The last two questions, in my opinion, organically complemented each other and they were devoted to the deep topic of spiritual origins, mentors, as well as the origins of Russian statehood. The topics are global, but the journalist asked Bishop John to cover them, what is called “from himself”.

Thanks for the question. I am pleased to answer it, because I had good mentors. My life in the Moscow period was interesting, it concerned already the perestroika years, when the road to the church was again opened to society as a whole. It was a wonderful time when youth aspired to the temples. Disfigured monasteries were opened, destroyed by time and the people of the church. The relics of saints were returned from museums to churches. Of course, I associate one of the most important periods of my youth with the return of the relics Reverend Seraphim Sarovsky. I remember how we, Muscovites, poured out in thousands onto the platform of the Leningradsky railway station, meeting these relics. Then with procession they proceeded to the Yelokhovsky Cathedral, then after a long time they went to our cities and towns to their rightful and historical place in Diveevo.

This is one of the moments, one of the sketches associated with youth. At that time, I entered the Moscow Theological Seminary, it was 1991. But even this was preceded by an interesting time, obedience to Metropolitan Pitirim of Volokolamsk and Yuriev. He was a wonderful archpastor who for many decades headed the publishing department of the Moscow Patriarchate. He was an archpastor of outstanding abilities, a powerful intellectual, an excellent preacher. Recently I met him in the Holy Spirit Church, he looked at me ... from a book showcase. In my soul and mind, I felt the connection between my unworthiness and this outstanding archpastor, who was not only my spiritual leader, but also my brother-in-law by some kindred relationship ...

I belong to the category happy people whose parents are still alive. My mother is still quite a young woman, born in 1953, father born in 1949. They are teachers, the father is an honored teacher of Russia. These are wonderful people. In our family, it happened so that it was not the parents who brought up the children spiritually, they gave it in general terms, but the children. This concerned the period of the late 80s - early 90s, when children with their open youthful souls took their first steps towards God, towards the Church and carried the teachings of Christ into their homes. My mission in this regard to my parents was successful. They became very religious and religious people. Let this be an example for each of us, because now, in this audience, I see the majority of young people. It is necessary to take care of your parents by learning, first of all, the faith of Christ. We must bring the light and warmth of the Church of Christ into our homes. And in this case I can’t have another family, my family is the Orthodox Church and the Magadan diocese ... Here, in the family of my birth, there is also a sister 8 years younger than me, whom I raised in my arms. She is also a teacher.

As for the second question about the revival of statehood, it is very extensive. You spoke about the visits to the Ipatiev Monastery of the first persons of the state ... I saw that these are believers, and, accordingly, the fate of the Orthodox Church is not indifferent to them. They can do a lot for the church to flourish and we see such a good symphony of secular and ecclesiastical power at the moment. Moreover, none of the representatives of other religions, which we call traditional, are offended.

Your question is still so multi-layered, very complex, to answer it - you need to talk all day. On the one hand, we were pleased to become participants in the formation of a new state holiday - National Unity Day, on the other hand, every year I was jealous that, for example, Nizhny Novgorod, and not the Ipatiev Monastery, was the center of the celebration. After all, according to Karamzin, the Time of Troubles ended not in Moscow, with the bringing of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, but in Kostroma with the election of Mikhail Fedorovich as Tsar, that is, not in 1612, but in the 13th. The holiday makes sense to show the unity of the Russian people after a terrible troubled time. A troubled time can occur in the life of every person, at any time. It is a confusion in some way of thoughts, feelings. And the historical time that we have experienced - the turn of the 80s - 90s, it, too, can probably be considered a time of troubles. Therefore, the establishment of this holiday is as important now as it was after 1612. But on the day of the calling of Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov to the kingdom of Moscow in the Ipatiev Monastery - a holiday! It's nice that my life is connected with such a geographical and spiritual point - the Ipatiev Monastery. You feel like a part of Russian history...

The Ipatiev period of my life was wonderful. I hope that the Magadan period will be no less beautiful, and maybe the rest of my life. In Ipatiev, I was formed as the director of the church museum, I was formed as the abbot of the monastery, and in Magadan I am formed as a bishop. And every day will be for me a day that brings Orthodox people light, knowledge and faith.

Thank you all very much!

Valentin SIDOROV

MAGADAN. KOLYMA-INFORM. Christmas Message Archbishop John of Magadan and Sinegorsk to the clergy, monastics and laity of the Magadan diocese
And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth;
and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father.
(John 4:14).

