How to live a long and happy life. How to Live a Long and Happy Married Life

How to live without diseases one day and all your life

Most often, people begin to show interest in their health only when something hurts them. Unfortunately, it can be very difficult to help a person in this situation: the pathological processes that develop in the body over many years sometimes become irreversible. Therefore, in order not to be under the hood of the disease, one must persistently and regularly, day after day, "earn" health in the name of own life- full, long and happy. I hope that these simple recommendations will become a kind of guide to action for many.

Morning starts from evening

SO, you are awake. However, it is necessary to start the day not from this moment, but a little earlier, in the phase of the sleepy state, when we are in a shaky interval between sleep and wakefulness. This phase is extremely important for setting the emotional perspective of the whole day from dawn to dusk. It is at this moment, when our subconscious mind is still open to influences and as defenseless as during sleep, it is important to lay in the subconscious mind the thesis of our behavior for the coming day. In a matter of seconds it will be too late - the subconscious will be tightly blocked by consciousness.

This is not about detailed hourly planning of the day, but about its emotional coloring, about the arrangement of certain accents of our behavior, about the mood. Your settings will change from day to day. Today it is a mood for vivacity, tomorrow - for emphasized benevolence towards Pyotr Petrovich, whom you cannot stand, the day after tomorrow - for buying flowers for your wife, and so on.

It is noteworthy that you work out this program and verbally formulate it in the evening, before going to bed. You fall asleep with her. And in the morning, a tiny effort of will is enough to put it into action. Thus, the morning begins with the evening. Going to bed in a good mood, creating a good mood in the morning and maintaining a positive attitude throughout the day is the most important constant of our health.

Gymnastics in bed

WITHOUT getting out of bed, we begin to bring the work of all organs and systems to an optimal level. First, we bring our legs under the covers in such a way that the feet are closed, as K. Nishi recommends doing in the prevention of cancer. Following him, you need to close your hands in front of your chest. We will also close our palms, but not palm to palm, as the famous Japanese healer advises, but weave our fingers "into the lock" and put them under the head just below the top of the head. The essence of this procedure is that our palms are powerful emitters of energy, which, coming from the palms, begins to activate critical areas the brain responsible for the activity of many vital systems of the body.

Now we begin to spread our fingers from the center so that the palms gradually move down to the ears. What have we achieved in these 5-6 minutes in this way? First, by being in the position of the circuit, we caused the energy that exists in us to begin to circulate evenly throughout the body. Secondly, we noticeably revived, as if turned on, awakened from sleep the command areas of our brain.

Then, continuing to luxuriate in bed, we will massage the bioenergetically active points responsible for the most important life support systems. To do this, first with two index fingers we will work out a strip of skin above the eyebrows, then (men with the right hand, and women with the left) we will work out the interbrow zone, after that - the points along the wings of the nose and, finally, spreading the index and middle fingers (men - right hand, women - left), we will work on the over- and under-lip space.

Then, with your palms, vigorously rub your cheeks from the chin up towards the ears and get to the ears themselves. We climb inside the auricles with our fingers, twist them there in a variety of directions, after which we arrange a beating of the auricles with our palms, so that the ears turn red, and move on to the scalp.

Slightly raising the head, we tear the skin with our fingers, like a rake, in different directions along the central meridian from the forehead to the back of the head. We do the same procedure a few centimeters lower and finish by working out the meridian around the ears from the temples to the back of the head. We complete the massage with the fact that men - with their right, and women - with their left hands knead a point located in a hollow below the base of the skull - this is the most direct way to activate the brain regions.

Still lying in bed, we wrap our palms first one, then the other wrist and carefully, with all our might, scroll the skin on them several times. Thus, we include in the daily work the energy channels that regulate the activity of the heart and lungs. At the same time, we are building such terrible grimaces, from which all our neighbors would have fled in horror. The meaning of this procedure is not only to revitalize the muscles of the face, but also to activate hundreds of points associated with all zones located on the face. Well, now you can get up.

From glass to screw

FIRST of all, in small sips, slowly and mentally seeing each sip, we drink a glass of water at room temperature. At this time, we encourage active work of the intestines with the aim of its normal natural emptying in the morning. Having completed this most important procedure, we turn our attention to the spine.

