Solar eclipse August 21st birthday. Free consultation of an astrologer, fortune teller or psychic after registration. What to give up on the day of the eclipse

What not to do on August 21

Despite the fact that a solar eclipse is used by practitioners of all directions to obtain energy, this phenomenon can also take away all vitality and lead to disharmony. energy field person. To avoid problems, you need to remember three things that are highly discouraged on August 21st.

No kidding, kids, this will be an event. Astrologically speaking, we will feel the impact of both of these eclipses - no glasses required. These lunar events, which always occur during a new moon or a full moon, shake up the status quo and reveal what is hidden from our view.

In astrology, the moon represents the feminine archetype of the mother. It also regulates that we, as humans, should feel safe and comfortable; it is the astroarbite of our emotions. The graph shows which places fall under the main shadow of the moon. To experience a total solar eclipse, one must be in the blue line.

Spend the day alone. The energy of this particular solar eclipse contributes to the exchange of energy between people, the creation of new connections and the purification of energy channels. If you are left alone for the whole day, there will be no exchange, and your Vital energy can significantly weaken, leading to a sharp deterioration in well-being.

Where the main shadow of the moon falls on the earth, day becomes night. Already, the event is feverish, and NASA has set a special countdown for the occasion. Never in the world is there hatred from hatred. Hatred ends through love. Many call it the "Great American Eclipse".

The solar eclipse occurs very precisely on his Ascendant and near his Mars. At the same time as winter solstice, he will move into his own Capricorn sign. The Lilith-Saturn conflict can oppose us with shadows and feelings that make decisions from the mind and not from the heart.

Start a new business. Both solar and lunar eclipses help close and complete processes, but are not at all able to provide enough energy to start something new. A sharp surge of strength in the evening can just as suddenly come to naught, and the energy invested in a new undertaking can disappear without a trace.

AT next year There will be three partial solar eclipses and two total lunar eclipses. Eclipses occur when near the axis of the lunar node there is new Moon or full moon. The new moon is a solar eclipse, and full moon- moon eclipse. The distance between the new moon and the lunar node axis can be up to 18°, depending on whether the moon is near or near the earth. There are fewer orbits for total darkness.

In all the "dark hysteria" that seems to be spreading in astrological circles these days, we must not forget that a solar eclipse is just a special case of a new moon. It is usually worth observing the lunar cycles all year round and asking the following questions at the next new moon.

Go on a long journey. Although the constellation Leo favors a change of scenery, the strength of the eclipse can lead to increased danger on the roads, inattention and distraction of people around, as well as increased conflict. Bioenergetics explain this by a sharp change in the energy background and advise, if possible, not to start the journey on August 21, 2017.

36 hours ahead of the New Moon, there is an opportunity to let go of all the old ones and be completely empty, so that we can take in the new impulse at the new moon, which we can see unfolding in the next 29 days. When the moon shines before the sun in an eclipse of the sun, we may expect astrologically that here the spirit is superior to the senses. We accept good decisions psychologically, when mind and heart are in harmony. If reason or feeling prevails one-sidedly, there are often mistakes that we must regret or correct later.

This is especially true of solar eclipses, which often influence decisions that have a lasting effect. Sometimes the development on the days of the eclipse also changes drastically, so the circumstances suddenly change, which is considered safe.

To understand which of your environment is most prone to negativity during a solar eclipse, knowledge of the most cruel Zodiac Signs will help you. We wish you good luck and have a good day. Take care of yourself and don't forget to press the buttons and

15.08.2017 04:28

The sun hadn't stormed like this in twelve years. On Wednesday, September 6, due to the merger of several sunspots, the Sun splashed out a huge ...

For Austria, which has been particularly hard hit by the darkness, we can expect the national election campaign to take an unexpected turn and suddenly become a solid favorite. It is worth mentioning perhaps the descent of Mercury, which first touched the darkness of the final lion in July, on.

Leo is about liveliness, emotional expression and joy of life, in its unconscious manifestation also about arrogance, self-control and self-exaggeration. Uranus trine before solar eclipse brings a moment of surprise, unexpected and interruption. Recent development ends abruptly, shock removes us from normal sequences, or we get amazing inspirations and insights that make past estimates obsolete.

A total solar eclipse will occur on August 21, 2017 at 21:30 Moscow time. For all earthlings, this means an energy reset, which will subsequently affect events, decision-making, worldview. A solar eclipse can force an individual to return to unresolved problems, to complete previously started cases. Depending on the character and behavior of each individual person, both a decline in vitality and a surge of powerful energy can be observed.

Overall, this constellation seems to me like we need to look at things from a higher perspective, get new ideas and get out of our self-centeredness a bit. Due to repeated terrorist attacks in different cities, the Europeans were in shock. How unfortunate and miserable are those who have to resort to violence and terror for their worldview? Because Europeans, no matter how different they are, we can be here and there, we have something to offer! If we put love in the face of hate, we will reunite and demonstrate with each new attack how much these anxieties remind us of our higher destiny as human beings, the capacity to love, life and solidarity.

