What does a mole on the left leg mean. Mole on the sole of the left foot meaning

Most often, a mole (med. - nevus) on the foot appears as a result of the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation and hormonal failure. We will find out in which cases it is necessary to consult a doctor, and when it is worth listening to folk signs.

What do moles on the feet mean

A birthmark on the foot characterizes its owner as a restless person who is drawn to adventure. The remaining values ​​​​of signs depend on which leg the mark is located on.

The meaning of a mole on the foot of the right foot

The mark on the right foot indicates the desire to travel, visit interesting places. Usually this aspiration remains a dream. Such a mole is a sign of chronic diseases.

A woman with a birthmark on her right sole will make a good mother and wife. However, she will not see success in business. Her whole life is centered around her family.

A man with such a label has a number of advantages:

  • foresight;
  • insight;
  • intellectuality.

Most often, a guy with a mole on the sole is successful in his career.

The meaning of a mole on the sole of the left foot

A pigmented formation on the left sole indicates a developed intellect. Such a person has a number of qualities:

  • softness;
  • flexible mind;
  • passivity.

The nevus on the left foot of the lady speaks of her variability and inconstancy. She does not like to study and prefers entertainment to work. For a man, a sign predicts wealth and happiness.

Dark moles prophesy failures in personal life, pink ones promise happiness in family relationships. Green nevi indicate the development of a serious disease in the body.

The value of a mole on the foot in women

The meaning of a mole in the two sexes is different. Women should pay attention to the color, size and number of moles:

  1. A bright red mole promises problems in family relationships. The lady is distinguished by honesty and sincerity, but she will not see success in her personal life.
  2. Many bright marks speak of the love and temperament of the girl.
  3. A large mole on the sole means that a woman will become a mother of many children.

Important! Many moles on the foot speak of travel. This prophecy applies to both men and women.

If birthmark located in the center of the sole, it means a successful marriage. If the nevus is located at thumb, this characterizes its owner as a wise and complaisant lady with a calm character.

Much depends on which finger the birthmark is under:

  1. Big. The person is prone to depression and deep despondency. He often feels sorry for himself and constantly aggravates the situation. Such a lady is not able to overcome adversity on her own.
  2. Second. A mole on the sole under this finger speaks of an assertive and self-confident person. She does not care what is happening around, the main thing in her life is her career and work. It is difficult for her to find a soul mate.
  3. Average. The label indicates existing talents that will not bring results if they are not developed. Such a young lady should try herself in various fields.
  4. Fourth. A mole under it testifies to an open and sociable personality. Such a girl is always in the center of attention and is able to find a common language with any person.
  5. Little finger. A speck on the little toe on the side of the sole of the foot speaks of a person's phobias and fears. If the mole is very large, this is a sign of poor mental health.

A mark near the edge of the foot means a threat of diseases of the heart and blood vessels. A mole between the center of the foot and heel is a sign of pathologies of the genital organs.

The value of a mole on the foot in men

A large nevus in a man is considered a sign of fidelity to his wife. Such a person is a reliable friend and business partner. Moles on both legs promise a happy marriage.

The guy with the pigment spots on his soles is pretty smart. He often falls in love, he has many friends. Other character traits distinguish him:

  • rich inner world;
  • resourcefulness;
  • diligence;
  • seriousness;
  • romance.

Such men reach great heights and have a strong character. They will never leave a loved one in trouble and rarely need money. A mole on the right heel speaks of the insight of its owner.

Nevi have various meanings depending on the location on the foot:

  • between the second and thumb- Excessive fatigue, poor eyesight;
  • between the third and second fingers - susceptibility to the flu, poor immunity;
  • between the fourth and third fingers - the risk of developing varicose veins, hemorrhoids, diseases of the nasopharynx;
  • between the fifth and fourth fingers - a weak nervous system.

Birthmarks that affect fate usually take the form of the following shapes: triangle, square, circle, cross or star.

Attention! A perfect circle is considered a good sign. An angular mole suggests otherwise.

What does medicine say about it?

Birthmarks on the foot can appear throughout life. Usually they cease to occur after 25 years, when tissue growth stops. If the formation that appears grows, hurts, itches or changes color, this is an alarming sign.

A mole on the foot, thigh or knee can be a real sign of fate. Rare moles almost always portend an extraordinary life path. By deciphering the meaning of each mark on the body, you can find out your future.