In ancient times, they said: "If you have a lot of diseases, then your spine is not in order." And indeed it is. Usually the reason for this is poor posture. Look at how we walk: the head is down, the stomach is protruding forward, the shoulders are shifted towards the chest. What is the result? Deformation of the spine, defective work of the lungs, heart, diaphragm, on which, in turn, the work of the entire gastrointestinal tract depends. Displaced vertebrae and nerve endings squeezed by them cause numerous diseases - from migraines to varicose veins, from radiculitis to bronchial asthma.

How to prevent these sometimes inhuman pains that can turn a seemingly healthy person into a helpless invalid? Let it be known to you that in addition to incorrect posture, the displacement of the vertebrae is determined by the underdevelopment and extreme weakness of the deep-lying small muscles that connect the spinous processes of the vertebrae. All physical culture systems, all generally accepted methods of gymnastic exercises and morning exercises, as a rule, train only the broad back muscles located on top of the ribs. And those deep-lying muscles that are located inside the chest remain uncovered by this work. This cannot be tolerated.

In the set of exercises that you are used to doing in the morning (I think you should not remind about the need for this action), you must definitely include such oblique turns of the body, which, starting at the bottom, end in the upper part of the body with its maximum possible turn. In order to visualize this movement, imagine that you are standing with a shovel in front of a pile of earth and throwing the earth with a shovel into the back of a dump truck with a vigorous turn of the body to the left-up-over your shoulder and at the same time turn your head in the direction of the throw.

After making several throws over one shoulder, repeat the same through the other. It is advisable to bring the number of throws over each shoulder to 50. At first it will not be easy, but gradually get used to it. At the same time, your weak, deep-lying muscles will fill up with strength every day, keeping your spine in high tone.

Try to include other screw exercises that you have invented in your morning exercises. For example, reach the toe of the left foot with the fingers of the right hand and vice versa. All rotational movements of the body and the hip part, rotation of the hoop, imitation of haymaking, imitation of javelin throwers are very good. All these helical movements will forever save you from radiculitis pain, osteochondrosis, salt deposits and other misfortunes.

I note that you will get the maximum effect from morning exercises if you perform it with a minimum of clothes on, and even better - naked. Taking air baths, we ensure that our skin breathes actively and, therefore, participates in the vital processes of the body. The longest possible exposure, hardening with air is a great boon that requires absolutely no effort from you. So how can you ignore them?

Water procedures

AFTER physical exercises, which we do not for show, but with full dedication, it's time to move on to water procedures. They are necessary primarily in order to wash off sweat, perspiration after a physical workout. But the main goal of water procedures is to activate biologically active points and energy channels.

To do this, we take a long canvas or terry towel (I use a woven potato mesh instead), moisten it with water, wring it out slightly and rub it with it like a washcloth, arms, chest, back (especially the lumbar region), legs. Water can be cold or hot enough. The main thing is that you do not need to wipe yourself after wet rubbing. Evaporating, water (even cold, even hot) will give a wonderful hardening effect.

Another task: to normalize the psyche as much as possible. To do this, it is required to launch from the shower not a crushed, but a whole stream of a temperature that is comfortable for us. To achieve a complete jet, you can either twist the sprayer, or put a nylon stocking on it, or put a hose from washing machine. With the flow of a holistic jet from the top of the head along the entire spine, you will receive a lot of joy and pleasure within 3 minutes.

The meaning of this procedure is to eliminate induced electricity, which, from the constantly overexcited cerebral cortex, affects all other areas of the brain, thereby causing malfunctions in their activity. As a result, there are all sorts of disorders that cause strokes in some, heart attacks in others, and spastic colitis in others. You can, of course, on the advice of doctors, take pills, having become completely dependent on chemotherapy. But keep in mind: you will not be able to pull out the root of ailments in this way. Therefore, it is much more reasonable and beneficial for you to spend 3 minutes in the morning and another 3 minutes in the evening for water procedures in order to protect yourself from such electrical breakdowns and their consequences.

After rubbing and short-term bliss under running water, we proceed to dousing with cold water from buckets. What is happening? Firstly, the release of negative information when pouring the first bucket and a significant acquisition of additional energy when pouring the second bucket. Secondly, the strengthening of the nervous system by overcoming the small stresses arising from the scalding contact with cold water. Thirdly, the revival of capillary vessels, which at first sharply narrow, and then greatly expand, supplying the organs washed by them with the necessary amount of blood.

