The transition of the planet earth to the status of a spiritual star. Teacher's message about chakras and places of power

Hello Teacher.

Hello Soul, I'm glad to see you.

What will the conversation be about today?

If you have any questions about the last conversation, we are ready to answer.

In that picture of a torus-shaped world, which in turn is a part of another world-torus, what is the breath of God and what is the dream of God? Many sources say that the world is just a dream of God, who dreams and dreams.

Imagine soap bubbles. God exhales such a “bubble” from himself and this is his creation. And this is called his dream. Having exhaled such a “bubble-peace”, God contemplates it. And this is what is called the dream of God. God breathes. And his exhalation is a creative impulse. And his breath is the folding of the impulse into a point of potential.

Having exhaled the world in the form of a bubble or a torus, God continues to breathe. But inside the bubble is the substance of God, what God consists of. And all these particles of God are quantumly interconnected so that everything interacts and changes instantly on the basis of a single Impulse of Creation. And now God again exhales a new dream, new world-reality. But since his creative exhalation is communicated to all his parts, this impulse is received by that which is in the first "bubble". And inside the "bubble" again new forms, new worlds are born. Such magical "soap bubbles" that are formed when blowing already inside another bubble. And so on. The third exhalation of God gives rise to the third bubble-world and in the first bubble gives the tertiary impulse of creation and the birth of spheres-bubbles in the secondary spheres-bubbles. And in the second bubble it gives an impulse to the birth of secondary spheres-bubbles, and so on.

But then he does not have time to inhale, but all the time exhales the worlds.

It's just that God is huge. And his breath is long.

Are we talking about the creator?

Yes. About every creator.

But when we dream, our physical body falls asleep, and the consciousness continues to be awake, and therefore we observe other realities. God's dream is not like that.

God contemplates all the worlds simultaneously. He is in everything and everyone. And through you he contemplates your world.

I understand. What are we going to talk about today.

About infinity.

Infinity is the theme of the Absolute.

We will talk about Absolute Infinity.

Everything in your world is finite and everything has a beginning and an end. But in reality it is all an illusion. Because nothing ends, it just goes to another state. There is nothing that has limits. Because all the boundaries are only visible and felt by you, as the completeness of the form. The world of forms creates the illusion of boundaries. Therefore, it always seems to every form, including you, that there is “I” and there is “not me”. But what are you? If you answer this question for yourself, you will understand that there is no difference between "I" and "not me." You are the Spirit of God, part of the Absolute Consciousness, enclosed in a form. You, as the spirit of God, are analogous to the rest of the Spirit of God. Therefore, there is no concept of "I" and "not me". There is a single eternal substance that is aware of itself in its parts. There is no you and the world around. There is a single energy substance, a large ocean of energies that overflows and moves within this ocean.

When you consider your internal organs, you do not say that the heart is you. And let's say the bladder is not you. All of these are parts of you. All organs are necessary for your physical body to develop and function. And perceived.

Therefore, everything that exists around you is One, there are parts of a huge organism of God that interact so that God can perceive, eat, breathe, interact, move, and so on.

Does God eat?

When the blood in your body moves from one organ to another, it nourishes and saturates them with various substances and various information. Is it nutrition? Your food in a world where everything is divided exists at the expense of others. But it can also be said that the liver, for example, feeds on something external, if we consider the liver separately from the whole organism.

I understand what you're getting at. The idea that we are all just parts of the organism of God is not new and understandable. Why are we talking about this now?

Because you continue to perceive yourself as separate independent parts, as independent. In fact, everything is connected. God gave everyone the opportunity to create, but each part performs certain functions, just like in your body. The heart cannot replace the liver, but without the heart and without the liver, the human body cannot survive.

You know how it all doesn't fit. On the one hand, the idea that we should become conscious creators and consciously create, and on the other hand, that each of us is just a cell in the body of God, subordinated to certain tasks. Where is the freedom of choice that is talked about so much?

If you have a choice, then you choose from something. If there is just emptiness, then what is the choice? You come to the store with empty shelves. How can you choose something there? Therefore, the choice implies the existence of options, the number of these options can be infinitely large, but you choose from them.

I understood that we ourselves invent, fantasize various forms and events, which then come true and this is our creation.

It's all like that. This is creation. And we're talking about choice.

You are particles of God. We are all cells in his body, just as your body has cells, or light quanta in your light body. And every quantum and every cell is a particle of God, but at the moment you are God for them, because they are part of you. Why do you think that the cells of your body have less rights than you? Everything is one. The cells of your body have come together as mini-particles of God so that you can go through the experience of incarnation in a dense body and in a dense world. They have created a special configuration called the "human body" and are experiencing their experience within this body. They also have awareness and perception, and also the freedom to choose within their range. You actually differ from them only in scale, just like God about you - only in scale.

But scale or power is a lot. One of your cells cannot, say, move long distances. And your body can run fast enough in the aggregate of all your cells. One cell of yours cannot create a new world of dreams with its imagination, but united in the human brain, the imagination of a group of cells creates whole dreams under your rule. Cells come together at the stage of your conception and birth and make a pact that they will serve you as your physical body and help you perceive the world and create the world.

But then, if everything is similar, then the Gods are also certain cells in the body of the highest God or the First Creator?

Yes, everything is similar.

But then it turns out that if the Prime Creator transmits a creative impulse to everyone, and this is its essence, then the Prime Creator himself is something like a brain in the body of a higher God. But what about the Absolute?

Analogies are good to understand. Yet there is no such literal connection.

Now it is important for you to understand that in fact there is nothing that would not be you in the literal sense. Because all boundaries are created only by your imagination.

Aren't those very tori-bubbles created not by the gods, but by our imagination?

It's all the same too. Your imagination is the creative impulse to create bubble-forms. In everyone there is a piece of God in the form of I am presence. This is what you are similar, or rather identical. And this part of the I am presence puts on imaginary clothes, encloses it in forms.

Therefore, you are all one. If you learn to perceive the world literally, as your continuation, as part of a single organism, you will begin to relate to it differently. How can the liver of your body harm, say, the lungs. She “understands” that this can lead to the disintegration of the whole organism and the end of this experience ahead of time until everyone has completed their tasks.

