Feng Shui in the apartment. Nine Important Feng Shui Living Aspects or Zones in an Apartment

The practice of Feng Shui is aimed at harmonizing the energies within which a person lives. With the right development of space, you can achieve positive results in all areas of life.

The feng shui of an apartment requires a serious approach. Based on Eastern practice, it is necessary to clearly delimit the zones and place symbolic attributes in them that will concentrate the flows of positive Qi energy in the right place.

AT recent times many became interested in various practices for harmonious home improvement. Using the postulates of the doctrine, it is necessary to clearly delimit the zones of residential premises and correctly arrange the symbols in order to activate positive processes. At the same time, negative flows weaken or are completely neutralized.

Feng Shui is used to activate positive processes.

Feng Shui of an apartment reveals opportunities for its residents, helps to establish family relationships, make good profits, promote career growth and improve health. All this happens without much effort on the part of the person. The main condition is knowledge of the fundamental laws of Taoist practice.

Feng Shui interior design

Arranging Feng Shui apartments, it is necessary to pay attention not only to global issues, but also to smaller ones. There are several basic rules, the observance of which will help control your life.

  • Maintaining cleanliness. The presence of rubbish leads to the closure of favorable flows and stagnant energy - Sha - accumulates in these places.

It is very important to clean your home regularly.

  • Getting rid of unnecessary items of clothing. Only an empty place can attract the appearance of a new one. No need to regret what is no longer useful. If it is a pity to throw away clothes, then you can give them to those in need.

Get rid of unwanted clothes

  • Repair of all non-functioning devices. Not everyone has the opportunity to throw away broken expensive equipment, as can be done with clothes. However, the presence of non-functioning appliances in the house also leads to stagnation. It is necessary to do minor and global repairs of what lends itself to it, and everything else must be disposed of.

Throw away non-working appliances

  • There should not be broken dishes in the house. This tradition is voiced not only in the teachings of Feng Shui. broken dishes traditionally considered a bad omen, and they got rid of it.

Do not store broken dishes at home

  • In order for all zones in the apartment to work for the benefit of the owners, it is necessary to achieve good lighting at any time of the day. During the day they should be illuminated by the sun's rays, and in the evening - from lamps, sconces and lamps. In the dark, stagnant energy is formed that can spoil life in all its manifestations.

All areas of the apartment should be well lit.

  • Cleanliness should be not only in furniture and things. Feng Shui involves frequent repairs. Ceilings and walls should not be dusty, and cracks adversely affect all processes occurring in the apartment.

Regularly carry out repairs in the apartment

  • Energy must circulate throughout the apartment unhindered. That is why there should not be heavy bulky furniture in rooms and corridors. The crowded space will not let the winds of change into the home.

Do not force the apartment with bulky furniture

  • One of the rules for decorating an apartment according to Feng Shui is the correct setting of doors. In rooms, they must open inward, with the exception of the toilet and bathroom.
  • Nothing should hang from the ceiling in the bed area. In all other places, sharp objects in the upper part of the room should be avoided.
  • The apartment should not have neglected uninhabited places. Rooms in which old rubbish is collected negatively affect the entire space. Warehouses are not allowed dirty dishes and linen. Only purity can open the way for energy.
  • The abundance of plants and the presence of animals have a beneficial effect on the aura of the room. Many areas of the apartment according to Feng Shui suggest the presence of indoor flowers in pots.

Indoor plants have a beneficial effect on the aura of the room

  • The main rule for the design of housing within the framework of Eastern practices remains the desire of a person to return home. If everyone in the household is cozy and comfortable in the apartment, then everything is done correctly, and the comprehensive Qi energy has begun its work.

To bring positive energy into your home, you need to keep it clean. Dirt and neglected places create negativity and hinder development. External cleanliness is not an indicator of complete well-being. All problems are hidden in hard-to-reach places, so the cleaning of the premises must be comprehensive and global.

To clear your living space, you need to sort out cabinets and chests of drawers. Everything that is no longer wearable must be ruthlessly thrown away. The storage of rubbish does not allow new things to come into life. While the closet is crammed with unnecessary clothes, new clothes will not appear in it.

Get rid of unnecessary junk without regret

The same can be said about non-working appliances, watches and broken dishes. If they are to be repaired, then this must be done without delay. Even one idle clock can slow down time and prevent positive energy from entering your home. Broken dishes should be thrown away immediately, guided by the truth that a broken cup cannot be glued together. Light and heat will not appear if you do not throw out all non-working lighting fixtures and light bulbs.

In order for the Feng Shui of the apartment to be complete, it is necessary to decorate the home with plants. They symbolize prosperity and growth in all spheres of human life. Animals are also welcome guests in the house. Where they live, there can be no bad energy.

Animals keep the good energy in the house

When furnishing your apartment, you must remember that this is a gradual process and you do not have to do everything at once. Fundamental changes may not be beneficial.

Interior design for every room

If the house is large, then it is difficult to equip it, but it is even more difficult to work with a small apartment. It is necessary for everything to find the right place to open each energy zone.

Feng Shui for the bedroom

Particular attention should be paid to the place of rest. There should be nothing superfluous in the bedroom. All unnecessary things must be taken out immediately. At the moment of rest, a person is relaxed and defenseless, so negative energy can overtake him. To avoid this, it is necessary to remove objects related to sports and work from the room, and fill the bedroom with peace and tranquility.

