Prayer for difficult childbirth read. Prayer for help in childbirth - text

There are moments in life when the Almighty does not hear us and does not want to provide assistance in certain matters. This happens when prayer is not heartfelt, unfaithful.

After all religious man believes in God, trusts Him, and, turning to Him for help, must believe that God exists and He will help him.

A striking example is a woman's fear of childbirth. This is the fear of a dysfunctional delivery, or when medical reports speak of possible unfavorable consequences.

A woman at such moments feels the need for the help of the Almighty, comes to the temple and prays. For such situations, there is a very good, helping and endowing belief in good, prayer in front of the icon of the Mother of God “Help in Childbirth”.

Description of the icon of the Mother of God "Help in childbirth"

The icon of the Mother of God is revered by the Orthodox Church. The festival is celebrated on December 26 (according to the old style), and according to the new one - on January 8. The icon has its own characteristics and has two images.

One of them depicts the Mother of God with loose hair, whose hands are at the level of the chest. The Child is depicted there. The icon personifies the appeal of expectant mothers to the Almighty for help to bear a child and protection during childbirth.

Since ancient times, in moments of savage torment associated with the birth of children, women turned to the Saints with prayers. Fervent prayers before the icon "Help in childbirth" are still offered in various parts of our planet by pious women.

Prayer to the Mother of God for the birth of a healthy child

It is not for nothing that conception, carrying, and the birth of a child are associated with the Lord's sacrament. It is customary to bless such a sacrament with holy prayer words. They must have a permanent character, go from the heart with hope and faith. Experiencing torment, pain, being in a state of deep feelings, the woman in labor turns to the Most Holy Theotokos and the Saints for help.

Requests for help to the Saints in resolving emerging problems can be expressed briefly, in simple words. The main thing is that they carry hope and faith that the Saint will stand up for women in labor who are especially worried about complications or disorders, come to the rescue during childbirth, and give relief.

You need to pray not only during childbirth, but during the entire period of bearing a child. The closer the time for the birth of God's new little man, the stronger the prayer should be. The priests recommend that a woman try to come to the church at least once in 9 months for confession and take part in the great sacrament of the Eucharist.

Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of the icon "Help in Childbirth"

Akathist is a laudatory song, a festive hymn written in honor of the Mother of God. The chant serves to help in solving certain cases or to pacify anxiety.

Especially if an early birth occurs, or it becomes difficult for a woman to concentrate, the feeling of fear, fear of pain, caesarean section does not leave, pregnant women read an akathist at home, standing in front of the holy image “Help in childbirth”, asking the Mother of God for help and safe delivery.

The prayers of mothers for their daughters, who are expecting the birth of a baby, are especially powerful.

How to briefly pray to a woman in labor during childbirth

Perhaps every woman wants her pregnancy to go smoothly, childbirth to be easy and, if possible, fast. Being at the very moment of childbirth, a woman in labor can turn to the Most Holy Theotokos in her own words and ask for intercession and help.

For example, “Theotokos, Mother, give me the spirit and health to give birth to a healthy child”, “Most Holy Lady, help the servant of God overcome all torment and pain, hear and do everything right, without harm to my health.”

It is important to give thanks for a successful outcome: “Most Holy Lady, I thank you for your mercy.”

During childbirth, it would be good to take the icon “Assistant in childbirth” with you to the delivery room and often turn your eyes to this most pure image.


Turning to the Lord, the Most Holy Theotokos and the Saints, one must not forget that one must not only ask for support, but also give thanks for it.

After childbirth and the natural cleansing of the female body, which usually lasts 40 days, you must definitely come to the temple and order and serve a prayer of thanksgiving to the Lord Jesus Christ. To do this, you need to contact the church shop and give the candlestick a sheet with the names of those for whom it will be performed.

When preparing for the hospital, collecting the necessary things and purchases for the baby, the main thing is not to forget about prayer. Without God's help, this is not possible. Prayer should not leave the heart of a pregnant woman either during the days of gestation or during childbirth. Of course, at the very moment of delivery, it is no longer up to prayer, but during labor this can help a woman calm down, call for heavenly help in difficult times. A mother can read prayers and akathists for her daughter (or mother-in-law for her daughter-in-law). A special prayer service is served in the temple before childbirth.

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    How does prayer help?

    The Lord said, "According to your faith, it will be done to you." The Almighty, seeing the faith and hope of those who pray, repeatedly performed miracles. Through fervent prayer before childbirth, unbearable contractions become less painful, those who could not give birth safely give birth without complications, the child assumes the desired position, bleeding stops.


    • about safe delivery;
    • about a healthy child;
    • for childbirth to begin;
    • if you have a caesarean section;
    • with difficult births.

    Not everyone knows that in the church you can order a special prayer service called "To the wife before her offspring." Priests know firsthand about his grace-filled power and serve this requirement for their mothers and other pregnant women. The service of the prayer service consists of reading the canon to the Theotokos and special prayers. They are read both before natural childbirth and before a caesarean section.

    If it is not possible to stand at the prayer service in the temple, you can independently read the following. For the woman giving birth, her relatives can read prayers: mother, grandmother, mother-in-law and others.

    If a layman wants to serve a prayer service before childbirth, then they read the canon of the Virgin Mary from the prayer book, then the akathist to the Mother of God (any image). After reading them, special prayers are added to the Lord and the Mother of God before childbirth, which are indicated below.

    Prayers before childbirth

    Lord God

    They ask the Lord God for help in childbirth so that they are quick and easy. The Almighty blesses childbearing for procreation. Therefore, prayer to the Lord is the first among petitions.

    Prayer to the Lord for childbirth: “Lord Jesus Christ, our God, from the Eternal Father, begotten to the Son before the age, and in the last days, by the goodwill and assistance of the Holy Spirit, deigned to be born from the Most Holy Virgin like a baby, I give birth and put in a manger. Lord Himself, in the beginning He created a man and a wife to hide him, giving them the commandment: Grow, and multiply, and fill the earth; have mercy on your great mercy to your servant (name), who is preparing to give birth according to your commandment.

    Forgive her voluntary and involuntary sins, by Your grace, grant her the strength to safely get rid of her burden, keep her and the baby in health and goodness, protect me with Your Angels and save from the hostile actions of evil spirits, and from all evil things. Yako God is Good and Humanitarian, and we send glory to You, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

    This prayer is read both independently and as part of a prayer service before childbirth.

