What does it mean if you dream of blood menstruation. Why dream of menstruation

bad dreams do not always portend bad events. Why do women dream of menstruation in a dream? Most often this is for good luck and pleasant events. However, when interpreting dreams, it is necessary to carefully study the most insignificant moments of visions - the location, the nature of bleeding, etc.

Menstruation in a dream Miller's dream book, decoding of different visions

You can decipher the dream according to Miller's dream book. Blood is not a terrible sign, but other details of the vision are also important - the amount of discharge and their location, the emotions experienced. Miller's dream book deciphers monthly in a dream, taking into account a number of features:

  • a pregnant woman has a dream;
  • pads or tampons in the blood;
  • the expected period did not come;
  • furniture or clothes are stained with blood;
  • scanty or profuse discharge;
  • blood flows down the legs;
  • menstruation started abruptly.

If a pregnant woman saw blood in a dream, this guarantees the birth of a healthy baby. At the same time, he will be endowed with different abilities and talents. A recently married girl dreams of blood for the imminent onset of pregnancy. Abundant discharge indicates an upcoming sacrifice in reality, but it will not be in vain.

If a lonely free woman had a dream with menstrual flow, this indicates her health problems. Symptoms may not appear immediately, accumulate over the years, so it is better to immediately completely check the body. For a sick woman, menstrual blood portends a long treatment and a possible operation.

What are my periods in a dream, features of visions

The monthly period when pads are required is familiar to every girl and lady. Basically, blood in visions does not warn of bad events. However, when deciphering, accompanying circumstances are also taken into account. For example, highlights different colors- precursors of diseases of the genitourinary system.

If in a dream a woman smells blood, then the lady has complexes that interfere with her personal life. Why do my periods dream in a dream? Dream interpretation:

  1. Abundant discharge that suddenly began warns of a possible non-material loss or loss (faith, relationships, feelings).
  2. Flowing blood down the legs indicates rash and wrong actions. If you think carefully, trouble can be avoided.
  3. Menstruation in a dream does not come on time - this is a sign that in difficult situation you will have to rely only on yourself and friends, there will be no help from relatives.
  4. Blood-stained clothing or furniture warns of exposure in reality, some kind of shame. However, such a dream can be a warning about imminent large expenses. In doing so, they will be meaningless.
  5. Menstruation, dreamed of by a woman who is looking for a job, talks about an imminent profitable business offer.
  6. The appearance of disgust from the sight of one's own menstrual blood- this dream warns of gossip.

Why do women dream of menstruation in a dream? Just to see them promises a quick meeting with family and friends. How pleasant it will be depends on the overall impression of the vision. If blood flows unexpectedly, in a crowded place, public embarrassment is possible in reality. Painful periods indicate sexual dissatisfaction.

If a girl in a dream cannot stop strong menstruation in any way, this indicates new awakening feelings that she is afraid of or tries to avoid. However, such a romance would be short-lived.

Why dream of menstruation on a gasket, decoding visions

Monthly discharge can stain not only things in a dream, but also hygiene products. In this case, it is important how they are filled or soaked. Why dream of menstruation on a gasket? If they are completely saturated, this is a warning that a woman is not climbing into her own business, into someone else's life.

When the pads are slightly stained with blood, it speaks of the woman's curiosity, her habit of "poking her nose" where it should not be. Another meaning is that someone is very interested in the personal life of this lady or girl. They need to talk less about themselves. To see in a dream a lot of pads, but clean - problems at work, a thrashing from the authorities.

Why do women dream of menstruation in a dream? A blood-stained hygiene item testifies to the lady's desire to learn more about the intimate life of loved ones. This may not be out of simple curiosity, but a desire to help repair a broken relationship.

The blood on the gasket, dreamed of by a young 11-12-year-old girl, speaks of imminent growing up and rapid puberty. However, there is also a negative connotation. Such a dream portends a loss of trust on the part of parents.

If a woman dreamed of heavy periods, and she changes the pads one by one, this is a warning that in real life something important will be missed. The reason for this will be business fuss.

What does menstruation mean in a dream with menopause?

If a very elderly lady had a dream with menstruation, this indicates her good health or getting rid of some kind of illness. However, the discharge may also be seen by a younger woman during menopause.

If menstruation in a dream with menopause was dreamed of by a lady who has not had menstrual blood for a long time, this means strong changes in real life. And they will touch the personal side or financial well-being.

An alarming warning is when a woman not only sees that the discharge has begun again, but also experiences severe pain. This is a harbinger of the development of serious diseases. It is desirable for a woman to undergo a complete examination as soon as possible. In this way, the disease can be detected and treated at an early stage.

Why dream of menstruation during pregnancy, features of interpretation

During the period of bearing a child, many women have dreams. Usually they are bright and easy to remember. Why dream of menstruation during pregnancy? If they began suddenly, this promises a woman good health. Childbirth should go well, and the baby will be completely healthy. At the same time, this may indicate getting rid of the old and unnecessary, a new life or a change for the better.

However, if the appearance of a child is undesirable for a woman, then menstruation in a dream is a sign that she wants to terminate the pregnancy. On the contrary, the discharge that was dreamed about with the desired baby symbolizes maternal fear for the baby, concern for his health.

