Advice to the sick in a modern hospital. Strong prayers and conspiracies for the health of the child Conspiracy to be discharged from the hospital faster

Priest Sergiy Filimonov
(St. Petersburg, Society of St. Basil the Great, 1997)

The occurrence of the disease. Consultation of polyclinic doctors. Hospitalization decision.

When you contact the doctors of the clinic for an explanation about the illness that has arisen, you are required to pray to God, asking the Lord to manage to make a correct diagnosis. Qui bene diagnoscit - bene curat: who diagnoses well, heals well (that is, correctly) - this is the old rule of ancient Roman doctors. Indeed, the success of treatment depends entirely on the correct diagnosis. Any doctor is a person more or less experienced in the medical art. But there are many factors that can lead to the difficulty of diagnosis: the resolution of the equipment, the reliability and accuracy of the technique, the qualifications of the doctor, his experience and level of knowledge of diagnostic and treatment methods, his attentiveness and even mood, condition. And, of course, the full confidence of the doctor on the part of the patient himself.

It is clear and natural that no one is immune from mistakes. Therefore, in committing oneself into the hands of a doctor, one must first surrender into the hands of God. “In illness, before doctors and medicines, use prayer,” said St. Nilus of Sinai. After your prayer, when you said to the Lord: “Thy will be done,” the doctor’s decision must be accepted as God’s providence for you and your health, and, first of all, for the salvation of your soul. If after that you are offered hospitalization, treatment or surgery, your next step is to the temple of God.

On the eve of hospitalization

In the church Orthodox Christian prepares himself for subsequent treatment in the hospital: he confesses (the sacrament of repentance), partakes of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, takes a blessing from the priest for the upcoming treatment, asks his prayers for himself. It is very charitable if (if possible) a magpie is ordered for health and commemoration for the psalter for 1-2 months (the latter is possible in monasteries and monastery courtyards), if relatives, by agreement, pray for the sick and suffering (prayer by agreement).

However, families should be aware that church prayer for the sick is valid if accompanied by the prayer of those who ordered the service. Saint Theophanes testifies to this in the following way: “God listens to prayer when they pray to a soul that is aching for something. If no one takes a breath from the heart, then a prayer service will be cracked, and there will be no prayer for the sick. The same proskomedia, the same mass. … But do you yourself attend prayer services? If not, then your faith is also silent… but by giving money so that others pray, you yourself have thrown off all worries… There is no one who is sick about the sick. It doesn’t even occur to those who serve a prayer service to cheer before the Lord with a soul about those who are commemorated at a prayer service ... And where can they get sick of everyone? Another thing is when you yourself at a prayer service, or in a church at a liturgy, pray during a service ... Then your sickness is taken by the prayer of the Church and quickly ascends to the Throne of God ... and the very prayer of the Church makes it sick, although the servants do not get sick ... you see, what is the strength ?! Attend prayer services yourself, and ache with your soul for the sick.” (St. Theophan the Recluse. "Illness and Death". Excerpts from letters. - M., Publishing Department of the Vladimir Diocese. Orthodox Brotherhood "Guests of Sinners", 1996, p. 24) our strongest faith and hope that the Lord will not leave the sick with his help.


Hospital stay

When preparing yourself for a stay in a medical institution, in addition to personal hygiene items, it is advisable to take with you a prayer book, a folder or an icon depicting the Savior or the Mother of God and your namesake saint (his heavenly patron). By erroneous opinion, many, going to the hospital, take off their pectoral cross. This should not be done, since the cross of Christ protects us and protects us from all sorts of troubles, misfortunes and demonic temptations. Brief prayer"Save and save", inscribed on the reverse side of the cross, reminds each person how and to whom he should turn in a hospital bed. Icons (regardless of size) brought to the hospital are not good to hide in bedside tables, under pillows, as some do. Holy images should stand openly, at the head of the bed, or on the windowsill. It's your right.

Prayer in the hospital

Having entered the hospital, you should find out if there is an Orthodox house church in it, whether prayers and rites are performed in it. In hospital churches, as a rule, special prayer songs are held for the sick, and by participating in them and submitting a memorial note on health, you contribute to your recovery. Some find it difficult to complete the morning and evening prayer rules. To avoid difficulties, you need to find out where the icons are located in the hospital and pray there. You can also pray in the ward. And one should not be embarrassed by the neighborhood of non-believing patients or patients from among those belonging to other religious denominations (non-Orthodox). Standing at your bed in front of the Holy Image, you can read the rule to yourself, and if your reading does not disturb the neighbors in the ward, then it is better out loud, so that they, hearing the words addressed to the Lord and to our Merciful Intercessor, mentally pray with you.

Unfortunately, many people entering the hospital, being formally baptized people and already in adulthood, do not know a single prayer. Therefore, at the end of the book are two of the most important prayers and prayer appeal to the Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon, who for over one and a half thousand years has been the patron saint of doctors of all specialties and the patron and healer of all the sick. The Lord does not require from a sick person that prayer rule as if he were healthy. The complaint of believing patients that they pray badly and do not keep the feat was resolved by St. Tikhon, saying: “What kind of prayer is there for a sick person? Thanksgiving and sigh." This replaces every feat. Give thanks. St. Theophan the Recluse teaches: “There is no sin in praying for recovery… But one must add, “God willing!” (i.e., if you want, Lord). Complete obedience to the Lord, with submissive acceptance of what is sent as a blessing from the good Lord, and gives peace to the soul ... and propitiates the Lord ... And He will either heal or fulfill consolation, despite the deplorable situation. (St. Theophan the Recluse. Ibid., p. 22)

On the eve of the operation

The greatest suffering of souls brings the news of the inevitability of surgical intervention. But everything from the hand of God must be accepted with humility and thanksgiving. Indeed, without the will of God, even a hair from a human head cannot fall, as the Lord Himself says. And then there's the whole operation. How to be? First you need to pray to the Lord to bless the operation, if it pleases Him; if you don’t want to take it away or transfer it to the right time, that is, to the time when the operation will serve for good, for healing, and not for evil, not for complication or destruction. Having prayed like this, then everything must be accepted without a murmur, for there is no prayer. not heard by the Lord. And if the outcome of the operation is not as good, or not as expected by you and the doctors, then it is pleasing to God to continue to bear the cross of illness for you to further cleanse your soul. On the evening before the operation (if it is planned), you should pray for all the doctors who will take part in the operation (surgeons, anesthesiologists, sisters, and others), so that the Lord will make them with his own hands, healing your body; read the evening rule or the prayers indicated in Appendix 1 and go to bed.

Read in the morning morning rule. From the moment the gurney is brought to take you to the operating room, unceasing prayer is required. One should pray short prayers: "Lord have mercy! God bless!" When you are brought to the operating room, do not hesitate to make the sign of the cross on yourself and cross the operating table. (How to make the sign of the cross on yourself - see Appendix 2.) How to deal with pectoral cross? Many anesthesiologists (doctors who provide anesthesia) force the cross to be removed. This is explained by several reasons. The first is if the anesthetist is a non-believer; the second - for purely medical reasons: in the event of an unforeseen situation and the need for resuscitation, the cross on the chain cannot be broken off and cut with scissors, which creates practical inconvenience for the implementation of medical measures; the third - an expensive cross on a gold chain - a temptation for dishonorable people, and the attending physician will have to answer for its loss. Therefore, it is recommended to go for the operation with a simple cross on an ordinary simple thread. If they are not allowed to have a cross on the neck, then it is easily woven into the hair or tied to the hand or one of the fingers of the right hand.

There are cases when patients, for lack of another opportunity, drew a cross on their chest with a ballpoint pen or asked anesthesiologists to leave the cross until the end of the operation on the anesthesia machine. The most important thing is to “go into anesthesia” (fall asleep) with the prayer “Lord, have mercy!” or with the Jesus Prayer: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner,” and with a prayerful intercession to your guardian angel. There are cases when people who "fell asleep" without prayers, even the priestly dignity, in an anesthetic "sleep" were attacked by evil spirits. There are separate testimonies of incantation, "coding" of patients during an anesthetic sleep by some doctors who possess occult knowledge prohibited by the Orthodox Church. Only preliminary prayer and the sign of the cross protect against such and other troubles of the same kind. What are the first words or thoughts that a person who has come to his senses from anesthesia should have? Praise be to God and thank Him for saving life and for the operation: “Glory to Thee, God! Glory to Thee, God! Glory to Thee, God!” It is very good if you ask the ministers of the house hospital church to light a candle at the approximate time of your operation. And having recovered from the operation and strengthened bodily, thank God and the Mother of God yourself by lighting candles.

A complication developed.

The length of stay in the hospital was prolonged.

