Famous people born on April 8th According to the folk calendar, this is Gabriel Blagovest

The birthday number 8 gives business ability, enterprise, fearlessness in all spheres and areas of life, especially in commerce and industry.

Rushing only forward, these people successfully carry out their plans and intentions, fulfill their plans: their will and strong character, the ability not to feel sorry for themselves and others, affects. And resistance, obstacles on the way, opponents only whip up, strengthen their energy and efficiency.

This is the strangest and most difficult number. On the one hand, it can be represented as a sum of 4 + 4, which indicates that the character of its people is doubly characteristic of the qualities of people of the number 4. On the other hand, the number 8 has its own properties. For example, it can mean grief, sadness and, at the same time, success, sometimes of world significance. People of the number 8 are distinguished by great willpower and a pronounced individuality, in communication they are characterized by external coldness and detachment, although, in fact, they are capable of the most ardent feelings.

Lucky day of the week for number 8 - Wednesday

Your planet is Uranus


The "eights" have rare administrative abilities, the ability to manage teams, dragging people along with them. This is especially evident in the field of politics, in the military field, in the business world, where they can be cruel and merciless. But people with a birth number of 8 judge people, choose their friends according to their wealth, position in society.


Striving for power, success, sport.

Eight forms a business materialist, strong, with a complex structure of the inner world. From all situations, a person of eight will find a way out, will never get into trouble, will always seem richer than he really is. His life is full of ever-changing situations that force him to make unexpected bold decisions.

This number patronizes scientists, innovators and computer scientists, pilots and astronauts, television people, signalmen. Eight forces a person many times in his life to move from one level to another. The people of the eight are rapidly moving up the evolutionary ladder, among them there are many Initiates. The circle of communication of these people changes with every turn of fate.

Love and sex:

If these people enter into an early marriage, their partners will need great restraint, because it is during this period that they are completely captured by work and are eager to achieve their goals. In this case, they can destroy a love relationship. Therefore, later marriages are suitable for them. By that time, everything will work out for them, and feelings will become more stable.

In general, if the choice of a partner is made correctly, these people are faithful, loving spouses, although they bring some features to the marriage. By the way, many of them are ready to sacrifice marriage for a career at any age.

Birth number for a woman

Birth number 8 for a woman A strong-willed, domineering, assertive woman. Deep down, she is very vulnerable and in dire need of love and understanding. Sometimes hides strong feelings and sexuality behind external restraint. She is alien to selfishness in love relationships, although in other cases she can show it to the fullest. She has "from love to hate - one step." Unspoken feelings destroy it. She often complicates a good relationship and spoils the life of his chosen one. She needs an intellectual partner, with the same strong character, who is able to counter her ambitions with his own. An equal union and joint obligations will benefit not only them, but also those around them. It is useless to beg for love. Either he loves and achieves his goal, or he does not love, allowing himself to be loved, but without claims to the right of property, freedom and will. In a relationship with her, one should not "crawl into her soul", accuse her of infidelity, look for flaws, persuade her to restrain her emotions. But you can appreciate her passion, sensitivity, as well as practicality and originality.

Birth number for a man

Birth number 8 for a man
Independent, self-confident and self-sufficient man. He has a strong will, honesty, sincerity and perseverance. It can be important, even arrogant, to suppress a partner, or it can be modest and not flaunt your achievements. He always needs an incentive to move forward. Does not like to be dependent, but strive for complete control over people.

It can be soft, reasonable, kind and loving, or it can be tough and even spiteful. His negative display of emotion can be intimidating. Lucky in business. The need for activity and constant employment can suppress close relationships. He will be interested in an intelligent and sensual woman who appreciates him and obeys him in personal relationships.

When courting, he uses either natural charm or sometimes annoying persistence. Under the pressure of his energy it is difficult to resist. He himself needs admiration and love, as well as a reward for all his efforts and achievements. Carefully considers marriage, paying great attention to the financial security of the future family, as he is thrifty. In fact, he can be generous and understands that money is a tool for making dreams and plans come true. A mistake in choosing a wife will cost him more than anyone else. Since he is constantly busy with business, he will not mind if his wife takes care of household chores and makes him comfortable at home.

Birth number 8

People born on the 8th Everyday life show a split personality depending on the situation. Their actions are rarely understood by others. They do not have soulmates, they are very lonely. They often have a reputation they don't deserve. Equally have material and spiritual inclinations. They are maximalists. If in the foreground they have the materialistic side of nature, then they will have a huge success, because. they are smart and hardworking. Because of the duality and misunderstanding, they become victims of persecution and persecution, turning their lives into torture and forcing them to revolt. Not finding someone to punish, they punish themselves. As a result, they have the highest suicide rate. If they do not punish themselves, then they take out evil on others, they become socially dangerous.

