What is the name of the icon of the mother of God. Mother of God icons

Orthodox icons, their names and meaning - important aspect the study of Christian Science. It is very difficult to imagine any Christian dwelling without a variety of icons, each of which has its own eigenvalue. As the history of religion says, many of them became known to believers many centuries ago. The religious beliefs of people have been formed for a very long time, but the icons do not lose their special cultural and historical significance for the parishioners of many churches and temples. Orthodox icons, photos and their names play an important role in the human and its approach to the Lord.

It is believed that every saint can invisibly help even in the most seemingly hopeless situation. It is worth turning to some of the saints for help in any serious life situation. Titles Orthodox icons and their meanings will be presented in this article. In addition to descriptions and stories about the miraculous properties of each image, photos of the most revered of them will also be given.

This material will tell about the meaning of each icon presented, as well as the rules of prayer and the miracles that a particular holy face can create. It also happens that the names of icons with a photo already carry information about what troubles this image can save from. Each described icon in the rubric will be allocated special place. The icon of the Mother of God, painted and kept for a long time in the walls of the temples of the city of Kazan, has the greatest authority among believers both in Russia and all over the world. This majestic and large-scale icon is considered the main protector of the inhabitants of our country. Any significant holiday in the life of a Russian person cannot do without the ritual of worshiping this image, whether it be baptism or a sacred wedding ceremony for loving hearts.

The revered icons of the Mother of God will be described below. Photo and name, and their meaning will also be revealed.

It is known that the icon of Our Lady of Kazan helps single believers soon find family happiness, and long-established couples overcome discord in relationships and begin to live happier. Since she protects families, it is customary to hang her in any home near the crib so that the baby is under the protection and protection of the Lord.

In order to quickly find out which image of the Mother of God to pray in a given situation, it is better to learn in advance the icons of the Virgin with names. Speaking about the icon of Our Lady of Vladimir, it is worth noting that it is considered no less revered among many believing citizens. There is evidence that this icon was awarded during the coronation of the most influential tsars in the Russian Empire. You can pray to this icon to become kinder, to find a family and be healed of serious illnesses, and also to make peace with those with whom there was a serious conflict. Also, this image invisibly protects mothers and young children who are in a difficult life situation from misfortunes and sorrows. On top of that, this icon helps with infertility and other disorders of the reproductive organs, as well as pregnant women and nursing mothers. These are the most popular icons of the Virgin. Photos and names of other images will also be presented in this article.

As it has already become clear even from the description of these two icons, the power of the Mother of God is practically omnipotent, however, like many other icons of the Orthodox Church. That is why it is so important for every believer to know the icons of the Most Holy Theotokos with names. Every Christian needs to know at least some facts about the meaning of certain images, as well as some information about the life of this or that Orthodox saint.

As you know, the Lord hears those people who follow Him, observing all church and spiritual laws. Believe in God and be happy. Below are the most revered icons of the Virgin, the names and meanings of each of them.

Icon of the Mother of God "Blessed Sky"

Prayers are offered to this miraculous icon to take the true path, and also that dead people in the next world be calm and well. They praise this icon in the old way, and on March 19 in a new style.

Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "Desperate One Hope"

Some names of icons can rarely be heard in church life, but this does not deprive them of their power. Despite the fact that indicates the low popularity of this image, in the Orthodox Church there is even an akathist for her. Prayers in front of this icon can heal despondency, mental decline and sorrow. Those believers who are disappointed and have lost their divine spirit pray to the Almighty to perk up, forgive offenders and reconcile with enemies. In addition, the icon is prayed for deliverance from envy and reconciliation of warring people, including neighbors.

Modern addictions (gambling, drug addiction, alcoholism, smoking, computer addiction) are subject to healing when referring to this image of the Mother of God.

Bogolyubskaya Icon of the Mother of God

This icon helps in the treatment of plague, cholera, pestilence and other serious illnesses. It is revered in this image either on June 18 or June 1.

Icon of the Mother of God "Search for the Lost"

This famous icon is prayed for to cure toothache and headache, vision problems, fever and epilepsy, for well-being in marriage, for the return of faith in the Lord to the heart, as well as for very severe, almost incurable childhood ailments. In addition, the same icon is addressed with a request to cure addiction to alcohol. The date of the day of praise is February 18 or 5.

Icon of Our Lady of Vladimir

This icon is known primarily for the fact that in the days of ancient Russia the most noble gentlemen and kings were crowned with it. It is also known that with the participation of this image, elections of primates were held. They pray to this icon to become kinder, to be healed of serious illnesses, to expel demons from the body. Mothers and their little children can fully rely on the patronage of the Virgin in this image, and for those who are just waiting for the baby to appear, this face will give an easy birth and health to a newborn baby. Barren women can turn to the icon with a request to grant long-awaited children.

The Vladimir and Kazan Mother of God are the most beloved icons of the Virgin. Photos and names of these shrines can be found in the homes of even not very devout people.

Icon of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow"

Sometimes the names of the icons speak for themselves. This icon is popular among people who have suffered severe resentment, suffering, severe seizures and diseases of the respiratory organs, tuberculosis patients. In addition, here you can pray for the healing of the hands of a sick person. The name day of the icon is celebrated on October 6 or 24.

Icon "The Tsaritsa"

There are quite rare, but very strong icons Mother of God, photo with the names of which will be presented below.

The icon of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa" helps those people who suffer from cancer and endure a number of courses of chemotherapy and radiation.

Prayers are offered to this icon during epidemics of plague, fever, ulcers, blindness, and hearing impairment. The name day of the holy image is celebrated on August 6 or 22.

This icon is prayed for the normalization of relations in the country, for justice, for finding joy in the heart, for the absence of hypocrisy in love. The day of this icon is celebrated on March 15 or 2.

This image of the Holy Mother of God is prayed in the presence of severe vices of the soul and body, and also after any important business has ended. The name day of this icon is celebrated on June 11 or 23.

Those who are currently suffering serious illnesses of soul and body, as well as those who are obsessed with infirmity, offer their prayers to this image. True believers, when referring to this wonderful icon, receive complete healing for an indefinite period. Name day icons " life-giving spring” is celebrated on the day of Bright Week.

Prayers are addressed to this holy image against cholera, visual impairment and other similar ailments. It is customary to celebrate the name day of this icon on September 8 or 21.

Birthdays are celebrated on Tuesday Bright Week, and it helps with strong fires, as well as with various problems and in need of consolation in spiritual hardships. Memorial Day February 12 or 25.

It is customary for Orthodox citizens to turn their prayers to this icon in case of mass death of livestock, plague, cholera, as well as in the presence of blindness and problems of the musculoskeletal system. Treatment in a huge number of cases guarantees a complete recovery.

This icon, endowed with miraculous properties, is prayed for with pronounced paralysis, with smallpox infection, with diseases of the legs, with suspicions of attacks by "evil spirits", and also protecting themselves from a sudden death. The days of memory of the icon are celebrated on March 16 or 29.

in cases where there is a danger of invasion by foreigners, as well as the return of sight to blind people and successful entry into God's union loving friend friend to people. In addition, such a prayer helps to survive cataclysms. The icon celebrates the name day on June 8.21 and in October on the 4th and 22nd.