In addition, during dousing with cold water, those not quite healthy internal organs are helped, the diseases of which we sometimes do not even suspect. After all, between the cooled skin and the weakened organ within 1-1.5 minutes there is a reflex arc, at the ends of which the temperature rises to 40 degrees. This contributes to the flow of additional blood volume to the diseased organ, and, consequently, the additional amount of healing substances contained in it.

And one more important remark. Since when pouring cold water on a person, a powerful energy flow literally falls, 50-100 times higher than our usual potential, this moment can be used both to wish health to yourself and your loved ones, no matter how far they are, and to improve your relationship with a person who fixes you some kind of interference or expresses his dislike to you. To do this, it is enough during dousing, focusing on a specific person, to send him your good wishes. Your message will definitely take effect, especially if it is repeated during several procedures.

To those 5-10 minutes that you spent on such useful work, you need to add another 2-3 minutes so that, without rubbing with a towel, walk around after water procedures in a terry dressing gown thrown over a wet body or a clean hebash T-shirt (shirt) in order to so that the action of the electric poles formed during the temperature difference is preserved as long as possible: plus inside the body and minus on the skin.

Makeup on the gravel

Important types of work in the bathroom do not end with water procedures. Women expect makeup, and men - shaving. This toilet should also be directed in the right direction, to improve health. To do this, you should not just stand in front of a mirror, but stand with your bare feet on fine gravel or large crystals of sea salt. What for? To stomp on gravel or salt during makeup or shaving, activating all biologically active points located on the foot and on the tips of the toes. This process is highly beneficial. Gravel or salt can be poured into a small wooden box specially designed for this. You can also use a rubber mat with spikes or bumps instead.

Further, it will not be harmful to resort to the ritual of yogis, who in the morning consider it necessary to erase and throw plaque from the tongue into the sink with some kind of scraper (for example, a spoon). During this procedure, which is both gymnastics for the tongue and a way to clean it, those gastrointestinal zones that have their own "representation" on the surface of the tongue are also activated.

Energy breathing

HERE, finally, after a light breakfast, you left the house. A few steps from your entrance there is a bus stop, which in 20 minutes will take you directly to your place of work. You will arrive at your office or factory gate even faster if you turn the corner and dive into the subway. But stop! I do not advise you to use any of the means of transportation. To work - just walk!

Someone will object to me: they say, you can’t go on foot through the whole city. I offer a compromise. If it is unrealistic to walk the many kilometers from home to work, cover this distance with the help of public transport only by half or two-thirds, and walk the rest of the route "on foot".

Remember that movement is life. Moving in space without the slightest muscular effort will turn for you first into dystrophy and weakness of the muscular apparatus, then - dysfunction of the entire cardiovascular system, and finally - a long stay for various reasons in medical institutions and departure to another world ahead of the prescribed standards of life expectancy by about half. To prevent this from happening, try to overcome at least 5-8 kilometers a day for the sake of your healthy longevity.

Walking to work is also useful because at this time we continue to work on ourselves. What does it consist of? First of all, in breathing training. There are many different respiratory systems. All of them are aimed at producing the maximum saturation of the blood and, consequently, all the cells of the body, without exception, with the necessary atmospheric gases. This is definitely important. But now we will talk about something else - about breathing as a way of saturating our body with living energy, obtained directly from the environment, and not from those foods that we eat during our meals.

Our training is based on the techniques of the ancient Chinese breathing exercises qi-gong, which I learned about, by the way, after I invented my own version of breathing. I called it energy breathing N 1. Its meaning is that all 4 components of the respiratory cycle - inhalation, breath holding, exhalation and delay again - we use due to the powerful energy of the environment to feed our somewhat weakened internal organs. During this breath, we must enter into a close, inextricable connection with the powerful energy carriers encountered on our way, the potential of which is much higher than ours - with the sun, sky, clouds, clumps of trees, rivers, mountains.

The first stage: looking at them, the breath that we take through the nose is mentally carried out through a kind of funnel in the solar plexus, which absorbs and sends the energy spilled all over the world into our body.

The second stage: while holding the breath, we mentally form a certain energy ball or plasma cloud in the area of ​​the solar plexus, and as long as the breath is held, we increase this cloud in size.

The third stage: during the exhalation, which occurs through the nose or mouth, we send this energy cloud directly to the organ that, in our opinion, needs support, such as the heart.

The fourth stage: while holding the breath, we dissolve this energy cloud in the organ that we decided to energize.

