What herbs should be collected for Ivan Kupala. Kupala herbs - collection of medicinal herbs on the eve of Ivan Kupala

Kupala herbs - herbs, flowers, tree branches, roots, the collection and use of which are included in the ritual complex of the celebration of Kupala. By folk beliefs, they are distinguished by a special magical power and healing properties. Herbs were collected on the night of Kupala or at dawn due to dew, dried more often and used as a remedy for all misfortunes, in girlish fortune-telling, in the treatment of people and animals.

Slavic traditions

Herbs with magical properties include: thorn grass, fern, nodule grass, tirlich-lihoman, plakun-grass, dope, Adam's head, marsh dove, rhubarb, wild strawberry, sleep-grass, gap-grass, flight-grass, Ivan- yes-marya, budyag, thistle, plantain, burdock, kupalenka, bear's ear, rich man, Chernobyl, buttercup, calamus, ant oil, sucker and Peter's cross.

They washed their hair with a decoction made from herbs collected on Kupala so that it would not get sick for a year. In Ukraine, there is a belief that medicinal herbs are grown by mermaids and mavkas, who know all of them. medicinal properties. According to Belarusian belief, Kupala herbs are the most healing if they are collected by "old and small", that is, old people and children.

The girls always tore the wormwood, as they believed that witches and mermaids were afraid of it. Wormwood was worn on a belt, woven into wreaths, stuck into the walls of houses and gates to block the way for witches. Greenery was used as a universal amulet: it was believed that it protects against diseases and epidemics, the evil eye and damage; from sorcerers and witches, evil spirits, "walking" dead; from natural lightning, hurricane, fire; from snakes and predatory animals, insect pests.

Along with this, contact with fresh herbs was also interpreted as a magical means that ensures fertility, productivity of cereals and garden crops. They tried to collect herbs early in the morning on Ivanov's day before sunrise, since, according to popular beliefs, only those plants that do not have time to illuminate the sun retain their healing properties (Bolg, Bel., Ukr.). It was at this time that "each herb asks to pick it and reveals its healing power itself." They collected not only medicinal herbs, but also amulets (nettle, wormwood, branches of thorny bushes), as well as herbs and flowers intended for divination, for ritual wreaths.

In the 16th and 17th centuries, herb gatherers were persecuted along with hardened criminals.

"When it comes great holiday, the day of the Nativity of the Forerunner, ”the chronicler wrote,“ the husbands and wives of the enchantress go through meadows and swamps and into deserts and oak groves, looking for mortal grass and windwomb, from a herbal potion to destroy people and cattle; they dig the same divya of koreniya for the indulgence of their husbands. All this is done by the action of the devil, with satanic sentences.

In the "Discharge Books" there are records of a number of old judicial red tape about such herbalists. It was enough to find an unknown root or a bunch of unknown grass from someone for this to be given the meaning of malicious intent. The "witches" caught on the eve of Ivan's Day were tortured, beaten with batogs, so that "it would not be customary to carry and collect herbs and roots."


The fern was especially distinguished from other plants, it was considered diabolical and at the same time a wonderful potion. In the Nizhny Novgorod region, when collecting "Kupala" plants, they did not dare to take the fern, calling it "witch" grass. In other places, on the contrary, it was the main one in a row of plants: large bunches of fern were hung in a barn against witches (Rechitsa Polesie. All Slavs know beliefs about the magical properties of its flower blooming at night.

Ivan da Marya

One of the main symbols of Ivan's Day was the flower Ivan da Marya, kupava da mavka or kupavka, as it is called by the people. Folk tales connect the origin of this flower with twins - brother and sister, according to folk legends, they, separated in childhood, walked around the world for a long time, and when they met, they did not recognize each other, and almost got married or were already married, but before their wedding night they learned about his kinship.

This legend goes back to the archaic myth of twins, one of which - Ivan (Kupalo) - is associated with life and fire, and the other - Marya (Mavka) - with death and water. Their relationship in ritual songs correlates with the ancient motif of the mating duel of fire and water, that is, precisely those natural elements opposing each other that were of paramount importance in Kupala rituals.

Ivan da Marya very often appear in Kupala songs, for example:

Ivan Maryu Called to the bath.

Where Ivan swam - The shore swayed.

Where Marya bathed - Grass spread.

Ivan bathed, Yes, he fell into the water.

Wormwood, Chernobyl, God's tree - plants with a bitter taste and strong odor, used to neutralize evil spirits, as well as for medicinal and magical purposes; a symbol of longing, grief, anger, as Russian proverbs say: “I didn’t plant wormwood-grass, the cursed one herself was born”; "Another's wife is a swan, and her own is bitter wormwood." According to folk beliefs, garlic, horseradish and wormwood serve as protection against mawks and mermaids. To protect themselves from evil spirits, on Thursday at Rusal Week, the girls wove wormwood into their braids. To protect "their" space from evil spirits, on the eve of Kupala, burdock leaves, wormwood, and alder branches were placed on the roof.

Eastern Slavs on the eve of Kupala or Spiritual Day, as a talisman against mermaids, sorcerers and other evil spirits, laid out nettles on the windows, on the doorsteps of houses. In Pinsk Polissya, nettles were hung on the doors of the canopy on Kupala, near the stables - from mermaids. On Midsummer Day, before swimming in the river, nettles were thrown into the water to protect against mermaids; in the Czech Republic, it was believed that the merman would not harm a person who had nettles in his hands.