Learn to treat the world as the Body of God of which you are a part. Take it literally. And then there will be no strangers and their own. There will be one God. By rearranging your consciousness in this way, you will realign your perception to larger worlds. For bigger tasks.

You are a cell of the Body of God, but each is important and each cell has its own function.

In this analogy, what organ of God's body is humanity?

What do you think?

Apparently cookies. Because we are always offered something to accept and process in ourselves.

You are close to the truth.

Sorry for the humor, but it's good that it's not the colon.

You can imagine that there are such civilizations, transporters of waste.

Let's remember everything that has been said about the human race. That we are the library of the universe. That we were created as slaves for gold mining, that our world was created as a prison for the dregs of civilizations.

All this is an interpretation of the same thing, the essence of the fact that you are part of God and perform certain functions in the universe. And the processing of the negative is your function. You can call it a cookie, but you can call it something else. Filter of Divine Emanations.

If we continue the analogy, then it turns out that everything that comes to God in the form of some food, the very essence of this food, is sent to us so that we dissolve and filter out the most harmful and unnecessary, and send the unprocessed to the removal from the body of God?

The filter implies division into parts. That is, the selection of what corresponds to the body of God, and what corresponds to it to a lesser extent and requires processing or withdrawal. Thus, when filtering, what is clean and what is polluted is formed. Doesn't it remind you of anything?

Reminds Light and Darkness. Reminds me of duality.


It turns out somehow too utilitarian. We were told that our world is an experiment in which duality is created so that there is development and movement. That we are the perfect creations of God and the instrument of God's creation, his co-creators. And you're talking about cells that are designed to process and filter out poisons.

Think about it the other way. If your liver fails, you won't be able to survive. You can't survive like the physical body. And you will not be able to pass the corresponding experiments that you have chosen. Therefore, similarly, if humanity cannot work as a filter of the Emanations of God, then God will not be able to go through all those experiences of perception and creation that He has chosen, which He wants to go through in cognition. Are you ready to fulfill great missions and be a creator, but are you not ready to work to purify the Universe?

No, why. It was just necessary then to say so right away, and not to paint wonderful prospects for us.

Let's get back to your body. Why do your internal organs exist? Because the cells of your body "agreed" and each chose a part of some organ they would like to be. And each cell can stop its experience, passing through death and a new incarnation in the structure of another human body or even in the structure of your body as part of another organ. After all, your organs change their cellular composition. Imagine that a liver cell says: “Fie, how uninteresting, I would like to be a brain, and here is a liver!” But of course it's humor. In fact, different experiences bring different perceptions and different skills. And different understanding. Therefore, each particle of God chooses as which "organ" of God it should exist and perceive and create. Also, when you descended into humanity, you knew that you would be in an environment where the filtration of the Emanations of God takes place.

You know, I imagined that one of my liver cells was channeling and trying to take information from my brain as an explanation for what the liver was for. Funny. Or she imagined how older liver cells train young liver cells, which do not want to work as filters at all, but want to create something.

Let's get back to our topic. The analogy I gave you, of course, cannot be taken literally. But still, it is very close to understanding that everyone in the universe performs certain functions that he himself voluntarily shouldered. Or rather chose as the passage of a certain experience. And there are various parts of the universe in which certain functions of the existence of God are concentrated. Or you can call it his organs, by analogy with human body. Therefore, when the time comes for civilization to mature, it begins to realize its role in the universe. And the role is not fluttering from creation to creation, but creative work in the general structure and hierarchy of the universe to fulfill its main function. Now you can understand that the function of humanity is to purify the Emanations of God. And this serious function. And very important.

Apparently, humanity does not cope well with this function.

Yes you are right.

So the body of God is sick?

Of course not. In the universe there are many structures that correlate the development of the common Divine Organism, and humanity is only one of the filters.

Then the stories that our planet is a prison for those who are too negative and are sent here to serve their sentences are understandable.

In fact, for correction and purification. Exactly. But let's not use the word "prison" because human prisons are so negative that it will cause a corresponding reaction in you. Let's take the concept - a school for lagging creators.

So, in this school there are collected Souls who could not pass the experience Divine Creation and Divine perception in other worlds and are directed here to work off the negative that they have accumulated in themselves over the years of incarnations in other parts of the universe. This school has different classes. And different lessons. Compare with your 12-year-old school. Primary School- this is the introduction of concepts and tighter control, since young Souls are still inexperienced and the memory of the past accumulated negative is still strong in them. Therefore, in these classes there is such a thing as karma. Karma is the working off of a wrongly passed lesson until the student understands it. In elementary school, you can learn many times, many times staying for the “second year”, incarnating again and again, until all the lessons have been completed. And, of course, elementary school students feel that they are being oppressed, forced to take lessons, forced to do assignments, punished and made to suffer.

But now the student moves to the fourth "grade" and begins to master the basic disciplines. Actually, that is the fourth level we are talking about. Skills are being taught here. Rather, they help the Soul to remember its skills lost during previous incarnations. The skill of telepathy, the skill of seeing subtle worlds, the skill of moving outside the physical body. And this school is in fact, as you were told, the school of creation, because every essence in the Universe is creative and is a mini-god, and sooner or later it will become a god of a certain level and will rise higher and higher in the hierarchy of gods to infinity. But this is a separate issue. Let's go back to school.

As you understand, primary school students are not told about telepathy and seeing the subtle worlds, only in the form of fairy tales and legends. For easy digestibility. And, of course, primary school students are not taught, say, levitation or telekinesis. Because they can create something that can harm them and other students of the school of creators. Until they learn the discipline of the Spirit, which is developed with experience, special disciplines are inaccessible to them. Teachers can tell about them, but only in an allegorical form. And, of course, among such students there are always the most talented ones who begin to understand special disciplines on their own and make brilliant inventions and show experiments of beautiful creations. These are excellent students or geeks.

So, the student of the school of creators moved to the fourth grade. And he begins to slowly master the skills of the creator. You and many of you are just fourth-grade students. And you still have a long way to learn all the skills of the creators. Then the fifth, sixth and seventh level. And so on. And after graduating from the school of creators, you will all come out corrected, trained in the discipline of the Spirit, with the worked out negative of past incarnations and pass the exam for independent creators.