In the article:

What does a mole on the foot mean

The value of a mole on the heel can vary depending on the place on the leg. So, the mark on the left heel speaks of powerful intuition and high intelligence. You are wise, perhaps one of the so-called "old souls". In addition, the owners of such marks have developed spirituality. They often study religious movements different peoples, may profess not too common beliefs. The best field for you to work in is politics, journalism and writing, science or research. A developed mind and high intelligence allow you to choose almost any profession.

A mole on the right heel indicates a desire to travel. The owners of such marks are very fond of change, they are often travelers and sailors. There is also a love for movement and an active lifestyle. These are almost always adventurous individuals with a large supply of energy. They are often envied, but such people almost never suffer from the machinations of envious people, because they know how to turn any situation to their advantage.

Moles on the legs in the knee area

Moles on the knee joint or on the inside of the knee mean that you have an active person in front of you who does not know how to wait at all. In combination with other abilities, such character traits can guarantee success in all areas of life.

The impatience of the owners of such marks often causes inattention. You often do not notice mistakes or nuances on which the outcome of a case may depend. In work, you are often in a hurry, which leads to errors or a decrease in the quality of work.

A mole on a man's right leg indicates that he will create a happy family. This also applies to the owners of a similar spot on the left knee. Such marks are found in people who are in perfect control of their bodies. They do dancing, yoga or other sports.

A mole above a woman's knee is a sign of success in creating a family or teaching. Ladies with such spots are naturally sensitive, but demanding. They make excellent mothers who are able to raise a worthy member of society. Such women often occupy a leading position in the family.

A mark above the knee in a man speaks of enterprise and outstanding intelligence. You will have a high income and a solid position in a prestigious company. You may wish to work only for yourself and open your own business. This is also expected to be successful.

Mole on the inside of the thigh: meaning

A mole on the inside of the thigh means the danger of seizures. If you're waking up with night cramps, it's time to make an appointment with your doctor. The owners of such marks need to remember that sooner or later their influence will manifest itself.

Men with such spots are distinguished by their ability to craft. They can fix anything from a faucet to a washing machine, saving you the cost of repairmen.

A similar mark in women means an outstanding talent for needlework. Since childhood, they have been fond of embroidery, knitting, even a profession often chosen related to their favorite hobby.

Moles in the thighs and ankles: meaning

A mole in the back of the thigh or ankle speaks of psychic abilities. Many dream prophetic dreams moreover, the methods of reading the future are available to everyone. If you notice manifestations of extraordinary abilities, you should try to develop them. The owners of such spots are often interested in magic and the occult. They make good priests and spiritual leaders, teachers and doctors.

A mole on the right thigh of a man means a tendency to a solitary lifestyle, hermitage. In society, they often become outcasts. Strongly dependent on the opinion of the mother. The same prediction will be true for women with a similar mark on the left thigh.

The mark on the right thigh speaks of amorousness, courage and pleasant character. If it is on the opposite side of the body, in front of you is a person who does not have much interest in love relationship. Such people rarely make lovers. They are hardworking and able to provide for their families.

It has always been believed that it is the mole that is located on the thigh that can tell a lot about its owner. The prophecies are especially accurate when the color of the mole is dark, saturated, and the size is large! Regarding men and women, interpretations about the location of moles are different, but they are incredibly true, as you can see for yourself only by talking to a person.

Woman with a mole on her thigh

A woman, on whose right thigh you can see a harmless mole, has a strong and very stubborn character. Her sympathy for others is sometimes completely incompatible with her methods of achieving her goals! With all its self-sufficiency and self-improvement, it is capable of strong devoted even unrequited love.

A mole, flaunting on her left thigh, only says that, despite her excellent appearance, gentleness of character and striving for the best, this woman is very indecisive and unsure of herself, as well as her actions. Often such ladies after a while become absent-minded, forgetful, but impeccably attractive and, I must say, attractive relative to the male sex!

What does a mole on a man's thigh mean?

On being overly sociable young man can tell the mole, which is located on his left thigh. Such a man has always had and will have numerous acquaintances, most of them he simply “needs”, others for the sake of “pleasure”, and the third out of necessity. However, such a man has a rare gift - he always plans to do something good for others, but, despite the purity of his thoughts, sometimes this does not happen! However, his deep mind and knowledge of people help him build his cosmic plans again and again, because he is charming, cheerful, slightly naive, but this is only in appearance and incredibly gentle!

