A strong conspiracy to love a girl is black magic. A strong conspiracy to love a girl or woman

The one who pronounces the magic words of conspiracies for the return of a woman not only with his voice, but also with his soul, will succeed in his business, gives him his strength. Many women read on an empty stomach. Sometimes it is recommended to three day post. Depending on the goal pursued by the performer, conspiracies are read on the threshold, in an open field, facing east, on the growing or waning moon, on the full moon, on the black moon, on easy days (Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday), or, conversely, on black days. There are also such witchcraft spells that are cast into the wind, over running water, at sunrise or sunset, over a bowl, etc. What actions to perform when pronouncing a conspiracy is indicated in the recipe. But one thing unites these actions: all white conspiracies are read in a whisper or to oneself. Never and under no circumstances should this secret be divulged in order to preserve the power of magic. I offer such free conspiracies for a woman's love to give magical effect on her.

A love spell on a woman's love

“I will rise, the servant of God (name), blessed, go out, cross myself, go through dense forests, stop in a clearing. I will stand with my face to the east, I will turn my back to the west, I will look at God's clear sky. A fiery arrow flies from the sky. I will submit to that heavenly arrow, I will beg to help me: “Oh, you, fiery arrow, fly where I command, do what I ask. There is a beautiful girl in Rus', she does not grieve, she sings and has fun. Fly, arrow, into her hot blood, arouse love for me in her heart, so that it aches and yearns, so that the girl cries, grieves, calls me, gave her consent to the wedding. She would love me as she would love herself, meet me everywhere, call me with an affectionate word. Be, my words, strong, and my deeds - modeling. From this day until forever. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Read a strong conspiracy for a woman's love for a man

This love plot on a woman invariably has a strong positive effect. You need to read three times a day for nine days in a row. The number 3 in magic denotes integrity, creative perfection, and the number 9 symbolizes accomplishment, completion of the case. Therefore, conspiracies are read three times, three days three times or nine days. "How suffering Mother of God according to her Son, so would the servant of God (name) suffer according to the servant of God (name). So that in separation from (the name of the man) she would get sick and suffer, she did not see the white light, day and night, and an hour and half an hour. She didn’t know peace, she didn’t get tired, but she kept crying and (man’s name) called. So that the servant of God (name) and the servant of God (name) could not live apart, spend the night and live forever. Key, lock, here is God on the threshold. Amen".

Here is another option for an easy conspiracy to return a woman. Starting from Saturday, for seven days, going to bed, say: “Michael, Gabriel, Rafael! Make (girl's name) love me as I love her. Amen. Amen. Amen".

If a person is interested in love magic, he is interested in learning as much as possible about love spells. They are used in order to bind the person you need to yourself, to evoke love feelings in him.

For the sake of love, people are ready to do anything. It seems that there is enough strength to move mountains and go through the largest deserts in the world. The real pleasure and happiness is when the loved one returns your feelings, but what if the one you love with all your heart does not want to be near you? It brings unbearable pain. It seems that life is over, and nothing bright and good awaits ahead. Is there a way out of this difficult situation? Yes, it certainly exists, only now, not everyone will have the courage to try to get out of the situation in this way. Now we're talking about love spells.

Return the love of her husband

To return your husband's love to yourself, go out on a clear, moonlit night to the fence of your house. Stand facing the moon and clasp both hands in front of your chest. Speak the plot quietly, but firmly, without stopping and without getting lost in words:

My Mother Moon, you live on soft clouds, in starry heavenly chambers. I will submit to you, I will bow to you from the waist. Take all my anguish, attach it to your husband's temple, let him think of me, suffer, do not forget night and day, dry up, yearn for me, for his married wife. My charms, charms, grow, grow stronger like sponges, rise, throw yourself at the servant of God (name). Let him cry and grieve without me, like a dove circling around a dove, it would be sweeter than wine, hotter than fire, and he would be near me all the time. My word is strong, my work is sculpted. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Love spell through dew

Love, created on the dew on the day of Ivan Kupala, will never pass. Collect this dew on July 7th. To do this, you should get up very early and be in the field and in the forest until the heavenly dawn. They collect dew in a vessel from which no one has ever drunk. Collect dew from leaves, bushes and grass directly into a new bowl. Then you will be surprised at how much dew happens at this time. Having collected the dew, stand facing the sunrise, cross yourself three times, wash your face, chest and knees with dew. Then say loudly, loudly and confidently:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Doseleva was under Agryan-tsar half the land in the water. Water descends from heaven, and in heaven the Lord God ecu. You, Ivan Kupala, bring dew, tears, longing, dryness for me, for God's servant (name), for God's servant (name). I wash my cheeks with dew, I open ardent love. I, God's servant (name), with God's servant (name) forever and ever. And as long as there is dew in God's world, no one will separate our bodies. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Bride's prayer for a happy marriage

Lady Mother of God, Queen of Heaven, deliver me in my marriage, save and have mercy on me from my husband's beating, from the anger of my mother-in-law, from the abuse of my sister-in-law, from illness and poverty, from the jealousy of the light. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

For love

I, the servant of God (name), will go out into the light. More beautiful, better than me nowhere. I will go to an open field, to a wide expanse, there I will find 77 stone ovens. On those stoves, fiery horns, hot horns, oohs, sighs, love turmoil: 77 oohs, 77 sighs, ahs, suffering, day and night experiences, love yearning and impatience. Get up, go, find the servant of God (name), drag him, lead him to me, to God's servant (name). I will fill him, I will lure him, I will take him as my betrothed. An hour, half an hour, minutes, twist, mix, throw yourself at his heart and liver. He would think about me, he would not forget, he would not drink in food and drink, he would miss, yearn, cry and grieve for me, God's servant (name), lament with bitter weeping, and when he sees, so that he would not let go of himself. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Love spell for 12 years