Then the process is repeated. At the same time, we can energize the same organ several times, or we can arbitrarily direct the energy cloud formed by us in turn to one or another organ.

Ball as a security measure

IT IS CLEAR that we are not moving through the streets in a vacuum. We pass under power lines, through which current flows, distorting, deforming our biological field. Machines are rushing past us, tearing all the living space around them with destructive electromagnetic emissions. We meet people who, for reasons unknown to us, are capable of sending a negative emotional outburst in our direction, breaking through our field shell. Therefore, we must take care of our protection.

I ask you, as soon as you leave the house, imagine yourself inside a hollow ball that rotates in all planes at once. The inner shell of this ball is completely black, and the outer shell is mirrored. Even with a hint of an adverse effect on you from the outside, you should, without thinking, completely automatically mentally move inside this two-layer ball and spin it. After 2-3 attempts, you will learn how to set up such protection without much difficulty. Do not forget to do this even at the end of the working day, barely leaving the place of work.

According to the Amazon principle

BUT HERE you safely reached your workplace. Do not try to plunge into business immediately, as if in a pool with your head. Spend a few minutes on the simplest meditation exercises that will surely make your working day more successful. And this means that the problems that arise in the process of work will not affect your health.

The most important thing in preparing for work is a mindset for success. We know that good thoughts positive emotions attract to themselves, like a magnet, the materialization of the plan. Alas, evil thoughts and negative emotions work in exactly the same way. In short, what you set yourself up for, what you think about often and persistently, will happen. Therefore, in no case, no matter what difficult tasks you have to solve at work, do not set yourself up for failure. On the contrary, one must constantly train and educate in oneself the mood for success, for luck in work.

Instead of, "I probably won't be able to do this job," periodically repeat to yourself, "I'm going to do this job brilliantly." As a result, you will achieve such a psychological state in which you will feel like a valuable employee, you will feel pride in your profession and qualifications, you will internally admire your skill and your ability to find the right solution at the right time. All this naturally and logically attracts success.

At the same time, you need to clearly decide what you want, and with the utmost brightness see your goal already achieved. Here the so-called “Amazon principle” begins to operate: not the one of them hit the target better, which took aim for a long time, but the one that already clearly saw in advance how her arrow hit the desired target.

During a busy day at work, it is imperative to periodically give yourself a break. I do not mean such completely useless pastime as hourly smoke breaks or pointless chatter with colleagues during tea drinking. I offer you a radically different option. In seclusion somewhere for a few minutes, in a sitting or standing position, imagine that either an orange ball rotates counterclockwise around your hips, or such a wide belt that weightlifters put on so as not to damage the abdominal muscles during weight lifting.

Represented? Now mentally lower this ball or belt down from your feet. As soon as it goes into the ground, immediately put the next spinning ball or belt on your hips. Behind him - the third, fourth and so on. A few minutes of such meditation - and your nerves will completely calm down, your head will rest, and you will be able to start the next labor achievements with renewed vigor.

Dirty job

Imperceptibly flew by the working day, and we left the checkpoint, heading for our dear home. As a rule, on the way home you need to go to several stores. But this will not prevent us from continuing our health promotion activities. It's just that from time to time we will have to interrupt them, making this or that purchase. But it is not important. Stopped, bought bread or milk - and go on. And we will be engaged in cleaning, repair, energy pumping of internal organs and systems.

Let's start with the spine. Imagine that a dense golden solar ball flew into our head through the crown. So he went down to the first cervical vertebra, enveloping him with his warmth, and began to rotate around him. The ball rotates around the vertebra, then rising, then falling, and burns out all the dirt accumulated on the vertebra, dissolves all the salts concentrated on its surface. Having cleaned the first cervical vertebra to a shine, the ball goes to the second and does the same work with it, then to the third, fourth, and so on, moving along the entire spine to the tailbone.

In the course of this work, having felt that the ball is full of the dirt collected by it from the vertebrae, we periodically send it along a steep trajectory upwards, through the top of the head, somewhere into the "black hole" at the edge of the Universe, so that it will forever take this waste there. And in return for it, a new clean solar ball comes to us from an infinite height. Quickly slipping over the already cleaned vertebrae, he continues this dirty work.