The room should not contain a large amount of furniture, it clutters up the space. Heavy objects should not be placed on the walls of the bedroom, they inspire fear at a subconscious level and deprive you of peace. The door to the room should open inwards.

Feng Shui bedroom organization

The bed should be in the center of the room or diagonally. The door should not be opposite, but it must be seen. The fireplace cannot be at the back. The best place for a bed will be the Love zone.

There should not be things in open places; there are cabinets for this. Everything that lies outside clutters up the space. There should be no electrical appliances in the bedroom, in extreme cases they should be turned off during sleep. In order for love to reign in the rest room, you can’t force it with small items on the shelves. All this distracts people from the true purpose of the bedroom.

There should be no household appliances in the bedroom

feng shui for the living room

A large crystal chandelier can become the centerpiece of the living room. It helps to attract positive energy. The chandelier will give enough light to activate all zones.

Crystal chandelier will attract positive energy

The living room does not like sharp corners and objects. When choosing furniture, you should not forget about it. Round tables, soft armchairs, a slide with oval shapes will give the room a residential look. Even plants should not have sharp leaves.

In the arrangement of the living room, try to avoid sharp corners in the furniture.

Electrical appliances have a great influence on the activation of energy in the apartment. They must be placed in the zones of wealth, love, children and career. These sectors most often need enhanced stimulation. The Family Zone in the living room should be equipped with a cozy sofa and decorated with flowers. This will help to achieve harmony in the relationship.

feng shui living room decor

feng shui for the kitchen

The kitchen is the place where the family hearth is located. He must also be given due attention. If the kitchen is located correctly, then the design will not take much time. Enough to arrange the items.

Feng Shui furniture arrangement in the kitchen

  • The hearth or stove is set in the south.
  • The southeast is reserved for the refrigerator.
  • A wooden element must be placed between the ice and the flame.
  • The cleanliness of the two main elements of the kitchen must be maintained at all times.

The rules apply not only to large, but also to small items and utensils. Stitching, cutting tools and spoons must be hidden in cabinets. Electrical appliances tend to stimulate energy, so they must be placed in stagnation zones. Cooking with your back to the door is not allowed. This affects the quality of the food. The light in the room should be placed in such a way that there are no dark corners. There is fire and water in the kitchen, so you need to dilute them with wood. This element in the interior brings energy to balance.

All corners of the kitchen should be well lit.

Feng Shui for the bathroom

Highly powerful force has water. Her energy can make a person rich or completely ruin. Bathroom and toilet doors should always be tightly closed. Preferably, if they are painted white or shades of blue.

One of the main conditions for installing a bathroom and toilet is the full serviceability of all plumbing. The water flowing from the tap can take away money, fame, health and all other benefits. The doors of these rooms should open outwards.

Bathroom door should open outwards

There are no unimportant and unimportant corners in the apartment. In each of them powerful flows of energy are hidden, which must be activated correctly.

The power of Feng Shui mirrors

In many beliefs, mirrors have magical power, did not bypass their attention and Eastern practices. The feng shui of apartments suggests them correct placement to achieve a positive result and life advancement. The main point in this is given to what the mirror reflects. According to the canons of Eastern practice, it should not be located in the following places:

  • Opposite outlets. The energy of strength, wealth and happiness leaves through windows and doors.
  • To save love, you need to remove the mirrors from the bedroom. If they are needed there, then the reflection should not depict a bed.
  • So that the housewife does not experience fatigue, the mirror should not be located in the kitchen, opposite the stove.

Feng shui mirror placement

In order for the Feng Shui of the apartment to be observed, you need to know where the mirror surfaces should be placed.

  • If the kitchen table is visible in the reflection, where the whole family gathers, this allows you to attract wealth and prosperity.
  • The mirror hallway will allow you to expand the boundaries of space and, as a result, your own horizons.

Mirrored hallway will expand the horizons

In order not to lose part of your soul, you can not look into a cracked or broken mirror. It must be thrown away immediately, after washing. Practitioners claim that information about the owner is deleted in this way.

Feng Shui loves cleanliness. Mirrors placed correctly, but dirty and dusty, will only bring harm. Washing them will get rid of negative energy. When buying rare copies, you need to be careful. There is a memory in the mirror that can bring trouble to the new owner.

Keep your mirrors clean

Zones in the apartment according to Feng Shui

For a happy and fulfilling life, according to Taoist practice, it is necessary to observe Feng Shui zones in an apartment. Each of them has a different color palette and must contain a special character. This helps to open the flow of positive energies and change the lives of the inhabitants of the home in the right direction. There are several main areas:

  • Wealth;
  • Love and marriage;
  • health;
  • careers;
  • Wisdom and knowledge;
  • Assistants and travel;
  • Families;
  • Children and creativity;
  • Glory.

Division into zones according to Feng Shui

Each area requires attention. If you follow all the advice of practice, you can find yourself in the epicenter of positive energies.

How to distribute Feng Shui zones in an apartment

Anyone who decides to distribute zones in an apartment according to Feng Shui needs to get acquainted with the Bagua grid, which reflects eight aspects human life. According to Eastern teaching, they are the most important and constitute the circle of interests of everyone.

About it exists ancient legend. About two thousand years ago, a turtle appeared on the sea coast. On her shell were depicted trigrams corresponding to nine aspects of life. Fu Xi, the great sage, managed to unravel the divine message. This is how people got the Bagua grid. Now, in order to influence your life, you need to purposefully direct your forces to the right part of the room.

