How to become real fairies of water, fire and all the forces of nature in real life at home. "Gas Fairies"

IN Lately a large number of cartoons about fairies have been released, and many girls dream of becoming fairies and performing their little magical rites. If you are thinking how to become a fairy in a minute, then you need to turn to our rituals.


Fill the container with ice and wait until it starts to melt. Then dip your hands in ice water for 30 seconds. At this time, close your eyes and imagine how you turn into your favorite fairy. After half a minute, remove your hands from the water, lather them with shampoo or shower gel and rinse ice water. After this ritual, you must definitely turn into a fairy.

Fairy conversation

If you need to become a fairy in a short time, then you cannot do without real fairies. To get started, choose what kind of fairy you want to become. For example, if you want to turn into a Fire fairy, then you need to light a candle or kindle a fire and call the fairy to talk. To do this, call the fairy, for example, "Fairy of Fire, I call you!". If at this time the fire rattles a little or changes direction, then the fairy has come and you can start a conversation. Ask her to give you the necessary power and knowledge to perform magical rites. At the end of the conversation, don't forget to thank her for her help.


If you are alone at home, you can ask the fairies to empower you. To do this, turn off the light and stand in the middle of the room. Raise your hands up and read the spell “I don’t want to be a simple person, I want to be a fairy, with a golden wing!”. It must be repeated ten times, only after that the fairies will give you strength.


If you have a cat in your house, then you can ask her to give you strength, since cats are mentally connected with the country of fairies. When will it come full moon take the cat in your arms and pet it. As soon as the animal begins to purr, ask her to endow you with magical abilities. If the cat likes how you pet her, she will fulfill your desire.

sea ​​fairy

If you want to turn into a sea fairy, fill a bathtub with water and lie down in it. At this time, repeat the spell "Sea fairy, I summon you!". After that, politely ask her to make you a water fairy.

If you really want to become a fairy, and adults tell you, then this is impossible, do not believe it. Any girl or girl can become a fairy, the main thing is desire. Only you yourself can prevent you from turning into a fairy, because if there is anger, envy, hatred or other negative emotions in your soul, then your powers may simply not be revealed. Think about why you want to become a fairy? If in order to help people, to give others positive, then you have every chance of becoming a good sorceress. If you are driven by self-interest, the desire to harm or take revenge on someone, then do not even try to turn into a fairy, you will not be able to do this. So, you figured out yourself. Now you can start the rituals that will help you become a fairy.

How to become a fairy for real right now

There is a fairly simple ritual that helps you become a fairy in just a couple of minutes. To do this, go outside in sunny weather at noon, make sure that there are no people in the circle and they will not be able to see the ritual. Turn your back to the heavenly body, close your eyes, place your hands on both sides of your face so that the sun's rays fall on your palms. Now the most important thing is to imagine yourself already a fairy, and be sure to do it in the smallest detail (hair length, eye color, possibly wings, etc.), give yourself some kind of magical ability, for example, to read minds. At the same time, imagine yourself as a fairy and try to feel how the sun's rays penetrate your body through the palms and bring all your thoughts into reality. It is very important not to doubt your actions, make up the image and desires consistently, believe in the effectiveness of the method, because otherwise the ceremony will go to waste. Thus, stand still for about 2 minutes, then turn your face to the sun, look at it and whisper the following words in a low voice:

The sun's rays are your children. They touched my palms, empowered me. I am a fairy, I can work miracles.

After this ritual, do not wash your hands for a couple of hours, after the specified time, your strength will be at the peak of its activity. If you want to read thoughts, look at a person and the first thing that comes to your mind is readable thoughts. It is very important to catch the moment when information suddenly pops up in your head out of nowhere. There is no need to think out something superfluous and try to pass off your thoughts as thoughts of the object. The first information that comes is the desired goal.

It is worth noting that during the ritual it is not necessary to endow yourself with the ability to read thoughts, for example, you can make a wish to control various natural phenomena: wind, rain, etc., call animals to action with the power of thought, and so on.

How to become a fairy for real at 11 years old

If you are not afraid of the dark, then this option is for you. On the day when you stay at home alone, close all the curtains in one of the rooms, turn off the lights (in general, make sure that the room is as dark as at night). Sit in the middle of the room on your knees and say three times in a row: fairy come, I'm waiting for you. Close your eyes and wait. After a few minutes, you will hear a rustle, laughter or other sounds - a sign that the fairy is in the room. In no case do not open your eyes, and even more so do not shout or turn on the light, but smile, then, most likely, the fairy will speak to you. I repeat once again, during the conversation, in no case do not open your eyes, and if possible, ask the fairy to endow you with magical powers. She will definitely do it, only these forces will act only in a dream.

