Voronezh Slavic community. Aryavarta Ecovillage

1. Russian-Slavic Rodnoverie community "Rodolyubie"

1. The Russian-Slavic native faith community "RODOLYUBIE" was founded on 24luten/February-month of summer 4407 from the founding of Slovenia the Great (summer 1998 rel.l.) in the city of Moscow by the sorcerer Veleslav (Cherkasov I.G.).

2. The Russian-Slavic native faith community "RODOLYUBIE" is a non-political Spiritual community of Rodnovers (followers of the Primordial Faith-Knowledge of our ancestors), based on the Spiritual affinity and community of life goals of its members, as well as joint Spiritual research and Spiritual and educational activities.

3. The goals of the Russian-Slavic Rodnoverie community "RODOLYUBIE":

1) Revival, preservation and increase spiritual heritage our ancestors. In particular, the reconstruction and holding of traditional holidays and rituals in accordance with the requirements of modernity (see below);

2) Life according to the Ancestral Origin, based on the three main provisions of Kindred (see below);

3) Research and educational work.

4. The Russian-Slavic native faith community "RODOLYUBIE" has its own internal structure, built in accordance with the personal Spiritual qualities of its members (see below).

5. At present, the Russian-Slavic Native Faith community “RODOLYUBIE” bases its ritual activities mainly on the “Sergeant Maly” vlkh. Veleslav.

6. Veles, the Slavic God of Wisdom, is revered as the Spiritual Patron of the Russian-Slavic Native Faith Community “LOVE OF GENERATION”.

2. Three main provisions of Kindness

Kindred as a Spiritual and Moral Teaching within the framework of the Russian and Slavic Rodnoverie is based on three main provisions, which are:

1. Love for the All-Existing All-God Family - the One Highest Truth - the Creator, Guardian and Destroyer of all things, the All-pervading Spiritualizing Beginning, the One in Itself and the Many Faces in the All-God (in the Faces of the Native Gods - His Forces acting in the World), the visible manifestation of which is the All-Living Mother Nature.

2. Love for the Heavenly Rodune - the conciliar Soul and Power of the ancestors. Spiritual continuity in the inheritance of the Ancestral Iskon and a life worthy of the glory of the ancestors.

3. Love for the Roduzemnoe - for their relatives, living in Reveal. All possible assistance to those in need and cooperation with those living on the Law.

3. The most important holy days of Kologod

The Russian-Slavic Native Faith community "RODOLYUBIE" celebrates the twenty most important Holy Days of the Kologda, which are:

* 1. Kolyada (25 cold/December);

2. Vodokres (6 months / January);

3. Gromnitsa (2 lute/February);

4. Velesovden (Lute/February 11);

5. Magpies - Calls of spring (9 berezosol / March).

* 6. Shrovetide-Komoeditsa (25 berezosol / March);

7. YariloVeshny (23 bloom / April);

8. Spring Grandfathers (from 1 to 7 May / May);

9. Veshnee Makosh'e (9 May/May);

10. Yarilo Wet (3 April / June).

* 11. KUPALA (Sunday/June 24);

12. Summer Svarozhye (Sunday/June 29);

13. Perunovden (20 lipen / July);

14. Slows (15 sickle/August);

15. Day of Rodai Rozhanits (8 spring/September).

* 16.TAUSEN-RODOGOSHCH (September 24);

17. Autumn Grandfathers (from 21 to 27 leaf fall / October);

18. Autumn Makoshie (28 leaf fall/October);

19. Autumn Svarozhye (from 1 to 7 breasts / November);

20. Marin day (21 breasts / November).

(The four most important Solar Shrines of Kologod are marked with an asterisk.)

For more information about all the Holy Days of Kologoda, celebrated by the Russian-Slavic native faith community "RODOLYUBIE", see "Kologoda" vlkh. Veleslav.