Very strong character, capable of deep emotional attachment and devotion, reaching the point of servility. They are difficult to adore and understand, but they have a magnetic personality and are attractive to members of the opposite sex. They are cordial and ardent, although outwardly they can be cold. They cannot express their feelings outside of action, which is often misinterpreted by others. Their ability to make great sacrifices turns into exploitation for them by loved ones. Sexual partners must be strong and spiritually rich. It is difficult for them to find a partner for themselves, because. a rare person can be in harmony with them. Those who live with them must constantly communicate spiritually and physically, hurting their pride.

They need to develop balance and stability. People around should be guided by their inner qualities. They need to refrain from extremes, in their own interests to abandon expectations from others, learn to dominate themselves, direct their abilities to a single and lofty goal, not be scattered over trifles, learn to accept what comes into their hands without fighting with the whole world, develop patience and perseverance, balance.
There may be problems with the liver, stomach, headaches.

Pythagorean square or psychomatrix

The qualities listed in the cells of the square can be strong, medium, weak or absent, it all depends on the number of digits in the cell.

Deciphering the Square of Pythagoras (cells of the square)

Character, willpower - 3

Energy, charisma - 0

Cognition, creativity - 1

Health, beauty - 1

Logic, intuition - 2

Diligence, skill - 0

Luck, luck - 0

Sense of duty - 3

Memory, mind - 2

Deciphering the Pythagorean Square (lines, columns and diagonals of the square)

The higher the value, the more pronounced the quality.

Self-assessment (column "1-2-3") - 4

Making money (column "4-5-6") - 3

Talent potential (column "7-8-9") - 5

Purposefulness (line "1-4-7") - 4

Family (line "2-5-8") - 5

Stability (line "3-6-9") - 3

Spiritual potential (diagonal "1-5-9") - 7

Temperament (diagonal "3-5-7") - 3

Chinese zodiac sign Dog

Every 2 years there is a change of the Element of the year (fire, earth, metal, water, wood). The Chinese astrological system divides years into active, stormy (Yang) and passive, calm (Yin).

You Dog elements Earth of the year Jan

Birth hours

24 hours correspond to twelve digits Chinese zodiac. Sign Chinese horoscope birth, corresponding to the time of birth, so it is very important to know the exact time of birth, it has a strong impact on the character of a person. It is argued that according to the birth horoscope, you can accurately find out the features of your character.

The most striking manifestation of the qualities of the hour of birth will take place if the symbol of the hour of birth coincides with the symbol of the year. For example, a person born in the year and hour of the Horse will show the maximum of the qualities prescribed for this sign.

  • Rat - 23:00 - 01:00
  • Bull - 1:00 - 3:00
  • Tiger - 3:00 - 5:00
  • Rabbit - 5:00 - 7:00
  • Dragon - 7:00 - 9:00
  • Snake – 09:00 – 11:00
  • Horse – 11:00 – 13:00
  • Goat – 13:00 – 15:00
  • Monkey - 15:00 - 17:00
  • Rooster - 17:00 - 19:00
  • Dog – 19:00 – 21:00
  • Pig - 21:00 - 23:00

European zodiac sign Aries

Dates: 2013-03-21 -2013-04-20

The Four Elements and their Signs are distributed as follows: Fire(Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) Earth(Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) Air(Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) and Water(Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces). Since the elements help to describe the main character traits of a person, by including them in our horoscope, they help to get a more complete picture of a particular person.