You keep getting sick and sick, but the outcome is not visible, one bodily sorrow pulled another. Is this by chance? The Lord, the Mother of God, the saints are near you, can they really not see your suffering, and seeing why they make you languish. If they are love and truth, why allow this?

Saint Theophan answers this way: Take for yourself what happens between a pie roasted in the oven and between a hostess. Give the pie a feeling, a thought, a language... What would he say to the hostess?!: Mother! You planted me here and I’m frying ... I don’t have a single grain left unfried, everything burns, to intolerance ... And the trouble is that I don’t see the outcome, and there’s no end to tea. I will turn to the right, I will turn to the left, forward or backward or upward, locked from everywhere, and the heat carries me to intolerance. What did I do to you? Let the hostess understand the speech of the cake. What would she answer him?!: ... What are you, I only care about you. Be patient a little ... and you will see what a handsome man you will turn out to be. … And what kind of fragrance from you will spread throughout the house?! ... Be patient a little more and you will see joy. Now apply this discourse to yourself and to the Lord. The Lord only bakes to prepare your soul through the tightness and heat of illness to understand His will, to fulfill the gospel commandments, that is, to qualitatively change its condition so that a pie comes out of the dough, and not until your death you remain unusable chaff -test. Put yourself in the hands of God and wait. Everything is in the hands of God, and you are all fussing, restless, trying to outwit yourself. Stop doing this and lie quietly, complacently enduring what happened. (St. Theophan the Recluse. Ibid., p. 8).

So are you: you have already run into doctors and consulted in full, wasted money and time. Now the most reasonable thing is, indeed, to lie down and endure, thanking God for everything. Another thing is to calmly think about strengthening your patience. How to do it? In your case, it is appropriate to invite a priest (from the hospital church, and if there is none, then from a nearby one) in order to partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. If you have to undergo a repeated major operation (especially abdominal or neurosurgical), you should gather before the operation and take communion. Meanwhile, the attitude to this, of course, great and gracious support for the patient - for some reason is associated with completely different ideas about it. Most often this happens simply out of ignorance, which is convincingly shown in the brochure "On Superstitions", published by the Sretensky Monastery. “... Many consider it unnecessary to resort to this sacrament, according to the common folk -“ unction with oil ”of the sick. And they resort only when there is no longer any hope in the recovery of the patient, and even when he is unconscious. The reason for this lies in the superstitious opinion that one who has been unctioned with oil must surely die soon. ... With distrust, many of the priest's suggestions that the sacrament of unction is one of the most beneficent sacraments of the holy Church, which she, as a child-loving mother, established to be performed over the sick for their recovery. From diseases not only of the body, but also of the soul (i.e., from sins), and that all the prayers of this sacrament contain prayers for the health of the patient and for the forgiveness of his sins. (“On superstitions.” - M., Sretensky Monastery, 1995, pp. 18-19).

After the operation, the daily consumption of arthos, holy prosphora, holy water (a prayer for their acceptance is given in Appendix 3), anointing yourself with holy oil from the relics of God's saints or from miraculous icons contribute to a speedy recovery.

Unexpectedly diagnosed with cancer

According to existing modern medical provisions, they try not to hide the true diagnosis from patients if they can soberly and courageously approach its perception. In some cases, the diagnosis is reported only to relatives. But in any case, if you suddenly find yourself after being discharged from an oncologist, do not lose heart and grumble. Regardless of whether the alleged diagnosis is confirmed or not, try to perceive this situation correctly, in a Christian way: as a kind of God's mercy, when the Lord gives you time and a reason to think about Eternity, into which sooner or later from earthly, "temporary" life leaves immortal soul each of us. Into what eternity it will go - into eternal bliss, or into eternal suffering - depends on us. From how they believed, from how they filled their faith with righteous deeds and repentance. The mercy of the Lord is so boundless that even at the end of our sinful earthly existence, he is ready to grant us Salvation: if prayers were warm and strong, if repentance were deep and sincere, in deeds, love for one's neighbor would be seen. And most importantly - there would be only time for all this! The bigger, the better. That is why even such a situation should be perceived with thanksgiving to God, as his saving, early response to your prayer petitions for a “non-shameful Christian death.” So that sudden weakness, which can lead to the death of the body, does not take the soul by surprise. In any case - no matter how many years, months and days the Lord has given you now - this is, of course. God's call to recognize the time of increased and more frequent prayers, good deeds and deeper repentance, combined with more frequent communion Holy Mysteries of Christ (in agreement with the confessor).

About fasting in a hospital setting

Often this question serves as a stumbling block for Christians, a source of temptation for medical staff, and an object of disobedience for confessors. This happens most often from a misunderstanding of the meaning of fasting and the meaning Christian life which is primarily as taught Reverend Seraphim Sarovsky, in the acquisition of the Holy Spirit. That is, the cross of illness is intended, first of all, for the purification of the soul, so that it is enriched with the spirit of meekness, the spirit of gentleness, mercy, love and the spirit of others. Christian virtues. The body melts, and the soul grows fat and strengthens. The meaning of any fast is hunger and compassion with Christ and for Christ, and not blind oppression of oneself only in food. Illness, on the other hand, replaces fasting, and if it is endured with thanksgiving to God, then it is accepted by him as equivalent to fasting, and often even higher. “Sickness is the admonition of God to us and serves to advance, if we give thanks to God. Was Job not a faithful friend of God? But what did he not endure, thanking and blessing God? - And patience led him, at last, to unparalleled glory. Be patient and you will be a little (in illness), and you will see the glory of God (John, II, 40). - And if you can’t fast (in illness), don’t grieve. God does not require anyone to work beyond their strength. In addition, what is fasting if not a punishment of the body in order to pacify the healthy body and make it weak for passions, according to the words of the Apostle: when I am weak, then I am strong (). And the disease is more than this punishment and is imputed instead of fasting, and is valued even more than it. Whoever endures it with patience, thanking God, through patience receives the fruit of his salvation. Instead of being weakened by fasting, the body is already weakened by disease. Thank God that you have been freed from the labor of fasting. If you eat ten times a day, do not grieve; you will not be condemned for this, since you are not doing this to please yourself ”(Ascetic instructions of St. St. Barsanuphius and John. Philokalia. - Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra, 1993, volume 2, p. 43., p. 570) Thus, it would be most reasonable for the sick person not to do their own will, but to fulfill the precepts of the Holy Fathers, and eat everything that is given in the hospital canteen and that relatives bring, in agreement with the attending physician.

Health and disease

According to the teachings of the Holy Fathers, illness is the time when God visits a person. It happens invisibly and not always tangibly, but immutably. The Lord brings a bodily disease to a person as a bitter medicine for a mental and spiritual illness. Everything is from God: both sickness and health are given to us for our salvation. So you, too, accept your illness and give thanks to God for taking care of your salvation. “God sends something else as a punishment, like penance, another for reason, so that a person comes to his senses; otherwise, to get rid of the misfortune that a person would fall into if he were healthy; otherwise, so that a person shows patience and deserves a greater reward; otherwise, to cleanse from what passion, and for many other reasons. (St. Theophan the Recluse. Ibid., p. 12) St. Tikhon of Zadonsk taught about it this way: “The health of the body opens the door to many whims and sins for a person, but the weakness of the body closes it. During illness, we feel that human life is like a flower that dries up as soon as it blooms... That our days disappear like a shadow, that our body dries up like the grass of the field, that the life of the strongest person is only breathing; that with each breath it shrinks, and that the beating of his pulse, like the strokes of a pendulum, brings him closer to the last hour, which almost always strikes at such a moment when he thinks that until this hour there is still a long time. Oh, disease, bitter but healthy medicine! Just as salt averts the rottenness of meat and fish and does not allow worms to be born in them, so every disease preserves our spirit from rottenness and spiritual corruption, does not allow passions, like spiritual worms, to be born in us. “There are diseases, the cure of which the Lord imposes a ban, when he sees that the disease is more necessary for salvation than health. … If you feel and see that you yourself are to blame, then start with repentance and pity before God that you did not save the gift of health. given to you by them. And then, nevertheless, reduce it to the fact that there is a disease from the Lord, and nothing happens by chance. And after that, thank the Lord again. Illness humbles, softens the soul and relieves its usual heaviness from many worries. (St. Theophan the Recluse. Ibid., p. 4) The Lord takes away strength in order to at least bring a person to maturity. He doesn't know how else to fix it. And mercy, and mournful visits - everything is re-tested, and everything is not good. The hour of death is approaching, what should a cursed person do then? ... In an illness, albeit the easiest, death can and will come to mind, in order to give the soul the very deed to experience that remembrance last days life turns away from sin. (St. Theophan the Recluse. Ibid., p. 5).

