Why you shouldn't store broken dishes in your home. Why is the dishes in the house beating - is it a bad omen? What to do with broken dishes

    We do not store cracked or chipped dishes at home, but throw them away without regret. The use of such dishes, as it were, hints that the family does not have enough wealth to replace it with a new one. It seems like poverty is attracted, but what is it for?

    We make an exception only for old things left over from parents or grandparents. But we do not use them, but simply keep them as a memory and even take care of them. But of course not all in a row, but only their favorite things. Here I have a large beautiful glass with a gap, from which grandfather liked to drink tea during his lifetime, my sister keeps my mother’s favorite sugar bowl, but does not put it on the table.

    I do not use cracked cups and plates, not because of superstition (you can ignore this), but for other reasons.

    Firstly, dirt can accumulate in the cracks on the dishes, and this is both unaesthetic and unhygienic.

    Secondly, if hot tea or soup is poured into cracked dishes, then the plate or cup may simply burst, and the hot liquid will pour out either on the person’s knees or on the table, and this is quite dangerous.

    Therefore, it is better to throw away any dishes with cracks immediately, and in order for the plates to remain intact as long as possible, you should not cut different products into them with a knife (this causes tiny scratches on their surface, which can then turn into deeper cracks).

    Of course it is desirable do not store broken and cracked dishes in the house.

    After all, various chips and cracks symbolize inferiority and negatively affect the health and material wealth in the house.

    And even cracked dishes can completely fall apart at any moment and there is a risk of scalding with hot soup or tea.

    Therefore, it is better to use whole cups and plates.

    Cracked and chipped plates speak of the inferiority of this household and also attract poverty. It is necessary to get rid of such plates and replace them with new ones. Then in your house there will always be peace and prosperity. They say that dishes break fortunately, this is because broken dishes will be replaced with new ones.

    Cracked and chipped bowls are used by those lowered in the zone and the psychiatric hospital.

    Firstly, I would like to note that this is not aesthetically pleasing.

    Secondly, it is not safe, sharp corners/chips can injure your hands or lips.

    Thirdly, all these items, dishes, tableware - symbolizes the family, its fortress. And the presence of chips and cracks will signal cracks in the family energy.

    So immediately throw out all the broken dishes without regret !!!

    Storage of broken, chipped, cracked things (especially dishes and mirrors) is considered undesirable for the following reasons:

    1. This is a common superstition. That is, it can be perceived without analysis.
    2. Keeping spoiled things is not so logical.
    3. All kinds of cracks, chips and other significant defects, as psychics and power engineers convince, are able to attract negativity to themselves, accumulate in themselves. But they do not act like a vacuum cleaner that makes the house cleaner, but as a repository of Evil. Which is much better thrown away than cherished. It seems that all this dishes affect health (negatively, of course).

    Which of these proofs to take as a basis is our business.

    Yes, there is such a sign that cracked dishes should not be stored at home. Also, you can't glue it. Because it is believed that prosperity and happiness escape through the cracks. It's up to you to believe in omens or not, but personally I didn't like eating from a plate that was all cracked. In addition, glass is glued with glue that has a very specific and persistent odor.

    If the dishes are of no value, then they should be thrown away if they are broken or cracked. This is symbolic. In the likeness of how you call a ship, so it will sail. Imagine not expensive beautiful dishes. If it is broken, glued, which will symbolize trouble. What prevents you from replacing broken dishes with new, whole ones? This is what can be greed or something else that will interfere with living a normal life. There was such a case that the newlyweds were presented with beautiful dishes. The father broke the cup and decided to glue it together. The groom was angry that the father-in-law glued the cup and said that the dishes beat for happiness ... The dishes just don’t beat. Everything bad should be thrown away with broken dishes. bad energy, bad thoughts. The father-in-law insisted that the broken cup remain. After some time, the newlyweds broke up.

    According to ancient beliefs, the dishes in the house have their own, quite strong energy. Moreover, the charge of energy can be both positive and negative. It also depends on the owner of the house. For example, people often say that dishes beat for luck. But it is not so. According to psychics, everything broken and beaten in the house carries the energy of Sha destruction. These things create a special tension in the room. Therefore, it is better to throw away broken dishes immediately, and not to store them as a memory. Of course, if your favorite mug has a broken handle, but it hasn’t completely broken, you don’t have to throw it away, you can try to glue it together. But it is also unlikely to be used for its intended purpose. You can use it as an element of decor, or at least as a pot stand. Thus, we reduce negative energy things.