Mesh Bagua

In order to correctly find the zones in an apartment according to Feng Shui, you need to find a house plan, a compass and a Bagua grid. A large-scale image will help you quickly navigate the terrain. What should be done?

  • The demarcation process is easier to start from the north. To find it accurately, you need to use a compass.
  • The plan of the apartment should be divided into nine equal parts.
  • If you superimpose the compass readings on the plan, then the career zone will be located exactly to the north. This guide and the Bagua grid will help distribute all the other squares.

Finding zones in an apartment according to Feng Shui is not as difficult as activating their work. This will require a lot of symbolic crystals and even more practical knowledge.

overlay bagua mesh to the plan of the apartment

Career Zone

The Feng Shui Career Zone is located in the north. She belongs to the water element, so she prefers colors such as blue and black. The symbolic sign of the sector is a turtle.

To activate this sphere of your life, you need to place wind music in the zone, a sign of your zodiac constellation and fill it with bright light. For career growth, a small fountain helps, the acquisition of stability is facilitated by a picture depicting calm water. The Feng Shui Career Zone will receive powerful support from the turtle figurine.

Turtle will provide powerful support to the Career zone

People who are striving for great achievements at work or who want to start their own business can resort to additional stimulation of positive energy. In this part of the apartment, you need to put office equipment and add photos of your work colleagues. The Feng Shui Career Zone will certainly start working if you equip it with a crystal of the appropriate purpose.

Place a Crystal in a Career Zone

Zone of Wisdom and Knowledge

In the northeast is the Feng Shui Knowledge Zone. Its element is a solid surface - the earth, so it has the corresponding colors, beige and yellow. In this place, talents are revealed faster, and mental activity becomes more active. The Feng Shui Knowledge Zone is perfect for an office or library.

The activation of this room is directly related to its purpose. In this area, you can put educational or cult books, put up a globe or hang a map. To quickly master a foreign language, you can put dictionaries in the wisdom sector.

Place a small bookcase in the Knowledge Zone

The Feng Shui Knowledge Zone does not tolerate the presence of cutting and piercing objects, disposable reading material and symbols of cruelty in it. On the contrary, a transparent shell with a pearl will cause positive energy to become more active.

Transparent shell with a pearl activates positive energy

Assistant and Travel Zone

In the northwest is the Feng Shui Assistant zone. Its element is considered to be a large metal, which corresponds to the following colors: white, gold and silver. As a sector activator, you can use the statuette of the Patron Ganesha and photographs of spiritual mentors.

In the assistant sector, place a Ganesha figurine

The Feng Shui Assistant Zone gives a person patrons, helps in difficult life situations and at turning points in fate. Knowing the astrological number and date of birth of the desired patron, you can attract his energy. It is enough that the Feng Shui Assistant zone is equipped with his zodiac sign.

In order to go on a journey, you need to activate this aspect of energy. In the sector, you need to place photos or collages with places you want to visit, various kinds of transport and travelers. The Feng Shui Assistant Zone does not tolerate broken things, firearms and all sorts of explicit pictures. But the beneficial effect of bright lighting will be noticeable immediately.

Hang a collage with photos of countries in the travel zone

Family and Health Zone

In the east, there is a territory of small metal - the Feng Shui Family zone. Her color scheme includes green and all its shades. Growing bamboo can become a symbol and activator of this sector.

Growing bamboo - activator of the Family sector

According to Feng Shui, the Family Zone should be light and cannot contain unnecessary things. It is good to put photos of your loved ones and wooden crafts in it. A good option would be if they are made by hand. Flowers in pots can decorate the family sector.

Place wood crafts in the Families sector

So that well-being does not leave the house, it is necessary to ensure that the Feng Shui Family zone will not be framed in metal. It should not contain dry flowers, herbariums, photographs of the deceased, sharp objects and thorny plants. Also in this zone it is not necessary to perpetuate pets. In order to prevent intrigue and gossip, weaving flowers must be removed from the family sector.

Zone of Children and Creativity

In the west is the zone of Children and Creativity according to Feng Shui. The color scheme of the small metal corresponds to white, gold and silver. The activation of the sector depends on the goals, and in connection with them there are several effective ways.

The correct arrangement of the zone will help to solve problems with raising children. It is necessary to place the zodiac symbols of your beloved children in it and provide bright lighting. The Zone of Children and Creativity according to Feng Shui has its own patron. This is Netsuke the Kid with a fish.

Netsuke Kid with a fish for the children's sector

In order to achieve complete family harmony, it is necessary to decorate the sector with bronze figures of defenders, children's crafts, drawings and photographs. Everything should be light and uncomplicated. According to Feng Shui, the Children and Creativity Zone should not contain dry flowers, thorns and sharp objects. They will adversely affect relationships with younger family members. On the contrary, fresh bouquets and potted flowers contribute to the activation of the zone.

Flowers in pots are favorable for the children's sector

Wealth Zone

In the southeast is the Feng Shui Wealth Zone. Her element is a small tree, and a color scheme consisting of shades of green and purple. The financial component of life, which occupies one of the leading places, depends on this sector.

According to Feng Shui, it is the main tool for analyzing the energy of any space, whether it is an office, a house, an apartment, a personal plot. This octagon with location is an energy map divided into 9 sectors, including the center. Each sector describes a certain aspect of a person's life. Below we will describe each of them.

