So that you do not look at others. A strong conspiracy on fidelity, a rite of passage, the burden of fidelity to read so as not to change. Conspiracy for a thing

The guy goes with the girl and suddenly another appears on the horizon. And so he follows the stranger with his eyes, causing fury in his companion. Familiar story? How many scandals between boys and girls, and especially among young married couples, are caused by the strange habit of men looking at other people's women. Why does a man look at other girls? Is it really dangerous for a relationship and how should HIS girlfriend behave in this situation?

The psychology of conspiracy theorists

A conspiracy theory is loosely defined as the belief that two or more people are hiding information that is of public interest. Some theories describe a more lasting effect, such as the idea that the Illuminati, Freemasons, Zionists, or some other political entity gain strength by misleading the masses about the sequence of events.

How to make a man afraid to lose you

A common thread among conspiracy theorists is the need to believe in a conspiracy more than they are willing to assess whether it is true. For psychologists, this bias or "motivated reasoning" can be explained in a variety of ways. The following article presents 10 personality traits that help explain why people believe in conspiracies.

Why does a man look at other women, even if his own is nearby?

Why does this happen: a girl or woman seems to be beautiful and smart, but a man still constantly notices her on the street, in a store or at a party of other girls. And who? Vulgar, liberated girls, on which there is “no place to put stigma”, or vice versa - nondescript “gray mice - no faces, no skin”! “So I would have unscrewed his head!” - 99% of young women are indignant, seeing the constant incomprehensible interest of men in looking at other people's legs, buttocks and blouses.

Although conspiracy theorists often display the following traits, it would be wrong to say that every theorist maximizes every trait. Generally, the degree to which someone does not consider evidence against their theory correlates with how much their personality undergoes these traits. Those at the extreme end of the spectrum can best be described as collusion nuts. Those more in touch with reality will be more inclined to consider conflicting evidence.

Video: some popular conspiracies

The evolution of language has expanded our ability to communicate, seek advice, deceive others and police crooks; all this made survival more difficult. Research shows that the size of the human brain is increasing dramatically to accommodate new cognitive mechanisms that can deal with verbally coded information.

Of course, all girls want their boyfriend or husband to look only at them, but this seems to be an unattainable dream at all.

Why is a man so arranged that he needs to constantly consider women?

Indeed, the male body is so arranged that any normal healthy man pays attention to any woman who radiates feminine charm. If, in a simple way, from the point of view of biology, then a man looks at everyone in whom he feels a female. If a man does not notice women around him, then this can only indicate deviations in his physiology. And this is not at all an offense to representatives of any minorities, but is justified by evolutionary features, which are discussed below.

The purpose of many of these mechanisms is to detect when someone is intentionally or accidentally deceiving us. For example, we may evaluate the voice of the voice, accent, word choice, grammatical errors, and delivery speed to determine if they are trustworthy. We will also look at facial features, physical behavior and evaluate the social status, authority and prestige of the speaker. These judgments are based on past experience, the testimony of others, cultural norms, and genetic biases such as the tendency to trust people who look and sound like themselves or family.

For many years of evolution of the human species, the main purpose of the man was to continue the race. That is, to fertilize females and take care of the safety and nutrition of offspring. Only when in human society some kind of civilization began to take shape, some “moral norms” began to be imposed on the relations of the sexes. Before that, everything was simple: a man, in his free time from hunting and fighting for territory, had to catch and fertilize as many females as possible. Women also had to give birth more often. The man was in greater danger as a warrior and hunter. Wild animals, people from a hostile tribe, less hardy than a woman's body. And in general - high mortality and a small human population of the then earth.

Unlike other mammals, we have episodic memory, which is used to establish someone's past record for honesty. We also have a "consistency check" to evaluate how new information consistent with existing beliefs. Finally, humans have what is known as a "theory of mind" which is used to assess a person's desires and intentions and how this affects their beliefs, the truthfulness of those beliefs, and their willingness to deceive. Together, these mechanisms help us use what cognitive psychologists call epistemic vigilance.

There were not so many women, but there was a demand for them. Biological instincts suggested that it was not good for relatives from the tribe to mate. Therefore, a man had to notice a woman in time, preferably from a foreign tribe.

In general, observation is the main feature successful man- Warrior and hunter. Did not notice the enemy or game in time - remained hungry or completely dead. The same with “deficient” women: if you don’t notice, someone else will notice and multiply.