In general, remember, if you respect elders, help those in need, protect the weak, and responsiveness, diligence, politeness, good nature, sincerity and others positive features character will become paramount for you, then in the eyes of others you will always be a real good sorceress.

How to become a fairy - secret ways for real sorceresses

How to become a fairy - this question interests those young girls who wish to adopt the supernatural abilities of magical creatures. Let's figure out if this is possible and how to make the dream come true.

How to become a fairy at home

It is difficult to deny the fact that there are various entities in the world:, wizards, and. Such magical assistants fulfill wishes, convey their supernatural gift.

To start the rituals, weigh the pros and cons. Below are the methods.

You can completely change your appearance and turn into a fairy with wings or master a magical gift. Such rites are simple, and young wizards can perform them. Decide if you want to become a fairy of Water, Winx, Moon or another.

When you choose, summon the real one and make a transformation deal with her. When the method does not work, prepare a piece of transparent fabric, a small ring, a wreath of flowers.

Sit in the middle of the room, put a cloth in front of you, and on it a wreath and a ring in the middle. Close your eyes and imagine that the creature is in front of you. After say:

“Fairy of Flowers, I call you to witness, see how I renounce the usual human life and ready to be your companion.

Put on a wreath and continue:

“I promise you to be kind, sweet and wise, to protect people, to be in harmony with nature. Just give me the opportunity to join you and do good deeds.

Put the prepared ring on your finger and say:

"Now this is a talisman, I promise not to take it off - all the magical power is in it."

Close your eyes and listen to the sensations. When the room is flooded with light, you will feel warmth, happiness, joy, like positive emotions enveloped you - the fairies are ready to invite you into their ranks.

Take the prepared piece of fabric, wrap the wreath and leave it in a clearing in the park. This is a gift to magical assistants.

Everyone will perform this ritual.

Important condition: strong energy to have the strength to visualize the necessary. The ritual is performed in the air.

In the park, another picturesque place. Pre-prepare a decoration that symbolizes initiation and where your magical power will be stored.

This is a bracelet, ring, pendant. Magic is possible in clear weather, during the day. It is important that it turns out to be sunny and warm - fairies bask in the sun, and do not hide in secluded corners. This makes it easier to reach them.

Stand in the middle of the chosen place, take the jewelry, close your eyes. It is necessary that the sun warms, illuminates everything around. Imagine that fairies are descending through small rays. Tell:

“Magic sisters, come to my call, weave magical wings from sunlight for me. Mother nature, bestow magical power, give strength to work miracles. You see, sisters, from now on I am with you, real fairy».

Then put on the prepared decoration and close your eyes. Be sure to feel how transparent wings begin to grow from the back. give thanks higher power for agreeing to help you.

Do not be surprised that friends and parents will not see the wings, they are hidden from others. Remember, you can’t remove the decoration, do good deeds, otherwise the magical powers will be taken away. The presence of wings does not make it possible to fly, they just help other fairies distinguish you from people.

Among all the methods that will help you gain amazing abilities, this is one of the most difficult. It is important to choose the element you are going to control.

After the ceremony, you will have a patroness - she helps in everything. Carefully consider the choice of elements, it will be difficult to control the one that does not suit you. And then start the ritual. Choose a place:

  • clearing when you want to have control over the Earth;
  • shore of the reservoir - Water;
  • an open area where the wind is for the mistress of the Air;
  • quiet area - become a fairy of Fire.

Go to him at dawn. When transforming into a Fire Fairy, place five lit candles in front of you. In other cases, additional attributes are not needed. Come to the chosen place, close your eyes, raise your hands up and say:

“Mother Earth/Sacred Fire/Wind/Water (depending on which elemental forces you invoke), bestow power. Bestow amazing strength, wisdom and prudence, endurance and perseverance. Let me become a fairy, control the Earth/Fire/Wind/Water, do good and miracles. I swear that I will be your faithful and devoted daughter."

Repeat the words of the spell three times. Then listen to your own feelings. You experience strong fear, horror, coldness, confusion - higher powers decided to refuse and did not accept you into their circle.