Having thus cleaned the spine, which is the main stronghold of our health, it makes sense to take care of the heart. There are many wonderful mental images for its purification. Here is one of them. Imagine our heart consisting of 4 chambers (2 ventricles and 2 atria), separated by muscular walls. We gently open each chamber from the outside and sequentially wash the most intimate places with a soft sponge, removing from there, like dirt, thickened spent energy.

Then, just as carefully and gently, we wash the entire heart bag from the outside, removing from all the folds and sinuses all the information dirt that has accumulated there during the day. After that, we give a mental message of a golden warm rain that washes our whole heart clean from the outside and from the inside, and we stop this work, which took only 1-2 minutes, until the next day. Such attention, which we carry out on the mental plane, is realized at the physiological level by an additional blood flow, an improvement in the functioning of various parts of the nervous system, and as a result, an improvement in the condition of the heart as a whole.

Approximately the same or with the help of other mental images, you can clean all other organs. When certain skills have been developed, you will perform this procedure in a matter of seconds, and you will feel the effect of it almost immediately.

Weather in the house

They say that happy is the one who goes to work with joy in the morning and returns home with joy in the evening. In order for us to really be drawn home, we must take care of creating a special microclimate in the family, which undoubtedly affects the state of our body. Moreover, the influence is quite significant, since we spend most of our lives among our households. Our health and the health of our loved ones depend on the "weather" in our home. Therefore, if we want to support him at the proper level, it is very important to establish in the family not just good, but kind-hearted relations based on mutual assistance and understanding.

Unfortunately, in quite a few families it has become a tradition not to stand on ceremony with relatives. Without hesitation, in the presence of children, a wife can throw a replica to her husband “Don’t yell!”, And it doesn’t cost anything for her husband to throw her “Why are you laughing like a horse?” or something else cooler. I ask you to decisively and immediately change the style of your behavior. Treating loved ones this way is not only shameful, but also deadly to health. It remains to be seen whether your furious emotional outburst will reach the core of the one to whom it is addressed, but the fact that it will tear and cripple the subtle bodies surrounding you one after another is certain. But it is in such bodies that the duplicating centers of all our internal organs are concentrated.

Someone in the family gets sick - everyone helps him recover. The child goes to the first grade for the first time - everyone from young to old shows their involvement in this solemn event. For some reason, the daughter "stayed up in the girls" - the whole family clan is trying to provide her with all possible assistance in finding a suitable party. That is, each member of the family in his general attitude should proceed from the principle of complete dedication. This is what distinguishes a family from a group of cohabitants who accidentally joined in a given living space.

Of course, in such a family you will always be greeted with kindness and kindness, seated at the dinner table, fed, watered, asked (but unobtrusively) about business, shared news, and, if necessary, given advice, discussed problems related to both difficult life and complex life. . And, of course, for quarrels, scandals, conversations on raised tones, mutual insults, insults and mistrust in such families do not exist. All the most acute problems are solved through "peace talks". A calm, balanced external environment becomes a guarantee and inner harmony, which is one of the most important health factors.

With angina, it quickly and radically removes purulent deposits from the tonsils by lubricating them several times a day with a swab dipped in kerosene. A similar effect is obtained by lubricating the tonsils every 20 minutes with a solution of propolis (20 g of propolis per 100 ml of alcohol). You can do it differently: mix a teaspoon of this solution in 0.5 cups of warm water and gargle thoroughly every hour. Propolis solution can be replaced with apple cider vinegar. To lubricate the tonsils, 100% apple cider vinegar is used, and for rinsing, dilute 2-3 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in 0.5 cups of water.

Daily massage those bones on the hands that are suitable for index finger. It is necessary to massage each bone for at least 5 minutes, first on one, then the same amount on the other hand. During massage, this bone should be kneaded either with a pad thumb opposite hand, or with a prickly roller, or a ball of wax, propolis or mummy. During this massage, about 500 (!) biologically active points are activated, located on these bones and having a connection with almost all internal organs and systems.

You can, of course, not follow any of the proposed recommendations. Indeed, we are constantly in a hurry. I know that in the morning, for example, every minute counts. Is it up to gymnastics and water procedures? But think: is it worth saving time to the detriment of your own health? Believe me, all these minutes (supposedly lost) will turn into an increase in healthy years of life on the scale of your stay on this planet. So choose. As they say, to the free - will, to the saved - paradise.