On Mount Savoy, at its height, grows an iron-tooth oak. On that oak there is a hollow, round and large, in that hollow there is an expensive place. There is a bed in that expensive place. No one can lie on a wooden bed. And there lies anguish, an enemy force. Everyone who came up to her, she withered everyone. Oh, longing longing, dry dryness, call you, longing, your whole family, gather you, longing, all your fruit, from old to small, from fathers-mothers, from grandfathers-great-grandfathers, from grandchildren, great-grandchildren, from gossips - doves. All of you, dryness, aches, get up, go, find the servant of God (name), dry him, break him, thrust into his heart: longing, wailing, dryness, suffering, jealousy, attention, love for me, for God's servant (name) . If he had lived, he would have grieved, he would have walked during the day - he kept it in his mind, he slept at night - he saw in a dream, he took me by the hand, hugged me with the other hand, pressed me to his heart, kissed me on the lips, 12 years of God wept and suffered for me, nor I didn't forget one minute. As I said, so I punished. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

From girlish loneliness

Go to Pokrov to the balcony or to the street, so that you stand in the open air. Raise both hands to the sky and say:

Bride Bride, Queen of Heaven, take me out of the brides, take off the heavy cross from me, bless me on the crown. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen. Usually a girl gets married in the same year. This ceremony is carried out secretly, in complete solitude.

For loyalty and love

Let your hair down, barefoot and without any belts, stand facing your doorstep, but not outside, but inside the apartment. Bow down and read:

Father brownie, call my husband home. Call him to the threshold: in the morning, afternoon and evening, on a black moonlit night, on a black moonless night. You send nine winds, nine whirlwinds after him. Let them find him, even walking, even standing or sleeping, or for a drink, or for a hedgehog. Meet him from the front, shoot him with longing in his heart. So that he could neither live, nor be, nor during the day, nor at night to spend the night with my rival (name). Everything would keep me in mind, would see me at short sleep. As this threshold always stands in its place, dries and cracks, so would my husband (name) stand in front of me, crackle, squeal, dry. Bless my words, God. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

To be happy in marriage, they pray to the holy martyr Tryphon: “O holy martyr of Christ Tryphon, quick helper to all who run to you and pray before your holy image, quick-obedient intercessor! Hear now and every hour the prayer of us, unworthy of your servants, who honor your holy memory in every place.

For you, the servant of Christ, you yourself promised ecu before your departure from your perishable life to pray for us to the Lord and ask Him for this gift: and if anyone in any need and sorrow with his calls will begin holy name yours, let him be delivered from every pretense of evil. And like you sometimes the daughter of the tsar in Rome, the city of the tormented devil, healed ecu, save us from his fierce machinations all the days of our stomach, especially on the strange day of our last gasp, intercede for us, when the dark eyes of the evil demons surround and frighten us : then be our helper and speedy exorcist of crafty demons, and leader to the Kingdom of Heaven, where you are now standing with the faces of the saints at the Throne of God, pray to the Lord that he will also make us partakers of the everlasting joy of joy, and with you we will be worthy to glorify the Father and the Son and Holy Comforter of the Spirit forever. Amen.

From any separation from a loved one

Grab a live fish with your hand right in the water and say:

Just like a fish cannot live without water, just like a person cannot live without food, so that my dear, servant of God (name), could not live without me, servants of God (name), could never go far from me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy for strong love

Read on drink and food:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. To the icon with the face, to the rival with the ridge, to the husband, the servant of God, with the shoulder. If he loved me and didn’t look enough, he would say that he would not talk to me, would sleep with me, but would not sleep, would kiss me, but would not kiss. As a hungry person thinks about food, so would my husband dream of me, of his married wife, God's servant (name). Be you, my words, picky, my speeches, be talkative. To my words, the key and the lock. The lock is in the mouth, and the key is in the sea. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Strong love spell

God's house. God's threshold. God's Throne. The power of love is powerful, the tear of jealousy is burning. Go, melancholy, to every hair, on the servant of God (name), on his crown, on his temple, on the liver and on the heart, on the blood and on the vein on all his joints, on all his thoughts, thoughts, on his chest white, rosy cheeks, for lust and sighs. He wouldn’t fall asleep to sleep, he wouldn’t eat. Ten winds, the tenth is a whirlwind. Twist his brains so that he doesn’t eat, doesn’t sit, doesn’t lie, but rushes and runs to me from everywhere. Locks won't hold him, bolts won't stop him. Lovers-darlings will not cajole, aunts will not persuade, uncles do not have mints. He would keep me, the servant of God (name), in his head, he wouldn’t let go of my mind. Let him hear my voice everywhere, without me he does not breathe clean air. As a fish dies on a bank without water, grass dries up without mother earth, there is no sky without clouds, so may the servant of God (name) never forget me with anyone. And who will treat him will get tired from the first day. Amen.

strong love spell

Put three candles on a new one white tablecloth. The spell is read three times and after each time one candle is extinguished. When all three candles are extinguished, tie them together and light them again so that nothing remains of the candles. Chad, release the smoke through the window, let them leave with a spell.

