Notes on mirrors. The mirror broke what the church says

Photo: Sergeyjs Rahunoks/

There is a mirror in every home, and we can hardly imagine how to do without it in everyday life. And once their owners were only wealthy people, and even for them, the purchase was a significant part of the income. Prices were comparable to a small ship or a mansion, the money to buy a mirror was accumulated over the years, they were cherished, passed on by inheritance.

The first idea was to treat the surface of glass with lead in 1279, a process described by John Peckam, who is considered the inventor of the mirror. Fragments were obtained that greatly distorted the image, the production was laborious and time consuming.

And only a hundred years later they began to make in Germany, which can be called similar to modern ones. After working for several years, the German craftsmen received a lucrative offer. The enterprising Venetians bought the idea, opened production, and for many years remained the only ones who had the right and the technology for their manufacture. They made fabulous profits, prices for mirrors did not fall for almost a century, the masters were practically hostages. They were carefully controlled, and they were never released from the island where the workshops were located, they lived there with their families.

Many centuries have passed since then, there was a time when mirrors were classified as diabolical objects, and they were destroyed in a number of countries. They were considered mysterious and mystical properties, the owners were considered sorcerers and witches.

“My light is a mirror, tell me ...” so often royal persons uttered these words. Nevertheless, they never had large mirrors in their chambers, and they never heard of Chinese. Even then, people sincerely believed in the extraordinary properties of mirrors, and did everything to prevent trouble.

IN modern world Mirrors are everywhere and are especially popular among designers. Using them in the interior, you can significantly expand the space, decorate the room, living room. But such an increase in space also has a negative side, a cold, lifeless space has a bad effect on some people, makes them nervous and annoyed. And the care of the mirror is not so simple. A sloppy, stained surface is by no means attractive, and the slightest touch leaves prints. And how to place a mirror in the bedroom?


It was not for nothing that it was believed that there was a world on the other side of the mirror, and the unknown forced us to seriously consider the version of the devil's presence. Why is it so persistently not recommended to place them in the room where you sleep? What about mirrored ceilings?

As they say, the mirror absorbs and accumulates energy, both negative and positive. If this is an old mirror, which could reflect various incidents, the death of a person or his tears, it can give this negative back to the one who looks into it. Foil principle. But then it is not clear why they fear only the bad? And if this mirror saw happiness and goodness in the house, smiling household members? Are these emotions and positivity also able to return? Or is the mirror capable of accumulating only negativity? They are silent about this, apparently “horror stories” are more interesting and more popular.

However, sleeping while reflecting in the mirror is not a good idea. According to some experts, it is in a dream that unknown forces can take away strength and health. Yes, and waking up or in the dark, you can be afraid of reflection, involuntary movement.

It’s up to everyone to believe it or not, but if there are troubles and illnesses in the house, try to get rid of the mirrors in the bedroom for a while, and then you can independently evaluate the veracity of these statements.

How can mirrors hurt?

There are a number of warnings that will help you navigate the problem.
they age people, taking away strength;
it is worth looking at them less for children and pregnant women;
large mirrors bring discord in the family and irritation with loved ones;
when reflecting the door in the bedroom, quarrels arise, and problems multiply;
spouses may have trouble mirroring their bed, as the couple doubles up, there may be cheating.
if there is a dead person in the house, then the mirrors are hung with cloth so that the soul of the deceased does not get lost, does not remain in it forever.
do not buy an old mirror, and if it is antique furniture, replace it with a new one.
lonely people, spending a lot of time in front of the mirror, aggravate their loneliness, double this problem, delaying the meeting with the second half.

Many nations have a cautious attitude towards mirrors, almost every shaman and sorcerer has his own explanation why they should be feared. In the most dangerous fortune-telling, mirrors are necessarily used.

There is no need to be afraid of mirrors in your life, but you should treat them with caution.

