Canons to the Holy Blessed Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia Wonderworkers of Murom (Canons to Russian Saints). Prayer to the Monk Peter and Fevronia of Murom Canon to Peter and Fevronia

Prayers to the saints

Prayer to Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom

Prince Peter of Murom fell in love with a simple girl, Fevronia, and this turned the boyars against him. Peter had to leave Murom and renounce the princely throne. The spouses endured many troubles, until the Lord looked upon their humility. The boyars, repenting of their stubbornness, began to ask Peter and Fevronia to return. Subsequently, the pious spouses became monks and, for their fidelity to each other, were honored to rest on the same day. They pray to Saints Peter and Fevronia for fidelity and love between husband and wife, for a blessing on marriage, in search of their "half".

Prayer to Peter and Fevronia of Murom

Blessed Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia of Murom

Troparion of the Blessed Princes Peter and Fevronia of Murom, tone 8

As if you were a pious root, an honorable branch, having lived well in piety, blessed Peter, so with your wife, the wise Fevronia, pleasing God in the world, and venerable life be worthy. With them, pray to the Lord to save your fatherland without harm, but we will constantly honor you.

Kontakion of the Blessed Princes Peter and Fevronia of Murom, Tone 8

Temporarily contemplating the reign of this world and temporary glory, for this sake, you lived piously in the world, Peter, together with your spouse, the wise Fevronia, pleasing God with alms and prayers. Even after death, lying inseparably in the tomb, you invisibly give healing, and now pray to Christ, save the city and the people who glorify you.

Prayer to Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom

About the saints of God, the faithful Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia, we resort to you and pray to you with strong hope: lift up for us sinners (names), your holy prayers to the Lord God and ask His goodness for all that is useful to our souls and our bodies: faith right, good hope, love is not hypocritical, piety is unshakable, prosperity in good deeds. Intercede to us from the King of Heaven for a prosperous life and a good Christian death. Hey, miracle workers of the saints! Do not despise our prayers, but wake up intercession for us to the Lord, and make us worthy of your help to receive eternal salvation and inherit the Kingdom of Heaven, let us glorify the inexpressible love of mankind of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, in the Trinity we worship God forever and ever.

Second Prayer to Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom

About the greatness of the servant of God and the wonderworkers of the future, the faithfulness of Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia, the city of Murom, the intercessor and guardian, and for all of us, zeal for the Lord of prayer! We resort to you and pray to you with strong hope: lift up your holy prayers for us sinners to the Lord God, and ask His goodness for all that is beneficial to our souls and our bodies: faith in the right, hope for the good, love is not hypocritical, piety is unshakable, in good deeds prosperity, pacification of the world, fruitfulness of the earth, well-being of the air, health of the body and salvation of souls. Intercede from the King of Heaven, the Church of Saints and the entire power of Russia, peace, silence and prosperity, and for all of us a prosperous life and a good Christian death. Protect your Fatherland and all Russian cities from all evil; and all the faithful people who come to you and worship with your holy relics, overshadow the grace-filled action of your God-pleasing prayers, and fulfill all their petitions for the good. Hey, miracle workers of the saints! Do not despise our prayers, which are lifted up to you today with tenderness, but wake up intercession for us to the Lord, and vouchsafe us with your help to improve eternal salvation and inherit the Kingdom of Heaven: let us glorify the inexpressible love of mankind of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, in the Trinity worshiping God, in ages of ages. Amen.

Third Prayer to Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom

Oh, the great saints of God and the most wonderful miracle workers, the faithful Prince Petra and Princess Fevronia, the city of Murom, the guardians of an honest marriage, and for all of us, zealous to the Lord of prayer!

You, during the days of your earthly life, showed the image of piety, Christian love and fidelity to each other even to the grave, and thereby glorified the lawful and blessed marriage.

For this sake, we resort to you and pray with strong zeal: bring for us, sinners, your holy prayers to the Lord God, and ask us for all that is beneficial to our souls and our bodies: faith in the right, hope for the good, love that is not hypocritical, piety unshakable, success in good deeds *, most of all, with the union of marriage combined, grant with your prayers chastity, love for each other in the union of the world, unanimity of souls and bodies, a hateful bed, stay without shame, a long-life seed, grace on children, houses filled with goodness and in eternal life an unfading crown of heavenly glory.

Hey, miracle workers of the saints! Do not despise our prayers, offered up to you with tenderness, but wake up our intercessors before the Lord and make us worthy of your intercession to receive eternal salvation and inherit the Kingdom of Heaven, let us glorify the inexpressible love of mankind of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, in the Trinity worshiped by God, forever and ever. Amen.