Those who suffer from significant hearing impairments, as well as other similar ailments, bow and pray to this image. This icon celebrates the name day on September 2 and 15.

"Kozelshchanskaya" Icon of the Mother of God

A prayer appeal to this wonderful, life-giving icon is useful for any injuries to the limbs, serious injuries and upcoming serious surgical interventions. This icon of the Mother of God celebrates the name day on February 6 and 21.

Icon of the Mother of God "The Mammal"

This divine face is usually worshiped by women in childbirth, pregnant and lactating mothers. This icon celebrates Memorial Day on January 12 and 25.

Before this majestic icon, they pray in the name of piety, the triumph of truth, for the revival of mercy and compassion in people's hearts, for gaining a healthy physical body and reason, about saving Christian faith throughout the country. The glorification of this icon and its name day takes place on April 12 and 25.

This icon of the Most Holy Theotokos is designed to save people sincerely praying to Her from fires, floods and other damage to property. Memorial Day is celebrated on September 4 and 17 every year.

The icon helps not to get off the right life's road, save a righteous way of life, and helps lonely believers to find true love. By sincerely praying before this image and asking for help and advice, you can solve any, the most difficult problems in family life and relationships between spouses. In addition, the icon helps seriously ill believers to heal as quickly as possible. Memorial Day is celebrated on April 3 and 16.

There are usually queues of deaf and hard of hearing people to this icon. The name day of the icon is December 9 and 22.

All sinful people pray to this icon, and relatives of gamers, drug addicts and alcoholics also turn with hope. This icon appeals to the education of mercy and kindness, as well as to a sense of joy from every day. The saying on the image reads: “To all who ask by faith it will be given!”.

Those who want to be healed from the most serious ailments offer their prayers to this icon. Name days are celebrated on January 21 or 3.

From time immemorial in mi-well-you-one-hundred-tea-shih stra-da-ny at the birth of children, when death is so close, women shchi-we come-be-ha-yut with especially-ben-but-ho-ho-whose mo-lit-howl to Spa-si-te-lu and Pre-chi-stand His Ma-te-ri. In blessed families and in our time, you can see iko-well Bo-go-ma-te-ri, na-zy-va-e- Muyu "Help in childbirth." and all pregnant women who want to give birth to healthy babies without any problems pray to the unusually blessed icon of the Mother of God.

This truly miraculous icon is prayed for the prevention of wars and schisms, for protection from various heresies, for protection from the invasion of foreigners and strangers, for protection from spiritual and bodily blindness. Days of honor 23 and 5 July.

This image of the Mother of God is designed to protect believers from cholera and complete loss of vision. The name day of this miraculous image of the Virgin is celebrated on September 16 or 29.

This icon, better than any other, can protect from the evil eye, damage and unkind thoughts of passing people. It is customary to place this icon in the left corner of the hallway so that every person entering the house can be seen at a glance. This icon feels envy and curses like no other, therefore, where there is this image, they do not take root. The best location for such an icon is opposite front door.

Before this image, sailors who have crashed a ship, as well as in the presence of blindness, weakness of the legs, deafness, problems with their hands, as well as those who unwittingly became hostages of terrorists, pray. The day of veneration of the icon is celebrated on November 9 or 22.

This icon is prayed for if there is a suspicion of fetal pathology so that the birth is successful and the child is born healthy. The name day of the icon is celebrated on March 9 and 22.

This icon is prayed by those who work in professions that are associated with immersion in water. Name days are celebrated on December 20 or 2.

It is customary for this icon to offer prayers in the name of deliverance from drought, disease and general hunger. The name day of this Holy image is celebrated on October 15 and 28.

This uplifting icon is prayed for in case of terrible despondency, grief and impotence. Also, a clouded state of mind will become a reason for praying to this icon. The name day of this icon is celebrated on March 7 and 20.

"Passionate" Icon of the Mother of God

This icon is able to give a miracle of healing from cholera, vision problems, muscle weakness, and protect from the impending "big fire". Name days are celebrated on August 13 and 26.

This icon is worshiped in the healing of the blind and those possessed by demons, with epilepsy, with muscle weakness, with the healing of young children, with paralysis of the lower and upper limbs. You can also pray to this icon when attacking foreigners. This icon celebrates the name day on June 26 and 9.

To this image, believing parishioners pray for the elimination of drought and craving for vices, including atheism. The memorial day is celebrated on August 8 and 21.

This icon is prayed for the return of lost or stolen valuables, for the justification of the obviously innocent and the release of hostages from captivity. Celebrate the day of this icon on December 26 or 8.

This icon belongs to St. Seraphim of Sarov and gives seriously ill people quick relief from suffering and strengthening their faith in the Lord. The name day of this masterpiece of icon painting is celebrated on July 28 and 10, as well as on July 19 and 1.

This icon is prayed to moderate the ardor of sinful passions, to interrupt the series of harmful addictions. Orthodox believers celebrate a memorable day for the icon on January 25 and 7.

Feodorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God

This icon has long been held in high esteem by believers because it patronizes happy families and the health of young children. On top of that, this icon can help with long and difficult childbirth. This image of the Virgin is kept in Epiphany Cathedral the city of Kostroma, and it appeared in 1613 and was at the disposal of the Tsar of the Russian State, Mikhail Fedorovich.

Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary "Healer"

This icon speaks for itself. Seriously ill Christians usually turn to her for help. The icon celebrates its birthday on September 18 or 1.

Chernigov Icon of the Mother of God

Those who are possessed by demons, as well as blind or visually impaired people come to pray to this icon. Name days are celebrated on September 1 and 14.

Icon of the Mother of God "Three Hands"

This icon can very easily heal diseases of the hands and feet, as well as severe mental and spiritual suffering. The date of the celebration of the name day of the icon is June 28 or 11.

Above were the most revered icons of the Mother of God. Photos with names will help you quickly find a particular image and find out its meaning.

Icon "Holy Trinity"

The most famous version of the image of the icon "Holy Trinity" belongs to the brush of the famous master of icon art Andrei Rublev. There are also images painted by the hands of other equally famous icon painters. The icon shows the faces of the members of the Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit), soaring in the sky. This icon must be present in every home, since its effect is universal. At the moment, the main copy is located within the walls of the Trinity Church in the city of Kaluga.

Icons of other saints are also venerated. Their name and meaning, of course, should be known.

Icon of the Holy Great Martyr Pantileimon

The image of the Great Martyr is known for its miraculous healing properties. Parishioners who put candles next to this icon and asked for healing receive the real Grace of the Lord. At the moment, the most important copy of the Pantileimon icon is in the church of John the Baptist.

Holy Blessed Matrona of Moscow

This saint is one of the most revered religions in the world. The main monastery, where to this day her relics are located, is located in the capital of our country on the Taganskoye Highway. The monastery, in which the relics of Matrona lie, is purely feminine. Every day, crowds of believers come to the monastery in order to turn to Matronushka with a prayer for help or with gratitude. In the vicinity of Moscow, namely in Kaluga, there is also an icon of the Matrona, and it is located in the temple of wives - Myrrhbearers.