Sowing flax, the owner threw the first handful of seeds into nettles, they were used in witchcraft and magic: nettles were burned to stop the hail, at the first thunder they stuck nettles into clothes, into the chain of the hearth so that lightning would not strike the house. In eastern Polissya, especially in the Chernihiv zone, the Kupala bonfire could often be replaced by an armful of herbs stuck in a sandy pile (most often nettles); they jumped over it just like they jumped over fire.


Our ancestors believed that clover carries the great power of love, happiness, beauty and youth. His leaves were collected, dried and then always carried with him in a clean patch or in a handkerchief. And in the morning they went out to the clearing and collected dew from the clover. They poured it into a small vessel, then put three sprigs of clover in it for the whole day. At night, they washed themselves with this water, using it instead of anti-wrinkle cream.

According to legends and legends, a huge magic power the plakun-grass, which was called the mother of all herbs, also possessed: if, holding it in your hands, you collect other herbs, then the magical and healing power automatically passes to these plants. She subdues the demons of evil spirits, destroys the spell of sorcerers and witches.

Ivanovo herbs (Ivan herbs, Kupala herbs) - fresh vegetation - herbs, flowers, tree branches, roots, the collection and use of which are included in the ritual complex of the celebration of Ivan Kupala. According to folk beliefs, various plants during the summer solstice, when nature reached its peak, were filled with extraordinary magical power, which the peasants sought to use. This is also evidenced by bylichki telling about the miraculous phenomena that happened to the plant world at that moment. A belief was widespread among the Russians, according to which on a magical Kupala night in the fields, forests, gardens, all plants whisper to each other and move from place to place, and "every grass, even fern, blooms." Herbaceous plants, on which only once a year, on the night of Ivan Kupala, buds appeared, "bloom for three minutes, giving three flowers each." These flowers and herbs, according to the people, are magical, they can completely change the life of the person who picked them, but it is very difficult to get the cherished plants, because they are guarded by evil spirits. The most popular stories are about the fern flower, which promised its owner happiness, good luck, magical power.

With its help it was possible to take possession of other magical plants, each of which usually possessed one of the properties attributed to the fern. The presence of ararat-grass in a person also gave him access to magical herbs. It was distinguished by its characteristic yellow and blue flowers. You can find ararat-grass only at midnight on Ivan Kupala or on the day of Ivan Kupala between morning and lunch. When extracting grass, a number of rules had to be observed, otherwise its magical power would be lost. The tradition prescribed to draw a circle around the plant with a knife against the sun and pull on its stem. If the herb is pulled out with a circle of earth, then it can be used to search for magical herbs, if not, then it is useless. The difficulty also lay in the fact that "ararat" grass, according to the Vyatka peasants, grew only in one place, where the waters of two rivers - the Oka and the Moscow - merge. The magic herbs also included gap-grass, also known under the names "lomotsvet" (Vologda), "spryk" (Vyatsk). Like a fern, it blooms at midnight and blooms for as long as it takes to read the Lord's and Mother of God prayers. Its fiery flowers have the ability to make a person invisible, but its main purpose is to destroy all barriers, even metal ones, to open any locks and constipation. To get this plant, you need to go to a remote wasteland at midnight on Ivan Kupala and mow the grass there until the metal part of the scythe breaks - this is sure sign the fact that the gap-grass is mowed. All mowed grass from the place where the scythe was broken is thrown into the river and its behavior is carefully observed. Unlike other herbs, gap-grass does not sink and swims against the current. According to legend, thieves who have taken possession of the gap-grass hide it in the finger of the hand, having previously made a cut on it. Touching any lock with such a finger, the thief will easily open it; touching a person entails the death of the latter. The gap-grass can only lose its magical power if it is thrown into a latrine. On the Kupala night, they also searched for magical invisible grass - it was used to become invisible - flight-grass, overcoming-grass. Not only individual herbs were considered magical, but also a whole shock of grass mowed on the Kupala night. According to the Russian settlers of Siberia, with its help you can find happiness and wealth. For this, the Ivanovo shock was left untouched until the "terrible evenings" (see Christmas time). According to belief, devils must definitely settle in it. In order to force the devils to obey oneself, it was necessary on one of the holy nights to go around the mop with a prayer and draw a circle around it with a “cinder end” from the first torch lit in autumn. The devils living in it will offer to fulfill all wishes in exchange for a promise to leave them alone. There was an idea among the people that any plant plucked or dug up on the day of Agrafena Kupalnitsa, Ivan Kupala had miraculous powers; according to the Siberian peasants, at this time, "any herb is useful." The best, but also the most dangerous, time for collecting Ivanovo grass was considered the night of Ivan Kupala, or rather, midnight. As a rule, at this time, plants were mined that had healing properties, and were also used in divination and witchcraft. Only "knowledgeable" people could do this, which included those who own magical practice, i.e. sorcerers, sorcerers, witches. In a number of places, medicinal herbs were collected by elderly women, usually widows, who, according to popular beliefs, were considered "clean", because they they could no longer bear children and did not live sexually. In tradition, there were certain rules for collecting healing and witchcraft herbs, ensuring the preservation and increase of their magical power. So, women who were engaged in the preparation of medicinal plants fasted before the holiday for several days, and during the collection they took off their pectoral crosses. Sorcerers, witches, sorceresses, going to forests and fields at night, tried to get out of the house unnoticed. Getting down to business, they often undressed, throwing off even their shirts. In the Vyatka province. it was forbidden to pluck some plants with the bare hand, otherwise they would lose their healing power. An indispensable part of the ritual of harvesting herbs were conspiracies. Plucking plants, sorcerers and sorcerers usually said: "I tear, a slave (the name of the rivers) or a slave, flowers from grass, roots from the earth; for what they are useful, I tear them for that." In Siberia, "knowing" peasants specially placed plants collected at night under "Ivan's dew", believing that in this case their magical properties would increase. For the same purpose, herbs, mostly medicinal, were brought to church for consecration. Ivanovo herbs brought home were distributed on the same day to fellow villagers or dried and stored in a place that was conceptualized in the traditional worldview as a border space: in a chimney, under a stove, under a threshold. Subsequently, they, as well as fresh ones, were offered to peasants for the treatment of diseases, exorcism and as a talisman, for use in love magic. Each type of herb was used for a specific purpose. So, the herb "finch" helped against children's screams and insomnia, and the shepherd's purse was used as a hemostatic agent. Chernobyl was universally known as the best remedy for promoting health. In addition, according to legend, he guarded the household on the Kupala night. The plantain was tied into bundles and hung in the yard to protect it from all sorts of reptiles. The herbs of divius forces and Mary Magdalene were advised to use for melancholy, calving cows were fumigated with the Mother of God herb. The properties of some Ivanovo herbs used for medicinal purposes and divination were also known to the people. The peasants themselves could harvest them, but unlike "knowledgeable" people, they preferred to collect these herbs during the day or, better, at sunrise, "under the dew", trying to keep droplets of night moisture on the leaves. Wishing to increase the healing power of plants, they, like sorcerers, plucked them with the sentence: "Earth, mother, bless me, take herbs, and mother grass to me." There were other ways to save magical properties Ivanovo plants. So, Chernobyl grass was plaited into whips and placed under the "Ivan's" dew, saying: "Mother Earth, Father Heaven, give your slaves health from this grass." The owner of the herb known as "plakun", which was considered the best amulet from evil spirits, had to come to the temple, stand at the altar, less often at the altar, facing the east, or so that the root of the grass, which he held in his hands, was facing the east, and utter a conspiracy: "Plakun, plakun! You cried for a long time…". As a result of these actions, the "tearful" power of the magical plant was directed against various harmful manifestations, in order to protect its owner. A cross was also made from the consecrated plakun, which was tied to a cross on a gaitan (beaded decoration) or to a silk belt. It was believed that in this case, he drives away demons and evil spirits from the owner. In Siberia, the owner of every house in the evening, on the eve of the day of Ivan Kupala (Kupala night), went around his yard three times with a prayer and threw nettles crosswise at the gate so that "the sorceress would burn herself and not enter the house." In love magic, the herb "terlich" was used. To attract guys, girls were advised to put it in their bosoms and say: "Terlich, terlich, call the lads!"