Folk omens about mirrors

1. If the mirror cracks, it will lead to death loved one. Many confuse this sign with broken by negligence. If this happens, it is enough to collect the fragments in a rag and throw them away;
2. They don’t give mirrors, because it’s not known what kind of energy the donor has, but for girls it’s sure sign parting. They did not accept such a gift from a loved one;
3. You can’t look into it at night, since it is at this time that a portal opens through the looking glass;
4. Be sure to keep the mirror clean, as it is dirty, it distorts the reflection, which can affect the fate of the one who uses it.
5. Do not place it in such a way that it reflects the front door. passes the house, seeing his reflection. She decides that she is not needed here.

Each case is individual, for some, all these signs are not convincing, and some often associate the ongoing troubles with the presence of mirrors. Maybe this is due to the peculiarities of the human nervous system, but in my opinion you feel uncomfortable if there are a lot of reflective surfaces around. You should not blindly believe these observations, but if you intuitively feel that there is discomfort, it is better to abandon numerous mirrors.

We are all superstitious to one degree or another, but thinking about the best, the chance of becoming happier is much higher. The main thing, of course, is a kind attitude and tolerance, attention to relatives, love. Let your mirrors always reflect happy faces, and let all troubles remain behind the silvery surface of the most mysterious and enigmatic object.

So, today we have Saturday, June 17, 2017 and we traditionally offer you answers to the quiz in the Q&A format. The questions we meet are both the most simple and quite complex. The quiz is very interesting and quite popular, but we just help you test your knowledge and make sure that you have chosen the correct answer out of the four proposed. And we have another question in the quiz - What can be found in each psyche mirror?

  • hinges
  • carved gilded frame
  • lamps
  • glass engraving

The correct answer is A - HINGES

PSICHE - an antique mirror in a frame with special rods, thanks to which it can be installed in an inclined position. The frame of such a mirror has a rectangular or oval shape, which rotates on hinges that allow you to adjust its tilt.

Mirrors-psiche are desktop and floor.

Psyche mirrors spread in Europe (in France) in the second half of the 18th century, in the then fashionable Empire style, due to the great popularity of dressing tables, which was an indispensable item in the ladies' boudoir. They were genuine works of art, light and graceful, often decorated with details of gilded bronze; on top of them, a mirror-psyche was strengthened - changing the slope.

In the middle of the boudoir, a human-sized psyche mirror, similar to an arch, was also placed. The silhouette of the looking lady turned out to be the most elegant. On the sides were two sconces with candles.

In Russia, the fashion for psyche mirrors began to be introduced by the German master Heinrich-Daniel Gambs in early XIX V. and from the imperial family.
Gambs arrived in the capital of the Russian Empire in 1795. For several decades, the German mechanic remained out of competition. The position was strengthened even more after in 1810 Alexander I granted him the title of supplier of the imperial court. By this time, Gumbs was already receiving regular orders from the royal family and the aristocracy. And in order to always stay ahead of competitors and not lose consumer interest, the master closely followed European trends. Fashionable novelties instantly appeared in the window of his store.

Psyché Gambs mirrors are large swivel mirrors on a pedestal, built into a frame, carved or gilded. The master made the first such mirror to order: it was presented as a gift to Queen Louise of Prussia. The debut turned out to be successful - it was ordered to be made for the dowry of the Grand Duchess Alexandra, Elizabeth.

Soon, psyche mirrors became a traditional detail of the decoration of front and residential interiors.

Now psyche mirrors are mainly antiques or museum pieces, but can also be used in a modern interior.

We all know that mirrors store all the information about a person who looks into it and is fraught with many secrets and mysteries. Among all the items of everyday life of a person, there is hardly a thing more mysterious than a mirror. Many myths and legends are associated with it. Greek myth says that Narcissus, seeing his reflection in the pond, could not tear himself away from him and turned into a flower. Medusa Gorgon looked into her eyes reflected in a shiny shield and turned to stone. The honor of inventing this alloy allegedly belonged to Hephaestus himself, Greek god fire and blacksmithing. The first glass mirrors appeared in Rome. They were tiny, it was impossible to look in them, so they were used as amulets and jewelry. Real mirrors appeared later, in the Middle Ages. And then almost disappeared from everyday life. Surely you have repeatedly wondered what mirrors can do, here is the answer for you: To make the transition between worlds and age or rejuvenate a person.