This is an assessment of the significance and plausibility of information, as well as the competence and goodwill of the source. Suspicion exists because it is beneficial and adaptive, but too much suspicion can damage reputation, confidence, and breadth of knowledge. However, as the environment changes, different levels of features become adaptive. If the world has become a threatening place, people with a high degree of suspicion can gain an advantage. Evolution has ensured that the human population is prepared for such events, creating diversity.

Special knowledge makes special people

Thus, some people believe in crazy conspiracy theories because their heightened suspicion is a natural and necessary extreme of the human condition. Almost every major event involves a conspiracy theory. They claimed that a big cover-up was in operation.

Under such conditions, the male brain has been formed for hundreds of thousands of years. Why does a man today behave like a “woman hunter”? Because in a short 5-7 thousand years of civilization, men did not have time to rebuild. Women are no longer in short supply, and some even have to run away. But the “wired into the subconscious” habit of looking out for a potential partner among people remained. Moreover, most men do it subconsciously, not at all from any lustful considerations. No tantrums of women, no denunciations of feminists and moralists work here. Nature is nature.

Video: Sexual Psychology - Jealousy

While there is always the possibility that current theories are wrong, why would the Titanic be in the spotlight? Big events attract conspiracies because the knowledge the theorist possesses would not be special otherwise. If knowledge is not special, then they have no special significance for its possession. So the suggestion is that the conspiracy theorist wants to feel special, and this desire arises from self-doubt.

Anxiety and the need for an order

The often unusual result is that the communication of "truth" becomes less important than the communication that one knows the truth or that the truth is beyond measure. There is a direct link between anxiety and conspiracy thinking. Psychology research has shown that anxious people are more likely to believe conspiracy theories about ethnic minorities such as Arabs and Jews. Conspiracy theories often contain information about threats. Since anxiety causes people to be more alert to threats, this may explain the connection.

Is everything so sad and girls are doomed to male infidelity? But no! If your man is a civilized man with persistent moral principles, then you hardly need to worry and freak out. If not - well, - it's your own fault - it's you who chose it.

What do psychologists advise? To what extent can gazing after a stranger in a miniskirt threaten your relationship?

Anxiety is usually prevalent in situations of uncertainty or doubt. A separate study found that when people who dislike oil companies feel insecure, they are more likely to plot about the companies' activities in Iraq.

Typically, uncertainty and anxiety describe a more fundamental sense of lack of control. To demonstrate this, an experiment has shown that people who are out of control are more likely to see illusory pattens in a sequence of stock market dots or numbers. It also included the illusory perception of conspiracies and superstitions. In other words, the lack of control suggests the need to restore order. To do this, people come up with hidden patterns, puppeteers, or other presumptuous explanations for why bad things happen.

When should you not worry?

Even when you notice that your boyfriend or husband likes to look at other women, you should not worry if:

  • If your man looks at you with no less “lustful” look than at your imaginary rivals, you feel his desire for you, and even more so if this is accompanied by some kind of intimate actions towards you: he seeks to hug you, hug, kiss, touch...
  • Your intimate life satisfies both of you. Your chosen one does not ignore you, is good in bed, tries to please you. What can be a great proof that you are the best for him?
  • Your young man or husband is not shy, but on the contrary, he strives to be with you in society, introduces you to friends and work colleagues, does not hesitate to go to the cinema, theater, go to a restaurant with you. This is clear evidence that he is pleased with you in every sense. Why should a man change you for someone if everything suits him in you? This is not in the male logic.

When should a man's indecent behavior be taken seriously?

Here are signs when your relationship may be in jeopardy:

The experimenters also found that conspiratorial thinking decreased when people were allowed to engage in self-assertion. This confirms the earlier suggestion that conspiracy theorists often have self-interest insecurities.

Most conspiracies are scary

An earlier video showed how most of the conspiracies involve death, assassination, public health threats, global warming, alien invasions, major disasters, wars, or quests for control by evil organizations. The nature of threat-based conspiracies is well correlated with evidence that heightened anxiety is a precursor to conspiratorial thinking. In other words, people who believe in conspiracy theories are very sensitive and alert to dangerous events.

  • Your man does not just look at other women, but tries to flirt with them: he throws eloquent glances, winks, tries to hug, makes unambiguous compliments that are clearly beyond the scope of ordinary politeness.
  • You regularly hear that your boyfriend or spouse was seen in the company of another woman and it was clearly not for work.
  • A man does not look at you full of desire and admiration with a look.
  • Your missus never takes you with him to parties, corporate parties and generally tries to visit you in public as little as possible, finding the most ridiculous pretexts for this. Of course, your own behavior may also be the reason for this, so we recommend that you first think: can you be embarrassed because of your jealousy and scandalousness?
  • Your sex life has become much worse than before.