Plants among which the most common were Ivan da Marya and kupalenka (yellowhead) were brought to the village in armfuls. In temples, dwellings and courtyards, and in a number of places and around them, herbs were scattered on the floor or on the ground, put to windows and icons. In the Novgorod province. there was a custom to make a bouquet during ritual bathing from tar flowers taken with them. Some plants brought into the house were given special importance. So, the Tver peasants, in order to acquire happiness and wealth, plugged Ivanovo rich grass behind the mother - the main, carrying the log of the ceiling. In the Vologda province. 46 herbs were tucked under the prince's log, which served as a connection for the roof slopes, so that the house "would not be opened by bad weather and struck by lightning." In general, the decoration of a consecrated, and sometimes not consecrated, Ivanovo grass hut and yard was understood in many local traditions as a guardian of the house and its owners on the Kupala night from evil spirits.
Ritual Ivanovo greenery, as well as bouquets, wreaths and brooms made from it, used for decoration, were usually dried and stored after the holiday, using the magical power attributed to them later. Infusions and powders for fumigation were prepared on their basis, which were used during people's illness and animals. The preserved grass was thrown into the oven during a thunderstorm to protect the house from lightning strikes. The Ivan da Marya plant was recommended to be placed in the corners of the hut; in this case, "the thief will not enter the house: the brother and sister will speak; the thief will be a weirdo that the owner speaks with the mistress." Bouquets, wreaths, brooms were used in fortune-telling, like Trinity wreaths. They were launched into the water and wondered about marriage, about life or death, or about the future. On the night of Ivan Kupala, girls and young women specially collected grass for divination. To find out about your fiance, it was necessary to pick 12 or 24 types of herbs at midnight. Among them, the most common were plantain, wormwood, thistle, fern, nettle, companion, sedge, couch grass, wood lice, turtledove, quinoa


Done July 6th. In the morning dew gathers and with this dew they wipe the patient with the words:
How fire cleanses
And it devours everything
So this dew would wash away all the disease
And she ate it.
How not to resist the flying flyer,
crawling crawling,
For a galloping horse
Before the great storm
So don't resist
Before mine
Strong word.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy for yourself for good luck and success. Held June 6th. You need to enter the water (river, lake) and splashing water on yourself say:
The first tree is Ilyin,
The second tree is a viper.
The third is pretend.
Submissive to the Lord God.
So that
Happiness conquered me.
God's servant (name).
Under a pretend tree.
obedient to the Lord God,
The gray fern is growing.
Under that gray
Great happiness lives on.
It grows, it grows
To my body is white
Who knows the Ivanov conspiracy
Nine times under Midsummer reads,
To the way this water
Happiness and luck stick.
I close my words
I close my business.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

For wealth on the night of Kupala, throw silver into a glass bowl (it is better if it is coins), scoop water from the river there and, washing yourself with it, say:
how people
Love gold and silver
So let my money
Don't forget the wallet.
They're coming to me
They stick and stick.
In the name of the Father and the Son
And the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever
And forever and ever.