O Eternal Lord, I implore You with tenderness. Create a high wall, create a deep pit, impenetrable fence, insurmountable longing. Depth - three fathoms of earth, height - of immeasurable height, and melancholy of immeasurable depth. Lock, Lord, and block so that the servant of God (name) does not leave me, he does not find another girlfriend for himself. Lock it with a key and take it for yourself, help, Lord, God's servant (name). Until this lock is opened, until then the servant of God (name) cannot stop loving me. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

Conspiracy words for love

They read into the open door of the stove as soon as the firewood catches fire:

Dym Dymovich, Wind Vetrovich, do not fall either on the water or on the ground. Fall on the servant of God (name), on a zealous heart. As smoke writhes in the oven, so the servant of God (name) about the servant of God (name) wind, wind. My words will be strong and sculpting. Stronger than stone, stronger than damask steel. Amen. Read three times.

For passionate love (very strong love spell)

Made with salt. They read while holding the salt in the salt shaker in their right hand. They subtract nine morning dawns in this way, while the stoves are not yet heated and no one has washed or eaten in the house. With this salt on the tenth day they salt the food of their dear.

No woman will ever be interested in your husband after this love spell. Oh my God. I'll take a deep breath, shake my wild head. Leave the cemetery, longing, come, find, attack the servant of God (name), so that without longing for me, for his married, legal wife, do not sleep, do not get up, do not lie down, do not remember his father and mother, but me, servant of God (name), never to forget. How pain does not let you forget about yourself in the body, how you can never forget bread and salt, nine winds, and the tenth whirlwind, take away all their hot tears from all widowers and widows, from abandoned orphans and young women. Turn them into salt, twist, twist, fall on my salt in your right hand, enter the body of the servant of God (name) with food. Be there, live there. Let him be sad without me and toil. Throws at all four corners. Meet him, winds, even walking or even standing. Take the soul out of him, drink the blood out of him, push him in the back with a twist. All to me, God's servant (name), see off, drive and send: from oak tables, maple beds, from friends and girlfriends. Bread is my friend, salt is my mother. There is no one who can break my plot. And the servant of God (name) century after century, from now on and forever so that I (name) will not be forgotten. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Love conspiracies and spells (a conspiracy that is valid until death)

In one day, three commemorations are served, in three churches at the same time for the repose and for the health of the one who needs to be dried. Then they go to a place where the wind blows, and there they throw the earth, brought in advance from the cemetery, from three graves of the dead, who bore the same name as the husband. They throw the earth against the wind and say:

As the dead servant of God (name) no longer wear hats, so the servant of God (name) alive without me, the servant of God (name), no longer live. As the dead servant of God (name) can no longer walk, so the servant of God (name) cannot be alive without me. Amen. Amen. Amen.

For devoted love

This conspiracy is read until dawn.

In an open field there is a willow, on that willow a bird forked a nest, dropped an egg with a chick into the sea. As this bird's heart ached about an egg, so that the servant of God (name) would have a heartache and ache for me, God's servant (name). So that they don’t eat me with food, so that they don’t drink wine, with young women so that they don’t forget, they don’t stop loving until gray old age. I would have seemed like the moon to him at night, at dawn - morning star, in thirst - sweet water, when hungry - food. My hands are wings, my eyes are arrows. A century to love, a century not to forget me, never change with anyone. I will close the keys, I will bury the locks in the sand, I will throw the keys into the hole. Whoever gets those keys, only he will become an obstacle to me in my love. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

Love spell for twenty years

Buy two wedding candles on your Angel Day. They read a conspiracy on them, and then stand in the church at someone's wedding (be sure to take candles with you). After the wedding, the candles must burn out to the end. Keep the rest at home, in a secluded place. They read like this:

You are wedding angels, you are wedding rings, you are holy candles, golden images. As people trust you, trust you with their destinies, pray and hope, so I, God's servant (name), believe you and hope. Bless the heart of the servant of God (name) for a long love, for twenty years of life for me, God's servant (name). Just as the red Sun cannot be without rays, how hard it is for a person to live without his clear eyes, a nursing child without milk, a centenary old man without a batog, like a fish cannot be without water, a living person without food, so my husband could not be without me , his wife, God's servant (name). How difficult it is for a person to live without sleep, just as there is no house without doors and windows, a head without a thought, so he would pull her to the altar to get married from this time, with my order. My word is strong. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

A conspiracy for eternal love

They tear dry grass in the field, break the dry paws of the spruce (the lowest ones) and make a fire on the full moon in women's days(Wednesday Friday). With your left hand, throw into the fire three freshly laid eggs from a hen that did not know a rooster. Bypassing the fire clockwise, read the spell for love.

In the name of Divine Fire! Servant of God (name), listen to me. As unborn chicks burn, so your heart will burn forever. Your soul, body, blood, you will all turn into love! So that you (name) couldn’t sleep, couldn’t stand still, neither eat without me, nor drink without me, couldn’t walk with your feet, ride on horseback, sleep with women, walk with girls, you won’t cross the bridge, you won’t swim across the river, on you won’t sit down on a chair, you won’t make a decision, you won’t raise your hands against me, you won’t say a word against me. Like the red sun, people joyfully meet, like children welcome their beloved mother, like they don’t live without salt, water, food, they don’t weave a cloth from the air. I am one for you, God's servant (name). The forest crowns us, the fire crowns us, the earth crowns us, God's words crown us. Hour by minute, God's century by century, and we are with you forever. Amen.

