Traditional folk doll. Slavic dolls - amulets for different occasions with your own hands

Traditional folk doll

Charm doll for happy motherhood

Master class with a step-by-step photo "Traditional folk doll-amulet for happy motherhood"

The master class is intended for middle-aged and older children, educators, teachers, everyone who is passionate about the folk doll and its history.
Performed: Lapteva Svetlana Khristyanovna, educator, Social and Rehabilitation Center for Juveniles, Tatarsk
Purpose: can be a touching gift to friends, relatives and close people, it can be solemnly presented to a newlywed couple with the best wishes of love, care, fidelity, service to their family.
Target: create a traditional folk doll-amulet for happy motherhood.
- to teach how to make a rag folk doll according to traditional technology;
- introduce to Russian folk traditions through acquaintance with spinning dolls;
- cultivate love for folk culture, veneration and respect folk traditions;
- to inculcate the skills of work culture and accuracy;
- develop a caring attitude towards the objects of their work.

Today there is an acute problem of conservation and careful attitude to popular culture. And we must strive to ensure that the younger generation knows the traditions and customs of the Russian people, the history of folk culture, can be imbued with a sense of understanding of its antiquity and greatness, in order to join its origins. The source of such a heritage for our children can be a traditional folk doll, which has been undeservedly forgotten.
Rag dolls originated from ritual figurines associated with the veneration of a female deity, fertility cults, ancestors and the hearth. To stuff a rag doll, they used ash, grain, linen tow, and rags. Persistent signs rag dolls passed down from generation to generation: simple design, pronounced female signs(chest, long braid), facelessness. A doll without a face was considered inaccessible to the installation of evil forces into it. An important detail of the doll was the chest - a reminder of its connection with the cult of fertility and motherhood. The doll became a talisman. Masters created dolls for their families. Toys not only entertained the child, but also introduced him to everyday peasant labor.
By creating a toy on their own, the children learned how to work with different tools, acquiring skills and giving free rein to their imagination. Playing with homemade dolls, the girls learned to spin, sew, and embroider. Dolls were taken care of, passed on by inheritance. Thanks to a rag doll, a child from the most early years learned the meaning of a woman-mother, her function to give life, to feed, to educate in strict love, to pass on traditions. The image of the doll was real and recognizable. It reflected typical characters, professional interests. So respect for the way of life of the family, interest in culture was brought up. The doll was considered the best gift.
Making a doll itself has a healing effect - it helps to relax the soul, feel the joy of the beauty that is born in your hands. Our great-grandmothers knew how to make dolls that bring good luck to the house, comfort babies, and exorcise diseases.
Making traditional dolls, we plunge into the mysterious world of our ancestors, into women's secrets - the secrets of motherhood. It turns out that in this unpretentious lesson, you can discover such depths that you don’t even suspect, secrets that have come down to us from the depths of centuries.

Charm for happy motherhood, presented in the form of a doll with babies.
The amulet in the form of a woman with a baby in her arms was considered very strong and was always given with the wishes of well-being, peace in the family and in the soul, a calm, joyful and confident existence. It symbolized a woman who got married and had children. And the ability to give birth was especially significant for our ancestors. The joy of being a mother reflected that everything was fine with such a woman. The doll was created when they wanted or were already waiting for the baby to appear. They also gave it to a wedding with the wishes of healthy children, the birth of a new family, especially honored guests, when they wanted to show respect.
This doll, which has come down to our days from the depths of centuries, is a wonderful example of folk art that educates and makes you think.

We will prepare the necessary materials and tools.

To get the job done, we need:
- coarse cotton fabric;
- pieces of multi-colored and colored fabric;
- canvas;
- lace:
- red floss threads;
- scissors;
- synthetic winterizer;
- needle.
We do a twist. To do this, take a piece of cotton fabric measuring 30/38, bend the fabric in half.

Tightly and evenly twist the column. The height of the column will be = 15 cm. We tie the column with red threads along the entire height.

We round the head a little with a padding polyester, we denote the neck with threads.

We take a square of cotton rough fabric measuring 20/20 cm

We put a square of plain fabric on the head.

We fix with a red thread along the neck line.

Now we make hands. Tighten the corner by 1-1.5 cm.

Fold the edges towards the middle.

At a distance of 1 cm from the edge, we make the palm of the doll and pull the fabric with a thread.

There is no need to cut the threads after tying.

We tie it tightly with a thread at the place of the doll's waist.

Let's make a skirt. Take a piece of colored fabric measuring 12/30 and make a line and a small assembly along the upper cut.

We wrap the doll with a patchwork skirt with the front side inward.

We tie tightly with a thread along the waist line.

Turn right side out, flatten.

We take a piece of canvas, make an apron out of it, pulling the threads along the edge.

We will embroider a simple pattern on the apron, but you can not do it.

We fix the apron. We place it in the middle of the skirt, face inward, drag it along the waist line.

We open the apron.

We tie a piece of lace around the head.

We tie the head of the doll. To do this, cut out a small triangle-kerchief.

We tie the strings on the hands of the doll. After all, she needs to keep her children.

We make a baby. Take a piece of coarse cotton fabric measuring 10/7 cm, twist the column tightly and tie it with a red thread. Cut out a scarf from white fabric and fasten it on the baby's head, as shown in the photo.

We swaddle the baby. We take a shred of size 10/13 for a diaper. We swaddle, as shown in the photo. We fold the open edges of the fabric inward so that there are no threads, and the work looks neat and aesthetically pleasing, we bandage it.

The Russian rag doll comes from a family of folk toys, the history of which goes back to ancient times. Dolls have accompanied a person from his first steps on earth. Wood, clay, straw, fabric and other available materials in the hands of the master became toys for children and ritual figures for adults. N.D. Bartram, one of the most reverent researchers of folk toys, noted that dolls were part of the everyday life of both children and adults.

Dolls appeared with the birth of a child to protect him from troubles and illness, they were his first friends and comforters. Not a single holiday or event of village life could do without the participation of dolls, whether it was a wedding or harvest, seeing off winter or Easter.

All types of folk toys deserve attention and admiration: their conventionality, sketchiness is not from poverty, but from the wealth of imagination. For an infinitely long time, one can peer into the images created by craftsmen, marveling at their ingenuity, wondering about the meanings and regretting the copies lost forever. Contemporaries do not attach much importance to their way of life. No one today bothers to write down what, for example, an ornament on a kitchen towel from Ikea means. And the descendants are left bit by bit to collect information and build hypotheses.

All lovers of ancient traditions are faced with the question of the reliability of knowledge about them. First, traditions tend to change, as the circumstances to which they are adequate change. Secondly, oral transmission distorts information, it is easily lost. The doll is not the most durable item. Moreover, the doll itself, without the accompaniment of a game or a ritual, is mute. She cannot tell about the nature of the manipulations that were performed on her. As a result, we now have relatively late material on the folk toy. Basically, the end of the 19th - 20th centuries. Historians, ethnographers, puppeteers did a great job of collecting this information from carriers that were already rare by that time. Several well-known and respected masters show excellent examples of the reconstruction of puppet images.

rag dolls

The choice of material for toys was often determined by the living conditions of the master. In places where pottery was distributed, clay whistles were popular, a master carpenter in free time he could carve a horse for his son, and bring especially good options to the fair. Rag dolls were the lot of women. These are the safest and favorite dolls for babies, this is a favorite pastime for young craftswomen, and for adults, dolls were important participants in the rituals that life was full of in the past.

Each doll had its own purpose. It could be consolation, teaching, medicine, entertainment. The doll was not an "interior solution", beauty was secondary compared to content. For a long time, the dolls did not even have a face. On the one hand, they were protected from the penetration of evil spirits, in which our ancestors believed. But on the other hand, this once again emphasizes that it was not the appearance that was important, but the semantic load. Only later, in tribute to urban fashion, did they begin to draw with charcoal or embroider a face. But such a doll always has the same mood, and a doll without a face is always diverse, the owner's fantasy draws her face.

The craftswoman made the doll the way her mother and grandmother taught her. The fabric was torn, folded and tied with a red thread with a special knot or cross. A hundred years ago, it would not have occurred to a craftswoman to make a doll from expensive and new material. Old worn rags were used for dolls, the most accessible materials were bast, linen, birch bark, grass, branches, etc.

Rag dolls were inherited, sometimes more than a hundred of them gathered in chests with a dowry for a daughter. Unfortunately, most of these chests have not survived to this day. How many diverse images could we find in them, evidence of the everyday and spiritual life of our ancestors! After all, each region had its own characteristics, traditions, which, among other things, were reflected in toys.

For example, the famous Lovebird doll: in one region it was made from one piece of material and tied with a single thread. This emphasized the inextricable connection of the newlyweds, their integrity and unity. In another region, dolls were made from three identical pieces of fabric, as if to say that the spouses are equal, united by a common hand - joint activity, and should now walk together in one direction.

In my opinion, in working with a rag doll, it is necessary to distinguish between reconstruction and modern understanding her role. Many meanings are inaccessible and not relevant to modern man. At the same time, a visual image or a story-parable that has survived to this day can form a new meaning, or complement the old one.

Tradition and modernity

With the advent of new materials, industrial production, with changes in people's lifestyles, both dolls and their significance in our lives have changed. The toy has become a childhood privilege. It seemed that home-made rag dolls had completely disappeared from our lives, leaving a memory of themselves only in museums. But at the beginning of the 21st century, we suddenly meet them again. More and more modern craftswomen are turning to the topic of the Russian rag doll, teachers include it in educational activities with children, and author's copies appear on store shelves.

But at the sight of a rag doll, a modern person has a question: what about its past, which has its roots in pagan times? with the rituals and ceremonies during which her image was born? with evil spirits in the end, from which the doll was protected?

There may be many answers. From complete denial to complete acceptance of the way of life of past centuries.

We offer to look at the traditional doll in a new way. Puppet images created for centuries are a priceless treasure, an example of worldly psychology and wisdom. Dolls are wonderful companions for children and adults - a lot can be learned, learned and understood with their help. It is only important not to copy the attitude of our ancestors towards them, but to independently discover their meanings for yourself. Based on the visual image and the story that has come down to us, we formulate our request for the doll. It seems to me important to turn on intuition and think about what is relevant for us.

I am absolutely sure that the tradition can and should develop. Old rags and sloppy execution - this is for the home and for lovers of this format. Modern concepts of beauty and aesthetics require accuracy and new materials. At the same time, the simplicity and convention inherent in the doll should remain, and most importantly, the presence of internal meanings, which are also gradually changing these days.

Many peoples have a proverb: my house is my fortress. A home is a place where it is warm and cozy, where a person rests after work and worries, and, of course, it must be safe and reliable. Our ancestors also had a desire to protect and decorate their home. At the very entrance, the guests were greeted by the Bereginya doll, made by the caring hands of the hostess. People believed that a person bad mood will not be able to step over the threshold of the house that this doll protects. Or maybe the mood of the guests just immediately improved at the sight of such a young lady, and good people wanted to return to a beautiful and comfortable home.