Beloved in the Lord, all-honorable fathers, God-loving monks and nuns, dear brothers and sisters!

I heartily congratulate you on the great feast of the Nativity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Again and again, the All-Merciful Lord grants us to feel the joy of a great triumph. On these holy days, all of us, together with the Angelic world, together with the Heavenly Church, glorify the incarnate Son of God, the God-child Jesus.

The event of the Nativity transcends every mind and every understanding, for, according to the words of St. Gregory the Theologian, “The incorporeal becomes incarnate, the Word hardens, the invisible becomes visible, the impalpable becomes tangible, the flightless begins.” Why, then, the essentially beginningless and eternal Lord reveals Himself in time, making Himself accessible to our limited cognition? He Himself tells us about this: “For this reason I was born and came into the world to bear witness to the truth” (John 18:37), and to everyone who in this world asks what is truth and where is it, He Himself answers, saying, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life" (John 14:6). The incarnated Son of God was the source of life and immortality, proclaimed love and peace, laid new spiritual principles in human life: pure faith, living love for God and neighbor, striving for moral perfection and holiness.

The Nativity of Christ forever united man with God. That is why we say: “God is with us!”. Christ was born to reveal the Kingdom of God, that is, the Kingdom of the Spirit, where love lives, and not malice; true, not false; mercy, not cruelty; peace, not enmity; holiness, not sin. And therefore, today the best gift that we can present for Christ the Savior is our pious life according to the Gospel teaching.

The advent of the Savior into the world was a turning point in human history, so it is no coincidence that the reckoning in countries belonging to Christian civilization is from the Nativity of Christ. This holiday falls on the days when we start a new calendar year, which provides a good opportunity to sum up some of the most important results of the past year.

From November 29 to December 2 of the past 2017, the Bishops' Council of the Russian Orthodox Church was held in Moscow, which was timed to coincide with the centenary Local Council 1917-1918 and restoration of the patriarchate. The Council’s Message to the clergy, monastics, and all faithful children of the Russian Orthodox Church says: “Remembering the tragic events of the 20th century and reflecting on their causes, we must bear witness with deep humility and sincere conviction before those near and far about the main lesson of the past century: without God, there is no state or public building will not lead to well-being. History has shown that revolutionary sentiments generated by political provocations, including those using the demand for social justice, are detrimental to states and fatal to people. Representatives of all sectors of society must make efforts to avoid repeating the mistakes that led to the suffering and death of many people in the last century, to the destruction of statehood.

The revolutionary events marked the beginning of an era of fierce persecution of the Church and the truth of God throughout the entire territory of our Fatherland. And as often happened in Christian history, the Church responded to persecution with the feat of martyrdom and confession. We all know that the Kolyma land is sanctified by the blood of innocent sufferers for the faith of Christ. In the host of new martyrs and confessors of the Russian Church, our Kolyma saints also stand before the Lord.

A special joy for our diocese last year was the decision of the Council of Bishops on the general church glorification of the Confessor Andronicus (Lukash) in the face of saints. We all know what devotion is Orthodox faith the Glinsk ascetic was condemned and exiled to Kolyma, where he carried out the feat of confession for eight years. Most of the believers know him first of all as a spirit-bearing elder and prayer book of the 20th century, endowed from the Lord with the gifts of clairvoyance, consolation and wonderworking. During the period of his stay in the Glinsk Hermitage, and later, his pastoral service at the Patriarchal Cathedral in Tbilisi, the monk received thousands of people who came to him from all over the country for advice and consolation. In 2009 Schema-Archimandrite Andronik was glorified by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. In 2013, the honest relics of the elder were brought to the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Magadan. Since that time, the memory of the saint began to be especially revered in the Kolyma land. current Bishops' Cathedral glorified the monk as a saint of the entire Orthodox Church, which testifies to the great veneration of this ascetic throughout the Orthodox world.

The past year 2017 for our region and the entire Far East was marked by the 220th anniversary of the birth and the 40th anniversary of the canonization of St. Innocent, Metropolitan of Moscow, enlightener of our Kolyma land. During the celebration of the anniversary, we consecrated the church in honor of the Holy Theophany in the village of Ola, at the place where in the 19th century the saint offered up his prayers, and the church in honor of St. Seraphim of Sarov in the village of Evensk. We also consecrated two chapels in honor of St. Innocent: the chapel in the building of the airport terminal of Magadan Airport and the chapel at the Holy Trinity Cathedral. By the grace of God, work was completed on the construction of a church in honor of St. Innocent in the village of Debin.