Conspiracy for love without treason

The Lord gave land, the Lord gave water. The earth gave birth to gold and silver. And just as everyone covets gold, their hands reach out to him, so my husband (name) would have coveted me, admired, would never part with me. With lips, hands, he reached out to me, to his married wife, the servant of God (name), hugged and had mercy. How true Christ did not change the faith, so my husband, the servant of God (name), except for me, would not know anyone, until the very grave he would not cheat on me. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Loyalty Conspiracy

I have a seal of fidelity, no one can take this seal: neither with hands, nor with conspiracy words, nor with an evasive spell, nor with a trilingual curse, nor with a gray-haired grandfather, nor with a cunning guide, nor with a witch, nor with an evil sorceress, nor with a shaman, nor with a cunning deceit, no clear eyes, no black curls, no white breasts, no Adam's garden, no front, no back. My seal cannot be broken, the servant of God (name) cannot be lured, I cannot change him forever and ever. He will admire me for a century, how to be afraid of the fire of treason. As a child cries for his chest, a foal cries for his mother. No one will stand between us, only one thing can separate us: if one of us dies, he will take the seal with him. Angels, archangels, take the seal, carry it with me. Century after century, now and forever. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

Very strong spell

They stand at the crossroads, look at the moon and read in full voice:

A clean field, a wide expanse, I call brothers here, 13 devils, to drink, take a walk, feast, remember the servant of God (name). Drink blood from (name), sit on a stone board, give him a heavy longing for me, God's servant (name). So that he would vehemently miss, suffer greatly, grieve with grief, sob with blood. As a sister cries for her brother at a remembrance, a grandfather yearns for her grandmother at a funeral. He doesn’t eat, doesn’t drink, doesn’t take anything into his head, no labor, no work, no joy, no care, neither in the morning nor in the afternoon, neither water nor fire. Prayer does not lime, do not sweep away with a broom the thoughts of a servant of God (name) for me, God's servant (name). I lock it, I lock it with a key. Pike in the water, trim in me. As long as I am alive, my work cannot be interrupted, in prayer it cannot be prayed for, not removed, not washed off. So be it now and forever. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

A conspiracy for eternal love without treason

There is an entrance on earth, whoever enters it will find my water. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit (bow). I will take the servant of God (name) by the right hand, bring on him eternal love and boredom for me. Do not wash it off, do not dissuade, do not stop loving me, do not forget (bow). He would eat and not seize, he would drink and not drink, be bored in separation, suffer, not know peace and rest. May I be to him like bread, like water, like a clear sky and earth, dearer than freedom, kinder to blood. (Name), give your heart, and take my heart. Close, mother earth, help, sister water (bow). Go, (name), for me, for God's servant (name). Four stars above (bow), water power below (bow). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracy words for men to approach a girl

Before you go where the girl you are shy is, read the conspiracy to approach the girl. See, everything will work out for you.

My land, mother, the sun is red, matchmaker, take and help, set up and strengthen my business. The earth sprinkles with sand, the sun lights up red, the Lord blesses us with the servant of God (name). I’ll come up like a snake, lie down in soft moss, go into the house as an unexpected guest, and go out as a welcome groom. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

How to dry a young man

I will get up, blessed, go out, crossing myself, from door to door, from gate to gate to the blue sea. There are 12 brothers, I will go closer to them, I will bow lower. 12 brothers, go to the blue sea, there is an island on the blue sea, there is an oak tree on the island, under this oak tree lies a slab, longing for melancholy, dryness. Raise this slab, take away this melancholy, bring it, lay it on the zealous heart of the servant of God (name). Give him sadness-sadness, so that he yearns, mourns, shouts in a bad voice for me, the servant of God (name). So that he could neither live, nor be, nor day to day, nor hour to hour, not a minute to pass. With you, the Sun is red, with mother, the dawn of morning Mary, evening Marimyan, midnight Ulyana, with you, the bright Moon. I wouldn’t walk, I wouldn’t sit, I wouldn’t think, I wouldn’t smoke, I wouldn’t smoke, I wouldn’t go for a walk, I wouldn’t eat, I wouldn’t drink, I wouldn’t drink, I wouldn’t fall asleep, I would get up in the morning, take me to mind-mind, servant of God (name). Lighter than the noonday wind, faster than fire lightning, let another girl seem terrible to him, like a lioness, like fiery parts, like scary sea ones, like a striped owl, like a shaggy witch. And for him, the servant of God (name), I am a firebird. Amen.

Dry for love

Damn Satan, there are horns on your head, get out of hell, help me, servant of God (name) turn to me. With the wind I send dryness, waving, love and longing. You go to him, evil, from the violent wind in the face. To take his love-longing, beat, break, did not let me sleep at night, sent me to the porch. Evil evil, grief gnawing, heart sucking, do not give, love, the servant of God (name), neither eat nor sleep, nor be with others; resist him, my dear, all people and non-humans, uncles, sons-in-law, mother and father and friends, all young women, like a gelding of a mare, so that they know me alone, miss me alone, mourn, yearn for, would not feast with anyone, bread I didn’t eat, I didn’t drink water, I wouldn’t sit down at the oak table without me, I didn’t go to bed at midnight, take it, melancholy, love, and don’t let go at any minute, at any hour. The words of the master are strong, molding, stronger than stone, sharper than damask steel, faster than fiery lightning. Amen.

severe dryness

To slander on drinking, on food, so that the well done fell in love:

Ancient Beelzebub, give me the ring-key to open the door where the terrible beast lies. Call him longing. I will let him go and send him to the servant of God (name). Let him follow on his heels, torment him with heavy longing. Horned Beelzebub, you are the main Satan, you have been given the power to do evil, I will bow my relics to you, I will ask you for help, give me the heart of a servant of God (name). Amen.