In all dream books, these interpretations are the same. There is another interesting point. Menstruation may dream of an unexpected obstacle for romantic date. At the same time, the obstacle will be joyful - this is the birth of a child.

Why do Vanga dream of menstrual flow?

Why do Vanga dream of menstruation? According to her interpretation, to see menstrual flow in a dream means that a wrong step was taken in life, which you will later regret. The second interpretation of sleep is fear for the fate of their own children. In the case when clothes were stained with blood, a woman can be expected to betray a loved one.

According to Vanga's interpretation, the abundant discharge with which the lady soiled her clothes, furniture, and surrounding things is a warning about the appearance of dirty gossip. They will be dissolved by the ill-wishers of the woman, whose goal will be to discredit the good name.

When a lady unsuccessfully tries to stop the gushing menstrual blood, this indicates a strong longing for close person who died. Unexpected discharge indicates an intervention in some kind of quarrel that will occur between relatives. For a woman, such an act will have serious consequences.

A dream in which hands are stained with menstrual blood is a warning about a long-standing curse that has been imposed on the entire family. This threatens to destroy not only the dreamer's life, but also the fate of people close to her. Doom will haunt everyone until a woman asks God for forgiveness for the sins of her ancestors.

Interpretations of why a woman dreams of menstruation in a dream most often coincide in all dream books. Differences can be caused by additional factors accompanying the vision - places, the abundance or absence of blood, its type, smell, etc. For complete interpretation you need to take into account all the nuances and then display the “arithmetic mean” of sleep. You can read reviews on this topic or write your opinion on the forum.

Habitual and ordinary phenomena, which in real life do not cause us any surprise or unnecessary emotions, change their meaning in the world of dreams - after all, everything here is arranged according to its own laws.

Blood, for example, in principle, is not something terrible or causing a strong fear, especially when it comes to the natural female cycle, which is familiar to absolutely every girl and woman.

But it is one thing to experience critical days every month in reality, and another to see such a dream in which menstruation appears. Such a dream can cause a lot of anxiety, because blood is a powerful symbol and will not dream just like that, for no reason.

It is worth finding out why menstruation is dreaming, and what to expect after such a vision?

Namely, how much blood there was, where it was, and even what emotions you experienced in a dream. This is also extremely important. The most common options in a dream associated with menstruation look like this:

  • They may be plentiful or scarce.
  • She dreams that menstruation went unexpectedly.
  • Blood from menstruation flows down the legs.
  • Menstruation dreams of a pregnant woman.
  • In a dream, you accidentally stained clothing or furniture with menstrual blood.
  • We saw women's hygiene products in the blood.
  • Waiting for menstruation, but they are not.

These are the most common options, and each has its own meaning. As the dream book shows, menstruation often symbolizes female strength, energy, and, accordingly, its loss. But a lot depends on the conditions of the dream.

remember details

In general, menstruation is a necessary and inevitable phenomenon, so such dreams should not be frightened, although some meanings may warn you of something unfavorable.

1. If in a dream you suddenly began to have heavy periods, this means that there is probably some threat of loss or loss in the future. Moreover, it is most likely not about something material.

Menstruation means strength and energy, which means that there is a risk of either losing faith in recovery or in yourself. Or maybe you risk losing some kind of relationship, and this can break you a lot. This is a warning - be careful.

2. If in your night dreams you notice that you are not just menstruating, but blood is flowing down your legs, this is a warning.

Some thoughtless action, a wrong step on your part can lead directly to very negative, irreparable consequences for you. While there is time, consider whether it is possible to avoid a wrong step, and, accordingly, bad consequences.

3. When menstruation is not on time, this is a huge stress in reality. But if there is no menstruation in a dream, this is a sign that during a difficult situation, in troubles and problems, you will not have to rely on anyone.

For some reason, you will not be able to get help from anyone from your own family and loved ones. However, this is a chance to show your own strength, independence, and maybe resort to the support of friends.

4. During pregnancy, a woman generally has special dreams, vivid, memorable and not always pleasant. If during pregnancy in a dream you notice that suddenly you have critical days, do not worry.

Do not be afraid that according to dream books, menstruation is often a negative, warning sign. This does not apply to pregnancy.

On the contrary, such a dream is a wonderful symbol, it promises the expectant mother good health, the pregnancy will proceed perfectly, childbirth will be easy, and most importantly, the baby will be born into this world as an absolutely healthy and strong toddler. So, for a future mother, menstruation in a dream is an incredibly good, auspicious sign.

5. If in your dreams you not only dreamed of critical days, but also had a chance to stain clothes or furniture with this blood, this promises you some kind of awkward situation in reality, shame, exposure.

Perhaps your conscience is not completely clear, you harbor bad thoughts, and this will be revealed, and in the worst way for you. Think properly.

6. With menstruation in women, not only unpleasant sensations are associated, but also personal hygiene products. If they visited your dream, and even were full of menstrual blood - this is a hint that you are sticking your curious nose into your own business, doing what you are not supposed to.

This is a direct warning from higher powers- do not climb into someone else's life, behave with dignity, otherwise the consequences cannot be avoided.

Such different dream books

In addition to the meanings of dreams, in which there are some details, many dream books give interpretations of such visions in general.

This is also worth paying attention to. Let's see why menstruation is dreamed of in different dream books.