By the name of the doll, you can guess its purpose. It is filled with healing and fragrant herbs. It was believed that the smell of grass drives away diseases, the chrysalis was crushed to purify the air and the grass was brewed from it for treatment. Parents left her at the head of the child at night, so that the sleep was strong and calm. Yes, and for an elderly person - this is a godsend.

And if a child’s tummy hurts, then a doll warmed up on the stove (or a battery :-)) will not only soothe and warm, but also amuse. Such a doll can serve as a wonderful gift and souvenir, wonderfully fits into any home interior. The doll is filled with fragrant hand-picked herbs - oregano, mint, thyme, lemon balm, black currant.

A play doll is not just a toy for fun. Playing life situations with peers, inventing their own rules and plots, the child thus enters the adult world and finds his place in it. A bearded man in a bright shirt may turn out to be a hunter with a gun, the head of the family with a wooden spoon, or a worker with an ax. Or maybe this doll will become a memorable souvenir for an adult, a symbol of a homely and strong owner.

A strong, weighty doll, stuffed with wool, grain, with copper coins in her hands - an image of well-being. Such a doll is needed both at home and at work. We all want what we do to be good. Maybe the doll reminds us: do good, and it will come back to you...

The image of the Tula doll Barynya is very close to any Russian woman. Everything is under her control, everything is managed, while not losing her cheerfulness and sense of humor. Her clothes are rich, her hands are in a master's position. She is also called Lady Ladushka - because with such a hostess everyone is well-groomed, no one is forgotten - peace and harmony in the house.

A folk doll is a doll invented by craftsmen from the people. And it is not always the masters of the past. Today, the rag doll continues to live and be born. So there was a little Brownie, a friend of the Dolly for good luck. Favorite children's cartoon makes this image recognizable and very dear. I really want to settle this at home in order to be sure that they will definitely look after you.

The image of an energetic and cheerful woman, prosperous old age, respected work. Grandmother is always at work - she sews, and knits, and nurses her grandchildren, and cooks porridge. It can be given any look, put into the hands of any business. Everything is argued in good and skillful hands. And you can plant a grandfather next to each other - it will become doubly more fun.

The rich man is a friend of the Krupenichka doll. Just like her, it is stuffed with cereals and grains. In his hands is a bag of good things. This is a symbol of a strong owner - you can always rely on this. But like Krupenichka, he reminds us that everything is good in moderation. Prosperity is when you have as much as you need.

The bell is a doll-symbol of good news to the house. Such a chrysalis lives above front door and invites joy and pleasant events to the house.
It has long been said that the ringing of a bell has a miraculous meaning. Indeed, the melodic chime creates a good, even festive mood.
We hope that our bright bells will please you too.

Among the wedding dolls, their rightful place is occupied by dolls depicting a bride and groom, a married couple. This couple has one common hand for two - an image of the fact that two people will now go hand in hand in life.

They made them for the wedding for the bride and groom, so that young people understand that now they are nowhere without each other, now they are always together.

Such a doll is important not only for a young romantic couple, it is often necessary for experienced family men to remember that lovers should not look at each other, but in one direction.

Little hostess. You can give it to your daughter in addition to the apron. Previously, mother sewed an apron for her daughter as a sign that the girl is already a real helper, copes with household chores and errands. A very touching and undeservedly forgotten tradition. With the Domovushka doll, you can both clean up and cook. No wonder they say that home is when it smells like soup...
Housekeeping - sounds somehow proud and pleasant.

The name of the doll comes from the groats with which it is densely stuffed. Traditionally, this cereal was buckwheat. The first handfuls of selected buckwheat for sowing were taken from a bag sewn in the form of a small chrysalis. So they tried to transfer the saved forces of the breadwinner of the earth to the new harvest. After harvesting a new crop, the bag-doll was again filled with selected cereals. The doll was made with the wish of prosperity in the family. So that there is no more and no less money, kindness, children, worries, love than you need. Enough.

Among the wedding dolls, their rightful place is occupied by dolls depicting a bride and groom, a married couple. They can have one common hand for two - a symbol of the fact that two people will now go hand in hand through life.
Or these are small dolls peeking out from a pair of bast shoes: a husband and wife are two boots (well, or bast shoes) of a pair.
They were made for a wedding so that young people would understand that now they are nowhere without each other, now they are always together. But sometimes this image is very relevant for experienced couples. How helpful it is to remember that husband and wife are still one.

A doll of Ten Hands was given to a bride or a young housewife for a wedding with the wish that the woman had time to cope with numerous chores around the house and in needlework: weaving, sewing, embroidery, knitting. Over the past centuries, women's duties have changed, but their number has not decreased. The image of a multi-armed doll is still relevant, it reminds you that you should not constantly put off all things for later. We can handle everything.

Traditional dolls "kuvadki" accompanied the baby from the first days of his life. They were put or hung in a cradle to entertain the baby and drive away evil spirits.
The word "kuvada" means ancient rite associated with the birth of a child. Our ancestors saw in the birth pangs the intervention of evil forces that torment the defenseless baby and the woman in labor. Therefore, the man, the father of the child, took an active part in scaring away evil spirits, performing ritual actions.
A woman gave birth in a bath, and in the dressing room at that time a man sat on a basket with eggs and pretended to hatch them. Thus, he "took a hit on himself."
After the birth of the baby, the woman and the midwives bathed in the hole. And only after that the baby was placed in a cradle, over which kuvadka dolls were hung, with which the baby could play and have fun.

It is possible to perform pupae in the form of birds or in the form of traditional kuvadok. This is both a module for a child and an accessory for the home.

Shrovetide is a holiday unique in its prevalence. For every nation, the time between winter and spring is celebrated as the beginning of a new cycle of life. The pagan tradition has not lost its relevance either with the advent of Christianity or in modern times. One of the main ceremonies of this holiday is the burning of an effigy of Shrovetide, as a symbol of getting rid of everything old, dilapidated, unnecessary and making room for the young and new.

But it turns out that the big Maslenitsa had a younger sister - a domestic Maslenitsa. The owners told her about their plans for the year and gave her an order so that the doll would help them come true. The doll stood in the most prominent place and constantly reminded of what was to be done.
A year later, the doll, tired of her duties, was given an honorary farewell - she was burned along with a large stuffed animal. And it was replaced by a new Maslenitsa.

In Rus', pagan and Christian holidays often coincided in time, intertwining and complementing each other. Kolyada is a Slavic holiday of the winter solstice and a pagan deity of the same name. The winter solstice falls on December 25th. And the Kolyada holiday is celebrated from December 25 to January 6.
This time (according to the old style) Christianity calls Christmas time. These days stand out from the entire calendar year with a great saturation with magical rites, signs and customs. People believed that on such days the border between the old and the new economic year passes, and the doors to other world and much becomes possible.
People sought to use such opportunities to their advantage and ensure their well-being for the whole year. One of the ceremonies was a tour of the yards with holiday greetings. Christmas carols were held with the participation of the Kolyada doll.
This doll is a symbol of the sun and good relations in the family. The doll was made from saw cut birch, bark or paper. In bags of salt and bread - so that the table is always full and the family does not feel the need for anything. Behind the belt is a broom, with which she drives away evil spirits. Kolyada lived in the house for a year.
It was believed that she brings happiness, peace and harmony to the family. A year later, Kolyada was burned and a new one was made.

Before the wedding, the bride made the doll, using the skills of embroidery, weaving, weaving belts and lace. The skill of the future wife was judged by the clothes of this doll. The doll was put on a tray with a wedding loaf, which was baked by the mother of the bride. A whole composition was created on the tray: a “Beauty” doll was placed in the center of the loaf, the tray was decorated with wheat ears and handicrafts made by the bride. After tasting the magnificent loaf and appreciating the skill of the craftswoman, the guests left money and gifts for the young on a tray. After the wedding, the doll was carefully preserved

The shifting doll was common among peasant families in the central and northwestern provinces of Russia. This difficult doll has two faces - one young unmarried girl, another - an adult power woman with a child. Turning the doll over, you see the transition from one state of a woman to another. You can clearly see how the costume, mood and role of a woman change. The doll helped the woman to realize and accept the changes in her life.

Doll for a girl dreaming of marriage. And not just about marriage, but certainly about a successful one. There is no need for hands in such a marriage - the husband wears it in his arms, and 7 outfits on the doll are also not without reason! For each collar, the girl thinks of the quality of the future husband - so that he is caring, handsome, with a sense of humor ...
And the bride herself with a long, rich braid is a feast for the eyes and a joy for any groom.
And after many years of marriage, the wife will look at her doll and compare the desired and the actual ...

But seriously, if a girl believes in a prosperous marriage and a happy family, if she looks to the future with joy and hope, she will not create obstacles for herself to fulfill her dreams.

Helper doll from the fairy tale about Vasilisa. Given by her mother, the doll accompanied the girl in all her adventures and difficulties, helping, prompting and guiding her. A very delicate doll, it is pleasant to play with her, tell her secrets and easily dress up.

The doll is an image of motherhood, care and tenderness. Such a doll was given to brides and already married women with the wish of a happy and easy motherhood. The baby nestled comfortably under her mother's wing. It's time for worries and troubles. But they are nice...

In order to be happy, you must first understand what you need for this. When you make a wish, you create a detailed picture in your imagination, which you gradually try to get closer to. Wishlist - was the most beloved girl's doll. She was told her dreams, given beads, ribbons, decorated and consulted. The doll helped the girl understand her desires, and they, of course, came true.

Doll "Successful" - the image of a figure whose work is arguing, everything is ready for the deadline. This is a symbol of a person who achieves the desired both in work and in life. A well-dressed, elegant doll stands firmly on its feet. Shoulder bag - these are things that are within our power, for pleasure and joy.

Symbol of new life, spring, female power. In the Tula province in March, women performed the rite of invocation of spring. In bright outfits, they called the birds to return home as soon as possible so that a new fertile year could begin. The doll, as it were, tells us: "Everything is in your hands. If you want - and Spring will come."

Brooch "For free"

Have you ever wondered what jewelry says? About status, about taste, about the fact that a person wants to protect himself from unnecessary other people's attention - let them look at bright trinkets rather than at me. But in our age of new materials, middle incomes and the desire to express themselves, jewelry has another curious function.

Modern ladies use accessories to tell about themselves: earrings - cakes, a pendant - a key, a bracelet made of skulls ... I just want to solve this puzzle. I, of course, could not resist not to take part in this creative process. I offer a collection of accessories based on a folk doll with the author's interpretation ...)) Perhaps you will have your own associations ...

