Athanasius of Athos. Novice of the Economissa: St. Athanasius of Athos

July 18 is the day of remembrance of St. Athanasius of Athos.
We bring to the attention of readers excerpts from A. Trofimov's book "Ascent to Athos", which tells about the life and exploits of St. Athanasius.




The light of the Gospel preaching was brought to Athos by the Mother of the Lord Herself. Church tradition tells that there are special places care of the Queen of Heaven, called Her Ecumenical lots (destinies). The Mother of God received the first of them after the day of Pentecost, when the apostles were deciding which country each of them should go to preach the Gospel. Holy Mother of God wished to take part in the gospel: “And I want to cast lots with you, so as not to be left without a part, but let me also have a country that God will show me.” The disciples reverently cast lots according to the words of the Most Pure One, and according to the lot, She got the Iberian land. The Mother of God gladly accepted Her apostolic lot, desiring to go there immediately. However, an Angel of God appeared to Her and said: “Now do not leave Jerusalem, but stay here for a while; but the country that fell to you by lot will be enlightened later, and your dominion will be established there.”


Church tradition further tells that the Lord Jesus Christ Himself said to the Most Pure One: “O My Mother, I will not reject Your lot and I will not leave Your people without participation in heavenly blessings by Your intercession. But instead of Yourself, send the First-Called Andrew to Your Destiny, and with him - the image that will be obtained by applying the board prepared for that to Your face. This image ... will serve as the guardian of Your people forever.

After this appearance, the Most Holy One called the Apostle Andrew to Herself and said to him: “My child Andrew! I lament very much that the country, which I have inherited for preaching, has not yet been enlightened by the teachings of My Son. But this is what: when I intended to go to Iveria, My Good Son and God Himself appeared to Me and ordered that I instead of Myself send you there with My image. I will be the Keeper of the life of the people of that country and, raising my hands to my Son for them, I will ask them for help from Him in everything. To this the apostle said: "The most holy will of Thy good Son and Thy be done forever."


Then the Most Holy Theotokos took a board, washed Her face and put it on this board, after which the image of the Lady appeared on it with Her Eternal Son in her arms *. With this image, Saint Andrew went to preach the word of God. In the ancient Iberian land, the Gospel was also preached by another apostle from the twelve, Simon the Zealot.
* This icon was brought from the city of Atskur by the Palestinian warrior, King of Iberian Bagrat the Great, and even in the last century it could be seen on right side the iconostasis of Gaenatsky cathedral near the city of Kutaisi.

In the apostolic age, Iveria did not become a Christian country, but the seeds of faith were sown on the Iberian land, so Georgia was enlightened by the Light of Christ extraordinarily quickly, but this happened already at a different time ...


When in the year 48 Herod raised persecution against the followers of Christ in Judea, the Mother of God with the Apostle John the Theologian went to Cyprus to Saint Lazarus of Four Days. During the voyage, the ship arrived at Mount Athos*. The Mother of God asked Athos from Her Son as a gift, and then a voice was heard: “Let this place become Your Destiny, and a garden, and paradise, and also a saving harbor for those who wish to be saved.” Enlightened by Her preaching, the locals accepted Holy Baptism. The Mother of God said: “This place will be for Me from the Son and My God. May the grace of God be in this place and on those who live here with faith and do the commandments of My Son. They will have everything they need for earthly life, and the mercy of My Son and God will not fail them until the end of time. To this place I will be an Intercessor and Intercessor for God about it.

* According to the Athos tradition, the Iberian Monastery was built on the very spot where the ship landed, on board of which was the Blessed Virgin with the Evangelist John.
Since then, Mount Athos has always been under cover Mother of God. How many miraculous visits, appearances and promises were here, how many signs from miraculous icons! Athos has become a place where a person can learn an angelic life.


Three centuries after the approval of the Athos Lot, the Mother of God sent Saint Nina († 335) to preach the Gospel in the Iberian land - Her Second Lot - appearing to her in a dream and handing over a cross made of a vine: “Take this cross, it will be your shield and a barrier against all visible and invisible enemies, by its power you will establish there the saving banner of faith of my beloved Son and Lord, who wants all people to be saved and come to the understanding of the truth.

Upon awakening, Nina found a wonderful cross in her hands. Having tied it up with her hair, she turned to the Patriarch of Jerusalem, who blessed the saint on her way. Nina reached ancient city Iberian land - Urbnisa and studied there the language, customs and mores of the new people.


On the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, Nina came to the capital of the Kingdom of Kartli, the city of Mtskheta, where sacrifices were made to the pagan gods that day. Through the prayer of the saint, a hurricane arose, destroying the images of the idols. From that moment on, Nina began to openly preach the gospel. After miraculous healing, according to her prayers, the Georgian Queen Nana, King Mirian (IV century) agreed to be baptized himself and baptize his people.

At the request of Nina, the Byzantine emperor Constantine the Great (285-337) sent Bishop John to her, who arrived in Mtskheta and baptized the king and people of the Iberian land. A stone temple was also laid here in the name of the Transfiguration of the Lord, in memory of the fact that this holiday marked the establishment of Christianity in Georgia. So in the 4th century, Iberia became a Christian country, and subsequently the Iberian monks settled on Mount Athos, founding their own monastery, which adopted miraculous icon Iberian, spiritually uniting the First and Second Lots of the Mother of God.


However, before that, on Mount Athos, many marvelous and miraculous events took place. According to legend, the first Christian temple on Mount Athos was the church in Apollonia, erected at the beginning of the 3rd century. And in the IV century, Emperor Theodosius the Great with his sons Honorius and Arcadius built the monastery of Vatopedi. In 422, Placidia, the daughter of Emperor Theodosius, wished to see and visit Vatopedi. She was greeted at the monastery pier and honorably led into the monastery. Plakidia wished to enter the main cathedral through the side door and only wanted to enter the main temple from the porch, when she heard the voice of the Mother of God coming from Her icon:
“Why did you come here, there are monks here, and you are a woman; why do you give the enemy a chance to attack them with criminal thoughts? Not one step further! Get out if you want the best for yourself!
Struck by the ban, the princess returned to the ship, and then the abbot, wanting to console the royal person, served a prayer service on the ship. On the same day, the church burned down in the monastery. The monks saw this as a sign of God and from that time established “not to let women on the Holy Mountain, which is still strictly observed”*. In memory of this event, a temple was erected in the monastery in the name of St. Great Martyr Demetrius.
* Letters from the Saint. T. 2. p. 266.



Monasticism has given the world great saints and teachers of the Church who enlightened the world and supported the Church when it was threatened. Such a combination of the holiness of life and the thought of God had the greatest consequences for the future fate of monasticism and the entire spiritual life of the world. It was at this time, from the 4th to the 7th centuries, that the ascetic and mystical writings of the fathers of monasticism were written, which formed the basis of the doctrine of the inner workings of the Orthodox East. The works of the fathers of monasticism, created before the 8th century, and to this day are the most precious heritage that helps believers to go through the feat of life.


Saint Nicodemus the Holy Mountaineer in the "Great Synaxar" speaks of 11 million martyrs, whom the Orthodox Church honors. But even after the end of the era of persecution of Christians, love for God and the experience of His suffering continued to burn in the hearts of believers. And then instead of the “martyrdom of the blood” there was the “martyrdom of conscience”, the personification of which was monasticism. One monk asked Abba Pachomius to bless him for the feat of martyrdom. “Brother,” replied the monk, “courageously go through monastic ascetic labors and you will be in heaven together with the martyrs.”


However, as happened in the history of individual countries, civilizations and great spiritual movements, gradually decline came to the monastic desert. Monasteries and laurels were empty, for many centuries prayers were no longer offered in these places. Only traditions and shrines connected with the deeds of the fathers of monasticism remained. The reason for this was largely the invasion of Muslim peoples. But still, hermitage and kinovia in Egypt and Palestine fulfilled their task and passed on the spiritual baton to the new spiritual centers of Orthodoxy. It was then that the Holy Mount Athos shone with bright spiritual fire.