How to use mirrors - rules and prohibitions

1) If you break the mirror, seven years of misfortune await you. This is our double and if you hurt him, you hurt yourself. To avoid this, the fragments (those that are larger) are painted over with black or immersed in running water.
2) You can't look into a broken mirror because you can see the devil. But more seriously, then you lose energy, looking into a cracked, broken mirror or into its fragment - and this is at best, and at worst, you can expect trouble.
3) If you show a mirror to a child under one year old, he will be shy. He may also not speak for a long time or his teeth will not cut well. He will get sick often.
4) If, after leaving the house, a person is forced to return, he must look in the mirror, otherwise there will be no way.
5) Mirrors in the house where the deceased is, are hung so that his soul cannot be reflected there and scare the living.
6) It is forbidden for a woman to look in the mirror during menstruation, pregnancy or after childbirth, since at this time the “grave is open” in front of her. I explain: you can not spin in front of the mirror, intently examining yourself. Moreover, you can not spin naked.
7) These days, energy is weak, and the mirror weakens it even more, opening the way to illness, misfortune and poverty.
8) If you suspect that someone is plotting evil against you, try to bring this person to the mirror. Take a look at your joint reflection. If your suspicions are justified, his true feelings will appear on the face of your enemy for a moment.
9) You can go up to the mirror every morning (preferably the one in the hallway, living room) and passing your hand over it (the distance between the hand and the mirror should be 0.5 cm - no more) ask: “Mirror, reflect everything bad that will come to this house. Protect our entire family (list the names).

10) In connection with all of the above, the mirrors in the house must be kept clean. Wipe them every week, and if necessary - more often.
11) Mirrors are not recommended in the bathroom. You will pay for this beauty with health, family relationships or money.
12) Do not hang a mirror at the head of the bed or next to the bed.
13) Mirrors are closed or curtained in the bedroom at night. And above the wedding bed, you can’t hold a mirror at all. Many people like to hang a mirror on the ceiling above the bed - this will not lead to good. A mirror at the head is also unacceptable - you will make many mistakes in life. Changes are possible.
14) Mirrors should be in frames - salaries, so as not to injure your energy and physical health. Mirrors should hang no lower than the top of the head of the tallest member of the family.
15) After the departure of unpleasant or just noisy guests, wipe the mirror to wash off the “dirty” energy from it. My mirrors as often as possible, no harm will come.

These 15 rules must be observed and then you and your household will be happy.

Why can't you sleep in front of a mirror?

During sleep, the astral body of a person travels and, once in the mirror, it may simply not return from there. The body, having parted with one of its indispensable components, dies. After all, how many strange, sudden, causeless deaths in a dream doctors ascertain daily. And such a term as sudden death of newborns? Why babies suddenly die in a dream often remains simply incomprehensible. Mirrors have a huge magic power, both positive and negative. This is the gate to the world behind the looking glass - the other world, parallel worlds. These gates do not open easily, which is why we become careless witnesses of the harmlessness of millions of mirrors. However, once an open door is closed it is very difficult. It is almost impossible to break forever once established connection with the other world. The mirror is the strongest energy magnet, it is able to play on our weaknesses, take away energy, age and even, as we have already said, kill. It is especially not recommended to look in the mirror for a long time for small children, women who are breastfeeding, pregnant, during menstruation. The body is weakened and more easily amenable to negative influences.

Why can't you look in the mirror at night?

According to the ancients Slavic legends, at night in the mirror opens the door to the other world, where they rule dark forces and that is where the soul of the dead goes. This is a well-known belief that has been passed down from generation to generation and, finally, has come down to our days. Whether this is true or not is not exactly known, but it is still recommended to follow some rules in front of a mirror, for example, not to look into it when it is already dark outside. They say mirrors that reflect the world and people for many decades, preserve the images of the latter. There is a rumor among the people that if you look at the reflection at night, you can see spirits, and evil ones. And the more you look at them, the more they will be fueled by your energy, which supposedly can help them get out of underworld. It is also impossible to look into the reflection by candlelight (as this can lead to diseases and various troubles), as well as after midnight, since from 12 to 3 o’clock in the morning the so-called “devil’s hour” lasts, during which you can see yourself in the reflection devil. And you can’t guess in front of a mirror surface. To avoid unpleasant situations, only a new mirror should be brought into the house, which has not been a witness to other people's lives and accidents. The mirror should be cleaned regularly with salt water. And it's better not to put it in front of front door or opposite the bed.

