Church-wide postgraduate and doctoral studies named after Saints Cyril and Methodius Equal-to-the-Apostles. The Rules for Admission to the General Church Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies named after St.


General Church postgraduate and doctoral studies is a higher educational institution of the Moscow Patriarchate that trains highly qualified personnel for serving the Church in the field of science, education, administration and diplomacy.

The decision to establish the All-Church Postgraduate School was taken on the initiative of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia at a meeting of the Holy Synod on March 31, 2009 ().

The Holy Synod at a meeting on July 27, 2009 approved the Charter of the All-Church Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies named after Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius ().

The general church graduate school became the successor to the postgraduate branch at, which was organized in 1963 on the initiative of the Archbishop of Yaroslavl and Rostov (later Metropolitan of Leningrad and Ladoga), chairman of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate.

In the structure of the General Church postgraduate and doctoral studies there are departments of theology and liturgy; biblical studies; external church connections and social sciences; church history; foreign languages.

Currently, OCAD implements the following educational programs:

  1. Church postgraduate program "Actual Problems of Theology", aimed at training clergy and employees of religious organizations (full-time and part-time forms);
  2. Master's program "External Church Relations" in the direction of preparation 48.04.01 "Theology" (full-time form)";
  3. Church Magistracy Program "External Church Relations", aimed at training clergy and employees of religious organizations (full-time);
  4. The program for the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in the postgraduate study "Actual problems of theology" in the direction of preparation 48.06.01 "Theology" (full-time);
  5. Church doctoral program.

Features of the educational process of the General Church postgraduate and doctoral studies are in-depth study of languages.

Rules for admission to the General Church postgraduate and doctoral studies named after St. Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius in 2009

1. Admission is carried out according to the programs: 1) candidate (postgraduate), 2) doctoral (doctoral) and 3) advanced training and retraining. Education in postgraduate and doctoral studies takes place in full-time and part-time forms, according to advanced training and retraining programs - only full-time.

2. Persons of the Orthodox faith who are citizens are admitted to the General Church postgraduate and doctoral studies. Russian Federation or other countries (CIS countries, far-abroad countries), or who do not have citizenship, but who have the necessary permission to stay on the territory of the Russian Federation.

In special cases, representatives of other Christian denominations may be admitted to graduate school.

3. Full-time postgraduate studies (with separation from the main place of service during the first, and, if necessary, the second and third years of study) are accepted for persons no older than 35 years old, for part-time postgraduate studies - no older than 45 years old. Applicants to the Ph.D. program must have a higher professional education (graduated specialists or masters), or a higher religious education.

Persons not older than 45 years old are accepted for doctoral studies. Applicants must have either a candidate of theology degree or an academic degree provided for by the system of state attestation of scientific and scientific-pedagogical workers.

4. Persons serving in general church and diocesan institutions, parishes, educational, scientific and other institutions of the Russian Orthodox Church having higher professional secular or religious education.

5. The following persons have the right to be sent to the General Church postgraduate and doctoral studies:

Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia;

Heads of synodal institutions and commissions;

Diocesan Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church;

Rectors of theological academies, Orthodox institutions and universities that are part of the educational system of the Russian Orthodox Church.

6. An application for admission indicating the level of study (postgraduate, doctoral studies, advanced training), form of study (full-time or part-time) and specialty (see the list of specialties, Appendix No. 1 to these Rules) is submitted to the Rector. The following documents must be attached to it:

Copies of diplomas and certificates of previous education and qualifications (originals must be presented when submitting documents);

A copy of the passport (the original must be presented when submitting documents);

A certified copy of the protege's diploma (for applicants in holy orders);

A completed questionnaire of the established form (see Appendix No. 2, filled out on the day of submission of documents);


List scientific papers, and for doctoral applicants also - an approximate plan for a doctoral dissertation;

2 photos 3x4;

Medical certificate.

Documents during the application period can be brought by the applicant personally or sent by registered mail by mail to the address: 115191, Moscow, Danilovsky Val, 22, Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, Admissions Committee of the General Church Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies. Copies of diplomas, passports, protege letters are certified by the personnel department at the place of service or by a notary. The rest of the documents must be submitted in the original, and the personal statement, questionnaire, autobiography, list of works must be signed by the applicant. If these rules are not observed and the set of documents is incomplete, the selection committee has the right not to consider the application.