The monks lived on Athos before. Historical evidence of the settlement of Athos by monks dates back to the 7th century. After the devastation by the Arabs in the 7th century, Athos was almost depopulated, and in the 6th Ecumenical Council In 680, the peninsula was given to monks who fled from the monasteries of Palestine and Egypt devastated by the Arabs. Hermits, the famous ascetics of the Syrian, Palestinian, Egyptian monasteries and sketes, who left their cloisters to escape the invasion of the Arabs, came to the Holy Mountain. It was on Athos that the largest number of sacred books and ancient icons during the iconoclasm.

But the true flowering of monasticism began here in the 8th century. The Most Pure One herself brought hermits here. The first of these was Saint Peter Athos († 734). In the 7th century, the Mother of God appeared to the monk together with Saint Nicholas, and at the request of the Saint to indicate to Peter a place for exploits, she said: who want to retire from worldly cares and embarrassments, came here and served God there without hindrance and calmly. From now on, this mountain will be called My Vertograd. I love this place much, and the time will come when it will be filled from the edge, to the north and south, with many monks. And if they work with all their hearts for God and faithfully keep His commandments, then I will vouchsafe them, on the great day of My Son, great gifts: even here, on earth, they will receive help from Me; I will ease their illnesses and labors and give them the opportunity, with small means, to have contentment in life, I will even weaken the enemy’s battles against them and make their fruit glorious in all the sunflower.


Peter settled on Athos in 681. It was truly an angel in the flesh, and his life belongs more to heaven than to earth. He talked alone with God, and only the marvelous nature of Athos, the sea and the stars were witnesses of his fiery prayer for the world. Saint Peter spent fifty-three years on Mount Athos in prayer. He renounced the world in order to pray for the world from spiritual heights. And therefore, it was Saint Peter who became the first in the centuries-old series of hermits, ascetics, hermits, elders and contemplators of the Holy Mountain, who truly were and remain the “light of the world”, illuminating the path to God and to eternal life. When he experienced temptations and difficulties, even wanting to leave the place of his exploits, the Mother of God appeared to him and gave "great and joyful promises", about which in his Life, compiled by St. Gregory Palamas, it says this: "This huge mountain, the most beautiful in all of Europe and facing Libya, surrounded by the sea, was the refuge of the persecuted monks. The saint is called here; and he who strives in the world strives here for the life of all, a warrior in his peacefulness, a mentor in what is due, a corrector of what is not due; an intercessor who gives healing and food to those who want to be healed and nourished with bodily and spiritual food, a warrior who does not yield to evil. And I pray to Jesus Christ and my God, let me end my life here, with our defenders and intercessors for the remission of our sins.


Following him, other ascetics were drawn to Athos. Local legends date the foundation of the first monastic cloister and temple in Karyes to the time of Constantine the Great*. And after the reign of Emperor Konstantin Pogonat (668-685), who gave the peninsula into the possession of the monks, monasteries (still small) began to appear here one after another.
*There is a legend that Emperor Constantine the Great erected three churches on Mount Athos, which to this day are the most significant and revered in the spiritual history of the Holy Mountain: in Karey, as well as the Vatopedi and Iberian monasteries.

Emperor Basil the Macedonian (867-886) gave Athos the property of the monks. His “Golden Letter” contains the following words: “Those who prefer to lead a hermit life on Mount Athos can independently build cells for themselves and please God in silence ... No one has the right to disturb them and distract them from praying for their salvation and the salvation of the whole world” .

In the 9th century, famous ascetics lived on Athos - the Monks Euthymius, Joseph, John Kolov. The hermits then lived in the place of Athos, later called Karey (Karyes), where they established a government according to the ancient charter with the administrative power of the prot, that is, the first monk among them. They erected a small church in honor of the Most Holy Theotokos and received a charter from Emperor Leo the Wise (886-912), according to which the hermits had the right to own all of Athos.



By the middle of the 10th century, there were several small monasteries on the Holy Mountain, in which 4-6 monks lived. They did not have any possessions and existed by the labor of monks who sold handicrafts on Saturdays in Karey. By the 10th century, Athos was famous throughout the East for the holiness of the life of monks, becoming the center of Orthodox monasticism. At the same time, Rev. Athanasius, who later became the founder of cenobitic monasteries on the Holy Mountain and the most famous of the Athos saints.

His significance in the fate of Athos is so great that almost any description of the Holy Mountain begins with a presentation of his life and exploits. Let us also remember the main milestones in the life of the great ascetic. Born Rev. Athanasius (in the world - Abraham) in 920 in the Asia Minor city of Trabzon. Orphaned from childhood, brought up by a pious nun, then graduated from a school in Constantinople, after which he got a job as a teacher at a school.


In 953, Abraham went to a monastery, where he was under the guidance of the holy elder Michael Malein († 962). Here Abraham took monastic vows with the name Athanasius. Rev. Michael appointed Athanasius as the confessor of the laity who came to the monastery, and also instructed his nephews to confess: Nicephorus Fokus (commander of the eastern army of the Empire, later emperor) and Leo Patricius.

Nicephorus Foka fell in love with Saint Athanasius, a friendship arose between them, which turned into a deep spiritual affection. Nicephorus, during the life of his uncle, appointed Athanasius as his successor as abbess. However, Athanasius soon felt that he was losing peace of mind due to attachment to a friend. An internal struggle began. Then Athanasius secretly left the monastery and went to Athos, where he introduced himself as a sailor who had escaped from a shipwrecked ship.


To protect himself from the search for a powerful friend, he declared himself illiterate. Here he settled in the town of Metana and lived in silence, undergoing many temptations and being in the most difficult struggle of the spirit. This struggle is mentioned in the rite of tonsure: “Well, the enemy must not stop, offering you the memory of a worldly life and hatred for a virtuous life.”

And at that moment, when it seemed to Athanasius that the last hope to withstand this difficult struggle had disappeared, the Lord helped him. Athanasius was identified, and he received a letter from Nicephorus, in which he begged him to come to Crete, where the Greek army and fleet were located.

Having received a blessing from the archpriest, Athanasius went to Crete. Nicephorus did not reproach his friend for anything, but asked him and urged him to build a cenobitic monastery on Athos so that Nicephorus himself could later settle in it. Thus began the construction of the future Great Lavra.


At this time, Emperor Romanus (947-903) died and Nicephorus, having married his widow, was proclaimed emperor. Athanasius sent an accusatory letter to Nicephorus and wanted to leave Athos, but received a revelation from God that he must complete the construction of the Lavra, for many would be saved within its walls.

Six years later, in 969, the head of the imperial troops, John Tzimisces (the empress's lover), crept into the palace and killed Nicephorus. John Tzimiskes put on the red imperial boots, and the guards immediately swore allegiance to the new emperor (by the way, Nikifor's comrade in arms). The next morning, the capital welcomed and paid tribute to the new emperor.


Rev. Athanasius mourned his friend as a martyr. He gave all the remaining strength to the construction of the Lavra, not giving himself rest day or night. While working, a huge tree broke his leg. For three years he lay in bed suffering grievously. Athanasius possessed great physical strength, he was a real hero - both physically and spiritually. As far as he was, there were labors and temptations and attacks of the dark ones. In addition to hard work and illness, human enmity was added - most of the silent hermits of the Holy Mountain began to hate Athanasius. They believed that the construction of a cenobitic monastery with a hospital, plumbing, bathhouse, gardens and vineyards violated prayer spirit Athos.


