Can you breastfeed someone else's baby? Why dream of breastfeeding someone else's child

It has long been proven that breastfeeding forms the right family attachments and values ​​in a child. It is easier for a child who has been breastfed for a long time to make social contacts, build relationships in the future, and create his own family. Therefore, within the framework of the global association of the World Health Organization, all subjects of medicine should be aimed at supporting the natural feeding of children in the first two years of life.

To maintain the association of the benefits of breastfeeding, maternity hospitals use early attachment of newborns to the breast, avoid unnecessary supplementary feeding of infants, do not use bottle-feeding nipples, and do not allow the use of pacifiers. Thanks to the trend to support natural feeding of infants, it is possible to feed adopted and other people's children while observing the necessary safety measures.

Feeding an adopted child

Abroad, breastfeeding of an adopted child is not uncommon, but rather widespread. Many families have adopted children in addition to their children, and breastfeeding an adopted child is an absolutely natural event. If a woman adopts a baby and wants to breastfeed, then it is most likely impossible to do without the help of breastfeeding consultants and endocrinologists. Not all women can artificially achieve full lactation, but even a small presence of breast milk in the child's diet contributes to harmonious digestion and maintaining the child's immune system. Moreover, breastfeeding, in addition to the nutritional function, is also a way for mother to communicate with the baby, in close mother's arms the baby feels protected, comfortable and warm, and the mother experiences an indescribable feeling of unity with her child.

Alternative feeding methods

If a woman fails to achieve the optimal amount of breast milk, then there is a need for supplementary feeding with formula milk. To reduce the risk of a baby's refusal to breastfeed and the loss of proper attachment to the breast, there are alternative methods of supplementing with non-sucking objects: a syringe without a needle, a pipette, a soft spoon for supplementary feeding. Also, for the purpose of supplementary feeding, a breast feeding system can be used, the device of which allows, using a special capillary, to supply milk formula or donor breast milk to the mammary gland of a nursing woman.

Normal breast milk production - lactogenesis

The process of producing breast milk is regulated by hormones that are produced in the body of a woman after the birth of a child. The level of the hormone prolactin, which is produced by the posterior pituitary gland, increases significantly - as a result, milk arrives in a woman 2-3 days after the birth of a child. In the last weeks of pregnancy, the mammary glands produce colostrum, which is especially rich in protein and protective antibodies - immunoglobulins that support the child's immunity in the most vulnerable period of life (the first two days after birth). Gradually, the amount of colostrum increases, its composition changes significantly, and by two weeks after childbirth, mature breast milk begins to be produced in the mammary glands of a woman.

The amount of breast milk is affected by the frequency of attachment of the child to the breast and the duration of sucking, as well as the number of night attachments, especially between 3 and 8 o'clock in the morning (during the morning hours), during this period in the pituitary gland of a woman there is a maximum production of the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for amount of breast milk. Close bodily contact with the baby, carrying in her arms and the emotional mood of a woman also have a beneficial effect on long-term and successful breastfeeding.

Stimulation of lactation in nulliparous women

Breast milk is produced primarily in response to stimulation of the mammary gland, so it is extremely important to teach the child to latch on properly. If a woman becomes a mother as a result of using the surrogate motherhood technique, then she has the right to be present at the birth of her child, and the child can be attached to the breast immediately after birth. If the adopted child is a few months old, then the process of learning to suckle at the breast can be more difficult, this largely depends on the experience of bottle feeding, since bottle and breast sucking require different skills from the baby and involve different facial muscles.

The first acquaintance of the baby with the breast should take place in a relaxed atmosphere so that the baby has a pleasant impression and the reflex associated with breast sucking is fixed. In this case, adequate stimulation of the mammary glands will occur and milk production will be in the volume necessary for the child.

For some time before the adoption of a child, you can contact a gynecologist-endocrinologist, undergo appropriate examinations and decide on the possibility of using special medications that stimulate lactation. You should also start daily stimulation of the mammary glands with a breast pump, this will contribute to the production of breast milk. At first, only a few drops may be expressed, but it is important not to stop the daily pumping procedures, and then soon the amount of milk will progressively increase.

The first attachments to the breast can be carried out during the child's sleep, in this case the chance that the child will take the offered breast is much higher. At first, you can feed the child during the period of superficial sleep, during falling asleep and waking up: since children of the first months of life sleep about 15-18 hours a day, this will be enough to make up for energy losses and weight gain.

The most physiological position in which the child begins to actively search for the mother's breast is the position of the stomach to the stomach: the child is located on the mother's stomach, the mother naturally supports and hugs the child, offers him a breast. In this position, the search reflex is maximally expressed, the child is relaxed, he is warm and comfortable, which significantly increases the chance of successful feeding in this position.