1. Miller's dream book claims that to see menstrual blood in a dream, to lose it means that in reality you will have to sacrifice something. But the sacrifice, however, will not be empty.

2. Wangi's dream book confidently says that if a woman sees menstruation in a dream, it means that in life she has committed (or is soon at risk of committing) some misconduct, a wrong step, and will later regret it.

3. Eastern Women's dream book simply advises how to take care of your health. Because, according to this dream book, menstrual blood in a dream promises illness and loss of energy for a woman.

4. The French dream book promises a meeting with loved ones, but whether this meeting will be pleasant or not, you can decide by remembering your feelings in a dream.

Remember that any dream should be interpreted based primarily on your nightly emotions and sensations. And if the dream was joyful, this cannot be a bad sign!

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Unpleasant dreams do not always portend bad events. Why do women dream of menstruation in a dream? Most often this is for good luck and pleasant events. However, when interpreting dreams, it is necessary to carefully study the most insignificant moments of visions - the location, the nature of bleeding, etc.

Menstruation in a dream Miller's dream book, decoding of different visions

You can decipher the dream according to Miller's dream book. Blood is not a terrible sign, but other details of the vision are also important - the amount of discharge and their location, the emotions experienced. Miller's dream book deciphers monthly in a dream, taking into account a number of features:

  • a pregnant woman has a dream;
  • pads or tampons in the blood;
  • the expected period did not come;
  • furniture or clothes are stained with blood;
  • scanty or profuse discharge;
  • blood flows down the legs;
  • menstruation started abruptly.

If a pregnant woman saw blood in a dream, this guarantees the birth of a healthy baby. At the same time, he will be endowed with different abilities and talents. A recently married girl dreams of blood for the imminent onset of pregnancy. Abundant discharge indicates an upcoming sacrifice in reality, but it will not be in vain.

If a lonely free woman had a dream with menstrual flow, this indicates her health problems. Symptoms may not appear immediately, accumulate over the years, so it is better to immediately completely check the body. For a sick woman, menstrual blood portends a long treatment and a possible operation.

What are my periods in a dream, features of visions

The monthly period when pads are required is familiar to every girl and lady. Basically, blood in visions does not warn of bad events. However, when deciphering, accompanying circumstances are also taken into account. For example, discharges of different colors are harbingers of diseases of the genitourinary system.

If in a dream a woman smells blood, then the lady has complexes that interfere with her personal life. Why do my periods dream in a dream? Dream interpretation:

  1. Abundant discharge that suddenly began warns of a possible non-material loss or loss (faith, relationships, feelings).
  2. Flowing blood down the legs indicates rash and wrong actions. If you think carefully, trouble can be avoided.
  3. Menstruation in a dream does not come on time - this is a sign that in a difficult situation you will have to rely only on yourself and friends, there will be no help from relatives.
  4. Blood-stained clothing or furniture warns of exposure in reality, some kind of shame. However, such a dream can be a warning about imminent large expenses. In doing so, they will be meaningless.
  5. Menstruation, dreamed of by a woman who is looking for a job, talks about an imminent profitable business offer.
  6. The appearance of disgust from the sight of your own menstrual blood - this dream warns of gossip.

Why do women dream of menstruation in a dream? Just to see them promises a quick meeting with family and friends. How pleasant it will be depends on the overall impression of the vision. If blood flows unexpectedly, in a crowded place, public embarrassment is possible in reality. Painful periods indicate sexual dissatisfaction.

If a girl in a dream cannot stop strong menstruation in any way, this indicates new awakening feelings that she is afraid of or tries to avoid. However, such a romance would be short-lived.

Why dream of menstruation on a gasket, decoding visions

Monthly discharge can stain not only things in a dream, but also hygiene products. In this case, it is important how they are filled or soaked. Why dream of menstruation on a gasket? If they are completely saturated, this is a warning that a woman is not climbing into her own business, into someone else's life.

When the pads are slightly stained with blood, it speaks of the woman's curiosity, her habit of "poking her nose" where it should not be. Another meaning is that someone is very interested in the personal life of this lady or girl. They need to talk less about themselves. To see in a dream a lot of pads, but clean - problems at work, a thrashing from the authorities.

Why do women dream of menstruation in a dream? A blood-stained hygiene item testifies to the lady's desire to learn more about the intimate life of loved ones. This may not be out of simple curiosity, but a desire to help repair a broken relationship.

The blood on the gasket, dreamed of by a young 11-12-year-old girl, speaks of imminent growing up and rapid puberty. However, there is also a negative connotation. Such a dream portends a loss of trust on the part of parents.

If a woman dreamed of heavy periods, and she changes the pads one after another, this is a warning that something important will be missed in real life. The reason for this will be business fuss.

What does menstruation mean in a dream with menopause?

If a very elderly lady had a dream with menstruation, this indicates her good health or getting rid of some kind of illness. However, the discharge may also be seen by a younger woman during menopause.

If menstruation in a dream with menopause was dreamed of by a lady who has not had menstrual blood for a long time, this means strong changes in real life. And they will touch the personal side or financial well-being.

An alarming warning is when a woman not only sees that the discharge has begun again, but also experiences severe pain. This is a harbinger of the development of serious diseases. It is desirable for a woman to undergo a complete examination as soon as possible. In this way, the disease can be detected and treated at an early stage.