But there is a law of freedom of choice, and not everyone wants to go to school for the underachievers. Therefore, your world was made the most attractive in terms of incarnation. That is, here you can go through such lessons and get such experience that you will not get in other parts of the Universe. The dense physical world gives a lot of opportunities for perception and creates, as it were, extreme conditions. At the same time, in this world there is a very wide palette of all kinds of experiences that can be passed already in the first incarnation. For example, different parts of the planet, where the climate is different. Or different hierarchical levels of incarnation. Or an incarnation in a female and male incarnation. During your life, you go through many roles at once, according to your age and your social functions. You can work in any field, create in any field. Ride on different countries and so on. In general, a huge palette of choices even at the first incarnation. Therefore, the school becomes attractive for those Souls who like to choose and love extreme conditions. And that is why some Souls feel like they are in a prison here. And some rejoice at the opportunity to go through so many experiences.

I want to draw your attention to the fact that not only beings with a negative experience of creation arrive at the school. But also volunteers who either want to try new experiences and have “heard a lot” about this school, which works wonders and makes conscious creators out of the lagging behind. Or they are conscious participants of the school who want to help kindred Souls go through their experiments and training in the school of lagging behind creators, although in fact they are not, but simply want to be close to their Soul.

Therefore, it becomes clear to you why there is so much negativity in this world and why there is good and evil here. Evil is an act that is wrong from the point of view of a conscious creator. Kindness is a correctly learned lesson in the interaction of creators. Because the creator is not just the freedom of creation, but the responsibility for one's creations and works for the general prosperity and development.

Therefore, there is a Teacher system, and there are higher angelic mentors who are waiting for you from the 7th grade, and someone is already being led, so to speak, by voluntary mentoring. And in the final classes, seraphim, and the lords of karma, and the lords of time, and many others are waiting for you. And you have to master all these disciplines: the management of reality, and time, and the creation of spaces, and the management of karma, and the creation of karma. And after the “prom” you will choose your specialization and become conscious participants in the creation of the Universe.

Therefore, now you are not given specific knowledge, say, about time or the creation of space. But only general concepts. Can a fourth grade student master quantum physics? Only at the level of a housewife.

I like your humor. Is this school only on Earth? What about other civilizations?

Let's call it a university, and then you will understand that the planet Earth is one of the faculties.

I do not understand. Let's say those civilizations that are already at the fourth and fifth levels and have processed all the negativity, are they part of this school? If so, then they did not incarnate on Earth.

Yes, but they were embodied in the dense world in the 3rd level of density. You can call the Earth one of the playgrounds, so to speak, one of the buildings of a huge school, in which there are many different students, or a national structure in which fellow tribesmen take lessons together.

Then I understand all the channelings on the topic, then we are the beloved children of the universe, that we are future creators, that we are loved, that great things are ahead of us, and so on without specifics. You are simply trying to instill in us the spirit of discipleship and the desire to learn.

Yes, of course, but we really love you. Some of us also went through this school and descended into the physical plane. So to speak "for an internship." To try to pass all the lessons by yourself. This is when the teacher himself solves the test for a while or takes a student test to see if he can cope with this task. And is it even possible to accomplish this task? In addition, we are also growing in terms of the level of teaching.

But in the upper classes you will be taught by those essences that have literally angelic patience and angelic "qualifications", that is, abilities close to the abilities of God. And there you will feel more big love, therefore, in fact, the Universe is all permeated with the Love of the Great God. And this impulse is transmitted to everyone. And you, like lagging behind children, are loved no less than others, and maybe more, as we love prodigal son in the parable of Jesus.

Then let's look at the hierarchies. The planetary Logos is then something like the dean of a faculty. And who is the director of the school or the rector of the university?

The Great Spirit, whose name you have not yet known. Everything has its time.

And Jesus?

Now he can be called the ideologist of your faculty. And its embodiment can be compared, say, with the staging of a school play. where he played one of main cast and the purpose of which was to teach students love and acceptance. It was a wonderful lesson. And he was brilliantly played.

Yes, much becomes clear. Including our forgetfulness, that same veil. We forget our past incarnations in order to learn how to do everything differently, in a new way. To re-learn the lessons.

Yes. You understood correctly.

As for you, you came here for a new experience. And therefore it is quite capable of helping other people and therefore you help them, and therefore the abilities of the fourth level were opened in you earlier than in other students.

And the so-called Lightworkers, those who already have psychic abilities. Are they talented students, excellent students, or something else?

Differently. Most are excellent students. But there are those among them who specially incarnated to help humanity. And there are curious people, so to speak, who came to incarnate in order to get a unique experience. And since I came without a negative base, I was able to go through these lessons faster than others.

Good. Are there any cases when the student did not want or could not master the study? Has anyone been expelled from this school?

Yes, but there are few such cases. There are no unloved children with God. Those who cannot study at this school are sent to another. Until he finds himself and remembers the creator in himself.

Then, in this connection and in that analogy, what is dark forces and the Hierarchy of Darkness?

Dark forces are those in this school who have not yet been able to work off negative karma. And the Hierarchy of Darkness is the trainers for working off negative karma. Well, let's say a wrestling coach who first teaches you just to build muscle and fight, and then teaches the philosophy of combat, but this is already in collaboration with bright teachers. Everyone understands and perceives lessons differently. Some find it easier through the lessons of combat and suffering. Through the Dark Hierarchy, through dark mentors, through Hell. Someone can immediately comprehend the wisdom of creation and go through lessons through bright mentors, through Paradise.

But the first is still more?

Yes. Because most of you arrived with negative experiences from past incarnations.

Then why does it appear that you are at enmity and fighting, I mean the Hierarchy of Light and the Hierarchy of Darkness?

Because in these terms, the training is more understandable to those who come from the war. That is, he arrived with negative karma. But gradually the students begin to realize that the teachers are not at enmity, but only each one uses his own method of teaching, and all of that is directed to their benefit, to their development.

Are you saying that the dark Masters also love us?

Oh sure. They have such a role, such a job. They are not loved because they have to teach you unpleasant lessons. But they also chose this path for themselves for some reason.

Then why now a word to the Hierarchs of Light? Why are chenas and information spread only from the Light Hierarchs, from the Forces of Light, and calls are made to overcome Darkness?

And your mother said - be a child of oil, for your tone is an order of magnitude higher than that of a human. As you stood, old man, so you will stand, but not like that and not there. As you were, so you will become, for the stone ...