While the patron Athanasius was alive, the ill-wishers were silent. But after the accession of John Tzimisces, a complaint was sent to him to the emperor. After listening to the messengers of the Holy Mountain, the emperor instructed the abbot Studio monastery Euphemia to investigate the case on the spot. Arriving at Athos, Evfimy listened to both sides in the presence of all the assembled monks. Indeed, before the appearance of Athanasius, for almost 300 years, the monks of the Holy Mountain lived like silent people: in their cells there was nothing but sacred books, icons, working tools, stale bread and vegetables. However, Evfimy knew from experience how difficult it was to bear this feat. I remember the words of Rev. Seraphim of Sarov, said to those of the brothers who wanted to go into seclusion:
“My joy, stay to live in the monastery, for here, among the brethren, you will drive away temptations from yourself like doves, and there, in the seclusion, you would have to fight with leopards.
The Monk Abbot Euthymius knew that there are not so many giants of the spirit among people who are capable of enduring the feat of hermitage. Therefore, enlightened from above, he gave the following conclusion: “Both sides were found right in literally everything. And the dispute that ensued between them arose from the delusion of the enemy of the human race. It's clear as God's day. And this decision will seem strange to someone who cannot deeply and spiritually delve into the matter.


In order not to repeat what happened, by common agreement, monastic rules were drawn up - the first Athos charter (Tipik). Typicus recognized the equality of hermitage and cenobitic monasticism.

The work of the life of the Monk Athanasius was fulfilled. His end is mysterious. He himself predicted his death and asked the brethren not to be embarrassed by it. On May 5, 1000, he ascended the dome of the temple under construction - and it collapsed, covering all those who were with the monk.

The value of prp. Athanasius is that he brought a new spiritual dimension to the life of the Holy Mountain. He is not a holy silencer - he is an active saint, a wise organizer of a cenobitic monastic life, an experienced spiritual leader, combining the knowledge bestowed on him by God with a broad outlook on the life of the world, his Lavra gave the type and appearance to all Athos monasticism. His example, his holiness, the work of his hands - the Great Lavra - the first cenobitic monastery of the Holy Mountain - attracted monks from different countries and the lands of all Christendom.


The example of the Lavra was followed by other monasteries of the Holy Mountain. A total of twenty monasteries were built - and this number remains unchanged to this day and should neither increase nor decrease. The sequence of creation of the monasteries is as follows: Xiropotamus, Iveron, Zograf, Great Lavra, Vatopedi, Xenophon, Kostamonite, Dohiar, Esfigmen, Caracallus, Philotheus, Kutlumush, St. Panteleimon, Hilandar, Grigoriat, Simonopetra, Pantokrator, St. Paul, Dionisiat, Stavronikita.

At the end of the 12th century, Athos was finally freed from taxes and taxes and was directly subordinate to the Greek emperor.


Under the grace-filled protection of the Mother of God, Holy Mount Athos gathered and united many faithful sons of the Orthodox Church from various peoples into a brotherhood through a prayerful feat.

The Lord assigned the highest importance to Athos, located on the border of the Greek and Slavic worlds, to become the main center of the inner work of Orthodoxy. In the 9th and 10th centuries, ascetics and spiritual teachers of the entire Orthodox East gathered on Athos. The Egyptian and Palestinian deserts were then already under the rule of the Mohammedans, and therefore it was from Athos that monasticism spread to the countries of the East, and especially to Slavic lands. It is significant that even after the conquest of Byzantium by the Turks, Athos did not lose either the purity of faith, or the spirit of ascetic life, or church splendor. In the 16th century, more than eighteen thousand monks labored here. The monks of the Holy Mountain believe in the special care of the Mother of God for them. For centuries, they have invariably offered up prayers to Her, as to their Abbess.


For new converts Slavic peoples examples of true monasticism were needed - on Athos they received these examples. The Holy Mountain became a haven for many Slavic monks. In the first third of the 11th century, the founder of Russian monasticism, St. Anthony of the Caves († 1073). Here he took tonsure, lived for many years, having acquired great spiritual gifts, and at the command of the Mother of God he returned to his Fatherland. The hegumen who accompanied him prophesied that the monk would become the spiritual father of Russian monasticism.

Mother of God through St. Anthony blessed Her Third Ecumenical Lot - Kievan Rus, which after Baptism became a mighty Christian power. With the blessing and with the grace-filled help of the Most Pure One, the Great Lavra Assumption Church was built and consecrated in Kyiv. The Mother of God herself called the Greek architects to the Blachernae Church in Constantinople, handed them the relics of the martyrs, commanded them to build a church in Kyiv and bestowed the icon of Her Assumption - the shrine of the future temple. Since that time, the main cathedrals of successive Russian capitals - Kyiv, Vladimir, Moscow - were consecrated in honor of the Assumption of the Mother of God*.

* In Kyiv, the Mother of God announced the beginning of the creation of Her Fourth Lot in the Universe, appearing to schema-nun Alexandra (in the world of Agafia Semyonovna Melgunova, † 1789) with the words: “It is I, your Lady and Mistress, to whom you always pray. I have come to proclaim my will to you. I want you not to end your life here, but, as I brought My servant Anthony out of My Athos Lot, My Holy Mountain, so that he here, in Kyiv, would establish My new Lot, so I say to you: get out of here and go to the earth which I will show you. I will erect My great abode there, on which I will bring down all the blessings of God and Mine from all My three Lots on earth - Athos, Iberia and Kyiv. Go on the path, and the grace of God and My strength, My grace and My bounties, and the gifts of all My holy Lots be with you.


So the Fourth Lot of the Mother of God in the Universe became Diveevo, that is, New Russia - the Power of the Mother of God, a country ruled by the Most Holy Theotokos Herself.

Our Russian pilgrims are especially attracted by the Greek monastery of Esfigmen, because here you can pray in the cave of St. Anthony of the Kiev Caves. The cave is located on a steep cliff above the sea. Rising to the place of the saint's exploits, you will see a small door leading to the temple, arranged by Russian monks, an icon of the saint, from which you can feel a delicate fragrance ...


The year 1204 brought a great misfortune to Athos: the Latins, participants in the fourth crusade, captured Constantinople and plundered it. The Byzantine Empire was divided among the chiefs of the crusaders. Athos also did not escape the sad fate - robberies, murders of monks, fires.

Only in 1261, the new emperor Michael Palaiologos liberated Athos. However, he feared new attacks by the Latins and the conquest of the Turks and accepted the union with Rome. Athos refused, then the emperor sent troops to bring the monks into obedience. Latin "missionaries" drowned the Orthodox monks of the Iberian monastery in the sea, hanged all the monks in Vatopedi, and burned 26 monks of Zograf. In Karey, all the elders, members of the Council, were hacked to death.


Athos collected all types of Christian asceticism: fasting, seclusion, prayer work - hesychia. Here, under the protection of the Blessed Virgin, monks from many countries of the East and West gathered. Then the Orthodox called Athos "the garden of Panagia (that is, the All-Holy)."
Three images of monastic life were established on Athos:
- First: large monasteries, where a cenobitic charter has been introduced.
- Second: the skete life, where there are few brothers. They live in groups of 5-6, sometimes more - but this is already a transitional stage to large monasteries.
The inhabitants of small secluded sketes are called Keliots. The skete and cell (according to Athonite concepts) is a small secluded monastery ruled by an elder.
- Third: a solitary, hermit life, when the monks live in caves, separate rooms, as they are called on Athos - "kalyva" (which means "tent" or "hut" in translation).


Since the time of Rev. Athanasius and to this day Athos is a symbol of the spiritual unity of everything Orthodox world. Here they labored Orthodox monks different nationalities: Greeks, Russians, Serbs, Bulgarians, Georgians who founded their monasteries here.

This is the only place on earth - the country of monks, which, from the outside, falls out of the general course of development of world civilization. Here, time seems to have stopped, giving way to eternity. All life on Mount Athos is subject to other laws: vigil, repentance, prayer, service to God - now very few people fulfill in the world. The Lord, through the prayers of the Mother of God, gave people this shrine, which does not submit to the pressure of dark forces.

When you visit the Holy Land, you are amazed at the contrast of the existence of Athos in comparison with the world in which we live. Again and again, Athos attracts to itself like a spiritual magnet, those who have touched this wondrous island of grace.