In the past year, we consecrated two more churches: a church in honor of the Great Martyr Barbara in the village of Omsukchan and a church in honor of St. Paisius the Holy Mountaineer in the building of the Diocesan Administration. I am sure that the new churches and chapels will become a visible and tangible sign of the presence of the all-good Providence of God in our lives.

The incarnate Lord, by His word and example, taught how to believe and live in order to be worthy of the title of children of God. I would like to quote here the wonderful words of St. Philaret of Moscow: “You can shine the light of saving truth in the mind of an unbeliever, you can kindle a spark of love for good in a cruel heart; and here you are, an imitator of God, who not only shines like a sun on the visible world, but also enlightens souls with spiritual light. … you can water the heart of an innocent sufferer withered from grief, or the heart of a sinner burned with repentance, with a tear of compassionate love; and here you are - an imitator of God, Who sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous ”(Word on the day of memory of St. Sergius, 1842).

Beloved brothers and sisters in the Lord, before all of us is a field of work for the spiritual reconstruction of our Fatherland. To meet people halfway, to carry the Word of God to them, to bear witness to Christ with your life according to His commandments is the duty of every Christian at all times. “And may the God of peace perfect us in every good work to do His will, working in us that which pleases Him through Jesus Christ” (Heb. 13:20-21).

Again and again I congratulate you on the feast of the Nativity of Christ!

On this bright day, please accept my warmest congratulations and best wishes.

“Grace, mercy, peace from God the Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love” (2 John 1:3) be with you all!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, dear brothers and sisters!


Archbishop of Magadan and Sinegorsk John (Alexander Pavlikhin) built himself a solid bungalow with a helipad on the shores of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk for "social meetings" ... A bungalow was erected in violation of the current law prohibiting construction near water bodies and in recreation areas of local importance, the media write.
In addition to the bungalow, local journalists note, this archbishop, who is clearly accustomed to luxury and respectability, also has a two-story luxurious mansion in the center of Magadan. This "modest cell" is nothing more than a former kindergarten taken from the kids, completely remodeled inside and fenced off. The children, probably with joy and jubilation, gave the building of their kindergarten to this good shepherd ...

All this, like the "dark spots" of the biography of Archbishop Pavlikhin, is very disliked by the "goal-minded" (as the current officialdom of the ROC MP likes to say) MASS MEDIA. And also the fact that this is the same pop-flayer who half a year ago "praised" Protodeacon Sergius Epifantsev with boiling water just because he "sang too softly." The sadistic archbishop was not punished, on the contrary, as the journalists are amazed, he continues to frolic, now on the seashore ...

The house that Pop built. Without permits, but on the shores of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Timur Zagitov "Very" 05/30/2017.

While some people from Magadan are being demolished in a stone quarry and offered rooms in communal apartments instead, others are building houses on the shores of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. presents a house that was built last year and belongs to the Magadan Orthodox diocese. But we believe that this is the personal dacha of Archbishop John.

Cottage for social meetings

Walking along the seashore on the Nyuklinskaya spit - a favorite vacation spot for Magadans, one of the residents noticed an interesting building and photographed it. The house stands almost close to the rock and is surrounded by a strong fence.

As "Very" found out, according to local residents, the house belongs to Archbishop John, where he rests with high-ranking friends. By the way, there is even a parking lot nearby, or a heliport, probably to receive higher guests, or even angels from heaven.

The administration of the village of Ola "Very" explained that the church bought the land and abandoned buildings on the shore, and the house was built about a year ago. Moreover, without any approvals, without the permission of the authorities, and in violation of the current law, which prohibits the construction of buildings near water bodies, and even in recreation areas of local importance.

There, as vacationers said, social events are held, in which the archbishop and famous people Magadan.

Private mansions

No less interesting and housing of the archbishop in Magadan. This is a building in the city center at Gagarin 14, where the diocesan administration used to be, and even earlier there was a kindergarten.
Now, in a two-story mansion, fenced, the archbishop lives with servants.

Inside, according to John's guests, there are very expensive furnishings, a fireplace room, a private chapel, a sports hall, and many luxury items.

In addition to his love for rich housing, the archbishop gravitates towards expensive cars and travels exclusively in business-class cars.