Luo Shu Magic Square, is a square with nine sectors, which, like the Bagua octagon, serves as a tool for analyzing the energy of premises. According to legend, four thousand years ago, a divine tortoise crawled ashore from the Lo River, with the image of numbers on its shell, the order of these numbers is the basis of all feng shui formulas.

Different Feng Shui schools use either the Lo Shu magic square or the Bagua octagon, both tools give almost the same result, but there is still a slight difference, but we will not consider it in this article. For beginner feng shui practitioners, I would advise using the Lo Shu square, as it is easier to superimpose it on the floor plan.

How to use the Lo-Shu square

Luo Shu Square one of the main feng shui tools for assessing the energy of any premises. To use it, you will need a plan of your apartment or office, house, garden plot, etc., after which you will need to determine the orientation of your premises to the cardinal points. To do this, take any tourist compass, stand with your back to front door your apartment, and take measurements with a compass, when measuring, you need to take into account interference from iron structures. So take a step forward from the door and take a second measurement, and if they match, then there is no interference and your measurement is accurate. If the results do not match, try to identify the source of interference and take measurements at a distance from it.

After you have taken measurements with a compass and accurately determined the orientation of your apartment. On the plan of your apartment, apply the Lo-Shu square, aligning it exactly with the cardinal points. Now you have an energy map of your apartment in front of you, with the help of this map you can influence different aspects of your life, below we will consider them all in order.

How to correctly impose the Lo-Shu square on the floor plan

According to the practice of Feng Shui, the correct shape of the house is a square or a rectangle, in such rooms the Qi energy is distributed evenly, and it will not be difficult to impose a Lo-Shu square on the plan of the house. To do this, take the plan of the house, apartment and draw lines along the load-bearing walls of the house, you should get a square or rectangle, depending on the shape of the building. Everything that got overboard, balconies, ledges, all non-residential premises should not be taken into account. Next, evenly distribute this square or rectangle into nine identical sectors, you should get nine identical squares or rectangles. Then mark the cardinal directions on the diagram.

If your apartment plan does not have correct form, that is, it is not a square, a rectangle. For example, your apartment is with the letter "G", then also draw it along the load-bearing walls to a square or rectangle.

As you can see in the figure, the eastern zone of the apartment is completely absent, this sector belongs to the family, below we will describe them all. According to Feng Shui, the residents of this house have disagreements with their parents, misunderstandings with children and everything related to the family sector. If you have a similar situation and there is no sector, do not be discouraged, there are corrective feng shui remedies that correct such situations and make the energy of your home favorable.

Sectors and zones of the apartment

Knowing the descriptions of all sectors and zones of the apartment, we can analyze the energy map of our house and find out which sector should be activated first of all in order to feel more successful, happier, richer, etc. You will find out in which area it is best to locate

1. Career, life path - NORTH

Main element: Water.

Feeding element: Metal.

Colors for sector activation: White, blue, light blue, black.

The Career sector refers to how you earn a living, it indicates your life path and your goals to which you aspire. The idea is that if you are really on the right track, then at work you feel very good, you are full of enthusiasm, and you like your work. If this is not the case, then you should pay attention to this sector in your home.

2. Relationships and love - SOUTHWEST

Main element: Earth.

Power element: Fire.

Colors for activating the sector: red, pink, all shades of brown.

The sector of love and relationships is responsible for your relationship with a loved one, as well as relationships with friends and family. If you are single or have problems in your marriage, then it is worth focusing on this sector and bringing it in order. To activate the sector, you can use paired items, for example, two vases, red candles, and so on.

3. Family - EAST

Main element: Wood.

Feeding element: Water.

Colors for activating the sector: brown, green, blue, black, a little red.

The Family sector is responsible for your relationship with children, parents, as well as your relatives. If you have disagreements with parents or children, then you should pay attention to this sector and bring it in order. To activate the sector, you can use fresh flowers.

4. Wealth - SOUTH EAST

Main element: Wood.

Feeding element: Water.

Colors for activating the sector: purple, green, purple, a little red.

The Wealth sector is responsible for material wealth, wealth and prosperity. It also applies to your inner perception of the world, whether you feel happy, satisfied with life. To activate the sector, you can use an aquarium with fish, a fountain, fresh flowers with round leaves are also suitable. If you are pursuing financial failures in life, then you should first of all pay attention to this sector, bring it in order, remove blockages, if any.

5. Health - Center

Main element: Earth.

Power element: Fire.

Colors for sector activation: beige, yellow, terracotta, orange.

This central sector is responsible for your overall health, for your well-being, for how quickly you restore your strength. This sector has a special location, being in the center it brings other sectors together, so it has an impact on all sectors in your home. The word health conveys the direct meaning of this sector, the health of other adjacent sectors depends on its health, that is, if this sector is not in order, there are blockages, then this will negatively affect all other sectors and have a bad effect on all aspects of life. Or vice versa, if you activate this sector, then a positive one will have a positive effect on all other sectors in your house.

6. Helpers and travel - NORTHWEST

Main element: Metal.

Power element: Earth.

This sector is responsible for travel, patrons, support of friends in difficult moments of life, as well as for spiritual mentors and intuition. Do you have someone to turn to in difficult moments of life? Do you have authoritative acquaintances who can help you in insurmountable situations? If you are experiencing problems with all this, then you should pay attention to this sector and bring it in order.