Brooch "For free" - the doll used to be put out the window so that those passing by would know that the bride-to-be lives in this house, they could appreciate the skills and taste of the girl. Now, not everyone lives on the first floor, which means that the number of spectators is sharply reduced. An alternative is a brooch that can be worn on the chest, drawing attention to yourself when you want it.

This doll is the embodiment of maternal love and care for every member of the family. The doll itself symbolizes the unity of the male and female principles. It is based on a twist, a dense column of fabric, birch bark or logs. She is dressed up as a married woman, and six small children are tied to her belt. It turns out the Family - seven people like me, and everyone needs the love and care of others.
This doll was made as a symbol of happy motherhood and protected from prying eyes.

Pregnancy is a doll that was made for a woman expecting her first child. The baby lies wrapped in birch bark and tied with a mother's belt, like an umbilical cord. With the help of a doll, a woman was preparing for motherhood, for changes in her life.
The colors of the costume are calm, not defiant, but red is always present, as a symbol of health and strength.

A doll symbolizing the feminine essence. It was made for a woman who wanted to have children. It was believed that she invites children's souls into the house. Elegant and unusual doll. She was sewn by a relative female line: sister, godmother, mother or grandmother.
She stood in the most visible place, and after she completed her task, she was sent to play with the child.

A mischievous little doll was found in a dig ancient city Rzhev in the layer of the 10th century. Made from linen. The main thing in this doll is hair, it contains the strength and beauty of a woman. The braid twists up and serves as a support for the doll, making it stable. She reminds a woman of the energy and strength hidden in her.

Since ancient times, women have used a variety of jewelry to look beautiful. Small puppets, which served as a talisman, which were worn around the neck, were very popular. This is the first toy for a child, who spends even more time on his mother's breast, and a symbol of female beauty and health.
When the child grew up and for the first time went out for a walk on his own, they put the doll around his neck and said: "Go for a walk, and the doll will look after you." So the child got used to independence.
The name and homeland of the doll was given by the Finno-Ugric people "Veps", still living in the northern regions of central Russia.

The chrysalis depicts a nurse leading the baby - hence the name vedochka (leading to life). She is connected with the child by a common hand, i.e. always there, always ready to help and teach. This is a symbol of parental love and care for the baby and a reminder that a little more and he will already walk the road on his own.

There are many proverbs and sayings about the horse: "Without a horse, a Cossack is an orphan all around", "You don't eat it yourself, but feed the horse!" and others. Not a single hero in Rus' could do without a horse! The horse is both a protector, and a helper, and a friend. Bast Solar Horse - a symbol of goodness and happiness in the house!

This doll, a symbol of a turn in life, is named after St. Spiridon of Trimifuntsky, whose memorial day falls on the day winter solstice, after which the days begin to arrive, the sun turns to the summer. From Spiridon the sun for the summer, winter for frost. After Spiridon, at least for a sparrow's lope, let the day come. In the hands of the puppet, the wheel is a symbol of the sun. If you are ready for a turn in your life, for good and joyful changes - this doll is for you.)

A small bunny that is worn on a child's finger. Warmed by the warmth of a child's hand, this cozy character becomes a friend and companion of the baby. And besides, it develops children's imagination, since its facelessness allows the child's imagination to complete the expression of his muzzle.

For already adult comrades, the bunny becomes a brooch that will always be there.

Here it is - a new family tree! The wedding doll was placed in the center of the wedding loaf and then kept by the spouses all their lives. Feet on the ground, head in seventh heaven! happiness-happiness!!

This elegant fashionista belongs to the game dolls. The girl herself sewed it or the mother for her daughter, not only for fun. With her help, the girl learned to sew outfits, comb and style her hair. With her, she played daughters - mothers and other children's games beloved for many centuries.

Sleepless nights are well known to every mother, when the baby cries and acts up for no particular reason. folk recipe good night- doll "Insomnia", stuffed with soothing herbs and magic words: "Drowsy-insomnia, do not play with my child, but play with this doll." The doll has no age restrictions.

Handkerchief doll, girlfriend doll, whom you can tell everything, entrust everything. Her dress has a high absorbency of tears, which is useful not only for children, but also for adults. It is very useful to cry and relieve the soul.

Swaddle - the image of a newborn baby. They say that such a doll was given to the bride for the wedding, so that her maternal instinct woke up and everything worked out. After it turned out, the doll was given to the baby. It is a dense twist of fabric. It is easy to hold it in a fist, it is tempting to chew and scratch cutting teeth, this is the link between mother and child, mother's smell helps to create the effect of presence while mother is cooking in the kitchen.

This children's doll is made based on the northern doll "Bereginya." Northern peoples in the absence of the sun gravitate towards bright colors. And this idea is impossible not to use in the game with children. Materials for this doll are selected different according to tactile sensations.

It is interesting for children to look, touch in a variety of ways, and the connection between generations is felt.

The magpie-crow cooked porridge, fed the children ...
I think you know how to proceed :-)

Very necessary and cute set for mothers and little girls. Veps doll on the neck for mom and Baby doll for sleep. Everyone has their own, but they are part of a single whole, made of the same material.
Flax is an excellent antiseptic material, it is easy to heat it and apply it to a sore spot. With a toy, it is not so sad to get sick and it is not at all lonely to sleep.
Mom's doll is not just a beautiful decoration, it is also "a toy is always at hand", it can distract and occupy the child for a while.

In Conclusion About the workshop "Red Clew"

"Red Clew" appeared in 2011. From a small hobby that brings joy, it gradually grew into a workshop, with its own space, craftsmen, assistants and sympathizers. Now it is a community of like-minded people, professionals who love their slightly unusual work, give it a lot of time and inspiration. The greatest happiness for the head of any business is when employees do not want to go home, they send letters with ideas at night, and they themselves volunteer to participate in noisy events.

The owner of the workshop is Vera Yarilina, a psychologist, art therapist, master and ideologist of the "Red Tangle".

"I met my first Stolbushka at the summer children's program, which I accompanied as a child psychologist. And it was love, from the first rag and the first knot. Each new opened doll surprised me with its beauty and worldly wisdom. These were not just decorative souvenirs, each the doll had its own character, its purpose and made you think.I was happy to include a folk toy in my activities with children and families.And for several years now I have been rejoicing at the excellent result of such activities.Children and adults get acquainted with part of the history of their people, gain confidence in that they can create such beauty with their own hands. And most importantly, the inner world is reflected in the doll, and we can look at ourselves from the outside and even change for the better. "

For centuries, people have been creating rag dolls with their own hands. Such dolls were supposed to protect family members from adversity and illness, bring happiness and prosperity to the house, protect them from evil spirits. created from natural materials and improvised means, they were cherished, loved, passed down from generation to generation.

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What are amulet dolls and what is their function

A small doll made of cloth, thread, straw or grass, dressed in beautiful, embroidered clothes, was not intended for children's play. Only a woman could make a charm doll, as the continuer of the family and the keeper of the hearth, men were not allowed to do such a thing.

Craftswomen tried to create a doll without using sharp objects - scissors, knives or needles (needles were allowed when embroidering doll clothes). Another important condition is that the doll should not have a face, so that evil spirits do not move into it through the eyes.

Such amulet dolls helped in difficult situations. life situations, they can be conditionally divided into several groups:

  • guardians of the home and family hearth;
  • guardians of life and health of children and adults;
  • guardians of pregnant women and babies, assistants in childbirth;
  • bringing good luck, prosperity, wealth;
  • patrons of crafts, trade, agricultural work, good harvest;
  • guardians of warriors and travelers;
  • protectors from evil spirits and evil spirits;
  • divination dolls.


The girls began to sew the first dolls with their own hands as a child under the guidance of their mothers and older sisters. By the time she got married, the girl already knew how to make such amulets for various needs. The bride-to-be also had in her dowry chest several dolls for her future home, a new family. The experience of creating amulet dolls was passed down through the female line, from mother to daughter.

The main Slavic dolls amulets and their meaning are shown in the table:

NameFor what occasion didWhat did the doll look like, what materials were used to create itThe value of the amulet doll
BereginyaBirthday, wedding, housewarmingRed threads and red patchesAssistant to a woman in household affairs, in childbirth. Keeper of the house from evil spirits.
GraceApril 7 or Christmas (as a gift)Birch or rowan tree. Depicted with raised hands.Brings the good news to the house, an assistant in the upbringing of children.
tenhandleAs a wedding gift, the bride could also make such a doll for her own weddingThe doll has 10 hands to keep up with all household chores.Help the young mistress in numerous household chores.
ash dollFor the wedding (prepared by the mother for her daughter-bride)The doll's head was made from soaked ash. The doll had no arms or legs. Often a Pelenashka was tied to an ash doll.A symbol of motherhood and well-being in the house.
KuvadkaTo the birth of a childA very simple motanka doll, resembling a cross in shape.They helped the mother in childbirth, protected the woman and the newborn baby.
PlantainBefore the long roadA pinch of ash from the hearth was placed in the doll's bag.Helped in road hardships, brought good luck.
Bird JoyTo welcome springThe doll was decorated with bright ribbons, feathers, bows.She took part in the ritual holidays of invocation of spring.
ComforterFor small childrenStuffed motanka doll in the form of a soft, thick woman.The doll was given to the child only when it was necessary to comfort him. Did not serve as a toy for the child.

Russian national

Russian folk dolls are closely connected with national traditions and rituals. Ritual dolls were prepared for certain holidays, after which they were destroyed or stored until the next holiday.

Such dolls were made from:

  • fabrics;
  • thread;
  • tree;
  • clay.

There are three main dolls:

  1. Kupavka - they prepared a doll on the day of the Summer Solstice from two poles fastened in the shape of a cross. Bunches of straw were tied onto the poles, resulting in a human-sized doll. The doll was dressed up in real women's clothes - a shirt and a sundress, long ribbons were tied to the sleeves. At the end of the Ivan Kupala holiday, Kupavka was released down the river.
  2. Kostroma (Maslenitsa) - they prepared a doll at the beginning of the Maslenitsa week. Just like Kupavka, Kostroma was made in human height or even more, dressed in women's clothes. Kostroma was burned on the last day of Maslenitsa celebrations.
  3. Easter (Verbnitsa) - they prepared a doll a week before Easter, on the eve Palm Sunday. They tried to make the doll without scissors and needles from shreds and red rags. The finished doll was put up to the window for everyone to see, and on the Easter holiday they put it on the table along with Easter cakes and painted eggs.