A mole on the right thigh will indicate excessive sentimentality, which is rare for men, openness and a desire for constancy. Such men are usually not fans of many women, they value their one and only one all their lives! However, it is often difficult for them to show their feelings, it is difficult to open up and win over the female gender.

Maybe that's why such people often cannot foresee any situation and they have serious problems, but even when they find themselves in a hopeless situation, they will always remain on top!

Every person on the body has moles and birthmarks. Some nevi tend to appear in adulthood, while others appear immediately after birth. Since ancient times, people have tried to understand what these marks on the body mean, in particular, a birthmark on the leg.

Nevuses and rebirths

There is a theory according to which the appearance of birthmarks and moles on the body is due to transitions from one life to another. Researchers of this issue claim that large moles, their clusters and birthmarks are located in those places in which there were fatal wounds from past life.

An American professor of psychiatry recorded about 400 such cases. The most striking stories documented by Ian Stevenson are those of two young boys from India, Ravi and Titu. Both of them in early childhood began to talk about their past lives, which ended in a tragic death. Both boys had birthmarks in the places where the killer hit them.

Is there a relationship between birthmarks and longevity?

A number of specialists in the field of genetics express a slightly different theory related to the presence of birthmarks and moles on human body. According to their data, which were released in 2007, a large number of nevi had a positive effect on life expectancy. On average, there are 30 age spots on the human body. Every 25 subsequent moles and birthmarks increase life expectancy by 2 years. These data were obtained by specialists from King's College London after a thorough examination of 2,000 people, whose age ranged from 21 to 75 years.

In 2009, the same experts published the results of another study on this topic. This time, 1000 people in the same age range took part in the study. The results showed that with a large number of nevi on the body, the biological aging of cells occurs more slowly than with their normal number, but at the same time, people with a large number of brown spots on the body increase the risk of developing malignant tumor processes.

How are birthmarks and fate related?

In all time periods, people have established a connection between birthmarks and the fate of a person. People perceived a birthmark on a leg or other part of the body as a sign indicating how the fate of a person would proceed and what his character would be. In this case, only those nevi that were more than 3 mm in diameter were taken into account. The size of the spot directly indicated how strongly the spot affects the fate of a person.

Also, when interpreting birthmarks as fateful signs, such parameters were taken into account as:

  1. Form.
  2. Size.
  3. Color.
  4. The presence of hair on a birthmark.
  5. Location.

With the passage of time, the interpretations were supplemented, modified, became more complete and capacious. This helped to more accurately reveal all the mystical influence that a birthmark has in a certain place on a person’s life, in particular, what does a birthmark on the left leg mean.

The influence of the shape and size of a birthmark on fate

A different shape of a mark has a different effect on a person's life path. Some forms of birthmarks meant difficulties and trials, while others indicated the favor and protection of higher powers. A photo of a birthmark on the leg will help to more accurately determine its meaning and impact on life.

To date, the following forms of nevi that affect fate have been identified:

  1. Cross.
  2. Campfire with flame.
  3. Lip imprint.
  4. Star.
  5. Perfect circle.

The shape of a perfect circle is a good sign. While a more angular spot suggests otherwise. A round birthmark on the left leg indicates that a person is waiting for events that are good enough for him. Also, such nevi are an indication that a person has a well-developed intuition. The presence of supernatural powers in a person is indicated by a round birthmark on the right leg, located 30 cm above the knee bend, that is, close to the soft spot.

The presence of a cruciform birthmark is a symbol of the trials that higher powers send to a person. The nature of the tests depends on which part of the body it appeared on. A similar birthmark on the leg suggests that a person will often have to move from place to place.

The shape of the flame and bonfire is considered a symbol of irascibility. Such people do not know how to restrain their emotions. Men with such nevi suffer from excessive jealousy, and women are struck by a tendency to commit rash acts. Esotericists also note that people with similar birthmarks are prone to protracted and rather severe depressions.

The star shape for birthmarks is considered the rarest in nature. However, a person who has such a spot on his body can be safely congratulated. It indicates that higher powers are favorable to him and grant him good luck in all endeavors.

A birthmark in the form similar to a cat indicates the secrecy and complexity of the character of its owner. At the same time, the saturation of the color of such a spot corresponds to the probability of the presence of mystical forces - the more saturated the color, the greater the likelihood of manifestation of extrasensory abilities.