Reading psalms for every need - which psalms to read in various circumstances, temptations and needs
Prayers for the well-being and happiness of the family - a selection of famous Orthodox prayers about family
Prayers to Mother of God about children - prayers of parents for children
See also other prayers in our section " Orthodox prayer book"- prayers are different for all occasions, prayers to saints, prayers of travelers, psalms, Prayers of soldiers, prayers for the sick, prayers for different cases family life: blessing for marriage, prayers for the protection of God for those who marry, prayers for happy marriage, prayers of pregnant women for a safe resolution and the birth of healthy children, prayers of parents for children, prayers for infertility, prayers for student children and many others.
Orthodox akathists and canons. Constantly updated collection of canonical Orthodox akathists and canons with ancient and miraculous icons: Lord Jesus Christ, Mother of God, saints ...

Akathist to the Blessed Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia of Murom:

Akathist to the Blessed Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia of Murom
Canons to Blessed Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia of Murom:

The First Canon to the Blessed Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia of Murom
Canon II to Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia of Murom
Hagiographic and scientific-historical literature about the faithful Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia of Murom:

Life of Peter and Fevronia of Murom - OrthoChristian.Com
The Tale of the Life of Peter and Fevronia of Murom - "Izbornik" (Collection of works of literature of Ancient Rus')
The Tale of Peter and Fevronia in Iconic Hallmarks - OrthoChristian.Com
Secret meanings of "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom". Part I. Deep and secret meanings of "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom". Created by the Grace of God, the works of ancient Russian literature, for all their seeming accessibility, do not immediately open their deep meaning and require the spiritual work of the reader. Such appears before us and "The Tale of the Life of Peter and Fevronia of Murom", written by the monk Yermolai-Erasmus in the middle of the 16th century. - Professor Alexander Uzhankov
Secret meanings of "The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom". Part II. - Professor Alexander Uzhankov
Pious Murom Wives - Alexander Uzhankov

Canto 1

Irmos: Having passed through the water like dry land, and having escaped the evil of Egypt, the Israelite cried out: let us drink to the deliverer and our God.

A song to Your saint, on earth to glorify You, bring Peter, God, grant me, as if I will glorify Thee with songs.

You, blessedness, to your fatherland, like the most bright sun, showing Christ, illuminating the miracles of all who come to you by faith.

Glory: As if it were neglectful of the bodily, and earthly, as if corruptible, having hated, and for the sake of the world having renounced, honor the venerable honor, pray with them for the world.

And now: Most Pure Theotokos, who gave birth to the flesh the ever-present Word of the Beginningless Father, Ever-Virgin, We now cry out to Him: Let us sing to our Redeemer God.

Canto 3

Irmos: The heavenly circle of the Supreme Creator, Lord, and the Church of the Builder, You confirm me in Your love, desires to the edge, true affirmation, only Humanity.

Be helpless helper, blessed Peter, and sad merciful consolation, but with your prayers we deliver, we honor you.

Like sometimes killing a snake, you betrayed the final obscurity, so now the fatherland of those who fight victory, more blessed, let us glorify you.

Glory: See the despondency, see the sadness, see the misfortune that attacks us from the opposite, the same with your prayer to the Lord change, Peter, let us honor you piously.

And now: All the money is for you, Christians, a refuge and a wall, and we glorify you silently, Brideless.

Sedalen, tone 4.

To the blessed and luminous triumph, like the sun that has risen, Peter and Fevronia, all over the world, we flow to them, faithfulness, and incessantly cry out to the mother: if you are more than from the earth, glorify, but do not leave us and there with the angels of the Trinity to come, pray to save our souls.

Glory, and now. The Word of the Father, Christ our God, incarnated from Thee, we know, Virgin Mother of God, One Pure, One Blessed. Thus, unceasingly, we glorify Thee.

Canto 4

Irmos: Hear, O Lord, Thy mysteries, understand Thy deeds, and glorify Thy divinity.

As an intercessor and intercessor for your fatherland, as a resister, wake up, interceding your people, to you, Peter, glorifying.

As if in heavenly abodes with the saints and the righteous, rejoicing, blessed Peter is with Fevronia, do not stop praying for your people.

Glory: We pray to you, most blessed, put down the opposing stagger and ease the ailments of people, as if in the voice of praise we magnify you.

And now: Grant our cleansing by transgression, as if Preblag, and die Your world, O God, with the prayers of You Who gave birth.