Kupavka Kostroma (Maslenitsa) Easter (Verbnitsa)

Rules for creating amulet pupae

In the manufacture of amulet dolls, the following rules should be observed:

  1. Get started at good mood. Remember that the doll absorbs part of the craftswoman's energy, so you should not take on the doll in a state of irritation, fatigue or illness.
  2. Next to the craftswoman should not be men and grown-up boys. An exception may be young boys, but at the same time they should not distract the craftswoman.
  3. Create a doll not on the table, but on your lap. Cover yourself with a handkerchief so that the hair does not accidentally get into the doll.
  4. Do not touch the doll with sharp objects (scissors, knives, needles) and glue. Clothes should be sewn separately, and then put on the doll.
  5. Try to have time to make a doll before you are about to go to bed.
  6. Use natural materials without dyes to create a doll. It can be cotton and linen fabrics, matting, threads, ropes, ribbons, straw, etc.
  7. Finished dolls can not be washed and thrown into the trash. If it is necessary to get rid of the doll, it should be burned, buried in the ground, and floated down the river.
  8. The very first doll should be made for yourself and left in your home.

Doll Making Instructions

Motanka - from the word to wind. This is a doll made of scraps, all the elements of which are wound with a long thread. The thread cannot be cut, and no knots can be made, only one knot is allowed in the navel area. You must wear a long shirt, a skirt and a scarf on a motanka. The face cannot be embroidered or drawn; it is worth leaving either a clean piece of fabric or pulling the face with threads crosswise.

  • two shreds of white fabric 10x10 cm;
  • scraps of colored fabric;
  • yarn for hair;
  • spool of red thread;
  • padding tape for the head;
  • ribbons, braid, lace for decorating and decorating the doll.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Roll a white piece of dense fabric tightly into a tube. These will be the legs of the doll.
  2. For shoes, cut out two squares of 5x5 cm from a colored patch. We apply each square to the opposite ends of the tube and wrap around them. We fix with threads.
  3. Fold the tube exactly in half, step back from the fold 2 cm and wrap it with thread.
  4. Wind the synthetic winterizer tape on the fold marked with threads. This will be the head.
  5. Place the head in the center of the white flap, punch the fabric evenly around the head and wrap the thread around the neck.
  6. From the right and left corners of the flap, make handles, tucking the fabric inward. Fasten the ends of the handles with threads.
  7. From the front and back corners of the flap, make a little body by tying it with a thread.
  8. Wrap the yarn around a book of suitable width. The thicker the winding, the more magnificent the doll's hairstyle will be.
  9. Cut the winding from one end, and tie a piece of yarn from the other.
  10. Attach the hair to the head, distribute it evenly and tie the thread around the neck very tightly. Braid your hair.
  11. Measure the height of the doll and sew her a sarafan from a colored patch. Put it on the doll.

You should always cut and sew clothes for the doll separately so that the needles do not touch the doll's body.

Watch how to make the Happiness motanka doll step by step in the video of the AllatRa TV Dnepr channel.


Metlushka doll will sweep all quarrels and troubles out of the house. Such a doll was hung in the kitchen, right above the front door. If the doll fell from its place to the floor, it was believed that it had fulfilled its purpose, and a new Broomstick had to be made.

Doll Metlushka

To make a doll you will need:

  • small broom (buy or make your own);
  • 2 square pieces of white fabric (the size depends on the size of the whisk);
  • colored fabric (for a sundress, a scarf and an apron);
  • red ribbon;
  • spool of white thread;
  • spool of red thread;
  • yarn.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Wrap the yarn around the broom handle so that a round head is formed.
  2. Wrap the head with a white patch and wrap it with white thread.
  3. Make a slit in the center of the second white flap and put it on the broom. Form the doll's arms by securing them with red threads.
  4. Sew a colored sundress and apron separately, put it on the doll.
  5. Cover the head with a handkerchief, decorate with a ribbon. Metlushka doll is ready.

When creating the doll's head, try to keep the face smooth and even, without wrinkles or wrinkles.

Photo gallery

In the photo you can see how to make a Metlushka doll step by step.

Valdai Doll Bell

To make a doll you will need:

  • 3 round patches with a diameter of 15, 20 and 22 cm (1 red and 2 multi-colored);
  • 1 white patch 12x13 cm;
  • 1 multi-colored patch for a scarf 15x15x21;
  • small bell;
  • a piece of cotton wool or synthetic winterizer;
  • red dense threads;
  • red ribbon.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Roll the cotton wool or synthetic winterizer into a ball, fasten a bell on it with a thread.
  2. Place the cotton with the bell in the center of the largest round patch.
  3. Wrap the fabric around the bell cotton to form a head. Fasten with thread.
  4. Wrap the second largest patch around the first and also secure with a thread.
  5. Wrap and secure the third flap in the same way.
  6. Lay out a white rectangular piece of fabric, wrap the corners towards each other.
  7. Attach the flap to the head, gently crimp the fabric so that it does not wrinkle on the doll's face. Fasten with thread.
  8. Form the handles by folding the long ends of the white fabric inward. Secure the ends of the handles with a thread, stepping back a little from the edge.
  9. Tie a scarf. Doll Bell is ready.

Small bells can be bought at the fishing shop.

Photo gallery

Charm doll made of linen threads

To make a doll you will need:

  • undyed linen threads;
  • red wool threads.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Take a thick book or box, about the height of your palm. Wrap yarn around it three parts dolls: the thickest for the body, 2 times thinner for the arms and for the pigtail.
  2. Cut the windings on one side. You should get three bunches of thread.
  3. For handles, weave a pigtail, secure with red thread. Cut the pigtail on the other side and also secure with a thread.
  4. Measure 1 meter of red thread. At the body, mark the head by tying it with the middle of a long thread.
  5. Tie a knot for the pigtail at one end, pull it through the head and fasten it at the crown. Weave a braid, tie the end with a thread.
  6. We insert a pigtail handle into the body, fasten it with the ends of a long thread crosswise, and then tie it on the belt, leaving the belt.
  7. Tie the head of the doll with a red thread rim. The doll is ready.


The Well-Being Doll is the first assistant for the hostess, she will also take trouble away from home, and attract prosperity and prosperity to the house. Such dolls were given for weddings and housewarmings.

Doll Benevolent

To make a doll you will need:

  • white flap 10x10 cm (for the head);
  • colored flap 15x5 (for pens);
  • a colored flap of a round shape with a diameter of 12 cm (for a skirt);
  • triangular colored patch, 18 cm long side (for a handkerchief);
  • ribbons (for apron and belt);
  • spool of white thread;
  • cotton wool for filling.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Put a ball of cotton wool in the center of the white patch, wrap the fabric around it and wrap it with thread. The head for the doll is ready.
  2. Fold the piece of paper in half and fold the edges inward. You should get a narrow four-layer strip of matter. Tie a knot in the middle.
  3. Tie the handles with threads to the neck of the doll, lifting them above the head.
  4. Gather the round patch along the edge with a simple seam to make a bag. Put a coin and cotton inside.
  5. Insert the head with handles into the bag. Tighten the thread and additionally wrap it around the doll to hold it tight.
  6. Lower the doll's arms down, tie her an apron, a belt and a handkerchief. The Well-Being Doll is ready.

Photo gallery


To make a doll you will need:

  • 2 white patches 20x30 for the body;
  • multi-colored patch 25x25 for a diaper;
  • red patch 10x10 for a scarf;
  • red wool thread;
  • beautiful lace.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Put two white patches on top of each other, fold in half, then in half again and roll into a tight roll. Tie the roll with red thread. This will be the body of the doll.
  2. Fold the red patch in half and put it on like a scarf on the body.
  3. We lay out the flap for the diaper on the table. We bend one corner to the center, put the torso on the diaper.
  4. We tuck the diaper on the left, and then on the right.
  5. We bend the bottom edge of the diaper and lift it up.
  6. We tie the doll with a string. Doll Swaddle is ready.

Photo gallery

Dolls Bunnies

To make a doll you will need:

  • patch of colored fabric 10x20 cm;
  • cotton wool or synthetic winterizer;
  • red threads.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Fold the fabric in half along the short side of the patch. Fold into a corner, wrap the thread three times and tie a knot (do not cut the thread). These will be Bunny ears.
  2. Roll up a tight cotton ball and insert it under the Bunny's ears. Close with a cloth and wrap the neck with the same thread, forming a head.
  3. We wrap the remaining fabric inward, fold it 1 cm from the edge and tuck it under the neck. We wrap the same thread crosswise, forming paws. The doll is ready.

Step-by-step diagram for creating a Bunny doll

On the video you can watch a master class for beginners on making a Bunny doll. Shot by the channel "U-mama. ru".


Lovebirds - a man and a woman holding hands tightly - a traditional Slavic wedding talisman. Lovebirds were prepared on the eve of the wedding, and during the wedding they hung under the arc of a horse carrying the young. Then the doll was kept in a young family, protecting conjugal love and fidelity in the house.


To make a doll you will need:

  • thin even stick about 30 cm long;
  • a flap of white fabric 15–40 cm (for a stick);
  • 2 shreds of white fabric 20x40 cm (for the body of a woman) and 20x20 cm (for the body of a man);
  • 2 shreds of red fabric 15x30 cm (for a woman's shirt) and 15x20 (for a man's shirt);
  • patchwork striped or colored 20x30 cm (for pants);
  • multi-colored patchwork 20x20 cm (for a scarf);
  • a patch of dark color 10x10 cm (for a hat);
  • ribbons and ribbons;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • beautiful fabric for the apron;
  • a spool of thick red thread;
  • wire and pieces of leather for boots (you can use cut off fingers from old leather gloves).

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. We wrap the stick with a white cloth and fix the fabric on both sides with a thread. These will be the doll's hands.
  2. We fold the white fabric 20x40 4 times, tucking inward. You should get a narrow long strip. We turn it in half, stepping back a little, we tie it with a red thread, outlining the head. We fill the head with synthetic winterizer. The body for the female figure is ready.
  3. We attach the torso to the arm and fix it with a thread crosswise. Similarly, we make the body for the male figure - we fold the flap for the pants 4 times, tucking the fabric inward.
  4. We attach the pants to the arm and tie with a thread from below. From a white flap 20x20 we make a head for a man in the same way as they did for a woman. We stuff it with synthetic winterizer and fix it with a thread on the arm.
  5. We fold the red patches in half and make simple patterns for shirts for a woman and a man.
  6. We cut a hole for the head and put it on the dolls.
  7. We fix the shirts with beautiful ribbons or ribbons. The woman is still wearing an apron.
  8. We insert the wire into the boots and fix it with threads on the legs of the man.
  9. We tie the head of the woman with a ribbon and cover it with a handkerchief. We apply the flap for the cap to the head of the man, wrap it around and fold the edges at the back of the head inward. We fix with a braid or tape.
  10. We tie a thread to the Lovebirds so that they can be hung. The Lovebird doll is ready.