A birthmark, resembling a lip print in its shape, is a direct indication that fate has prepared a large number of surprises for its owner. Esotericists claim that men with a similar sign are very lucky, and for women it will give protection from the evil eye and other negative magical influences.

Regarding the size of the mark, the interpretation is quite simple - the larger the birthmark, the stronger its influence. Based on this, we can say that a large birthmark on the leg will have a greater impact on a person's life path than a small one on the neck or arm.

What does the color and hairiness of a birthmark say?

These two parameters indicate the nature of the impact that the stain has on its owner. There are some clarifications and concretizations in the interpretation, however, in the general case, they can be interpreted in two ways - favorable and negative.

Light spots are considered favorable, namely:

  1. White.
  2. Straw.
  3. Yellowish.
  4. Red.
  5. Light brown.

There is an opinion among esotericists that the darker the birthmark on the leg or other part of the body, the worse its effect on the fate and life path of a person. However, it is worth taking into account other factors that affect the value of birthmarks.

Regarding the hairiness of the birthmark, the interpretation is as follows. The more hair on the spot, the worse its effect. Birthmarks without hair can be very favorable for a person's life if they are not influenced by other factors. The large length of hair on the spot has Negative influence on financial situation person. Accordingly, the shorter the existing hair on the birthmark, the greater the material wealth a person achieves.

Dividing the body into zones

When studying birthmarks, it was noted that each of the parts of the body is under the auspices of a certain zodiac sign. This means that a fateful mark in one place or another is responsible for the presence and brightness of the expression of certain qualities.

In total, the following zones on the body are distinguished:

An analysis of exactly in which zone a birthmark or any other mark is located helps to more accurately determine its meaning and explain the impact on a person’s fate. These additional factors help to make the most complete description birthmark anywhere on the body.

What is the difference between interpretations of birthmarks in men and women

In esotericism, there is a statement that the side on which there is a birthmark is somewhat different for a man and a woman. This is due to the fact that in different sexes different sides of the body are more favorable.

According to this statement, men are more positively affected by a birthmark located with right side body. At the same time, for women, it is more successful and decisive left-hand side. However, despite this, exceptions to the rules are possible, and this principle does not always work so categorically and unambiguously.

How to interpret a birthmark on different parts of the legs

The meaning of a birthmark may differ depending on which part of the body the mark is located on. However, at the same time, it is worth interpreting nevi based on which area of ​​the body it is located in. That is, a birthmark on the right leg, located in the thigh area, will have a different meaning from that which carries the same mark located on the foot or knee.

A birthmark located on the thigh is evidence that a person will have strong and healthy offspring, which will give a large number of grandchildren. The presence of marks on both thighs reinforces this prophecy.

What does a birthmark on the right leg, located in the knee area, mean? Esotericists claim that such a mark is a symbol happy marriage. In married life, a person will encounter very few problems and obstacles, the marriage will proceed smoothly.

But the birthmark on the left leg, located in the same area, is the personification of the fact that a person first thinks and then acts. Because of this haste, the owner of the mark often has to regret. However, fate endowed him with such traits as kindness, openness and the ability to empathize with others.

The presence of a birthmark in the area between the knee and ankle is direct evidence that its owner is a lazy, carefree and careless person. Also, people with such a mark are often distinguished from the rest by selfishness, insensitivity towards other people and slovenliness.

The mark located on the ankle for a man is a sign of his sophistication and slovenliness. For women, the same mark of fate personifies optimism, a large supply of strength and energy, independence, hard work and courage.

What does a birthmark on the leg, placed on the foot, mean? A nevus on the right foot indicates a person's love of travel. But if the mark is placed on the left foot, then its owner is a person with well-developed thinking and intellect. Birthmarks located on both feet indicate that a person has a habit of indulging his passions.

On the leg also indicates that as he matures, he will have to face a number of difficulties. However, this is not at all a reason to panic, because all people go through the trials of fate, regardless of the presence or absence of birthmarks in different parts of the body.

The second interpretation of marks

There are several options for what birthmarks on the leg mean. The subtleties of explaining their meaning also depend on where exactly the mark is located.

Usually, a birthmark located on the leg indicates that its owner is a person with a well-developed intuition, able to subtly feel future events. At the same time, such subtlety of nature is quite harmful. Any irritating or stressful factor can unbalance a person. Sometimes this irritation can last quite a long time. During work, the owners of such a birthmark pay much attention to details and nuances, rather than the main subject.