Canto 5

Irmos: Thou hast thrown me away from Thy face, O Indispensable Light, and the alien darkness of the accursed one has covered me, but turn and direct my paths to the light of Thy commandments, I pray.

The earth is sanctified, accepting your honest body, God-blessed Peter and Fevronia, the people who accept your healing, glorify Christ, sincerely glorifying you.

Even more precious from the earth, but to the Heavenly armor, and there with the Angels of the Trinity appear, You pray to save the love of those who honor you, blessedness.

Glory: Like bright stars and like an unsetting sun, having acquired you, your fatherland boasts, honoring your honorable memory, Peter and Fevronie.

And now: We sing the virgin to Thee on Christmas, Mother of God, You have given birth to us in the flesh of God the Word, We call Him all this: direct our paths, we pray Thee.

Canto 6

Irmos: Cleanse me, O Savior, many of my iniquities, and raise me from the depths of evil, I pray: I will cry out to Thee and hear me, O God of my salvation.

Oh, honorable pair! O great lamps! Sanctify and glorify you with love in glorifying songs, wonderworkers.

Like a most luminous pair and like an honorable verst and well-being, with the yoke of the Lord on the ground, To work from the heart.

Glory: As good advisers to your life, one thought in two bodies, you enlighten the world with miracles, and illuminate us with your prayers.

And now: The prophecies clarify the prophecy of God, Thee, the Virgin, the Parent, but we sing Thee, seeing the fulfillment of honest prophecies, true virginity and purity are the receptacle.

Kontakion, tone 8.

Temporarily contemplating the reign of this world and temporary glory, for this sake, you lived piously in the world, Peter, together with your spouse, the wise Fevronia, pleasing God with alms and prayers. The same, and after death, lying inseparably in the tomb, you invisibly give healing, and now pray to Christ, save the city and the people who glorify you.


Understand my tongue, Savior, and die my heart, expand my mouth and fill the Spirit and wisdom, so that I will pronounce and sing to Thy wonderworkers: Rejoice, blessed Peter, together with praiseworthy Fevronia. Rejoice, intercessor of the land of Russia and helper of the Orthodox prince. Rejoice, guardians of your fatherland and affirmation of our city. O most honorable pair and good conjugation, pray to Christ to save the city and the people who glorify you.

Canto 7

Irmos: The youths came from Judea, sometimes in Babylon, by the faith of the Trinity flame, asking the cave, singing: God of the fathers, blessed be Thou.

Deliver those who come running to you in illness, the most blessed Peter and Fevronius, crying out to Christ: our father, God, blessed be Thou.

Wake up a haven for all, blessedness, and calm rest for those who are in sin, and we will cry out to Christ: our father, God, blessed be Thou.

May we be a refuge on the day of wrath, the blessing of God, as I walk in the midst of many networks: the same deliver me from them, so that I can sing to you.

Glory: Today is the glorious memory of Peter and Fevronia, like the sun, ascending in the world, having converged in the nude, let us all sing to our father: our father, God, blessed be Thou.

And now: Drop of the Divine, born from Thee, sanctify the world, Virgin Mary: drops of mercy from me, sanctifying the souls and thoughts of the earth.

Canto 8

Irmos: The King of Heaven, Whom the warriors of the angels sing, praise and exalt for all eternity.

Cleanse and forgive our sins, Sinless, with the prayers of Your saint, Peter and Fevronia, let us sing to Thee, Christ, forever.

Even from the heart with an unworthy hand the praise brought to you, blessed, accept, and make a prayer for us to Christ God.

Glory: The singer who sings to You, Most Holy Trinity, leave sins, like Preblaga, prayers for the sake of Peter and Fevronia, but we sing Thee forever.

And now: The deities were the vessel of the former, Pure, enlighten me in the command of the Light to walk, Most Pure, from the womb of Your radiant and enlightened faithful hearts.

Canto 9

Irmos: Truly, we confess Theotokos, saved by Thee, Pure Virgin, with the incorporeal faces of Thee majestically.

From your youth, your pure conscience has been to God, for this sake you have lived piously, to the highest preidos. Pray to Christ for us, that we honor you with love.

Like coming Holy Trinity with the reverend and righteous, pray, blessedness, deliver us from all punishment and anger, but we unceasingly magnify you.

Glory: Your people pray to you, God-blessed Peter, pray to Christ with the wise Fevronia, with whom God has lived pleasingly in the world, deliver us from all evils.