    Holy Mother of God

    They pray to the Holy Virgin Mary for a safe birth. The prayer of the Most Holy Theotokos should be read every day, if possible in the morning and evening, but you can at any time. This prayer is included in the service of the prayer service before the upcoming birth.

    The Ever-Virgin will invisibly protect the pregnant woman, her child, and the birth will go smoothly.

    Prayer to the Mother of God for successful childbirth: “Oh, Most Glorious Mother of God, have mercy on me, Thy servant, and come to my aid during my illnesses and dangers, with which all the poor daughters of Eve give birth. Remember, O Blessed One in women, with what joy and love You went hastily to a mountainous country to visit Your relative Elizabeth during her pregnancy, and what a miraculous effect Your grace-filled visit had on both mother and baby.

    And according to Thy inexhaustible mercy, grant me, Thy humble servant, to be relieved of the burden safely; grant me this grace so that the child, now resting under my heart, having come to his senses, with joyful leaping, like the holy infant John, worships the Divine Lord the Savior, who, out of love for us sinners, did not disdain himself to become a Baby. Unexpressed joy, which filled the virgin Your heart when looking at your newborn Son and Lord, may it alleviate the sorrow that is coming to me amid the illnesses of birth.

    May the life of the world, my Savior, born of Thee, save me from death, which cuts off the lives of many mothers at the hour of resolution, and may the fruit of my womb be counted among the elect of God. Hear, O Most Holy Queen of Heaven, my humble supplication and look upon me, a poor sinner, with Thy eye of grace; do not shame my hope in Your great mercy and fall on me. Helper of Christians, Healer of diseases, may I also be able to experience for myself that You are the Mother of Mercy, and may I always glorify Your grace, which has never rejected the prayers of the poor and delivers all those who call on You during times of sorrow and illness. Amen".

    Some images of the Virgin are considered patrons of pregnancy and childbirth. Glorified by the miracles of help are the icons “Help in childbirth”, “Feodorovskaya”, “Quick to hearken”.

    In front of the icon of the Mother of God "Help in childbirth"

    Icon of the Mother of God "Assistant in childbirth"

    The image patronizes women who carry in the womb and give birth. It is advisable to take this sample with you to the hospital.

    First prayer: “Receive, Lady Mother of God, the tearful prayers of Your servants who flow to you. I see you on holy icon bearing in her womb thy Son and our God, the Lord Jesus Christ. If and without pain you gave birth to Him, both the mother of grief, weight and weakness of the sons and daughters of men see. The same warmth falling to Your wholesome image, and tenderly kissing this, we pray to You, all-merciful Lady: to give birth to us sinful condemned in illnesses and to nourish our children in sorrows, mercifully spare and compassionately intercede, our babies, who also gave birth to them, from a serious illness and deliver bitter sorrow.

    Grant them health and well-being, and nourishment from strength will increase in strength, and those who feed them will be filled with joy and consolation, as even now, through Your intercession from the mouth of the infant and the pissing Lord, He will give His praise. O Mother of the Son of God! Have mercy on the mother of the sons of men and on Your weak people: soon heal the illnesses that come upon us, quench the sorrows and sorrows that are upon us, and do not despise the tears and sighs of Your servants.

    Hear us on the day of sorrow before the icon of Your kneeling, and on the day of joy and deliverance, accept the grateful praise of our hearts. Lift up our prayers to the throne of Your Son and our God, may he be merciful to our sin and weakness and give mercy to His leading His name, as yes, we and our children will glorify Thee, the merciful Intercessor and the faithful Hope of our kind, forever and ever . Amen".

    Those who are in preservation or who are preparing for childbirth should pray at the icon daily.

    Prayer two: “Oh, the Most Holy Lady, the Lady Mother of God, who does not leave us in earthly life! To whom I will offer prayers, to whom I will bring tears and sighs, if not to You, Consolation to all the faithful! With fear, faith, love, Mother of the Belly, I pray: May the Lord enlighten the Orthodox people for salvation, may He give birth to children to You and Your Son in goodness, may He keep us in purity of humility, in the hope of Christ of salvation, and grant us all, in the covers of Thy grace, earthly consolation.

    Keep us under the shade of Your mercy, Most Pure, praying for childbirth, help, slander of evil freedom, grave misfortunes, misfortunes and deaths. Grant grace-filled insight, the spirit of contrition for sins, grant to see the full height and purity of Christ's teaching given to us; keep us from fatal alienation. Yes, all of us, gratefully singing Your greatness, let us be blessed with heavenly peace and there with Your beloved, with all the saints, we will glorify in the Trinity the One God: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen".

    In front of the Feodorovskaya icon

    The image of the Virgin "Feodorovskaya"

    In difficult childbirth, the assistant is the Blessed Virgin in the form of "Feodorovskaya".

    Troparion, tone 4: “With the advent of Your honest icon, the Mother of God, rejoiced today, the God-protected city of Kostroma, like ancient Israel to the covenant, flows to the image of Your face and our God incarnated from You, and by Your Maternal intercession to him ever intercede to all under the shade of Your shelter the peace and great mercy."

    Kontakion 1st“To the Chosen Voivode, the Most Immaculate Virgin Mary, Our Intercessor and the Immoral Intercession of Christians, by the appearance of His wonderful icon of His joy to the land of Russia and all the faithful children of the Church that enlightened, we diligently offer thanks to Thee, Mother of God, and bowing down to Your miraculous image, touchingly verb. Save, Lady, and have mercy on Thy servants, who call: Rejoice, Mother of God, our zealous Intercessor and Intercessor.

    Prayer: “To whom I will call, Lady, to whom I will resort in my sorrow; to whom I will bring my tears and sighs, if not to You, the Queen of Heaven and earth: who will cast me out of the mire of sins and iniquities, if not You, O Mother of the Belly, Intercessor and Refuge of the human race. Hear my groaning, console me and have mercy in my sorrow, protect me in troubles and misfortunes, deliver me from bitterness and sorrows, and all sorts of ailments and diseases, from enemies visible and invisible, die the enmity of those who torment me, may I be delivered from slander and human malice ; so free me from your own flesh of vile customs. Cover me under the shade of Your mercy, may I find peace and joy and cleansing from sins.