Each stage of the relationship between a woman and a man has its own problems, while they can be completely different, that is, spouses can be worried about an unplanned pregnancy, problems at work, and even a midlife crisis. Anything can happen! If you want to live peacefully and happily with your beloved until the end of your life, then you should constantly take care of the health of the relationship. And not only on a physical level, but also on an emotional one. Let's take a deeper look at what is more important for us, and what should be paid special attention to.

Where to start?

Unfortunately, both men and women, having acquired families, immediately relax, they eventually cease to attach importance to their appearance. According to some experts, the waist circumference of those who are married is gradually increasing every year. Recently, in one of the British magazines, an article was published on the topic of relationships, which said that if after a couple of years of marriage one of the spouses is gaining weight, then the second can also gain the same weight on a subconscious level. The risk of recovering "for the company" is great, it is equal to 37%. And this, in turn, leads to family problems, because due to excess weight, the sexual attractiveness of spouses is significantly reduced, while the number of serious diseases is rapidly increasing, this applies primarily to the heart and kidneys. From this we can conclude that the family needs to develop the habit of healthy, rational nutrition as early as possible, only then the spouses will be healthy not only physically, but also emotionally. And one more fact that leads to obesity: a person eats a lot more food in the company, whether it is family or friends. Therefore, at least dinner should be eaten alone.

Gotta live according to plan

One of the important causes of family scandals is money. According to statistics, more than 40% of married couples try to hide from each other how much he/she actually spent on a particular purchase. And even more so it is not clear how to survive if a crisis has come in the country. Therefore, each family should have its own plan. Naturally, to negotiate financial matters necessary at the beginning of the development of relationships, before you start living together. Sometimes there are couples in which the wife is a spender, and the husband is a very economical person who is used to counting pennies. Do you think such couples will not last long together? No, on the contrary, if a husband and wife have different financial policies, it is even more interesting to live. You just need to immediately agree on strategic issues, decide in advance who will pay utility bills, wife's new clothes, and who will run the household.

Rules from childhood

Starting to live with our husband, we try to build a strategic plan for our family. Our husbands often participate in this as well. Only sometimes we forget that we almost completely copy our parents, we try to live the way our moms and dads lived, everything goes on a subconscious level. At the same time, we rarely think about how we lived in that family. It doesn’t seem to matter where to store dishes for guests? But no, in some families, because of such a trifle, the relationship between husband and wife deteriorates. And with the advent of children, things go much worse, because the child sees how the parents argue over trifles and absorbs everything like a sponge. As a result, these relationships will already flicker in the family of this child.

Expert research has shown the following interesting phenomenon: how parents were able to share the responsibilities of caring for a child, in a couple of years, will affect their marriage. Therefore, be sure to agree: who walks with the child, and who gets up at night for night feeding. Remember one thing, each person in the family is a separate person who has his own ideas and goals.

The importance of sex in a relationship

AT family life having sex is one of the important things, but it can never be planned, because it will become some kind of obligation. A couple of years ago, Americans conducted a study, during which it was revealed that the average couple has sex about 60 times a year, that is, they go out every 2 weeks. And one more important point, almost 90% of couples after the birth of their first child experience a decline in satisfaction with life in marriage.

Of course, there is no need to dramatize or fight in a panic, just turn on your imagination and remove laziness somewhere far away. It also plays an important role in the number of sex sessions, and its quality. If spouses are satisfied with quality sex once a month, then why change something? Well, if you want sexual acrobatics every night, and your partner is not against it - act!

Learn to flex

Perhaps, at the beginning of the relationship, you agreed on certain financial and living conditions, but you need to understand that life circumstances change over time, and not everything is in our hands. Imagine a situation when your earner husband was left without work, he lost everything he had because of the crisis. In such situations, there is a change of roles: the husband stays at home, makes plans and takes care of everyday life, and the housewife wife goes to work to feed the family. Whether it is necessary to dramatize in such a situation or not is up to you. But the family must stay together in any situation, in sorrow and in joy ... if you want your family not to suffer, learn to bend over and respond correctly to life changes.

Don't Forget About Movement

By the age of forty, only a few are ready to visit fitness clubs 3-4 times a week. But you should not give a damn about your forms, so physical activity is needed, only you can show it in a different way. You can visit the tennis court, the golf course or take a walk in the park together. Remember movement is life, and joint movement is convergence. Thus, you can spend time together, the main thing is that you enjoy it.

How to avoid it?