What to give up on the day of the eclipse?

A solar eclipse creates a flow of energy, but where to direct this force, everyone decides for themselves. Unfortunately, people are not always able to cope with the internal upsurge, so the excess energy is thrown out not for creation, but for destruction. Irritation, dissatisfaction, showdown take away vitality, devastate, create problems with physical and mental health. It is important not to get excited and not to chop off the shoulder. It will take quite a bit of time and will only regret the words spoken.

Freedom, equality and fraternity are not just words, they are truly European values ​​for which we have fought for a long time and which we must now remember. Eclipse, solar eclipse. The course of the solar eclipse can be seen in Fig. The eclipse will cross on its way from the northwest to the southeast coast of the United States a total of 14 states, namely Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, North and South The Carolinas, as well as tiny parts of Montana and Iowa, where the sun will completely outshine within 2 minutes and 40 seconds.

On August 21, 2017, a certain program of the future is being created, and each person creates it himself with his own thoughts. It is important on this day not to think about anything bad, to drive away painful memories, remorse, guilt. If you plunge into the abyss of bitter thoughts, it is likely that the negative from the past will remain in life for a long time. It is important not to overeat and not to abuse alcohol. Surgical interventions, medical procedures are undesirable on this day.

Eclipses can be divided into cycles. The most famous eclipse cycle is the Saros cycle. The cycle of metons covers a period of 76 to 95 years, depending on the number of individual members. Exactly every 19 years or all 235 lunar cycles, darkness occurs at the same degree of the zodiac. annular solar eclipses will actually be total solar eclipses in which the moon fully pushes out in front of the sun. Due to the depth of the moon, the moon cannot completely cover the sun. The position of Lilith tells us in the horoscope about the earth or distance from the Earth.

If the new moon occurs at a distance of 97° from Lilith, the Moon is in the middle of the Earth. However, it is always important to consider whether this darkness is really affected and how much it is affected. This can be judged by looking at the solar eclipse astrographically for a particular country. The synastry between the cantrigoroscope and the darkness of darkness is also revealed, as well as the visibility of darkness in the corresponding country. The maximum would be the earth in which the eclipse of the sun is visible, and the darkness is on the axis and, in addition, affects important factor in the state horoscope.

What to do on the day of the solar eclipse?

The solar eclipse that will occur on August 21, 2017 can be called a good one. At this time, the planets create a favorable combination both for each individual and for the world as a whole. The energy potential will be at its best, which means that we can safely take on long-term planning and solving global problems. True, you should not count on quick results. Efforts will be spent not in vain, and they will bear fruit, but in a month or later. This is a good day to start projects that take weeks or even years to complete.

Donald Trump was born not only in Fallmond, but also during the full lunar eclipse. It is possible that he reacts especially strongly to dark constellations. We may worry about specific world political events that darkness will bring, but we must never forget that important events can happen without the world community knowing anything. Astrology is, of course, not an exact science, so we must be very careful when assigning events to astrological constellations.

With quite a few astrologers this is often very arbitrary, and it is not surprising that many astrologers are not taken seriously. Strictly speaking, we should always first describe the astrological constellation very precisely, not with general ones, but as accurately and accurately as possible, and only then could we try to assign a political event to this constellation. This is even more difficult for countries and institutions.

It is important to properly distribute forces. A solar eclipse will give additional energy, but this does not mean that a hundred things need to be urgently redone. Such an approach is fraught emotional burnout. It is better to go on vacation, have a good time with friends. If you spin, like a squirrel in a wheel, chronic fatigue, apathy, irritability will quickly come.

To describe how a whole country is "pincers" always from the very beginning, something is always being measured. The first is astronomical classification, the second is astrological. Saros zircons produce an eclipse every 18 years plus 9-11 days. The Saros cycle begins and ends with partial eclipses, with solar eclipses occurring in the middle of your cycle. The last six eclipses of this cycle have taken place on.

Politically, darkness led to a change of power in Russia. At that time darkness was also significant for Austria. We may be curious about what this will mean for the election campaign, as well as the outcome of the election. In addition, the Dispositor of Darkness is in Aquarius. So the Saros series should take care of the claims of power and ownership, but also brand new ideas that expand our consciousness and suddenly make us see things in a new light.

August 21, 2017 is suitable for healing the body. For those who dreamed of going on a diet, but constantly put it off, the right day has come. However, to achieve the result, you need to adhere to the right diet for at least 2-3 months. On this day, anti-aging procedures and cleansing of the body will have a positive effect on health. It is useful to arrange a fasting day, eat more fruits, vegetables, herbs, dairy products.

To determine when darkness can trigger specific events, it is important to look at the days when high speed blowers cause the degree of darkness. This happens in the following days. Finding the exact location where an eclipse can be effective or showing effects is one of the most difficult approaches in astrology. Claudia von Scherstedt writes: The question of the place of influence belongs to the space of mandanastrology. Precise localization of the effects of darkness is a tricky and complex issue. There is no easy method and no technical trick to follow.