Temporary breastfeeding someone else's baby

In the life of every nursing mother, a situation may arise when it is possible or even necessary to attach someone else's child to the breast. Most often, such situations arise directly in the maternity hospital, when one puerperal has a lot of milk, while others have not yet come. In this situation, there is nothing critical if the child is fed by another woman, but at the same time, there are several nuances:

  1. Breast milk is produced on demand, meaning demand creates supply. A woman who already has a lot of milk will have even more if she feeds not only her child, and this is dangerous in terms of the development of lactostasis, and subsequently mastitis.
  2. Women who do not have enough milk should apply the baby to the breast as often as possible to stimulate lactation, while avoiding unreasonable supplementary feeding of the baby with formula milk or donor milk. breast milk.
  3. Contact of the skin of the breast (especially if there are cracks on the skin of the nipples) with the oral cavity of the newborn is possible only if both the mother and the child are completely healthy, since with such contact there is a risk of transmission of many infectious diseases, including viral etiology.
Many maternity hospitals have breast milk banks that will gladly accept surplus milk to feed babies abandoned by their parents. In these cases, breast milk undergoes special processing, but even so, its exceptional biological value is preserved.

Another situation that a nursing mother may find herself in is the temporary feeding of someone else's child due to a combination of any circumstances: illness of the mother of the child, taking medications that are incompatible with breastfeeding, etc.

As a rule, infants younger than 3 months take the breast of another mother without significant problems, it is enough not to scare the baby at the first feeding. Babies older than 3 months should be fed half asleep for the first few times so as not to confuse the baby with a new smell and shape of the breast. In many ways, the success of feeding depends on the psychological mood of the “temporary” mother: with uncertainty about success, doubts, internal restlessness stress hormones are released that can scare the baby away.

Each nursing mother has her own individual microflora on the skin of the breast, so during the first day you should monitor the child, the reaction to new milk. It is also necessary to clarify what diet his nursing mother followed in order to temporarily exclude from her diet those foods that can provoke allergic reactions in the child or increased gas formation in the intestines.

Psychological aspects

Having made the commitment to temporarily feed another child, a nursing mother may face the jealousy of her own child, especially if he is older than 9 months. Maternal tactics in this situation should depend on the characteristics of the child's character. For some children, it is enough to explain that the baby was in difficult situation and needs your care and support, and in some cases it is better to resort to feeding in secret from your child. A woman should not feel guilty about her child, because in this situation she does not deprive him of anything, lactation very quickly increases to the required level to meet the needs of two babies. It should be noted that many babies, to the surprise of mothers, agree to breastfeed even at the same time and do not feel jealous.

Physiological aspects of breastfeeding someone else's child

First of all, it is important to know that the child you are going to breastfeed is absolutely healthy, and his mother does not suffer from any infectious diseases (HIV, viral hepatitis, acute intestinal infections, dermatovenereological diseases). The risk of transmission of diseases during breastfeeding is not very high, but still exists, especially when microdamages appear on the skin of the breast: abrasions or cracks that may not be visible to the naked eye. You should also make sure that the mother who is going to feed someone else's child is also absolutely healthy and is not a carrier of infectious diseases.

The composition of breast milk for each woman is individual, adapted to the physiological needs of her child, especially for age. Therefore, feeding someone else's child is possible with a not very big difference in age. At the same time, feeding an older child is allowed, but a woman whose own child is more than 6 months old should not feed a newborn child, since after the introduction of complementary foods into the baby's diet, the composition of breast milk changes significantly.

Breastfeeding should bring joy to both the child and the nursing mother, this is a special form of relationship that allows the mother and child to feel full, confident and harmonious. Every woman has the right to decide whether she wants to breastfeed her adopted child. In any case, whatever her decision, it must be balanced, with the awareness of the entire share of responsibility for the health of the little person.


Breastfeeding is an absolutely natural biological process that surprises absolutely no one. But sometimes, due to various circumstances, life develops in such a way that a mother cannot feed her baby on her own.
In most cases, the mother simply transfers the baby to infant formula. However, the phenomenon of a woman breastfeeding someone else's child is becoming more and more common.
Even at the beginning of the last century, wet nurses were very popular. All ladies from noble families bandaged their breasts immediately after childbirth and entrusted feeding to these women.

There is a lot of controversy around this issue these days. Proponents of breastfeeding unanimously argue that breastfeeding is healthy and does not pose any risk to the health of the child.
Pediatricians warn parents against such a decision, citing the fact that donor breast milk can cause a serious illness for the baby. Along with breast milk, the baby can be transmitted diseases such as:

  • AIDS (Acquired Human Immunodeficiency Syndrome). Although proponents of breastfeeding cite as a counterargument the fact that the AIDS virus is contained in women's milk in minimal quantities and the chances of infecting a child are negligible.
  • Viral hepatitis. The risk of transmitting the disease to the baby is very, very high.
  • Cytomegalovirus is also very commonly transmitted through breast milk.