    A whole and beautiful dish, on the contrary, carries a positive charge. Feng Shui often talks about this when it teaches us to select dishes by color. For example, any element carries its own specific color. Metal is gold or white, earth is brown, wood is green, fire is red, water is blue, black or blue. And the element is able to activate any sphere of life. For example, greenish utensils can help creative people, water is a symbol of wisdom, so bluish utensils will add wisdom to you.

    This is a banal superstition. It is believed that broken or cracked household utensils attract negative energy into the house. It also shows guests the miserable situation of the owners of the house, who cannot even replace plates. I don’t really believe in this, and if they judge me by the plate, then I don’t really need such guests.

    They say that broken dishes in the house are bad energy, as well as a sign (for those who believe). In no case, do not leave even slightly broken dishes, it is better to throw them away. This applies, first of all, to wealth in the family, in terms of money, in particular.

Crockery is the main element of every home. Therefore, it is quite natural that many signs are associated with dishes.

1. If, for some reason, you have someone else's plate in your house (you borrowed it or brought gifts to you, etc.), then in no case return it to the owner empty. Without fail, you need to put something edible on someone else's plate and return it to the owner. If you don't do this and return the plate empty, you may attract hunger into your home. That's what the omen says.

2. In order not to be left without money, empty bottles cannot be left on the table during any feast.

3. If a single person accidentally breaks a cup, then this is a harbinger of the fact that you can meet with a good man and say goodbye to single life. Soon after such an event, a guy can get married, and a girl can get married.

4. If you accidentally broke a glass, then soon you can expect a new novel.

5. Well, if you suddenly broke a glass, then do not rely on luck in the near future.

6. But an accidentally broken plate is a harbinger of good luck

7. It is a very bad omen for newlyweds if the bride breaks a plate during the wedding. Marriage can crack.

8. Splinters from broken dishes must be thrown away immediately if they are broken before sunset. If the dishes are broken after sunset, then the fragments are thrown away in the morning of the next day.

9. If during the move to a new place of residence, the dishes are broken, then they are thrown away in the first half of the next day.

10. It is very bad if the dishes are broken during the wake. If this has already happened, then it is necessary to immediately collect the fragments in a bag, without touching them with your hands (sweep them on a scoop, or take them with paper), then put something edible from the memorial table into this bag. With the onset of darkness, you need to take this bag out of the house and put it in a place where people do not go. We must return home silently and without looking back. Upon returning home, you need to wash yourself in the shower (if this is not possible, then wash your hands with cold water, preferably holy water).

11. Be sure to get rid of cracked or chipped dishes. Moreover, before you take it out to throw it away, break it into small pieces in your own house. You will bring misfortune to your home if you keep glued and cracked dishes.

12. Do not trust your guests to wash the dishes or the floor.

13. Dirty dishes should not be left overnight, as this can bring trouble to your home. In ancient times, it was believed that dirty dishes attracts all evil spirits into the house. In order not to attract evil spirits, the dishes are also turned over.

Until now, it is customary in villages to store empty jars, pots, cups, etc. upside down, i.e. upside down. bottom up. This is so that there is no emptiness.

A certain object fell onto this beautiful salad bowl, hooking it along the edge and beating off a piece from this edge.
There was a small crack coming from it.
Now the defect is not even visible in the photo, in life you also need to carefully look closely to see
this place.
I am sorry to part with this dish, but my relatives keep talking about the immediate elimination of it from everyday life,
without leaving in the house, i.e. in the garbage for disposal, period.
Is it really true that broken dishes can affect the situation in the family, health, and so on ?!
I didn’t attach much importance to this, I glued the broken one and left it, I didn’t scare
and a broken glass handle.
If she did not drink from it, then she adapted it for something else.

Why did I write about this, I have troubles and misfortunes just at every step.
Good-bad, happy-sad, happy-sad.
Maybe this is the reason...

A very well-known sign: in the kitchen and in the house, in no case should you store broken dishes.
Even the smallest chipped edge of a dish is a reason to throw it away, otherwise there will be trouble.
This sign also has Slavic roots.
Among the Slavs in the old days, a pot (almost the only kind of dishes at that time) was considered a symbol of well-being, more precisely a symbol pagan god Sun (Yarilo), and to break the pot meant to bring
bear the wrath of this mighty god.
Despite the fact that the shape of the dishes has changed significantly since then, the sign is still effective.

One should not eat or drink from spoiled dishes, because one can attract poverty and bad health to oneself.
These are not empty words, but a popular sign.
Broken integrity of materials has a bad effect on thin bodies.
The astral and etheric suffer especially.
So, do not expect the benefits of food, even the most delicious and healthy, but served in cracked dishes.
Food culture includes many things - table setting, which includes beautiful dishes;
prayer before meals, and just a calm, friendly atmosphere.
In ancient times, when food was sacrificed to the gods, it was considered a sin to serve it in a chipped
or cracked dishes.