7. Applicants to the PhD program take competitive exams in:


foreign language;

Special discipline, in accordance with the specialty of the department.

Each applicant is interviewed.

8. To receive examinations for the candidate's program, by order of the Rector, a selection committee is created from the faculty of the postgraduate school. The chairman of the selection committee is the Rector. During the entrance examinations, the Commission evaluates the knowledge of applicants and gives grades: "excellent", "good", "satisfactory", "unsatisfactory". Persons who received an “unsatisfactory” score or who did not appear for the exam at the scheduled time without good reason are not allowed to take subsequent exams during the same session. Persons who did not appear for the exam for a good reason are allowed to take it no later than the day the session ends with the special permission of the Rector.

Retaking the entrance exams is not allowed. Passed entrance exams for postgraduate studies are valid for 13 months.

Applicants for doctoral studies and advanced training and retraining programs are interviewed. The decision on admission is made by the Rector, taking into account the recommendation of the commission that conducted the interview.

If the number of applicants who have received positive scores exceeds the number of places approved by the Rector, tuition for which is paid from the funds educational institution, then there is a competition. During the competition, the following are taken into account: the number of points scored in the entrance examinations, the presence of a university diploma with honors and the average score of the diploma, the availability of publications and developments in a future dissertation.

After the completion of the entrance examinations, those who did not pass the competition can be accepted on a compensatory basis with tuition from the budget of the sending party or other funds attracted by the sending party or the applicant.

An agreement on the provision of educational services is concluded with all enrolled applicants.

9. Acceptance of applications and documents to the General Church postgraduate and doctoral studies is carried out in 2009 from August 15 to September 15 (documents sent by mail should be sent as early as possible, the deadline for sending documents by mail is September 10). Entrance exams are held from 15 to 25 September. Enrollment in 2009 takes place from 25 to 30 September. Accepted graduate students, doctoral students and students are considered enrolled from October 1. The term of study should not exceed: in graduate school 3 years full-time and 4 years in correspondence form, in doctoral studies - 3 years, in the program of advanced training and retraining - 2 years.
10. Students at the expense of the funds of the All-Church postgraduate and doctoral studies can be paid a scholarship, the amount of which is determined by the order of the Rector.

Annex No. 1. The list of specialties of the General Church postgraduate and doctoral studies, for which admission is carried out in 2009 for all programs:



Degree awarded in case of defending a dissertation in a Ph.D. and doctoral program



External Church Relations

External Church Relations

Candidate of Theology/Doctor of Theology

biblical studies

biblical studies

Candidate of Theology/Doctor of Theology

church history

church history

PhD in Theology/Doctor of Church History

church art

Ecclesiastical Arts and Archaeology

Candidate of Theology/Doctor of Theology

Church government

Administration and canon law

PhD in Theology/Doctor of Church Law

Practical theology

Church-Practical Sciences

Candidate of Theology/Doctor of Theology

Application number 2.


1. Surname, name, patronymic

2. San (if any) and date of its adoption

3. Date and place of birth

4. Date of baptism

5. Information about education (indicating the number and date of issue of documents on education)
advanced training (if any):

6. Academic degree and title (if any)

7. Passport data (series, number, data on issuance, address of permanent residence)

8. Proficiency in foreign languages ​​and level of proficiency

9. Sphere of scientific interests and proposed topic of the thesis

10. Topic of qualifying work on the last place of study

11. Total number of publications (including in electronic media)

12. Information about the place of work (service) for the last 10 years

13. Attitude towards military service (served, did not serve, fit or not fit for military service, has a deferment)

14. Contact phone, e-mail

15. Date of completion, signature

December 16, 2014 at the Patriarchal residence of Danilov stauropegial monastery A regular meeting of the Supervisory Board of the All-Church Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies named after Saints Cyril and Methodius Equal-to-the-Apostles took place. In his opening speech, the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church said:

It will soon be six years since March 31, 2009, the first time since my election to Patriarchal Throne meeting of the Holy Synod, a great and important work was initiated - the creation of the All-Church postgraduate and doctoral studies. This initiative was driven urgent need education and advanced training of the personnel reserve of our Church.

It was quite obvious to me and my fellow archpastors at that time that the improvement of the qualifications of the highest and middle cadres of the Church, as well as the cultivation of a new generation of responsible ministers, is a task of paramount importance, without the solution of which we cannot carry out any planning, because everything depends on of people. In the Russian Church, there was a catastrophic shortage of qualified theological personnel who would be at the level of modern theological thought. And over the past years, much has been done to ensure that such personnel appear.