Often, the owners of such marks can suffer from strange dreams, the plot of which is rather incomprehensible and bizarre. They are categorically not recommended to overwork and exhaust themselves to the limit. At the slightest sign of a state of fatigue, you need to take a little time to ensure that the nervous system and body rest. Such activities as dancing, light music, sports and spending time in the bosom of nature have a beneficial effect.

People who have birthmarks on their feet may find their calling in the fields of surgery. They can also become good priests. But at the same time, these people can reach heights in the occult sciences, discovering and developing supernatural abilities in themselves.

The presence of a birthmark on the leg near the knees indicates that its owner is a person who does not know how and does not like to wait. They need to focus on learning to control themselves and control their nervousness. Quite often, they are faced with the problem of not being able to complete the work they have begun, being carried away by new ideas. Long walks are great for restoring balance, as well as thinking about the details of the business they have started with the presentation of a positive end result.

A birthmark on a person's lower leg indicates the lightness and mobility of his nature. Among such people, many achieve success in the sports field. A similar mark in a man indicates a large number of fans and the nature of a monogamous. The value of a birthmark on the leg in women in this area is a large number male attention without gossip and gossip behind your back in view of appearance touchy.

If the mark of fate is located on the toes, then its owner is a vulnerable person who is overly concerned about the state of his health. Such people tend to suspect that they have many diseases. Against the background of this preoccupation, obsessions about diseases and their progress can arise.


Birthmarks on a person's body can tell a lot about his fate and the trials that are prepared for him by higher powers. Also, with their help, you can find out which traits of his character are most pronounced and prevail in building relationships with the outside world. Esotericists argue that removing a birthmark on a leg is tantamount to challenging higher powers and it's better not to. Especially if it is on the side favorable for a person and has a positive impact on his life path.

Above the knee in front. Men are creative. Smart, prone to analysis. They are able to anticipate any outcome of events in advance. If the mole is small black, then a predisposition to alcoholism is possible. Women are mysterious, thoughtful. Enjoy great success with the opposite sex. They are not lonely. They have the gift of foresight. But the nervous system is weak, so you need to monitor your internal state in order to avoid nervous breakdowns.

Closer to the knee in front. Men are purposeful, strong. With the makings of a leader. They reach great heights. Women are attentive and caring. They have a strong good family.

Closer to the groin in front. People are economical and prone to hoarding. Hardworking, therefore, are always financially secure. They value stability, are conservative.

On the back of the thigh. Harmonious and lucky people. Kind sociable and cheerful. They radiate light and joy.

On the hips inner side. Talented and creative people. They have golden hands. I know how and love to create comfort.

Many small moles on the thighs. Inattentive and distracted people. They constantly face small difficulties that prevent them from being realized in life.

Right knee. Men are constant, faithful. They have a strong and happy family. Love and understanding reign in their house. Women face difficulties in family and personal life. Many people get married multiple times.

Left knee. Men with a complex, quarrelsome character. Often single or married multiple times. Marriage relationships are complex. Women in family life are faithful. Their family life shaping up well. If the mole is large black, then it indicates difficulties in personal life.

Shoulder. On the calves. Active and mobile people. They love to travel and travel. Throughout their lives, they change their place of residence several times. Careless and fickle in goals and desires. Nothing is completed. Often they are low-income, but do not suffer from this. If the mole is very large, then it indicates material well-being.

On the right ankle. Men are obstinate, with a highly developed self-esteem. They don't know how to compromise. Thanks to this character, as a rule, they achieve their goal and reach great heights. Women are hardworking. But as a rule, their financial situation is extremely unfavorable. Their life is full of difficulties and problems.

On the left ankle. Men are sociable. But their character is changeable and entails constant mood swings. Personal life is bad. Women are sociable and cheerful. Their personal and family life is going very well.

Mole on the left foot on the right. Men are smart, intellectuals. Women are windy, cheerful. In a relationship, they are unstable.

Mole on the left foot on the left. Men are endowed with a rich spiritual world. Financially secure. Women are serious, thoughtful. Their life is full of bitterness and sadness.

Mole on the right foot. Men are smart and resourceful. Women faithful wives, caring mothers and wonderful housewives.