Do not forget about such a seemingly insignificant thing as the microflora in the baby's mouth, which is as individual as fingerprints. It is likely that, having fed someone else's baby, a woman after some time will find unpleasant signs of stomatitis in the oral cavity of her child.
In addition, immunologists are also strongly opposed to the fact that the child is fed with donor milk. They explain their position with the following facts of scientific research.

As you know, in the first few days after childbirth, colostrum is produced in the breast of a woman. Doctors used to underestimate the value of colostrum, but researchers have proven that it is the most valuable. Colostrum contains a huge amount of immunoglobulins and antibodies vital for the baby, which have a powerful protective effect on the body of a newborn who has not yet adapted to the new environment surrounding him. Moreover, the milk of each particular woman contains precisely those antibodies, and precisely in those quantities that her child needs. A woman who is breastfeeding someone else's child, thereby subjecting the still immature immune system of the baby to a severe test of completely unnecessary stress. As a result, the effect is completely opposite to the desired one.

Almost the same applies to the gastrointestinal tract of the baby. As you know, the nutritional value and composition of human milk changes daily, as children's needs change. And the milk that will be useful for a one-year-old baby can harm a newborn baby.
Usually, supporters of feeding with donor milk, in response to this fact, cite as an example those mothers who feed their children in the so-called “tandem”, that is, both an older child and a newborn baby. At first glance, this objection seems absolutely logical: after all, the health of such children does not suffer from breastfeeding. But one must take into account interesting feature the female body, in particular, the process of lactation.

With a new pregnancy, in any case, the process of natural extinction of lactation occurs, and immediately the process of preparing the body for the birth of a new life and, accordingly, a new lactation begins. Very often this process happens very quickly, it can even go unnoticed by the mother herself. But, nevertheless, the body was rebuilt to the needs of the baby. The only difference from the usual process of lactation in such a case is only that more milk is produced, since the breast is sucked, which means that lactation is increased, not by one, but by two children.

In the event that for some reason you cannot feed the baby for a while, instead of giving the baby someone else's milk, prepare your own in advance by expressing it and freezing it in the refrigerator. During the time when feeding is not possible, constantly express milk from the breast. So you can keep lactation until a more favorable moment.

Even if lactation has practically stopped, but the desire to breastfeed remains, it is quite possible to restore it, it is not as difficult as it seems. Moreover, if a woman wants to breastfeed her adopted child, even in this case (given that the woman did not give birth), it is quite possible to start the lactation process. In fairness, it should be said that breastfeeding a foster child is perhaps the only justified case of using donor milk.

Doctors call the process of resumption of lactation the term relactation. In fact, achieving it is quite simple, you just need to carry out a series of systematic actions, strictly follow the instructions of a doctor or a breastfeeding consultant. However, the process of relactation itself will not be described in detail in this material, since each mother-child pair is absolutely unique. And it requires a thorough study of all the features of the situation, the state of health of the mother and baby, the age of the child and many other equally important aspects.

But even if the mother, with all her desire, failed to establish lactation, you should not risk the health of your baby and test all theories, hypotheses and guesses about feeding the child with donor milk. Now there is a huge selection of different quality mixtures. Of course, none of the best formula can replace mother's milk. But donor milk is also not mother's, but the mixture is guaranteed not to bring any harm to the baby.

Yesterday my brother came to me with a 9-month-old nephew. Baby on GV, so bitterly crying. I could not stand it and fed him with my breast. Maka immediately blossomed and I became his favorite aunt. He sat cuddled up to me for about 10 minutes, and then played on the floor for almost an hour with my youngest. And I was so glad

And now my brother’s wife called me and chastised me in full that this is an intimate process and no one except the mother should feed the child ... And only then I realized that I had done everything wrong, I had to ask my mother first, but she worked. Damn, well, my heart could not stand it, I can’t stand baby crying, I always want to console. Now I’m scolding myself and I feel like some kind of unclean and guilty, who had no right to put her breasts, it’s not clear which one, into the mouth of someone else’s baby.