And now: Oh, great wonder! How can Christ God, who can no longer be contained, fit into Your womb? Begged him for praising Thee, Virgin, deliver us from troubles and always from lawless people.

Saints Peter and Fevronia are considered patrons of the family hearth. They are also prayed for marriage or the birth of a child.

Canon, tone 8.

Reading order by statute

Troparion, tone 8.

I am to a pious root, thou hast been an honorable industry, having lived well in piety, blessed Peter. So it is with her wife, the wise Fevronia, in the world pleasing God, and vouchsafed the life of the saints. Pray with them, Lord, save your fatherland without harm, but we will constantly honor you.

Glory, and now. Bogorodichen. And but for us, for the sake of being born of the Virgin and having endured the crucifixion of the Good, overthrow death by death, and the resurrection is manifest as God, do not despise them created by His hand. Show your philanthropy, O Merciful One. Accept the Mother of God who gave birth to you, I pray for us, and save our sinful people, Savior.

Song 1. Irmos

Having passed into an ode like a dry land, having escaped from Egyptian evil, the Israelite cried out, we sing to our deliverer God.

Chorus: With blessings to Peter and Fevronie, pray to God for us. (bow)

Song to your saint, even on earth to you who glorified Peter to bring God grant me. Like a giver of meaning, I will glorify you with songs.

Chorus. In you, your fatherland, like the most bright sun, Christ is shown. Miracles are illuminating for everyone who comes to you by faith.

Glory. I didn’t care about the bodily, and hated the earthly, as if corruptible, and for the sake of the world I renounced, honored the venerable honor. pray with them for peace.

And now. Bogorodichen. P speaking to the Theotokos, giving birth to the flesh of the everlasting word, the beginningless father, forever the Virgin. We now cry out to him, we sing to our deliverer God.

Song 3. Irmos

In the heavenly circle of the top-worker, Lord, and the Church of the Builder, you affirm me in your love, with a desire for this land, and a true statement, the only Humane.

Chorus. Be helpless helper, blessed Peter, and gracious consolation to the sad. Yes, with your prayers we deliver, we honor you.

Chorus. I sometimes killed the snake on the skin, betrayed you to the final obscurity. So even now your fatherland of those who struggle to win is more blessed, but we glorify you.

Glory. Look for despondency, see sadness, see trouble, south of us attacking from the opposite. Apply the same prayer to the Lord to Peter, so that we honor you piously.

And now. Bogorodichen. T to you are all the Christians, a refuge and a wall, and we glorify you silently without a bride.

Sedalen, voice 4. B blessed and luminous triumph, like the sun that shone on Peter and Fevronia throughout the world. Faithful people flock to them, and do not stop crying out to this, if you are from the land of glorification, but do not leave us. And tamo with the Angels of the Trinity is coming. Pray to her, save our soul.

Glory, and now. Bogorodichen. FROM the Father of Christ our God, and you incarnated in the mind of the Mother of God Virgin, one pure, one blessed. For his sake, we constantly sing to you majestically.

Song 4. Irmos

Have heard the Lord watching your mystery. understand thy works, and glorify thy divinity.

Chorus. I am an intercessor and intercessor for my fatherland, like a resistive resolver, be standing up for my people, like you Peter glorifying.

Chorus. I am in the heavenly cloisters, having fun with the saints and the righteous, most blessed Peter, together with Fevronia, unceasingly praying for my people.

Glory. We pray to you more blessedly, put down the opposing stagger, and ease the ailments of a person, as if we magnify your praise in the voice.

And now. Bogorodichen. O Grant our cleansing with sin, like Preblag. and die your world, God, with the prayers of the birth of Thee.

Song 5. Irmos

The Light does not enter into me from Your face, the dark darkness of the accursed has covered me. But turn me, and direct my path to the light of the commandments to pray.

Chorus. Sanctify the earth, accept your honest body, God-blessed Peter and Fevronius. the people who accept your healing, glorify Christ, who sincerely glorified you.

Chorus. And also from the earth, but to the heavenly armor, and there with the angels of the Trinity appear. Pray more, to save you with love, who honor you with blessings.

Glory. I am to the most bright stars, and like an unsetting sun, having acquired you, your fatherland boasts, honoring your honorable memory, Peter and Fevronie.

And now. Bogorodichen. D we sing to you with the birth of the Mother of God, for you gave birth to the flesh of the God of the word to us. We call him everything, direct our paths and pray.

Song 6. Irmos

O Savior cleanse me, many of my iniquities, and raise me up from the depths of evil, I pray. I called to Thee and heard me, O God of my salvation.