7. Creativity and children - WEST

Main element: Metal.

Power element: Earth.

Colors for activating the sector: gray, white, golden, silver, yellow.

This sector is responsible for how you spend your free time, outdoor activities, or how you express yourself through art, sports. As well as your relationship with children and their upbringing. If you have problems conceiving, you should also pay attention to this sector. This area also applies to your setting of life plans and their implementation, the materialization of your desires.

8. Knowledge and wisdom - NORTH-EAST

Main element: Earth.

Power element: Fire.

Colors for sector activation: orange, yellow, terracotta, beige.

This area is responsible for how you learn, explore the world, and gain experience. If you are experiencing a problem in the field of education, you should first look for the causes in this sector of your home. This sector is also an ideal place for home meditation and yoga classes.

In order for your entire home to help you achieve your goals and help you achieve successful self-realization in all areas of your life, you should follow a few simple rules. Feng Shui experts recommend minimizing Negative influence corners, problematic objects outside the windows and improper layout..

View from the window

An ideal house can only be if you yourself have chosen a site for construction, adapted the project to the rules of Feng Shui and correlated the location of the rooms with the location of the sectors that are “responsible” for certain aspects of life. If you live in an apartment or move into a ready-made cottage, then there will definitely be something that interferes with the harmonious flow of Qi energy or completely destroys it. However, this can and should be dealt with.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the view from the window. If you have a power line under your windows at a distance of up to 15 meters, there are no trees at all, another house is standing almost close, or construction is underway in the foreseeable space, then this negatively affects the energy of your home.

In order to neutralize Sha (evil energy), it is recommended to keep negative-absorbing plants on the windowsill: geranium, basil or cacti (the more unfavorable the situation outside your window, the longer the cactus should have thorns).

In addition, it is advisable to hang a Bagua mirror on each window with the reflective side facing out. They will not allow negative energy to penetrate into your home, respectively, the overall atmosphere of the premises will improve.

The music of the wind will also be a good protector. The best for a window is a Chinese pagoda with 5 or 7 pipes, as well as a bell decorated with feathers. AT this case the material from which your aeolian harp will be made is not so important. The main thing is that you like the sound that this "musical instrument" makes.

Corners, mirrors and wall color

It negatively affects the energy of the house and the abundance of sharp corners. Of course, it is unrealistic to remove them - you can’t remake square and rectangular furniture into a round one, but you can easily neutralize their impact. Hang small crystal balls on chandeliers or floor lamps, and place rounded vases on tables. Thus, you will balance the flows of positive and negative energy, respectively, there will be much more favorable events in your life.

In order not to aggravate the negative, choose the right location for the mirrors. Do not hang them so that they reflect objects with pointed corners. Best of all, when mirrors double the number of useful things - round jewelry boxes, houseplants, dinnerware sets. This not only strengthens Qi, but also increases your well-being and promotes peace of mind.

Feng Shui House: Basic Rules

The color of the walls will also help you stabilize the energy situation. If you have too many sharp corners in a room, and also if your kitchen has an abundance of knives, forks and other pointed objects that you do not put in drawers, then it is best to use wall coverings yellow color. They perform several functions at once: visually increase the space, make the room sunny and joyful, calm the nervous system and neutralize the flow of Sha.

Helps balance energy green color. However, it is important to remember here that light green and grassy contribute to increased efficiency, give a charge of vivacity, while dark green, bottled and rich emerald, on the contrary, relax. That is, the color that is perfect for the bedroom and for the living room will interfere with the working mood in the office.


In an ideal house, in which everything is adjusted to the principles of Feng Shui, each room should be in its place:

  • In the north, in the career zone, and in the south, in the sector of fame and self-realization, it is best to do an office.
  • In the west, in the zone of children and creativity, the location of a children's room or an art workshop is favorable.
  • In the east, in the family and health sector, it is recommended to arrange living rooms and kitchens.
  • The center of the house is also a great place for a room in which all the household gathers and in which you receive guests (but not for the kitchen).
  • In the northwest, in the zone of assistants and travel, it is advisable to equip rooms for storing equipment, as well as sports and tourist equipment - bicycles, balls, tents, etc., and it is better not to put a washing machine here.
  • In the northeast, in the sector of wisdom and knowledge, they have a library or equip a child with a space where he will do his homework. Besides, this is the most appropriate place for computer.
  • In the southwest is the sector of love and marriage, respectively, this is an ideal area for a bedroom.
  • In the southeast, in the zone of wealth, you can equip an office, a safe, a workplace, but you should not arrange a kitchen and make a fireplace here.

Feng Shui House: Basic Rules

As mentioned above, this is the ideal arrangement of rooms, but in reality it is rarely possible to unquestioningly follow the principles of Feng Shui. Besides, in apartment buildings in the indicated sectors there may be pantries, bathrooms and toilet rooms, hallways. And that is why it makes sense not to rebuild the room, but to activate the zones you need in the places available for this. Often, to achieve a positive effect, it is enough to simply rearrange the furniture.

So, for example, if you do not have a bedroom, then put the sofa on which you sleep in the far right corner of the room. Workplace ( desk, computer) arrange in the middle of the wall opposite the entrance or in the far left corner of the room, and place the dining table in the center of the left side of the kitchen or living room. This way you will follow the basic rules of Feng Shui without making any special changes to the layout of your home.

clean up
Always keep your home clean. For the unhindered flow of Qi, sharp corners and unfavorable objects outside the window are not so terrible as “deposits” of unnecessary things and dirt under cabinets and beds.