What is Mr. Pavlikhin famous for?

That is how Vladyka John was called in the world before becoming a monk.

In addition to the resonant case when the archbishop, at the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the diocese on December 18, 2016, splashed boiling water in the face of assistant protodeacon Sergiy Epifantsev for the too quiet sounding of the anthem of the diocese, there were other amusing incidents.

« Hegumen of the Ipatiev Monastery, Archimandrite John- (before appointment as bishop to Kolyma, - ed.) personality, from a historical point of view, the most interesting, says the author, Born in 1975 in Moscow. Despite the fact that his parents worked as architects, John decided to follow in the footsteps of his uncle, the metropolitan, notorious for his connection with the KGB.
After graduating with honors from the Moscow Theological Academy, he was ordained to the rank of hierodeacon. Having begun his ministry in one of the Moscow churches, he quickly realized that it was difficult to climb the hierarchical ladder of the Moscow diocese.
Being a man not devoid of adventurism, he, without too much publicity, taking with him a certain amount of money, went to Ukraine. There (according to the official biography of Pavlikhin - in 2003 - ed.) he was able to rise to the rank of archimandrite, which is almost impossible to do at the age of twenty-nine, given the fact that most of the priesthood gets this rank somewhere in the thirtieth year of service, and then, only with vigorous activity and an impeccable life.
Returning to his homeland, he became a regular at Moscow bishops' banquets. On one of them he met Bishop Alexander of Kostroma, who agreed to take him as abbot in one of his monasteries.
In just a few weeks, Fr. John made a workshop for the production of mitres within the walls of the monastery.(A miter is a part of a clergyman's vestment, which has the right to wear only the highest church ranks. It looks like a crown. The minimum price of 1 piece is approximately 3000 USD). In less than 2 years, the new abbot was able to completely restore the monastery, mainly with the money received from the sale of mitres.

According to the author, he had a close friend in the monastery, Hieromonk Michael, who earned money without leaving his cell by buying and selling shares. “A week before our meeting, Fr. John of candles burned his beard at a prayer service, either for fun or out of boredom - in general, Fr. Michael on my arrival at the monastery was quite funny , says go2stars.

The LJ user also describes the case when the hierodeacon of the monastery Theodosius allegedly spent about 150,000 rubles belonging to the monastery on alcohol and women. "O. John was upset, seeing the perishing soul of his brother, and invited him to heal in an Orthodox sanatorium, - says the author, - but didn't have to. Theodosius long to rejoice at the kindness of the abbot. O. John hired a woman who took the embezzler to a madhouse, and, crying, told the doctors that he was her brother, works as an electrician, recently began to call himself a deacon of the monastery, and, continuing to cry, asked not to let him out until he was completely cured. As far as I know, he is still there."

“Towards the end of the first year of my life in the Ipatiev Monastery, it became more and more difficult for me to come to terms with the realization that I was participating in some kind of cheap masquerade. Even the obedience of the photographer, which at first brought me joy, became more than nauseating - an endless series of banquets with drunken benefactors was the only object of my photo sessions, - finishes the story of a former clergyman.

After his arrival in Magadan, Archbishop John organized a flurry of activities and several times created newsworthy events. The last high-profile case was associated with the construction of a crematorium in Magadan, when he acted as an ardent opponent and collected signatures against the construction. He firmly opposed the current mayor of Magadan, Yuri Grishan, but today, according to sources, the conflict has been settled. In the meantime, many believe that John wanted to use the possible refusal of the authorities and entrepreneurs to build a crematorium in Magadan under pressure from the church as a career achievement for her further movement up the church hierarchy.

October 7, 2011 after all-night vigil in the Trinity Cathedral of the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra, in accordance with the definitions of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church of October 5, 2011, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia in the Throne Hall of the Patriarchal chambers of the monastery led the rank of naming Archimandrite Lukian (Kutsenko) as Bishop of Annunciation and Tyndinsky, Archimandrite John (Pavlikhin) as Bishop of Magadan and Sinegorsk and Archimandrite Veniamin (Kirillov) as Bishop of Ardatovsk and Atyashevsky.

Archimandrite Lukian (Kutsenko)

With prayer to the Monk Alexander Svirsky

Archimandrite Lukian (Kutsenko), named Bishop of Annunciation and Tyndinsky

Archimandrite Lukian (Kutsenko), rector of Holy Trinity Alexander-Svirsky monastery Petersburg diocese, ordained Bishop of Annunciation and Tyndinsky, was born in 1965 in the Odessa region, was baptized in infancy and from childhood aspired to monasticism and the priesthood.