We felt joy, an uplift in mood, peace - you will be given magical abilities. And you will clearly feel how powerful energy begins to envelop. You will feel this flow for a certain time.

The ritual cannot be interrupted. It fills with the necessary magical abilities. When the transfer of the gift is completed, the ritual is considered completed. Extinguish the candles before leaving.

Remember, although you have received supernatural abilities, it is important to continue to develop them. To do this, use the spells and rituals of white magicians. The more you improve your skills, the more good deeds you will do.

To transform into , you need desire. It is important not only to have a magical gift, but also to help people. Weigh the advantages and disadvantages, and then take up the rituals.

How to become a Winx Bloom fairy, Flora for real

How to become a Winx fairy - this question interests all those young sorceresses who dream of receiving a supernatural gift. It's not easy, just put in the effort and you'll be fine.

Become Bloom and get her abilities

Bloom is one of the girls' favorites. The supernatural gift of the being is in the ability to control the forces of light. To adopt these abilities, perform a difficult ritual.

It is held during daylight hours in the fresh air, in areas where there are direct rays of the sun. Violation of the rules will lead to the fact that the result of the ceremony will be negative. Arm yourself with four ribbons: blue, blue, red, purple.

You need a wreath. Weave on your own at dawn. Come to the place of the ceremony and weave each ribbon into a wreath with the words:

As I weave ribbons into a wreath, so magical power comes to me. I call you, fairies, come, see that from now on I will command light and fire. From now on, I am Bloom and I will be able to manage everything that was previously beyond my control.

When you're done, put it on your head and close your eyes. Feel how the energy of fire and light envelops, seals in a dense cocoon and strength and abilities are transferred. Wait for the end of the ritual.

Remember that magical abilities are obtained through this ritual, but the transformation will not occur. Wings will not grow and you will not be able to fly.

But when he begins to constantly do good deeds, higher powers will give real wings.

Do not spread that from now on you have abilities, inexperienced fairies may become victims of evil spirits and black magicians.

Almost every girl will really succeed in turning into Stella from the Winx. This magical creature controls the sun and moon. A transformation ritual is performed at home or on the street.

The venue doesn't matter. It is important to prepare the right attributes. Lunar and solar symbols are required. Home-made amulets, jewelry with the image of luminaries are allowed.

Wear yellow, gold, orange or sandy clothes - associated with Stella. Stand in the middle of the ritual site so that the sun's rays fall on you. Prepared amulets put on or pick up. Say a spell:

From now on, the two luminaries will be one in me. From now on I am Stella. I can control the power of the sun and the power of the moon. Fairies, accept me into your ranks, I swear to do only good, to be honest, patient and courageous.

The text is read three times. keep the talisman with you at all times - the power is stored in it.

Flora is the mistress of nature. It is possible to become this fairy for real. To carry out the ceremony, arm yourself with an amulet decoration.

The pebbles in it are pink or green. A ritual is performed in nature. Important fact: one who does not appreciate the world around cannot become Flora.

When you do not feel love for plants and nature, use the rites of transformation into a simple fairy ().

We need flowers in pots so that they accumulate energy from the outside world and subsequently transfer it to you. Take the prepared amulets and say:

Plants, flowers, you are my truest friends, so I dream of becoming Winx Flora. From now on I can command nature, I turn into one of the most powerful fairies. I vow to help others and use my power for good.

Wear an amulet - the magic is concentrated in it. When you want to open up to other fairies, show that you have a gift, transform: touch the charmed stone and whisper:

Reveal my true face!

After that, all the magical creatures that are nearby will see you with wings.

The magic of music is subject to the charming Winx Muse. But to become such in one second is unrealistic - make some efforts. The main colors of the creature: red, purple, blue, white.

Take four stones of these shades. Sit in a circle magical attributes so that everyone is responsible for a separate side of the world, say:

Now I am a Muse fairy and let the magic of music into my life. May it fill me with energy and will be subject to me. From now on, I have the strength to do good.

Repeat the spell 4 times. Leave each stone in all corners of the room. They will create a magical dome that will protect from negative impact various evil creatures.

But don't move. When changing your place of residence, take new magical attributes and fill them with your own energy, and bury the old ones.

There is a rite of passage to become Layla. Carry it out at home on your own. After initiation, you will control the element of Water.

To lead such powerful force, it is necessary to possess a considerable energy potential. Therefore, regularly visit places of power, develop the gift.