Sorry, I didn't read everything. I’ll add, GV didn’t turn off, didn’t feed on the sly, my brother was aware, he reacted normally, they didn’t call my mother so as not to tear her away from work. The bro got the hat in full... My glorious nephew is alive and well! I have a good relationship with my brother, his wife does not disdain my clothes and nursing bras, as well as toys and clothes from my kids. Well, here I am akin to breastfeeding)))
Yes, in my poor house there was only soup with bruce. cabbage for dinner) I rarely feed jars. We don’t eat porridge.
In general, I understood my mistake, but I was offended very much that they reprimanded me on my birthday. And I even cried, then blinked, and sent her to the forest))) if you don’t like it, don’t go)))

Girls, thank you all. It was interesting with you. But time is taken away a lot, so the discussion is closed. I understand you. On your advice, henceforth I will keep my boobs in a bra

To all those who suffer for the health of the nephew - everything is fine with him. Healthy and cheerful. He doesn't remember my breasts. For him, it turned out to be a fleeting "intimacy", which he safely forgot about that evening.

The brother is still alive, only slightly embarrassed by this situation. But he is still loved by me, like the tribes

Girls, how I was surprised by the question about HIV... do you see in each of your relatives a potentially dangerous HIV-infected person?

Based on the comments, I concluded that in my 30s I’m too old-fashioned. Today it’s not fashionable to shut up a baby’s mouth with a tit on GV, you have to look for other ways, run to the store for the mixture, or just wait until it erupts.

Adyos, as they say. God bless - see you!!! Peace and goodness to all

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I dreamed of breastfeeding someone else's child, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of breastfeeding someone else's child in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    I dreamed that I was kidnapped and given someone else's child to feed! I fed breastfeeding a baby a lot of milk came out of my chest! And in another dream, I dreamed that the doctors did all my teeth, but they were loose and I took off a few front teeth and gave them for repair so that they allegedly didn’t stagger !!!

    I dreamed that a baby was crying. there was a young man nearby, I don’t remember what he looks like. and I clearly heard how the baby would cry because he wanted to eat and I started breastfeeding him, while I had a lot of milk. I don't remember anything else

    they brought me two babies. I took them with both hands. one was sleeping. and I gave breast to the other, I saw a lot of breast milk. I oozed, everyone saw. The father of one child and the mother of another. It was somehow dark ..

    I stand on the ground, I see three children on the balcony of a high-rise building, one of them is just a baby ... I started shouting to two older children to hold the baby ... and he immediately fell out of the balcony. I ran up, for some reason already took the baby in my arms, made sure that he was alive and began to breastfeed him. I'm not pregnant, I'm not breastfeeding. Do you have children

    I dreamed that I was lying on the sofa in my room, and the king (some kind of ruler) told me to breastfeed the baby. I fed him, and at first he normally accepted my milk, then he refused, and I understood that he had already eaten. And I convinced the king (ruler) of this, and the king seemed to believe me.

    I dreamed that a small baby (not mine), whom I held in my arms while talking like with his father, lifted his clothes himself and sucked his chest. at the same time, I also chose summer boots on the shelf in size and color. woke up after that

    Hello! I dreamed that I should breastfeed someone else's baby. I express, but first there is colostrum, and then a lot of milk poured from both breasts. I saw a baby who put milk to my breasts and drank it.

    I dreamed that at first my friend and I walked around some grocery supermarket, and then I breastfed her one and a half year old daughter, who then fell asleep in my arms, and my friend left.

    I had a dream about how they let me breastfeed a small child, and I am at a loss and don’t understand how I can, because I didn’t give birth and I’m not even pregnant. but they told me that a real mother always has milk, and in truth I fed this wonderful baby, and he stayed with me

    I was sitting at the table, I had a baby in my arms, a boy, he was probably a week old, I hid him under a T-shirt, some guy came up and said that I would keep him there, after I started breastfeeding the baby, while this I clearly understood that this is not my child

    I put the baby to the breast, I know that I don’t have milk, but I see that only very liquid, almost transparent milk flows from the breast, the baby doesn’t like it and she refuses to suck on the breast. then I shift it to the other breast. and there the milk already sees that it is white like real milk, it squirts straight from the chest. and the baby takes the breast and sucks it. I was very happy and then I woke up.

    Good morning) I had a dream where I breastfeed someone else’s child in my arms, she likes the girl so that she falls asleep, but there is so much milk that she does not have time to swallow) and it splashes on her face and I wipe it off! She smiles

    I dreamed that in a dream I was breastfeeding my nephew for 4 months. After that, I hid from someone with him, climbed some ditches, pits ... at the end of the dream I remember that I was safe with him, but not in the village ... I don’t know where .... there were almost no people around, but those who were - in the fog they were somehow and as if not people at all ...

    I dreamed that I was breastfeeding my niece's child, she recently had a daughter, and I have a lot of milk, it pours directly, and when she sucked her breast I was a little scared, but at the same time I experienced such bliss and was happy.