Peter and Fevronia

In the same temple there is an icon of the Holy couple Peter and Fevronia, to whom they turn for help in love and family life.

Unfortunately, all the icons are Orthodox, their photos and names cannot be described within the framework of one article, because there are a huge number of them. But still, the main shrines still managed to be consecrated.

Complete collection and description: the icon of Mary with the baby is a prayer for the spiritual life of a believer.

Icon of the Mother of God “Jumping the Baby”: meaning, prayer, what helps

The birth of a baby is the main event in the life of every woman. It is during pregnancy and the birth of a child that the Lord most clearly reveals to man the fullness of His power and majesty. When a baby is born, it is a true miracle of God on Earth.

For happy outcome During pregnancy, many mothers pray to the Lord, the Saints and, of course, the Most Holy Theotokos for the entire period before and after childbirth. The icon of the Mother of God "Jumping the Baby" is one of the many miraculous icons of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In Russia, in front of this image, Orthodox mothers have long said fervent prayers for the well-being of their children. There is a pious tradition before childbirth to pray to the Most Holy Theotokos and to perform prayers with the reading of an akathist dedicated to the icon of the Leaping Baby.

Icon of the Mother of God "Jumping baby"

The icon in question belongs to the most common type in iconography, called "eleusa", which is translated from Greek as "merciful". Such works most fully depict the deeply reverent and tender relationship between the Holy Mother and the Divine Child. Here there is no distance between the Mother and the Son: the Infant presses his cheek against the face of the Mother of God, showing her his sincere love and trust. Many famous icons of the Mother of God also belong to the “eleus” type, such as: Vladimirskaya, “Tenderness”, Yaroslavskaya and others.

The icon depicts the Savior Jesus Christ sitting on the hand of the Mother of God. Throwing his head back, He seems to be playing with his Mother. With one hand, the Savior touches her cheek, thereby showing tenderness. The entire pose of the Divine Infant conveys His childish direct character. This icon most strongly shows the human side of the Divine Savior, which is rarely found in other icon-paintings of the Mother of God.

Specialist Notes

According to researchers, the genre of the Leaping Baby icon comes from some of the scenes described in the Gospel. The image reminds us of the Gospel theme of “The Presentation of the Lord,” when the Savior Jesus Christ was brought to the Jerusalem Temple on the fortieth day after birth to perform the rite of consecration to God. Here the Savior is handed over to the hands of the elder Simeon, but the Divine Infant reaches out to His Holy Mother, showing childish affection and love.

In Macedonia, the earliest images of the Leaping Baby icon have been preserved, where they were called “Pelagonitisses” (after the name of the locality Pelagonia). Here the holy image was venerated with special love and reverence. At a later time, the icons of the Virgin, depicting the theme of Motherhood and the future suffering of the Savior on the Cross, became common in post-Byzantine art, and most of all among the Slavic peoples.

Many researchers involved in clarifying the history of the origin of this icon are inclined to believe that the icon of the Mother of God "Leaping the Child" comes from Byzantium. There is accurate information that in Ancient Byzantium this image was revered as a great Christian shrine. This icon received the name "Jumping the Baby" already in Russia, where it gained the greatest fame only in the 16th-17th centuries. It can be assumed that it is a copy written off from the Byzantine model.

A look into the past

The history of the appearance of the miraculous icon in Russia has been going on since 1795, when the Mother of God (“Jumping the Baby”) was revealed in the Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery, located on the territory of the modern Moscow region (not far from Dzerzhinsky). This monastery is famous for the fact that in its place in the 14th century an icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker was miraculously found.

Dmitry Donskoy built this monastery in honor of the victory he won on the Kulikovo field, which took place in 1380. The appearance of the icon of St. Nicholas of Myra of Lycia inspired the prince before the battle. Donskoy promised to build new monastery at the place of acquisition.

In the 16th century, it was in this monastery that the icon of the Mother of God "Jumping the Baby" was miraculously revealed. The Russian Orthodox Church celebrates this event on November 20 (according to the new style).

Icon today

In the post-revolutionary period, the icon disappeared, and its whereabouts remained unknown for a long time. In 2003, a certain woman donated to the monastery an icon of the Mother of God, similar to a miraculous list. According to eyewitnesses, this image was brought to the monastery. It was installed in the same place where the miraculous icon had previously stood. All witnesses of this joyful event were convinced of the authenticity of the newly acquired miraculous icon. Currently, the image of the Virgin is kept in the altar of the Transfiguration Cathedral.

miraculous lists

In addition to the Ugresh one, other miraculous copies of the Leaping Baby icon are also known. Currently they are in the Tretyakov Gallery. Another image is kept in the Moscow Novodevichy Convent. Also, the miraculous icon "Jumping the Baby" is located in the Vatopedi Monastery. The latter rises on the holy Mount Athos.

The icon "Jumping baby". Significance in Christendom

Before the image in question, many couples bring a prayer for resolution from infertility. It is also customary to ask the Mother of God for help during pregnancy, before and after childbirth.

Pious Christian mothers ask the Blessed Virgin to grant their children mental and physical health and help parents in raising children. Some fathers ask the Mother of God to instruct their children in Orthodox faith so that they grow up kind and loving people. In such life situations the icon “Jumping the Baby” always helps, its significance is very great. The Most Holy Theotokos, through the icon, gives consolation to all who ask, as well as help, support and protection.

All women who wish to give birth to healthy children or who are already carrying a fetus in their hearts must in a special way observe purity of thoughts and strive to live according to the commandments of the Lord. This mindset and godly behavior is necessary to prepare a mother for the great mystery of childbirth. In Russia, it was believed that the behavior of a woman during pregnancy directly affects the future character of the baby. It is the mother who will give an answer to God for the Christian upbringing of her child, therefore, at all times, women began to pray to the Virgin, just getting ready to get married and become a mother. Pious Christian women pray before the image of the Most Holy Theotokos, asking Her for help in conception, pregnancy and childbirth.

Prayer for the gift of children

Barren couples, unable to have offspring, pray to the Mother of God for sending them the desired child, they are often heard. There are many examples when childless families found great happiness thanks to the help of the Most Holy Theotokos.

In addition to the “Jumping Baby” icon, there are other images of the Mother of God, in front of which one should pray for the bestowal of children. They are no less famous. These are such icons of the Mother of God as “Tenderness”, “Quick to Hearing”, “Feodorovskaya” Icon of the Mother of God, “Blessed Womb”, “Tolgskaya”. In addition to prayer, you can come with a request to give children to the saints Righteous Joachim and Anna - parents the Blessed Virgin.

The parents of the Blessed Mary were barren for many years, they prayed to the Lord all their lives to give them a child. The holy Fathers of God deeply grieved over their childlessness, since among the Jewish people barrenness was considered a punishment for sins. The Lord heard their prayer, and Saint Anna conceived and gave birth to a blessed child, Mary, who became the Mother of the Savior Jesus Christ. That is why in Christian world It is customary to ask the holy forefathers for permission from infertility.

Also, childless couples can pray to the Holy Matrona of Moscow, Zechariah and Elizabeth and other saints.