The features of this element are warmth and dryness, which are accompanied by metaphysical energy, life and its strength. There are 3 signs in the Zodiac that have these qualities, the so-called. fire trine (triangle): Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. The fire trine is considered a creative trine. Principle: action, activity, energy.
Fire is the main governing force of instinct, spirit, thought and mind, forcing you to go forward, to believe, to hope, to defend your convictions. home driving force Fire - ambition. Fire gives zeal, impatience, carelessness, self-confidence, irascibility, impetuosity, arrogance, courage, courage, militancy. In the human body, it maintains life, is responsible for the temperature regime and stimulates the metabolism.
People whose horoscopes highlight the trine of the element of Fire have a choleric temperament. These people will never go unnoticed, they will achieve the recognition of others, especially in the environment that is close to them in spirit and ideologically connected with them. These people have a creative spirit and unshakable will, inexhaustible "Martian energy" and outstanding penetrating power. The element of Fire gives organizational talent, a thirst for activity and enterprise.
The peculiarity of the people of this trigon is the ability to be inspired and be devoted to an idea, cause, partner, up to self-sacrifice. They are brave, courageous and courageous. The rise of their soul and their inherent business activity help them reach the heights both in the spiritual and material spheres. They get real pleasure from their activities, are proud of the results of their work and expect universal recognition.
Fire people are innate leaders who love and know how to lead and order. They are, as it were, charged with a cosmic electrical voltage of a certain polarity, which they transmit to others in the form of attraction or repulsion, which keeps the people around them in constant tension and excitement. They try to win personal freedom, independence and independence, which is dearest to them, already at an early age. But there is one paradox: they do not like to obey and do not want to, but their ability to adapt to various circumstances is excellently developed.
They have strongly expressed such character traits as perseverance, perseverance, self-affirmation, waywardness, intransigence. Anyone who is associated with a person of the trine of Fire in partnerships knows well that these people always stick to their line. They can be chief conductors, performers of the main roles, but never extras. It is simply impossible to subordinate them to someone else's will, only they will command the parade and lead, although often from behind the scenes. They recognize only wise and just autocracy and most of all hate despotism and tyranny in any of their forms.
The people of the trine of Fire at first quickly “light up”, are inspired by new ideas and people, without much hesitation, immediately get involved in the matter, involving their entire environment in it to achieve the goal they set, which comes to them from outside, or is born in them. But they also quickly cool off to an already begun, old business, if they are inspired by a new, more significant idea for them, or if the business takes on a protracted nature and requires constant effort. These are people of a jerk, an impulse, waiting for them is like death. Fire is that creative force that can lift them up to the "seventh heaven" or "throw them into the abyss."
People belonging to the elements of Fire must restrain their negative character traits, especially ardor and impetuosity, militancy and aggressiveness. They must avoid conflict situations and confrontation with the outside world, so as not to harm their idea, for which they are fighting, not their cause, the implementation of which they dream.
The children of this trine are difficult to educate, often not amenable to education at all, and in order to have at least the slightest result in working with them, specific methods of education have to be applied. Violence and coercion are categorically excluded, as this causes stubbornness, obstinacy and resistance in them. They can only be approached with love and affection, with warmth and gentleness of the heart, it is very important to be fair with them, never deceive them, never belittle their self-esteem.

Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn. The cardinal cross is the cross of the will, the material basis of the universe, the new impulse of the idea. Its main quality is the desire for realization. It is always directed to the future. It gives dynamism, activity, striving for a goal. A person in whose horoscope the Sun, Moon or most of the personality planets are in cardinal signs will be a man of action. Such people are energetic and live in the present, for them the most important thing is the current moment in time and the feeling of “here and now”. Therefore, their emotions and sensations are distinguished by brightness and great strength. Their joy is as strong and sincere as disappointment, but any emotions are short-lived, because soon these signs plunge into a new life, into new sensations, start a new business. With age, their moods become more even and come to their usual businesslike mood. Obstacles do not frighten them, but only increase the pressure and desire for the goal. However, they do not have much strength to withstand the struggle for their goal for too long. Therefore, if the struggle with an obstacle is too long or the results of one’s efforts are not visible at all, then such an obstacle begins to seem insurmountable, which leads to disappointment, causes a breakdown, and can even lead to depression. Also detrimental to them is the lack of dynamics and the opportunity to take the initiative. Such a person will always strive forward and upward, captivating with his energy. He is always in sight, noticeably rises above his surroundings, achieves his life purpose and reaches a high social level.

Element of Fire. It manifests itself in a person as a kind of fiery, incendiary. When you see a person who cannot sit still - this is a man of Fire, Fire rages in him, he always radiates energy charm. The internal charm of Fire, the internal expression and energy that pours out on others, evoke sympathy.

Other the most important factor, forming the sign of Aries, are the vibrations of the planet Mars. Typical Aries are people of the Martian type. In accordance with these formative principles - Mars and the primary cosmic Fire, which constantly flares up - in the representatives of this sign, in Aries, we observe their vital manifestations. Aries are extremely active. They are probably the most active people of all the signs of the zodiac. If you are Aries, then activity, activity, vigor - all this is written on your face. You start your business actively, also continue them and, unfortunately, leave them without completing them, because many things require endurance and patience. But Aries are great initiators, pioneers. Finishing things to the end is good, but for Aries it is more important to start, ignite yourself and ignite others. This is your highest cosmic task, for this you are born under this sign of the Zodiac.

Aries, as well as all four first signs of the Zodiac, in their archetype, in their structure, have a lot of children. If you watch typical Aries, you will notice that they are very spontaneous, just like a child. They literally begin to glow with the energy of joy and infect others with it at the sight of a new business, a new acquaintance. At a high spiritual and intellectual level, they can be leaders, lead, ignite with energy and enthusiasm huge masses of the people, exerting even a magical influence on the led people. Moreover, Aries, as a rule, makes a bet in his activity on strength, sometimes on physical, sometimes on energy. Sometimes they can lead some social movements, become the head of revolutionary-minded groups. There are also politicians among them, but these are Aries of a rather high level. In less developed Aries or the average level, many subtle traits of nature are suppressed by impulsiveness.