    I entrust myself to your motherly intercession; wake me Mati and hope, cover, and help, and intercession, joy and consolation, and an ambulance in everything Helper. Oh wonderful mistress! Everyone flows to You, without Your almighty help does not depart; for this sake, and I am unworthy of you, I resort to you, so that I will be delivered from sudden and fierce death, gnashing of teeth and eternal torment. I will receive the Kingdom of Heaven and I will be honored with You in the tenderness of the heart of the river: Rejoice, Mother of God, Our zealous Intercessor and Intercessor, forever and ever. Amen".

    In front of the icon "Skoroshlushnitsa"

    Blessed Virgin "Quick to Hear"

    When a woman has entered the period of childbirth, she is experiencing strong contractions, heavenly help is required in the process of childbirth, they pray at the icon of the “Quick Acolyte”:

    “Blessed to the Lady, the Ever-Virgin Mother of God, God the Word, more than any word for our salvation, giving birth, and His grace more abundantly more than all received, a sea of ​​divine gifts and miracles, an ever-flowing river, pouring out goodness to all who, with faith, come running to You! Falling down to Your miraculous image, we pray to You, the all-generous Mother of the philanthropic Master: surprise us with Your rich mercy and our petitions, brought to You, the quick-abiding One, hasten to fulfill everything, hedgehog for the benefit of consolation and salvation to whom you arrange.

    Visit, Blessing, Thy servants of Thy grace, give the ailing healing and perfect health, overwhelmed silence, captivated freedom, and various images of the suffering consolation. Deliver, All-Merciful Lady, every city and country from famine, ulcers, cowards, floods, fire, swords and other temporary and eternal punishments, with Your motherly boldness averting the wrath of God; and spiritual relaxation, overwhelmed by passions and falls, the freedom of Thy servant, as if unstumblingly in all piety lived in this world, and in the future of eternal blessings we will be merciful with the grace and love of mankind of Thy Son and God, He deserves all glory, honor and worship with His Beginning Father and Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

    It is not necessary to read a prayer to this particular image, you can address the Mother of God with any prayer. First, they read "Our Father", or the Jesus Prayer, then they ask the Ever-Virgin in their own words for help in childbirth. The Lord and His Mother will not leave anyone good intentions unanswered.

    Matrona of Moscow

    They turn to Mother Matrona not only for difficulties with conception. Those who have felt her grace-filled help on themselves pray to the old woman for safe bearing and childbirth on time.

    Holy Blessed Matrona of Moscow

    Prayer to the Matrona of Moscow: “O blessed mother Matrono, with your soul in heaven before the Throne of God, your body is resting on the earth, and the grace given from above exudes various miracles. Look now with your merciful eye on us, sinners, in sorrows, illnesses and sinful temptations, your dependent, comforting, desperate days, heal our fierce ailments, from God to us through our sin, forgive us, deliver us from many troubles and situations, implore our Lord Jesus Christ, forgive us all our sins, iniquities and sins, even from our youth, even to this day and hour, we have sinned, but with your prayers, having received grace and great mercy, we glorify in the Trinity the One God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and ever. Amen".

    If canonical prayers fail to touch the heart of the one who prays, you can pray in your own words. Those who have conceived with mother's help know that you can turn to her in a simple way. From this, the power of prayer does not suffer, but only strengthens.

    An example of a simple prayer to Matronushka: “Holy blessed Matronushka, we thank you for your good help in conception. Extend your holy prayers and ask the Lord that the child be healthy and happy, that the birth be easy and without complications, bless the hands of doctors and medical staff. By your zealous petitions, may there always be peace and love in our home. May the Lord forgive us our sins and give us the strength to correct. With your prayers, let us receive grace and glorify the One God the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

    Short prayers to the Matrona, which can be said during contractions or any difficulties in the delivery process:

    • “Holy righteous old woman Matrono, pray to God for us! »;
    • “Holy righteous mother Matrona! You are a helper to all people, help me in childbirth. Do not leave me with your help and intercession, pray to the Lord for the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

    Great Martyr Catherine

    The saint patronizes not only brides, but also wives. Great Martyr Catherine of Alexandria is prayed for a successful pregnancy and childbirth.

    Holy Great Martyr Catherine

    Prayer one

    “O Saint Catherine, virgin and martyr, the true bride of Christ! We pray to you through special grace, already before you, your Bridegroom, Sweetest Jesus: as if having put to shame the charms of the tormentor, with your wisdom you defeated fifty branches and, having drunk them with Heavenly teaching, you instructed you to the light of true faith, so ask us this God's wisdom, and we, having terminated all the machinations of the hellish tormentor and despising the world and the flesh of the temptations, we will be worthy of Divine glory and we will become worthy vessels for the expansion of our holy Orthodox faith, and with you in the Heavenly tabernacle of the Lord and Master of our Jesus Christ we praise and glorify forever and ever. Amen".

    Prayer two

    “O holy virgin and martyr Catherine! We pray to you: look at the disasters of us, the sinful servant of God (names), make us wise on high, and not earthly. Hurry us with your prayers to conquer carnal lust, addiction to the world and the intrigues of evil spirits, viciously fighting against us; Yes, by your intercession in the days of this life, we will be free from their hostile attacks and at the end of their air tortures.

    Oh wise girl! Grant us everything for the benefit of petition, you can ask a lot from your Beloved Bridegroom, Christ our God. We know that the prayer of the righteous can do much, hurried by the goodness of the Merciful God, to Him be glory, honor and thanksgiving always, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

    Prayer three

    “Oh, the holy great martyr Catherine, the chosen vessel of purity, the pillar of Orthodoxy, our reliable intercessor, who showed us the guilt herself to beg thee, lawful ascetic, holy on holy mountain holy resting! We pray to you: bow down from above, listen to the voice of our prayer, look at the disaster of your servants, enlighten the obscurity of our mind, make us wise on high, and not earthly.

    Hurry us with your prayers to overcome carnal lusts, addictions to the world and the machinations of evil spirits that are viciously fighting against us: yes, by your intercession in the days of this life, we will be free from their hostile attacks and from their airy tortures.

    Oh, wise girl! Grant us everything, even for the benefit of petition: you can ask a lot from the beloved Bridegroom, Christ our God. We know that the prayer of the righteous can do much, hurried by the goodness of the merciful God, to Him be glory, honor and thanksgiving always, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

    You can choose any prayer, according to your heart. They do not contain specific requests for a woman giving birth and her baby, they can be formulated in your own words.

    Panteleimon the Healer

    They turn to the holy healer for help in a complicated pregnancy, with difficult childbirth, caesarean section.