Why dream of menstruation during pregnancy, features of interpretation

During the period of bearing a child, many women have dreams. Usually they are bright and easy to remember. Why dream of menstruation during pregnancy? If they began suddenly, this promises a woman good health. Childbirth should go well, and the baby will be completely healthy. At the same time, this may indicate getting rid of the old and unnecessary, a new life or a change for the better.

However, if the appearance of a child is undesirable for a woman, then menstruation in a dream is a sign that she wants to terminate the pregnancy. On the contrary, the discharge that was dreamed about with the desired baby symbolizes maternal fear for the baby, concern for his health.

In all dream books, these interpretations are the same. There is another interesting point. Menstruation may dream of an unexpected obstacle for a romantic date. At the same time, the obstacle will be joyful - this is the birth of a child.

Why do Vanga dream of menstrual flow?

Why do Vanga dream of menstruation? According to her interpretation, to see menstrual flow in a dream means that a wrong step was taken in life, which you will later regret. The second interpretation of sleep is fear for the fate of their own children. In the case when clothes were stained with blood, a woman can be expected to betray a loved one.

According to Vanga's interpretation, the abundant discharge with which the lady soiled her clothes, furniture, and surrounding things is a warning about the appearance of dirty gossip. They will be dissolved by the ill-wishers of the woman, whose goal will be to discredit the good name.

When a lady unsuccessfully tries to stop the gushing menstrual blood, this indicates a strong longing for a loved one who has died. Unexpected discharge indicates an intervention in some kind of quarrel that will occur between relatives. For a woman, such an act will have serious consequences.

A dream in which hands are stained with menstrual blood is a warning about a long-standing curse that has been imposed on the entire family. This threatens to destroy not only the dreamer's life, but also the fate of people close to her. Doom will haunt everyone until a woman asks God for forgiveness for the sins of her ancestors.

Interpretations of why a woman dreams of menstruation in a dream most often coincide in all dream books. Differences can be caused by additional factors accompanying the vision - places, the abundance or absence of blood, its type, smell, etc. For a complete interpretation, you need to take into account all the nuances and then display the “arithmetic mean” of sleep. You can read reviews on this topic or write your opinion on the forum.

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"Bloody" dreams are frequent guests in our night visions. And it seems that they simply cannot portend anything good. But let's look into this. Why dream of menstruation? Blood in general, in general, symbolizes relatives in a dream, as well as everything that can be connected with them, such as quarrels, disputes, or just meetings. What does a certain type of blood loss mean, we will consider below.

The "Modern Universal Dream Book" offers one of the explanations for what menstruation is dreaming of. The blood that accompanies menstruation can mean a woman's desire to connect with nature. Or such a dream may indicate that the time has come to be alone with yourself and with your thoughts, to renounce the outside world, and also symbolizes the liberation and high inner development of the person who saw this dream.

There are other explanations for why menstruation is dreamed of. The blood coming out at the same time may mean that you actually have some health problems, and you would do well to check it out. In any case, going to the doctors will not be superfluous, at least you will make sure that everything is in order. If, during menstruation, blood loss is very large (in a dream, that is), then this means that you have lost a lot of strength and energy, and at the moment your body is depleted. If a pregnant woman had such a dream, it means that the baby will be born strong and healthy. And in the event that you dreamed of clothes or underwear stained with menstrual blood, then be prepared for serious trouble in the near future.

By the way, the opinion that menstruation is dreaming of pregnancy is in most cases erroneous. Fish usually dream of pregnancy, but many girls dream of menstruation only at the beginning of the menstrual cycle in reality.

Here is another interpretation of what menstruation is dreaming of. The blood seen in such a dream, and the very process of shedding it and other "amenities" may be a sign that you will meet in the future. But these meetings will be so boring and tedious that you will regret the wasted time and agree with the opinion that any meeting in which more than two people participate is a wasted day or evening, and this will discourage you from attending such meetings for a long time. assembly."

There are many different explanations for such dreams and what blood is dreaming of. Menstruation, as a rule, means getting rid of something old and unnecessary and moving on to something new.
In addition, they can also mean that if you lose this “something”, it will seem to you that this particular thing or person is very important to you, and you will try to return it to your life again. Should not be doing that. Treat this loss as getting rid of something that bothers you, useless. Most likely, if you let go of what you are trying so hard to hold on to, your life will become easier and better.

If you dream not of blood, but of a delay in menstruation, then an acquaintance or passionate love awaits you, but it will not be long. Menstrual blood, plus everything, can also mean that a person close to you will soon turn away from you. And if you saw blood-stained clothes (this is another explanation, the first option was suggested above), then you may soon lose your reputation, and indeed make a lot of problems.

The meaning of dreams in which you saw menstrual blood.

Usually dreams in which blood is present cause rather negative emotions. But this does not mean at all that the interpretation will be negative. For example, a dream in which you saw blood from menstruation has a large number of meanings depending on the plot and even the gender of the dreamer.

Photo gallery: Why dream of blood from menstruation?

Women can have similar dreams when, in reality, they should begin menstruating. None special meaning the vision does not carry, but only indicates that the lady is too nervous and prone to stress.

Vanga's dream book says that in some women such dreams become harbingers of gynecological diseases.

