Schedule of services in Chernevo. Description of the Church of the Nativity in Chernevo

The Church of the Nativity in the village of Chernevo (South Butovo district, Moscow) is over 300 years old. This historic monastery of Orthodoxy was one of the first built in the area.

And at present it remains the central temple of the village of Chernevo for thousands of local residents who profess the Orthodox Christian faith.

A few words about the area

South Butovo is a district of Moscow, which is located on the territory of the South-Western Administrative District. In terms of area, this is the second district after Metrogorodok.

In this area, the Butovskaya line of the Moscow Metro passes, the stations of which are located above the ground (on overpasses). There are local buses, as well as inter-district and city buses.

Description of the Church of the Nativity

In Chernevo, this church is within walking distance for all residents of the area. The dome of the main part of the temple building and the dome of the bell tower can be seen from all points of the village.

Although, when viewed from the point of view of a large city, which is the capital Russian Federation, then it seems as if the monastery was lost between high multi-storey buildings built in new residential areas that appeared so rapidly and on a large scale in Moscow.

The temple has been living for more than three centuries, with its active spiritual and educational life.

In the inner space there is a majestic iconostasis with images of saints and biblical stories, altar.

There are daily church services, sacraments of communion of parishioners, rites of baptism and weddings.

There is also a Sunday school for children, a youth organization, pilgrimage trips to holy places are carried out.

Around the Church of the Nativity in Chernevo (photo posted in the article) there is a park with many trees and meadows.

This is a favorite place for walking and recreation of the local population.


The first building of the Church of the Nativity in Chernevo was built of wood in the 16th century. Then it was decided to erect a stone building, the construction of which lasted for 13 years and was completed in 1722.

Reconstruction was carried out several times (XIX century and the end of the XX century).

In the seventies of the last century, the monastery was included in the lists of architectural monuments that are protected by the state.

In the early 1990s, the temple was practically plundered. Recovery lasted during 1994-1995.

The Moscow Patriarchate blessed the monastery for the conduct of divine services. In July 1995, the Church of the Nativity (in Chernevo) was consecrated.

Father Igor Fedorov becomes rector. During his ministry, the temple was completely restored and landscaped. He had a Sunday school.


Archpriest Igor Fedorov and to this day is the rector of the Church of the Nativity of Christ (in Chernev), as well as the Entry into the Temple Holy Mother of God(South Butovo).

Priest Vasily Belov is an assistant manager of the Southwestern Vicariate and a full-time clergyman of the Church of the Nativity of Christ. Head of the direction "Spiritual and moral education of youth".

Also, Priest Anatoly Tambov is a priest of this church in Chernevo.

Temple activities

Church services are held daily in the monastery.

Schedule (Church of the Nativity of Christ Chernevo):

  • From Monday to Thursday - 8.00.
  • Saturday - 8.00.
  • Sunday - 17.00.

Activity Sunday school for children, who works at the church, is also very wide and significant.

Here, children study the Word of God, sing in the children's church choir, play in the performances of the church theater studio, and also do needlework (embroidery, making folk dolls). There are guitar lessons and a sports club (which takes part in hand-to-hand combat competitions).

The youth organization takes an active part in holding Christian youth forums, which attract young people from different cities who profess Orthodox faith. They share experiences, study aspects of the lives of saints, and so on.

Also, the Church of the Nativity (in Chernevo) organizes pilgrimage trips for everyone. This is a great opportunity to see new holy places of your native land, country, world, to plunge into the bright world of Orthodoxy.


And, of course, the Sacraments are performed in the church - sacred actions and rituals, thanks to which every believer acquires Divine grace. IN Orthodox Temple of the Nativity of Christ (Chernevo) there are seven such Sacraments:

  • baptism;
  • communion;
  • repentance;
  • chrismation;
  • confession;
  • the sacrament of the priesthood;
  • wedding.

It is the sacred Sacraments that are the important components of the Church. It is thanks to them that the Christian community goes beyond the earthly concept of life, coming into contact with the spiritual world.

Confession is the moment of reconciliation with the Lord. After all, the process itself contains sincere repentance before God and a promise not to repeat one's mistakes and sins in the future. In addition, there is still a confidential communication with the clergyman, if a lot of unsolvable questions have accumulated and confession will not be enough to find answers to them. Then you can arrange a meeting with the confessor and talk about the “painful” moments. It is recommended to do this before confession.

Communion is also an act of repentance before the Lord. Before the day of communion, it is necessary to fast, pray, and repent of sins for some time. It is also necessary to exclude watching TV, computer games, watching programs and movies. It is recommended to be in prayerful silence, to read spiritual literature. Especially the canons.