Among the high Aries there were many politicians, generals, public figures and emperors. Tall Aries show themselves as good diplomats, but this requires a lot of work. The fact is that Aries are very addicted natures, and it is difficult for them to cope with their nature. High Aries are able to reach incredible heights of spiritual evolution. Napoleon III was a significant Aries, but he ended rather sadly, apparently at the end of his life, the lower Aries appeared in his personality. Aries was Stolypin, who was previously undeservedly scolded, but now they began to seriously consider his merits in Russian history. A bright Aries was N.S. Khrushchev. Who else, besides such a sincere Aries, could afford to knock his shoe on the UN podium, who else could express himself so sincerely?

Of the musicians, Aries was M. Mussorgsky, of the artists - Van Gogh. All his work is permeated with energy and fieryness, he was a very mobile person, he constantly traveled around. Aries were Bach, Stepan Razin. If we talk about geographical astrology, then Germany, especially Prussia, is associated with Aries. Interestingly, the German leaders were often Aries: Barbaross, Bismarck, Wilhelm I, A. Hitler, G. Kohl. famous Aries: Tinto Brass, Beria, Belmondo, Baudelaire, Marlon Brando, da Vinci, Haydn, Gogol, Gorky, Elton John, Descartes, Casanova, Montserrat Caballe, E. Clapton, Mariah Carey, Kurosawa, Mussorgsky, Gary Moore, Nagibin, K. Powell, Alla Pugacheva, Rivaldo, Rachmaninov, Nikas Safronov, Steven Seagal, Simone Signoret, Smoktunovsky, Fromm, Diana Ross, Rostropovich, Tarantino, Khakamada, Haley, Chernomyrdin, Yavlinsky.

Watch a video:

Aries | 13 signs of the zodiac | TV channel TV-3

The site provides concise information about the signs of the zodiac. Detailed information can be found on the respective websites.

People born on this day are extremely active. You view life as a series of challenges that you face and intend to solve them all. Realizing your creative abilities or acting as the head of a large corporation, in both cases you know how to earn respect and work harmoniously with others. A dynamic combination of realism and idealism lives in you: today you support the tradition, and tomorrow you start to fight against it. Some of your innovative ideas may seem far-fetched, but they work because they are based on a solid foundation of common sense and business acumen.

Those born on April 8 should not scatter their energy too much. Like all Aries, it has an external focus. Being highly conscious individuals, those born on April 8 tend to forget about themselves and, in particular, about their health. As a rule, no special efforts are required from them, except for everyday attention to their well-being. Regular walks in the forest, mountains or the sea coast will help you unload from heavy worries and anxieties. Those born on April 8 get great pleasure from food, but only if there are no starving people around. In this sense, it is the rare opportunity to share a meal with others that brings them the greatest satisfaction.

Those born on April 8 are endowed with a special sense of compassion, and their actions are largely determined by humanistic and altruistic principles. For them, it is not enough to be in the center of attention or ongoing events (although most often this happens), they are driven by a sincere desire to take part in the fate of friends, relatives, acquaintances, compatriots. The highest priority for them is the well-being of others, in crisis situations it is even higher than their own good. However, it happens that they demonstrate excessive intolerance, lobbying for the interests of a selected social group.

Zodiac sign April 8 -

Sign Element: . Your zodiac sign belongs to the fire signs, which are distinguished by the following qualities: honesty, the need to defend oneself in life, fearlessness.

Planet Ruler: . Aries receives from him a supply of energy, as well as carelessness. The planet is favorable for politicians, teachers, health workers, actors. The planet in exile is Venus. You can be grateful to her for her sharpness and directness.

On April 8, real active, full of energy Aries are born. All life for them is a continuous solution of a collection of problems, and they persistently search for the right answer. These people always enjoy the well-deserved respect of colleagues, whether they are businessmen or freelance artists, they know how to work in a team, they are familiar with both realistic and idealistic views of the world. These people are either champions and defenders of the old and familiar, or they begin to fight the old for the new. The business logic, intuition and intelligence of these people allows them to generate new ideas that work, even if they seem completely unbelievable.

Oddly enough, but, having "star" qualities, those born on April 8 are often surprisingly shy. While successfully fulfilling the role assigned to them on the stage of life, they nevertheless stay in their own world, and this brings a certain trusting shade to their communication with people. Maintaining self-control and composure in crisis situations, they turn out to be the most reliable partners. And their calmness produces a downright bewitching effect.