A person recovering from an illness, especially after a serious and dangerous one, should feel and say: “A respite has been granted me from above, so that I will repent and correct my life according to the commandments of Christ.” Amen.

Whom the Church does not bless for treatment

Exhausted to the extreme, a sick person, experiencing constant bodily suffering, begins to look for any way out of them. If he is not strengthened by faith and is little acquainted with church institutions, then often such a search ends with the sufferer falling into the devil's net. In our time, the 90s of the 20th century, they are widely scattered in the form of all kinds of salons of magic, hypnosis, sorcery, healing, extrasensory perception, coding, bioenergetics - there are countless examples of this. If a person goes to the ministers of these occult sciences or "grandmothers", then a terrible sin is committed against the first commandment of God, and at the same time a terrible deal is concluded: by acquiring health, the soul of such a careless person is sold to the devil, and in eternal life(afterlife) the unfortunate awaits terrible torment if he does not confess this sin. The Church has always blessed to seek help only from her or doctors skilled in medical science(professionals who know their business well). If a patient evaded treatment by a doctor, carelessly hoping for self-healing, the Church imputed this to him as a sin - the sin of risking health and life, which are God's property. It is sometimes difficult for an inexperienced person to figure out who can go to and who cannot. In our time, there is a wave of neo-witchcraft, which more and more persistently penetrates people under the guise of pseudo-churchism. Many "grandmothers", healers and healers hide behind the name of God and holy faces, are furnished with icons (which is clearly seen from their advertisements), say that they pray, believe, hang themselves with crosses, but in fact they are servants of Satan, only in sheep's clothing. skin. (Andrey Levshinov, Tien-Shansky, Vostokov, Martynov, Baba Nyura, Baba Daria, Stefania, Varvara and others). At the same time, some healers brazenly send the "sick" between sessions of their treatment to go to church, pray, take communion, venerate icons. You can ask the question: where is the substitution, what is the falsity of the help of these "healers"? In the fact that, according to the teachings of the Church, a person tries to “treat” by spiritual means from non-spiritual people, not observing the main spiritual rule: before healing the body, cleanse and heal your soul from sin in the sacrament of repentance. outside Orthodox Church, there is no such sacrament outside the priests. The Church is the House of God. “Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” () - thus said the Lord. “Come to me” - to the church, to the House of God, where the Holy Spirit lives, and not to stadiums, cinemas, or salons, which are considered dwellings of all kinds of evil spirits. The church and the hospital are two places where the sick are blessed to go.


1. Prayers in the hospital during illness, for those who do not know any prayers

Lord's Prayer

Our Father, Who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth. Give us our daily bread today; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Song of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Virgin Mother of God, rejoice, Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you; Blessed are You in women and blessed is the fruit of Your womb, as if the Savior gave birth to our souls.

Prayer to the Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon

Oh, great saint of Christ and glorious healer, great martyr Panteleimon! With your soul in heaven, stand before the Throne of God and enjoy His trinitarian glory, but rest in the body and face of the saint on earth in the Divine temples and give various miracles from above grace, look with your merciful eye on the people ahead, more honest than your icon, tenderly praying and asking healing from you help and intercession: extend to the Lord our God your warm prayers, and ask our souls for forgiveness of sins. Behold, we, for our iniquities, do not dare to raise our eyes to the heights of heaven, lower to raise the voice of prayer to His inaccessible glory in the Godhead, with a contrite heart and a humble spirit to you, an intercessor is merciful to the Lord and a prayer book for us, sinners, we call, as you accepted be grace from Him to drive away ailments and heal passions. We ask you: do not despise us, unworthy, praying to you and demanding your help. Be a comforter to us in sorrows, a doctor who is suffering from sickness, an early patron who is attacked, a giver to eyes that are ailing with insight, a pissing and a baby in sorrows, a ready intercessor and healer: proceed to everyone, even useful for salvation, as if by your prayers to the Lord God you received grace and mercy, let us glorify all the good Source and Giver of God, the One in the Trinity of the Glorious Saints, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Pious thoughts and sighs during illness

The Lord gave health. The Lord took health. May the name of the Lord be blessed from now on and forever.

Lord, You see my sickness. You know how sinful and weak I am (sinful and weak): help me endure and thank Your goodness.

Lord, make this disease be a cleansing of many of my sins.

Master Lord, I am in Your hands, have mercy on me according to Your will, and if it is useful for me, heal me soon. Worthy of my deeds I accept; remember me, Lord, in your kingdom! Thank God for everything!

2.0 the correct imposition of the sign of the cross

The ever-memorable Elder Zacharias (Elder Zacharias (1850-1936). His name at baptism. In monasticism Zosima. In the schema again Zacharias. He was the last to leave the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, when it was closed by atheists) preserved and taught his spiritual children the teaching of St. Seraphim of Sarov about the sign of the cross: - My children, here is how to impose [the sign of the cross] with a prayer, which is an appeal to the Most Holy Trinity. We say: “In the NAME OF THE FATHER”, putting three fingers together, showing by this that the Lord is one in three Persons. Putting three folded fingers to the forehead, we sanctify our mind, ascending in prayer to God the Father Almighty, the Creator of angels, heaven, earth, people. Creator of everything visible and invisible. Then we pronounce “and the SON”, and touching the lower part of the chest with the same fingers, we commemorate all the torments of the Savior who suffered for us. His crucifixion, our Redeemer, the Only Begotten Son, begotten of the Father, uncreated. And we sanctify our heart and all our feelings, raising them to the earthly life of the Savior, for us and ours for the sake of salvation, who descended from heaven and became incarnate. Then, raising our fingers to the ramen (shoulders), we say: "and the HOLY SPIRIT." We ask the third Person of the Most Holy Trinity not to leave us, to sanctify our will and graciously help us: direct all our strength, all our actions towards acquiring the Holy Spirit in our hearts. And finally, humbly, reverently, with the fear of God and hope, and with deep love for the Most Holy Trinity, we conclude this great prayer saying, "Amen," that is, truly, so be it. This prayer is forever linked to the cross. And the old woman Pelagia of Ryazan said about the sign of the cross: - With the correct addition of fingers, invisible fire comes from them! And when we put the sign of the cross on ourselves, the blessed fire scorches, sanctifies and cleanses our body.

3. Prayer for the adoption of prosphora and holy water

Lord, my God, may Your holy gift be: prosphora and Your holy water for the remission of my sins, for the enlightenment of my mind, for the strengthening of my soul and bodily forces mine, for the health of my soul and body, for the subjugation of my passions and infirmities through Thy boundless mercy, through the prayers of Thy Most Pure Mother and all Thy saints. Amen.

4. Description of the signs and healings, by the grace of God, which were in different places in 1863, 1864 and 1865 from the holy relics and part of the Life-Giving Tree of the Holy Cross, brought from Mount Athos * ' December 1864 and The Wanderer, June 1866, where they were published in full).

Cue application is given to strengthen sick people's faith and their patience to endure diseases. It should be noted that in addition to the following clinical cases and testimonies, throughout the history of the Orthodox Church, including at the present time, there have been many grace-filled healings from holy relics. The Lord, now and forever and forever and ever, is the same and powerful in the twinkling of an eye to give healing, but to whom: to a person who believes in Him and repents of his sins. Now in many dioceses and churches the relics of the holy saints of God or particles of shrines rest, before which you can serve a prayer service and venerate with faith. There are such shrines in the parish of the Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon-on-the-Stream, in which the relics of the saints of God rest, who give healing at various diseases, and before which prayer songs are performed for the sick. (The ward address is on the last page of this book.) Why don't we go to shrines? What prevents us from getting God's help in bodily weakness? Our stubborn lack of faith or unbelief, laziness and carelessness about ourselves, that we need to go somewhere, waste time, get tired and generally force ourselves to do something like that. Of course, our pride also interferes, forcing us to hope only for achievements. human mind: modern medical technology, almost miraculous drugs, super-new broad-spectrum antibiotics with prolonged effect, personal connections and acquaintances with doctors who are almost like family friends. But the Lord cannot be mocked, and sometimes unfortunate sufferers, rooted in their opposition and denial of God and the possibility of grace-filled healing through prayers, having gone through several hospitals, operations, having tried everything, come to church and ... receive instant deliverance from a tormenting illness, as can be seen from the above below evidence. It is good if admonition occurs on time and the church has time to help with something. But it often happens that only after finding himself in intensive care, the patient begins to desire spiritual help. or his relatives ask for it, and the priest can no longer help, since for the performance of the sacraments there are their own canonical rules that determine the possibility of their application. Therefore, after reading the above testimonies, one should draw proper conclusions for oneself and draw useful lessons.