Why can't you take a picture in the mirror?

First of all, this is due to the fact that the camera has the ability to capture not only the image of the body, but also the soul, inner strength, mind ... It is believed that those people who are photographed in front of the mirror literally open their soul to the camera, which will subsequently be reflected On the photo. However, there is nothing good in this, since some evil magician, seeing such a photograph, can easily damage a person. There is another, no less interesting opinion. It is believed that mirrors are able to absorb the energy of a person, and often not one, but several. They even say that if the mirror is old, then it could absorb the energy of even those people whom we did not know (for example, distant relatives who lived several centuries ago). All this is stored up to a certain time inside the mirror surface, but someday it can come out and then the person who is in front of the mirror at that moment will receive all this energy. And it's good if it is positive, not negative ... There is an opinion that the exit can be provoked by the click of the camera shutter. But today on the Internet, in various in social networks a large number of photographs of people taken through a mirror. Of course, we don’t know how harmoniously the lives of these people are developing, but somehow we don’t want to test the effect of this ban on ourselves. If you did not know about the ban on taking pictures of yourself in the mirror and have already taken a picture, it is better to destroy this picture. It is believed that when stored in the house, such pictures bring misfortune to the people depicted in them.


Please note: in each mirror you look a little different: some small moments are constantly changing. In some mirrors you really like yourself, while in others your figure becomes more magnificent, wrinkles are more visible, eye color is dimmer, etc. And the reason is that every mirror on earth is unique.

The mirror has played an important role in human life since ancient times. From antiquity to the present, a mirror is not just a household item, but also a kind of “magic” object that you need to be able to handle correctly. There are many superstitions and signs about mirrors, the article will focus on actions that can and cannot be performed with a mirror, the history of the “development” of mirrors, and some general recommendations will be given on choosing a mirror.

Actions that can be performed with mirrors

Mirrors surround us everywhere, they "see" our destiny and accumulate our positive energy.

  • So, in order for the mirror not to lose positive energy, it should be placed in a metal frame.
  • The mirror should suit its owner, so when buying a mirror, you need to pay attention to its shape and size, the type of frame. Such a mirror should harmoniously fit into the interior of a house or apartment. In this case, looking in the mirror, a person will feel comfortable and calm. Well, this will lead to the accumulation of positive energy.
  • Ladies should choose round and oval mirrors for themselves, then their life will be as smooth as the frame of the mirror (otherwise, if the mirror is square or rectangular, then the owner of the mirror can experience all the versatility of negative life moments).
  • In addition, the mirror should be washed regularly, a clean mirror characterizes the purity of the soul and intentions of a person, as well as a transparent and bright future. Well, washing the mirror will save it from the accumulated negative energy.
  • You need to communicate with the mirror, “pour out” all your thoughts to it, share joy, experiences.
  • The mirror is able to take some of the negative thoughts onto itself, and process them into positive energy. In addition, you must always say hello to the mirror.
  • Special attention should be paid to old mirrors. You should respect the old grandmother's mirrors, they have seen a lot, and remember a lot of good and bad moments of their mistress. If you handle the mirror with care, communicate with it, wash it in time and prevent dust from accumulating, then such a mirror will bring happiness and bliss to its owner.
  • Wooden-framed mirrors should be replaced with metal-framed mirrors (silver or gold frames are just right). Such mirrors with the brilliance of their frame will illuminate life path his master, and ward off evil spirits.
  • In the house where the person died, it is necessary to hang all the mirrors. The soul of the deceased, saying goodbye to the house and wandering around it, can see its reflection in the mirror and remain in the world of the living. This will lead to the fact that the deceased will not find peace in the afterlife.

Actions that are strictly prohibited to perform with mirrors

There is a specific list of actions that should not be performed with mirrors under any circumstances. Otherwise, it can lead to sad consequences in the form of failures, illnesses, and even death.