If you dream of menstruation, and at the same time they came in reality, then you should not attach importance to such a dream. But for those who are looking forward to the onset of menstruation, such a vision from a psychological point of view means that the girl is too worried about this, fearing an unwanted pregnancy, or vice versa, looking forward to it.

See in a dream blood, menstruation

Why dream of menstruation pregnant

As you know, ladies in an interesting position are highly susceptible to emotional stress and are very suspicious. Therefore, a dream about menstruation can greatly upset the expectant mother. We hasten to assure that such visions do not carry a negative meaning.

  • A pregnant woman who saw her period in a dream can be calm, because this is very good sign. The rest of the pregnancy will be surprisingly easy, and the birth will be quick and almost painless.
  • The girl who saw blood on the eve of such important event, like motherhood, must know that the success of the "event" will depend entirely on her behavior and morale.
  • To see how menstruation took you by surprise among the crowd suggests that in reality your embarrassment awaits. Perhaps it will also be caused by real menstruation, which came in an unexpected place, or other humiliating events. Moreover, if in a dream you felt pain, then the events in reality will be very unpleasant.
  • When you see blood on the clothes of your girlfriend or relative, you should ask how this person is doing. You may need your help in solving some problems.
  • If you dreamed of your house stained with blood from menstruation, beware of new acquaintances. They can betray you and cause a lot of trouble.

Dream interpretation: monthly blood

If a man dreams of blood from menstruation

Miller's dream book, for example, does not separate such dreams into male and female. In any case, they mean the approach of the disease.

A man who sees blood on clothes or a pad should reconsider his behavior. Others consider him too curious and will gradually move away.

A guy who dreamed of a girl with menstruation should be wary of spending and dubious financial enterprises. And if the lady is familiar, then such a dream is a sign that the young man is too disrespectful to this representative of the weaker sex.

According to the interpretation of many dream books, a spouse may see something like this if he is no longer interested in his chosen one or is too jealous of her.

As you can see, the interpretations of such dreams are quite diverse and depend on many factors. Therefore, it is important to take into account not only the plot of the dream itself and its details, but also the time and internal state of the dreamer. Only in this case will you be able to correctly interpret your night vision and receive the correct warning about future events.

Habitual and ordinary phenomena, which in real life do not cause us any surprise or unnecessary emotions, change their meaning in the world of dreams - after all, everything here is arranged according to its own laws.

Blood, for example, in principle, is not something terrible or causing a strong fear, especially when it comes to the natural female cycle, which is familiar to absolutely every girl and woman.

But it is one thing to experience critical days every month in reality, and another to see such a dream in which menstruation appears. Such a dream can cause a lot of anxiety, because blood is a powerful symbol and will not dream just like that, for no reason.

It is worth finding out why menstruation is dreaming, and what to expect after such a vision?

Remember what happened in a dream

Before you figure out what blood is dreaming of, menstruation and other things related to the female menstrual cycle, it would be useful to recall the details of the dream and take them into account.

Namely, how much blood there was, where it was, and even what emotions you experienced in a dream. This is also extremely important. The most common options in a dream associated with menstruation look like this:

  • They may be plentiful or scarce.
  • She dreams that menstruation went unexpectedly.
  • Blood from menstruation flows down the legs.
  • Menstruation dreams of a pregnant woman.
  • In a dream, you accidentally stained clothing or furniture with menstrual blood.
  • We saw women's hygiene products in the blood.
  • Waiting for menstruation, but they are not.

These are the most common options, and each has its own meaning. As the dream book shows, menstruation often symbolizes female strength, energy, and, accordingly, its loss. But a lot depends on the conditions of the dream.

remember details

In general, menstruation is a necessary and inevitable phenomenon, so such dreams should not be frightened, although some meanings may warn you of something unfavorable.

1. If in a dream you suddenly began to have heavy periods, this means that there is probably some threat of loss or loss in the future. Moreover, it is most likely not about something material.

Menstruation means strength and energy, which means that there is a risk of either losing faith in recovery or in yourself. Or maybe you risk losing some kind of relationship, and this can break you a lot. This is a warning - be careful.

2. If in your nightly dreams you notice that you are not just menstruating, but blood is flowing down your legs, this is a warning.

Some thoughtless action, a wrong step on your part can lead directly to very negative, irreparable consequences for you. While there is time, consider whether it is possible to avoid a wrong step, and, accordingly, bad consequences.

3. When menstruation is not on time, this is a huge stress in reality. But if there is no menstruation in a dream, this is a sign that during a difficult situation, in troubles and problems, you will not have to rely on anyone.

For some reason, you will not be able to get help from anyone from your own family and loved ones. However, this is a chance to show your own strength, independence, and maybe resort to the support of friends.

4. During pregnancy, a woman generally has special dreams, vivid, memorable and not always pleasant. If during pregnancy in a dream you notice that suddenly you have critical days, do not worry.

Do not be afraid that according to dream books, menstruation is often a negative, warning sign. This does not apply to pregnancy.

On the contrary, such a dream is a wonderful symbol, it promises the expectant mother good health, the pregnancy will proceed perfectly, childbirth will be easy, and most importantly, the baby will be born into this world as an absolutely healthy and strong toddler. So, for a future mother, menstruation in a dream is an incredibly good, auspicious sign.