    Hello! I remember exactly that it was a woman I know, she has a newborn child, and my child was born a long time ago and milk is flowing from my chest. She asks to feed her child, I refused for a long time, then I poured it straight into a cup and offered to give it to the child, but he still can’t drink from a cup and I reluctantly had to feed someone else’s child. And we were in white medical gowns.

    I’m in the hospital, either in my family, or in some other department, and a sick man gives me a baby to feed, and I have a lot of milk, and the baby is from a drug addict mother, and she can’t feed him because she left him with nothing, then as if I saw his mother in a vulgar dress and I don’t remember further.

    i dreamed that a young man went to pick up my classmate (whom he had never seen) from the maternity hospital, and on the way home they got married (supposedly she needed a fictitious marriage). After they arrived, he gave me the baby and I first shook him, and then I began to breastfeed, although in my life I am not a nursing mother.

    I was breastfeeding someone else's child, there were people nearby who brought it, they did not look at us, but waited until I finished feeding. I was lying on the bed with the baby in my arms, and when I felt that the baby was full and looked at him, I in her arms was another older child. This is a boy, the child's name was Solomon. I remember it exactly. Then I woke up.

    Hello. I dreamed that I came to the hospital to some girl, she had a baby boy, he was crying, I offered her to breastfeed him, she obeyed me, began to feed. But then I saw myself breastfeeding this baby with my left breast. I see myself lying on the bed with this baby. The bed is white. He is in white diapers. I unwrapped it because it was wet. I stroked his naked body. I clearly saw that it was a boy.

    Hello, help, please, solve the dream. I dreamed of a newborn boy, mine. He was calm, plump, had no sliders, smiled. I began to apply him to my chest, but I didn’t see milk in a dream, the nipple on my chest didn’t clearly express itself. And in general, my chest doesn’t look like mine. All this happened in my mother’s apartment, namely kitchen. Then I began to talk about buying a stroller, a crib with my mother in her kitchen (I never dream of my apartment, although I have lived in it for about 20 years, and lived with my parents for 19 years.) I immediately dreamed of a gray kitten. In a dream, I was glad that I would be at home with the baby, and in a dream I saw an order on paper about my December vacation dated 2011.

    First, in a dream, I ran away from someone, from three men in black, and I don’t know them personally, I ran away from them on a bicycle with someone, it all happened in the village, then on a bicycle I turned onto some kind of path between houses and drove into yard to people I know (in a dream I know them) and there was a young mother with a child, I asked to hold the baby and if you can feed, they allowed me, and suddenly I began to feed Lyalya with my breasts, milk, and I didn’t have time to bring the child to my chest, it itself poured from there in drops, and then I leaned the child against my chest and he began to drink my milk. Unexpectedly for myself, I experienced great pleasure and happiness and peace at the same time.
    I’m 20 years old in my life, I’m not married, not pregnant, I’m studying, I’m waiting for a loved one from the army. He serves in Minsk and his ex recently moved to this city to study. He used to run after her for a long time, but when I appeared in his life, he I forgot her as she tells me. She doesn’t communicate with her in any way, but I’m still very afraid that something like this can happen that he will either change me or return to her. I don’t know if I have such dreams on this basis or not. We've been dating for 2 years now.

    I dreamed that a friend I don’t remember which of my friends it was, brought my child to me, I had to sit with him, I agreed he was breastfeeding, I asked if he wants to eat what I should do then, and in response he was like that, feed him with your breast And then the alarm rang and I woke up!

    I was breastfeeding someone else's child, which my husband brought me, I have a daughter, so in dream, I knew that I haven’t had milk for a long time, but for some reason I put the baby to my chest and felt a surge of milk

    Now I’m not pregnant, I have a child of 9 years old. I dreamed that a baby was crying in the arms of a stranger and she couldn’t feed him, I say that I have milk and she gives me a crying baby, I pull off the neckline of the clothes and apply it to the left he eats his chest and falls asleep in my arms, and this made me feel very good

    i dreamed how I gave breast to someone else's child and milk began to arrive. It happened several times. And it seems there were 2 children. Then I was worried about what to do next with this milk that was left in my breasts. Will my mastopathy start again?

    i dreamed that I took the child from a friend and wanted to raise him, breastfeed, and then I realized that I could not cope with him. I already have one, I sat crying, saying that I want to give it back, and my husband said that we are responsible for those we tamed.

    There were many people in the room. The child was close to me. Cried and groaned. Nobody took it. And I immediately decided to give him a breast. There was milk. My daughter was sitting behind me. She watched the baby suckle, laughed and wondered.

    Hello, Tatyana! I dreamed that I was holding someone else's newborn baby in my arms, while breastfeeding him and feeling little pain when the child eats (sorry) on the nipples! Please tell me what is this for?