“I just loved God and the Church - it was a strong commitment that helped me get through the difficult times of the atheistic past, when doors were closing in front of me educational institutions, where pupils and students were accepted according to Komsomol and trade union characteristics; when relatives and friends turned away and felt false shame. From the age of twelve I was nicknamed “father”, and I have remained so to this day, ”said Father Lukian in his protege speech.

He received monastic tonsure and priesthood from the future Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy. With the blessing of Metropolitan John (Snychev) of St. Petersburg and Ladoga, in 1991 he founded the Convent of the Intercession of Tervenich.

Since the summer of 1999, Father Lukian has been the rector of one of the most famous northern monasteries in Russia - the Holy Trinity Alexander-Svirsky Monastery. Father Lucian still feels the connection with St. Alexander Svirsky, which he emphasized in his protege's word: “In these sacred moments for me, I reverently pray to the great saint of God, the mystic seer of the Holy Trinity, St. sincerely served for 20 years, to be my prayer book and helper in my new church obedience.”

Archimandrite John (Pavlikhin):

Kolyma region - one of the Russian Calvary

Archimandrite John (Pavlikhin)

Archimandrite John (Pavlikhin), named Bishop of Magadan and Sinegorsk, is a cleric of the Kostroma diocese, rector of the Ipatiev Monastery in Kostroma, director of the Church and Archaeological Museum under him. It was with the assistance of Archimandrite John that the monastery attracted specialists from the Restoration Center named after V.I. Grabar.

Father John participated in the life of the Church from childhood. He himself spoke about his path in a protege's word:

“The life of my unworthiness was simple and logical for a believer. From a young age I was a member of the Holy Church. I served the Lord with all my strength: I sang on the kliros, helped at the altar, served as a subdeacon, directed the church choir.

Education in theological schools was preceded by obedience to the late archpastor, remarkable in Bose, Metropolitan Pitirim (Nechaev) of Volokolamsk and Yuryev. ... At the age of 16, with his blessing, I supervised the restoration work in the Joseph-Volotsky Monastery, managed a small monastery choir.

The years of study at the Trinity-Sergius Lavra were the happiest for me. In my first year at the Moscow Theological Academy, I became a monk, and there was not a day in my life when I regretted my life choice. Through the diligence of the inspector's father, for the first time after many years, students of the Theological Academy were honored with monastic vows at the shrine of relics St. Sergius- hegumen of the Russian land.

According to him, Father John feels special gratitude to Archbishop Alexander of Kostroma, now Metropolitan of Kazakhstan and Astana.

The future bishop with trepidation begins to serve in the Magadan land:

“You should direct all your efforts to spiritual development rather complex region. To be a bishop is, according to the words of St. Ignatius the God-bearer, “to be an accomplisher of the ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself” (Epistle to the Ephesians, IV).

The Magadan region belongs to those corners of our vast homeland where they heard about Orthodoxy relatively recently - the first temple was built by the efforts of the authorities of the region and the ruling bishop - Bishop Arkady (Afonin) - in the early 90s. But, at the same time, the Kolyma Territory has a special spiritual status- this is one of the Russian Golgothas, on which thousands of prisoners laid down their lives, the crime of which consisted only in fidelity to God during the years of terrible persecution of the Church.

About his future archpastoral ministry, Father John says: “I understand the essence of the bishopric as bearing the Cross, imitation of the deeds of the Ascetic and the Founder of the Church, who did not come into the world to be served, but for the sake of the salvation of many (see Matt. 20:28) ".

Staying in the place of the feat of the New Martyrs spiritually enriched me

Archimandrite Benjamin (Kirillov)

Archimandrite Veniamin (Kirillov), Abbot of the Holy Trinity Chufarov Monastery of the Mordovian Diocese, was named Bishop of the newly formed Ardatov Diocese of the Mordovian Metropolis.