4. The internal structure of the community "Rodolyubie"

The Russian-Slavic Native Faith community "RODOLYUBIE" is based on the Spiritual equality of all its members before the Native Gods, as well as the free pursuit of their own Spiritual purpose in the life of each individual. In accordance with the spiritual qualities of each of its members, the community "LOVE" has the following internal structure:

1. Magi - guardians of Spiritual Knowledge, called to serve as Native Gods;

2. Priests - ministers of rituals, not younger than 25 years old, called to this by the community and passed the appropriate initiation into the Priesthood;

3. Radari - all members of the community who have a history of Rodnovery (they can be students and adherents of priests at common rites);

4. Parishioners - welcome guests at open events held by the community, who are not themselves members of the community.

5. Military squad of the community "Rodolyubie"

The military squad that exists within the framework of the Russian-Slavic native faith community "RODOLYUBIE" consists of community radars with a conscious inclination, as well as a spiritual and bodily predisposition to ratai (military) service. Each member of the community who has the necessary qualities and has passed the appropriate initiation can become a member of the squad. At the head of the squad is an elected governor, who is also a squad priest.

Team goals:

1. Raising the military spirit in yourself, your children and your relatives. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, personal spiritual, moral and bodily improvement.

2. Revival and development (in accordance with the requirements of modernity) of the martial arts of our ancestors.

3. Direct maintenance of order during open events held by the community (educational conversations, rituals, joys, festivities, marriages, etc.).

6. Spiritual and educational society "Satya Veda"

"SATIA-VEDA" (Sanskrit "True Knowledge") is a spiritual and educational society founded by the sorcerer Veleslav on 24luten/February 4407 from the founding of Slovenia the Great (summer 1998 from n.ch.l.) in the city of Moscow (simultaneously with the Russian- Slavic Rodnoverie community "RODOLYUBIE").

Goals of the Spiritual and Educational Society "SATHYA-VEDA":

1. A comprehensive study of the General Aryan Spiritual Foundations of the Russian-Slavic Rodnoverie.

2. The study of the Spiritual-Philosophical and Spiritual-Religious teachings of related Aryan peoples (traditionally living throughout the Indo-European area: from Scandinavia to India), as well as some cultures of other peoples close to them.

3. The study and practical development of some Spiritual Traditions of the Aryan peoples (practices of Spiritual work and self-improvement, such as runic art, yoga, shamanism, etc.) - to the extent that it seems appropriate in modern Russia.

4. Spiritual and educational activities (writing and distributing books, holding open seminars and educational talks on the history and culture of the Aryan peoples, Traditional Aryan Spirituality, etc.).

7. Commonwealth of Slavic native faith communities "Velesov Krug"

1. "VELESOVKRUG" - the Commonwealth of Slavic native faith communities, based on a voluntary basis by the Council of the Magi in the summer of 4408 from the founding of Slovensk the Great (in the summer of 1999 from BC), a member of which is the Russian-Slavic native faith community "RODOLYUBIE".

2. Goals of the Commonwealth of native faith communities "VELESOV KRUG":

1) Revival, preservation and enhancement of the Spiritual heritage of our ancestors;

2) Practical development and implementation of the Volkhov Knowledge (Vedaniya) of our ancestors;

3) Spiritual coordination and research and educational work.

3. All-Native Faith communities that are part of the Commonwealth of Native Faith Communities "VELESOV KRUG" enter it of their own free will and with the consent of other members, have equal rights and obligations to each other.

4. The VELESOV KRUG community of fellow believers is governed by the Council of the Magi, which meets at least once a year.

Veles - Slavic God Wisdom.

Glory to Rod!

It was first announced at the Priestly Council of the Russian-Slavic Native Faith Community "RODOLYUBIE" on September 5, summer 4413 from the founding of Slovensk the Great (2004 from n.kh.l.) - to the glory of the Native Gods!

The settlement is located in the Semiluksky district of the Voronezh region, near the village of Kondrashovka (directly 30 kilometers from Voronezh. By roads - 45). Near the plots there is the river Veduga, a small river Serebryanka flows into it, there are also 4 the purest stream, and 4 ponds. There are a lot of springs with healing living water...

We invite to the Settlement cheerful and active young people and girls, couples, creative guests, just like us, who intend to live a strong, close-knit and friendly Slavic community, in harmony with Nature and harmony with each other. We intend to revive and use in life the Vedic knowledge and traditions of our Ancestors, celebrate the ancient holidays of the Slavs-Aryans, help other people in word and deed to become better, cleaner and kinder. Our settlement has the status of a Cossack farm, thanks to which local authorities they help us in everything, and the locals treat us with respect and support.