Most people born on April 8 profess the ideals of equality and invariably take the side of the disadvantaged. And not at all out of a passion for social reform, they simply sincerely believe that all people should be given equal opportunities. Those of them who find themselves in politics or social activities, will certainly use the power levers given to them to improve social conditions of life. However, regardless of their social status, those born on April 8 openly criticize those in power for the injustice they allow and at the same time use the full force of their sarcasm. Although strong personalities, they also experience ups and downs in their public careers, often due to objective events or simply coincidence.

In dealing with such people, it is very difficult to break through the wall that protects their inner world from any encroachment from the outside. Sometimes it seems that they are secretly suffering from the pain that was once caused, which no one can understand, and they do not seek such "understanding" from the outside. That is why it is almost impossible for those who want to help to establish close relationships with them, since those born on the Day of Conscience are much more inclined to give than to receive. In addition, the very thought of psychological or other support is unpleasant for them, even if it comes from very close friends. Those born on April 8 can be compared to the stars twinkling in a cold void: proud, melancholy, full of strange beauty. They do not need universal admiration, it is much more important for them to realize their lofty ideas. Their desire for success may be very great, but it is rarely riddled with selfishness. If they are looking for power and power, it is only to ensure the well-being of all. And in this sense they are true altruists.

Aries man - born on April 8

Men born on April 8 possess the following qualities: courage, dynamism, positivity, idealism. The Aries man is bright, charismatic, active and self-confident, distinguished by an extraordinary temperament and constantly captivated by plans and ideas.

Aries woman - born on April 8

Women born on April 8 are not like others with such qualities: independence, intelligence, enterprise. The Aries woman is always on the move, doing a thousand things at the same time. Being a freedom-loving sign, in the representatives of the opposite sex, she appreciates independence and pride.

Birthday April 8

Those born on April 8, zodiac sign Aries, have a sensitive, compassionate soul, sensitive to the suffering of other people. In their actions, they try to be guided exclusively by humane and noble intentions. They do not seek to achieve fame and universal recognition, although fate often provides them with such an opportunity. They are more concerned about the problems in the lives of friends and relatives, in whose fate they take an active part. The well-being of their loved ones is the price of their peace of mind and takes precedence over their values. own life. They can be too adamant, protecting the interests of those who are not indifferent to them, and are not inclined to any compromises.

This activity, turning into aggression, does not at all correspond to the true character traits of people born on April 8, the zodiac sign Aries. At heart, they are terribly shy and feel a sense of their own inferiority. Outwardly, they fully adhere to their chosen tactics of action, but inside they exist in their own worldview, and look at the environment from this point of view. This subconsciously inspires confidence in them among people who feel the sincerity of their empathy. They are able to control themselves in the most critical situations. This makes them reliable employees and partners. The equanimity and impassivity of their character is surprising to those around them.

Standing up for the interests of the poor part of the population, and proclaiming the ideas of universal equality is a common thing for people born on April 8, the zodiac sign Aries. They are driven to this not by a desire to remake the world and participate in significant events, but by a sincere conviction that all people deserve equal living conditions. Whatever social group they themselves belong to, they subject to severe criticism any of those in power, and the reforms they are implementing.

It seems that in their lives people born on April 8, the zodiac sign Aries, experienced some kind of bitter disappointment, and this left an indelible imprint on their soul. People around cannot penetrate into the depths of their consciousness, but people with such a date of birth do not need it. They do not establish close relationships with anyone, as they tend to help strangers rather than let them into their souls. At the same time, someone's help to them will be equivalent for them to their own inferiority and insolvency, which they cannot bear to admit, regardless of whose side this help will come from.

People with a date of birth on April 8, the zodiac sign Aries, outside of social life are quite lonely. They are too proud to ask for someone's attention, and prefer to convince themselves that they themselves seek solitude. Their ideas are a priority for them, and their social position comes last on this list. Selfishness is completely alien to their nature, they strive to achieve success with completely different goals. Power and influence are important to them only insofar as they will help them realize their goals. utopian theories. From this point of view, they are absolutely disinterested.

What should be done by people born on April 8, the zodiac sign Aries? Have more patience when trying to achieve the impossible. You should not get too carried away with self-sacrifice, you need to maintain a balance between the alignment of values. Try to understand the motives of your aspirations.

Love and Compatibility

You have better control over your emotions than other Aries, and you may have some difficulty expressing your feelings in front of loved ones. However, love is not a game for you. You are loyal, reliable, and if you make a promise of fidelity, then you keep it.

Favorable prospects in the relationship of Aries with Gemini, who are also tireless innovators. Bright and impulsive Sagittarius is the perfect partner for Aries. Aries has a lot in common with independent Aquarius. One of the most successful alliances will develop with the antagonist - Pisces, who will gladly give leadership to Aries, charming with their mystery and dissent, but here you should moderate your ardor so as not to offend your partner.