Use talismans
Feng shui talismans, affirmations and items related to the elements to which a particular sector belongs will help you activate the zones.

How to furnish an apartment according to Feng Shui? It often happens that a person is totally unlucky in life, in love, in finances, with health - and everything seems to be fine, but unlucky and that's it. Very often, the solution to the problem lies on the surface - you just need to bring your house or apartment in line with the Feng Shui rules for the house and apartment.

What is feng shui

This is an Eastern wise philosophy about how to live in harmony correctly:

  • With myself;
  • With your inner world;
  • With the external world around us;
  • With our house, apartment, office.

In the apartment

AT modern world we are in such a society that cosmic energy forces us to look inside ourselves, into the depths of our consciousness. If you do not change your point of view, then you will simply remain old. Therefore, at the junction of the transition, the cosmos intensifies vibrations, which requires a strong change from a person.

The feng shui system itself implies the interaction of harmony - space, universe, nature, earth. If you think about it, then they gave us everything for temporary use - the body, the planet (around space, earth, trees, stars) - this does not belong to us personally. But all this radiates energy. From it we can draw a favorable, positive state.

Therefore, when a person begins to live in this state, and not in a bustle, getting into stress every day, he begins to feed on this energy, even anywhere in a large metropolis.

If you look at the ancient chinese sign happiness, it will mean a full stomach. That is, to eat, to eat. Now China has had its fill and filled the whole world. By setting an example, you work - achieve abundance, harmony, beauty.

This energy has a Yin-Yang balance, that is, a sign that creates polarity. When there is polarity, there is balance. We can even change ourselves within a minute. When we feel this, we live in harmony.

Most people live in huge megacities, they naturally accumulate a huge amount of energy, all of it is absorbed into us.

But when we turn off the Yin-Yang balance (fuss, get irritated), that's all we bring home. For example, we came to our house, undressed (all things were scattered in different corners), - throughout the evening, night - they radiate negative energy accumulated per day.

Advice: wash everyday things more often. Or separate your casual, evening wear into separate closets.

How to change your life for the better through feng shui

The place we live in can help us achieve our goals. Why is the thing put in certain place able to influence our lives? For skeptics - feng shui is not a religion, you don’t have to believe here, it’s easy to check on your own experience. Entering any room, sometimes you feel that you want to stay there. This is a sign of balanced energy. And vice versa.

That is, it is a set of balances (how the house stands, what roads approach it, what is in the apartment itself, how everything is located, etc.)

These schools, the feng shui traditions have evolved over thousands of years. As a result of observations, a huge knowledge base has been created. That is, when one action was repeated dozens of times, there is already some kind of pattern, in the eastern key.

It's amazing how simply following the rules and advice can not only radically change a person's home, but his whole life! Even if you are in doubt, then just try to change at least something in your house or apartment according to the rules of Feng Shui - you are unlikely to lose anything from a small experiment, but you can gain a lot.

How to find the center of your home

  • Initially, we find the extreme points that are available.
  • Secondly, we determine the shape that turned out (square, rectangle, polygon - everyone has different ways).
  • Thirdly, we draw lines through these extreme points, respectively, at the junction - we get the center.
  • Fourth, from this center we can set aside any degrees we need.

It's simple, when we make compass measurements, for a forecast for a year, you need to stand in the center of our room with a compass (the arrow will always point north). That's where the arrow points - it will be "zero". From this zero, you can set aside all degrees, cardinal directions. (No clear measurements are required, as in classic feng shui).

With the help of this zero, we divide our dwelling into eight sectors (called bagua).

After such a plan, we turn to the sectors where it is located:

  • Your bed (spend half your life in this place).
  • The door where you enter/exit is the place activated (the mouth of your dwelling), Qi energy flows through it.
  • The place where you work also has a big impact.
  • The window through which you most often look is also a powerful stream of energy received.

These sectors will have the strongest impact on you.

When is the best time to move into a new apartment?

The time of moving to a new home varies from person to person. There is no standard solution, and cannot be! Many people feel upbeat on one day and down on another. Time is very uneven. Therefore, there is such an ancient astrological system - Qi Men Dong Jia, it was originally used to conduct successful combat maneuvers.

Now the Qi Men Dong Jia system is successfully applied in life and business. Just from it, you can calculate when and in what direction you need to advance in order to get a positive result into the house.

Then life will start positively, it will simply be adjusted in the best possible way. This technology applies to every aspect of life. It can be used just like that. Knowing for a while (direction) - go to it in order to receive an influx of good energy. Save it, invest in the direction that we need (health, business, partnerships, passing exams, etc.).

This teaching depends on the knowledge (at what hour, direction), there is a positive energy!

The rule for the corridor, hallway of the house, apartment

The entrance hall or corridor is precisely those utility rooms that lead us and our guests to the house, to the apartment, to the holy of holies. According to Feng Shui, it is considered a bad sign if:

  • The entrance door to the apartment is located at the very top, the top of the stairs or at the foot, the very bottom of the stairs;
  • The door of one apartment is immediately located opposite the door to another apartment.