5. If in your dreams you not only dreamed of critical days, but also had a chance to stain clothes or furniture with this blood, this promises you some kind of awkward situation in reality, shame, exposure.

Perhaps your conscience is not completely clear, you harbor bad thoughts, and this will be revealed, and in the worst way for you. Think properly.

6. With menstruation in women, not only unpleasant sensations are associated, but also personal hygiene products. If they visited your dream, and even were full of menstrual blood - this is a hint that you are sticking your curious nose into your own business, doing what you are not supposed to.

This is a direct warning from higher powers - do not meddle in someone else's life, behave with dignity, otherwise the consequences cannot be avoided.

Such different dream books

In addition to the meanings of dreams, in which there are some details, many dream books give interpretations of such visions in general.

This is also worth paying attention to. Let's see why menstruation is dreamed of in different dream books.

1. Miller's dream book claims that to see menstrual blood in a dream, to lose it means that in reality you will have to sacrifice something. But the sacrifice, however, will not be empty.

2. Wangi's dream book confidently says that if a woman sees menstruation in a dream, it means that in life she has committed (or is soon at risk of committing) some misconduct, a wrong step, and will later regret it.

3. The Eastern Women's Dream Book simply advises how to take care of your health. Because, according to this dream book, menstrual blood in a dream promises illness and loss of energy for a woman.

4. The French dream book promises a meeting with loved ones, but whether this meeting will be pleasant or not, you can decide by remembering your feelings in a dream.

Remember that any dream should be interpreted based primarily on your nightly emotions and sensations. And if the dream was joyful, this cannot be a bad sign!
Author: Vasilina Serova

As a rule, women dream of blood, menstruation to women's diseases. Although not always.

If you dream of blood

Your period has come and, accordingly, you dreamed of blood. This is due to your physical and mental state - you are a little worried, especially if you are not at home. Or another option: you have an important task ahead of you, and menstruation may interfere with its implementation. Thus, what worried in reality was a dream. If you dream that the long-awaited menstruation has come, in reality they may not come, which means that an unwanted pregnancy has come.

If in a dream the beginning of menstruation caught you by surprise, among people, in the pool, on the beach, then you should be wary of a similar situation in reality. Abundant and painful periods with pain that torment even in a dream may indicate female illnesses or sexual dissatisfaction.

If you dream of other people's periods

You can also explain why menstruation is dreaming not of yours, but of one of your friends. Personally, this does not bode well for you, but it may indicate problems with this very friend. It may also indicate her attitude towards you. If a dreaming friend who has begun critical days has soiled her clothes or a chair, then she treats you very confidentially and may need your help. In general, someone's monthly blood in a dream, clothes or underwear stained with it, indicate that someone mercenary wants to ingratiate himself with you. You are given a warning, if not about enemies and well-wishers, but about stubborn people who will seek unwanted communication from you.

girls warning

Young women who saw monthly blood in a dream should pay attention not only to their health, but also to their behavior. She often warns of a possible rash act that can tarnish the girl's reputation. Also, such a dream can speak of disappointment in a new lover, unfulfilled hopes and diseases that are sexually transmitted.

A dream in which menstruation begins suddenly, and this fact cannot be hidden from others, warns of a possible illness. Moreover, the more serious the trouble, the more blood. Clothing in the blood also portends trouble. If you are trying to wash it off, then you are afraid of the condemnation of friends or relatives. And if in a dream you dreamed that the blood dripping from you did not bother you at all, then in the near future you would be lucky or win.

When you should not be afraid of such dreams

A delay in menstruation in a dream portends a girl to an early meeting with a wealthy patron. A woman who worries in a dream due to a delay in menstruation can in reality receive help in solving problems.

Pregnant women should not be worried about menstruation in a dream. Such a dream promises the birth of a healthy baby and a quick recovery after childbirth.

Dreams in which menstruation is present have a similar interpretation with those in which blood is generally present. Initially, she personifies the connection with relatives, therefore, dreams, where the menstrual blood of another woman appears, when interpreted, apply to relatives - some of them will have illness or trouble.

When girls dream of blood

Menstruation, dreamed of by girls who do not yet have them, means getting rid of the past and a new stage in life. They talk about the girl's desire to speed up the process of growing up. If you dream of heavy periods, then you need to save strength and energy so as not to harm your health.

Men's dreams about menstruation

If a married man i dreamed that his wife had menstruation, then he should carefully consider her health. When an unmarried man sees his period in a dream, then one of the interpretations of this is that he subconsciously does not trust his partner and expects some nasty things from her. Too neat and squeamish men see in a dream a bed in menstrual blood, which symbolizes vice.

Sleep has been shrouded in mystical mystery since ancient times. This is not only an integral part of human life, but, according to many mystics, a guide to the Book of Fates, where everyone has their own chapter. Many psychoanalysts also say that dreams dreamed up in a dream are not just a series of fascinating pictures, but a conversation of the subconscious with an individual. So is it worth believing in dreams? Why dream of menstruation? Is it possible, relying on the information received in a dream, to avoid trouble? What dreams should be believed? Let's figure it out, based on the interpretation of the most popular dream books.

How to perceive a dream about menstruation

Such a dream, at least once, but "came" to almost every representative of the fair sex. The view of mystics, esotericists and parapsychologists on this phenomenon is extremely ambiguous. The variety of interpretations is connected not only with different approaches to the view of sleep as a phenomenon, but also with the foundations of the time to which the interpreter belongs.