I want a man to look admiringly only at me!

What do psychologists advise in order to return the fire to relationships and distract a man from "wrong" thoughts at the sight of someone else's bare female legs.

Disappointment and distrust of the authorities

Almost all conspiracy theorists show hostility towards authority figures, presumably because these figures have the power to control them. Because missing control feels uncomfortable, authority figures are indirectly blamed for causing this discomfort.

Given that we are biologically wired to trust authority, the opposite is unusual. It is likely that many conspiracy theorists have been hurt by an authority figure in the past, such as a parent, teacher, or employer. For some, this suffering may have less to do with power being held and more to do with goodness being withheld. Lack of love or closeness from parents can be a key precursor to the dislike of authority figures, and is already associated with anxiety, distrust, and independence.

How NOT to behave:
  • No need for tantrums. The stupidest thing you can do when you notice your man's eyes on someone else's ass is to throw a tantrum at him and then nag him about it for a long time, wondering why the man is doing this to you. Yes, he doesn't know. And you know: the sweeter the fruit, the more forbidden. Become bright so that other men look at you (just don’t try to flirt!) And your chosen one will not have time to look at other people’s asses - they wouldn’t take their own!
  • You are not a detective or a statistician! You don’t need to constantly follow your man’s gaze and write down in a little black book how many girls he looked at. Do not worry! No negativity and nerves will make you more attractive. On the contrary, try to find something pleasant in any little thing associated with your man. If he feels that your happiness is connected with him, then all other girls will become of little interest to him.
How to behave:
  • Do nothing if you are completely sure of yourself.
  • Calmly tell the man that this behavior bothers you. Just first give yourself an account of what exactly worries you? Maybe just selfishness?
  • Discuss your fears and your dissatisfaction with the man. Why don't you want him to look at other girls?
  • Try to be interested in what is attractive about this or that girl on whom he fixed his eyes? Discuss with him the appearance or clothes of the girl you meet, as his male friend might do. And do not force him to say every time that you are better anyway. If not a fool - he will guess to add. In addition to the fact that this conversation will add to your confidence on his part, it can also be useful to you: what if you decide to change yourself in some way? A person should periodically make radical changes in himself.

Paranoia, persecution and jealousy

A key trait among conspiracy theorists is paranoia. They believe that the threats they face are more complex and personally aggressive than they are reasonable. Whether the government has a special desire to explore their thoughts, or the alien has a special desire to explore their cavities, paranoia serves to make the theorist special and important. It also contributes to the depth and plausibility of the theory.

Often, conspiracy theorists believe that they are the biggest victim of a conspiracy and that they are being physically or mentally harassed. They believe that when good things happen to other people, it is because those people are immorally benefiting from a conspiracy. It could be a way to legitimize jealousy. For example, a conspiracy theorist recently told me that Russell Brand only married Katy Perry because they are both in the Illuminati.

  • Take the initiative in your own hands. Ask the guy yourself how he likes this or that girl he meets, just don’t talk about them in a derogatory tone - it’s better to praise them on the contrary. The way he himself argues with you and says that her legs are not so beautiful. And do not do this too often: it will cause suspicion that you are taking revenge.
  • Out of revenge, you should not also defiantly look at the surrounding men and admire their beauty, suit or car.
  • Let your man look at you from afar and from new angles. Men quickly cease to notice what is familiar and next to them. Date your boyfriend or husband in unfamiliar places and show up with a new miniskirt or new hairstyle. Let him look out for you in the crowd and pay attention to your appearance.
  • Also, at any events where you come with your man, leave him with friends, and find yourself something to do a little aside. Let him watch you from a distance.
  • Take a critical look at your appearance and your interests. A lot of women make a mistake: as soon as the door of the registry office slams behind them, they stop taking care of their appearance, do not expand their horizons, do not have any interests in life (of course, interests should not obscure the man himself). And what kind of man is pleased to live with a boring and uninteresting mess? One will endure, and the other will not be so hardy. Take care of yourself, develop!
  • Try to be genuinely interested in his interests. Engage in the construction of a summer house together, go fishing with an overnight stay, go to football or to the gym. There are no better and stronger couples who, in addition to the stamp in the passport and children, are also united by common interests.