Incomplete dishes are compared to a wheel that has a pothole.
Let him down the road. Having jumped up several times, it will fall, and so will a chipped mug or plate
disrupt the harmony in the house, and turn the energy of healthy food into energy waste.
The listed signs came to us from ancient pagan times, and the Slavs are used to respecting traditions.

Often, having accidentally broken some service, we say: “For good luck!”, But this is not entirely true.
Yes, of course, old dishes beat "for good luck."
Along with it, problems and misfortunes "leave".
But, having broken new cups, tea sets, saucers or wine glasses, you should know that this indicates
accumulated resentment against each other, and will lead to a colder relationship.
Therefore, be careful when handling dishes.

At first glance, all of the above seems mystical, but in fact - the interaction of energies in
our complex world!
About the signs associated with broken dishes, took

The answer to this question has several answers. The first one is, of course, simple logic. There are cracked dishes that can burst in half at any time, or because of which you can cut yourself badly. But why can't you eat from broken dishes? The answer to this question refers us to ancient paganism.

But the very history of this superstition goes much deeper into history, far into the paganism of the Slavs. Then it was believed that the dishes, like a mirror, accumulate both positive and negative energy. And as soon as the owners of the hut noticed that the dishes were cracking without the direct influence of a person, it was believed that it absorbed a huge amount of negative energy and cracked from its amount, no longer able to restrain it. There is another sign associated with this.

In paganism, dishes were characterized with well-being, which gave slavic god sun - Yarilo. And when the utensils break, it was the god's hint at how people treated him disrespectfully. In this case, it was believed that trouble would soon come to this house.

But on the days of celebration (for example, a wedding), breaking dishes was considered the other way around, a good sign. The Book of the Hidden Tree of Life says, quote: “Do not spare the dishes on your wedding day, let it beat for joy and long life young, so let all bad things disappear away, leave you with shards, but if you keep those fragments, you can break the crystal jug of luck. This quote hints that even if the dishes are broken by the will of the people (which means a good omen), they still cannot be left at home.

The situation is much more complicated with glasses and jugs, since opinions on this matter differed radically in different regions of Ancient Rus'. Archaeologists and scientists agree that most people considered broken glasses to be a good omen, but only if they were broken by men. If a girl broke them, then this was usually a hint that the girl would have problems in her love or sex life.

In its modern form, you need to look at the dishes themselves. If it is old, this is a good sign. It means the departure of old problems, the remission of the sins of the past. If new dishes are broken, on the contrary, old grievances and quarrels will be remembered.

Glass is a separate category. Any broken dishes made of glass (and it doesn’t matter if the owner wants it or not) predict integrity violations in relationships and in the family. From broken dishes, just like from a broken mirror, you must immediately get rid of, and not store at home. It is advisable to throw it in a garbage container away from home. Eating food from broken dishes is considered a hint to the gods that the owner of the dwelling accepts his poverty, poverty and inferiority.

In the end, I want to say that spoiled things have no place in the house. If guests, or relatives of the host will look at broken mirror or on dishes - it will psychologically affect them, in the very subconscious, even if they never believed in omens. So always take care of your apartment or house, clean it, clean up the broken mirror or dishes and guests will always be happy to come back again thanks to the positive energy.

Cups and mugs, plates and saucers - such kitchen utensils are in the arsenal of any housewife. In every kitchen you can find a huge amount of breakable dishes. Many signs and superstitions are associated with it, which have evolved over the years and have been kept for a long time. They have not lost their relevance today. According to popular belief, cracked dishes in the house - to trouble. Is it really? Let's figure it out together.

What do cracks in dishes portend?

The appearance of cracks on the dishes can signal the approaching illnesses of close relatives, serious troubles in various areas of a person’s life, and financial trouble.

In the event that any dishes cracked directly in the hands of a person, this may mean that he is hostile towards the owners and can even cause trouble.

Can you store broken dishes at home?

Cracked kitchen utensils, as well as broken ones, should never be stored in your home, much less used for their intended purpose. Exists popular belief, according to which, such dishes, being in the house, will absorb good luck and happiness through cracks and, conversely, attract a lot of trouble and accumulate evil.

How to get rid of broken dishes?

Broken dishes must be thrown away immediately, but before that, as experts advise, they should be broken into small pieces right in the house. By getting rid of damaged dishes, you neutralize its negative impact on your loved ones. The same should be done with chipped and very old household items, because they are accumulators of negative energy.

However, do not panic at the sight of a broken glass or plate, even if, according to the signs, this promises trouble. Just pick up and throw away the pieces, tune in positive emotions and deal with dishes in the future, according to popular beliefs.

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