To restore love between spouses on the night of Kupala, prepare a birch broom. Arriving in the bathhouse, slap yourself below the waist with it and say:
Like a bath leaf
To the body is molding and tenacious,
So are you, my husband.
Servant of God (name),
Be good to me
Until my body is tenacious.
Lepis, be strong,
Forever and ever, don't give up.
My word is strong
My business is fine.
Until the birch
From my broom
Will stand,
Until then, the servant of God (name)
Will lie at my feet.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

To help in the treatment of heart disease, under Ivan Kupala, tie two birch branches with a red rag and read the following plot:

Holy, holy, holy!
Holy branch, holy branch
Holy leaf.
You have no sorrows
You don't have diseases.
The slave wouldn't hurt like that
God's (name) heart,
It wouldn't ache, it wouldn't prick.
Not possible:
Neither at noon nor at midnight
Neither in the morning nor in the evening
Neither after dawn, nor before dawn,
Not on Monday
Not on Tuesday
Neither Wednesday nor Thursday
Neither Friday nor Saturday
Not on the last day - Sunday.
Neither February nor March
Not in April, not in May,
Neither June nor July
Not in August
Not in September
Neither October nor November
Not in the last - December.
Here are my words
Here are the holy images.
Strengthen, Lord
At the servant of God (name).
holy branches,
Don't untie
My words, do not interrupt.
Key, lock, tongue.

Then find an aspen and go around it counterclockwise. The ceremony should be performed in complete solitude.

So, dear friends, Ivan Kupala has already passed for me personally, I have already celebrated him, but, as it turned out, many people will meet him on July 7th. There is nothing like that here, everyone celebrates when it is more convenient, more pleasant ... and so on.
By popular demand, I want to tell you about the collection of herbs on this magical day. I take the basis from personal experience, I don’t want to force anyone to do the same as I do, this is a personal matter for everyone. I just didn't like the info on the internet. Everything is superficial, and in some moments even strange. So please be understanding, we are all learning. If it will be useful to someone - Thank you! So...

Any root, blade of grass, leaf, collected at the right time - will be healing. And if you go to Kupala, then doubly so. In fact, I do not see a difference in the days of the celebration. If the spirit of the holiday, magic and mystery is present in you, then you will be able to charge everything that you touch with this.

If a full moon fell on the day of the collection, this is very cool. You can collect directly below full moon. Although many sources write that it is dangerous. Allegedly, the doors to another world open and open too wide. Haven't checked so I can't say. It is also not worth considering the growing - waning moon on this day. As they said in our village - you will collect for the growing, well-being, happiness, health will grow. Decreasing - diseases, vices will decrease, grief will go away and trouble. And all this concerns EXACTLY the day of Ivan Kupala. On other days, I recommend taking into account the state of the moon.
Specify the collection number. According to the new style, Ivan Kupala is the night from July 6 to 7. We are going to collect grass NOT ON THE NIGHT of the holiday, contrary to all the advice of the Internet, but either on the 7th in the evening, or on the 8th. Yes, right after the holiday. But then early in the morning.

Putting it all together: collection days - July 7 (evening, night) or July 8 (early morning). The state of the moon is not taken into account.

PREPARATION (at home).
Enough important point. I usually don't bother with a bunch of rituals and stuff. Too much of everything is bad. One overlaps the other and you get a garbage heap. You will not pour salt and sugar, cinnamon, and pepper into the soup at once. This is where patience and moderation are important.
What I recommend to do - FIRST, (regardless of when you go to collect) be sure to wash and prepare clean clothes. It is better if it is in light colors. Any - a dress, pants with a T-shirt, sundress ... whatever. It is not necessary to dress in a folk costume, because you are going to the forest. There's not before.
SECOND, prepare a new knife. Ritual, with which you bewitched and punished, and resurrected - WILL NOT SUIT! You cut fresh grass, please do it with a new knife. It is inexpensive and still useful on the farm. Or you can even leave it for collecting grass. NEXT - bag. It is better, of course, if it is of cotton or linen, sewn by you. If you do not want to sew, just take a wide rag (preferably not one), wrap the grass there.
And yet - to stand in a worker-peasant position is quite difficult, you have the right to rest. Take a blanket with you (so you can rest) clean water for drinking, you can even have a couple of fruits and vegetables for a snack. This is optional, but crunching an apple in a clearing is a real thrill)).
And yet, just for your own peace of mind, take your personal amulet. The forest, of course, is a friend to man, but anything comes across there.

Means: a clean body, clean clothes, a new knife, a couple of bags of nat. fabrics (or rags).
Optional: a blanket, water, fruits, amulet (amulet).

PREPARATION (before entering the forest)
Choose a place, of course, away from the city. If your city is small, you can go to the local forest. But not in the park area. You can go to the country, which, as a rule, are located somewhere near forests. Our city allows you to go to the forest right behind the house))).
So, we stop at the entrance to the forest. You can, of course, fall on your knees, kiss mother earth and start to cry out into the sky about the good and health of the forest spirits, but ... do not waste your energy in vain. In the forest, you need to behave calmly, because there are their own masters who can ambiguously react to your intricate, learned from a piece of paper “goy-esi”. It is enough to bow and whisper to ask permission to enter. If they don't let you in, your feet will turn to reverse side. Here I will once again draw your attention: do not teach long greetings to the forest, do not need this window dressing. Nature understands people even without this, just like the forest "brethren". They bowed, said the words that came to mind - a request to enter, a promise not to take too much .... something pleasant and "cozy".
One more thing... if a whole company is coming for you, try to go to your "entrances to the forest". It is better if at the time of collection there will be no more than 2 people in the clearing. It is important.