In the Soviet years, a prison was located in the Chufarovsky Monastery, which became the site of the feat of many new martyrs, which Father Benjamin specifically answered in his protege word: “Staying in the holy monastery, which served during the years of the revolution as a prison for innocent prisoners and is rightfully considered the Mordovian Golgotha, where the land is abundantly watered blood of the new martyrs, enriched me spiritually, taught me the skills of administrative and economic work, without which it is impossible to build life in the human community. But most importantly, it showed that it is possible to accomplish the impossible from the point of view of human efforts. in the strengthening Jesus Christ(see Phil. 4:13). Close contact with the place of feat of the new martyrs and confessors, who did not renounce Christ even under pain of death, inspired me to build the spiritual and material life of the monastery, because our small difficulties, in comparison with their hardships, with a certain zeal, are completely overcome. It is from this obedience that I am called to the bishopric.”

The future bishop is filled with filial gratitude to Metropolitan Barsanuphius of Saransk and Mordovia, whom he called "one of the fateful signs of God's presence in his life" and hopes for his help in his archpastoral service: , the land that is sown Christian faith through the many diligent labors of Metropolitan Barsanuphius and his predecessors, and that, being next to him, I can always have wise advice and needed help."

A festive concert dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Magadan Eparchy of the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate took place on December 18 at the Magadan State Musical and Drama Theatre, the press service of the diocese reports. By according to the Moscow protodeacon Andrey Kuraev, the result of the concert was the hospitalization in intensive care with a burn on the face of Protodeacon Sergiy Epifantsev, head of the diocesan press service.

The audience was shown the premiere of the documentary-historical film "Orthodox Kolyma", voiced by the governor of the Magadan region. The Yevgeny Alkhimov Municipal Academic Choir performed the "Hymn of the Magadan Diocese", the author of music and words of which is the 42-year-old Archbishop of Magadan and Sinegorsk John (Pavlikhin).

Bishop Guriy (Shalimov), who headed the Magadan department from 2003 to 2011 and now lives in Moscow, was present at the celebrations as a "guest of honor". Guriy was dismissed from the administration of the diocese with a scandal caused by accusations of open homosexuality and abusive treatment of the clergy.

At the meal that took place after the concert, Archbishop John stated that the diocese hymn he had written sounded softly, and “splashed boiling water in the face of the head of the press service of the diocese, Protodeacon Sergiy Epifantsev, who was responsible for the organization. As a result, his face was burned. The protodeacon was forced to turn to hospital. All this in front of journalists."

According to information from Magadan, “Fr. Sergius is in the hospital due to a burn on his face, the archbishop really splashed boiling water in his face in front of everyone ... The splashes hit the governor and the mayor ... This father thundered into intensive care with burns.”

Protodeacon Sergiy Epifantsev was born in 1986 in the Luhansk region of Ukraine. He graduated from the Belgorod Seminary (with a missionary focus) and served as a deacon in the Belgorod Metropolis of the ROC MP. Since 2012, he has been a cleric of the Magadan diocese of the ROC MP, head of the diocesan press service and chairman of the department for religious education and catechesis.

The image of Archbishop John is complemented by the story set out on December 23 by a blogger yury19807 (for ethical reasons, we cite it with abbreviations): Archbishop " I recently went to Disneyland, rented a hotel room, took one priest with me, got him drunk there, you know… During Great Lent, this bishop himself goes to the magnet, buys sausage, eggs, loves cigars, good alcohol... He often flies to Moscow, begging from sponsors for churches. I bought a cottage for 20 million on the mainland at one time ... He drinks all sorts of tranquilizers and pills that you simply cannot buy in a pharmacy.

According to the website of the Moscow Patriarchate, Archbishop John was born on August 30, 1974 in Moscow into a family of teachers. studied at the Moscow Theological Seminary and Academy. In 1995 he was tonsured a monk and ordained a hierodeacon, since 1998 he has served in various churches in Moscow. Since February 25, 2001 - a full-time cleric of Voskresensky cathedral Rovno (Ukraine), where he was ordained a hieromonk, elevated to the rank of abbot and archimandrite. But already on January 15, 2004, he was enlisted for the state with the right to transfer to the Kostroma diocese, which was then headed by Alexander (Mogilev). He was the abbot of the Holy Trinity Ipatiev Monastery in Kostroma, director of the Church Historical and Archaeological Museum of the Kostroma Diocese of the ROC MP. October 12, 2011 in the church of St. Alexander Nevsky in the city of Baltiysk, Patriarch Kirill (Gundyaev) consecrated Archimandrite John (Pavlikhin) as Bishop of Magadan and Sinegorsk. On February 1, 2016, in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow, Kirill elevated him to the rank of archbishop.

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