The very existence of Athos is a clear evidence of God's love for people and His omnipotence. Only by the power of the grace of the Lord can one explain the fact that the Holy Mountain has kept almost unchanged its spiritual traditions, way of life, rhythm of life - for almost one and a half thousand years ...



Finally, we are in the monastic heart of the Holy Mountain - the Great Lavra of St. Athanasius. It resembles a medieval fortress: high towers, loopholes, a paved courtyard. Two huge cypress trees overshadow the majestic main temple. According to legend, they planted themselves reverend fathers Athanasius and Euthymius of Iver. In everything here one can feel order, well-being.
The cathedral church is dedicated to the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Adjacent to the vestibule are two small temples, one of which (in honor of the 40 martyrs of Sebaste) contains the tomb of the founder of the Lavra with an image of his face on the top plate. To venerate the tomb, you need to kneel, as the shrine rises quite a bit above the floor level. Parts of the instruments of the Passion of Christ are kept in the cathedral: sponges, canes and a copy; parts of the Life-Giving Tree of the Cross of the Lord. There are more holy relics in the Lavra than in any of the monasteries of Athos. In the cathedral, once a year, at the small entrance, the liturgy is brought out by the Gospel - the contribution of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna. Its weight is several pounds, and two hierodeacons hold it with difficulty.


Next to the cathedral is the temple of the Entrance to the Temple of the Virgin with Her miraculous icon “Kukuzelissa”, so named because St. John Kukuzel, to whom the Mother of God appeared and handed him a gold coin.

The main holiday in the Lavra (Panigir) takes place on the day of memory of St. Athanasius, and not on the day of the Annunciation, to which the main cathedral is dedicated. The monastic tradition says that the Most Holy Theotokos appeared in a dream to one of the abbots and said:
“From now on, do not create the first and main feast for My sake, for all generations bless Me and all Christians celebrate, but celebrate the great feast in memory of My friend Athanasius, who served Me a lot and worked hard in this monastery.


From the Lavra founded by him, St. Athanasius loved to ascend to the top of Mount Athos for solitary prayer, with his unchanging rod, which is reverently kept in the monastery to this day. A remarkable incident is described in the life of the saint: In one year there was such a famine that all the monks left the Lavra, so that only St. Athanasius. The bread ran out, there was nothing to hope for, and Athanasius decided to leave for another place. In the morning he went with his staff to Karea. After two hours, tired, he sat down to rest. At that moment, a wondrous Stranger appeared before him, Who reproached him for leaving his monastery:
- Where is your faith? Come back and I will help you; everything will be given in abundance, just do not leave your solitude, which will be glorified and take the first place among the monasteries that have arisen here.
Saint Athanasius doubted whether this was not an obsession, because a woman's foot should not set foot on Athos. Then the stranger said:
“You see this stone: hit it with your rod, and then you will know Who is talking to you.” Just know that from now on I will forever remain the House-Builder (Economist) of your Lavra.


Athanasius struck the stone, and a crack formed in it, from which the key hammered. From that time to this day, this spring has been flowing at a distance of two hours from the Lavra. Returning, Rev. Athanasius discovered vessels and storerooms filled with everything needed to feed the brethren. Since then, by the will of the Queen of Heaven, there has been no steward in the Lavra, for the Most Pure One herself takes care of the food of her monks, and now of numerous pilgrims. Subsequently, the icon of the Mother of God "Economissa" appeared in the Lavra - one of the main shrines of the monastery. To this day, the Economissa provides everything needed for the monastery. Yes, and all the monasteries of Athos are nourished by the Mother of God, both today and at all times - this is the conviction of the Athos.

Around the year 969, the illustrious Georgian Commander Tornike Eristavi († 987) took monastic vows in the Lavra with the name of John. In 979, the Greek emperor Basil II (957–1025) called on a commander who had become a monk to repel the rebellious troops of Barda Sklir, who was trying to seize power. Then, at the request of the imperial house, St. Athanasius blessed monk John to lead the Greek army. In the presence of the most respected elders, he admonished the monk warrior with these words:
“We are all children of the same Fatherland, and for that, everyone must defend it. The invariable duty of the desert-dweller to the rampage of enemies is to oppose his prayers to the God who crushes the battle; but if the one in power considers it necessary to use our hand and breast, let us unquestioningly obey and put on weapons. Beloved brother in Christ! Whoever thinks and acts otherwise irritates God. And you, with all the exploits of your monasticism, will turn up to the same shameful fate if you do not listen to the Tsar, through whom the Lord Himself speaks. You will be responsible for the blood of the beaten, as a compatriot who could, but did not want to save them; you will be responsible for the destruction of the temples of God. Go in peace, and defending the Fatherland, defend the Holy Church. Do not be afraid through this to lose the sweet hours of contemplation for us. Moses led the army and talked with God. Love for one's neighbor also includes love for God. I dare say that love for one's neighbor is more pleasing to God than strenuous zeal for the salvation of only your soul: "for none of us lives for himself, and none of us dies for himself" (Rom. 14:7).


John Tornike obeyed St. Athanasius and, having folded the monastic robe for a while, put on military armor, taking command of the royal army. His campaign was successful. On May 24, 979, a decisive battle took place near Ephesus. The military prowess and experience of John, who became the head of the Greek army, helped the imperial troops to win. Returning to Constantinople, John-Tornike surrendered command of the army. Instead of the rewards offered to him for participation in the battles, he only asked for funds to build a new monastery on Athos - the Iberian Monastery. It was with these funds that Iveron was built through the efforts of two other Iberian Athogorites, Saints Euthymius and John. And to this day, in the sacristy of the Iversky Monastery, in memory of its founder, the heavy, jeweled military armor of the monk-warrior is kept.


Not far from the walls of the monastery is the place where St. Athanasius erected the first small church next to the future Lavra. He built this church on the site of a destroyed pagan temple - its remains have survived to this day. We entered the small church, venerated the icons and prayed to the Monk Athanasius, asking his blessing. After all, it’s not for nothing that there is such a saying on the Holy Mountain: “Whoever has not been to the Great Lavra of St. Athanasius has not yet seen Athos.”

We approached the ossuary-tomb containing the remains of many generations of monks who lived in the Lavra. Inside the monastery, we were shown an icon of the Mother of God, which had traces of bullets: a Turkish soldier decided to mock the image of the Mother of God and fired several shots at it from a gun. One of the bullets ricocheted and killed the blasphemer.

Remarkable is the ancient stone water-sanctifying bowl* in the monastery courtyard. In it we saw a deep, now closed crack. When the Turks entered Athos monasteries, it was a special pleasure for them to desecrate the holy bowls, using them as a latrine. To prevent this, three monks of the Lavra made this crack. The Turks caught them and immediately hanged them from the nearest cypress.
* On the Holy Mountain, water-blessing bowls are one of the most remarkable structures in terms of beauty and variety of forms.



An hour's journey from the Great Lavra there is a Romanian monastery, founded in 1852. Its beautiful cathedral church was consecrated in honor of the Epiphany of the Lord ...

After a treat in the archondarika - traditional rakia, cold water and Turkish delight, we head to the cave of St. Athanasius - the very place where he began his feat on Athos. On the way we went to the skete ossuary - the tomb of the monks, standing on a cemetery fenced with a stone fence. There was only one fresh grave of the deceased hermit in the cemetery. The rest of the deceased brethren rested in the ossuary. Along its walls stood in rows the skulls of the brethren who labored here. A very timely reminder of what lies ahead for all of us.


The path leads us to the sea. We approached the rock, at which we see a pointer - down to the cave there is a ladder made of stones. We go down for a long time, and here is a cave in front of us, where the founder of the Great Lavra and the father of Athos cenobitic monasticism labored. The Monk Athanasius, even after the founding of the monastery, retired here after hard labors in the monastery, rested in silence and conversation with God.