So: we behave calmly, we talk in a whisper and like a human being, we take only one person with us to one clearing.

The most important chapter. And first of all, I ask you - do not tear armfuls. From one bush - 4-5 leaves, 2-3 blades of grass. Believe me, one branch of nettle will bring you 100% benefit than a whole bunch. Don't be greedy.
Herbs gather in silence. It is better to talk in a whisper and not among yourself, if you are not alone, but with the grass that you collect. I get it randomly.) Praising grass, you charge it with your good mood, you give it the opportunity to "get used" to your hands, voice, mood. Naturally, it is better to cut it with the very knife that you prepared at home, while immediately folding it into your bag or on a rag. If you get tired, do not force yourself, remember that your fatigue will weaken the grass in your hands, arrange a halt, a smoke break, breathe fresh air, enjoy the sun.
Take your time. Enough grass for everyone.

"Plakun-grass" (Wilting loosestrife), especially if you dig up a root, which, according to legends, scares away all evil spirits.
"Terlych-grass" (Gentian, old oak), when worn in the bosom, will attract a loved one (th).
Chernobyl also protects the house from unnecessary interference from the "other world"
"Shepherd's purse" for bleeding.
Nettle for rheumatism.
Hare cabbage (Oxalis vulgaris) for the treatment of wounds and burns
Mother and stepmother, oregano, bogulnik for colds, coughs, runny nose.
This is basically the main thing that is really worth collecting.

In addition to all this, I collect birch leaves (from 1 leaf, more precisely from its slurry, you get an excellent face mask in combination with honey, for example), cones (they help me with a cold, I breathe over steam while they boil), plantain (relieve skin irritation) .... in general, you can preview on the Internet what exactly grows in your area and what you might need.

You can also use herbs as a cleansing smoke from them and fumigating a sick person. Pretty efficient. And with certain species you can brew amazing teas.

In drying, no tricks. It is better to dry in small bunches without mixing herbs, that is, plantain with plantain, etc. You can mix the herbs with which you will then fumigate the house (or person), since more than one type of herb is usually used there.
I usually do that. I prepare mixed “bouquets” in advance (3-4 types), the rest in groups and hang it on a rope in the kitchen.
Our grandmothers usually kept them hanging in bags, I keep them in glass jars. Sense only when necessary. So, in principle, everything dries up entirely.

I believe that it is precisely such grass, collected for Kupala, that has an expiration date - exactly one year from the date of DRYING. That is why I advise you to collect a little and only what you really NEED. If you get sick 1 time in a year and not with a sore throat with fever and temperature, but with the usual acute respiratory infections, then a couple of three of the same bumps from a cold, for example, will be enough for you. If you get sick more often, then I advise you to pay attention to immunity and collect something that will increase it for you. For those who have a hard time with a cold, it is better to collect everything in tandem - both for immunity and to alleviate the symptoms of the disease. This is roughly what you should be guided by.

Herbs for fumigation clean your home only 2-3 times a year. No more, otherwise it will have NO effect. Enough 1 "bouquet" for 1 time. 1 “bouquet” is also used per person.

Well, it seems, I didn’t forget anything ... nothing complicated, right, my friends? The main thing is to keep yourself within the bounds and not invent all sorts of masquerades and other disgrace. I have observed these noisy companies several times in folk costumes, neighing like horses throughout the clearing and tearing grass in both grabbing hands ... well, this is horror, of course. Some of them even tried to perform something, such as "Goy, mother earth, mother ..." and so on, but more often it caused a strangled grunt from the rest of the company. And then what kind of herbs do not tear, but they will not add mind.
Of course, you can dress beautifully, but being human is the main thing. The forest is a kingdom, it has its own laws.
I wish you a wonderful night of this fabulous night. So that all your herbs give you only good, health and happiness!!!

What herbs are best to collect on Kupala night? I would advise you to be sure to stock up on such herbs: loosestrife (plakun-grass), balsam (gap-grass), elecampane, St. John's wort, water lily (overcome-grass), etc. In principle, this is the "basic set", but it is believed that any grass collected on the night of Ivan Kupala has witchcraft power. In addition, be sure to remember that you need to pluck the herbs without a knife (!), That is, with "bare" hands

My dear Friends and all those who are reading this article now!

Very soon we will again celebrate a wonderful and ancient holiday - Ivan Kupala Day (variant names - Kupalo, Ivanov's Day, etc.), which according to the new style, we celebrate July 7(respectively, according to the old style - June 21-22). I have already told you in great detail, dear Friends, about the celebration of Ivan Kupala in his article "The Feast of Ivan Kupala - facts, mysticism and traditions" ( ) , but today I want to focus your attention on the Magic of Kupala Night, to tell you why this holiday is rightfully considered the main summer holiday, not only in folk calendar, but also in the "calendar of magic", as well as to tell in more detail about the magic of herbs collected precisely in Kupala night !

As I have repeatedly told you, the holiday of Ivan Kupala since the time of the Slavic pagans has been closely associated with the veneration of Fire and Water, as natural Forces, on which fertility, wealth and prosperity directly depend.