  • Novgorod province, Old Russian district, Porozhkov parish, village of Gorka, the peasant Egor Efimov did not have faith in the Holy Relics and embarrassed others, for this he was punished as follows: on May 29, 1863, when the Holy Relics were brought to their village, he did not go out to meet them with the others, but went to a special solitary place, in order, as he put it, to pray true God. At this time, by the permission of God, an unclean spirit attacked him and led him into such a demonic possession that several people could hardly bring him to the Holy Relics. The suffering situation of the peasant aroused among the people, of whom there were many at this time, a lively prayerful participation in him. When a nationwide fervent prayer was made for him, by the evening of that day he received healing; in his delusion, he brought sincere, with tears, repentance to his spiritual father, the priest of the village of Porozhok, Fr. Joseph and Hieromonk Arseny of Athos, who was at the Holy Relics; and after that, for some time, he did not leave the Holy Relics, fearing that the evil spirit attacked him again.
  • of the Old Russian district, the Solovyov parish, the village of Maly Gorbov, the peasant woman Elena Emelyanova, having doubts about the Holy Relics, did not go along with the others to worship it, for which at the same time she was suddenly punished with a stabbing that began in the legs from the soles and passed into all body; and another peasant woman of the Resurrection parish, also, due to disbelief in the Holy Power, who did not go to worship them, was punished by relaxation in all members of the body. Some of the inhabitants of those places, who also did not believe in the Holy Relics, were frightened by the punishment of God and, having come to repentance, prayed to the Holy Relics with great zeal. Their unbelief came from the instigation of their neighbors - schismatics who fell away from the Orthodox Church. The former serf of the Simbirsk landowner Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Stolypina, Dmitry Petrov-Zimninsky, was desperately ill; at the request of Ms. Stolypina, the Holy Power of the Healer Panteleimon and other Saints with the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord were brought to the city hospital, where the patient was lying. The patient was so weak that he did not have the strength to get out of bed and kiss, but after performing a prayer service, when the Holy Life-Giving Cross and Holy Relics were placed on the patient, he received perfect healing from his serious illness, and entered into the correction of his ministry to Mrs. Stolypina.
  • The police soldier of the city of Simbirsk, Pavel Efimov, who married in April 1863, soon after the wedding felt a terrible longing with pain in his heart, which made him seem crazy, spoke unconsciously and felt fear, constantly looking around in all directions with an expression of horror and fright. When Pavel Efimov and his wife came to worship Athos Shrine, then it was revealed that a spirit of malice dwelt in his wife, which had hitherto been hidden: at the sight of the Shrine, a terrible demon of madness happened to her: she screamed, stamped her feet, fought, tore her hair, especially during the prayer service. When the serving hieromonk placed the Life-Giving Cross on her, the spirit of malice that inhabited her shouted: I will leave, I will leave, burn me, burn me. At the end of the prayer service and anointing with Holy oil, having drunk Holy water with Life-Giving Cross, she calmed down and kissed the Holy Relics without resistance; along with her, her husband Pavel Efimov, having kissed the Holy Icon, also received relief. In the following days, they constantly went to the temple of God, with great zeal applied to the Holy Relics and to the Cross, and, having received perfect healing, they recited and communed the Holy and Life-Giving Mysteries of Christ.
  • In Samara, the wife of the baker Matvei Mikhailov Karacharova was so ill with a tumor that she feared for her life, but when she venerated the Holy Relics, she was quickly healed.
  • Upon the arrival of the Holy Relics in the city of Volgsk, when they were being carried by the priest of the local church with Hieromonk Arseny of Athos, one of the women carrying firewood to the steamer, meeting on the way, expressed disbelief, and at the same place was punished with severe internal illness.
  • In Volgsk, the official Semyon Petrovich Nemertsalov, who had suffered from chest pain for a long time and received no relief from medical benefits, when he anointed his chest with oil from the Holy Relics, at the same time received healing.
  • Near Simbirsk, the village of Yasashnoy Tapgly, priest Konstantin Andreevich suffered from deafness and noise in his head: having put cotton wool from the Relics of the Holy Saints in his ears, he received a quick healing.
  • Non-commissioned officer Ivan Moiseev Maximov of the Moscow Life Guards Regiment suffered from a serious internal illness for four years; could hardly eat or drink anything; eating was accompanied by vomiting, and there was often severe diarrhea, the stomach was swollen, and at times cramped; in addition, he felt severe pain in the lower back, so that it was difficult to unbend. All the medical benefits provided to him remained useless, and he lost all hope of recovery; he thought his insides were rotting. One day his comrade, who was at the Holy Relics, brought with him a description of the miracles revealed from the Holy Relics. Maximov, having read it, sighed earnestly to the Lord and laid down his firm intention, although it was difficult, to visit the Holy Relics for veneration. With such determination he went to bed that evening; in the morning he woke up, to indescribable joy, completely healthy and hurried to go to the Holy Relics, to which he arrived on February 2, 1864, and told with tears of gratitude to everyone who was at the Holy Relics about the miraculous healing of his illness that was not curable by human means .
  • Titular Counselor Darya Gavrilovna Vishnyakova, who lives in the 2nd company of the Izmaylovsky regiment, in the Lapshin house, has suffered from a high degree of fever with rheumatism since Christmas Eve, so that they feared for her life. In such a serious illness, she ran with a prayer to the healer St. Panteleimon and received a speedy recovery.
  • The Titular Counsellor, Pyotr Makarovich Borisov, and his wife Maria Rodionovna, had a son, the infant Vladimir, who suffered from severe toothache. The disease began with him from the time when the teeth began to erupt, and in the third year from birth the child's head began to increase excessively, especially the crown, over which a significant elevation formed; his suffering was unbearable, his teeth were rotten: from unbearable pain he could not eat anything, and his parents were afraid that he would not die of hunger. The medical benefits used did not alleviate the pain of the suffering child, and the parents, with all their love for their son, did not know what to do with him. In such a desolate situation, they heard about many blessed healings received from the Life-Giving Cross and part of the Holy Relics brought from Mount Athos from the Russian Panteleimon Monastery: then the child’s mother hurried to the Alexander Nevsky Lavra to worship the Shrine and, having prayed tearfully, applied to the Shrine of the suffering son, the Merciful Lord soon heard the fervent prayer of the mother; the baby received perfect healing: the former ugly head, his head came into proper form, and his teeth, as it were, never hurt. Those who wish to see the healed child and learn more about this healing can contact his parents, who live in Svechny Lane, in Borisov's house.
  • Living in the village of Pargolovo, in the house of Koshelev, the peasant woman Tatyana Yegorova had in her upbringing a niece Anna Ivanovna, in her seventh year, who for two years suffered from ear pain; doctors could not provide any assistance to the suffering. When cotton wool from the Holy Relics was applied to her sick ear, the next day the patient was completely healed; along with her, her aunt Tatyana Yegorova, who had brought her to the Holy Relics, who suffered from eye pain, was immediately healed at the Holy Relics and began to see clearly.
  • Grenadier sapper His Imperial Highness Grand Duke Peter Nikolayevich of the battalion, Private Mikhail Grigoriev, for two months suffered from deafness and severe pain in his head; and although he was provided with various medical benefits, nothing helped. His comrade, Private Dorofey Evstigneev, who was at the Holy Relics, brought Holy oil and cotton and suggested that the patient put cotton wool soaked with Holy oil in his ears. When the sick man did this with faith, he soon recovered completely and entered the service.
  • The peasant of the village of Pargolova, Yakov Andreev Molkov, had two sick daughters: one, Tatiana, suffered from eye problems, so she could not look, and his other daughter, thirteen-year-old Matryona, had a severe internal illness: her stomach enlarged from time to time, a tumor appeared on her face, and she was in severe pain. The medical remedies used did not provide benefits to the sufferers, and when they were given oils from the Holy Relics and Holy Water, then they received perfect healing.
  • The St. Petersburg petty bourgeois Paraskeva Nikiforovna Volkova suffered for about eight years with aching legs, which even caused growths, and no matter how much she used medical benefits, nothing helped. But on the day of the Holy Great Martyr Panteleimon on July 27, she came to the Holy Relics brought from Mount Athos and, through prayer, received healing; On August 7, she again came to serve a thanksgiving service and announced that she was now completely healthy. Lives in Kosom Lane, in the Fon der Fleet house.
  • The courier of the Commander-in-Chief of Communications, Nikon Zaitsev, was in the hospital for nine weeks; I felt such pain in my legs that I could not even step. Meanwhile, his wife was at the Holy Relics, brought him a book with a description of the grace-filled healings that come from them. When he read it, he was inflamed with zeal and promised to come to the worship of the Satisfiers of God, after which he soon felt relieved and on August 2 he came to the Holy Relics to serve a thanksgiving service.
  • The temporarily obligated peasant of the Yaroslavl province, Uglitsky district, Alexei Nikanorov Kryukov, the wife of Evdokia Karneev suffered from severe toothache for a year and a half. Hearing about the Holy thing brought from Mount Athos, she had the zeal to pray, and when, having received cotton wool and Holy oil from the lamp, she put it to her teeth with faith, all of a sudden there was a cracking in all her teeth, and from that time the pain subsided, and in the morning completely I felt healthy, as if there was no pain. He lives on Mokhovaya Street, in the house of Heide at number 12.
  • Ivan Sergeevich Seryakov suffered from deafness for two months: but as soon as he promised to serve a prayer service to St. Athanasius of Athos, he soon received healing, which he announced on August 28, arriving at the Holy Relics to serve a thanksgiving prayer service. Lives at the Glass Factory.
  • The girl Evdokia Petrova Khutyreva, who lived with Lieutenant Colonel Varvara Semyonovna Buzhinskaya, was ill for 18 years with severe rheumatism in her legs, from which left leg she did not bend at all; so that she walked with great difficulty, and in bad weather she felt an unbearable ache in her bones and could hardly restrain herself from screaming. She was treated by many doctors and for a long time, but to no avail. When on October 26 the Holy Relics were brought to the house of Mrs. Buzhinskaya, the sick woman prayed with great zeal for healing and, having venerated the Holy Relics, she suddenly felt a crack in her unbending leg, and after that she was completely healed.
  • The wife of the collegiate secretary, Elena Sokolova, suffered from an ache in her right hand for eight years. But on the 15th of October, at the Holy Relics, she exchanged the book “The Life of the Holy Great Martyr Panteleimon”, which lay on the Holy Relics, and, going home, rubbed her sick hand with this book. Soon she felt relieved, and when the Holy Relics were in the Spiritual Consecration Church, she took oil from the lamp and anointed her sick hand with it twice, and was completely healed.
  • In the Penza district, the village of Lopukhovka, the peasant woman Neonila Vasilievna Maksina suffered from deafness for twenty years and, due to the action of the enemy of salvation, was afraid to go to the temple of God. On October 31, she came to Penza to the Holy Relics, took oil from the lamp and cotton wool, which, having soaked the oil, put in her ears, and drank Holy water. - Arriving after this for the night, she soon felt that she was beginning to hear, and in the morning her hearing was completely corrected, and the fear of going to the temple of God was gone.
  • September 11, 1867, at 9 o'clock in the morning, at Epiphany Monastery the sick widow of a non-commissioned master of the 1st class, Daria Ivanovna Kolokolova, was brought, who has been living since January 26, 1855 in the family shelter of the petty-bourgeois branch of the guardianship of the poor in Moscow, consisting of Stretensky forty in the parish of the church of St. Philip, having a birth of 53 years. For 11 years, due to a leg disease, she could only crawl on her knees, leaning on her hands. Being brought to the Epiphany Monastery by the head of the orphanage, the daughter of the deceased titular councilor, the maiden, Lyubov Timofeevna Kiseleva, with the help of her hands she crawled up the church stairs to the upper monastery church and then crawled from the threshold of the church to the right kliros, behind which the Shrine was placed. The hieromonk who was at the Shrine and one of the pilgrims lifted the sick woman up and applied to the Shrine. As soon as this was done, the sick woman felt strength in her legs, stood up on them and walked, stood throughout the entire Liturgy, and now walks like everyone else.