Everything here is made with love. Cell, two small temples in the name of the Epiphany and St. Nicholas, many icons. In one of the churches, we saw an image of the Mother of God, unfamiliar in iconography, called the "Cave". Together with us in the church there was a group of young Greeks with a priest: they lit lampadas, candles and prepared to serve a prayer service. From the cave of St. Athanasius we return to the skete, say goodbye to the hospitable hosts, find an arrow showing us the way to another shrine - the cave and the tomb of St. Nile Myrrh-streaming Athos ...


Troparion, tone 3:

Even in the flesh of your life / marveling at the angels of the chin: / how with the body to the invisible plexus you came out, blessed, / and wounded the demonic regiments. our souls

Kontakion, tone 8:

Like the immaterial beings of the viewer, the viewer is fair / and the speaker is all-true, / your flock calls out, O God-spoken: / do not become impoverished, praying for your servants, / get rid of misfortunes and circumventions that cry out to you: / Rejoice, Father Athanasius.


Reverend Father Athanasius, a fair servant of Christ and the great Athonite miracle worker! In the days of your earthly life, instructing many on the right path and leading wisely into the Kingdom of Heaven, consoling the mournful, giving a helping hand to those who fall, and the former father is kind, merciful and compassionate to everyone, now you, in Heaven, staying lordship, most of all multiplying your love for us, the weak , in the sea of ​​\u200b\u200blife, the difference is between the distressed, tempted by the spirit of malice and their passions, fighting for the spirit. For this sake, we humbly pray to you, holy father: according to the grace given to you from God, help us do the will of the Lord in simplicity of heart and humility, conquer the temptations of the enemy and dry up the sea of ​​\u200b\u200bfierce passions, so let us pass through the abyss of life and through your intercession to the Lord we will be able to achieve the promised us the Kingdom of Heaven, glorifying the Beginningless Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Alexander Trofimov

Often believers have to fight the disease loved one because it is impossible to come to terms with the inevitable end of relatives. When your strength is running out and you don’t know who to turn to for help, when nothing helps, the prayer of Athanasius of Athos is of the greatest benefit.

Biography of the Saint

Future saint at birth in the 10th century. was named Abraham, early left an orphan, he was taken up by a nun, hence the desire for solitude developed, expressed in a further decision to leave the world.

Abraham received an excellent education in Byzantium, he was soon tonsured a monk with a new name - Athanasius. First, he performed spiritual feats in Asia Minor, and then ended up on the Holy Mountain in Greece, which is why he was nicknamed Athos.

On Athos, the monk led a hermit life, strictly observing the fasts and waging a constant struggle with his passions in silence. He was overcome by temptations to leave the chosen place, but by prayer he defeated these thoughts.

The ascetic deeds of Athanasius of Athos surprised and delighted his contemporaries: he could foresee the future and heal the sick, the Mother of God appeared to him, for which he was called a reverend, many monks from neighboring regions came to look at him.

At the dawn of his life, Father Athanasius of Athos stood at the head of a cenobitic monastery, in which a strict rule was strictly observed. The monastery became a place of intense prayer, training of monks and active pilgrimage. The saint foresaw his death: during the construction of the temple at the very beginning of the 11th century. he and other brothers were covered with stones.

Already during the burial, miracles began: blood flowed from the wound of the Monk Athanasius, which was collected, from which numerous healings subsequently occurred. The body of the saint was not subjected to decay, touching his relics healed seriously ill people. The reverend is commemorated on July 18.

When Appeal Helps

During his lifetime, the Monk Athanasius of Athos paid special attention to suffering people, he personally cared for monks suffering from leprosy. He did it with great love, wanting to serve his neighbor.

It was not always possible for the sick to recover; in hopeless cases, Athanasius read a prayer for the speedy determination of the fate of a sick person. Numerous cases of healing by him during his lifetime of terrible ailments are also known.

Now prayer to the Monk Athanasius of Athos is offered in the following cases:

  • in deep despair;
  • with strong temptations;
  • to order the spiritual life;
  • to strengthen faith;
  • to teach wisdom;
  • to correctly determine the path in life;
  • to regain sanity.

Strong prayer for the seriously ill

Many people pray to the saints in the grave condition of their relatives and friends, but do not know in what cases to pray to the Monk Athanasius of Athos.

This should be done when a person is sick for a long time, suffers, it is not clear whether he will recover or not. Such a prayer is possible only after receiving the blessing of the priest, it must be read daily, if possible, then more than once. Text:

The Monk Father Athanasius, a fair servant of Christ and the great Athos miracle worker, in the days of your earthly life, instructing many on the right path and wisely guiding into the Kingdom of Heaven, consoling sorrowfully, giving a helping hand and kind to everyone, merciful and compassionate former father! Even now, staying in heavenly lordship, you increase your love for us weak in the first place, in the sea of ​​\u200b\u200blife, the difference is distressed, tempted by the spirit of malice and passions that fight for the spirit. For this sake, we humbly pray to you, holy father: according to the grace given to you from God, help us the will of the Lord in simplicity of heart and humility to do: conquer the temptations of the enemy and the ferocious passions of the sea, so let us pass the abyss of life without water and through your intercession to the Lord we will be able to reach the Kingdom promised to us Heavenly, glorifying the Beginningless Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

  • Mother of God;
  • Panteleimon the Healer;
  • Cosmas and Damian;
  • Nicholas the Wonderworker;
  • Luke Krymsky.

It is also desirable for relatives of the patient to participate in the sacraments and believe that such a prayer will help them native person, will facilitate his physical and mental state, improve his afterlife. Believe that everything will be fine, no matter how hard it is.

The Orthodox Church honors many saints who bore the name Athanasius. Among them, the Monk Athanasius of Athos (X century) stands out with special reverence. The name of this saint is associated with the first cenobitic monastery founded on the Holy Mountain, the Great Lavra, which still exists today. Through the prayers of St. Athanasius and his great labor, this monastery was equipped during his lifetime. The monk devoted himself entirely to building, repairing, writing a cenobitic charter, searching for money for the arrangement, and died under the rubble of the church dome that collapsed during the construction. The saint is commemorated on July 18. Saint Athanasius of Athos is prayed for healing or a speedy repose (when there is absolutely no hope for a cure, such a prayer is read only with the blessing of the priest) of hopeless patients, and when despair overcomes.

Prayer of St. Athanasius the Great, Patriarch of Alexandria

All men who are named after this saint need to read a prayer to the holy reverend Athanasius the Great (IV century). They should not forget that Athanasius is a great defender of Orthodox dogmas, a fighter against heresies, an archbishop. St. Athanasius the Great devoted his whole life to confronting the heresy of Arianism. During his lifetime, he underwent many persecutions and exiles, despite the fact that he was very, and reciprocated. The miraculous prayers of St. Athanasius the Great are read when there is a threat of a schism in the church, when you need to pray for unbelieving relatives, for their enlightenment and admonition, for returning to the bosom Orthodox Church fallen away and lost, about those who fell into sects.

Christian prayer to Saint Athanasius the Seated

Saint Athanasius the Seated (XVI century) got his nickname because of an unusual burial for the Slavs - according to Eastern custom, he was buried sitting, in the same form his holy relics were found, which are now in the same sitting form in the Annunciation Cathedral in the city of Kharkov. Through prayer to Saint Athanasius, miracles of healing occur from his relics. During his lifetime, Athanasius Seated was the Patriarch of Tsaregrad, through his labors many people were converted to Orthodox faith. Many call St. Athanasius the Awake not only because of his posture, but also because he helps very quickly and does not leave anyone who comes to him without consolation.