Let me remind you briefly that our pagan ancestors represented Kupalo in the form of most often a woman, a few days before the holiday they already began to make a ritual scarecrow (most often from straw, they braided ribbons into it, decorated it with flowers), which was installed on the highest place near the village , village. Sweets and treats were brought to this effigy, they danced around it and danced, Kupala night the effigy of Kupala was set on fire and still burning was drowned in the river, which symbolized the union of two elements - Water and Fire, therefore, the holiday of Ivan Kupala was often called (especially by the Old Believers) "the wedding of Water and Fire" . Now I would like to talk to you about why Ivan Kupala holiday is considered so sacred and powerful that they are waiting for it for a whole year with great impatience, one might say, this main holiday for a practicing Magician, without exaggeration. As you might have guessed, the holiday Ivan Kupala is closely connected with the solar-lunar cycle, not for nothing that our pagan ancestors identified Kupala with the Sun, and if you delve into the study of ancient books, Kupala is one of the names of the Sun God among the ancient Slavs, on a level with Yaril.

It is on this day (if we take the celebration "according to the old style") that the day of the summer solstice occurs (June 21), or as the Slavic pagans also called this day - "solstice" , on this day there is the most short night of the year, and, accordingly, the longest day of the year. The sun, one might say, "comes into full force", on this day it has a very strong power over the world around us and over us.

It is believed that on this day it is worth starting those things and doing those things that should change not only your fate, but also the fate of those around you, since on this day a point of force of time is born, then there is a person may have special power over time , over the future, because in fact, this holiday is so important for all practicing magicians or just people who are interested in Magic.

By the way, dear Friends, here is a vivid example for you, which proves the veracity of my words:

On June 22, 1941, Adolf Hitler attacked the Soviet Union. I hope you understand that Hitler, as an ardent admirer of the occult, did not just attack the most powerful enemy on this powerful day!

Well, as always, I got carried away with historical aspects and nuances, for which I ask you to excuse me, because History is my weakness, what can I do! :) But now let's move on to the magic of Kupala Night! The reason why this night is considered the most sacred, I have named above, therefore now I will develop our conversation in the vector of deepening into the "magic" aspect of Kupala night!

On the Kupala night, a fire is necessarily lit, over which you need to jump over in order to “recharge” with health and well-being for the whole year, in addition, you must definitely swim in the water, or better, combine these “procedures” in turn, since in this way you will combine the elements of Fire and Water, which will give you good health and longevity, as well as relieve the negativity that has accumulated over the whole year.

On this night, you have the opportunity to conduct numerous and not very complex rituals for yourself or for your loved ones, which will be very effective. In my article "The Feast of Ivan Kupala - Facts, Mysticism and Traditions" I said that in my Family of Kyiv Witches it has always been such a "ancestral" ritual " weaving a witch's ladder which is very versatile. before the onset of the Kupala night, you must collect dry grass (any grass will do, ideally, this is elecampane, St. John's wort), it would be better if you do this in your place of Power or on Bald Mountain, but any open area where herbs grow) , further - You must retire and approach very responsibly to the very process of the ritual - In We must weave little dolls from this grass(skill does not count, the main thing is to weave at least a "likeness" of a person), while saying in a whisper - "this is my indecision", "these are my illnesses", "this is my loneliness", etc. You must weave as many dolls as you have accumulated problems and troubles, that is, in other words, each doll should symbolize what you want to get rid of once and for all! For greater efficiency, you can take thin sheets of paper and write all your troubles and troubles on them, and weave these strips of paper into dolls. On the Kupala Night, you must burn all these dolls at the stake, watching them burn, you must clearly feel how you are getting rid of everything that these dolls symbolized!

If I already remembered the rituals associated with herbs, I can’t help but advise you on such an interesting ritual, which, of course, applies more to girls: on Kupala night you must definitely weave a wreath with at least three types of herbs (ideally, with 13), when weaving, you should think about what you would most like to achieve this year, about your dream, roughly speaking. When you weave a wreath, you must put your right hand, mentally take your dream "in your hand", squeeze it into a fist, while saying: "I took my dream into my hands, the river helped me fulfill my dream!", after which, let the wreath float on the water, and your dream should come true within of the year!

Now I want to talk with you specifically about "Kupala herbs", since it is impossible to imagine the holiday of Ivan Kupala without collecting herbs and without the "fern flower"!

Let's start with the fact that this holiday is a kind of peak, the middle of summer, because by this time all flowers, herbs, trees are at their peak, which automatically endows them with special magical powers. I can tell you frankly that Kupala night is the night of the maximum power of herbs , because this night is so awaited by all herbalists, healers, etc., since the herbs collected on the Kupala night really always have medicinal, healing properties. Herbs were also collected by witches for divination, love spells and other witchcraft, since Kupala Night automatically makes herbs an excellent tool for witchcraft!

You can also profitably spend this night if you dare to collect Kupala herbs "according to all the rules" - usually it was girls / women who collected herbs, but always naked, or in one shirt, with loose hair. Herbs can be collected at dawn, but still I would advise you to do it at night, especially if you plan to use the herbs for witchcraft, and not for healing. What herbs are best to collect on Kupala night? I would advise you to definitely stock up on such herbs: loosestrife (plakun-grass), balsam (gap-grass), elecampane, St. In principle, this is the "basic set", but it is believed that any grass collected on the night of Ivan Kupala has witchcraft power. In addition, be sure to remember that you need to pluck the herbs without a knife (!), That is, with “bare” hands, when collecting herbs, you need to constantly say: “I tear (my name) flowers from grass, roots from the ground, what are they useful for That's why I'm tearing them up!" By the way, I would like to tell you an entertaining legend about the legendary (almost as legendary as the "fern flower"!) Gap-grass!