Photo gallery


To make a doll you will need:

  • canvas or linen fabric 20x20 cm (for the body) and 7x20 (for the handles);
  • wide lace ribbon 10 cm (for the bottom shirt);
  • flap along the width of the lace ribbon (for the top shirt);
  • a small flap of soft, plain fabric (for a head povoynik);
  • a piece of beautiful fabric 40x40 (for a scarf);
  • embroidered apron;
  • needle and thread;
  • any cereal or mixture of cereals.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. From a 20x20 flap, we sew an oblong bag, pour cereal into it and carefully sew it up or tie it in a knot.
  2. Wrap a lace ribbon around the waist and wrap it with thread. From above, fasten a flap of the upper shirt with a thread, leaving a gap between the edges with a width of 2–3 cm.
  3. We wrap the head with a soft shred of the warrior, hiding the sewn end of the bag under it.
  4. We twist a long strip of fabric from both sides inside out. Then we lean the dolls against the back so that the twisted handles are at shoulder level. We fix everything with a thread.
  5. We attach the apron to the body with the same thread.
  6. We tie a handkerchief so that the upper edges of the handles are hidden under it. Doll Krupenichka is ready.


The herbalist protected the health of all family members. Such a charm was made for the sick, often the doll was given to children to play. This is no accident, because Travnitsa is filled with medicinal herbs (chamomile, mint, lemon balm, St. John's wort, thyme, etc.), which help to improve health, a kind of aromatherapy. The herbs in the doll need to be changed once a year.

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« Kindergarten general developmental type No. 42 "

Compiled by the educator

Stepanchenko Natalya Yurievna

Usolie - Siberian


We are puppets. Take it. And take it to your house.
And let on the table, on the wall, on the sofa
We will smile at you whenever you want.
And maybe someone will get warmer.
And if someone once gets sad -
Reveal to us what oppresses your soul.
And the doll will understand, and press her cheek against you,
And, perhaps, your sad circle will destroy.
But do not offend, a fairy tale is hidden in us ...
We have so much warmth and trust in people.
And maybe the doll is just a mask
Dreams of a once unfulfilled miracle...

Who did not play with dolls in childhood,
He did not see happiness.
(folk wisdom)

The history of the folk doll

The Russian word “doll” is related to the Greek “kyklos” (“circle”) and means something rolled up, for example, a piece of wood or a bundle of straw, which girls have long swaddled and wrapped, obeying the instinct of motherhood. Exists legend about when the first doll appeared.

She was molded from clay by the goddess Nuwa when she walked along the river bank.

It happened a long time ago, a very young Earth had just separated from the sky, but mountains were already rising on it and rivers were flowing, flowers and trees were growing, birds were singing songs, and animals were roaming in the forests. But people did not yet exist, and therefore, the world was spacious and quiet. The goddess Nuwa wandered around this beautiful Earth. Once she sat down on the river bank, took a handful of yellow clay, moistened it with water and, looking at her reflection, fashioned a figure of a little girl. As soon as the goddess put the doll on the ground, the clay baby came to life, shouted “wa-wa” and jumped merrily. Nu Wa smiled and gave her the name Ren, which means "man" in Chinese. The goddess liked to sculpt little men so much that she soon made a lot of them. These naked creatures surrounded Nu Wa, began to dance and shout with joy, and then fled in different directions. The goddess was surprised at first, but then she calmed down and decided to continue her work. She got carried away and kept sculpting and sculpting figurines. The little people laughed loudly, and Nuwa no longer felt so alone, because the world around her was now inhabited ...

Only in Russian the word "doll" has several meanings.

First - children's toy in the form of a human figure.

Second - in a theatrical performance, a figure of a person or animal, made of different materials and controlled by an actor (puppeteer): puppets on threads (puppets), cane (on canes), glove (put on the hand), mechanical, riding puppets (glove and cane, playing above the screen), shadow puppets (flat cane puppets projecting shadows or silhouettes onto the screen).

Third - a figure that reproduces a person in full growth. (dictionary of S. I. Ozhegov)

Russian folk doll takes special place in traditional culture. The life of the people is unthinkable without folklore, traditional holidays, rituals, national costumes, objects of applied art, including dolls. Traditional Russian dolls participated in many folk rituals both festive and domestic. In addition, traditional Russian dolls were also made for children. It was believed that

if children play a lot and diligently with dolls, there will be harmony and prosperity in the family.

Every girl loves to play with dolls, and many adult women would not refuse to return to their childhood. No wonder there was a belief in Rus': "The longer a girl plays with dolls, the happier she will be." There was even sucha sign - when children play dolls a lot and diligently, there is profit in the family; if they carelessly handle toys, there will be trouble in the house.Playing with dolls for girls was especially encouraged among the people, since the doll was also considered a symbol of procreation. In Rus' it was considered bad omen interrupt a child who is playing. The longer the children played with dolls, the calmer the atmosphere in the family.

The very first dolls (probably at the dawn of mankind) were made from ash. Ash was taken from the hearths, mixed with water. Then a ball rolled up, and a skirt was attached to it. Such a doll was called Baba - a female deity. "Baba" was passed down the female line from grandmother to granddaughter, and was given as a gift on the wedding day. This doll obviously did not have a playful character, but was a talisman of a woman, a home, a hearth. When moving to a new place, this doll from the ashes of the hearth was taken with them, apparently in order to have a hearth, comfort, home again in a new place.
Another very ancient doll is known. When a woman cut her hair, she collected it in a small bag and made a doll. It was believed that when a person fell ill, he had to be surrounded by such dolls and he would recover.
These dolls were not played with. They were kept in chests and passed on the day of the wedding. In most cases, the doll is the image of a woman, a goddess, and therefore, of course, a woman had a direct connection with her. But men, too, "had the honor" to use the power of the doll. A woman gave a doll to a man when he went on a journey or to war. It was believed that the doll guards the man and reminds of the house, the hearth. Each housewife in the house in the "red corner" (the so-called corner in which the icon and other holy and protective things stood) had a doll, and when there were quarrels in the family, then, left alone, the woman opened the windows and, as if with a small broom - a doll "swept the rubbish out of the hut." This is not material garbage, but rubbish, because of which there are quarrels in the house. Each newborn child had a bright chrysalis in its cradle, protecting the baby from the "evil eye".

Age specificity of a patchwork doll

Rag dolls are an integral part of Russian culture. In rural areas, they had their own age specifics.

Baby dolls (0 to 3 years).This is a doll that the expectant mother sews for her unborn baby. Usually it was made from worn, clean homespun cloth, which absorbed the warmth of the hands that made it. It was considered that with

native, home material the child is given a particle life force necessary during this period of life. Such a doll helps to develop tactile sensations, and the child could simply sharpen the first teeth on it.

Dolls of early childhood (4-6 years).During this period of his life, with the help of an adult, a child could already make a simple rag doll.

Dolls for ages 7-9.The girl could use “adult” tools (scissors and a needle) while working on the doll, as well as perform the simplest seam.

Dolls for teenagers (10-14 years old).The doll from this period of childhood is made with hair and is dressed in a more elaborate costume.

Dolls for youth (15-18 years old).These puppets were called "freehand puppets". The girl could demonstrate all her skill and knowledge, show accuracy and how well she wields a needle when embroidering and weaving belts.

Rag dolls, in the old days, played a huge role:

  • they were participants in many holidays and rituals;
  • were amulets;
  • were symbols of happiness, kindness, prosperity and procreation;
  • the child, playing with them, joined the culture and traditions of his people.
  • rag dolls provide great opportunities for creative self-realization and development of the child's personality and imagination.

The Russian doll is considered one of the most mysterious symbols of Russia. This is not just a children's toy, it is an essential attribute of ancient rituals. From time immemorial, craftsmen have mastered the art of making such dolls, which have absorbed all the cultural traditions and customs of Rus'.

It was believed that do-it-yourself dolls from improvised materials have magical properties. Our ancestors believed that dolls were able to drive away evil spirits and bring happiness to the house. This is probably why these dolls were often worn as talismans.

For the manufacture of Russian folk dolls, mostly improvised materials were used: fabric, thread, yarn, wood, straw, grass, etc. By purpose there were:ritual, protective and gaming Russian dolls.

Play dolls were made either specifically for children, more often using the same techniques as ritual dolls, or ritual dolls were given to children when they had already completed their ritual function.

Researchers believe that the earliest among the traditional rolled dolls of Russia was the log doll. It existed in the Smolensk province and was a wooden log dressed in stylized women's clothes.

The most common children's play doll is the haircut. It was made from cut grass. When a woman went to the field, she took the child and, so that he could play with something, she made a grass doll for him. Often such a doll was used for medicinal purposes.

When a child was sick, medicinal herbs were woven into such a doll. And when the child played with her, the smell of grass had a healing effect on him.
There were also traditional children's rag dolls.

The simplest folded doll is considered to be a doll Lady , which existed in the Efremov district of the Tula province. It was made for young children. First, the torso was made, covered with a white cloth and bandaged in three places, then they took a long piece, covered part of the torso with it, bandaged it, separating the head. The remnants of the fabric on the sides were cut into three parts and braided pigtails - these were the hands. A skirt, an apron were put on the doll, a scarf was tied on her head.

A play rag doll was distributedThe baby is naked.A distinctive feature of the technique of its manufacture was that the fabric at the bottom was not left as a single "hem", but was divided into two parts and legs were formed, wrapping them with threads. The doll must be girdled. The "baby", as the name already implies, was naked, without clothes, but the belt was not only an obligatory attribute of the Russian traditional costume, but also a very strong amulet.

Doll "freehand""was a game sewn doll. It was sewn by girls up to 12 years old and was an exam in sewing and needlework. Then the girls helped prepare the dowry for their older sisters, getting acquainted with traditional types of clothing, along the way picking up something for their dowry. Each girl wanted to quickly make a doll , on which she could show her knowledge of the costume so as not to stay too long with young children and get to gatherings in time.They sewed dolls "for free" mainly during Christmas and Lent, and in the spring, after Easter, they walked around the village, boasted of sewn dolls.In some Locally, these dolls had their own name.- simple-haired. The second is a doll with a scythe. The third is young. Fourth - elegant doll , she was the exam that separated childhood from youth.

Another simple doll Porridge helped the girl learn how to cook porridge. The doll was sewn from unbleached linen canvas in the form of a bag filled with cereals (usually buckwheat), arms and legs were sewn to it. Her body and head were made in proportion and were instructions for preparing the “correct” porridge: on the leg - cereal, on the waist - water, on the neck - porridge.

So that the child was not afraid to be left alone at home, they made a “friend” for him - a small “bunny on a finger ". There was also a Russian folk toy for children -birdie . Also, spinning dolls were usually made for games, and together with the girls. Traditional folk dolls were in every peasant hut. Grandmothers taught their granddaughters, mothers taught their daughters, older sisters taught the younger ones. So the people brought up future craftswomen and needlewomen, accustomed to hard work, and at the same time to a creative attitude towards the world.