Teacher's message about chakras and places of power

Forces: Welcome! Your system is attuned to your energy centers - chakras, and often there is a predominance of which center you are attached to. Usually this is determined by two centers, they are located next to and ...

Message from the Arcturian Group January 12, 7528/2020

Dear ones, you intellectually understand, but you must actually acknowledge that you are much more than you have been led to believe. what convinced you. Throughout their lives, people have been manipulated and taught that...

Original taken from digitall_angell in The Third Party, Digital Physics, and the Reality Virus (Pt. 3)

I continue to publish the material received recently. Start. The second part

This theme goes directly to the relationship of the sexes, because gender is a consequence of the separation of duality. We are originally androgynes.

There are men whose role is to purify women. Women constantly press them (complaining about their problems) and a man must replay these situations in himself and transmit to the woman a cleared block of information about behavior with the application of the necessary energies. But this experiment was recognized as practically a failure 1 - because of its complexity, 2 - misunderstanding by these carriers of their missions.

The distortions of female energy are known in the form of their physical manifestations and the sages of antiquity are described quite in full. Can a man teach a woman to get rid of Anti? No. He can only give her information with which she will cook and think about herself.

Only at a subtle level could the Magi charge a woman with a standard, which they did. How the Anti energy inside a woman reacts to the influence of Light - the principle of setting up. The only favorite, and therefore predictable action of the Anti-Force is disguise and setup. There are two steps to this principle:
1. The fool himself is to blame, you blame me, but in fact you are to blame. That's right, you're the only one she can set up in this case.
2. Well, do it yourself. Shifting a case that requires strengthening female energy to another - to a man or to a weaker woman. The fulfillment of this deed will revive her feminine nature, which the Anti-force cannot allow in any way - this will cause a shift in the balance and displacement of the Anti energy, since retreat under pressure is inherent in its initial principle. She fights to the end only when she has nowhere to retreat and is doubly dangerous here.

All this is described in Russian culture. All this exists and has come down to us through folklore and rituals and sayings, BUT the reasons are forgotten and this is not seen as a problem.

On this occasion, there are 2 important characteristics of a person - a woman.
1. Energy balance wives-husbands
2. Presence of impurity in it of wives of energy.

Seeing that the Anti energy began to manifest itself on Earth, the Hierarchs began the project of the Glorious Aryans.
The Aryans were able to overcome the influence of Anti in themselves and the world around them with the help of culture and unbending faith in the Laws of the Creator. Observance of traditions and certain rigid limits of behavior could prevent discord in the influence of the Anti-Force. This is the only precedent in the entire history of the Earth when the Anti-force could not overcome the amount of energy it needed. This phenomenon will serve as an example for peoples and civilizations in the possible struggle with any force. Space will remember this forever.

Arya did. What to do now, when legends remain from the Aryan culture and it does not dominate the world? It is impossible to focus on the Indian Vedas - their followers perceive them as an Indian religion, not only knowledge, but this leads to distortions and inhibition of the exit-purification from the Anti-force. Only the revival of the Aryan culture with the use of new technologies of mankind will be able to build prosperity. After all, the task is visible - it is necessary to get rid, eradicate, remove from people the remnants of Anti-energy, which is transmitted from generation to generation. The task is complicated by the fact that a person is a breeding ground for this force, and it is able to multiply if it successfully imposes its behavior on an individual. Especially for a woman.

If the women of the Earth got rid of the manifestation of this energy, which they consider "their individuality and the "natural qualities of a woman", then the revival of the Earth would go by leaps and bounds, because this Universe and the Earth, among other things, rests on the maternal female energy. After all, men are born from women, which means they carry her energies into this world.According to quantum laws, if a woman's behavior changes, then the behavior can change for everyone she gave birth to and who gave birth to her, because all people of the family, related Earth connections- are interconnected.. A woman must realize that the revival of the Earth depends only on her. To know what to strive for, you need to know the characteristics of the ideal female nature.

What is it - the original reference feminine energy? You need to tune into it and cultivate it in yourself.
Enlightened remembering people lived on Earth, who knew that this Force was contained in women, but their thoughts were distorted by the power of Anti and were also distortedly embodied. In the idea of ​​fighting Evil, the Anti-power seized the moment, and therefore the Eastern women, bearing multiple Aryan heritage, were turned into weak-willed beings, and the cults of the Moon Goddesses flourished.

And, a man who does not respect women - they usually say this in response to the words that All evil comes from women. This is the pure truth and these are unique words that have come down to us. But if you do not understand how they appeared, they lead to discord. A person who utters these words and understands their history and meaning will not cause such a negative reaction. On the contrary, behind apparent disagreement, the woman is ready to meet explanations on this matter, therefore she herself would like to know why, in fact, this is happening.

It can be seen that the initiate speaks these words with a proposal to explain their nature, and not with an accusatory bias, to which women always react, defending themselves. Only conscious women who know how to launch a thought into a cell of consciousness and analyze it by trying it on themselves can adequately respond to these words. Basically, the EGO of a person slams these words and reflects them. It is Ego, not the energy of Anti. Because when a man speaks such words with anger and accusation, then Anti is only at hand. More energy of Chaos - more food, more opportunities to capture a man in his influence.

What was the original woman, and how was female energy distorted in the experiment of creating Evil?
You can also go analytically - to find all the most blissful features female character and mold the image of the standard.
The Vedas come close to understanding the qualities real woman. Well, as they approach - they are 100% right. But this is true for an Indian woman. And what is needed is a single base of qualities, a single base of female energy, which is already joined by folk flavor.
On the territory of Holy Rus' there is a unique contrast - women who carry ideal female energies, purified through connection with the Family and Kin. And women who bring distortion and destruction to all living things, even to their children.

An interesting phenomenon is the shift in the proportions of female energies in the male body. Men who wear a relative balance of masculine and feminine are the incubators of the solution to the solution of the women's issue. In their analytical way, they study the manifestation of female nature and, with their energy content, they try to grow ideal female features, having cleansed them of filth.