Romances with a representative of their sign are possible, but here the Aries woman will have the palm, which will lead to disharmony - the Aries man is not ready to be led for a long time. The most unsuccessful alliances for Aries are formed with practical representatives of the earth signs - Capricorn, Taurus and Libra, who will seem too boring to Aries, as well as Leo, in the struggle for leadership with which some contradictions are coming.

Work and Career

People born on April 8 are always calm and self-possessed, which attracts others to them. They are really reliable, do not get lost in difficult situations, and you can always rely on them. These people are trying to work for the benefit of humanity, they are altruists, and compassion for them is not an empty word. These enterprising and active natures crave not only attention and turbulent events, they need to be able to influence the fate of people close to them. The happiness of others is one of the highest priorities of these people. In the most difficult situations, they can even sacrifice their own well-being for the happiness of other people. Sometimes these people show intolerance in defending someone's interests.

Most often, these are not the selfish interests of their family or close circle, but immediately of a whole social group of people. Those born on April 8 have all the makings for fame and fame. But, despite this, they are very modest and even able to show shyness. Even being in the thick of things, they seem to simultaneously live in some other world, visible only to them. Associated with this is a sense of trust and intimacy when these people communicate with others. Revealing themselves, they seem to let others into their innermost world, which cannot but arouse sympathy.

Health and Disease

Those born on April 8 need to save their strength, which deceptively seem endless. Fortunately, these people usually take care of themselves and their health. It is naturally quite strong for them, you just need to pay attention to unexpected problems and not delay going to the doctor if necessary. Regular walks outside the city, on the banks of a river or the sea, picnics in the forest with friends will help get rid of a nervous state, feelings of anxiety and stress.

Those born on April 8 know how to truly enjoy food, but only if there are no people around who suffer from any food restrictions (caused by diet or illness). The real pleasure for Aries born on April 8 lies in a joint meal with friends.

98th day of the year according to the Gregorian calendar. 99th day of a leap year.

Celebrations in different countries

In Russia, they celebrate the day of employees of military commissariats;
- International Gypsy Day.

Orthodox Christian holidays on this day

Day of celebration of the Cathedral of the Archangel Gabriel.
- the day of memory of the Gothic martyrs: Vafusia and Verk, the monk Arpila, Aviv, Rheas, Igaphrax, Agnes, Iskoi, Sigits, Soniril, Sila, Ferma, Fila, Suimvla and the martyrs Anna, Paraskeva, Alla, Moiko, Larisa, Mamiki, Animaisa ( Animaids), Wirko, Gaatha, Duklida and the Queen of Gotha.
- Memorial Day of Saints Malchus the Syrian and Basil the New.

What do astrologers say about

Those born on this day are distinguished by their sensitivity and altruism. They always try to take part in solving other people's problems. Sometimes, this happens even against the will of these people. In rare situations, they are extremely narcissistic. Then they are very negative and behave towards people who have a different point of view. They believe in justice, and also that all people are born with equal rights and opportunities. When they reveal injustice or wrongful acts, they immediately declare it. They are especially worried about the abuses that affect the most economically vulnerable segments of the population.

Successful business people born on April 8

- Robert Kayosaki (born April 8, 1947) is one of America's most famous and successful entrepreneurs and investors. He founded a company that was the first in the world to sell nylon and "surfer wallets", which became very popular. Kayosaki is the bestselling author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, a book about investing and the investor mindset.

Pop stars and other celebrities born on April 8

- Evgenia Alexandrovna Vlasova (Poplavskaya) (born April 8, 1978) is one of the most popular Ukrainian pop singers, models and TV presenters. In addition, Vlasova is known for her marriage to the producer of the VIAgra group Dmitry Kostyuk and a scandalous divorce.

- Nikas Stepanovich Safronov (born April 8, 1956) is one of the most famous and successful Soviet and Russian artists. Safronov gained popularity thanks to portraits of famous politicians and stars, stylized as the work of classical artists.

- Robin Virginia Gale Wright (born April 8, 1966) is one of the most famous American actresses. Wright's first film work was the role of Kelly Capwell in the cult Santa Barbara. In addition, she took part in the filming of many box office projects, such as Forest Gump, Beowulf, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and many others.

and society: prominent figures born on April 8

- Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) (born April 8, 483 BC) is one of the most famous and revered religious characters in the world. Born an Indian prince, he reincarnated and received the name Buddha. After that, he became the founder of a new one, which remains among the most common for more than 2 thousand years.