The legend says that its fiery flowers have the ability to make a person invisible, but its main purpose is to destroy all barriers, even metal ones, to open any locks and constipation. To get this plant, you need to go to a remote wasteland at midnight on Ivan Kupala and mow the grass there until the metal part of the scythe breaks - this is a sure sign that the gap-grass has been mowed. All mowed grass from the place where the scythe was broken is thrown into the river and its behavior is carefully observed. Unlike other herbs, gap-grass does not sink and swims against the current. According to legend, thieves who have taken possession of the gap-grass hide it in the finger of the hand, having previously made a cut on it. Touching any lock with such a finger, the thief will easily open it; touching a person entails the death of the latter. By the way, it was believed that a water lily (grass-overcome) allows a person to become invisible, St. What is Kupala Night without the legend of the fern flower? Everyone has heard about the fern flower, which promised its owner happiness, luck, magical power. With its help it was possible to take possession of other magical plants, each of which usually possessed one of the properties attributed to the fern. The presence of ararat-grass in a person (the ancient Slavic name for a fern) also gave him access to magical herbs. It was distinguished by its characteristic yellow and blue flowers. You can find Ararat grass only at midnight on Ivan Kupala. When extracting grass, a number of rules had to be observed, otherwise its magical power would be lost. The tradition prescribed to draw a circle around the plant with a knife against the sun and pull on its stem. If the grass is pulled out with a circle of earth, then it can be used to search for magical herbs, if not, then it is useless. The person who finds this flower will be endowed with the gift of knowing the language of animals and birds, understanding the power of plants, such a person will be able to find all the treasures and even turn into the invisible. That's it! So go ahead - and, perhaps, you will become the owner of a magical fern flower!:)

I also want to advise you to do the following if you need career or spiritual growth: You should lie down in the tall grass on the Kupala night and say exactly 7 times in a row the following words: "The grass is higher than the ground, and I (your name) are higher than the grass!". When you pronounce these words for the last, seventh time, you need to get up abruptly and leave without looking back. During the year, you will see that you have really achieved the successes that you expected in terms of career or spiritual development!

And finally, I can’t help but remember the magical power of the Kupala dew, which you must use for your own benefit! It is rightfully considered that Kupala dew helps to rejuvenate, be healthy all year round, etc. Dew is usually collected by sorcerers and witches in glass vessels, also naked, and e if you swim (in the literal sense) in this dew- you will be healthy and vigorous for a whole year, that's a fact! I would advise girls to wash themselves with this dew, while saying: "As dew is on my face, so is beauty on my face. Exactly!". And yet, if you can moisten an ordinary towel in the dew from seven different herbs in the Kupala morning (as an option, an undershirt), and then dry it all in the sun, you will get a reliable remedy for any pain! Keep this towel (shirt) in a dark place, and when you feel any kind of pain in your body, put this towel (shirt) on the sore spot, it really helps!

In my family of Kyiv Witches, there is a custom "witch's shirt":

all the witches in my family had such a shirt, in which they “bathed” in the Kupala dew and put it on only when they felt that their strength was leaving them or that they were under an “energy attack” of special power with the help of witchcraft! And if you are lucky, and the night on Ivan Kupala turns out to be windy, you can very easily get rid of damage, To do this, you need to go out into the open.(ideally, everything is done on Bald Mountain) and say out loud 6 times in a row: "Wind, blow, blow off me, (your name), blow off the damage, take it away, take it away. So be it!".

I could tell you a lot more interesting things, dear Friends, about the Magic of the Kupala Night and the Magic of the Kupala Herbs, but I will leave these interesting things for our next conversations! I sincerely hope that my article was interesting for you and you learned a lot of new and interesting things for yourself!

Sincerely yours, Yulianna Koldovko.

The holiday of Ivan Kupala was previously celebrated on June 24, but due to the transition to a new style, it is now celebrated in July. July 7, 2017 Russian Orthodox Church celebrates, first of all, the Nativity of the honest glorious Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John. However, in Russia, many holidays also include non-canonical rituals. Ivan Kupala Day one of the most mystical folk holidays, and the night on the eve of Ivan Kupala surpasses the day itself in terms of ritual content. It should be noted that since the Middle Ages, rituals and games on Ivan Kupala were considered demonic and were forbidden by church authorities. But, despite the unambiguous condemnation of the traditions of Ivan Kupala, some of them are still alive.

Rites for Ivan Kupala

The ancient Slavs on Ivan Kupala especially revered two cleansing, protective and healing elements: Fire and Water. The energy of Fire, as a symbolic manifestation of the Sun God, was connected with the energy of Mother Water, therefore, the rites on the day of Ivan Kupala are associated with water, fire and nature.

Folk traditions on Ivan Kupala - bonfires on Ivan Kupala

On Ivan Kupala, large bonfires were lit on the edge of the village, sparks from which were supposed to fly to the very stars. Festivities unfolded near the fires: they arranged a common meal, danced round dances, sang songs and danced.

One of the important rites for Ivan Kupala was jumping over the Kupala fire. Whoever jumps the highest will be the luckiest, healthiest and most beautiful.

Guys with girls to secure their love jumped over the fire in twos holding hands. And women who have not had children for a long time, jumped over the fire in order to be cured of infertility.

Jumping over the Kupala fire has a number of will accept Ivan Kupala:

  • if you jump three times - the year will be healthy, prosperous, happy, successful;
  • if he suddenly stumbled - to illness;
  • if the fire is turned around with his foot, troubles will come in the family.

Then you definitely need to jump over the fire 9 times, mentally forming positive images.

Slavs believed that Kupala fire destroys all evil - diseases, misfortunes, poverty. That is why on it burned old, shabby clothes. There was a custom to throw a sick child's shirt into the Kupala fire. It was believed that his illness burned with her.

Often livestock were driven through the Kupala fire to protect her from pestilence.