    Saint Panteleimon the healer

    PrayerPanteleimon the Healer: “O great saint of Christ, passion-bearer and physician, many-merciful, Panteleimon! Have mercy on me, a sinful slave, hear my groaning and cry, have mercy on the heavenly, supreme Physician of our souls and bodies, Christ our God, may He grant me healing from the disease that oppresses me.

    Accept the unworthy prayer of the sinner more than all people, visit me with a blessed visit, do not disdain my sinful sores, anoint me with the oil of your mercy and heal me; yes, healthy in soul and body, the rest of my days, by the grace of God, I can spend in repentance and pleasing God, and I will be able to perceive the good end of my life. Hey, God's servant! Pray for Christ God, that by your intercession grant me health to the body and the salvation of my soul. Amen".

    This prayer can be read on behalf of the woman giving birth.

    How to pray?

    Despite a successful pregnancy, how the birth will go, only God knows, especially if there are health problems. Only the Lord is merciful and omnipotent. A woman who is about to give birth needs to visit the temple and pray. After a test of conscience, you need to confess and proceed to Communion, and after that, trust God and His Providence in everything.

    It is not so important which icon to worship in the church, the main thing is what is in the heart, whether it is directed towards the Lord and his saints.

    If the health situation is difficult, you can make some important vow to the Almighty, as many righteous people did. The promise of correcting one's own shortcomings, reconciliation with the enemy, forgiveness of insults, giving alms will help to get what you ask for.

    It is the sacred duty of the mother and godparents to pray for the woman in labor, especially if a caesarean section is due. During the operation, the canon of the Mother of God, the akathist, and selected prayers are read. If the names of doctors are known, notes are submitted for them so that the Lord blesses their hands and sends skill.

    If relatives are not familiar enough with Orthodoxy, you can ask them to order prayers for health in churches and monasteries, reading an akathist to the Mother of God and saints who help in childbirth. How more people will pray for a woman in labor, the better.

    During childbirth, when the head does not think well, the shortest appeals will help:

    • "God help me! »;
    • “Holy Virgin, ease the pangs of birth! »;
    • “Holy (name), pray to God for me! ".

    Having heard the request for help, the Lord will surely send relief and easy childbirth to the giving birth.

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    It all started when I ordered a personal...

The birth of a child for a believer is not just a physiological process, but a miracle. When a baby is born, it is a great event, a big milestone for every family. But for a woman it is also a great physical test. Therefore, believers read a prayer to help childbirth.


The long months of pregnancy are filled with both anticipation and excitement. Young mothers who are members of the church community should especially diligently attend the temple during this period. There are special prayers that are read to get help in childbirth. As a rule, they are turned to the Mother of God. After all, she was so perfect that even such a test passed easily. Therefore, the Virgin Mary, like no one else, can understand a woman in labor.

Awe before the unknown, fear for the child, his fate - a whole gamut of experiences arises during this period. A Christian woman who is expecting a child should rely on God, often come to Communion. This is beneficial both for her and for the fetus. After all, Orthodoxy considers a person to be a living soul immediately after conception, so prayers are pleasant to him. For easy childbirth, they pray in front of the Fedorovskaya icon. This image was considered the patron royal family, many women from this family turned to him.

Who can you pray

In past centuries, medicine was not so well developed, childbirth was an ordeal that often ended tragically. This, of course, was reflected in the fact that people were looking for help from above. It is rather difficult for the woman in labor to read the prayer directly during childbirth. For her, this can be done by relatives - husband, parents, friends. There is also plenty of time before the fights start. During pregnancy, you can turn to different saints:

  • Virgin Mary in front of the icon "Jumping the Baby";
  • Great Martyr Catherine;
  • Righteous Elizabeth and Zechariah (parents of St. John the Baptist);
  • Before the image "Assistant in childbirth."

Of course, one can and should turn to Christ Himself. As our creator, who took on human nature, He understands any problem, both spiritual and related to physical body. Prayer before childbirth should be regular.

There are indulgences for pregnant women before communion, strict fasting is not required, it depends on the woman herself - she can abstain from one type of food, everything should be within her power. Perhaps, for the health of the baby, doctors will completely prohibit fasting. You can still proceed to the sacraments.

During Lent, you need to calculate your capabilities. A woman wants to make a feasible sacrifice to God - this will certainly have a positive effect on the state of the child's soul. As well as attending services. Animal protein can be seen as vegetable, but if there is an urgent need, you can eat meat. Only do it out of necessity, and not for pleasure, avoiding delicacies. It is enough to cook a piece of lean meat.

You should not literally follow all the rules if there is toxicosis, poor health. The main goal of a woman is to maintain a good state of mind, to bear a healthy child. God should not be imagined as a harsh overseer. Church life should bring joy, spiritual uplift, and not deprive the last strength.

A new soul comes into the world

There are many different prayers. Which one to choose is a matter of personal preference. It is important to avoid conspiracies, turning to sorcerers. During childbirth, the daughter should read prayers to the Mother of God, you can ask for help from saints known for miracles of healing. Although pregnancy is not a disease, it is still an ordeal, especially for the first time.

If the birth has already begun, the future grandmother can become an assistant. Prayer can be read to any saint of your choice, the main thing here is the power of faith with which the words are pronounced. Only this should not be some kind of “insurance”, but a sincere appeal to the Living God, to the Mother of God.

After giving birth, a prayer of gratitude is definitely needed. Relatives can order a thanksgiving service. The woman herself should thank Christ for giving strength to resolve safely. Also, every day now you need to pray for your child, ask him for health and the salvation of his soul.

First Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos in honor of the icon of Her "Help in Childbirth"

Accept, Lady Mother of God, the tearful prayers of Your servants who flow to You. We see You on a holy icon in the womb bearing Your Son and our God, the Lord Jesus Christ. If and without pain you gave birth to Him, both the mother of grief, weight and weakness of the sons and daughters of men see. The same warmth, clinging to Your wholesome image and tenderly kissing this, we pray to Thee, the All-Merciful Lady: us, sinners, condemned in illness to give birth and in sorrows to nourish our children, mercifully spare and compassionately intercede, our babies, who also gave birth to them, from a heavy deliver sickness and bitter sorrow; grant them health and well-being, and nourishment from strength will increase in strength, and those who feed them will be filled with joy and consolation, as even now, through Your intercession from the mouth of the infant and the pissing Lord, He will give His praise.
O Mother of the Son of God! Have mercy on the mother of the sons of men and on Your weak people: soon heal the illnesses that come upon us, quench the sorrows and sorrows that are upon us, and do not despise the tears and sighs of Your servants. Hear us on the day of sorrow, before the icon of Your fall, and on the day of joy and deliverance, accept the grateful praise of our hearts. Offer up our prayers to the Throne of Your Son and our God, may he be merciful to our sin and infirmity and give mercy to His leading His name, as yes, we and our children will glorify Thee, the Merciful Intercessor and the faithful Hope of our kind, forever and ever . Amen.