  • You can’t look into a broken mirror, if for some reason the mirror has broken, then in no case should you look into the fragments of the mirror. Such a mirror, or rather its remains, should be wrapped in thick paper and buried in a quiet deserted place at midnight.
  • Babies and infants should not be brought to the mirror. A child, seeing his reflection in the mirror, may simply be frightened, and there will be a need to visit a healer.
  • Ladies should not lend their "bag" mirror, someone else's mirror can "reward" the debtor with negative energy.
  • During fortune-telling, it is strictly forbidden to build mirrors in a corridor and look into them. You can see evil spirits, demons and ghosts: this will bring illness, failure and general discomfort.
  • You can’t look into a cracked or dusty mirror: the fate of a person who looks into such a mirror will be just as cloudy and fragile.
  • You should not hang mirrors in the bathroom (opposite the place where a person is washing), and in the bedroom (opposite the place where a person sleeps). While taking a shower or sleeping, a person is most vulnerable to the effects of evil spirits, but a mirror, watching a person at such moments, the mirror can transfer all the negativity to him.
  • You can not sit with your back to the mirror, a person sitting with his back to the mirror endangers himself: the mirror sucks out of a person all the vital and spiritual juices, and luck.
  • Old mirrors should not be forgotten: if you run an old mirror, do not wash it and put it in a dark corner against the wall, then such a mirror will avenge such an attitude. The first person who looks into this mirror will find himself in torment, failure, suffering, illness and disappointment.
  • If you are going to start a new life, you should not take an old mirror with you, especially if there was no happiness and good luck in your previous life. The old mirror will take all the negativity with it and transfer it to a new place. New life, new mirror.

A little history of mirrors

Perhaps the very first human mirror was the surface of the water. Reflected in the water, a person saw himself, all his advantages and disadvantages. With the development of civilization, after people mastered crafts, smoothly polished silver and gold mirrors appeared (although only the elite and the clergy could afford such mirrors).

Such mirrors have become not only a hygiene item, but also a ritual attribute. With the advent of glass, glass mirrors also appeared. They gave a fairly strong and clear reflection, but over time, such mirrors became quite popular and common among noble people (full-length mirrors, small ladies' mirrors, mirrors in hairdressing salons).

With the development of industrialization, mirrors have become quite common among all segments of the population, they have become cheaper. The precious base was replaced with a high-quality polished thin layer of metal, but the mirrors did not cease to be magical attribute who "sees" not only the appearance of a person, but also his soul.

Choosing the right mirror

The mirror is our life companion. When buying a mirror, you need to follow a number of recommendations for subsequent life and peace of mind.

  1. The mirror must be "your". The mirror you like should be bought immediately. It is not at all accidental if you turned your first glance to this mirror (the mirror has chosen the owner, and will bring him good luck and happiness).
  2. The mirror should be harmonious fit into home decor
  3. The mirror should call the owner only positive emotions

    Surely everyone has their own personal story about the mirror. And often not alone. Remember how surprised a child is when he first sees himself in the mirror. The child does not immediately begin to perceive the reflection as himself, his copy. Rather, he believes that this is a different child. And the thought is put off in the mind that there, behind the mirror glass, someone lives. And the child comes to the concept of "double". The double is the one who lives in the mirror, in the looking-glass world. It is very similar to the original, but, nevertheless, it is different, with independence. Obviously, subconsciously every person feels connected with his double in the mirror. In some ways, this is reminiscent of the generally accepted idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe relationship between twins. So, it is believed that if one of the twins dies, then the second dies, or at least feels the death of the first.

    Surely everyone has their own personal story about the mirror. And often not alone. Remember how surprised a child is when he first sees himself in the mirror. The child does not immediately begin to perceive the reflection as himself, his copy. Rather, he believes that this is a different child. And the thought is put off in the mind that there, behind the mirror glass, someone lives. And the child comes to the concept of "double". The double is the one who lives in the mirror, in the looking-glass world. It is very similar to the original, but, nevertheless, it is different, with independence. Obviously, subconsciously every person feels connected with his double in the mirror. In some ways, this is reminiscent of the generally accepted idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe relationship between twins. So, it is believed that if one of the twins dies, then the second dies, or at least feels the death of the first.