    Hello, Tatyana!! I dreamed that my daughter-in-law gave birth to 4 twins, and while I was fiddling with one of them, I had milk and a lot flowed directly from my right breast. I saw that the milk was only in the right breast, the left one did not even get it. Then I asked my daughter-in-law what to breastfeed or not, to which she replied that of course you should, otherwise I didn’t have enough and I fed

    Hello, Tatyana! I saw a man in a dream, I know him. His name was mentioned several times, I don't know by whom. Just a voice from the outside. Then suddenly from somewhere this infant...feels like a boy. For some reason, my chest is exposed and the child is attached to my chest and begins to eat. Moreover, neither who brought it, nor who is holding it, is visible. He took off his head and again began to suck on the breast. Here is my whole dream. I know this man. I know that he has a child, a boy. They have a family. They are younger than me. I didn't think about them at all. My relationship with him and his wife is at the level - “Hello” ... It’s not clear what this dream got into, but for some reason it doesn’t go out of my head ... I often have prophetic dreams, usually I understand what they mean. But this one somehow I can’t understand. Please tell me if you can.

    The dream was light. I did not see where I was lying, but a small (alien) child crawled on top of me and began to suck on the breast. For some reason this didn't surprise me. But in a dream, I realized that this is the present time, because in the dream itself I thought that my daughter is 2.5 years old and she does not suckle her breasts, therefore it is not a pity for another child. In fact, in reality, my daughter is currently 2.5 years old.

    I dream that someone’s child is in my hands, I understand that he is hungry and needs breast milk. I give him my breast, I have milk, the child eats, at that moment one of his relatives appears and takes the child from me. Today I had this dream for the third time. And every time different circumstances and children are different.

    I dreamed that my husband and I live in a huge apartment and one friend gave us to raise a baby. I bottle fed him first and then breastfed him. In a baby, I saw teeth at the bottom. This friend has cancer

    my daughter-in-law and I were sitting on the couch she had a child, she is pregnant right now, I thought that she had already given birth and that this was her child, this child began to cry and she began to breastfeed him, then appeared and she gave him a second child to me and I I started breastfeeding him.

    dreamed that my ex girlfriend brought me the child of my ex-husband. that his wife abandoned the child. I breast-fed this child. dirty water even with sand

    Hello. This morning I dreamed that I was breastfeeding (allegedly) my child's daughter, then I decided to help another woman who had quadruplets and fed her two children at once. Then, oh horror, I stayed with her husband. By the way, I didn’t even think about anything like that.

    breastfed one of the twins, in a dream there was twilight, green shades, the twins were not mine, but a friend, boys. I took one of them out of the crib and began to breastfeed, he began to suck, and a friend told me that she had no milk and they were artificial. I myself am currently breastfeeding two children, I have twins, a boy and a girl

    i dreamed that someone threw a newborn baby to me, and I breastfeed him. everyone advises to give the child away, but I don’t want to, I just love it like my child, I even felt it. I now think all day about him, about the child. Thank you in advance

    I went into some house, I saw a girl with a baby, she threw it on the floor, I picked it up, the child yells, I gave my boobs, and there is a lot of milk, the baby eats, and the milk flows, on the boobs on the cheeks of the child

    I was breastfeeding my sister's little child, while at first he refused, then I nevertheless began to feed and my breasts immediately filled with milk. it became hot in the chest / P.S. I really want a baby but I can't

    Hello! I had a dream, as if they were telling me to breastfeed someone else's child, but I refused without putting it to my chest and as if it were in a hospital, then in the same hospital there were women, one of the women had a whole arm in blood.

    Hello, Tatyana! I had a strange dream. In a dream, I am breastfeeding a newborn baby boy. with only one breast. and on the second full milk. I am surprised myself. next to a man. my man. although in real life I don’t have him yet and a child too. I am in someone else's house. strangers around. they are all relatives of my man. and that boy is very cute. and he is that man too. Explain plz. waiting for your reply. Regards Munira

    in a dream I dreamed how I was feeding someone else's child, he was crying lying next to his mother, and his mother, how to say, was all a leper, and I lifted the feed without fear, then he grew up and became so courageous. What does it mean

    I had a dream that I was breastfeeding a child, my ex young man. (I have no children and I am not married). The atmosphere was cozy, I was lying on the sofa, and the mother of my former MCH puts the baby to me and I feed him. I wonder what this dream is for. (dream had a dream from Thursday to Friday)

    At first, my friend went pregnant, then I went into some building, she said that she was very tired, she wanted to rest and gave me a baby, left me with him, did not give me her phone number. (in life, I generally take children calmly and do not plan them yet), but it was very pleasant to keep him. Soon I went in search of her. She knew where she lived. And she asked passers-by MEN if they know a red-haired pregnant girl and where she lives. And it looks like I found it anyway.