Prayer one

The most beautiful, wise, wonderful virgin, St. Great Martyr Catherine! Having thoroughly studied all the Hellenic wisdom, oratory Having learned well both philosophy and medical science, you desired more enlightenment, but having believed in Christ, in a vision you saw the Eternal Infant in the arms of his Most Pure Mother, who gave you the ring of immortal betrothal to Him. Fierce, then, having endured torment, heavy blows and cruel wounds, and the darkness of the prison, and members of the fragmentation on wheels, by the power of Christ you were healed from all this. Going to the execution, you prayed like that, glorious great martyr: “Lord, Jesus Christ! Those, the trees, will call on me Your all-holy name, fulfill in the good forgiveness of everything, if they need it, so that Your greatness is sung from all forever. Wives, tormented by birth diseases and calling for your help, showing intercession, you, Saint Catherine; therefore, even now, with love and reverence of those who pray to you, and with faith, warmth, and tears from the bottom of your heart, women who come running to you, do not reject, hasten to help them and free them from difficult births, so that having given birth to children, they will raise them in the fear of God, thanking you, most glorious Catherine, for the help shown to them, and glorifying God for you with all their house. Amen.

Prayer for help in childbirth - text was last modified: July 8th, 2017 by Bogolub

Almost every woman is afraid of childbirth: some remember the pain of previous contractions and attempts, others have heard from grandmothers, friends and neighbors how hard it is to give birth. But, one way or another, absolutely everyone is preparing for this event and very different ways. Someone is looking for a good doctor and a maternity hospital, someone finds out about, someone runs around the shops, buying diapers, caps and a chest of drawers for the nursery ... Without a doubt, all things are important. But the main thing in this bustle is not to forget about prayer.

A believing woman knows well that she cannot cope without God's help. it does not leave her neither in the days of preparation for conception, nor in the days of pregnancy, nor during childbirth. Many may object: how to pray during childbirth for a woman in labor? After all, you need to think about fights, attempts ... The Holy Fathers teach that a person should pray every free minute. This also applies to a woman in labor during labor. Reading a prayer calms, and its power invisibly helps in the most difficult moment.

Spiritual preparation

You need to prepare for childbirth not only physically and psychologically, but also spiritually. What does it mean? A pregnant woman must visit the temple before giving birth, attend the service, confess and partake of the Mysteries of Christ. Regardless of how you "carry" your baby, childbirth can be unpredictable. And doctors are not always able to influence the outcome of delivery. Only the Lord is merciful and omnipotent.

A few centuries ago, a woman in labor could not rely on anyone but God. Midwives did not approach a pregnant woman without praying. In the corner in front of the icons, a lamp was burning, and all the relatives sincerely prayed. Today, people mostly rely on doctors, and only in extreme cases remember to pray. Few people believe in miracles these days. But they do happen. According to our faith, it will be for us. Many cases are known when prayer during childbirth worked wonders: severe labor pains subsided, those who could not be relieved from the burden were resolved, and even bleeding during childbirth stopped.

To whom to pray?

Since ancient times, the tradition has been passed down from generation to generation to pray in front of icons during childbirth. Mother of God“Assistant in childbirth”, “Jumping a baby”, “Feodorovskaya”, “Healer”, “Skoroshlushnitsa” ... And this is not a complete list, because miraculous icons in Orthodox Church a lot of. But the main thing is not which icon to bow to in prayer, the main thing is sincere prayer. Close people should pray for a woman in labor. It is good these days to order a prayer service in the temple, read akathists to the Mother of God and other saints.

First of all, in all sorrows, we turn to the Mother of God. She hears us and helps. In her purity and holiness, the Blessed Virgin gave birth to the Son of God painlessly. Having experienced human difficulties, she understands each of us.

During childbirth, they also pray to the Holy Great Martyr Catherine, Xenia of Petersburg, Anastasia the Resolver. Pray for difficult births righteous Joachim and Anna, parents Holy Mother of God Zacharias and Elizabeth, parents of John the Baptist. Both married couples were barren until their old age, but they did not lose faith and prayed unceasingly until the Lord gave them a child.


Prayer to the Lord Jesus Christ

Lord Jesus Christ, our God, from the Eternal Father, born to the Son before the age, and in the last days, by the goodwill and assistance of the Holy Spirit, deigned to be born from the Blessed Virgin as a baby, I will give birth and be laid in a manger. Lord Himself, in the beginning He created a man and a wife to hide him, giving them the commandment: Grow, and multiply, and fill the earth; have mercy on your great mercy to your servant (name), who is preparing to give birth according to your commandment. Forgive her voluntary and involuntary sins, by Your grace, grant her the strength to safely get rid of her burden, keep her and the baby in health and goodness, protect me with Your Angels and save from the hostile actions of evil spirits, and from all evil things. Yako God is Good and Humanitarian, and we send glory to You, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen

Prayers to the icon of the Mother of God "Help in childbirth"

Prayer one

Accept, Lady Mother of God, the tearful prayers of Your servants, who flow to you. We see you on a holy icon in the womb bearing your Son and our God, the Lord Jesus Christ. If and without pain you gave birth to Him, both the mother of grief, weight and weakness of the sons and daughters of men see. The same warmth falling to Your wholesome image, and tenderly kissing this, we pray to You, all-merciful Lady: to give birth to us sinful condemned in illnesses and to nourish our children in sorrows, mercifully spare and compassionately intercede, our babies, who also gave birth to them, from a serious illness and deliver bitter sorrow. Grant them health and well-being, and nourishment from strength will increase in strength, and those who feed them will be filled with joy and consolation, as even now, through Your intercession from the mouth of the infant and the pissing Lord, He will give His praise. O Mother of the Son of God! Have mercy on the mother of the sons of men and on Your weak people: soon heal the illnesses that come upon us, quench the sorrows and sorrows that are upon us, and do not despise the tears and sighs of Your servants. Hear us on the day of sorrow before the icon of Your kneeling, and on the day of joy and deliverance, accept the grateful praise of our hearts. Lift up our prayers to the throne of Your Son and our God, may he be merciful to our sin and weakness and give mercy to His leading His name, as yes, we and our children will glorify Thee, the merciful Intercessor and the faithful Hope of our kind, forever and ever .