Prayer to the Mother of God during pregnancy

Many believing Christians, while waiting for a child, say especially warm prayers in front of various icons. One of the most famous helpers during pregnancy is the icon of the Theotokos “Feodorovskaya”, “Help in Childbirth”, “Softener of Evil Hearts” (its other name is “Seven-shot”), “Help of sinners”, “Tenderness” and, of course, “ Leaping baby."

The icon of the Mother of God matters when a sincere prayer is performed in front of her. Also, while waiting for the baby, the young spouses pray to Saints Joachim and Anna, the Holy Martyr Paraskeva, Saint Rev. Roman of Kirzhach and others.

Prayer of the spouses before the appearance of the heir

Many women in anticipation of a baby are worried about how well the birth will go. In addition to the appearance of restless thoughts, expectant mothers are visited by a fear of pain, which confuses them very much. When preparing for childbirth in the Orthodox Church, it is customary to ask the Most Holy Theotokos for help, who always hears sincere prayers, and especially women's prayers about the safe birth of the baby.

The pious tradition of asking the Mother of God for help has long been known in Russia. Russian women fervently pray to the Blessed Virgin Mary in front of Her numerous icons (“Helper in Childbirth”, “Tenderness”, “Feodorovskaya” Blessed Virgin Mary, “Jumping the Baby” and others). She, in turn, grants what She is sincerely asked for.

Prayer after the birth of a baby

After the birth of a baby, many mothers pray in front of the icons "Mamming" and "Education", asking the Mother of God for help in raising their beloved child.

The Theotokos Prayer "Jumping the Baby" has deep meaning. It glorifies the Blessed Virgin, asks for Her help and support during childbirth. The text also contains requests for the preservation of a newborn baby, for his enlightenment in the sacrament of Baptism, for his upbringing in the Orthodox faith. In addition to prayer in front of the icon, you can read an akathist.

“The Leaping of a Baby” is a miraculous icon, in front of which many Christian women, asking for help from the Mother of God, found Her holy protection and patronage. Akathist also contains various petitions for support.


The Ugresh icon "Jumping the Baby" differs from other versions of this holy image. In some compositions there are slight differences in the depiction of the Divine Infant and His Most Pure Mother. However, they all have the same name - the icon of the “Jumping Baby”.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos, uttered from a pure heart, always brings spiritual fruit. Many believing Christians, after praying in front of this icon, received consolation in spiritual anxieties, as well as deep calm and peace. Such is the effect of the help of the Queen of Heaven, who always helps in various life circumstances.

In Russia, on the day of the celebration of the Ugresh Icon of the Theotokos, the feast of all the icons of the Mother of God "The Leaping of the Baby" is celebrated. The Ugresh Icon of the Mother of God is also revered as a miraculous image, to which many believing Christians come to worship and pray.

Icon "Tenderness": how to pray to the Mother of God and what to ask for

The type and icon of the Mother of God "Tenderness" is one of the most striking and touching images of the Virgin. They have very great power, so prayers to them are always strong.

There are several ways to depict the Virgin Mary on icons. One of the main ones is the so-called icon "Tenderness", or "Eleus". On them, the Most Holy Theotokos is depicted with the Child in her arms, carefully bowing to Him. The baby is in contact with Her cheek and palm. But there are also different images, also called "Tenderness". Images of the Virgin Mary and the baby are considered essential for believing families, so the “Tenderness” icon should literally be in your home, like some others. Why is this image strong, and what is the Mother of God to pray for, what is displayed on this icon?

What to pray for in front of the icon "Tenderness"?

The Mother of God is our intercessor before the Lord. She is definitely asked about atonement for sins, because with her whole earthly life she showed how righteous a person can be. Therefore, the Virgin Mary is also asked patronage and protection.

Another area that this icon can greatly influence is reconciliation between two warring parties and defense of the right. Mother of God you can pray for conflict resolution at all levels: so that in the family relations between households are good, to avoid quarrels and scandals between people close to you and even about ceased military conflicts.

Since on icons of this type the Mother of God is depicted in her arms with a baby, she can be asked about family happiness and especially about children. The icon "Tenderness" reflects the moment of happiness of the mother and child, so the correct appeal to the Virgin Mary can bestow the long-awaited pregnancy. Any of the above will help you strong prayers to the Mother of God. Of course, it is advisable to pray in church, but if you do it at home, then the matter will not become less good.

How to address the Mother of God correctly?

Remember that your prayer should not just be from a pure heart. Pray with awareness and full faith by the power of prayer. We can say that the appeal to the Virgin Mary, as well as to all the saints and to the Lord God himself, includes repentance for sins and only after that - a request for something. To do this, it is absolutely not necessary to remember all your bad deeds. It is important to treat humbly and restrainedly, as if recognizing sinfulness.

The request itself must be a request. After all, a person prays about what worries him: the desire for world peace, the problem of the absence of children or quarrels with relatives. Address the Mother of God not as if you are right in the dispute (even if this is true), but in such a way that you want to resolve the problem itself and make peace.

Famous icons of the Mother of God "Tenderness"

Icon of the Mother of God of Kykkos: this icon is located on the island of Cyprus and is its main spiritual asset. According to legend, this icon was painted by the Apostle Luke from the Mother of God herself. It is interesting that it is almost always covered with a silver salary and a chasuble. Nobody has seen the icon itself almost since it was painted. But she served as a model and example for many other Orthodox icons. The days of the celebration of this icon are November 25 and January 8.

Vladimir icon Mother of God: One of the most revered icons in Russia belongs to the type of icons "Tenderness": the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God. It was also written by the Evangelist Luke. This icon came to Kievan Rus from Byzantium in the 12th century. It is called Vladimirskaya because Andrey Bogolyubsky transferred it to Vladimir. When he was traveling to the principality, the Mother of God appeared to him in a dream, in whose honor Grand Duke built more than one monastery and moved the capital to Vladimir. The icon has repeatedly defended the city from foreign invaders. The holiday dedicated to her is celebrated on June 32, July 6 and September 8. At the moment, the icon is in the church of St. Nicholas in Tolmachi at the Tretyakov Gallery.

Icon "Tenderness" Diveevskaya: differs from the previous two icons in its image, although it is called "Tenderness". On it, the Virgin Mary is depicted with her arms crossed in humble prayer, there is no baby in her arms. It belonged to Seraphim of Sarov and was in his cell. In front of the icon was a lamp with oil, with which Seraphim of Sarov anointed the sick for healing. Needless to say, the Mother of God helped all those who asked, and ailments themselves receded from people. At the moment, the original icon is in the house church of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia. The day of this icon is celebrated on August 1 and 10.

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Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God

The image of the Mother of God is especially revered by all Orthodox Christians. The Vladimir icon is notable for its special power: prayers before it.

Icon of the Mother of God of Vladimir

The amazing icon is considered one of the most revered and miraculous in Orthodoxy. This great image of the Virgin is able to help everyone.

Icon of the Mother of God "Healer"

The Orthodox Church has always revered the images of the Great Mother of God. It is believed that it is the icon of the Virgin "Healer" that possesses.