The traditional folk doll was an integral part of the holidays of the Russian village: sowing, harvesting, harvesting, numerous rituals and rituals. In ancient times, the doll performed an extraordinary mission, replacing human sacrifices. On holidays, they began to sacrifice traditional stuffed dolls to the gods, which bore their own names: Maslenitsa, Kostroma, Kolyada ... The time of making ritual folk dolls depended on the time of the ritual. Dolls were usually made before traditional holidays. According to the custom, ritual Russian dolls were made by women, since since ancient times, since the era of matriarchy, a woman has been the main guardian of the hearth and folk traditions. Such dolls were made according to strict rules, without the use of needles and threads. Usually ritual folk dolls were made for a certain ritual, and therefore, when they fulfilled their purpose, they were burned (Maslenitsa, Kolyada), drowned (Kupavka), buried in the ground (Likhomanki, Kostroma, Cuckoo) or gave to children to play. In the everyday life of the Russian people, there were many different charm dolls. Already two weeks before the birth of the child, the expectant mother made a traditional amulet dollKuvatka and placed her in the cradle for the doll to keep her warm. After the rite of baptism, the Kuvatka doll was hung over the bed so that it would drive away all evil forces and protect the child. To protect against diseases, thirteen small pupae were made. Likhomanok" - in other words, “shaking sisters”. These traditional pupae were placed on the stove near the chimney. And above the front door to the house they placed a dollBeregin and believed that it protects the house from evil spirit and evil eye. So this folk doll was a kind of keeper of the family hearth. There is also a traditional Russian charm dollSwaddle . A swaddled doll was placed in the cradle of the baby, where she was before his baptism, in order to confuse evil spirits and take on all the misfortunes. To have prosperity in the house, they made a traditional doll Grain or otherwise Krupenichka . At the heart of this folk doll is a bag of grain or cereals, which symbolized a well-fed and rich life. In every house, a traditional Russian doll stood constantly in the red corner.column Fertility. Each province made its own Stolbushka doll, usually it was called at the place of manufacture:Vladimirskaya Stobushka , Moskovka , Kursk Stolbushka etc. Often several Pelenashek babies were tied to the body of the main mother doll with a belt. It was believed that a large number of children leads to the prosperity of the family and prosperity in the house. Such a folk Russian doll was often given to newlyweds with wishes for prosperity. For the wedding ceremony, a pair of traditional wedding dolls was made -Lovebirds . These are two kuvatka dolls - the Bride doll and the Groom doll. A peculiar feature of these dolls was that they had one hand, as a symbol of unification for a common common life "both in sorrow and in joy." After the wedding, the Lovebird dolls hung in a conspicuous place, and when a child was born in the family, the dolls were moved apart and a small doll made of thread was hung between them. So, looking at the Lovebirds, one could immediately understand how many children there are in the family.

Every housewife in the house had an interesting assistant doll tenhandle . Traditional folk doll tenhandle has many, many hands to keep up with everything, then there will always be order and prosperity in the house. Such a folk Russian doll was often given as a gift for a wedding, as a kind of helper for household chores. For the bride, at parting, the mother made a specialdoll comforter, in a different way Ash doll . The base of the doll was filled with coals from the hearth, this was a symbol of the fact that the girl takes a piece of her home with her. This traditional folk doll helped to settle in and get used to a new place, and sometimes even became an adviser and comforter.

An interesting folk double composition was made for a wedding feast. For a wedding cake, they made a steam room on a birch branch with a forkworld tree doll. A doll of the Bride and a doll of the Groom are attached to the branch, which is a symbol of unity. After the wedding, the World Tree was also kept in a place of honor next to other protective dolls.

Many traditional folk dolls were made for themselves and gifts. They had different purposes. But for joy and fun they made a dollBell . This Russian folk doll is a charm of good mood. Giving the Bell doll, they wish to receive only good news and always be in a good mood.

Why did she remain faceless for so long?

Mystical facelessness is also one of the ancient secrets of a rag doll. The image of a face in a doll was banned in the peasant environment for a long time. Facelessness kept the doll intact, like a package. The meaning of this persistent symbolism in the puppet tradition has long been forgotten. When asked why the doll did not have a face, the village women answered that she simply did not need it, that there should not be extra eyes in the house. So, a sighted doll is dangerous for a child. After all, eyes, nose, mouth, ears, even drawn ones, still have a gate through which communication with space forces, light and dark, good and evil. Therefore, it is better not to open these gates, it is safer to impose a taboo on them. A doll without a face is detached from everyday specifics, from a living person. She is blind, deaf and dumb - on her own, on her own. Only in such a “deathly” silence can one keep the secret of the clan, the family.

IN late XIX century, the desire to make the rag doll more believable is noticeable. The appearance of the doll changed with the change in its function. The conditional faceless figurine was losing its magical ritual role, becoming an entertaining toy bought at a fair.

The rag doll "takes on a face", which becomes the most important element of the doll's appearance. Traditionally, the doll's face was painted with charcoal from the stove, and this indicates the connection of the toy with the hearth. They used simple, chemical and colored pencils, ink. But more often they embroidered using traditional folk embroidery techniques, where women's faces were indicated by cross-shaped and diamond-shaped patterns. The eyes are shown as crosses or marked with dots. Their “peepers” are empty rhombuses, “they don’t see a crumb”, just like in the folk saying “a good girl has neither ears nor eyes”. The mouth, as a rule, was embroidered with red thread with dense stitches or a traditional cross stitch (“locked”). The mouths were small: the doll did not dare to “open its mouth”, was silent, “like taking water in its mouth”.

Rules for creating dolls

1 . The day you make the doll should be good for you. Great mood, positive thoughts - and the doll will delight its owner for a long period of time. You need to be in a good mood to create crafts, because at the time of working on the doll, it absorbs the mood and feelings of the craftswoman.

2 . The chrysalis must be"Not cut, not chipped." The fabric from which the doll is made is not cut or sewn. The fabric is torn into pieces by hand. In extreme cases, if it is very thick, it is put on along the edge with a knife or scissors, and then it is torn. The body of the doll is not sewn, but tied, with the exception: only the bag for Krupenichka-Zernovushka is sewn on the side. But you can sew clothes on it - skirts, aprons, hats, shirts. Also, clothes can be decorated with braid, lace and embroidery.

The thread with which you tie the doll is also not cut, but torn.

3 . The doll's outfit must have a red light. He was considered

the color of the Sun and carried joy, health, protected from the evil eye and troubles.

4 . The number of knots on the doll must be even. In addition, it is desirable, while tying each knot, to say some good words. You can also repeat your desires in the form of a single word: for example, happiness, prosperity, love.

5 . In the manufacture of pupae, in no case was the presence of male energies in the room where the sacrament took place, and if there were little boys in the room at the same time, then they had to be busy with their own affairs, in no case were they allowed to be around and look at the manufacturing process. Girls and women gathered, sat down at the table and worked, singing and talking about their own, about girlish things.

6 . The most important thing in the manufacture of dolls was not the technique itself, but the images that were invested in this process. For example, the craftswoman twists the neat head of the doll with her fingers, and says to herself: “a bright head, clean, filled with goodness, love.” She makes the doll breast and puts into it images of happy motherhood, prosperity in the family, kindness of the owner. Therefore, such dolls could only be made by those whom the craftswoman loved and from the bottom of her heart wanted good for herself, her husband, daughter, son, sister, and so on. And if she was already making a coastline for someone else, then at first she had to be imbued with the image of the future owner, wish him or her well and all the best, and then get to work.

7 . If something went wrong during the work, the thread breaks,

The fold does not work out - they said: “misfortune will come to the doll, but me

(or the name of the person to whom the amulet is being made) will bypass.

8 . The doll must be cross-shaped. Cross - sacred symbol, which endows a magical item with a certain power. Quite often, a wooden cross is used as a base, where the body of the doll is the vertical base, and the hands are the horizontal part of the cross.

9 . Dolls that are used as amulets must be faceless. In no case should you make a doll face. In extreme cases, you can wrap your head with threads, creating a cross.

10 . It is advisable to keep the doll in a place that is visible to you and periodically pick it up and talk to it.

11 . Traditionally, the doll was made "in the hem" on the knees, and not on the table. The table is a common space, and your knees are only yours. On the table lies fabric, threads and tools, and the doll is only in the hem.

12 . The doll had to be done clean, in one go. The reason for this is an old sign: the work done a second time crosses out what was done the first.

13 . You should like the doll and you should be pleased to hold it in your hands.

Following these simple rules, you can create an effective and effective amulet that will protect its owner from various troubles for a long period of time.

Place for the doll:

After the chrysalis has finally found its owner, it must choose a place for itself. To do this, you need to relax and trust her choice. Try to imagine that wherever she wants to sit, it will be the best place on earth. As soon as you manage to feel complete trust, that is, you relax and do not attach too much of great importance, then put her on the palm of your hand and look at her, asking her a question - where does she want to live. Wherever you want to go at this moment, go there, just follow your desires.

She can hide, or she can reign - trust her, she knows better where it is most convenient to help you - from the car or from under the pillow, from the refrigerator or from the purse, from the nightstand or from the center of the mantelpiece.

If you stand in the middle of the room with the doll, and nothing happens, then it's okay, it means that the doll trusts you to choose the best place for her.

Good advice!

Do not forget the most important advice - everything that you believe in can come true. It is not necessary to work too hard in the sweat of your brow to fulfill your desire, it is enough just to calmly work in the right direction and ask the Universe to help you. Of course, the chrysalis is not the only one, but one of the most pleasant guides for helping you.


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Program "Traditional Folk Doll".

Compiled by: Makarenko E.V.

Esikova Yu.V.

(master of traditional folk toys).

    Explanatory note

Educational program"Traditional folk doll" refers to the artistic and aestheticfocus . It is aimed at reviving the traditions of making folk dolls and introducing students to the folk origins of the puppet world, developing creative abilities, artistic taste, creating conditions for self-realization of the child's personality. The program introduces children to the wonderful world of folk culture, creativity, gives them the opportunity to believe in themselves, in their abilities. The content reveals the artistic image of the doll, words, the connection of folk culture with spiritual values. The development of the creative experience of students in the process of their own artistic and creative activity is carried out.

Under this program, children have the opportunity not only to learn how to make dolls, but also to study life, rituals, individual cultural items, take part in folk holidays, games that contribute to “immersion” in the wonderful world of Slavic culture.

The educational program "Traditional Folk Doll" focuses on solving the problems of arts and crafts education and aesthetic education, i.e. considers education and upbringing as a whole. This program is comprehensive and contributes to the formation of students' spiritual and artistic culture.