Based on materials from the sites: and (author Vitaly Pichugin)

Blaming everyone but yourself

By assuming the role of victim, engaging in paranoid threat engineering, and believing that other people's success is undeserved, the conspiracy theorist effectively blames the world for causing his own failures. They inflate the cost of conspiracy because the cost of personal responsibility is also unpleasant.

When their failures are brought to their attention, the conspiracy theorist becomes more paranoid. This is because paranoia is a way of lighting up or clarifying responsibility for a chosen target for guilt. This is a defense mechanism that prevents them from overcoming their failures because the root cause is not resolved.

Read other interesting things:

A love spell against the betrayal of a husband will help stop and prevent the betrayal of a husband and a beloved man and a guy who likes with the help of the magic of prayer. If you yourself read the conspiracy prayer from the husband’s betrayal for a good life and perform a simple ritual for poppies, a strong conspiracy will be able to make sure that the husband does not walk on the side, does not drink and does not walk with friends, and he is always drawn to the family to his wife. white conspiracy- prayer will stop the betrayal of the husband and return peace and love to the family. For a long time, conspiracies and prayers against the betrayal of a beloved husband have helped wives keep the family in mutual love and harmony, get rid of betrayal and jealousy, providing the family with a good life. Poppy in the old days

Conspiracy theorists often form communities of like-minded people. This is because they are looking for validation for their views, not for criticism. This requires their views to be somehow pacified otherwise they are more likely to find evidence against them. As we have seen, incantations are comforting because they provide a sense of order, a way to blame failure on others, and a sense that the person is special. Indeed, another reason for the formation of a group is the need to establish an individual who is separate and superior to the masses who ignore or reject them.

  • How to bewitch with the help of a photo and independently make a love spell on a photo, conspiracies for today will tell you. To make a magical rite for love, you need to prepare and collect the attributes necessary for a love spell. To perform a love ritual, even a photograph taken on the phone is suitable, but the photo must be single (where the man is alone), and the photo from the phone must also be printed on paper. In addition to the photo, for a love spell you will need a church candle, holy water, a new unsewn needle and red thread, a piece of cloth and a coin. A love spell is performed right at home at any time of the day or night, the lunar cycle for a love spell also does not matter.

    Like other traits associated with mistrust, conspiracy theorists will be prone to gossip. Here, gossip is defined as the way police freeriders, scammers, or deceivers spread incriminating information about them. Gossip is important to a functional society because it helps to deter and punish cheaters.

    Whether gossiping, confirming one's views, or cementing one's difference from society, the motivation to become part of a group is usually selfish. Their desire to free the world from slavery or invasion should not be confused with empathy. Ultimately, they consider themselves a victim. Other sacrifices are nothing more than evidence supporting a theory that lends theoretical order, superiority, and comfort.

  • The magic for the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin on August 28, according to the tradition of the ancestors, helped to maintain the fading love between husband and wife or kindle ardent love among the young man (guy) whom the girl wanted to bewitch and fall in love with herself forever. Conspiracies for the Assumption of Love continue to be read on their own in our time in order to create a strong family that remains faithful between spouses. When the Dormition comes this year Holy Mother of God and the Ever-Virgin Mary, you can recall the signs and customs of our ancestors and, resorting to white love magic, read a conspiracy - a prayer for love, fidelity and marriage, after conducting a simple ceremony in the church on church candles. What a conspiracy

  • After reading the spell on salt, you can quickly eliminate the opponent without the name of the opponent and without her photograph with the help of magic and conspiracy. Make a magical rite on your own and after reading a conspiracy on a rival for salt, a rival in love or a lover herself will quarrel with your loved one and the power of magic will return him to you. On the Internet on the forums, you can read a lot of positive feedback from those who made a conspiracy to cool down from a rival. This conspiracy will very quickly allow you to permanently eliminate your rival and return your loved one to yourself. A very simple rite, if necessary, can be performed by any unprepared person whose love was encroached upon by another woman and all that is needed for this,

  • A conspiracy to reconcile a husband and wife after a quarrel will make the beloved husband himself apologize and even forgive the offense against his wife. Reconciliation magic is a very common magical rite with which you can reconcile spouses in a very short period of time. After a quarrel, this old conspiracy against a husband should be read by the wife herself and not tell anyone about the rite of reconciliation performed with her beloved. Only under this condition, even if you have a strong quarrel, a conspiracy to reconcile the warring, influencing the kindness and love of the husband, will be able to force him to be the first to reconcile and ask for forgiveness from his wife. Strong conspiracy to reconcile with a loved one