Novonikitskaya Icon of the Mother of God

Icons of the Mother of God are known to everyone. However, some of them have miraculous properties, the ability to heal from.

Lesna Icon of the Mother of God

The miraculous image of the Virgin Mary is one of the most revered in the Orthodox world. The Lesna icon of the Mother of God has an amazing quality.

The Bethlehem Icon of the Mother of God - the meaning of what helps

Among the wide variety of images of the Virgin, there are simply unique ones. The Bethlehem Icon of the Mother of God is notable for the fact that the Blessed Virgin smiles on it. This image is familiar to everyone who was interested in shrines located in the Holy Land - after all, it is located there.

Origin and history

Amazing story of the creation of the image. His homeland is Russia. The icon has a very unusual chasuble - it is made from a dress Grand Duchess Elizabeth, who was later recognized as a great martyr. The Bethlehem Icon of the Mother of God was made by order of the imperial family as a gift for the Basilica of the Nativity. A miracle happened here - the princess was healed of a serious illness, having made a pilgrimage.

The main feature of the composition is that a smile shines on the lips of the Blessed Virgin. A very unusual image, especially for Russian authors.

  • The baby sits on the left hand of the Mother of God, with the right she points to him.
  • The left hand of Christ lies on the orb - this is a symbol of His power.
  • The icon is decorated with a riza that covers almost the entire composition.
  • The face of the Most Pure is filled with a gentle radiance, her eyes are cheerful.

The Bethlehem icon of the Mother of God belongs to a very common type - "Hodegetria", that is, "pointing the way." The first "Guide" is believed to have been created by the evangelist and apostle Luke. The Queen of Heaven herself blessed him for this. Since then, a great many icons of this type have been created. It includes:

The theological meaning of the Bethlehem icon is common with similar ones. The Queen of Heaven here acts as a guide. She instructs, directs believers on the path. This is done through gesture. Pointing to Christ, Holy Mary emphasizes that only through faith in Him, as in the Lord, one can save one's soul. That is, Jesus is the road that leads to heavenly abodes.

If you carefully read the Gospel, you can find the words where Christ literally indicates that He is the way. Interestingly, this is not the only choice made, but a process. After all, the road must be passed, that is, to make certain efforts to achieve the goal.

How and what to pray

What do the pilgrims ask for from the icon of the Mother of God of Bethlehem? Of course, about the giving of children, about the well-being of those who have already been sent by the Lord. After all, the shrine is located near the very place where the Savior was born. Perhaps this is due to the unusual composition. After all, Christmas was a very joyful event, and this was reflected in the mood of St. Mary.

  • Of course, prayer to the Bethlehem icon can be about any other need. After all, the Mother does not limit the children in what questions they can turn to her. She is ready to help in everything. Especially when requests are raised from such a holy place. And there is an image right at the entrance to the cave, where more than two thousand years ago the Divine Infant Christ was born.

Not everyone wants to advertise what the Queen of Heaven helps them with, but it is absolutely certain that the Bethlehem Icon of the Mother of God performed many miracles. For example, myrrh flow was repeatedly observed. Sometimes tears began to flow from the eyes of Christ. Grateful believers who have received healing from ailments leave their jewelry on the icon as a gift: rings, pectoral crosses, chains. This pious tradition is familiar to many Russians.

In front of the Bethlehem icon, you can read the Akathist to the Mother of God, which was written by Roman the Melodist. Any prayers of the Mother of God are also blessed, because she is one, although there are different images. From a pilgrimage trip to Palestine, believers bring copies of the miraculous icon made by local craftsmen.

  • Feodorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God
  • Don Icon of the Mother of God - here
  • Peschanskaya Icon of the Mother of God - https://bogolub.info/peschanskaya-ikona/

Of course, not everyone had to go to Bethlehem. But lovers of needlework can embroider the image on their own, then consecrate it in the temple. It will be a special family shrine - after all, how pleasant it is to watch the happy face of the Mother of God! There is a special grace in prayers before this way.

Prayer before the Bethlehem Icon of the Mother of God

I sing of Your grace, Lady, I pray to You, bless my mind. Teach me the right, the path of Christ's commandments. Strengthen the vigilance to the song, chasing away the sleep of despondency. Bound by the captives of the falls, resolve your prayers, O God-bride.

Preserve me in the night and in the days, delivering me those who fight the enemy. Having given birth to the life-giver of God, revive me with passions. Even the non-evening light that gave birth, enlighten my blinded soul. O marvelous Lady of the Chamber, create the house of the Divine Spirit for me. Having given birth to a doctor, heal the souls of my many years of passion.

Agitated by the storm of life, direct me to the path of repentance. Deliver me the eternal fire, and the evil worm, and tartar. Yes, do not show me joy as a demon, like many sins. New create me, obsolete insensible, Immaculate, in sin. Show me a strange torment of all kinds, and implore all the Lord. Heavenly me improve joy, with all the saints vouchsafe.

Blessed Virgin, hear the voice of Your indecent servant. Give me a jet of tears, Most Pure, cleansing the filth of my soul. I bring groans from the heart to Thee unceasingly, be zealous to the Lady. Accept my prayer service, and bring it to the merciful God. Exceeding the Angel, create the worldly me above the confluence.

Light-bearing heavenly Seine, direct spiritual grace in me. I raise my hands and my lips to praise are defiled by filth, All-blameless. Deliver me soulful dirty tricks, diligently imploring Christ, He deserves honor and worship, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Some images God's mothers icon God's mothers. According to legend.

Bethlehem» icon, which is not . icons God's mothers

In Russia, many icons icon.

In a special way, some icons God how are your lessons.

Some images God's mothers have a very ancient history, which is often closely intertwined with the Russian one. This is "Jerusalem" icon God's mothers. According to legend.

Smiling - this is absolutely atypical for canonical icon painting, this is only on " Bethlehem» icon, which is not . "Omen" is the only symmetrical type icons God's mothers. On it she prays with her hands raised.

In Russia, many icons, having Byzantine origin, received their own history, full of miracles, historical victories, tragedies. Takova and Feodorovskaya icon.

In a special way, some icons connected with the history of Russia - they appeared in the most difficult times, saved from invasions, cholera, healed. However, some troubles are sent God how are your lessons.

At different periods of life, believers pray with hope to the Most Holy Theotokos. There are many miraculous images of her in Russia, some of which were created and revealed in our land.

Saturday of the fifth week of Great Lent Orthodox Church performs non-sedal singing to the image of the Most Holy Theotokos.

The ancient Israelites, seeing the death of their enemies in the depths of the Red Sea, sang on the shores of its victorious song to the Redeemer God: “Thy right hand, Lord, be glorified in the fortress, Your right hand, Lord, crush the enemies!”

Since then, the Old Testament Church on the feast of Easter annually sang this thankful-victory song in remembrance of its miraculous deliverance from strong enemies. The Orthodox, New Testament Church has seen the right hand of the Almighty repeatedly conquering over itself; her enemies in difficult moments of danger were overthrown by miraculous help.

On Saturday, the fifth week of Great Lent, the Holy Church solemnly proclaims the prayer singing of the akathist, or thanksgiving praise to the Most Holy Theotokos Hodegetria.