We will be glad to new neighbors - bright people with pure thoughts, leading healthy lifestyle life, vegetarians, Rodnovers, Orthodox, who dream of living in a harmonious and joyful world, and who are ready to do real deeds to make this Dream come true.

Land: cost and terms of ownership

Form of ownership / disposal: Ownership
Copyright holder: Individual
The cost of land per 1 hectare: 30,000 rubles.
Average plot size: 1 ha
Building permit and registration: Residential building with the right of registration.
Cellular: yes
Electricity: Yes, most
Gas pipeline: No, but possible for some
Plumbing: There are public springs
School: there are 2 schools in neighboring villages, in our settlement there is a school building, but the school is not yet functioning.
Distance to school: 2 km.
Common Home: Shared house yes
Shop: There is 1 shop in the settlement. There are 4 more in the villages closest to us.
Possibility for arrival: You can put up tents.


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Let's talk about the pagan beliefs of the Slavic population of the last centuries of the 1st millennium AD. e. in the Voronezh region. The Slavs carried amulets with them - objects that should bring good luck and protect the owner from troubles and misfortunes. Most of the amulets were made from the bones of the animals they hunted (beavers, roe deer). Amulets were worn on a belt or in necklaces along with jewelry. Particularly interesting are the amulets made of roe deer astrigal, bear and fox fangs. Curious metal, solar amulets with horse heads - as a symbol of happiness, kindness, prosperity. The Slavs had sanctuaries where they made sacrifices to the gods. This was found near the village of Nizhny Vorgol in the Yelets district of the Lipetsk region.

The Slavs burned the corpses of the dead and poured barrows. The burning took place with a large confluence of people, to the music that accompanies the fun about the mercy shown to the deceased by God. The remains of human and animal cremation were collected from the funeral pyre and placed in an earthen vessel (pot, bowl), then placed in the burial chamber. Vessels with food and drink were also brought here. The mound was poured "by the whole world." During the embankment, the pots were broken, and the shards were scattered over the embankment. Having erected a part of the embankment, they burned brushwood on it, paying tribute to the fire. A narrow ditch formed around the mound, from which they took the earth. At the end, bonfires were burned in the ditch in memory of the deceased. The ritual ended with a funeral feast, in the annalistic "strava". When other members of the family died, everything was repeated all over again. With the only difference that the chamber and the embankment were ready, they moved the stone or chopping block away from the entrance, put a new vessel with bones, and lit funeral bonfires.

The Slavic monuments of the Don region do not differ in wealth and number. Their settlements in the Don basin at the end of the 10th century, and some become empty a little later, life on them stops. Scientists argue that under the blows of nomadic raids, the Slavs went to the Middle Oka, where the Ryazan principality flourished in the 12th century, and to the Volga in the region of Volga Bulgaria. Life in the Slavic settlements, frozen for almost 1000 years, did not revive for a long time.

In the middle of the 7th century A.D. e. on the ruins of the Turkic Empire as a result of a long struggle for power between various tribes and peoples on the territory of modern Dagestan, the Kuban region, in the Azov steppes and in the Northern Black Sea region, one of the first feudal states in Eastern Europe was formed - the Khazar Khaganate, which for more than 2 centuries played a significant role in the history of the peoples of Eastern and South Eastern Europe, Caucasus. The Khazars themselves are a small people, nomadic pastoralists.

The Khazar Khaganate is a warlike state, distinguished by countless predatory raids on the peoples closest to them, and campaigns in the Transcaucasus. Byzantium also reckoned with the Khazars, trying to find an ally in them in the fight against the Arabs. The Khazars were also interested in this, who felt threatened by the Arab conquerors, who were rushing to the North Caucasus. For almost 40 years - from the end of the 7th century to the 30s of the 8th century, the Arab-Khazar wars went on with varying success. Many Khazar cities were repeatedly subjected to Arab invasion. For some nations North Caucasus, in particular the Alans, they turned out to be with grave consequences. The Alans are a settled population. They went north and settled on convenient coastal hills in the upper reaches of the Don and its tributaries. The Alans and the Bulgarians fascinated by them rushed north, towards the Slavs, who almost simultaneously moved from the Dnieper region to the Don basin, more precisely the Voronezh River. A little later, the Vyatichi Slavs also came here to the Don from the Upper Oka.