    i had a dream that I was lying on a clean and tidy bed and I saw an unfamiliar baby, naked but cheerful, and I thought to feed, I took out my breasts and I see a lot of milk, I tasted it and then fed the baby

    Hello, I dreamed that I was breastfeeding my niece, as if she were just from the hospital, at first I fed her lying down and then picked her up, and she peed so much that it leaked even through a diaper, I fed her and she smiled at me, why I dreamed as if my sister does not have milk, although she had no problems, and the nephew is already a little over a year old. I am married and have no children yet.

    in a dream, at first I held in my arms a one-year-old child, not my own, but he is familiar to me. The child recognized me, it was a girl, she hugged me and clung to me, and after I gave her my breast, she was thirsty. I was very pleasant and warm in my sleep, I was happy that this child recognized me.

    Hello, the day before yesterday I dreamed that I was pregnant and felt the child moving in my stomach, and today I had a dream that I was breastfeeding the rivers of the child, the sisters of my common-law husband, what does this mean?

    Hello, in a dream I dreamed that I picked up the newborn daughter of my boss from work and I had breast milk. I did not feed the child, but I saw that I had milk

    Hello! My dream consisted, as it were, of two parts .... in the first part there were a lot of mice, the mouse nest was under some kind of bush and there were different mice, large (like rats) gray mice, medium mice of normal size, but for some reason blue mice and very small, well, just tiny mice also blue... and I really wanted to take a tiny mouse, stroke it, play with it ... but they are so nimble and did not come into my hands, but I still caught and stroked one, but then somehow a baby found itself in my hands ... someone else's and also very small. He really wanted to eat and constantly tried to cling to my chest, but I understand that this is not my child and I don’t have milk, but I still took pity on him and let him cling to my chest ... and he began to eat, milk appeared .... then he crap one's pants and I had to look for where to wash it .... everything, I woke up

    I am breastfeeding a strange boy who is about 1 year old, I see milk splashing from my chest, I am surprised that I gave birth 7 years ago and there is still milk. then it will be hard to wean from the chest, and it seems that it’s already big why he needs it.

    Hello! I dreamed that some young man brought me a child, from whom I don’t know and left him to me ... I had to feed him ... there was a fuss in my dream, because I didn’t know what to do with him, what to do. Then I saw the mother of this child and talked to her. she said that she was afraid of him and did not want to accept him. What is it for? Thank you!

    My name is also Tatyana. Dream: I carry a naked baby in my arms - his mother is busy with something. We are in the library. I walk with a baby among the shelves, suddenly he takes my breast. I am clearly aware that I do not have milk, the child was mistaken. Then I give it to my mom.

    whose baby I don’t know, but I have a small chest, I understand that he is hungry and I put him to my chest, he eagerly sucks his breast and I put him to my breast several times and every time he sucks greedily what events are happening around I don’t remember but I clearly see the child his boy lips like eagerly looking for a nipple I'm 59 years old what does that mean

    I carried the child in my arms to my friend, where I put him on the bed and started talking to my friend. then she offered me to feed him, I said that I don’t have milk, because I didn’t give birth and I never had children. she said just give him the breast. I was a little scared in a dream at that moment and I asked if it hurt. she said you get used to it.

    Hello. I dreamed that I was visiting someone (probably), but it was at home. I don’t know these people at all real life and in a dream, I don’t remember the feeling whether I knew them or not. But the family was not prosperous or something, and the child was very sick (a problem with the rectum, but without a diaper it was visible, something like a serious hemorrhoids (sorry, I say that I saw )). Parents did not attach much importance to this and generally somehow laughed. Well, for some reason I took him and began to breastfeed and he ate greedily. I myself have no children and never had them. But I really want them when the time comes. It is very interesting what such a dream was for.

    Hello. I dreamed that I was breastfeeding the baby with my left breast (I have a small condyloma on the leg on my nipple, I clearly saw it), but I know for sure that the baby is not mine. I don't know if it's a boy or a girl. I see my milk flowing from the breast when I put the nipple in the baby's mouth. I am surprised in a dream that I have milk. The impression of sleep is pleasant, I liked to feed this baby. The colors of sleep are pale, as if she was feeding early in the morning.
    I am a mother of two breastfed children. Civil marriage
    Thank you.

    Hello. I really want to know what my dream means. Tonight I dreamed that I was breastfeeding someone else's baby, and he kept screaming milk splashing in all directions and he had a mouth full of milk. Please tell me what is it for?