Folk dolls are part of traditional children's culture. They carry certain images focused on traditional ideas about the family, family life, female and male roles, and motherhood. This tradition is the main difference from modern toys. Thus, from the point of view of education, it is advisable to introduce traditional folk dolls into the lives of modern children. In addition, the traditional folk doll has a number of features. Its production does not require a rigid system of patterns and patterns. Therefore, a single technological process always gives an individual result. The dolls are similar, but not the same. They are faceless (they have no painted face), but not impersonal. Each shows the individuality, character of the performer. Such a system allows the child to express his inner features. In manufacturing, there is no concept of failure, incorrectness. Each doll is special, unique, just like the children themselves.

Relevance this program. The program "Traditional Folk Doll" promotes the involvement of children in the study of traditional folk culture from primary school age (6-7 years), which affects the formation of a child's national identity and involvement in labor activities.

The educational program of additional education for children "Traditional Folk Doll" corresponds to the main goal of education in Russia, aimed at developing creative abilities, independence, initiative and the desire for self-improvement.

The program is designed in accordance with:

    with a model regulation "On an educational institution of additional education for children", approved by the Government Decree Russian Federation from 7.03.95 No. 223;

    with the Charter of the MOU DOD "Center for Children's Creativity", approved by the decision of the Zheleznogorsk Duma of 10/17/2005. No. 256-3-RD;

    with the requirements for the content and design of educational programs for additional education of children, approved at a meeting of the scientific and methodological council for additional education of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 3.06.2003.

    with sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations SANPiN (registered in the Ministry of Justice on May 27, 03 No. 4594)

Novelty program and itsexpediency consist in addressing the origins of folk art culture. The rhythm of today's everyday life, the artificial industrial environment of cities create an imbalance of natural and social environment. Therefore, today there is a need to turn to the moral experience of our people and use the potential of folk pedagogy. A rag doll in the old days played a big role: it was a participant in many holidays and rituals; was a symbol of happiness, kindness, prosperity, procreation; was a guardian. In the game, the child was introduced to the culture, absorbing all the previous practical and philosophical experience of his people.

Studying under the program "Traditional Folk Doll" the child experiences the joy of making a toy. A handmade doll provides great opportunities for creative self-realization and the development of the child's personality, the development of fantasy, because. the child plays with her (feeds, puts her to bed, talks), i.e. mastering various social roles. A shy, complex child in the game often replaces himself with a doll. Thus, the doll performs a corrective role. When making a toy, fine motor skills of the fingers develop, which is associated with the development of thinking, speech, and writing. Work on the manufacture of human figurines from fabric develops spatial and creative abilities, perfectly corrects memory and attention deficiencies in children, the ability to compare and find differences between two or more objects, recall what you have seen before.

Sukhomlinsky said: "The origins of the abilities and talents of children are at their fingertips." Only those who from childhood get used to creating beauty, putting their work, thoughts and soul into it, grow up to be a creator and a creator. Therefore, the program I developed is aimed at introducing children to the diversity of the world of folk dolls and mastering ancient techniques and technologies for their manufacture.

A distinctive feature of the content of the program is that the program involves not only mastering the techniques of artistic creativity, but also introduces children to the world of spiritual culture, introduces Orthodox holidays, customs, and traditions.

The program provides for the teaching of material in an "ascending spiral", i.e. periodic return to certain topics at a higher and more complex level. All tasks correspond in complexity to children of a certain age.

The educational program "Traditional Folk Doll" for the institution of additional education is based on the principlesnature conformity, cultural conformity, collectivity, patriotic orientation, design, voluntariness, unity of training, education and development.

    The principle of conformity to nature is based on the fact that education and upbringing must comply with the laws of the development of nature, the characteristics of the child. From the standpoint of the principle of natural conformity in the educational process, it is necessary to take into account the natural state of children, as well as create conditions for the disclosure of their potential, the formation of a sense of responsibility and ownership of nature.

    The principle of cultural conformitysuggests that education should be based on universal human values ​​and be built taking into account the characteristics of ethnic and regional cultures, solve the problems of familiarizing a person with various layers of culture (household, physical, material, spiritual, political, economic, intellectual, moral)

    The modern interpretation of the principle of collectivity suggests that education, carried out in teams of various types, gives a growing person the experience of life in society, the experience of interacting with others, can create conditions for positively directed self-knowledge, self-determination, self-realization and self-affirmation, and in general - for acquiring the experience of adaptation and segregation in society.

    The principle of patriotisminvolves the formation of national consciousness among young people as one of the main conditions for the viability of the young generation and ensuring the integrity of Russia, the connection between generations, the development and enhancement of national culture in all its manifestations.

    The principle of design - involves the orientation of the teacher, the preparation and removal of the child in an independent project action. The child can program his steps, draw up an execution plan and analyze his activities.

    The principle of voluntariness isproviding an opportunity for any participant in the educational process to take part in the design.And also everything that the student does, he does voluntarily. Voluntariness involves voluntarily assumed certain obligations.

    The principle of unity of training, education and developmentassumes that education is aimed at the goals of the comprehensive development of the individual, at the formation of not only knowledge and skills, but certain moral and aesthetic qualities that serve as the basis for choosing life ideals and social behavior. The implementation of this principle requires the subordination of the entire educational work of the teacher in the course of training to the tasks of the comprehensive development of the personality and individuality of the pupil.

Program goal: Formation of spiritual and moral values ​​of students on the basis of studying the history, culture and traditions of the Slavic-Ugric peoples through a folk doll.



    Acquaintance of students with the history, traditions and rituals in Rus'

    Teaching children how to make a traditional folk doll using ancient techniques


    Instilling in children love for the Motherland and its people

    Education of aesthetic taste and sense of beauty on the best examples of arts and crafts


    Development of students' creative abilities

    Developing a healthy sense of national dignity among students

The content of the program "Traditional Folk Doll" is aimed at children 7-12 years old. The number of children in a group should not exceed 15 people. In the process of mastering the material, the teacher works with each child individually. This allows you to correct the educational process in time.

Organizational forms classes can be:

    Collective (the whole group works in the process of mastering knowledge)

    Group (children are divided into groups in accordance with the task)

Such classes allow students to master the necessary techniques and skills in work, to accumulate theoretical knowledge. This knowledge activates cognitive and creative activity, contribute to the development of responsiveness, cooperation with peers and the teacher, self-criticism, conscientious attitude to work.

Considering age and psychological features students, for the implementation of the program using variousforms and methods of teaching : story, conversation, explanation, as well as practical exercises.

Conversation is a teaching method in which the teacher uses the knowledge and experience of the students. With the help of questions and answers received, leads to understanding and assimilation of the material, as well as repeats and checks what has been learned.

In training, a kind of story-explanation is used, when reasoning and evidence are accompanied by an educational demonstration.

Practical exercises - the purpose of these exercises is to apply the theoretical knowledge of students in their work activities. Such exercises contribute to labor education.

A training session is the main form of organization of the educational process in an institution of additional education for children. There is no limit to its improvement. The main thing is not the communication of knowledge, but the identification of the experience of children, their inclusion in cooperation, the active search for knowledge and their generalization.

In general, a training session can be represented as a sequence of the following stages:

    Stage - organizational. Task: preparing children for work in the classroom.

Organization of the beginning of the lesson, setting goals, communication of the topic and lesson plan, creating a psychological mood for learning activities, activating attention.

    Stage - verification. Objective: Eliminate gaps in knowledge.

Checking the knowledge and skills that children have in order to prepare for the study of a new topic.

    The stage is preparatory. Task: providing motivation for learning and acceptance of the purpose of the lesson.

Reporting the topic, objectives of the lesson, setting cognitive tasks, motivation for learning activities

    The stage is the main one.

The task is determined depending on the purpose of the lesson: the assimilation of new knowledge; checking understanding; consolidation of knowledge and methods of action; generalization of knowledge. Acquaintance with new knowledge and skills, showing a sample of skills formation; performing training exercises for mastering and consolidating knowledge, skills and abilities according to the model, etc.

    Stage - control. Task: identifying the quality and level of acquired knowledge and skills, their correction.

    The stage is final. The task is to give an analysis and assessment of the achievement of the goal of the lesson, to outline the prospect of work.

Summing up the lesson, drawing conclusions, encouraging students to work in class, self-assessment of their work by children, information about homework, determining the prospects for the next class. Thus, each stage of the lesson differs from another by changing the main type of activity, content, and specific tasks.

Expected results by the end of training :

    Know the safety rules for working with scissors and needles

    Know the classification of rag dolls and the history of their occurrence

    Know the basic techniques for making a folk doll: folding, twisting, winding

    Be able to perform the basic technological operations used in the manufacture of dolls

    Know general information about rituals, traditions associated with the folk doll

    Know general information about the folk costume and its components (shirt, ports, poneva, sundress, dushegreya, kokoshnik, etc.)

    Know the main types of seams: lowercase, “forward needle”, “over the edge”

    Be able to independently make the types of dolls studied in the program

    To be able to create, using the acquired knowledge, author's dolls

    Be able to apply the techniques of making a folk doll: folding, twisting, winding

    To learn a careful and respectful attitude towards the doll as an object of national history and culture

The forms of summarizing the results of the implementation of the program "Traditional Folk Doll" can be exhibitions, competitions or quizzes. Holding final exhibitions is of great educational value. It is recommended to invite guests, teachers, parents to the exhibitions. Exhibitions allow you to consider the creative progress of the entire team.

The teacher enters the learning outcomes of the program into the diagnostic card. In addition, the observations of the teacher are also recorded here. Evaluation is based on a ten-point system.

    Educational-thematic training plan

Doll "Butterfly"

Doll "Karkusha" (Magpie)

"Parsley". Production of a decorative panel

Doll "Couple".

Kaluga-Tula peasant


Mommy with a baby

Doll "Goat"

doll on a stick

Souvenirs: baby dolls


Section: Ritual dolls

Giveaway for a gift

Doll "Kuvadka". Making Kuvadka Central Russian, Tula, Vyatka

"Martinichki". Ritual of invocation of spring

Doll "Bird"

Wedding doll "Lovebirds"

Veps doll (feeder)

Wedding doll "World Tree"

"Kuzma and Demyan"

doll on Easter Egg

Easter dove

Doll "Sacrum"

Doll "Shrovetide"

Doll "Kolyada"

Doll "Swaddling"


Section: Charm dolls


Doll "Spin".

Doll "Sunny horse". Veneration of the horse in peasant labor

Doll "Bell"

Dolls "Day and Night"

Doll "Northern Coast"

Doll of the peoples of the Kama region

Doll "Vesnyanka"

Doll "Grace"

christmas angel

Doll "Devka's Fun" or "Girlfriend-Crying Doll"

"Prosperous Hostess"

Fever- Fever

Total hours

III Content of the training program

I Section: Organizational and control

Topic 1. Introductory lesson

Theory: Introductory diagnostics. Tools, fixtures, materials. Work safety. Classification of dolls. Knot doll. The technology of its manufacture.