Unfortunately, today there are a lot of divorces, and not only young people get divorced, but also spouses who are already 50 years old or more. It seems that there are only a couple of dozen left to live, and it would be better for them not to wash dirty linen in public. Still, in addition to children, by this time there are already grandchildren. Many psychologists advise such older couples to just speak out. To do this, you can invite home an old friend who you can trust. It would be better if there is a person who could survive something like this. But we advise you to control your revelations, even if you are bosom friends. You don't have to tell everything that's on your mind. Suddenly these words will turn against you?

How to prepare for a new life

We often talk about empty nest syndrome. Although, if you look from the other side, it becomes possible to change your relationship. By “letting your children out on their own,” you can take care of your relationship with your husband, and you can significantly improve the quality of your intimate life. After all, now you do not need to get up at 6-00 in the morning, rush around the mugs. Now you can relax, spend time with your loved one or enjoy yourself, for example, soak in the bath.

But there is one thing, with children we often restrain ourselves, carefully select words so as not to injure the child's psyche, but after the children leave the house, your stress may increase. There will be no more familiar moments, you will not be annoyed by a daughter who is constantly worn with the phone, a son who likes to listen to loud music. Perhaps at first you will even discuss it. But you can often take up your free time with your hobbies.

We keep healthy

When one of the spouses falls ill, the second, as a rule, takes care of the patient. But sometimes the illness of a spouse, some responsibility for him, leads to the fact that a healthy one begins to break down, that is, he himself begins to fall ill. At such moments, you should not refuse the additional help of children, relatives or friends. And if you need this help, you must ask without any hesitation. The husband-nurse, at least sometimes, but must go out, he needs communication. Basically, the sick spouse feels guilty and often suffers because of this, he is even prone to depression, and the caregiver feels control and some kind of manipulation on the part of the patient. To avoid such a situation, learn to speak frankly, without embarrassment, about your illnesses, at least to your spouse.

Who is not afraid of old age? The one who lives in a high. It doesn't matter what their high is. Whether this buzz is in sunny weather or in collecting stamps, in growing flowers or in raising children. These people enjoy every moment of life and meet the new day with a smile.

Science presents us with more and more new sensations, promises to make us immortal and prolong youth to infinity. So we expect more and more unusual surprises from her. We want to live long and well, without illness and stress.

Here are three simple but wise advice, how to live to 100:

1. Learn to watch what you eat

“Trust in God, but don’t make a mistake yourself,” says the folk saying. True. The secrets of longevity lie in the way we live. In where we live, how we live, what we breathe, what we eat, what is the state of our soul.

Scientists say that by eating rice, fish, seafood, constantly including vegetables, fruits, foods that correspond to our age in the diet, we prolong our lives. At the same time, in no case do not overeat. But it's not all about the food.

2. Learn to be happy

You need to learn to live in peace and harmony with yourself, to be happy, despite the vicissitudes of fate. A person's attitude towards love plays an important role against aging. Love yourself, love the people around you, give more than you receive. "Love saves the world". When a person lives happily, whether he is rich or poor, and has a strong, loving family, he leaves more years behind him. You need to live in the present, taking everything that happens to you for granted. Such is the law of nature.

3. Watch your emotions

She taught her grandchildren: “One fine time, stand in front of a mirror and aloud convince yourself “I am healthy and young”, “I will live a long, long time”, program yourself. And guess what, it helped.

A person must fight for his health himself, because without this, even the most outstanding doctor will not be able to heal him. In general, "it's hard to live only the first hundred years."

In this article, we have tried to present an alloy of recommendations from Tibetan lamas, yogis and the latest developments of modern gerontologists. An attempt has been made to create a concise and dynamic encyclopedia on this topic. So, let's begin…

The main condition for active longevity is existence in a comfortable and complementary environment. Optimism, love of life, a sense of being needed by people - this is the golden key to solving this problem.

This is the powerful force that keeps us in this world, gives us the strength to live, can cure the most serious illnesses. Love in the family, for relatives and friends, for the Motherland, for one's work, for people and, in general, for all of Nature is a powerful incentive for longevity.

2. Calm

Human evolution took place in the struggle for the survival of the species and everyday stress is vital for us. But the most important task is to prevent destructive (distress) that have a detrimental effect on the nervous system and the entire human body. You need to be able to switch to the positive in time, to see in any difficult situation positive sides. No need to elevate any situation to the rank of drama or an insurmountable problem. If you can change these adverse circumstances, then act. And if the situation cannot be brought under control, then you need to trust the Universe. Unpleasant situations tend to resolve themselves over time. This is better than unnecessary experiences and empty fuss.