There is even an experiment on reformatting male nature into female nature in order to remove the manifestation of the Anti Energy and get absolutely stable female energies mixed with the male principle. A kind of hybrid, which is an unnatural and rejected body of the planet of mother Earth. But the manifestation of such a cocktail gives excellent results - the essence is creative, highly creative, enduring, but emotionally unstable. Doubly unstable - unbalanced female energy + male will gives a kind of energy explosion and a strong distortion of the perception of the world.

The female energy is stable only when the brain and nervous system are in good condition. Deviations in these parameters distort their behavior much more strongly due to sensitivity than the same changes in men. Men are less sensitive.

An excerpt from a good book.

The strength and protection of the Creation lies in the fact that the Creator needs an increase in consciousness, which he spent creating and spiritualizing matter. So much energy was expended on this that a real threat of penetration into the Universe of CHAOS was created.

Chaos is the existence of a foreign substance in which everything is in a dissolved form. The introduction of this alien matter destroys the Creation, all forms of life in the Universe, disrupts the course of evolution, causes the course of life to disobey the forces of the mind. (in this case, let's recall the concepts of fear and entropy that generate Chaos)

There were separate moments when he (chaos) almost succeeded, but the supernatural efforts of the sons and daughters of the Creator established order in the entire Universe.

The power of the Creator grows with the consciousness of people, and this is the truth of His existence. His consciousness is not unlimited and there are limitations of the mind, behind which the unmanifested mind begins, and behind the unmanifested mind - chaos. Everything is dissolved in it - mind, matter, life. Everything exists and does not exist in chaos, because it is in an unmanifested state.

This unorganized substance sometimes breaks into our Universe, violating the laws, the course of time common to all Absolute Universes, the development of evolution, crushing everything in its path, destroying the Creation, its essence, its Creator. This is a terrible phenomenon.

Growing consciousness through Humanity, the Creator found a way to stop these invasions, these destructions of Creation and Existence. Often the invasions of chaos are accompanied by the activation of dark forces, although they are partially under His control. Being under His emanations, the dark forces are gradually transformed, accepting His Will. This is the eternal struggle between Good and Evil. The eternal desire for destruction, which HE uses as a starting point for the further development of the world in a different capacity.

The Eternal Mind, which created its Creation and the laws governing this Creation, created its own kind, and will not give it to anyone, including chaos. In the black non-existence of chaos, many Creations disappeared, many Creators disappeared, and only He was able to resist this, for He learned to create His own kind, possessing reason.

There are a lot of reasonable creatures in our Universe, but the most successful turned out to be the Reasonable Mankind. It is His support, His protection and His pride.

Until now, many have guessed what was said, but a direct answer is given for the first time.

Krivchenko Galina Mikhailovna 2006


Posts on the aspects and theme of the Creator and Creation :

They diligently try to lead us away from the primordial wisdom known to representatives of ancient civilizations. That is why the very fact of the existence of these antediluvian civilizations is called into question by certain forces. And precisely in order for us to focus our attention as long as possible on external activity, and not on comprehending our inner essence, they slipped us a completely falsified version of history, and also, with the help of various cunning tricks, diligently distract us from the goal for which we and came into this world.
They try to convince us that the most effective method impact on reality is a direct physical impact. However, in reality, things are not quite so. Recent discoveries in the field of quantum physics offer us the concept of a holographic universe, in which an important role is assigned to the phenomena of consciousness.
But in order to reveal, awaken our dormant abilities, it is necessary to move from excessive and often harmful external hyperactivity to our world and ourselves to a dialogue with our Higher Self, it is necessary to remember the sacred principle, well known to people ancient civilizations: the most effective way to change reality is to change your inner essence.
By changing our attitude, our attitude to life events and people, we begin to change our destiny. But since everything in the Universe is interconnected, our inner transformation begins to change the reality around us.
In this aspect, as an example, I would like to cite one of the tips of the famous Russian researcher of esoteric knowledge - V. Sinelnikov. Here, for example, is what he writes about the energy-informational impact of criticism on our physical and mental health:
“When we criticize a person, we want him to become better, to change his behavior. Trying to change another person, you literally attack him at the information-energetic level.
By expressing your dissatisfaction with his behavior, you attack him. In fact, with your aggression you are destroying other worlds at the energy level. And aggression causes reciprocal aggression.
But if you don’t like something in another, then look inside yourself - you have this behavior. After all, like attracts like.
The external situation is a reflection of our beliefs, our thoughts. Therefore, expressing disagreement with someone, you go against yourself.
Change your behavior and then this person will be forced to react to you in a new way. Create a space of love, harmony around you. By changing your world, your personal little state, your system of thinking, you are making a positive contribution to the overall model, to the entire Universe. After all, you are part of the whole.”
Thus, it is the internal work on oneself, and not external hyperactivity, that can effectively change not only your own destiny, but also the world around you. It is not for nothing that the powers that be are so diligently hiding from us this ancient wisdom: Do you want to change the world? Start with yourself!”