In order for your child to grow up healthy, strong and not get sick, you need to sometimes perform rituals for health. It is best to carry out rituals and conspiracies for the health of the child while bathing the baby. You can recite conspiracies for the health of the child even when the baby has not yet been baptized. The only caveat: in this case, you need to choose rituals to protect the unbaptized baby.

When preparing a bath for a baby, write a conspiracy-amulet on a piece of paper so that the child does not get sick. Sprinkle the leaf with the amulet with holy water and pour it into the bath. Place a sheet under the tub and bathe your baby.

Do this every time you bathe so that the health of the crumbs is always strong.

“Holy water, queen of heaven!
Purify my child of the baby of God (name)
From every filth of spirit and flesh.
Bring the true mind
Give health to his body
And salvation for the soul.

When rinsing the baby, say this:

“Vodichka is fluid, and the baby is growing.
Like water off a duck, so thinness from you.
Voditsa - to the bottom, and the child - to the top.

Wiping the baby after bathing, say this:

"Diaper on the shoulder,
And health - on bodies.

When pouring water from the bath, always read the plot:

"Water - in the ground, the child - in growth."

How to protect a child from spoilage

While bathing, read the protective words from damage to the child.

“An angel flew across the sky, sat down on a small bush.
Looks at the child, smiles.
No one will attack a child, a dashing thief will not steal, a witch will not send damage.
An angel watches over the child, protects him from troubles and damage.

Conspiracy for water

There are very effective conspiracies on the health of the child, which can be read by the mother or grandmother of the baby. On the growing moon, take holy spring water (thawed water will do). You can also consecrate the water yourself by putting a silver cross in a liter jar of water overnight. At midnight, put the jar on the windowsill so that the moon fills it with its light.

When dawn begins, go to the bank, cross yourself and read the prayers:

  • 3 times Our Father;
  • 3 times to Saint Panteleimon.

Then read a health plot on a jar of water:

“The water is seething, so that my child is tall!
Like water on the elbow does not hold,
So the illness-ailment on the baby of God (name) does not hold.
Redeem, cross!
Lord, my child is a baby (name)
Save me from sickness!

Sprinkle the baby with charmed water completely, reading prayers. Part of the water should be poured into the bath when bathing, the rest of the water should be sprinkled on clothes and a crib with a stroller. This conspiracy is not from books Siberian healer but he is very strong.

Conspiracy for the recovery of the child

If the child falls ill, and the cause of the illness is not known, a conspiracy to remove the black eye and the child's recovery will help. Read the plot for the recovery of the child three times on the flow clean water, each time spitting over his shoulder. Then wash the baby with this water and wipe it with your hem.

"What mother gave birth,
She left."

A conspiracy from a bristle

It happens that after the birth of a baby, a bristle remains on the back. In some cases, she is very worried about the baby and does not allow him to lie quietly on his back. To save the baby from suffering, roll on the back with a crumb of bread.

Conspiracy for the growth of a child

In the book of the Siberian healer there is a rite to improve the growth of the child. After all, it happens that a child eats well, does not complain about health, but has stopped growing. Take the thread from the new spool and tear off, measuring the height of the baby.

Then put this thread into the door jamb. The plot should not be read. Growth will pick up soon.

Conspiracy if the child does not eat well

  • 3 glasses
  • 3 white candles

If the child began to eat poorly, often cry and act up, rituals should be performed to correct the situation. First of all, you should chastise him from the evil eye and make sure that there is no damage. And then to carry out rituals and conspiracies for the health of the child.

Take a key water or hold a silver cross in plain water for a day. Pour this water into three glasses and place them on the table in a row. Place a candle in front of each glass. Light candles from one match, cross yourself three times and read the prayers of Our Father and the Mother of God.

Then take the first candle and dip it into the water of the first glass. After that, read the prayers to St. Panteleimon and extinguish the second candle in the water. Next, read the conspiracy for the baby and his health:

“This water is for washing, wiping, bathing and lamenting.
So that the baby of God (name) grows strong and sculpted.
He ate, grew up, did not know any troubles.
So that he would not be capricious, did not get sick, he would get better day by day.
I call this water healthy, I call on the child to perceive, to convey my power.
As this water touches the child, so all good things will spill on him.

As you read the plot, put out the third candle in the third glass. Then wash the baby from the first glass, and sprinkle it with water from the second glass. Add the water from the third glass to the bath tub.

When you do this, read the prayers. And wrap the candles in a newspaper and take them to the trash can on the street the same evening.

Scab conspiracy

From diathesis, the baby's face and ass may become covered with a scab, which he combs with his fingers. Rites for recovery from the books of a Siberian healer will help save the baby from unbearable suffering. Place the icon of the Mother of God and a cup of holy water on the table, light a church candle.

Read the prayers mother of god with all my heart, and then say this:

"Mother, Mother of God,
I ask you to stand up for my child.
Heal the servant of God's baby (name).
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Drink holy water to the baby and sprinkle his little body, as well as clothes and a crib. Do this until you get well. Effective rites Siberian healer helped many in trouble and with ailments.

Conspiracy from strabismus

If the child is sick with strabismus, then the mother should read prayers over the sleeping baby every evening. After that, you need to pronounce the following words from the book of the Siberian healer:

"Jesus walked the earth,
He stepped on the dew.
Who pronounces his name with faith,
He will get what he asks for.
I ask you in faith, God,
Help me too.
Let my child's eyes not squint.