For the initiation, prepare two pieces of cloth. One is green, the other is brown. Draw water into a bowl. Tie a material to each wrist. Place a container of liquid opposite you, say:

I call all the fairies to witness to me, from now on I become Leila and begin to control the water. Now any liquid is subject to me and I can change my appearance as I wish. I promise not to harm people and not to use my power for selfish purposes, for personal gain.

Wash afterwards. Fabrics will become mascots. Thanks to them, magical entities will be able to recognize you and see the green and brown wings.

One of the great talents went to the Winx Techne fairy. She controls the technological forces. To get the creature's abilities, take the rite seriously.

Prepare three crystals: purple, black, green. You will need any modern device that can be constantly used and kept nearby. Initiation takes place during the day at home.

Arrange attributes around you to form an isosceles triangle. Hold the gadget in your hands and say:

I call you, I pray, fairy Winx Techna, endow me with your magical abilities, help me become one of you. I promise that my magical power I will use it only for good, and not for selfish purposes. From now on, I am Techna, so it will be.

After completing the ritual, store the crystals in a hidden place, and use the electronic device regularly. Do not give to others. It will not be possible to film the transformation ritual.

It is not difficult to turn into a real Winx fairy, but in order to learn how to do good deeds and fully use the gift received, you need to work on yourself and have pure thoughts.

How to become a Winx fairy: 6 options + 3 indispensable rules for young sorceresses.

All of us in life do not have enough miracles, good magic and adventures. Isn't that why all the girls are so fond of stories about fairies - beautiful creatures with wings, possessing magical abilities?

And the Italian animated series "Winx Club" about these babies has become a cult! Many girls, after watching the next series, began to wonder how to become a Winx fairy.

And we are ready to help you find the answer. Tell me, who is your favorite heroine?

How to become a Winx fairy: 6 options depending on the power you want to get

No. 1. Bloom: Let there be light!

As you know, Bloom can control light fluxes.

And if you want to become the very Winx fairy who obeys the sun's rays, you will have to try a little:

  • Wait for the clear sunny day and go outside.
  • Lay out four pebbles around you - red, blue, blue and purple, since they are the main ones for the Winx Bloom fairy.
    The pebbles must be arranged so that each of them points to one of the cardinal points (the sequence is not important).
  • It's time to cast the spell of the Winx sorceress:

    Fairies, gather in a circle, take me to your place, do not open your hands. I want to command light and fire. I will not bring destruction, I will help people and do only good deeds. From now on, I am fairy Bloom, and everything that was previously hidden is subject to me.

  • Now close your eyes and fully enjoy the sunlight, feel how its energy fills you.

IMPORTANT! Like the other rites below, this one bestows a power that will be noticeable only to those who also became a Winx fairy with the help of magic. Ordinary people will not notice either your magic wings or the good you do. But will it stop you on your magical path?

No. 2. How to become a fairy Winx Stella and conquer the heavenly bodies.

Stella has won many hearts, because she can control the Sun, Moon and stars. And who didn’t want to conjure up wonderful weather for a weekend or before a trip to the sea?

To become the same Winx fairy, you need to perform a special ritual:

  1. Find some small things, one of which will depict the Sun, and the other - the Moon. It can be jewelry, magnets, bracelets, key chains, a pebble on which you yourself scratched a drawing - everything will do to become a fairy Stella.
  2. Dress in bright, warm colors (yellow, orange, red, etc.)
  3. Now go to a secluded place on the street so that no one sees you and no shadow falls on you.
  4. Place the prepared amulets to the left (Moon) and to the right (Sun) of you.
  5. Concentrate well and say a conspiracy:

    Stella, fairy of the sun and moon, come to me, share the gift, accept me into your ranks.

  6. Now with new magical powers you can go home. But please do not forget the images of the Sun and the Moon - they will become your reliable amulets. How can a real Winx fight evil without protection? That's the same...

No. 3. How to become a fairy Winx Flora so that everything around smells and blooms?

If you do not have a soul in the beds and gardens, made all the window sills in the apartment with flowerpots, and you really consider a beautiful bouquet of flowers to be the best gift, then it's time to move on - become the Winx Fairy Flora.

  • Prepare a large, beautiful flower - pink or red in a pot. You can take it from home, or you can buy it in a store or on the market (in this case, when buying, you cannot bargain and take change).
  • Now go to a beautiful, secluded place in nature. It can be a clearing, a forest, a river bank - the main thing is that there is a lot of greenery here for the birth of a new Flora!
  • Place a pot with a flowering plant in front of you and say three times with an expression:

    From now on I am called Flora, I fly over green meadows, forests, I conduct conversations with plants. Let my strength multiply, it will only be applied to good.