- Kofi Atta Annan (born April 8, 1938) is one of the most influential politicians in the world. He is the first black man in history to serve as General Secretary. For his services in this post, he received the Nobel Peace Prize. It is noteworthy that Annan is so similar to the famous Morgan Freeman that they are constantly confused on the street.

- Tamerlane (born April 8, 1336) - one of the most famous and powerful Asian commanders and conquerors. His military activities played a key role in the history of the formation of the Middle. The lands conquered by Tamerlane became the territory of the empire created by him and his dynasty.

Scientists, discoverers and inventors who were born on April 8

- Melvin Ellis Calvin (born April 8, 1911) is one of the most prominent American biochemists. Calvin was awarded the Nobel Prize for his discovery and study of photosynthesis, the process by which plants convert carbon dioxide into oxygen using sunlight.

- August Wilhelm Hoffmann (born April 8, 1818) - one of the most successful German. He did research in organic chemistry. Their result was the isolation from coal tar of substances that are currently used in most chemical dyes. In addition, its developments are used in the processing of coal.

Athletes born on this day

- Igor Vladimirovich Akinfeev (born April 8, 1986) is one of the most famous Russian football players. Currently Akinfeev is the Goalkeeper and the Russian national team. He is a six-time winner of the title "Goalkeeper of the Year" and the prize was given to Lev Yashin. In addition, the player ranks 15th among the best goalkeepers in the world in the 21st century.

- Sonya Henie (born April 8, 1912) is one of the most titled figure skaters in the history of world figure skating. During her career, she won the title of Olympic champion three times and for 10 years in a row was the world champion in singles.

Popularity of April 8 in the search engine

About 258.5 thousand user requests that day;
- 10 - 12 thousand requests per day throughout the year.

Numerology and behavior of those born on April 8

Skeptics born on this day by nature. They are too distrustful and restrained, while they have strong patience and are very kind. They are ready to make any sacrifice for the well-being of their loved ones. In a calm environment, sometimes they are burdensome. These people are endowed with tenacity, which will help them become good employees or law enforcement officers. Devotion to the profession makes them valuable employees, and the fact that they bring everything to the end could serve well in business. Money goes to these people. big problem is the search for a worthy partner. Life is full of contradictions, so if such a person fails to realize himself in these areas, you should think about a creative profession, fortunately, there is an ability.

The magic number, like the date of birth, is 8;
- inner strength and harmony in relationships will be preserved by a diamond;
- lucky numbers - 1, 8, 9;
- positive dates - 6th, 15th, 24th;
- successful day of the week - Tuesday;
- in June and July it is worth deciding on accomplishments;
- Sexual horoscope: love and sexual relationships are best built with Sagittarius and Leo.

Day of conscience.

April 8 celebrity birthday- football player Igor Akinfeev, artist Nikas Safronov, actor Sang Keng, actress Patricia Arquette, actress Shelby Young

The nature of Aries born on April 8- Those born on April 8 are endowed with a special sense of compassion, and their actions are largely determined by humanistic and altruistic principles. For them, it is not enough to be in the center of attention or ongoing events (although most often this happens), they are driven by a sincere desire to take part in the fate of friends, relatives, acquaintances, compatriots. The highest priority for them is the well-being of others, in crisis situations it is even higher than their own good. However, it happens that they demonstrate excessive intolerance, lobbying for the interests of a selected social group (usually the one to which they belong).

Oddly enough, but having stellar qualities, those born on April 8 are often surprisingly shy. While successfully fulfilling the role assigned to them on the stage of life, they nevertheless stay in their own world, and this brings a certain trusting shade to their communication with people. Maintaining self-control and composure in crisis situations, people whose birthday is on April 8 turn out to be the most reliable partners. And their calmness produces a downright bewitching effect.

Most people born on April 8 profess the ideals of equality and invariably take the side of the disadvantaged. And not at all out of a passion for social reform, they simply sincerely believe that all people should be given equal opportunities. Regardless of their social status, those born on April 8 ardently criticize those in power for implanting injustice, while using the full force of their sarcasm.

Sometimes it seems that people whose birthday is April 8 secretly suffer from the pain they once caused, which no one can understand, and they do not seek such understanding from the outside. That is why it is almost impossible for those who want to help to establish close relationships with them, since those born on the Day of Conscience are much more inclined to give than to receive. In addition, the very thought of psychological or other support is unpleasant for them, even if it comes from very close friends.

What are the people whose zodiac sign is April 8th? They can be compared to the stars twinkling in the cold void - proud, melancholic, full of strange beauty. Those born on April 8 do not need universal admiration, it is much more important for them to realize their lofty ideas. Their desire for success may be very great, but it is rarely riddled with selfishness. If they are looking for power and power, it is only to ensure the well-being of all. And in this sense they are true altruists.