Love spell on the ring

They put in the Veil wedding ring husband in a glass of holy water and put this glass under the bed. At night, when you have mercy, think to yourself and say: The ring has no end, my husband has no other crown forever and ever. I am his first, I am his last. Amen. In the morning, give the ring to your husband.

Love spell on straw from seven yards

They collect straw from seven yards, put it in a pile, and then the woman must roll on the ground around this pile. The straw is set on fire and read into the smoke:

As straw is given to the power of this fire, so, my dear husband (name), give me your peace. As smoke submits to fire, rises up, so you, the servant of God (name), submit to me forever and ever, never part with me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Love spell on a leash

So that the husband does not dangle around friends and girlfriends, take a dog leash, step over it back and forth, and then, tapping the leash on the threshold, say

How they taught a dog to this leash, they tamed it to the owner, so that my husband (name) would be nailed to my doorstep, he would not stray from his house forever and ever. On Monday, to hug, on Tuesday, pardoned, on Wednesday kissed hotly, on Thursday he did not lag behind the hem, on Friday to court, on Saturday he would court more strongly, on Sunday he died of love for me, wept and suffered, white light without me, God slaves, did not see. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy words for a fishing net

With this strong conspiracy, the guys were caught as grooms even for the ugliest girl. And how they then lived well and well, that everyone only envied them. They did it this way: early, at the first sign of dawn, they went to the river, found the nets set by the fishermen. holding on to the net right hand, read the love words three times:

God help me. God bless. And you, net, fish for the fisherman uncle, and for me, the servants of God (name), the groom. Arise, my bridegroom, from summer and from winter, from autumn and from spring, from north and from south. I speak to this network of my dear friend. As fish fall into the net, how they no longer get out of it, fall asleep in it without water, do not wake up, so my fiancé (name) would come into my house himself and never leave me anywhere else. I close all the paths for you (name), I close the return thresholds for you. Until the network unties itself to all nodes, until then my fiancé (name) will not refuse me. Be you, my words, molding and strong. Amenem I'm closing. Amenem I hide. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

To the morning dew

Stand with bare feet on the morning dewy grass and read the call-slander:

Dew to dew, tear to tear, dawn to dawn. You are Zoryushka-Dawn, where do you go, whom you do not please. Rejoice my heart. Bring a haze-smoke on the soul of the Christian servant of God (name). Fall like a dew, a salty tear on his zealous heart. Like a mother Holy Mother of God grieves, mourns for His Son, so the servant of God (name) would grieve and miss me, the servant of God (name). Dawn to dawn, tear to tear, servant of God (name) to me. Amen.

On the first snow (dry on a woman)

As the Christian people are happy with the Protection of the Father, the white snow, the first snow, so the servant of God (name) would rejoice at me always and everywhere, the servant of God (name). Without me, she would have abandoned all her worries, all mothers and aunts, grandfathers and grandmothers, girlfriends and friends, and everything would have been looking for me in the wide world, everyone would have been happy to meet me, how small children are glad for the first snowball. And as the snow melts in a hot hand, so let it melt without me and toil forever and ever. My word is strong and stucco. As snow sticks behind your feet, so stick, cling to me, servant of God (name). Amen.

They read while looking at the first snow.

Many people do not quite understand where the line between black and white magic is. It is, in principle, so subtle and inconspicuous that hardly anyone can really describe it.

Although, there are such nuances that make it clear that it is black magic that is used. Love spells are no exception.

If you are offered to use in the ceremony monthly blood or alcohol, then be sure there is nothing light in it.

But the black magic of love spells is so strong that people take risks without thinking about the consequences. And what is written about retribution is not always true.

It is quite possible to bewitch a person without any terrible consequences. You just need to follow some rules, but don't expect much. Let's discuss this.

Restrictions affect the personality of the magician. If, for example, a married lady begins to tell fortunes, then she will be punished. It is impossible, being bound by love bonds, to try to take possession of another soul.

First you need to abandon the previous relationship. And in that exact order. Not in the way you might think today.

People think that I will first fall in love with another person, and let this one stay "just in case." That won't work.

Rather, it will come out, of course, but. Most often, such a greedy lady loses both the first and second, and will remain with nothing.

The second condition is a serious attitude to the ceremony. Do not indulge in black magic. This is for sure dark forces they won't forgive. They don't like disrespect. Be sure to find an opportunity to punish the boor.

If you already decide that black magic is your path, read love spells with full faith and respect for power. Then everything will be fine. Get what you want without problems.

The third condition is the restriction on the sacrifice of the rite. You can’t try to bewitch a person who is supposed to have a different marriage about fate. It's easy to figure this out.

If he does not look in your direction, is completely indifferent to other girls (guys), he knows that he feels fate. Such even black magic won't take. It will only break.

Get a classic result with scandals, alcohol, cheating and so on.

Black magic spells for love at home

It is proposed to use a black altar in rituals. They make it from an ordinary box or this object. It should be covered with a black tablecloth.

Don't skimp on magical attributes. You are trying to connect with rather powerful, cunning, touchy, insidious forces.

Prepare for the rituals very seriously.

Buy good quality fabric. Preferably black brocade. You will also need candles, bowls, dishes of the same color.

Buy icons of your Guardian Angel in the Temple. It is recommended to cross it out with a black cross. She will help you in witchcraft.

You also need to write the prayer "Our Father" on the contrary. This text is used in almost all rituals.

Don't tell anyone what you're going to do. Otherwise, nothing will come of it. And the last obligatory attribute is a mirror in a black frame.