The Alano-Bulgarians, and with them the Khazars, came close to Slavic lands. From that time on, the Khazars established their economic dominance in the form of tribute over individual East Slavic tribes. The growing Old Russian state was freed from the Khazar tribute. And the Don Vyatichi freed themselves from tribute only with the decline and death of the Khazar Khaganate itself. For almost 100 years, the Khazars, who built fortresses on the Quiet Pine and the Seversky Donets, controlled trade routes along the largest Eastern European rivers, levying huge duties on goods and tribute from the Don Slavs. A kind of frontier outpost was the Mayatskoye settlement, where archaeological excavations began. According to Hungarian scientists, much of the culture of the ancient Hungarians was the result of their close contacts in the Don region with the Alans and Bulgarians.

Mayatskoye settlement united the interests of specialists different countries and scientific directions, this is how the Soviet-Bulgarian-Hungarian archaeological expedition was born, which for seven field seasons explored the fortress, the adjacent village and the vast burial ground located on the southeastern slopes of the cape. The architecture of the fortress was influenced by the Byzantine. The walls of the fortress told a lot, and the most amazing thing is the drawings and inscriptions on the chalk stones-blocks. There are several hundred of them. Drawn by warriors who served in the fortress. The drawings characterize the social relations of the population of the Mayatskaya fortress. The fortress is a feudal castle, inside which the governor of the kagan from among the Alans or Bulgarians lived with his household and servants in the citadel.

The most typical for the settlement are semi-dugout dwellings, very similar to the Slavic ones. Ash - an object of reverence and worship - was piled in special places. Sickles, millstones, a hearth for drying grain before grinding, and fetters for horses were found here. The bones of wild (94.6%) and domestic animals (6%) were found in the burials.

One of the proposed metallurgical centers was opened in Polyanka near Upper Mamon. 10 raw furnaces were found here, one of which was excavated with the remains of iron slag. The dishes were very different from the Slavic, as they were made on a potter's wheel. Smelting workshops were arranged in secluded places in order to preserve the secrets of craftsmanship, and potters did the same.

The peoples of the Khazar Khaganate, including the inhabitants of the Mayatsk settlement, were pagans. Only the kagan (feudal lords) accepted the Jewish religion. They believed in various deities. Ibn-Fadlan, an Arab traveler, wrote: “Their belief is such that day and night, and wind, and rain, and earth, and sky - each individually - has a “god”, but the “god” of the sky is greater than rest".

Life here stopped in the middle of the X century. The reason was the Pechenegs and the intensified internal hostility between certain groups of the population of the Khazar Khaganate. But it was finally defeated by Prince Svyatoslav, who in 965 destroyed the centers of the kaganate - Itil on the Volga and Sarkel on the Don, on the site of which the Russian city of Belaya Vezha arose. Oksky Vyatichi were attached to Kievan Rus, they stopped paying tribute to the Khazars. In the 60s of the 10th century, the Mayatskaya fortress lost its significance. Part of the population of the Don basin, having entered the struggle with the Pechenegs and Russians, died. Another joined the ranks of the Pecheneg hordes, part went to the Volga Bulgaria.

The history of the 11th - the first half of the 13th century left little written evidence. The annals tell in more detail about the Polovtsians who wandered in the Don basin, the Arabs and Persians called them Kypchaks, Byzantine historians called them Cumans.

The Polovtsy buried the dead on their backs with their arms extended along the body, their heads to the north or west. In the burials, knives, scissors, armchairs, temporal rings, bronze mirrors, earrings in the form of a question mark are found. Horse burials nearby. Wild Cumans lived in the Middle Don basin, including the left bank of the Voronezh River. They participated in the internecine wars of the Russian princes.

Polovtsian stone sculptures have been installed on high mounds visible from afar, built long before the appearance of the Polovtsy in the steppe regions (in the Bronze Age and the Early Iron Age). The Polovtsy turned the mounds into sanctuaries where they sacrificed animals, and sometimes people. For almost 200 years, the Polovtsy were the dominant force in the southern Russian steppes and adjacent areas of the forest-steppe.