Is it possible for the manifestation of magic in our world? Modern quantum physics (in particular, the work of Bohm, Pribram, Detela, Talbolt, etc.) suggests that in our hologram world, much depends on the abilities of our consciousness, or rather, on our willingness to create this magic.
Here, for example, is what W. Arntz, B. Chase, M. Vicente write about this in their book “Rabbit Hole, or What Do We Know About Ourselves and the Universe?”:
“If we create our reality and there is no magic in it, then it is we who create it this way, right? Indeed, it seems strange that most people like magic and would like to learn magic, but still continue to use the remote control to turn on the TV.
Arises interest Ask: where is the place of magic in relation to science? Of course, just 200 years ago, a TV remote control (and the TV itself!) would have been considered a magical tool. The ancient Sumerians would write about gods capable of talking to each other by the power of magic, being on different parts of the world. Today it is very easy. So what's the difference?
Science is methodological, but the same can be said about magic: manuals on magic and witchcraft, like a cookbook, describe procedures for achieving the desired result. So it looks like magic is just science, but in a different paradigm."
From this we can draw a quite definite conclusion that, remaining within the framework of the outdated paradigm of three-dimensional mechanical reality, we cut ourselves off from the magic of the Universe around us and from the development of the “magic” abilities of our consciousness.
Or maybe not quite themselves? Maybe they help us with this strenuously? There is an interesting book called The Non-Magician's Handbook, and in that book there is a chapter called "How to turn a wizard into a toad?" Here are some tips for this:
No. 1. Convince people that they are NOT wizards.
No. 2. Teach them how to become victims.
#3 Limit their belief system.
No. 4. Declaring the new knowledge system a scam and making it inaccessible.
No. 5. Make wizards hideous, creepy; convince people it's dangerous to be a wizard.
No. 6. Make wizards lie.
No. 7. Never look deep into yourself.
Isn't it true, now it becomes quite clear who exactly is actively using all these principles in relation to humanity. These are all official structures that support the criminal Pyramid of Power, which is based on a vampiric network created by the planetary forces of darkness and destruction.
Are not representatives of official science trying to convince us that we are not magicians? Aren't pseudoscientific commissions "to combat pseudoscience" (by the way, financed and supported by the Rockefeller Foundation and other structures of the world's financial and oligarchic "elite") trying to limit our understanding of the world around us to the framework of the long-obsolete paradigm of orthodox science? Don't they declare any knowledge that goes beyond this paradigm "quackery" and "pseudoscience"?
Didn't the representatives of orthodox religions at first try to destroy as much as possible with the help of the Inquisition? more people with paranormal powers, convincing people that being a wizard is dangerous? Didn't they try to reformat the image of the wizard into a disgusting and terrible sorcerer?
Isn't the official media bombarding us with a stream of false information about the surrounding reality, based on the ideology of violence, lies, money-grubbing and the cult of bodily pleasures?
Is it not this vicious ideology, created for us by representatives of the global pseudo-elite, faithfully serving their dark masters, that is trying to distract us, lead us away from our true essence and our purpose in this world and impose on us the psychology of the victim - a weak-willed "cog" in the soulless , artificially created mechanisms - states, societies, parties?
Don't be fooled! And official science, and orthodox religions, and all the mainstream media are under the control of the faithful servants of Darkness, and this explains very well why it is not profitable for them to let you know that in fact you are wizards and are able to create your own reality and control your own destiny. .
While you are at the level of a dumb "cash cow" and an easily controlled biorobot, they program instead of you and create a reality that is beneficial to them. And all this is done with your tacit consent, i.e. not believing that you are wizards and are able to control your own destiny, you voluntarily give power over yourself, your destiny and your reality to the forces of darkness and their faithful servants, who are part of the dark Pyramid of Power.
Is it worth it later to whine that “our world is imperfect” and that bloodshed continues in the world, the Earth’s ecology is being destroyed, more and more new epidemics appear, etc.? Is it worth it to whine about the fact that “fate failed”, and everything that you dreamed of as a child did not come true?
All this is the result of your voluntary refusal (in favor of the dark forces) to create such a reality that would reflect your interests to a greater extent, and not the interests of a bunch of presumptuous servants of Darkness (Committee of 300), who seized power over people and made their capital by deceit and cunning at the expense of the suffering and death of many ordinary people.

How can we break out of the dark web of the forces of evil and regain the ability to design our own destiny, our reality, to revive the ability to create magic that was originally inherent in us? Once again, carefully read the tips "how to turn a wizard into a toad" and do the opposite.
So, what is needed for this:
1. To believe (and even better to know on the basis of quantum physics) that magic was originally embedded in the structure of our Universe, and all people have the potential abilities of wizards and only voluntarily abandoned them in favor of the forces of darkness that seized power on our planet and their faithful servants .
2. Get rid of the psychology of the victim, i.e. take responsibility for your actions, for your destiny and for the events taking place in the world. It is necessary to understand that we ourselves create our own destiny, attracting events that are consonant with the direction of our thoughts, words and actions, i.e., for example, bad thoughts attract bad circumstances. That is why a positive inner attitude is so important, that is why kind words, thoughts and deeds attract adequate events to a person.
It all depends on us, and not on the powers that be, who are only trying to use us for their own purposes. That is why, for example, so much negativity pours into our consciousness through the media controlled by the Pyramid of Power. They are not at all interested in you becoming the masters of your own destiny. But don't you have a choice? So do it!
3. Do not be slaves to the existing system of ideas about the world and the role of man in it. Any paradigm is only a temporary description of the picture of reality, and therefore, over time and under the pressure of new discoveries and research, this picture will invariably change. Therefore, do not blindly believe those who say: "This cannot be." Only one who has full knowledge of the surrounding Universe, i.e., can assert such a thing. its Creator himself. The knowledge of any person, even the most intelligent, is still quite far from the level of the Creator, therefore, he cannot know what is possible and what is not, in the Universe, which he did not create. So is it worth believing in someone's assumptions based not on knowledge of reality, but on blind faith in one's own omniscience and infallibility?
4. Do not blindly believe those who indiscriminately declare all new knowledge that goes beyond the framework of the dominant scientific paradigm "pseudoscience" and "quackery". This is done on purpose to keep your consciousness in frequencies, easily controlled by forces darkness, deprive you of the opportunity to develop and awaken your hidden abilities. Always strive to learn something new and unusual, because as soon as you stop learning from the Universe, your development stops, and you yourself invariably begin to turn into biorobots, blindly following the “programs” installed in your mind - predictable stereotypes of behavior necessary to keep the power of forces darkness on our planet.
5. Do not believe in false propaganda. Know that there is nothing dangerous in real magic if you approach it with a pure heart and if you do not try to be happy at the expense of other people or sentient beings.
6. Try not to follow the "ideal" lifestyle of biorobots, which they try to impose on you with the help of false truths, delusional ideological and political fairy tales. No material wealth in the world will make you truly happy. So is it worth it to lie, pretend, hate, envy those who have more material resources than you? All these negative emotions and feelings "cut off" you from your unawakened magical abilities.
7. Look inside yourself more often, communicate with your true "I". This is the most important advice, because it is communication with our true essence that opens for us the “doors of perception” of the amazing world that surrounds us. Starting to perceive the world beyond the false dogmas and ideas imposed on us, we begin to understand the Language of the Universe and receive qualitatively new knowledge from it that can awaken our dormant abilities for magic in us.
Still don't believe in magic and want to remain a technocratic "toad"? Please note: this is your choice and only you are responsible for all its consequences! Good luck!