Practice: Filling out questionnaires. Answers on questions. Examination of finished works and photographic materials. Performance of the nodular puppet "Bunny".

Topic 2 Final lessons.

Theory: Analysis of work forIhalf a year and at the end of the year. Final diagnosis.

Practice: Answering questions. Practical implementation of the task of the teacher.

II Section: Game dolls

Topic 1 Doll "Butterfly"

Theory: A conversation from the history of play dolls. Safety engineering. Demonstration of the finished doll. The technology of making a doll using winding and protective cross techniques.

Practice: Examination of finished works. Analysis of upcoming work. Practical work on making a doll "Butterfly"

Topic 2 Doll "Karkusha" (Magpie)

Theory: Conversation "Magpie Holiday". Riddles about ravens (forty), folk signs. Demonstration of pictures on the topic. Rules for making the Karkusha doll.

Practice: Examination of finished dolls. Analysis of upcoming work. Practical work on making a Karkusha doll. Playing out role-playing scenes.

Topic 3. "Parsley". Production of decorative panels.

Theory: The history of the Petrushka doll. Features of making a doll using twisting, winding techniques.

Practice: Practical work on making the Petrushka doll and decorating the panel. Analysis of finished works.

Topic 4. Doll "Couple".

Theory: Conversation about friendship. Poems and sayings about friendship. Elements of folk costume: sundress, shirt, ports, apron, belt. Work sequence. Demonstration of finished works. Technique for performing a girl, well done

Practice: Practical work on making a girl, well done. Designing work according to the students' ideas.

Topic 5. « Kaluga-Tula peasant.

Theory: Conversation about dolls (doll - doll in male image). Features of the doll "Kaluga-Tula peasant". Belt - as a sign of spiritual strength. Demonstration of the finished sample. Technique for making a doll using twisting and winding techniques.

Practice: Analysis of the upcoming work. Practical work on the manufacture of the "Kaluga-Tula peasant". Presentation of finished works.

Topic 6. Doll "Comfort"

Theory: The story of the Comforter doll. Poems on the topic. Sample demonstration. Doll making technology.

Practice: Independent work on making the Comforter doll. Analysis of finished works.

Topic 7. Traditional folk costume: children's, women's, men's.

Theory: A conversation about the traditional folk costume. Demonstration of dolls in folk costume, illustrations, photographs. Proverbs and sayings on the topic. Template concept.

Practice: Answering questions. Assignment: draw and color a women's costume according to the template.

Topic 8. « Mommy with baby.

Theory: Talk about motherhood. Stolushka dolls. Proverbs and poems on the topic. Demonstration of finished dolls, illustrations. Features of making pillar dolls.

Practice: Practical work on making "Mother and Baby". Working on a doll costume. Analysis of finished works.

Topic 9. Doll "Goat"

Theory: The story of Christmas time and the role of the "Goat" in Christmas costumes. Nursery rhymes on the topic. Acquaintance with natural material - lyko. Demonstration of finished samples, illustrations. Technology for making dolls "Goat".

Practice: Answering questions. Analysis of upcoming work. Practical production of the "Goat" doll from bast, doll costume.

Topic 10. doll on a stick

Theory: A story about puppets on sticks. The value of trees for making dolls. Demonstration of finished samples. The sequence of making a doll using winding and winding techniques.

Practice: Answering questions. Analysis of upcoming work. Practical work on making a doll on a stick. Work on the image of the doll.

Topic 11. Souvenirs: baby dolls

Theory: A story about souvenirs. The concept is "souvenir". Demonstration of illustrations, ready samples. Technique for making dolls in a male and female form using winding, winding, protective cross techniques.

Practice: Practical work on making dolls - babies in male and female form. Making a doll costume. Analysis of finished works.

III Section: Ritual dolls

Topic 1. "Gift for a gift"

Theory: A story about ritual dolls: acquaintance with the ancient custom - gifting. Sayings, songs on the topic. Demonstration of finished dolls, photos. The technology of making a doll "Gift for a gift" with the help of a protective cross.

Practice: Practical work on making a doll "Gift for a gift". Analysis of finished works.

Topic 2 Doll "Kuvadka". Making a kuvadka Central Russian.

Theory: The story of the rite of "Kuvada". Acquaintance with the types of kuvadok. Demonstration of finished samples, illustrations. The sequence of execution of the Central Russian kuvadka, Tula and Vyatka.

Practice: Looking at samples. Practical work on the manufacture of the Central Russian, Tula and Vyatka kuvadka. Analysis of finished works.

Topic 3. « Martinichi". Ritual "Invocation of Spring".

Theory: A conversation about the rite "Spring Invocations". The technology of making dolls from threads. Safety precautions when working with scissors, threads. Demonstration of finished dolls. The sequence of execution of the doll "Martinichki".

Practice: Answers to questions. Analysis of upcoming work. Threading exercise.Practical work on making dolls« Martinichi". Summing up the work.

Topic 4. Doll "Bird".

Theory: Songs - incantations, folk signs of the month. Demonstration of finished dolls. The sequence of execution of the doll "Bird".

Practice: Analysis of upcoming work. Practical production of the "Bird" doll using the protective cross technique. Decorating dolls.

Topic 5. Wedding doll "Lovebirds".

Theory: A story about the traditions of a folk wedding. Wedding ceremony. Proverbs, songs, signs. Demonstration of wedding dolls. The technology of making the Lovebirds doll using the following techniques: protective cross, winding, winding. The use of natural material - birch branch.

Practice: Answering questions. Analysis of upcoming work. Practical work on making the Lovebirds doll. Analysis of finished works.

Topic 6. « Veps doll "(feeder).

Theory: A conversation about the Vepsian people and the history of the Vepsian doll. Features of manufacturing technology. Demonstration of finished dolls, photos.

Practice: Examination of works. Practical fabrication« Veps doll"

Topic 7. Wedding doll "World Tree"

Theory: Conversation about the World Tree doll. Demonstration of finished samples, photos. The use of birch horn. The technology of making a doll using the methods of twisting, winding, winding.

Practice: Analysis of manufacturing technology. Practical work on making the World Tree doll. Analysis of finished works.

Topic 8. "Kuzma and Demyan".

Theory: The story of Saints Kuzma and Demyan and their significance in peasant life. Folk omens and sayings. Demonstration of finished works. The use of natural material - birch branch. The sequence of making dolls "Kuzma and Demyan".

Practice: Looking at samples. Analysis of upcoming work. Practical work on the doll "Kuzma and Demyan". Features of the selection of fabric.

Topic 9. Doll on an Easter egg.

Theory: Talk about Orthodox holiday Easter, familiarity with traditions. Poems on the topic. Demonstration of the finished doll, illustrations. Features of making a doll for an Easter egg.

Practice: Analysis of upcoming work. Practical work on making dolls. Analysis of finished works.

Topic 10. "Easter Dove"

Theory: Easter dove doll. Poems on the topic. Demonstration of the finished doll, illustrations. The technology of making dolls using the method of winding.

Practice: Analysis of upcoming work. Practical implementation of the doll. Analysis of the work done.

Topic 11. Doll "Sacrum"

Theory: A story about the features of the sacrum doll. Acquaintance with the concept - "deputy doll". Demonstration of the finished doll, photos. The use of natural material - tree branches.

Practice: Answering questions. Examining the sample. Practical making of the sacrum doll. Analysis of the work done.

Topic 12. Doll "Shrovetide".

Theory: Talk about folk holiday Shrovetide, holiday traditions. Demonstrations of finished dolls, illustrations. Jokes, jokes. Use of natural material - tree branches. The sequence of the doll.

Practice: Analysis of upcoming work. Practical work on the Shrovetide doll. Doll decoration with ribbons, beads, beads, threads.

Topic 13 . Doll "Kolyada"

Theory: Conversation about the Christmas holiday. Traditions of the holiday. Christmas carols. Folk omens, songs - nursery rhymes. Demonstration of the finished doll and illustrations. The technology of making a doll using the techniques of a protective cross, winding.

Practice: Answering questions. Examining the sample. Practical work on making a Kolyada doll. Analysis of finished works.

Topic 14. Doll "Swaddling"

Theory: A conversation about the traditions of motherhood and childhood in Rus'. Acquaintance with the doll "Plenashka". Demonstration of illustrations, paintings and finished works. Features of the choice of fabric for the doll "Plenashka". The sequence of making a doll using twisting and winding techniques.

Practice: Analysis of upcoming work. Practical production of a puppet "Plenashka". Analysis of finished works.

IV Section: Charm dolls

Topic 1. Doll "Plantain".

Theory: A conversation about dolls amulets. Acquaintance with the doll "Plantain". Folk signs "on the road", riddles, rebus. Rules traffic. Demonstration of the finished sample. Sequence of work using winding and winding techniques.

Practice: Examining the finished sample. Answers on questions. Practical production of the "Plantain" doll. Analysis of the work done.

Topic 2 Doll "Spin".

Theory: Talk about spin dolls. Manufacturing features. Demonstration of finished samples, illustrations. Safety precautions when working with scissors. The sequence of execution of the doll "Twist" - 2 options. Techniques: twisting, winding.

Practice: Answering questions. Analysis of upcoming work. Practical work on making a doll "Twist" option 1, option 2. Exercises for performing techniques: twisting, winding. Clothes for dolls, hair, headscarf.

Topic 3. Doll "Sunny horse". Honoring the horse in peasant labor.

Theory: The story of the "Sunny Horse" doll. Honoring the horse in peasant labor. Riddles on the topic, proverbs. Demonstration of finished dolls, paintings, illustrations.

Practice: Looking at samples. Exercise on the basic techniques: twisting, winding, protective cross. Practical work on making a doll "Sunny Horse".

Theme 4 . Doll "Bell".

Theory: A conversation about the meaning of bells in Rus'. Acquaintance with the doll "Bell". Riddles, proverbs. Demonstration of finished dolls, paintings. Safety precautions when working with scissors. Features of the selection of fabric. The sequence of execution of the doll "Bell" using the methods of winding and winding.

Practice: Answering questions. Examining the sample. Practical work on making a doll "Bell". Analysis of finished works

Topic 5. Dolls "Day and Night".

Theory: Conversation on the theme of the doll "Protect the dwelling" and their place in the Russian hut. Demonstration of ready-made dolls, illustrations. ("Day and Night", "Northern Coast", "Bereginya at home"). Technology for making dolls "Day and Night" (2 options) using techniques: protective cross, winding, winding. Features of the selection of fabric.

Practice: Answering questions. Examining samples. Practical work on making dolls "Day and Night" option 1, option 2. Analysis of finished works.

Topic 6. Doll "Northern Coast"

Theory: Demonstration of the finished doll. Safety precautions when working with scissors. The sequence of execution of the doll "Northern Bereginya" using the winding technique.

Practice: Analysis of upcoming work. Practical work

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