Before going to bed, you should not take a shower, as in some cases it can only contribute to arousal. A much better option is a warm herbal bath. Be sure to introduce self-massage into your daily practice.

3. Communication with people

Longevity is affected by active communication. It is necessary to consistently expand contacts and useful connections with a wide variety of people, which is largely facilitated by the Internet and other modern means of communication. There is even an opinion that the Internet increases immunity. In addition, you can get here a lot of useful, most modern information on the forms and methods of maintaining your health.

You should try to communicate with nice people with people of common interests and hobbies. Do not forget to call and write to family and friends more often.

4. Nutrition

It is necessary to resolutely discard the passion for diets. People who are constantly on diets are more likely to have nervous breakdowns and their immunity may be weakened. Nutrition should be healthy and balanced, it must bring pleasure and joy.

A prerequisite is the regular intake of vitamins. In rational nutrition there should be no stress and storming. If we have one day a week vegetarian, then it's not a diet - it's just a health benefit. If you don't eat after six, that's fine too. The main thing - without fanaticism. Measure is the goddess of rational nutrition.

5. Workouts

You can meet the opinion that for longevity you need to move more. But there is a slightly different point of view. Chaotic, thoughtless movement, excessive tension, overwork can only lead to harm. And of course, sport is a serious health hazard. Benefit only Physical Culture meaningful, personal training.

In order to benefit and improve health, training must be carried out on the verge of comfort and discomfort. In addition, in order to achieve longevity, it is necessary to train not only muscles, but also other parameters of the functioning of the human body, for example, flexibility, agility, quick reaction, vigilance of the eyes, etc.

6. Regular medical examination

It is clear to everyone that any disease is most easily treated in the early stages. To maintain health, it is necessary to undergo an annual medical examination. It is advisable to regularly independently measure your pressure, blood sugar. According to the recommendations of modern medicine, cholesterol levels should be monitored at least once every 3 years. It is very important to visit the dentist regularly, at least once every 6 months.

Modern research has shown that there is a direct relationship between the condition of the teeth and the cardiovascular system. Periodontal disease is directly related to the occurrence of atherosclerosis.

7. Active thinking

The wise thought of Rene Descartes is very relevant for prolonging longevity: "I think, therefore I exist." Studying, learning new languages, learning to play musical instruments, doing crossword puzzles and playing chess all help to prolong life.

8. Laughter

The relationship between health and good, sincere laughter has long been scientifically proven. It is very important to be able to laugh at yourself, smile more often from the heart. The ability to look at life with humor cheers up and strengthens the immune system. A minute of laughter normalizes blood pressure and strengthens the heart. People with a developed sense of humor live longer.

9. Update

Constantly and actively update! The update contributes to a heightened sense of progress and movement forward. And movement, development and progress, as you know, is the essence of life. Living in step with the times, keeping up, thinking creatively is the key to a high quality of life and longevity.

10. Fulfillment of purpose

It is very important to do what you love in life, to fulfill your Mission in the Universe. A person who fulfills his Destiny feels happy, he wants to live, create and create. It is very important to have a passion, an interesting hobby.

11. Communication with nature

A dacha, a garden, a kitchen garden, flowers, a person's communication with the earth, as well as trips to the forest for berries and mushrooms - these are unconditional factors for a comprehensive recovery. It prolongs the life and constant communication of a person with the water element. Bathing in the sea, in a lake, in a clean river has a powerful healing effect on the entire body. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of clean air.

Hiking in the mountains and inhaling the mountain air are especially useful. An important part of our communication with nature is also communication with our pets. Love for native animals fills life with new meaning. Since ancient times, the healing effect of cats on the host's body has also been known.

12. Contemplation, meditation, breathing

We regularly contemplate sunsets and sunrises, the blue sky, the sun, clouds and stormy skies, rain and fog, the moon and stars at night, flowers, sculpture and architecture, painting.

We meditate on fire (a fire or a flame in a fireplace) or streams of water (for example, on a waterfall, a mountain stream or a fountain in a park). Listening to your favorite songs and melodies, singing karaoke is also a peculiar and very useful meditation.

For active longevity, each person must choose his own breathing training system and strictly follow it. Very useful, for example, yogic full and cleansing breathing.