Listen to the video prayer to St. Athanasius for healing

The text of the Orthodox prayer to St. Athanasius in Russian

The Monk Father Athanasius, a fair servant of Christ and the great Athos miracle worker, in the days of your earthly life, instructing many on the right path and wisely guiding into the Kingdom of Heaven, consoling sorrowfully, giving a helping hand and kind to everyone, merciful and compassionate former father! Even now, staying in heavenly lordship, you increase your love for us weak in the first place, in the sea of ​​\u200b\u200blife, the difference is distressed, tempted by the spirit of malice and passions that fight for the spirit. For this sake, we humbly pray to you, holy father: according to the will of the Lord given to us by God in simplicity of heart and humility, do it: conquer the temptations of the enemy and the ferocious passions of the sea, let us pass the abyss of life without water and through your intercession to the Lord we will be able to reach the Kingdom of Heaven promised to us, glorifying the Beginningless Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

A radiant luminary in the constellation of the Holy Fathers, the Monk Athanasius was born in 930 in the city of Trebizond. He came from a noble family and at baptism was named Abraham. Soon after his birth, he was left an orphan and was taken in by a relative of his mother, Kanita, the wife of one of the most prominent citizens of Trebizond. As a child, he did not like noisy games, and often led his peers into the forest or caves and played the role of abbot. Relatives admired his rapid success in teaching. And when he was in his teenage years, he was noticed by an important imperial official who was in the city on business. Abraham won such favor with this nobleman that he took him with him to Constantinople. The young man was adopted in the house of the strategist Zifinizer and was educated by the famous teacher Athanasius, and soon, despite his young age, even became his assistant.

Diligence in the study of literature did not prevent Abraham from leading an ascetic life, which he loved from childhood.

So he revealed himself as a monk even before he was tonsured and as a fighter before entering into spiritual warfare. He avoided eating dishes from the rich table of the strategist, and exchanged the dishes brought to him by servants for a piece of barley bread, which he ate every two days. The saint did not go to bed and struggled with sleep, irrigating his face with cold water. He distributed his clothes to the poor, and if there was nothing to give, he hid in a secluded place and took off his underwear.

More and more students came to Abraham to study.

Those who had previously studied with Athanasius began to cross, not only because he knew more and was able to teach, but mainly because he was friendly, led a holy life and had a godlike appearance. Emperor Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus transferred him to another educational institution but the disciples were more attached to him than ivy shoots to oak trees. Then, in order not to cause a quarrel and not to compete with former teacher, Abraham, ashamed of any obvious honors, decided to abandon teaching, and with it all other cares of the age.

After a three-year stay on the shores of the Aegean Sea, Abraham and the stratigus returned to Constantinople. Zifinizer introduced the young man to his relative, Saint Michael Malein (Comm. 12 July), hegumen of the Lavra on Mount Kiminsk, who was well known to all representatives of the Byzantine nobility. Conquered by this worthy man, the young man revealed to him his desire to accept monasticism. When their conversation was coming to an end, his nephew Nikifor Foka, who at that time held the post of strategist of the Anatolicus theme, came to visit Saint Michael. He immediately imbued Abraham with warm feelings and admiration.

So Abraham found a spiritual father, whom he desired with all his heart, and went after Saint Michael to Mount Kiminskaya. There he was soon tonsured with the name Athanasius.

The elder realized that his young zealous disciple had greatly excelled in ascetic skills, and desired to make him a warrior of Christ, seasoned in obedience. Therefore, he did not give him permission to eat only once a week, but ordered him to eat once every three days, not sleeping sitting, as he was already used to, but lying on a mattress. In obedience, Athanasius copied books and was an assistant sexton, willingly humbled his own will. For this, admiring fellow students called him the Son of Obedience. The saint showed such zeal that in less than four years he achieved purity of mind and, as a guarantee of great gifts, received from the Lord the beginnings of contemplation and was considered worthy to pass to a life in silence.

The Monk Michael allowed him to retire to a small hermit's cell, one and a half kilometers away from the monastery. Athanasius also received a blessing to eat biscuits and water every other day and stay awake all night. In this seclusion, Athanasius visited Nikephoros Phocas and expressed his desire to labor with him as soon as circumstances permitted.

Soon the Monk Michael made it clear to those around him that he would like to see Athanasius as his successor in grace and guidance of souls. Some monks, having decided that it was about the abbess, began to pester the young ascetic with flattering speeches. Entirely striving for silence and shunning honors, the saint fled, taking with him only his clothes, two books, and the confessor's hood. He went straight to the Holy Mount Athos, which he admired during his stay on the shores of the Aegean Sea, on the island of Lemnos.

Athos hermits at that time lived in huts made of branches. They, alien to caring for the body, had nothing and did not cultivate the land. During their brief stay, Athanasius had admired their way of life, and now he entrusted himself to the guidance of the elder, who had received the gift of simplicity. Athanasius settled next to him in the northern part of the peninsula, called Zygos, and pretended to be a shipwrecked sailor named Barnabas, and so that no one could suspect his origin, pretended to be illiterate and unable even to learn the letters.

In the meantime, Nicephorus Foka, who had received the rank of domestic schol, ordered Athanasius to be searched everywhere. He even wrote to the judge of Thessalonica, asking him to conduct a search on Mount Athos. He turned to Archpriest Stefan, who replied that he did not know anything about a monk with that name. On Christmas Day 958 (or 959), during Christmas Eve, all the monks of Athos gathered in the small church of Protatus in Kareia. By the noble appearance of the young Barnabas, the prot realized that this was the monk whom they described to him, and ordered him to read the homily of St. Gregory the Theologian. Athanasius began to read syllable by syllable like a child, but the prot ordered to read "as best he can." No longer able to pretend, he began to read so that all the monks bowed down before him in admiration. The most venerable of the fathers, Paul from the Xiropotamian monastery (Comm. 28 July), prophesied, saying that the one who came to the Mountain later than them would be ahead of them in the Kingdom of Heaven and all the monks would come to stand under his leadership. Prot took Athanasius aside and, having learned the whole truth, promised not to betray him and assigned the monk a secluded cell about 4 kilometers from Karei, where, without being distracted by anything, he could be alone with God. The saint lived in this seclusion, providing for his needs by copying books. In this occupation he showed such skill that he could rewrite the entire Psalter in a week with an elegant and neat hand.

The lamp cannot remain unnoticed on the mountain for a long time. When Nikephoros' brother, Leo Phocas, arrived as a pilgrim to Athos to thank God for the victory in the campaign against the barbarians, he discovered Athanasius. The monks of Athos, realizing that such high-ranking persons were considered blessed, began to ask him to turn to Leo so that he would help restore and expand the temple of Protatus. Athanasius immediately received a promise to do this and, parting with a powerful friend, returned to his cell.

The monks constantly came to him for advice, so he again fled in search of silence and took refuge on the southern cape of the Holy Mountain, in a deserted, windswept area called Melana. There he was attacked by the devil, who resorted to all sorts of tricks, especially to the temptation of despondency - the most difficult thing for a hermit. The enemy brought such spiritual anguish upon him that, having reached almost complete despair, Athanasius even wanted to leave this place, but, having gathered his strength, he decided to endure it until the end of the year. When the last day approached and the monk, unable to stand the test, was about to leave Melana, he was suddenly pierced by heavenly light. He filled the hermit with unspeakable joy and sent him from above the gift of tenderness. Since then, Athanasius shed tears without any effort until the end of his days, so Melana became a place as dear to him as it was previously hated.

Meanwhile, Nikephoros Foka took command of the entire Byzantine army in order to liberate Crete from the Arabs, who terrified the entire coast with pirate raids. He sent messages to all the monastic centers of that time, including Athos, as he learned from his brother that Athanasius was there, and asked to send him monks who could help with prayers. The Fathers of the Holy Mountain managed to defeat the resistance of the adherent of silence, recalling that several monks were held captive by the Arabs.

Then, shortly after the brilliant victory won by Nicephorus (961), Athanasius went to Crete together with an old man named Theodosius. Overwhelmed by the joy of meeting with the confessor, Nicephorus confirmed that he still retained the desire to retire from the world, and begged him to start establishing a monastery near his desert. god man believed that working for salvation own soul already a heavy burden, and, avoiding all sorts of distracting worries, refused the offer and returned to Athos. Nicephorus sent him one of his associates, Methodius, who later became abbot of the Lavra on Mount Kiminsk. And he managed to convince Athanasius to found a monastery.