At the same time, something has been done to stimulate general church development, including the strengthening of the religiosity of our people and the development of all aspects of church life, primarily in our Russian province. That is why the creation of new dioceses was initiated. This initiative itself raised the issue of training personnel, because the bishop is responsible for the Church, for the people entrusted to him, he represents the Church in the face of the outside world, educates and is responsible for the education of candidates for the clergy and for the clergy themselves. After all, they implement various kinds of programs, including educational, pedagogical ones, and a lot depends on the level of education, including the level of education of the bishop.

At present, we testify that the Church is indeed an active participant in public life, but she also still has a lot to do - first of all, in order to actualize the gospel message for our contemporaries. The implementation of this task is faced with great difficulties and problems, because the general information flow that today falls on every person contributes not to the actualization, but to the archaization of the gospel message. Through the prism of this modern information flow, people tend to view ancient Christian sources, including the Gospel, as primarily related to the past and little affecting the life of a modern person.

Not only now, but at all times, the actualization of the Gospel is always the main task of the Church. Today, however, we may be facing the greatest challenges along the way - cultural, educational and otherwise.

In order to plow deeper the field of religious life in our country, new dioceses were created. In 2009, the Russian Orthodox Church had 200 bishops - participants Bishops' Council, now there are 329 of them. Thus, the number of bishops has increased by two and a half times. But it would be wrong to think that the number of high-ranking church workers has simply increased.

Each bishop is responsible for the people entrusted to him in the diocese. In 2009, we had 159 dioceses, including 69 in the Russian Federation, that is, in terms of the number of bishops and dioceses, it was inferior to all other parts of the Moscow Patriarchate in aggregate. Today there are 282 dioceses, of which 179 are in Russia.

The hierarchs who manage the new dioceses are mostly young (although there are middle-aged), energetic people who did not intend to make a brilliant church career, and for most of their lives did not think about hierarchship at all. Many of them worked for more than twenty years on various obediences in the outback: they were priests, abbots of monasteries, deans, they were engaged in educational activities; many were members of the Public Chambers in the regions, had experience in dealing with the authorities. That is, these are people who have gone through a very serious life path. Communicating with candidates for ordination to the episcopal rank, every time you ask yourself the same question: they have an education (mostly people with two higher educations - ecclesiastical and secular), but 15-20 years of work outside theological schools and the system in general advanced training, of course, affects - they get some experience, but in some ways they do not acquire either experience or knowledge.

I am talking about all this precisely in connection with the fact that a very important duty has been entrusted to the Postgraduate School today: to work in terms of improving the qualifications of the hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church. This educational program is a real help both for the newly ordained bishops themselves and for their dioceses.

This year, for the fourth time, we conducted a refresher course, which lasts more than two weeks. During the courses, newly appointed bishops have, firstly, the opportunity to communicate with the Patriarch, ask him questions, but, in addition, work systematically, raising their level: students of the courses meet with members of the Synod, the heads of synodal institutions, adopt the living experience of governance, get acquainted with the main trends in church-state, inter-Orthodox and inter-religious relations; they meet with representatives state power, listen to thematic courses of leading Russian experts in the field of sociology, history, jurisprudence, management and finance.

A few weeks ago I met with students of the 4th Bishops' Course. All of them note the high level of the program, as well as the practical importance of the knowledge gained for solving everyday diocesan tasks. They turned to us with a request to further expand the topics of the courses, pointing out those areas of their activity in which they would like to gain more knowledge, and also came up with a very interesting initiative: to create similar courses for their closest assistants: diocesan secretaries, office managers, heads various diocesan departments. I would ask Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk to create conditions for the implementation of this initiative.

I am convinced that advanced training courses for newly-appointed bishops are only the first, but very important stage in the creation of an extensive program of continuous professional development in the Russian Orthodox Church. It could be called the Patriarchal Program, given the fact that for the Patriarch, raising the level of education, acquiring new skills for representatives of the episcopate is a matter of great importance.

Such courses should be held not only for hierarchs, and I hope that the entire administrative core of the Russian Orthodox Church will have the opportunity in one way or another to improve their qualifications on the basis of Postgraduate Studies.