  • You need to read a strong conspiracy to your saliva on your own if you need to make sure that your loved one loves a lot and, in separation, yearns only for you. Magic power saliva will make the beloved want to be and communicate only with you and all other women and girls are indifferent to him. This is a very old love spell on saliva, often used by girls in Russia when their beloved boyfriends or husbands left to work in another city. Love conspiracy - a love spell on saliva helped save the marriage and protect the beloved from betrayal. Magic on saliva helped me more than once to send a strong feeling to my beloved

  • This rite is also suitable for those who, having read the plot, want to please all men and draw their attention to themselves with the help of magic. After reading the conspiracy to get to know certain person who liked to make it so that the power of magic will help you get to know a worthy man by "pushing" him to be the first to take a step towards a serious relationship with you. And it’s up to you to decide who to make out of a man after influencing him with a conspiracy. You want to find a lover or husband on your own by reading a strong and safe conspiracy to get acquainted with a wealthy man, it’s up to you to decide. You can bind a person to yourself with magical bonds of love while being at a distance from him, without contact with a man

  • The most powerful rite with reading a conspiracy for ardent love is done on twisted church candles. Powerful binary love spell of instant action. If you need a non-binary love spell, do a love spell on an apple. As soon as you twist 2 two candles together and read a love spell on them, the love spell will immediately take effect! It is practically impossible to remove a love spell on twisted candles on your own and it is done only if you really love a person very much and he does not love you. Many magicians do not casually call a love spell on twisted (twisted together) candles - "black

  • A conspiracy to love on the Meeting of the Lord helps to meet your love, get married quickly or strengthen and kindle love feelings in a loved one. There is a belief that on the Candlemas, winter meets spring and, having read a prayer on this day - a conspiracy for love, the Lord helps loving souls meet and forever connect people with a feeling of pure and true love to each other. After reading the conspiracy to love on the day of the meeting magical effect begins at the same hour and the person on whom the love spell was made - the conspiracy begins to experience a strong love attraction to your soul mate, even if you don’t know each other yet, soon you will meet in a series of events and

  • The Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos, though religious holiday, but all conspiracies and rituals for love on this day have huge force. Especially if you read conspiracies and prayers on Pokrov to strengthen love, for an early marriage or meeting and getting to know your betrothed. According to tradition, on the day of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos in the church, after reading a conspiracy prayer from her icon, you can beg for a good, rich and successful groom and marry your beloved in the same year. What prayer should be read on the Intercession, I will now tell. Arriving at any church or chapel, put a candle to the Mother of God and say the following

  • Christmas, Advent and Christmas week is the most best time for reading conspiracies and performing magical rites. Ancient conspiracies and magical rites for love read on the Christmas post can quickly fall in love with a person you like. In addition to falling in love with the help of a conspiracy, you can very quickly marry a man by influencing him with the help of the Christmas magic of love. So, if you need to make a guy fall in love with you or force an adult man to marry with the help of magic, the following Christmas rite and a love plot read during Christmas will help fulfill this desire.

  • A conspiracy will help to meet a husband or fall in love with a man you like - a prayer for the love of the Most Holy Theotokos, which must be read on any day when the Assumption fast is. This very old belief has already helped many unmarried women and widows to quickly marry and live in happy marriage with her husband rejoicing in every moment spent next to a loved one. This is not a magical rite, but a conspiracy prayer addressed to Mother of God asking for help in starting a family. As mentioned earlier, on any day of the Assumption Lent, go to church and read the text of the conspiracy - prayers for

  • Petrov Post is famous for its magical rites for strong and eternal love which you can get if you read a love plot over hot tea on one of the days of fasting. In order to fall in love with a person and become the most beautiful, sweet and desirable for him, you need to treat your loved one to this drink, spoken to eternal and true love. A love plot - a love spell read in Peter's post for tea, will strongly and forever bind your beloved boyfriend, husband, or man to you as soon as he drinks a sip of tea on which a love slander is made. Love spell words to whisper over

  • On the feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which comes on April 7, there are many folk traditions and believe. Many women and girls read a strong conspiracy prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos on the feast of the Annunciation with only one purpose - to profitably and quickly marry out of mutual love and live with her husband all his life in love, peace and harmony. You can read the text of the appeal to the Mother of God for marriage on the day of the Annunciation at home standing in front of her icon. It is not at all necessary to learn words by heart, you can also read from paper, but this must be done without errors. Annunciation ceremony for marriage and strong love simple enough to do it yourself. As stated earlier

  • Psychology of betrayal