Chorus. O honorable pair, o great lamps, illuminate and glorify, even with love you in songs glorifying miracle workers.

Chorus. I am to the brightest pair, and like an honorable verst, and well-being, the yoke of the Lord is on the ground, and I work hard for it from the bottom of my heart.

Glory. I am a good adviser to my life, one thought in two bodies of property, enlighten the world with miracles, and illuminate us with these prayers.

And now. Bogorodichen. At clarify the prophecies of the voice, God's virgin mother. We also sing thee, seeing the fulfillment of honest prophecies, true virginity, and purity a receptacle.

Glory, and now. Kontakion, tone 8. similar. AT chosen.

World of this reign and glory, as if temporarily thinking, and for this sake, you lived piously in the world of Peter, you were rich and with your wife, the wise Fevronia, pleasing God with alms and prayers. Even after death, lying inseparably in the tomb, you invisibly give healing. and now pray to Christ, save the city and the people who glorify you.

Ikos. Have clear my tongue, Savior, and touch my heart, expand my mouth, and fill the spirit, and wisdom. May I speak with them and sing to your sister, Your miracle worker, rejoice in blessed Peter, together with the praiseworthy Fevronia. Rejoice in the land of Russian intercessor and Orthodox prince assistant. Rejoice in your fatherland guardians, and affirmation of our city. O most honorable pair, and good conjugation. Pray to Christ, save the city and the people who glorify you.

Song 7. Irmos

And from Judea the youths came to Babylon of old, by faith affirming the flame of the cave and asking for the saying, our fathers, God, blessed be thou.

Chorus. Those who come running to you in illness, deliver the most blessed Peter, together with Fevronia, crying out for Christ, our fathers, God bless you.

Chorus. In this resting place, wake up blessedness, and quiet rest for those who are in sin, and we cry with you to Christ, our fathers, God bless you.

Let us take refuge on the day of the wrath of God, as if in the midst of walking many nets. Deliver me the same from them, so that I can sing to you.

Glory. Bring the glorious memory of Peter and Fevronia, like the sun rising in the world. Having descended all together, let us sing, our fathers, God, blessed be Thou.

And now. Bogorodichen. To aplya of the Goddess, who was born from you, sanctify the world to the Virgin Mother of God. give me drops of mercy, sanctifying soul, and thoughts of the earth.

Song 8. Irmos

The King of heaven, the howls of the angels sing it, praise and exalt Him forever.

Chorus. O clean and forgive our sins without sin, with your prayers, the saint, Peter and Fevronia, let us sing to you Christ forever.

Chorus. And from the heart with an unworthy hand, the praise brought to you, receive blessedness, and make a prayer for us to Christ God.

Glory. To the singer who sings to you the Most Holy Trinity, leave sins as if it were good, prayers for the sake of Peter and Fevronia, let us sing to you forever.

And now. Bogorodichen. B the vessel of the former pure, enlighten me in the command of the light to walk the All-Pure, even from the womb of your radiant, and enlightened faithful hearts.

Song 9. Irmos

In truth, the Mother of God, confessing thee, even though you have saved the Virgin, we magnify you with heavenly howls.

Chorus. (bow). O t youth of his pure conscience property to God. For this sake, piously live, to the highest preidos. pray to Christ for us, that we may honor you with love.

Chorus. I am to the upcoming Holy Trinity, with the reverend and righteous, pray blessedness, deliver us from all rebuke and anger, but we unceasingly magnify you.

Glory. Your people pray to you, God-blessed Peter, pray to Christ with the wise Fevronia, but in the world you have lived pleasingly, deliver us from all evils.

And now. Bogorodichen. O great miracle, how Christ God can fit into your womb, no one can fit. For praising thee, pray to the Maiden for him, deliver us from troubles, and always from lawless people.

Honorer: In the Lady, accept the prayer of Your servants, and deliver us from all need and sorrow. You are the Mother of God, our weapon and wall. You are an intercessor, and we resort to You, and now we call on Thee to prayer, but deliver us from our enemies. Let us exalt Thee all immaculate Mother of Christ our God, South of autumn the Most Holy Spirit.

Let go: Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Your Most Pure Mother, and the holy miracle workers of Murom: the blessed Prince Peter, named monk Davyd, and the blessed princess Fevronia, named monk Euphrosyne, and all for the sake of the saints, have mercy and save us, as Good and Humanitarian. Amen.

Song 1.


Having passed through the water, as if I were dry land, and having escaped the evil of Egypt, the Israelite cried out: Let us drink to the Redeemer and our God.