    The same with a mirror - a broken (dead) mirror brings misfortune and death to its owner. That is, the "death" of the mirror double means the death of the original.

    Many peoples: Indians, Tajiks, Persians and others have a wedding ceremony when the bride and groom should look in one mirror, as if the connection of mirror twins will strengthen the earthly marriage.
    Moreover, among some peoples, the bride and groom could see each other for the first time precisely reflected in the mirror, and not directly. That is, acquaintance occurred through mirror doubles. It was believed that this should bring good luck and happiness to the family. It seems to me that almost everyone in their life had this - when you look at your reflection next to dear person and say: "Look, honey (s), how good we look together!". And this "we look good together" filled loving people additional self-confidence.

    But here - an echo of faith in the independent existence of a double, and his smiling face gives joy, at some point becoming the face of an outsider happy person. Regardless of age, we subconsciously believe in the independence of the mirror image. I remember the quote: "... Soon you get so lonely that you start talking to lizards, and then the time comes when they begin to answer you ..." (Frederick Brown, "Arena"). How often do we talk to the mirror?! In the mornings we say to him: "Hello! Something you have a rumpled face today," or: "You look good today." In the evening, looking in the mirror, we say: "It's time to sleep, and the view is already completely sleepy, the eyes close on their own." It would seem that we are talking to ourselves. But this is a conversation with a mirror, with your double living there. Maybe someday he will answer.

    It is on the belief that our reflections in the mirror - twins - are not really us, one of the methods of psychotherapy is based. The sculptor creates a life-size realistic stucco portrait of the patient.

    As the patient recognizes himself in this sculpture, and as the portrait approaches completion, the illness subsides. The portrait in an elusive way bears the stamp of the disease, and the original is healed. A sculptural portrait is, as it were, that “double” that the patient sees every day in the mirror. The "double" created by the doctor becomes the "bad" member of the "man - reflection" pair, and the patient becomes the "good" one.

    Legends say that the souls of everyone who looked in them are enclosed in ancient mirrors. It is believed that if the mirror stores a reflection evil person, say, the killer, or "saw" the scene of the murder, then it becomes "evil" itself. Such a mirror is always cold to the touch; church candles, and it can bring trouble to the new owner, up to his death. This mirror must be broken, and the only way to get rid of the curse that it contains. They also say that through the mirror you can "spell". If any person looks into your mirror with wishes for evil, then these wishes can be fulfilled. That is, the mirror will become a kind of accumulator and emitter of negative energy. True, not all stories about mirrors are so gloomy. With the help of mirrors, you can not only "induce damage", but also get rid of it. For example, if you hang a mirror in the room where the guests gather, then it will take away all the evil for itself. Then the mirror should be cleaned until it is only a storage device and not an emitter. Cleaning is recommended with cold water.

    It is also believed that if you look in the mirror, wishing yourself the best, do something like auto-training in front of him, assuring your reflection that it is the smartest, most beautiful, most wonderful, then the double living in the mirror will ensure the implementation these dreams. There is also a belief that, returning home halfway, you must definitely look in the mirror. This is done in order to restore the protection of the house from extraneous influences, the protection that a mirror provides, reflecting everything negative influences.

    There are even rules for placing mirrors in an apartment. For example, any mirror should be hung so that it does not "cut off" the head of the tallest member of the family. There are also many methods of divination using mirrors. The most famous are with the help of two mirrors and a candle or with the help of one mirror and a candle. Christmas divination on the groom have been known since ancient times. And now they are guessing in this way, who is joking, and who is serious. And even what starts as a joke becomes something serious and real when an endless mirror corridor unfolds before your eyes in the dark. Even recorded cases of "penetration" into the past and future with the help of mirrors. Someone assures that he saw his future husband in the mirror while fortune-telling, someone - his wife; a story is recorded about how two girls watched in the mirror the meeting of the emperors Alexander I and Napoleon in 1807; they tell how village sorceresses find a thief with the help of a mirror...

    In general, these stories are almost endless and surprisingly diverse, but they all come down to one thing: mirrors are objects that can show something unknown, reveal new knowledge - if they are handled correctly.

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