Prayer two

Oh, Blessed Lady the Lady Theotokos, who does not leave us in earthly life! To whom I will offer prayers, to whom I will bring tears and sighs, if not to You, Consolation to all the faithful! With fear, faith, love, Mother of the Belly, I pray: May the Lord enlighten the Orthodox people for salvation, may He give birth to children to You and Your Son in goodness, may He keep us in purity of humility, in the hope of Christ of salvation, and grant us all, in the covers of Thy grace, earthly consolation. Keep us under the shade of Your mercy, Most Pure, praying for childbirth, help, slander of evil freedom, grave misfortunes, misfortunes and deaths. Grant grace-filled insight, the spirit of contrition for sins, grant to see the full height and purity of Christ's teaching given to us; keep us from fatal alienation. Yes, all of us, gratefully singing Your greatness, let us be blessed with heavenly peace and there with Your beloved, with all the saints, we will glorify in the Trinity the One God: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her icon "Feodorovskaya"

Troparion, tone 4: By the coming of Your honest icon, the Mother of God, rejoiced today, the God-protected city of Kostroma, like ancient Israel to the covenant, flows to the image of Your face and our God incarnated from You, and by Your Maternal intercession to him, intercede to all under the shade of your shelter to those who seek refuge in peace and great mercy.

Kontakion 1st: To the Chosen Voivode, the Most Immaculate Virgin Mary, Our Intercessor and the Unshameful Intercession of Christians, by the appearance of His miraculous icon giving joy to the Russian land and all the faithful children of the Church that has enlightened, we diligently offer thanks to Thee, the Mother of God, and bowing down to Your wonderful image, touchingly verb. Save, Lady, and have mercy on Thy servants, who call: Rejoice, Mother of God, our zealous Intercessor and Intercessor.

Prayer: To whom I will call, Lady, to whom I will resort in my sorrow; to whom I will bring my tears and sighs, if not to You, the Queen of Heaven and earth: who will cast me out of the mire of sins and iniquities, if not You, O Mother of the Belly, Intercessor and Refuge of the human race. Hear my groaning, console me and have mercy in my sorrow, protect me in troubles and misfortunes, deliver me from bitterness and sorrows, and all sorts of ailments and diseases, from enemies visible and invisible, die the enmity of those who torment me, may I be delivered from slander and human malice ; so free me from your own flesh of vile customs. Cover me under the shade of Your mercy, may I find peace and joy and cleansing from sins. I entrust myself to your motherly intercession; wake me Mati and hope, cover, and help, and intercession, joy and consolation, and an ambulance in everything Helper. Oh wonderful mistress! Everyone flows to You, without Your almighty help does not depart; for this sake, and I am unworthy of you, I resort to you, so that I will be delivered from sudden and fierce death, gnashing of teeth and eternal torment. I will receive the Kingdom of Heaven and I will be honored with You in the tenderness of the heart of the river: Rejoice, Mother of God, Our zealous Intercessor and Intercessor, forever and ever. Amen.

Oh, Glorious Mother of God, have mercy on me, Thy servant, and come to my aid during my illnesses and dangers, with which all the poor daughters of Eve give birth. Remember, O Blessed One in women, with what joy and love You went hastily to a mountainous country to visit Your relative Elizabeth during her pregnancy, and what a miraculous effect Your grace-filled visit had on both mother and baby. And according to Thy inexhaustible mercy, grant me, Thy humble servant, to be relieved of the burden safely; grant me this grace so that the child, now resting under my heart, having come to his senses, with joyful leaping, like the holy infant John, worships the Divine Lord the Savior, who, out of love for us sinners, did not disdain himself to become a Baby. The unexpressed joy that filled Your virgin heart when looking at Your newborn Son and Lord, may it alleviate the sorrow that is coming to me amid the illnesses of birth. May the life of the world, my Savior, born of Thee, save me from death, which cuts off the lives of many mothers at the hour of resolution, and may the fruit of my womb be counted among the elect of God. Hear, O Most Holy Queen of Heaven, my humble supplication and look upon me, a poor sinner, with Thy eye of grace; do not shame my hope in Your great mercy and fall on me. Helper of Christians, Healer of diseases, may I also be able to experience for myself that You are the Mother of Mercy, and may I always glorify Your grace, which has never rejected the prayers of the poor and delivers all those who call on You during times of sorrow and illness. Amen.

It is not necessary to pray these particular prayers, standing in front of a specific icon. Pray "Our Father ...", say the Jesus Prayer, pray in your own words, asking for help in childbirth.

Remember, the salvation of a woman, according to God's providence, is in childbearing. Believe me, God will not leave us on the path to salvation!

Specially for- Tanya Kivezhdiy

This article contains: prayer during childbirth briefly - information is taken from all corners of the world, the electronic network and spiritual people.

Pregnancy is the time to fulfill the commandment "Be fruitful and multiply", it is the basis for the continuation of the human race on Earth. This is difficult, but joyful work, and any work must be preceded by prayer.

At all times, everyone Orthodox person he resorted to prayer all the time, he preceded any undertaking, any business with a prayer. A person prays especially fervently and passionately when the matter seems overwhelming for him, or threatens him with danger. The expectant mother, as well as her loved ones, need to resort to God's help through a special means to alleviate hardships - a prayer for help in childbirth.

They usually pray for pregnant women to the Blessed Virgin - the Mother of God, because no one else will help her in the birth of a baby, they traditionally turn to her with a prayer for a safe resolution from the burden.

During pregnancy, most of the actions that are considered sinful cannot be performed for medical reasons, but one must strive for spiritual perfection - often pregnant women, under the pretext of hormonal mood swings, offend undeservedly close people.

This should not be done - pray for the gift of wisdom and always stop at the right time and ask for forgiveness from those dear to your heart who were hurt by your outburst of emotions.

After all family well-being and peace of mind during pregnancy are more important than ever.

How to pray for a pregnant woman?

You need to pray while there is such an opportunity, the whole pregnancy should be accompanied by prayer. There is a special “Prayer of a Pregnant Woman” in the prayer book, it should be read after sleep, in the morning, and in the evening, after the hardships of a long day. If you didn’t find it there, you can download the prayer from the Internet and print it.