Cleansing Intentions

Theoretical physicist Henry Stapp believes that intention affects the processes that occur in the brain. Commenting on this phenomenon, G. Stapp believes that, like nothing else, it perfectly demonstrates the ability of an “illusory” consciousness to control a completely material brain:
“Quantum mechanics includes a certain mechanism, thanks to which, by mental effort, it is possible to restrain the forces that arise in the mechanical sphere of nature. This allows the mental intention to influence the processes occurring in the brain.
But it is not so. Intention affects not only the processes taking place in the brain, but also the processes taking place in the reality around us. Modern quantum physics, within the framework of the latest ideas about the structure of the Universe, tells us that if we start holding the same intention for a long enough time and continuously by repeatedly posing the same question to the Universe, then we begin to change the quantum probability of events.
It is not for nothing that many modern theoretical physicists who study the Universe within the framework of the concepts of quantum physics are sure that due to the presence of consciousness we are able to increase the probability that the event we need will happen. Here, for example, is what W. Arntz, M. Vicente and B. Chase write about this in their book “The Rabbit Hole, or What Do We Know About Ourselves and the Universe?”:
“Within consciousness, there is the possibility of choice, or free will, thanks to the amplifier of quantum events, which is arranged according to the principle of nesting. By exercising free will, we can hold the desired outcome in the brain. Then the impulses of our intention (to get this result) follow each other with the maximum possible frequency (this action seems to be continuous, but in reality it is a sequence of “now” moments).
In this way, we can influence the probabilities of the processes of the quantum world and increase the likelihood that the event we need will happen.”
It is also interesting that this power - Intention - has long been known to shamans and magicians, and it is she who underlies many magical practices and paranormal abilities of people. The American anthropologist K. Castaneda was told about the same force by his teacher, the Indian magician Don Juan Matus.
Mastering this power is not as easy as it might seem, because Intention and ordinary desire are not the same thing. Here is what K. Castaneda wrote about this force:
“For the shamans of ancient Mexico, intention was a force that they could visualize when they saw energy as it flows through the universe.
They called it an all-pervading force involved in every aspect of time and space. This is the one driving force that lies behind all things. The unimaginably important discovery of those shamans was that this intention - a pure abstraction - is closely related to the person. Man has always been able to manipulate intention. The shamans of ancient Mexico realized that the only way to influence this power was through impeccable behavior. Only the most disciplined practitioner is capable of accomplishing this feat."
All this explains very well why, despite the potential possibilities of our consciousness, not all of our desires come true and come true. Only by learning to control Intention do we become true masters of our own destiny. But the action of this force lies beyond the boundaries of logic, and therefore, in order to master it, a change in our view of the surrounding reality is required, a transition from the unconditional power of logical intelligence to the area of ​​​​spiritual intuition.
Here, for example, is the clue Castaneda left us regarding the nature of Intention:
“Intention is a thing about which it is very difficult to say anything intelligible. If I or anyone else tries to explain what intention is, his words will sound like idiotic nonsense. Now I will try to formulate. The magician forms the intention to do what he intends to do simply by the fact that he intends to do it.
"But that's meaningless nonsense, don Juan!"
- ... As any rational thinking person, you attribute understanding exclusively to the sphere of rational common sense, that is, to the sphere of the mind.
But my statement is about intent. Therefore, from the point of view of the magician, the understanding of this formulation belongs to the sphere of functions energy body. Magicians believe that if a person has the intention to understand this formulation, his energy body understands it in a completely different way than his mind could do. The trick is to get to the energy body. And this requires energy.
"In what terms does the energy body understand this formulation, don Juan?"
- Like a feeling, a feeling in the body, which is very difficult to describe. To know what I'm talking about, you need to feel it yourself.
Thus, intention is the domain of our energy body, not our logical mind. That is why this force is inaccessible to the understanding of people who have a narrowly materialistic three-dimensional perception of reality. But perhaps that's for the best. Can you imagine what would happen if all the desires of spiritually undeveloped people began to manifest themselves in reality? What would become of our world?
And yet, even an undeveloped consciousness brings certain changes to our world. Therefore, it is necessary to treat your words, thoughts and desires with sufficient caution. Many events are attracted to us by the principle of similarity. Therefore, wishing someone evil, a person always attracts him into his life.
Only by freeing yourself from the power of self-importance can you clear your mind of dark thoughts and desires. And, before reaching such a level, it is better not to try to master the power of magical intention ...
Mikhail Kuznetsov
Moscow region
[email protected]

This theme goes directly to the relationship of the sexes, because gender is a consequence of the separation of duality. We are originally androgynes.

There are men whose role is to purify women. Women constantly press them (complaining about their problems) and a man must replay these situations in himself and transmit to the woman a cleared block of information about behavior with the application of the necessary energies. But this experiment was recognized as practically a failure 1 - because of its complexity, 2 - misunderstanding by these carriers of their missions.

Distortions of female energy are known in the form of their physical manifestations and are described by the sages of antiquity quite in full. Can a man teach a woman to get rid of Anti? No. He can only give her information with which she will cook and think about herself.

Only at a subtle level could the Magi charge a woman with a standard, which they did. How the Anti energy inside a woman reacts to the influence of Light - the principle of setting up. The only favorite, and therefore predictable action of the Anti-Force is disguise and setup. There are two steps to this principle:
1. The fool himself is to blame, you blame me, but in fact you are to blame. That's right, because you're the only one she can set up in this case.
2. Well, do it yourself. Shifting a case that requires strengthening female energy to another - to a man or to a weaker woman. The fulfillment of this deed will revive her feminine nature, which the Anti-force cannot allow in any way - this will cause a shift in the balance and displacement of the Anti energy, since retreat under pressure is inherent in its initial principle. She fights to the end only when she has nowhere to retreat and is doubly dangerous here.

All this is described in Russian culture. All this exists and has come down to us through folklore and rituals and sayings, BUT the reasons are forgotten and this is not seen as a problem.

On this occasion, there are 2 important characteristics of a person - a woman.
1. Energy balance wives-husbands
2. Presence of impurity in it of wives of energy.

Seeing that the Anti energy began to manifest itself on Earth, the Hierarchs began the project of the Glorious Aryans.
The Aryans were able to overcome the influence of Anti in themselves and the world around them with the help of culture and unbending faith in the Laws of the Creator. Observance of traditions and certain rigid limits of behavior could prevent discord in the influence of the Anti-Force. This is the only precedent in the entire history of the Earth when the Anti-force could not overcome the amount of energy it needed. This phenomenon will serve as an example for peoples and civilizations in the possible struggle with any force. Space will remember this forever.