A conspiracy so that the eyes do not fester

In this case, there are rituals from the book of a Siberian healer. Let the eldest in the family take the baby in his arms, and let the mother move her little finger around the eye and whisper the words:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit!
Those virgins that were served to Jesus at the table,
And they wiped his feet with their hair,
Heal! Heal, virgins, the eyes of the baby of God (name).

Move your right little finger first around one eye, and then around the second. Before performing rituals with a request to God, they read the Our Father prayer, and after the ceremony, a prayer of thanksgiving.

Rash Conspiracy

If the baby's body is covered with a small red rash, you need to read conspiracies for the health of the child and perform magical rites and rituals. Speak holy water words and wipe the baby's body three times with a clean cloth dipped in it. After that, the rash will quickly pass.

“Just as a candle in a church melts quickly, so does the disease fade away.
Like a dawn comes to heaven and then leaves,
So you, sickness, leave the body of the baby of God (name).

Conspiracy from diarrhea

Rites and rituals from the books of the Siberian healer provided for almost all cases of ailments. While the child is vilifying, the mother must not take off her headscarf. It should be taken into a glass of water, put into it a figure made right hand, and say three times:

“I’m treating with a fig, I dissuade a disease with a fig,
I speak my word.
What collapsed in the body of the servant of God's baby (name),
That fell into place.

Then sprinkle the child with water.

Conspiracy to breastfeed

If the baby stopped taking the breast, then this trouble is corrected like this. The mother expresses some milk into a silver spoon and utters the words to it:

"Like a mother Holy Mother of God nursed her son,
So you will suck my breast,
Grow big and praise the Lord.”

Conspiracy from urticaria

Conspiracies on the health of the child also help with hives. This ailment is easily reduced to croup. It is necessary to sew a small bag of red fabric, pour small cereals into it. Then you should shake the bag over the baby's head and say:

"Rash-rash, red maeta,
Fall off, roll off the servant of God's baby (name).

Remember that rituals and conspiracies for recovery and getting rid of diseases are read on the waning moon (so that the disease subsides). And rituals and conspiracies to attract and strengthen health are read on the waxing moon (so that health is added).
Prayers do not depend on the phase of the moon; they can be read at any time.

Fear of illness and hope for healing contribute to the emergence of numerous signs associated with health. A significant part of the superstitions accompanies both the stay in the hospital of patients and the work of doctors.

Signs of the sick

Being in a medical institution for most people is associated with a lot of negative emotions. After all, as a rule, we get there in connection with some kind of ailment, causing suffering of the body and spiritual experiences. That is why almost all the signs of patients are aimed at reducing the duration of treatment, safely getting rid of the disease and avoiding doctors again for as long as possible.

  • If you want to leave the hospital as soon as possible, never move to a vacant bed in the ward, and even more so to another ward.
  • Patients consider the bird beating against the window of the ward to be the worst omen. Many believe that it portends the imminent death of one of the patients. Exactly the same consequences can occur if a nurse unknowingly puts a blanket on a chair.
  • The awkwardness of the medical staff, who accidentally knocked down a chair or stool in the ward, portends the sick to the appearance of a new comrade in misfortune.
  • Leaving the hospital, the cured must by all means bypass its building around in the direction of the Sun. It is believed that in this way it is possible to finally fix the positive result of treatment.
  • If you absolutely do not want to return to the hospital, carefully pack your belongings. After all, even an insignificant personal item forgotten in the ward can provoke an exacerbation of a previous disease or cause a new disease to appear.
  • The sign about the things left takes on a positive meaning if it concerns the return to the hospital. Young mothers who dream of having another baby are even recommended to specially leave something in the ward in order to return there again for sure.
  • Another sign that will not allow you to end up in the hospital again is the mattress turned upside down on the bed. It should be brought to this position just before the discharge itself, in order to forever forget the way to the hospital bed.
  • In order not to linger for a long time in a medical institution, never do needlework in a hospital ward. After all, sewing or knitting can “tie” you to this not very pleasant place for a long time.
  • Anyone who spends days in a hospital after an operation or restores health undermined as a result of an injury should not cut their nails until the very discharge. It is believed that this cosmetic procedure adversely affects the healing of postoperative sutures and other wounds, as well as the healing of fractures.
  • Relatives should keep in mind that flowers of scarlet and white shades should not be brought to the hospital. It is believed that these two colors bring misfortune to the patient, postponing the moment of final recovery.
  • Signs of doctors

    Physicians who deal daily with life and death are even more superstitious than patients. There are also many different superstitions in the medical environment.

    • You should never wish the doctor a good morning or a quiet watch. After all, the Aesculapius are sure that in this case they will certainly be overwhelmed with urgent work, or rather, with seriously ill patients.
    • Many doctors consider it bad luck to switch shifts, relax in a noisy company, or make love on the eve of how to go to work. It is believed that in these cases there will be a particularly difficult change.
    • Every experienced physician knows that every medical history must be handled with the utmost care. After all, if it accidentally falls, then the patient will inevitably face serious complications.
    • No surgeon will ever undertake to operate on his friend or relative. It is believed that in this case the result will be guaranteed to be sad, which is not surprising, given the particular concern for health. loved one and related errors.
    • Among patients, it is customary to thank doctors for competent treatment and attentive attitude, expressing their gratitude in material terms. However, no doctor will accept a donation before an operation or a course of procedures, as this may adversely affect the result. A gift should be given only after a successful recovery upon discharge from a medical institution.

In addition to strictly following the doctor's instructions, always follow the signs in the hospital. This will protect you from complications and will not harm your health. Below you will read signs for patients, relatives and doctors.

hospital superstitions

If through the window of the ward, this portends the death of one of the patients. In the old days, it was believed that dead relatives could take the form of birds. In this form, they come to warn loved ones that they will soon be taken to the world of the dead.

You can not change beds or move to another room - you will have to stay longer in the hospital. If you believe tips about health, after discharge, it is worth going around the hospital building clockwise in order to visit it less often in the future. You can bypass both a specific hospital building and the entire territory of the hospital.

Do not wish good morning to the doctor, for him this wish promises a difficult day. They do not want a quiet watch, many doctors can take this as an insult. Before the lights out in the hospital, you can’t say “good night” to the doctors. All these wishes are bad omens for them.

There is such a superstition: to forget a thing in someone else's house - to return to it. This sign also works in the hospital. Do not intentionally leave and do not forget things in the ward so as not to return. But to get pregnant - leave any thing in the hospital.

If you don’t want to go back there, believe that the forgotten - ransom to the spirits for the restoration of health.

Signs to the relatives of the patient

Red and white flowers bring misfortune. Avoid them, choose bouquets of other shades.

To thank the doctor with a gift after the procedure is completed or the patient is discharged is a superstition that promises a quick recovery from an illness. It is impossible to express gratitude to the doctor before the operation. Something is bound to go wrong.

When collecting things for a relative who is in the hospital, you can not take new ones. They must be worn and washed by him at least once. This applies to both clothes and shoes.

Beliefs from doctors

Many doctors avoid treating their loved ones, surgeons do not operate on friends and relatives. But this superstition has a pragmatic explanation. It is not so easy to focus on the operation and forget about worrying about dear person. Especially Bad sign- treat your colleague. According to the observations of superstitious doctors, drugs act worse on them, and diseases often pass atypically. unwanted patients are redheads and hunchbacks they are often unlucky.

  • Drop a chair in the ward - to the appearance of a new patient in the department.
  • You can not put a blanket or blanket on a chair, this leads to death in the ward or department.
  • It is forbidden to sit on the table - to the deceased in the department or on duty.
  • In intensive care, they do not sit on beds - to the arrival of a new patient.

If the patient's medical record falls on the floor, expect complications. You can neutralize the omen by stepping on it before picking it up from the floor.

It is a bad omen to change personnel who should remain on duty. The shift will be hectic. The same is considered the last night out to work before the holidays. A fun company or a date the day before - to problems. Do not sleep in socks on duty so that you are less likely to be disturbed. You can't take off your medical uniform.

It is good if the first patient of the day or on duty is a man. If a woman, the change will be difficult. They also say when the first patient is a bed patient.

In the emergency room, they try to keep the twilight. It is believed that ambulances go to the light. The darker, the less sick people will be. Signs about a broom it is advised to keep it near the entrance to the department to make it easier to work.

There are many medical superstitions, both patients and physicians observe them. The first observations of ancestors help to recover faster and to be in the hospital less often. The beliefs of doctors are designed to reduce the number of patients and facilitate work.

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Conspiracy for the speedy recovery of the child

Vodushka-voditsa, earthly queen,

Everyone loves you, everyone respects you

Everyone won't live long without you.

God gave you and punished you:

To feed people and to wash off any dirt.