Advice for Aries born on April 8- Be patient, but not condescending. Pay attention to your own needs, do not get carried away with self-sacrifice. Find time for reflection.

You are independent, courageous and need to express yourself in many original ways. Receptive to fresh ideas, you are always eager to learn new things. Those born on this day are often distinguished by a thirst for success and power.

You were born on April 8th, your zodiac sign is Aries. In your quest to reach the top, you tend to be responsible and hardworking. Although it is especially important for you to create a secure future, from time to time you can make drastic moves based on spontaneous decisions.

PERSONAL HOROSCOPE - now available on our website. Compiled according to YOUR individual birth data, that is, for you PERSONALLY. You will learn what the planets say about your personality.

With your strong nature and pragmatic approach to life, you tend to aspire to play a leadership role. Inexhaustible energy combined with a natural business sense allows you to take the initiative and ensure that your plans will lead you to your goal.

Try to be disciplined and do nothing without prior planning.

In addition, you also need to overcome your tendency to easily fall into boredom and apathy.

On the other hand, luck can come to you completely unexpectedly. Although you appear to be a traditionalist, you are in fact quite progressive, but you need to transform your values ​​in order to achieve true spiritual self-awareness.

Starting from the age of 12, the main thing in life for you will be material success, stability and reliability. This period will continue until about age 42, and then the pace of your life will increase and you will feel the desire for new interests, literary activities and contact with people.

After age 72, you will prioritize emotional needs, caring for others, family, and home.

Personal qualities of those born on April 8

Your flamboyant talent will force you to try many ways to express yourself, which can lead to problems if you get carried away with several projects at the same time.

Your inner world is much more complex than it may seem from the outside, and you are able to be sophisticated, artistic and extremely smart and dexterous. Unfortunately, you can also be short-tempered and intolerant, but you hide it well. Some people think that Aries is.

Being an extremely creative person, you are constantly striving for new successes.

You have a natural artistry, but do not like any dictatorship, so you can hardly endure anyone's criticism.

You perfectly know how to communicate with people, but you can be not only cordial and sympathetic, but also cold and indifferent.

Behind your outward self-confidence as an Aries born on April 8 lies a tendency to doubt and a fear of being inadequate. Therefore, it is important for you to feel emotional support from loving friends or loved ones.

The work and vocation of those born on April 8

You are hardworking, and your desire for power draws you to leadership. As a natural psychologist, you may want to try out as a consultant or a doctor, or, conversely, apply this gift in business.

Your inherent courage and organizational skills will come in handy in any profession you choose.

Many people born on this day are attracted to law, law enforcement or managerial activities in business, finance or banking.

On the other hand, your sharp mind and artistic talent may lead you to some form of creative expression, such as the visual arts, theater or music.

Love and partnership born on April 8

In love and friendship, those born on April 8 are drawn to those who are friendly, sociable and striving for self-improvement. Being generally optimistic and open, you expect the same from others, although this is sometimes quite naive.

Understanding that money is power, you are especially partial to those who have the potential to succeed.

Your thirst for knowledge means that you love the company of those who stimulate you intellectually or from which you can obtain information or acquire skills.

Since you are proud, you demand respect from others, but you should avoid the tendency to command or control and criticize your loved ones. Luckily, your charm and ability to get along with people will ensure that you will never run out of friends.

Ideal partner for those born on April 8

For love and interesting communication, you apparently need to look for a partner among those born on the following days.

  • Love and friendship : 3, 4, 11, 12, 26, 28, 30 January; February 2, 9, 10, 24, 26, 28; 7, 8, 22, 24, 26 March; 5, 6, 20, 22, 24, 30 April; 3, 4, 18, 20, 22, 28, 31 May; June 1, 2, 16, 18, 20, 26, 29; 14, 16, 18, 24, 27 July; August 6, 12, 14, 16, 22, 25; September 10, 12, 14, 20, 23; October 8, 10, 12, 18, 21; November 6, 8, 10, 16, 19; 4, 6, 8, 14, 17 December.
  • favorable contacts : January 10, 29; February 1, 8, 27; March 6, 25; April 4, 23; 2, May 21; June 4, 19; July 17, 30; August 15, 28; September 13, 26; October 11, 24; November 9, 22; 7, 20 December.
  • Kindred soul : January 7; February 5th; March, 3rd; April 1; May 29; 27th of June; July 25; August 23; September 21; October 19; November 17; December 15th.
  • fatal attraction : January 11; March 7; April 5; May 3; June 1st; 11, 12, 13 October.
  • Troubled Relationships : January 9; February 7; March 5, 28; April 3, 26; May 1, 24; 22nd of June; July 20; August 18; 16 of September; October 14, 30, 31; November 12, 28, 29; December 10, 26, 27.
M - to dream