In no other Local Orthodox Church, as well as in the non-Orthodox world, there are analogues of such educational program. Vladyka Hilarion will confirm that the courses we conduct are very big interest representatives of the Local Orthodox Churches and not only. I am sure that the cooperation in this field enshrined in the agreement between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration can also bring abundant and good results.

I would also like to say that, taking into account the ever-increasing potential of the General Church postgraduate and doctoral studies, I consider it possible to entrust a number of important general educational church and educational projects to its rector, Metropolitan Hilarion. Thus, on the basis of the OCAD, the All-Church Dissertation Council operates for the defense of dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Theology and Church History. It includes the flower of Russian secular and ecclesiastical science. Thanks to the activities of the All-Church Discussion Council, the entire process of writing and defending dissertations is now being built in full accordance with the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation.

The council has already defended seven doctoral dissertations, one of the doctors is a bishop, deputy head of the affairs of the Moscow Patriarchate, Bishop Savva of Voskresensky. The number is still small, but at the moment 23 graduate students are preparing for the defense of doctoral dissertations. I really hope that these dissertations will contribute to the development of theological science.

The Rector of the Postgraduate School also heads the Coordinating Center for the Development of Theological Science in the Russian Orthodox Church, whose task is to determine the main directions of such development. We have theological academies engaged in theological research, there are also secular institutions, including departments at secular higher educational institutions, which deal with theological topics. It became necessary to coordinate all this activity in order not to disperse personnel and to consolidate attention on those theological problems, the solution of which is really important for our Church today.

The rector of the OCAD was also entrusted with attracting a large number of scientists to write fundamentally new textbooks for undergraduate students of the Russian Orthodox Church. The corpus of new textbooks should become for thousands of future church workers and pastors a source of knowledge about the Church, her place in the Fatherland and in the world. These textbooks should be accessible, state-of-the-art manuals for anyone who wants to become familiar with the relevant disciplines.

I note that the work on this project, which requires a complex structural organization, becomes a platform for the collective work of hundreds of authors, which requires non-standard solutions, including managerial, as well as methodological and pedagogical ones.

As I have already said, 23 doctoral dissertations are currently being written and 101 postgraduate students are working in nine departments of the Church-wide postgraduate and doctoral studies.

Per last years Postgraduate studies have become a serious platform for meetings of ecclesiastical and secular scientists, hierarchs and theologians from all over the world. The International Scientific and Practical Conference is held on an annual basis. For example, a conference dedicated to the remarkable late Byzantine Christian author and Father of the Church has just ended - Saint Simeon New Theologian.

On the basis of the Postgraduate School, the Student Exchange Commission, created in 2012 on my initiative, operates. I dealt with this topic when I was chairman of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, and at that time this work ran into much more difficulties, because the chairman of the DECR then had neither the opportunity nor the right to coordinate all this activity. Sometimes we did not even know who and why is studying abroad, what is the result of this training. Many, after spending several years abroad, simply disappeared: someone went into business, someone did something else. That is, we sent for training capable people, and there were some false, noisy signals at the output. Therefore, I began to associate with postgraduate education and putting things in order in this very important area of ​​our activity.

Today, the commission oversees the education of 70 students of the Russian Orthodox Church in foreign universities, and about the same number of students from abroad study with us. Thus, it is possible to personally work with each student, understand what he is striving for, what his goals are, and also select candidates for training. We are drastically reducing undergraduate studies abroad. My position is that you need to go somewhere to study only if you have received a basic education in your home country, and then the specialization may already be in another educational institution, especially since today it can be easily joined within the framework of Bologna system. We have practically stopped sending students abroad for undergraduate programs, with the exception of our theological seminary in Paris.

Student exchange has important implications for external church activity. A number of our graduates occupy a prominent place in the hierarchy of other Local Orthodox Churches, while they maintain good relations with their alma maters and with the Russian Church, just like our students who study abroad, establish and subsequently maintain good relations with local professors, hierarchs and clergy. All this supports, among other things, the system of external church activities of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Within the framework of the Postgraduate School, there is also a program called "External Church Relations" - the only such specialized program in world Orthodoxy. It is especially dear to me, because the actual initiator of its creation was my spiritual father− the ever-memorable Metropolitan of Leningrad and Novgorod Nikodim (Rotov). At the turn of the 60s and 70s, when the Church lived under severe pressure and control from the state, Vladyka Nikodim laid the foundations of this educational cycle, selecting the best graduates of the Moscow and Leningrad academies and creating on the basis of the DECR, which he at that time headed the branch of the Postgraduate School of the Moscow Theological Academy. The main task of the branch was to train responsible workers in the field of church and public relations. I also went through this program, as did Vladyka Hilarion and many other hierarchs.