But in any high-rise building this problem exists. Therefore, it is recommended to hang a small mirror above the front door to reflect the negative, or, according to the rules of Feng Shui, you can hang bells or coins with holes tied together with a red cord on the front door handle that is inside the apartment. At the same time, bad energy will be blocked, money will be attracted to the house. Directly opposite the front door of the apartment, according to the rules of Feng Shui, a beautiful, positive picture or a large photo in an oval or rectangular frame should hang. In the corridor, the hallway should be light, clean, spacious, comfortable - without unnecessary, unnecessary rubbish.

If the corridor and hallway are small, cluttered, cramped, dark, then energy will not circulate well in the house. And there will be no energy exchange - the owners will get sick, experience failures in life - love.

At the entrance to the house, there should be a rug of expressive color, and under it to attract money, good luck and success - three silver, copper or gold coins. You can put a small coffee table in the corridor or in the hallway of the house, apartment, decorate it with figurines or fresh flowers in pots.

It is very bad if the corridor rests on the bathroom or toilet - this means, according to Feng Shui, that family happiness will be drowned, drowned, washed away in these rooms. It is also bad if the corridor rests on the kitchen or private rooms of family members: this attracts freeloaders to the family, leads to disunity, quarrels within the family.

To solve these problems, the doors of the bathroom, toilet, kitchen, to the rooms of other family members should always be closed if possible and decorated with paintings or photos, and the paintings should not depict water with stones (this will lead to illness and the appearance of kidney stones) . Ideally, the corridor should rest against the hall - in the living room of the apartment.

The corridor and hallway love large mirrors - here they can be hung without fear.

Rule for the bathroom and toilet of the apartment

Bathroom, toilet - the most unfavorable areas in the house and apartment. It is through them that positive energy flows out of the house, if the necessary measures are not taken. So there are two main rules:

  • If you want to attract success, luck, happiness, love, wealth, money and success to a house or apartment, you need to keep these rooms in perfect, “licked” cleanliness.
  • Secondly: no trash and unnecessary things.

In the kitchen, according to the rules of Feng Shui, it is strictly forbidden to place shelves above the dining table (and not only in the kitchen, but in general in the house above the tables). The table on which food is prepared must be placed so that the cook can see every individual entering the kitchen. If this is difficult to do, then you need to hang a steel, reflective tray or a large mirror right in front of the front door so that the cook can see people entering the kitchen and not be frightened.

Brooms, brooms and dustpans should not be in the kitchen. The area around the bin must be clean. In the bathroom, too, improvised cleaning products should not be visible, such as:

  • buckets;
  • brooms;
  • scoops;
  • rags;
  • mops;
  • detergents.

Otherwise, you can not expect good luck either in your personal life or at work.

Also, according to the rules of Feng Shui, if the bath is in a room combined with a toilet, then it must be separated from it by at least a symbolic curtain. Moreover, the lid on the toilet should always be closed, unless, of course, you want all your money to fly down the drain, or rather, not float down the toilet.

It is advisable to find a place in the toilet for a living houseplant- a flower in a pot (best of all - an orange or lemon tree).

Rule for the bedroom at home

The bedroom is the holy of holies. And important rule Feng Shui:

  • The master or hostess must have the largest, most spacious bedroom if they really want to dominate the house.
  • It is important that the bed is not against a long wall if the architecture of the bedroom is L-shaped - otherwise you can expect constant stress, depression and disappointment from life.
  • According to the rules, there should not be lush, massive curtains in the bedroom, there should not be large, not small, computer and other tables and tables near the bed.

Mirrors and a TV in the bedroom - on the walls or on the ceiling - to quarrels, chvars, conflicts in the family. According to Feng Shui, the ceiling in the bedroom should be in contact with the walls at an angle of 90 degrees: if various ledges and ceilings interfere with this, then they must be leveled with flowers in pots, flowerpots or suitable furniture.

As for the bed, the head of the bed must be higher than the foot of the bed, otherwise everything in the life of people sleeping on the bed will be topsy-turvy.

The rule for the hall, living room of the house, apartment

In the hall, the ceiling and walls should also touch at an angle of 90 degrees, but if this does not happen, you need to hang flowers in pots, paintings, put vases in niches, decorate niches with fabrics, or simply pick up such wallpapers by color and texture that would make this transition, imperceptible.

To attract success and good luck to the house according to Feng Shui, place large family photographs on the wall (the family in the photo should be in full force) in an oval or rectangular frame.

The living room must be:

  • Spacious
  • light,
  • cozy,
  • No extra furniture
  • Decorated with fresh flowers in pots.

The sofa and armchairs should be backed up against the walls, otherwise they will block the energy. To attract money and wealth to the house, apartment, the TV should be placed in the far corner of the room. It is desirable that there are no open bookshelves in the hall, which entails serious illness, loss of strength and optimism.

The rule for the kitchen or dining room of a house, apartment

If the hall and dining room are combined according to the “2 in 1” principle, then they must be physically separated from each other using a hedge of flowers, cabinets, or curtains.

In the kitchen or dining room in which a person eats, it is necessary that the light is soft, does not strain the pupils, so that the ceilings are high. Which can be visually enlarged using the color of the wallpaper and other techniques to improve the interior in the apartment.

According to the rules of Feng Shui, it is good to hang mirrors in the dining room.

It is strictly forbidden to eat from cracked or chipped dishes - otherwise expect trouble. Depending on which sector of the dining room or kitchen is the dining table, you need to choose the color for the tablecloth:

  • The table stands in the east, then it is green;
  • In the north - blue.