Folk traditions on Ivan Kupala - Great power of water

The rituals for Ivan Kupala did not end there. Having jumped over the fire, it was necessary immediately after that to rush into the water - "ice and flame" give an amazing cleansing effect. The girls tried to jump into the water in such a way that the wreath from their heads floated on the water.. A good sign for Ivan Kupala was when the wreath did not sink, but floated, the direction of its movement indicated where the matchmakers should come from.

It can be said that mass bathing - one of the main rites of Ivanov's day. The Slavs believed that on the night before the holiday, water bodies and mermaids leave the reservoirs, so you can fearlessly swim in them until Ilyin's day.

Washing their bodies in Kupala water, the girls sang the magic words: “The water is pure Kupail, I want to be red and sweet. Kupala water, let me wash my face with beauty! By the way, if a person refused to swim on Ivan's Day, he was suspected of witchcraft.

At dawn on Ivan Kupala it was customary to wash with dew. Women always collected Kupala dew in a bottle. She helped get rid of acne, the skin became clean and tender. "Ivanov" dew was also used for eye diseases. The walls of their house were sprinkled with the same dew in order to protect the dwelling from evil spirits and insects.

On Ivan Kupala, they always bathed in the baths. At the same time, they used brooms and water infused with Ivanovo herbs (Ivanovo herbs consecrated in churches on John the Baptist are called Ivanovo). They believed that the bath on the day of Ivan Kupala contributed to the strengthening and restoration vital energy and health.

The custom was widespread pour water on people you meet on Midsummer Day. This was done in order to bring rain during the hot season.

Folk traditions on Ivan Kupala - collecting herbs on Ivan Kupala

All herbs and plants on Kupala night gain supernatural power- both evil and good. A marvelous color fern blossoms on Ivan Kupala. The fern flower is also called the "fire-color" because it is. according to legend, it burns with a red flame, so bright that it becomes clear at night as during the day, and the eyes cannot bear such a blinding light. Legend has it that anyone who pick a fern flower on Ivan Kupala, will acquire magical powers, be able to predict the future, learn to understand the language of birds, plants and animals, and also gain the ability to become invisible to human eyes. Fern flower is able to open any locks, iron locks and doors, will help to find treasures buried in the ground. It's just not that easy to get it. After all, not only people follow the flower of happiness, but also evil forces that are difficult to fight. They are trying to interfere, to divert attention. If, nevertheless, it was possible to find a flower of happiness, it was necessary to hide it on the heart under the clothes. Then it was necessary to take left hand wormwood and chalk circle around yourself - then the evil forces will not be able to do anything to the lucky one.

Medicinal plants on Ivan Kupala harvested at dawn, away from settlements and roads, always in good mood and with prayer. Apart from healing properties, plants have significant magical power at this time.

Especially revered on Ivan Kupala grass tirlich
. A decoction of it was made necessarily in a new pot, which was bought without bargaining. They washed themselves with this decoction to attract the attention of the chosen one, saying three times: “Tirlich, tirlich! Call my dear!" Such a ceremony on Ivan Kupala was also carried out in order for the girl to get married faster.

Another love plant is periwinkle. They used it so that the guys "creeped" to the girls. They also prepared lovage, which was popularly called the "love root". They believed: in order to always remain young, beautiful and attractive to the opposite sex, one should bathe in water with a decoction of lovage, and in order to attract love, seven rosebuds can be added to the water.

In addition, St. John's wort was collected on Ivan Kupala- all evil spirits are afraid of him as well. like sunlight. What if pick the flower of Ivan da Marya on the night of Ivan Kupala and placed in the corners of the house, the thief will not approach this dwelling: brother and sister (yellow and purple flowers of the plant) will talk to each other, and it will seem to the thief that the owner is talking to the mistress. Before drying herbs from Ivan's Day, they were consecrated in churches, and then they fumigated sick people with them, used them as amulets, threw them into a melted stove during a thunderstorm so that lightning would not strike the house.

The holiday of Ivan Kupala was a special time for pregnant women and those women who were just planning to conceive a child. They collected the following herbs: nettle, chamomile, thyme, string, lovage, wormwood. When the child is born, the mother will already have Kupala charmed herbs filled with generic strength and energy. They made tea from them, insisted it and added it to the font. So from the very first days, the mother helped to find the health of the baby. If you continue to bathe the girl, using Kupala herbs, until she is three years old, she will grow up to be a beauty that everyone around will love.

Folk traditions on Ivan Kupala - Kupala wreath

On Ivan Kupala, not only women, but also men who wanted to find a mate to their hearts, wove a Kupala wreath. It must be woven into chamomile, St. John's wort, wormwood, nettle and other medicinal herbs. After Kupala, such a wreath served as a talisman all year round. It was hung over the door - so that not a single unkind look would penetrate through it. If one of the household members fell ill, the hostess plucked some grass from the wreath and threw it into the decoctions, teas. Often, by the next Kupala holiday, only the rim, which was burned in the Kupala fire.

Protective rites for Ivan Kupala

  • On the Kupala night, happiness walks the earth, but with it, evil spirits. Therefore, in order to protect two days before the holiday, plucked burdocks were placed under the roof of the house.
  • On Kupala night, the hosts did not sleep, because evil spirits can spoil a horse, a cow or worse, move into the house forever.
  • To save yourself from misfortune, put nettles on the threshold and on the windowsills.
  • Girls on Ivan Kupala wore garlic in their belts.
  • The horses were locked up so that the witches would not steal them and ride them to Bald Mountain: a horse definitely would not return alive from there!

photo by D.Frolov fotograf-frolov.com