This holiday was established in the 9th century in memory of the repeated deliverance of Constantinople with the help and intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos from the invasion of adversaries. Under Emperor Heraclius, when Patriarch Sergius, carrying in his arms the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos along the walls and walls of the city, begged the Lord for protection against the ferocious enemies of the Persian and Scythian troops who were besieging Constantinople, then the people sought protection in the temples of the Lord, day and night imploring the zealous Intercessor save your city. This icon is now located in Moscow in the Assumption Cathedral and is called Blachernae.

Emperor Constantine the Great, the founder of Constantinople, dedicated it to the Mother of God and honored the Blessed Virgin as the patroness of his and his city. Many temples in honor of Her were erected there. The Volakhernsky temple kept Her holy icon, painted by St. Evangelist Luke. On a memorable night, when the combined forces of the Hagarians and Persians from the sea and from land moved to crush the walls of Constantinople, a terrible storm suddenly arose against the Blachernae temple itself, which dispersed and sank their ships with many troops. The rest of the enemies fled in shame. Then, all that night, the grateful people, who were in the Blachernae Church, proclaimed to the Defender of the city a victorious, all-night and non-sedal song:

"The chosen Governor is victorious,as if we had got rid of the evil ones, with thanksgiving we will describe Thyrabi, Mother of God!

And from that time on, in remembrance of such a great miracle, the Orthodox Church decreed a feast Praise of the Most Holy Theotokos.

At first, the feast of the akathist was celebrated in Constantinople among the royal chambers in that Blachernae church, where the miraculous icon of the Mother of God and the sacred remains of Her earthly life - Her robe and belt were kept; but in the ninth century this feast was included in the types of the monasteries of St. Sava the Studian and then in the triodion, and from that time became common to the entire Eastern Church.

This Akathist is a sacred praise of the Blessed Virgin. It consists of 24 hymns, or songs: 12 kontakia and 12 ikos, arranged according to the 24 letters of the Greek alphabet. Each song begins with its corresponding
counting with a letter, each kontakion ends with a psalm Hallelujah, each ikos is a greeting from the archangel: rejoice.

All creation ends short prayer to the Blessed Virgin that She save Christians from troubles and misfortunes. In this form, the akathist is read on other days; but on the Saturday of the feast of the Praise of the Theotokos, it is included in the divine service and is sung at matins not all of a sudden, but separately, in the interval of other songs, in four different steps, and each section begins and ends with the singing of the first kontakion: Chosen Governor etc. The Akathist was written in the middle of the 7th century, according to many, by a deacon of the great Church of Constantinople George of Pisidia. Subsequently, Joseph the Studite wrote a canon on the Saturday of the akathist, and some other persons added to this thanksgiving prayers in memory of the same almighty voivodeship Mother of God.

Our Orthodox Church is celebrating this celebration to confirm the penitents in the hope of the Heavenly Intercessor, who, delivering the faithful from visible enemies, is all the more ready to help us in the fight against visible enemies.

The image of the Praise of the Most Holy Theotokos is located in the Moscow Assumption Cathedral on a pillar.

Icons are like open books that speak better than words - you just need to learn how to read them. And then any, even an inconspicuous detail of the icon - a fringe, a cloak clasp or a strip sewn onto clothes - will reveal deep theological secrets to us, strengthen us in faith and teach the truths of Orthodoxy.

Icons of the Savior. The Lord Jesus Christ, as the King of kings and the Lord of lords, is traditionally depicted in the clothes worn by noble dignitaries of the Roman Empire: tunic , resembling a long shirt, and himation , outerwear (in fact, this is a rectangular piece of fabric thrown over a chiton as a cloak). Many saints of the Old Testament and Gospel times are dressed in chitons and himations on icons, but the Savior's attire has some peculiarities.

The Lord is the Almighty

On the right side the tunic of the Lord Jesus Christ is depicted clave - a sewn-on vertical strip, a symbol of the royal power of the Byzantine emperors. In the iconography of the Savior, the clave is a sign of the royalty, purity and perfection of the human nature of Christ.

On icons, the tunic of the Savior is usually written in red tones, and the himation in blue. These two colors symbolize the human and divine natures of Christ. Blue colour, a symbol of purity and purity, reminds us of Heaven. Red is about the blood shed by the Lord for our salvation. A robe of this color is also an indication of the royal dignity of the Savior. In ancient times, purple, reddish-violet clothes, porphyry, could only be worn by royalty. This robe was dyed with an extremely rare dye - purple, which was extracted from the purple glands of sea mollusks. Purple was so expensive that even the most noble Roman citizens could only afford purple stripes on their robes. And when the royal purple, dyed with purple, wore out, it was not destroyed, but cut into small pieces, which were distributed as a reward to distinguished statesmen.

Sometimes the Savior is depicted in clothes of a different color to emphasize His Divine properties. So, on the icon "The Savior in the Power" the Lord is depicted in golden clothes, reminding us of the radiance of His heavenly glory.


On the icon of the Transfiguration, the Savior is dressed in white clothes, in accordance with the Gospel description transfiguration of the Lord I: “His clothes became shining, very white, like snow, as a bleacher on the ground cannot bleach” (Mark 9, 3). The white color, like the golden rays, symbolizes the uncreated Divine light.

Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos from the Deisis tier.

Icons of the Virgin. The Blessed Virgin Mary is usually depicted in maphoria - a quadrangular veil or cape, which was worn by the Mother of God according to the custom of married Jewish women of that time. This coat was worn over other clothes and was so large that it covered not only the head, but almost the entire body. The original maphorium of the Most Holy Theotokos has been kept in the Blachernae Church in Constantinople since 474. In the iconography of the tone, the board of the Virgin is dark red - a reminder of the royal origin of the Most Pure One and the sufferings she endured. In addition, the crimson "royal" color of maforia marks that the Mother of God is the Mother of King Christ.

Icon of the Mother of God "The Sign.

Along the edges, the maforium is trimmed with a gold border (a ribbon with gold threads) and a fringe. This color was not chosen by chance: the golden border - a sign of glorification of the Queen of Heaven - symbolizes Her presence in the Divine light and Her participation in the glory of the Lord. Covered with maforium blue or blue tunics , lower clothing, and a cap symbolizes the virginity of the Mother of God, Her heavenly, perfect purity.

Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God

The maforium of the Most Holy Theotokos on the icons is decorated with three symbolic stars - on the forehead (symbol of virginity at the time of the birth of the Savior), on the right shoulder (symbol of virginity before Christmas), on the left shoulder (symbol of virginity after Christmas). At the same time, three stars are also a symbol of the Holy Trinity. On some icons, the figure of the Divine Infant covers one of these stars, marking the incarnation of the Son of God - the Second Hypostasis of the Holy Trinity.

There is another detail in the attire of the Mother of God, imperceptible at first glance, but also important. it handrails , which symbolize the co-service of the Virgin - and in Her person and the whole Church - the Head of the Church, the High Priest, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Shmch. Hilarion, Archbishop of Vereya

Saints, that is, bishops glorified by the Church, for example, Saints John Chrysostom, Gregory the Theologian, Basil the Great and others, are depicted in liturgical episcopal vestments. On the head of the saints may be miter - a special headdress, decorated with small icons and precious stones. The bishop's miter symbolizes the crown of thorns of the Savior.

Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk

A distinctive detail of the vestments of the saints - sakkos , which marks the purple robe of the Lord. On the shoulders of the bishops omophorion - a wide ribbon-like kerchief, decorated with crosses - an obligatory part of the bishop's vestments: without it, he has no right to worship. For example, St. Tikhon of Zadonsk is depicted on the icon in traditional hierarchal vestments: sakkos, omophorion and miter. The omophorion is a symbol of the lost sheep, that is, of every person, and the bishop dressed in the omophorion depicts Christ, the Good Shepherd, who took the lost sheep on his shoulders and carried him to the house of the Heavenly Father.

Saints Basil the Great and John Chrysostom

Sometimes saints, such as Saints Basil the Great and John Chrysostom, are depicted on icons not in sakkos, but in phelonion - a long and wide robe without sleeves, which in our time is put on during the performance of divine services by priests. The peculiarity of these phelonions is that they are decorated with many crosses, which is why they are called polystauria (from the Greek "multi-cross"). The fact is that in ancient times it was the polystabrius that was the vestment of the bishops, and the sakkos began to gradually replace it only in the 15th century, and therefore the bishops who spent their lives before that time are often depicted in ancient attire.

Fragment of the icon "Teachers of smart doing". Saint Ignatius (Bryanchaninov)

Often there are images of saints and in episcopal mantle . At the shoulders and in front below the mantle is sewn tablets - boards on which crosses, cherubs, icons of the Savior and the Mother of God, symbolic images of the evangelists, the monogram of the bishop can be depicted. For example, on the icon “Teachers of Smart Doing” on the episcopal mantle of St. Ignatius (Bryanchaninov), the tablets with the monogram “E” - bishop and “I” - Ignatius are depicted below.

Shmch. Peter, Metropolitan of Krutitsy.

By tradition, bishops and archbishops are depicted in purple robes, metropolitans in blue robes, and patriarchs in green. The mantle, in itself symbolizing a special Divine patronage, has another symbol on it - the so-called sources , or jets . Three rows of red and white stripes, in the name of the Holy Trinity, symbolize the streams of Divine wisdom, falling on which the church hierarch draws the wisdom and grace of God in order to pass them on to his flock.

Vmchch. Demetrius of Thessalonica and George the Victorious. Fragment of the icon.

Martyrs and noble princes are often depicted on icons in robes. warriors, similar topics, which were worn in Byzantium and Ancient Russia. Chiton warriors wore short, it was called vest , armor was put on him, protecting the warrior from enemy weapons. On the icons of the saints of God, the armor reminds us that grace protects the soldiers of the Heavenly King from invisible enemies. There are several types of armor, but most often depicted on icons chain mail - ringed "shirts" with short sleeves and a chased shield on the chest. The attire of the warriors on the icons completely coincides with the ancient clothes. For example, if the martyrs are depicted full-length, then on their feet they usually have leggings – they match modern trousers, and campaghi - shoes of Byzantine warriors, reminiscent of boots.

In the center of the icon is the right-believing Prince Alexander Nevsky.

In addition, warriors wear a cloak - in the Roman Empire it was called mantle or lacerna, and it is fixed fibula (it is also called a zapona or agraf) - a clasp decorated with ornaments and precious stones. Seeing a fibula on a warrior’s cloak, everyone understood that its owner serves the king – and on icons this small detail symbolizes that the martyrs and other saints of God, depicted in military clothes, belong to the heavenly army and serve their King – the Lord Jesus Christ. Like victorious warriors slaying invisible enemies, these saints on the icons have weapons: a sword, sometimes a bow and a quiver with arrows and a spear.

Vmts. Irina Macedonian

On the icons you can always recognize Equal-to-the-Apostles, martyrs, passion-bearers, noble princes and princesses who had royalty. At their head they have crown or a crown, to which queens and martyrs attach low-lying jewelry made of pearls and stones - clear .

Royal Martyrs

Dalmatic - a long outer garment worn over a tunic with wide sleeves, royal saints have richly decorated shoulder, apron and lintel . Dalmatics is clearly visible, for example, on the icon of the Royal Martyrs of Princess Olga and Tsarevich Alexy.

Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga

The cloak of royal persons resembles the imperial scarlet. All these details emphasize the high dignity of the kings - the anointed of God, who, thanks to their virtues, became imitators of the Almighty God.

Reverend Sergius of Radonezh

Reverends have special clothes chiton , mantle, hood . This monastic robe, unlike the worldly one, symbolizes a new robe of truth and joy, incorruptibility and purity - a robe woven from virtues, which is put on by a person who has renounced the world and everything in the world. Each of the monastic robes has a special meaning: the chiton recalls the patience of voluntary poverty, tightness and sorrows, followed by unearthly joy. The mantle, a long sleeveless cloak fastened at the collar, among the first Christians was a symbol of renunciation of idolatry, and then became the vestment of exclusively monastics.

Reverend Seraphim of Sarov

The mantle marks the acquisition by the monk of God's protection, recalls the severity and asceticism of monastic life, reverence and humility. Just as a mantle has no sleeves, so a monk has “no hands” for worldly fuss and sinful deeds, his hands and other members are, as it were, dead to vice. According to the interpretation of St. Herman, Patriarch of Constantinople, the monastic mantle symbolizes the wings of angels - a monk, like an angel, must be ready for anything God's cause. The words of the modern ascetic of piety, prayer book and confessor Archbishop Anthony (Golynsky-Mikhailovsky) agree with this interpretation: “I love that everyone run, quickly. Monasticism is angels. They must fly! The holy fathers also compare the mantle with a military cloak. Just as it was easy to determine from the cloak that the warrior serves the emperor, so the mantle shows that the monk serves and tries in everything to become like his great King-Christ.

If the mantle resembles a cloak, then the hood is a helmet, the very one about which the apostle Paul says, “And accept the helmet of salvation” (Eph. 6, 11). The hood testifies to the humility of the monks, their unhypocritical obedience and the preservation of their eyes from everything sinful and vain.

Icon "Teachers of smart doing"

Rev. Nil Sorsky, Vasily Polyanomerulsky, Zosima Verkhovsky are depicted in cuckoo and analave , otherwise called schema . These robes of monks who have been tonsured into the great schema are also deeply symbolic. Kukul - a pointed headdress - resembles the clothes of babies, because monastics should be likened to children in humility. In addition, kukul reminds us that grace covers and warms the saints of God, protecting their purity and simplicity from demons in the same way that hats warm the heads of babies. Kukul is sheathed around with crosses in order to drive away the enemies of salvation who attack us from everywhere with this royal sign. Analav, a quadrangular dress worn on the shoulders, is decorated with crosses and signifies the bearing of the cross, the following of the Savior, the perfect mortification of the world.

Vmts. Anastasia the Patterner

Holy women: martyrs, righteous women, myrrh-bearing women on the icons they are depicted with a covered head - in accordance with the words of the Apostle Paul that a praying woman should cover her head, for she should have “a sign of power over her, for the angels” (1 Cor. 11, 10). Thus, the covered head testifies to their being in prayer and to their spiritual disposition towards humility.