For the love of a guy

It would be nice to have a photo of the victim or his thing. Better yet, any treat that he will eat or drink tomorrow. Most often, red wine or ground coffee is used in the ritual.

All rituals of black magic are carried out late at night. The most suitable time is from midnight to three in the morning.

  1. Collect the altar. Put candles on it, next to a mirror, turn the Icon upside down.
  2. Place, for example, a bottle of wine on the altar. Get naked.
  3. Read, prepared, inverted "Our Father". Speak out loud, making sounds clearly.
  4. Then repeat six times: “I worship you, Satan!”.

Now it's time for the spell. It is pronounced while dripping blood into wine (a different dish, on the subject - the bearer of the spell).

Say these words:

“In the darkness of the night, with the forces of Styx and the Gates of Hell, I conjure: rise from the ground, master of the Earth, Satan! Incarnate in the world, turn your eyes to me! Instill in (name of the victim) blood for me violent love! Let him reap the grass under the hot sun, let his loins, blood and head ache for me! I swear by blood. I call on Satan! Make wishes come true! That is my current cry!

The spell is cast exactly six times. Then you should kneel down and wait until the candles go out. All this time, repeat the inverted prayer with which the ritual began.

The carrier of the love program convey to the victim very cautiously. Choose a suitable case so that the person does not suspect anything. You don't have to do it right in the morning. You can wait a little.

For the love of a girl

It is easier for representatives of the strong half of humanity to negotiate with the devil. Somehow they best friend understand a friend. However, they should also take the ceremony seriously.

Men should cry out to the devil in their half-naked form. Therefore, clothes should be removed from the upper half of the body. Altar create the same as described above. But be sure to put a knife nearby.

The ring should be placed in a black bowl. Read the inverted prayer (described above).

Now say these words:

“I cry with blood, I will get beauty! I call the devil, I give the will! Enter my world from another! We are both bound by blood! Give love to the girl (name)! Take life as a reward! No crash to my plans. Together we will win with courage and deceit!

With the final words, you should pierce or cut your finger and release the blood into the bowl. She should get a gift.

The spell is also pronounced six times. Blood is released only once. Leave the bowl with the ring in place until the first rays of the sun.

Then, with a soft cloth, wipe off any remaining blood from the gift. You can present it to the victim of your spell.

Do not worry, the rite does not fail. She will definitely fall in love with you if you take into account all the exceptions that are described above.

When the soul is on fire, and in response, “silence”, you see, it’s a shame. If all nature demands to make the capricious happy, lift her to heaven and leave her there forever, and in response she blows her lips and turns away, what should I do?

Of course not. Women are so incomprehensible and unpredictable that it is difficult to predict the reaction.

When the next feat does not bring the desired result, without a doubt turn to the eternal wisdom accumulated by mankind. Why should she waste her time gathering dust in mossy corners and old books?

A conspiracy to love a girl is not alone. There are a great many of them. Conventionally, they can be divided into several categories. Some are designed to inspire her with tenderness and craving for a man, others - passion.

Some lead to the first impulse of feeling, the rest flows by itself. Others simply tie a girl to a man forever. With the latter, one should exercise restraint and caution.

Having tied the girl to yourself, you will not be able to get rid of her later. It will hang like a weight on the neck, no matter how life goes on.

Buy scarlet roses. Important! Flowers must be grown in the area where you live. If tender plants do not grow there, then you can use those that were born in your small homeland.

If this does not work, then pick up other flowers. The energy of the ritual is such that it must be based on the earth, which you address through the plants.

If the flower is grown in distant lands, then your strength may simply not be enough to initiate energy.

At midnight, stroking the flower petals, read:

“I’ll call you a swan, I’ll put you in a golden boat, I’ll take you far away, I’ll put you in a yacht mansion! I consecrate the Slave (name) with the light of love! Look at me I conjure! Lord and Mother I call him! I promise happiness on earth! To be a Slave (name) without a Slave (name) in the dark, half asleep, half hungry, eternal cold! Amen!"

The bouquet should be presented to the chosen one the next day.

Awakening passion

Action of the conspiracy: the girl will begin to feel the desire for physical intimacy. Do not be surprised if, under his influence, she will feel some embarrassment in your company.

You can soothe her with a touch, a fleeting caress. As you noticed this, do not get lost. The girl is ready for a closer relationship.

The plot is being read. This must be done late at night. You don't have to donate anything.

Just hang out with a beauty for another day. Look closely at the forehead (in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe third eye) and say:

“In the far distance, in the middle of the sea on a stump, sadness sits, beats and screams. Longing is being killed, he says, I, they say, a board, now I will throw myself into the sea, but I will spread into the flame! I will swim and burn, I have no strength to sit here any longer! Yes, the witcher suddenly runs out of the flames around. He yells that he has strength: “Pavushka Lumaney, you break loose and run quickly, Slave (name) blow into the white body, black liver, scarlet lips, pearl teeth, bright eyes, so that you yearn for the night! So that the evil melancholy, that that board in the sea, was near every minute, both at night and in the morning, and in the afternoon and at noon. So that without the name of the Slave (name) that the day is not a day, sleep - do not sleep, eat - do not see, only suffer! So that I am a Slave (name) was a Slave (name) dearer than any young man, cleaner than water from a well, more reliable than a father, more tender than a mother, better than a tribe. He sealed it with a word, filled it with a seal. Do not bring down, do not break, only think and yearn. Amen!"

If you need a mandatory result, you are a thousand percent sure of yourself, then you can apply more serious "means".

Strong conspiracy the girl's love will definitely work. Here you will face only a matter of time.