A song to Your saint, on earth to glorify You, bring Peter, God, grant me, as if I will glorify Thee with songs.

You, blessed, to your fatherland, like the most bright sun, showing Christ, illuminating the miracles of all who come to you by faith.

As if it were neglectful of the bodily, and earthly, as if corruptible, having hated, and for the sake of the world having renounced, honor the venerable honor, pray with them for the world.

Bogorodichen: Most Pure Theotokos, who gave birth in the flesh to the eternal Word of the Beginningless Father, Ever-Virgin, We now cry out to Him: Let us sing to our Redeemer God.

In. Voice 1st.


Let us all sing a song of victory to God, who has done wondrous miracles with a high muscle and saved Israel, as if glorified.

The pious and crowned Peter, together with Fevronia, having come together, let us praise according to the heritage, the giver of abundant miracles and saving our souls.

Let us praise the blessed together with songs and spiritual stumps, saying: Rejoice, praise, to your homeland, the most bright lamp and the firmament of the intercessor.

Even at the end of the years, newly enlightened Russian land Grow up these blessed ones, but honor the ancients: gifts of miracles are abundantly given to those who come to them.

Bogorodichen: Mind of my, All-blameless, darkening with Thy light, otzheni and darkness, deliver me eternal, as if I sing of Thy greatness.

Song 3.


The heavenly circle of the Verhotvorche, Lord, and the Church of the Builder, You confirm me in Your love, desires to the edge, true affirmation, One Humanity.

Be helpless helper, blessed Peter, and sad merciful consolation, yes, with your prayers we deliver, we honor you.

As if sometimes having killed a snake, you betrayed the final obscurity, so now your fatherland is fighting for victory, blessed, let us glorify you.

See the despondency, see the sadness, see the misfortune that attacks us from the opposite, the same with your prayer to the Lord change, Peter, let us honor you piously.

Bogorodichen: All the money is for you, Christians, a refuge and a wall, and we glorify you silently, Brideless.



May my heart be established in Thy will, Christ God, Who above the waters establishes the second heaven and founded the earth on the waters, Omnipotent.

God is glorious to you in miracles to the Russian countries, blessed Peter, and adorn you with heavenly gifts. Now pray to him to have mercy on all of us.

Luminaires of light, like the second sun, shining, illuminate us, who honor your memory, Blessed Peter and Fevronius.

Cheerful intercessor is upon us, the luminous day of Peter and Fevronia the wise, who by faith give great mercy to those who sing them.

Bogorodichen: Deliver us from all misfortunes and from many temptations of serpents and darkness, O All-blameless One, who gave birth to the non-evening Light.

Sedalen, tone 4:

To the blessed and luminous triumph, like the sun that has risen, Peter and Fevronia, all over the world, we flow to them, faithfulness, and incessantly cry out to the mother: even more from the earth, glorification, but do not leave us and there with the Angels of the Trinity to come, pray to save us our souls.

Bogorodichen: The Word of the Father, Christ our God, incarnated from Thee, we know, Virgin Mother of God, One Pure, One Blessed. Thus, unceasingly, we glorify Thee.

Song 4.


Hear, O Lord, the mysteries of Thy sight, understand Thy deeds, and glorify Thy Divinity.

As an intercessor and intercessor for your fatherland, as a resister, wake up, interceding your people, to you, Peter, glorifying.

As if in heavenly abodes with the saints and the righteous, rejoicing, blessed Peter is with Fevronia, do not stop praying for your people.

We pray to you, most blessed, put down the opposing stagger and ease the ailments of people, as if in the voice of praise we magnify you.

Bogorodichen: Grant our cleansing by transgression, like Preblag, and die Your world, O God, with the prayers of You who gave birth.



Foreseeing by the Spirit, prophet, Habakkuk, the Incarnation of the Word, thou preached, crying out: always come near in the summer, you will know, sometimes come of time, show yourself. Glory to Your power, Lord.

Having killed the serpent sometimes, blessedly, you betrayed the final destruction of that, so now, Peter, your fatherland keep hatefully together with Fevronia with your prayers.

The dawn of the three-solar grace, shining your bright holiday, blessedness, passionate obscuration of demons, deliver your memory by faith.

Today, the holy festive day of the monks summons the flocks for joy and a spiritual meal and for the food of imperishable life and the divine delight of miracle workers.

Bogorodichen: Having understood the prophet by the Spirit of God, the mountain of thee is predetermined, Pure; my soul, which has melted with the heat of many sins, is cool by Your intercession, Virgin, for You alone are the correction of man.