Based on the opinions of most ancient and Eastern dream books we can conclude that the appearance of "impure", "dirty" blood in a dream does not bode well for the girl. Yes, and a man who happened to encounter spotting in his dreams should take care, but it is better to prepare for a grand scandal.

Later dream books do not so radically explain the appearance of menstrual blood during sleep. Since the Middle Ages, it has been customary to interpret such dreams in combination with the factors that caused bleeding. And the very nature of the discharge, the environment surrounding the girl can say a lot about what such a dream portends. The combination of all the factors that appeared in the dream will affect the final interpretation. And the variations can be varied: depending on the abundance and color of the discharge, such a dream can portend a woman to an early illness; if you dreamed of meager discharge, barely noticeable, you should expect quick, pleasant changes.

Rodovik mystics, who identify blood with the custodian of information about the past and future of the whole family, believe that the appearance of menstrual flow in a woman’s night dreams indicates problems that the next of kin will have.

Read also about under what conditions it is not desirable in the article at the link.

Interpretation according to popular dream books

In an effort to understand what monthly blood is dreaming of, it is necessary to turn to dream books that have proven themselves to be the most “truth-bearing”.

Miller's dream book

Miller's dream book about menstruation in a dream contains several interpretations. The differences are based on the status of the lady who saw the discharge in her dreams. If menstruation was dreamed of by a girl who had recently married, she would soon become pregnant. An older woman, especially an unmarried woman who dreamed of menstruation, should immediately pay attention to her health. Critical days that began in a dream. May indicate serious pathological processes affecting the organs of the reproductive system.

Dream Interpretation Taflisi

This work is a treatise on the influence of dreams on the everyday life of the ancient astrologer Abulfazl Khu-baish Taflisi. Many of those who have repeatedly resorted to the help of his texts note that they are often true. But, it is worth remembering that the astrologer Taflisi lived in Persia in the 13th century. This means that the worldview of that era left a strong imprint on the interpretation of many phenomena. So, menstrual blood in a dream does not bode well. Regardless of whether abundant secretions have come or the rejected substance is barely noticeable - expect trouble. The secretions that came in kemara warn a woman of health problems or public shame that awaits her soon.

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Dream Interpretation Danilova

Based on this dream book, we can make an unambiguous conclusion: to see blood from menstruation in a dream is an unkind sign. According to the author, menstrual flow, dreaming of a woman in a dream, promises loss. Depending on the situation and the nature of the discharge, the loss can be small, in fact, imperceptible, or, conversely, the “loss” will bring with it many problems. Abundant discharge, which began critical days in dreams, portends serious changes in the girl's life. The loss is connected not with something material, but with a rethinking of life guidelines, the “leaving” of the solid soil of habitual attitudes from under the feet. But don't be afraid. A change in the direction of being promises the beginning of a new, happy page in the dreamer's life.

English dream book

Answering the question of why a woman dreams of menstruation, the dream book compiled by English astrologers is short and concise. The treatise refers us to the physiological causes of menstruation. Explaining the appearance of menstruation in night visions, one can almost say with certainty that seeing clot-like blood discharge in a dream is for an early pregnancy.

Some of the astrologers of the English school are sure that the dream in which menstruation began signals the fair sex about problems in sexual life.

Astrologers in Europe of the Middle Ages interpreted “impure” blood in dreams differently. It was not common for them to draw parallels between the physiological causes of the phenomenon and waking sex with what a person sees in oblivion at night. In those days, it was believed that menstruation, flowing down the legs of a girl in a dream, portends a quick retribution for sinful deeds.

Dream Interpretation Longo

Based on Longo's dream book, we can say with confidence that seeing menstruation in your dream is an unkind sign. The appearance of bloody discharge flowing down the legs or in the abundance of those present on the gasket predicts the appearance of barriers or disappointments in amorous affairs. Girls who see such pictures in their dreams should be more careful about finding a life partner. Next to them is not the person they imagine him to be.

Esoteric dream book

Any dream book, in fact, is an esoteric treatise. But there is one that interprets dreams solely in terms of "laws" dictated by magical reality. Relying on a similar source, you need to be guided by your feelings. Virgo, looking forward to menstruation in her dreams, is in reality trying to find a solution that can have a fateful effect on her. Esoteric dream book urges those who see such dreams not to rush to conclusions and decisions, but to trust in chance. What happens is only in his power. If, in the dreams of a girl, the monthly blood was abundant, thick and dark, one should expect an extremely unpleasant incident, which entails a series of negative consequences.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

In an effort to answer the question: “Why can a girl dream of menstruation in a dream, if in fact they are not?” many turn to dream book XXI century. What is special about it? It was compiled with the active participation of famous parapsychologists of his time. That is why many women tend to believe this source.

Starting to interpret the dream he saw according to this dream book, it is worth remembering all the bright and details and proceed from your current position. If spotting was seen by a pregnant woman, you should not worry. Parapsychologists are sure that this is how the subconscious mind makes it clear that everything is fine with the child, the birth will be successful, and the baby will be healthy and calm.

A woman who dreamed of heavy periods, soiling furniture and clothes, should worry about the health of the organs of the reproductive system. It is possible that pathological processes are taking place in the reproductive organs.