Arya did. What to do now, when legends remain from the Aryan culture and it does not dominate the world? It is impossible to focus on the Indian Vedas - their followers perceive them as an Indian religion, not only knowledge, but this leads to distortions and inhibition of the exit-purification from the Anti-force. Only the revival of the Aryan culture with the use of new technologies of mankind will be able to build prosperity. After all, the task is visible - it is necessary to get rid, eradicate, remove from people the remnants of Anti-energy, which is transmitted from generation to generation. The task is complicated by the fact that a person is a breeding ground for this force, and it is able to multiply if it successfully imposes its behavior on an individual. Especially for a woman.

If the women of the Earth got rid of the manifestation of this energy, which they consider "their individuality and the "natural qualities of a woman", then the revival of the Earth would go by leaps and bounds, because this Universe and the Earth, among other things, rests on the maternal female energy. After all, men are born from women, which means they carry her energies into this world.According to quantum laws, if a woman's behavior changes, then the behavior can change for everyone she gave birth to and who gave birth to her, because all people of the family, connected by family ties on Earth, are interconnected ..A woman must realize that the revival of the Earth depends only on her.To know what to strive for, you need to know the characteristics of the ideal female nature.

What is it - the original reference female energy? You need to tune into it and cultivate it in yourself.
Enlightened remembering people lived on Earth, who knew that this Force was contained in women, but their thoughts were distorted by the power of Anti and were also distortedly embodied. In the idea of ​​fighting Evil, the Anti-power seized the moment, and therefore the Eastern women, bearing multiple Aryan heritage, were turned into weak-willed beings, and the cults of the Moon Goddesses flourished.

And, a man who does not respect women - they usually say this in response to the words that All evil comes from women. This is the pure truth and these are unique words that have come down to us. But if you do not understand how they appeared, they lead to discord. A person who utters these words and understands their history and meaning will not cause such a negative reaction. On the contrary, behind apparent disagreement, the woman is ready to meet explanations on this matter, therefore she herself would like to know why, in fact, this is happening.

It can be seen that the initiate speaks these words with a proposal to explain their nature, and not with an accusatory bias, to which women always react, defending themselves. Only conscious women who know how to launch a thought into a cell of consciousness and analyze it by trying it on themselves can adequately respond to these words. Basically, the EGO of a person slams these words and reflects them. It is Ego, not the energy of Anti. Because when a man speaks such words with anger and accusation, then Anti is only at hand. More energy of Chaos - more food, more opportunities to capture a man in his influence.

What was the original woman, and how was female energy distorted in the experiment of creating Evil?
You can also go analytically - find all the most benevolent traits of a female character and mold the image of a standard.
The Vedas come close to understanding the qualities of a real woman. Well, as they approach - they are 100% right. But this is true for an Indian woman. And what is needed is a single base of qualities, a single base of female energy, which is already joined by folk flavor.
On the territory of Holy Rus' there is a unique contrast - women who carry ideal female energies, purified through connection with the Family and Kin. And women who bring distortion and destruction to all living things, even to their children.

An interesting phenomenon is the shift in the proportions of female energies in the male body. Men who wear a relative balance of masculine and feminine are the incubators of the solution to the solution of the women's issue. In their analytical way, they study the manifestation of female nature and, with their energy content, they try to grow ideal female features, having cleansed them of filth.

There is even an experiment on reformatting male nature into female nature in order to remove the manifestation of the Anti Energy and get absolutely stable female energies mixed with the male principle. A kind of hybrid, which is an unnatural and rejected body of the planet of mother Earth. But the manifestation of such a cocktail gives excellent results - the essence is creative, highly creative, enduring, but emotionally unstable. Doubly unstable - unbalanced female energy + male will gives a kind of energy explosion and a strong distortion of the perception of the world.

The female energy is stable only when the brain and nervous system are in good condition. Deviations in these parameters distort their behavior much more strongly due to sensitivity than the same changes in men. Men are less sensitive.

An excerpt from a good book.

The strength and protection of the Creation lies in the fact that the Creator needs an increase in consciousness, which he spent creating and spiritualizing matter. So much energy was expended on this that a real threat of penetration into the Universe of CHAOS was created.

Chaos is the existence of a foreign substance in which everything is in a dissolved form. The introduction of this alien matter destroys the Creation, all forms of life in the Universe, disrupts the course of evolution, causes the course of life to disobey the forces of the mind. (in this case, let's remember those generating Chaos)

There were separate moments when he (chaos) almost succeeded, but the supernatural efforts of the sons and daughters of the Creator established order in the entire Universe.

The power of the Creator grows with the consciousness of people, and this is the truth of His existence. His consciousness is not unlimited and there are limitations of the mind, behind which the unmanifested mind begins, and behind the unmanifested mind - chaos. Everything is dissolved in it - mind, matter, life. Everything exists and does not exist in chaos, because it is in an unmanifested state.

This unorganized substance sometimes breaks into our Universe, violating the laws, the course of time common to all Absolute Universes, the development of evolution, crushing everything in its path, destroying the Creation, its essence, its Creator. This is a terrible phenomenon.

Growing consciousness through Humanity, the Creator found a way to stop these invasions, these destructions of Creation and Existence. Often the invasions of chaos are accompanied by the activation of dark forces, although they are partially under His control. Being under His emanations, the dark forces are gradually transformed, accepting His Will. This is the eternal struggle between Good and Evil. The eternal desire for destruction, which HE uses as a starting point for the further development of the world in a different capacity.

The Eternal Mind, which created its Creation and the laws governing this Creation, created its own kind, and will not give it to anyone, including chaos. In the black non-existence of chaos, many Creations disappeared, many Creators disappeared, and only He was able to resist this, for He learned to create His own kind, possessing reason.

There are a lot of reasonable creatures in our Universe, but the most successful turned out to be the Reasonable Mankind. It is His support, His protection and His pride.

Until now, many have guessed what was said, but a direct answer is given for the first time.

Krivchenko Galina Mikhailovna 2006


Posts on the aspects and theme of the Creator and Creation :

Psychology of divorce