Song 5.


Thou hast thrown me away from Thy presence, O unstoppable Light, and has an alien darkness covered me, cursed? But turn me and direct my path to the light of Your commandments, I pray.

Sanctify the earth, accept your honest body, God-blessed Peter and Fevronius, the people who accept your healing, glorify Christ, sincerely glorifying you.

Even more and more from the earth, but to the Heavenly armor and there with the Angels of the Trinity appear, You pray to save the love of those who honor you, blessed.

Like bright stars and like an unsetting sun, having acquired you, your fatherland boasts, honoring your honorable memory, Peter and Fevronie.

Bogorodichen: We sing the virgin to Thee at Christmas, Mother of God, You gave birth to us in the flesh of God the Word, We call Him all this: direct our paths, we pray Thee.



Shine bright on us the ever-present Light, mornings on the fates of Thy commandments, Lord Lover of mankind, Christ our God.

Oh, prefiguring the duality! O bright luminary! O well-being; one light in two bodies! O lamps of bliss to your life! Yarem bo of the Lord vzemshe, Follow him from the heart with faith.

The venerable and glorious memory of your ascension to the Russian land, blessedness, and joyfully faithful amuses the cathedral, sincerely you in songs, saints, glorifying.

Hierarchs and priests, monks and pardons, and elders with youths, and all ages, brightly play out, the memory of the glorious Peter and Fevronia in songs is majestic.

Bogorodichen: light-like Church of Christ Otrokovitsa, by your prayers to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, create temples for us, reverend worker, Most Pure.

Song 6.


Cleanse me, O Savior, for my iniquities are many, / and raise up from the depths of evil, I pray, / I cry out to Thee, and hear me, O God of my salvation.

O venerable pair! O great lamps! Sanctify and glorify you with love in glorifying songs, wonderworkers.

Like a most luminous pair and like an honorable verst and well-being, with the yoke of the Lord on the ground, To work from the heart.

As good advisers to your life, one thought in two bodies, you enlighten the world with miracles, and illuminate us with your prayers.

Bogorodichen: The prophecies clarify the prophecy of God, Thee, the Virgin, the Parent, but we sing Thee, seeing the fulfillment of honest prophecies, true virginity and purity are the receptacle.



I imitating the prophet Jonah, crying: my belly, Blessed, free me from aphids and save me, Savior of the world, calling: glory to you.

From an honorable root, a glorious branch grows, and having lived piously on earth, Peter, thou hast been a friend of the pure Holy Spirit: enlighten those who now sing thy memory.

Today, the Russian land is filled with joy, on the deliberate day of your holiday, glorify the miracle workers, and, singing, it says: pray to Christ save your fatherland from a foreign language.

Orphans and widows of the intercessor, and in the troubles of an irresistible helper, and of all those who flow to you, a calm haven, and an unflattering calmness of those who are in sins.

Bogorodichen: Greatness to Thee, Pure One, create Christ our God, pray to Him to magnify His rich mercy in us, Immaculate Mistress.

Kontakion, tone 8.

Temporarily contemplating the reign of this world and temporary glory, for this sake, you lived piously in the world, Peter, together with your wife, the wise Fevronia, pleasing God with alms and prayers. The same, and after death, lying inseparably in the tomb, you invisibly give healing, and now pray to Christ to save the city and the people who glorify you.


Understand my tongue, O Savior, and pacify my heart, expand my mouth and fill the Spirit and wisdom, so that I will exclaim and sing to Thy wonderworkers: Rejoice, blessed Peter with the most praiseworthy Fevronia together. Rejoice, intercessor of the land of Russia and helper of the Orthodox prince. Rejoice, guardians of your fatherland and affirmation of our city. O most honorable pair and good conjugation, pray to Christ to save the city and the people who glorify you.

Song 7.


From Judea it came down, the youths in Babylon sometimes, by the faith of the Trinity, the fire of the cave was prayed, singing: God of the fathers, blessed be Thou.

Deliver those who come running to you in illness, the most blessed Peter and Fevronius, crying out to Christ: our father, God, blessed be Thou.

Wake up a haven for all, blessedness, and calm rest for those who are in sin, and we will cry out to Christ: our father, God, blessed be Thou.

May we be a refuge on the day of wrath, God blessed, as in the midst I walk many networks: the same deliver me from them, so that I can sing to you.

Today is the glorious memory of Peter and Fevronia, like the sun, ascending in the world, having converged in the nude, let us all sing to our father: our father, God, blessed be Thou.