With the gold donated by Nicephorus, they soon built a chapel in the name of John the Baptist with hermit cells for Athanasius and Nicephorus. Six months after the departure of Methodius, they began to build a large church in the name of the Mother of God and the Lavra, which they called Melanskaya, in the very place where Athanasius was delivered from despondency by a vision of divine light.

The devil prevented the creation of the monastery. He immobilized construction workers with his intrigues. Then Athanasius prayer drove away the unclean spirit. The workers, seeing such a miracle, decided to become monks and were tonsured saints. Before taking them as disciples, Athanasius himself accepted the schema from Isaiah, a hermit who labored in the vicinity.

In that year (962-963) a terrible famine struck the entire empire, and the supply of the Lavra was interrupted. Athanasius went for advice to the elders in Karyes, but on the way the Mother of God appeared to him and brought a spring full of water in front of him, saying that he should not be sad, for from now on She herself becomes the Housekeeper of the monastery. And when the saint returned to the monastery, the Most Pure One pointed out to him the full bins.

By the grace of God and the prayers of the holy work progressed quickly, despite the many difficulties associated with the fact that the area was located on a steep rocky slope, overgrown with dense thickets of shrubs. A refectory was added to the temple with two “singers” on the sides, a hospice, a hospital with a bathhouse, a water supply system, a mill and everything that was necessary for the life of a large monastery were built. The number of monks grew rapidly, and the saint sensitively followed the organization of the life of the community, delving into the smallest details like church service, and Everyday life according to the Studio Charter. He saw to it that everything was done with dignity and in order, and that the monks, free from all property and their own will, could with all their hearts carelessly indulge in the constant glorification of God. Saint Athanasius believed that monastic life consists in “strive collectively towards a single goal, that is, towards salvation, to create in the community a single heart and a single will, so that in the single aspiration of all the brethren to form a single body with many members” .

It seemed that everything was going well, but then came the news of the accession of Nicephorus to the imperial throne (Aug. 16, 963). Saddened, Athanasius regarded Nicephorus' act as treason. Saying that he was going to Constantinople, the saint went up on the deck of the ship with three disciples. As soon as the ship sailed from the shore, he sent one of them to the emperor with a letter in which he announced the resignation of his duties as hegumen, instructed the second, named Theodotos, to report the news to the monastery, and with the third, named Anthony, went to Cyprus . There they arrived at a monastery called the monastery of the Presbyters, and presented themselves as pilgrims who had decided not to go to the Holy Land, occupied by the Saracens, and asked permission to settle nearby in order to lead an ascetic life.

When an envoy from the Monk Athanasius arrived to the emperor, Nicephorus rejoiced indescribably, but his joy faded when he read the confessor's letter. Nicephorus immediately sent people to search for Athanasius. Meanwhile, the monastery, deprived of its father, began to decline, and the orphaned monks could not find either consolation or peace.

When Saints Athanasius and Anthony learned that the abbot of the monastery of the Presbyters knew that the emperor was looking for two monks who were similar in signs to them, they took to flight. The ship on which they sailed was carried by sea winds to the coast of Asia Minor, to Attalia. Here Athanasius received a revelation about the deplorable state of the Lavra and that it was destined for a brilliant future under his leadership. They did not immediately decide to return, but only when, by Divine Providence, they met Theodotus, who was heading to Cyprus. He wanted to find the saint there and tell him about the state of affairs on Mount Athos. Returning to the monastery, Athanasius was greeted by the monks like the Savior entering Jerusalem, and soon life in the monastery was revived.

After some time, Athanasius went to Constantinople. Confused, Nicephorus did not dare to receive him with the usual solemnity for an emperor. In modest clothes, he received the saint alone in his chambers, begging his forgiveness, begging him to patiently wait for the time when circumstances would allow him to fulfill his vow. Athanasius, having received a divine revelation that Nicephorus would die on the throne, urged him to rule justly and mercifully, and then took leave. The emperor granted the Monk Chrysovulus, who granted the Lavra the status of a royal monastery, a significant annual allowance, and gave her the monastery of St. Andrew the First-Called on Mount Peristera not far from Thessalonica as a farmstead.

Returning to Athos, the saint again stood at the head of the construction of the monastery. During the construction of the pier, he injured his leg and was forced to lie motionless for three years. However, the Monk Athanasius took advantage of this for greater service to God and spiritual guidance brethren.

Nikephoros Phocas was killed by John Tzimisces, who took the throne (969–976). The new ruler was negatively inclined towards the saint, because he was friendly with his predecessor. Some Athonite hermits, being simple people and accustomed to the old way of life, began to accuse Athanasius of having turned the Holy Mountain into a worldly place by erecting buildings, lands and institutions. large monastery. The emperor summoned Athanasius to Constantinople, and the monk made such an impression on him that John Tzimiskes completely changed his attitude towards him and by his decree provided an allowance twice as much as before. Then he sent Euthymius the Studite to Athos, so that he would settle the differences that had flared up at the instigation of the devil, and give the Holy Mountain the first official form of organization (972). Since that time, cenobitic monasteries began to replace individual cells, hermits reconciled with the monks of the cloisters and shared with each other the acquired benefits. The former passed on to the monks their diligence in silence and the art of uninterrupted prayer, and they, in turn, passed on to the hermits the striving for order and harmony under the guidance of the abbot, who was placed at the center of the community as the image of Christ. At that time, it was possible to observe how hermits left the deserts, abbots left monasteries, and even bishops abandoned their chairs in order to come under the spiritual guidance of Athanasius. To study at Athos came from Italy, Calabria, Amalfi, Georgia and Armenia. Revered hermits, such as the blessed Nikephoros the Nagoi, forsook their austere lifestyle in order to be instructed by the holy abbot and attain perfection through the exploit of humility and obedience.

The prayer of the saint was strong against the demons that circled invisibly over the Holy Mountain, not harming the monks, but constantly besieging Athanasius himself. Once they instilled in one unscrupulous monk such a distaste for the lofty deeds of the saint that he plotted to kill him. At night, he came to the door of the abbot's cell, but as soon as Athanasius came out and embraced him like a father, the unfortunate man dropped his sword, fell at the feet of the ascetic and confessed his evil intentions. The abbot immediately forgave him and since then showed even greater affection than to other students.

Athanasius did everything for everyone (cf.: 1 Cor. 9:22) - both for the monks of the community and the ascetics of the surrounding places, and for the pilgrims who flocked to the Lavra from everywhere to heal the soul and body. Saint Athanasius did not interrupt his constant communion with God, nor his asceticism. During the fast, he did not eat anything all week, and on ordinary days he ate like monks, on whom the most strict penance was imposed. When he was present at the meal, he quietly distributed his share, and he himself ate only the antidoron, which is distributed at the end of the liturgy. During the time that he was not busy with the instructions or confession of his students, he prayed with tears, so his handkerchief was always wet. The sick were healed many times from this handkerchief.

Being a revered head and a shepherd who did not tolerate any objections, at the same time, in the image of Christ, he was a servant to everyone. The saint paid special attention to the sick and cared for them, doing work that other monks disdained. He considered lepers the greatest treasure of the Lavra and entrusted their care to the most experienced students. When one of the brethren died, the saint shed tears at his body, but these were not sobs from grief, but tears of intercession in the name of the salvation of the deceased, while his face burned like fire, and he glorified the Lord, handing over his disciple to Him for a favorable sacrifice.

The community, in which at first the number of inhabitants was limited by the emperor to 80, by the end of Athanasius's life consisted of 120 monks, while new monks constantly appeared in the monastery. And the Monk Athanasius was a father to all. He encouraged the monks in needlework so that they would not indulge in idleness - the mother of all vices, and he himself went headlong into work, sang psalms and read passages from the word of God. He taught that the goal of the monks of a cenobitic monastery is the same as that of hermits - "to prepare to acquire the Holy Spirit by purifying the mind, soul and body."