Rinse, rinse, free from ailments,

And you, Mother of God, bless

Help the servant of God (name):

For ease, for health, for God's mercy.

How God's water rips off the ridges,

Washes away from stumps, banks, roots,

So wash, rinse, water, from God's servant (name)

All sickness and pain.

Conspiracy to rid the baby of diseases

If a child is ill, any mother does not find a place for herself until he recovers. Of course, it is necessary to strictly follow all the doctor's prescriptions, but the following conspiracy will not hurt:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Queen of Heaven Her Son

In the evening I washed and steamed,

And the servant of God (name) left the water.

Who will enter that water,

From that, any illness will go away.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

What to do if a child is sick

If the child is lethargic, weak, eats poorly, nothing pleases him and nothing interests him, then he must be treated immediately, otherwise he will melt like a candle. In the old days, they said about such children that dryness attacked them.

So, take the child and take him where the pigs go. At this point, you need to shout the following conspiracy:

The fat will come off the pigs,

The pig will dry up

Dying from dryness

And my child - long life. Amen.

After that, one of the pigs will soon die, and the child will recover.

What to do if the child is sick

Any mother immediately understands when her child is sick. To take the disease away from the child, you should immediately speak to the child from the disease. To do this, a special conspiracy is read over drinking and water for washing. You will see, after this rite, the child will quickly get rid of the disease. The spoken words are as follows:

You are field grass

You are dry straw

The wind dried you, ruffled,

Wound in all four directions.

Go away, all sickness, all pain,

On dry straw

field grass,

To the four wind brothers!

Let them shake you

Let them shake you

And my child is released.

Holy Mother of God,

Pray for my child.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

How to talk to a sick child

Say the incantation words over warm water, which then wipe the child. The conspiracy is this:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I'm living in a high fence

Around God's baby(name),

For no one to come:

No sickness, no anxiety

Not an evil neighbor

Nor eyed godfather,

uninvited guest,

Insomnia, stabbing, threshing, belching,

Shaking, prizes, slander,

Oohs, sighs and aahs and all sorts of vain fears.

Work for him, hatchet

Spin for him, ball,

Flutter for him, dove,

Spindle, spin for him,

And he, the servant of God (name),

Let it be nice

Healthy and remote.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Conspiracy from an unknown illness of a baby

Unfortunately, there are situations when it gets sick infant and doctors can't make an accurate diagnosis. In this case, this conspiracy can help:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

The Mother of God took the Christ Child in her arms,

Brought to the Jordan River

She opened silk diapers,

I washed the holy body of the Divine Infant,

All ailments, all lessons kicked out,

She sent them to the river, to the water.

So all the ailments would have gone from my child

They went to the water and from the water to mother earth.

Be, all my words, full,

Faithful, fast.

Which word was not said

Which word was retold

which is not agreed

Stand, all words, in place, fortified

God's word, fast hour,

Divine order.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now, forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Words for toothache in children

Let the child open his mouth, and you immediately say:

The mouse has a turnip tooth, my baby has a bone tooth.

The servant of God (name) has a tooth, no pain,

And you, turnip mouse, take away his pain. Amen.

How to speak a hernia in a child

Eat bread and salt over the child and say:

I, the servant of God (name),

By the grace of God I help:

I don't eat bread and salt

and I eat the spool of the baby.

Treatment of a pediatric hernia

The following method helps in the treatment of this disease. Go to three baths, pick up the leaves from the brooms from the floor and put them in three jars. However, it should be borne in mind that the baths should be at a considerable distance from each other (from the window of one bath, the other two should not be visible). Then the collected leaves must be burned with the words:

Hernia, come out on the leaves

Sit and smoke in the wind

Go to four sides

Free the servant of God (name). Amen.

Hernia to speak

The following conspiracy helps in this case:

Grandmother Solomonidushka

At the Holy Mother of God

The hernia was stuck with copper cheeks,

iron teeth,

So I speak to the servant of God (name).

Conspiracy from a hernia in a newborn

Put a pillow on the bed, undress the child and put him on this pillow. Kneel in front of the child yourself and with the little finger of your left hand circle the place where the child has a hernia, while reading the following conspiracy three times in a row:

Lord God, bless

Lord God, strengthen

And you, gnaw, scat!

Get on the wheel, throw yourself into the hole from the wheel,

There you will be, there you will live forever and ever.

Key, lock, tongue.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Children's hernia

To save a child from a hernia, you need to read the following conspiracy:

I will become a servant of God (name), blessed,

I will go out, crossing myself,

I will go out into the open field.

In an open field there is an ocean-sea.

In the ocean-sea blue stone,

Under the blue stone blue pike

Pinches and bites fifteen hernias:

And a birth hernia, and a hernia,

And an umbilical hernia, and an ovarian hernia,

And an inguinal hernia, and a head hernia,

And a dental hernia, and an ear hernia,

And eye hernia, and hand hernia,

And a heart hernia, and a wet hernia,

And a subtarsal hernia, and a popliteal hernia,

And a shoulder hernia.

Whatever word you do not say is stronger than all words.

Seventy veins and seventy joints,

And in a single joint the key and the lock.

Till the end of time. Amen.

I will get up, blessing, I will go, crossing myself,

From door to door, from gate to gate,

In an open field.

A copper river flows in an open field,

The coast is golden.

A fish swims along this river, and its name is pike.

Her teeth are iron, her cheeks are copper,

Pewter eyes.

And that pike with iron teeth,

Copper cheeks, pewter eyes

Gnawing, biting and swallowing

Boat hernia, keel hernia,

Water hernia, umbilical hernia,

Vein hernia and other hernia

The servant of God (name).

From homeland to the first bath,

From the first bath to the last bath

And until the untimely death of a child and relative

And all the dashing gnaw and disease.

Zabayano, spoken by the servant of God (name).

Till the end of time. Amen.

What the master did not learn or did not say himself,

That's all ahead.

Be, my words, strong and firm,

In the key and lock, forever and ever.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I hammer and harden,

Servant of God (name), servant of God (name)

Umbilical gnaw, spinal gnaw,

Heart gnaw, head gnaw,

Inguinal gnaw, pubic gnaw.

Now and forever and forever and ever.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Grandmother Solomonidushka

At the Holy Mother of God

Hernia spoke-jammed

copper cheeks,

iron teeth,

So I speak to the servant of God (name). Amen.

So that the child does not bite his nails

This unpleasant habit is reprimanded as follows. Ask the child to stretch his hands in front of him with his palms down, then take the knife by the blade and, touching each nail with it, starting from the right hand, say the following conspiracy words:

Aspen is standing

The wind is violent.

Aspen breaks, servant of God (name)

Doesn't work with nails.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

If the child is drooling

AT this case I'm not talking about children who are teething: naturally, they have profuse salivation. However, if the child has already cut through all the teeth, and saliva still continues to flow, contact a pediatric dentist: it is quite possible that the wrong bite is to blame. If the bite of the child is normal, and the teeth have all erupted, then resort to the help of the next rite.

In the evening, put a handkerchief under your child's pillow and leave it overnight. In the morning, take out a handkerchief and wipe the child's drool with it until the evening, until he goes to bed. When the child falls asleep, read a special plot over the handkerchief and hang it on the street. The ceremony is carried out for three days, and then the scarf is washed.

The words of the conspiracy are:

The servant of God (name) gave,

The wind took and gave it to someone.

And who - only God knows.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

I do not remember a case where this rite did not help someone.

What to do if the child ate shit

This sometimes happens with young children. To prevent unwanted consequences, be sure to reprimand the child with the help of wedding candles.

Put a name icon of the child, light a wedding candle and read a special conspiracy twelve times in a row, but first read Our Father.

Our Father, Who art in Heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as in Heaven and on earth. Give us our daily bread today; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Virgin Mary, rejoice

Blessed Mary,

Bless us against every adversity,

Take the empty from my child,

Dashing, bad, merry, alien,

From fire, from deep water,

From uninvited misfortune

From the unexpected, from the desperate,

From short life and hard times,

From poverty, from secret enmity,

Anything you didn't say

Anything that was left unsaid.

Mother of God Mary,

Be a faithful companion to my child.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

What to do if the child eats snot

On Wednesday, sit your child on the doorstep, give him a plate of food and a spoon, then say:

Frequent teeth, red lips.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us.

God - God's, to Caesar - Caesar's.

Mouth in its place

Nose in his tower.

I won't take anything from nose to mouth.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Then feed the child with the charmed food, giving him exactly three spoons of food - no more and no less.

So that the child does not eat snot

In this case, you should read a special conspiracy over water three times in a row, with which you then need to wash the child. After that, he will forget about his unpleasant habit. The conspiracy is this:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Do not be a mouth above the nose,

And so it would not be from the nose in the mouth either.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Till the end of time. Amen.