Large mole on any foot. Men are serious and loyal. They will never leave you in trouble, you can rely on them. Women are deprived of craving for material well-being. But at the same time, wonderful faithful wives.

Many small moles on any foot. Men are serious, successful with a strong character. They reach great heights. Women are sexy and sensual.


Moles on the toes often indicate health problems. For example, moles on the joints, between the fingers, indicate a weak nervous system. Tendencies to depression and neuroses.

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A mole between the thumb and second toe on any foot. Speaks of excessive fatigue, as a result of which vision may deteriorate.

Mole between the second and third toe on any foot. Talks about the excessive susceptibility of a person to influenza diseases.

Mole between the third and fourth toe on any foot. He speaks of weak immunity and susceptibility to sinusitis and diseases of the nasopharynx.

Mole between the fourth toe and little toe on any foot. He speaks of a weak nervous system.

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People have long tried to find out their fate by unraveling the signs on the body: there is an opinion that moles do not accidentally appear on some certain places. Usually interpreters pay attention to moles located on the face and hands, but the meaning of moles The meaning of moles - the mysterious writing on the human body on the legs can also be very interesting and important.

To be or not to be moles?

The larger and brighter the mole, the more it affects the fate of a person.

Large birthmarks signal some kind of karmic problem, while the influence of a tiny mole may not be so noticeable. It is not uncommon for people to remove moles for medical or aesthetic reasons. Doctors often insist on the removal of molesRemoval of moles that are constantly injured, rubbed with clothes and exposed to solar radiation. Such injuries are very dangerous for some moles, as they can contribute to the degeneration of an ordinary nevus into a malignant melanoma. It has been proven that melanoma most often occurs in people who spend a lot of time in the sun, so people with a large number of moles are not recommended to abuse tanning in the sun or in a solarium.

Large birthmarks that disfigure a person's appearance are often removed for aesthetic reasons. Some people, having learned about the interpretation of moles and intending to change their fate, sometimes also try to remove moles located in unfavorable places. At the same time, others, on the contrary, wish to change their fate by getting a tattoo in the form of a mole in a favorable place. I must say that esotericists do not welcome such interventions. In their opinion, you need to honestly work off karmic debts, living life with those moles that were given by fate. Everyone has their own path, and moles serve as pointers along this path, so unnecessary removal of moles can only confuse fate, turn life into chaos.

Moles on the legs

It is very important on which side of the body the mole is located. For men, the location of moles on the right is favorable, while moles on the left side of the body carry negative information. For women, on the contrary, moles located on the left are favorable, and moles on the right are unfavorable. If the mole is located in a favorable place, but on the unfavorable side of the body, and, conversely, in an unfavorable place on the favorable side, its influence on the fate of a person weakens.

It is believed that dark moles Moles: : marks of fate or time bombs? associated with Saturn - they indicate karmic problems that need to be addressed. Red moles are the sign of Jupiter. They warn a person about events that can affect his worldview. Light moles appear under the influence of Venus, they affect communication with other people.

Often, moles on the legs indicate the indecisive nature of their owner. Such people have difficulty making choices and making decisions, but they rarely make mistakes.

If a woman or a man has a birthmark on the back of his thigh, this indicates that the person may become a hermit. Small moles in this area are a sign of lack of sociability. Moles on the thighs indicate a strong dependence on the mother. Usually people with moles on the thigh lose their father early due to his death or the divorce of their parents.

It is usually difficult for a woman with a birthmark on her right thigh to get married. Among such ladies, very late marriages are not uncommon, when it is already too late to give birth to children. If the birthmark is on the left thigh of a woman, then, as a rule, there are no problems with marriage. A large number of moles indicates fertility - such women often become mothers of many children. Moles on the hips of men and women portend good health for their children.

Moles on the knees are usually favorable, but indicate the impatient character of a person. Such people are inattentive to details, they are always in a hurry and in a hurry they can make many mistakes. A spot on the right male and left female knee promises its owner a happy and strong marriage. If the mole is on the unfavorable side, then it indicates that a person's emotions often prevail over reason. Moles on the shins indicate good body control. Such moles are often found in dancers and athletes.

Moles on the ankles indicate the spiritual sophistication and susceptibility of a man. In women, such moles are a sign of great abilities and strong energy. If moles are on the soles of the feet, they indicate a love of travel. Moles on the toes are an indicator of suspiciousness.

Psychology of self-development