Once monk Gerasim went to the cell where the monk had retired, and there he saw him with his face burning like fire. At first he was frightened and retreated, and when he approached again, he saw how his face was shining in the rays of light. Gerasim cried out, discovering his presence. Athanasius made the monk swear that he would not tell anyone about what he saw.

Such closeness to God endowed the monk with divine wisdom, which manifested itself in everything: both in leading the community and in correcting the shortcomings of the brethren. If he imposed penance on a monk, then he himself fulfilled the prescribed. In public, he behaved sternly and majestically, and with his students one on one or at joint monastic work, he was simple, cheerful and gentle.

He healed many sick people, and in order to hide the power of his prayer, he first prescribed them to take various medicinal herbs. Many of those who came to him and confessed to irresistible passions, such as anger or envy, returned from him free after he touched them with his pastoral rod with the words: “Go in peace, you are no longer overwhelmed by anything!”

For the sake of the needs of the community, the temple began to expand. The work proceeded quickly thanks to imperial grants and donations from believers, it only remained to build a dome. Then the saint had a Divine revelation about his imminent death. He gathered his disciples for a final instruction, then donned his festive attire, put on the hood of Saint Michael Malein, which he wore only on the most solemn occasions, and went up to the scaffolding site to see how the work was progressing (July 5 between 997 and 1000). Suddenly, the dome collapsed, dragging the saint and six monks accompanying him. Five monks died immediately, only Athanasius and the bricklayer Daniel survived. For three hours, from under the rubble, the voice of the reverend was heard, repeating: “Glory to Thee, God! Lord Jesus Christ, help me!" When the excited monks pulled the abbot out of the rubble, he was already dead. He had only one wound on his leg, and his arms were crossed over his chest. His body was not buried for three days, until all the inhabitants of Athos, numbering 3 thousand, gathered to honor their father and ancestor. At the same time, the body of the saint was not touched by decay, as if he were sleeping, and fresh blood flowed from the wound, which they hastened to collect, and subsequently many healings occurred from it. And after his death, the Monk Athanasius miraculously helped those who came to honor his memory at the grave, in front of which an inextinguishable lamp burns.

Saint Athanasius of Athos, in holy Baptism Abraham, was born in the city of Trebizond and, orphaned early, was brought up by a kind, pious nun, imitating his foster mother in the habits of monastic life, in fasting and prayer. He comprehended the doctrine easily and soon overtook his peers in the sciences.

After the death of his adoptive mother, Abraham was taken to Constantinople, to the court of the then Byzantine emperor Roman the Elder, and assigned as a student to the famous rhetor Athanasius. Soon the student reached the perfection of a teacher and himself became a mentor of youth. Considering fasting and vigilance to be the true life, Abraham led a strict and temperate life, slept little and then sat on a chair, and barley bread and water served him as food. When his teacher Athanasius, due to human weakness, began to envy his student, blessed Abraham left his guidance and retired.

In those days, the abbot of the Kiminsky monastery arrived in Constantinople. Abraham told the hegumen his life, revealed to him his innermost desire to become a monk. The divine elder, seeing in Abraham the chosen vessel of the Holy Spirit, fell in love with him and taught him a lot in matters of salvation. One day, during their spiritual conversation, St. Michael was visited by his nephew Nicephorus Focas, a well-known general and future emperor. The high spirit, deep mind of Abraham struck Nicephorus and inspired reverent reverence and love for the saint for the rest of his life. Jealousy for the monastic life consumed Abraham. Throwing everything away, he arrived at the Kiminsky Monastery and, falling at the feet Reverend hegumen, asked to clothe him in a monastic image. The abbot gladly fulfilled his request and tonsured him with the name Athanasius.

By long fasts, vigils, kneeling, labors by night and day, Athanasius soon reached such perfection that the holy hegumen blessed him for the feat of silence in a secluded place not far from the monastery. Later, leaving Kimin, he went around many deserted and secluded places and, instructed by God, came to a place called Melana, on the very edge of Athos, far removed from other monastic dwellings. Here the Monk built a cell for himself and began to labor ascetic in labor and prayer, ascending from achievement after achievement to the highest monastic perfection.

The enemy tried to arouse in Saint Athanasius hatred for the place he had chosen, fought him with unceasing thoughts. The ascetic decided to endure for a year, and then, as the Lord arranges, do so. On the last day of the term, when Saint Athanasius began to pray, the Heavenly Light suddenly shone on him, filling him with indescribable joy, all thoughts were dispelled, and grace-filled tears flowed from his eyes. Since then, Saint Athanasius received the gift of compunction, and he loved the place of his solitude with the same strength as he had previously hated. At that time Nicephorus Phocas, fed up with military exploits, remembered his vow to become a monk and asked the Monk Athanasius to build a monastery at his expense, that is, to build for him and the brethren cells for silence and a church where the brethren would partake of the Divine Mysteries of Christ on Sundays.

Avoiding worries and cares, blessed Athanasius at first did not agree to accept the hated gold, but, seeing the ardent desire and good intention of Nicephorus and seeing the will of God in this, he set about building a monastery. He raised big temple in honor of the holy Prophet and Forerunner of Christ John and another temple, at the foot of the mountain, in the name of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Cells appeared around the temple, a wonderful monastery arose on the Holy Mountain. A refectory, a hospital and a hospice and other necessary buildings were built in it.

Brethren flocked to the monastery from everywhere, not only from Greece, but also from other countries: simple people and noble nobles, hermits who labored for many years in the desert, abbots of many monasteries and bishops desired to be simple monks in the Athos Lavra of St. Athanasius.

The holy abbot established a cenobitic charter in the monastery in the likeness of the ancient Palestinian monasteries. Divine services were performed with all strictness, no one dared to talk during the service, be late or leave the church unnecessarily.

The Most Pure Theotokos herself, the Heavenly Lady of Athos, favored the saint. Many times he was honored to see Her with sensual eyes. With the permission of God, there was such a famine in the monastery that the monks began to leave the Lavra one by one. The monk was left alone and, in a moment of weakness, also thought of leaving. Suddenly he saw a woman under an airy blanket, walking towards him. "Who are you and where are you going?" she asked softly. Saint Athanasius stopped with involuntary reverence. “I am a local monk,” answered Saint Athanasius, and he spoke about himself and his worries. "And for the sake of a piece of daily bread, you leave the monastery, which will be glorified in childbirth and childbirth? Where is your faith? Come back, and I will help you." "Who are you?" asked Athanasius. "I am the Mother of your Lord," She answered and ordered Athanasius to hit the stone with a rod, so that a spring broke out of the crack, which still exists, reminding of a wonderful visit.

The number of brethren grew, construction work was going on in the Lavra. Saint Athanasius, foreseeing the time of his departure to the Lord, prophesied about his imminent death and asked the brethren not to be offended by what would happen. "For people judge differently, the All-Wise arranges otherwise." The brethren were perplexed and pondered over the words of the Reverend. After giving his last instructions to the brethren and comforting everyone, Saint Athanasios went into his cell, put on a mantle and a sacred cloak, which he put on only on great feasts, and after a long prayer he went out. Cheerful and joyful, the holy abbot went up with six brethren to the top of the church to inspect the construction. Suddenly, by the unknown fate of God, the top of the temple collapsed. The five brothers immediately surrendered their spirits to God. The Monk Athanasius and the architect Daniel, littered with stones, remained alive. Everyone heard the Reverend calling on the Lord: "Glory to Thee, God! Lord Jesus Christ, help me!" The brethren with great lamentation began to dig out their father from under the ruins, but found him already dead.

Iconic original

Novgorod. XV.

Rev. Athanasius of Athos, Barlaam, Joasaph. Icon (tablet). Novgorod. End of the 15th century 24 x 19. From Sophia Cathedral. Novgorod Museum.

Psychology of feelings and emotions