In cases of difficult pregnancy - pray to God for the preservation of the pregnancy - this will help ease the suffering and keep the pregnancy in order to give birth to a healthy baby.

The father, no less, and perhaps even more than the mother, should pray for a safe pregnancy and childbirth. Every day it is worth remembering the greatest miracle, in which he became a participant by the grace of God, and every day asking God for help. There is a special prayer during childbirth, but it is not necessary to look for prayers on the Internet or books, you can ask in your own words, the main thing is that the prayer be sincere and come from the heart.

The Mother of God is the helper and patroness of all pregnant women, and after the child is born, the mother can prayerfully accompany his growth and development in front of various icons of the Mother of God

The icon "Mammal feeder" helps in the development breast milk, the “Education” icon will give wisdom and patience in raising children, and “Increasing the Mind” helps older children cope with their studies. You can ask the Mother of God for your innermost desires, so that the birth and upbringing of your daughter will be happiness, so that the Queen herself will be your assistant in hard work.

But it will be later, but now the main thing is to safely resolve the burden - for the prosperous and early delivery The Mother of God is traditionally prayed in front of her image "Helper in Childbirth".

It should be remembered that the icon of the Mother of God is not a witchcraft amulet, and it must be treated with respect, but without giving it unusual functions and capabilities. She is a real helper, quick and sensitive to a sincere request, but you need to respect her as the Mother of the Savior Himself, in no way offending or offending Her Dignity.

While a woman is giving birth, it will be useful for her loved ones to turn to God for help by reading a prayer for an easy resolution from the burden.

For some time after giving birth, a woman should not enter the temple - this is due to the canons of the church, she is given time for “purification”, because childbearing in the canons of the Church is associated with some kind of physiological defilement. Traditionally special cleansing prayer precedes the woman's return to the temple.

The rules by which the cleansing prayer is read are not generally accepted, and depend on the particular temple and its minister. Usually, the purification and blessing of the woman is carried out after the baby has been baptized - the mother is not present at the baptism, and immediately after the sacrament is performed, the priest blesses the mother to enter the temple. The only thing to remember is that you should not enter the temple without authorization after giving birth - the prayer of purification is read by the priest, and this rule should not be violated.

How should a person who asked for help feel after prayer? Prayer is not guaranteed to have the same effect that you put into it. The reason is that prayer is not only a time of asking, but also a time of humility. Only those who humbly resort to God's help He does not leave with His mercy.

And if you are humble, then it is foolish to demand anything from God. This is the key difference between prayer and magic. The magician is obsessed with pride, he calls himself free from everything, while the one who prays must sincerely ask, but rely on the will of the Lord.

Prayers for childbirth: comments

Comments - 2,

I have a very difficult first pregnancy. Doctors practically do not let me out of the hospital, fearing for the safety of the child, including me.

In the early stages, they suggested an abortion. But this pregnancy was the only ray of light in my life.

I have never been an ardent believer, but now I pray, I pray every day

and relatives, I ask you to pray for, first of all, for the baby

And the soul is lighter and brighter

I believe that the prayers read by the mother will help the daughter during childbirth

Prayer before childbirth

Most women experience a terrible fear of childbirth, especially if it is their first child. Those who have had a hard experience of painful contractions also worry about recurring pain. I want to prepare myself to feel more confident. Someone intensively studies information on the topic, and someone asks God's help without getting tired of praying to the Lord and realizing that there is no other way to cope.

Believers young ladies pray during preparation for the conception of the fetus, and when carrying a baby, and even directly during childbirth. The Holy Fathers say that it is necessary to turn to God constantly, every moment, every free minute. During contractions, prayer involuntarily calms, helps to relieve pain.

Preparation for childbirth should include not only the physical, but also the spiritual aspect. That is, a pregnant lady should go to church before giving birth, attend a service, confess.

Childbirth can be accompanied by unforeseen complications, and doctors are not omnipotent in all situations. Only God is omnipotent. According to our faith, it will be for us. This is confirmed by numerous cases when prayer gave miracles. Unbearable pain subsided, and heavy bleeding stopped.

Prayer before childbirth to the Lord Jesus Christ

Lord Jesus Christ our God, from the Eternal Father, begotten to the Son before the age, and in the last days, by the goodwill and assistance of the Holy Spirit, deigning to be born from the Most Holy Virgin as a baby, a baby, and laid in a manger, the Lord himself, in the beginning creating a man and a wife of conjugations him, giving them a commandment: grow and multiply and fill the earth, have mercy on the great mercy of Your servant (name) who is preparing to give birth according to Your commandment. Forgive her voluntary and involuntary sins, by Your grace, grant her the strength to safely get rid of her burden, keep her and the baby in health and goodness, protect them from Your angels and save them from the hostile actions of evil spirits, and from all evil things. Amen.

Prayer before childbirth to the Most Holy Theotokos

Blessed Virgin, Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, even weigh the birth and nature of the mother and child, have mercy on Your servant (name) and help in this hour, let your burden be safely resolved. O all-merciful Lady Theotokos, even if you did not demand help in the birth of the Son of God, give help to this servant of Yours, who requires help, most of all from You. Grant her blessings at this hour, and even have a baby to be born and bring into the light of this world at the appropriate time and smart light in holy baptism with water and spirit. We fall down to you, Mother of the Most High God, praying: be merciful to this mother, even if the time has come to be a mother, and implore Christ our God, who has incarnated from You, to strengthen her with His strength from above. Amen.

Prayer before childbirth listen

Evening prayers in Russian (video)

Prayers of the monastery Optina Pustyn

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How can an icon and prayers to the Mother of God help a pregnant woman?

How will the birth go, will everything be fine? Every woman thinks about this with excitement. Do not be afraid, the prayer "Assistant in childbirth" will lead away from all fears. The intercessor of all Christians and all women is the Mother of God. They turn to her in any worldly difficulties, she prays and asks for all sinners, she is patient with mistakes, she is also an assistant in childbirth. The Mother of God is a mother herself, and it is she who needs to pray during the entire pregnancy, and especially in the approach of childbirth.

Who asks - that will be given. How good is the soul of a believer! He feels the hand of the Lord everywhere, his support and his sign. If a person prays, then he experiences less anxiety, stress, he knows and believes that his prayers will be heard, the Lord will not leave him. Praying to the Mother of God, the one who asks receives her support and her help.