Rev. Mary of Egypt

But sometimes holy women are depicted with their heads uncovered. For example, they write Reverend Mary Egyptian as a reminder that she lost her clothes during her long stay in the desert - they decayed. The uncovered head is a sign of the complete renunciation of Saint Mary not only from worldly pleasures, but even from what is necessary for life, a sign of the exceptional ascetic-repentant life of this saint, who ascended from the depths of sin to an incomprehensible height of holiness.

Mts. Faith

In addition, girls and young maidens are depicted with their heads uncovered - for example, the martyr Vera and the younger Grand Duchesses on the icon of the Royal Passion-Bearers - Mary and Anastasia.

The icon of the Mother of God is one of the most revered icon-painting images among Orthodox world. It is the image of the Most Holy Theotokos that has always been, is and will be the symbol of the intercessor and guardian of the Russian people. Is it enough remember the fact how the icon of the Kazan Mother of God, according to historical information, helped the Russian people win the Great Patriotic War. The troops entered the war with a highly raised icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, namely the Kazan Mother of God. The same thing happened during the Patriotic War of 1812. Since then, it has become customary that the image of the Mother of God has become the protector and patroness of the Russian land, and her icon has become a symbol of faith and hope for the salvation of all Orthodox people.

But, despite the indicated general meaning, there are several varieties of icons of the Virgin Mary and variations of their iconography, and each type has its own special meaning for the Orthodox believer. Below we will give the iconographic types of images of the Most Holy Theotokos and their dogmatic meaning.

There are five types of images of the Mother of God visualized in iconography:


2. Eleusa(Tenderness);

3.Oranta, Panagia and Omen(Praying);

4. Panahranta and the All-Queen(All-merciful);

5. Agiosoritissa(Intercessor).

The first type - Guide

Hodigtria- the most common type of icon painting of the Mother of God, according to some reports, for the first time written by the Evangelist Luke. This type is usually depicted as follows: the Most Holy Theotokos is shown to the waist or, in the case of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God, to the shoulders, less often to her full height. A characteristic sign of its location is considered to be a slight tilt of the head towards her son Jesus Christ. The Mother of God holds him on her left hand, and right hand points to it. Jesus Christ, in his left hand, holds a scroll, less often a book, which symbolizes the image of Christ the Almighty.

Meaning of this type of icons - the mutual relationship of mother and son. But the semantic load in this case not an expression of boundless love, as in other icons of saints, but an indication of Jesus Christ as the King of the Almighty. From a dogmatic point of view, this is the meaning of the appearance of the Heavenly King and Judge into the world and the indication of it by the Virgin Mary as the true Path for every believer. Therefore, this type of iconography is called the Guidebook.

The second type - tenderness

Eleusa is always depicted as follows: the Virgin Mary presses Jesus Christ to her cheek, thereby showing him her love, tenderness and compassion. In this type of image, there is no distance between the son and mother, which symbolizes boundless love and unity. And since the image of the Mother of God is a symbol and ideal of the human race (the Church on earth), and Jesus is a symbol of the Heavenly Church, this type of icon painting of the Most Holy Theotokoshas the meaning of the unity of heaven and earth, divine and human. Also, one of the main meanings is an expression of God's boundless love for people, since the love and compassion of the Virgin Mary depicted on the icon reminds us of his great sacrifice for the salvation of all mankind.

The third type - Prayer

There are three subspecies of this type of image of the Mother of God in icon painting -Oranta, Panagia and the Sign. The most popular is the Sign. The Virgin Mary is depicted waist-high or full-length with her hands raised, and Jesus Christ is depicted in the middle at the level of his mother's chest and his head is in a holy halo (medallion). The meaning of this subtype of icons is the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary about the birth of Jesus Christ, an omen of the Nativity of Christ and subsequent events that take place after it. This type of iconography of the Virgin Mary distinguishes it from other icons by its monumentality and symmetry in the image.

Fourth type - All-merciful

In this type of image, the Mother of God sits on a throne or throne, which symbolizes her royal greatness, and on her knees she holds the son of Jesus Christ. The meaning of this icon is the greatness of the Virgin Mary, as the all-merciful queen and intercessor of the earth.

Fifth type - Intercessor

In the fifth type of Agiosoritissa, the Mother of God is depicted without her son Jesus Christ. Her image is performed in full growth and turned to the right, and her hands are raised to God, one of which may contain a scroll with a prayer. The meaning of the icon is a prayer for the intercession of mankind Holy Mother of God before Jesus Christ.

So, we examined 5 types of icon painting of the Mother of God in the Orthodox tradition and their dogmatic meaning. But the people also have their own meanings attributed to each of them. We have already written about the power and miraculous icons, and the icons of the Mother of God are not an exception here, but rather, on the contrary, they are an indicator. Each of the presented types of icons has its own miraculous properties.

One of the few who is able to pray for icons is Marfa Ivanovna. Her ability to endow icons with great possibilities has long been beyond doubt. Perhaps no one can boast of such a huge number of saved destinies. It was she who first realized that each person needs an individual approach, which means that the prayer of the icon must be done individually for each person. The icons prayed by Martha Ivanovna will serve as protection for very long years.

Consider the prayers of the icon of the Mother of God, as well as the most popular icons and signs associated with them.

Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

The most revered icon of saints. It is believed that she helps in blessing the marriage and in family well-being. She also helps in work and intercession from enemies. But it is especially strong as a talisman for babies and newborns.

Before the icon Mother of God of Vladimir they pray for the humility of the warring, the propitiation of evil hearts and the healing of the obsessed. This icon is especially useful for women, as it helps them get rid of infertility and other diseases of the female genital organs, accompanies easy childbirth and the health of newborns. It also helps to get rid of any sadness.

"Quick listener"

This icon is resorted to with prayer at the hour when necessary. Ambulance. They ask her for deliverance from mental and bodily ailments, in particular such as paralysis, blindness and cancer. Not once miraculous power The "quick listener" showed in the release of prisoners.

Iberian Icon of God mothers - the keeper of the family hearth and the guardian of all women. The icon helps to remove the crown of celibacy, to meet your betrothed or betrothed. Also, the icon is asked for consolation in illness and grief.

"Unfading Color" They pray to this icon only with pure thoughts and desires, since it symbolizes purity and innocence. Therefore, often, prayers are offered to her for the preservation of a righteous life, for protection from slander and evil enemies. Also, this icon is asked for a good and faithful spouse.

In this article, we examined the meanings of various types of icons depicting the Blessed Virgin Mary, and also noted the miraculous properties of the most popular of them. But no matter what kind of holy icon, thanks to faith, sincere prayer and repentance, the image of the Mother of God will never leave any true believer in trouble and sadness. Even if you do not know the canonical prayers, you can simply talk to the icon. It is important that your independent prayerful sighing be frank and that you trust with hope the power of this or that icon. And in simple life and when referring to the icon, say more often:"Mother of God, help me and have mercy on me, a sinner."

Psychology of communication