On some, it produces an instant effect, others have the strength to resist (but not more than a couple of weeks).

Just keep in mind that after reading the plot, the responsibility for the beauty will smoothly transfer to your shoulders. You are holding?

Throwing it on someone else will be extremely difficult. It happened that men who used such a spell then supported a woman who successfully married another until retirement.

Ready? Then a conspiracy.

You need to pronounce it, of course, a gift for your beloved. For example, buy rings or a pendant.

  1. It needs to be wrapped in red cloth, placed under the Icon Mother of God for a week. If you are not at home, then be sure to buy a consecrated one in the Temple.
  2. On Thursday (men's day) before midnight, you need to get the jewelry, read the plot. Set the time so that you finish your business at midnight.
  3. Then place the ornament back under the Icon. Let him rest there until the time when there is a reason to give.

“On the steep bank, over the deep river, there was a great longing for my black-eyed dove. Crept up, but stayed for a long time. So that there is no smile on the face, so that from the eye - a tear, so that from the lips - a groan, so as not to sleep, not to lie, but only to run! I crown Longing for the Slave (name) not for centuries, but only for now. As soon as (name) falls into the arms of a Slave, so longing will go its own way! I close my soul with a lock, I hide the key under the threshold. No one will take, Slave (name) will not take away from me. Amen!"

There are situations when there is no time for long rituals and ceremonies, sometimes there is no time even to look after. Simply, if she is not interested now, then there may not be another chance.

The roads will diverge in different directions and will never cross. In that case it will help quick plot. It must be remembered by heart, read to yourself.

Only there are certain conditions for its correct use. This is a look, or rather, its consistent concentration. Sometimes, by the way, it turns out by chance, naturally.

Look into the beauty's eyes, feel how a stream of golden color flows from your eyes into hers. Caught a feeling, quickly look up.

You look a little to the side, fixing out of the corner of your eye the place above her head (thirty centimeters above). Immediately say:

“You live in my soul, as I live in yours! In joy, without quarrels and muck! In love and sweetness! Forever! So the Lord commanded. He wanted well! Amen!"

Since ancient times, people have tried to look into their future and change their fate with the use of words. In all eras, there were magicians, sorcerers and shamans who communicated with souls of the dead who cast spells for love and good luck in business and prophesied wars and cataclysms. And in our time, interest in practical magic does not subside. People are especially curious about rituals using special love conspiracies.

What is white magic?

It should be understood that not all conspiracies and spells are equivalent. Some of them are performed with the help of dark forces, and some call for support from the light ones. And people's goals can also be different. Therefore, magic is conditionally divided into black and white. Light forces that help a person find joy and peace, build relationships with other people and preserve all the good that he has, serve creation. They are used by white magic. It is inherent in us by nature. You just need to be able to awaken it. Most often, white magic is practiced by healers, fortune tellers.

Love spells in white magic

Are only healers using this science? No, there are so-called white magicians who perform their mysterious rituals, read prayers, protective love. white magic always pursuing good intentions. It is unlikely that there will be such a witch here who will help her mistress. But if you turn to a white magician with a request to assist in weaning your chosen one from betrayal, returning him to the house with the children, he will be happy to support you.

The concept of black magic

Higher dark forces that destroy the will of man have long been attracted as assistants by magicians and sorcerers. They carry evil and negativity, pursue unkind goals. Uses their black magic. Spells for love in it are often pronounced with the performance of sacrifices. Magical rituals are aimed at suppressing the will of a person, imposing on him some actions unusual for him, subordinating the will of a black magician. In some rituals, so-called Voodoo dolls are used, depicting a victim who needs to be harmed.

Love spells and rituals in black magic

This science has been around for a long time. People have long been afraid of black magicians and sorcerers, they shunned and hated. It is not for nothing that in the Middle Ages there was a custom to burn people who were seen committing magical rituals, at the stake. Religion to this day does not approve of this science. Love spells in black magic are very powerful. But they have more destructive force than creative. The "victim" after the ritual becomes as if she is not herself. At the same time, a person forgets his mother, and his father, and all his friends. From now on, only his “master” or “mistress” exists for him. He is ready to follow the object of his desire anywhere. He goes to commit any deeds, just to be close to his love.

The main conditions for a successful ritual

There are many different spells and conspiracies that can return a husband to the house, recapture him from a rival, “dry” a young man, and so on. But what makes them so "magical" is not at all the words arranged in a certain sequence, but our belief that the conspiracy will work. That is, in fact, it doesn’t matter what you say, the main thing is that you clearly understand what you want and are set to achieve your goal. Even psychologists agree that thoughts materialize sooner or later. There are several aspects of the successful conduct of a magical love ritual:

  1. A clear statement of your goal.
  2. Faith in one's own strength and the action of the ritual.
  3. A mental representation of what the spell is talking about.
  4. Logic and clarity of the text of the conspiracy.
  5. The will to achieve the goal.

Spell Classification

Conspiracies can be different. Some of them are very long. And there are short, so-called whispers. They can be conditionally classified as follows:

Operating for a short time. Such conspiracies must be “forged”, that is, the ritual must be repeated after a certain period of time. Some spells last 1 year, some - 5 years. And among them there are those that act only until the moment the desired effect is achieved.

Prolonged action. There are spells that don't require "faking". They act, as a rule, all their lives. Usually such rituals with conspiracies are performed in the cemetery at midnight.

According to the object of influence, they are divided into: controlled by the elements (earth, air, water, fire), slandered on drink and food, and spells cast on things or personal items of the victim.