    In a dream, I feed the child of my friend. I do it with love and my friend looks at me (the mother of the child) that she has no time to feed and instead of her I feed and take care of her baby, I see yellow milk pouring from the chest and the child is dependent on me and considers me a mother. And I stand looking at the mother of the child and trying to explain to her that your child needs maternal love. She doesn’t even want to understand me in a dream and her husband watches from afar as I feed them, their views told me as if to take care of the child, we don’t have time to look after our child

    Some girl allegedly carried her smaller sister in her arms, wrapped in a large colored scarf, it was not a baby, but maybe a six-month-old girl. And I took her in my arms and gave her breasts, knowing that there was no milk in her, but the child began to suck her pleasantly

    I dreamed that during the war (VO) a woman gave me a baby, we walked along an empty road, her husband said that I would give the baby a breast so that he would not cry, but since I had no milk, the baby did not want to suck. The child was very small, dressed in one undershirt and it seemed to me that he was cold, but his mother claimed that he was not cold. Then I saw the second baby in her arms and suddenly realized that the child I was carrying was going to be given away to the fascists, I asked his mother about my guesses and she said that if this was not done, then we would all be killed. In a dream, I was very worried about the baby and I was scared only for him. The whole dream was in gray tones, like in old films about the war, and only the baby's undershirt was red, but not very bright, as it were, a faded faded color.

    Good evening! from Wednesday to Thursday I dreamed that I was feeding a baby, it was a goat that it was my child)) it seemed like there was a girl for some reason dressed in a blue overall)) milk was pouring as if she were feeding it alive)) I am 33 years old. Thanks in advance for your reply. I will wait impatiently)))

    i dreamed how a beloved man who was in his youth says that he has only one beloved woman - this is his wife and calls her name. then I go up to him. he nearly crushed a crying baby. I took the baby in my arms and began to breastfeed. the baby was very small and beautiful, with black hair.

    I breastfed my sister-in-law’s son because she didn’t have milk, and I don’t have a baby at all to feed someone else’s, but I tried and I had so much milk that the child barely had time to swallow and my sister-in-law’s husband stayed with me

    I dreamed that the young Armenians did not have milk glasses and her relatives asked me to feed her child, and I came by the hour, fed him, held him in my arms, and felt him sucking piles, he was so warm and tender. I really don't know boy or girl

    I remember I pulled the boy’s child out of the hands of a boy who wanted to do something bad and taught him to breastfeed and there was a lot of milk and I think he ate a lot and I saw a lot of milk as milk pours out of the child’s mouth. What does this mean.

The World Health Organization recommends breast milk as the best option for feeding a baby in the first half of the year. However, what is the right thing to do if the mother does not have or not enough milk? Today, nurses are returning to fashion - women who provide breastfeeding someone else's baby.

Breastfeeding someone else's baby: immunity and other factors

If the mother, for one reason or another, does not have milk, then the easiest way to transfer the baby to the mixture is the choice of brands allows you to choose the right option. However, many still try to provide their child with a natural product. There are a number of reasons for this:

  1. Women's milk is a kind of disease prevention. Moreover, if the nurse is chosen correctly, then even breastfeeding someone else's baby will boost immunity baby.
  2. With natural feeding, the milk is in ideal hygienic conditions (no need to worry about the steaming of the bottle and the freshness of the mixture), and also ideally in temperature.
  3. With enough milk, the baby gets exactly the portion of food that he needs.

Breastfeeding someone else's child: what to do as a wet nurse

If you decide to go to breastfeeding someone else's baby, several factors need to be taken into account:

  • Child's age. If you are a breastfeeding mother who decides to become a nurse for another baby, then it is best to take a baby of your child's age. The fact is that women's milk changes literally every month, and milk for an 8-month-old baby is not suitable for a newborn.
  • Hygiene. If the milk is not expressed, then pay special attention to the hygiene of the nipples, because various infections can be transmitted from baby to baby.
  • The amount of milk. Additional breastfeeding someone else's baby can increase lactation, however, if you have a lack of milk in principle, then this is not the most best method raise it. That's why breastfeeding someone else's baby for money perhaps if your baby is getting enough nutrition, is gaining weight well and does not suffer from allergies.

Breastfeeding someone else's child for money: what to consider

If you hire a wet nurse who will provide feeding someone else her child for money Be sure to pay attention to the following aspects:

  • Health information. Together with donor milk, such dangerous diseases as AIDS, hepatitis (from mild hepatitis A to very dangerous hepatitis C), and cytomegalovirus infection can be transmitted to the baby.
  • Circumstances under which the provider decided to provide such services. The ideal option is a woman with her child of the same age as yours. Less suitable - her child is younger. The most unfortunate is the older child.
  • Pumping or breastfeeding. In the first option, you will need to sterilize the milk, in the second, you will need to provide on-demand feeding at least for the first months.
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