The program of the Church-wide postgraduate and doctoral studies “External Church Relations” has been newly developed in accordance with the requirements of the current moment and is conceived as the preparation of the faithful of the Church, open to the dialogue of enlightened and educated participants in inter-church relations.

So much has already been done, but more remains to be done. For an educational institution, a time span of five or six years is too short a period to require great results. Nevertheless, such results are already evident. I would like to note with joy that the seed sown in 2009 did not die out, it did not fall on stony soil, nor in thorns, nor along the road, but gave fruit, and over these five years it has been a worthy fruit. It is not my intention to exaggerate the results, but neither should they be belittled. Therefore, everything must be done so that the Postgraduate School can work with even greater efficiency.

The general church postgraduate and doctoral studies are a kind of Patriarchal Academy, which is under the direct control of the Primate of the Church. It is undoubtedly called upon to consolidate the intellectual resources of the Russian Orthodox Church, to generate new public ideas, carry out continuous education of responsible employees of the Church, serve as a platform for dialogue between church and secular science, as well as for the training of enlightened personnel working in the field of church-state, church-public and international relations. Achieving all these goals is an important and urgent task.

Already now we are preparing to worthily celebrate the year of the 1000th anniversary of the repose of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir, and the Postgraduate School is called upon to become an important center of events and celebrations dedicated to the great Enlightener and Baptist of Russia. A major scientific and historical conference is scheduled for September 2015, dedicated to the assessment of the heritage of St. Prince Vladimir. The best ecclesiastical and secular scholars from our country and abroad will meet face to face at the Postgraduate School site to think together about what seems especially important today - about the role of the Church in the history of our Fatherland, about the significance of Orthodoxy for our past, present and future, about the role of the Russian Orthodox Church in relations between traditionally Orthodox peoples, in the development of relations between Christians both on the European continent and throughout the world.

OCAD information service

On the base Postgraduate Branch of the Moscow Theological Academy at the Department for External Church Relations, which operated from the beginning of the 1960s as a structural unit of the Moscow Theological Academy and was located on the premises of the Department for External Church Relations in Moscow. The decision to establish a postgraduate school was made at the suggestion of Patriarch Kirill at a meeting of the Holy Synod on March 31, 2009 (Journal No. 20). The charter of postgraduate studies was approved at a meeting of the Holy Synod in Kiev-Pechersk Lavra July 27, 2009 .


The general church postgraduate and doctoral studies train specialists in the field of inter-Orthodox, inter-Christian and church-social relations. The training lasts from two or more years and ends with the writing of a master's / candidate's / doctoral dissertation.

Graduates of postgraduate and doctoral studies have the opportunity to apply their knowledge and experience in various areas of church and public life, in synodal and educational institutions of the Russian Orthodox Church, secular institutions that maintain relations with the Russian Orthodox Church.

Over time, as Patriarch Kirill stated, postgraduate studies should be included in the Bologna process and brought into line with the state educational system, having received state accreditation. Postgraduate teachers consider it necessary in the near future to include theology in the list of specialties of the Higher Attestation Commission.


There are nine departments in Postgraduate and Doctoral studies:

  1. theology,
  2. external church relations,
  3. biblical studies,
  4. Stories,
  5. church arts,
  6. Administration and canon law,
  7. Church-practical sciences,
  8. philosophy,
  9. Ancient and new languages.

At the two departments of "Philosophy" and "Ancient and New Languages", so far it is only possible to get training, but these departments do not graduate postgraduates and doctoral students.

The Department of External Church Relations inherited the tasks and traditions of the Postgraduate Branch of the Moscow Theological Academy under the Department of External Church Relations, established back in the 1960s. Particular importance is attached to the departments of "Theology", "History" and "Governance". In these four departments from the very beginning there is an opportunity to improve qualifications without defending a dissertation.

In April 2010, the graduate school signed an agreement with the Moscow State Linguistic University in order to provide teaching of foreign languages, including rare ones, to graduate students.

Postgraduate admission

When recruiting students, priority is given to graduates of Theological Academies, secular universities, and foreign Universities.