The period from the end of the 11th century to the 15th century in Rus' is characterized by feudal fragmentation. As Academician B. L. Rybakov writes, by the beginning of the invasion of the Mongol-Tatars in Rus' there were about 50 principalities, and their fragmentation continued, numerous bloody wars ravaged the population.

At the same time, the period from the end of the 11th to the beginning of the 12th centuries is characterized by a bright flowering of Russian culture, the rapid growth of cities, the development of new lands in the Don basin, mainly along the river. Voronezh. These are the so-called wanderers, which are mentioned in Russian chronicles. Among them were not only Russians. Their settlements were found on the Don, in the lower reaches of Voronezh, Bityug. Their settlements were small, without fortifications.

IN Lately many local historians are trying to find the chronicle "Voronozh" (Voronezh, Voronezh) in the XII century, placing it either in the Lipetsk region (Romanovo settlement), or in Voronezh (Semiluki). According to A. V. Kozhemyakin, Voronezh never existed.

In 1177, the Battle of Koloksha took place, during which the people of Ryazan were defeated by the Prince of Vladimir. Only Prince Yaropolk Rostislavich managed to escape captivity. Upon learning of this, the dissatisfied Vladimirians raised a rebellion against their prince and, in an ultimatum form, demanded that he introduce Prince Yaropolk to them. The prince yielded to them and demanded the extradition of Yaropolk from the people of Ryazan. The latter decided to flee from them, not accepted in any of the cities of the principality. In the conditions of early spring, in March, the fugitive did not have the opportunity to stock up on food and fodder for horses and was forced to run away from his pursuers - Ryazan.

A.D. Pryakhin believed that “Voronezh” was located on the site of the Semiluk settlement, not taking into account the fact that there was no analogue in history so that the city was located on one river, but was named after another. In addition, it was impossible for Prince Yaropolk to overcome the path of 400-450 kilometers in a few days.

According to V.P. Zagorovsky, "Voronozh" was founded by settlers from the village of Voronezh, Sumy region. It has been established that it was founded after the Truce of Deulino in 1618 as a small farm on the site of impenetrable forests. On its territory there are only a few burial mounds of the early period and there are no settlements. Therefore, he could not play any significant role in history. The only thing they have in common is the consonance of names: Ukrainian Voronezh, chronicle Voronezh - Russian Voronezh. Thus, the hypotheses of V.P. Zagorovsky and A.D. Pryakhin do not have sufficient grounds, not to mention the absence of settlements in the XII-XIII centuries. Obviously, the “Voronozh” mentioned in the annals refers to the upper reaches of the river, from where the path went to the southern Russian steppes, where the Polovtsy were located, whose relatives were defeated at Koloksha. It is possible that the flight of Yaropolk Rostislavich to the south was associated with his desire to involve the Polovtsian hordes in an internecine war with Vladimir and gain a foothold in Ryazan.

The Nikon chronicle tells about the events of 1237. The Russian squad was defeated, and in the same year Ryazan and other cities fell. The Mongol-Tatar invasion of Russian lands began.

On the territory of the Verkhnemamonsky district, the archaeological expedition of the Voronezh State Pedagogical University, led by Professor of the Department of National History A. T. Sinyuk, in 1984-1985 examined the remains of more than 40 ancient settlements and burial grounds. Scientists were not always able to determine the age of the cultural layer. But much of the collected material was attributed to the Iron and Bronze Ages II-I millennium BC. e. Then the Indo-Iranian tribes of the Scythians roamed and lived here.

Residents of our and other regions found and donated to museums household items, hunting and warfare of the Stone Age: flint scrapers, arrowheads and spears, a stone hammer.

In the 9th century AD, the Don area up to the Quiet Pine River was part of the Khazar Khaganate. The Tatar-Mongols, who rushed in the middle of the 13th century, conquered the Polovtsy and, having ruined the Don region, formed the Khanate of the Golden Horde. For a long time, the Don region was a wild field, where there were no settled inhabitants.

See: Syrovatsky N.I. Father's land. - Voronezh, 1996. - 628 p.

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