How to speak dumbness in children

Cross, my cross!

John Chrysostom, descend from Heaven,

Open the mouth of the servant of God (name).

How you spoke theologically, spoke,

So the servant of God (name) would also say,

He surprised me, his mother, with his speech.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

If the child is numb with fright

It also happens that a child who previously knew how to speak becomes very frightened of something and then stops talking. If neither the persuasion of relatives, nor doctors help and the child continues to be silent, try the following. On a full moon night, when the sky is clear with no clouds, take your child outside. By the way, make sure that there are no people or animals near you. Lay your undershirt on the ground, put a child on it and read the following plot three times in a row:

Look at the moon where the angels live

Protect your soul.

Christ is standing there, looking at you, child,

Say hello to Him.

After that, pick up a mirror and turn it so that your child can see the reflection of the moon. Let him look through the mirror at the moon, and at this time you will read the same plot again, just add at the end:

Christ loves you

You will be silent -

He will forget you.

After that, bring the child home and put him to bed. Caress him and say affectionately (you can use your own words):

God loves you very, very much

And you are silent.

He will resent me because of you.

Usually, after this ceremony, children begin to speak the very next morning.

How to get rid of a parent

Break off a piece from a whole loaf of bread, take out the crumb and roll it over the chest of the patient, saying:

Earth, take bread and salt,

Take the pain from the servant of God (name).

I roll out, I pronounce, I shoot:

Lesson, transverse, male and female,

Childish and senile, enviable and shameful,

From bones and from blood, from the fate of the whole.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Take this bread out of the sick man's house and put it somewhere under a bush.

Conspiracy from a relative

Early in the morning, while the sun has not yet risen, read the following plot three times in a row:

Grandma Varvarushka, I ask you

Take off the baby

Servant of God (name), relative:

Bone, residential,

Kindred of the heart, kindred of the head,

An inner relative, a dominating relative,

Trepuchiy and all twelve relatives,

And all twelve thin men,

And all twelve windy breakers.

Remove from the white body, from clear eyes,

From the white face, from the lung, from the liver,

With a zealous heart and with all the scarlet blood,

From all insides. Amen.

Another conspiracy from a relative

Sit the child on a chair and ask him to look at the flame of the candle. After you read the plot, the child must extinguish the candle himself, but if he is still too small, then you can do it for him. The spoken words are as follows:

Twelve brothers, twelve relatives,

How the dead do not toss and turn

So would you all twelve

Don't toss and turn in this house

Not today, not now, not tomorrow, not in an hour,

Never, forever.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Kindred to speak

Read a special conspiracy over the water, which then give the child a drink, and rinse it with the rest. The spoken words are:

On the sea, on the ocean, among the White Sea,

There is a copper pole

From earth to sky, from east to west,

And in that copper pillar there is a copper copper

From pain and sickness.

I send a servant of God (name)

In that copper pillar, What is on the sea, on the ocean,

And I command him with my commanded word

Put a relative in that copper pillar.

And it would be from that commandment of the servant of God (name)

Safe and sound and delivered from a relative

For now, for the rest of my life.

Or read the following plot:

I gnaw, I gnaw, I take away, I take down

On the servant of God (name) there are twelve relatives:

umbilical, cardiac, internal,

Head, articular, vein,

Bone, hand, foot,

Eye, howler, talker.

As the dead does not toss and turn from the grave,

So it would be for the servant of God (name)

These ten relatives

Would never hesitate.

Century after century, now and forever.

Rolling out a kinsman

On the full moon, take a bread crumb, make a small ball out of it (the size of a nut) and roll this ball over the child’s body, while reading the following conspiracy:

I speak, I speak

Parable lesson, sentenced,

male, female,

Oncoming and transverse,

enviable and joyful,

From a wild head

From a ruddy face

From bones, from brains,

From the liver, from the lungs,

From a zealous heart, from white hands,

With fast feet

Not pure by itself. Amen.

Then wrap the bread crumb in a clean cloth and throw it away at the crossroads at midnight, saying:

Holy well-doer, take bread and salt,

Forgive the servant of God (name). Amen.

This rite should be performed for seven days in a row.

Conspiracy from a child's relative

Find a knot in the fence and bring the child to it. Let him touch the knot, and at this time you say:

Like from this bitch tar,

So from the servant of God (name) sickness.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy from childhood diathesis

Take the child to the bath and bathe him, reading the following plot over him:

Bath spirit, speak the servant of God (name)

From scabs

From wet scabs

From dry scabs,

From scabs small and large.

Like a bath broom, the leaves themselves fly off,

So let it be from my child

All the stems are falling off.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Diarrhea conspiracy in a baby

Mothers know how quickly a baby loses strength due to diarrhea. Therefore, it is the sacred duty of every mother to know a special conspiracy to help get rid of this misfortune. Usually, in order for diarrhea to pass, it is enough to read the plot two or three times. Conspiracy words are pronounced over the water, which is then given to the baby. The conspiracy is as follows:

Jesus as a child with Mother Mary,

And the health of the servant of God (name) is with him. Amen.

If the child beat off the ass

If a small child falls on the ass with a swing, then he may have diarrhea, even bloody. The child is treated as follows. They soar well in the bath so that the muscles relax, and then they put them face down on their knees and gently stroke the buttocks from top to bottom, while saying:

Butt, butt,

Stack yours.

Then spit three times over the left shoulder. After that, diarrhea immediately disappears.

Speak bruised in a child

If your child has fallen or hit himself, talk to him about the bruised place and make sure that after that there will be no bruise or bump. The plot goes like this:

A girl walked near the water,

She led a bull on a strap along the loose bank.

Stone vein,

No blood drips

Sculpting words like dough.

Pain, blood, dislocation have no place in the body.

My mouth is a castle

My tongue is the key.

Be, my word, strong, stucco and tenacious,

Stronger than damask

Harder than alatyr stone.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

A conspiracy from a bruise in a child

Circle your little finger clockwise around the bruise, saying:

A rider was galloping in a field, a club in his hand.

The horse stumbled, the club fell,

My child's pain is gone.

What to say if a child is hurt

To make the bruise pass faster, and the child does not cry, say:

The fox is in pain

The bear is in pain

Our (name)

Nothing pain.

* * *

Magpies get sick

The crow is sick

At the jackdaw of pain,

And at (name) heal!

* * *

The wolf is in pain, the fox is in pain,

(name) has pain

Fly to the birch in the forest.

Conspiracy from baby bristles

If a child starts crying and cannot calm down in any way, look at his back: it is quite possible that a bristle has appeared on it. But even if you don’t find a bristle, I still advise you to read a special plot to make sure. To do this, stroke the child with your right hand on the back (from head to feet), saying:

Pig bristles are prickly,

sore hair,

And my child is at peace.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

To keep the hemangioma from growing

Red spots on the body of a newborn may appear not only due to difficult birth. The reason for their appearance is often the fright experienced by a pregnant woman. Unfortunately, these spots usually grow. To prevent this, take two hairs: one from the mother of the child, the other from someone else's long beard. Measure the stain with them, and then tie them, saying:

How are these two hairs

From beard to head

Will not grow again

So are the spots on the servant of God (name)

They won't grow up anymore.

My tongue is the key

Words are a castle

And in my case - God's amulet.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy from barley

To save a child from such a misfortune, read the following conspiracy:

Barley, barley, you're a fiddle -

What do you want to buy.

Buy yourself a hatchet

Cut off your head

Like a poppy.

A conspiracy from scabies in children

Take the child to the bath and read the following plot there:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

There is a red-haired girl with a dry broom,

Extinguishes, extinguishes bath evil spirits,

Wet scabs.

Like this broom's leaves are dry,

So the scabs would be dry,

How will the leaves of this broom fall,

So the scabies would sleep.

From gogol water,

From the servant of God (name) all thinness.

Water under the floor, baby on the floor. Amen.

Conspiracy from urticaria

Pour small cereals into a bag of red cloth, and then shake it over the child's head, saying:

Rash-rash, children's maeta,

Roll down, fall off the servant of God (name). Amen.

Perform the ceremony three times in a row, and then pour the cereal onto the road.

How to rid a child of a rash

Take the child to the bath and let him sweat well. Then wipe it off with the wrong side of your hem. After such a ceremony, the rash will disappear, as they say, before our eyes. Just be careful not to catch a cold after the bath.

Also, a special decoction that is added to the bath while bathing the child helps to get rid of the rash very well. Its composition is as follows:

Series - 50 g

Viburnum flowers - 50 g

Field chamomile flowers - 50 g

2 tbsp. brew spoons of the collection, strain and pour into the bath for bathing.

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