PhD students are admitted to the doctoral program.

Postgraduate location

The main administrative premises of the General Church postgraduate and doctoral studies are located in a three-story building on the territory of the Patriarchal Chernigov metochion, located in Chernigov Lane in Moscow. Earlier, during the years of the existence of the Postgraduate Branch of the MTA at the DECR, training sessions were held in the building of the DECR.


History of the Postgraduate Branch of the MTA at the DECR

Heads of the Postgraduate Branch of the MTA at the DECR (1963-2009):

Graduates of the Postgraduate Branch of the MTA at the DECR:

History of the Church Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies

As of March 2011, 119 people study at the General Church Postgraduate School, of which 77 are clerics of the Russian Orthodox Church, one student is a cleric of the Russian Orthodox Old Believer Church and one student of the Catholic faith.

On May 30, 2016, a joint dissertation council D 999.073.04 in theology of the Church-wide postgraduate and doctoral studies named after Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius, St. Tikhon Orthodox Humanitarian University, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov and the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under President of the Russian Federation.

Rectors of the Church Postgraduate School (since 2009)

  • - no. Hilarion (Alfeev), Metropolitan.

The decision to establish the General Church Postgraduate School was made at the suggestion of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia at a meeting of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church on March 31, 2009 (magazine No. 20). Archbishop (now Metropolitan) Hilarion of Volokolamsk, chairman of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, was appointed rector of the postgraduate course.

On May 7, 2009, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill approved the composition of the Working Group for the development of the Regulations (Charter) of the General Church Postgraduate School, its program and curriculum.

In connection with the tasks assigned to the new educational institution, including the training of church scientific personnel of the highest qualification - doctors of theology, the Working Group proposed to expand the name of the postgraduate school ("General Church postgraduate and doctoral studies"), giving it the name of Saints Cyril and Methodius Equal to the Apostles .

The Holy Synod at a meeting on July 27, 2009, having approved the work of the Working Group on the development of the Regulations (Charter) of the Church Postgraduate School, its program and curriculum, approved the Charter of the Church Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies named after Saints Cyril and Methodius (magazine No. 57).

The general church postgraduate and doctoral studies became the successor to the postgraduate branch of the Moscow Theological Academy, which had been operating under the Department for External Church Relations since 1963.

Departments in key areas of ecclesiastical science have been created at the General Church Postgraduate School. Each of the departments has its own specifics and is aimed at creating its own scientific school based on the traditions laid down by Eastern Christian (in particular, Russian) theology, domestic and foreign humanities. Currently, the OCAD has the following departments: biblical studies, theology, external church relations, history, social sciences, pedagogy and theory of education, church-practical sciences, and philosophy.

Education is conducted according to the following programs: master's, postgraduate, doctoral studies, advanced training.

As part of advanced training, the following programs have been developed:

Refresher courses for newly appointed bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church;

Refresher courses for assistants of diocesan administrations and personal secretaries of bishops;

Refresher courses for church archivists;

Refresher courses for teachers of biblical studies;

Refresher courses for teachers of apologetics;

Refresher courses for heads of diocesan departments on interaction with the Cossacks.

In the near future, the number of areas of advanced training courses on the basis of the OCAD is planned to be increased.

Particular attention is paid to the study of foreign languages ​​and mastering the methodology of scientific and theological research.

There are ample opportunities for scientific supervision of the work of graduate and doctoral students. The general church graduate school invites domestic and foreign scientists, both ecclesiastical and secular, as supervisors and advisers of dissertations. The educational institution seeks to create conditions for scientific leadership not to be an empty formality, but to be effective. With its help, new generations of church scientists should be brought up, possessing all the necessary skills for independent research work and the practical application of its results in their church ministry.

The General Church Postgraduate School regularly organizes scientific conferences and seminars on the profile of departments. Students have the opportunity to attend speeches by famous lecturers, church, government, public figures in Russia and foreign countries.

Opportunities are being created for the defense of dissertations for the degree of candidate and doctor of theology not only by men, but also by women. Girls and women entering graduate school are employees of synodal and diocesan institutions, church teachers, regents, art critics, icon painters, and church philologists.

The general church postgraduate and doctoral studies operate on the basis of a perpetual license AAA No. 001086 issued by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science on March 21, 2011.