According to the scribe book of the 17th century, part of the territory of modern Southern Butovo was occupied by a wasteland near the village of Chernevo Vyshnee on the Malaya Yazvenka River, which belonged to the royal steward Fyodor Ivanovich Tarakanov. His sons, Yakov and Nikita, on September 27, 1683, set up a master's house here and wooden church instead of a completely dilapidated one. Thus began the history of the Church of the Nativity in Chernev. In 1709-1720, the next Tarakanovs dressed the church in stone clothes, and in the 11th century a bell tower was added to it, which had a connection with the main building. In this form, the temple entered the revolutionary storms of the 20th century, subsequently sharing the fate of many, many of its fellows. First it was closed, then it was looted.

For 50 years the temple was destroyed. By 1989, its walls were chipped, and in some places did not exist at all. Domes and roofs were missing. The new life of the Church of the Nativity in Chernev began already in a new country. The church was restored by the whole world. Bit by bit, people collected building materials and even returned icons. Over time, a whole exposition of authentic items related to the temple was accumulated, which was exhibited at the Butov History Museum. On July 29, 1995, the temple was consecrated and received the first parishioners. The interior decoration of the church (iconostasis) was made in 2004-2005 in the icon-painting workshop in the name of St. Alypy of the Caves. The shrine of the temple is a particularly revered icon of St. Demetrius of Rostov.

In 1683, in the patrimony of Jacob da Ni, a wooden church was built. By 1722, "Ivan Pakratiev, son of Lyubach, and peasant Danilo Ekimov, son of Irkhin, they gave this record on themselves to Lieutenant-Colonel Alexei Ivanovich Tarakanov, that they had contracted to build a stone church in the village of Chernevo near Moscow and make a cruciform, faceted church for them." The first clerics of the temple were the priest Alexei Ivanov, who served here from the moment the wooden church was built in 1683 to 1709, and from 1704, the deacon Alexei Klimov and sexton Matvey Grigoriev. The church by that time did not have a bell tower, the belfry was built in the dome of the temple. The bell tower appeared later in the 19th century.

The description of the village of Chernevo given in the “Economic Notes” of the 1770s is interesting: “The village of Chernevo is located on a ravine. Everywhere a stone church in the name of the Nativity of Christ. The master's house is wooden on a stone foundation. He has a regular garden with fertile trees, three ponds on a ravine, in which there are fish: crucian carp and tench, which, like fruits, are used for household consumption. The earth is silty, oats are better born on it, and barley, rye, wheat and hay are mediocre. The forest is spruce, birch, aspen - suitable for construction, in a cut of 3-4 inches, 4 sazhens high. There are animals in it: foxes and hares; birds: nightingales, starlings, blackbirds, black grouse and siskins, and quails in the fields ... The peasants are on the product, the landowner's land is plowed for 55 acres in the field. They trade in arable farming. Women, in addition to field work, spin flax, wool and weave canvas and cloth for their own use. It is known that the Chernev peasants asked to attribute the temple to the nearby Vvedensky in the village of Ivanovskoye, as they did not have time to cultivate the church lands, with a corresponding petition to Metropolitan Platon, priest Vasily Romanov addressed in 1800. The request was granted, and the Church of the Nativity was assigned to the church in Ivanovskoye.

The last rector of the temple was Father Nikolai Vorontsov, who also served as director and teacher. parochial schools in Chernevo and Voskresensky. Father Nicholas had five children, he was married to the daughter of a priest who served in the church before him, John Vozdvizhensky. After the revolution, services in the church ceased, Father Nikolai was shot on December 8, 1937 at the Butovo training ground.

In the 1930s service in the temple stopped, but its building remained untouched even during the war years. In 1974, the temple was included in the list of architectural monuments under state protection, but by that time the temple had been looted. Since 1989, the church has been handed over to the Russian Orthodox Church again, and since 1993, regular services have begun in it. The main and only throne of the temple was consecrated in honor of the Nativity of Christ by a small priestly rank. Side throne in honor of the icon of Kazan Mother of God.

Church of the Nativity in Chernev (Chernevskaya street, house number 8).

Now, over the place where the temple stands, there is a line of "light metro". The village itself no longer exists, only a temple, a cemetery and a dammed nameless river, a tributary of the Chechera. Once here was the patrimony of the stolniks Tarakanovs, who built a church between 1709 and 1722 in honor of the feast of the Nativity of Christ. The temple is small, brick, designed for the prayer of one family and their servants. It was the tallest building on the estate and once towered over the entire area. For the construction, they chose the type of petal building in terms of the building, common since the end of the 17th century. The temple existed as a rural parish until the end of the 1930s. There was a village cemetery next to it. Before the Great Patriotic War, the temple was closed, it was devastated and began to collapse. In the 1970s the villagers at the cemetery erected a monument to their fellow villagers who died in the Great Patriotic War.