Bogorodichen: A drop of the Divine, born from Thee, sanctify the world, Virgin Mary: drops of mercy to me, sanctifying the souls and thoughts of the earth.



Fathers, co-educate with piety, neglect the evil command, fear not the fiery rebuke, but standing in the midst of the flames, I will say: Fathers, God, blessed be Thou.

In all countries, the broadcast went on, as if the miracle-workers of glorification appeared to the city of Murom, granting many healings to all who come to them and sing them by faith.

Now, all saints, and priests, and monks, and forgiveness, riches and wretchedness, all rejoicing together, give praise to you, God Blessed, flowing from all cities and countries.

Miracles of yours, like a flower, flourished thou, most glorious to Peter, as the prophet said: the righteous, like a phoenix, will flourish. For this sake of all we now glorify you, blessed.

Bogorodichen: To You, All-Holy Pure One, Thy servants, we always pray day and night with a contrite thought, asking for deliverance from the payment of our sins by Thy prayers.

Song 8.


The King of Heaven, Whom the warriors of the Angels sing to, praise and exalt for all eternity.

Cleanse and forgive our sins, Sinless, with the prayers of Your saint Peter and Fevronia, let us sing Thee, Christ, forever.

Even from the heart with an unworthy hand the praise brought to you, blessed, accept and make a prayer for us to Christ God.

Trinity: The singer who sings to You, Most Holy Trinity, leave sins, like Preblaga, prayers for the sake of Peter and Fevronia, but we sing Thee forever.

Bogorodichen: The deities were the vessel of the former, Pure, enlighten me in the command of the Light to walk, Most Pure, from the womb of Your radiant and enlightened faithful hearts.



His angels and all the hosts are horrified, / like the Creator and Lord, / sing, priests, glorify, children, bless, people, and exalt for all ages.

The angelic ranks praise you, glorifications, and the birth of mankind sing incessantly, creating your memory faithfully.

With worthy praises glorify the glorious wonderworkers mind and mind, grant me, Christ God, as if I sing, rejoicing, their memory.

Victory is named truly by faithful people, in troubles the fortresses and helpers appear, Peter together with Fevronia.

Bogorodichen: Heal, Most Pure, the passions of my heart, who gave birth to all the King of God, and the righteous part of me, reveal me a communicant, Virgin Mary, Christ, Thy Son, having begged.

Song 9.


We truly confess Theotokos, saved by Thee, Pure Virgin, with the Bodiless faces of Thee majestically.

From your youth, your pure conscience is property to God, for this sake, piously lived, to the Most High Preidos. Pray to Christ for us, that we honor you with love.

Like the upcoming Holy Trinity with the reverend and righteous, pray, blessed, deliver us from all punishment and anger, but we unceasingly magnify you.

Your people pray to you, God-blessed Peter, pray to Christ with the wise Fevronia, with whom God has lived pleasingly in the world, deliver us from all evils.

Bogorodichen: Oh, great wonder! How can Christ God, who can no longer be contained, fit into Your womb? Begged him for praising Thee, Virgin, deliver us from troubles and always from lawless people.



Light-bearing cloud, stink of all the Lord, like rain from Heaven on a fleece, down and incarnate for us, being a Man, Beginningless, we magnify everything like the Mother of our Pure God.

Beautiful in soul and body and shining with piety, glorious to Peter, the Divine is full of reason and wisdom, the body of the Holy Spirit was thou, after death, thou hast passed to immortal life and unending bliss, rejoicing.

Like a morning, like a bright day, your holiday has appeared, glorification, like a stream, comes from your crayfish, heals all sorts and faithful hearts, who honor you with love.

Great is the shield and great is the fortress of the land of Russia, thou hast found, blessed Peter, together with Fevronia, praise and glory to the Orthodox people in all the towns, and now we pray you save your fatherland from a barbarian location.

Bogorodichen: Even the light that gave birth to the Divine, darkened by all the evil deeds of me, and living in despondency, and angering God, All-blameless, enlighten and instruct to good deed like the fault of all the good.


Even those piously celebrating your memory, God-blessed Peter and Fevronia, together living peacefully and piously, pray to Christ for forgiveness of sins to grant your servant.

Bogorodichen: Most Holy Theotokos, our hope and praise, leading Thee alone, worshiping by faith, we pray: Rejoice, Unsophisticated Holy Mary, our protection and protection and Helper to those in trouble. Pray to Christ, Thy Son, for Thy servants, we hope in Thee.

Psychology of feelings and emotions