How to pray to the Mother of God?

Having already learned about pregnancy, a woman should read a prayer for the child she carries under her heart so that her pregnancy takes place under the protection of the Mother of God.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos for children:

"O Holy Lady Virgin Mother of God, save and save under Your shelter my children (names), all the youths, maidens and babies, baptized and nameless and carried in the womb of their mother. Cover them with the robe of Your motherhood, keep them in the fear of God and in obedience to your parents, implore my Lord and Your Son, may He grant them useful things for their salvation. I entrust them to Your Motherly care, as You are the Divine Protection of Your servants. Mother of God, introduce me into the image of Your heavenly motherhood. Heal the spiritual and bodily wounds of my children (names), inflicted by my sins. I entrust my child entirely to my Lord Jesus Christ and Yours, Most Pure One, heavenly patronage. Amen".

Thanksgiving Prayers can be read even during pregnancy. Are there really few reasons for all people to thank the Lord and the Mother of God? For pregnancy, for what you are already used to. Give thanks for the water, the sun, the sky, for admiring this world. We walk, we hear, we don't starve. There are so many reasons for gratitude, we just sometimes forget about them.

Pregnancy itself is a great miracle and God's love for you. After all, the statistics in this matter today are not encouraging. How many couples have been dreaming for years, wanting to have a baby, and failing to fulfill their main life plan. Over the years, a woman comes to understand that her most important mission, her destiny is motherhood. Neither career, nor success, nor wealth can fill the heart like children's laughter and baby talk. Motherhood is a huge gift, they ask and pray for it to the Mother of God. With children comes the fullness of life, a lot of worries, but also a lot of joy. The love of children is unconditional, they love their parents for being their parents. Who else can love you like that? They are defenseless, affectionate and expect the same love and affection in return. Here's what to think about during pregnancy. About the great joy that will enter your home. And earnestly pray to the Theotokos and our Lord, thank and ask for a peaceful birth and happy motherhood.

Spiritual preparation for childbirth

Visit the temple according to your strength (according to how the pregnancy proceeds, if there is no toxicosis, dizziness, weakness). You can sit in the church, it is not necessary to stand, because during pregnancy it is physically difficult.

To prepare for childbirth in a Christian way is to confess and take communion. If you have never done this, but have long wanted to and did not dare, this is a great reason to dare to take this serious step. After all, we are all sinners, some to a greater extent, some to a lesser extent (even if it seems that there are no special sins). Open the book of preparation for confession, it lists the sins that a person can suffer from. You will be surprised how many of them can be attributed to you.

And after confession and communion, there comes such lightness, inner purity and understanding that the child will be born without your sins. Keep this state longer, it would be better forever. But our earthly life forces us to sin (irritation, displeasure, longing, anger lie in wait for us at every step). Knowing that the Lord is within you, it will be easier to resist and not allow everything bad and that which is not from God into your soul.

Do good deeds (if possible and according to your strength). Consider who you can help and how. If you can't financially - it's not scary. Help with a good deed, support. Now so many people need to participate, you can show attention, prepare an unexpected surprise, make a DIY craft, or just spend a couple of hours with a cup of tea. The main thing is a good intention and an open heart.

It is often said that with pregnancy a woman withdraws into herself. She no longer reacts so sharply to the negative manifestations of the world around her, she is less upset by those things that she could not help but notice before. The Lord gives her such emotional protection. She is the vessel, she is the home for her child. Therefore, praying to the Mother of God, the Lord, she fills this house with prayer, love, kindness. The child feels everything inside her. The woman is calm, balanced. With prayer, there will no longer be impatience and irritation, which pregnant women experience during hormonal changes, prayer heals and soothes. A child nurtured in such an aura of faith will later become a believing and worthy person himself. And this main dream any mother.

Prayers for childbirth

Be sure to take the icon of the Virgin with you to the hospital. Pray all the time, as soon as the fights recede, may the icon be always with you. It will protect you from bad things and will certainly help in resolving the burden. Many women noticed the help of the Mother of God if they had an icon with them. Either the baby suddenly turned and took the right position for childbirth, then the pain receded. The main thing is to believe and pray fervently, from the soul, from the heart.

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God "Help in childbirth":

“Holy Virgin, Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, weigh the birth and nature of the mother and child, have mercy on Your servant (name), and help in this hour, may your burden be safely resolved. O All-Merciful Lady Theotokos, even if you did not demand help in the birth of the Son of God, give help to this servant of Yours, who requires help, most of all from You. Grant her blessings at this hour, and be born and bring a baby into the light of this world, at the appropriate time and vouchsafe light in Holy Baptism with water and spirit. We fall down to you, Mother of the Most High God, praying: Be merciful to this mother, even if the time has come to be a mother, and implore Christ our God, who has incarnated from You, to strengthen His strength from above. As if His power is blessed and glorified, with His Beginningless Father, and His Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen".

A short prayer to the Mother of God:

“Virgin Mother of God, rejoice, Gracious Mary, the Lord is with you, blessed are you in women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, as if you gave birth to our souls as the Savior.”

The Mother of God is kind and cordial, she will help you in this and any other good deed. Don't forget to ask and don't forget to give thanks. Be kind, attentive, pray in Russian, Old Church Slavonic and any other language. May the Lord keep you.

(3 votes, average score: 5,00 out of 5)

A short prayer for a woman in labor during childbirth

Many women in labor, going to the hospital, be sure to take short prayers with them. Reading prayers will calm you down during contractions and help you get ready. The words of long conspiracies and prayers that must be read during childbirth to relieve pain simply fly out of your head when contractions come.

Especially for our readers who are giving birth, who are soon to give birth, we have collected various short prayers. Prayers consist of 2-3 sentences. It is not difficult to memorize such a short prayer to read during childbirth.

So, here is one short prayer for a woman in labor to read during childbirth.

“I trust the Mother of God in her hands. Take the pain off me, Mother. Save, save and defend. Help me in childbirth. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Here is another prayer for women in labor.

And we are expecting a baby.

Also, this short prayer will help a woman in labor during childbirth.

The baby's quick hand gives.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever.

Important! The process of childbirth does not always happen as we think. Even if you forget the words of any short prayer, then you can always read "Our Father" or "Virgin Mother of God rejoice." During childbirth, even the words of a prayer familiar from childhood can fly out of the head of a woman in labor. In this case, turn mentally in your own words to the Lord or the Most Holy Theotokos so that the birth is successful and ends soon.

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