In 1985, the lands of the village of Chernevo entered the territory of Moscow. The Church of the Nativity of Christ was returned to the community of believers in 1990. Since 1995, it has been Patriarchal Compound. In the temple there is a particularly revered icon of St. Demetrius of Rostov.

Mikhail Vostryshev "Orthodox Moscow. All churches and chapels".

The Church of the Nativity in the village of Chernev was built in 1683, made of wood. Under 1709 it is said: the Church of the Nativity in Vyshny Chernev is wooden, and under 1722 - stone.

The village of Chernevo at the beginning of the 17th century. - “a wasteland that was the village of Higher Chernevo”, in 1735 it was located in the Moscow district, Molodtsky camp and is recorded in cadastral books: “behind Fedor, behind Ivanov’s son Tarakanov, his father’s old patrimony, the village of Chernevo, and in it the yard of votchinniki, businessmen live people, the yard of clerks, 2 people's yards, 20 peasant yards and the Bobyl yard, and the wasteland that was the village of Chernevo Vysshee.

In 1646: “behind the tenants: Yakov and Nikita Fedorovich, the Tarakanov children and behind the deacon Grigory Volkov, the village that was the village of Cherneva, and in it there are 2 yards of estates, 9 people's yards, 24 peasant yards and 5 bobyl yards; in 1678 - 2 votchinnik yards, 35 peasant and bobyl yards.

In 1683, Yakov and Nikita Tarakanov set up a yard for themselves on the wasteland of Vyssheye Chernevo and built a church here, which is why the wasteland began to be called the village of Vysshee Chernevo. It was owned in 1704 by Ivan Nikitich Tarakanov and in 1725 by his son Alexei.

Kholmogorov V. I., Kholmogorov G. I. "Historical materials about churches and villages of the 17th - 18th centuries." Issue 8, Pekhryanskaya tithe of the Moscow district. Moscow, University Printing House, Strastnoy Boulevard, 1892

The history of the temple, which will be discussed in this article, began at the end of the 17th century. This special time between and the reforms of Peter the Great was a turning point in church terms. However, nothing special happened to this church in the years before the revolution. This is very different from it, for example, the temple in Mitino, which was founded a little later - in the second half of the 18th century. Interesting feature of this same building in that it survived, being untouched by anyone except thieves and marauders, the entire period of Soviet power.

History of the Nativity Church before the 1917 revolution

The first temple, on the site of which the temple in Chernev is now located, was built in 1683. In 1722, it was decided to remove it and build new church from stone. There was no bell tower in the original project. It was added later, already in the 19th century. At the request of the peasants living in Chernev, in 1800 the church was assigned to the Vvedensky Church, located on the territory of the nearby village of Ivanovskoye. At the request of the villagers, the priest Vasily Romanov addressed the ruling Metropolitan Platon of the Moscow diocese with a petition about this. The estate, in which the church was located, passed from one hand to another over time. IN late XIX century, it was divided into two parts and sold to two landowners, by whose names the area began to be called in the future: Shubino and Lebedevo.

Church in the post-revolutionary period until 1989

Prior to the closure of the temple by the Soviet authorities, the rector was the priest Nikolai Vorontsov. And before him, the father of his wife served in the same church, from whom he had five children. When the revolution happened, the parish of the Church of the Nativity in Chernevo was abolished, and the rector was forced to work at the factory. Nevertheless, during the anti-religious persecution of 1937, he was arrested and sentenced to death. The sentence was carried out at the Butovo training ground. The church itself, however, was not damaged. The practice of demolition and explosion of religious buildings, common for that time, did not affect the Church of the Nativity in Chernevo. Actually, it remained untouched even by the end of the Great Patriotic War. In 1974, the temple was given the status of an architectural monument, which is under state protection. Unfortunately, this did not save the church from the fact that by the end of the 80s it was in an extremely deplorable state. During the previous years of inactivity and abandonment, it was completely looted, including even floor coverings.

Temple after 1989 to present

The church building was returned to believers only in 1989. After a period and the restoration of the Church of the Nativity of Christ in Chernevo, a full-fledged parish appeared again with regular services. To date, the church premises have been completely restored, and the temple area has been landscaped. In addition, a Sunday school building was built near the church, and new bells appeared on the bell tower.

Formally, the Church of the Nativity in Chernevo has one altar. But there is a second, attached one. It is set on the days when it is necessary to celebrate two liturgies on the same day, since according to Orthodox traditions it is strictly forbidden to perform the same divine service twice on the same day on the same throne. It was consecrated in honor of the Mother of God in memory of her Kazan icon.

How to get there

To get to the temple in honor of the Nativity of Christ, you need to drive along the Butovskaya metro line to the station "Ulitsa Gorchakova". Then walk to the church. This will be about ten minutes with an average walking pace. It is also possible to get to the temple from the Yasenevo metro station. To do this, you need to take the bus going along the route number 202.

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