The educational institution is located in the very center of Moscow - in the complex Patriarchal Compound Churches of the Holy Martyrs Michael and Theodore of Chernigov and the Beheading of John the Baptist near Bor in Chernigovsky Lane.

Hieromonk John (Kopeikin) is the Vice-Rector of the Postgraduate School for Academic Affairs, Priest Dimitry Safonov is the Secretary of the Academic Council, and Miguel Palacio is the Head of the Educational and Methodological Department.

With the support of the St. Gregory the Theologian, the Postgraduate School was able to get its own building, located on the territory of the Chernigov metochion in Zamoskvorechye, in the very center of Moscow.

On February 7, 2012, on the day of memory of St. Gregory the Theologian, Archbishop of Constantinople, with the blessing of Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, the St. Gregory the Theologian Charitable Foundation established five scholarships for citizens from far-abroad countries who come to study at the General Church Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies named after Sts. Cyril and Methodius and other educational institutions of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Related news:

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Rector of the General Church Postgraduate School presented certificates of advanced training to 17 students of hierarchical courses

The All-Church Council for the defense of dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Theology, approved by the decision of His Holiness the Patriarch, is joint for the General Church Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies named after Saints Cyril and Methodius, the Orthodox St. Tikhon Humanitarian University, Moscow and St. Petersburg Orthodox Theological Academies

The Department of External Church Relations has started training students enrolled in the master's program

During his visit to Italy, the DECR Chairman also took part in a symposium on Orthodox spirituality at the Bose Monastery and performed Divine Liturgy in the Church of the Great Martyr Catherine in Rome

Rector of the General Church Postgraduate School held a meeting of the working group on the restoration of the Chernihiv Compound

Exams will be held from 12 to 19 September. Individuals who have successfully completed curriculum postgraduate or doctoral studies and who defended a qualifying work of the appropriate level are awarded the degree of candidate or doctor of theology of the Russian Orthodox Church

Metropolitan Hilarion summed up the results of the entrance exams for the master's program of the Church's postgraduate and doctoral studies

Archimandrite Kirill (Govorun), First Deputy Chairman of the Educational Committee of the Russian Orthodox Church, Vice-Rector of the General Church Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies, spoke about the prospects for the development of domestic theological education in an interview with the Bogoslov.Ru portal

Metropolitan Hilarion presented diplomas and certificates to graduates of the advanced training program

This is the first issuance of diplomas of the General Church Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies - an educational institution established by Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia. The advanced training program was conceived as an important addition to spiritual and academic education. “Those who came to this program were able to study such disciplines, acquire such skills, such information that are not available in any other theological school of our Church,” said Metropolitan Hilarion.

The Academic Council of the General Church Postgraduate School summed up the results of the academic year

The curriculum is based on state standard third generation in the direction of preparation "theology"

Representative of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity delivered a lecture at the General Church Graduate School

The resource contains information about the departments, employees, various fields of activity of the educational institution. It is planned to regularly update the section with course programs, post the current class schedule. Thanks to the site, students will have the opportunity to communicate within the forum

Metropolitan Hilarion led the assembly day at the All-Church Postgraduate and Doctoral Schools

A small three-story mansion housed classrooms and administrative offices. In the Church of St. John the Baptist near Bor, students in clergy will regularly participate in divine services

The list of those enrolled in the General Church Postgraduate School has been published

As the rector noted, the main goal of the postgraduate course is to train highly qualified personnel for the Russian Orthodox Church. We are talking about both managerial personnel, and scientists and ecclesiastical and diplomatic workers.

Issues related to the study of the historical archives of the Russian Orthodox Church were discussed at the General Church Postgraduate School

By October 1, 2010, the All-Church postgraduate and doctoral studies named after Sts. Cyril and Methodius will move to the Chernihiv Compound in Zamoskvorechye

Metropolitan Hilarion took part in a meeting of rectors of theological schools of the Russian Orthodox Church

On May 26, Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople visited the DECR and addressed the students of the General Church Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies with a lecture "The World as a Sacrament. Theological and spiritual vision peace."

Patriarch Kirill met with students of the General Church Postgraduate School at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior

On May 7, 2010, in the Red Hall of the Chambers of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia met with students of the Sts. The meeting was attended by the Rector of the General Church Postgraduate School, Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, Vice-Rector of the General Church Postgraduate School Archpriest Vladimir Shmaly, Secretary of the Academic Council A.I. Mramornov.

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