If a woman has a long delay in a dream, then she should expect a meeting with an extremely wealthy man. An affair will not develop into a lasting marriage, but it will give a woman many pleasant, passionate minutes.

Worldly dream book

This is more likely not a dream book, but a collection of beliefs passed from woman to woman. But folk wisdom cannot lie, which means that it is worth listening to his interpretation.

In the Worldly Dream Book, the appearance of menstrual blood is interpreted ambiguously. If critical days came to a dream of a young girl, and even in the form of dark clots, expect health troubles.

The “dirty blood” that stained the underwear of a mature woman indicates that her not the most pleasant secret “received” in her youth will soon be revealed. Previously, the arrival of menstruation was carefully hidden. Apparently on this taboo the analogy is built.

Abundant, dark discharge, “flooding” of surrounding objects, predicts the appearance of a problem that the girl cannot cope with alone. In most cases, the problem is deeply personal and asking for help will negatively affect the self-esteem of the fair sex.

To stain in menstrual blood is not an object, but a person - to spoil for a long time friendly or family relations with him. Some of the married women claimed that having soiled their husband's panties or clothes with menstruation in a dream, they happened to see off their lover on a long journey or business trip.

If a married woman dreams of a constant renewal of the cycle, and the discharge, despite the abundance, does not stain anything and no one except the sleeping woman herself, then she should expect great luck in financial affairs.

Finding out why a girl dreams of critical days in a dream, it is worth noting that interpretations are divided into two diametrically opposed camps. Of great importance is the feeling that night dreams left behind.

Positive impressions after dreaming about menstruation

Virgo, who woke up after a dream in which the menstrual cycle began, cheerful and cheerful, can safely count on positive changes in life. Goodness will touch all areas of life, but especially health and personal life.

Many astrologers of our time refute the established opinion that seeing menstrual blood in oneself portends a serious illness. Contemporaries are sure that such dreams come to those girls who are subconsciously afraid of "leakage". Dreams act as a reminder from the subconscious and speak exclusively of the regulations approaching reality.

For pregnant

Bloody discharge that a woman dreamed of in the last month of pregnancy signal that a healthy baby will be born in the next day.

Love and relationships

If menstruation in night dreams went painlessly, and left no marks on underwear, a woman should expect a positive change in the current situation on the love front. Often blood symbolizes passion, and the blood of menstruation - female power, which carries all the information about the family.

Many women who leave their stories on thematic forums noted that the more they felt satisfaction from the blood flowing in a dream, the more laconic their relationship with a partner in reality became.

Pay attention to who you are in bed with when the discharge appears. If menstruation in dreams caught a woman along with the object of her sexual desire, it's time to try something new in intimate life. AT this case. The conventional wisdom is that the unconscious is only the voice of the conscious.

A dream about the beginning of critical days, which left a blissful feeling for the whole next day, promises success in personal life.


If these days in a dream began at the workplace, but the girl managed to hide it or use the gasket in time, you can safely count on a sharp jump up the career ladder.

Abundant discharge may portend a sleeping change in command. But do not worry if the morning is not overshadowed by anxiety, such changes will only make the maiden happy and enrich.

Negative impressions after dreaming about menstruation

Anxious feeling after waking up and a negative message throughout the day is a serious cause for concern. Unrest can be direct evidence that a woman dreamed of menstruation as a warning. First of all, it is worth paying attention to the health of the reproductive organs of a woman. The body can "talk" to a woman through dreams, warn her of impending danger.

Abundant blood discharge, dreamed at the beginning of menstruation, can signal the threat of a miscarriage.

Menstruation in a dream, accompanied by severe, cutting pain, portends a painful separation from a loved one. If not just menstruation appears in a dream, but also pain in the groin area, it is safe to say that the separation will be associated with the betrayal of a boyfriend or husband. For a married woman, such sensations in night dreams predict a long divorce filled with excessive red tape.

A dream about menstruation, leaving a feeling of shame and embarrassment, portends public shame and censure. Based on most of the comments on various dream sites, menstruation in such a “company” suggests that something secret and intimate will become public domain, or a woman will pay for excessive curiosity or talkativeness.

If menstruation dreamed of a man

It is noteworthy that menstruation can be dreamed of not only by a girl, but also by a guy.

A prisoner who dreamed of menstrual blood can count on an early, in most cases, early release.

If a newly married guy dreamed of menstruation, he can be congratulated, because soon his wife will go to demolition.

If a man had a dream about menstruation and left an unpleasant impression, it is worth reconsidering your attitude towards the fairer sex. The vile "aftertaste" after sleep is the impression that he makes on the surrounding women.

Time to sleep

It is very important to pay attention to the day and time of day on which the woman was visited by an ambiguous dream. prophetic dreams those that are designated from Tuesday to Wednesday and from Thursday to Friday are considered. Dreaming at this time can come true as quickly as possible.

Dreams in the daytime are considered empty at all.

Dreams between 19:00 and 00:00 come true over the next two years. It is not worth waiting for the speedy fulfillment of the destined. Dreams from 00:00 to 03:00 come true a little faster, but they are "changeling". Forms and meanings projected into reality have the opposite meaning of a dream. But dreams at 03:00 to 06:00 come true extremely quickly and as close as possible to the common interpretation.

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