Spells, depending on what powers are used in magic and what purpose is pursued, can be divided into the following types:

Request (prayer). Used frequently religious people who do not know the art of magic. They praise the Lord, the Angels, the Saints and ask them for help.

Enumeration. Used to create amulets and other magical items. As a rule, they list the ingredients or means used in the ritual.

A hodgepodge. This is a set of words that are incomprehensible to an ignorant person (names of the Gods, spells in forgotten languages).

Order. A spell came from the Middle Ages. The sorcerers of those times communicated with the demons, giving them instructions about a particular situation. Read in a commanding tone. In our time, they are found in Kabbalistic teachings.

Associations. These are the spells in Orthodox traditions. As a rule, they create pictures that embody the processes of our earthly life. Bewitching slander, such as, for example, spells on the love of a husband, often has this particular form.

Photo Spells

The most powerful conspiracies, as a rule, are those that use the image of a person. To do this, take a photograph of the object of desire, in which he is alone, where there are no other people. And also a similar photo. The place of this ceremony is the cemetery, the time is midnight. Of course, it’s scary to go to the churchyard alone at night. But what can you do in order to attract your soul mate. You need to find two graves with your name and the name of your loved one. No need to be afraid. But joking, laughing to relieve nervous tension is prohibited. You need to purchase 6 candles in advance: 3 red and 3 black. You also need to buy lamp (sacred) oil and chilibukha grass in an esoteric store, which you will need to grind into powder at home. We lay out the photographs on the graves: one for the burial with his own name, the other - with the name of the bewitched. We arrange the candles: red on the left, black on the right. We light them, read the spell as a keepsake. After that, we sprinkle the photographs with chilibukha grass and water with lamp oil. We read the spell a second time, take it in left hand black candle, into the right red one and set fire to the photo. We put the candles back and wait for the images to burn out completely. We read the spell for the third time and leave the cemetery without looking back. The last step is very important. At this point, some noise or shouting may be heard. But no need to pay attention to it and turn around. Strong love spell:

I will come to a big city, a city on a churchyard. Here are the bones.

I walk along the rows, I look at the houses, the grave houses. The crosses are standing, the dead are sleeping.

Brothers, rise, sisters, wake up,

Take the heart of the servant of God (name), take away, bury from all baptized and unbaptized people,

From women and girls, from dark, from light, from blue-eyed and black-eyed.

Everything would rush and rush to me, I would look for my gaze.

If I were dearer to him than the red sun, sweeter than May honey. Amen.

The spell lasts a lifetime. You don't need to fake it.

The simplest rite and spells for the love of a man

What girl does not dream of winning the one she likes young man? And what means she does not use for this. Everything is used: seductive clothes, beautiful words, magic ... There are many different conspiracies for women who want to bewitch their man. Here is the simplest rite to achieve what you want: take ripe apple, cut it in half, cut out the middle and put a note with the name of a loved one there. Then they say a love spell: “As this apple dries in the sun, so let the servant of God (name) dry for me.” With the last word, both halves are tied with threads and left in a sunny place so that the fruit dries faster. But this place should be secret, hidden from prying eyes. As soon as the apple dries up, love will wake up in the heart of the boyfriend. There are other spells for love. This ritual will require an ordinary rod, plucked from a tree on a Twig, placed under the threshold of a loved one with the words: “As this rod dries, so let the servant of God (name) dry for me. Let it be so! Amen!" As soon as the object of sighing crosses the threshold, the twig can be removed and placed where people do not go. As soon as it dries up, a reciprocal feeling will wake up in the young man's heart.

Rite and spell for the love of a girl

Most often, the fair sex is interested in love magic. But sometimes men who want to bewitch this or that woman also resort to it. There are special conspiracies and love spells for the stronger sex. In the old days, our ancestors often fed and watered their soul mates. In many cases, food or drink was simply spoken and treated to the bewitched. Here is the most simplest way for a young man to “dry” a girl to himself: read a slander over drinking and treat them to his beloved. The plot should be the following:

I, the servant of God (name), born by the mother, baptized by the church,

I call to myself the love of a slave (name).

In an open field, where a fiery wall, fiery windows, a hot stove.

All kinds of firewood are burning there: pine, spruce, aspen.

They are fired up and crushed.

So would the servant of God (name) inflame and split the heart,

So that she could neither live nor be without me, neither eat nor drink,

Not an hour to pass, not a minute to pass.

Century after century, now and forever. Amen.

After drinking the charmed drink from your hands, the girl will soon burn with love for you.

How to strengthen love spells?

Sorceresses and shamans have such a thing as “remember” so that “things come together”. In other words, you need to eat something to maximize the effect of the ritual. You can have a cup of tea or milk with a bun or something like that. However, alcoholic beverages are prohibited. It is necessary to perform such a “completion” of the ceremony every time. This is a guarantee that it will be effective and successful. There are several other ways to enhance the effect of conspiracies and spells. Among the many rituals for love, you need to choose those that use the personal thing of the one who is bewitched. It is believed that stones and wooden products, as well as photographs, store human energy for a particularly long time. This can also explain the use in some rituals of nails, hair and clothes with the sweat of the bewitched, and sometimes his blood. However, sorcerers warn people who have little command of such magic that these rites are very strong, and any mistake can cost a person life. And there is also an opinion that the strongest effect of love spells and conspiracies happens when they are pronounced by unmarried young people and unmarried girls.

If you are not noticed by a young man who likes you, or if your husband left, with whom you have experienced a lot, do not despair. Magic will help. Love spells are very powerful. They give good results. You just need to believe that everything you wish will come true.

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