  • Stand a little with your eyes closed, listen to the rustle of grasses and trees, tune in to a magical wave.
  • Now take your charmed plant. As long as it is alive and well, the powers of the Winx Fairy Flora will rightfully belong to you.

No. 4. How to become a fairy Winx Muse: if music is your everything.

There are girls whom you don't feed with bread - let them listen to good music. Even graduates of the conservatory will envy their sensitive ear. It is they who should become the fairy Winx Muse - the one that is subject to sound waves.

  1. Prepare a recording of your favorite piece of music in advance. Be careful when choosing: the more you like the song, the more effective the rite will be!
  2. Left alone in a curtained, dark room, listen to your favorite song three times, completely surrendering to the music.
  3. Then close your eyes and whisper:

    The magic of music and sounds is my calling, I will fulfill only good wishes. Muse Winx, share your power with me, appear with your magic.

  4. Now you, dear young lady, will begin to listen and hear this world better. And the song will become a real talisman: every time you want to be filled with the magical energy of the Winx, you will only need to listen to the song again.

No. 5. How to become a fairy Winx Layla: yes, you, baby, are cooler than a mermaid!

Leila differs from other fairies of the Winx family in that she can control any liquids at will - even the ocean, even tea in a mug. Fascinating, isn't it?

But in order to become just such a Winx fairy, it will take a little more time and patience than in previous cases:

  • First of all, prepare a bowl of water and two handkerchiefs - brown and blue.
  • Wait for the evening and before going to bed, leave a bowl of water on the windowsill, covered with two prepared handkerchiefs.
  • In this case, you need to say the spell three times:

    Let me be like Leila - nimble like water, clean like a tear, light like dew. I will be filled with strength to the very edges of my soul, I will not bring sadness to anyone, nor trouble, but only joy and light.

  • In the morning, you just need to pour out the water, and leave two scarves for yourself and store them in a secluded place, like amulets.
  • The action of the rite is worth checking. For example, try with the power of your gaze, with good concentration, to heat the water in a mug a little or make it move. Happened? Congratulations, you are a real fairy sorceress!

No. 6. How to become a Winx Tecna fairy: and no more breakdowns!

The image of the Tecna fairy is just a godsend for girls who can’t live a day without their smartphone and the Internet, they can easily fix a computer and a vacuum cleaner, and “sticking” in some newfangled gadget is considered the best pastime. It is Tecna on "you" with equipment and the latest technologies.

You can become such a Winx fairy by performing a special magic ritual:

  1. Prepare ribbons in three colors in advance - green, purple and black. It is these shades that are the main ones for Tekna.
  2. Choose the piece of equipment that you use most often and practically never part, for example, a mobile phone, mp3 player, earphone, fitness bracelet, etc.
  3. Gently tie ribbons on the selected gadget and say the plot:

    I, like Tecna, own the technique, like good forces in this world. My mind is open to everything new and progressive. May it be so now and forever.

  4. Ribbons can be removed, but it is advisable to carry them with you, as they will feed your magical power.

How to turn into a fairy?

And now, when the beloved Winx heroine is chosen and the ritual is performed, it seems that only a bright magical future lies ahead. And indeed it is! True, if you remember a couple of secrets of real little witches.

To become one of the Winx and stay in their ranks for a long time, you need to remember:

  • True fairies are kind and bright.
    They do not use their power to harm their karma and other people. That is, to remove a branch from the road so that no one stumbles over it - yes! But to trample the flower garden of a nasty neighbor - no, no, and again no! What kind of fairy are you after that? Something we for the Winx do not remember such bad deeds.
  • Fairies are modest and do not show off their magical powers.
    Well, except that their closest girlfriend, who also went through the rite of passage to the Winx, can tell how they heated the water with the power of their eyes.
  • Fairies are beautiful not only in soul, but also in body.
    That is, they try to dress beautifully and neatly, feminine and well-groomed. Therefore, down with torn jeans - long live fluffy skirts, neat pigtails and original jewelry.

So "how to become a Winx fairy?" is not the most difficult question. It is much more important to bring only goodness, light and positive into the world with the help of magic and inner spirit.

But really smart girls like you, dear readers, can do it. We don't doubt it at all!

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