If the diners eat facing each other, this is bad for the wealth of the whole family. If the dining table is moved to the wall of the bathroom or toilet, then this promises illness.

General rules of the apartment or house

In order for the energy to circulate well in the house, you need to have a pet. It is best to have a turtle, a frog or a small tiger - a cat. Also, the exchange of energy in the apartment can be significantly improved:

  • Hanging in the house different bells, wind music;
  • Loudly ticking wall clock;
  • Regularly include a water fountain.

To attract wealth, money and Feng Shui success to a house or apartment, it is advisable to place an orange or lemon tree in the most unfavorable areas of the house (for example, in a toilet or in a hallway), while different colors should prevail in different corners of the house.

Water is a symbol of wealth, wood is a symbol of success, creativity and good digestion, fire is a feng shui symbol life force and love, the earth is a symbol of good luck and success in life.

It is desirable that all four elements are represented in the house:

  • Fire is electric light bulbs or candles;
  • Earth - earth in flower pots and everything that has a yellow-brown color;
  • Water - a fountain or a small waterfall, as well as mirrors;
  • Tree - plants and green color.

It is also very desirable that, according to the rules of Feng Shui, there are symbols of metal in the house or apartment - gold, silver or platinum, which ensures success, abundance and entrepreneurial spirit for the residents of the house.


IMPORTANT: each element and element of feng shui must be presented in a small amount, otherwise the opposite effect will take place. Curtains and curtains in the apartment must be selected by color, coordinated with the color table corresponding to the cardinal points on which the window faces, and will be curtained with a curtain.

Thus, simply following the rules that are not at all complicated, and often of great practical value, helps to attract love, money, wealth, health, success and good luck to a house or apartment.

Be in harmony with your home and be happy, healthy, rich, loved and successful!

It is not for nothing that mankind has come up with such a science as Feng Shui. Thanks to it, it is very simple and easy to get a good supply of harmony with the reality around us, and in addition to this, also to acquire a distinctive benefit from energy flows coming from outside. Therefore, you should answer in great detail the important question of how to furnish your home according to the laws and rules of Feng Shui.

The first thing you must do to bring your goal (change the interior of the room, the right environment) to life is the final disposal of useless things and objects that have accumulated over many years. This is not as difficult to do as it might seem at first glance: just give yourself a sincere answer to the question of when this thing was last used for its intended purpose. Can you name the exact date? Then feel free to throw it away.

Pay special attention to the furniture that has taken root in your apartment. It should also be disposed of immediately. Otherwise, you face a very unfavorable result - a deterioration in well-being and health in general. Take care of the timely acquisition of new furniture that brings complete spiritual satisfaction.

A few more secrets

Take all necessary measures to get rid of dust on a wide variety of surfaces: cabinets, bedside tables. Do not forget about the cleanliness of the floors. When choosing wallpapers, give preference to those that have light shades.

Remember one important nuance: good lighting of any living space.

Therefore, provide your apartment with high-quality lamps made of crystal in advance.

We will arrange the furniture in the apartment according to all the rules

Remodeling rooms. For a bedroom, a room that is as far as possible from the front door is best suited. Given the laws of Feng Shui, it is recommended to place the bed in such a way that its headboard goes in one of two directions: east or north. Please note that the location of the lamps at the head of a person resting on this bed can serve as a kind of barrier to the incoming Feng Shui energy called Qi. It is strictly not allowed to place a desktop in the bedroom. According to this interesting science, all this will destroy the previously established energy balance.

An undesirable phenomenon in many living rooms is the plurality of furniture. Please note that this fact will make it difficult for the important and necessary passage of Chi energy into the room. According to modern Feng Shui laws, the location must be as follows: it is not allowed to place chairs near the windows, with a wall to them. Make sure they are in contact with the walls. Also, all the upholstered furniture you have selected should be as close to each other as possible. These nuances are very important to consider when deciding how to furnish a room.

The correct arrangement of furniture in the kitchen will positively affect your material well-being. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to provide correct location refrigerator. It is highly recommended that it be located in the southeastern part. A microwave oven, an assistant to any housewife in the kitchen, should be located in the southwestern part of the room. Such placement will positively resolve any family situation, namely, a violation of relationships between loved ones.

Details that require attention

Any apartment will noticeably change if you take all the necessary measures for this. Well-chosen colors will help you quickly achieve a positive perception of the surrounding reality. Given this fact, modern specialists in the field of Feng Shui science place special emphasis on the white color. And this applies mainly to such a part of the apartment as the kitchen. They justify their choice by saying that this color will emphasize the shades that various products have.

The most diverse, skillfully selected by you, details that have shades of red will perfectly complement the interior of the kitchen of any apartment. By the way, it is he who will positively affect the condition of any person who eats in such a room.

If you care about the state of your sleep, then transform the bedroom in pink. Only in such conditions will your sleep be distinguished by an enviable strength and excellent health. When decorating the walls of the living room, focus on yellow or beige. With their help, optimism and the desired longevity will accompany you for a considerable period of time.

The mirror has proven itself very well as an impeccable assistant in the field of Feng Shui. Without this item, it is impossible to fully resolve the issue of how to furnish a room. With its help, there is a noticeable increase in incoming energy. When choosing a shape for a mirror, give preference to oval or round.

The final "chord" in the interior design can be called the presence in the room of a wide variety of original items made of fragile and at the same time the most beautiful material - crystal.

Astrology | Feng Shui | Numerology